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188r. CALCUTrA,




AN IMPEIUAL CORONATION IN ANCIENT INDIA. PAGE. Similitude and contrasts between the Delhi Assemblage of 1878 and that of Yudhis\hira. Derivation of the word Rdjasuya. Rajasuya _very rare. Probable date of Yudhis\hira. His family history. Established· -ai, Indraprastha. Gradual extension of his I(ingdom. A new; palaee. Resolve to perform the Rajasuya. Assassination oC J arasandha. Four military expeditions. Army of the North under Arjuna. Army of the East under Bhlma. Almy oC the South under Sahadeva. Army of the West under Nakula. Consultation to begin the performance of the rite. In· vitations. Appointment of prie&ts. Lrfe of the priests at the festival. Royal guests, their reception. Presents from guests. Croupiers at the festival. Supremacy a~signed to Krishl}a. Dis· putes thereon. S'is'upala killed by Krishl}a. Wheeler's theory about the brawl. Ditto about the character of the guests and of the sacrifice. The ritual of the ceremony. The royal bath or unc· tion, articles necessary for it. Ritual details. Three forms of coronation.-(From theJllurnal of the Atiatic Society of Bengal.) J-48

X. ON HUMAN SACRIFICES IN ANCIENT INDIA. Human sacrifices common in ancient times! Primitive conceptions of the Divinity. Anthropomorphic character of the Divinity sug· gestive of human sacrifices. Other causes. Thank·offerings after successful battles. Difficulty of feeding prisoners. Vindictiveness. Capital Punishment at fixed' periods. Vows. Funeral rites. Magical rites. Anthropophagism. Instances from the practices of the Ph

XI. FUNERAL CEREMONY. IN ANCIENT INDIA. Exposure, the earliest form of obsequies. Then Immersion. Then Burial; Then Incremation. Cinerary urns. Sequence, not uniform. Causes thereof. Parsl rites of exposure and burial. Egyptian burial. Etruscan, Roman, Aztec and Greek cremation. Chinese burial. Tibetan, Sogdian and Bactrian practice of disposing of corpses by feeding dogs with them. Indo-Aryan burial. Authorities for crema­ tion cum burial. Preparation for removal of the dead to the crema­ tion ground. Conveyance. Relief in the way. A co,w for companion, to be slaughtered, br let loose. Pyre. Placing of dead on pyre. Removal of the widow from the pyre. Removal of bow, &c. De­ posit on pyre of tJ.1e sacrificial vessels of the defunct. Cremation. Substitute for the cow. Prayer about Kerberos. Ceremonials after cremation. Preparations for burial of cinerary remains. Procession. Burial. Rites for the well-being of the living. Return home pre­ ceded by a bulI. Mantra for applying colIyrium,. applied to con­ cremation. Verse implying remarriage of the widow. Appendix, on the Origin of the Myth about Kerberos.-(From the Journal and the Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.) ... 114-165 ...... XII. ON THE SUPPOSED IDENTITY OF THE GREEKS WITH THE YAVANAS OF THE ·WRlTERS. The issues involved in the question. Similitude of the terms. Uinim, the most ancient form of Ionia-its meaning not applied exclusively to Greece. In myth, its origin. Homer's use of Iao1US. Hebrew meaning. The senses in which Yavana is used in the Old Testa­ ment. bones in later Greek writers. Origin of Yavana in San· skrit. Use of it by Pal)ini, Manu, Mababharata, Vishl)u PUra!):!.. Legend from the Mababbarata on the origin of the Yavanas. Amarakosha. Hemachandra. l'atalljali. Menander. Dramatic works. Das'akumara-charita. Harsha-charita. Yavana noticed in the Sm~itis. Pilli Yonn, not used for Alexander in the As'oka CONTENTS. iii PAGE. inscriptions. Ideas suggested by the fact. ~endency of specific names to become generic., Examples. Was astronomy borrowed by the Hindus from the Greeks? PaIJlis'a-siddMnta. Weber's assumptions refuted. Kern declines to follow Weber. Manitho. Ptolemies. Locale of Yavana in Indian astronomical works. Summary.-(From the Journal 0/ tke Asiatic Sodety 0/ Bengal.) 166-:u6

XIII. ON THE PA'LA AND THE SENA DYNASTIES OF BENGAL, BMgalpur plate of Narayal)a Pala, its contents. Mungher plate. Budai Pillar. Sarnath stone, Nalandd: stone. Minor in'scriptions. The Ain i Akbari and Taranatha's lists. List of all the Palas known. Reconciliation of differences. Date of the Palas. Averages. The religion of the Palas. The extent of their dominion. The Sena Rajas. Buddha-Gaya inscription. Bakarganj plate. Sundar­ ban plate. Denajpur plate. Chittagong plate. RajsMhi stone. A'disura. Vallala Sena. Lakshma!)a Sena. Lakshmal)eya. Dates. Lakshma!)a Sena's era. Religion of the Senas. Their caste. Rela­ tion of the Senas to the Palas.-(From the Journal oj tke Asiatic SQ(iety 0/ Bmgal.) ... 217-275

XIV. ON THE PECULIARITIES OF THE GA'THA' DIALECT. Tendency of languages to change. The first step in the transition of the Sanskrit into the modem vermlculars of India. Gatha.. Origin of its name. Its relation to Sanskrit. English illustration. Where it is found. Its peculiarities. Changes produced by exigencies of metre l by provincialisms l by neglect of syntax and prosody. Prolongation, contraction, and elision of vowels. Elision of con­ sonants. Segregation of compound consonants. Neglect of gender, number, and case. Abbreviations and omissions of declensions. Corruptions of pronouns. New forms of conjugation. Examples quoted by Dr. Muir. Origin of the dialect. Bumoufs opinion. Exception taken to that opinion. Author's opinion. Max MUlier, Weber, and Muir's remarks thereon. Benfey's opinion. Remarks th~reon. Age of the GatM.-(From the Journal 0/ the Asiatic Sodety of Bengal.) ... 276-299

XV. ON THE ~ISHYA OF THE AITAREYA BRA'HMA!'iA. The ~ishya myth as given in the Brihadar:\I,Iyaka Upanishad: in the Aitareya Biahmal)a. Its origin and meaning. German tradition iv COJIITENTS. PAGE. on the subject. Different kinds of deer common in I~dia. ~ishya identified with the Nilagao.-(From the Journal of the Asiatic Society 0/ Bmgal.} ... 297-306


T~e History of the vernacular dialects not yet written. Diversity of opinion. Their Sanskrit origin. Hindi dialect, its locale, extent and varieties. Prithviraya-Rayasa. Earlier vernaculars. Lan­ guage of As'oka's la!s, the vernacular of the time. The GatM pre­ ceded it. The succession of vernaculars from the time of the Ga'tha'. Relation of the Ga'tha', the Pa'H and the Pdkrit to Hindi. Declen­ sion. Nominative case. Accusative case. Dr. Trumpp's opi. nion. Author's opinion. Dative case. Instrumental case. Abla­ .tive case. Genetive case. I.ocative case. Vocative case. Per­ sonal pronouns. Conjugation. Examples. Borrowing of vocables from the aboriginal dialects. Urdu. Distinction between borrowing vocables and grammatical forms. Character suited to Hindi. Roman· isation, its inadaptability to Indian vernaculars. Impolicy of intro· ducing it in India. Appendix. (From the JO"nlal of the Asiatic Society 0/ Bmgal.) ... 307-344

XVII. VESTIGES OF THE KINGS OF GWALIOR. Importance of antiquarian remains in India. Inscriptions from Gwa· lior. Pere Tieffenthaler's account of the Pa'la kings,-its accuracy. The earliest kings whose names are recorded in inscriptions. Date of Torama'l)a. Bhoja Deva. Vajradama. Mahipa'la. Kachchhapa. gMta. Bhuvanapa'la. MadhusUdana, his successors. Summary.· Inscriptions. (From the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bmgal.}34S-384


The name Bhoja borne by many princes. Mention of it in the ~ig Veda Sai'ihita. In the MaMbMrata. Wilford's Bhoja, a vassal of Jarasandha. Ditto a relative of Krishl)a, who competed for the . hand of Draupadl. Bhoja of the Orissan chronicles. Bhoja of Bhanumatl. Three Bhojas of Bengal named in Pere Tieffenthaler's list. Col. To.J.'s Bhoja 01 the 6th century: of the 7th century. Jain Bhoja of Mount Abu. Do. of, and cited by Kshlrasvamf':'" CONTENTS. V PAG~. not a king. Do. of ~he Bhoja·prabandha. Do. of Gwalior. Do. of Kanauj. Do. of Pehewa. Traditional history of Bhoja of Dhira. Account of Munja. Nagapur inscription. Successors of Bhoja. Madhukargath inscription. Bhoja's date. (From the .Journal of the Asiati, Sodet)' of Bengal.) ... 385-406


EARLY LIFE OF AS'OKA. Position of As'oka in Indian history. Notice of him in the Buddhist Sanskrit literature of . As'oka·avadana. Genealogy. Dis­ crepancies in the PUnll)as, -&c. Vindusara marries Subhadrangi. Birth of As'oka. His pupilage. Deputed to Takshas'ila. Succeeds his father. Suppresses the revolt of his brother. Assassinates his kinsmen. Directs the murder of some ladies of his family. Anecdote of Samudra. As'oka feels interested in Buddhism. Erects Chaityas. Birth of his son. Upa Gupta. Pilgrimage, and devotion to the Bodhi tree at Buddha-Gaya. Destruction and revivification of the tree. Deputation of As'oka's son to Takshas'ila, and his renunciation of the world. Murder of Vltas'oka. Indication in the U\S of the religion of As'oka. Arguments in favour of his early Jainism refuted. (From the PrICeetiings of tke Asiatic Socief)' of Bengal.)...... 40 7-4Z6


THE PRIMITIVE ARYANS. Materials available for a history of the Primitive Aryans unsatis­ factory. Conclusions arrived at admitted to be unquestionable. Pritchard's researches. Researches of modern philologists. Phonetic decay and regeneration. 1\1 utability of letters, and of words. InfereQce of a primitive Aryan language and of a primitive Aryan race. Mythological evidence. Locale of the Aryans. Age of,the Zendavesta. Origin of the word A'rya,-its dispersion. Social condition of the Aryans. Their food and drink. Their language. Their poetry. They had no writing. Their morality and goverll. ment. Development of religion. Monotheism of the Aryans. Attributes of the Divinity. Form of worship. Principle of evil. Di'persion of the Aryans. The Mesaget~. The Sclavonic tribes. The Lithuanians. The Teutons. The Celts. The Thracians. The Armenians and ~he Hellenico-Italians. Schism between the Parsis and the Hindus. The result of the schism. (From the Calcutta &vitw.) ... 427-460 vi CONTENTS. PAGE. XXI. ORIGIN OF THE SANSKRIT ALPHABET.

