The Tachinid Times ISSUE 20 February 2007 Jim O’Hara, editor Invertebrate Biodiversity Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada C.E.F., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0C6 Correspondence:
[email protected] or
[email protected] A few months ago the 6th International Congress of illustrate their articles with colour images, since these add Dipterology (ICD6) was held in Fukuoka, Japan. These to the visual appeal of the newsletter and are easily Congresses, held every four years, provide an excellent incorporated into the final PDF document. Please send forum for communicating the results of recent research and images as separate files apart from the text. for meeting with colleagues who share similar interests. In The Tachinid Times is purposely not peer-reviewed this issue of The Tachinid Times, the abstracts of oral and to retain its status as a newsletter and avoid attracting poster presentations on tachinid flies given at the Congress articles that are more properly published in recognized are reprinted. The topics spanned a variety of subdisciplines journals. However, I personally review and edit all sub- from morphological and molecular systematics to behavior, missions, and the newsletter as a whole is reviewed in- ecology and faunistics, illustrating the vast potential of the ternally within my organization before it is posted on the Tachinidae as subjects for investigative research. Anyone Internet and distributed in hardcopy. Articles in The wishing to view the entire Abstracts Volume from ICD6 Tachinid Times are cited in Zoological Record. can do so by visiting the International Congresses of I would like to thank Shannon Mahony for her Dipterology website.