County Agricultural Stabilization Those persons who are receiv­ from the March of Dimes? r. \ ing monthly social security checks mously recommended continuance That in 1938 a polio victim was and Conservation offices and of the 1c gas tax. The Associa­ ( tel must file an annual report of apt to be shunned like a leper 7 H ' from the sugar company field- tion, according to President R. S. and few hospitals would admit men, Leo S. Kolstad, State ASC their earnings with the Social Se­ curity Administration by April Nutt, agrees that a critical emer­ him? frWinterMeals administrative officer, said this 15, 1958, according to Chester V. gency faces Montana in losing That the death rate from polio f} 1 week. some $14,000,000 for much needed was 20% at one time? The March g Producers desiring a share of Buchanan, representative of the highway development. of Dimes has been an effective Billings district office. The annual force in reducing it to three per Montana’s 1958 sugar beet allo­ report is necessary for those ben­ The Association voted to ask The Holidays are over cation have until January 31, 1958 Montana people to continue the cent. to file completed applications. eficiaries who earned over $1200 That 80.000,000 Americans have during 1957 and who were under collection of the 1c gas tax by beeij vaccinated for polio? This Assistance to Richland county age 72 for any months of 1957. emergency declaration or better is nearly three-quarters of the producers wishing to complete re­ Minor children receiving bene­ vet by Montana citizens giving polio-susceptible population. And It's Back to School and Work quests will be provided at the fits due to death or retirement of 100 % acceptance until the next County ASC office and in a series either of their parents are also legislative session. The Associa­ of meetings, Chairman Arthur tion has asked for immediate Readers of a California newspa­ subject to this earnings test, Bu­ per were asked if they believed Anderson of the County ASC chanan said. In computing their state-wide action and acceptance. committee stated. The meetings, The development of Montana, the the paper should print the names Pink Grapefruit lull of juke” large size, 6/29* earnings for the year in which which will be attended by sugar movement of agriculture and oth­ of juveniles who commit serious they become 18 years of age, they offenses. The result: 58 per cent company fieldmen, will be as must include their earnings dur­ er products, and all phases of the follows; Factory Station, produc­ state’s economy needs additional voted yes,” 27 per cent voted ing the entire year — both before "no”, and 15 per cent gave no Delicious Apples “choice grade”, 20-lb. box V9 ers A through J, January 13, nine and after the month of their and improved highways. The di­ to five; K through S, January rectors and officers emphasized opinion. 18th birthday. SNOW BOY 14, nine to five and T through The retirement test of $1200 that a loss of federal funds and Z January 15, nine to five, all per year applies only to earned a serious slow-up of highway de­ at the Holly Sugar Factory. South income — wages and self-employ­ velopment, will be a serious blow Factory Station, January 13, nine ment income. In computing and to Montana’s growth and prosper- Eagles Ex. Facny Delicious or Winesap Apples, 3-lbs. 39* to five at the Sugar Factory. reporting the earnings, the gross ity. • • • The association at its Sidney Piche and Hoffmanville Stations, amount of wages must be shown. (Continued from page 1) January 14, nine to five at the This means your total earnings meeting made plans for the an­ Piche dump. Savage and Duell, before any deductions for income nual meeting to be held in Plen- minutes the locals poured in 14 Oranges, new navel? “full of vitamins” 5-lb. bag 59* January 15, nine to five at the taxes or other deductions. The tywood this summer. Plans were points to tie it up. Occident in Savage. earnings from self-employment is made to meet with the highway After taking the lead on a lay- FRESH Persons filing requests must the net amount of your earnings commission this month to dis­ in by Ron Quilling on the jump provide the legal description and from business after deducting cuss the financing problem and starting the second 16 minutes name of owner for each tract of your operating expenses. Family development possibilities for the Sidney could do no better than Central Highway’s unfinished seg­ Golden Bananas lb. 19* Calif. Dates Mb. 29* land which will be included in deductions for income tax pur­ tie or stay close. Going into the their 1958 sugar beet operation. poses have no effect upon the ments. The association includes fourth stanza the Coyotes led ROBB ROSS They must also estimate the 1958 amount of the individual’s earn­ directors from Saskatchewan, 45-44. sugar beet acreage for each tract ings. However, do NOT include Montana, Wyoming and Colorado With 6:04 minutes left to play and certify that they will control income from rent, oil lease mon­ in its northern association. the score was again tied, this Pop Corn, Hybrid, Yellow or White.. 