Caleidoscop lingvistic Frohe Ostern! Happy Easter! Joyeuses Pâques! Buona pasqua! Aprilie 2015 Numărul 6 Ediţie de primăvară Ediţie de primăvară, 2015 Colectiv de redacţie: Profesori coordonatori: Ana Cristea Theodora Felegean prof. Cristina Nagy Denisa Florea Mădălina Dan prof. Lia Suciu Lavinia Cismaş Diana Jucan prof. Camelia Parchirie Andreea Mâlnă Diana Bucur prof. Edith Wagner Paula Florea Bianca Moldovan prof. dr. Mariana Gorczyca Tehnoredactor: Dalia-Maria Sporea Pentru sugestii sau întrebări scrieţi-ne la: Aprilie 2015 Tipografia Filotib Sighişoara [email protected] Ediţie de primăvară, 2015 Did you know that... Jokes Travel guide Books, movies & more Creative corner We can help you! Cuisine Ediţie de primăvară, 2015 Les Pâques en Roumanie En Roumanie les Pâques représentent une fête très importante, qui commémore la résurrection de Jésus-Christ. Le temps de célébration est entre deux phénomènes astronomiques: l’équinoxe de printemps et la rotation de la Lune autour de la Terre. À cette occasion, les Roumains peignent des œufs pour décorer la table du repas pascal ou pour offrir à des gens qu’ils aiment. Le rouge, qui rappelle le sang du Christ, est la couleur la plus utilisée, mais on trouve aussi des œufs peints de toutes les couleurs. Au matin de Pâques, commence un petit jeu qui va durer toute la semaine et qui consiste à frapper son œuf peint sur celui de son voisin en disant “Christ est ressuscité!” et l’autre doit répondre “Il est vraiment ressuscité!”. Celui dont l’œuf reste intact remporte le jeu. Le lundi de Pâques, les jeunes hommes habillés en costumes traditionnels arrosent avec du parfum les jeunes filles. Celles-ci leur offrent quelque chose à boire et de petits cadeaux. Selon la coutume, ces filles auront de la chance toute l’année, alors que les garçons qui oublient cette pratique auront de la malchance. Aujourd’hui c’est du parfum, mais autrefois les filles étaient arrosées avec de l’eau des fontaines. Entre Pâques et l’Ascension, 40 jours durant, les Roumains se saluent en disant “Le Christ est ressuscité !’ et répondent !” Il est vraiment ressuscité !”. Aussi, une autre coutume est que le premier jour de Pâques, la première personne qui franchit le seuil de la maison devrait être un homme – cela est un bon signe.Autrement, il y aura de la discorde au sein de la famille. Maintenant, c’est à vous de décider combien en est légende, tradition et vérité humaine, en tout cas, c’est une belle coutume ! Antonia Rusu, Cătălin Rohan – XII C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015 Frohe Ostern!!! Ostern ist die perfekte Zeit, unserer Phantasie freien Lauf zu lassen und jede Ecke im Haus und Garten schön und bunt zu dekorieren. Für diesen Zweck brauchen Sie so viele Inspirationen und Anregungen wie möglich. Deshalb haben wir für Sie 100! kreative Ideen, damit Sie Osterdeko selber basteln können. Die Ideen umfassen fast jedes Aspekt des Osterfestes: 1.Blumen-Arrangements Mit dem Osterfest feiern wir auch den Frühling! Die warme Jahreszeit kündigt sich an, die ersten Sonnenstrahlen lassen alles strahlen. Mit Blumen und blühenden Zweigen holen wir uns nicht die Natur ins Haus, sondern haben auch gleich die perfekte frühlingshafte Osterdeko. Tulpen, Narzissen oder Osterglocken - alleFrühjahrsblüher sind geeignet. Damit es nicht langweilig wird, dürfen sich sich Zweige in Natura oder geschmückt dazu gesellen. Österlich dekoriert werden die blühenden Zweige von Forsythie, Strauchspiere oder Zierkirsche mit selbst bemalten Eiern, selbst genähten Girlanden oder bunten Federn. 2. Die perfekte Tischdeko zu Ostern 3. Party und Rezepte 4. Basteln mit Kindern – Osterkörbchen,Süßigkeitstüten und Geschenkideen In dieser umfangreichen Sammlung würden Sie bestimmt etwas Passendes für Sie finden. Auch wenn Sie nicht so geschickt mit den Bastelprojekten sind, können Sie schnell und leicht einige Dekortionen mit Blumen, Hasen und bunten Eiern zaubern. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und sehen Sie sich aaaaalle Bilder unten an! Andreea Mâlnă – XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015 Pasqua Mentre probabilmente non vedrete il coniglietto di Pasqua se siete in Italia per Pasqua, troverete alcune interessanti celebrazioni della Pasqua italiana. Come tutte le vacanze in Italia, Pasqua, Pasqua in italiano, ha la sua quota di riti e di tradizioni. Il lunedì dopo Pasqua, la Pasquetta è anche una vacanza in tutta Italia. Mentre i giorni prima di Pasqua includono messe e solenni processioni, Pasqua è una festa gioiosa. Sulmona, nella regione Abruzzo, celebra la domenica di Pasqua con La Madonna Scappa in Piazza. Domenica di Pasqua gli abitanti si vestono di verde e bianco, colori di pace, di speranza e di resurrezione e si riuniscono nella piazza principale. I cibi tradizionali di Pasqua in molti luoghi includono agnello o capra, carciofi e pane di Pasqua, e altre cibi che variano da regione a regione. Pannetone e Colomba (a forma di colomba) vengono spesso