W r ) ■? ■ h'j / -t. 1. ^ * % f-riLr

I* ‘ % ' J • • ■ ■ ■ , -■?** f -- \ TUESDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1967 i PAGE TWENTT Average Dally Net Press Run fKattrltPBtrr lEuptting Heralli For the Week EodH The Weather November 80, 1957 roneost of m S. Wsotkar Baiaae ^ All Girt Scout leader* and in- BUecUon of officers will take tereated adult* In the Northeaat ?lace at the meeting tonight'at Savings Bank Director Trep Town Fair Engaged CAP Celebration Claoring, wludy, e*ld«r toaigM. About Town Neighborhood are Invited to a :SO of Mystic Review. No. 2. 12,682 ■ ■■ Special, Today Low 18-S4. Thuroday MobUy meeting at tha Manchdater Green WBA, in Odd Fellows Hail. A pot- At South Cliurcli Slated Wednesday Member ef the Audit fair, some cloadfuaaa, uot ao ebld. School Wedneaday e.vening at 8 luck at 6:30 will precede the busi­ Bureau el Circulattoa I, MIm B«rb«ra L. Hewitt, prea- High ia mid to upper SO*. Ident of Phi Mu Stpna »t Hillyer o'clock. A wide game will be ness aeasiop. Mr*. Pauline Berrett Only played. If a troop la working on an and her committee will be in j Tomorrow is the day of Chriat- Manchester Squadron will note Blmtchester— A City of Village Charm Collefc, will welcome perticipants the 16th Anniversary of the Civil In the medical aecretarial aoror- intereating craft or Chriatma* gift, charge. Articlea should also be, mas Tree Town at South Method­ the leader ia aaked to bring a aam- brought for the gift table. I ist Church. Air Pajrol (CAP) vilh open house Ity’a worJcahop tonight at the col­ Wednesday. VOL. LXXVII, NO. 55 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER A, 1957 lege. Among the hoateaaea will be ple along ao that troopa may ex­ The annual WSCS fair will be (Ctaaalfied AdverUOag m Piig* M l PRICE FIVE CENTR change ideas. Mayor Harold . Turkinglon and the following local glrla: Mlaa , St. Christopher's Mothers Circle open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. A ranking officers of CAP will be Cvnthia M. Dunlap. l.H S. Main will meet Friday at the home of cafeteria-style luncheon will be I Delta Chapter. No. 51. Royal Arch ; guests of honor at the Aiiieriran St, Mlaa Hewitt, 198 Cheatnuf Mrs. Eleanor Ptsch. 74 Helaine Rd. served by the members of the Legion Home. The- affair will be Ode to a Sputnik 8t„ Mlaa Conatance E. Lam- ! Masona. will confer the Moat Ex-; Co-hostcBses will be Mrs. Diane Story Circle in. Cooper hail from oureaux, 34 Victoria Rd.. and Miaa ; cellent Master degree at ita regular,' Bcrthlaume and Mra. Margaret 11:30 to .1:30: from 8 to 9:30 p.hi. Ike Plans to Avoid Sandra G. Stevenaon, 29 Oakwood 1 meeting, tomorrow evening at 7:30 | Falco. Christmas party plana will Tea will be aerved by the Will­ Friends and relatives are Inviled London. Dec. 4 (ff9—Moscow I in the Masonic Temple. Excellent ] by the squadron to attend. OLDS Radio waxed poetic today over Rd. be discussed at this meeting. Mem­ ing Workers Circle in the Ladiea' 1751 King Nils S. SHehnlng will preside' bers are asked to bring at least Parlor from 2 to 5. President Eisenhower today ex­ the Soviet Union’* two earth The Senior Citiiena Cl\ib will ! over the degree work. The usual ^ one item for the Chinese auction. Till* year's fair will have fi new tended hi* congratulations to the ■atellite*. hold Ita weekly meeting at 2 social hour and fcfres'hments will I more than 75,000 members of CAP HARDTOP HOLIDAY Over-All Increase The radio's North Ameri­ featured handwriting anal.vsis. o'clock tomt^Tow afternoon in the ! follow the meeting. | in Uy country. can Service broadcast an "Od# I ------I Zion Lutheran Ladiea Aid So­ Other booths will feature a wide dining room of the Community Y. ciety will meet tomorrow at 7:30 | selection of handcrafted merchan­ "The daily missions of the Civil to a Sputnik" it said was sent A light luncheon will be aened by I A meeting of the officers of the J p.m. In the church. On Friday, be- i dise to decorate the home, grace Air Patrbl add strength to the na­ In by a New Yorker. It did not the women of the North Methodiat Italian American Society will be ginning at 8 p.m.. they will hold j the holiday table, and to he UTa.p- tional community, and the Immedi­ In 1958 Spending give hia name. Church. jheld tomorrow night at 7:30 (ft the their annual Christmas sale. ped as gifts under the tree. ate availability of it* trained vol­ A Russian translation ap­ unteers provide* a vital soii9ce of peared in the government clubhouse. *' ” — - ' Tile committees which have been Member* of the Ladiea of the World War I Veterans Assn, will power in emergencies. paper Izveatia, the broadcast tv’orking for several months on the “It ia good to learn of the con­ Washington, Dec. 4 (TP)—»aaiton*taii (R-m*»*.) *aid m *ep- added. Aasumptlon will meet tonight at The military whiat scheduled to meet In the American Legion fair are ■ headed by Mra. Louis arate interviews they Jielieve the Launching Hour in Florida 8:30 at the W. P. Quiah Funeral' be held last ‘night by the Ladles Home tomorrow at 8 p.m. for their tinuing progress of this splendid President Eisenhower report­ These were some of the Home to pay reapert* to Mra. CTiampeaii, general chairman, nie organization in promoting techni­ administration will be able to avoid verses: Auxiliary to Anderson-Shea Post, monthly b\isineaa session. Att.v, John 6. LaBelle decorationa in the chapel and the Janet E. Garrity FULL PRICE edly indicated to Republican deficit apending. Nor* Keeney, a member.,- No, 2046. VFW. was canceled due Ladies' Parlor are the work of cal and aclentlflc career* for cur congressional leaders today Little Sputnik, flying high young citizens," the presldcfit A reporter aaked Dlrksen ■ how in the. Earth's surrounding .vj..-‘T??TTSS ■ to a faulty heating syatem. It will The Keeney School PTA will AUy. John D. LaBelle has been Mrs. Charlotte Cloutier and Mrs. that the administration hopes much of a spending increase the be held at a later date. meet this evening at 8 o'clock at Mr, and Mrs. Raymond J. Gar- said. sky. can you tell me from up appointed a member of the board Christian Henriksen and their to avoid any over-all increase edministration will aeek. He re­ there If the Earth still look* the school. committee. Mrs Jc.s.se Dunstan is rit.v. West Hartford, announce the plied 'There wa.sn't any assirr- ! The December meeting of '^he of director* of the Savings Bank FITZGERALD in spending in the next fi.scal as fair? NEW/ general booth chairman, and the engagement of their daughter. anee" that any Increase will be promise me, my little sphere, Blastoff Now Slated I naat matron.s of Temple Chapter. j of Manchester. The annoiuncement The Brilleh-American Club will treasurer will he .Mrs. Tboma.s Janet E , to C. William Lee, 38 year despite plan.s for greater sought. never, never to interfere with No. .53, Order of tha Eastern Star. hold it* monthly husinee.. meeting wa* made today by the batik's di­ Cordner. defense outlay.s. May Offset Defeuse Boost ' has been postponed to Dec. 18. at Margaret Rd.. aon of Mrs. William ► STATIONERY \ EDSEL old Sant* slid his deer flying tonight at 8 o'clock at the club­ rectors, Mra. Herbert Robh planned the That word came out of a White Diiksen added the administra- through the atmosphere. j which time It will be held at the house. luncheon details, while Mrs. Carrie Lee and the late William Lee. ^ AIR5IAIL — NOTES \ Home conference at which the tlo)i intend* to.r«commend“ reduc,- home of Mrs. .k Henry Thornton. LaBelle, former Town Demo­ Say hello to Mother Witch For Around Sunset cratic Committee ehhirman, was Anderson is in charge of the tea Ml** Garrity is employed at ^ LEADING BR.A.NDS \ TALCOTTVIUE leaders were briefed on the domes-1 tions and eliminations of apecifle as she ride* by on her switch, ! 26 Wellington IM- Dr. Samuel E. Pond. }3 Alex­ born in West -Rutland. Vt. He room preparations. Mrs. William , Traveler* Insurance Co. and her tic legislative program which the | functions." apparently in the non- and to that proverbial cow Moore ia the men’handiae chair­ fiance la a student at Hill>"er Col- $ 6 5 - 0 0 ander St., rhsirmait. DiVisipn of graduated Colgate University, and 1 ^Arthur Drug Stores j Open Evenings Till 8 Preaident will submit to Congress, defense held, to offset greater de- jumping o'er the moon some­ Missile Test Center, Cape Canaveral, Fla^Dec. 4 (A*)— 1 Members of Mary Bushnell Che­ Natural Sciences and Mathematic* received his law degree from man. and Mrs Philip'Lees handled I loge. next month. j fense spending. j how. ney Auxiliary, UStW . will hold St Hillyer College, will be the the publicity for the fair. i A Rpring wedding is planned. There were eariy Afternoon indications today (he Navy’a Alllhcpoweraifd pcrlormancaol wrm George Washington University. iSlsenhqwer. still reported get-' I" hi* speech at Oklahoma City 1 test launching of a tiny satellite might come lafer than licartnf aidi rwtce itf site, of rriany sell their Christmas part.v* Monday at giieet speaker on Dec. 19 and 26 A former deputy Judge in Man- ting along fine in recuperation i N"''. 13, Biaenhower himself said ' iiig for 4 ttntff its price! f/irr super 6:15 p.m. in Miller's Restaurant. and Jan. .30 on a television pro- cheater. LaBelle ia a member of from a mild atroke, met yester-' j* he ncesssry to defer or ellm- planned, perhaps even after sundown. stmitivc Perrmphontt. smooth-no« Reservations will close Friday grsm at 2 p.m. over WTIC-TV. da V with the congreasionai le a d - i" ’hat he called certain; With a 5 a.m. countdown start, that would have plac^ tha Volume Control. noise*limiiin| ano the Kiwanis Club and the Knighta Council Rights They may be made by calling Mr*. Channel 3. The program ia called of Columbus, and a trustee of the era of both partiea to outline the noneasentlal civilian programs. He dized Case. ZeeirV t //weir quaHt} Gladys Rldolfi or Mra. Gertnide ''Insights." snd will run for 13 launching at 4 p.m. It appeared later, however, that the 4 thronthout! See tt today! I Manchester Memorial Hospital. adminiatration's national defense l^iugrea* will have a . deadline would not be met. Seifced fcy KMSey *Neer4Ne* Oi wwiMt. Buchanan, president. One dollar week*, under the sponsorship of ! He Is also a member of the com- and foreign policy programs. He "R those deferral* Issue Raised Oa»>T»tiona. • A Navy spokesman, who asked not to be identified, said ( ^ b bag. ntaum audui NBHIHMCJ I mission to the bar for Hartford MON fl« ask for about a 2 billion hike in de- , , Eisenhower turned up at hia of- the II-hour time for countdown was'“merely a benchmark St. Mary's ' Guilds will meet County, and an assistant State's TtaJMCHAUcoia X fenae apending. * "’> today -15 minute* By Clergymen and doesn’t mean a thing.” QUINN'S Anderson-Shea Post. No. 2046, Thursday kt 10 a.m.'in the Guild Attorney for Hartford County. He Leaving today's conference early, earlier than yesterday. He presided VFW. will hold a mbating tonight room. Members will bring their once served as town rounsei. MANCHISTIR CONN* •t the conference of Republican own eandwiches. and the hoeteeses, Sen. Dlrksen (R-Tll.) indicated , By GF.ORGE \V. CORNELL Missile test Center. Cape Canaveral, Fla., Dec. 4 (/P)— ^Tho at 8 o'clock at the post home. LaBelle is married to the former CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS ■trongly that Elsenhower hopes to leader* for the first hour and .50 PHARMACY Members are urged to attend this Mrs. Evf L. Dexter. Mre. Earl Ro­ Claire L. Stephens of Manchester. minutea, starting at 9 a.m.. then (,\P Rellginn tVrlter) countdown for the nation’s first test launching of a satellite meeting, which will bs> the only han, Mrs. Claude Porter and Mrs. keep over-all apending—for do; left to take care of other work in PHONE f a 8-41S8 They reside, with their four chil­ mesUc and international programs St. Lout*. Dec, 4 (Ah—A touchy passed ith halfway point uneventfully today and prospects one held this month. Lorena Smith, will serve deesert dren. at 21 Benton St. hla_ offlc4 while the session con­ question throughout the history of and coffee. ir -GREEN STAMPS WITH CASH SALES ,—from Increasing much above the tinued. He arranged to return for looked good for the blastoff into space about 4 p.m. STl.800.000.000 he requested for an afternoon session. the National Council of Churches-^ The It-hour countdown *n^- TTie Ladies Auxiliary to Man­ ir Ampit FREE Parking of Reor of Our Store the current fiscal year. The new The President’ opened the morn­ ita anthorlt.v in relation to mem­ Item-by-ltem, mlnute-hy-minute chester Chapter, No. 17. DAV. will budget will be for the year starting ing meeting with « general dis­ ber denomlhatldns- -haa~c6me up checkup of everything on the hold a meeting tomorrow night at July 1. cussion of the legUlative program at ita general aaaembly here. launching mechanism that might Band of Snow 8 o'clock at the VFW Home. HOLLYWOOD Before today’s session got under The point was raised by the possibly go wrong—began at 5 I way, .Sens. Bridges (R-NHi snd Rev. Dc. Truman B. Douglas, a.m. Have You An Event WE HAVE AN (CymMaoed on Page Thirty-Osej executive vice-president of the AH members of the Zlp.ser Club Shortly before 11 a.m., C. H. Covers Broad who have Children 12 years of age EXCELLENT I HALE'S STORE HOURS Congregational Christian Church- Schooley, Defense Department ln» Scheduled That Calls or under are gsked to leave their WNIIl CNAia ASSORTMENT I es. He said the separate denomina­ formation chief, reported that the names with the bartender at the tions have yet to recognize the countdown has passed ita halfway Area in East Eatilr coo- TO CHOOSE FROM "real dimensions" of the council. mark without major hold or delay. club If they wish to attend the 1 Opon nvtry night circled. on the December They act as if they "are the The weather, while .lOt the beat For Food? Christmas party on Dec. 21. vartco (tom nions ; master." and the council is only Waahlagteii. Dee. 4 fiP)—The rear-wheel to Economy Box, 2 colendor above; plus oil day Mondays. ' —fairly heavy overcast and udnda Weather fhireau reperted at aoea It may be a wedding, a banquet or just an informal (root-wheel i "a slave," he said. He added that up to about 15 mile* an hour—ap­ .30 Card.s . . . .$1.00 I the individual churches should "ad­ parently wg* not auffi :lently bad today that eaew wa* expected get-together of a society, lodge or some friendly group. peopeUiog, or just their understanding" to the to oontlaiie. throogh the after- to all }-iocb Norcross Red Box. l$3WIIMIL3IR||RBD3l to interfere with the launching nooa la the hortbeni pertfoa el WE ARE PREPARED TO SERVE YOU evter*. Threat to Teamsters : real force of the Interdehomlna- plans. 28 C ard.s...... $1.00 ' tiortsJ structure. the Middle Atlaatle atate* aad TO YOUR COMPLETE SATipACTION $72.00 Schooley said the lengthy check­ paita et aonUiweateni New Eag- LECLERC 4^ I The National Council includi^, off period atarteu after several laad. I t aaM 3 to S lachea adght Kiddie Cards, Choose From Our Atlantic City. N. J., Dec. 4 Pre.sident George Meanv FUNERAL HOME ...... aa • moat of the major Protestant hours of "technical preparations toll to the aftenioeB and eve« Our catering service ts Bet up to be flexible enough to 20 C a rd s...... 89c AFL-CIO Building Trades Union* demonstration to the nation luid Orthodox churches—30 denomina- and norhial preflight cleanup." Ha accommodate any size gathering. Why not call us and today railed on the parent federa­ especially to Congress that organ­ aiag. lUHrweW Over Tel let a tM ‘of hh*.7WyM>‘- own, of a Northrop Snark' guided By m ASSOCIATED FBKS8 Ml 3.9383 23 Main Street. Manchester the Teamster* and cancel the legislation from Omgresi next a*s> OriUca In th* past have denounced ! oft -father. .Obarie*. Phosecutori JoVm r : FltisOeraM accomparilS Coomba ir iiirt. . Others are missile. For unexplained reasons, Snow ranging up to aik tnchea Call Mi 9-5869 -Autnorizetf-Autnorti Dealer - Colorful print* iq Chrislma* colors, al.vi many other* threat to expel , the giant ti-uck Sion and post^. danger aianala j ** * move toward a sij."— attorney general's office: and Clement 'n n ^ e a i r the launching did not taka placa. In depth covered a broad area ia unldn, entirely from the federation. against leaders of other ‘AFL-CIO ' ttd C a r l TTiWlott, Penobscot 'County deputy sher irf*. N aiy Capt. Robert S. Seller*, 901 MAIN ST.—M l'S-Sm In white or white with colored embroidered corners. Ounrll Not a Oiurcli Story on Page 17. (Herald Photo by the Baat Wedneaday. Tha Teamsters have been under unions getting involved in mulct­ Oflara). director of Na'vy te*t* here, laid The day’a home raoinc frofram year-long investigation in public ing union funds Dr. Douglas,, noting these sensi­ of this effort in a prepared' state­ at Pimlico bt Maryland w as can- 2 5 c T o n '“® hearings before the Senate Rackets The Teamaters, Bakers and tive features, said the council and ' ment: "The countdtiwn last night cei*d because of snow for the first G IF T IDEAS Investigating Committee in Wash­ Laundrj' workers already are under it* officers have repeatedly insist-1 of an Air Force missile later re* ed the council “is not a church, and , tim* in the modern history of tbs From HALE'S DOMESTIC DEPT. Christmas Gift Hankie Folder.t 10c each. ington. Teatimonv in the hearing AFL-CIO auspension and their ex­ acheduled and not launched, did track. Two to thrss Inchea o t snow ha* linked James R. Hoffa, the pulsion w*s regardred as only a that it must never be permitted to Reed ResignsZ/lllO/lS S c iz C not affect Vanguard final prepa Waa on the traoS, and more waa tmlon's president-elect, and Dave formality. The Teamsters planned become a super-church." i rations of the beginning or tbs fgning, at the'tiaiid th* deelaiflii Smart Hanson Beck, outgoing Teamsters presi­ to take their current' auspenaion "This is true," Dr. Douglas ad­ As (chairman a r r<‘ countdown." / Was announced. Product ~ Month dent, with misuaing, vast sums of status to the AFL-CIO convsntlon ded,. "Tel It is also true that the Air Force Col. H. E. Warden, Snow fell aleng the Atlantie KITCHEN SETS NOW EVERYONE union funds and otherwise abiising appeals commltte# thU morning. national council . . . has no reason Of Rights U n it deputy commander of the testa, seaboard from Virginia northward their powers. But the truck imion's leaders oon- for being if It doe* not exist to -fwtref Dutcti Iirm added that "during the progress to New England. SN.U'K C.\DDY SE T ...... $.3.98 Practical See Dsingerona Precedent bear witrieas to the church. of th* Air Force misail* count­ TOLE TRAY' SET ...... , ...... $2.98 CAN EN J O Y ' c«ded .they had scant hope of any "The council will have to keep Brookvillc, in the mountains ef The Building Trades resoluresolution success. . Washington. Dec. 4 IA‘> Plans down, specific Instructions were Pennsylvania, reported six InChtf said suspe'riilon and threatened ex­ laying that It is not a church and of the new Civil Rights Commis- Jakarta. Indorie.sia. Dec. 4 (Ab—tc ast yesterday that decisions to that any time the Vangugrd people of, snow. Leaser amounts wer* rs- GOOD COFFEE! pulsion of the Teamster* from the Meany and the AFl^CIC Coun- that still less Is it the church. Yet Premier Djtianda vearnod today the take over Dutch cnterpi isp.-! should ■ were ready to pick up their count SIMTEX “CROWN" PATTERN ell have on a number of occasions ' the truth 1* that It has a kind of aion to start work next week were government will take drastic ac­ ported- slsewhere in Penmqclvai^ Gifts AFL-CIO "threaten* the unity of h<ed indefinitely today by the' be made by the government or by down the other operation would southern New York, New Jersey, PASTEL RAYON DAMASK labor during a period when all said that for the Teamaters to ' authority over the churches aa well tion against worker* seizing Dutch the West Irian (West New Guinea) be discontinued." ___ _ iwr «Pul4lon the union must I aa being their servant." surprise resignation of its chair- companies without official approv western. Maryland, and northwest­ labor is under attack we consider Liberation Committee. Sudibjo laid Cooperation Noted ern Virginia. From HALE'S the action aaainat the TeamiiterR Hoffa, Beck. And othert named i The council, through which the* ci’onUv v Rm H th« fnrmmr an al. Shortly before the Premier is- the unions' takeover of two ship- Observer* here were impressed TABLE CLOTHS sued his atatement. Oommunl*t-Ied I ping firm* yesterday took place-; at thi* high degree of cootwratlon Tha storm in the East is ex­ a* a dan^ge^^a ^Ue'e^enr* ™ Senate hear^te.,timony. | churches carry on a nid. range of ; Vurl^'j'usUc: 'who" pected to by rightfall. Wednesday Only APPLIANCE threaten* the continued autonomy ! agreed to head the 6-member com- trade unions took over a third "outaide the government's know]-1 among Navy .and Air Force per- ' and NAPKINS of our own Intematiohal union*." (Continued en Page Thirty-One) j (ConHniied nn Page Tn^nty-llve) A band of snow took form Tues­ j mia.*ion. disrloard yesterday he hifd Dutch company. : i ' .i , . ‘ •onnel and their ' demonstration day across lainois, Indiana and , .32 X .52...... $2.98 60 x 86 ...... $.5.98 DEPARTMENT The AFL-CIO CcKnci! al.*o wa* I changed hi* mind The union* acted under cover of Union leader* who demanded that interaervice rivalry h a d _ SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPARTMENT expected to vote expulsion recom- i o “ . a 1J r» • 1 » w w I the guveminenigovernment’* ■ campaiKncampaign fori control uiof theuic tradingiiauin|r firm said.. place in ■ the ■ serious business under 52 ,x 70 ...... $3.98 ' Napkins , .. .ea. 49c mendaMon* for the Bake y. Laun- 1 Dutch West New] however, that thiy way here. (CoBtinned oa Pago Twelve) Neat floral border and center with silver nylon dr.v and Diatlllery Worke.-.i Unions Rejects Ike's Invitation I in a letter of resignation that 'or ' Qume*. "ITie government *av» the no Instrurtions from the govern Paul Wal.ah, 'Vanguard project stripes. White, yellow, pink and aqua. ' me to accept such *n investigatory i union action waa unauthorized.. nient not to take charge, Shown here are just similarly involved In chargee of a l-' j deputy director, explained that in FOX DE LUXE leged corruption; The recommend*-1 and advisory office in the execu- Djuanda said he has instructed Despite the union action, rom- the countdown, the men In charge two of the many tiona are to go to tlje APL-CIO j Ji'l* ' mliuarv admlnlatratoi a through-1 P*hy director I. Rutte said the firm ‘he union*." He said Bulletins practical General compaUbie with my obligation, a. | or‘p.ofSity " He %mpha- hey tjmk over after "very friend- .n n o 3 o v e r ie ^pe'^ol. frsn the AP Wires FROZEN PIES 2 45' CORDUROY HEW The prospective maaa exodua of ' a judge. _ u. lii-ci- Ready to balie. Choose from Chicken, Tarhey or Beef. four unlona. with about 1.750,0001 seized the office* of the ••‘'h'eas System 3 WAY PILLOWS Electric sVnall appli­ member*, wa* mapped by AFL- With washable zipjjered covers. Automatic I Reed',.1 5 '. Chand-written n d !« ” uen letter, iTuer. ’’.'Jong‘.long iI 5 *^}^/»'h; K7 n'ly7 .‘nd”;r 7 ovcVn ^ | k p m -R^^^^yaf NeTheTra^^^'sThippmg | X g e ." «^h '" ” hour in the InlUal Out of Advisor Role with Eisenhower's reply accepting , ■ Onam Thre« Bank.'"’' ' LJ"** «"<> ‘he Royal Interocean r , __. . . ^ FIANES t o GET H-1M»IBS Home Work Bench PURE SHORTENING $4.98 ances we carry; plus COFFEE London, Dec. 4 (A5 — The Air OTHER 3 WAY PILLOWS *3.98 Ministry disclosed toalght that a complete line of MAKER P-WA Workers Washington. Dec 4 (Ah- Adl*i*i*ck of authority. In a later inter- the British Bomber OommMd is This sturdy compact bench was designed as the answer lb. can E. Stevenaon started slipping out | view, he said felt there waa no belBg equipped with hydrogen REST'N BED PILLOWS • Moke* 3 to 9 Cups , of his role a* Democratic consult-1 place at Paris for a Democratic Till* permit* every man to for the man who enjoy.s "Do-It-Yourself” work. They're Golden Fluffo 3 major G -E appiN nff*ri#nUoing Oo. at noon. The union A..*.* already rha.Aesk i Shipping: vtiXi..Mlhiiler Mohammed bomba, llte statement -was mndo For perfect baktog and ffjdng. WITH ARMS • Completely Autenwtlc Vote for Wage I ant to the Eiaenhower adminlatra- ■ consultant - - "Washington is th# check to aee that each part for In the House of Commons by perfect for the garage, home work-shop or basement tion today. | place for me to do, my consulting.” ahlMlnt JloM i'nrt ?. living ‘o««y “ >«t millUry which he .1* resnonalble la func­ Charles Orr-Ewliig, Under Sec­ . .. made for hard service and durability. '$8.98.$9.98.$11.98 ances. • krew Selerter flaff^ver their ***^ taken control of the tioning a* it should at a given ■ V Chintz, Provincial Prints and Textured Rayon. The titular head of the Demo- i The former Illinbt* Governor ?et*urmia\^^ outs’lrte ' shipping firm in order to maintain retory of the .Air Ministry. BEECHNUT • Easy to Cloon Boost, Benefits i cratic parjv—loser to President \ he will work through thi.i rpomenf of time. I Eiaenhower in the 1952 and 1958 week studying, reviewing and corn- News Tidbits Dutch hinklT m jik'.rt.*;** « • "Holds" B MICare 0 soO irequeni:frequent anaand so ACXXiRD ON MT. S4X>PU8 . . .Pwlslon-cut, machined, sanded and semi-aaarntbled Director* of the seized Dutch ^ ‘ contemplated | routine that it i* rare for a launch- Baal Hartford, Dec. 4 (lyp.) -- presidential elections—announced menting on the atill-secret Eiaen- Culled from .AP W ires' Jerasalem. Israeti Section, . . . Ftrst-Orade Kiln Dried Fir and Ptn« lb. Member* of the International A*- last night he had no desire to ex-1 hjiwer' ^prijip^sal*. proposal*. He will go to KPM Shipping Line conferred w ith' rS;,,;s i. j to be accomplished in the Dee. 4 iA5—".Agreement has COFFEE aociation of M(ichinists at six Con­ tend hi* consultstionii to the Dec New York City next. Monday to the Jakarta miliUry command.: exact ti^^^ been reached In' the Mt. Scopus . . .Top and I^egs eonstrueted of 2" lumber Choo*e (roiQ regular or drip. necticut plant* of 'the Pratt A 16 Atlantic Pact (NATO) meeting address the city's tar association. They issued a statement laAer aav-j '*!_ ^ O" “>• other hapd. things occa- convoy affair," Premier iten- Ail- Force plans assault ' nn Ing the command "e'xpreased"expressed th# I ’",“{7’ .f ’ ™‘ union guards .tonally clieck out ao well that It Hale’s Houseware Dept. ha.s many lovely jfifts; shown, Whltne.v Aircraft Division of in Pari*. After a couple more day* ■ in British speed record o. 1,132.1 were atili numerous. Gnrion announced today after . , .Assembled nith Bolts and Wood screws (Ineladed with Washington next week, he will re- wish . . . that theTalUiatlon be nor ia possible to' apeed up certain tests two days' ronferenoe wtth U.N. m aetaUed Instructions). below just one pf Mveral glaas sets wd carry. ijnited Aircraft ..Corp. have ap­ He gave this.reason: If he went, , , ., liilles per houe tomorrow... malized as soon aa possible." ! Director* of Lindteveii, a large or omit them entirely. GROUND FOR A TASTY MEAT LOAF 18 proved a new 2-year contract pro­ turn to hU Chicagi law practice. , Thailand's Prinl-e Wan aavs U.N. Dutch imp6rt?export, firm, said Secretory Deneral Dag Ham- 9 he- would be "without authority.” Stevenaonevenson pad no Outright („ I* going TftfA up by the sefzure is the The coiintdovvn delays for Proj­ mankjold. viding pay raiae* of nine to 14 • StevenapD said he agreed with union Itodera also tried to take ; ect Vanguard aUrted at 9 p.m. cents an hour.' criticism of Eisenhower orr EisPnEia^n* I on«« ini„ u...sHungary____ ^ failed. m, line'* 'Inter-tsland traffic. Dutch ' Five Foot Wood Bench $14.95 N «w • • • a ■■•w •■•ipaiiM molt of the Elsenhower proposals bower’s proposal. But inform'ed ship* operating on the high seas i FBI HUISTS^klDNAPEB mL Ratification yesterday of the new for revltailring NA*ro. to be pre-j „}<,'both the Preaident’i Army breaks (Ur*^ to private, (CoatiBued o* Page Twenfy-flve) (ConUnued ea Page Twelve) contract term* wa* followed by * consider* undeaira^ discharge are being handled in all Indonesian! SycamoiT, IIL, Dee. 4-'uP)-.« BEEF PORK 2 T.0 9 aented at Paris; But he ackhowl-1 ,ctlona and hia ports, the Indonesian new* agency j FBI agents entered the search eompen.v announcement that »*1- program were | luifor him..mill. . .r-i(iiiiDiuun.Prohibition lorceaforces taaetake i»U — for •v«nfd«ir dlniiiGt edged “dlffeTence between via." ! factor*. today for a 7-year-oid girl * aried. worker* at Pratt A Whitney Without ■uthbrity to make policies, bed heating in Oklahoma election. reported BONELESS 1 . plants In Connecticut and Florida [ There were' other factors, too.- Washington------Federal„ , . Court _ calls Official* of the trading company, feared kidnapped by a toll, aHn- would receive a -4 per cent wage «.noL"rt manv Demo- Teamsters Credential Conunlltee third largest Dutch firm in Indo­ der man who otfer^ her and a increase. he*^ d f a a c r ^ ’ keeblil^ 7 ” ^ Objected to Stevenson’s go- Chairman Joseph Konowe. for nesia, protested the union takeover, girl companion an auto ride. An he disagreed, oi keeping silent, ^ providing Demo^ asserting it waa in'violation of the After Death ? all-night bunt for tlio girl, The increase* are retroactlva'to questioning... Soviet ArblU-atlon CHUCK ROAST Dec. 1. ‘ , , Gommis.sion opens hearing • on policy aet down by the Jakarta Maria Ridolph, |>fbved frnitleaa military .commander, l.t. Col. En- aad Sheriff Alfred Diesa said ha The new union contract cover* h. feared hia triendv a t ' home anrt ' sclentiflc-milltary breach O f contract suit filed by BOW briicvea the diaappearaaee about 28)000 priductiori worker* "k I ••‘'■•nc**- Dean Acheson. secretarv * Israel against Soviet Union ' ^ dai)g Dact.Jar, for the operation of ^?**'T*.*-‘**f"' **P^f‘*^»wer questions only on the basis abroad would have been inhibited I of atate m the Truman admin- Brig. " Gen. EdUJn B. Broadhiirat a boycott against Dutch enterprises mental evidence of life beyond the of fact* established through care­ *te a kidnaping." at plant* in East Hartford, South­ or misled. ; in Urla country, grave? Doro biology nurture the lb. ington.. Meriden, Portland, Rock­ named S.AC chief qf staff... ..Na- ful observation and lubject to All this was set forth in Steven­ (Continued on Page Twenty) tions three largest TV networiu' !Dachjar said in a radio broad- hope of immortality? Dr. Selman actual measurements, and, there-'i SQU1LL.ANTE INDICTED LAMB LIVER ville and Manchester. son's formal statement explaining ------— ■ Wakaroan. Nobel prize winner for Mlnrols. N. Y., Det, 4 (gx — turn thumb* down on SubUmal ad- fore, both consciously artd uncon^ I About 11,000 s'Jarieo worker* ' hia |lart Id discovering strepiomy; A'incent J. Squillante. under Are bill get raises. . vv'hy he turned dowr the PqrU *"• -I , vertiaing in arty form' i ■clously will apply the same type i 7-RIB PIECES vitdtion which Eisenhower had ex- 3-Alarm Fire Cyls Connecticut .StaU P()Hce insured I J v l S J? larJlX £ > a t t lC • •'*" director of Rutgrm t’nl- of criteria to the present queaUon “• front* aa the kingpin The tnixer that do4s T*he*e will include employe* *1 tended jess than 10 hours earlier, P vcrslty'a Institute of .Microbiology, of the New A'ork metreipoUtoa the Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear . again*! piiaslblc Iqw suits by per- M-hat la Life ^ any mixing job— The two had roe' for the flrat' W'Orlc ’flf *** unwarrantedly Off llhlYia^S vlcwa In the second of Life ia usually defined aa a con­ are* garbage (Uapoaal rackets. Engine Laboratory In Middletown, time in four yetara just before a V F il A j i l l l l t l » three articlr* In a series on- this w;as Indicated again today on ex­ and a company plant near Sara- ▼TUI to. U 1 »▼ r e C K e r i iiarmcci during imllce action* . . . dition Of state that characterizes anywherel Rugged, briefing Of Republican and. Demo- - . i Egyptian newspaper weeuae* I'jt! abiding human mystery. ffnlmate v t living matter (plants tortion Hiarge*. huUcfments of PORK aota, Fla. Taipei. Folmoa*. Dec. 4 — ppwerful^yet weighs cratic co(ngres*ioiia> leaders on the New Haven. Dec. 4-'\J»i -AS-, plane* of carrying live H-bombs on . i and animals). Living bodies have . Squillante and live other men Ideal wlt^ lauerkrattf. ' Not covered by the new lAM- Nationalist and Communist Jets j By .DR, SELMAN A. W.AKSM.AN less than 3. pounds. plans for NATd and on other for­ alarm Are toiiay accomplished part ! patrol* from Saudi Arabian baae*. certain definite propertlea that dif­ were revealed In the early morn­ contract are emplo.vea at a plant eign and defense policy plana. of a Job that ibon would have fall- ' Threatened strike on -New clashed off the Red China coast | • New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 4 ferentiate them sharply from non-- ing hours after s night session New 3-speed finger^ in North Haven, represented by •The President couid not haye, thi* afternoon. Air Force head-! —Before the question—can life living materials. These properties 'of an Extraonllnary. Nnssan the; United Autoirobile Worker* en to wrecker* when It destroyed ! subway* falls to mater- quarter* reported today. 'exist after death?—can be an- a rfC G fmb Stomps GIvmi With Cosh Solos tip control. Beater' been mors cordlsJ,” Stevenson a vacant 5-*tory building standing , lahxe . . . Colombo. Ceylon dock can, be summarized briefly as fol­ County Rackets Grand Jury Mt- • y ^ Hlav crystal Union. Their contract doe* hot ex­ later told a questioner. in the path of the Oak St. con workers end week-lung strike af. The Air Force said all the Na- f swer^, either in the afflimative or low*: ting In this Long Island com­ ejector. Heel rest. pire. for several month*. '(^impelling Development*’ nector. ter getting 10 per cent wage hike. tionalist jets, the number nojt dia- j negative, we must first make cer- muter suburb. Today’s Vote at the six company closed, returned to their base. The i tain that we understand what we 1. Growth. This ia a gradual in­ byilBBKY/ Hangs on wall. Stevenson himself .flrat an­ Fire Chief Thomas J. ColHns California. Superior Court- afgu- crease of all the coni)>onents of liv­ plants covered hy the lAM wa* not nounced ' Eiseniiower'a invitation said flatly that the blase was the ments on'“Confidential obscenity Air Force made no claim of dam-1 are diacusting. Otherwise, this IKE PICKS JUDGE U’ALSH BUILDING MATERIALS > Dicorsttd with predeus 22K |old Available in diaoloeed', but a Union official said ago or loss to any of the four Com- j queatloh could be answered only on ing systems, no* matter how small that he accompitny the U.S. dele­ work of arsonist*. charges *et fq|. Dee. 17 , . . Jury and simple or large Md complex. lYashlngton. Dec. 4 UP) — t P*r(*cl to di*n up tv ^ mad—tala for paftiat! Turquoise, Pink, the worker* approved the new 'pact gation to the Paris raeetingi and munist.MIOs engaged: 'the basis of speculative assiimp- President Eiaenhower/ today 10 to 1. It could not have gone up that j »“ *' «"pk-kin^o r trial of Dave \ 2. Metabolism. This i* the ca­ LUMBER FUEL • Comes in 7 dies__ sbiider tpmblerstiers . irac«ful tltmwsr* : said then he probably would wait fast in this wet weather unless it Beck on larceny charges. The announcement said the tions and generalities that are not picked Federal District Judge T k J W IU U e o u • Inaxpeosiveandpractjcat—(Mhe'''! % / % , . Y ellw , and White. The n(nsw contract also provides MIGa opened Are near Namoa Is­ subject to any kind of experimen­ pacity of living aysteras to as­ ' a week Or 10 day* to decide. Lawrence E. Walsh of New AAAMCNifrim C o n n * ' Increasi was set." he said. t'Every nook Negro boy saves eight member* land between Hong Kong and tal proof. similate food aubstancea and trans­ 336 NORTH MAIN STREET TEL. MI9-52S3 rim of a Libbey "Safidie" |la» e O * ” ” St*mwor* sad hoapitat and insurance But last night, he aald that "un­ and cranny of-tha building waa hit of tomly in Little Rock. Ark, Terk to be Deputy Attorney aver chips, Llbbt]f wilt rapiae* ^ m $1895 bensflts, and lias a wage reopener less ttafra are compelling develop- Quemoy, the NsUonallst' island The answer to this question form them partly into'anergy and GeneraL The President gave by the Are." house fire . . , Russia's civil avia­ atrongholrt across the strait from must also stser clear of faligioua Open Daily 7 A.W. to 5 PJH„ Including Wedtaeaday CORNER Ma in md OAK STREETS tbeilaaaf, _ . , ^ $ 4 * ' " Tumblan. claua* after one yqer. The old con­ meota 1 will not attend the Pari* WUh th* lira still burning at fl:'© tion director says Soviethopes to partly into their own cells and tls< Walsh, 45, , a mess* a p p ^ t- »Ge(a*y«raliittloday-(orM

1, PAGBTWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER 4, 1967 UANCHE3TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER ‘ CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 PAQB m u g Bolton > ln the work of transferring the Coventry ' fnformatlon from family census EnfifQIod $3^0, Is-ooi $9.60 ' SOCK and BUSKIN M^ENTS , . . cards to a master file. The file will Dog Rocket Resuming FOR THE VERY FINEST IN t u Incli—Alt SMta KeserveO J Sheinwold on Bridge provide the Town/With a list of all Town Receives First Check available aupplies and equipment QUALITY USED CARS Scouts Will Groom Field; for IfTan In event of a disaster. ALWAYS SEE OUB COMPLETE SELECTION . f*. Homemakers to Meet . ^ ALW AYS AT LEAST 50 CARS SMALL DIVViKENCES COUNTS East dealer “ The Curious Savage” The Bolton Hoifiemakers will U.S Daybreak Passes m e ^ M 0 tu , Work for Merit Badge^ Too IN t o u r n a m e n t p l a y • Of $ 63fi00 Grant for School North-South vulnsrabi# By JfHfN PATRICK meet tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3 TO CHOOSE FROM B y'A lfred Sheinwold NORTH SEDANS, COUPES, STATION WAGONS, CONVERTIBLES Anthor af “TeakoaM of the Angnst M oob" p.m. at the Community Hall. Mrs. Cambridge, Mass., Dee. 4 (/P)—fearthward In a narrow one to two Coventry, Dec, 4 (Special) ^'sOn, the Church School hnd the Maity dramatic bands are being A Q $ < 4 Bolton, Dec. 4 (Special)—Thc^md the,pond on the property muat Mario Fava and Mrs. Anthony Early .morning akywatchers may mile band Boy Scout Troop 57 will carry out Pilgrim Fellowship will present played In the national tournament V 7 3 tojvn hat received the firat pay­ be filled. Rosetto will give instructions on V ALL OUR CARS ARE FULLY GUARANTEED ^ I C E a civic proRram to clean-up Plains a special pageant at 7:30 p.m., this week In Los Imt the ♦ 8 MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM see Russia’s dog rocket. Sputnik Dr. Whipple Is one of the world’s BANK FINANOmo UP TO 88 MONTHS ment of a State grant for achoola The letter also stated that if at making stoles. The group will experts on meteorites. OPEN TILL 9 EVENINGS Athletic Field Saturday, Dec. 22 In the Church Community drama Isn't always clear to rub­ ♦ K 10 S J 3 2 SATURDAY, DEC. 7--8:0Q P.M. a future date' Fiano desired to also hold their (Christmas party at II, for the next week as It resumes A scout trophy donated by House. The usual family servtte ber bridge players. A hand from WEST EAST. that will total $63,000. Ur. L. Allen Hynek, associate A A J 3 TICKETS ON SALE AT AUDITORIUM . make the landing site a com­ this meeting and any one attend! day break passes over the United director of the observatory said Green-Chobot Post, America^ Le­ With special music will be held at last year's tournament may show A 5 Granta last year were ’ $46.0(k) mercial operation, a further In­ BARLOW MOTOR SALES the difference between the two A K J 10 9 6 4 ¥ A S 5 PRICE 70c Ing ahould bring a grab bag pres­ States today. there have been no reports to con­ gion, Scout sponsors, will’ be 7:30 p.m., Dec. 24 in the sarfbtuary. ♦ 9 3 and the increase was the result of spection of the area would be ent. Mrs. Francis Tedfofd and W IND80B AVE., ROCKVILLE—PHONE TB 5-2888 awarded for the most outstanding Yule Party Set games. ♦ A Q J 10 6 4 legislation passed In the General Smithsonian Astrophyslcal Ob­ firm the Moscow broadcast. He said A 9 4 A Q J 6 necessary and that it ahould be Mrs. Thomas Manager will serve radar telescopes at Jodrell Bank, A ii Niwiath iDiribN’^ work done In preparing the The Young Mothers Club will West opened the nine of dia­ A.ssembly this year. aasumed that the town would re- servatory scientiita said prospects monds, and East took the ace. SOUTH as hostesses for the meeting. England, at Stanford Research In- ground.s and area as requested by have its annual Christmas party Graff made the announcement at. .queat another public hearing. for seeing the rocket just before by the Coventry Recreation Com­ East returned the ace of hearts A K 10 9 7 2 Today’s Ev^ents sunup will improve each day for a sUtute, Palp Alto, Calif., and the for members at 8 p.m. Dec. 17 in ¥ 0 2 Monday night’a meeting of the The Board voted to write to New Bp»t B«sti mittee. The project provides a snd continued with another heart The Senior Choir o f the United while. new Massachusetts Institute of the Nathan Hale Community Cen­ ♦ K 7 J 2 Every Thiirs., Board of Education. At the meet­ Haven Railroad offlclala to draw, AvmiUble for means for having the field cleaned ter. Hostesses will include Mrs. to West's king. Methodist Church \v:ill hold a re­ The dog rocket la circling the Technology sUtlon at Westford, Mm . thrv Thttrt. A A 7 Fri. snd Sst ing Norman Preuss presented his attention to a Herald atory* pub­ up and al.so affords the Scouts an Herman “ Jake” LeDoyt, Mrs. Wil­ At this stage, the drama would THURSDAY IS hearsal this evening at 7 o'clock earth in a different orbit from that Masa., have'been unable to find any aiid Sat. Mai. Sooth West North Mnale By notes on the Vo-ag Regional School lished a week ago. telling of a 2- at the church. opportunity to pass civic partici­ liam Phillips. Mrs. Richard J. end if the hand were being played ■ A 2 ¥ 2 A of Sputnik 1 rocket which la be­ trace of the rocket since Saturday. THE ULTRA ii sfeiiRiriRi Maiieiri piRsfel at rubber bridge. South was sure Wsny Flslis which will be built In Vernon. The year-old boy hurt ton the trafks at Dr. John White, public Informa­ pation teats. Breen, Mrs. Richard A. Dubiskus Pass 4 ¥ 4 A "Game Night" sad the Quartet Board will appoint two people, one The Senior Choir of the Congre; lieved to have plunged to earth THE OMEATtST SHOW ON ICC to go down, since West had the ace the Notch.'The Selectmen feel that tion officer at the Smithsonian, Troop 67 has been requested to and Mrs. Dudley A.’ Fergu.son. Pass Double Pass AT MIKE STANKO’S to serve on a building equipment gational Church will meet tonight last Saturday night somewhere In report at the field at 9 a.m. with of trumps. South might go down Pass the area is a dangerous condition the South Pacific, southeast Asia said ”We have positive evidence in Hospital Gifts Hoiight and program committee and the at 7:15 o'clock at the church. THEBE IS STILL T»IE TO ORDER BY MAH. tools, including rakes, shovels, two tricks, since he might also Opening lead — « 9 and offera to confer with railroad The RyV)mlc Choir of the Con­ or the Indian Ocean. our calculations,'and negative evi­ Chirstmas gifts for men and other on h personnel, and equip­ offlclala on what can be done. Sand CTirrk or Mnnry Order Tn axes, and with ingredients for a lose a trick to the jack of trumps. Oak Grill gregational Church will meet this Sputnik IPs orbit takes It dence of Do sightings” to back up a il- n e w women at the Norwich State Hoa^ so OAK ST. ment (mmmlttee, to help plan the The Selectmen sent a letter to Claire Irene DuBols SPRINGFIELD HOCKEY ASSOCIATION noon cook-out to pass cooking pital are being accepted by Mrs. Even at rubber bridge South would evening at 8:30 o'clock at the around the earth In about 104 min­ the belief the rocket has ended Us tests. Troop committee chairman prefer to save a trick, but the dif­ a low spade, and South had to play Manchester ' school which Is still In the plan­ John Avery, Civilian Defense di­ church. utes. The first satellite made the orbiting. Enstem States Colisenin, Went SprinKfield Robert P. Bowen, local project rector, a.sking his approval for Be Sure to State Number and Price of Tickets Robert L. LeLachei)r and Scout­ ference was not absolutely vital. the king. West took the ace ning stages. Other surrounding The CYO will meet tonight at 7 Mm. Blandine DuBols, 124 High trip In 96 minutes when it was chairman. An appeal has been • Prises towns will also have persons serv­ attendance of nine people at a Dr. White said the rate at which Also Performance Desired master John H. Willnauer will be made for some 2.300 gifts for pa­ Decisive Trick of spades and returned another • Surprises o'clock at St. Maurice'.s Church. St., announces the engagement of fired Oct. 4, but gradually short­ the rocket was shortening its peri­ "SHIMMERING In chargq-.pf actlidtlea. Not so In tournament bridge. ing in these capacities. prt)posed CD school to be held in tients at the Institution. club. South won with the ace and • Fun for All Vernon. Mass will be celebrated at St. her c^ughter. Claire Irene, to ened that time unit It went under od—ail indication of a loss tn al­ The "IVoop .will take part In the South could feel sure that the led a trump to finesse through the The Board approved the 6-room 90 minutes last' week. Clerks or money orders are also e Come early The Selectmen were al.so notified Maurice Chuich on Friday at 6 Howard Johnson, son of Mrs. Eliz­ titude which would bring It down Scout exposition Feb. 8 at the being accepted and should be normal score at other tables would jack. The finesse succeeded, and addition to the .school which was p.m. Confe.sslon.s will be heard A Moscow Radio broadcast, in the heavier layers of the earth's JEWEL" finished last December in order that the General Rochambean abeth Johnson, Oomwell. State Armory, Willlmantic. Scouts made payable to the Patients' Wel­ be 420 points for East and West South could draw the last ti*ump, beginning at 5:15 p.m. . Miss DuBols. a graduate of Mt. monitored In London last night, atmosphere, would have brought in uniform will sell tickets in town. for making their nonvulnerable that form.s to apply for a State marker had been erected at the said the Sputnik I rocket still was POLISHIS Fund. Money gifts will be ruff a club, and then claim the rest Bolton Center Green by stale of- St. Joseph Academy, West Hart­ it to earth according to the laws of The troop will retain the greater used to defray the cost of holiday game In hearts. South would have of the tricks with dummy’s good grant may be.completed. .Manchester Evening Herald orbiting around the earth. The physics within hours of the last Principal Mather was given per­ ficial.s. ford. is presently employed In tlie portion of the proceeds. Albert J. entertainment and parties, as well good score If he could hold the clubs and, the trumps. Bolton correspondent .Mrs. I.ouis cost department of the J. M. Ney broadcast said it would .slow down, sighting at 7:11:35 p.m. EST, Sat­ START ENJOYING IT TODAY! Booth, of the Scout committee, penalty to 200 poi|fta for down one mission by the Board to start work Court CAsrs however, and fall to earth as "the as for television seta, long play­ The penalty was kept down to At Trial Justice Court la.st night, Diinnck Jr„ telephone Mitchell Co., Bloomfield. Her fiance, a urday night. .... all rt)« beauty ond briMaoto will be in general charge of ticket ing records and a summer camp at four spades doubled. He would 200 points, and South had a top on setting , up the health room. 9-9823. world’s first artificial bolide.” sales. Charles Ryan of Vernon was lined graduate of Middletown High a( real sam la an all-new, laweL program. have a terrible score If he lost 600 score. A partition' will be built dividing School, served three years with (Bolide is another name for Fire Auxiliary Fills Fledge points for going down two. It was PROGRAMS the pre.sent quarters of the health $15 for intoxication. Ryan was ar­ meteorite). peffeet manicure petlih. ^ u s ic !S ox The deadline for gifts and dona­ rested Nov, 27 by Constable ' tlie U.S. Navy and Is presently High Krplaccinpiit Rale Coventry Volunteer Fire Assn. not just an unimportant trick; It Dally QuesUon room to pi’ovidc space for a storage Smithsonian scientists, however, tions is Dec. 16. Mrs. Bowen Arthur Held. employed In the Portland plant of fo r matchins Ungartlpi, gomt and I.as acknowledged a Check for $250 may be contacted for details. was the difference between top and As dealer,.you hold: Spades: K room. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. said they still believe the rocket New York (/P)—Broadway'a new from its Women’s Auxiliary. ’This bottom. 10 9 7 2; Hearts: Q 2; Diamonds: Lucy Quinn. 16, of Manchester BOYSCOVT came down last Saturday, on the theater season Is setting some kind ceOume trends . . . News Notes On the report of the lunch pro pleaded guUty and was fined $10 , Wedding plans are Indefinite. fulfils a 1956 pledge of 92.000 to The play continued with a club K 7 5 2; Clubs: A 7. What do you /# gram, Mather stated that the pro- date predicted by Dr. Fred L. of a record for cast changes dur­ help defray the cost of a chassis The annual dinner and dance aay? each for failing to stop at a .stop ! Notes and Notts Whipple, director of the observa- of the Coventry Volunteer Fire return by West. South won with Video Everyday gran) waq.se1f supporting to date. sign and failing to grant the right ing out of town tryouts. Chalca af... for the tank truck. dummy’s king in order to lead the Answer: Bid one spade. The hand Finno .\pprnval Resn-lved presented Bob Cat pins to Everett to ^ ' Assn, for members and Its Wom­ ' of way. She was arre.sted Nov. 30. Rines, Gerald Davis. Edmond There's always .a certain amount Amedirit SetoMre Wee •reese- The association purchased a first trump from dummy. Blast U Just barely worth an opening All Rights Reserved— The Board of Selectmen has been Dr. Whipple, who is in Phoenix. of shaking down and shifting dur­ new chassis two years ago at a en's Auxiliary will be held Satur­ Hours to Meet Pack 2 held its Cub Scout Greaney, Peter am^ Joseph Di- Arlz., for a meeting of the Air ktnA OeM WMte Nail might hold the singleton jack or the bid. Substitute a small spade for formally notified by the State De- Electronics Unlimited, the new- ing the warmup weeks, but thus cost of $4,000 financed by $2,300 day evening at the Nathan Hale H. T. Dlckeasoa A Co^ lae. A.chlevement Show on Nov. 22. All mlnico, Michael Orlowgki, Robert Force Scientific Advisory Board, Community Center. singleton ace, and South wanted to the ten, and the hand should be partment of Aeronautics of ap -; ly fo) )ncd radio club, will meet far five shows have made a total S^ser^il^l ^3eeen raised through donations and. spe­ see East's play before using a high passed. dens displayed articles that were Hazard, Timothy Threasher and maintained the rocket camq down Climax Chapter, O E ^ and Uriel proval of Rocco Fiano's applica- 'Friday at 7:30 pm. at the Civilian made by Cubs for their achieve­ Thomas Dunphy. Silver arrows of 10 replacements in key roles. cial projects and a $2,000 bank card from either hand. somewhere In this Southern kemla- One of the five, "Saturday Night loan. The auxiliary donations have Lodge, AF and AM, and their fam. (Copyright 1957, General tlon for a site for development as | Defense room of the Elementary ments and elective.s. Fathers par­ were awarded to Dennis Vendrillo phere. As It happened. East had only Featufres Corp.) a restricted landing area, but did | School. CD director Avery, will Kid,” later was withdrawn. O n ly » 1 2 ? - gone toward the loan, according to ilies will have their Chirstmas par ticipated in the finishing of some and John Molt, a gold and four He said the rocket could easily ty at 6:30 p.m. Friday at the Ma­ not authorise the operation of air-! .speak on CD equipment handicraft that was stalled at Harold J. Crane, publicity chair­ craft from the location silver arrows to CTiarles Chambers, disappear In the vast a)ea of the Salons: NEW YORK • LONDON • PARIS • COLOONf man. sonic Hall in Merrow, A potluck program of growth for the First CD Unit to Meet home. ChJbs presented mothers silver arrow and aaslalant denner Before a licen.se for the use of South Pacific and Indian Oceans, The company has extended Its supper will be held with an enter­ CongregaUonal Church at a meet­ Editors’ Society Member.s of the local Civilian with Christmas corsages that were stripe to Tlioma.s Gessay. Douglas the restricted landing Is i.saued it where there were no trained ob­ appreciation to the auxiliary and tainment and visit from Santa ing of the Pastor’s Council the Defense will meet tomorrow at 7 made In den meeting.s. Shorts received a bear • Indian servers. GENERAL evening of Dec. 16. will be neces.sary for Fiano to do those giving additional assistance Claus afterwards. To Meet Friday p.m. in the CD shelter at the Ele­ In the advancement ceremony, headband. Newly formed Den 5 He contended the rocket prob­ through special projects. Coventry Garden Club will have The Senior Pilgrim Fellowship extensive clearing and grading mentary' School. Members will be- CTubinaster William Hankinson was presented with its den flag. It's a CkrlstiiMt story la strip form that starts out with ably burned out In its plunge TV SERVICE ------To-Bocelve New Members its Christmas party and regular of Second Congregational Church ------aoEta C a and note^iihtit.~tlianlts to three WtUld Ebx cS'arac- Hartford, Dec. 4 »iP)—The third PINE LENOX PHARMflCY Second Congregational Church meeting at noon "Dec. 10 at the will sponsor a public round and ELECTRONICS Days M OE A CaO tars a ^ T ^ Spirit of Christmas, there certainly isn't a tad will have a service fdr reception of home of Mrs. Walter S. Keller on square dance from 8 p.m. to mid annual convention of the New Nlghta « A « 9 a Plus Parts 299 E. CENTER ST. aadiaf. What happens to chance thinfS is why you’ll like m'embers at its worship service at Rt. 44A. There will be an ex- night, Dec. 20 in^ the Church Com­ England Society of Newspaper LABORATORIES T E L MI 8-5488 Mi 9-0896 every strip—all It of'them! Artist Walt Scott has done, a ,11 a.m., Dec. 15. Those wishing to dhange of gifts and a money col­ munity House. Robert Gehrlng is Editors win be held Friday and srandetful Job with both writinc and sketchinr. in charge of tickets. join, the church, either by letter lection for the Patients' Activies Saturday at the Hotel Statler In or by confession of faith, have Fund at Manstleld State Training Joyce Schnell has been appoint­ 277 BROAD been asked to contact R'ev. C. School and Hospital. ed reporter for the fellowship. Hartford. The F i ^ Strip Appears on The Classified Page Today! Arthur Bradley, pastor, by Friday. Rev. Howard E. Munson of Sunday at 7 p.m. the group will Main speaker at the meeUng RADIO I 1 I i V I S I 0 N As a part of the Christmas sea-. Springfield Mass., will present a meet In the Church Community will be U.S. Rep, John E. Moss House for a program, "Race Re­ (D-Calif.), chairman of the infor­ S.A.IsrT.A. SL Z F 'F 'E R .S lianrlfPHtpr Suruiiuj i^praUi ~r lations,” presented by the action mation subcommittee of the House Photo Christmas Cords commission. Committee on Government Opera- LeKdlng Florieto tlone, whose topic will be, "Free­ For every name on your gift list! Tomorrow's Events lob y Photos Tokon Tomorrow’s activities include dom of Information.” PARK H ILL Cub Scout Pack 57 committee, 8 Other speakers will Include Max p.m., home Harry R. Ryan Jr.; R. Grossman of the United States In Your Homo Flowur Shop Glamour fluffs and softees for HER! ORGAN SALE Second Congregational C hurch Information Agency of the State ...Choose The Lasting Gifts of Keith's TILL DECEMBER 25 new membership group, 7:30 p.m.. Department: William Dwight, Flowors By WIro publisher of the Holyoke (Maes.) HERM'S CAMERA MANCHESTER Church community House; day A, unit meeting Proviaional League Transcript and president of the and PHOTO SHOP Ml 3-5103 KINSMAN ELECTRONIC ORCAN of Women voters, 10 a.m., Booth- American Newspaper Publishers K1 S - ' ^ le u Mala M. Quality..From A Complete Collection! Dimock Memorial Library; Brown­ Assn.; syndicated columnistT Betty t* c ala4 la Naaalll A m a 8 E. Oeator St— Maachester Moflel A ie Group 70, after school, with Beale, and Maine editor, colupinist A PET CENTER Mrs. John T. Cousin and Mrs. E. M. and author John Gould. Ckaaaal ( Rartfard, Caaa. ( t) rEATUBE riLM 995MAIHST. \ Ml 9.4273 Boisvert; First Omgregatlonal The convention Friday and Sat­ Chaaaa* a Naa Havaa, Coaa. "Skaat rinP ’ \ urday will have a num^r of pan­ Ckaaaal It Rartfaid. Caaa. (It) I LOVE LUCY Church choir, 7:30 p.m.. sanctuary; Ckaaaal tt SailasflaM, Maaa. HEADQUARTERS FOR A COMPLETE SELECTION OF els which will cover such topice (M-tt) WAGON TRAIN Coventry 4-H Woodworkers, 7:30 Ckaaaal te NawBrtlaia. Caaa. "Tke Bllar GnUtaa Starr” Safi alk. wMi cazy diiaiO n . Rad. hbN. p.m.. South St. School; Merry as, public relations and newspa Ckaaaal 40 Halyaka, Man. TOMBSTONE TfcRRITORY Christmas Special try Grange. 8 p.m., hall on Rt. .“ Daaart Sarvlval” \ 44A; Board of Health, 8 p.m., first (HI niAMK SINATRA SHOW 5 Lbs. 10 Lbs. 25 Lbs. I 50 Lbs. Reg. $1200.00 half-hour open to public, Town Of­ By Church Ladies (tt) FATHER KNOW BEST Safina cerdurey In raee ar • . War a( a DIctalar” Nan «Ud erapa tala. Size* 4M $|.35 $ 3 . 1 5 $ ^ . 0 0 fice Building. FUEL OIL t :t t ( t) OSCIE AND HARRIET $ 1 9 8 The Board of Education meet­ The Ladies of St. James wlU ” l4-NUa HIka” la 9 again hold a pre-Christmas sale ( t) TV PLAYROt'SE ing of tomorrow.! has been post­ MODERN HEATIN8 (IMtl THE MILUONAIRE DUBALDO MUSIC CENTER poned to 8 p.m. Dec. 12 add will be in the lower church Saturday from “Tka Starr at Aaitra SPECIAL 100 LBS. REG. $11.50—$10 29 held at Coventry Grammar School. 3 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. TTie sale Is at its very best DottMO** WHILE THEY LAST 186 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE being repeated because of the re. THE VEBOUn VHBOICT IS YOCK8 IIlM I I) NEWS REPORTER AND 4«, 3,095 AM broadcast stations wsre WRATRER on the air. A total of 3,250 has lA P m (tl) CHAHME CHAN T onight at 8:0D on channel 18 <- -t) AMKBICAN -"-iBiJSiK ban - - S st-JAND. (It) MARTIN BANE been authorized. ixttoi uuKKN ru.'UK A DAIr DA ItlU ( I) WORLD’S BEST MPYHES Ir (40) orEH HOUSE “Tka Raakat” 1 (U.4ei SKCBET 6TOKM into (last! NEWS ) ,< •> LITTLE KASGALB (IX) n o NEWS ■: : < I) HANDSTAND • (tt) WEATHER . (It) EDOK o r NUDRT .. . . <»!» PLAYHOUSE OP 8TAHR \ #■ . (40) LOONEY TUNES Il:tl (4«r CONFIDENTIAL FILE /rfVjV*’ y At. , |e R M lIIINIBUliaft (S3) AMEBICAN BANDSTAND l l : l t (It) WEATHER AND SPORTS ■ Nr. THE!..BIG. ) in to) MODERN ROMANCES (M) WEATHER » .f (40) learn TO DRAW lliU (It) MILUON DOLIJUt M ov n . OiM’i cuddly iHppar. Pbidi Nw htoiy O. t.«ll*brlsl4a Jemts Crals I ( tl JUNGLE JIM "Cnata Malsla” Sofa and % ' • 'i ' “ HUNCHBACK .UU MUse ( t4S) WILD BILL HICKOCK (St) TONIGHT feca, k (quoakal Rad. biua, stiirriiifi- or 'NAKED IN (U) ILED THREE LIVES U;tt (U) NEWS FREE PARK­ Chair . ■ it .,- aprket, 3 to 10 $198 NOTKK DAME” THE KCN” (tt) THE FIRST brow' .. . . '**> lONIOi«T ING At Roth $:M ii4 » «:M 110). «X)MEDY TIME tl;II (4t) NEWS V - -j r'REVIEWS i ■V:, (40) POPKYK 11:46 ( S) WF.ATHElNEK-A * NEWS rnhvenlent Keith ( S) RIG ADVENTURE tS;tt ( I) NEWS stores! Regula7l^$299.50 ( t-U> MI^BV MOUSE CLUB (It) THE B o SHOW THCRSDAV, DEC. t OEHLER "Haaalale La” (tt) THE PjkBLV SHOW "Mea* Ika OIrli” I1;W ( ID NI^N Pluff-euff moccoiin with PATTI EASTWOOD SHTEV cosmopoutan (4t) TWIUOHT THEATER .. . (tl-tt) TIC TAC.DOUOH beaded tee, padded ( ») rOPEVE ■ 11:11 ( Mt-M) LOVE OP LIFE ^ O. LallobrlxM* immia Crals (it) COWBOY COBBAL tele. Pink, blue, wtiitu. < tf ITS YOUB CO.MMUNITY lt:N ( t) R1TON BUNNY Anthany Qmlam li!’ ‘TOMOHROW BartM MeLalae ( t) SANTA CLAUSE PARTY BRA RANKS AaRXa LIGHT ■■ X * DICK CONTINO tltt (IS) 8POBTSCA8T im <11 HOLLYWIMIU'S REST LIBERAL KEITH ' NOW Him SATURDAY t:U (it) NEWS (It) IXINHROtICUT 4UFE l;U (I) TOWN CRIER (It) AT HOME WITH U1TT CONTINUOUS FROM 5 PAL T:H ( t) FRONTIER DOCTOR BUDGET TERMS ’ anti special n'licst .stars ( t) STUDIO tl FEATURE SHOWN •:S0-9:85 (It) 1 O’CLOCK REPtyrr . IS! The new slender looH of loveliness . . . in WILL MASTIN TRIO, (ri) WRATRER A LOCAL NEWS ’ IJS! a very special Keith ChritUnaa Sale to < -Jm W j:< . (tt) NEWS AND WJUTHER brown glove leather, hand- Siirgundy wine leather opera. Wort#- sJTniuL Htmi IN m ' i u b i (4t) WEATHER A NEWS (M) HOWAHO m iller SHOW bring you new living room cham) for the (Calar) — holidays . . . and a long time to come! laced, ihaorling lined. a m nm s t a r r i n g ' (to) SPOBTS~POCUS llH <«» *T_HOMBWItH KITTY lined, hard tele. $ 3 9 8 tiU UMI). DOUOIlEH EOWAROt t:N Stunning new decorator fabrics, finer Sixei6lo12 MBW8. CLOCK m oH u oH n conatrucUon features for lasting luxury. :»{ !Si The SMUonal Group is also available Alta in beyt’ tlxet 1 to 6' $ 3 9 8 ___ (it)<**) —PRLY^ ... NEWS • Itto) HOUSR PARTY with curved Center Section and Bumper SAMMY DAVIS, JR. 1 l » ( t) DtSHRYLANb ( I ) MY HERO I I "Man aaj BiBaraad” End Section. Share in these Holiday Sav­ (tMt) BRIOB AND OROOM ings! , MANCHESTER BMiMnn-nimi O PEN THURS. A N D FRI. MOTOR SALES Irawn leather Cavalier • PLUS • PVOUR OUMMUBILE DEAUBK” Keith JFurniture with a worm doud oT Mon’t daitk leather opera. Brawn or Oaitic Romeo with mug. elaiHdxad 512 WEST CENTER STRICT U N T IL 9 R.AA...CLOSING •hearllna. , $ ^ 9 8 wine, plaid Ikied. $ 3 9 8 ddet, tlllehed tale. $ 3 9 8 kORyCAlHOmf ■n S-M27 ' SATURDAYS AT 5:30 1115 MAIN ST. 317 MAIN ST. 1 o m i n o ,:k *i *d "Safety-Tested MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD FREE PARKING AT BOTH KEITH STORES ENIM Onr JOHNSON U sed Cars" ' w 950 M#in St„ Maneh#8t*r-—Manehs8tsr Shopping Parkads 356 W. Mrddta Tpka.. Manchastar-— 988 Main St., East Hartford i . . a -


0 ■ X )^Christmas is herb ring out the glad tidings b u t th e V. lUaliei •ao£(hTia'aj-.«a>.J|j.s»«.»'%. A g lad \ SMILING r SERVICE tid in g s ,\ t • ■ SERVICE Special Christmas ' ' t - 1 B Savings Purchase! lyhristmas is here i '^V . • Vi- u'-'r- t Full'Fashioned Fur Blend

t ■ h : . - ^ 1 ^ » <»W 0 / *

h n?is THE OTHER f V WELL-DRESSED WOMEN ON WIFE » : hy Old Colony DAUGHTER MOTHER AUNT NIECE BEST GIRL YOUR GIFT LIST f 4, .Ut'-J. Pullover Cardigan Short Sleeves Long Sieeves

hat gift will delight thern ail?

Fa.shioned of imported yarns, fluffy soft and about the be.st that's made. They certainly will It's easy . . . our most popular make perfect gifts for any gal. Choose from for all the women on your list 9 lovely colors: .Jockey Red, Pecan, Turquoise, Chalk Blue, Royal, Blossom Pipk, Country Cream, While and Hunter Green. She^ll begin and end the day in a PjtiiSkmm ^ ^ 7 . / f r - Bea'utiful ►\ Dress Sheer Nylons ROBE in proportioned sizes ‘12.99 Left NYLON* FLEECE—Luxurious fa powder pulT weight duster, ■oft as a whisper, wash­ >•» vE.ldPT w es as gently a» a lamb. Every Inch machine washable, satin GIFT ribbon inser.ta on collar and AV cuffs. Dainty lacy trimmed satin collar. Blue, pink, candle­ light. SIzea 10 to 18, BOX pairs Per Pair $1.38 Give HER A beautiful HANDBAG BELLE-SHARMEER LEG FASHIO^ are costume-keyed to fit into HER something wardrobe as perfectly as they fit you . . . whether she wears full-fashioned ^ 8 .9 9 is a gift MUST! or seamless. All new colors: Pretty Plu.sh (Ro.se Petal Beige), Hone.v Right r ^ (Tawny Beige), Coffee Beige (Beautiful Beige Blend), Taupe Mist -(New Lined and quilted REVERTS to wear! Fashion Taupe). / CREPE duster In blue, roee, / melon and • navy. Has rhlne- itone buttons, 2 slash pockets , ■■ And All The dther Bjelle-Sharmeers and contrast piping trim. Sizes ( 10 to 18. To plooso ovory womon on your shopping llst. BELLE-SHARMEER Sheer* with regular or accented aeami. Walking aheeri or aeml-aervlce. / > - These are " '.A .' pofv ' BELLE-SHARMEER Meah or plain aeamleaa. o' lELLE-SHARMEER ^ ' Ul.-'-. Evening, daytime and walking aheeri. Deml-tpe aeamlees *7 and mesh with leama. She’ll be proud BELLE-SHARMEER Luxury sheen. Stretch. Seamieaa •wdsiroet. t o carry! M f y . 9 9 •‘ -js i *5

' • «r —* — f '. v'^ ' V " - ' \ . '• - Sn;iart Lovely NYLON V. BLOUSES * An ideal gift Graccfull.i- tailored 'f la t ' by Jane Holly {^ouch handbags that go Swiss Hankies iCIutch Bags Jewel Chest gratefully with tailored j Fur Collars Slippers Bouffant ■ ^ . • or dressmaker fa.shions. A Oem~15 denier over 40. Smart popular The.se fine quality double) Jewel'n^k style with lace and tuck detailing C v OO and short sleeves. In white and pink. Sizes 32 woven cotton fabric bags! nm to 38. look like .suede: also of >2.99 n.99 Permatone — “Calficr / ■ a ," EUboraU Swiss.smbroiderisa (Thamilng fold over clutch 15 compartments for «ar>' Mouton Petsr Pan style with Buttersoftileather classic bal- than Calf” that will not rings, rings and pin*. Antiiiua Another Gem—Also 13 denier nylon over 40, In white on whit* or color on b an In satin, velvst, bro­ valvat tiss and pom pom trim larina atylh. Genuine Isather with club collar, buttoned front, lace and tuck­ spot or rub off on clothes. whit*. Dainty a|nd lorsly. cade and falU*. Fitted with calfskin almulatsd laathsr closing. Many other atyln a t . sola*. Individually packaged ing. In whit* and pink. Sizes 32 to 38. eempaot and eomb. with gold trim. TWUlght blu*, this small pries. in vinyl case. Pink, Blue. we have others up to $10,99 shall pink. Ivory. Bladk, Whits, Rad, Bsiga. $ T .9 9 / i- Hera’a just what every gal wjuita—tlera and tiera of nylon and lace in a rainbow of colors to glamorize her holiday C h (1 r Cj (• it frock. Sizes are amall, medium and large to make the size ^ > B u d (j t‘ t it — Y c •> I n d (' t'd I C h (I r i; ( if aeleetion aaay. ■ 1/. ^ < » r I n .- ^ / - ^ x jl b I /- ■( r 7 ' »-s ' ^ • 'a •’ o'! ■'^4^ ..-f .'5 ■5-:/.-"-’'f


W K N B - 8 4 9 i ^ y g n t r y ^ ‘ **ws Miaaiona of the United Lutheran board and a director of the Central Wno—1080 zon area were actually agent! for Person to Head U.$. oil companiea. Deaths Last ISight Church and a former prealdent of Statea Circulation Managera Aaah. r MEAxTiSr mS W UKO—i860 D aily R a d io ^ w a a v ^ i o Midland College, Fremont, Neb. He Elaat Lanaing, Mich.— Dr. Bldoti Feliowcraft Club Anti~U,S. Feelings Anotjier charge againat the L LUNCHEON SPECIALS United States Is that it took over triiree Awards Cblumbua Ohio— Dr. Fred C, waa born in Wellaburg, Iowa. Down, 05, Michigan State Univer- WCC6— 1290 Caatem Standard Time W I ^ P — 1410 Wlegman, S8. president of the Ohio Saginaw, Mich.—Roland H. Zieg­ aity reaearcher and noted plant I EVERY DAY AT h - a Brazilian island. What actually ' $6,250 by^Courl 2': Synod of the United Lutheran W alter Person of Brandy Rd., happened was that, by mutual ler, 44, circulation manager of the breeder, died Tueaday. Down, who The following program acbed^' WHAY-Jau Alley Church, killed in a car-truck colli- Saginaw Newa aince 1948. died waa aaaociated with the MSU A g ri­ WTIC—otarilKhi Serenade Bolton, will head the Feliowcraft agreement, the United States built alon Tueaday. He alao waa preai- ulea are supplied by the radio J^RC—Rutt Naufhton Mount in Brazil a ralaaile tracking station on Fer­ Cevtntry. Dae. 4 (Specla))— Tueaday. Ziegler, who waa born in culture Department aince 1916, waa Club of Manchester Lodge, No. dent of the board of American Caro, Ifich., waa chairman of the managementa and are auoject to WPOP—Modem Sounds nando de Noronha Island. Thraa local panons will abara a bom in Ithaca, Mich. U:4A— 73, A F and AM, for J958. changa wiuiout doUce. A nationalist organization called SB.2S0 aatUamant bwardad in Su- WHAY—Jazt Aliev He was elected at the annual By JUUUS GOLDEN ^follow. Every political party sup­ M rior Cemrt yaatarday for Injur* 4:oe- WTIC—filarli^t Serenade Rio Da Janeiro. Dec. 4 (dh—A ports Petrobras, the government the Integraltsts is led hy 60-year- 1m racaived in a Hebron accident WUAY—PUUer Party WDRC—Rut* Naughton banquel?of the club Monday night old Pllnio Salgado. Prior to World WPOP—McKern Sounds rising tide of nationalism is rolling oil monopoly. It would be political ^ year. WKNB-Open Mike at ■ the Oasis Club in East Hart­ suicide for most politicians to sug­ War II, its membera p graiM - The oetUement will be iharad WTIC—Rmiio Miner ford. Person succeeds Robert F er­ over Brazil. With surges of anti- gest exploitation of Brazilian oil by through the streets in green shirts tar Ganotr GotUer, who will gat WDRO—Arthur C^rofrey and were finally forced by the gov­ ^ WPOP-W m Worlu Yule-Trre Standarda guson^ Americanism, it threatens to be­ foreign companies. .This pride of fl.OOO; hia daughter. Adele Got* Alan J. Ledgard was elected come a major factor in the 1960 ownership persists despite the fact ernment to disband. p for uar, win receive »3.7S0; and Syl* i 'wiUY-PUuer Party The Deparlm.nt of Agriculture vice president and - George Stra- Petrobras produces only 12 per Salgado today claims almost one laater S. Tarquinio, who geta WTK-RptF. Miner general elections. t haa let Christmas-tree standards maltis waa chosen secretary- rent of the oil Brazil consumes, and million supporters. He has formad WDRCJ-t-ArtbUp Godfrey "Nationalism appears to be ii.soo W POP—Wan Work* that go into effect for the first time treasurer. They succeed Kenneth demand fo r oil is increasing at a numerous youth organizations. p the best buys in * The three complained that they this Yule season. Th< standards Welbust and Frank Wilson, respec­ synonymous with patriotism in greater rate than the monopoly’s juatalned multiple injuriea July 1, WHAY—Platter Party He says his goal is a Utopian WTIC—Rota Miller provide for three grades of trees: tively. Brazil today," aaid one diplomstic production. type state whore no one disagrees ---- SM , when a car in which they WUAO-Caj lauiby U.S. Premium, U.S. No 1, and U.S. Some 50 members attended the p ebristmas wrappings WPOP^Wax Worvo observer. "There are many who CTn the extrema left. Communists with an all-powerful government. wore riding, operated by Chlratine I^b, 2. banquet. view nationalism aa a propaganda Muck, alao o f thia town, left R t 4 '■ will charge a man with being un­ Service to the state would be the ^ mom ban of monchastar chorga pkm WHAY-Platter Parly patriotic if he Is against any na­ road to communism. The extreme goal of all Brazilians—from cra­ M in Hebron and overturned. W T IC -R o u Miller RIBIOOFF TRIP SET NORWICH COUNCIL ELECTS tionalistic measure." right uses nationalism as a weapon dle to grave. They charged her with negligent WDROK^ai Kolby Hartford, Dec. 4 l/P)— Gov. Rlbl- driving. WPOP-rWaa Work! Norwich, Dec. 4 (ffi—Hartwell Q. to discredit the middle-of-the-road coff leaves for Washington Sunday Nationalism was fostered by the Gottier aaid he auatalned a back Zuemer has been elected president late President Getullo Vargas be­ government of President Juscelino /// WHAY-Piaiier Parly to preside over a conference of Kubitschek. Rightists charge the ■train and nervoua "ahoek. Hia of the 6-member city council here. tween 1930 and 1945 when he was WTIC—Newt state and municipal officials called The council, elected Nov. 5 In this government ia prepared to give with ‘ daughter auffered broken teeth WDROewNawt dictator. He declared he was creat­ by the President's Committee on city's non-partisan election, named away Brazil*! oil, atomic minerals and mouth Injuriea, while Tar- W'POP—United Auto Workeri Show ing an "estado novo” -i-a "new HEART! — Traffic Safety. The Governor will Lx>uls J. Darmstadt president pro and land. CHOKED qulnio complained of a ahould- state”—In an attempt to bolster WHAY—Platter Parly also deliver the keynote and sum­ tern at ita organization meeting last The United Statea, always a tar­ Hara'a 3 Timaa Foatar Rallaf ;ar aprain and aggravation o f a W' iTC—Rott Miller Brazilian nationalistic pride. *9 smetiet littte SiKk liWot cMMaiiit m kHh mary addresses on Monday and night. Reappointed for 2-year terms get of Communists, is attacked by h I8lwi Hw ttawbV H Item. iitilwNw ■pro exlating arthritic condition. IN ONE NEAT TRIP TO WDRC—Cai Kolbv KU ANS liOM for tcM tei, keeriOMe, mi WPOP-Unlted Auto Workert Show Tuesday. Ribicoff la chairman of were Corporation Counsel Orrln Since those formative years, na­ other nationalisla as well. One 9Mf KM K k (Mttaoi MniiM « n «i. luam w , tsRifia tionalism has emerged as the most CtriNM ItMfelery mh 9r«v« KU- AM the National Governors Confer- Carashirk and City Clerk J. Dyer left-of-center newspaper recently l9W«h •Mfriio* J h«N M Mdt ittaBtck KtAity M me A iP it ready end waiting with the antwtri for your Chrittmsi WHAY-Plalter Parly ence_HJghway Safety Committee. Potter. respectable 4>oIicy a politician can MwiHt 89 mmr Im4i«i UkMt. Cel iCU ANB i3-A1arin Fire Cuts WTIO-Rott Miller declared misalonartes in the Am a­ N497 let luint iLOtasa rgitti IS* Gift Lilli Hera are juit a few of our many wonderful luggeifioni WDRC—Cal Kolby . . . all priced to pleste your holiday budgetl Come tee, you'll Y/ WPOP—Wa* Worko .Work of Wrecker B :4 S — lave at A&PI __ *4 7 I WHAY-plalter Parly • (Oanttnoed from Pago Ooa) WTIC—Rota lliller WDRO-Cal Kolb;Kolbv WPOP—Wax Worko " .‘eovarad. lira department officlala ‘■aid eranea woiild be brought in WHAY—Dateline p WTIC—News •during the day t- knock down WDRC—Newe tlM remaining walla of the atruc- WPOP—Newe tura. It ia aituatad no more B j IS— WHAY-vDatellne tliaa 100 yarda from the New • • • eeh B u tU m a l WTIC—ts^ciiy sporte Havrni Railroad’a malr office bulld- WDRi'—Waethar and tlalman :ing a n ^ ^ m the national head- TOYS WPOP—LaVrence Welk SUUng Bull V Meets the Press low prices! • :S#- \ ■qtiartera o f the Knlghta o f Colum------WHAY-Serehade ^bua. Sitting Bull V, a deacendant of the famoua Hunk papa Siou.\ chief, made hia debut for the preaa at WTiJ~fc Cot^vGlee Club ‘ The building, laat uaed aa a hotel, WDRC-^Mutlc ^Ja Carta Loa Angelea and briefly demonatrated that he haa inherited hia forebeara’ talent for war whoopa. WPOP—Top 40 fime •alao waa known aa “ Ute Old Print­ The little chief, bom Saturday in UCLA hoapital. haa been named Vincent A. Cadotte Jr„ after hia « :4 S — ing Building'* or "The Old Publiah- father, Sitting Bull IV, a mail d erk at Hughea aircraft plant. The mother, Francea, la a fair-com- WHAY—Serenade Flyer Coasteir WoiQeni::^i^^^S WTU:-ii 8taf bxira Ing Houaa.“ *99 plexioned Georgia girl, (AP Photofa.xi. WDRC—Lowell Thorna'i b l u t i 'o n — .“ ntremen r fought the blasa in SO- WPOP—Top 40 Time \ >aagree temperature during the T;0#— WHAY—Serened* :■ aaon'a flrat anow atorm. are uaed by vagranta aa aleeping cards. Playing will start at 8 WTIC—Dick Burtel to your (3 (tii^ e a 4-^ g > ' prablaai Before dawn.,, a rod glow from quarUra. PTA to Sponsor o'clock, prizes will be awarded and Rocking Horse SPRING TYPE EACH 7.99 WDRC—Amoa and Andy the Are auffuaed the whole aky The connector will be a feeder WPOP—Fulton Lewla refreshments will be served. t:IS— WILL HE LIKE IT! -erer New Haven, road for the Connecticut 'Turnpike. Card, Fun Party Tickets will be svailable at the WIIAY—Serenade H ie flrat alarm waa turned in A man who waa in the lobby of door. WTIC—Dick Burtel a night watchman at the the nearb. Hotel Garda when the MECHANlCAl-5 PIECE SET SET WDRC—Amot ann Andy A card and fun party will be freight Train 2#99 WPOH-Ed P Morgaii Knlghta o f Oblumbua printing Are atarted aaid he heard a nolee MILUONS ROSR BUSHES SOLD t:3A— plant, directly acroaa the atreet. that aounded like "voom. voom" held by the Keeney St. School New York— More than 30.000,000 WHAY—Serenade wm e—News WILL IT BE THE RIGHT SIZE! Tw o houra before, he aaid, he after which "the whole thine buret PTA Friday night at 7;.80 at the rose bushes are sold annually in WDRC—Aniiia end Andy had aeon aeveral men leaving the into Same.'* , ‘ achool. The public is invited.. the United States. Surveys show TRAIN, HAND CAR OR DOO EACH 1.39 WPOP—Top 40 Time building. Monte Carlo W hlit, pinochle 9:4A- roses to be the overwhelming fa­ Slinky Toys WIIAY—Serenade Abandoned buildinga on the Oak Borneo haa an area o f 290,000 and letback will be played. Play- vorite flower of Americana by an WTIC—Life and the World Bt eonneetor right of way often aquara milea. era are asked to bring their own 18-to-l margin. WDRC—E. R Murrow WYATT EARP WPOP—Top 40 Time WILL HE LUKE THE COLOR! T W O GUNS-GENUINE LEATHER SET S:0a - Holster Set Z 99 WHAY —Record Roden WTIC—People Are F\inny WDRC—R 0 Lewie WPOP—Mvttery Tima • :1IL- WHAY—Record Roden WTIC—UConn vt, Maas. WDRC—R Q Lewie WPOP—Myetery Time HERE’S HOW SPECIALS for the EARLY SHOPPERS AND MORI t:3a— Give him a Jarman WHAY—Record Rodeo WTIC—UConn to. Mane. WDRC—RuNty Draper GIFTS WPOP—Hound Dof GIFT CERTIFICATI POWER-TOOL VALUES FIREPLACE S :4 ^ WHAY—Record Roden G i f t * WTIC—UConn vb. Mapa. WDRC-^uilUAty Draper SAVINGS TO 30% FITTINGS Spsdally WPOP- -Hound Dog TO TAKE ALL THE with miniatnra shoe and box n u m b e r C 7V, LIGHT NOW WHAY~Nite Watch BLACK and BRASS Priemdl WTIC—UConn vn. Mak* ’A " Elaetric Drills, Reg. 19.95 ...... $14.98 WDRC—The World lonighl It’a aaeeayaa that! Hen's the wty it wwfca out to i 3 PIECE WINDOW CANDIES „59' WPOP—Hound Dog H " Electrie Drills, Reg. 29.95 ...... $24.90 ILLUMINATED PLASTIC 9:15— solve your .problem to hia lastiag isomfoit ENSEMBLE WUasiKi WHAY-"i|Ke Watch 8" Bench Saws, Reg. 63.75 ...... $49.95 WTIC—ll^ n n vi. Mar* WDRC—Jtra World lornght QUESTIOH MARKS ■ndutiBoatsatisiactioniCometothisstorefor' 13" Jig Saws, Reg. 29.75 ...... $21.95 SANTA .ffN O W M AN EA 1,19 sun Gomes WPOP—H6und Dog lACH the Gift O itifieate imd m iaiaUm dioe in a - .A. 2 r W H AY-M te Watch ^ISIM AJ 0KOaATH» - U", 54- _ sg rr V Tvri WTir -U^nn v. Mabb FAMOUS NAME BRAND M Rag. List Price $59.90 Wt r —flu Jarman box. Give tham to him for Christiius. Him . Wattle TakiMiMh c Whlrly Toys WrOP—^ound Dog 49 lA C N #:45— be bringa in the Gift Certificate tdw m be $7-60 85' W H AY-N lle Watch HAND POWER SAWS WOOD BASKETS AUIOAiATIC 4UCTIIC friction TYPI WTIC-UCOnn v*. Maea W’DRC—Ruin Naughton OUT OF GIFT BUYING! is eo m ctly fitted in the Jannia style cTUa dioiee. NOW PBrcolofor 7 ■ o fotr Motor Atrglmo WPOP—Hound Dog 6" Size, Reg. List 59.95 ...... $47.97 CAPE COD LIGHTERS lA C H / • O Y UCH 7 r AiMao ricTuai WHAY— Watch 6'/i" Sixe, Reg. List 64.95 ...... "^AaivH iitaaic WTIC—At ^ a U.N. 4 9 K totH K ...... $51.90 WDRC—Riia* Naughton 7" Size. Reg. List 74.95 ...... $59.85 Black and Brass Andirons •••keCroyoBSft WPOP—Hgund Dog Mtl5— > / Anyone receiving a gift bought at Regal (and there will be lA C H 75' WHAY—KUa Watch (1) WTIC—At tba U .^ thouaanda of them) «n 4 who feels he has received the See Our Complete SOLID BRASS ANDIRONS WDRC—Ruaa f^ g h t o i WPOP—Houn^ Dog wrong size or color, can return it on or before January 10, y Power Tool Assortmertt WHAY-I^Ka Watch * 1958 for proper size or the color he prefers. The exchange Black and Brass Tool Sets >10-^^ WTIC—T ^ a for Muaig WpRCr^Ruaa Naughton will be made cheerfully 9 ^ 0 # —Modern Bpunda MJV- BUY FROM OUR SHOPPERS CHECK LIST y iiA T —Nl-NKe Watch 4. n _ 'ir —iTN -ITN Raillo Rcriew * REVERE WARE •' WDRC—Ruii« N'auzhtnn * JACKKNIVES • KITCHEN CUTLERY WPOP—Modern Sounds (2) Anyone receiving a gift bought at Regal which is no7 to • aiCTRIC CLOCKS diriftmas Trn Balls 0F6 49' Il;s a - * TACKLE BOXES • ELECTRIC TOASTERS Tree lijlit Set zt^h-Veo'LriH W H AY-N lle Watch his liking, may return it on or before January 10, 1958 • FLEX FLYER SLEDS IKG 7 0 C WTIC—Newa • • BAROMETERS • HAND WARMERS dirlsfiiMS TrN Bolls WDRC—Newa 6 Wealhfr for exchange, or WE WILL REFUND THE FULL PUR- * FLASHLIGHTS O M I ' ' Cotton lotting om.,i rz679' WPOP—Modem Sounds • THERMOMETERS 11:IS- CHASE PglCE. W H AY-NIte Watch dfriftmos Trn Bolls 79' Christmas Holly Candles ^,89' WTIC—Sporta WDRC—Rtiee Nauzhion Rnikc ItriACEM ENT FOt T*E[ LIGHTS gAC ‘NANOSOME, .r e WPOP—Modern Sounds Silver Leod Foil Icicles 19 D U ID 3 NO. C-7'/S W. Sin CA»0OF5 -.sa— Check Our Prices On New Lower Prices 11 A< Regal you may be sure that when an exchange ia in order, we do it cheerfully W ITH Television Programs COMFORTUIE! PARK NO A R G U M E N T and W ITH O UT D E L A Y . That’a our policy at Christmas time and XMAS TREE LIGHTS ON On Pag* Two FREE throughout the year. It’s all part of Regal's extra red carpet service. Buy Christmas gifts says Jimmy Picisall P U R N t L ^ for men at Regal and take all the question marks out of gift buying. about Dunham's ^^P A R K I N G e n e r a l Before You Buy .**1 Shoe Skates T V SERVICE THE LOW PRICE^ LISTED IN THIS AD ARE CASH and CARRY Daya f 9 OR A CaD TYROLEANS SPECIALLY REDUCED-SAVE 1.00 Nlgtita Pina pa,ta T E U m 8-8489 Y o u II t— k your ,Wtt ^ «mnI fo o l Luggage Specials CAP SHOT GUNS y«kr kMl In D«nho«'* TYROIEANSI PARK H e HCtiTO work or ^loy, for w«fk- ■ . If»f or. roloiifif, Tyrolooofi oro \ FOR THE i^ ol . , . o pKoo ot oolorol y o u n g COWBOY EACH Order ^ f lo ttto g .boooFyr wlH> lio it^ g o io SAVINGS OF 20% to 40% FREE fitfU Rf. cowfortoklo fioft gloYt lootfiGr. coikiofi lotolo N o w l V PUR NE LL Ofid o Gooclol ,mg§ed rik iM lol. Ladies' Weekend Cases iu>k. $n.M.Now C ore# in bodoy ond dUcovor for L SPECIALLY REDUCED-SAVE PARKING yovrtolf Fk« Nirfll of woopliig PviUeew’i'' TyrolGOOt . . * Fko wo«t teefofleW o tkoo TRAIN CASES ^10 77 CABIN CRUISERS 1957 V8 FORDS ■ V, I r*or Mtadgl OwokomU TYROICANS . . . Mio fd^ily foworifio In ooy walk e l fffo, 4-DOOR SEDANS ^roiloWo In GtytM for » nn. womon eotf cfilldroNl EACH 1.99 Men’s Top Grain COWHIDE LUGGAGE All Equipped The Peeuhr Tyreleee lo o t . . . dlt> Nficttvoly Ityfod, wttk Nbp gwolity footvrohl COM PANION CASE IWg. 186.98. N 0 »V ^ 3 T 7 5 lo fo y the confort of kuHormri glovo loortior. M l lootkor liNiibf. fvEoriovily toff cvfihloN IfNolN, ONd N»o figoclol tongor-wooriNg Reg. 839.88. NOW ^ 3 2 * 5 0 1 SUITERS ■ik CrtON Sola. Alto ovotloWo O M t SEl*T0U*i-V^^^n o«)wdk SI 5.95 2 SUITERS Beg. 84SJM1. NOW ^ 3 4 * ^ ® ONLY DOWN WASH-’N-WEAR COMES IN GINGER OR SUNTAN SHADE.S COMPLETE WITH BAHERIES-SPECIALLY REDUCED-SAVE 1.29 EACH m fimtin T ffh tn . , • 'Vitotv -■ i I f Hi •■••rt ilylliia ,*4 wHI«*4l-a AUTOMATIC RAY GUN$ 1.99 FITZGERALD iMlum, l»cludl»a 9«n»niid iM tk*,, »v« lini(ie< >vat«4 I l»«a»r-wwi»a aoV _»««HitA^ som ian w et Mtaaio lta.m EDSEL A raid aendeMble giftt 8nat waah asd hM f np fa lM ,l« tor ,M *a f m - i i i t i ;diy. ltaq«(M no Iraalag. BVD aUrta laek batter Iw- ton I , (owy ttapl A h , w«l>- HARDWARE CO. cMua ttay'ra foU cut Md fUUy atytad' wlUi M e V / TEL. Ml 3^8141 r 7 t* ha Bite! #.VJ0. 903-905 •bi.i.b„to 114^75 793 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER , heat” ■ • , TalceNvMe. Opea* I v m . WE'RE LOCATED RIGHT HERE... MAIN STREET ■OliM a k am. ■ A • • ■■ L.