2-lb. bag 29* and direct the operations on the ey, sale of capital assets, interest time at 48-all, but in the next farm. or dividends on stock or bonds The Weather two and a half minutes A change in this year’s pro­ in computing the amount of earn­ Bob Peterson’s crew scored nine 09 cedure, Kolstad explained, is the ings for social security purposes. By Eastern Montana Division points while holding Sidney Blue Star new crop Honey “a local product” 5-lbs. 1 provision for “preliminary’’' re­ Chester B. Buchanan, represen­ Experiment Station scoreless. Shortly after that both quests. This type of request will tative of the Billings office, will coaches cleaned their bench. be made by owners and operators be in Sidney at the NY A building Jan. 2 26 —5 Not taking anything away from * •who by the January 31 closing on Wednesday, January 15, 1958 3 37 0 the Coyotes, as they were the bet­ Brown Sugar “life brown” 2-lb. bag 27 date for making requests have not from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Benefici­ 4 ...... 38 5 ter ball club Saturday night, Sid­ 5 43 13 determined who their 1958 oper­ aries should bring their W-2 ney, howover, played probably 1-Lb. Pkgs. HOLLY 1-Lb." ators will be or completed ar­ (withholding statement) forms, or 6 26 5 their worst ball of the season. For rangements for all the land they a copy of their income tax re­ 7 . 45 7 the first time they were out shot will operate this year. When pre­ turn with them for assistance in 8 50 19 from the floor. The Coyotes scor­ liminary requests are filed, “ten­ completing their annual reports. ed 24 buckets out of 60 .Attempts Cube Sugar...... 2/29* Powdered Sugar,.. 15* tative" shares will be determined H. F. Mikelson for a 40% average while Sidney which can become established AMERICAN LEGION made 23 out of 61 for 38%. shares if the farm operator pro­ AUXILIARY TO Heads Kiwanis Encouraging for the Eagles was vides necessary information with­ MEET JANUARY 14 the play of subs Dick Helten and in a specified period after the The American Legion Auxiliary Inti. Committee Ron Munoz. Dick, because of a January 1 filing deadline. will hold their regular meeting- football leg injury, has only been Compliance with the propor­ out for practice one week prior tionate share established for his at the Legion hall Tuesday Janu­ to this game. When he gets in Dairyland Milk 4 tall cans, only 57* farm is one of the conditions a ary 14 1958 at 8 o’clock p. m. shape he should be a great help producer must fulfill to qualify Hostesses are Mrs. Aldyth Ander­ to the locals. Ron looked especi­ son, Verna Gunderson, Florence m ? I* * for payments under the Sugar Act Banta, Mae Severson, Barbara ally good on the press, besides of 1948. Meyer and Elsie Cook. All mem-, £ contributing four baskets. SUGAR bers are urged to be present. The big gun for the Coyotes Great Northern was their center, Larry Hanson, £ Honey Din t Bran who made 25 points. Guard John I Proposes Area Lund made 15 besides playing a good floor game. For Sidney Ron λ CrahJBS iLOFFEjt. 1-lb. can.. 79* Soil Bank Checks Quilling was high man with 11 Service followed by John Marman with BETTY CROCKER 10. 1 The Great Northern Railroad may curtail operations of the Surplus Buildup At the games conclusion the “Goose” in this area and substi- Sidney Elks Lodge presented the 00 4 winners with a trophy. Exalted Answer Cake Mix.... 5 pigs. 1 tute a -truck known as a Leo S. Kolstad, State Agricul­ I Bruck. Great Northern officials Ruler Francis Jones made the tural Stabilization and Conser­ presentation. BETTY CROCKER NEW have held meetings in this arei vation administrative officer, says Last Thursday the Sidney B’s r and in Sidney Tuesday night, to he has been informed that more lost a thriller to Bainville on the Jij present their proposed new ser­ than 400 million bushels of grain vice. During May of last year, latter’s floor 72-71. Sidney trail­ Black Walnut Cake Mix.. . 