WORKSHEET N°3 8th GRADE TEACHER : Lorena Cantillana Durán CONTENTS: Comprensión lectora LEARNING OBJECTIVE: OA2. Identificar vocabulario temático

Instrucciones:Lee ,transcribe en tu cuaderno o imprime y pega(NO DEBES TRADUCIR)


Terms used to specify various parts of a , their role and how they function.

1. Index page: the front page of the blog

2. Header : the topmost part of the blog usually listing the blog title.

3. Footer : the most bottom part of the blog usually listing navigation and copyright statements

4. Sidebar : One or more columns along one or both sides of most main page

5.Categories : A collection of topic specific posts

6. Post, Entry: individual articles that make up a blog

7. Comments :enabling readers to leave their remarks

8. Captcha : short for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans

Apart”. Those word and letter verification images you need to type in to show you are human and not a bot. Helful to block automated spam comments.

9. : Short for Packet Internet Grouper. Blog and ping helps to notify other blog tracking tools for updates, changes and .

10 : A system by which a ping is sent to another blog to notify that their article has been mentioned by you

11. : A link to a specific article

12.Tags : labeling / attaching keywords to collect similar posts

13 cloud : Displaying tags lists or keywords in a blog.

14 Blogroll : list of links to other blogs in your sidebar. Also see

15 Sideblog :A smaller blog usually placed in the sidebar of a blog.

16. Template : the blog presentation design

17 BlogThis :a function allows a blogger to blog the entry they a reading

18 Plugins : Small files that add improved functionality and new features. WordPress plugins can greatly improve your blog usage and interactivity

19. Widgets :small apps that add extra functionality and advanced features to blogs

20. Dashboard – When you login to your blogging account, it is the first screen with all controls, tools and functions.

21. Archives: a collection of all your posts on one page. Can be categorized by month etc.

22. Expandable post summaries : show a small teaser part of the post on the index page that link to the full post.

23. Jump : the continuation of a the story on another page to preserve space on index page.