Mr. Thomas's theory-its logical defect. ~o ancient. writing extant peculiar to' the Dravidians. The character of the aborigines in olden times. T~eory of Phrenician origin of the Brahmal)ic alphabet. The Pali shows no signs of a Bactrian origin, nor is it in any way related to the Dravidian dialects. Bactrian, a political alphabet. It is of too recent a date to be supposed the earliest medium for writing Sanskrit. The fulness of Pali opposed to the theory of its Tamilian origin. Forms of some of the letters. Theory of non­ Aryan origin of cerebral letters refuted. Influence of climate on literal sounds. Loan theory refuted. Mr. Bayley's remarks. Reply thereto. (From the Procudings of ih. Asiatic Societ)' of Bmgal.} ... 461-476




HUMAN SACRIFICE AMONG THE ATHENIANS. REFERENCE has been made on page S3 to the Thargalia of the Athenians, at w~ich a man and a woman were annually sacri­ ficed to expiate the sins, of the nation. The custom was to reserve certain worthless persons whom, in case of plague, famine, or other visitations from heaven, they used to throw into the sea, in the belief that they would cleanse away or wipe off thi guilt of the nation. These victims were known under the various names of Ka(}app.a.Ta, Ka(}apcna, 1f'£pIKa(}app.aTa, aU implying expiation or cleansing-the victims through which the nation cleansed itself of its sin. They, as' scape-goats for others, were also called tPapp.aKoI, 1f'£p"f'lp.aTa and 8'1p.6(Tlol. From the circum~tance of the victims having been worthless persons tfapp.aKol became a term of reproach. APPENDIX B.

THE INDIAN STYX AND ITS FERRIAGE. The ferriage for Charon referred to on page '138, is, in modern times, paid in India in a black cow. The payment is made a short time, sometimes 2 or 3 days, before death when the rite ofVaitaral)i

is performed. The mantra for the payment says: Ie At the dreadful gate of death there is the burning river Vaitaral)i; for crossing it I give this black Vaitaral)f cow." lI1fll~ 1f~NT~ i'/lIT "it~qT iI~T I w~ w,,' ~~T~lfit lI'qt ~it~qT. 1ft II In the ancient" ritual I can find no notice of this rite, but in the Atharvaveda Sanhiti, in which almost all the verses of the burial hymn of the ~ig Veda have been 9uoted with a few slight variations in the reading, there are three verses quoted which refer to crossing a river named As'manvati. The first thereof runs thus: "Here t 478 1 llows the As'manvati, friends, dexterously and boldly cross it, leaving behind you all evils and all diseases, so that you may revel in food on the other side." 1iiI'l'W"R:t l:T~it ..r l:W1:iiI. "T1:~=l' 'II w~rrr ~.nf: I ~Pl1 '6\'~Ti( it qr~~crT qr i nIT

Pill", P_p. Abhimanyu, or K~shmrr ... 19Z Agra 187, 33z, 346, 354 Abhira... 12 Ahit~gner d~ha·paddhati ... 120 Abhisheka 36,37,46 Ahnika-paddhati ... 248 Abraham 60 Ahriman ... 452 Abuya Pallika, a village ••• 367 Ahuramazda... 439, 459 Abut Fazl, 2z5, 233, z52, 258, 264 Ahuras, 449,450, 458, 459 Abu, Mount 390 Ain-i-Akbari, 2Z5, 226, 227, 228, Achreans 169 2Z9, 233, 243, z52, 253, 257, 264, Achaios 171 389,40 5 Achamians 176 Aiolos 171 Acolians 172 Aira ... 465 Adam's bridge ...... 220 Ait ... 55 Adharandew, a king or Gwa· Aitareya Brnhmal)a of tbe ~ig lior 359 Veda,4, 5, 21, 2Z, 26, 27, z8, 46, Adhvaryu, a Vedic priest, 14, 39, 40, 71, 7z, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 100, 41,42, 4,3, 44, 45, 40 112, 179,297,298, 30z, 305 Adijina ...... 360 Aitpura 389, 390 .... dinAtha ... 38z Aj~tasatru ... 409 Adi Parva ... 386, 387 Ajayasiiiba ... 405 AdisUra, 241,242,246,258, Z59, ~jigarta 72,75, 260, 26,3, 265, 266 Akrayt 81 Aditya, 3z, 36, 46, 101, 135, 301 Alasadda ... 214,215 --Upapur~l)a ... 245 Albiruni,208, 209,210,212,257,351 Adivar~ha...... 352 Alexander tbe Great, 3Z, 70, 137, Adjep:U ... 346, 347 167, 178, 190, 195, 196, 198,201, Adya PurAl)a ... 245 20Z, 215 --UpapUrnl)a 245 Alexandria ... ZI2, 214, 215 .lElius Lamia 55 Alexandrinus, Paulus, Zlo, ZII .lEneas 55 Algonquin tribes 158 .lEschylus 175 AlhanAdev( '" 405 .lEthiopic language ... 336 Albandew .•• 359 AfgMnist~n, 180, 186, 187, 189 197, Alikasunari ... 201 ZOI, 203, 311 , 352, 399, 437, 439, AIIababad, 5. z18, 248. 311, 312 44 1,457,459 Allata ... 391 AfgMns 187, 188,470 Allemands 203. 204 Afsos, Mir 'Ali ... 389 Allemani 204 Agarp:U ...... 347 ' Almagest 213 Agni, II, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39,40, 43, Alop~aga 4 44, 46, 77, 79, 9z, 94, 127, 13Z, Alps, the 455 133, 138, 139, 140, 156, 245, 449, Altimisb 359 450, 458 Amarakosha 188 Agnidhra, a Vedic priest, 43,46 Amarapala 226 Agnimitra ... 198 AmAri 234 Agni PurAl)a...... IZ9 Amar¢1 346 Agnisb\oma rite 89, 93, 94 Amba 34 Agnisomiya rite... 89 Amb~dev( 58 ii INDEX.

Pages. Page•• Ambashthas ... 14, 214, 263, 264 Aral, Lake ... 454 Ambash\ya 4 Aram ... 359 Amber 58, 347, 356 Aramrean ... 178 Aplenophis •.• 168 Aral)y~ka, 127,128, 132, 135, 137, America, 62, 453. North, 324, 433, 139,140, 141, 15 2, 154 454, 470. South 65 Araucanians, the 65 American Indians ••. 444 Araucans, the 325 -,---- Oriental Society, 121 J}ravalli 353 Amgachi 222, 233, 234 Aravas 214 Amharpal 346 Arcadia 58 Amoghavarsa ...• 401 Archreologia, the 68 Amu Dariya, the ... 437 Argives 169 J}nahac 64 Argos 170, 171 Ananda 81 Argos-slayer 171 Anan~al 346, 347 Argyronis ... 435 Anantpal 347 Aria 440, 441, 454, 457 Anartas 214 Arie...... 439 Amirya 439 Arieno-vaijo ... 439 Anash\apas'u ". 133 Aristophanes ... 176 Anderson, Dr. J. 313 Aristotle 5,J., 55, 438 Andha 273 Ariya ... 190 Andhaka 381 Arjuna S, 8, 9, 357 Andhra II Arjuni ... 434 Anga · .. 4,399 Arjunavarma ... 404 Angiras 4 Arnlenia 439, 441 Angirasa ... 245 Armenian language, 336 Anirllddha 245, 358 ----Nations, ... 456 Antaka 82 Arnauts ~. 456 Antigonus 201 Arnold, E. ." 171 Antikona 201 J}rtemis 58, 106 Antiochus 201 J}rtf ... 82 Antiyoko ... 200 J}ryabha\a ... 209 AnumamHoka-\fka 255 Aryades/a 438,439,440 Anumiti 31 Aryan dialect 313, 316 Anuradh:ipura ... 290 --Indian dialects •.. 319 Anuruddhako ... 409 --languages •.• 3 I 8 Apamarga Homa 35 Aryans, the, 6, 27, 69, 70, 74, J}parajita 389 119, 160, 162, 177, 304, 308, Apastamba 90, <}I, 120, 245 439, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, Aphrodisius 207 447, 448, 45 2, 454, 456, 457, Apollo 435 459, 461, 462, 463, 464, 468, Apollodoros 157 470,471,473 Apollodotos... 194 J}ryans, the Primitive ... 427 Apollonius Rhodills 57 J}ryas ... 209, 210, 438 Apotelesmata ...... 212 Aryavartta 439 Arabia, I17, 174, 176, 193, 195, Asaraja 383 204, 21 5 Ascanius 55 Arabic language ... 336 Ashantis, the 68 Arabs, the, 168, 193, 199,203, 206, A~ 1~~6 207,213,216,325 Asia, 174,196, 428, 433, 454, 455, Arachosia 441 457,460 Arachotia 204 --, Central 162, 177, 189, 190, Anidhi 82 208,43,7 INDEX. iii