36* a proposed plan was rejected by and corresponding amounts of ed at the quatrers 16-12, 36-27 all interested parties in the area other commodities would have and 52-44. Dick Rein was high BORDO including the Sidney Chamber of been added to the nation’s sur­ point man for Sidney with 16 Commerce. The Great Northern plus stockpiles in 1957 if farm­ and D. Harmon was high for the 00 is expected to petition the Mon­ ers had planted crops on land Harry F. Mikelson winners with 23. The freshmen, Blended Juice No. 2 cans 7/1 tana and North Dakota Railroad held out of production in the Soil Harry F. Mikelson of Sidney, coached by Bob Anderson, de­ 14 iV Commissions for the change in Bank. assumed office recently as chair­ feated the Bainville B team in With yields of all basic crops the preliminary 48-36. the near future. The Sidney at record or near-record levels, man of the Kiwanis International Chamber has indicated its plan it has been estimated that about Committee on the Underprivileged Tourney Games Stokleys Finest Real Tomato Juice .46-oz. 3/89* to ask for the hearing in Sidney. 225 million bushels of corn, 175 Child. Sidney Fg Ft Pf Great Northern representatives million bushels of wheat, 2 mil­ The- announcement was made Quilling . .... 6 1 0 at the local meetings, assured ev­ lion bales of upland cotton, 6 mil­ last week by the Kiwanis Inter­ Marman .... 9 0 3 29 eryone that under their “Bruck” lion hundredweight of rice, and national office in Chicago. The Jensen ...... 4 2 2 plan, better passenger service will 93 million pounds of tobacco appointment of Mikelson and 16 Price ...... 2 0 0 Stokleys Finest Fruit Cocktail large No. 10 can I be provided all points and at would have been produced on the other committee chairmen was Dotson ...... 2 1 1 least equal mail service. There 21 million acres in the 1957 Ac­ made by H. Park Arnold of Glen­ Kautzman .... 0 0 0 would be no change in their reage Reserve of the Soil Bank. dale, Calif., Kiwanis International Petersen . ....,9 0 0 freight train operation. Locally, These were “allotment” acres, president. Munoz ...... 0 0 0 Sidney businessmen emphasized Kolstad emphasized, and repre­ Mikelson, superintendent of Helten ...... 0 0 0 their obligation to see that neigh­ sented a net reduction from the schools at Sidney, has a long Winter ...... 3 4 2 boring communities receive ade­ permissive totals previously es­ career in Kiwanis. He was presi­ McMorris ... 1 0 0 quate service and to maintain tablished for the year under the dent of the Sidney club in 1948 ARGO good connections between all com­ basic crop adjustment programs and governor of the Montana dis­ Totals .... 27 8 8 Banquet Pears munities. Locally, a number Nearly a million farmers (914,- trict in 1955. In addition, he has Devils Lake Sliced Peaches questioned the railroad’s ability 819) signed individual agree- served on many district commit­ Halvorson 3 0 1 Mixed Pieces in to meet the proposed bruck ments, putting 21.3 million allot­ tees of the organization. LaFrombois 2 0 0 Heavy Syrup schedule, but were assured that ment acres in the 1957 Acreage The Montanan is a member of Boyd ...... 1 0 3 the Bruck would do the job as Reserve. Under the Conservation the National Education Assn., the Christie ...... 1 0 1 No. 303 Cans In Large No. 10 Can presented. Montana Education Assn., the Sid­ Under the new proposals, the Reserve, 6.5 million acres were Stewart .... 8 1 1 diverted from production to con­ ney Chamber of Commerce and Aardahl .... 1 0 1 4 for 951 :Ci $1.09 Bruck would leave Williston at servation uses, covered by con­ ‘he Elks. Mahany .... 4 0 0 8:05 a. m., arrive at Alexander, tracts with over 85,000 farmers. Ludwig ...... 0 2 2 8:40; Charbonneau, 9:05; Cart­ Owens ...... f*. wright, 9:20; Fairview 9:30; Sid­ Farmers complying with theii WOTM News- 0 0 1 Acreage Reserve contracts would ney, 9:45; Iv. Sidney 10:10; ar- be eligible for maximum pay­ The WOTM held their regular Totals .... 20 3 10 rive Lambert, 10:45; Enid, 10:55 meeting Tuesday evening at the Sidney Delicious Large and Richey 11:35. The Bfuck ments of slightly over $614 mil­ King Korn Early June 3 Sieve lion. The Conservation Reserve new Moose home with 45 mem- Quilling..... 5 1 3 Mince Meat . No. 5 jar 85£ would leave Richey at 1:20 p. m., bers present. Marman 2 arrive Enid, 1:55; Lambert, 2:10; payments to the 85,000 farmers 4 5 Peas, No. 303 ... • • 5/95* including both the cost-sharing The Child Care Committee Tensen ...... 