' ■ I *■ ! *,• « r-- ^ --T,- ■ f ' -1

■t u . - / V- / / ■'■ , ' / PA6B EIGHT IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONW, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEB, CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 PAiSEioiai TIib Colonbiu Experiaicnt tive damaads ware answarad with ' Manrlfpiitpr Texas Assembly legislation setting up -a atatewlde Colombia, aick to daath o f dle- Israel Stalls Convoy, water planning division, an act re­ > PRESCRIPTION Owning tatorahlpa and bloody political and Approves Three quiring lobbyists and "influence BX IBB atrifs, baa adoptad an Ingtn- ^d d lers" to register, and creation P ^ EXPERIENCE / " oo.. mo. ^ By Qqr Phanaacarte ioua CMuUtuUonal amendmant da- Segregation Bills of a statewide crime study group. etiSS** *5!li. 'Q — How. does an Alasium Es­ Jordan Truce Hinted Attempts were made to expand Bignsd to provldo present atabllity the first special session to Include > Arthur Drug Storus \ kimo build ap. igloo? . Austin, Tax., Dec. 4 — The in govemmsnt •nig.a b a ^ for real segregation measures but a series • k A A A Sh Ab ▲ 4h Ak A A a I A —Hard snow is cut into blocks Jerusalem, Dec. 4 (-P) —- IsraelOfeet In slse, eaat of the Jordan-oc- Texas legislature went home yes­ democracy on some future day. which are built It.t a dome ihape o f filibusters brought on the call Extra seating held up dispatch of a supply con­ cupied Old caty of Jerusalem. The terday after spending 21 days in for a second session. MB HWIBI Tha amendmant, adoptad In an and made to fit exactly. When fin­ voy to Mt. Scopus today amid un- hill la the site of the Hadassah special session passing three segre­ BoUd^. itarad at UR ished, the snowhouae is snug and Tlie regular session waa held In e x tr a . . . election Sunday, eatabliahei Joint conflnhed reports that a solution Hospital, . Hebrew University and gation bills. the spring, but Daniel’s plea for RANG! ___ ■; Maiiciieattr r Coen., aa stormproof. A lamp which burns . dau lUU Matter rule of the country for the next of Its dispute with Jordan might a SOO.OOO-volume library, all in­ OoV. Price Dsniel, a Democrat, water, crime and lobby bills was 8UBSURIFTIUN RATI seal oil is used to heat the hut. had called the apeclel session, ask­ Any home with a fireplace ' ParaUe la Advaaee 13 years by the Conservative and be imminent. operative but mainUined by Is­ not successful. Do they need an “extra” The convoy dispute has threat­ raeli caretakera. ing two of the bills. The third was The 13-12 Senate vote on the rUEL OIL will welcome this coii^lete chair? Select from five dif­ Taar aaa*aa«aaaa«a«««*«*«**a B|M|Q Liberal partiea. Under the meas­ Q—How is luede leather made? ened to flare up into shooting and assed yesterday after a stormy Hammarakjold flew in ycajerday registration bill yesterday was fireplace ensemble. 88-incb ferent pull-up models at I aaa #•••••••#••••• aBBB* ^-9 ure, the seats in the national Con- A —Suede la made by holding brought U.N. Secretary General from Amman in a U.N. plane, land­ fug-of-war. g a s o l i n e OUR 83rd CHRISTMAS Mootteitfeft •••••••••••••••••••• the flesh side of the tanned ani­ typical of the close legislative de­ pull-chain curtain, 19-inch^ Moolb graas, the provincial legislatures Dag Hammarskjold flying to the ed at a Jordanian airport, akirted The first two bills, askedAiy the Watkins including the one mal hide against a buffing wheel, bate on segregation. Possible de­ aaaaaaaBaBB***^***••■•••• and the local cot^clls will be even­ Middle East. Mt. Scopua and en te r^ Israel by Governor and passed lest week, laying tactics by Sen. Henry Gon­ andirons and three tools and shown. Tapestry, matelasse OopT •■•••• which raises the nap. Reports from the Jordan side of the Mandelbaiim Gate. ly divided between the two partiea. would close public schools 'when zalez of San Antonio, a Democrat stand. Black with brass and damask covers in popu­ MBHBBR OB Jer4isalem said Israeli Authorities H e inet with Ben-Gurion and there are mob or riot threats, and who has .filibustered eegregation BANTLY OIL trim. - lar colors. nUB AflSQCUTBD PRIOB In addition, the two partiea are Q— What is the meaning o f the issued Instructions to prepare for IsraeU Foreign Minister Golda would give the itate attorney gen­ Everything^ for the Taa AaaortatL.)datad Pp____ la axeluMaalx political term gerrymander? bills three times in the various I .IMI' W ) . I\( aatUleo to Um uaa of • of to agree on a presidential can-. the departure of a convoy through Meir. A communique said their eral {30,000 to help fight local in­ sessions, were beaten down by a ' A —rThis word means to divide ; :i 'M ’ N - I Id.I, I aa aava dlapatciiea c. [ted to I*. Of (Udate, who will be a Conserva­ Jordan's lines, and that it might talks "extended over the main cur­ tegration suits in federal courts. 14-10 vote. otberwlaa ereottad u oua pai a political area into election dis­ be sent tomorrow or In the next rent of problems affecting the \ a alao Ilia loeal oawa pabltalMd M tive for the first 4-year term, a tricts in an unnatural or unfair The final bill would allow county The school closing bill, probably TEL MItclicll 9-4595 ■V few days. Prior notice to Jordan Israel-Jordan armistice situation." XJ hearth • * 34*^^ AD rtBlita of rapubUeatloii of apec -X way 10 as to give one political Judges to require regiatration of tha most controversial, allows the -) I M A N '• dlapalfihaa karalo are alao raaarrad Liberal for the second and, for the authorities is necessary so they Besides the M t Scopua dispute, party an advantage over Its oppon­ organization! involved in echool governor to close any tchool where ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 third, a Conservative again. It Is can prepare the necessary escort. the armistice arrangements have lyiiI aarrwaamea ellant of N. B. ents. integration troubles. Backers of it appears troops \rill be used to 39.50 expected that Colombia will go Hammarskjold continued talks been disturbed in recent weeks by the bill openly said it was aimed enforce racial integration orders “ it^ & ia r. RapreaaotatlTaa; IBa with Premier David Ben-Gurion several shooting incidents along the Jullua Matbawa Special Acaacj — New back to a more conventional sys­ Q—How many Union prisoners at hamstringing the National or where there is the threat of and other Israeli officials. One of Israeli-Jordan border and by a Tork, Clilctvo .Oetroll aad Boatoa. were there In the Confederate pris­ Association for the Advancement mobs or riots. MBMBER______AUDIT ------BUREAU OB. tem of electing presidents in 1970, his talks was in private with Ben- quarrel over the acting chief of of Colored People. It would re­ dRCDLAnoNB on at Andersonville, Ga. ? Daniel has voiced approval of This Joint rule, o f course, is a Gurlon. the tnice organization. quire such groups to list members, the first two bills, but has not A — About 49,000. Approximately In Jordan's sector of Jersualem Y^u ra really giving something extra special when Tbc Baraid PiiDUiis Compaar, lae., far cry from the type o f democ­ 13,000 of them died. Hammarskjold also met with officers and affiillationa. commented on the registration aaamaea ito Rnandal raapoaaliiiMty for a Jordanian Arm y officer said the A first special session waa called eiTon appaarloB la ad- racy to which We are accustomed. the acting chief, U.S. Marine Col. measure. He is expected to sign all you give Watkins Furnitiire and Accessories. You give waftfiwnatS'aad______aad c otliar'iwadiiiB------— aiatlar convoy had been canceled. Byron Leary. The officer has been Oct. 14 by Daniel and his legisla­ three, however. WATKINS- la The Manmaatar It provides the country with no Q—What are "Cleopatra’s There was a strict new's black­ assurance of smart and authentic styling; fine construction; Bvaaios HanJdT Needles?" accused by Jordan of biaa in favor alternative to which it can turn out by officials on the trend of of I.srael in his handling of the beautiful finishes and fabrics. And you'll be A . Cleopatra's Needle is the the talks. WEST if it la diasatlafled with the party name given two great stone pil­ Mt. Scopua and other disputes. S!2S5S~' ■"•9SL, Israel Rejects Compromise Jordan asked that Leary be dis­ thrilled, naturally, to receiva such handsome gifts. wadaaaday I p oa Ibeadap. in power. And it does. In fact, rep- lars called obelisks, from ancient But a usually well-informed Fuieral SenlM raaent a long gamble on the sin­ Egypt. One stands in Central Park, missed but Hammerskjold has ex­ sources said Hammarskjold yester­ pressed confidence In him. INVEST IN cerity of the leaders of the two New York City, and the other in day had made a compromise pro­ Ormond J. Weat, Director London, England. The Secretary General spent 12 parties. Joint rule could breed col­ posal which was rejected by Is­ hours in conference with King ATOMIC SCIENCE 148 Ekut Center St. O ld pine 6* rael. The • Informant said it was Mitchell 8-7198 lusion and corruption, as well as Q—Which is the largest family Hussein of Jordan, acting Premier expected Ijie Secretary General through Atomic Development Wadaaaday, Dacambar 4 assure stability. of flowering plante? Samir RIfal and other leaders In Saddle-seat milking stool re­ would present a new compromise. Amman before coming to Jerusa­ Mutuxl Funds, Inc. But with more than 100,000 A —The Composite fam ily is the An Israeli government spokes­ produced for to d y ’s T V largest and most highly developed. lem. He le ft the talks with a grim The MU Scopus Knot Uvea having been lost in political man said only that "the problem face. A noncommittal communique Get thie Fsets and Free Prospectus Hanchester'a Oldeat watching, or to use as a foot­ is still under discussion." with Finest FseillUea battles betwieen the Conservatives said Jordan wishes to "maintain For parly lovers—Table 10.95 stool; in . smoky pine. Tlia Gordian knot blocking a so­ A Jordan Arm y officer in the the fullest cooperation with the Off-Street Parking and Liberals since 1949, the Co­ Old enty of Jerusalem said the con­ lution to the Arab-Iaraali contro- U.N. truce organization" but did Shearson, Ha m m ill £ C o. EtUbllsbed 1874 Let there be music! lombian willingness to take this A Thouxlit for Today voy had been canceled for today. Tarsy has been exposed by the Sponsored by the Manchester not spell out how. New Vart Stad) fsekaae* gamble In the hope of achieving U.N. truce observation officials If they give parties, show movies or slides, do hurried visit of United Nations Council of Churches declined to discuss that point. Hammerskjold might return to ■tability la aasily understood. Amman after finishing his talks *13 Main SIreM. Manchester • MHchell 3-1571 typing or sewing, they’}! love a Samson folding There were no signs at Mandel- What greater gift could you give your family Secpttary General Dag Hammar- with Israeli leaders, officials in Gift for daily use.. 89*^® table with new non-bum Vinyl-coated metal Magic And Sunday’s election Itself baiim Gate, the border crossing tlian the creative music of piano or organ? skjold to Jordan and Israel this Good Workmen Jordan said. He is scheduled to visit seems to bode well for the future (Ephesians .6:5) point into Jordanian territory, that Reserve your instrument from our big Christ­ top, 610.95. Chairs, covered to match, 69.95 each. week. a convoy was expected today. Jor­ Damascus, Syria, before returning \ of democracy in Colombia. It was, Pleasing the Lord is the great to U.N. headquarters in New York. What other gift will receive such daily use as mas display. Take two years to pay on easy The purpose o f his trip’ is to dan turned back, the last convoy first of all, tha first major politi­ incentive o f any CHiristian life. If the dinette group you “grilve the home" this terms. strangthan the United Nations we can carry the full impact of two weeks ago because it carried cal rsault of the M ay 10 rebellion nine drums of gasoline. Jordanian 20 Held in Plot Christmas? Here is one from our famous big truce machinery which is thrsat- that truth none of our tasks will Round the world 9.98 which ousted the cotmtry's most be humdrum. Faithful and happy officials charged the grns would be selection of Dsyatrom Dinettes. The brass- aning to break down in tha dispute Pian« prices start at 4 9 9 .0 0 recent dictator, General Rojas. It workmen . are those working for used by Israeli police and care­ Jakarta, Indonesia, Dec. 4 (A5— If you*r« busy iriMn-you n««d a trimmed black woodgrain top extends from Reflections over whether Israel should be taker forces on demilitarized Mt. Twenty persona are being held in m was also the nation’s first popular "the Big Boss.’’ who endeavor to 30 X 42 to 62 inches, the chairs are upholster- , Enrich your under- permitted to supply M t. Scopus, please God in honesty, cooperative Scopus in connection with fortifi­ connection with the assassination balloting and the firat election in cation work prohibited by the Pal­ ed in contrasting paprika tweed plastic. Leqis'^ Reflect \.your holiday standing of world the Israeli-held aneiave in Jordan, endeavors, and consecrated effort. attempt against President Sukar­ which women voted. When we serve well and obey the estine Armistice. no Saturday, the local Pla News and backs are black coloranjic metal. " wishes with a Watkins events with the “Com­ irlth gasoline. Deny Fortifications Agency said today. The Colombian people, who re­ commandme.nta we will be success­ mirror like\this 13 X mander” 12-inch globe. But the underlying question is ful both in business and religious Israel denied that any military The Jakarta district comman­ Vi'slas garded the election as a long step work was involved. Her spokesmen 16-inch ovalal Victorian 6,410 place names; whether international law can be life. "If you love Me keep My com­ der, Lt. (3oI. Endong Dachjar, waa back toward democracy, were re­ said the gasoline would be used to reported as saying that all 20 have model in gilt finish, washable map in 10 made to work in the area in the mandments." O ther groups $69.95 up ported to be in a holiday mood Rev. C. H. Anderson run an electric generator. confessed and that further arrests 69.98. colors. Others start at q.98 face of fears and a oonfUcting web "There are no fortifications In are expected as the Army investi­ Sunday, a mood generated by 63.95. ef Arab-Israeli hostilities. At is­ the Israel Mt. Scopus eector," an gation continues. Those arrested their confidence the amendment Official Mixup sue in the M t Scopus dispute is Israeli spokesman aald today. The include leaders In the plot, Dach­ CALENDAR WATCH Old New England street would win easy approval. W e hope area involved is about 900 by 400 jar said. the question o f whether Israel can Tucson, Ariz. (/P)—A Tucson po­ scenes and wharfs leml the Buccees of their excitement in bar UN representatives from the lice officer walked into the El Paso, vistas to your rooms. 1 4 ^ government continues to Justify area. Tex., police station on official busi­ Made in Switzerland especially X 18V>i-inch maple frames. that mood during the years ahead. ness and said: "I'm William Ho­ for M ICH AELS! Especially According to the larasli-Jordatt' gan." ian armistice agreement and vari "We’re glad you gave yourself valuable to the busy execu­ Dialogue At Princeton Big gift — little cost ous U N documents, M t Scopus is up," replied the desk sergeant. tive! Named for him, a.s a Hogan was about to be escorted "EXECrUnVE"—gold- to remain demilitarised, and ’ UN Any day now, we auppose, a matter of fact! Pay $5 down to a cell before he was able to ex­ and $6 a month on our Easy filled calendar, aelf- 2 \ .9 5 representatives are charged with doorbell may ring down at Prince­ plain he was William Hogan, po­ winding, 17 Jewela tha responatblUty o f inspecting ton, and a Man from Washington liceman, not the William Hogan LE A R N H O W Payment Plan! ITS.M the area to see that it is. However, be admitted to the home of Dr. wanted by El Paso police for as­ sault. YOU GET THIS Hurry . . . if you missed ever since the 1948 armistice, Is­ J. Robert Oppenheimer. choosing your cricket rael has maintained a tight con' W e will be pardoned, we hope. CALL TO ACTION 5 9 & 9 V A L chairs last August. Our trol over M t Scopus and hai If we imagine the conversation Boston iJP)—Dr. Alma Locke new shipment of these barred U N inspectors. which might follow: Cooke, a woman doctor who served 30 years as a Congregational hard-to-get chairs is in The motives for Jordan’s ac­ Man; W e want you to come Christian missionary in China, was "ATOMIC and won’t last long. Two '.50 4 - 8 5 tions which precipitated the pres­ back. about to retire. Then she heard ELECTRIC JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS wing styles, a platform ent crisis—blocking a shipment of Dr. O: Do you forget that I am missionary doctors were needed In rocker and two arm mod­ West Africa. By mid-November, 958 Main St., Manchester gasoline on the ground it was to a security risk, and perhaps TRAIN els are included. Nutmeg be used fo r fortifleation buUding ehe had packed her stethoscope and Spots of color worse? / was off for the dark continent— maple with quaint prints; Light 'n bright . . Lamps and refusing to cooperate with the THE KNOWN NAME, THE KNOWN QUALITY SINCE 1900 Man: We thought you might at the age of 70. one' arm chair finished acting U N truce chief on the . . . few chairs and sofas. . . know B shortcut to a long range black-and-gold. N ground that he was biased in fa­ Christmas Special mlssilel Hundreds of gift lamps . . . including Watkips decorator pillows vor o f Israel— are in themselves these 28-inch brass lamps with 3-way with zippered covers; foam pr. O: And that I was accused suspect lighting, white fabric shades. Were interiors. qf trying to delay our mastery of Kid-size Samsonite Israeli gasoline and other sup­ 69.98. the hydrogen bomb? PARK plies had been moving to ~M^' o r rockin' chair Scopus through Jordan withplit Man: A fter sputnik, we need ail PAINT! THB OnOORATOR Incident for years. It was tm|j^ af­ our men of aclence. ter Jordan felt constrained^.-by the Dr. O: And that I was once Slimlm* styling'Wilk Holo« FREE light. 21** gictvr* tub* 29®5 79.50 pressure of Egyptian a ^ Syrian 'married to a CJommunist? •goAot ni*«iur«) 249 iq. in. PURNELL propaganda, to demonsMte how Man: This is a national emer­ PLASTER! ▼••wobU er«o. The Salem rocker (regularly anti-Israel she i^ iy was, that gency. Hand.s^e Savery 63.95) has a scooped Windsor PARKING the bars to Mt. Scopus came down. Dr. O: Have you forgotten, too, design block-front style seat, bent spindles and Furthermore, Jordan might not that even If I am loyal, I am in' bac^lo r’s chest in WITH typical Colonial turnings. Fin­ want to push too far the issue of discreet, undependable, and unable COLOR! mahogany with slid­ ished in satin bjack with gold inflection q f demilitarised xonea. to accept patriotic dladpUne? ing tray; 28 inches Success in Uiis might set a prece­ Man; Even some of those who stenciled leaf design. Perfect ;«tide. gift! dent on Which the U N could claim condemned you Join In asking you S n V A N I A to come back. the’ right to inspect a Jordanian TEXTURE! 110 SLIMLINE TV area adjacent tq.Mt. Scopus that Dr. O: Even though I have not Other rockers is supposed to be demilitarized but changed in any respect? WITH Writing habit 99.50 from England which Israel claims has been forti­ Man: Circumstancea have MIRACLE H iia is the year you can please yoUr whole 19.95 up fied/and used as a military train- changed. ' family. Give thra New Sylvania SUmline (Right) ^rpentine front droplid desk inf/>8/I ground. Dr. O: But do I not read that . TV — AND the Atomic Train- comes in mahogany or maple, has a to Connecticut all circumstancea are more crltl' N'fevertheleas, e the fact remains four-drawer base, ogee bracket feet. cal than ever, that we have. In the GREEN Table and 2 chairs 16.95 that the present crisis grows out S V L V A N IA TV features Our finest British imported words of Dr. TeUer. suffered a of a. violation of international law. Slimline styling S-110 chaeais and.Halo-' brass plaques t Id^-inch Pearl Harbor? Under such condi­ Hammarskjold himself . cannot, Light,^ the frantie of surround light size with grape or pine­ tions, wouldn’t it be better to put Not a toy but a real Samsonite folding card force Israel to comply with the that's easier on the eyes. The Gifts from apple designs 63.36. me in a concentration camp than table and 2 matching chairs, scaled down for requirements of the armistice to invite me back inside your gov. Atomic Train will'give young­ * S T A M P S youngsters I Exclusive "Vinyl-Clad” process agreement or the U N resolutions See emment secrets? sters thousands of hours of permanently bonds Vinyl to steel; won’t cut providing for UN Inspection of Mt. 'Waltsr The Little Man; We are willing to take happy play. Come in ' BrenBen ia or scratch. It’s .spill-proof, stain-proof, burn Scopus. He does not even have the such risks. We hope 3rou may hava todajr; Let im tell you proof. All metal parts bonderized to resist authority to question Israel's posi­ . ^ T H E R E A L Pigeon hole a formula. bow you can get thia^ rust. Grfiy or coral tope. tion. McCOYS” OB Gigfen W ith C a ih Sales Pine Shop Dr. O; It happens I have.' However, Hammarskjold, who is amaaing Atomic ABC-TV Man: Good, But don’t tell me. (L eft) Pigeon hole •quipped with considerable sklU as Train with Save it for those who are sup­ 5.50 Windsor arm chair is a .negotiator and the prestige of Sylvania posed to hear it. ' in antique pine finish. his office, could try to bring Israel Slimline Dr. O: But I will tall it to you, The Little Pine Shop is bunting at and Jordan, .into some area of TV. or to anybody. I will even tell it ■L.BeTRIO thf seams with quaint smpkey pine agreement bn the interpretation of IN ONE EASY STEP.' to the Russians. TMAIN ieces like these: 20 x 14-inch shelf th e ' pertinent documents. Man; Now let’s not start that W inner o f "T o Bi ■ olds six cups-and saucers, 66.60. 4 1 4 35.0 0 Even this would; be difficult. DON T ACCEPT E all over again. . TO Moehenleai X 16V4-inch spice chest has six stack­ Jordan is under stiff pressure Dr. O; But it is no secret from SUBSTITUTES ed drawers, 1^,96. ^ from other Arab states not to ! *royo fo r 1BR7." 4 9.50 our words, or from our minds. It relent. And Israel, seeing herself is a secret merely from our hearts. ^hemmed in by hostile neighbors, is Wain rsBRy (• reN Man: Is this something scientific not likely to enter into an ar­ AMnIc iaalM you're talking about? $1 rangement in which she la the only gal. AWni< iMCWr Car Alenk CaaaOa Car — Cheery '‘party conceding anything. Dr. O: As scientific as-msn will DECEMBER 5 69.95 actaaNy irat OfaiacHUi ever get. The key, in fact, to the 8.98 But if Hammarskjold is success­ ‘Texture'* effects are the OaMad Mhrila Car > ful, if he is able to win Israeli ecience of, survival. tadar Caatral Car rage End Pla8tra-tone ia larfa Oral Track 49.50 Cherry consent to UN Inspection of M(. Man; That’s what we want. So She expects a "Lane'' come along. the only foolproof prod- ' AatawaHt Uacaaplar Scopus, it might mean that he has uct for texture paint­ fawar laegly I n B o th X l i e a e S to te $ ^ 5.98 Dr. O; Men must learn to re­ found the right string to pull to ing! Simple to use brush lailracfiaa laak She’ll always treasure your Christmas gift spect and trust one another. for Colonial tables untie the Gordian knot. or roller. In lovely pas­ B ee R eekjiR In 5.50 Leatherette Scooper I of a .^ n e Cedar Chest because she’ll know Until then, Mt. Scopus, held a Man: Now, now. W e understand, tels! Ask for « new color you’ve given her the best. Pressure-tested closed region by the Israeli in of course, if you fe e l's little bitter folder! Covers anything! Lane Che.sts come in a big variety of period Satiny-finished brown cherry Spite of agreement which says it about what happened to you in 1 0 3 0 Only Plaitro’tone i$ The 834 inch nut bowl- comes styles and in woods to harmonize . . . pine, lends a mellow cheerful effect to shall be under U N supervision, but the past. 4-98 Homogenized! with nut cracker, 65.98: the herb maple, cherry, mahogany and modern wal­ Early American I’ooms. Thyee of depiudiBg for its very food and Dr. O: That’S' not bitterness. The JW H A K COM scale is, of course, a conversa­ Copy of a Cape Cod cran­ nut, oak and mahogany. The Hcpplewhite our many styles of tables include U|^t upon Israeli passage through .That’s tha formula. The key to tion piece, 66.60. Salt box has a Relax your heart; get berry scoop makes a per­ blanket chest shown has mahogany the 19 X 28-inch end and step ths territory of Jordan, with MiiNCHisnii Conn- aurvivsl. The ecience-we have to liner, 62.65. your feet up on one of fectly charming maga­ veneers. models in matching "Windsor” quanal over tha terms of this LIJOHNSON 2.65 STANEK these leatherette-covered zine rack. It’s-in mellow design and an exquisite little 14- passage likely eaeugh to lead to ,Man: Well, come along, anyway. ELlOniONICS LUORITORIES hassocks. Also for T V I smoky pine. inch cigarette table. World War ni, otaiula as a peril­ Easy Budget Terms 19.95 My job ^ juet to get you bMk. P M N T 6 0 . 877 B BO AD 8T. raoNE an 8-im ous challenge to the wisdom of all W e can see what Adm iral Strauaa M A N o n c a n m C£HOUSE&SM)N •ur Bolomona. Solve this Uttls tan- and Dr., TeUer think about pustlng 788 MAIN 8T„ MANOHEM XB :i N cs.: gls, and you can solva anything. anybody. -t OPEN MPNDAYS-.QPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL CHRISTAVAS 1:: - - < . . r' f t ■•T

' i k ■ ■ ‘ ' f p a g e m r \ . IIANCHI^TEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OG’KN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 196T Chrlatmaa wreatha for which the jMfnOf Smoke, Frustration Engaged Friendship Circle members have recel%’ed advance Tucker’s Leading Selects* Officers orders. < . Setback Tourney THE IDEAL GIFT When Fogs Blanket Centipede Is Misnomer Mrs, Terry Howard and Mrs. Tucker’s Insurance Co. held its Frblicss Gebel were, elected co­ Although centipede means hun­ lead In the Red Men’s Setback presidents of Jhe Salvation Army dred-footed and millipede means JET BOOTS Britain’s Manchester thousand-footed, most American Tourney last night. They have a Friendship Circle st its annual centipedes have only about 60 legs 44-polnt margin over the Bolton k meeting and Christmas party in and millipedes only about 200. The Five. $ 0 ' 9 S By'STKBUNO SLAPPEY *tHe quota and be on hie way in the Citadel last night. easiest way to distinguish them is Scores to date are ’Tucker In­ surance, 2.941; Bolton Five, 2.597; A Manchaster, Bnfland, Dec. 4 h eiKleewre cerde New Tork, Dec. 4 MP)— With'4'quickly. As the year ends the ques­ during the year and growing as SffCUL tion is how soon will he be back on 1957 draws to an end. LADIES’ 1W7 entering the laet Up of the Fancy Lace Trims! Shadow Pan­ bneinew rnce today the newe pic­ the.Job and how much of the Job ture a t the year becomea clearer. are other's Hkely to shoulder. els! Embroideries!,All 40 Denier 5. Sputnik. The Russian satellite Extended Forecast Warm as toast Orion Pile lined Barring a Uta starting dark was s scientific marvel with big Nylon Tricot. White add Colors! horse, here are the 10 top ^ in e s s military implications. The effect Temperatures in . Connecticut coats so ideal for cold wintry news atorlee ef the year-r-just one on business, aside from the psy­ during the next five days will ORLON Sizes 84-40. man’s opinion. chological, was the boost that in­ average 5 or 9 degrees below i C U D D L E IWJiMGJWMIGIINIMIMML- weather. Stripe or Plaid pat­ 1. Stock market didoe. Not creased defense spending later on noilnal. Normal mean tempera­ BEARS ■o much because the eigniflcance may give the economy. The ques­ tures in the Hartford area during terns. Sizes 8-18. a t the market’s many ups and tion—will it help end any recession this period is 31 degrees, ranging b ig SCOTTIE TV d o g ” J downs as because |hey have dram- ahead? from a high of 41 to a low of 21. e Bright rad Biilsh • Rubb9 r w Keats atUed—not alwajU rightly—the 8. ’Tight money. Businessmen, Precipitation will on the average • 35" long • Fadol driv9 LADIES’ ether big etoriee of 1957. From especlaUy the smaller ones, com­ totsi about 2/10 of an Inch oc- Usual Value Special S Sensational a peak in July stock prices skid­ plained that expansion plans were curing as rain or snow about Fri­ J ded to a low in October and have hamstrung. Home builders were day. 4.95 100% ALL WOOL Sleepers mostly see sawed since. particularly critical of the Fed­ Some moderation in tempera­ RIDE-ER FIREi’RUCK FIRST QUALITY lGift-8uys at 2. ’The long boom ends. The eral Reserve System’s tight reins tures Thursday and Friday but WITH SIREN AND LIGHT f Exirowdhtary MEN’S COnON biggest 'bnsiness climb in Amer­ On the amount of available credit turning colder over the weekend. / ican hlatory faltered early In the 9? I and of the accompanying climb of A Over 3 1 ' long, year, first leveling off and then by Interest rates. ’The system has Made of extra- ' Gift‘Buy$ at Marvelous summer definitely taking a breath­ reversed itself and as Decemter heavy gauge .59 er, in President Eiemhower's starts ail 12 Federal Reserve Hesv’y-dutyy-outy rubbern EACH I SKIRTS words. When the expected fail Banks are lending to member tires. Built for 2 f FLANNEL SHIRTS Gift Buys at pickup didn’t come, buelnessmen banks at 3 per cent instead of 3'j. CHRISTMAS rough play. Kids love to lump wlth^ Softandcuddlyploymate—over21"long, 11*taH ^ began wondering how mucb of a A lot of people felt better after these 11-lnch cuddly play-j '■* ■ dip was ahead and for how long. that, but very little more money ONLY mates—styled in soft rayon) for Ladies! X ' Breather in Inflation was available for boirowing. BAZAAR plush and cotton stuffing. * I. The cost of living. Infla­ Jobless Totals Up MmmiMinwM: tion ruled the first nine months of 7, Unemployment Rising a little MASONIC TEMPLE '99 the year with prices on consumer in the fall it ends the year still in­ V>w ■ Regular goods rising steadil.v. In Octo­ creasing and with more Jobless ex­ THURS., DEC. 5, 2 P.M. Rag. 19.95 Valua ■ ^ Pr. ber there was a breather here, too. pected before spring. With the loss NOW but still higher prices were feared of this pay, along with shorter Tea 2-4 P.M.—Supper 5-7 P..M. m 00 Value $2.59 i ita n . before 1957 fades. work weeks for many other fac­ I 8 b a Ji I 4. Hie Preeident'e health. ’The tory bands, consumer income is Tickets 99c market reacted quickly - first, faltering after its long climb — ROYAL RACER SLED : ■ ~ Sponsored by |9 9 Worth Much, Reg. 89c pr. X.' ' iinvii f > wi ■ m . Regular down when he suSered a alight and Just when the merchants are TEMPLE CHAPTER 53, O.E.S, ■ iiBm .i ti*.* 'inn* ii Reg. $2.98 stroke; up,. when he recovered hoping to t plenty of spending to orriciu. tia um latMT I j, FOOTBALL Much More Reg. $2.98 e FANCY STITCH \ Value $1.98 id cswUde « . I Limit 3 Pairs to A Customer. ___. . PyrmyUa | .wO ' i I iiiii. i ta.'iiia i Isea. Satyl Wi94»t. • 9 Plug it b and forget k e EMBROIDERED < ..I:*-' f I ■■tllgl u Sanforized, Guaranteed New eneoved seby {elec. e 12-cup capacity Slim and Pleated Styles. Tiveeds, All first quality. 51 gauge, 15 iZ " Fait color. Stitched for o navot fsgalatar dial Plaids, Checks, Stripes. Sizes e PASTELS 1 and 2 Pc. with closed feei , •100% Orion Interlock Knit. denier, Proportionate lengths. I - l e i li iL*..' y ii. 'i Shrink Resistant, Maize, Pink, Mock full-fashioned. Pretty 10-18. - Individual cellophane Wrap­ o SIZGS 8-Bx perfect H i Colorful ILLON’S, Inc. pastel shades. Sizes 34-40. Blue Mint. Sizes 1 to 6. MAKE A GREAT KING PORTABU MIXIR ped Boxes. plaldi. S-M-L. X Usiral Value 15.95 319 MAIN ONLY USED CAR • 3 full powerad ipBcdi STREET TYPE WRITER • Two colon FLASH! GIFT SPECIAL! LADIES BUYS! MEN’S Jt waekel Mede ed 2 - 9 8 • Full-nicd beaten \ ■■■■. Mf 3.5185 ell Heel eeaetrue- • Xightwriith' Uaw, it trsei tke BUY HERE SPECIAL elskebet, mimbere eed seaetuetloB 498 eeerke. PLAip ROBES s ’5$ PLYMOUTH STATION WAOONON MEN'S\ LADIES' $1645 A clod fit for a klngl Mad# e t \ SKATES Regular $5.98 Values ^ Pile the kids in this and ride in style. Mlacted hardweodf, with safety Buy Now for Christmas! Reg. $2,98 '’curT runaari. Heavy-gauga This Will Positively Be OuOur Lowest Sanforized Fast Color, Red, Blue and Green Plaid Full length gowns in pretty pastel prints.*Sizes 84 to 40. '$$ OHEYHOLET BEL AIR 4-DOQR WAQON $1545 itaal. 40' Iona Price On Skates "Come and See S-M-L. V-8, radio, heater, tutone. One owner. / 7-UGHT MULTIPU-TYPI GIR ’S3 PLYMOUTH CMBRIOSE 4-DOOR Only $345 HOLIDAY AN Kinds ef SPECIAL ALL FlkST OUAUTY! Drive this car away now, act fast.-^ ORNAMWTS INFANTS' LIGHTS LADIES’ I ar4 e variety ’S4 FORD OUSTOM YS 4-DOOR, L ik . Haw SAF« AU SIZES FROM $1025 UNDatWRITIRS' ...... f '- : ; ’ IVY Fordomatic, radio, heater, Jutone. Only APFROVn . NYLON or TREE STAND ooz. XiMila bciRi independently. Eaay-on lAROE VARIETY 'S3 OLDS. SUPER M 44)00R. Now Only $1025 .cHpf rim! add-on ctmneeicn for at- SINGLE E ALL PROM tGching addidanal aetf. ;T FIREPURE Hydramatic, powhr brakes, radio, heater. , a CANDLE ^ Fantastic Sgvingt^ O R LO N S fe . LEAGUE SHIRTS rag. $2.00 valve : : * • ba. ’ W ■ ■ tU G H T ^lofM Ma . ’SSIPLYMOUTH PLAZA TUDOR $ CYUNOER $995 s/>£a/u CANDLE SET filifa Tutohe, radio, healefA. Vei;y, very nicq. BQOTIE SETS 59 *54 FORD OUSTOM Y3 4-DOOR, Yiry Nin $1045 i. I Fordomatic. new tires, radio, heater. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU CAN BUY FOR LESS R e g i. Fully sanforized. Ginghams, I^iricalir^fibre—^f t as eafihmere, Will pot pull or Fancy Lace Trimmed Nylon or^Nylonlzed Tricots. White.. Make won­ derful CSiriatmaa ^ FORD CUSTOM Y3 4-DOOR. Vary NIm $995 st^Uh^Several shadM to choostirom. Sizes 8440. Whites and colors. Sizes S-M-L. ' ' Oifta. Overdrive, radib, heater, tutone. * * TRIPLE %STORES ★ FREE PARKING Low, Hilcfiffc. Veiy'dean. Drive thi« one. 681 MAIN ST.-OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9-SAT. TILL 5:30-^Ml 3-6771 OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE \i<' 'I \. L, h . s ■

rsAMTinELTl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHE8TEB. OOlftl, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1957 ■’'W IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, M ANQ^TER; CONN, W d NESDAY. DECEMBER ifim Pa GV IB O tlS S N Fii«t U.S. Satellite Nears , ^ Band of SnoW Andover Children to Hear^ Town Will Negotiate fWArFiirwir ^ ^ Laimching Hour in Florida Covers Broad Berk Invades Tin-Pan AIll ;y By MOK HOWARD, ;y 691 MAIN STREET (C lr«m 0"*> the third stage would give the With Water Company Herald Stoft Writer sa hftd developed hut ft myriad of Andover, Dec. 4 (Special) — [PARKINC IN REAR] shell of the third stage, painted Ohio while the storm center was musical tour of American history authorised by the Board of Di­ tlmes run dry. . The first edition of the song, CHARGE minor electrical. dlfticulUe* white to reflect the tun, aill orbit nMVing eastward. Light snow per­ will be presented to local elemen rectors last night. He suggested also that ths Di­ published last month by Nordyke frayed wire*, aborted clrrulta and along behind the aluminum bsll — sisted Wednesday west of the Ap­ Gensral Manager Richard Mar­ rectors consider building another Publishing Co., Hollywood. Calif., ACCOUNTS the like—had combined to delay tary school youngsters tomorrow and some say It will outlive the palachians from'‘Ohio southwa^ by Bill Bonymn. the official tin was asked by the Directors to dam at the town-owned Roaring and presently being distributed In matter*. tiny satellite. Into eastern Ternes.see. discuss the purchaee with owners Brook Reservoir. sheet music form td music shops INVITED A couple of hour* before the llrst troubadour of Sturbridge Village. Because the 8-Inch sphere oc­ HeaWeat falls Tuesday and Tues­ Bonyun has an extensive re­ of the North End concern. Another future water problem throughout the country, was writ­ '• planned launchinf, the countdown cupied only a small part of the day night were five Inchea at Co­ pertory of folk songs which he . The manager was instruetsd to was brought to lift attention of ten by a 30-ycar-old soldier who atart wa» deferred to 11 p.m., and nose ares of the Vanguard rocket lumbus. Ohio: four Inches at Brad­ the Directors by the general man­ •till makes his permanent home then to midnight, then 1 a.m., then which he has gathered in hia trav­ act at the request of Republican reserved for a 21-inch satellite, the ford, Pa.: and three Inches In els throughout the United States Director Gilbert Barnee. ager. here. Specialist l.C. Frank J. Berk S:45—«nd eo It went. small ball was equipped with six Springfield. III., Indianapolis and Martin reported to the Beard le tha son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Much of the dtiffculty w*e ft* other cities. and Canada as well as from books Referring to a visit made by the long radio antenna, extending out and museums. Nearly half of hi* Directors to the Lydsll A Foulds that the State PubOe UUUtleo Berk of 29 Kerry St. andated with tl<- first two sUges from it Most of Maryland was coated Commission had approved town The personable, slighUy built «f the S-stage rocket, because they with anow Wednesday. A ma.xi- songs have been learned by word paper plant last week, Barnes said Walsh’ said that unlike the beep of mouth from oldsters who heard that the visit brought out the fact acquisition of the Highland Park young man, stationed in Iceland Involve the. use of highly volatile beep of the Red sputnik satellites) mum of 8’i Inches was reported in Water Co. in the southeast area of for the past 18 months, may hav* ' %quid propellants, tocket motor* the ■ western counllca. The fsll In them In their .younger days. that no formal proposal for pur­ the Vanguard satellite will have a % chase had sver been made to the town. hit the jackpot on hie firet time using liquid fuel are much more Steady voice. He said the Soviet West Virginia ranged from a trace Pieced Stories Together He said that he expected a pe­ out.' oomplicated, and hence less reli­ to 8 inchea In the northweatern Bonyun has pieced together the owners of the water company. Wil­ intermittent signal was esused liam Foulds of the paper plant Is tition from the residents of the A lifelong advocate of western able. than those employing solid from A shifting between 20 and 40 section. stories behind the songa to trans- area for water. If they do not pe­ and country-style music. Berk, propellants. The New Haven. Conn.. Weather! late thl.^ coiintr.v' history Into president of the North End water tition, he said, it may be neces­ megacycle*, while the Vanguard j firm. tried his hand at writing words While the 72-foot-taIi rocket, will broadcast steadily on the AM Bureau aaid, three inchea of anow aerie* of colored events appealing sary for the town to Initiate ac­ and-music for the first time dur­ slender and graceful, stood white frequency band at about 108 mega­ had fallen and possibly another 1 to the Interest of young and old “It seems to me we should bring tion. ing his tenure in the northland. and serene in it* h unching stand, cycle*. inch was expected before the end alike. the whole town under one system,” Service would require the ad­ He wrote three songs between asritement swirled about it. Cape of the atorm which moved In from He worka at Sturbridge Village J*' T* ' Barnee said, spesking of both the dition of a larger main and September 1956 and last August: Canaveral, closed to all outsiders, the South during the night. from May until November of each A water and fire departments. pumping station, the manager All three have been accepted for Northern Cnnnectlcut received year. Then he, his wife and their blazed with floodlights. much leas anow from the eastward If there were one system, “We told the Board. publication by the West Coast I The project was given the name About Town three son* return tq Brookhaven, ■' could give consistent quality end Cost*, he said, could b* asstsied music publishing company. ; ' Vanguard, and the Martin Co. of moving storm. The VVeather Bu­ L. I., N. Y., which -la their per­ ^'1: consistent rates throughout the reau said the "snow line" ex­ manent home. against the property owner* with “The Love We Shared' waa the' , Baltimore won the overall contract The Alplna Society will hold it* tended from central New York town,” the Director said. the understanding that payment third of the three song* he wrote for the rocket Prom this base of operations. Barnes advised eontiniistion of and I* the first to actually be pub­ Christmas parly tonight, atarting across central Connerticut and was Bonyun makes television- and ra­ might be deferred for those new ' Martin's Vanguard team also is with a supper at 6:30 at the Italian not expected to move much farther P d- - well drilirng by the town, but point-' having an adequate supply. lished and put on the market. The directing the test launching pro­ dio appearances, lectures and other two. Berk says, will be pub­ American Club. A grab bag will be northward. \school visits. gram—the attempt to put three held after the aupper. All four State Police barracks in i lished and distributed after the first or four comparatively simple d 'i- the southern half of Connecticut. | He began hia college studies at of the year. HOLIDAY FRILLS FOR Y O U N C ANCELS Inch experimental spheres into an Dr. Eugene Davis will attend at Ridgefield, Westport. Bethany; Wesleyan slid continued at th* Midwest Medical Men Tour Berk waa bom and reared "In orbit around the Berth before the the annual meeting of the Ameri­ and Westbrook, reported that the i University of- North Carolina Manchester. He attended the Hol­ Instniment-fllled, 31-inch moons can Academy of Optometrist* at anow created only routine difficul- j where he studied dramatic writ­ f! ; hI lister St. School and the Howell are sent aloft. the Drake Hotel in Chicago over ties. ing, Following hia graduation, he SpeciahCare Unit at MMH Cheney Technical School. In 1945, A* the launching hour of the the weekend. He is thb lone Man­ There were no serious accidents. : spent two years traveling about at the age of 18. he was drafted in 9 n t non-OoramunIst sputnik drew chester member of the Academy but In the Ridgefield area two traf­ the United States and Canada. the U S. Army and, except for two that has some 12 Connecticut IJved In Nova Scotia A team of medical men from the j service at the grave in West Ceme- brief periods, has been In the aenr. eioeer this part of Florida devel- fic tie-ups occurred when trucks; Battle Creek, Mich., Community | t*ry. 0|i*d a feverish inter**, in the mis- members. There will be 38 original lacking chains were unable to as­ He finally settled In a fishing vH- Ice ever since. sUe teat center. papers read at the sessions. cend hills. lage in Nova Scotia where he lived Hoepltal and the Univerrtty of: „ "ere .Roger Sullivan. Before entering the aervice, Berk Sugar coated colors, spiced with lace and gay Even during the early morning Another chainless truck skidded in a 38-ft. schooner until It crashed ______V. . . . w I Morgan Grant. Angelo Pedrizzina. sang with several western bandi Michigan .toured Manchester Me-1 Eru, Keenev. Alfred Keeney and In the area and In the service con­ trims, delightful fashions every yoiing miss will hours, there were sutomobiles end Young entertainers at ths off the .Boston Post Rd in West" * bridge one night. morial Ho^iUI (MXIHl j-est*rclay| Winslow McLoughlin. love to wear. Come see our large collection by na­ watchers on the beaches overlook­ Chrlstmaa party of the FYench brook. He wandered to MalhF where he tinued singing as an amateur with ing the eloaed area. At dawn, scores Club Dec. 11 at the KnighU of dtate Police said it wa.' not bought a farm, married an actress with an eye to pattenilng their i ------music groups and in various talent tionally famous makers. of persons waited on the sand, un­ Columbus Home will be Paulette necessary to drop the .1.1 mile an then in summer stock, and proposed special-care unit after] Fred A. Reed shows. He had never ventured Into Croteau and Patty Aceto. tap marketed farm products from a the local hosplUl’s. | Funeral senices for Fred A. the realm of songwriting, however. aware of the fact that there could hour sneed limit on the Merritt John Jacobs R. N„ director of, Reed of Ellington, who died Fri- be no launching before midafter- dancers, pupils of the Gertrude (ind Wilbur Cross narkwa.v.s as is boat to summer visitors to the li- Last September, Berk waa In­ Tyler School qf Dancing; and done when weather conditions lands. nuraing at the Community HospI- day at Manchester Memorial Hos- spired by an article which he read SIZES Boon. Bonynin's farm - and- itiarketing tal. said today that he ‘and the PR**- "'ece held today at 11 a.m. In an old collection of religious Kordas of newspapermen end Roland Cormier, aecbrdionist. The make motoring hazardous. rest of the medical men were *1 the Watkins West F^lneral stories. He Immedlatelv applied his I to 3 photographers, drawn here by the party will start with a supper at State Highway Department career was interrupted by a 3-year 6:30. plows and .sanding trucks were on hitch In the Army after which the heartened bv the similarity be- Senlce, 142 E. Center St. The Inspiration to the writing of a long proq>*ctlve birth of a baby moon, family moved to Long Island. tween his own hoepital and MMH. Rf'’- Percy F. Smith of the South which he titled “Lord., Oh My watched from beaches several miles the job before midnight. Methodist Church officiated. Lord.” A Bridgeport radio station said Gradually Bonyun realized from The success of the progressive distant The Young Republican au b will the reactions of his New York patient care plan at MMH \rill be Bearers were Norman Harve.v, He sent a copy of the words and C A c jg t m a G nieet at 8 o'clock tonight in the authorities In live towns and George D. Lnhnian, William L. •cbooley told the newsmen they American Legion Home. cltlea asked It to broadcast that neighbors that he had acquired a of great value to his hospital, he music he had written to the Holly­ SIZES eeold not b*. admitted at this time said, because there will be no Anderson and F'rank R. Williams. wood publishers whet* It waa ac­ Give a boy a gift he can wear and his ChriatinM Joy to the military reeerratlon from schools would be closed today be- ’" hT problem of trying to adapt the Burial was in the East Ceme­ cepted, rearranged and filed for fu­ 3 to 6x 'will be complete! Choose now from our wide, wlnainc Achievement night for the Man­ cause of the storm. Thev are Dan- tery. ture publication. which the rockets and ifUasUes are chester 4-H Dafry and Homemak­ bury. Derby, Shelton. Weston and j plan to a hospital of greatly dif­ collection. lauBChed. Wilton. novelist Pean Buck signed him up fering size. He followed this aong with two At the same' time he assured ing Club win be held Friday at (or her program bureau, East-West more, “Land of the F rer’ and ."The 8 p.m. at the John Toni Hill Com­ Eleven persona, members of The apecial-care unit at MMH This ia only a demonatratUm disc, but the composer hopes it ia them that when the first fun seals three families, were driven Into the A.ssociates. Is part of the local hospital's ays- Love We Shared.” These aUo were 31-tech- satcIUte is launched next munity Club, Glastonbury. John P. 'Vhen Sturbridge Village needed I tern of progreaslve patient car* Town Union accepted by Nordyke. the music the flrat ot many cople* that will capture the sUentlon of the SIZES March—hy the same huge Van- Luken*,. county club agent will snow In Bridgeport wlien Are a balladeer, the poet was offered rearranged arid the words slightly country’s music lovers. That goes for the sheet music, too. •peak and give out achievement broke out on the top flpor of their which Is no^^• being studied by (Herald Photo by Ofiara). 7 to 14 fOam aaaembly need tor the 6H 3-atory house at 3.1 Kjngsbiirv Rd. to Bonyun who accepted gladly. i the U.a. Public Health Service. altered to fit the new muslo. H eajth'tex fiieh ahimiBum sphere now on the certificates. There will be a dis­ More songa have been added to his The Community Hospital has a Will Select The company last month notified tent stand—reporters and pbotog- play of awards and projects for the Firemen fought the blaze for an collection by visitors to the recre­ Berk that "The Love We Shared." year. The public Is invited to at­ hour before bringing It under con­ 157-bed capacity. MMH ha* i\ imphera will be admitted to the trol. ated New England town. Jo8pph A<)juni Phnt«) 187-bed cs^city. originally written aa a western in longie suits launching araa. tend. Among the intriguing title* of The Community Hospital has New Officers wait* time, had been published as f i a n d o M L Thq Vanguard oonalats of n ton Thick fogs hung over Britain tunes which the bearded folk singer A Balladeer and His Guitar a ballad and copies had been sent Skxwatch Schedule A cottags. prayer meeting for and much of Continental Europe been considering the possibility of . «( nMtnl and 10 tons of fual today, snarling trafllr, causing at will strum on his guitar at tomor­ installing s apeclal-care \init fhr out across the nation. Shirdy play sets of soft prt-ilmink ^ I t a drat atsga la 44 feet long and members the Covenant Congre­ row's performances are: '"ITie Con­ Town employes who belong to TMt Receptinn gational Church will be held to­ least four deaths and a ship col­ some two or three years. The Thursday, Dec. S. flinnil shirt (somt buttondown) r* J a l n ^ four feet wide, its second 31 lision. necticut Peddler.” "Th^- Young hospital has an \inflnished floor the State, County, and Municipal Berk, at the company's request, Midnight—2 a.m. . '...H arry Goldberg. M r tong and IS InchM In diameter, morrow at 1:15 p.m. at the home Man Who Couldn't Ho*-'^ Corn,” Rockville union have nominated gave them permission to have four SWEATERS andall-sroundboxorliihiiiiof of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wid- The British ocean liner Queen which can accommodate about 23 Employes 2 a.m.—4 a.m...... Harry Goldberg. and Its third five feet long and 18 “Three Jolly Rogue* of Lyme,” beds. Instead of placing regu­ candidates to replac* Frank radio artists In locales to be 4 a.m.—6 a.m. ... narrow-wils cordurcy. Wishibtt, Inch as in dlamstor. Because parta ham. 33 Benton 8 t Confirmation Mary was unable to enter the and ''Jenny Jenkins.” •elected by the company sing his .. .Harry Goldberg. Pandora spun orlon classics. First in softness, Class will meet at the church Fri­ French port of Cherbourg. Pas­ lar 2-bed rorms in the unfinished Hippie, local president wl^o will 6 a.m.—8 a.m. ,.. .. .Harry Goldberg. of On ntagas fit within each other, space, the hospital’s board of di­ song over the air. "This plugging 8 a.m.—10 a.m. ... first in beauty. These Christmas favorites dry vity wearable, ttiloridVii fiMir enmnlatlve length la only 72 day at 2:30 p.m. and Juniors at sengers were landed in small Policeman to Face Charge become an international union .rep­ of my song, together with the sale ... Volunteers Nerved. 7 p.m. boats. I^ong Distance Application rectors has approved the Idea of resentative. 10 a.m.—Noon ...... B urr Stephens. Mary Stephens, true to size and shape. famous Haalth-tex way. Bast of ill fsot The British tanker Verena and installing the experimental spe­ of the first printing, will give' the Noon—2 p.m... TIm Ooneral BloetHe rocket Nominations for other union of­ company an Indication aa to .. .Lets F. Waldron. style datiHs: hmiie cuffs are the Liberian Liberty ship Mino­ Madison. Wis. lAh—A radio-tele­ Of^Cover~up^ in Bundy Case cial-care unit. fices to be filled on the first Mon­ 2 p.m.—4 p.m...... Olive Chartier, Louisa Lord. anotor ol the first stags, using Shot of Mercy taur collided In the ElngUsh Chan­ whether the song will sell or not," SLIP-ONS CARDICANS . flannel trimmed to match shirts. IlQuid .tacygea and kerosene, was phone hookup has enabled a Nor­ Cost of the installation has been day in January were also made at Berk, priaently hrime on Wave, 4 p.m.-—8 p.m...... W. Joseph Lemire, .Angelo PonUIlo. nel. Neither was badly damaged. wegian working in the Antarctic roughly estimated st 390.000. a meeting of the local this week. 8 p.m.—8 p.m. -.. .. .Luc.v Burke, Roger Winter. <—lined to nnxtuce »A00 pounds Galesburg, DL