indicati come regali, e, per bambini, uova di cioccolato che vengono con una sorpresa all'interno. Lunedì di Pasqua, in alcune città sono balli, concerti gratuiti, giocchi insoliti, si puo sentire la musica di una banda in piazza... Lunedì di Pasqua è un momento per riunirsi con gli amici e divertirsi. Gli italiani dicono: Natali con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi! Diana Jucan – XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015 Easter traditions Throughout the English-speaking world, many Easter traditions are similar with only minor differences. For example, Saturday is traditionally spent decorating Easter eggs and hunting for them with children on Sunday morning, by which time they have been mysteriously hidden all over the house and garden. Other traditions involve parents telling their children that eggs and other treats such as chocolate eggs or rabbits, and marshmallow chicks (Peeps), have been delivered by the Easter Bunny in an Easter basket, which children find waiting for them when they wake up. Many families observe the religious aspects of Easter by attending Sunday Mass or services in the morning and then participating in a feast or party in the afternoon. Some families have a traditional Sunday roast, often of either roast lamb or ham. Easter breads such as Simnel cake, a fruit cake with eleven marzipan balls representing the eleven faithful apostles, or nut breads such as potica are traditionally served. Hot cross buns, spiced buns with a cross on top, are traditionally associated with Good Friday, but today are often eaten well before and after. In Scotland, the north of England, and Northern Ireland, the traditions of rolling decorated eggs down steep hills and pace egging are still adhered to. In Louisiana, USA, egg tapping is known as egg knocking. Marksville, Louisiana claims to host the oldest egg- knocking competition in the US, dating Ediţie de primăvară, 2015 back to the 1950s. Competitors pair up on the steps of the courthouse on Easter Sunday and knock the tips of two eggs together. If the shell of your egg cracks you have to forfeit it, a process that continues until just one egg remains. In the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda, historically famous for growing and exporting the Easter lily, the most notable feature of the Easter celebration is the flying of kites to symbolize Christ's ascent. Traditional Bermuda kites are constructed by Bermudians of all ages as Easter approaches, and are normally only flown at Easter. In addition to hot cross buns and Easter eggs, fish cakes are traditionally eaten in Bermuda at this time. In Jamaica, eating bun and cheese is a highly anticipated custom by Jamaican nationals all over the world. The Jamaica Easter Buns are spiced and have raisins, and baked in a loaf tin. The buns are sliced and eaten with a slice of cheese. It is a common practice for employers to make gifts of bun and cheese or a single loaf of bun to staff members. According to the Jamaica Gleaner, "The basic Easter bun recipe requires wheat flour, brown sugar, molasses, baking powder or yeast and dried fruits. Easter egg traditions and the Easter Bunny activities are not widespread in Jamaica. Diana Bucur, Bianca Moldovan - XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015 next on: ,,did you know that...?” On the first day of spring, a person at the North Pole would see the sun Before it was called spring, the season skimming across the horizon, was known as Lent or Lenten. beginning six months of uninterrupted daylight. A person at the South Pole In 2007, an Easter egg covered in would see the sun skimming across the diamonds sold for almost £9 million. horizon, signaling the start of six Every hour, a cockerel made of jewels months of darkness. pops up from the top of the Faberge egg, flaps its wings four times, nods its Easter always falls on the first Sunday head three times and makes a crowing after the first full moon after the noise. The gold-and-pink enamel egg spring equinox. was made by the Russian royal family as an engagement gift for French Children actually grow faster in the aristocrat Baron Edouard de spring than during Rothschild. other times of the year. The tallest The term “spring fever” chocolate Easter egg was refers to a both made in Italy in 2011. psychological and Standing 10.39 metres tall physiological symptoms and weighing 7,200 kg, it associated with the was taller than a giraffe arrival of spring, and heavier than an including restlessness elephant. But Portugal is and daydreaming. the home of the largest decorated Easter egg, which reached almost 15m Honeybees are more likely to swarm in height and 8m in diameter when it during the spring. They swarm as a was made in 2008. way to start new colonies from successful ones. Surprisingly, swarming The egg is a symbol of fertility in honeybees are very docile and the spring.
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