PI"'" Pa,tI. Asia Minor, 117,168, 171, 172, 174. Avarthas 9 175, 176, 180,436,437,454,456 Ayodhya 10, 191, 192 Asiatic Researches, 105, 106, 149, Ayogu 8r 219,220,221,229, 355, 386, 388, Aztecs, the 62, 63, 64, 65, 118 391,40 5 --- Society of Bengal 128, 217, Ba'al 53 219,236255,308, 407, 408,461 , Babylon 438 471 Bacchre 57 ,----- of Paris ... 408 Bacchanalians 57 Asmanvaif, the ... 477,478 Bacchus 163 As'oka, 3,193,202, 203, 204, 25 1, Bachchhillaka 369 294. 310, 311, 312, 345,407,408, 188, 19o, 195, 197, 465 409,411,412,413,414,415, 416, Bactrian language ... 474 417,418,421,422,426, 465, 474, . Bactrians, the 118, 161, 186, 192, 475. Life of, 407. The Pali 4S6 edicts of, 314. 466. Edicts of Bagura 233, 235 Girnar and Dhaiili ... 200 Baguti ... 236 As'oka-avadana 408,421 Bahlika... 16 Assapal ... 346 Bakarganj copper-plate, 237,238, Assoupal ... 347 243, 244, 248, 252, 253, 260, 263, Assyria 170, 175,204,215 264 Assyrian records... 106 Bakarganj, Zillah 235 Assyrians, lbe, 58,69, 174. 176, 178, Bakhtyar, Muhammad 249 420 Bakra 311 Asuraghna ••• 458 Bala 82 Asura Maya ... 201 Balabhadra 211 Asura Namuchi , 35 BalAditya 223 Asuras 35, 42, 449, 458, 459, 460 Baldur's Dream... 158 AS'valayana 120, 128, 131, 132, 133, Balenese, the .. , 277 135, 136, 138, 141, 142, 143, 145, Bali 107 149, 153, 322 Balkh 9, 399, 440 As'vamedha ••• 99, 103, 104. 105 Ballala's nobility '" 260 . As'vapati kings ...... 236 ---- palace ...... 260 As'vatthama 16, 19, 387 BalUchistan 21 4, 352 AS'vins, the 36 Bana 199 Ate .. , 55 Bandhu 398 Atharva Safihita, the .. , 477 Banerji, Babu Rangalala 103 ---Veda, the, 28, 85, 156, 184 Banga 204 Alhen~ •.• 158 --- Darsana... 2 S4 Athenians, the, 53, 171, 176,477 Bam! Tai... 203 ----, Human Sacrifice Bappaka... 391 among the ... 477 Barasinga ... 304 Atibali .. , 107 Barrows in Great Britain 68 Atikrushta 81 Barsingdew 357, 359, 360 Atiratra . 93,94 Bassantpal '" 346 Atis 55 Baudhayana, 128, 135, 137, 139, 151, Atossa 175 153, 245. Sutras of, 120, 148, 197 Atri 4 Baudhayana-prayogasara '" 120 Attica 171 Bayley, Mr. E. C. 471,472,473 Attis 55 Beadon, Sir Cecil 131 Augustus 53 Beal's Chinese Tripi\haka... 426 Australia 433 Beames, Mr. J...... 307 Austria 337 Bediyas or Gypsies oC India, 398 iv INDEX.

Pages. Pagts. Bedjepal ...... 347 Bha~~a, Narayal)a 243,248 Beef in Ancient India ... lOS --, Vis'vanatha ••. 120 Behar 220, 224, 225, 226, 232, 235, --S'iva ... 274 262,308,310,387 Bha~~arka ...... 384 Behistun 439,469 Beira-pala BMu Dajf, Dr.... 205, 349, 35 I 226 Bhava ...... 381 Belabiohti ... 237 Bhavadeva, S'uddhikala of ... 120 Beluchistan ... 441 Bhavishya PUnil)a ... 243 Belurtag ... 440 BMya, Pal)

PtJgts. Bikarmahschit ... 359 Buhler, Dr. G...... 240 Bilanga ... 360 Bunsen 453, 454, 45 6 Bimbisara 409,413,414 Burdwan 103 Bindusara 409 Burke's. Landed Gentry •.• 262 Biramdew 359 Burmah . •.. 231 Birbhadarpal 347 Burman peninsula ... 203 Birkhpal 347 Burmese language, the 336, 337 Black Sea 455 Burnou£, M. E., 277,279,287, 289, -Yajur Brahmal)a 32,36 29 1, 295, 408, 456 -Yajur Saiihita 33 Burrin 238 --Yajur Veda 27,46, 80 Burton's Lake Regions of ---Yajush, the Taittiriya Central Africa 66 Safihita of the 29 Byron, Lord 474 nIacquire's Translation ofthe KalikS Pural)a •.• 106 Blochmann, Mr. H. 257 Cabul 399 Bochart 173 Caffres 433 Bodhi Jree 414 Caiatio 56 Bodjpal 346 Caiatta 55 Bretlicher, Dr. Paul 456 Caieta 55 Bopp, Francis 428, 429 Caiete 55 Borneo, Dyaks of 66 Calanus 70 Boudhpal ...... 347 " Calcutta Review" 427 244, Brahma 14,36,43,44,46,80,89, Caldwell, Dr. 315,317,468 97, 98, 100, 129, 236, 245, 297, Calliope ... 56 357 Cambistholi of Arrian 186 Brahm, Achal 363 Campania 56 Brahmachar( 88 Candarpal 347 Brahmanachhafis( ... 46 Canmujis 186 BrahmaQa ofthe Black Yajur Cantpal 346 Veda 127 Cappadocians, the 456 Brahmana of the White Capuchin' 161 Yajur"veda 80,458 Carthage 60 Brlihmana-sarvas'va 248, 253, 256 Carthagenians, the 53,60 Brahmaj)Ura 358 Caspian Sea 437, 453 Brahmaputra 244 Caucasus, the ... 439,454 Brahmavarta 464 Celt 324, 428, 460 Brajabhasha 309, 318, 319, 320, Celtic language, 336. Nation, 455. 2<:3 Researches 455 Brigg's Ferishta 327 Ceylon, II, 231, 289, 399. The' Brihadaral)yaka Upanishad 297 Pali Annals of JOO, 417, 420 Brihat Safihita 214 Chabardurvesh ..• 344 Brimdew 357 Chaillu's Exploration in Equa- Brisa)'a 434 torial Africa, Du 66 Brisels 435 Chaitanya-charitamrita 320 Broadley, Mr. A. M. 222, 224, 225 Deva 319 Bryant 54, 56, 57, 158, 159 Chaitnath 381 Buchanan-Hamilton, Dr. 234, 235 Chakravart(, Babu Sarada- Budai pillar, 218, 220, 226, 229, 233, prasad 236 234 Chaldrea 175 Buddha-Gaya 413 Chaldeans, the ..• 207 Buddhoghoso 290 Chaldee language 336 Budhagupta 349 Chambal 10 VI· iNDEX. Pages. Pages. Chlimpapuri 410 Digest of Hindu Laws, 254. Chamul)Daradas 9, 179 Colebrooke, H. T. 69,70,78, 147, Darbhaka 409 148, 149, 166, 2°4, 21 3, 222, 227, Darhhapal)i 221 228, 253, 254, 399, 401, 402. Dardistan 452 INDEX. vii

Pill'" PIlIP" Darius 178,439 Devasuva 36 Dars'a rites ,30, 31, 33. 34 Devasvami 355 Das'akumara-charita 199 Deva, U ddharalJa 364 Das'apeya 45 Devavanna 368 Dasarna 9 Deva, Vigraha-patla 272 Dasyus •.• 179 -- Virama 363 Datta, Babu Haridasa 237 -- Virasiftha, 355,363 Decanii 205 Devi, Nora '" 383 Deccan Hindi 318 Dewenderpal '" 347 Delhi, 6, 187, J09, 311 , 312, 352, Dhairya 81 359, 361 Dhananjaya 243, 248 --Imperial assemblage at, 1878, I Dhanapala '" 383 --Tomaras of ... 363 Dhanapat-plila ... '" 226 Delius' Radices Pnikriticre... 322 Dhandpal...... 346 Denmark 337 Dh~ni, 391,392,396,397, 403,404, Dea, Bir Sinh 363 40 5 --, Brahm 363 Dharma •.• 14, 20, 81 --, Dhiram 364 ---pila, 108,217,218,219, --, Ganpati 364 222, 226, 228, 22«}, 232, 234, 235, --, Ghatam ... 363 262,270 --, Mukunda... 388 -----pravritti of N ara- DeopArA 238 yalJa PaIJ4ita ... '" 120 Deo, U dharan 363, 364 Dharmasoka '" 413 --, Viram... 363 Dharmavardhana ... 413 Desgentiles, Dr. 51 Dhaiilf, 311, 312,407, 465 Deuvaka 369 Dhaumya 14, 48 Deva, Amalakjrti ... 384 Dhavalagiri 9 --, Ehaya...... 383 Dhir-pala ... 226 --, Bhoja 367,368 Dhoral '" 234 --, Bilanga, 360, 362, 364, 381 Dhritarash\ra 5, '3, 16 --, Dangarendra, 360, 362, 364, Dhruva Bali 363 382,384 Dhundar 58 Devadatta 191 Diamond Harbour 237 Deva, Ga~apatr... 361,364 Diana Orthia ...... 5S --Gopala ... 270 Dinajpur,7, 220,222,233, 234, 235, --, Gu~akrrti... 382" 237 --, Hemakfrti 384 ---plate, 226, 227, 228, 229, --, Kfrti... 383 233 --, Kshemakfrti 384 Dinamar ... 203 Devala 245 Diodorus 5«}' 61 Deva, Lakhsmana Sena 254 Diodotus 7S --, Mahi-pala 222, 378 Dionusiaca 57 --, Nara)"ana-pila, 217,271,272, Dionysos 57 273, 274 Dirghatamas 4 --pila .318,219,221,222,225, Dishta 82 226, 228, 229, 232, 233. 234, 262, Divius Julius 53 27 1,357,363 Divya-avadana 408,409 Devaprastha 9 Djenatpal 346 Devanija ...... 393 Djezzar 51 Ri.dhakinta, 147, 303, 305 Dnieper 456 Devanlt 75,76 Dodanim 173 Devas'akti 39 1,392 Domaldi 62 Deva, S'ankarendra ... 360 Don, the 453 viii INDEX.