' V .- V I V ' i, 1 I /• / '-T

.\ f ■ '- / r •i r ■ ! p a g e f o u k t k b m MANCHESTEB; EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN« WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1957 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M ANCHlfsi^. CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 ^ PAGE means that new infections .would- World’s^ Largest * become few and far. between. G$tipem Fever Rises The victim of the disease there­ X Columbia Periscope Used fore has a great responsibility to seek proper treatment at the In Atoniic Tests earliest possible moment. This' Is A t Christmastime as important for his own sake as PTA Players, it is for others. d o u b le st a m p s a l l w e e k e n d Idaho Falls. Idaho—What is be­ BY HERMAN R. ALUCN i: h j w a b d c a n n e l «, leisure time for picture' taking in lieved to be the world’s Idngset A local sore Is the usualsual first X ' the way, how are you in mathe­ Btm0 Cortmpmttdm this country plus AmericAn de­ symptom and the best timene to get AP Newafeature Writer Plan Matinee THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY velopment of color film. periscope has been constructed at Urbana, BL (8^—What does this m atics?" U r n 'T o tk — 4da m Lead there are still some elementary 4^de, roiling casters, W. C. Halnaworth, echool physi­ knows where he's been or what comics," Garry wrote, "and things either. to .University High School, where ables (a term. Incidentally, be everythlag In elmple term* and Herachfleld should know.. He it was like until his pictures are things about syphilis which many you plan to do are silly. I could phqel front and rear. ^ cian, who was assisted by a state SALAD BOWL the president of Willoughby’s, the One of the things they want to Beberman la trying out the project studiously avoided). In my day we made sure I understood what Job developed.” people still do not appear to real­ give you a plan that would take Kiddie Fair carries a the ;^letter T perfMrmed. C i r c e s nurse. •9USSWAX* world’s largest camera store. ise. Contplete with spring, do Is to “clean up the Umguage of method on a class of seventh grad­ .would have eat there and fidgrted. INDIVIDCAL WOODEN SALAD BOWE you hundreds of years to find out complete selection of mathematlca.” / are you could have done as well Mrs. Eugene Dents and Mrs. Christmas A wmk through his store and This Is one of the two great padded bumper and mat- hg ers. eager to shake off the Irksome "One of my plans is a flying Tinker Toys in all sizes. They use the ease sf Maiy as On the blackboard Beberman' —or better if . you’re any good at Georg* Pederson, co-chairman ol Into the strange world of still- venereal diseases and is acquired saucer. tress. 3 straitjacket U(at msthematlce w o» the local .WaU ^ d Conference, almost without exception from a starting point to show what they draws! 30 years ago. srlthmetic. IBb turns up a picture of fierce "If you are interested, writ* me mean. Does this kind of math instinic- were in chorgo of arrangemsnts. STENCILS 5 9 ^ competition, amasing progress Ruth Millett the opposite sex. It is an infec­ and tell me when you are going ^o Not exactly na Illustrated, ”If.you say *Mary haa four let­ l^ t these kids are In no hurry. tlon pay off? The next clinic will be in January. 9 4 A ll-N ow Desiqns and hopeless addiction. tion caused by a tiny living body send a fast plane to take me to PRICED FROM ______To them math Is, aa Beberman says commonly called & spirochete. ters’,” says Beberman, "meaning Educational foundations - are BoUding Penatts While this country leads the your headquarters . . . and hurry!” It should be, "a dsHghtfuI experi­ pretty hard headed, and one of 'What’s with Women?’ Asks The question of contagiousness 60c To W o that the word has four letters, 5 + n > 6 ence." Luclua W. 'Robinson Jr., agent world In motion pleture equipment, . This Poasled Male Beader Discount Be sure to see our complete selection of building ilncks, play you’re confuting the girl Mary them, tha Carhe|le Corp., after for the zoning commieston, iaeuod fOm and photographic chemicals, Is most important and two ques­ RIVER COAL TRAFFIC CUBIBS REG. $7.50 "What would I have to writ* In A little girl’s hand ahoote Into 'GLASS "Women are strange creatures.” tions on this have been submitted bloeks, logs, etc. x / with her .name. * watching the lUlnols project* since the following building permits dur­ most experts agree that the most writes a man who reads this According to the American this box to moke this 'statement, the air and she asks to play *T’m 1951, decided last year that it does. ing the past month. Joseph Jos- by Mrs. B. She asks first whether Price "The distinction is fairly easy true?" he ask*. thinking of a numter.” professional reflex and 35 mm column. Waterways Operators, Inc., coal to see in everyday language, hut It put 3377,000 into the project wlnikl, a house on Doubleday Rd,; VEVG OOUBUD BTAMFS cameras are foreign-made. Even a person can have the disease and ’’One,"- comes the prompt reply. /Agaik. in my day, if we played WAX’ "How can they So quickly be­ not be contagious. river traffic in the nation climbed In mathematics It’s not always^so because it belieroa the method Harvey S. Oolline, house on LMo Argus, this country’s principal pro- come attached to anything hew 26,000,000 tons between 1947 and easy.” | Now Beberman eases into the i t at all, "I’m thinking of a num­ "will produce more students Inter­ Rd.; Aubrey Bell, Meriden, houae ror ueconrtng wwmuows duw of 30 mm. cameras, makes The answer to this is yes, and point. ber” would have been a fairly that they immediately discard the it is for this reason, as well as 1955 and now exceeds' 100,000,000 BERWIN He reach** for a big pad i6f ested in mathematlca, and better on Hunt Rd.; and Albert Willett*, no claim in this market aid, reliable, steadfast article the tons a year. - paper. ' "It's a lot of trouble to draw a boring procedure—sorhething like mathematicians among thoe* who house on Johnson Rd. others, that the disease should be "3 plus 10. times 4, divided by 6. Uhdisputed leader in high- new item replaces? treated promptly by penicillin, I FARM SET On It he ^rltea 3 and 3 like box,” he says. "Most mathema­ go to college.” Hospital Patient COLORS what la it? " ” quality reflex cameras, according "Why do they pride themselves arsenic or other me'thods. This this; ticians use some handler symbol 'Four o t i ^ ‘aohools in Illinois Dr. Earl A. Saunders, Old WII- FOM CORSAGES to profeasienala. is Germany with on being able to understand a man TYPEWRITER like, oh, like X .” Not here. Beberman reelse off, are using it. and one in Missouri. Umantic Road, entered Windham will remove the danger of con­ for these aaventh graders: '6USSW M brands like the RoUeiflex. But Qer- and see through another woman? tagion quickly even if the disease He.jvriles the expression using Two Maasachueetta schools and Community Memorial Hospital os num lead er^ p in 30mm. types is "Isn’t it strange the way a itself takes longer to cure entire­ Prints, letters, numbers, Large 18“ metal barn add an X Instead of the box. "Negative 6, times negaUv* 4, two mora in lUfanols aro Join a patient TTiee d y itftenibon. BEAUTIFUL noup of tired housewives is sud­ R.E.WANDELL plus tne square of 1.3, plus the ab­ them this fall. Bebermaa soya today being ehallehged by Japan. ly- punctuations, has replace­ silo. Completely equipped "But suppose I had .written ’4 BOXED The competition between them fa denly rejuvenated when mention Mrs. B. also Inquires whether a able ribbon and spacing key. with farm animals and ma­ plus J equals '6'. What numeral solute o' negetive 40, divided by aoma Okllforiiia schools snmt tb Blanekeeter Broning Berald Oe- Goy Holiday Colors the dominating force in the chang is mads of Marilyn Monroe, and 3 would Q hold a place (or then to negative 5. . .’’ come in and that the Portland, ’himbls correspondent Mrs. Donald mother with syphilis, can have a Building "Which is larger,” he'2 asks, “two CORSAGB chinery. IngAmerican camera market. how each and every one of them healthy child. This alsc relates or three?" make a true statement?" ■ Hands in the air again. Most of Ore., system has expressed inter­ R. Tuttle, AOsdemy 8-8488. FLUB DOUBLE STAMPS While Japanese manufacturers gets a ready-to-fight gleam in her Contractor "Three,” yhu reply. T hey get it instantly, pnd the their owners Have tha answer. est. Thirty-five teachers from vari­ e)rts? to contagiousness since the spiro­ "Let’s do it again, Mr. Beber­ do not sea an inunediate future chete can pass through the blood Beberman grins. . "X-fright” so many children bring ous school systems signed, up for a PPJSON t e r m EXTENDED FREE SPONGE WITH When they win have driven Ger­ "How can a woman who can’t from mother to child and cause RMidrnitial'CemmM’clai man! Let’s do it again.” conference here this summer. The > Hartford, D oe. 4 George “You’re too grown up,’! he says. with them to algebra is forgbUen. But the ball rings. Reluctantly, training, or retraining, of teach­ man camersM off the m arket they remember that her husband likes what is known as the congenital "But you’d be surprised how often Beberman Is resolutely oppo^ McChan, 34, now eerving a 4 -to 4 - PURCHASE OF ABOVE KIT his bacon well done make him feel Alt«ratien8-Rmiiod«liR9 Discount Discount If you can believe It. the children ers is a vital part of tha Ulinols yea- term In Stato Prison for rob­ claim one major success in the form of the disease. REG, $3.98 REG. $3.98 In the classroom a child will say to watered-down mathematics a ^ UMITED QUANTITT eesnpetitlen; changing American Ilka such a chump if he forgets But here, too, the answer is fold up their notebooks and troop project. ber;- with violeneo, yesterday was her birthday or their wedding an­ “Business Built On ‘the two.’ to "apple-tree algebra" (which out. camera habits. yes, since by modern methodc the Price Price "He’s confusing tha numbers What do students think ? given an additional aontone* of 1- niversary? Customer Satisfaction** says 6A Is like 6 apples), W return to the bungalow of- tTia moat fun I ever *had In to-S yonrs on a chargs «C ag- According to' Joseph Ehren mother can be treated so that two and three with the numerals "Mathematics can be Interesting relch, president of the U.8. com­ Is She Selfish? Full Insurance Coverage fic*/(or lunch (hamburgera) with school,” aald a .b o y a t Principia srrarotod assault. Ha woe accused there is very little danger to the 3 and 3. Numerals are not num­ without being watered down,” he P agt and Miss Gertrude Hendrix, pany which distributes the hl|Hi "How does a woman have the child. Upper School, a private institution of attacking a fellow prisonor, negye to come home so dead tired Tel. MI 9-3033 GIRDER and PANEL C bers; they’re names of numbers.” says. "In fact, watered-down teacher coordinator for the proj­ in St. Louis—“anU I’ve learned <3harIos Rhinehart, 31, lost April TREE-LITE SET quality Nikon, beating the "Made These points are of the utmost Simple enough so far, but what from a day of shopping or bridge After 5:00 P. M. mathematics cannot be Interesting. e c t more this year than in the lost 37.. Rhinehart wqs critically m Japan" stigma was the first importance since the quick con­ doea It lead to? - __ It is a time waster for both the step. playing that she simply has to be quest of the spirochete of syphilis, Lunch evef, Beberman.sake: "By eight years of mathematics." wounded but recovered. taken out to dinner? She Just isn’t 82 BALDWIN ROAD BUILDING SET | BUGHT to K#rw at least to the .stage where it can­ MANCHESTER, CONN. PAINT hf up to cooking a meal for her hus­ not be passed to anotl\er person. Build the way real modern S SB R IESSn "Instead of hiding the f a c t” he band who has spent the day earn­ bnlldlngs are built with girders said, “wa pushed i t Once we had ing a living for the family. construct framework like struc- feg REG. 1.39 the professional newsmen using our "Why does a middle-aged house­ tural steel, sturdy and colorful 3 cameras in the Korean War, we NUMDER SET wife look with such a suspicious on masonite foundation. PLUS ^ had proved ourselves. And we had eye on the young thing with a na given the American conaumer a turally shapely figure, when the Large sii^ set, complete with DOUBUS BTAMPS choice on the market." wife is spending her husband's frsune two canvasses in Since the days of Korea, his hard-earned money in reducing S - l . 9 9 1 each set. - eaUMra has been climbing into salons, trying her best to get back Discount the- quality market by steady 00 her own youthful figure? Stanek REG.* $2.50 per cent gains each year—more "How can a wife talk for' an Price Discount ( than enough to shake German rS' hour to any woman who calls her nance on their years of peeetlge. on the telephone, and then And so "TIN-MONEY^' Bi addition, more and 'more little to say when her husband is Price ^ German-made cameras are being on the other end of the line? i Z Z ^ used with Japanese-made Nikkor REG. $4.00 Bed sswr ether palnttag seta, plus Why paints and crayons. GRAB.BAG ITEMS lenaaa. days of courUhIp telling a man he Price From the competition between is right about everything and all German and Japaneea manufae- of the years of their married life i THB LARGEST ASSORTMENT ^ tumre has come an overwhelm­ trying to prove he’s wrong?" ing American preference for 30 INTOWN mm. cameras throughout the in­ EngiiM Pow«rad Medd I PRINTING dustry, and an all-around higher SO mm. versatility at lower prices. S cT ^ S K eK '^ ''I YO U 'U HND JUST WHAT BLITI "It’s exactly what the Ameri­ AIRPUNE i can has always wanted,” Wil­ COSMETIC DEPTe YOU WANT AND IT W IU loughby's Hirsehfeld' said. "No Special REG. 2.9B aptitude? No matter. Click: And ALL LEAOINO LINES DISCOUNT 2 p there's a good picture. *S PRICE Added to camera-and-lena de­ ;Artliur bnis Stores < P-L-E-A-S-E " PLUS DOUBIM .BTAimi velopment. he said, was increased. REG. $3.98 "Super-Cub 102". Made of su­ f t Complete with letters, forms per hl-bnpact resistant styrene. and everythtag noebasary to E-Z startlag engine has un­ print your own newspnper. breakable spring starter. No man has "eveiything” unless Wi ^ XMAS PAIDHEADQUARTERS FANNER c 16'* ENGUSH / h e has. y OiiH and Holster Set Remember We cm Mg»ply your •vory m oJ bo It cM’ umoB. SPECIAL . ,WhM you buy a good DART b o a r d DISCOUNTS to oB dabs. orgaBtmloiM. DANIEL GREEN REG. $7.00 toy for lou. Hion you'vo Compibto with Darts DISCOUNT $ C Jk JL , got o bargain— !*' REG. 15.00. DECORATIONS • CORSAGES PRICE PaPOx DISCOUNT PRICE *3.99 X SLIPPERS PAPER PARTY NEEDS • PRIZES VMf sfsficr CNs'isrssai sisri, WE ARE CLOSING OUT ALL CANDLES • TABLE SETTINGS J / Anything over I too is a . of money. If you're tpendii ROYCE UNION BIKE^ WE WIU. ASSIST YOlHN.ANYWAr POSSIIU k lo t T V , you CIO buy a bru "etripped" to meet t prke. IN IMPORTED MIODLEWEIOHTB It may perform...for a whiJ& AND BEOULARS-^FOB BOYS AND OIRLB But you sod your fimily witch TV 4 houn t day or awte! Your tet mint be built YOUR FAMILY ^ LL HAVE MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY . to tike the wear, lUod the 2 0 " Bikes Frdrn ,-oo DOLL CURIMES •hock — it can't iffprd.to be \ •tripped of the parts that \ protect the tvbea,'^rotect the in BILT-TW IL FLANNEL-LIFTED I.V. CASUALLSI ^9^7 • a • a 2«8E ‘ chassis, prMcct your budget Preferred from service costs later oo. .0 0 • I ' ' 4 ■ • . . . Rog.'’4.98 ------r... 3 . 8 i -That's why we rtcoounead ______26" Bikes From Whether il*s freesiBg^or-ii^ breeting, you’ll all be warm as tos« in Bilt.TwiI flsnnel-liqeA l.V;' a DuMoot. Casi^Bs ^ the aiiracle-eotton cavalry twill leisure-wesr by Bilt-Weli tbat’f as easy to gci^.along Rog. 7.98 5.88 Quality and ' DuMont popular-priced , ' ‘ with AS your own family! Wear? They practically last forever! Wash?'They’re your washer’s best R o g . 11.98 ...... 8 . 8 8 Colleaor Secies contain all | Logitimoto iovJngs up to $15.00 ovor our friaiMit And tbMe gajr I.V. stripe linings make them every bile sff wood... | and ail wooderfui! 'CMMn«V I.V. pMb. tim I to 4 X . ..Atoul '3.44 ihany styles to choose from. Matchiiie I.V. Uria* SoMwlifciil.tiiM 3 to4X. Abml 4 J4 W E GIVE OPEN Cesieia! Take a good square | OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. (Close Saturdays At 6 P.M.) took at value.’Ihen. . . " WORLD THURSDAY TAKEnthlE... A ll 8ANT$ AND SHIMS ARE SANFORIZIO f08 WASHASIIITY. 8Jl7-TWtt fANTS COME IN AND Till PM. TAKBDUMONTI .GREEN w. li»llSHR> SAND, MOONltOHT blACK, OR CHARCOAL IINEO WITH REO-tlACK-WWTE *r MACK- STAMPS FRIDAY *Op$r-^ disgemd mtdsmrtmml ORAt-MAROON I.V. STRI4ES. COllARS OE I.V. SHIRTS MmON DOWN IN FRONT AND PACE Ili-W lN s f GEjroUSESSON 88 IBBTt W 4s& UYAWAY 97B MAIN ST. STANEK EUOTRONIG8 UBOMTORIES ® _ NOW! AIK TO SH miM AT THE MLT-WiU FAMILY OF UTAIUUi " IIV£ JWf OS^EN STAM PS S77 BROAD BT. T E L .M I f - im 2 108S-10S9 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER. "THE FRIENDLY STORE THAT SATISFIESr' PHQNE Ml 3.SfS6 Ml 3-1212 MANOHEBXEB FMRWAY I*R Msb ’s Shop B w to n lo M tn ’ai SBd BoyW S hop 'V •^T

PAGE SITTKEV UANCHfiSTEB EVENLNG. HBBAU). MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 V _ _ S ection TVito- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, fEurtitw Jlrralh WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1»6T Pages 17 t WaU Street Watches Fire Kills Eight T'-' ■- V, In One Family FOR EXPERT Drop in Steel Output «M|irtanna, Ark., Dec. 4 ffPi— Flre WHEEL ALIGNMENT— WHEEL BALANCING Coombs Turned Over Fourth ‘Boosted’ Shot started by an overheated wood RADIATQR REPAIRING AND RECORING } - ■ .\ ' By SAM DAWSON ^ e e l bought before the price hike stove swept through a farmhouse ' f 'COJVffLETE BRAKE SERVICE To Maine Autboritios Ntw Tort. Dec. 4 (if)—SU«I and Joly 1. near here and kiHed a pregnant I t i « /S'- ' SEE Uy WALTBB TBDFORD the metals ar«i both basic to and But the weekly polnUi out a tax m ^h er and her seven children. Coanty. Editor reason Involved. Some government sheriff Courtney Langston Jt; (rh oto Ml Page 1) - V tthat Coombs cams to haadquartara a thennometer foi a large part o f units impose a tax on Inventory on Parents of Glastonbury Philadelphia, Dec, 4 — AmllUon children under Sfi-had QF! Id en tW ^ the dead woman as Mrs. Haarlaon' C. Coombs -is g6 1 ^ Saturday night and; # lth a "poker- fourth “booster” shot of Salk polio ceivod a full serica of thraa ifijaie tbe nattoii's economy. Reduced band at the end of the year. Users, *(acai" Bccaptad. the news ' of >hla third ffTadera don’t raise their espectslly the smaller companies, J. L, Bowers, w lfs of a Negro tea- back to Mains to face a murder vUdeina- next spring for all parsons tions "but only at nnall parcantafifi - output today Is looked upon as re- faLhsr’a death. Ha also told police are getting thepi ae low as possible ant on a farm at'nimrby wsstor. eyebrovrs in amazement any­ 'w ho have pravioualy received the of -adults over 20 and infanta had CLARKE MOTOR SALES charge in the hammer-slaying of thajF, he waa residing at NeW St. cording a slight deterioration in The chHdren ranged in age frtm 0 this month. 301 BROAD STREET— Ml 9-2012 more when their 3-year-olds uiual three shots Waa recommend­ racaived a full course o f vaccina.” the general health. But the barometer that Wall to 1. his 79-ysar-old father, Charles, in Monday night, when Wheeler- and ed today by a University of Penn­ "H la estimated." ha said, "U w t Hutchinf arrived at Police. Head­ ffreet them in the mbming A t the same time the metal Street is watching most carefully is The Sheriff, said Bowers had Winn. sylvania doctor. there are 109 ' million persona un­ gone out hunting a few hours be­ He waived extradition before quarters V ith Ragaail, they wera w ith’“ Buenos dias, Mama, pr^ucers are regarded as a baro­ the declining erdera the ateel mills A t the same time, Dr. L ew ii U der 40 years of aga in tha United meter since new orders reveal the report. Even the reduced output is fore the fire broke out. He snjl his Judge Wesley C. Gryk in a spe­ ■ent to New St. Coomba was not Papa," or ^ith simiiar words. Stataa and that 73 million of them 37-year-pld .wdfe were expecting cial Town Court session this morn­ ttiera but Rafiasal later ppottdd his .. HeaHng Spanlpb' froHi the Coriell urged all persons under 40 plans of manufacturers and build­ outstripping incoming orders an dK who haven’t done to to complete have received one or mors dbosa uf another child next month. ing and agreed to return to Maine car, caught him and broughl’ him mouths of Babes '• becoming rou­ vaccine, leaving about 37 mOllon ers for some time into the future most steel companies report $ h t l^ the usual three shot course of ing backlogs. / T h e bodies were aBMn k bed­ with Penobscot County sheriffs. tha headquarters; tine in many .Glastonbury homes Americana under W who have not Wall Street, therefore, has been "properly spaced" injections.' n iis has lad- to the siuddasm . of room early' yesterday. Lannton Coombs was presented on a Coombs appeared, calm during since t^e language waa introduced received Vaccine. paying close attention to declining . mokfi this tkt ' V Such a syatam, he said,' offera output o f steel and the price weak­ some furnaces in wldfriy scattered said apparently. tbs mother swsk-; fugitive from juatice charge. He today's brief proceedings. At One In the elementary' school .this fall. "Only 28 million persona are areas, and to the layoff of workers ened and ran to Uie children’s > ' happhst s0Mn waa turned over to Deputy Sher­ point, he . courteously asked the . 'thu adventure in education, tha possibility for "virtua] elimina­ eatlmated to have receivtd tha full ness and production slowdown in tion of paralytic poliomyalitls aa most of the nonferrous metals. --saddest of all because of its tim­ room in SA attempt to rescue them, •f fhfi ytfif . . . - iffs Carl Turtlott anO Clement judge to frcplain some legal however, la not being cpnducted course of three shots of vaccina." ing in the^pye-Christmss weeks. but WM-'overcome and died with Thibodeau who immediately left for lanpiage in 4he charge, tf# wa* in a diUL dfeqry way that.it iaV in a aignlflcant diseaae in 1958." Declining steel orders at this Coriell, associata profeaaor of thrfm.' Bangor. polite and thanked court officers countless secondary schools. Ac­ time are caused by there things: Immunology in Pediatrics at the Ttirtlott said the 37-year-old un­ when they opened the door'adm it­ cording to Mias Mary Thompson, WBA Unit Elects reduced production by the manu­ SET YOUR EXTRA University’s School o f Msdlcine, employed laborer will te presented ting him Into the courtroom. director of curriculum for the facturers themselves, a wide Heavy Quake Recorded said so in a report prepared tor tendem^ to Uv4 off Inventories, in the -Bangor Municipal Court. It Gtaatonbury-' schools,'. tha young- Slate o( Officers Ctrl Scout Notes - 1 11 I ' the 11th clinical suMion of the and, to a lesser degree, increasing probable caiiae la found, h * will be atara ara being taught “real Span- Berkeley, Calif., Dec. 4 « — An American Medical Aaan. (A M S ), , imports. bound over to the next n n eral ses^ ian in real altuatlona,'- earthquake comparable In intensity 1:. which hr also asserted; Mrs. Richard W. Gulzmtr, 43, The American Iron apd-^teel In­ Girl ^ou ta o f -Troop 71, Mrs. TI«MS • aion of the Maine Superior Court. Towle Quits I . HtaS' ThompaOA came fo G tu - Mathar St., was reelected presi­ Edwin Doughty and Mrs. Ferdi­ to the famous San Francisco quake “Three yeare of Increasingly stitute forecaeta th^'^Week'a ateel of 1906 was recorded for four hours Turtlott and Thibodeau arrived tonbury last year from Fairfield dent of Myatic Review, No. 3, output at l,M3;p00 tons. This is nand . Lszcari, leaders, exprimspd ( ij "! *’’” t * * here late last night with a warrant and was; Ujs'moving, force behind wrideapread uaa ' of (Salk) polio Women’s Benefit Aaan. at a meet­ their Thanksgiving spirit by do­ by the University of California vaccine have coincided with un­ the lowest ainpe^ugust 1956 when seismograph last night. charging Coomba with the first de­ Zoning Board introducing 'Spanish 'In the lower ing laal avening in. Odd Fallows the indust^ was getting over a nating a basket of food to the Wei- gree murder of his elderly father. school grades- She brought .with precedented reduction in reported Hall. Mrs. Merle Lauro remains fare Department for distribution Se.fsmologista said the quake was eases of polloniyelltls. A particu­ strike. jOr, if you ignore strike centered snout 6.200 northwest of Monday night, another deputy, Charles Towle last night tender- her-a iveallh bt experience even as past president,. t'. a needy family. THIS SCASON MAY IE IIIGHtEI larly low lncl(|e. ce and low para- it's the lowest since the Berkefcy, probably In China. . Robert Hutchins, and Philip Wheel- i Hi, resignation from the Zon‘ though this is a relatively new Mra Della Farrington wo* elect­ holiday week of three The troop has ordered s troop er, ipccial Investigator from the 1} tic rate are the outstanding fea­ Shocks were first recorded at WITH EXTSA CASH TO CONSO.IIOATe' IIUS OS SUiCHASI ing Board of Appeals (ZBA) to the Held. ed vice president; Mrs. Julia Raw- ago. flag, with s purple pansy as the 7:50-51 p.m. PST and tapered off Maine attorney general’s office, tures of the 1967 season. troop's Crest. In the late l&40's, wnile at Fair- son contlnoaa aa'fipancial secre­ M% of Industry Idle. by midnight. . . THE THINGS YOU WANT OK NEED. WHY NOI came here to look for Coombs., Board of Directors. He has been a He said estimates suggest thqt tary, Mrs, Irena Vlncak, trcaa- member o f the group since 1954. Held. Miss Thompson served on a protection against paralj^ic disease About 80 per cent o f the in- Signs Statement urer;,Mra. Hazel Fiahey, recording Intermedlats Troop 70. whose STOS IN TODAY OR CAtli Ttole.-.w ho has served as the committee which worked, out a approached 90 per cent In patients dUatry'e eteel making capacity ap- 'DRY' ttWlATO JUICU UKELT He was captured by State Po- aeoretary; Mrs, Grace Howland, tiiembera “ fle\v up'' from Brownies secretary since he became guide for teaching Frencit' in (he who received “ three or more” prop-, j^eara to be Idle. -Thia isn't the In­ A ‘ continuous vacuum-drykig ficeman Orlanda Ragazai about grade schools. The comrhltteS was Chaplain and welfara aupervtaor; last May, held a birthday party on OPEN S A T ltR O A T fi 9:00 a.m. Rr^qmll^r. .Said in the letter that etly spaced injectlohs of vaccine, stitute's figure, since it bdses per­ ^Most Outstanding Family Physician^ process -developed by the Agricul­ 8:30 p.m- Monday and had been in sponsored by the Modern Lenguaga Mrs. Gladys Oamble, lady of cars- centage figures on capacity at the Nov. 26 in the lunchroom of the ture Department ms; n.ake pro­ to 1:00 p.m. hfi' wa^.resignthg for personal rea- and 75 to 80 per cent in-'those re­ monias; Mrs. Oglora White, cap­ 'V- 'ejark (le fll CalMcron. La., receives the American Meidicai AsaociaUon award from Dr. jail here since. .aaociaUon o f America and w ta . start of this year. Several million Nathan Hale School. A large duction of powdered tomato juice abna. The letter to the Directors ceiving leal than three shots. tain o f the guards and director'of .Bdwart HwUton, ^airman of-the Board of the AMA. after he was chosen by the assodaaoh as PREFERRED Hutchins said last night that said: comprised of many nationally more tons have been added amce birthday cake wss mads by the possible soon. - Tha doctor declared that in view floor work. M t a Either (Miudet, a ^ haUenl 'Most Outa^ding PamHy Physldsn’' for 1937, and-a medical herd for* his work wheai Coomba.' after questioning, signed prominent foreign language ■ ex- then. Birch St. Bakery.. It was frosted FINANCE CO.. INC. “tty try ■ sincere dqaira to be a of downward polio trends coinci­ •new member, w ill serve as officer In white and trimmed with green Hurriesns Audrey roared into his small town last June. (AP Photofsx). an 8-page .statement admitting the worthy -servant of the people of pr-'ta. dent since the advent o f the vac­ Idled mills have led to a look at 98.1 Maiii Street hammer slaying. The elder Coombs When experience proved the o f the day. Other offlcera cnaigna -tha Import situation. . Bhirope, and and had In the center the words, one's community- . . . has its cine ,'Tt seems logical to predict and color bearer*, will ba appoint­ "Happy Birthday, Troop 70.” The Manche.ster. Contiecticiit was found .beaten to death in hli guide worked, Mias Thompson ba- • Herald Photoi by Pinto that poliomyelitis be i^ u c e d a^ieclally W est Germsny, has CBarge bounds beyond which one should win ed later.' Installation wiu taka mother of one of the girls made troops get together once n month [held Tuesday evening at 8- o'clock bed In his Winn hdme .where he not pass.*’ . . came'Chairman of a, similar com­ anade big sttidea in rebuilding and meeting at A o’clock tonight at the Tour Telephone Mitchell 3-4163 even more drastically in 1958 pro­ place early In 1958. 30 cupcakes, which were placed and talk over program ideas and : at the Girl Scout office 925 Main lived alone. The body'waa found by mittee for prepstjtag 6 , Spanish vided the varoinatton program la expanding its ateel industry. Manchester Green School. PreeoiipH-Mis .-These-bounds, ha said,'had been|*»nltf*e Faces Radiate in I^earning Foreign Language It waa voted to entertain tha around the cake with a candle on other matters pertaining to Senior St. ’ Loan.s $25 to 1600 Winn boy who went to call on reached. He -could not be reached course of study. T {il» study and the continued, including a full course For example: A t a time when troops. . ______Here the man Friday morning. one for French la nbyy being widely Junior msmbera at 'a Christmas esch one. representing the 30 The final session of the basic In­ A loan, of 8100 coats gtO.M today for further comment. of three properly spaced injections party, Dec. 17. American companies are report­ members of the troup. ------Leaders and other adult Girl when promptly repaid in I t Coomba had come to Manchester Towle served as an alternate used throughout the nation. ster found on his d^sk a card with Teachers use props aa much as akepticisra or reluctance any­ for all persona under 40 y e a n of termediate Leaders training course PINE.fHARMACY several days before Thanksgiving The meeting waa preceded by a ing a drop- in selee, Phoenix • The third training session of i Scout workers in the . northeast will be next Wednesday morning at consecutive monthly Install- ZBA member, .filling in when t Pioneered Idea hla name or its cmseat equivalent possible," Mias Thompson said. where." p aga and a fourth booster dose In A t a flag ceremony, the girls ««4 Oeater fit.—Ml 9-MI4 to see a girl friend who had lived Elvery lesion is geared to the potluck in the banquet Hall In fUieinrobr, A. Q. of Duesseldorf, received their membership pins, neighborhood service teams will be j neighborhood are reminded of the 9 :30 at the South Methodist Church. inents of 810.95 each. regular member waa absent, for ’ Teachers in New York, New written on it. in Spanlah, This is Spanish waa Introduced into the the spring of 1958 to all who have In Maine but recently came here to children's capabtlitiea. Each lesion charge of Mrs. Paulina Berrett and West Oermany, reports today that and five girls who had earned their aboiitiix months before he waa ap­ Jersey, Caitfurnia and New Mexico the first step and the only time high school curriculum this year previously received three er more work. Thanksgiving - morning, that written Spanish is.used. Onrt is endowed with the experiencea her conunittae, who reoaived . a in its flacal year, ending Sept. SO, adventure badges at Camp Mer- pointed a regular member. Ha was pioneered thia radical new con­ to take its place alongside French Injections." Coombs' left Manche.ster and re­ each youngater learna hia name In these 8-year-olda might have, and riling vote of thanks for tkalr Its sales increaaed 18 per cent to rie-Wood were presented with recentl.Y reelected to hla fifth tefm cept of education. In Connecticut,. and Latin. 'Hie aucceaa o f the pro­ Ha urged all physicians “to com­ turned to Winn, HutclUna said. Spanish he is taught other chil­ every attempt is mide to teach the work. $8gS million. Thirty per cent of these. These girls were Patricia { as secretary of the zoning group. Dr. Frank Seivy of New Britain gram prompted botk Supt. Paquin plete immunization and booster The deputy said that the young­ dren's names through repealed children something of the culture sales volume Wss accounted for Clark, Joan Petniccelii, Cheryl ZBA OiaSrman William Stuek Stats Teachers- College and M isi and Miss Thompson to comment ehots for all pereona under 40 by. exports, . while the previbiu er Coombs admitted going to hla said cthat 'Ikiwle was a valuable Lillian Vance of Cromwell early pronunciatibna. of tha Spanish-speaking people. that they would, In the future, like yeare of age." Williams, Janet Cook and Pamela father's house.and Saarchlng it for ".The children learn Spaniah a9 year expoh's shale was 26.8 per KIttredge. Registration cards were SivMi WHh Cash Salts Tnember of the board and **we will recognised the importance' of the How do the .^ Id r e n taka to to include Italian in the curriculum. He aaid he was recommahding a money while his father waa sleep­ they have learned their iwxtlVe Spaniah? Mias'Tn^paon'explaina: Public Records sent. The Qerman company also presented to all troop members by regret lasing him." idea. ' ’ fourth "boqater” for persona who A Bonus For Xmas Shoppers— I ing. When the father awoke, the English b.v working with worda'* "They love it. Young children announoss plana for expansion, . Asks Early Releaee - While at Fairfield, Mias Thomp­ have previously received tha usual the leader, Mrs. J. H. Bannister, \ All Day THURSDAY son asked him for money, but his and experiencea that mean aome- both by adding new milla and In hla letter the Directors, son waa one of the educators who. seem to ieaipi to pick up the lan­ ^Wind Tiinnid Started three shots becauae of. "obsarva- Volantlno R. Ftano to Donald R. and her assisunts, Mrs. Lee ^ father said he didn't have any to* thlng to them.” Miss Thompaon re­ modemlaing othar plants. Towle asked that his resignation in 1952. introduced both French guage' quicker - than 7>lgh school- Bno and Roaamary A. Eno, orop- Cibroski, Mrs. Myrtia Bagley and give to him. Hutchins said that the lated. "The youngstera learn about Yr.—,!.—.1. 1. M V - .. paralytic' cases Steel impests Iqr the U n ited Mrs. Ann Pavelsck. 1 lbs effective as soon as It Is con- and Spanish Into the grade school age'children. They Have fewer of*? occurred In triple.vacclnaUd arty at 48 CarUr fit. ' ' Statea, however, are still a small son then struck hla father three vanlent. Stuek said that Towle curriculum.'Grade 3 children there things they are interested In. They Inhibitions than the older ones and w 3 1 .2 0 0 ^ wind tunnel has children, and protection appean to times, intending only to knolck him learn hQW to pronounce suoh worda BaMOag PWmlta l^art o f total consumption here. would continue to sen'e on the ZBA were the first in Connecticut to be aren’t embarrased to keep repeat­ proporUonal to the amount o f TO Jasse P. Fingerle for altara- Senior leaders will meet Tuesday i unconscious. Cwmba then left the as book'.' > 00011. ball, chalk, and ing words\that sound peculiar, to Oonsumptlea Higher evening at 8 o'clock at the home of :l until a replacement; he'd been given this experience. alrcnft manufacturer for testing ^ antigen (antlbody-stlmulaUngma- Uona to a home at 70 Oxford fit, house empty-handed, drove to Wa- dLfferqnt' cbtorM chalks and pen- them.” ' \ And consumption seems to be Mrs. Adam Rhodes, 15 Plymouth i| choeen._ _ . . . A* they progreased'.from grade future aerodynemic shapes, includ- terlal) Injected/’ ' 1200. feryille where he borrowed 330 olla." once they have mastered Common Dceira \ running higher than the output of Lane. Leaders of ail six Senior i | General Manager Richard M ar^ to; ^ a d e they coAUmiad learning Ing missiles and rockeU as well aa Lim iting the "booeter" recom- To Vamon Muse for alUraUmia from an aunt, and then returned thesa elementary words and vari­ mannM aircraft. Schedule to be in mendation to next year, tha doctor domestic milla would In&cste. here. '' tin said that the question o f re:-’ morai F r g n ^ . or Spanish, as the ous commands In Spanish they go Parents have gotten behin^the to a horns at 891 W . Middle Tpkt.. the tunnel said ‘‘decision on a permanent plan Iron Age. metalworking trad e Took'Ndpra Calmly pUclng Towlq yquld probably ba caM H ilgh t iMf until now;'*aa eighth on to learning not juat unrelated experiment as weii; ."One mofher 1850. - ij ’Weekly, says today actual uae of Mer« Comfort Wfioring Included on the agenda for -the^ graders, they are ready to go on whose .son had diffhiulty leam mg will- be used In designing ml.ssilea for future booster ehota should be Do James F. Hodson for altera­ Before Thiiifigigiving. Coomba words, but situations. and craft up to speeds o f 3,000 deterred pending more research.' steel here this year will set a Board of DirSetofE next meeting, to high school and a more formal Oiie situation in the guide used some' things in English lea rn s tions to a home at 47 FaUenor Dr.. had been living out o f hik car In "iPO. I He said that in 1957, at least 35 record. Thia wiU be because fabri­ FALSE TEETH Manchester, but when he returned Dec. 17. He salt’ that’ this wga a type of learning, tlia aUccess of by ail the teachers, and carri'ed out. them In Spaniah. The youngster,^ $300. cators and manufacturera are dip­ Saturday he secured a room— at- matter that should be taken Car* the program has beeh assured. completely in Spanish'by the chil­ really began taking an interest in' Here u a pltssant way to orercamt of quickly. . - , Children in all 10 of Glaston­ ping heavily into inventories. looM plau dlMomfort. PABTEXTH, New St. Local police, 'unaware of dren. is watching televiaion. Inter­ school," Mias Thompson said. bury's third . grades are being Part of this Is a desire to trim as improred .powder, a^akled on the criiiie and Coombs presence fn - Under the term of tha town- preted. here in English for; clarity Teaching Spanish in tHa ele­ upper end lover ptatee bold, them taught Spanish in daily.1.5-minute - - — - " — w - ■ w - —^ w w "■ «> w —» ■ w w ■ m m down to what the manufacturer's Manchester, Saturday received a charter. the Biard of Directors is the situation. Maria and. Paco mentary . schools, Mi.ss Thompson nrmw eo that they feel more com- periods. Although only "i'lx teach­ own outlook seems to call for. lortAblt. no fummy. sobey, pasty SUCKS call from'Maine telling them that appoints mSmbara of the Zoming' decide to Watch television. N ot just said, evolved from a mutual de­ Part, at least In late summer and *«»te oxfwllns. Ife s lK l^ Board for a t6«p of llvie..yMrt. ers are handling the cl*a»ea, more aqy pcogyam biit .Mickey Mouse, sire by parents and school. ot-s acid). Does noi eour. Chedu "plete OSombs waa believed to be in Man-' of them ate., l^arnlngi to 'teach Call, wae to take advantage o f Newly arrived! All wool " -,■ ■■' a program-^'kbla^-children love to flcials. - odor’ identure breethl. Oet PA8- Chester and to n otify-h im -of hla Sodbish through weekly work­ TXXTH today at -an? dnur counter. worsted flannel slacks. All father.’a death. N o ihentloit o f foul Aiito-Dealh Claims Rifti watch. When the show is almost Glastonbury ' School Superin­ S«|TA CLAUS ¥ MARLOW’S shops cond:icteti by Miss .Thomp- colors. pMy waa Indicated then, however. over their, father comet home and tendent Laurence Paquin described announcM It is time to eat. They Coombs had. when he fir s t' came Motor-vehlcle ^talltlee In the How does-a youngster who la how the first mention of the idea explain, that the show Is nearly 7.95toU.fS here, left a forwarding address in first half of 1957 resulted in s hardlit eld enough to read English was received at a Board of Edu­ I 'fl^ursday 4:00 to Closing Winn aa "General Delivery, Man­ over, and want to see its conclu­ cation-meeting last year, attended record 22.000 Itfa-insurancq death i learn Spaulah? sion. * chester.” Police notified the-post claims, representing 354.000,000 in "They don’ t learn to read" Span- by some parents. Genturea Important "The"e >yas^ considerable In- Get All The Gifts office who in turn told Coomba death benefits, or 19.000,000 more iah. The.v learn to speak it. Miss i f ridgy 4:00 to Closing The teacher will show the chil­ there Waa a measags fpe Um at the than in the like perio^’o f .1956. terbit In the -plan. I detected a a Thompson ejQiialned. dren how to use their hands as an police station. . .. Some 1.600 more claims ware re­ > Me name Bicitardo aid to speaking. Geetures play an Chief Herman Q. 'Schendel ’said ceived than in the 1956 period. On the first day iwirty ypung- 15otiii^ay All Day" A -*•»' * Cl Important part in teaching a for­ eign language to children. I f they HALL FOR RENT For All Your Men can point to whatever'object they ' Weddings, Meetings, Parties are learning to bfonounce, or can PARKING NEXT TO P O P U L A R R ^ y i K ll ^ l i ^ y ^ • Large off street parking describe it-With ibrtr hands, learn­ s Complete kitchen fnclllfles ing cornea more quickly.. .Loratlon: 84 GoMrny St. v\ OPEN THURSDAY "A cardboard television seVeen Mnaehester w -w ..spww. m I made by tbe children can be used, CaU M l 9-855* after-* P.M. | t t HARMflC'S and FRIDAY TILL in the Mtc.key Mouse lesson. S iftf o f wearablfiS really g erd o ifi fo a manf “And harass whara you A T" AFREEBIFTTO «eafi i^oo»a th6(^ju.6t-righf ^ ifff6 r ovary mfinrfn your Chriifm as, W a i EVERY BOY RRtf makVshoppin^foi; mfin a cmc'hr . ' ^ Now At Marlow's filRL ACCOMFANIED BY AN ADULT! . Warm, colorful gift sweater* in all styles. Gift boxed.

and mors N|iTtONALLY APVERT15ED . . . H o m o ym r cKIM phefegm ehed with Sonto! No w altlM « pieforo wM r bo tokoN and dovoiopH In just 3 mhiutofi by o Polaroid Lood Com oro. CLI Look At Theso morLQW Prices! '

LARGE SIZE CLOSEOUT f ALUMINUM - « YELOOIFEDES <’»a * ZN< "'i S SNOW COASTERS ^50 and ^60 ^ -,A V- 111;- DOLLS FREE ALTERATION5 ♦ i w'w- '.-.f;;-'- * — A O . 9 8 Rog. Prict SAVE AS MUCH AS ^98 V d h M S 55 DEPOSlt W IU HOLD YOUR SELECTION t o 1 5 .0 0 MEN’S HNE JEWELRY 5.98 ROKS wu|meM Broadcloth, flannelette and V *'• - • * ^ A Christmnk hlht. Give hkh / ' C , ' " rtk ArWaya afccepUBM.' * " W e have an excellent show- . 1*6% WOOL SUBURRAN Ing. n r o l». Tartfm stripes jujd /Arrow a»d.. Van Heiuen ' s a * ____ i e net r i ; . ' ' H-' 3-toaes. SttfsH, medium, / Dress Shirts. giveA'Than can i T * ' * P * * * «** t ' '■ ’1 U ■ 1.50 to 5.00 SPORT COATS COATS GAM E OF large and extra, Urge. /^'u»e severij. » . ' ■ k ' ^ L-'./ v 1 ■>*- GAM E O F ' f.W to 15.95 / ' 4.00 oW ».oo:^ r *28 50 IP SCRABBLE ■ '''''' MeUregor, M ighty 5Ine« MONOPOLY Maine Onide. -■^1 Rog. Prict t M 2 .9 8 L47 Ro . - > .J A . --.y PARK K i NTY GF FREI^^ A . J i l . '“f t ' 3 FREE PARKiNGiNREiM I' FURNITURE DEPARTMENT “Monebostor's Thrift 'o Gift Contor for Evorythlog" WE GIVE JhfiT GREEN STAMPS OFTHERTORI LOWER STREET FIX)OR LEVEL-“-MI 9-5221 t J M M M M M M M M M W K M M M IM -M M M M W M T W m i n r i . tm -1 > ■ -h ".:4 . r f i: - -i'- v i ; : . ; 7 ^ - " - f p X IdGHTEEM MAKCHESTEB (EVENING HSHALD. MANCgESTEE. OQNlb WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, D E C E^E R 4.^ idST P A G E n i n e t e e n

