Appendix 5.6
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Appendix 5.6 Winter Birds (Part 2 of 3) ORIGINAL APPLICATION BIRD SURVEY DATA PUBLIC The Planning Act 2008 The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Regulation 5(2)(a) The Proposed North Killingholme (Generating Station) Order North Killingholme Power Project Environmental Statement Appendix 7.8 22 March 2013 Document Reference: 6.2 Author: Parsons Brinckerhoff C.GEN Killingholme Limited Bird Data: Killingholme Power Project 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview 1.1.1 Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) has been commissioned by C.Gen to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant at North Killingholme, North Lincolnshire. 1.1.2 As part of the EIA, PB undertook a desk based study to obtain any previous records of protected and notable bird species within the vicinity of the application site. The purpose of the desk based study was to provide an ecological baseline which would inform whether further mitigation and or survey effort would be recommended and to inform the subsequent Ecological Impact Assessment. 1.1.3 The desk based study identified that sufficient wintering bird survey effort had not been completed within the footprint of the Operations Area; the proposed construction site. A wintering bird survey for this site was subsequently completed. Surveys within the rest of the Application Site were not considered necessary given the existing high levels of disturbance throughout the Humber Sea Terminal and the hard standing currently used as car storage. 1.1.4 This overview report presents the data of this dedicated wintering bird survey as well as the other relevant data collected and used to inform the ecological assessment of the Environmental Statement. 1.2 Methodology 1.2.1 Parsons Brinckerhoff obtained detailed and up to date bird data for the Application Site and a surrounding 2 km buffer. The mainland surveys have been undertaken by Mr Graham Catley and the foreshore surveys by the Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CMACS) with a single visit each week throughout the various survey periods. Just Ecology also undertook s Winter Farmland Bird Survey on behalf of Able UK Ltd in 2007. The time and day of each survey varied depending on the high and low tides. All surveys followed Natural England guidance1 and standard British Trust for Ornithology Common Bird Census guidelines.2 Specific details of each survey can however, be found in the relevant survey report; see appendices. Wintering Bird Surveys within the Operations Area 1.2.2 It was identified that the desk study data did not provide sufficient information for the proposed Operations Area itself. PB therefore undertook a wintering bird survey of the Operations Area on the 14th December 2010, 13th January and 17th February 2011. It was not possible to undertake surveys in October, November 2010 or March 2011. It was not considered necessary to undertake two surveys per month as the habitat contained within site 1b, the proposed Operations Area was considered to be sub-optimal for wintering birds, largely comprising of hard standing, large concrete walls and concrete buildings and scattered scrub. 1.2.3 A pre-defined transect was walked around the entire site which took advantage of the existing natural and man-made infrastructure which helped hide the surveyor and 1 Natural England’s Bird Survey Methodology Guidance for birds of the Humber Estuary designated sites in North East Lincolnshire. 2 Marchant, J (1983). BTO Common Bird Census Instructions, BTO, Thetford. August 2012 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff forC.GEN - 5 - Bird Data: Killingholme Power Project minimise disturbances. Each compartment of the Operations Area was scanned initially from the hidden vantage point to obtain an accurate assessment of bird numbers. Following this each area was walked methodically to locate any birds not visible from the initial vantage points or to assess areas invisible from the initial vantage point. All species and their behaviours were mapped using standard (BTO) two letter species codes. 1.2.4 The December and February surveys were timed to coincide with high tides; in order to locate all inland waterfowl or waders roosting or feeding on site. The surveys were timed so the high tide occurred in the middle of the survey. The January survey was undertaken to coincide with a low tide as a comparison. All surveys were undertaken during suitable weather conditions. 