CIDSA Update, Winter Issue Coalition for Illinois Divestment from South Africa

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CIDSA Update, Winter Issue Coalition for Illinois Divestment from South Africa Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Coalition for Illinois Divestment from South Africa Cheryl Johnson-Odim Collection (CIDSA) Documents Winter 1986 CIDSA Update, Winter Issue Coalition for Illinois Divestment from South Africa Follow this and additional works at: Part of the African History Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Custom Citation Coalition for Illinois Divestment from South Africa. "CIDSA Update, Winter Issue" (1986). Cheryl Johnson-Odim Collection, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Cheryl Johnson-Odim Collection at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coalition for Illinois Divestment from South Africa (CIDSA) Documents by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. WINTER ISSUE 254 CIDSA UPDATE Coalition for Illinois' Divatmtnt from South Africa -- ~F 343 S. Dearborn, Suite 919, Chicago, IL 60604 312-922-3915 ,~,, / ANC President Visits Chicijo • African National Con- dent Tambo said in speaking about gress (ANC) President the people of South Africa and the Oliver- Tambo s poke at people of the United States, that, Operation PUSH in Chica- "unity is best fostered and sustained go, Illinois Qn Saturday, in struggle." He said "there can be no J anuary 24, 1987 in part of greater friends than those who find a nationwide tour to garner themselves in a trench of struggle support for the South Afri- exposed to the hazards of struggle, can liberation movement. who might even perish together or President Tambo thanked win together. Today we feel that the American people for sense of unity with our brothers and the work they had done in sisters on this continent." President Oliver Tam.ho, president of the African National creating a climate in which Tambo continued by adding that the Congress, at the meeting for Chicago actlvista. With him are NedMnwizana, ANCU.N. representa­ federal sanctions against Continued on page 3 tive (left) and Robert Starks of the Free South South Africa were passed The complete text of this·meeting Abica Movement, Chicago (right). by the U.S. Congress. Presi- is inside. Illinois State Legislature Passes Bill On .January 13. 1987, the Illinois th rough the I 970s. S uch ongoing thanked for thei r leadership and hard State Legislatu re passed a pension education of Americans on inter- work on this issue. fund bill which in cl ud ed an anti- national concerns, part ic ularly on Finally, Illinois action is not an apartheid provision. (Complete text U.S. foreign policy in different re- isolated event. To date, ove r 18 states, follows.) At this mo ment , when the gions. is crit ical. 35 cities and 100 universities and crisis in South Africa continues to Second, while the action taken by collcgeshavemovedtowardsdivesting escalate, the bill's passage is signifi- the leg isla1ure represents a ve ry limited their monies from South Africa. There cant for three reasons. restriction on the investment of 11- is growing anti-apartheid sentiment First. this action results from much linois public pension funds in South in small towns and big cities, church educational and organizing work on Africa-related firms, the original bill sanct uaries and union halls, hi gh southern Africa among people across which proposed total divestment was school classes and university lounges Illinois. For nearly four years, the ultimately weakened through legisla- across the nation, and a ll over the Coalition for Illinois Divestment from ti vc compromi se to only provid e for world. The a nti-apartheid movement South Africa (Cl DSA). along wi th limited future investment. However. has reached the point where each the F ree South Africa Movement of the bill's passage in a conservative additional substantive action against Chicago, has worked with state lcgi- mid western state lik e 11\ inois is right- the a partheid regime has a multiplied slate rs and labor, church and com- full y claimed as a victory fo r ant i- effect. munity leaders to bring about the apartheid ac1i vists. Anti-apartheid activists in Illinois divestment of Illi nois state pension State legislators Carol Mosley Braun, are not satisfied with the legislature's funds. This move ment developed from Woods Bowman, Alan Greiman, nominal action to reduce our eco- the work of many organizations which Wyvette r Young, Anthony Young, nomic support of South Africa. How- supported the struggles for ind epen- Emil Jones a nd Art Turner, among ever. we do see it as a step in the right dence in other Afr ican countries o the rs, must be recognized and continued onpage6 Next CIDSA General Membership Meetings: March 8, April 5, May 3 • Access Living, 815 