Tow n, Ve/*\u8 C ity " . sbls contribution to human wel­ bility tost ."Ufa" sjtsr dssto, ,in Meai’a Clftb. Guest fare. The living reactions o f stUl ths immstsrist form o t s soul or urns Are Real Thing higher forms of life caii be meas­ spirit, might provide immortality Life After Death? ured in a multiplicity of different after Uw cessation o t Ufa. iUi ways. Even the lnexx>erienced ob­ ms i*k a s c b v i c c < (Coatbnied from Fage One) attempti, however, to prove the ffim lUute. Ind. (NBA)—VI- Manch^ter Content: Since he is alive, he needs food'.' server can, thus tell whether ‘a existence of such-spiritual entitles Wat swifcy iw iilm .les **■ wtiae eiiee «lad« aetUeie .! of Mfor phnw pottkally reapiratlon.in the presence of oxy­ toe king ie dead; and there is noth­ plant or atilmal ia alive or dead. by the methods'of science have ing that can be done'about -It." btan universally unsuccessful. The Pm siaviSt Sta. cealew M jr lu m daaced throa|tl the' gen..(aerobic state), and the ability Without considering religious ■Me i »ps»a j - M a aew *ain ^ certain cells to live in the ab­ What Are Uvtag Prooeoeeaf and supernatural beliefs, and with­ scientist is no better equipped kaadi of children of past decades I tow srka las CM ■•mS. sence of oxygen'(anaerobic state). U vln g prcicetMa are primarily out considering processes that up than the phiioaopher or the toeo- !f» .at Ckristnas time. F or the chO- 4. Reproduction. This character­ characterized by the fact that they to now have never been measured loglan to answer toe problem of ■ By.fpBTB BTOUER an unveriflable form of life, and WELDON DRUG CO. dran of today, to whom nothfaic U J r <^New England,., town* are con- istic o f life ranges from the simple can be measured. Even such Ih- or evaluated, we must conclude Hetold Stall Writer would be unable to > accept any fOl Blato Streat—M l 8-8881 M posAlc and wtio look forward sldffrffd "hlinnF rlsHt reproduction of both lower and flniteelmal forms o f Ufa sa the that^Ufe,that^U at laaat In a material to those "s i^ a r phims" ia'reality, Aa far aa the SU te o f Conm tt countries. Therefore, despite its viruses, which almost border on sense,isnie, ceases with death. There ia, unprovable speculations beyond higher forms of life. All living those necessary for the conduct H n . KObert G. Strode has the an­ out U concerned, the “ town' 41,000 population, Mancheater la a creatures have the ability to re­ ttie Inanimate, could be studied therefore, only one conclusion that swer. X minor civil division. long before they were seen even one can reach if one accepts the o f experimente and tha compre­ Mancheater could become produce their owns kind. Occasion­ hension of the univeree. There Sharini: her crystalised suear In the 1050 Census, the Census with the highest poulble micro­ ancient dictum; "Omnia vivum ex boBday dtoorattona with children "city" of Manchester almply by ally varlanta or mutants occur eeems to be lio necessary sden- Bureau did publish limited break­ which are different in one or more scopic magnlficaUone. Their multi­ vivo," or "A ll that Is living must Is one o f the holiday of this h a n g in g ite name. plication could be determined, have originated from living mat­ Ufic reason to believe In life after Marendaz downs for isolated t*w?ia, towna respects from their ancestors. ' death. ‘ Men'e natural desire for ■tether of three, -/ho starta plan­ ■ By becoming a city, Mancheeter their ability to cause specific dis­ ter.” Just as no life can arise not near enmigh to ,a urbalzed 8. Adaptation to the environ­ immortality Is not a rational basis ning this gift as soon as Ehster Is area to be Included in them. How- eases could be esUbliahed, and spontaneotuly, so we can hatoly TRAVEL A8ENCY BRINGS SPECML ADVANTAffiS AT would not have to change iu torn ment. This may be a result o f spon­ for scientific belief, slthongh it rs- a inemery. e v ^ , many large towns did not re­ means were developed for combat­ aaeume that life can axiat without o f government, Ite tax atructure taneous mutation, of interbreeding mslns a compelling factor in re­ 18 Asylum St, HartTord She fashions Christmas beUs, ceive this Information because ting them. The somewhat larger the commonly recognized reactlona ' . s. ' ' ' between strains and varieties, or ligious beUef. Christmsis trees, angels and Santas or debt ayatem. All it would have they are in urbanized areas. forms o f life, the unicellular bac­ characteristic of llvlhg systems. Tel CHapel 7-5857 o f crystalised sugar and glVaa them still other factors. Gradually new Therefore, we must conclude to change ia Ita name. in effort to find out what forms of life may thus arise that teria, have been studied In an even The material cessation of vital Authorized Agents For AO ■way. This year she plans to make greater variety of ways. Their nu­ activity was so evident, even to from our stated definitions of life On a State basis,____... ,lt ______would___ not.4one . about getting a' are different from their progeni­ and death, that any belief In Ufe Rail Air and Stsamahip a t least 3.000 to to send to gain or lose a thing by becoming bfeakdfiwn, Martin met re- trition, multiplication, adaptation the ancients, that beUevers in Ufe organisations fo r chOdren’s wel­ Manchester SAVINGS&LOAN tors. The plant and animal breeder after death is' in disagreement Lines Association cently with Dr. Waite: C. Mc- to environment, and many other after death have almost - univer­ a city, Ite only gain would be Its fare and to hospitala takes full advantage o f such prop­ With all accumulated wisdom and ability to get more complete In­ Kaln and \jProf. Robert Burnight, Robert Fuller acUvitiee were gradually elucl- sally assumed that "life ” contin­ Between 78 and 100 pomds of erties to create new varieties. knowledge Of modern biology. HAROLD EELLS formation and breakdowns from rural soclologista at the University dated. They could now be com- ues to exist indefinitely in s differ­ gramlated sugar and about four , ... ■ '1 6. Intelligence. Even single-cell Manchester Agent the United Statee Census Bureau. of Connecticut. Robert Fuller will be the guest If injurious, or encouraged, ent guise. do— I eggs will iK. used in making organisms often show a rudimen­ Tomorrow: A Senator epeoks Mancheater could have become They said that there la a chance, if they were found to make a volu- This leaves us with ths possi­ Tel Ml 9-7442 the Christmas remembrances speaker at the meeting of the Cen­ tary type of intelligence (such aa his mind. a city in 1»47, t hen the new char­ but a slim orte, that Manchester Which she. began fashioning and ter- Church Men’s Club Friday reactions to heat and other de­ ter was adopted, merely by sub­ .may get some sOrt of census break­ storing early in the su jm er. Then, Come night. He .will speak on "Ath- structive agents), but man has ac­ HI— Open an account— or add to your account stituting the word down In the 1980 census. "city” for in addition, confectioners sugar There is a poss^ility, they said, leticB as a Factor in Physical and quired mental processes that enable "tow n" In the charter. him to control or at least under­ and butter art tised for the decora- 'Busy Person Gets Things Done' thatUie-Census Bureau will publish Moral Education.” His talk will Population No Factor limited data for the\New England follow an oyster etew eupper at stand, actually or potentially, vir­ A "hom e rule’’ provision passed towns In the 1960 cedsui. 6:33. tually all o f the activities In the by the State Legislature early this Fuller attended the University environment with which he le sur­ Tbs Christmas gifts will be sent Receire a FREE G im They pointed out. too, that Man­ H a l B o y l e year, added on to the General of Virginia, where he was on the ibis year to tbe Sara the f^ldren chester has been designated aa a rounded. Cjuh S ojJi^ oJl football team. After military serv­ fe d eration. • American Friends Statutes, in fact states that a city tract In the Hartford area and may Thus, simple and complex forme ice during the war, he graduated of life are characterized by various .Berrioc. Footer Parents Plan,' all U any community which chooses receive data under the qualification witll headquarters in New Tork; to cal] Iteatf that. Population ia from John Hopkins University, properties that enable anyone to Perhaps ‘Satellite’ because tract data will have,a hlgh- and then served as of foot­ tbe Lskeiddc Center for Infant no^ a factor in determining wheth­ nt priority than town data.x recognize their living state. £ o if. $0)JUdL Wody into those constitu­ a 8-year-old girl to a boy in Junior does to us. 9rdhi kotlior. gift pochod. U gh aefaool and a aon atudidng for to giving the poor little moonlet a up at a regular election, a favor­ like the Connecticut Development ent elements (Inorganic and gase­ tha'minlstry. This year ahe Is mak name. able m ajority of Ihoae voting la all Commission could get raw infor­ ous forms) from which the body ia g them a oompleta natlrlty scene Trouble la not many of the sug­ TV to Broadway • • * O f « a • that would be required to pass It. mation from the Census Bureau Barbers Maintain wa* originally buUt up. 'Thus toe to be used as a fbcal ;>otet In their gestions are likely to apppeal to But, Manchester's, only gain and process it for towns In the m/robes^keep the cycle of life in home Cbristmae decorations. UioM in authority. They tend to New York )y tion of 34,116. I t Has been pre­ Caterers. 2,489; Anderson Painters, with a corresponding increase of to Valcntine*a D ay and parUeu- Navy OperaUon Vanguard, which large toil8t.;.4n the State. Eaat dicted that the town's populqtlon 2,489; Woody’s Wonders, 2,477; gaseous and mineralized products larly to JBaator. For the lattfr aha was given the job of getting the Hartford )taU a population of win stand at 46.000 by 1960. Hartford Rd. Grill, 2,476; 4 es, (ammonia, carbon dioxide, phos­ make# hand-F COOK KIT CANTEEN □ Mra. Strnig oeems a living ex- Creek, Mich., Enquirer and News Windsor, gnd parts o4 Bloomfield •As x~ CRYSTAL mggeste either "Mad Ball" or of Any of .«8er-. ■ t A ' * F or individual cooking in the ampis of "it takas a busy person and Gla«yii^Ni Adah Manning Toungof Havre, buying sorvict. cated withta IH.milea of iilie'lnain |*'of November. • ¥fh*n it h hw-tht £. 'T' tt'A., HEATING! Tha V irgia lolanda—St. Tboinas. Mont, will settle for nothing less ■' contlgiious'iS'dart as m ea ^ rfd along ,Thi. ..e harveatlng la proceeding un- * t John, and St. Croljt — wets than ’’Fastmoftesr-^meaning, of the shortMt connecting Mgtigtoray’’ ^ r the .'Wat<9iful eyes of Cubah; ceded to the United Stetes by Den­ course, "tile fasteet and the moet- Barlow are also J M u d e d t:to thb: ,1 ^popOi'Bot theta has been no In- • • a ta ta * * • • • • • • o mark March 81, IBIT. For Den­ eat." fringe. -ft-- ,..t>or-h(mse’* of the United States. thought in all these proposed I ^ to stwo monfl^ wlHi □ now, outenMrtk .*s; s CUB UNIFORM OFRCIAL SCOUT □ 801 Cap...... 11.00 HAVERSACK V 805Shirt ...... 52.95 CU I SCOUT ^ CUI SCOUT F or day hikea. Overnight and WING '58 BY DODGE 825 Trousers ..... 5,3.95 weekend camp, trips. Heavy CAMERA FUN ib o K : ^ water-resistant khaki duck 813 Belt .y...... 60c with front cxponsimi pocket QAS.F^REO UNIT HEATERS I 841 Socks .. , ...... 50c With flash attachments. This big colorful book tells blanket rings, adjustable WHITE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 802 Neckerchief ....55c Takes 13 pictures, 620 film. you how to make 45 exciting straps.--- _ Scout projects. NOW ON PISPLAY 800 Metal Slide .... .25c Wallace Stainleaa—Ainaley Pattern 4 piece place Mtting LatUet^ Evening Bag— Aceeaaory kit-with lipatick,"nail (aa given previoualy, conaiating of dinner knife, dinner Performance records for thousands and No. 573 ... Moko Evory Day You Drivo A Holidoy polish, remover and cuticle stick.. No. 1882 4-. *345 fork, teaspoon, aonp spoon). Build a Service of Sfk—one thousands of JanitroLUnit Heaters in stores, *5 50 No. 3720 place setting a month. ' > Complete * *1.00 factoriee, warehouses, offices, garages, churches, 9.80 .. PJus 10% Federal Tax prove Janitrot give* wtore Aeaf for the m o ^ —^PLUS Paitaiitt:— Ypur >boy m m f Iravf a ettircnt OmCIAL B0Y SCOUT SHOES o Wf Hivliioa In fiMrintenaiK* • Lew Initial cost— inambDrship ewd oRd rDgistRrtcl to purchosD DRESS OXFORDS. M44 ...... ; $8.95 and $9.95 ■eves up te SO $ • Oeenrooiot operetlen • .Seweii unifonns. ' SERVICE OXFORDS. M22 ...... $8.95 and $9.9$ veHieMo flew sfiece—Inatetl everlieed e Pretecto . haeMi ehd «emf*rt ef eimployeei, customers, visi­ CHECK THIS LIST AND SEND IT IN * tors e Auteiriatic controls o"Duol-fuoi"—yse LF or WE WILL HOLD YOUR ORDER UNTIL SATURDAY. DEC. 20,1957 Oty BOS • Famous Janitrol MULTI-THRUAAIX Moot Ino Hourt for years yf trouble-free service Down Receive Your Choice ei"% : OR RHONE Ml 9-5847 Per W eek -•eesseseeseeeeseeetseeeeee'eesesa Out or tho othoY. ■ OR DROP IN AND SEE ‘ Frpo 33Vj Racords— ChristmcH Music by Lowrtnee Wetk JANITROL RALANCIO HIAT DISTRIBUTION ADDRESS ...... :J Sclenfffieally engineered,mewed, adjuUable Magic Memo Pad A LARGE SELECTION OF^ 1YS7 FORD FAIRLANE 1956 PLYMOUTH Six* Foot Metd ae.e. .a.. . with Abgnctic > Tape with . lowers direct a wtaeih, steady Row u T m iiS ^ '^ Hardtop. Fully powered. 4-Door S e ^ n . Radio and $ 14%A m . Pencil Chrome Case. ' of heated olr to areas where »e*.eeeeeeae *‘e SCOUTING GIRS Umlt—Ona.Otft to a OuatauMT • (P Ig m Print) TEMIFIC SAVING ' quipped. Iito 9 d needed— safeguard health and and UNIFORMS ' com fort. ^ 1955 W RD 4-DOOR J955 STODERAKik PRUDENT ‘ MANCHESTER ■<; ComnMlMl'Oflea Maum Monday, .TVeaiay, FHetoy—S AM, to 8 PJM. . 6UARANT» JANITROL QUAUTY— ^1195 ' ^395 FIR KATINS SinVIT DOUBLE ^ Green Stamps ^ALUTHUR»^^ SUARANtER QHAUTV INSTAUATION Wodaeoday, • AJW. to Nao*. •^auTCBAr bycer etpfit tiilolritail SAVINGS&LOAN liiuraday. * AJI. to 8 PJl. ■if- Manchester ASSOCIATION ' N ot 4 ^ fatordaya. FREE PARKING MOTORS IN THE REAR Your Loed Dodgo Dodor OF OUR STORE [fO OAKLAND ST. 10P7MAINST. M AN CH I$TP SHEn METAL WORKS 14 HIGH ST. MI34M13 I rsi • ' w r a AVSnPsraPlI I r o P o Alps U PrlBI r. - r I 7- . I ¥\ V '^ !,T-‘ I. ' < P A 6 B W E N T T ' MANCHjbTEll EVENING M RALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.; WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1967 - ( I t IIANCHESTEB EVENING HEBAJLO, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1957 PACE TWBNTY-ONB I Director Subcommittee 3 Candidates Rejects Jke*9 Invitation I To Study Lease Issue Vie for Top ' Adlai Starts ' H m Country Club !•••• itsu* w u Union Office la tho bands of a 6-membar com* OPEN jnittM of Town DirMtora equally Suif Before Aa Cheney Bros. Local 63, Tex- divided batween Republicans and tlla Workara Union of America Out of Advisor Role i ■■ r TILL Democrats today. Court Friday moves toprard its annual election (Coatinued from Page One) bolstering of military defeniM \ H. The comiAittee wiii study: Sunday, a m ajor change o f officers He said the AlHes had to fMhiM 2k 1. A short-term tease of the A Superior Court hearing on la aeen. Istratlon. was said to be one of economic aid programs for under- £ town's golf course property to the two motions to eliminate Mrs. these. developed areas in auch a way as The local union has had four to prevent newly free p,opi« Z Manchester Country Club. Helen Fltxpatrlck as a plaintiff in For anoUttr thing, Stevenson presidents since it became affili­ from turning despairingly to Rus- » - r GOODVEAR 2. Long-range uses of the tow-n’s the Globe Hollow injunction suit was understood to be somewhst ^ Globq Hollow land In which the has been scheduled for Friday in ated with tlte C lf in 1987. The ala for help in achieving "econom. I concerned about the prospective * g olf course is located. Hartford. union comprises 760 members. 120 ic modernization." Rear Of Our The motions were filed by at­ absence of Elsenhower from the Stevenson appeared to have im­ P.M. 2 Conuntttee members are Mayor o f which have been with it from v # / r , pressed Dullea with thia thesis 9 * Harold Turkington. Directors Roy torneys for the defet^ants.^Uie the start, Including three of the Paris meeting. Much of the auc- « Johnson and Gilbert Barnes. Re- town and two individuaia— who present officers: Matthew Paton, In an interview last night, broad­ cess of the session was considered cast in the British over the BriUsh Store, Drive Thurs. and fril 2 publicans; and Directors Gene contend that the former town A- president; Michael Klelnachmidt, to rest on Elsenhower's personal Broadcasting Cbrp. (BBC), Dulles Kelley, Ted Cummings and Francis rector' ie neither a taxpayer nor vice president; and Tude Vince, property owner and, therefore, has prestige. advised the free world to be wary * Mahoney, Democrats. secretary. Joseph Deacon, treas­ Deny Apathy Toward Nixon ho basis for a cause of action. ot hpcomlng mesmerized by Rus­ In Brainard Place Nights -t The committee method of study urer, has been with the group for Informed sources denied that sia's Earth aatellites. Dulles, in / * was decided upon by the Board of The court short calendar setting 10 years. Stevenson had any personal antip­ the hearing date was received by hla early years as secretary aii al­ » Directors last night. Three candidates are seeking the athy toward Vice. President attorneys oonCemed this morning, “ Members will take up the lease office of Paton, retiring after 50 Nixon, suggested os’* the logical most full-time advocata of mill, i on the heels of a charge voiced tary "massive retaliation” as iht « question from the point where it years of service with Cheney Bros. substitute chief of the American last night by Mrs. Fitzpatrick answer to the Soviet threat de-1 SHAPE OF TOMORROIjY j P HERE TODAY IN NEW '5 8 7 was left when voters rejected a 30- •^ e ^ n zel car rests agatnat a uUlity pole after btSiTlh(t%To*i. Fleinachmldt, Deacon, and past delegation. But they agreed much ^ year lease to the club in a referen- that the town was stalling the dared; matter. Bide by the other car and pushed Into the pole on S. Main S t president Frank Reilly have all of the steam would go out o f the |l good gift for tho fomily ear. ; dum on Oct. 22. Slippery Highway this morning. (Photo by Burkamp). been nominated for the office. American effort with the ailing "W e ahouldn't get our eym so I kelly, whose party joined the Town Counsel Charles N. Crock­ fixed on tho akios, on sputnik ett, for the town, and Atty. W. For Reilly, president of the union Elsenhower an absentee. Z, duccessful movement to defeat the that wo forget what’s actuallv 1 3-T CUSTOM David Keith, for the individual de- Cause of Accident from 1939 until 1954, this election Stevenson was understood to be « tO-year lease, at first asked for a going on under foot — and that la WESTINGHOUSE UUNDROMAT fendanta. filed their motions on is a comeback bid. He stepped critical of what ne considered the * complete study by all nine Board the political, economic, paycholoe. Nov. 7, and had said they expected Three persons were hurt, one aside in 1954 for Paton, who had lack of scope o f the Eisenhower * nembers working together. Olcott St, Sidewalks Voted^ leal warfare which they (the S^ been hia vice president since 1940. proposals. He was said to be partic­ the hearing to be held within a seriously, in a 2-car acciden|t on vleta) are carrying on.” \ 2 A Board Decision week of that date. Crockett said Reilly then ran againat him in 1955. ularly concerned that. In hla view, K SUBURBANITE S. Main St. near S. Lakewood \io He and other Democrats agreed today he did not know the reason Duval St, Action Postponed but a change o f clinlate in the they did not go far enough in The Eisenhower ai^nlatratlon’i ¥ to serve on the committee after for the court's delay in setting the Circle sbo\it 7:30 s.m. today. union kept the soft-spoken Paton pledging Allied coordination of new foreign aid. program rtquesU >. Republican Directors pointed out economic aid to underdeveloped more money fo r economic aid than date. Mrs. Fitzpatrick voiced her Charles H. Bunzel, 58, of 30 Town Directors last night poit-*'Keane, who has already paid for In office. He beat Reilly decisively winter tires by that any decisions resulting from conxplaint last night at a meeting last year. areas so as to prevent Russia's for mlUUry aid. T ^ has been S; the study will be made by the Lewis SC., one of the drivers, has poned a decision on stdewalka for a walk in front of her house, of the Board of Directors. Haw'ever, In hia bid to move from freehanded assistance from sub­ unheard of since 1900, when the 1 ■’* Board as a'^'wHole. Directors not on been hospitalized with foui* frac­ Duval St. from Hilliard 8 t. to Should he aaaesaed for a walk on verting potential pro-western Korean war started. For years. Keith’s Motion tured vertebraes. The driver o f the the side was also raised. secretary to vice president, Tude 2 the committee were asked to sit In addition to seeking Mrs. Woodhill Heights and approved countries. Congress has been asked to put up other car, George J. StrimalUs. 36, The policy in the past has beerf Vince ia uncontested. w. In on meetings if they care to do Fitzpatrick’s elimination as a par­ almost twice aa much for mlUtary Ig o o b A e a r of 91 Russell St., .was treated for walks on Olcott St. from ’liiormaa not to charge owners who have Seeking 'Vince's old office will be When he scceptcd the Elisen- go. aid aa for econonfic aid. TKa nearly ty plaintiff, Keith's motion asks knee and elbow lacerations and 16 Falknor Dra. paid for a walk on one aide for a Mrs. Catherine Cramer and Ben­ hower administration's invitstion - .Hope that non-political >decisiona that John L. Treybal be dropped 94 billion being sought this time m ^ v e e n e n N a N L t discharged from the Manchester A decision on the Duval St. walks walk on another side, General jamin Balon, while Mitchell Jarza- to help out, Stevenson said Nov. 12 Get safer, surer starts and ^ asay be reached was expressed by as one of the two individual de­ as unveiled at yeaterday'a Whits o both sfdea Memorial Hospital. A passenger in wa# delayed after three ot the four Manager Richard Martin said. bek, Alexander Noble, Joseph he would do "missionary work” at stops on ice or snow with fendants. Treybal was named in property owners involved protested home and abroad to put across House conference, requests alight- ^ A conjmittee composed of two the Bunzel car. C. Henry Olson. 61, Town Counsel Charles N. Crock­ Praohnlak and a >hn Ad<^ will vie PtENTY OF G oM yetr’a famous 3*T the suit as the result of his pur­ against the Installation. ett will be consulted on this point. whatever part of the program he ly more then half for economic ei- o Kepublicsm Directors, two Demo- of 86 S. Lakewood Circle, received for Ute office of treasurer. sietance. H o rc WHY INC MVOlVMi DOOR STORAGE. .00 Custom Suburbanite Tires chase from the town of s small a fractured rib. He was discharged No obje,ctlon was expreased to liked. This was interpreted to * eratic Directors, and the general parcel of Globe Hollow land near Running for aentinel are Andrew AWTATiR UUNODdlMT 19 9I9T after being treated. Olcott St. walks. They tylll coat mean he was prspahMi to go to the tires that j» u \ l you -w atenagerXwas first proposed by D1-. hla Bruce Rd. home. Treybal con­ 91,949.60, with half of the expenee Car Race Put on Disc Reichenbach and Michael Mooney. According to police, Strimaitis,. Paris. 2 Million Cara Ute Road tkrougkl Your choice o f 3-1 ^ MCtOr Ronald Jacobs. tends that his wife, and not he. to be paid by the town and half by The election will be held at 2:30 It you're crampad for tpara, hera't tha' modal driving south on S. Main St.; Last week, In a news conference nylon or rayon cord, General Manager Richard Mar- owned the land at the time the five property owners. A new phonograph record gives p.m. at Tinker Hall followed by en­ skidded into the Bunzel vehicle, at Chicago, Secretary of State WASHES^ that (ivM you the meat value for your menay. o a w N asked to be excused. "T o put suit wraa atarted. Discussion of the walks on Duval listeners many of the Bounds that tertainment and dancing. Miami— In Its first six months' tubeless or tube-type «* the manager on the committee la Which was , entering the street Dulles took matters a step further. Door opens 90* within aabinat width. 4 PUU,. PER TIRE The other individual defendant St., estimated to cost a total of 92,- accompany the annual 500-mlles On Dec. 14, the union win hold operation Florlda’a new Sunshine bifick or white sidewalls. • 2 . to confuse administration and from S. 'Lakewood Circle. The Dulles said he- hoped Stevenson •State Parkway was used by more CLEANER! WIDTH BMiLvn . . . vaerrAsuc cnitpcn . . . is George M. Danks, also o f Bruce 407.80, was complicated by a re­ Indianapolis Speedway race. its annual children's Christmas - peUey-making.” Martin sali He Bunzel car was hit broadside and would be available to assist with than 2,000.000 cars, which traveled Rd,, wfio ha4 bought a amall par­ quest from Alexander Jarvis for Sounds of the cars screaming Party at Tinker Hail. The children big 10-Ib. MtAT Htcein. And in addition- * offered to help with the work! o f pushed into a utility pole by the whatever legislation might arise more than 100.000,000 vehicle cel of Globe Hollow land at the reimburaement by the town for In­ around the curves and roaring will receive gifts and candy; and big P M n N STM AM tPACg, jplbs additional * the committee in any.way ^ can. other car. Damages to the front from ^ the Paris meeting, and in miles, with only two fetal ac* same .time- aa ’fteybal. Togetbar, stalling part of the walks. dow'n the straightaways are repro­ there w-ill be a program of games. ^ A Mpoeal to choose four BeiM end of the Strimaitis car were esti­ congressional bearings on any cldents. One resulted from a blow, RINSES FatenUd W«l|lilae STONAM IN 'YNC Dowii Por color-accenting their purchases amounted to about Jarvis Ctohn Made duced along with the voices and * membera and two rapreaenutives mated at $250 while damages to The following day, Dec. 15, Lo­ such measiirea. out. the other from an Improper Door wtlcks rtotbM, your Idtchan, chopaa from St IHTinCHAliiaa- a half acre. Jarvis and hla attorney, John noise of the pits and the repair ladlMtM Buct MBttinc * M the town-at-14|ge was then both aides o f the Bunzel vehicle cal 63 will hold Us annual Christ­ But Stevenson chose to limit his turn. The parkway by-passes all BEHERl Mrs. Fitzpatrick, along with LaBelle, claimed that he had in- crews. Included is an interview by for Rna» WatBP ABLK COLON PANtLS. * made by Mayor Tdridiigtan. Ma- amounted to 9500. mas Party at Garden Grove. The role. cities and towma from Fort Pierre e«v«r. Laundroiiiat Frankljrn H. C. Parker o f McCann atalled sidewalk on a town-owned short wave with a driver in the affair will begin with dinner at 2 I When he arrived In the capital MBBMBrBa artrltB r suggsatfld that an advisory Dr., and Rudolph F. Carlson of 53 Patrolman Albert Scabies act of gunning his car up to 180 to Miami. It is five or six miles iaiaHBt of wattr road adjoining hia WoodhiU Heights p.m. followed by entertainment and to start work Nov. 17, Stevenson MBBddid. mrm w p ar committee of non-Board members Walker St.,'have brought suit in an blamed the slippery condition of m.p.h. west of U.S. 1 and parellels that make the study. development under orders from the dancing, . urged action greator than mere highway. — ^ CLEANS d«t«rt*Bt, t«M! attempt to block the town from the highway as the accident's Town Planning Coiumisaion and Agree te Study Group cause and no arrest wss made. ever selling any part of the 1,000- the Town En^neer. ITSELF! ^ suggeeUone were,dropped acre Globe Hollow tract purchased Charles Pohtlcelli, who holda the TAKE 2 YEARS ^ after Jacobs empbaalaed 4h at the from Cheney Bros, in 1955. town's paving contract, protested •* decialon to be made will be a Board It was originally bought to pre­ against payment to the aubdivlder. I TO PAY ON BUDGET “ reeponsiblUty, The Directors. then vent the town from leasing a por­ "If they're going to pay Mr. Jarvis j vea CAN at JH IM ...ia rrh DOWN 78S ^ agreed upon a fi-member study tion of the land to the Country ^ iib G>urt Cases to put in walks, everybodv should ' « group of Board mambers as sug- for 30 years. However, the or­ have a right to put in his own and I M dn St.^ be paid,” Ponticelli said. ! {Models as low as - (Mted by Republican Directors dinance providing for the lease was Jamea W. Florence, 18, of 48 Mc­ ,4, Paul Marte and Hairy Plrato. LaBelle estimated reimburse-! Monehtsttr ^^stinghouse @ subsequently overruled in a refer' Kinley St., charged with breach, of w ^ The committee member, were endunu ment claimed by Jar\’is for half | the cost of the walks ,-t about 92.- v IRS COMPLETE LINElOF HI-FI SETS , Aoeen by Mayor Turkington at The arguments on the motions the peace, was given a suspended * Jacobs' s'lggesUon. The mayor had 500, . I will be heard by Judge Herbert S. 5-day jail sentence and placed on 'The Board decided to invest!-. f- at first asked other RepObllcan MacDonald. probation for one year by Judge * Directors to serve and took on the gate and study the matter before! reaching a decision. : AS LOW AS $89.95 - Job of a committee member after Wesley C. Qryk In a apecial ses­ TAKE 2 YEARS 2 they asked him to do so. sion o f Town Court this morning. Object to Duval St. Walks , ‘ Jaeobe and M arte asked that Oil Heater Fire Florence was arrested yesterday Of the property owners involved! TO PAY ON BUDGET in the new walk oroposal on Duval ’ DOW N «. they should not be named as com- on the complaint of his father, Er­ I "Concert Master" y mittae members after former Di- Kills 6 in Ohio nest Florence, after causing a dis­ St . only the Eighth School and Utilities District, which owns a ! ^ rector Walter Mahoney points turbance In front of the Femdale. Hi n Model 1260 * out from the floor that they.'were small strip of property there, had I Martins , Ohio, Dee. 4 His father told the court that he re­ no objections. ffove HI-FI today for only appointed and not elected as Board cently has had trouble controlling (AV-An oil beater which was ac­ Objections were made by Lola \ ~ membera. hia son. Judge Gryk stipulated, as W a hma purchosad tha M on ca of A a invaiifory of Priiica.Ce»tar7liirrefLow a7l!k^^ n 910.00 Down— 99A0 Weekly cidentally knocked over turned the Dudley Keane 6t 542 Hilliard St., In proposing the committee. Ja- conditions o f the probation, that Richard A^strong of 53 Duval I ' «obs suggested that a 2-year lease Porter Glass Co. here into an In­ the youth be in his home at 9 St., and /CloVla F. Charbonneau' Trad an itams, is baing haM back. Coipa saa, coma shop, coma sova!! $ 2 4 9 ' W ) at a possible re.iUI fee of 115,000 ferno which killed six persons. o’clock every night and that he not Jr. o f jMB HlUlard St. ; a year be considered in the first Firemen reported finding the drive an automobile. *— y • atudy stage. On the long-range I W Hilliard St. owners would : sixth victim's body esrly this Howard Warnock, of no certain bp assessed for walks on the aide „ atudy. he auggested that the com- morning. Five bodies were re­ address, was sentenced to 30 days Thrilling realism! Fre­ of their property under the quency response 20 to - m lttce Miould diacuM the advia- covered previously. for Intoxication and 60 days for present proposal. . ability o f continued leaee to the 20.000 cps— 25 watt undi» A il o f the persons believed dead being a common drunkard, the Charbonneau claimed that aide- Give ^our -famllij Long«r Lif« ub, sale of the property, a public were'employes at the small glass sentences to run concur^ntly. walks are not needed by children, torted power output—.40 course, a public-private course, blowing company. Five were wo­ Wamock was arrested ye'sterday who go to school in the opposite watt peak. Two 12" woof­ ^ and any other poaalbilitles.- men. ' more on Main St. and was held in jail direction. ers, two 6" tweeters. V-M Strong objections to any study at Tbs victims were identified as: overnight. A question about whether Mra. Starting Pow#r ^ all at this time were voiced by Mrs. Mias Hazel Cramblett 31. four speed changer. Dia­ M- Helen Fltspatriek, one pf the Wheeling, W. Va.; Mrs. Rose K. mond stylus. plalatiffa In a suit to prevent the McMahon, 21. Martins Ferry; Mrs. ^ by g o o d A e a r toum from disposing of Globe Hol- Prances Good. 3'7, Bellalre; Miss T low property. Goldia Gibbons, 23, YorkvUle; Mrs. , i M Mary Jane Byard, Marttna Ferry, I HI’VI TV -fi)r CKnslmas * Mra. Fitzpatrick, a former town / WATCHES • SILVER Director, declared that the prop- and Matthew McElroy,^ 35, of MAMODS^* WATCHES • SILVER • CHINA • JEWELRY • CAMERAS • ELECTRIC R^O RS • PHONO. f l J arty can be used only for park and Martina Perry. GRAPHS • CLOCKS • WALLETS • RINGS • RELIGIOUS ARTICLES • PENS • M^HTERS • GIFTWARE. ALL ITEMS IN THIS AD Quick sura start; guarah- — recreation and w a tei^ e d purposes. Tbe five women are believed THE NEW SIEEK, SLENDER PROFILE FOR ' ! i ( . , . N P TO 1 THIRD LESS CRDINET DEPTH! * She baaed her contention on the to. have been trapped on the aeo AU la^tsMa Items Flos 19% Fod, Tax Hotpbint's amazing neyv Picture Tube is MAY BE BUDGETED! taad up to 48 months. •* referendum which authorized the ond floor o f the two-floor, 75-yeir- ROASTING CHICKENS no* 1 91.25 million purchase • for these old frame structure. t h o r t u than aver before poasible— enables w purpoaes. Six persona were injured in the Hotpoint to giVe a compiataly new look to TV fire. They include the plant own- People are still telling us how glad they are to, get our ASK ABOUT OUR EASY TERMS! r Cm the aame grounds, former Di- sets by cutting up to a third from cabinet •r rector Walter Mahoney asked the re. A. H. Porter of Wheeling, W. delicious chickens, again— the same wonderful Cornlsk*^ ■''S' V a„ and three oth^r workers in the lust In Time For Christmas iw n g ! depth. New‘'Slendar Profile" Hotpoint TV fits - Board, "Who are you to tell the Rock capons, ro u ters or fryers, cleaned 8 0 much ^ r e 8 plant. All were taken to Martina * people what to do? W e told you Ferry hospital and are reported in * beautifully in any room scheme. » what we wimted to do with the carefully and lu tin g m much fresher than othera; 8 TERUNO SILVER "good” condition. The other five STERUNO SILVER * propertr.” are; UDIES’ COMPinE CHOICE OF SLENDER PROFILE Moran Heard GLASS LINED thoptlu Longwell, 22; David ROGER OLCOn ChjdeJtm aA "SiftA J d Jl W j o ih s U L 2T Dr. A. B. Moran, one o f the lesd- Cuddthy, 19. and Gilbert SUuffer, CANDLESTICKS HOTPOINT TV AAODELS. . . E v ry Sixp, ivsry Pries Pangs -* aupportera of the referendum .X 4^ all of Martina Ferry and em­ 403 West Center Stree M itchell 8-7853 ELECTRIC SHAVEri 1 on the 80-year lease ordinance. ployes at the company: Thomas' ■ WEIGHTED BASE.S SALT and PEPPER ut. ing. heat automatiaJly controlled. R t 1.. Only 3}< lbs. . Coburn Rd.. was arrested laat night Tne authorities aaid Pvt. Gerald • Iquol monthly fuel bllli, rego^teu of weather. ' ^ and charged with failure- tp atop J. Doherty of Dorchester, Mass., I • Nevsr a large fiml b ill.n o t even In the coldest winter months. BEST-LOOKING PORTABLE " at a red traffic light'-and opdrat- was driving a car reported stolen 2 log a motor vehicle without a li- • Convenient payment record plan—toHi how your occouni Stands. R E G U L A R L Y fM.OO to 9160.00 LADIES’ and OENrs of all ft this naw Hotpoint in'New- York aty, A u t o m a t i e A u f o m A t l o * eanae and registration. He was ar- TJhey said the youth had run • No axtra chorgoi—you still pay only for tho oil you actually me. big-acrean modal. 110* GE Portable Radio V mated about lO o'clock ,by Patrol- away from a work detail Monday DIAMOND RINGS Hi-Fi Phonosripht "MifTorbeam" Pictura Tuba * Sicllial . Toaat-R-Ov.an ^ - m a n W alter CJaasells Jr. at the In- DAY at Fort Euatla, Va., where ha was LADIES’ SOLITAIRES . PHOTOIDENTS mahaa it lighter, more compact, 3 11.00 Down . $ 1 0 . 9 5 . taraectton of E. Middle Tpke. and stationed. MORIARTY BROTHERS A Spood Twin Spookor with biggar pictura. Built-In 11.00 W eekly t W ; Summit St. Free under 9100 bond, S tn d Cew pen | JCK white and yellow moutlhg. AD NattongUy Adverttiied A t «l.95 Doherty was aerring time in the emhelUahed -with aide stonee. - : ; V' ■ ■ . -'X; Pop-Up Antanrta. (1S4 square $00.95 1 latnergan ia acheduled to appear In stockade for a breach-of Army 801-918 Center Street , Unbreakable plastic wse. - Town Court Saturday. for Inches viewable pictura area,) DEMONSTRATION regulsUona at F ort EuaUa, police 91ms. sMd mm d.tolb „ Mabillwot ludfoSsw SystMb Three-way, 4 tube, with 2 Mra. R iU Galullo, 32. of Oakville, Full Dotalh Shaun: Modol17S305. All Greatly. selenium rectifier. Bcam- ^ was arrested early yesterday They said he would be charged Use indoors or out. I Toast in the top $ IN YOUR HOME, NO CHAR8E ascope antenna. unom ing and charged with failure with reckless driving here. m an rumiT) Only 5 Loft Now 9.95 Easgr to use tern- | section. Make ■*- to carry a license. She was stopped The Federal Bureau of Inveatl Sdroo# A^*eea perature control, : aandnriches in •f Nm--- i;cn CenUr St, 'by Patrolman gallon was investigating the theft Reduced I bottom. 2 .;Charle# Momeau who said he nb- o f the automobile. . iio td her car had no U il lights. She j m M e h m . ^wraa given a warning on that count. ELECTION I.AW 8 P A R L E Y EASY BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED - TAKE 18 MONTHS TO PAY! ^Jlra. GaluUo will be arraigned in Rocky, Hill, Dec. • 4 . (dV-More SHOP DAILY 9 A.M. l»B PJL-jlFEirrH^^ TIU. 9 P.M. ♦ c o u r t here on Dec. 9. than SM registrara of voters and CALL Mltebdl 3-513$ FOR TOP QUALITY 2 EpocraUs G. Copltaa, ' 34. of town clerka^-from aerosa the state ^ $ILENT GLOW OIL lURNERS Shop Early -- RodtvUle, and Norniaa J. Boii- met here today, to discuss new elec­ bua to axisHng ferir NO MATHEMATICS! FREE .. dreau, 35, of Hartford, were arreat- tion laws that go Into effect Jan. 1 ^ «d yesterday and chaigad with The aeml-annual meeting o f the ‘ trod* lows, w« (Bon't For * lyrklng loo • eioae to a hydrant. municipal officials is sponsored by Ev«ry item clearly PARKING 2 Both oHeaMa occumd on E. OenUr the Secretary of State's office. mmiHoa bruiKb by AUDET marked with Nationally , in front of the Telephone M0RIAR1T BROTHERS 6 JEWELERS .Christmas Advertiaed yi’Cr ie e and M l 9-5390 ^ building. Both cases wiU he heard Neaiiy half of American famUlea i 31$ CENTER ST. M ANCHEStER .Rear of Store 71S M A IN S T R E E T Hours: Open Monday— Daily 8:30 toi5:S0— ^Thura. and Fri. Till 9 P.M, ■aterday. i do some canning. i 70S M AIN ST. Special Sali Price! 1 '^ ■-X' T ■ - v x T . I ■’ . I'V'. / t e - ' . 'it :n

(yj, . . ■ V'-: • I KJ/ X A- r i ‘ '-'Ir I^V': ' p a g e TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHTOTER. COJW:; WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 195T / I I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANpHESTEB, CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 I t ' ■ ------Vi f PAGE ^ t . . Rockville at '$5(X), and to Johnaton'i car at $ 180. I'. ' " ^•■■' Hoapttal Notes Admitted yesterday: Raymond ElJ- " . ■- •■ Johndrow, Skinner. Rd., Broad GOP iSweeps.Election; Frook; Pamela McCusker, RFD 2;* Loretta Maillet, Mountain St. ■x- Discharged yesterday: Lou-Ann Miller, RFD 2; Mary Saucier, Riee' Ol^on Wins over Heck St., Broad Brook; Loritta Apder- son, 4 Park St.; Stanley jSolash, 'V. v . ■ y rtockville, Dec. 4 (Special)— Rockville Hotel; tUeanor-Murphy, Ilepubllcana won a aweeplng vic­ 11 Reed St.; Mrs. Hele-vNarkawica EAUP tory in yeeterday’i city election, and son, 39 Village atf; Donald Oik, 146 Orchard StT/M abel S arg en t returning Mayor Herman Olaon Depot St., Broad Brook; Mrs. Al­ to office and giving him a (30P ma Skipper And daughter, RFD 1. Council with a e to 3 majority. Ev’ents Tonight ■The only Democrat elected waa Burpee Women's Relief Corps William F. McMahon, who will be will Hold a potluck supper at 6 p.m. In GAR Hall, with a meeting the minority iniember on the Board to follow. ' of Aaaeiaors. ^ Ladles of Sacred Heart Church USED Olson defeated Alderman Edwin will meet a t 8 p.m. J. Heck, Democrat leader of the The Men's Union of Union Con­ Common Council, by 458 votes. Ol- gregational Church win hold a ■on received 1.737 and Heck 1,279. Ladies Night Supper at 6:30 p.m. The only remaining Democrata at the church. Charles Brennati on the Council are John Schliphak, wUl show movies on Nova Septia Bernard Grouse and CHarence Mc­ an#.New.Bninswielt.^-*’'^ •'■'tj;' Carthy, elected two years ago with The ,.Board of Educatioit 'haX Republican Luther Trouton for postponed its meeting scheduled 4-yea;- terma. for tonight until next Wednesday, Win by large Margins because of the annuit City Meiet All Repubicans won by 300 to Ing. * . ' ' K'- 50' vote margins. Alderman-at- large John Gill was high voM' Vemon na4 ^^leelttvllle nbwa 0UR> L0SS,^IS YOUR GAIN - WE NEED THE ROOM getter for the GOP team, winning Herman G. Olson items are haadlei’ through ttie 1,779 votes. Karl F. Hewitt, new Herald’s Rockville Bureau, 7 W, alderman-at-large, waa second sheriff with 1,680 votes compared Main St., telephone TRemont highest GOP vote-getter, with to Herbert R. Worrostedt's 1,349. 5-3186. ’lU Y NOW - SAVE NOW - NO PAYMENTS 1,756. Olson was thlrc and Alder­ man-at-large Richard P. Hiller The newly elected officlala will ------7 — ■ fourth with 1,713. not take office unlil January. Democrats E. Fenton Burl^ City Meeting Tonight Patliologist .Lists The annual City Meeting will be UNTIL NEXT YEAR losing candidate for reelecUon fa city clerk, received the most voles held at 8 o'clock .^night in City Emergency Use on his party slate, getting 1.407. Court Room. Voters will be asked to approve the $354,779 annual H ’ lost by -212 votes to Edward L. Of Blood Supply 19S5 GHEYROLET ^ C 1955 PLYMOUTH % C Buchanan, whom Burke had de­ budget. feated two years ago by eight The budget is an increase of A 210 MODEL 2 DOOR SEDAN, color me- 1 V B BELVEDERE MODEL 2 DOOR HARD- ■ H ■ votes. $1,647 over the previous year’s In analysing Uili uiea to which dium blue, equipped with radio, heater, ^ TOP, color red and black, equipped with ■ Joseph P. McManus was "re­ budget. The largest Increase in a Red Cross blood Is put a t Man­ dlrectlonal signals, airfoam seats. A H AE^ ' radio, heater, seat covers, whitewall ^ ^ F B j ^ ^ F elected treasurer, with a 831 single item appears in the Police chester Memorial Hospital, Dr. very low mileage one owner dar. tires, airfoam seaU, directional signals. Department where a $15,000 in­ m ajority over Wullian'. F. Lud- Lane Giddings, chief pathologist W a s $ 1 4 9 5 Our best model. ^ a % $ l 4 9 5 decke, who recelvM 1,847 votes. crease will cover salaries of two Nicholas Pawluk.y, Democratic additional regulars and n ,^10 per for the hospital, today said that candidate for alderman-at-large cent pay hike for regulars and three categories cover the emer­ was second highest vote-getter in supernumeraries. gency use o t blood during the past 1953 LINCOLN GAPRI C 1953 00D0E E! Ef his party, getting .1,357 Votes. Setting the tax rate wlli ^ de­ m onth., , Slightly over 3,0()0 voters went ferred until June after the Grand "The predominant emergency 1 DOOR HARDTOP, color tutone gray, CORONET MODEL 4 DOOR SEDAN, ^B ^B to the polls, out of a poasible 5.200. List is completed. Alderman Ed­ color green and ivory, equipped with ra- ^_^B ___^B This waa below the 1955 mark. win J. Heck, chairman of the uai' was for bleeding ulcer cases," equipped with radio, heater, power steer- Sidii Dr. Giddings. "These, except UV, ^w er brakes, power windows, di- dio, heater and defroster, Gyro-Matic B jj^B ^ ^ F B | ^ ^ F This waa Mayor dlion's third Finance Committee ’has predicted] transmission, directional signals, plus try for office. He lost in 1953 to an increase of 21^ to 3 mills while for accident cases constitute our rectional signals and many txtras. \Y oS $ 1 0 9 5 Frederick S. Berger by 41 votes, Mayor Herman G. Olson has maln- usual Scute c.' es of emergency many extras. $895 but won in 1955 by 111 votes. tained an Increased grand list will blood USe. Olaon's Statement ihold the tax rate at 14 mills. > "While bleeding ulcers present Mayor Olson attributed the Re­ i -----,-To«-n Farm Offer the most acute emergenciee, they publican success in the election to The Board of Seld^finen an­ do not constitute the greatest num­ 1958 BUICK SPECIAL ^ C 1954 IMPERIAL ^ E! the desire of the people for "pro­ ber of cases receiving; emergency nounced today that they have re­ 2 DOOR HARDTOP, color light green H ^ 2 POOR HARDTOP, color 2 tone ■ ^B |^F gressive government, and the peo­ ceived an offer for the Town Farm blood supplies, however." he con­ and white, equipped with pushbutton ra- ple's recognition that the Republi­ tinued. "Numerically greater by equipped with radio, heater, power steer- ■ m ^ B | ^_^B building at less than h*lf its ap­ dio, heater and defroater, automatic ||H Injg, power brakes, power windows, pow- can party has the type of men beat praised value of $35,000. far, totaling about two-thirds of transraisaion; whitewall tire*, many ex- qualified for the Job. There’s go­ our emergency transfusion cases, er scat, and ail the wonderful features 4. The Selectmen are considering of America's finest car. W aS $1895 ing to be a lot of progress here in the offer, but'are hoping for a bet­ are those receiving blood in con* T- X W a s $ 2 1 9 5 the next two years.” Olson pre­ ter one soon as “the coat of main­ nectlon with aurgical operations. dicted. He expressed thanks to the taining the farm Is considerable." "Patients suffering from blood voters for their "trust” in him and The Board put the propeyly out deflcieitcies, sucli as anemia, leu­ assured them he would "always kemia and the like, form the re- for bid and by the clo.obile Day, which losing by 125 votes to Rep^Mican meet with local officlala to edit-, V,iU take place Dec. 18, a t Center Gordon Denson. .sider consolidation of the town'# Church. "The hours' he concluded, John J. Rady waa elected in the three governments. ''from 1:45 to 6:30 p.m. should be nil BoioK isupER O C 1953D«$OTO g F irst Ward, with 210 votea, com­ CD Policy School Set convenient to Manchester residents 2 DOOR HARDTOP, color neeh, equip- Fm ED OM E 2-DOOR HARDTOP, color pared to Harry F. Ertel's 149. A Civil Defense Training School who work out of town.” ' ped wtth. radio, heatei-, .defroeter, auto< ^ ^ ^ B yellow and black, equipped with radio, ^^^F ^^^B The Third Ward elected former for auxiliary policeman Will start ------r - r - ■ matic trahsmisstoh, WMtewatl tires, air- <. heater, automatic transmission, direc- ^B ^B ^B# B |^B state Policeman Jfito J. Yasktilka here Jam' 20. Edmund F, Dwyer, foam seat, direcUonlK etzaals. m.a tlonal signals; airfoam seats, whitewall with 662 votes. - His „'ippponent, Ures etc. $1195 Frederick S. Berger, i-tftir.iner local CD director said today. ' ■ Monseglio,_ Estate W a s $ 1 0 9 5 The achool will be held at .Vemon ------J - - * 71 ...... — mayor, received 557. '• ‘ *>• . Elementary School under the di­ William Pliska was elected In rection of Lt. Jeaae Foley of the Reported! $68,624 W ard Four with 485 votes, only State CD office. 11 above his opponent William E. Angelo Monseglio left an estate 1954 PLYMOUTH 8AY0Y C 1955 BUIOK SUPER ^ V I EL Weber, who was appointed to fill A sufficient number of enrollees a vacaii seat on the councU-during haa made the class possible, Dwyer •ot $68,624 a t hts death Aug. 26, A DbOW BEilAN, tutone blue, 2 DOOR HARDTOP, color green, equip- the past year. ; said. Enrollees from the surround­ according to an inventory filed In equippM with radio, heater,' defroster, ^^B ^^^B ped with pushbutton radio, large hSater B B H ^ H ^ ^^F Aldermen-at-larga elected were: ing towns are eligible. Probate Court today; directional signals, whitewall tires. A . and defroster, automatic transmission, ^ ^ F ^ M ^ ^ F Driver .\rrested whitewall tires, directional signala, _ ^ The U.S. Savings Bonds you get through Payroll Savings John Gilt, 1.779, deiM ttnf Francis Urtder the terms of me will the many extras. A truly fine car. wyge C i Q g C Barbero, 1,252; Richard, fuller, 1,- Regis ■ Jones, 20, of Pittabprgh. estate Will be divided between his W a s $ 9 9 5 " " 713, defeating Melvin Chtntpr, 1,313; Pa., was arrested yesterday and daughter, Mrs. Anits Monseglio Rudolph Schmidt, IsriS. defeating charged with failure to paas left, Zapadka and his daughter-in-law, pay you higher interest. . . faster! Richard G. Bundy, 1,279;' and Karl -after a rear-end collision. ' Helen Monseglio. '• F. Hewitt, 1,756. defeating Niq^o- Jones told police he was drfving Listed ill the estate are pieces 1954 0HRY%ER C 1953 RAMBLER ML g - , , ■■ c . ' - V' laa Pawluk. 1,357. on Union St. when .he struck a of real estate at 78-80 School St., NEW YORKER 4 DOOR SEDAN, color Aasesaors elected wcrqi F. Leroy parked car owned by Arnold W. an., at 245 Spruce St., each valued 2 DOOR HARDTOP, color light blue, B ^^M ^ B ^ B Havi you tried the Payroll Saving* way to save yet? Eight milKon working BUlott, 1,686, over Gerald Alien, Johnston, and parked in. front of tutone green, equipped with pushbutton ^ ^^F equipped with pushbutton radio, heater, a t $13,500. Savings in banka radio, large heater and defroster, auto- . ^Hj^B - 1,385; Raphael Fahey, 1,678, and Johnston's house at 155 Union S t amount t o ’$38,853, and bonda to defroster, directional signals, seat cov- people can tdl you if* riie beat sjwtem evor devised to save systematically. Democrat minority member, Wil­ Jones posted an $18 bond for ap­ matic transmission,, power steering, dl- ' ^ 7 ' era, like new Ures. Ek:onomy plus. A M $5i8M. In < addition, the estate will rectional signals, many extraa. ytf||c C l G O r a > liam F. McMahon, 1,343. pearance in City Court Dec. 16. a $200 death benefit from ^ - Was $995 H «t's how it works. You simply sign the Payroll Savings authorization card Wliliam Dumas was elected Damage to his car was estimated th« Itallan-American Society. in jmur payroll office. Sign up fmr the amount yoii want. Then each pay . . ■------period that amount is deducted, and saved for you in a PayroU Savings account When there's enough, a Bond is purchased in your name and starts BEAUPRE TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1 earning intenst to add to, your savings. 1 Q C O HUDSON HORNET 1 Q C 9 WIUYSMKIOR $1Qi;.M And now your Bonds earn higher interest than ever before. Every United JL viF ap 2 Door;'Radio Heater^ Full pries . JLr f W X v i l w Radio, Heater. Full Price X b W ^ States Series E Savings Bond issued since February 1,1957 pays 3%% interest whan held to maturity. I t reaches maturity faster — in only 9 years and 11 f o i r o PONTIAC 4-DOOR $9Sft00 IQCI OHEVROLCT MOOR $946.00 motaths. And redemption values are higher. to<^ especially in the wriier years. . : t X w WM ..-Radio, Heater.^ w O O X w B * Radio, IjJeater. Full Price' b " r V

f O C l DODOE CORONET $974.00 If you haven't already done so, sign up for the Payroll Savings Plan at work •T.- l O C A CHRYSLER NEW YORKiR . $ 1 7 9 4 0 J i V A l J i f V Radio. Heater. ' fc I T ■AwRwRr 4-Dbor Sedan. lUdio, Heater, , yV , X I MP today. Start piling up those Savings Bonds for your future. ^ \ Jhe piggy bank that can’t be raided! ,ii LONG HI - FI RECORDS IQCO BUIOKtDOOR HARDTOP” $404.00 j q C O FORDGUSTOMLINE $9fiQ-0Q Inddntally. youH be g etti^ your Savings Bonds in a new "check^ size TV) sea how fsst small tosnge can add up, put it into y ^ SPEaAlH FOB 3 M M Y S C M t Radio, JBeaWr, Autmuatie Transmission.. ,,*Rw*W X W « # 4 i 4-Doof. Radio. Heater. w O v — a lot easier to k ^ even in toe smallest safety deposit box, a lot more - • ■ it ■ Savings Stamps. 10# and 25# denominations dent and economical for your employer and your gbvcihunent t o process. ■ availaUe at your p ^ office along with hmdy albuiias LONDON ) All i q C I BUIOK CONVERTIBLE ^ $977.00 i q C I PONTIAG MOOR $9T9.00 .7. I,. JLw W a .Radio, Heater, AutomaticTrimsmission. ,W 4. ■ X l p R w X Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmlssidn. Rw ■ ------— ------■ . _■ ^ rC“ ■ ? ; keep them In. Start a book today. > ' ■ DECCA Reg. PAW OF IVitY AMBtlCAN'S SAVINGS r m COLUMBIA ^$3.98 1 Q C A OLDSMOBIU {.DOOR $9CC.OO IQCI OLOSMOBILEM - $9Q1.00 "laONGS IN U. S. SAVINGS BONDS ■Aw WV Radio, HeaUr. , . ' ffilWW # , X w V X Radio, Heater: WwX V Music BY: ■■ - i G Srnimmm im im m hr ■SwrSihf TU Trm m i MONTOVANI. TED HEATH. ’ IDCI PLYMOUTH STA. WAOON $077.00 IQ /IQ HUDSON i^OOOR v > $7Q 00 ' r te J a h r 4Uir pmhtU Iw efin SU AIttrSAif m i . Si . -I BING CROSBY. DAVE IRUBECK XW lI*' Radio. iMtCr, V ' O f 1 X V*T V Radio. HeaUr. FuU Price 1 VIV-, , | | | . -•..r r i ■ • \ KEN GRIFFIN IQCO PACKARD A-DOOR $909.00 j o c o D0D8E MEADOWBUOOK $000.00 JoiR Oar RECORD CLUB—1 FREE X W R F a i Radio, Heater, Automatie Transmission. RSI^rM X v WM 4-Door,!Radio, Heater. BW W ' Rtcord for Evory 10 You Buy \ — ...... - - ...... - ' ^ OPEN OPEN

R ay Beller^s EYENIN8S EVENIN6S ■X '*■<

i n i i o f ■"I- TILL "EVERYTHING MUSICAL" ■St- ^ 1013 MAIN ST.^-PHONE Ml 9-2034 f OPEN THURSDAY oud FRIDAY T IU 9 F.M. I 3S0EASTCtNTlRST. II 3-1131 ■ :m-