Pagtl. Ptl{ftl. Dorians 172 Etruscans 117, II8 Doros 171 Etruscan tongue •.• 456 Drahya ...386 Euhemerus 57 Drangiana ... 441 Eukratides 194 Dravida, 11,179,181,220,295 Eurasians 176, 196 Dravidian languages ... 316 Euripides ... 53, 54, 157 Dravidians, 462, 463, 464, 465 Europe, 3,22,28,115,162,175,190, Drekkanas ... 205 196, 2 I 2, 228, 245, 276, 292, 304, Drol)a 16,19 328, 331, 332, 333, 334, 337, 428, Druids, 53 433, 436,452,453,454,455 Drupada ~~ 19 Eurydike 163 . Duhs'asana 16 Eurytheus 162 pungara ... 360 Eusofzai country, 407 pungarendra ... 361 Exodus 438 Durga 352, 368 Ezekiel J73 Durga Puja, 103, 106, 107, 109, I I I Durlabha ... 403 Fatehga~h 193 Duryodhana 16, 19 Fancourt's History of Yuca- Dushyanta 4, 194, 195 tan 68 Dvaipayana 19 Ferdusi 342 Dvapara age ... 4, 88 Fergusson, Mr. J. 234 Ferishta 327 Fishaneh Ajaeb ... 339, 342 Echidna, 157, 159, 160, 163 Flemish tongue...... 453 Edda, the elder ... 158 Flotard, M. 442, 449, 45 I Edilpur Pargunnah ... 235 Formire 55 Edward IV ... 231 Formians, the ...... 55 Egypt, 117, 169, 170,201,212,.455, French language, 203, 206, 315, 325, 457 326, 335, 336, 340, 429, 433, 453, -,Lower 169 470 ---,Northern 169 Fryer 300 Egyptians, the, 53, 59, 60, 69, 147, Fulgentius...... 55 168, 169, 176, 216, 420, 442. Funeral Ceremony in Ancient Kings 59 India 114 Eisagoge 210, 21 I EIishah 173 Ellemar ... 203 Gadhi 181 Ellen ... 431 Gadjpal 347 Ellis ... 333 Gaggaka 369 Enderpal ... 346, 347 Gagl!;fka 369 England, 204, 231, 276, 300, 325, Gajananda 396 332,333 Gajapati kings 236 English language, 203, 206, 213, 185, 186, 193 283, 310,330,336, 338, 340, 379, Gandharvas •.• 98,2 431,433,468,469,470 Ganes'a 34, 107 Ennis 57 Gangavakyaval! 120 Eos 435 Ganges'a, Anumana Khal)~a Epirots ... 45 6 of, 255. Pratyaksha Khal)~a Eran inscription 349 of 255 Erinys 435 Gangpal 346,347 Eros 381 Garga 221 Erythrean sea 172 Garhapatya fire ... 128 Ethiopic language 336 Garilih 132 INDEX. ix

I'~IS. P"If'" GatM dialect, on the peculi- Gupta, Dhana ... ••• 41.3 arities of the ••• ... 276 -- Skanda ...... 350 Gau4a 233, 261, 264 --Kings...... 349 220, 222, 261 --- Up" 408,413,416,417, Gauris'vara ... 264 --Radha ... 412 Gaya. ... 226, 235 Guptas, the 345,351 Gayakarl)adev{ ... .., 405 Gurava 229, 233 Gedrosia ..• 441 Gurudatta ... 223 Genesis 172, 175 Guzara! 12,311,348,407 Geryones ...... IS7 Gwalior, 345, 346,348, 350 , 352, 353, . Ghosha, Babu Pratapachan- 354. 355, 356, 357, 359, 362, 364, dra 220,221 365, 367, 382, 391, 392, 393. Ghosrawan 225, 226 Fort of, 365, 369, 377, 381. Rajas Gilchrist, E. ... 328 of, 353. Records, 394. Teli Girnar inscription ... 35 I Mandir of, 360. Tomara Rajas, Gila - ... 8i 363. Vestiges of the kings of, Gftagovinda 239, 240 393 Goa 238 Goda 273 Hades 1St:, 157, 158, 163,435 Godagri, TMnL. ... 238 Haihaya race, the 180,271 Gohaditya ... 389 Halaka, ...... 9 GohiJa ... 391 Halayudha, 243,248, 252, 254, 256 Gokarl)a 219,302 Hall, Mr. Fitz-Edward, 199, 351, Goldstiicker, Dr., 177, 178, 179. 190, 401,410. Vasavadatta 19CJ 192, 474- Manava Kalpa Hamirpal ... 347 Sutra ... 178 Hara 107, 380 Gonandya Kings of K;lshm{r, 348 Haradatta ... 223 Gopachala... 382 Harauti ... 396 Gopagiri 353, 355, 356, 367, 368 Haris'chandra 71, 74 Go-pala, 217. 218, 219, 225, 226, Harita ... 245 227, 231,232, 242, 262, 266 Harsha-charita ...... 199 Gopalikas, the ...... 378 Hartschandpal ...... 347 Gopatha Brahmal)& ... 245 Hastinapura... S, 6. 7 Gotama ... 245 Hasti-pala ... 226 Goumantpal ... 346 Haug, Dr., 302, 438, 441. 22, 47, 48, Gour 238, 239, 248, 399 76, 77,179,298, 299,451 Govindaganj 234 Hauslab, M. 454. 456 Govinda-pala 226 Hawthorne, Mr. W. 235 Govindarama, Pal)4it 236 Heaviside's American Anti- Graeco-Bactrians 192 quities 65 ----Indian Kings 192 Hekate . 158 Graichoi... 177 Hellas 170 Greece, 54,66, 167, 17 1, 173. 174, Hellen 171, 431, 432, 435 177, 178, 189, 190, 195,201, 202, Hellenes, 169, 172, 175, 199. 202, 212, 21 3,432, 434,435,437, 449, 21 5,44'" 456 Hellespont 456 Greenlandic language, the ... 336 Hemadri, Sraddha-KhaI)4a... 120 Griechische Sagat Munchanas 57 Hemchandra 189 Grimm, 61, 429. Teutonic Hendley, Dr. 58 Mythology 61 Hera 169, 170 Gualipa 347 Herat 437, 439, 440 Gunakara 416 Hercules 25,455- Gupta, As'va 413 Herm~s 158,160,170.171 x INDEX.

Pages. Pacts. Herodotus, 53, 58, 59,67, 118, 161, . Ichchha 221 16z, 170, 171,439,440,441,453 . Ichchhuvaka 367 HHV~ 325 Idithya 59 Hesiod 157 Illyrian language 336 Heti 82 Inachus 170 Hewlett, Rev. Mr. 173 Incas, the 65 Hibernian language 336 Indian alphabet, origin of the 178 Himalaya, 7. 9,16, 105, 146, 219, Indian Antiquary 255 399,439 Indians, North American ... 158 Hindi, 281,234. 308, 309, 313, 314, Indo-Bactrians ... 345 315, 316,317,318,319,320,' 321, ---Greek kings of Afghani- 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 361 stan 216 339, 340, 341,466 Indra, 15, 32, 34. 35, 36, 37, 40, _ language and its relation 44, 46,47,48,158, 184,398,435, to the Urdu dialect, on the 449, 458, 459, 460 origin of the ~.. 307 Indraprastha ... 6, 12 Hindi Urdu 341 Indra's heaven... 9 Hindu Kush, 186, 428, 437, 440, Inman's Ancient Faiths in • 441 Ancient Names 172 Hindustani language, 308, 309,316, 10 16g, 170, 171, 183 319,320, 324, 341 Ion 171 Hiouen-Thsang, 233,234,394,395 Ionia, 166, 167, 168, 169, 173, 175 Herakles 157,158,159,162 176, 189, 190 Hirat:'yakes'i 120, 151 Ionian isles 169 Hirat:'yakes'i·antyesh\i-prayo- Ionians, 167, 169,171,174. 175, 176, ga of Abhayankara Bha!\a, 120 178, 183 HirpaJ ... 347 Ionian sea, the ... 169 Hodgson, Mr. B. H.. 277, 408 Iranians, the ... 193,2°3,428,45° Hoernle, Dr. A. F. R. ... 307 Ireland 440,455 Homer, 53, 54, 56; 169, 171, 297, Iryata 83 309. Iliad 27, 157, 199 Isaiah 173 Hondpal ... 347 Isamos 193 Honglu ... 304 is'ana 222 HoumarpaJ ... 347 I siodorus 2 I 5 Horace 55,244 IssorpaJ, Ramtschand 347 .Hubertus, Saint ... 302 Italy 54, 55, 455 Hue, Abbe, 161. Souvenirs Izhar Husain 188 d'un Voyage dans la Tartarie 118 Jaffa 51 Huitzilpotchli ... 62 J agadispur ... 6 Human Sacrifices in Ancient India Jagannatha, 236,248. Car of. 70 49 Jagat-pala 226 Humayun, Emperor 359,362 Jahnavf 1:>9 Huna 273 Jahnu 271 Hungary 337 Jaimini 78 Hunnas 220 Jainism of As'oka 357,417,418, Husein, Muzaffar 188 419,420 Hyrcania ... 437 Jain temple 355,369 Hyrcanians, the .. , 118, 161 Jaipur 58 Jajja\a 369 Iblismimeh ... 343 Jahiluddin 361 Ibrahim, Emperor 362 Jamadagni 19 Icelandic language, the 336 Jambahari 369 INDEX. xi

PtJgIS. Ptq4$. JambhaTca 10, 369 Journal, Royal Asiatic- Society of Jambudvfpa 272 Great Britain, 13, 14, 69,71, 121, Janamejaya 4, 5 136, 141, 147, 149, ISO, 154, 200' Janna, Narasiiiha 388 jowzjani's Tabklit i Nasiri, Jaones 211 Minhajuddfn ...... 249' Japetus 173 J uangahs 24, 26 aPheth... 173 Jufurs 66 ar.tsandha 8, 10, 20, 2 S. 387 Jumaranandi ... 295 Ias'odeva, ••• 380 J umna, the 472 J atamalla-vilasa ••• 120 Junagarb 3l1, 312, 46S Ja!ula •.• •.• 393 Jupiter 85. Java .• , ..• 305 Justin ... 161 Javan 167, 172, 173, 174, 176 Javanes'vara .•• 207 Kachchhapa 355,355 Jaxartes ••• 440 KachchhapagUta 355, 356, 35<} Jayadeva ••• 239, 240 dynasty... 362 Jayadratha...... 16 Kachhar 186 Jaya·pala, 218, 222, 226, 228. 229, Kachvaha dynasty, 347, 356, 363 270 Kafristan ... 187 Jayapunika 368 Kaihis'a mountain, the 15,437 J ayas'akti 369 Kais 18g Jayas'rf 408 Kaiyya!a 191 Jayasiiiha 405 Klikavar'r