2 2 5 Sunny Jim Pure Strawberry 12-os. Jars Sidney 2:55, leave Sidney 3:10, Anna Folkvord, chairman, was ir °rice ...... arrive Fairview 3:25; Cartwright, payment for putting conservator 4 0 C Preserves 3/89* "Nalley's Imatalion Maple" practices into effect and the an­ charge of the entertainment anr" Winter ...... 1 2 1 LUMBER JACK Decantar 3:35; Charbonneau, 3:50; Alex­ ■»resented Sally Cisna who sanr Munoz ...... 2 Deveined Pacific 4'i-ox. cans ander, 4:05 and Williston 4:50 nual per-acre rental payment: 4 0 Syrup ...... 47-oz. 85£ p. m. There would be a smaller were $108.3 million. wo solos which were very mud Helten ...... 2 0 0 “Allotment” acreage put in the enjoyed. Ootson ...... 1 3 3 Cocktail Shrimp ... 2/751 connecting bus between Watford Red and Green Large Tender City and Alexander that would 1957 Acreage Reserve by crop: Thank you notes were read Kautzman .. 0 0 0 DetMonle Solid Pack connect with the above schedule. included: Wheat, 12,785,0(30 acre; "rom Frances Hass, and from th' Petersen ...... 0 0 c Gum Drops . 2-lb. bag 39£ The Great Northern advised that including nearly a half millior Community Memorial Hospita’ Rein ...... 0 0 0 Tuna, Vz flat can .. 3 1,00 the combination bus-truck would acres in Montana; corn, 5,235,00f ’or our gift of a check to pur­ McMorris .... 0 0 c be new, modern equipment. acres; cotton, 3,015,000 acres; rice chase a wheel stretcher bed. Williams ... 0 0 0 ■ The Nohly-Dore areas would 242,617 acres, and tobacco, near­ A group of nine candidates war - lose their present “Goose” pas­ ly 80,000 acres. initiated, eight of them sponsored 23 10 19 senger service under the new plan Signup for the 1958 Acreagt ay Selma King and one by Kati< Williston In Our Meat Department ; but the railroad representatives Reserve began last fall wher Weagle. Sukut ...... 2 2 5 assured local people that their nearly 4 million acres of winter A letter was read from Grand Tetrault ...... 4 2 0 Hormal's Delimit, All Meat 12-oz. Pkg. SmalL Laan and Meaty mail and freight service would wheat were put in the Reserve Regent Zola Kenny regarding the Hanson ...... 11 3 0 be maintained. At the Sidney Montana farmers signed ur Mid-Winter Conference to be Lund ...... 6 3 4 meeting, it was insisted that the 32,272 acres for the Reserve. The aeld in Miles City Sunday, Janu­ Erdmann ...... 0 4 2 Smoked Links.... 49* PorkSparenbs .lb.39* railroad add a combination coach- signup period for spring-seeded ary 20. Sidney Chapter will have Schmidt ..... ___ 0 1 1 baggage car to the Sidney freight crops including spring wheat, ‘he opening ceremony and we Kaiser ...... 1 0 0 so that the Dore - Nohly area will begin January 13 and con­ are hoping for a good attendance Tender. Juicy Beef Prime Hormal's AU Maat can have the best possible ser­ tinue through March 7. Signup from our chapter. Totals .... ___ 24 15 12 vice. Generally, area communities for the 1958 Conservation Reserve The Ritual Committee is hav­ seemed to feel the new proposal is now under way and will con­ ing a party at the Moose hall The Big Walgreen January Vi­ Rib Roasts...... lb. 49* Skinless Franks lb. 49* might be acceptable, provided bel­ tinue, until April 15. Complete in­ next Saturday and Chairman Hil- tamin Sale is now on at the New ter service can be guaranteed. It formation on both of these Soil iegarde Shannon asked if one of Sidney Drug Store. Outstanding was suggested that if a change Bank program is available at the other committees would help values in vitamins. Aytlnal vi­ is approved, then the GOOM any County ASC office, Kolstad them. Let's all turn out and help tamins with minerals, $6.27 value should be operated to the day stated. make it a success. for only $3.98. 51-ltc new and adequate Bruck equip­ Recorder Iva Swenson read the ment is delivered to this area. Take advantage of the big sav­ auditing report for the last quar- Reynolds rood Market f ings on Rexail Drug Products as ter. Olo Vltoi Multiple Vitamin So­ advertised in This W'eck Pa- Blanche Means von the four lution for the children. Pint Bot­ The new Sidney Drug Store, rade — Farm Journal and Pro- dollar attendance prize. Lunch tle for ONLY $2.29. The New aMore Quality For Less Sidney, Montana has the Perfection Hand Cream gressive Farmer. See our dis- was served by Anna Folkvord, Sidney Drug Store. 51.14c Special. Keg. $2.18 ja-r for only plays. Turner Drug Store and | Sally Cisna and Nell Dore. 81.19. 50-Zlc Hotel Pharmacy. 51-2tc Betty Mercier, Publicity Chm. SEND US YOUR NEWSI