V y •- ■jf /

PAGE TWENTT-FOUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHE.STER. OONM* WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1957 MANCHESTEB EVEaTlNC HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WElDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 Gasoline Price l^ d Resigns 'H. ('(’ INI. DArs BA Club Planning C hairm an Raised by Esso 1 7 IIU CM^(ISTV|.^S New Year’s Party Red Unions Seize Esso Standard Oil Co. laat night READ THE ADS A limited number of tickets notified its retail gas station oper­ O f Rights Unit have been placed on sale for the ators that effective today, gaso­ Third. Dutch Firm PLENTY British American Club's annual line prices will be increased by four (OMtlaw4 ttM rac* Om ) cents a gallon. New Year’s party. (Continued from Page One) President Robert Bisscll said to­ is "difficult but not untenable." The OF FREE **under the drcum iUncw, I must Esso dealers In Manchester said that they were notified of the price day they can be secured from the Dutch have been under a mounting ‘control of their firm this morning pressure campaign since the U.N. m p «ct the reu on i you five for hikes by phone late last night. TTje club steward. Table reaervations but were talked out of It by com­ General Assembly laat week failed PARKING unable to aerve" on the com- 4-cent per gallon increase will be will be accepted at the same time, pany officials. The directors said effective on both standard and pre­ he said. CANTEENS to approve an Indoneaian proposal mluion. AND the firm was continuing to operate calling for negotiations on Dutch- mium .gasolines. Blasell also reminds members to normally. The White House announced In- register their children's names for held West New Guinea, which-In Gas prices in the area, subject Three banks were being watch­ doneaia claims. NO METERS 7 ' definite postponement of a com- to price war competition, have ed SUtes in 1956—about 25 per the (jhrtstmas party Dec. 22. .MESS iUTSi ed today by members of the unions miaaion organization meeting that risen and fallen often in the laat cent of all aerosol products "^pur- A spokesman commented that wearing red arm bands. They said the Dutch embassy Is "completely had been set for next Monday. few years. chased. Consumers also bought EMPLOY MANY FOREIONEBS they were noting all persona en­ AT TOESE I $1.98 up I in the dark as to the Indoneaian Risenhower's p r e wa secretary, 52.000. 000 push-button insect kill- The largest employer of Ameri­ tering the banks and keeping a James C. Hagerty, said he had no •r*!, 42,000,000 shaving-lather cans, government's future intentions.” Hair-Spray Sales High cans overseas la the Federal Gov­ S DIAMONDS i count on the amount of money He added that Dutch charge a information on when the Presi­ and 35,000,000 containers of room ernment. But of the 300.000 people withdrawn. Union officials said the dent will name a new commission deodorants. Sales of pressurized d affaires H. Hagenaar had been Some 80,000,000 aerosol-bomb who work oversea for the United watch waa being maintained In the trying unsuccessfully since yester­ member to replace Reed. paints and plaatic sprays rose to States, only about 35,000 are U.S. lARMy-NAVY Interests of security and order. hair sprays were sold in the Unit- 23.000. 000. V 997 MAIN STREET day to see acting Foreign Minister The bipartisan commission was cittzena. The institutions Involved were Hardi. crested by Congress in a civil Amwseswiew* the Escompto Bank, the Neder- The spokesman aald the embassy END rights law passed late last sum­ STORES I.'indsche Handel Maatschapplj and mer. The group was empowered was having difficulty maintaining the National Handelsbank. contact with Dutch consulates to make a 2-year investigation of A ' Dutch embMsy spokesman REG. $25.00 GIANT DE LUXE federal laws and policies bearing throughout Java because telephone ■aid that the position of 46,000 connections with most qf them had on equal protection of the lawa Netherlands subjects in Indonesia and to look into alleged denials of been cut. Keith’s Variety and News Shop voting rights. i Nominations to the commission SPRING HORSE are subject to Senate confirma­ Andover '7HI S a 10 OF m . NO.TH END" tion. After Reed's appointment TEl. Ml 0-E10I Nov. 7, there was no open Senate ENROLL NOW SENSATIONAL $ | A . 9 9 opposition, even though southern Smators were aware he took part State Grant Totals $49,296; VALUE FOR CHRISTMAS WE HAVE THE in the Supreme Court's unanimous 1945 decision that racial segrega­ SCHOOL OF Represents $13,000 Hike UROEST SEUCTION OF DOLUR OIFTS tion in the public schools is uncon­ i] stitutional. REG. $13.95 4 PIECE However, after Reed's resigna­ FOUND ANYWHERE IN TOWN... Andover, Dec. 4 (Special)—^TTie* School faclUties will be used also tion was announced. Sen. Russell Blind Violinist Entertains at Lions’ Party state grant to the elementary (D-Ga) recalled the former Jus­ for a Community Christmas Sing tice's partidpation in the school Charles L«sperance, Manchester Lions Club president, Mrs. Ethel Connor, home teacher for the sight school for 1957-58 will total *49,- at 7 p.m. Dec. 22 sponsored by the declskm, and said "I hope the handicapped, and Ford Crosby, district governor of Lions Club listens as Antonio Marton, blind vio­ WOODWORKING KNOWLEDGE 296.50, Bernard J. Hudak, chair­ Sportsmen's Club. The Sing waa TRUCK SET DIPT SDBOESTIONS Htra Ara A Fm Of Thom linist. entertains at laat night's Christmas party for the sight handicapped. The Lions' party announced by Oaaper, president of DID YOU KNOW... President will be able to get a suc­ ONE YEAR DIARIES waa held at the Three J's Restaurant for about 20 guests. (Herald Photo by Oflara). man, announced at a Board of Edu­ the Sportsmen’s Club. Chip ’n Dip D is h ...... 12.29 cessor who has not already gone cation meeting Monday night. WRITINa PAPER 1. lliere are no parking on record as being a strong advo­ Rv# EvMiinq CknfM, 2 Hours toch, boginnin^ Hi* Work on the school budget for This sum Is baaed on the aver­ 1958-59 is expected to begin at the Weather Forecaster ,. .11.00 PEN end PENCIL SETS meters in the North End. cate of enforced integration." the program, followed by "Break made by the members for the bene­ age dally membership of 372 pu­ Although he has retired from Singers Present Forth, Oh Beauteous Lights," from board's next meeting on Jan. 6. At Condiment S e t ...... STUFFED TOYS 2. You may pay your tele* fit of the handicapped children’s Wrst Tuesday in January. H's a rtoHy worthwhUa project. pils for the 1956-57 school year. that time estimates on mainten­ .$1.00 the High Court on full salary of Bach's CThristmas Oratorio; the swim program. Mrs. Albert SLED KERCHIEFS — NYLONS The grant is approximately $13,000 ance requirements, both Inside and phone bills at Keith’s $35,000 a year, Reed still la avail­ Seasonal Program English carol "Over Bethlehem'a Schlrnrhel’s afternoon kindergarten LAYAWAY NOW Rise ’n Shine Shoe Kit . .$5.49 able for duty on other federal higher than the amoimt received out, will be presented by commit­ BILLFOLDS — TV GUIDE COVERS Variety. Town,'.' Pietro Yon's "Jesu Bam­ class was awarded the attendance Enrollment Dates f Tomorrow, Dec. 5 — 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. last year and will be received in Angel Chimes WHISTLE STIBREItS courts, and recently saw such bino," and “ Beside Thy Cradle," banner. tee chairmen, George Munson and .$1.19 3. Keith’a Variety is OPEN service. Conceivably, he might in The Round Table Singers made three payments. Paul Donahue. SUPER-SORB COASTERS also from Bach's C3iristma.s Ora­ ( Saturday, Dec. 7 — 9:00 to 5:30 P.M. Pupil Totals to Rise OPEN DAILY »o 9:00 P.M. Angel Chimes Candles ...2 9 c EVERY NIGHT ALL the future be ca lM on to sit on their initial appearance of the torio. The English carol, "Joseph MAGNETIC BOBBY PIN CUP YEAR until 9:00 o’clock. eases involving dvil rights Christmaa season last evening at STATE CAR MILE.\GE An Increase in future school en­ Mancheater Bvenlag Herald Aa- Birthday Angels Dear. Joseph Mine” and Adam's rollments was foreseen from an NURSERY THERMOMETERS 4. We’re open Christmas i W Reed might have had that In the Waddell School auditorium, "Oh Holy Night" were followed by Hartford, Dec. 4 ip State of- dover correspondent, Mra. Paul D. (Boys and Girls) ...... 98c mind, along with other fa:ctorB, under the direction of their con­ ficiala report that 1.356 atate-owned enumeration report submitted by Pfanatiehl, telephone PIKrrIm 2- MANCHESTER SURPLUS SALES CO. MOTTO PLATES till 12:30 P.M. “ Silent Night" in which the audi-, Mrs. Raymond P. Houle. The re­ when he wrote Biaenhower, in a ductor, G. Albert Pearson. TTiey ence was invited to join. The ac­ passenger cars (not including po­ 6856. 169 N. MAIN ST. AT DEPOT SQUARE lice cars) clocked a total of 18,515,- See’ Shopsmith Demonstrated At Our port was filed In compliance with LARGE SELECTION OP letter dated last Monday, that were greeted with enthusiastic ap­ companist for the program was MI 3-7111—TRIPLE "S ” BLUB STAMPS CANDY CUPBOARD *hipon reflection I have concluded plause from the audience of PTA 069 miles during the fiscal year regulations of the State Depart OIB.SON and ABIERIOAN FOUND ONLY AT Oitr Tay Solactiaii Miss Brenda Cole. ment of Education that an enumer­ that I must withdraw by accept­ members and friends. The choir After a brief business meeting, that ended June 30. In addition, OREETING PAGE and SHAW ance o f your nmich e^ipredatod of­ consists of voices selected from the state employes droye a total of ation shall be made of al! children m Mrs James Beckwith stressed the 3,216,761 miles in their own cars on Store On These Same Dates to age 18. Council Rights KEITH’S VARIETY 1$ Ona of M , fer to appoint me to the Civil various choral groups at Manches­ need for Girl Scout leaders. An in­ CHRISTMAS CARDS SCHRAFFTS Rights Commiselan.’' ter High School and generally state business. Officials said the In the period of one year froui formative and interesting movie use of state cars was up 6 per cent "Wo'N Soo You Tomorrow Evoning" October, 1956, to October of this li's Getting Late... BOXED CARDS Largosf Ir Towr. "When I recently Indiceded to ■harea ita talent by providing mu­ depicting the rewarding experience Issue Raised you my wiUlngnaas to aerve on sical programs for churches, fra- over the previous year and the use year, Mrs. Houle reported that 27 Sisn Past Aihtray of Scout leadership, “ L,eading of private cars on state business, this commission,’* Read said, "I temaL and service clubs in Man­ Lady," was shown. famlliea moved ou' of thla town CHOCOUITES 10 per cent. They attributed the while 56 families moved in. The MAKE YOURCHRISTMAS 2 5 c-5 9 c We specialize in toys permitted my desire to be of use chester. During the coffee hour which fol­ By Clergymen in the orderly adjustment o f dvil rise to "increased activity" by western part of town shows the a "Fanfare for Christmas" opened lowed, a free-will offering was state agencies. Sealteft lee C ru m “M^wchetter" $1.19 rights matters to blind me to the greatest growth, she added. PARTY RESERVATIONS NOW! 50-$1.00 selling for 10c to $1.00. u srsightier harmful effects of pos­ BUSH HARDWARE CO. While' no change waa indicated (CooUmied from Page One) sible lowering o f respect for the In the high school enrollment this WE CAN ACOOMMODATE UP TO 76 PERSONS 793 M AIN ST. cooperative activities ranging from impartiality of the federal judi- MANCHESTER. CONN. year, w(th 15 studc.its moving out We also have lots and lots Coma on 4iTcrI Yon’ re . d sry ." and an equal number moving In, evangelism to architecture. Is hold­ IN OUR BEAUTIFULLY REDECORATED Wa kava oB of Mm pop­ Ok, ytt^idio Gift Wrap­ of coloring books, story Reed noted that the eommiaaion it la shown that 29 children left ing its fourth triennial assembly invited to the Slorth *^>artldpatea in policy making elementary achool grades 1-6 while Its supreme policy-setting conclave. ular gamos__Monopoly, books, models, guns, dolls, through its invesUntion and its 31 new children were enrolled. pings, RHaIm m , Omo- THU Whether any sort of action—or ROSE ROOM roller skates, etc. End and Keith’s Va­ appraisal o f federal law concem- Pre-Schoolers Increase a ScrobUo, Choekors, Far* 1^ civil rights” The greatest increase was shown joint statement—will be made by riety and News Shop, Now 72 years old, Rssd retired DRUG STORE In pre-school statisUca with 50 new the meeting concerning Dr. Doug- ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE COCKTAIL ckosi, Rummy, Bisgo, In fact as a popular expres­ moNts, Trao T$pt, Iciclos, from the Supreme Court last Feb. children in that age bradtet-mov- laa’ suggestions appeared doubtful. I WE ABE FAMOUS FOB ...... sions goes — ‘ICeith’s Has You’ll be pleasantly 35. After 19 years on the High M 2 MAIN $T. — ST. JAMES BLOCK tng Into this conununity during His analysis struck the crux of a ate. Everything." Ligkt Sots, oxt^ bulbi. Tribunal, the Kantucky-bom Jus­ the past year whil. only 23 moved much-diacussed issue. surprised. tice said it no longer seemsd wise out. Me told a special meeting on ITAUAN aiNi AM ERICAN CUISINE " \ surpnseiL to continue the strain of “unre­ The senior class at the Regional church councils yesterday that the mitting exertion" required by his District 8 high school has the prevailing theory Is that a councU DELICIOUS PIZZA SERVED court duties •oiayAst enrolkpent.of any grade of churches Is "strictly responsible with only 16 pupils listed. Mrs, to the churches.” EVERY THURSDAY. FRIDAY end SA TU B^A F NIGHTS Houle’s report provided a picture “It Is the responsibility of slave KEITH’S VARIETY and N ^ S SHOP of the variance of claas sizes over to master, of property to proprie­ DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT! the past 12 years with the follow­ tor. Local Stocks MUST BE SOLD “ But this does not exhaust nor •TH. SaiOOFTHtNOnTHaiD" MPCff^Anz-m. Ml »k1»1 ing listing of present. grade en­ rollments: Grade 1, 36; Grade 2. even begin to suggest the full 34; Grade 3, 40; Grade 4, 47; Grade significance of the councils of Qnetatteas Fhmlaked by churches In contemporary church Cekura A MIddlabrook, Inc. 5, 36; Grade 6, 40; Grade 7, 39; Grade 8, 37; Grade 9 23; Grade 10, life In America," CHIANTI RESTAURANT Bank Stocks 21; Grade 11, 23; and Grade 12, 16. Noting there are now more than SW tESTM W Ik tti o m K FMIIIT Manchester Trust ... 60 65 In addition, two students are 5,000 interdenominational councils 14 DEPOT SQUARE— ROSE D. DERRY, Mgr. C(mn. Bank and Trust and federations, on local, state, Co...... 36 39 now attending Wincham High FOR RESERVATIONS CALL MI 3-6195 School and three boys are going national and world levels, he eald First National Bank of Christians need to recognize the yo'jr irh3 M anchester...... 39 31 to Windham Regiona. Technical School. Six other atiidents are real dimensions and significance Hartford National WEEK of these councils.” Bank A.Trust Co. .. 80 33 attending private preparatory It's Always Easy To Get To schools. Much of the general public, he Fire lasuraaee Companies The impact of larger claaaes will said, "regards councils of church­ family Ctrl Center Aetna Fire ...... 45 48 H be felt b} the high achool more es as being mainly preoccupied Hartford Fire ...... 127 137 than the elementary achool, accord­ wl$h opposing bingo and pari-mu­ National Fire ...... 58 4 634 8VMM8 IN PARK ing to these figures and the follow­ tuel betting on horse races." Phoenix ...... 5 1 4 534 t-PIECE SET ing projected Hat of the number of ‘Symbols of Triviality’ Pero’s Orchards life and Indemnity Ins Cos These are worthy causee, ho Nested . students who will enter the first . ILICTRIC HAND Aetna Casualty...... 121 131 (trade during the next six years; aald. but with other "llfe-Snd- Aetna U fe ...... 174 184 ip satin...... ^ 1958, 39; 1949, 27; I960, 41; 1961, 37; death problems” at stake, concen­ SAW CSonn. G eneral...... 348 258 1962, 35; and 1963. 24. tration on them makes the coun­ APPLES Cuts 9 inch dreeaed hun- Hartford Steam Boiler 67 71 Audiometer Appro\-ed cils “symbols of religious and eth­ FRESH FROM OUR COOLERS bar. Ripe, croae^uts, jkr- Travelers...... 744 771 •ATIT C010R80 In other business the Board of ical triviality.” .MACS — BED De l ic io u s •!— c o r t l a n d s sawn, copea, backA acioUi PubUo Utilities I CRRISTMAS C0RSA8ES Education voled approval of the The assembly re-elected the Rev. NORTHERN SPIES — GREENINGS and circle cute. Special Conn. Light A Power 1 6 4 18' purchase of an audiometer by the Roy G. Ross, of New York, a blades available toe iron, Conn. Power ...... 37 39 In choice _ — . 'Mother’s Club. It win be used in Disciples of Christ (ChrisUan) HUGE SELECTION GARDEN steel. With rip niide and 'j Hartford E3ectric Lt. 5 0 4 52V 1 - Of sorle, 2 9 * ‘ 6 0 ‘ the health room which has been clergyman, to another three years wood cutting blade. Hartford Gas Co. . . . 34 37 furnished with other equipment as general secretary, the counell's FRESH VEGETABLES Southern New England purchased by the club over a top administrative post. eMr$4SjD0 Telephone ...... 32'i 344 period of years. Manufacturing Companies Three new outside keys will be Named as associate general sec­ BAKED FIGS WITH ALMONDS Arrow, Hart A Heg. .. 42 4 454 obtained for the school to complete retary waa the Rev. Dr. R. H. Bd- wtn Espy, also of New York, a Associated Spring .., 214 234 j thq number required to provide DATES • NUTS Bristol B ra s s...... 8 4 10'A each teacher with a key and to al­ Baptist layman and former officer DRILIMASTBR DRILL KIT C ollin s...... low extra keys for those persons o f the council's influential division .120 of Christian Life and Work. DAIRY PRODUCTS Top quality, careAiUy selected Dunham Bush ., . 7'4 using the all-purpose room for com­ ecceesoriee. Roomy, all-eteel RUBBER MAID KITOHENWARE Em-Hart ...... 48 51 munity projects. At the aasembly 22 different cairying caee. Kit with Drill- Merit Plana Discussed groups are holding sesaloni to map Brighteii y w r kitchen, make work eaiiler with matched aeta o f * Fafnir Bearing ...... 52 56 COLD MEATS • GROCERIES master DrilL rubber kitchenware. Highest quality, chotre of aeverel colors. Landers Frary, Clark; 11 13 Chairman Hudak reported that he proposals to put before the whole and Mra. Doris E. Oiamberlaln, body later this week, (joordinat- aelv $ 2 f . a s t e $ 4 S . 9 f N. B. M achine...... 25 28 It's warm and tight Makt Your Ch'ristmos Sliapping Easitr Dish Drainer ...... $2.29 Duet Pan ...... g iA t , North and Judd . . . . . 27 30 principal, and Mrs. Holden Wright, ing the committee eyatem is the Russell Mfg...... 1»'4 21 >4 CEU CLO HDi a teacher, had ' represented the Rev. Gaines M. Cook, Indianapo- WE'RE OPEN Sink S tra in er...... 69c DIHi Semper ...... 88b\) Stanley Steam ...... 36 36 local school at a recent teacher Us. salary merit plan meeting of the The Rev. Dr. Purd B. Diets, Bathtub Mat ...... $2.69 Sink Mat ,...... i...$1.19 I Terry Steam ___ ... 155 165 . 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEEKDAYS DRILIMASTBR DRILL Torrlngton ...... 22 ” 24 MASTfROtACT , COMFORTER] towns sending students to the re­ St. Louis, a mission official of the With a floral design gional school. The elementary 7 A M. »a 8 P.M. SUNDAYS Orilla in all materiaL Power­ U.E. Envelope, com. . 18 >4 ao'^ WAFFLE IRON -Evangelical and Reformed Church, one side and pastel achool boards have been studying said yesterday 2,000 new churches , .v.v.v,v.v.-.v.v.v.v.v.i“v.—~B{ U.S Envelope, pfd. . 11 18 With reliable VSO 276 OAKLAND ST. ful Sunbeam-built motor on the other.. the poealbllltieB of Initlatinr merit and 2,000 new ministers are need­ rune cooler, drills faster, Veeder-Rbot ...... 40 43 heat indicator...... # It's tint Free..... O plana with their salary schedules ed each year, to keep pace with The above quotations are not to for several months. eaiy $ 2 7 .9 5 iwid $ 2 9 .9 9 GIVE be construed as actual markets. population growth. BRAND NEW MERCURYS Hudak, informed the representa­ The Rev. Dr. Edward S. Fray. tives. of Hebron and Marlborough 8*5,000 QBANT FOft CAMPUS j| New York arjthitectural expert for that local board and school the United Lutheran Church, es­ Hartford, Dec. 4 (Fi—The Hart- j -staff nave decided'not to include a BE READY FOR SNOW ford Foundation for Public Giving timated church' building will past ;VA*. Cigarettes 1957 M O N T O U IR 1957 M ERCURY merit plan in their, salayy sched- the 1 blltlon mark in 1968. It has ILICTRIC SAW TOOLS reuM.o.(iMnc" *41. •T yesterday presented a grant of 1957 M ONTEREY 1957 MONTEREY/ ules at. this time. TTie local teach­ T<«4 tuli : ' 5jM $35,000 to the University of Hart­ U w u ft R FrprIm fill been estimated at $900 million for 6H ' blade—cuts 2* dressed CONVERTIBLE ers have devised an evaluation plan thla year. SELF PROPELLED'SNOW PLOWS FOR ford toward the cost of a univer­ 2-DOOR SEDAN 4-DOOR HARDTOP 2-OOOR HARDTOP with which they will experiment lumber at 46*. Lightweight'. sity campus site. Last year the o OM Golds • Lucloiet BRIARGATE Power., steering, ..power over an indefinite period. If this Better balanced, powerful - CHRISTMAS M ercom atlc. drive, radio, Mercomatlc drive, radio, ~ Easier for the Oamel foundation gave the university a o Chesterfields brakes, turnpike engine, ra­ M erC ^atlc drive, heater and plan does not seem aatisfactory, \ IM HP Sunbeam motor, grant of $27,500, o Philip Morris SHAVE LOTION dio," heater, whitewall Urea, heater anti defroster, white- heater and defrodter, white- J t . Louis, Mo., Dec. 4 (6V-The • Useful wall Urea, wheel coven, dl- defroster, whitewall tires, another will be devised and tested, eaiy $ 55.95 4NmI $ 99.95 • Camels double headlights windshield wall Urea, padded dash, lux­ Mrs. Qfan|berialn said. Rev. Dr. Donald Black of Phila­ PROM ,69 JO r I Coutjaa, Soochini Rog. recUonal lights, oil fUter, ury trlA, foam rubber seata, padded dash, directlwaT e A'ttracUve • Kools washers, directional UghU, Hghui, foam rubber seats, The other two towns indicatsid, delphia, head of the Foreign Mia- r ltd Aged Oili foam, rubber seats, fully un- double headlights, directional sions Boaril of the United P itthy- BILLFOLDS . iomi back-up llgliU glamour dercoated. luxury trim, tutone paint Hudak aaidi that they will try to e Economical In choice y g a gri^p, undercoated, complete lights, back-up lights, tutone put into effect the merit plans terlan Church, sajrs most Ameri­ Kitchen * paint, fully undercoated. fully Qndercoated. ORBITAL SANDBR of atjiee. I , 59 leather Interior. which they have proposed. can churches are so rich they re­ HOME PEIJMANENT Up mind him of the biblical injunction -SNOWBLOWERS— The sender that stood up Tirntr ' f l / I F l i r * FILE »2»* RETAIL PRICE $3480 ' RETAIL PRICE $3578 The foremost reason mentioned MMA51.I flA IT K RCTAIL PRICE $4493 M T A IL PRICE $3S32 by Hudak for Jocaj Board .delay in about the camel and the needle's under 1,000 hours of oontin- FREE GIFT W RAPPING UTILITY KIT using a merit plan was that salary eye. \ ) nous use. Light«oi|ht. Pio- SPECIAL SALE PRICE ' SALE PRICE SALE PRICE . SALE PRICE achadulea must ba made out in the Members don't aacrifica and give Reo-Toro feesionsl results. Essy-to- $3.95 FREE DEUVERY In. brown, red, — — ^ near future. This would not allow of their money as they should to change abrasives. Jamea* Hair Shaping navy or blue...... 9 8 •ufftclent time for the 'merit plana help ChrisUan mlsaions, he told the m h % M M I ■ Regular Price $2.00. to be Included. • National Council of Churches Aa­ A Toni Home Peiynaaeat Hudak also reporied that )ie and sembly. George Mimson had affended a re­ He.added; v BOLENS t r a c t o r s : As Renil (without squeeze cent meeting of the Bosud qf E ^ - GRINDBR-SANDBR-HONIR bottle) f "Indeed, it is. easier for the RIDING and W ALKING ' cation In the krea for which An­ came) to pass through the needle’s Regular Price $2.90 34«4 drew F. Manges la the State'super­ eye than for American churchea, intendent. \ W ITH PLOW and BLOWER Regularly $4.00 Nrw all wealthy by. edmpariaon with Bos BeRkvior Improved others, to enter the kingdom of sands, honee, ahsipens. This Combination Andrew Gasper, trahsportatlon ATTACHMENTS obedlenoe." ~ a ssl, $49.95 IPANA C e p a c o l chaintt|ui, commended the greatly Now Only UNCOLN Improved behavior, o f students on MAN m s s o r n iJ U B is i Bone China, Miniature Animak^ the Ideal etoeking gifU PLUS BROS. the achool . New Britain, Dec. 4 (It — A 48- SEE THEM AT * 3 , 0 0 I. - a S o l u t i o n Ravtoislng Uit use o f tha all- OLoAfTf u -u ri New Sqweexe-beHe MERCURY jrw -old Waterbury; man,. Joseph A sinaU deposit Will hold any item until Chriatmga. OCNTIFRICE^ 818 CMNTBR ST, purpose room by the^ oominunlty, Dahdah, died in a hospital yaster- Jew s * iMMity SdoM 9"RIECE SET ■BLTinjIRBOORSI MI 8-8188 the Board noted that two dancM day.of Injuries suffered '-Friday GiFITOL EQUIFMENT 00., I rc. Why not try the North End first. You, too, will be sur­ The with A _ CONTINENTAL had bean held there by .groupa o f gUt Lampt burn m 4 9 when tha automobile he waa driv­ 38 MAIN ST.—TEL. MI 3-7958 prised t9 find whet we heve over NOIMH. 34 DEPOT SQUARE - - TEL M l 9-5274 U $ M A O r V r — M l $-5391 "Maa Appear.____ iadvpcadentfy.. * 97* regional School atudenta over the ing want out o t control on Routs 9 weakdhd and tha room had hean In Farmington atnick a utility pole . left in excellent conditlbn. and overturned . \ / N- • '

‘ : 7 /

PAGE ri^ENTy-SIX UANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1957 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAI4CHESTER. CONN,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 PAGE TWKRTI^^-aBVEN ALLEY O O P \ BY HAMLIN CROSSWORD PUZZLE •.'.V OUR HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPUI duos, I .rVE GOT 10 WNP ■0MC HtTvu. WELL, t GUEG6 IE DOC'S There Is Power in a Shone Shine Spend KNOW, Njr ouTWHwrr wKs U M w V G M . . get back Putting your best foot forwanl A B«dtims Twosemgt . tummy ivw EVER OONNA. •The ftL NEVER MIND IHKr MM3C ME TSK HERE.rrU. BE UP TO 5AV, MAJOR.' begins with neat, shined shoes i RUM l|K*eiM ' a c h o l a r a S3 Four (praSx) 52 F oratallar with pride the NECKTIE from D<50R MIRRORS for her dressing clamoring for the tradiUonal "old of apiHes and insert in a body 27 P layth in if 22 G reat arlary 3 S B a g o n a ! 5 5 N a i t h a r Advice to career girla: Slevv If your family likea the flavor the outstanding selection by room are good-grooming aids mi­ world” CHRISTMAS CDOKIES, cavity before roasting. 28 G arainl'i w ife fruita.and make a aimple gelatin of poppy seed, try adding It to a "Wembly," "Andre of California" lady requires. Protect desk and the fragrant pfeffemusse, the de.aaert over, the weekend for be- table with GLASS TOPS that are In A rthurian r H r L r r r r French dressing for a green salad. and "CXiplan.” Slip some HAND­ spicy anise drops end crisp sprin- Happiest Teak of the Year l a f a n d f” ginnlng-of-the-vvcek uae. KERCHIEFS into his Christmas custom-cut to fit You’U avoid geriif, FRUIT BREADS come Gift-^ving at Christmaa means 82 N tw apapar i3 1 Give a Beauty CertIBeate stocking because they ape so at­ ugly icratchea and damage from from the ovene daily aa well as gift-buying a t MARLOW’S. 8«7 a x a c u t l v a Leiigliter Is .Medicine tractively hemstitched and Initial­ spilled beverages during the holi­ It m u s t b e ^ Can you Imagine Juat how much FR tnr CAKE BON SONS. The Main Street for every member of 54 P hotofraphir if r~ GAG G lhTS from HARRI- real Joy, happinea.a. and conveni­ ed. Ail purchases are GIFT BOXED days. M itchell 9-7323. decorated ehop looka pretty. OPEN the family and the home. d a v ' l c a D R E A M » ,1.,, BON'S. 840 Main St. are genuine ence you give with a BEAUTY FREE. SEVEN DAYS A WJOTK. from 7 14 M om or D ad i ft r rib-ticklers, guaranteed to get CERTIFICATE from______SCHULTZ Before you daah off to market a to T, 17 E xpuncar i powdered noee is often in order. For Her: Taete, Beuuty. i)uaUtT your party oil to a happy start.-SALON. 983 Main St. W hen'5rau are turning alicee of Good Old Saint Nick le ticketing SI A llow anca tor B ft I! They arc 'sure-lire conversation Specify a aeries of SHAMPOOS fresh bread into crumbs, jrou can A mirror and two tiny drawers on w a i t a the back of a clocet door ia the Peaniit Butter Oake some of his choicest gifts for the i starters, genuine ice-breakera and AND SETTINGS If you wish or tear the bread with a fork or cut 1 eup sugar SI Italian rivar fl p A it fine with a knife. perfect make-up spot. A few shoppers at OOBET CASUALS, A 1 1 fool-proof measures to keep a suggeit a lovely PERAIa NENT 3 tablaspoona butter 5718 887 Main St. The prettiest disMy ia m? t. MU 41 C om pan point Si r Sense and Nonsense party ''going." In the back of the WAVE. Gift certificates are avail­ pegs below will hold the family 4 2 W a a p Doea Income Interest You? umbrellaa. 8 UMespoons peanut buttar and taUoMtJ, BLOUSES are here; LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and BOB I.UBBERS i store where it says, "Ladles, If a able In any denomination. 13 and M teaspoon salt all with distinctive touches. The 44 E lavator up. It’s a satisfying gift th a t la a Call or write COBURN A MlD- SIZES 4 - 4*1 7 ff miATV AUM' n a r i n v a n t o r % H*ve You ■ Friand? you ran feel aafe. Yia-kay' gift you aeek, behind array of SKIRTS from ateek inccmn'-uKfA L I T T L 6 1 $ this door take a peek."- Fun for little different. The trained and DLEBROOK, INC. 829 Main Street ‘Yon Made I t for MeU fOCR PMBCBHnjKsaS 4 1 G a t i L trienda la « peraon who la for With him you ran utter your H cup milk This atw-eaay gown with Its sheaths to fuU circla silks, lush n»MN'kaa^E 1 ft office parties, for grab bag ax- talented beauticians here make and they will send you Information That's what you’ll hear as you IH cups flour 4 1 T i t l a a i % u alwaya, under all cirrum- heart, ita badneaa and ita good* your every viait to SCHULTZ on a utility yielding over six per get a hug and kiss for making a matching bed-alippara will kaep wools and rustling taffeta are fun EVIL SrifOT IM*S s s w t a e s H m m • 55 H aw aiian i fl atancea. neaa. ehangea. for everyone who enjoys 2 teaspoons baking powder to wear. Eye-catching JEWELRY “N R a laugh. For inatance there la a BEAUTY SALON a happy experi­ cent. Mitchell 3-1105. l^dmade gift this Christmas. your itttlo chanib warm and cosy w r a a t h i He never Inveatigatea you. Like the ahade of a Ereat tree ta Ooate butter, peanut buttar and onthoaa chilly nlghta aheadf To and SCARFS are favorite waya T 17 w Jar of "BIRTHDA* PILLS — to ence. BOOK 5'OUR APPOINT­ YOUR YARN SHOP, 50 CkrttAge S4 K ind of lara % f fl n He llkea you juat aa you are. He the noonday heat ia a friend. MENTS EARLY. For the Chrtat- St., has many suggestions for won­ augar together, add weU beatan trim—atmply press on tha cute to giva your clothea tndivldnaUty, S* M r. D urochar cure mtle-atones.” Capture ChriaUnas Activities Sift dry lagreY5Ur cluded. DRES.SES, luxurious ROBES in plastic centering a tln,v arrange­ binaural tape yod can'"talM down’* TH-6 i5 SEIRSXkER, Pan-frying chart: Use >4 cu^of The hide-and-aeek game ia over ment of flowers and cones. "A ent jewelry enamel. KNITTING and a qullL Only 25c your favorite TV concerts to eti- . )^ (, ' 0 H , 0 0 COMK INf IM 60 J O H . V A s : t h e o n e y O o plea.aure w ith him : whe,TI you are No. 8475 with Patt-O-Rama ia clear, bright colors. There are soft- m a m a ' / HAPPy TO KNOW VOU .'HERE. oil In an B-tnrh akillet, 1-3 c u p \f when you keep all your cooking j in sixes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years. Size thing of beauty is a joy forever." BOXES wiU thrill a diacrlminating y Joy over and over. Brighten a KEN P i c k e d u p o n t h e a i r k y o u want to are h ip l: w hen you oil In a 10-inch skillet and '.x cu 1 as-a-cloud SWEATERS also flat­ Y O y EME y O U R H A T A N D are dying you w ant him near you, Condiments right over the stove. 13. I'A yards of 45-inch; 1 3-4 needlewoman. The 81 gift Ubie In­ oiler Gracious HiMpItality Mother’s life ta tha kitchen with VHORMNGON COAT y O u M U S T 6 E s t r e e t .'Y o u ’C B f r o m of oil In a 12-Inch akillet. tering BLOUSES. Stop by for love­ cludes hand-dKobated BREAD a beautiful COFFEE M AK^ PROCESSID* '.OOTOFTtJwN ARENT- _''**'* handy ar- • yards of 45-incH; 1 3-4 yards 35- ly things to give, or keep. Braided Bags Lend a Oieerful With the Infltwnf holiday visit- H j h o r v . ' f i b u l a , m a n e t h e 1 rtgement is a cake pan and two BOARDS and "ZEBRA" MITTS STEAM IRON, MDOXt, ctr elaetrio HOuT WILL YOU B E • A little tot, ip rhurch for the Table aad Doer OecoraMnna inch; pantiea 3-4 yard. Tsocil era expected, s4ea party ia a de­ W AR BOY COMFORTABLE^ s t a y i n g U X G ? .angle brackets. for elbow-deep protection from FRYIPAN. Yoii gWe 'a thHfl when ' ------LI t PREPACE A ' firat time, watched the uahera paaa Newlv - enlarged FLOWER For this pattern send 35c in Colorful pictures add a lot to There is^so much lift and warm lightful way:; to entertain easily the oollertlon hlatea. Coins, your name, address, size de- any kitchen. The good-looking color in the BRAIDED WOOL oven bums. DUtingqished CARDS and Inexpensively. As the guests you give a BICTCLB or tricycle SHACK?, FASHIONS BY MILIKOWSKT, For a .Jtrout’a Merry Christmas and NAPKINS will be brought to from the beauttea iii stock here. When Ih^v neared the Pew. ha 805 Main 6t. offers a choice as­ sired, and the pattern number to. shadowbox frames are merely in- RUGS at MANCHESTER CAB circle life table have aUcaa of piped tip-Ao everyone rould hear; 'The Bpy»' and Students' Shop of SUE BURNETT. t HE MAN-, e.xpensive cake pans. Paint them PET CENTER, Corner Main and your home for easy selection. Let FRIHT CAKE on hand from The aUckest TOTB ' FOR ALL sortment of iimiaual DOOR C. E. HCJySE A SON it OFFICAL "Christmas happen to you’’ In this PpnC PASTRY SHOP, 668 Cen- AGB^ are her* to' entertain, to "Don't pay for me. Daddy, I'm SWAGS, freeh and Imaginative to CHESTER EVENING HERALD,' a gay color, paste in a picture Middl^Tpke. The colors are in­ tnvltliig shop. / under five.' SCOUT ^ADCJUARTERS for 1150 AVE, AMERICAS, NEW ■ from an old calendar or maga- viting and so are the prices. A ir St. Arrange dainty slices of teach to make n fun to be youiig. shout a friendly "Merry Chriat- equipment. Supplies and scccs- FRUIT STOLLEN and delleioua maa" to paaseraby. Artistic TABLE VORK 36, N. Y. zine and presto!—you have IL 9’xl2 ’ size is 859 and the 8'xlO' U The average man la 42 around the .^orlea your Isjuj). Scout. Explorer Don't miss the Fall A Winter 849. A BRAIDED RUG adds un­ Caineras at Diaesmt___ RAISED LOAF CAKE nearby. Creamed spinach looks pretty OENTERPIECES (Angela, Santas, needs. Add to \ his camping and See how eaey If is to enjoy jrour and tastes es^sH y good when it cheat. 42 around the waiat, 16 Sleighs) are planted with holiday ’57 Issue of Basic Fashion, our Gifts for Daddy told attractiveness to a living Encourage a budding phpto^a- around the golf rourae -and s hiking apparatus. Help him pass complete pattern catalog. It’s When they ask "What shall we room, dining room, den or bed­ pher and you start him online road own party when you’re rested. All is given s topping of sieved hsid- g.-eena and blossoms to last right the requirements f lyr higher ranks chock-full of sew-easy. up-to-the- you do U dial Mitchell 9-9435. cooked egg. COTTON WOODP nuiaanre around the houa through the season Order yours get Daddy for Christmas?" direct room and serves as an ideal back- to a lifetime of absorbing pleasure. BY RAY tiOTTO with helpful booklets. Open new minute styles for every size. Send' them to PAUL’S PAINT SUPPLY groimd for modern, maple or peri­ Say "Merry Chriatmaa" with a tomorrow. Mitchell 9-5268. MU­ fields of learning with HOBBY 25 cents today. CAMERA from rha completely NO AN S\W ER,0I2."W AIT Some boya don't think of girla SEUM SCULPTURE is a Man­ CX)., 645 Main St. w here they will od pieces. Wonderfully practical, You can ease the' strain on your Ne Man Has The Many HERE AND lU GET SOAAC all the time. But when they think, KITS. See all the many ways to find inexpensive. Useful DO-IT- longwearing these BRAINED stocked photographic department memory if you have Sn attractive HARMAC MEN'S. SHOP. 848 HELP FROM TH’D ESK .' chester exclusive here. They, are say "Merry Christma*!’ with of­ they think of girla. oiit-of-the-ordinary gift auggee- Sale on Congolenm and Armstrong YOURSELF TOGLS that a practi­ RUGS are reversible. All are tight­ a t p i n e -lh;w x p h a r m a c y , bulletin board. Pick up a soft Main Street haa an cxceQsnt aalee- ficial SCOUT gear. He'X eppreci- cal Dad appreciates: Brushes, 299 E ast Center SL and PIN E wooden drawing "board at. a sta­ Uon of gilts for man and boyTim Oona. ale and like them ail. Rugs ly braided, strongly sewn and Daylight-aaving Idea cornea BEDARD’S FLOOR COVER- Spray Paint cans and Trlm-it Rol­ will lie flat on the floor. What PHARM^:CY, 664 Center St. A tionery atore, or cover a piece of items are GIFT BOXED FRSaS. V from an old Indian who cut off one ING, 109 Center St. has a group of ler for neat paint Jobs. nice Christmas present for the MOVip^ CAMERA or a SLIDE plywood with cork'sheeting, deco­ Just unpacked U » shipment of end of hia blanket and aewed it DISCXJNTINUED RUG PAT­ home. C A ^R A together with a suitable rate it with a fancy ruffled border "Arrow" WASH *N WEAR \ n Easy Way to pjerjector makes a wonderful gift SHIRTS, 86. Your CHARGE A O on the other to make it longer. IKWWW6IMMH«Ki| TERNS. size 9' X 12’. reg. 812.95 you can run off on your sewing ma­ ^ , now: 810.95. Suitable for den. dining Please a Gentleman Window bUnds, without curtain^ Tor the whola family. It lets you chine, and you’ll, have a handy COUNT ia invited. To the laaiial observer, th# “THE FITTING’S^ “Ifyoom or bedroom, the psttern.-< a rt REGAL MEN'S SHOP, 907 have a more homelike look capture family milestones to re­ place for ahopping Mata, n THE ‘nU N G " Main St., takes the "hop" out of ook ^ a lieve them at wUl. Qualified rlothealine.s on Monday momlnif ||j varied and colorful, tii with easy- few colorful tassels are tietT to- recipes, and family reminders. When you cook snap beans for don't give much Information aa : Ni-fIcsn enamel surface. "shopping” for your favorite gether and hung on eitherr-6id« of personnel helps you with all your small fry, cut aff the enda but to wliether the family la raising "him." Pick up a miniature JAR­ plcture-Uklng problema. DARK leave them whole. Nice, this war. 9 the window frame. Y ^ can buy T Gsu Dream. Oaa*t 17* boya or girls- it's all blue jeana / paaad /*e a fntkitm md Gdoking chicken?' Sava the MAN SHOE in its.^bwn little gift tassels or make thenj^Yium yam ROOM CHEMTCAIA and EN- A recent poll revesded that Iclrls for Anger feod! and boys' shirts. liverrtr hyid cook tn a little buttet. box and the Ircky recipient gets and. if you iike, mh can easily LARGING KITS rare worthy gift of IS and 16 (and youngert Uka 4a aap m tM tnform then mash fine with a fork Add his favorite style and correct size. dye them to m ^h the rest of suggestions.' St^k up oiT FILMS to collect and hoard things ktn m ik s M 4$ Itrm t ^ . .Thru vmold attractive salads and dM- and gentlemen are the kind that - ' iMkl You ssa a light, fwtaatk siastk iRa. Itk We have, hundreds of knitting , serts. are gift boxed. Big modem bring months and years, of pleas­ - RcnHt as you aro, -~MMth«s at you brtatta. It* SATUKDAY books with suggestions for I ASH TRAYS, are the kind man ure. Consider also wallets, bill- /!'qit’criaMroia nodar th* anns . . . bs«p9 ita Juat- 'other knit gifts and as always ORIGINAUY CHENEY’S SALESROOM’ like. Then there are TRIVETS, folds'in the smoothest of atitchlesa hf,$W ^alH^/Mfalik8BaattoBotlii^oat - UNTHTIiSO and STEAK SETS, and Donke.v leqthers. All manner of dependable we have Bernat- and Bear 177 HARTFORD RD.-^ MANCHESTER PLANTERS, 81. "Dorothy O are" clocks are decorative,- tob. Thera - "'AaiM liar lo w t T o« m o thb sapa ara fathionad et Brand Yarns in all colors of 5-lb FRUIT CAKE at 8190, were V atljgr eottoff'b raad elotb, ciico la r^ titch td to m ould is so much beauty , here. Gleaming YHURSDAYS the rainbow, > snatched up in quick order last HOLLOWARE trays, and serving . 'told hold y w a t you’d tap tclM ly from A t flntat ■ V ‘ ■ ' ■ / ■ Large SelecLion year as were "BRACH'S " (HQC- pieces bring a lifetime of gra- tm btatdatai eapjbratt -And tb u r i broadeltth ba- UNTIL f P.M. ' piftincUve .and Ijtaxpanaiva ■OLATES, 3-lb, holiday bqx. 82.18. tw aan tha en p t for taparatioa...broadcloth ttrap t ciouiness to a home. CRYSTAL Don't Delay. . ' 1 ’ vases, bowls, pitchers shoot sparks 'f.' for tuptrior aupportl - ' _ _ * ' STOCKING HLURS THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE JEFF COBB fb A> B, C eupa... |I-N Choose From Our Huge '.of .rainbow Are. Gifts, like th'esa BY WILSON SCRUGGS BY PETER Ho VFMAN: Aasortment' ’’ ' Allow your roast poultry to under a Christmas tree bring In- li LYMAN, VOU CAN'T GET AWAY.' ’ UPHOLSTERY AND "rSst" for about 20 minutes after ' THE BUN iUi npNENOniNG OKAY/...I'M GIVMG YOU JUST descrihable joy. F S1.00ta$3.00 „ you remove it from the oven. This , bu t fu ss/ anotucclunihg < IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, LOOK THREE SECONDS TO COME OUT THE WB40OW.' 0UT.<...0NE..-TW0... ^4 way the bird will absorb Juices Ever serve broccoli in a cream WDMgM PlONTCDiASANOTHe J S fi OUR COMPLETt SELECTION and carving will be benefited. This IBMUNG MACHINE BROKC- sauce topped with bacon strips for rest period also gives you time, to lunch T ■ s| O O M J . g W P - OF FAMOUS NAME DRAPERY FABRICS make gravy and remove cord and C.7 ALSO 4RESS FAIRICS OF WOOLENS, skewers. ! Gift* of Enduring Beauty YOUR Barrel* and barrels of '"West­ UNOERIE.- ROBES ~ SWEAHRS SILKS, COnONS, NYLONS, ORLONS. You’re Aglow with Glamor moreland” hand mads MILK , LARGE REMNANT DEPARTMENT. W 1LR08E DRESS SHOP. 601 .GLASS reproductions ar* avafl- Main St. has COtnCTAIL abl* at HARRISON'S. 849 Mata VISIT OUE NEW CHILDREN’S DRESSES and BLOUSES ear­ YARN SHOP SL Oy*t 8000 piecta are her* ia WEARINO ATPABEL DEPARTMENT’ marked for a gUttetY holiday sea-. tim* for Chriatmaa giving: candy- coRsrr Son. Crisp, full skirts, totally fem­ C0TTA6K im tEET—MI B-IMS -r OpM Memlay rimi WMfaMdoy t fo 5:30 and-nut bowls, fboted dike aerverib inine, will add te your charm and fruit dish**, candle holders, vases. PLBNIT OF FREE FAEKIN6 ALWAYf ■f' Thwsdciy-FrMay 9 A.M. to 9 F.M. - bring all eyea your vray. 'MkaV Bach la attractlv* and gtft-pc4e*A SHOP friUy aad taRored BLOtraKB alao 11.00 and up. GLAZIER’S / SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 5 P.M .; hoU uy DRE8SB8 are here. ;|tl MAIN 8TRBBT- MANCHESTER ^ PHONE Ml 3.7322 FesUve JEWELRY to frost bar wardrobe makes a waatad remsm- ►■■■■IBUBIIIS bxaaca. T h eln ii^ ^ ■! ,-•1' . / 1 ' I \ - 7 ^^