Pages. Pages. Kanauj, Palas of ••• 399 Khan, I nsha' Alia' ••. 326 Kanchanamala '" 414 --, Sher' .... 362 Kanchi 382,384 Kharakpur Hills 24 Kanchis 182 Kharg Rai 363, 364 Kandahar, 186, 188, 200,204,215 Kharwars 24 Kanhpur 194 179, 273 Kanna Devf 219 Kbilijy, Bakhtiar - 249, 257 Kafisa 191 Khitfs'a-vafisavali-charita 243 Kanthi 437 Khoman - 389 Kantpal 346 Khonds, the 363 Kanyakubja 181 Khummana 391 Kapilas .., 214 Kiamatnameh 343 Kapurdagiri 295, 407, 311, 312 Kias-ul-ambia 344 Karacdesa 387 Kimpilla-varsha, 9 Karanpal 347 Kimpurusha -86 KaratQya, the 234 ------Druma 19 Karmamisa, the... 387 Kishkinda II Karma-pradfpa •• , 164 Kiratas, 9, 10, 12, 86, 179, 180, 182 KarQa 10, 19. 185, 357 Kirathpal ••• ... 346 Kamal 5 Kfrtiraja 357, 363 KarQa Parva 185 Kittim 173 . 9, 214, 215, 231, 240, 264. Kittoe, Major M. 221,225,230,355, 288, 290, 304, 308, 348, 392 360 Kas'i 6, 10, 222 Kizelkum 437 Kasu "14 Koch Behar 234 Kas'yapa 4 Kos'ala 10 Kalak 234 ---Uttara 10 Kath:ii 204 Kora'n 344 Katyayana, 2, 3, 99, 100, 137, 190, Kramadis'vara .•• 295 191, 245. Sutras, of, 101, 120. Kri'mila 220 The Pali Grammar 314 Kripa 16,19 Kausambi 223 KrishQa,6,7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, Kavasha 4 20, 21, 25, 37, 387 Kaviraja-pratish\ha 240 KrishQaraja ••• 401 Kay, Dr.... 31S Krishl)a, the river ... 324 Kayastha-kaustubha 259 Kriya-yogasara ... 129, 255 - Kayasthas, 242,246,247,259, 264, Kronos 60,61 358; 379, 388 - Ksh:inta-pala 226 Kedar _ 219 Kshemsi, Sadhu ... 383 KeightIey's Mythology 'of Kshirasvami, of Kashmir ••• 391 Greece 171 Kuhn, Professor ... 300 Ker, Babu Hemchandra 110 Kukku\a garden 412,413 Kerala II Kuksha 273 Kerberos, 119, 157, 158, 159, 163, Kulacharya 1'hakura 263 435, on the origin of the Myth Kulapalljika 263 about 156 Kulindas, the 9 Kern, Dr. 167, 202, 207, 208, 210, Kumara-pila ... 221 211, 212, 214 Vrihat Safihita, -----Icharita 40 3 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 214 ---,S'akti 389 Kerpal 347 Kumar Sing 6 Khaha

Pag~s~ Pages. Kunti 5, 10, 20, 386 Lumbini garden' 414 Kuntibhoja 10 Lusitanian language, the 336 Kunuka ••• 369 Luther 23 Kurma Pur~na ... •.• 245 Lydia 438 Kurus . 7, 14, 19 Lydians, the 456 Kus'a 356 Lykaion 58 Kus'ika 181 Kutabuddfn 359 Macnaghten 149 Madadha'ras 10 Laghu H~rita 245 Madana-pa'la... 225,226, 347 --paM\ika... 368 ----·parijata. 120 --Vy~sa 245 Ma'dhava 3)4,362,369 Lainga Pur~l)a 271 M adhpal 346, 347 Lajj~, 218,271 Madhukarghar, 396,397,400,401 Lakhnouty ... 248 Madhura ... 186 Laksmadeva 399, 403, 404 Madhusudana 359, 363, 380 LakshmaQa 270, 356, 362, 363 Madhyades'a ... 214 ----vati ... 24-8 Madhyamaka 12 Lakshman Puar ... 365 Madhyamikas 191, 194 Lakshm{ 270, 357 Madra 19 Lakshmfvarma ... 404 M~nades 57 Lakshmfvarmadeva ... ..399 Magi 20[ Lalita Vistara, 178, 278, 282, 286 ,8, 10,235,262,290,38,7 Lamire,·the· 54, S5 42 5 Lank~ 214, 350 Ma'gadhi 276,284,31.1 Lapp, a Tartar language ... 469 Magas, the ...... 387 Lassen, Professor, C. 166, 171, 172, Magazine, Oriental Quarterly, 234 176, 178, 179, 187, 192, 199,291, Magi 169 310, 396, 397, 400, 40 3 Essay on Mags 204 the Geo~raphy of the Maba­ Magura 383 bharata, 13. Indische A!terthums- Maha'bali [07 kunde, 171, 172, 193, 199, 291 Mababharata, 1,4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 12, 13, Lita 273,466 15, 16, [7, 80,.24, 25, 26, 27, 28, Lai edicts, the ... 407,417 72, 137, 156, 179, 180, 184,201, Lath character 472,473 239,245, 263, 272, 293,314,386, Latham 313 387. Adi Parva, 180. Anus'sana Latschmipal ... 346 Parva ... 179 Lava ... 356 Mahabhisheka, rite of ... 3, 4 Lavnakdew...... 357 MaMdeva 240,359,380 Lees, Captain, 308, 328, 339, 341 MaMnandi 409 Lentulus, Cneius Cornelius ... 59 Mah~na\aka 388 Lepsius 178,328,330,331,334 Mahapitri yajna... 33 Lestrygons, the 54 MaMprasthana... 70 Lewis, Rev. C. B. 336 Mahavaiisa 215 Lhassa 161 MaM Vyasa 245 Libyan desert ... 214 Mahawaiiso 290, 294 Likbita 245 Mahendarpala ... 346 Lithuanian nation . 454 Mahendra ... 389 LohendarpaI...... 316 Mahendrachandra 354, 362 Loka-pala, 222, 226, 227,242,266 Mahendra-pala 226, 259,346,391, Lubbock, Sir John 445 392,393 Lud ... 173 Mahes'a III Ludi, .Ibrahim ... 364 Mahespal ... 347 INDEX.

Patt.. · Paga 12 Markal)cjeya Upapura'l)a ... 24S Mahiganj ... 235 Marsden's N umismata Orientalia Mahinagar •.. 235 41 Mahindo '" 294 Marshall, Captain J. T. ... 222 Mahipala 221, 222, 225. 226, 229, Maruts, the 33. 36, 44. 45, 81, 98, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 261, 458 262, 355, 357, 358, 359, 40 9 Marutta 4 -.--- Dighi, of Dinajpur Masurakshita ...... 226 230,233 Matangf ... 414 Mahipur 235 Mathura 7,8, 10, 186, 192, 194. Mahisakas 179 21 4,239. 314, 358, 379, 413 M ahisamati I I . Matsya Purana ...... 24S Mahi-santosh 235 Maundeville, Sir John 66 MahmUd 189 Ma:ura 390 Mahula 355 Mauriya kings 410 Makherdew 357 Maya, 81,201 Maladas 10 Mayo. Lord 22 Malalangara W otoo 294 Mayura 384 Malava 7, 12,273,389,394 Mazdaha 449 Malavikagnimitra 197 Mazdehans 459 Malayalim language, the 336 Meda 273 Maida 235 Me!ies 439 Malinda 193 Media 204,215 Malia 368 Medha 81 Malla, Kalya'na.!. 364 Medinf ... 263 --.- Kongapaia 352 Mediterranean Sea 54. 58,68,456 ---- KoHapala 352, 367 Megasthenes 197,202 Mallfthisa ... 383 Meghadasa 218 Malollians, the ...... 456 Melanos, Mr. 228 348,357,400,401,402,403, Melpomene 56 40 4 . Menalos 53 Mammaka 368 Menander 21 4, 193, 194 Man 359 Menandros 192, 193 Man, Raja ... .364 Merfah 63 Ma'nasarovara, Lake, the ••• 9 Meru, Mount, the ... 240 Manatungasur! ... 390 Mesagetre 437, 45 2, 454 Manava Kalpa Sutra 19 1 Mesa'raka ... 368 Mandar Hill 414 Meshech 173 Manetho 59,212 Metca'lfe, Mr. C. T. 238, 259 Mangalaraja 357,363 Mewa'r ... 391 Mal)ikal)\ha 355 Mexicans, the ... 63 Manilius ... 212 Mexico, Conquest of 62, 64, 65 Manipur 186 Meyer, Dr. Charles 455 Mal)ittha ... 212 Milinda ... 214 Manoratha 358, 363, 379 Milindapanna .., ... 214 Manpa! ... 347 Milton J.... 158 Manu 4, 14, 104, 131, 141, 179, MfmMisa. Dars'ana 91, 248 180, 187, 245, 263, 30 4, 435 MimMisakas 78, 299 Marcellus 311 Mfnahs, the .. , 463 Marco Polo 66 Minbajudrlfn 253,256 Margara 86 Minos 435 Ma'rghia'na' 437 Mished 437 Ma'rkal)cjeya 295 Misika 220 INDEX. xv