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL CIDSAHosts NdiJimani Cultural Trou'pe On December 4, 1986, CIDSA WELCOME hosted the Chicago tour of the Ndilimani Cultural Troupe of Na­ TO mibia. This was the first tour of the 21-member troupe in the United States. Other stops included New York city ' and the San Francisco Bay area. The Troupe, based in Luanda, Angola, was sponso red on this tour by the Washington Office On Africa, the United Nat ions Council for Namibia and the South West African People's Organization (SWAPO). The Chicago tour began with a reception at Mayor Washington's office, and the Ndilimani (which means Dynamite) Troupe was per­ sonally greeted by Mayor Washing­ ton. Other stops on the tour included visits to the Bennett Elementary School on the far south side of and Linda Murray of the Hyde Park members of Operation PUSH, the Chicago, the Hyde Park High School, School. CIDSA also wishes to acknow­ Washington Office on Africa and the the Du Sable Museum of Afro­ ledge the help and support of staff Lutheran School. American History, Operation PUSH, and a concert at Chicago State University. Ndilimani's performances included singing, dancing, music and poetry, and concentrated on informing audi­ ences of Namibia's struggle to free University offilinois itself from South African occupation. One drama which they performed recounted the South African mas­ sacre of Namibians at Kassinga a few Votes to Divest years ago, and their songs, poetry On January 14, 1987, the Univer­ the portfolio, while only about $3.3 artd dance performances strongly sit y of Illinois trustees voted to divest million in eight companies in the showed their resolve to create a free the university's stock portfolio of portfolio will be affected by the Namibia, so that such atrocities neve r an y companies that do business in divestment policy. The university's occur again. South Africa. The board of trustees portfolio is worth several hundred The troupe was housed by the voted 6-2 to divest starting May 3 I, million dollars in total. Lutheran School of Theology during I 987 and to allow I 8 months, until Throughout the state, people have its visit. The tour concluded with a December 31 , 1988, for the university worked to achieve divestment by the visit to the Trinity United Church of to complete the process. University. The divestment debate Christ and a luncheon at the house of Some have viewed the vote as only has been going on for at least the last Lucille Graham. "partial divestment" because the decade. The Divest Now Coalition While CIDSA coordinated much uni versity wi ll maintain its invest­ was in the forefront of this struggle of the Chicago tour, it wishes to ments in compani es such as General on the U of I campuses for the last acknowledge the invaluable work of Motors Corp. and IBM Corp. which fo ur years. Last September, the many people and organizations which have an nounced their withdrawal divestment proposal was defeated by helped to make the tour a success. from South Africa. Companies which a 5-4 vote. With the election of Several of the most instrumental have withdrawn continue to finan­ Judith Ann Calder of Chicago and were Velma Wilson of the Mayo r's cially profit by selling their South Charles Wolff of Elgin to the board Office of Cultural Affairs, Covak African subsidiaries to local investors in November, the scales were tipped Williamson of the Anti-Apartheid and collecting licensing fees. U niver­ in favor of divestment. Both Calder Student Alliance, Tina Johnson, sity investments in G.M. and IBM and Wolff voted for the divestment Sharon Adams of the Bennett School account for more than $14 million of policy. ANC President Visits Chie&gO continued from page I would be exteme, but th at the past in th e passage of the federal sanctions groups which have brought the South fe w years have prepared the South legislation. President Tambo at 70 African peoples' causes to the public African people for any type of yea rs old was very energetic and have set examples forothers. He said violence. inspirational. Although, trave ling and "you have swelled our numbers and Tambo was we lcomed and cheered speaking all day, he in sisted on having multiplied our strength." by hundreds of enthusiastic support- the eve ningmeetingwith anti-apartheid ers at Operation PUS H. Financial supporters. Tambo said that the people of contributions of over $20,000 were South Africa know that "we shall be raised forthe ANC. A representative Visiting with President Tambowere free ." They are not bribed by the of Chicago Mayor Harold Washing­ Ned Mnumzana, Chief Representa­ reforms iss ued by the Botha regime ton read a proc lamation from the ti ve of the ANC for the Observer because .. you can't reform a crime mayor designating January 24, I 987 Mission to the United Nations.
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