PAGE TWENTT-EIGHT MANXHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1957 MANCHESTER EVEtHNG HERALD, MANCHESTER,'C0NN„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1967 PAGE TWBNTY-KtOT THft Rebuilding Job Faces Indians’ Coach Herald Angle WWte Sox Send Doby, Harshnlan to Baltimore in Trade By Crow Top Player EARL YOST Bill (^dmanj SperU Editor Morhardt Named ------/ M m ® Brown Solid Favorite New York, Dec. * 0T> —John Dubanoski Storra, Dec. 4 IA5—The Unl- Crow, the Te\no^ A rfle*' mcnt No Stoogci in Coming Exhibition Francona Sent mnd pntntoM hn* n knife veralty of Connectlcut’e foot­ IRES •nd fork bafiquet dale • week Manchester has had enough of touring professional basket­ ball team will be captained next from tontjfht to receive the Single Vet ball teams operating again.st thieir stooges as opposition. Thii To Windy^Cityl year by guard BUI Wallner of WOMEN'S LEAOCE Helena Trophy no colleire Greenfield, MaM„ and center Standings ■ sentiment was expressed by yours truly, first to promoter Paul .Srangnelll of Natick, W feotUair* lop player of 1SS7. Y .Il’NIUR LEAOCR Colorado Springs, Colo.,j .Ma*a. L Pet. Chicago, Dec. 4 (JP )— Diminutive Joey Lopes'raits his speed' xSelecMon of the 214-poiind George Mitchell of Manchester and second to Bill Selit.sky of Walnut Restaurant .24 6 .800 The Y Junior Basketball lycague Returning ncc. 4 (/P)—The Chicago- The playera. were named co- against the canniness and punching power of Champion Joo ''aenlor halfback for the rpveted got underway last night. The first VVaterbury w ho does the bookings in ,Connecticut for th* White Glass ...... 20 10 .667 award - na«i announced yester­ White Sox completed a three- captain* last night at the uni- Fletcher Glass ... .14 16 Brown tonight in a lightweight title fighL Brown, whO'has game saw Ihe Elks go on a ram­ Harlem Magicians. The fabulous Original Harlem Globe­ ver*ity’* annual fall sport* din­ .467 day by the Donntowa Athletic page in the closing minutes to pull trotters found out that Manches- — ------■ for-threc .swap with Balti­ ner. Ed's A tlantic ...... 13 17 .433 scored 28 knockouts in winning 67 of 90 bouts, is a solid fs- Club of New York. Crow, By PA T B O LD l’C Hobb.v Shoppe ... out s I.'i-.IS victory over M a's and ter waan’t a good spot to ply their Camille Henry and Guy Gendron more to kicK off the player .Moe .'VIorhardt of M anrhester .11 19 .387 .^vorita although th* ehallangar tabbed by raiil (Bear) Biyant Bill’s. Boland Oif got off to a Jon-D l’s ...... from Sacramento, Calif., held the What are the prospects for trade against Inept traveling foe* are French-Canadians with the trading at the National Base­ and Peter Rcckert of Newing­ ; 8 22 .267 aa the best player he e\er strong start in overwhelming Gor­ two .veara in succession and lost Rangers. Montreal has no less than ball, Convelition laat night. The All first division team* won laat champ to a 10-rotmd non-tltl* coached, was an overwhelming anottier siicce.ssftil schoolliov ton are the new co-oaptaln* of drawd ra w fourtoui month* ago at Chicago don Cleaners .54-19 in the nightcap. Uielr shirts. financially. last 11 French-Canadian hocke.vista on deal pend* White Sox centcrficlcler ‘ the soccer tenm. George Par- night, with Walnut Restaurant Yardley Tops choice of 1.I67 sportswriters basketball .season at Man­ month at the high school gym. Stadium . In the lidlifter. Ma’s * Bill's led their roster . . . Youngest player In 1 *rr.v Doby, pitcher Jack Hacph- koii* of E ast H artford and Bob blanking Ed* Atlantic 3-0, White and sportscasters participating the entire first half and into the chester High? The an.swer Wheress more then 2.500 turned the NHL is 18-year-old Bobby Hull man and another player to be Gla*.* shutting out Jon-Di’» 3-0 and .^Thls accompUshmant aanwd th« In nationwlse hallotInK conduct­ out the first time, in 19.56, le.s.v .Velderinann of Gale* Ferry will third period. At this point. Dave must remain a secret at least of Chicago . . ! Harry Pidhirny of named later to ’he Orioles for in- lend the track team. Fletcher Glasa shading Hobby NBA Scorers 27-year-old Lopes a ahot at the ed by the club. Solomonson started to find the than 400 showed up for a repeal for another week as Coaches the Springfield Indiana in the ficlclcr Billy Goodman. plt{-hcr The university’s ring award, Shoppe 2-1. crown md tha match waa maM hy 'T Just can’t believe It." he range and lo.s.sed in four ba.skets show one year later. the International Boxliig Qub de- Elgin Zatursky and Ray Korbusie- • • • American Hockey League Is a con- Ray Moore and outfielder Tito presenterl twice yearly, went to Alice Beebe 116-109-116-340, said at his home in .Sprinichill, to spark Ihe Klks to victory. Francona, Ruth McIntosh 119-112-332, Flo Via Big Spi?^ spite sharp criUclem aema Iji- He will reecive Ihe tro­ Solomonson with 18 points and ski are not saying too much One week from tonight the Har­ ■siatent perform er. He tallied 243 loMi Morndlan of Haverhill, at this time. The Indians, who goals and had 243 assista for 486 Doby. 33, and Harshman. 30. had Mass., co-captaIn of this year's Johnson 105, Helene Dey 108, Kay quarters that No. 3 ranked Kenny phy at the rliib's annual dinner Darcy Smith with ifl tallies ac­ lem Magicians, featuring the tal­ disappointing records Isat aeason. - P eretto 106, BMna Hllinakl 108, New Y ork—A w i n d e r of 158 Lane deserved th* chane*. Dec. II. counted for nio.st of Ihe Elks' scor­ posted a fine 12-3 won and lost ented dribbler Ui luxe. Marques points after 577 games . . . For the football . The award I* record during the regular season Goodman, 31, veteran of i lore than ' Anne Fidler 105, Chlckle Berzenskl points in last weekW action en­ Two Inche* Bhertar 'The Aieifles' standout defens­ ing. Jon .Moihardt and Bob Santos Ha.vnes, will again appear at the first time in veara there are no made in recognition of good last winter, open their 1957-.58 brother combinations playing In 10 years In the major*, wa.i injured citizenship, scholastic achieve­ 105. Ann McNeill 128. Evelyn Ted- abled Detroit’s George Yardley to Lopes, who stands 8-6 and ia ive player as a taekler and pass combined for 19 points for .Ms’s A high achool but their atooges. al­ take a cozy lead hi the NBA ecor- Bill's. schedule 'Ttiesdav night, Dec. 17 the A HI- . . . Springfield hosta part of the past sea.xon. Francona. ment and athletic ability. ford 109, Fran Crandall 109, Betty two inches shorter than Brown, la defr^er as well as thetr stead­ though on the aame bill, will not Phlllipa 111, Flo K loter 115, VI Ing race. / iest runner. Crow drew 241 against CTtIL rival Windham In Herahey’a league leaders Saturday 24. ia a promiain. slugger. Moore rated th* No. 7 eontender.by the Boland Oil. paced bv Rudy WaJ- Willimantlc. be In the feature attraction. In­ C hapm an 108, A udrey F rey 115, While Yar^Key waa attacking a National Beixing ASan. and No. 8 first place votes and MRS narowier. with 20 points and Hans night at the Coli.seum at 8 o'clock. had an 11-won. 13-loal record with DICK Dl BAN'OSKI stead, the Green Manor Pros. Man­ Tlie Ice Capades move Into the fifth place Baltimore. Mary McOrthy 117-110, Shirley whirlwind Mice, Dolph Schayes of by Ring MagaMns. . H* has 43 points to Rnish well ahead of Petersen with 16. caught the Gone from last year's cracker- chester's classy con.bine of former Cleaners asleep early in the gam* jack quintet, which captured Ita Coliseum Sunday afternoon until ■ Trade Rumor* Vlttner 111-114. Amy Pirkey 121, Syracuae^ntinued to pressure St. victories in 57 starts and la e d ­ runnerup. tackle Ale\ Karras college stars, will provide the op­ Louis’ Ed Macauley for the all- ited with 16 kayoes. of Io w a and never let up. They led at half, first nine starts and went unbeaten Sunday, Dec. 1,5. Convention center* are bubbling Beulah Short* 118, M adeline Mor- position. TTve Boston Shamrocks, • • # with trade ^rumors. The Philadel­ ley 106 and Elsie Pound 113 top­ time Mint lead and drew to with­ Karrwk drew RM points while time. .7.5-6 The lo.sers came alive in eight home games, are Zatur- the Magicians’ regular foes, will . T he 15 rounder a t C hicago Mta* New R ecords Lou Mooradlan of UCOnn has phia Phillle's are offering pitcher ped all participant*. in ode point of hla total. dium will b* televised nationally halfback IValt Rowalrxyk of in the last period to outscore their sky’s four top scoters. The Red appear in the firtl game of the bar­ MIcMipui State was third with opponents but the damage had al­ and White coaches must come up been named to the Little All-Amer­ Robin Roberta and outfielder Richie Jumping George fattened hla (10 p.m. EST, ATC) with. Chicago gain bill against the Marco Pojos ica As.sooiated Press third team aa A shburn in proposed deal.* for PAYSIASTERS—Clevelhnd’s Browns head for the jackpot with quarter­ DUSTY I.EAGGUE Average to a gaudy 28 points per blacked out. Thar* wUl he no •SO, tackle I.oa Michalea of ready been done. The Oilers looked with capable replacements for big of East Hartford. A year ago the hke the class of the league, but the Sel at Tracks Norm Hohenthal igcadustedl. a guard. George Kurker, big Tufla yot.nger talent. («ITNTRV GLliB 5VOMEN back Tommy O'Connell, left, and Jimmy Brown, a bulldozer listed as a fullback, handling the Standing* game on 476 marker* in 17 con- radio broadcast. Keatocky fourth with 380 and Kentucky Colonels opposed the Standing* Nary quarterback Tom For- Cleaners, with a couple more Tommy Roche i fifth-year student I., tackle, was second team selection. The Phils’ readiness to deal off money pla.vs. O’Connell, formerly of Illinota, waa rated average at first, but blossomed as Brown, W L P^t. teats. Hla margin over the field is Brown,' at least four yaan- old* New York. Dec, 4 i.Ti F or the Magicians and had Bobb.v Knight No New Engisnd college stara two of the lop "Whiz Kid* " of the W. L. Pet. fresh from Syracuse, broke records and paced way for passing attack. ABA Tool ...... 24 12. .687 significant now that all contenders rcstal lirth w ith 2S2. weeks of practice, will improve little 1^0 Cyr (graduated, and not been with the club (Colonelsi er than the Portugsl-bom ehallen* and may show their heels to the fifth consecutive year betting at the transfei^ Hayes Stagner (returned were named to the first team . . . 1950 pennant-w inning club under­ Maahir* ...... 23 13 ,839 M errill’* M arket . . . . 2 2 jM .811 have played. a like number of the night would have been a flop. Spoon* ...... 22 14 .611 ger, is unbeaten tn hi* last IS other three clubs. countrv's thoroughbred race Iracka to New Hampshire.. Wesleyan will open ita basketball lined Manager Mayo Smith * de­ G unver M fg...... 2 1 /1 5 .583 games. Bob Pettit of St Louts fights. He is on* a t th * iMUriMt went over the two billion dollar Knight "made " the game with hi* season tonight at Middletown termination to keep the Phils' Rla.*tei's ...... 21 15 ..'•>83 W llco Tool ...... 20 16 .556 trails by 39 points and third place EAST SIDE MIDGETS all around play. fighters In th* businea*, having H uskv Brian I" 1957. while attendance I-one Returning Starter against dark University. Coach jxHith program rolling. Put te n ...... 18 18 .500 Gua’s G rinders 13 23 .361 Schayes by 67. Yale to Open • • B Driver* ...... 15 .417 had six bouts already this year. In a twin-nolnter wuh threw, and revenue to the atates reached Captain Dick Dubanoski, author Johnny Wood's team has already Last season's rookie* who spar­ 21 Mai T o o l...... 8 28 ,2 n Soecesa A gainst AU ' This virill be hie third title defms*< remainin7fo ml i neiy highs, the annual Associated of 152 points last year. Is the lone From m.v book, the Dec. 11 at­ been hit hard by misfortunes. kled for the Phils included pitcher Brassie* ...... 9 27 .250 Three top teams scored vic­ A check of Yardley’s gameWee- Both the first place Maahie.* slno* winning th* 185-pouiid crown Cage Season eines a ^ survey of the sport showed returning starter from'the 1956-.57 traction should be a good one. Standout Pet* Lund left school, Jack Sanford, a 19-game winner; and Browns^ Ace tories last night, with ABA Tool ords reveals marked success from Wallace (Bud) Smith Aug. I the today. squad. "At Ihe moment." Zatnrsky "We are accepting your aug- Jim Sams also dropped out last runner.sup Spoons were held to 2-2 and Gunver Mfg. winning 2-1 over against all comers. New York has 24. 1956. first ba.*eman Ed Bouchee, out­ desdiocks last night by the Drivers Midget Basketban°*t'ir The parimutuel turnover was up remarked during a recent pre-driil i gestion. ” SeliUky reported, "and week and I-amar P’razier and’^Dave fielder Harry Anderson, pitcher* Gua's Grindera and Wllco Tool, been eapecially vulnerable, the conversation. "Dubanoski Is the ' will play Green Manor instead of Hohl, two fine sophontores, are out and PiiUera. respectively, while respectively, and Merrill’s Market Platon forward averaging 35.3 In With Maroons Sch^l St vvm Ihe 24 states where such Don Cardwell, Seth Morehead and the third place Bla.ster* captured first game of the twi"ilfi^'' ^he I wagering has been legalized, hit- only definite starter against Wind-1 -‘Shamrocks. George .MiUhell with Injuries , . . Willie Marshall Dick Farrell. taking ail three pointa from last three etarta against them. Hii per- BOWLS PEfiraor o/ufix ham said he would book the game only of the Hershev Bears continues to all four points from the cellar­ place Mai Tool. game record against th* other New Haven — A pair of New seaaon’s lidUfter ,u 12.266,812.4.54. This Roberta. 31, once the N ational dwelling Brassies. Top sing'ie Enjoying Big h ack on these . circumstances and 1 Grand Rapids, Mich UP>—Margo Bnyland rivals provide rugged op- ,h. ri* Chiefs turned was an increa.se of 4.39 per cent Leading candidates for starting p ce the scorers In the American League a greatest pitcher and a 6- [ j^ame* were rolled bv Evelvn Noteworthy ecorea were bowled teams; Philadelphia (33.6); Mlnne- L^adine ‘h* *2.171,472.449 Reported agreed, feeling positive that the Hockey League wjih 34 points. by Doug MacLachlan 125-359, Bob apolt* (30.0); St Louis (25.6); Davison made History wfasn sho Maitlon for Tale’s basketball team Leading all the way the defend- for 1956. roles appear to be senior George Magicians will score as they plea.se tim« 20-^«m6 i^innjr. had hi poor-' Lorentztn 121. CUlre ‘obremskl m the 1B37-0S debut this week, as Cushing (6-Oi at a forward posi­ Rookie Bill Sweeney of Providence •est aeaton In 1957 with a 10-22 [ n g Eunice M arkowskI 10.5, While Jimmy Brown of*^for 1229 yard* and has thrpwnejght^ triple .UeJiLSCoring by registering Farrand 130-341, Pete Jankowski Cincinnati .(24.5); and Boston bowled a perfect 300 gam* at .th* tng rhainpion Chiefs had little i , ir. in addition to clowning to help touchdown passes. Eddie LcBaron. Fanatorium Recreation C«iter. It the defenfUng Ivy Leaguf cham trouble in downing the Cruisers as nofflclal Figures tion along w ith the 6-1 Dubanoski. trails Marshall, being credited with record. Ashburn, one of the cir­ REC LEAGUE Cleveland giined a nominal aeven points to bring his total tb 335. R alph Noyes 128, Russ Ap­ (22.0). The Pistons haize not met hold the interest of the crowd. We 31 tallies . . . Pro wrestling card Washington, is again second with waa the flret oiie of the eeiiion Biona face Sprin^leld College The Indians' tlillest candidate. cuit’s finest outfielder*, batted .297 Standinga 66. George Blaiida. B ears, ia sec­ pleby 128 and B|I1 A nderson 125. Syracuse. they out.scored their opponents In' 'i" flS'ires are unofficial drew well a year ago and I'm sure tonight at Fool Guard Hall in Hart­ 57 yards last week after his 9.04 on 141 attem pts, 82 com pletions ond with 62, and Sam Baker, end her flret in 20 yeere of bowl­ hers tonight and meet Connecticut Local Cager with Trinity Quintet every period except the third Inhn i w “ such as California, Skip Fisher, 6-3 Junio,. has the last aeason. W. L. Pet. The five-year veteran out of Stan­ that we’ll liave an even bigger ford pits the Great Scott against great feat of the week before and 1274 yards. He has completed Washington, and Fred Cone. Green ford University has ranged from a ing. “After the seventh hall. I at Storrs on Saturday. Certain of seeing plenty of action on Trinity's 1957-58 varsity •McNeil was the top p o in t-e ettei for ’ Rhode Island where inside track at center Both Cush­ turnout this year." TTiis point re­ Aahburn and lefthanded pitcher j Dari-.Maid .22 5 .815 TUESDAY HOUDEIVIVE’S Blllv Darnell of diicago In the when he gained 237 yards to nine touchdown passes. Bay, tied for third each'^wlth 61. S tandings low of 17 pointa against Cincinnati waa starting hoping this might The attractive early season basketbaU squad is Brendan Shea, a Junior, of Manchester. Also the Chiefs; find‘ing^°he^V*ang"fo^:''’‘H^ i*?" ing and Fisher are up from the mains to be seen but I know one Harvey Haddix were offered by j Oliva's Esso " I . .19 8 .704 be it.” says Mrs. Lovem Dhvleon. court aeasions top the first full Ja>"vees and saw only limited var­ headllnei. Chief Big Heart and the Phils for St. Louis third base- | McCann'a Service .18 9 .667 set a new record, he increased Johnny Unitaa. Baltimore, tn Ben Agajanian. New York; Jimmy W L Pet. to S' high of 41 against Phila- an outstanding soccer player, the versatile Shea playe< only one thing, the Magicians will have to Don Eagle will form a tag team dalphia. At this operational {loint “I . had no mors difficulty on'the week of winter sports activity on semester on the courts as a sophomore, and figures to add much sity action last winter. man Ken Boyer, but the deal wa* . Fuller's Contractor* .14 13 .519 hii lead aa the heat ball carrier in third place w ith 8.64 ia the beat In Brown, '.Cleveland and Ollie Mat- Spatula* ...... 29 19 .604 hustle against the likes of Art for a match with the Tolos broth­ the National Football League from touchdown pasaes with 22. He Is aon. Cardinals, are tied for fifth on* year ago, Yardley waa mired last ball than I did on the Drat the Tale scene, as the teams em­ more this, year from his forward position. Coach .lay McWil­ Zatursky’s biggest problem may Qulmby. Burr Carlson, Wally rejected. !I P agani’a Clippera .13 14 .481 Rolling Pins ...... 29 19 .604 ers. Two other bouts complete the Rcdlegs Want Roberta 197 to 225 yards. aix back of Sid Luckroah'i record each with 54. Double Boiler* ...... 28' 20 .513 in ninth place with a modest 16- two or three. The ben left my bark on indoor activity in the two- liams’ contingent' inaugurates the campaign Saturday night Li.sciottiu:cio,u”'snd' and g George’"" B.vfholaki '^'":ra"cing trSckf be in selecting starting guards, Ehrenpries snd Co. It should make Hartford Rd. Grill ..11.11 16 .407 hand like an apple:" Her ibthev card arranged by Sam Gullno. CtncInnaU offered an unidenll-I'Weat Side Tavern ....7 of 28 made in ten garnet in 1943. Don Chand^, New York’*, ac* Flying Saucers ...... 27 21 .568 point average, 145 pointa M hind week period prior to the Christ­ against M.I.T. in a home contest. paired up to score four markers Fourteen states reported gains with four pretl.v fair prospects in for a better gam* all around. . .7 20 .2.59 The Syracuse star of a season ■cores that night wore IS# and Opener ia listed a t 8:.30. fled outfielder for Roberts and the : Renn’a Tavern ...... The Colt passer has thrown 235 punter, haa a narrow lead over Coffee Cupa ...... 17 31 .354 the then leader, Paul Arizln of mas-New Tears holiday break. apiece. in attendance, the U.S. total hit­ contending roles. The quartet In­ Several halftime profesalonal . .4 23 .148 ago has gained 826 yards on 171 at- Philadelphia. 174. She averages lit. • • • Phil* responded by asking for cen- I B iggest upset in this w tem pta for an average of 4.8 yards passes and completed 135 for 2031 Norm Van Brooklin. Loa Angeles Skilletta ...... 14 34 .292 Tale's basketball team lists ex- In s nick and tuck game the ting 29.719,291, compared with 28.- clude.* Bob Fiske (6-0), dim inutive entertainment acts will augment eek'a Schayes outdueled Macauley by eellent holdover strength for the Rockville High meets Simsbury ter fielder Gua Bell In exchange ! matches was Renn's Tavern’s 2-1 per attempt. Tommy Wilson, Los yards, Y. A. Tittle. San Francisco, In punting. The former has aver­ The Rolling Pina shutout the Engines squeezed out their two- 625.037 a .vear ago, or an lncrca.se Bobby Daigle 1.5-51, Steve Provost the evening’s bill of fare. 38 point* last week. He needed one St Angeles, moved from third to sec­ advanced from fifth to fourth place aged 44.9 to 44.4 for the Rama, Coffee Cupa 4-0 yesterday morn­ coming 38 game schedule, with the of 3.82 per cent. iS-lOl, all seniors, snd Churk Sal- tonight the Rockville Armory. but the swap failed. It waa re- j "'in over Fuller’s Contractor* more basket to move In front. The point Win over Ihe Ladders when It will be the first meeting between ond place with 601 yards on 12S at­ with 7.82 and C harles Owierly. New bam Baker, fifth laat week Is third ing at the Y alleys to move into a .8M pereontaga, gehnltiker .SST. main problem centering in a re­ Bradley in Contention In revenue to the stales, the mond. a promising 5-10 sophomore ported the Reds offered outfielder | while second place Oliva’s Esso York, moved from seventh to fifth latest reading shows a tally of placement for two-time captain, Fitzpatrick threw in the deciding 1957 total w as *165,501,735. up Sliula Here and There the two schools . . . Paul Bryant Wally Poat. Station also .won a 2-1 declaion tempts and the same average aa with 42.5, followed by Bill Jessup, a tie for first place With the Schayes .SS6, SoMe .633 sn d B eek ba.skct with about eight seconds re­ who playesi freshman ball a year w ith 7.58, 10,393 points to r M acauley and 10,- .880. Ed Robinson. The Lynn leader was 0.877 from the *164.062.687 s year Basketball has quielly shuttled haa been given a 10-year contract Waahlngton and Detroit were over league-leading Dari-Maid. Mc­ Brown. Rick Casarea dropped a San Francisco. 42.3 and Dave Spatulas who were held to a 2-2 392 tor Schayei, maining. After trailing 10-16 at ago. notch to third place with 599 yards. Billy Wilson. San Francisco and Bill Russell at Boeton ts stilt one of the top rebounders in col­ ago. Fifteen states reported in­ into the sports scene while King to return to his alma mater as head trying to connect on a multi-player Cann’s Service posted a 3-0 shut­ Mann, Cardinals, 42.1. tie by the cellar-dwelling Skll- Front-runnera In other depart­ the end of the first periml, and by Topped JV Scorera Don Bosseler, Washington and Ollte Jack McClairen. nttaburgh. who Bert Zagers, Washington, la breesing In rebounds with a M.3 lage OotnpeUUon last year, and his For College Cage Title creased revenue this year. Football is gradually being mowed football coach and director of ath­ deal. The latest Detroit proposition out triumph over the West Side lett*,. Also, the Flying Saucers ments are proving difficult to tin- average and NeU Johnston at P h ils, ability under the boards was one five points at the Internii.ssion the The peppery Daigle lopped the Tavern and Pagani'a Clippera Matson. Chicago Cardinals, re­ are waging a cloae battle for the again the punt return leader with under bv the 101 Ali-America elev­ letics at the Universit.v of Ala­ being studied by Washington pro­ pasa receiving championship each upaet the third place Double aeat. Boston’s Bill Sharman la en­ delphia enjoys comparative com­ otthe key factors in the Ears drive Engines battled back to gain a pc s JV-scorers last seation with 117 ens that are being picked by every bama. Bryant was released from poses; 111 Infielder Ray Boone and edged Hartford R<1. Grill 2-1 in tained fourth and fifth places with an average return of 15.5 yardii. Boiler* 3-1 in a third match. tie a t the clo.se of the third q uar­ Pastor K |> Busy 562 and 558 yards respectively. caught four last week so the Forty gaged In a five-player struggle tor fort in field goal accuracy with to the league championship and re­ New York, Dec. 4 (/P)—Bradley's hot-.shootinjf Bravc.s are points, 13 more than runnerup Tom. Dick and Harry . . . Six of his contract at Texas A*M In or­ either pitchers Bob -Shaw or HsI two other games. , Green Bay, li aec- Single* of 105 or better; Betty free throw supremacy with Dick ter. For the winners, hustling N lner still leads by two, 42 to 40. .496. M aurice Stokes at Cmeinnatt gional representation in the •till at it, declaring themselves “in” on the race for national McAlester, Okla, (A’l- Tlie Rev. Fiske. Provost, a fair set-shooter, the 14 players listed on the UC'onn der to accept the Bama s/;lgn- Woodeahlck to go to the Chicago Week's best scores were pinned Schedule on Homestretch ond with 8.4. Jon Arnett moved G ran t 113, M artha Relchenbaen Schnittker of Minneapolis, Schayai, is th* chief playmaker with 99 as- NCAA championship tournament. Milt Plouff set the pace with 14 ment . . . Saturday's night bai- by Jim Martin 125-341, Jazz Ful­ Ray Berry, Baltimore, who waa from second to firs. In kickoff re­ Walter Hargraves keeps In trim got into eight games with last varsity basketball squad are Nut- While Sox in a trade for pitcher Only two games remain for each tied for third last week now holds 106, R uth CTlark 106 and Elaine Ron Sobie of New York and Ernie aists, two more than Me# Toili’s On the prosperous side of the honors in college basketball this season with an impressive, pointa while Peter Kasavage and year's varsity. kelball game at Storrs between ler 129-12.5-.361, Stan Hillnski 126. turns with a 28-yard average. Billy Taylor 106. by helping out the McAlester High meggers, Phil Brown* of P:aat Bob (No Hit) Keegan and outfield­ club with the exception of Pitts­ the position alone w ith 37. F ran k Beck of Philadelphia. Sharman has Carl Braun. ledger. Coach Joe Vanclsin enters if one-sided, 97-47 victory over IIlinoLs .Normal. Fitzpatrick scored 11 and 10 mark­ Yale and UConn is a sellout . . Andy Lamoureaux 131-340, Bob Well*, Pittsburgh is second with School football team —he is a mem­ Other candidates still In conten­ Hartford. Glenn Cross of Williman-. er Bubba Phillips: |2| Detroit burgh and the Cardinals who have Gifford of New York made the big­ hla second season aa varsity head The Braves, retaining m any of'*------——------ers. respectively. Towering Jim tic, Jim O’Connor of New London. Otto Graham has been named G uthrie 151-360, Pete Aceto 131- played nine. They meet in Chicago 27.7. Jack Butler dif* not make an the kida who came hustling out of ber of the chain gang that works tion include Wes Feshler (6-0), would then send Phillips, Infielder gest gain of the week it. all cate­ coach here, with capable John Lee, feated South D akota U. 7.7-62. h it­ Leavitt ripped the nets for 20 tal up and .hina.tnn tn- n.tnknp In,, ! >^^' Lsir) Bstes 133-360, Lsnky passer in the league in Tommy to jump from lOth to fourth place In other Midwest games. Notre flipped in with eight for the En-: bers of his church. They play on Prescott (6-2).' a junior transfer of Hartford. Three other cagers Dhicagp against the Nationsl Font- ter to Waahlngton for catcher Lou in first place. There is a tripl# tie oenter position Is up for grktm, at a spectacular .553 percentage! with Coach Hugh Greer are from [ball League champions ... All box Waickowski 130-358. Ed Kovis O'Connell who increased his aver- with 35. Billy Howton, Green Bay, for second among Milt Davii, Bal­ ...... Dame opened with an 82-63 de-, the team . from nearby Ea.st Hartford, and! Berberet and infielder Pete Run­ sixth last week is now fifth with siS. IF YOU'RE AtMING FOR PERFECTION writh Lanny Baird, the standout from the field last night against | New York, two from Maasschii- and re.served seats for the Sunday, nels. 144-376. AI Wilhelm 336. Walt ■K® g*io in yards from 10.48 to timore, . G-een Bay Ivy football pivot, due for assign­ B'arney I'’***°’’ over St. Ambrose of Iowa; j Bill Malausky (6-0). j outclassed Normal. Big *etts and one each from New Jersey Dec. 15 football game at Yankee Lane Busy Shopping Snow 344. Cliff Keeney 145-346, 11.17. The form er Illinois s ta r ha.* Broke Triple Tie and Jack Christiansen, Detroit, ment after a short interval be­ duble, a 6-7 dandy, led” the scor- Detroit whipped A.ssumption ' Football players who carfie out' and North Carolina . . . Final sta­ Stadium between the Yanks and rUvnUnH r->rwir>i • n • v • r A dsnij' 1,30-342. Hippo Coi- attempted 110 pnasea, completed 63 Lou Groza, Cleveland, broke a each with eight AS WELL AS PLEASE tween campaigns. George Thomp­ only this week are Pat Mlstretta^ '®nti 129-3.59. Bill P ag sn l Sr. 160- 70 Ing'with IS polnta as Coach Churk > »2-57. Tom Hawkins, who - The *Browns* Have It tistics show that Larrv’ Day, jun­ have been *old. Frank Lane Is busily shopping I son and Tom Sargent return to Oaborir used his firat-st’ringers year ago w*as hailed aa Notre (6-1), only a sophomore, Walt • • • Bill Paganl Jr. 129-355, guard aaaignmenta ior halfback from Orange. Mass., sroui^ for t/®f»« «n-'1"4. Charlie Whelan 338, Fox the squad, a hurUng situsUon in "This will definitely be a re­ don't awing at least one deal." He Kochin 335 and Ed M adsen 335. Last Night’s Fights Paul Lost Coin Flip, in seven of the nine departments, now practice teaching at Manches­ aaid he talked with the Yankees, Celts Head for Rout the stretch drive last vear. and one building year for us. " the per.son- On Monday Pete Aceto fired a 98 that may have cost the Eli’s ad­ publicist Frank Solt.vi reporla. Day ter High in the Physical Education Senators. White Sox and Tigers. able Zatursky explained, "but with led In rushing, pass receiving, in­ Department Enos. 6-2. , 240- single w ithout a m ark and only la.*t Miami Beach. Fla. — Cleveland vancement In the national tourna­ S^26"*irthe S r n 'f e f hri| ?o‘ pomu‘“ nT>Ied‘2 f l! ^ ''’d" 7 ^ While the majors talked trades, night Bill Pagan! Sr. came up with six juniors and three sophomores terception returns, punting, kickoff pounds, was named to the Canadian the minora wrangled over knotty Williama. 20914, Houston outpoint- ment. Holdovers Tom Molumphy, Landed Jim for Team on deck we can look ahead one a 160 single, a new high for the sea­ Of Eastern Competition •d Frankie Daniels, 19t, San Diego, Bill Bodman, Sterling Harwell apd return*. *coring and total offense. All-Pro defensive first team dur­ problems that beset almost every ' season with optimism. Mainly, our Hi* 616 yards in 116 carries aver­ ing the recently completed 1957 son, while Psganl's Clippers also Calif.. 10. Alkl Scopelitis provide an experi­ league below AAA classification. rolled a 655 team single ahd 1,- T W V. D akota ! success this winter depends a great aged 5.4 .yards per try. season. The East Boston. Mass., All three AA Leagues—Texas, Eastern Division ■^was Frank Ramsey, who dropped Boston—Jim m y Connor*. 12714, enced group for the schedule. In Iowa, relying mostly on sopho-1I state 67-58 with Red Murrell New York (NEAl Whether • « • * 780 team triple, both new records t'^phia hotel during last year's draft i on how much our opponents native performed with the Brit­ Southern Aa*n., and Mexican— \V L in 35 points as Boston rode over New Bedford. Maas., outpointed addition ten sophomores rate high meetings. have lost through graduation. In thus far. P rt. G.B. In pre-season plans. mores, defeated Southern Metho-1 scoring 35 points - for a two-nicht Ma.sailllon, Ohio, or Ohio State, the New York Rangerr have more ish Columbia Lions In the Canadisn struggled to keep their organiza­ B o s to n ...... 16 2 .889 the Detroit Piston* 124-113. Shar- Pat McCarthy Jr., 129. Boston. 10. dial 65-60 In overtim e. It w as the ' total of 62. W ichita overhauled i ^reat Lakes Naval Training Sta- Cleveland. Baltimore and Pitts-' l«’aftue (CCILi I would French-Canadian pla.ver* than any tTiU R C H IJivVOl’E grid loop. Enos wss an All-Yankee tion intact, but the Texas and Mexi­ Standings Syracuse .. . .9 9 .500 7 man pitched in with 32 as the win­ Richmond, Calif,—Ruben Vargaa. aecond straight loss to Big Ten Wyoming In the second half for a ' Cleveland Browns, the burgh had identical records. In the 1 D*®! Windham, Hall and Bris- other club in the National Hockey Conference tackle in 19.55 and 19.56 can circuits were talking merger. Philadelphia . 6 0 .471 7>a ners moved comfortably ahead in 19414, Richmond, knocked out Art foes (Minnesota did it bfonday i 66-54 victory with Joe Stevens anybody ever did with Paul coln flipping to determine who ! I**® teaiSis to beat, League with the exception of the W L Pet. Wright, 186, San Jose. Calif., 2. and was named to several All- The Texas League votes late to­ St. Jam ea (1) ...... 34 *654 ! >^®'*’ York . . 8 11 .421 8 \, the third quarter. George 'Yardley, ' night I for the Musta,nga, defend- i scoring 23. Brown was to hold him off a little, would pick first, Paul Brow*n came "Although we don't have any I Montreal Canadiens. Marcel Paille. East and All-New England team*. day on a proposal to weld aix of '-,1 i Western Division the league’’! top scorer, had 34 for j tng Southwest champs but ho Auburn, considered a South " *" "'hat the National Foot- out last. I real giants on hand, we do have a 1------St. John's ...... 33 the Texas club* w ith Mexico Clt.v North Methodist |2 |. 29 Louis ...... 12 '«.687 D etroit. Carters , longer carried by Jim Krebs, who eastern Conference power .smack- Deague did last season when So he sat down at the table with I fair amount of height and ahould and Monterrey of the Mexican ' Cincinnati ...... 9 8 .529 The triumph enabled Boston to Scholastic Basketball : graduated. Holden Gentry, a 6-7 i ed Jacksonville State 89-50 with a finished with a 5-7 record. i reteive ample rebounding alrength St. Jam es' (21 ...... 29 Detroit ...... 7 11 .353 his a.sslslants and went over the League Into one league. St. Mary'* ...... 28 increase its lead to seven games ! Hawiceye whose foul gave SMU balanced scoring punch. .State lost Now. as the Browns move toward list of players he wanted. If Brown j from Dubanoski. Fiske snd Fisher. William and Mary Players The 'Southern wrangled .aoa Minneapolis ___ 3 16 .158 over the Syracuse Nationals, who Additional help ahould come from i C enter Congo* (1 1. . 28 Bloomfield 69 Ellsworth 50. WORK OLOTHES j the free throw It needed for a 54- 86-31 to Alabama, another SP3C " should be their seventh ap- had won the to.sa. he would have what to do about New Orleans moved into that spot with a 119-96 Canton 59 Farmington 49, ! 54 deadlock at the end of regula- entry, Monday, Georgia Tech ,j*e- in the league's champion- Feshler and Churilla. North Methodist ill 27 r New York. Dec. 4 C/P, The Bos- gone for L^n Dawson. Purdue quar­ which Is having trouble getting a victory over the Philadelphia War­ Portland 72 fiaat Windsor 39 For Painters, j tion lime, canned six pointa in the J feated David.son 74-52 although!’’''‘P game in eight years, a look at Injured En Route to Contest Zion Lutheran ...... 27 25 , toin Celtic* have completed one- terback. But now he had to wait TTireaf from In Close playing field. Community Baptist . 28 26 riors in the first game of a double- Stafford 38 Suffield 34. ^ eeaaion. SMU'a Bob James j the loser's big stringbean - 6-2 1**^'*' shows why Brown is almost fourth of their National Baaketball header at Madison Square Garden. Carpenters. Plumbers it out. The picks started Paul "In Details Worked Out Emanuel Lutheran . . 26 26 .5 0 ^ Windham Tech 83 Norwich Tech was high scorer with 23. 142-pound Dave Mintz. was high ''"Pos.sible to beat. The records. In the shooting department The Pacific Coast League worked Aasn. schedule and with a 1-2 rec­ The New York Knickerbocker* 33. H ornung. bnmi.s, to .P ark e rs: P hila­ Dubanoski will be a throat from In Washington, Dec. 4 (A>)A hlgh-|ert were in fair condition: Ra.v C enter Congo* (X) . 25 27 .481 Kansas State, considered a chal- | scorer with 21. And L