Pap•• PaK~S. Mis'ra, Bodha Bhikshurata 220 Murirumbites, the 66 Mis'ra, Gurava ..• 221 Murray, Mr. Lindley ... 277 ---Kedaranatha 221 Murshidab'd ... 188, 242 ---Umlipati 239 Musalmans, Indian 187 -Somes'vara 221 Mustag 440 ---Va'chaspatf 254 Muyin 40 9 Missionary Alphabet 328 Mysore II Mithihl ... JO, 199 Mitr'varul)a 39,46 Naga 389 Mlechchha 167, 179, J97, 200, 203, Nagabha\!a 392 204 N agadasako 409 Moab, the king of 60 Nagarjuna 191 Mod:ipura 9 Na'gas, the 413 Modgala 383 Na'gasiiiha 363 Moghals, the 469, 470 Na'goji Bha\!a 191 Molinas, Abbe Don J., History Na'gpur 397,399. 400, 404 of Chili 66 Nahusha 180 Moloch 53, 60, 61 Naidaka 368 Mongolia ...... 161 Nair marrige custom, II Mongolians the... J 18, 16J Naisha'da." 82 Mongols, the ... 66 Nakenderpa) 347 Morgan, Mr. E. D. ... J61 N akesspal 346 Mortawch ... 455 N akshatras 207 Moses 121, 175,438 Nakul 12,13 Mrittikavati ... 387 Nala 272 Mrityu 82, 125 226 M udgadasa ... 275 N alanda temple 222 Mudgagiri ~!J8, 220, 233, 272 Nalapura 355 Muhammad ... 448 Namuchi 42 Muhammadan Bengalf ... 325 Nanda 409 Muir, Dr. John 180, 184, 205, 284, Nandinf 181 291,295, 312, 313 Sanscrit text Nandivardhana... 409 172, 180, 182, 184,291, 295, 312 Nandi Upapura'l)a 245 Mukarji, Babu Rajak!islwa 255 Nanhi ... 383 Sambhuchandra Napoleon I 5 I 187 Narabali 105,106, 109, 110 Muka\ika, 218,273,274 Na'rada... 4 Muller, Dr. F. Max 102, 120, 128, N a'radi Saiihita...... 208 136,137, 149,150, 152,154, 165, Naraka 81 177, 178, 179, 192,207, 29 1, 310, Na,rapati kings ...... 236 311, 312, 317,328, 331, 428, 429, Narasiiiha 357,405 431, 441,458 Ancient Sanskrit ---- Upapura'l)a ... 245 Literature 159, 178 Chips, N arasi iihiya.prayoga.pa'rija'ta 165, 291 Science of Language. 120 325 Naravlihana 391 Mumurshu.kritya ... ~20 Naravarma 391, 396, 399. 400, 402, MUI)<\a, ... 40 9 4°4,4°5 MUI)<\i ...... 30 4 Naravarmadeva 397,399 Mungher 218,219, 220, 233, 262 Naniyal)a 89,91,98,236, 260 228, 229, 233, 234 -----Bha\\a, Antyesh\i· l\Iunja 289. 394, 395,396, 398,400, paddhati of ...... 120 . 401 , 403, 405 ----'p:ila 218,220,221,226, MurgMb ... 437 229, 232, 233, 234, 262, 272 xvi INDEX.

Par'S. :r;.l'arhalapal Orissa 24,63,218, 220, 232, 253, Narishta ... 31 1,388 Narma· Ormuzd ... 45 2 N armada, the II Orpheos 158, 163 Narw:ir 360,361 Ortheros ... 435 Naya-nagar •.•. 235 Osiris 59 Nayanku ... 30 3 Ost(aks, the 428, 433, 439, 440 Naya-pala 222, 226, :z29, 232, 261, Oudh 187, 188, 193, 194, 386 262 Oujein ... 239 Negroes 277,433;445,470 Ouranus ... 434 Neia'-pala ... 226 Oxford ... 478 Nelly 43 1,432 Oxus, the 399, 440 Nepal 288,308,410,425, Sanskrit Buddhist literature of ... 277 Padampal ... 346 New Testament ...... 277 Padma .. ,' 233, 355, 357 NicClbar islands ...... 445 Padman:itha ... 358 Nikator, Seleukos 197,202 Padmapala 357,363 Nflav~isha ... 30 3 Padmaprabhanatha 358 Nflcanthpal 347 Padma Purana ... 265 Nimba'ditya '" 369 Padma'vatl . 395 Nipu 243 182 Nirgrantha ... 416 Paila 14 Nirl)aya-sindhu 120, 163 Paisa'chi 313 Nirriti 31,36,82, 124 Pa'la and the Sen a dynasties Nirukta 458 of Bengal, on the 217 Nirva'hana ... 389 --, Anang 363. Nishkriti 82 --, Chaitan 396 N orman conquest, the ... 334 --, Deva 222 Norris, MIO 468,469, -- dynasty 229 Norse legends .. . 158 -- dynasty of Magadha 231 Norsemen, the .. . 61 --Kings of Bengal 217,219,223 Notices of Sanskrit MSS. 254 226 220, 225, 234, 235, 262 Nritta 81 Pala's(nf, the bridge of 35 I Nuddea 249, 257 Pal, Anup 393 N urbudda, the ...... 40 5 -, Bag 363 Nyayaratna, Pal)dit Ramagati --, Bhum 363 237 -, Bir 363 N yaya-sarvasva ...... 254 ---Dilip 363 -, Hfra 363 Oannes, 172 --, Jay 363 Odin 61, 163 --, Kunwar 363 Odras 179 -, Kusuma 363 Odysseus 157 -- Madan 363 Odyssey 199, 157 --, Mahendra 363 CEdipus 435 --, Mab{ 363 Olandaj 203 -, Pritham 363 Old Norse language 453 --, Son . 363 Old Testament ... 172 --, SouradJ 346 Olympus, Mount 436 -, Sultan 363 Oodeypur 40 5 --, Surya 346, 347 Ops ... 57 --, Taj 363 Orion, the 299, 301, 302 Paley 176 Orpheus 57,66 Palhavas 214 INDEX. xvii

Ptlf:eI. Ptlf:e•• PaIr Language, the, 167, 200, 201, Paulkasa 87 176, 277, 281, 28z, 284, 285, 287, Paul)~rades'a .., 234 288,289, 2go, 294, 295, 310, 312, Paul)~rakas ... J79 313,314, 465, 466, 474, 475 Paul)~ras ... J82 palka, Sa'dhu ••• ... 383 Paul)

\I . xviii iNDEX;

Pag's. Prajnana 82 Purushamedha, 78, 79, 89, 90, 9 1, Prakrit language, the 208, 276, 277, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 101, 102, 281, 282,285, 295, 310, 312, 313, 103, 104, 105, 112 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 322, Purushas'ukta 92,98 465,467, 475 Purvamara. •.• 380 Prakrita-sarvasva ... 295 Pushii 39, 132, 133 Pramara race, the 348, 389, 396, Pushan 36,353,458 397,398 Pushkara 12,383 Prasenajit 409 Pushnasa 352, 353, 368 Prataparudra 388 Pushpa~itra 198 Pratyakshaloka-darpal)a 255 Python 4 25 Praya's'-chitta-tattva 129 Priyuga rite 3Q . Prayuja 33 RadjapaI 346 PrejvaIsky 118, 161 Raghu 198 - Premasagar. •.. 309 Raghunandana, 148,176,245,303 Prescott 62 Raghu, Pal)Rajatarangini, the 349,394 of Bengal 420 Rajavali, the ... 248 Proven~aI 315 Rajshahi, 235, 238, 243. 252,260, Pruloucon 65 263 Prussia 455 Ralla •.• 367 Ptolemy 213, the Almagest of, 213 Rallakarita •.. 367 Ptolemaios 201,212 Rama, 270,275,314, 356 Ptolemies, the 168, 169 Rama, wife of Vishl)u •.• 379 Puars, the, 356,357,359,362 Ramabhadra 391, 392, 393 Pudda 238 Ramachandra 4 Pujavana 4 Rama Gaya •.• 226 Pul 173 Ramagrama ... 412 Pulasta 245 Rama-pala 225, 226 Pulasti 208 R:imarupa •.• 243 Puli~a Siddhanta... 209 Ramayal)a, 4, 72,106, 137, 183, 184, Pulindas 9, 179 239, 245, 293, 297, 314, 352, 435 Pulisha 208,210,212 Ramdew 357 Punarvasu •.• 382 RamdewpaI 347 PUI)

I'ace', l'illJes. Rawlinson. George. 440. Herodo- Saha! Kit 364 tus 161. 170, 175 ---Sangram ... 364 Raya, Ramamohana 149 --Syam 364 Ren-pal 347 --Vikram 364 Reskpal 347 --V(ra 363 Rettendew 357 Sahall 409 Reza-ullah 344 SaM, Rama 364 ~ig Veda, 5.28,28,72,80, 119, 120, Sahasraksha 218 121,127, 136, 147 148, 150, 151, Sahitya-darpal)a, the 295 152. 154 183, 184, 434,434,439, Sah, Kalyan 364 444, 45S 463, 47 1.477, 478, --Syam 364 F-ik Saiihita 202, 112 Sahulla 369 F-ishya, Myth about the, 297,302, Sailya- 389 30 3.30 5 S'akala-dv(pis 9 Roer's Translation of the Bri- S'akamedha Parva, the •. , 33 hadaranyaka Upanishad. 298 S'akas, 12, 179, 182, 183,437 Rohin! 299 S'akti ... 391 . Rohitaka 12 S'aktikumara ..• 388 Romac;a •.• •.• 208 S'akuntala, the ..• •.• 194 Roman character, use of the, S'likya, 287,290, 291, 294,295,296 in writing Indian languages, 308, 409 333,335 Saladin 66 Rosen, Dr. •.. 72,73 S'aHvahana, 349,355, 361 , 364, 389 Roth, Dr 120 S'alya •.. 19, 185 Roxana 196 S'alya Parva ... 182 Rudderp:U ...... 347 Samahayika .•• 391 Rudra, 34.35,36,40, 43, 45, 134, Samarkand ..• 437 300, 302• 352, 368 Sarna-Veda 28,150,458 Rudriditya .••• 404 Samaya-prakas'a, 245,252 Rudran! 352,368 Sc.mbandha-nirnara, the 247 Rukmi _ 19 Samba Pural)a' ... 385 -- U papural)a 240 Sabara 182, 304 Sambodhi 272 S'abda-ratnakara, the 263 Samudra 415 Sabians, the 174 Samvarta 242 Sabulya ••• •.. 87 Sandana 248 Sacrifices, on Human, in India 49 Sandha 52 Sadas'iva 236 Sal)