1.3 Results 1.3.1 The results of the wintering bird survey within the Operations Area is summarised in Table 1 below with the geographical plans presented in Appendix A. Table 1: Summary Table for the 2010/11 Wintering Bird Survey within the Operations Area Species Survey Survey Survey Peak Conservation Latin name recorded 14.12.2012 13.01.2011 17.02.2011 Count status Blackbird Turdus merula 14 4 5 14 N/A Black-headed Chroicocephalus NA 4 NA 4 Amber Gull ridibundus Blue Tit Cyanistes 1 2 2 2 N/A caeruleus Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula NA NA 1 1 Amber, UK BAP Carrion Crow Corvus corone 7 5 7 7 N/A Common Gull Larus canus 3 NA 14 14 Amber Coot Fulica atra NA NA 1 1 N/A Fieldfare Turdus pilaris 6 6 NA 6 Red Goldfinch Carduelis 2 3 8 8 N/A carduelis Great Tit Parus major NA 1 NA 1 N/A Herring Gull Larus argentatus 3 3 5 5 Red, SPI, UK BAP Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes 4 3 NA 4 Amber minimus Lapwing Vanellus 1 NA NA 1 Red, UK vanelluus BAP, LBAP, SPI Linnet Carduelis NA 5 2 5 Red, UK cannabina BAP, LBAP, SPI Magpie Pica pica 3 NA 4 4 N/A Mallard Anas 3 NA 2 3 Amber platyrynchos Pheasant Phasianus 8 3 4 8 N/A colchicus August 2012 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff forC.GEN - 6 - Bird Data: Killingholme Power Project Species Survey Survey Survey Peak Conservation Latin name recorded 14.12.2012 13.01.2011 17.02.2011 Count status Red-Legged Alectoris rufa 3 4 1 4 N/A Partridge Redwing Turdus ilacus 1 NA NA 1 Red Skylark Alauda arvensis 1 NA 1 1 Red, UK BAP, LBAP, SPI Snipe Gallinago 3 3 3 3 Amber gallinago Woodpigeon Columba 37 23 17 37 N/A palumbus Wren Troglodytes 2 3 3 3 N/A troglodytes Yellowhammer Emberiza NA 1 NA 1 Red, UK citrinella BAP, LBAP SPI = Listed on NERC Act Section 41 Species Priority Importance; UKBAP = UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Species; LBAP = Local Biodiversity Action Plan Species; Red = Included in Birds of Conservation Concern (BoCC) Red List; Amber = Included in Birds of Conservation Concern (BoCC) Amber List. 1.3.2 The other surveys results can be found in the relevant appendix as described below; Appendix B Wintering Bird Survey of East Halton and Killingholme Marshes and inland fields encompassed by North Lincolnshire Council Boundary. January – May 2007. G.P. Catley. Nyctea Ltd. Appendix C Spring wader counts in East Halton – Killingholme Marshes April 2007 – March 2007. G.P. Catley. Nyctea Ltd. Appendix D East Halton – Killingholme Winter Birds Survey 2007/2008. G.P. Catley. Nyctea Ltd. Appendix E North Lincolnshire Winter Survey January – March 2009. G.P. Catley. Nyctea Ltd. Appendix F Weekly Survey Reports August 2009 – March 2010. G.P. Catley. Nyctea Ltd. Appendix G Humber INCA North and North-east Lincolnshire autumn and winter bird surveys September 2010 – April 2011. G.P. Catley. Nyctea Ltd. August 2012 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff forC.GEN - 7 - Bird Data: Killingholme Power Project Appendix H Wintering Bird Data along the foreshore. 2009 – 2010. Centre for Marianne and Coastal Studies (CMACS) Appendix I Wintering Bird Data along the foreshore. 2010 – 2011. Centre for Marianne and Coastal Studies (CMACS) APPENDIX J Able Humber Ports Facility, Killingholme. Winter Farmland Bird Survey 2007. Just Ecology. August 2012 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff forC.GEN - 8 - Bird Data: Killingholme Power Project APPENDIX A GEOGRAPHICAL PLANS SHOWING THE WINTERING BIRDS SPECIES AND THEIR LOCATIONS DURING EACH OF THE THREE SURVEYS WITHIN THE OPERATIONS AREA DECEMBER 2010 – FEBRUARY 2011. PB August 2012 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff forC.GEN - 9 - THIS DRAWING MAY BE USED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED AND ONLY WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL BE USED S BT _ Survey Area B _ X Visual CM ± X Singing C X_ Calling C X_ _ Alarm Call 4xWP X Flying MG B♂ From Ground 2xPH PH♀ ♂ X to Flying 4xWP C X From Flying to Ground B♂ C WP X Juv Juvenile X + Food Carrying food PH Confirmed as ♀ B ♀ Separate Individuals Confirmed as Same Individual B♀ WP _ MA♀ 0 20 40 60 80 100 2xMA♂ Metres Copyright This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office. GO © Crown copyright Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 0100031673 2012 2xMG L 3xFF B Revision Details By Date Suffix PH♂ 2xWP Check 4xWP Drawing Status GO C DRAFT Job Title RE B 2xC ♂ 4xJS PH♀ 3xRL Killingholme Power Station B♂ B♀ Drawing Title WR 3xFF _ B _ 5xWP Site 1B : Wintering Bird Survey 3xSN th 14 December 2010 B B♂ _ Scale at A3 1:3,000 WR Drawn KF 15xWP _ Stage 1 check Stage 2 check Originated Date B♀ JL TM KF 14/08/2012 B _ _ 6 Devonshire Square, WP London, EC2M 4YE 2xCM Tel: 020 7337 1700 Fax: 020 7337 1701 2xPH♂ Drawing Number Rev 3xHG Breeding_Bird_Visit_1 - Path: Y:\POWER\64042A\Mxd\20120813_Breeding_Birds_Visit_1.mxd THIS DRAWING MAY BE USED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED AND ONLY WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL BE USED Survey Area WP WR X Visual ± X Singing 6xFF X _ Calling X_ B♀ _ Alarm Call PH♂ X Flying WP From Ground X to Flying 3xWP X From Flying 3xLI to Ground 4xBH X Juv Juvenile B♂ X + Food Carrying food 2xWP Confirmed as Separate Individuals Confirmed as Same Individual 6xWP 0 20 40 60 80 100 Y Metres Copyright This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office.