Item No 5 (A) Planning and Building
Item No 5 (a) SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL PLANNING AND BUILDING STANDARDS COMMITTEE 3 SEPTEMBER 2012 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION ITEM: REFERENCE NUMBER: 11/00888/FUL OFFICER: Carlos Clarke WARD: Leaderdale and Melrose PROPOSAL: Erection of 9 No wind turbines 126.5m high to tip and associated infrastructure including hardstandings, anemometer mast, control building, temporary construction compound, laydown area, access tracks, electrical connections and borrow pit SITE: Land South West Of Hyndsidehill Farmhouse (Corsbie Moor), Westruther APPLICANT: E.ON Climate & Renewables UK Developments Limited AGENT: None SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located on agricultural land north-east of Legerwood, alongside the A6089 to its north-east. It is located approximately 4.5k south-east of lauder and 4k north west of Gordon. The site comprises a mixture of cultivated arable land and pastureland, with medium to large agricultural fields, many enclosed by hedgerows, including trees and blocks of woodland. It extends from the A6089 to the north-east down to a minor public road to the south-west. It bounds agricultural land on its north-westerly and southerly sides, with Stell Wood to the north-west, Lodgehill Wood to the south, and Pickie Moss to the south-west. The nearest residential properties are located to the north east, Brownshall Lodge and Langrigs, situated on the opposite side of the A6089. Residential groupings are located to the south at Corsbie, Kirkhill and Legerwood, with groupings at Boon and Dods to the north-west and north. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT This application originally sought planning consent for the erection of 12 no. 126.5m high wind turbines (2.3MW each), along with associated infrastructure including hardstandings, anemometer mast, substation building, construction compound and laydown area, access tracks, underground electricity connections and borrow pit.
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