Pag ... Pacts. Santanu 19 Schleimann, Dr. ... 435 S'antikarma 145 - Schleswig-Holstein .... 337 S'ant{ Parva 185 Schmidt, Bernhard 57, 58 Sarabha 77, 182 Schoolcraft's Indian Tribes 158 Sarabhipa\\anam II Schulze's Conjectures about Sarada ... 380 Mesnud 178 S~rama, 140, 156, 159, 160, 156, Scio 435 431, 432, 434,435 Sclavonic nations, the 453, 454 Sa'ran 391,,392, 394 Sclavs, the '" 453 Saranyu •.. 435 Scylla ... 54, 56 Sarasvat£ 12, 32,37,38, Scythia, 188, 190, 197, 437 163, 39, 45, 383, 393, 398 --Asiatic '" 455 ---~-kalJ\habharalJa ... 390 ---European ... 455 Sargon 174, 175 Scythfans, the 53, 192, 316,345,453 Sarkara •.. 221 Sedjpal ...... 347 S'arma, Is'vardeva, 236, 237 Sehore ... 404 ---, Van amaH •. , 236 Semele 163 Sarnath 221,226,233 Semitic language, the 210, ~40 Sarthavaha 367,412 Sena, As'oka,' 235,241,242,248, Saroudjenpal •.. 347" 256,258,262 Sarur-i-Sultani 339, 341 ---, Balhila, 236, 237, 241, 242, S'arvara IS8, 435 243, 244,245,247,248,251,252, Sarvesvara-pura ••• 369 257,258,259,260,261,262, 263, Saryata 4 264, 265, 395 S'astri, Bapu Deva, 349, 350 ---, Hemanta, 237, 241, 242, 243, ---, PalJ'!lt Ball Gangadhar, 25 8,262 397 ---, Kes'ava, 235, 236, 237, 238, Satanika 4 241,243,248,251,252,253, 256, S'atapatha Brahmal)a,?8, 91, 102, 258, 262 104, 112 ---, LakshmalJa, 236, 237, 240, Sa'tatapa ... •.• 245 241,243,245,248,25°,251, 252, -Sati, the rite of... 67, 137, 147 253, 254,255, 256, 257, 258, 261, Satrubali, the rite of 110 262; era, 255 Satrujit 4 ---, LakshmalJeya, 251,256, 257, Satsamata\a ... 275 258, 262 Sattara, 397, 399,400,401,402,403, ---, Lakhmaniya, 248, 249, 2 So, . 404 25 I, 252, 253, 256, 257 Saturn 57 ---, Madhava, 236, 237,241,248, Satyayana ... 245 251,252, 253, 256, 258, 262 Sauraseni 214,295,313 ---, Mitra ... 364 Sauromata 453 ---, Narayal)a...... 248 SautramalJi 46 -:-, Noujib 248,251 Savaras 182 ---, Rajas of Bengal, 230, 234, Savara Svami 90 235, 241, 243, 249, 250, 252, 253, Savita, 36, 39,40,44, 142 256, 258,259, 260, 261, 262, 263, Savitrf , 89 264, 265 SayalJa Acharya, 90, 137, 139, ISO, ---, Su, 248, 251, 253, 257, 262,265 152, 154, 155,298,3°2,386 ---, Sukha 243,258,262 Sayaiivara 6 ---, Sumanta, 241, 242, 258, 262, Scandinavia 53,453,455 263 Schenpal 346 ---, Sura, 242,248, 253, 262 Schlegel, 166, 17(, 184, 186. R:1 ---, Vijaya, 236, 237, 240, 241, mayal)a Valmicis, 185, 186 243, 244, 258, 261, 262 INDEX. xxi

Paltl. PalJ~·· Sena, Vfra, 24J, 242, 258, 259, 262, Sinha, Padma ... 391 , 265, 266 --, Ratan 363 -, Viram{tra...... 364 --, S'akya '" 312 -', Doungar ... 359, 360 --, Samara •.• 391 --', Lakshmi •.• 364 --, Samat 391 Septuagint 172 --, S'iva 255 Sesouchis 169 --, Teja 391 Shaha, Mana 361 --, Vairi 391 ---, Rama 361 --, Vijaya 391 ---, Vikrama... 361 --, Vikrama... 391 SMh!, Kalyana... 361 --, Vira 361,364 ---- Krishl)a ... 346 Siiihalas ... 182 ---- Mana 364 Siiiharaja 398, 400, 401 ---- Rama 362, 364 Siiihapanlya 357 ---. Songram... 364 Siiihava'ja •.• 355 -- SyKm ... 361 Sirius •.• 302 --.- Sorivlihon 364 S'isunaga • ••• 40 9 --Vikrama... 364 S'is'upaIa, 9, 18,20,21, 2S, 27 Shah Jehan 111 S'fva, 272,381, 240, 241, 260 Shah Kings 345 -- Bhattliraka ..• 218 Shamsuddfn 359 S'ivadhart" ... 369 Shamu-plila 226 Sivi ••• 12 Shfshak 169 Siyaka, 398,400,401,403,404 Sicily 54, 56 Skipetarian, the •.• 456 SiddMnta 208, 209 Skanda Purlil)a, 129, 164 Silius Italicus 55 Smith, Dr. . 173, 174, 175 Sindh 203, 204 Smith, Mr. 217 Sindhia 10 Smriti-kalpadruma •.• 120 Sfndhf, the 316, 317 Smritisara of Harinlitha ... 120 Sindhouplil ... 347 Sogdiana ••• 437 Sindhplil ... 347 ,Sogdians, the 118,161 Sfndhu, 186, 203, 394t 395,396,401 Sogga '" •.• 393 --Des'a •.• ..• 388 Sollman! Range •.• 308 --- Sauviras, 185, 186,214 Soma, 32, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44,77, 79,92 Sindhula, 394, 395, 396, 401 Somadatta 19 Singhaka 369 Soma juice 140 Sfngji 389 --sacrifice 143 Sing, Kalian 359 Somas'ushmli 4 --, Kfrath 359 Somavaiis'a 263 --, Bijoy 368 Somes'avara 395 --, Gulab 188 Somayaga 90 --, Hari • 364 Sonargaoii 257 Sinha, Ari... 391 :"'oQavasi 413 --, Dungara... 361,362,364 Sonkhpal Tchandar 346 --, Jagat •.• 221 Souradjpal '" 346 --, Jaita '" 391 Spain 455 --, Klrd 361,364 Spanfards, the 196,203 --, Kirtd 364 Spanish language, the 206,315, -, Kishu 364 321, 325, 336,429.453,469 --, Kumara ••• 391 Spartans, the 17S --, MAna 364 Sphinx 435 --, Mathana... 391 --, N aga 360, 362 Thakkura, MadhusUdana 25S xxii INDEX.

Psg... Plitt... Sphujidhva,ja ... 207 Syria ... 176, 201, 204, 45S S'radhda-paddhati, the 120 Sykes, Colonel 310 S'raddha-viveka, the 120 Syrens 56 S'rama 81 Syriac language, the 336 Sres\ha.pala 226 S'ngarbha 108 Tagas . 187 S'riharsha 243, 394 Tagore, Babu Kammtl - 235 S'rfnagara ... 220 Taillidhaka 223 Stacy, Col. 391, 392 Tai nice, the 203 StaI!ybrass...... 62 Taittiriya A'ral)yaka, the 80, 478 Sterling's History of Cuttack, 388 ---- Brahmal)a, the 2, 80, 89, Sthfra-pala, 22 I, 222, 226, 230 91, 103, 112, 120, 303 Stokes, Mr. Whitley, ... 302 Taittiriyakas, the, 37,91 Strabo, 55, 118, 161, 192, 193, 194 Taittiriya Safihita, the 35 441 Takshas'ila, 411,413,414,415 Stratira, ... 196 Talaja!!ghas, the 180 SubamariksM ... 367 Talavana I I Subhadasa 218,275 Tamilians, the ... 459, 468 Subhadrangf 410 Tamra islands ... I I Suchivarma ... 391 Tannvariens 359,362 S'ucidhvaja ... 207 Tanner's Narrative 158 Sudaman 9 Tantras, Buddhist 105 Sudasa ... 4, 386 -----, Hindu 105 S'uddhi-mayukha, the 120 -----, the 23, 105, 112 Suddhi-tattva, the 120, 129, 245, 303 Tapas ... 86, 98 S'udra-dharma-tattva, the... 120 Tanigarh ... 359 Sudras, 13, 14,75,81,98, 131, 132, Tarala .. , 221 179, 180 Taninath" 225,226, 227, 229 Sugata 217, 219, 272 Tari Pennu, 63_ Suhanfya, 369,254. 381, 382 Tarkaratna, Pal)

F-V'L F_. :rhlikku .... Mabes'a ••• lSS Tulakuchi ••• 409 Thines"'ara JB. 39J Turakuri ••• ••• 409 Thargalia., the •.• 530 477 Turanians, the •.• •.• 454 Theus, Antiocbus 200, 301 Tumour. Hon'ble Mr. 29-1, 407 Thomas, Mr. E. 41.257, J50, J51, Turkastana 352, 367 4 17.41<), 4lo, 4l+. 461 • 46~ 46.t. Turkey... ••• 190 466, ,,67. 468, 471. Prinse~ 389 Turkish langua.,<'e, tlie ••• 336 Thonulleral J26 Turks, the ••• 66, 187 Thompson. Mr. J. G. 3JI Turushk&- 189 Thracians, the 456 Tun-asu 179 Thucydides «5 Tushanala 70 Thumem. Dr. ••. 68 Tutm05is 168 Thyades 57 Tuvari 206 Tiberius 311 T\-ash!ri •.• ... 123 Tibetan lan:;uaj;C. the •.• 10, Tylor. Mr., l'rimitive Culture, 61. Tibetans, the 66, 061. 16J 67 Tietfenthaler. Pere, 225.25<), 26.4. Typhons 5<), 157 3-16. ~8, 356. J5<)' 360, 362• 3S8, Tyrus 17J 389 Tletles 56 Tlkkarika 391 Tilekpal 347 Udamaya ••• 4 Timingila II Uda\'as.. infra, the rite of •.• 100 Tipperah 2Jl U dayiditya., 3SJ. 396. 397. 398, 39'h Tirhut, 235. 238, 25. 256. 407 400, 402, 40J, 40; Tirthikas, 4 16, 421, 422, 4lJ. 416 Udayagiri 465 Tsin dynasty. the Western ••• 426 Udayanira 100 Tis'yaraksbita 415 U daY3s'va 409 Titan 7 Udayibha\'a "09 Titrawaii 2lS Udayin. 409 Tluloc 6J Udayis'a "09 Tod. Colonel J. 5S, 61, Silo 3,-1, 356. Uddh~a ••• 361 J8S. 38<), 390. J96. 397 U<4:,'"lit' 46. 100 Toltecs, tbe 6, U4ra II Tomaragarh ••• 359 Ugrasena 4 Tomara Rajas ••• 35<), 360 Uinim 168, 169 Tomara Zamindar MS., 3630 36.4 Ujfallvy's Migrations des Tou- ToramA~a. 34S, 34<), 35 1, J62 raniens ••• •.• 4H Torrens, Mr. H. 40S Ujjayinf,3So, 399. 400, 401 , 40J, 4Got Transactions, Royal Asiatic Ukthya 9J.~ Society 396 UlIut, ..•.• JSI) Travancore I ~ Uluka 9 'Trevelyan, Sir Charles 466 Ulysses ... S-I, s6. 16J Trigarta ••• •.• II Up.'lkan\hikamna, the rite of. 408 Trins'achcbbloki-bh­a, the 120 Urdu language, the 324.326. 327. Tripuri ••• 186, 399 328, 3Jo, 339. 340, 341 Tri\-en( •.• 2J6 Uriah, the ••• JI8, JI9 Troubadours, the, 31-1, JIS UrumllQ4a hill ••• ••• 413 Troy 26, 435 VsofIai country... '" 466 Tro)"er, Major, ••• ••• 351 Usb" ••• 160, 297. 2')8, J05,434 Trumpp, Dr. ••• 315,31<), JlO I Ustnaras 179. 186 Tryambaka PIllOdasa, the, 330 34 L'tl..-a1a 2'::0, 271 Tschatarpal 3-17 Utkula 85 Tubal 173 IU,pala 207. lO9 212 XXIV• INDEX,

Pages. Pages. 9 Vas'fsh!ha, 4, 177,181, 182, 183, Uttarar shika 9 184, 245 Uzdans 117 -----, gotra, 250,251 Vasudeva ... 19, 191,386 Va(javamu,khas, the 214 Vasudev! 236 Vahumano 449 Vasumftra 198 Vaidyas, 179,262,264,265,266 Vasus, the. 134 Vainadeva 9 ValadMna 12 Vaipulya Sutras... 287, 289 Vatsabhumiyas ... 10 Vairisiiiha, 397,398,401,402,403, Vatsara'ja... 392 40 4 Vatsasvamipura 369 Vairochana ... 458 Va'tsya race, the 248 Vais'vadeva Parva, the 32 . Va'yu 35, 88, 458 Vais'yas, 13,14,41,42,43, 81, 98, Vedagarbha ... 243 135, 137, 154, 179, 180,264 Vedangas, the ... 14,275 Vaitaral)l, the 138, 477, 478, . Vedanta, the...... 275 Vajaratna... 4 Vedas, the, 13,14,22,27 30, 32,37, Vajasaneyi Saiihita of the White 69, 70, 73, 78, 83, 119, 126, 149, Yajur Veda, 79,80, 81, 92, 286 255, 275,277, 280, 284, 293, 297,' Vajradama, 354, 356, 357, 358, 363, 299, 302, 322, 323, 339, 356, 369 419, 422, 426, 434, 435, 442, 449, Vajrata ... 393 463. Age, the, 297, 310. Lan­ Vak-paIa, 218, 226, 228, 229, 270 guage, 319,443,474. Rites, 260, Vakpatiraja, 401,403,404,405 314 Vakyapadfya ... 398 Vedisa ...... 198 Vallabha, Pal)(jit 395 Vendidad Sade, the, 117, 158, 162, Vallabhanarendra 401 438, 439 ValIaIa 395 Vel)isaiiMra, the .243,248 Vallava 369 Venuvana ... 413 Vamacharis 109 Versailles 28 Vamana 270, 358 Vestiges of the Kings of Gwalior Vana ... 390 345 Vana-pala ... 226 V\bMshas, the 295 Varaha ... 245 Vidarbha 272 Varahamihira 209,212, 214 Videha 10 -----Siddha'nta, the 204 Vidmisara •.. 409 Varanasi 221 Vidyanidhi, Pal)(jit LaImohana, Varal)avata 5,6 242 Vararuchi 322 Vidya'sundara ... ••• 203 Vararuchf's Grammar 310 Vidyava'gis'a, Muktarama... 243 Vardhana KUli ... ~34 Vigatas'oka 411 Varendra country 242 Vigraha-pala, 218, 222, 225, 226, Varendras, the .. , 260 229, 232, 234, 262, 271, 272 Varmakas, the ...... 10 ----pala II. 226, 229, -232, Varma, Sankara, of Kashmir, 393 262 Varna 82 --.--pala III. 232,262 Varttika 191 Vijaya ... 108 Varul)a, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, Vfkrama 310,388,389 71,72,74, 76, 79, 100,236,434 Vikramaditya, 309, 310, 349, 350, Varul)a-praghasa-parva 33 355, 364, 388, 389 Varvaras, the 12,221,222,226230 Vikramarka ... 381 Vasas, the 182 Vikramorvas'f, the 195 Vasavadatta, the ... 391 Vikrampur 237. 257._ 260, 262 INDEX. xxv

Pag ... Pages. Vikula 85 Wallachians, the ... 428 Vfna 86,87 Ward Rev. J.... 149 Vinayakapala 391, 392 'Ward's Translation of Curtius' Vindhya 220, 308, 400 History of Greece 168 Vindhyanagara ..• •.• 357 Wassa rite, the ... 31 Vindhyan mountain, 439, 440 Weber, Dr. A. 166, 178, 198,201, Vindusara 409,41°,422 205, 207,208, 210, 21!, 2l2, 291, Vfra 242 310,402 Vfradeva 221 Wendic nation, the ... 453 Vfrahana 81 Westmacott, Mr. 233, 237, 254, Vinma 381 . 263,273 Viramftrasena 361 Weyneganga, river ... 397 Vfr:h 7, 92, 96, 104 \Vheeler, Mr. T. 5,6, 14, 21,23,25, VirAia Parva, the 7 28. Ancient India, 25. His­ Virgil 56, 157 tory of India, 2 I, 24, II I Vis'asana .•. J08 White Yajur Brahmal)a, the, 36 Visas, the 98 ------Veda, the, 27, 29, Vishl)u, 32, 43, 131, 245, 260, 35 1, 37,43,46, 80 352, 357, 358, 367, 379 Whitney, Dr. D. IU, t22, 123 Vishl)u-dharma, the ... 245 Wilford, Colonel, J. 199, 221, 355, Vfshl)udharmottara Upapu- 386 ral)a ... 245 Wilkins, Sir Charles, 219,220 Vishl)u Pural)a, the 180, 186, 194, Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, 59, 60 202,263,409 William IV., Emperor, 28, 231 Vistula, the ... 440 Williams, Monier, 195. Transla- Vis'vakarma 4 tion of S'akuntalli, .~ 195 Vis'vamitra, 72, 75, 76, 79, 177, Wilson, Professor H. H. 13, 69, . 181, 182, 183, 184 70, 7 I, 72, 73, 76, 120, 121, 122, Vfs'va-prakas'a, the ... 263 123, 136, 137, 147, 148, 149, 152, V!syed~vah, 34, 46, 87, 100 154, 166, 186, 195, 199, 200, 285, VIS yes vara...... 236 302,304,310, 328,351,353,387, Vitas'oka, 4[1,416,421,422,423,426 390, 392,402,418,441. Vivaswan ... :.. 450 Wise, Dr. J. 257, 260 Vratya Kshetriyas, the 82, 179 Wodan 300,301,302 Vrihad Vas'ish\ha, the 245 Worm Mondan ... 61 Vrihanmanu, the 131 WycJiffe 23 Vfihannna Tantra .. , 110 V.r!haspati, 36, 39, 40, 46, 100, 245 Xanthos 438 Vrlhat Sarna hymn ... 41 Xenophon 345 Vrihat Saiihita ... 167,'168 Xuthos 17 1 Vrikodara... 8 Vrischfkala river 352, 367 Ya~na 438,449 Vrishalas, the ••• ... 179 Y:idavas 8,21,22,25 Vrishl)i race, the 20 Yajnadattabadha, the ... 239 Vrishotsargatattva ... 303 Y:ijnavalkya, 14, 141,245. 293 Vritra 35, 157, 435 Yajnikadeva ... 2 Vulgate ... 174 Yajur Veda, the 29, 127. ISO, 156, Vyaghrakarl)ika...... 368 297 Vyasa 140 19 Yaksha-pala ... 226 Yakshas, the ... 4 13 Wadoe, the 66 Yama, 85,121, 124, 131, 132, 140, Wales ... 310 156, 163,245,449 Wallachian .Ianguage, the 336 Yambhaka 89 xxvi INDEX.

Pages. Yarni 85 Yudharnsaraush\i _ _'" - 4 Yamuna 9, 193, 194 Yudis\hira, 4, 5, 14. 15, 16, 18, 20, Yaska 15 1 23, 48, 156, 185 Yas'ovarma 402,404 Y~gl saga 61 Yas'ovarmadeva 399 Yule, Col. 66 YatudMnas, the ... 83 Yunan, 167, 174,175, 176 Yavala ' 245 Yusafzai country 312 Yavanacharya •.• 207. Yuvan, the deri.va~ion of 177 Yavana, identity bf the, with the Ionians 166 ZagdigpaL ... 347. Yavanaprayata-pural)a, the •.• 199 Zend language, the IIj, 172, 177, Yavanapura •.• 214, 215 277, 314,.323,433,438,458,459, Yavanas, the 12,166,167,168, 177,­ 461,468 " 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, Zendavesta, 74,438, ,441,442, 444, 186, 187,189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 449, 45 8, 459 194,"195, 197,200, 203, 204, 208,- Zeitschrift fur die Kuade des Mor­ 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 234, 388 genlandes, 120, 150, 154,396,397, Yavnan l74,175 " 400 Yayati 180266 Zeus 169, 170, 434, 435" Virna ... 449 Zohac ... 435 Yogayajnavalkya ... 245 Zoroaster 438, 439, 448, 457 , 201,205,214,215 Zoroastrian religion, the ... 459 Yucatans, the 68