t 4 /■: , W.' / ■ "r <11

P a q v T H u m r MANCHESTER EVENING HgRALP, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER 4, 1967 /' M ANCHESl^ EVENING HEBALD, MANCHESTER. CX)NN.JVEDNESDAY, DECEMPER 4. 1957 PAGE 1BIRTY4M Aotomobnea tor Salt 4 ON THE BEACH Based on the Bcat-SelUng Novel by IJevil Shuts Household Goods 51 Wanted— To Buy 68 Sul^rban For Rent 68 1*55 NASH RAMBLER aUtion -:x_ THE MUSIC BOX TRIO A Christmaa Story BY WALT StOTT Clattifted OLD GUNS (any condition), wa(on with tconomy overdrive. MAHOGANY DINING room set, ROC3CVHJLB—Thre# room, oaw Radio and, heater, many other gaa stove, mahogany bedroom iwordi, war (•lies, antiquM, etc. apartment, electric ran] IMvertisement extraa. Only $148 down. Low bank set, chest of drawers, mirrors and (one or whole collection). 70 Mill erator, disposal, no Street TJglitiiig Study terms. Fltzterald Edsel. Talcott- other articles. Tel. 8fl 9-7017. St Tel. if l $-8717. month. TR 8-28(i8 Or CLASSIFIED ADVT. vlUe. ^^T H 6 S S S S I S ^ U $ 0 PCWNIM T X DUSTY ANRCJUC THE "WINNER" AND • • • DEFT. HOURS Rooms Without Board 59 ANDOVpl LAKE-,Wlnterised cot- 1088 CHEVROLET four door ata- "CHAMPION” OF ALL InfwnaUon phone PI Ordered by Directors tion wagon with radio, heater, NOT 1 YEAR—NOT 2 YEARS 18 A. M. to 4:S0 P. M. ROOM FOR rent. Inquire SUte white wall tires, inside, and out In BUT 3 YEARS mint condition. Two tone white TO PAY IF YOU WISH Tailor Shop, S Biaaell. 80 8-7S83. MANSFIELD.' Route 44-A — Sfit After 6:80 8 0 SdK)47. Street lighting changes in Man-A The new budget wonM go Into CLOSING TIME top and beige body. Only Il8l8 "S U P R E 81 E " "D E L U XE " room Cape Cod, 6U heat, g a m cheater will be studied by O neral effect July 1. down, low bank terms. FiUgerald 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $100 monthly. Call OA 9-6479. FOR IR E D ADVT. Manager Richard .Martin under in­ Study of what ia being done to­ Edsel. Talcottville. Open evenings Ail 100% Guaranteed TWO FURNISHED light houaekeep- FRI UU 8. ONLY $433 ROCim^E_New 8H room apart- structions from the Board of Di­ other cities was saggwtad by. 13$.\ ing rooms. Apply 6 Chapel St. rector Gilbert Barnes. 10:S0 Ak^M. $28 Delivers—$16.18 Month nienta. Latest caavciUenc^ rotor rector*. 1980 FORD V8 custom twf door. antenna, tile tiath, Indivtaual heat — YOU GET — ATTRAftnVELY furnished and Martin was asked to make the Coet esUmatSB to be ebtatoed as > SATURDAY M. Body, pali.t and white tires, in 16-PIECE BEDROOM |- cheerful rooms. Complete light control. Modern kitchen, range, re­ quickly aa possible on the excellent condition. Radio heater study aftsr discussion of inade­ 18-PIECE LIVING ROOM housekeepiing facilities a'vailablei frigerator. Laundromat in base­ quate lighting on town, streets at Tpke., Center, and E. Canter BtA and other extras. Asking $300. Can 12-PIECE KITCHEN ment. Convenient location. Heat were requeated by Director Tad room oooPBmATioN\ux A kolidot atmetsktrt pftraiiMi darisf Hi* Isil $eyt ef Single, double. Children accepted a meeting of the Directors last be seen any time. 182 School St. — Plus — —limited. Parking. Central. Rea­ f^ished. AdulU. $95 monthly. Cummings. ms APPEBOIATBO Melbournt, Amirelia Wkta ftt*r.Holmci Hiipht i pos ji TK 5-2975, TR 5-8328. ' night. I 1980 DODGE plck-Up truck for a awwtr end aiktd, "Cea I par by ch«qw*>" Hi* cl*rlt •*- ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR sonable price! Come see! Mra. Cummings agreed to brtog th* Tb* 9or«raai*a( oHaed (rwit lyotoa «eriy sad D«i«kt TV SET AND COMB. RANGE Dorsey, 14 Arch St. "N o major change In the etreet quick sale full price $298. Can be Sii*d, fey by eranfl* p**l (or oil I cor*f” ' ojlbi lightning situation oh Ontar and T*w*fy ead Moire OeTidtea w«at iiihias ia Hi* moantaiai. Free storage until wanted. Free ROCKV —Three room apart' lighting eyetem of Manchester has Dial Ml 3-512r keen at 476 Hartford Rd. ment, hSat and hot water, $60 per been made since the present lights E. Center Sts. before ths Board delivery. Free set-up by our oWn after a discussion by the Dem­ fu rn ish ed ROOM, near Main month, newly redecora^d, avail­ were installed on Center and E. 1986 PLYMOUTH, custom subur- reliable men. able immediately. Call TR 5-8126. Hottses For Sale 73 Uouaes For Sale 72 Wanted— Real Eatatfl 77 ocratic Town Committee. Phone for appointment . St. 80 9-2170. 9 Hazel St. Center Sts., and that was a long ban, i'.door,i'.door. V8,V8. excellent ■ condi- Household Services time ago,” Martin told the Board. The need for traffic light re­ tion, nm ^lres, low mileage. Bonds— Stocks Mortgages 31 Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 Hartford CH 7-0358 ROC3KVILLF — Four furnished MANCTIESTER—Six room Cape MANCHB5STER—New seven room SELLING YOUR property? Havb Car Plunges Lost and Found Price Articles for Sale 45 Fuel and Feed 49-A l a r g e HEATED furnished room, The lights now uaed were installed vision was mentlonsd by Director $1800. Call MI 9-9738. Offered 13‘A After 7 p.m, CH 6-4690 _ rooms, aecond ifloor. Tel. TR $18,800, Six finished rooma. Com­ ranch, many extrps. Move in for ready buyers for one and two- Harry Firato. CASH—Available for 2nd mortgage FOR SALE—AKC Boxer puppies, See It Day Or Night 247 North Main St. Inquire Mrs. 5*5450, pleted game room. Detached ga­ Christmas. Call BuUder-Owner. about 13 or IS years ago, accord­ FOUND—Springer Spaniel, black ONE KING size Roto Broiler SEASONED hardwood for fire- Irish after 8. family houses. Member Multiple "We’vs got to have lighU on FLAT FINISH Holland window loans, $8,000 up. Consolidate all champion stock, eight weeks old. If you have no mean.* of transpor­ rage, Ideal location, near trana- 8 0 8-6821. Listing Service. Sherwood A. Into River; ing to Town Engineer James and white spayed female. Call Lee CHRISTMAS SPECIALS debts Into one monthly payment, ‘ ’400", Speed Queen washing ma­ placea, fumacei and atovea. Giglio Center S t to elow up trsM e and shades, made to measure. All Reasonable. TR 5-4413. chine with wringer, reasonable. tation. T'll send my auto for you. Mrtatlon and shopping center. R. BeeeWer, Realtor. Phone Wesley Sheekey. Fracchia,.Dog Warden. MI SSS04. metal Venetian blinds at a new For each $1,000 borrowed your Brothera, 811 3-5301. PLEASANT, clean room for two PORTER STREET — Choice six atop ths accidents,” Firato said. 1984 Buick four door sedan, 180 High St.. Manchester. No obligation gentlemen at Center. Parking, Wanted to Rent 68 F. Dimock It Co., Realtors, 80 R. Smith. 80 9-8952 or 80 3-6969. Most of the lights are of "rather FOUND—Fox Terrier, black and radio, heater, $998. low price. Keys made while you coat only $2.29 per week. Call MAN CHESTER Pet Center for ail SEASONED hardwood for flre- 9-5248, Joseph Ashford, 80 9-6818, room brick, living room with fire- Two Drowned low power," Martin said. He sug­ No Report from Stats wait. Marlow’s. Francis J. Wrona. 214 South St., your {leta and pet supplies. Use A—L—B—E—R—T—'S bath and shower. 29 Hazel, Ml lace, dining room, kitchen, three whlta and brown, male. Call Lee 1988 Dodge four door sedan, auto­ HEATER, new and uaed wood, placea, furnaces, etc. Free deliv­ URGENTLY needed, /our to stk Barbara Woods, 80 9-7708 or I ARE YOU 4 acre, trees, $12,680. Carl­ Holyoke. said. riod— June through . MI 9-8068. 1949 DODGE \ ton stake body BIDWELL Home Improvement Co. St., East Hartford, or phone Staf- NEW FOOTBALL, basketball, doll­ now for Christmas. Wide choice of modem store, amesite parking lor MI 3-6930. J u ly r ^ 19 truck. Call NA 8-8478 after 6 p.m. ford Springs OV 4-2194 evenings months old. Sacrifice. 8fl 3-1911. RYE STRAW for sale. 80 9-1406. tleman, free parking. 84 High St. ton W. lutchlns Ml 9-8182. $16,000 — Manchester—Six room Northampton Police spotted the A complete atudy before the That cost figure to the town would Alterations, additions garages. house, men's skates (7), child's famous Wurlitzer, Kimball and 28 care. Phone MI 3-4607 for de­ Green Manor ranch, domestic hot speeding car and took up a chase. next budget dlscusstons was sug­ Re-siding .specialists. Easy budg­ CONTROL BRED baby parakeets table-chair set and battery radio Ttiomas organs and Kimball tails. LISTINGS WANTBD-fllngle, two- have paid for the UghU from An- PcTMmals FOR RENT—Two rooms suitable i MANCHESTER—Holiday specials. water, floor radiation heat, plas­ By radio they alerted Holyoke po­ gested by ths numager. guet through December 1968. et terms. 80 0-6498 or TR at 184 Glenwood street. OrderL be- j 8n 3-6,'i26. spinet pianos. Terms, trades, les­ Pour room ranch, nice condition, family, threa-famlly, bustoess Trailers 6-A Help Wanted— Female 35 GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes-de­ for light housekeeping. Apply 51! tered walls, ceramic bath, fire­ property. Have many costa buyers. lice. who Joined In,the pursuit. 8-9109. ing taken lor Christmas. Open i r o v o tgtc T sons, Pianos from $295, organa Foster St., MI 8-5601. all city utilities on bus line. Full WANTED—RIDE from Main St, livered to your door. Just a few place, attached garage and car-^ Mortgages arranged Please call "When police arrived on the river MOBILE HOMES—Furniture tak­ left. Cali Hathaway, 80 9-6438. from $695. Tempo Plano and Farihs and Land for Sale 71 price $10,800. Six room home, good port, amesite drive, nicely land bank near the Holyoke Water Manchester to South Windsor ALL TYPES of carpentry work HAIRDRESSER — Experienced daUy three to nine. MI 9-6572. skates.'^sL 2 Gir^sVr•efse^^ George L. Orasladlo, Realtor. 80 Heights, between 4:80 and 8 p.m. en as down payment on mobile Organ Co.. 386 8Iain St. "8Ian- ROOM TO rent near Center, heat condition. All city uUlltiea with scaped cOrner lot, 200 foot front­ Power Plant, they saw Klnsella done, alterations, dormers, roof­ Five day week, salaried, excellent Brownie uniforms. Call 8U 9-3434 Chester's largest display of fam- FOR DIFFEREINT sizes and types 9-8878, 109 Henry SL Cal] MI 8-4786 after 6 p.m. homes. Ebccellent lots available at working conditions, opportunity after 8 p.m. and hot water, gentleman. 37 Fos­ land enough to make for a country age, near school, shopping and climbing up the embankment In a ing, porches, etc. Call 80 9-8981. Articles tor Sale 43 oils keyboard instruments." ter St. 80 3-8331. of farms and land tracts within 20 home In the city. A buy at $14,900. Mansfield. Jensen's. Inc. (always for advancement. Call 8tl 3-4362 Household Goods 51 miles ot Hartford. Lawrence F. bus. City water and sewer. Owner LISTINGS WANTED, single and dazed and shocked condition. nions Hap MAGIC—POPULAR act for parties, reliable) 64 Park Road West 8II 3-6761. Cape Cod—Ehccellent location IH will redecorate inside and outside. GENERAL CARPENTRY, kitchen NOYAL a n d Smith-Corona port­ I LIONEL trains, complete set 027 I BABY GRAND piano. Made by He said the other two were in e)ub dates, church grou]w, etc. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ei'ver, Fiano. Broker. 80 9-8910. baths, large wooded lot, all utili­ two-family houses. Msmber of Hartford. AD 3-6214 or OA 9-4479. and bathrooms remodeled, attic able and standard typwriters. I gauge 19 units, engine, freight I Kimball. In like new condition. Lawrence F. Fiano, 80 9-5910. 80J9. Howard A . Hastings, Real' the car. \C sll CH 6-4168 after 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 9 to 8. CLERK-TYPIST for general office glass, china, and uaed furnltu-e ROOM FOK rent, gentleman pre­ ties, a real good one for $14,700. and basement rooms finished, ga­ All makea and adding machines cars, passenger cars and work ! Just right for small room or ferred. 91 Foster St. tor, MI 9-UOT, any tima. The identity of the pair could Monday, Wednesday. Thursday work,. opportunity for advance­ : train cars. Includes three automa­ bought and sold. F'Vrnltiire Repair Ovef 75 more homes of all kinds HERE IS YOUR not be learned Imme^ately, s : rages and porches. Robert M. ■old or rented. Repairs on all Ser4'ice, 8II 3-7449, apartment. Mahogany ftni.sh. Only Houses for Sale 72 evenings. Alexander. 80 9-7716. ment. Alexander Jarvla Co. 8 makes. Marlow's. tic cars, track accessories, PLEASANT ROOM, central, heat- tn all price ranges. Call The Ells­ A skin diver reached the sub­ Threat to Teamsters atOBobllea for Sale 4 Dover Rd. $795, Ward Krause, 811 3-5336. worth Mitten Agency, Realtors. FOUR BEDROOM HOME 3 switches and transformer 80 ABSOLUTE BARGAIN - Custom ed and hot water, kitchen prlvl-: ROOM Cape, ceptrally located Legal Notice merged auto and said there wae no­ ELCAR ''48’’ TWO BEDROOM, 9-0650. ORGAN SALE—Now to Dec. 28. 8 0 3-6930. (Oonlfaned from Fags One) MEED AxpAR? Short on a down excellent condition. Under $300 made cornices and drapea Slip leges, separate entrance, gentle-i *1*'*®0- Aluminum aiding, amesite Old English, and of substantial body In i t He reported the' car’s I^ A P P SHOES. Harry Mahoney, man. parking. 80 3-4724.. - j... -/m-i- i „ UfJJJOa PKBldT told newsman ba thooglit payment orJiad ynur credit turned Aluminum Storms and covers, $59.,50 and up. Choice of Kinsman electronic organ, regu­ drive—This home is an excellent NEW SIX ROOM bouse. Carter St., construction. There Is a beautiful NOTICE or ArrucanoN doors were dlosed. down. Low paymeht schedule. HAND SEWER wanted. Apply Ka- 38 Maple St. Tel. 8 0 3-4327. lar $820, special $665 plus bench. buy! For appointment to see call With Hoffa on trial in New wrajrs wage increase moratortiua down? Don’rgrive up! For a good Many others on the same plan. Screens 14-A klar Toy Co.. 60 Hilliard St: fabnes. Budget terms. 8tra. Rita Manchester. Five rooms, complete living room with fireplace and a O tkat 1, JOHN Police enlisted the aid of several Dubaldo 8Iusic Center. Ml 9-6205. the R. F. Dlmock Co., Reaitora, dining room with corner cupboard. BARNINI. of 124 Henry Street, Man- York City on federal wiretapping plan arairantad serious conaldara' it thriira small loan com- Jensen's, Inc. (always reliable), LOAM, TOP quality. D ark.~rirt. Building Materials 47 JA 2-7780. full rear dormer, IH biatbs, fire­ che«ter have filed an application dated small boat owners to seen the river tion.. r y " at S83 Main COMPLETE LINE of aluminum WOMAN FOR general housework, Boarders Wanted 59-A 80 9-5248. Joseph Ashford, 80 place, basement garage. T. Shan­ Triple windows overlook an attrac­ beginning at dawn for the two conspiracy charges and Back on 64 Park Road, West Hartford. AD no atonea. Columbia Construction ! Clear Oak Flooring— BALDWfl^ Acro.sonic spinet piano, 9-6818, Barbara Woods, 80 9-7702 November 20, 1987 wtUi the Uquor Con­ Two unions, tha Btaehmtiww it. (Formerly Douglas Motors). 3-6214 or GA 9-4479. Monday windows, doors, awnings, jal­ three moi-nlngs a week,. 8-12. VI- SALE 1-3 OFF on wallpaper. Wall non, Builder, 80 3-7489, BU 9-1418. tive yard. Both rooms have wall to trol CommlHlon for ■ Package Liquor bodies. Co. Tel. Coventry PI 2-6277 or i (picked up) .. P er M 1195 tiles 4c a tile, Kentile. from 7c contemporary model. Sold new by or Robert Murdock. 80 9-8972. wall carpeting. The kitchfei*. fin­ Permit for the sale of alcohwic liquor trial in Seattle.on larceny ctaai-gas, and tha International .Ulrica of through Saturday, 9 to 5. Monday, ousies. Fqr free estimate call us c^lnity of Pine St. and Hartford Rd. ROOM AND BOARD, Police reported they found a there appeared Uttle chance the BEFORE YOU BUT a . used car any time. Home Specialties Co. Tel. 811 9-2304. WiUtmantic, AC 8-3283. | Sheathing 1x12 TAG Kiln * each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, Us 24 months ago and financed gentleman. MANCHESTER — $14,300 Cape, ished In Mrch, has a large break­ ?2, 'i* Tolland Turnpike Blectrieal Workera (lUE), (ftn-fd Wednesday, Thursday evenings locally. Our price reflects sub­ Tel. 8 0 8-7678 LARGE BRICK FRONT Ranch G ^ et or 708), llancbeiter. black leather Jacket on the river Teamatera could make a final- see Gorman Motor SalcA Buick 80 3-2836. COLEMAN FLOOR furnace cedar i Dried (5000' minimum) at the Green. four down, two unfinished up. Nice fast area, dishwasher and every- by JOHN B. bank in which was a switch knife statements - denouncing Gray’s Bales and Service, 388 Main stantial payments made by orig­ House, 3 bedrooms,. 14x21* living BARNINI of 124 llenry Street, Han- hour fulfillment of the cleanup w^a-ftoeaa plan and eacpi easing 1984 GENERAL 4 Star trailer 29 WORK AT HOME part time or full condition. Near schools, transpor­ thlnH else to make the family hap- with a 8-tnch blade. conditions. Street. MI t-4871. Open evenings. ALU80NUM WINDOWS, doors, time, year 'round. Light, easy “ d" PoVta” “ln-i Framing Lumber 2x4 “ I FRANK'S IS. buying and aelllng inal buyer who defaulted. Will room with paneled fireplace wall, tation and shopping center. Cali py- chester. and will be conducted by intent to iMsk idaeabla wage booats feet, equipped with full awning stalled: MI 9-1353. transfer balance of new factory Apartments— Flats— kitchen with dining area, ceramic JOHN B. BARNINI. of 124 Henry The autofflolMIe was towed out Resume Offtoes and cement patio. Located on jalousies, porches, awnings. Free work. No experience needed. Age ______2.X12 (I-oads only) .. .per M $89 600d used furniture and antiques the R. F. Dlmock Co.. Realtors. Street, Hancheater, aa permittee. of the river. It was empty. when current contracts expire. estimates Call N B. Chase Co., guarantee and finance again fo’r Tenements 63 tile bath, basement garage. R. 80 9-6240 or Joseph Ashford, 80 UMtalrs there are four wonder­ •The DistUlaiy Workers Union IdUte Pocotopaug, East Hampton. no barrier. Make up to $3.80 an USED LUMBER, assorted sizes. In-1 Common N ails- .9 ?K “ yUme. 9 F Dlmock ft Co. Realtors, 80 _ , ^ „ JOHN B. BARNINL Police said the car had leaped 4t> 1961 TWO DOOR Chevrolet. Good MI 9-0233, TR 8-1200. hour. Write at once to: Lynn Pub­ aide and outside doors, windows, (picked up) ...... per keg. $10.30 A m.-8 p m MI 9-6580 .36 months to good credit risk. No 9-6818. Barbarft Woods, Ml 9-7702, ful bedrooms, three of which are Dated November 23 1967. is under AFL-(30 probation,' but eondiUon. MI 9-0413. Cali AN 7-9970 after 4 p.m. or ME down payment necessary. Please 8IODERNLY DESIGNED for ef­ 9-5245; Jos^h Ashford. 80 9-6818; feet Into the river after hitting 8-2270 any time. lishers, Lynn 01. Mass. kitchen sink, bath room aeU. 80 Robert Murdock, 80 9-5972. twin size with cedar and other UqrOB PEBldT ousted leaders of the union ra- ®co"aUd sq. $10 50 ! W^I^POOL Imperial elec­ visit our store in person at once if fortless living. Beautiful new ex­ Barbara Woods 80 9-7702; closets. . railroad tracks gnd dropped Into eenUy took over their offleas 1988 EDSEXi—Only $88 down. Road- gallon hot water heater and many cellent location In Rockville, twen- Robert Murdock, Ml 9-6972. NOnCR o r APFUCATION Roofing— Siding 16 JOIN THE thousands of women Clam Shell Casing—Clear tric clothes dryer. Excellent con­ interested. Goas Piano A Organ SEVEN ROOM single, four bed­ , ' “ Be* ‘ bat I. DONALD 12 feet of water. , again and the union ia. expected to Hospital Notes check the Mg one and get a litUe other building materials. Open dition. $125. Phone MI 9-9326. W minutes from Hartford via The basement is e q u i p s with It A KNOFLA of 330 Tolland Turnpike, Auto Hriving School 7 A now selling Avon Cosmetics, dally 12 noon to 8 p.m. Saturday Stock— ...... per lineal ft. 6c ______Co., authorized Baldwin dealer, rooms, 1)4 baths, modern cabinet Klnaella is 18 and is stationed at face renewed AFL-CIO ouster pro­ . one free. (Offer limited to adults Parkway. All appliances, indivi­ WEST SIDE—Six room Cape, four Crane hot* water oil heating plan, VanchFater, have filed an application Westover AJr Force Bose. His ad­ j FOR THE best in shingle and built America's finest product. We will 9 tUl 8. Yard at Stock Place, No. 1 Douglas Kir Framing 317 Asylum St., Hartford. Christ­ kitchen, large landscaped yard dmed November 29. 1«7, with the ceedings. f aWanta Todayi OSS only). The one that's reslly new up roofing, gutters, leaders, chim­ dual heat control and antenna, down, two finished up large en domestic hot water and laundry. dress la listed as Long Beach, N. Y. LARSON’S DRIVINO School. show you how to succeed. High off North Main St., or call 80 mas Store Hours 9 to 5:3 0; Mon­ close the premiiea known aa CRASH KILUI TWO YOUTHR Nov. 15 and Dec. 1, Three rooms call the R F. Dlmock Co.. Real­ N a 283 Tolland Turnpike, Mancheater. sions, . the Building and Construc­ 8 ^ a Weaneaid, Deepwood S t ’V ty we are trained to teach proper­ SEWING MACHINE operators, FAIRBANK.S-8Iorse water systems, , The J^lneas la owned by DONALD Hadley, Mass., Dec. 4 (AV^Two RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and Insulation Rockwool per bdl. $3.80 TWO USED electric stoves, will and bath. Adults. $100 monthly. tors. MI 9-5248, Joseph, Ashford, There's a rear porch, two-car ga­ tion TVadaa Department planned Mrs. 8(ildred Loogtin, 109 Dale DE CORMIER MOTORS, ly. 8U 9-6078. night shift. 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Apply shallow or deep well, sump, or de Knotty Pine. Paneling— ! acll reasonable. Rockville TR Wearing Apparel— Fora 57 MANCHESTER—$9,600, four rooms A. KNOFLA, of 330 Tolland Turnpike youths v-ere killed and a third was to act today at its separate con­ SAYS built up roofs, gutter and con­ Kaklar Toy Co., 60 Hilliard St. Phone 80 9-4824. TR 5-8775. MI 9-6818, Barbara Woods, 80 ()4 of a two unit ranch). Built 1948, rage and a delightful play area with Hancheater, and will be conducted b' 5?".i Bks and economy you’ll free estimate, call Manchester ford. ONE CHILD'S or student desk. 8 0 gotiate a .peacaful settlement lova. TWO Room apartment, unfurnished tached garage, sewers, extra large oil hot water heating ayatems, Nice condition. Elevation. Asking erated by Finn, was demoUehed Terry Nodden, Thom paonw e; Ekt- Roofing and Siding Co., fnc. 811 GIRL’S OR BOY’S 16" sidewalk bi­ WINDOWS I! \\TNDOWS!! 3-2538. near bus. Only $14,800. Carlton W. (CootlniMd from Page One) in the smaahup. means, - ' ward and Bany L fo^, 8$ Law. 9-8933. Ail utilities except gas. Centrally lot. MI 9 3328. $18,600. Goodchild' Realty Com Only $345 Down MotorcyclcA— Bicycles 11 AUTOMOBILE talesman training. cycle, practically new. $15. Call WINDOWS!! CROSLEY TV 20 " VHF. In vg^ry located. Rent $60. Call MI 3-4524. Hutchins, 80 9-6133. pany. 8 0 8-7925 or BU 9-0939. Finn was pronounced dead-at Hit Wage-Freese Plaai renee St, RockviBa; M n. Mary Full or part time, no experience 8 a 9-3236 after 5. good condition. $50. 8fl 9-5624. ' . NEW SPLIT LEVFI.. 1600 square he will outline in his State of •-the the scene. 8IcGrath died st 4 :l f The AF1/-CIO boas also srotchad S a ^ e r , Broad Brpok; Mattbeam 1955 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan REPAIRS ON ail makes of bikes, needed, will train. Balch Motor Windows at wholesale prices NEWLY REDECORATED three feet, Rockledge Section. 2V4 teths, OVERSIZED Cape Cod offers NEJW SP U T level being sold below a.m., about two hours after the a suggestion that unlona pass.up Rodders, Thompaonyllle; Qraig painted and reconditioned, also CHILD'S CHROME high chair, con­ ADMIRAL TV set with converter. space of a garrison colonial with­ Union message to Congress early Bel Aire 6 Roofing— Chimney 16-A Sales. JA 8-2101. Call Joseph We also handle a complete line of room apartment In Vernon. Conn. two-car garage. Reduced to builder’s cost, seven rooms, fln- crash. any wage Increases next year to J®-Rockvllli!; bikes taken in trade. Used bikes , ______------Balch for appointment. verts into table. Child's stroller, lumber. $27.50, In very good condition. Call 8Iodem conveniences, central lo­ $24,900. For further Information out the higher cost, three bed­ ithed garage, only $16,600. Subur- next month. Sharp throughout. Chevrolet's bought and sold. Full line of new - Specializing in repalr- 8II 3-6263. help BtabiUse the nation’s acon- Sheila toriMtoar, $41 Lydsn S t ; best model. reasonable. 180 High St., Manches­ cation. Adults only. Tel. MI 9-2887. or appointment to see caJl rooms, two baths, mellow and ban. c:^rlton W. Hutchins, 8 0 -A fte r.th a t preview, Eisenhower omy. Tha plan was voiced earlier Mrs. EUsabath Humphrey. Coluin. American and English bicycles to j ‘"8 ''“‘’Is of all kinds Also new PART TIME attendant, Esso Serv- ter. Nobody—But Nobody friendly honey pine dining room, Only $345 Down 1956 40" IMPERIAL Frigidaire The R. F. Dlmock Co., Real­ 9-5182. turned the meeting over to Secre' Combined Canier tn the week President Richard Wa; Peter 8(ajak 47 Apal Pi.; Mra. choose from. Big discount on all i Gutter work. Chim-’-ys iqenter. Experience nreferred. Undersells National tors. 80 9-8245, Joseph Alhford, fireplace set in paneled wall. All new bicycles for .Xmas. .Manches- <-’*e^od. repaired, 26 years' ex Honest, reliable. Tel, MI 9-8198. CHICAGO roller skates with case. electric range. Excellent condition tmry of the Treasury Anderson and Gray of tha Building Trades Da- Jennie Learned, Laural Manor Ctan. 1953 Chevroletlet Club CouCouner~~ cyd* $150. Call Ml 3-4226. t e n e m e n t In four family house MI 9-6818, Barbara woods, 80 points to gracious, comfortable Dawson Creek, B. C. (AP) — A partment. valescant Home; Mrs, Batty Cot Shop, 166 West 8Iidd'e P'Dencc s’ree estimates Cali 81^148. $12. Excellent condition, MI NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. on Blssell 8t. Ml BjllW. 9-7702, or Robert Murdock, 80 living. Clifford Hansen, Realtor, Lots tor Sale 78 Budget Direction Perclval Bnind- vehicle known as "B ruck" Is being burn. South Oovantry. . A real fine little car aiRTKsdy Tuhmike 80 9-2098. Howley. Manchester 8u 3-5361. PART TIME meat and counter 8 0 8-1303. But Meany said that-with on eco­ to make you happy. man. to a.m. to 2 p.m. Anoly ' 381 State St. North Haven, Conn. TABLETOP Universal electric 9-5972. a « for a briefing on spending tried here as a combination bus nomic downturn indicated, more happy. / ----- y — FOUR ROOMS for rent, heated, plans. AD8HTTED TODAY: Mra. Hazel Pepin's Grocery. Route 44-A, Bol­ USED TV Emerson, mahogany Tel. CJHestnut 8-2147 stove. Walnut finish iron single electricito .and garagef $l(W a LOTS 135x200 and larger, $1,300 and express truck service. The unit, Wage boosts are needed to help McOary, Rainbow Chib, RFD 8; Only $195 Down bed with spring. Ml 3-5828. MANCHESTER — New six room MANCHESTER and up. Off 8IancheBter Road, Secretary of Labor Mitchell then Businte!ss Services Offered 13 Heating and Plumbing 17 ton. cabinet. Excellent condition, $45. month. First floor. MI 9-8640. ranch home In Rockledge sec­ built In 'Winnipeg, carries 16 to 20 buoy the economy by Increasing Max Lautanbach. 116 8CapIe St. Call MI 9-7633. Glastonbury. Telephone 8T 9-5981. outlined generally the legislation passengers, 'snd has a maximum 1962 Chevrolet-2-Dr. Sedan TELEVISION—17" mahogany floor tion. IH bathe, ceramic tile Woodbridge Street—Seven room after 6 p.m. purchasing power for Industry's b i r t h s YESTERDAY: A daugh­ CLEAN AND -paint those gutters Uiaroonds— W atch es— FOUR ROOM apartment. Heat and Cape with two baths. Ideal setting. the administration will seek in the capacity of 400 cubic feet for mail output. Secretary of Labor Mitch­ ter to Mr. and kCra. NorbeitBik One owner—original throughout. EXPEHIENCED 85 LB. BARBELL aet. Crosman 22 model, new picture tube Reason kitchen countera. Attached ga­ labor field. Also on the morning now. Avoid costly repairs later, PLUMBING AND healing—repairs ^ hot water. Central location.. Write rage, amesite drive, fuliv land­ Four bedrooms if wanted. Numer­ and express. ell, here to speak to AFL-CIO Ungton, RFD 1, Rockvllla; a daugb- Previously owned by local school 80 3-1383. caliber pellet rifle. Both n new Jewelry 48 for selling. redecorating. 80 Box B, Herald. ______BOLTON—Jwo large wdoded lots program were Secretary of Agri­ tescher. 1 kid you not. and contract work. Cali 8fl 9-8841. - 9-1608 before 5 p.m. scaped lot, $21,000. Call R. F. ous extras and the price is RIGHT. WlUlams Rosd. Call owner, 80 ter to Mr. and 8(rs. John Dieta. OIL BURNER condition. Phone 8 0 3-0803. culture Benson and Atty. Gen. Tolland Rd.. RockvUle. Only $175 Down LLOYD'S PLUMBING Service as­ LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ irV E ' r o o m heated apartment. Dlmock Co., Reaitora. Ml 9-8248, Rtwers. Joseph Ashford, 80 9-8818, Bar­ Whitney Road^ Six luom Cape DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: MURTEN8EN TV. Bpecialized RCA sures satisfaction, prompt service. pairs. adjusts watches expertly. Refrigeratbv^and atove’ $180. Call In response to questions. White J SERVICE MAN. bara Wood8^i MI 9-7702, or Robert with garage. Make your offer and Mrs. Dorothea Sitsy, Bolton; Mrs. 1951 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan television service. HI 9-4641 CH 7-6124. Ml 9-5485. LADY'S BLACK fitted coat, size Reasonable prices. Open daily. NOTICE . after 8:80 or''Yft mornings. Ml I move In. Very attractive home.'. house press secretary James C. Fully equipped. In fine order. Write Box C, Herald 18, $10. MI 9-1090. Thursday evenings. J29 Spruce Sealed bids will be received at 8-4987. Murdock, 8 q 9-5972. Sabnrban tor Sale 75 Hagerty told newsmen there has Pearl BroU, Bolton; Raymond FLOOR SANDING and reftnlshlng S. WATSON, PLU81BING and heat­ Street. 80 9-4387. the office of the General Man­ ------^ Lindman Street— Six room older been no' final decision regarding . J'’ Tubbs, 439 Oakland S t; Mrs. An* Onl.v $165 Down Specializing tn old fIoventry line. New' six Reynolds, 380 Autumn S t; Mrs, ing contractor. New installations, ager, 41 Center Sti-eet, 8Ianchea- home completely renovated. Ap­ an over-all spending figure for "-m 9-8750 alteration work and repair work. 4 'i. like new. used last season Business Locatton full basement. Nicely landscaped room C^pe. Four finished down, Mary Helm, East Hartford; Mrs. 1953 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan ter, Connecticut up to 3:00 P.M., lot. This home is In perfect condl proximately two acres of . land. ceranilo tile bgth, walkout base­ the new fUcal year. Hagerty added 8n 9-3808. Help W anted^ only. Girl’s blue tweed storm coat, t ,.,': Six cyl. radio/' Heater. A clean E.S.T., Thurada.v Dccenitier 12, for B»nt Vacant, let’s hear your offer. ’Has ment. large Wt. $18,700. R. F. that discussion regarding certain Elizabeth Duncan, 33 Palm fit} RANGE BURNERS and pot burn­ •size 10. Girl’s navy blue all wool jion inside and out. R. F. Dlmock to be sold. solid family car. Male or Female 37 1957 for the construction of a Realtors, 80 9-8245, Joseph Dlmock I C o ., Realtore. 80 defense programs still la going on 4 -.'-r- James Aceto. 891 HUliard S t ; Mrs. ers cleaned and serviced, also new winter coat, 'size 10. giiTl's red rock well. e n t i r e BU lLDm a about 6,800 ' > ■ .t'.t Etha Chesaey, Bolton; Jamas Sul­ burners. Terms, cash. MI 9-0147. Ml 9-6818, Barbara 9-5248, Joseph Ashford, 8 0 9-6818, within the iuiminlstration. 1 lA-Cii'-Si-s Onl.v $195 Down 51illinery Dre-asmaking 1,9 wool coat and legging wirte- suit, Bid forms and specifications W square feet Suitable for stores, livan. 45 Riverside Dr.; Mrs. Ruth aiz 8. 80 9-0178, after 5. MALE HELP Woods, '8flU9-7702 or Robert 8Iur- BOLTON Barbara Woods, 8 0 9-7702 or Rob­ . Dirkeen said the administration Town of Manchester may be received at the Water De­ office, tnsurarics companyi hall, hasn’t ' decided whether to ask Wegper and daughter. North C o v 1957 Ford Country Sedan-Sta- i M A M RUBBISH Removal Serv­ etc. Occupancy s-6 months.- Ih dock. ert Murdock, Ml 9-5972. t ice. aeoning attics, cellars and WANTED partment, 66 Center Street, 8Ian-; VVhal finer Rift than an Evmnidef ’ Hebron Road in Bolton Center — Congress-to raise the $276 billion entry: Mrs. Shirley AlUcen and tion Wagon' DRESSMAKING and Alterations POSITION VACANCY cheater, Connecticut. center of town. One car garage for Oversized six room colonial wHh yards. Incinerators emptied, ashes done. 8IJ 9-2552. It’» a gift the whole family will TW0-FA80LY S-O/lch^ice location TALCOTTVILLE- Vernon, $31,900. national debt ceiling. son. South Coventry; 'Mrs. Frances Fully equipp^. A local car at Wanted experienced truck Richard Martin rent at the Center. Call w 9-5228, near noepital. Ihalvldttai oil heat. breezeway and two-car garage. 1)4 New Omn. contemporary, ultra removed. Contract service avail­ mechanic prepared to as­ enjoy for yean to come! Call "That Is fluid," he replied when Eaposito and daughter, Btorrs. great sarings. able. 80 9-9787 SOCIAL WORKER NOTICE General Manager or 80 S-T444. Ehccellent condition. Two car ga­ baths. Many extraa. Soon to be modern ranch, acre wooded asked whethei: Eisenhower had DRESSMAKING, alterations, spe­ sume -responsibllit.v for the and see the newest and finest Only $695 Down At .a meeting held by the Town Advt. No. 3396 Evinrude* yci—^ to 50 hp! You rage, ameaite drive. Large lot, vacant. The ideal home for a grow. lot. Washer diryer-refrigerator- indicated such a request would be cializing in children's clothes. 8D ^ Salary range $3883. to $4793 ' maintenance and repair of„ FOR OFFICE or commercial use, Ing family. GONDER'S T.V, Service, available 9-9140. Planning- Commission, November can order for delivery "under the three rooms, sround floor. Main $18,900. R. F. Dlmock ft Co., Real­ bidlt-ln oven-stove are Included. made. t Walker'WftiJu Off LUXURY SPECIAL any time. Anteiina conversions. 25, 1957: foll04vlng a public hear­ truck fleet. Top wages for Iree,” or a Gift Certificate assures tors, 80 9-5248, Joseph Ashford, For appointment to see cidi the "They expect to m ^e out until _ ------T quallflcd person. Apply in Street near Center. Phone 80 Hfebrpn Road,, Volpl Road and Philco factory supervised srt-vice Thirty-five hour week. 9:00 a.m. ing held November 20, 1957,. in delivery vhenever you say. See Ml 9-6818, Bartiara Woods, MI R , F. Dlmock Co., Reaitora. 8 0 we (Congress) get back in Janu­ New (York (AV^Naiiey Walker, 1948 Cadillac 4-Dr. Sedan person at 9-8339 or 8 0 $-7444. Hendee Road in Andover—New six Excellent Urea. Radio, heater, Tel. 80 9-1488. Moving— Trucking to 5 p.m., 11 paid holidays, sick accordance with the Cliarter for Uitoday! 9-7708, or Robert Murdock, 80 9-B34S, JosMh Ashford, 8 0 0-6818, ary,” Dirkeen ssid. oDe of the Broadway critics favori leave, vacations, pension and • SEPTIC TANKS '9-8972. room ranches ready fCr occupancy. Barbara Woods, 8 0 0-7703 or hydramaue. A local car in fine Storage - 20 U)e Town of Manchester, Con­ Cleaned and Installed OFFICE formerly occupied by In­ Acre lots, combination, windows, Actually, the administration boa its comadlennea, vows alw is order. CHUCK’S RADIO and T.V. Service. I Social Security, benefits. necticut. having deemed It fo r the CARLSON'S EXPRESS surance man now available. Rent Robert Murdock, 8 0 9-6973. no alternative but to make out M Small appliances repaired. 151 AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., local 6^ Stock Place,. Alanchester ' BOLTON—Five room ranch, on % amesite, etc. — one of the best through arith the ’Great Whits Full price only $595 public good that building lines reasonable. 983 Main. 8 0 8-7614 values in this area. Open I daily. until that time because the celling North Main St. 80 3-6517, resi­ and long distance moving, pack­ For Application form. Position should be altered, passed the fol­ • SEWERS 8 0 8-6419. " acre let. Basement garage, fire­ BOLTON—Coventry line. New Ova can’t be hiked without congret- Way.. dence 80 3-6960. place, baseboard radiation, hot room , ranch, ceramic ;tile bath, DE CORMIER MOTOR ing, storage. Call MI 3-5187, Hartl DescriptidiV-aq^lnformation - lowing orders -iz. Machine Cleaned McB RIDE'S stonal approval. ^ Says the star of tha recently, ford CH 7-1423. water heat, ceramic tile- bath, The homes on Hebron Road wJU knotty pine kitchen,' walk-out WATER PUMPS and Systems com­ ' Apply To Ordered: That on the.southerly batoment. Laige lot. Reduced to Bridgeii, chairman « f the Senate cloaed . musical “Copper and iX aide of Mather Street starting at •JNSTALLATION Youngstown kiteijen. Complete be open Sunday from 2-8. . Republican Policy Committee,, said SALES, INC. pletely installed and -repaired. WELFARE DEPT. with modern style fumlture, stove, $H,i|)0. R. F. Dlinock Co., Real- Brass:” MANCHESTER Package Delivery, a point at the intersection of SPORT SPOT he bdUeves a . $3 billion boost in "In the past threa years Tvs < Also water softeneri and filters. Ught trucking and package deliv­ Municipal Bldg. SPECIALIST 'TO.RENT refrigerator. Ready to move In. ton , 8 0 9-B346, JMeph Ashford, J l TOUR RAMBLER A.VD W3LLYS C. A. Reynolds 80 9-5327. •41 Center St. Woodbridge Street and running T. J. CROCKED, Realtor Ml 9-6818, B s r t^ a Woods, 8 0 funds for missiles, strategic air worked only eight moatna I’ve got ery. Refrigerators, washers And easterly for a distance of 1254’, SEPTIC TANKS lllij Center 8t— Mt^-8767 Seen by appointment only." Call DEALER Maiicj^eater, Conn| . Mra. Zuckerman, 8 0 9-6288. MI 3-1577, res. 8 0 B-7761 or 0-7702, Or Robert Murdock, 8 0 bsses, antisubmarine devices and a pile of seramraokS fuU of fabiil. Ba y ANN T.V. Clinic service call stove moving specialty. Folding more or less, the building line >■ ' AND V outer space developments la. Just! 34 MAPLE ST. chairs for rent. 80 9-0752 Town iiid Country Area for retail selling 82’:(90' Bill Rood at 8 0 9-6418 9-B973. ous notices, But "where do they MANCHESTER *2 50. 24 houi service. Bonded Applications' accepted until 8:00 shall be 3S’. PORTER STREET Section— Five O'ed by Russlsn advances In the leave me? In the klctheq." work. Work also done on radio's, MANCHESTER'Moving and Truck­ p.m., December 16, 1957. The Commission finds • that PLUeCED SEWERS Draindto Co. with display window of 87 tqet.. year old six room Colonial, large 89 HAWTHORNE Street — Seven ELLINGTON —New oversized 6)4 missile and satellite field. Miss Walker says from here on car radios and hi-fi’s. 80 3-2958 ing Co. MI 3-6563. Owned and op­ Damages in the amount o f One EVINRUDE living room, fireplace, metal years old, six room . Cape, two room ranch. Mahogany paneled "I believe cuts con be made else­ she is goin g;^ concentrate on seek­ 1951 KAISER business coupe or 80 S-SSll. . Phjrchase order No. 4842. $Aus a ttavici Has heating and stock receiv­ Radio and heater. Cali MI 3-4938. erated by Walter B. Perrett, Jr., Dollar and Benefits in the amount MaehiiiR ClMned Ml 9^143 ’ kitchen cabinets, attached garage, Unfinished, open ' stalrvifay, hot fire wall ceramic ti)e bath, fully where in defense and other activl' ing Jobs In television.. agent for Burnham's Van Service. of One Dollar ^ere incurred In SepUe'’tkiikB,,Dry Wella. Seiver large porch, hot water heat water heat, oil, amesite drive, air-conditioned, two car basernem ties so (hst the over-all budget HILLS' TELK-VISION Service, the altering of this building line. ing facilities. Has tw o- en- e. Large lot. Call the R . F. will be no higher than.this year’s,’' 1955 FORD V8 nine passenger Available at all times. Philco fac­ Service to 48 states. WANTED— COMBINATION short Lilies Installed—-flellkr Water- tile bath and first floor lavatory, nice lot. Owner moving to Florida. "Country Sedan station wagor with -.order cr-ok and dishwasher. Apply TOWN PLANNING COMMIS- priMiflng Done. tranesa, location 130 feet from 'aluminum sjorm windows and Easy terms, $11,900. George L. :k Co., Realtors. 80 9-S34S Bridges said. " I am sure President Heart Drug ‘Sprayed* tory supervised service. Tel. 80 SION Eisenhower is making every effort i^ io , heater, white top with blue 9-9698. I at Walnut' Restaurant, 7 Walnut screens. Near bus and schools, Oraziadio, Relator, MI 9-8878. eor Joseph Ashford, 8 0 9-6818, Bar­ body, inside in mint condition. Painting— Papering 21 St. Martin E. Alvord l&ain St. Wrile Box A, Herald, real bargain, A-1 Condition. Price bara Woods. 8 0 9-7702, Robert to keep It within that frame­ A ,Loa Angeles concern has 1^1 price, $1388,'only $88 down WE RENT most everything In the DorothS' C. Jacobson MdUNNEY BROS. $22,300’. Bowess Schfool — Six McKEE hTREET—Attractive six Mulrdoc^, 8 0 9-6972. work." developed a “metered" aerosol« PAINTING AND paperhanging. TOBACCO Sorters for 2-3 months R O C K V I I I to YOUR CHANCE TO Low ^ k terms. Fitzgerald Edsel tool and equipment line. A-P I Ermsno Gsrsventa rooma, Elngllsh Colonial, older room. Cape on lot 60x140. .Living This year’s spending is esti­ ■pray container which diapensea Good clean workmanshhip at rea­ work. Experienced or will train. Edwsrd S. Dlk S!ew«ragt OisRosoi Co. OWN YOI'R OWN HOME home,'garage, fireplace, quick oc­ room with .fireplace. Large work' FOR SALE—By owner. Ellington. mated at $73 billion, including Talcottville. Open evenings till a] Equipment. 945 Center St. 80 octyl nitrate, said to be recom­ 9-2052 any time. sonable rates. 30 years in Man­ Apply Conn. State Employment John H. Bowen ISO-132 Pqarl S t — Ml S-S80$ ROCKVHiLE—Large store. Market cupancy, $18,900. George L. saver kitchen with loads of cabi­ Five yeaF old, spacious 2 level about $88,400,000,000 for military 1951 V6 FORD Victoria hardtop chester.. Raymond Fiske. Ml Service, 806 8tain St., Manchester, P. O. No. 6616 Street, center town. Suitable Qrakladlo, Realtor, Ml 9 -9 ^ . nets. dining room, three b idrooms. home. One mlle to RUbur. Crose, purposek. mended for "anginal jittaeks pro­ ^ d black with all leather inside; DICKS' WEATHERSTRIP Com 9-9237. IRAND NEW SV2 ROOM RANCH drugs, hardware, app.lUnca, fur­ Full basement. Hot water oH'heat. 3p minutes to' H a rtfo id .L a rg e TTie proposed military Increase duced by Coronary InmAeiency," a Just like new. radio, heater, while pany, doors and windows, custom niture, market, etc; Reasonable. BUILDERS special—built for him. Madeline Smith, Realtor. 8 0 family living, or ready made in­ heart conditlotv that produces In­ EXTERIOR'i'4nd interior painting. Featuring 3 bedrooms, flrepUce'with, birth paneling on one .] for next year was reported ^ter wall tires. Only $195 down low work, guaranteed. Cali 80 9-1683 Situations, Wanted— Call JA 8-9788. AD 2-7745. self. New living room with built-in 9-1643. come. Schools, churMca, shop-' a 5-houq bipartisan White Hduse tense paiiis because InsuffieieBt bank terms. Fitzgerald Edsel Tal- after 6 p.m. Ceilings refiniahed. Papernanging. Female ^ 38 CLEARANCE wall, ceramic tile bath, lUl Youngstown kitchen with built la bookshelves, fis h e d recreation ping, near by: Reasonable for oxygen reaches the htort inuacle. Wallpaper books. Estimates given. iCANpHESTER—Cute four room meeting yesterday over which Eh- cottvUlo, ASSORTED COIDRPVI, oven and range, full ofllar, oil hot waUr heat, closet epyce STORE FOR rent near Parkade or room with fireplace and paneled quick sale. Call Rockville TR senhower presided at intervals for In practice, a person struck bp Fully covered by insurance. Call TO SETTLE ESTATE also suitable for dentist's office. dbn. Huge kltd;en, dining area. ranch. Extra large kitcheh, full 5-7000. \ such an attack Inserts the aerosol Edward R. Price Ml 9-1003. MOTHERLY phild care galore, amesite drive, complete landscaped plot. Including .cellar, nice lo t 110,600. Spacious a totsl of;about 2<4 hours. PLYMOU'$'^ri four door sedan LOTS CI.EARED of trees and in my 190 W. 8Uddle Tpke. Call 9-6305 Twice aa many cabinets as uausU. Democratic leaders raised Im­ tube in his mouth and releases ft- with economy overdrive. Radio, home, 8 0 9-1260. HouMlield •fftcH ■hruba, city water and sewer. Seconds to achool, bus line and after 1;80. - five room ranch, AA zone, garage, BOLTON — Callfortia ranch. 1620 brush, 80 3-7644 after 6 p.m. THROW RUGS Two ceramic tile baths. For fur­ mediate doubts the Congress they spray of the dhig; the spray la beeter, very clean. Only $98 down, ALL PAINTING and paperhangbig and misenlloiMous liarkway. > ther Information or appointment aluminum storms and screens. square feet of liviiig area. Ther­ automatically cut off after a meaa- guaranteed. Excellent workman­ mopane windows throughout. In- control will be satisfied vdth a $2- low bonk terms. Fitzgerald Edsel Sq.oo Hooaes tor Rent 65 to see csUl the R. F. Diipock ft Oountry-like setting with cRy con­ ured dose Is sdhiiniatsrad. TalcottvUlq^ Household Services ship. Clall JA 8-5792 for (re« esti­ BABYi S n riN O evenings, ^ Man. 27”x54” Each cOttfMto on Hin PRICE $13,900. Co., Reikltors, 811 9-5248, Joseph veniences. $31,800. Also ihany dirMt Hghting. Numerous 'built- bllllon IncreatM in missile and mate. Chester or Bolton.. MI 8-6096, 1ns. Two-car gsrag^ sere lot. By other ependlng. Several of thefii Offered 13>A Value op to $20.00 rnmims by Hinfoin- ATTRACnVFi—Four room winter- Ashford,) 8 0 9-6$18. ' Barbara other listings to choose from- Elsie PROPELLERS MADE OF v 1369 roed cottage, completely furnished, Woods, 8 0 9-7703 or Robert Mur­ Ideyer, Realtor^ MLS, 8 0 9-5834. appointment only. R. F. Dlmock said the Eisenhower administra­ CEXUNGS wliUened, interior point­ convalescent —Nesfl someone Car Ruga Ole Each y, 140 Gardnnr^., tion lacked the "sense of urgency’’ Jaywalking Chimp BrVLON Mdan. W food runnlitf condition. WEAVING of bums,' moth - hole* E oil beat. December IS to June 15. dock, 8 0 9-5972.' (% ., Realtors MI 9-5246 or Joseph 364 WoA Middle Tpke. Can be ing. Evenings and Saturdays. MI in your home, while you are con­ $13,500 —Bolton—Near Mahehestar, Ashford, 8 0 6-6816, Barbara they though* it should have. , MotorisU in Miami, Fla., were startled by the appearance of two S t John, IndM bdsl-4ib|)laaa and tom clothing, hosiery rune, 19-6638. ManclMsInr. j, \ 180. Bolton Lake. AD 3-20UF M onafterA. handbags repaired, zipper rer valescing from an illness? It so MANCHESTER DRASTICALLY reduced $18,000, saven room C^ie, fi've down; two Woods. 8 0 ' 9-7703, Robert Mur­ Chlmpanaeee on a busy atreat. This is Bongo, 60-ixnmd 6-yaar- propeUeia mads of nyicp mem be­ phone MI 9-7129. , . WEBSTER AGENCY S placcmenL umbrellas repaired, WALLPAPER REMOVED. $7.80 CARPET CENTER Sotardoy, .One. 7 a v a i l a b l e Dec. IB. Three bed­ large three bedroom ranch, flra- unfinished up, otaam bast do- dock, 8 0 6-8973: BILUON. BEOILEES EATEN old attraction at a commercial exhibit An unidantUfad belpar ing manufaetuiad.by • fit Jotoi Bt^iday Oldamobiie, men’s shirt collars reverse snd room ranch, aix mtlaa from 8Ian- plact, tile bath, atumlnum storma, mastic hot water, plenty o f Uteh- More than a billion broiler tries to coax Bongo back into captivity. Tbs chimp was caught company, which sayc ttwy ara 11600. CaU per room, Quick, clean, steam re­ WOULD LUCE to beby sit or tie IM Mala t-4S6S 10 o,m. to 4 p^m. ^ TELe ROCKVIIiLE-~-TR*rfi rspf^ed. Marlow’s Little Msud- moval. Evening accommo thrust and mcca thaft 0 ttoMS W. Hutdiina. 8 0 ft4U$2. F. Fiano. 80 B-BUo. ' Read Herald Adva. ih the Vnlud States Isst yssr. fi^wd wbila thatr cage was being olaaasd. (AP Fhototex). as long aa thii eonvahUaial typa. i \ ,.L r :...a ' t X Zr ^ 6 / 't^A6B’hPmRTY-TW0 \ t ■' ^ W EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4,'l967 Arcrage Daily Net Press Run r. . For the Week Ended . , ThS Westlnr" -/■V November 30, IS67~ V ‘ Fanaaal at JB. S. Waatkor Bataa About Town 12,682 ' Fair, pioMw tealgW. iAw ULN Member o f the Audit Meapt S-lt aama niral araaa. Fadr, f^¥h#'CoiipI«« Club o f tho Second wanwir FHdajr. R ^ ' 46-M. XlbiixTegatlonal Chutph will bowl M&nthe»ter-^A City of rU^ge Charm ,:.»t the Oommiinlty Y Saturday DOUBLE S&H GREEH STAMPS WITH AtL CASH ; taiKht from 7:30 to 10 o’clock, Any VOL. LXXVII, NO. 56 Vouplea In the church are invited. (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS)V MANCHESTER, CONN., -raURSDAt, 1>ECEMBER 6, 1957 . Thoae attending ehoul|d wear bowl- SALES THIS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5! ICIaaolfled AdvartUliig a* Paga BS) PRICE FIVE tENTB ing ehoea. soft soled slippers or heavy socks.’Those planning to at- j tend should contact either Mrs. Harry Rylander Jr. or Mrs, James •fiBr on e etncl a .11 O h! Brakes? Irvtae, _ . ^December Los Angeles, De-:. 5 (ffi)—The Lakota Council. No. 01. D e^ee judge read the police report of Pocahontas, will meet tonight merry Christmas for everybody begins concerning a man before him^ at 7:30 in Odd Fellows Hall. Mem­ on a.recklesa driving change:' bers are asked to attend, as new of- right here! We've gifts for Mom, for Dad, for Sis "Driving 93 n.fles an hour fleers for the coming year will be Of Bid to Clean , fled from officers . . nominated. A social hour and re­ and Brother . . , home gifts to make the chased about a mile . . ." freshments aill follow the meet­ “Why didn’t you atop?" ing. Atlantic City, N. J., Dec.Tconventlon expuUlon move, if onlyyOOO of th* AFL-CJIO’i 15 million Municipal Judge Thomaj- L. whole family happy . . . gifts for all good friends Hoffs would quit as Teamsters Christmas wouldn't b« Christmos 5 (JP) — AFL-CIO president members. Griffith Jr. asked yesterday. president-elect. The Manchester Garden Club and relatives, too. Come in, shop with ease. without Sonto Clous: and he will be George Meany told the open­ All flve unions have been under "I couldn’t, your honor," re­ will hold another workshop meet­ ing session of the federation’ti In thq past Meany had said Hof- nre in congressional investigations, plied Ramon Butler, 23. "t- here at Hole's this Thursday^ evening fa’s ouster from any sort of post with the ..Teamsters and Hoffa ing Friday at 10 a.m. at the home convention today there would didn’t have any brakes." o f Mrs. Rohert H. Smith. 131 Hart­ STORE HOURS: from 7 to 9 and Saturday afternoon 2 In the Teamatera was the prime especially being charged before "Five days and $50," aaid ford Rd. The club viill hold its an­ be no deals in thejfederation’s requisite to the trucking union’a the Senate rackets Inveatigating the judge. H.A> r.’s w it.r RE OPEN to 5:30. Plan to bring the kiddies— drive' to eliminate labor cor­ staying ■ In the federation. The committee with misusing union nual sale of Christmas Greens in ON THE NIGHTS THAT ARF. Center Church House Dec. 13 from they'll enjoy o chat with Santa. ruption. Teamsters, already under AFL- funds and powers. t CIRCLED IN THE ABOVE CALENDAR; CIO suapension, have one tenth of Meany announced last night 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., under the di­ PLl'S ALL DAY MONDAY Meany flatly denied reports the rection of Mrs. Charles Lesper- AFL-CIO high command la In any the AFL-CIO’s is million mem­ that the AFL-CIO Executive First Bom a re Gas Heater. ance. general chairman and Mrs. \ way willing to water down ita bers. The United Textile’ Workers Council had suapinded the Textile Frank Bickmore, co-chairman. A cleanup demanda on the , Team- Union was suspended last night. • group (UTW) and voted to push sale of Christmas cookies and a aters and other AFL-CIO unions ^ Five Unions’ Under Fire for expulsion of both the UTW and Distillery Workers because Sites Selected Flame Used morning coffee hour Is planned. accused of corrupt leadership. However, the AFL-CIO leaders Lo'*'est Prices GIFT UMBRELLAS There had been some apeculation both had failed, he said, to carry p r appeared determined to push con­ out in good faith reform programs The Motherhood of Mary Meany wap now willing to let, vention expulsion action against they had pledged. ^ - On East G>ast Mothers Circle will meet this eve­ *1 98 T. *8.98 James R. Horfa remain in a subor­ the Teamsters, Bakery, Laundry, Still on UTW PayroU Up Oxygen ning at 6:30 at the home of Mrs. Anywhere dinate position in the Teamsters Distillery and Textile Workers The AFL-CIO boss said the UTW I All the newest fahric.s ami handlc.s. Union and escape an AFL-CIO Unions.’ They comprise'about 1,806- Washington, Dec. 5 (fl>) — Four Vincent Pppeleski, 112 Helaine HALE’S OWN RR.AND GIFT had obtained the resignations of Rd., tor its Christmas party. Co- Plain colors, prints and plaids. •.ast Coast Air Force Bases have Stam ford, D ec. 6 (jP)— FIt « •MERfCRY two top UTW officers, Anthony hosteasea will be Mrs. Edward Valente as president and Lloyd been selected for construction of persons were found dead of Goss and Mra John Termeulen. HOSIERY Klenert as secretary-treasurer, but the first taunting sites for the aaphyxiation today in their Members are reminded to bring I..\CE TRI3I.MED federation auditors had discovered Bomarc. < the .nation’s newest mis­ dollar gifts for the grab bag. ELECTRIC tenement apartment. GOLD MYL.AR STRIPED . . . Full fashioned sheer dark both a'UU have continued on the sile designedto knock down enemy A friend cMling to take Jeffrow T. J. SpeUacy Dies; UTW pavroU. SPIN RAYON scam n.vlons with reinforced ■fdtopjbefs Green to work walked Into tba Emanuel Churchmen will hold Similarly, he said the Distillery The Aif^ Force reportedly feel* apartment and found th* bodies their annual smorgasbord Friday BLANKETS heel and toe for extra wear. Workers group < had gotten rid of TAI l ECLOTHS and NAPKINS Newest winter shades. shout 16 such sites would provide' of Green, hie wife and three oth­ evening In Luther hall. Hugo Carl­ With a TWO year guarantee certain leaders but.they had taken antiaircraft coverage for the East ers sprawled about th* place. son is in charge of the program ...... $*.»* Political Power 77 over the union agmn O avoid any and Weaf Coasts and the nation’! Th* other three were indentlfied which will feautre the High School Twin Bed S ir e ___ $ 1 7 . 9 5 secret ballot election of new- offi- S9v70 ...... g.s.flg northern boundary. The Bomarc Mr. and Mrs. Leroy 8pat.ee and Round Table Singers, under the di­ cera. Speaking of the UTW, Meany can cover a wide c rea and said that whereas the AFL-CIO 8-month-old eon, Leroy. AU rection of G. Albert Pearson. Full Bed Sire pr. Hartford, Dec. 6 —Thomas 'J. faster than sound, 'ere Negroes...... $7.M -thought the union had launched Single Control . . J ] g 9 5 SpeUacy,’77,- state insurance com­ However, although it is dfsigned Orebn’s brothsr, . 20-yeer-oId Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid 6.1" R O U N D ...... *5.9* missioner, four times mayor of genuine reforms-they found out In recient days "’further financial Ir­ to^IntSrcept enemy bomberi as far WllUaimNt^ Green o f Garnet, 8. Society wUl meet tonight at 7:30, \ Full Bed Sire Hdrtford, and alnce-1907 a power in away as 300 miles and as high up C., was uteen to Stamford hos­ and the Youtji Council tomorrow NAPKINS ...... S9c ea. state Democratic pc^!cs, died regularities have been carried on Diinl Control . . . J 2 2 9 5 right to the present moment—it is as nearly 12 mile.*, the Boiharc pital but watt responding to treat­ at 7:30 p.m. The annual Christmas You will love these for your own uae shortly after 7 a.m. this morning would not be effective against bal­ ment. N. sale and social of the Aid Society at the Hotel Commodore, New the most brazen thing I’ve ever Colors: Green. lOse, blue and and for gifts. ■\'ellow, aqua, pink, white, seen in my life.’’ , listic missiles. These long range Det, Ctept. WilUam J. Lynch will open at 6 p.m. Friday. The coral. green and pecan. York. He had been attending sea- rockets fly ;at a p ^ a of up to said the five appiurantly died Church Council will also have a alons of the National Assn, of In­ "There was no finesse at all and Ue robbing is still going on,’’ 15,000 miles an h lur and trav/el as from insufficient {nesting Friday evening. surance Commiiaioners at the high as 600 or 700 miles. He said flames from an unvent- hotel. Meany added. Meany said it may seem ridicu­ Plans to build the first Bomarc *d gaa hot water heatci:^ had used Manchester Lodge, No. 73 AF His death was discovered by lous to base expulsion proceedings launching sites were announced up oxygen in the room. \ •hd AM, will hold a special meet­ Deputy State Insurance Oommli- against the Teamsters on the basis last night by the Air Force. It said Lynch said the owner ing at the Masonic Temfile tonight aioner Alfred N. Premo. a long­ of only one man, Hoffa. it had signed contracts totaling $46 building at 5pl South Pi at 7 o’clock, for the purpose of con­ time friend, who had gone to the "Certainly Hoffa la not the million for work at Dow Air Force Oeori;* 'Vaaelakos, w o u 1 ducting a Masonic memorial serv­ You give to much conference Sunday afternoon with Teamsters only problem." Meany Base, Maine;. McGuire Air Force charged with vlolmtteg a city ice for the late Frank E. Spencer. 0 I LACE-EDGED OVERALL SpeUacy. The two men had planned said, "because God knows they’ve B4ae, N. J.; Otis’ Air Force Base, nance banning testapation of to start hark to Hartford thii Mass.; and Suffolk County A if The service will be held at the With prett.v .scalopcd strap.s ,tikI a puff pucket got plenty of problems. There are Bridg* gi^er rMt* a^6p smashed, telescoped passenger coacbe* ns rescuer* continue search for bod­ yMad gee water heatm i Holmes Funeral Home at 7:30. for so littlo when you givo morning, and Premo went to Spel- indications of further disclosures Force Base on Long Island. N, T. T he bodies were dl$eOvsred for “cand.v monc.v.’’ Colors: lied, turquoi.se, lacy's about 6:45 to wake hiiir. ies early today In John's steUon in Southeast L6ndon. The two trains crashed In heavy fo r coming out. But Mr. Hoffa is the An Air Force spokesman aaid during the rush-h^Ur yeaterday. Girder was toppled by th* craah. (A P PhotoMx via nuUo from shoithr before 8 a.m. wheii^Frank pink and maize. S O A O "Tom was very hard to wake up main problem of the Teamsters at some addi^nal land will be ac­ London). Jobnami, 146 Franklin S t, Called Lt. John V. Kleperia, son of Mr. In recent month*,’’/' said ’ Premo. the moment." quired ■ for the Suffolk County ) and Mra Otto Kleperis, 3'7 Main Sizes 2 to 4. to fiVa Jeffrow Green a ride $e Samsonite Card Tables "He opened his eyes finally and Hoffa, 44-year old Detroit Kbor project, but that In the other three work at a tu*. company. - ' SL, U presently enrolled in pri­ CHIIHREN’S SHOP—.MAIN FLOOR. REAR looked at- me. I said: 'Come on, czar, is on trial’ in New York City cases the Air Force would use land mary pilot training at Hondo'Air The Spate* Muple . and Mre. old timer, we want to get started it already owns. The Sites will In­ Oreen were lying te their beds. Base, Tex. A graduat of Manchea- for Hartford early.’ ’’ THOMAS t . 8FELLACT (Oonttened on Page Ten) clude launching spans, storag* fa­ Early Snowfall \ Ur High School, U . Kleperts later Jeffrow Green'e b ^ we* lying te Premo said he then went to cilities, control equipment and pro­ D ie in Crash a taaBway. Th* baby wta found attended the University ■ of Con- ahave, thinking by ,the. time he tection facilities. dead te hin crib. nwUcut. where he majored in finished SpeUacy would be AwaK*. The Bomarcs and their launA- Snarls Traffic; mathematics. Medical IDzamlnar Rudol|di Gblr When he went back to Spellacy’a ing sHeq are to be "integrated into mara eatd all ilva had been dead room a few minute* after 7 the the air defense system of th* Unit­ eaveral houra OUR GAY TRKASURB-TRKB ex-mayor's left arm was hanging Trains Death Toll 10 f'luoridation will be discussed at Valve, Weather Halt ed States," the Air Force said. down the side of the bed. iThe 'water heater was burnlag, , 4 the Hollister St. School Sunday af­ Thus, they will join Air Fore* LffncCi eald, but a gae heater jet O R OfRL SOOUT OIPTS "I put his arm on hit eheat and ternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Following and Navy interceptor plants and New York, Dei. 6 (H)4^ bright waa' turned on, without a llama. A pattad hts faeq- gently to awaken lionitoni 5 .-Un—Rescuet-into the rear of a 10-coach electric the discugsion there will be aiqucs- the Army^, Nike' antiaircraft.mtev jnin returned today te the w«k«.of pot Of meat on th* eook stove had him." said Premo. "Thea I realized ailea in guarding the’ United 8' ‘ ‘ WOT] oad approximately trite-halted-mnrr-St: Johns’ Sta­ tion and answer period. ’The meet- •rtMli iMk of lold-spriyid plistie. 6H ' Hll. 1.2$ Satellite^ Lati nolj^ g 100 pereons lied' in th* rush-hour ywtfefdsiy']*' bitter earty aeaaon MlM4.over. Th* bathtub wae ' m« is being sponsored by the something was wrong.” from pMsible enetny aaaauU- tion. The impact shot cars into the ftfl toot ktKilit with lovily d*(i|(i tnm optn ind Premo called the hotel’s, resident crash oO-two trains Uklng com­ air and brought down part of an sriowatorm that laohed th* East with water. A radio waa.Jteteg. Fluoridation Educational Associa­ PoUc* quoted Mra J e H t£ | ^ * r, tion. Inc. u L i" lollop'*'* « rhodium finish, {uk l.M* physician. Dr. Allen D. Tanney, (Contteued on Page Ten)/ muters and -Christmas shopper* to overhead viaduct which carried an­ Ooaat from ConaecUeut to Hottkod korritto, fold-plaii or rhodium. Eatk .41 who pronptqtepA .{M la cv .dead. Cape Canaveral, FISh Dec. $ ^firing schedules. Fitting them In their horngitn thick fog last night. other electric rail line. giniB, causing 10 daatbs and snarl­ a neighbor, aa aayteg rim saw Jef­ Last rites wejfidnAdnv.«tbe.Rev. (jP>—A new attempt to launch has become a Herculeair task for Salva^ibrews, moving through ing ■ transportation. frow Green alive as Ut* aa B--M flMk UMfo for Girl Scouts (in litht irien a.tfaiy toet satellite waa ordered * Hanging over Edge i . plisticl tnd Browtiios (in bii|i). bek J.M Richard . Mah6n ^ y jM St. this overworked, overcrowded a nii^trftarc scene of fog and Six live* were lost In New Jer­ laat night He wae am]Soyed by a pAklMThS new try win get un- center. V An 8-coach electric train above Norwalk, tire dmepany. Bpataa ,^m an Ca^iglc'^CfiiW^ twisted. meUl, brought out 84 waa left With the front wheels of sey, two In New York and two te DOUBLE HrfC D*rip A NT *e«it ad Irtwiiit witck by Timex. lensviiy: |pv"dkyilgM hoiinir to- At Cambc^lg), Mass., .the Smith­ Baptist P^tor bodies. "They said from 20 to 30 Maryland. wae amployed by a New Canaan, j ” Browni»:ehrom» com, red strop.i.TS* hiorrqw, 'Ij^V’sa termally an- sonian Altrophysical Laboratory its engine hanging over the edge. house cleaning firm. Ynne other bodies still w$re trapped in Salvage teams early this morning Deapit* the eonahlne, the tem­ GREEN STAMPS ^ >nd FLOOR po, gj,| seouli: |0ld-tonid cast no’qnoed here pt tf:5$ pjn. announced ttiat the 6.4 Inch, 3(4 tbs mangled cdkcMes. perature m many places continued The Green family lived te a first with black suidt strap. 10.IS* ItR' body To H e a ^ U.S. Anally removed the train qbove. ■ A k en ’by, the' Defenso’-ltepartnient Informa­ potind test sphere, once it has en­ Police said more than 200.0theVs below the freesteg marlt keeping floor rear fla t All the rest of the THURSDAY. DEC. 5! tion Chief C. .H.-S0heoley, said The two wrecked trains were ‘ Frict includts Federal tax. " . New 'york.... Fjuriefh].. Service Co. ter^ an orbit, will be known offi­ were injured, including. 110 seri­ carrying about 2,000 ; commuters highways slippery snd bdurdous. 2-story frame building wae occu­ the launching iittem t w-oaM be cially a* "1M7 Gamma," for the Huge force* of road 'workers pied by white pereons. t V h lch will send .H to the Dillon ously hurt. Determination of the and Chriatmas shoppers bound for gf^Funeral Home In Hartford. Hart- made tome time d m t 7 a-m. third letter.of )he Greek alphabet. Churcl^s Body -final toil of dead and Injured ma> turned out for the giant , tsak of Vaselakoe, who lives In'Stamfotd, the suburban town of Hayes and clearing travel me*. , - ford arrangements; were being The name'wpiUd signify that this take several days. the English Channel towns of la an axtenrive property owner who Christmas Gift ' Cape Canaveral, Flkr. JDec- was the third hiM-made moon of owns many rental units similar to i;’ made by Spellacy’s aister-in-law, 6 By GEO^E W. CXIRNEIX ' Arms and legs of *{111 bodies Folkestone and Deal, 50 milea to There were record snowfalls In Toiletries trial Haisw r-—A ipiO- shattered roofs of the coaches. The sUngteg hard winds piled up hug* (CMiteriad an Pag* Tan) , LOWER STORE LEVEL ’ . ) Premo said .SpeUacy had been Trains were not operating ot JEWELRY , V faking medication for a heart CQn- the Qaipma baby moon last nlght going, the U.S. orblter presumably westem/Baptist pastor who likes to rescue crews said there was no drifts in spots. As th* storm only 50 minute short of the target ^ p ld take the name of Delta, or lOuntains, the Rev. Dr. Ed- hop* that any etlll 'remaining in schedule because of the UilckeM moved on into the Atlantli, th* Large as.sortment in tailored •. .'dition. but that he appeared well fog in recent year* which enviT I Hobnail Bubble .during the New York sessions up hour. No. 4, . . Dahlberg of St.-Louis, to-' the- wreckage were alive. wind esaed. or stone set style.*. Al.so simu­ The combination of a seriese*. of In mlaring ite date to become a "This is going to be a long job; oped Britain and parts ot the The snow measured up to -two Bath ...... - vto Wednesday eyening. elected president of the Continent.for two days. „The disar­ lated pearls and rhinestone minor difficulties — parUcuIarl;rlj\a moon, QatepM provided this part Council of Chufehes. We haven't even started,” said feet in Maryland. In northern Told Wife in Hospital ranged timeUble and* Iqck of visi Mate* temperature* fell to 10 ‘b’H Bulletins jewelry. ' ’’ * He ate a light supper of a half leaky disconnect ' valve on of Florida wlOi unusual drama and He. is the first Baptist ever to member of one salvage gang. ' launching rocket’s liquid oxygen Tarpaulin screens were erected billty were blamed by some for the low zero although the state itablf Blue Fern Spray SLEEP FASHIONS... , ’’dozen oysters, lamb's tongue and excitement head the big cooperative Christian wreck; but railway officials de­ from Hie ^ Wiroi 7 tank — and a bad break on the \ Itihad been ;ndtc||ted at flrst organization, which Includes 30 along roadways overlooking the escaped the enowstorm. Winds .00 • ‘cocoa, Premo recalled, then read clined to speculate'before a full In­ reached 45 mile*, per hour. Cologne ______$1.00 ' the New Yorker Magazine for a weather — overly, strong winds that at 9 a.m. Tuesday the launch- Protestant and Orthodox denom­ scene In Southeast London to hide To forced the postponement. the wreckage from passing motor­ quiry. Accidents wer* numerous and, J While. Midway in the evening Spel Ing crews would stsrt a t H-ho'ur inations with about 374 million It waa the worst train wreck In Ca n e L t o TONTINUE In Washington, John P, Hagen, countdown or check-off period^iur- ists and the curious. transportation difficulties great ,-la c y waa Informed that his wife members across the nation. Britain since 112 person's died Oct. for home-bound office worker* Hartford, Dec. S (J>—U.8. Sen­ Mrs. EnizabeUi Gill SpeUacy, 48, director of the U.S. pnflect Van­ Ing which every detail of the com­ 'Ten other top officers also were . Horrible as th* wreck was. It guard program to launch -a series just missed being even worse, for 8, 1953, in a 3-train pileup at tHe late yesterday in many placee, ator William A. Pnrtell today had been taken to Hartford Has plicated rocket vehicle wotild be elected at the council’s triennial received ,- asauranee from the of research satellites during the a third train ^almost was involved. suburban London station of Har­ particularly the heavily populated I Little Lady Bath pitai from a symphony concert at made ready for functioning. At gWeral assembly, itn chief policy­ row. "Two troop trains collided in Atomic Energy Oommteiloa that International Geophysical Year, the end of the count(h>wn, pre­ An 11-coach steam train drove New York and Philadelphia drees. the Buahnell, suffering chest pains making conclave. They will serve Scotland in’ May 1916, killing 227 Early today, the New York City U* program at the CANEL (Con- P o w d e r...... / SpeUacy appeared shocked st aaid it waa his guess that ^$he sumably around 8 a.m/yesterday, until the next assembly three years persona. Last night's waa the third launching process' would be re­ Sanitation Department, canceling aectioat aircraft anelear energy tha flrat of tlfe thre- rocket stages hence. ' biggest train wreck In Britain dur­ the day off eontt workers ordi- laboratory) faculty at Middlo- (ContlnuGd oa Paga Five) sumed later today so it might be would be touched off and the de­ Dr. Dahlbefg succeeds the Rev. k. ritft'd ing this century. nsrily .would reraiye, thesw an towa wlU be eeatteoed and tent I Party Time Bubble mmd •Yv ■ ■------i- completed tonight or in the early vice would start climb to 306- Dr. Ehigene Carson Blake of Phila­ The f6g hindered removal " the Walli t Vr News Tidbits 01 8,700-man cleanup brigade oqto the the ageacy'* plans call for a pro- ‘ hotira of Friday. mlle high orbitql AKUude. delphia, administrative head of the injured to hoapitals £s ambulances, B a t h ...... 60c CawM. Siiai 32 la 40. ^ But J. Paul Walsh, deputy di-' streets. 'Through the night enow- gram at. eeeentiaUy the same An There were dulays, -jid the pro­ Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Culled from,AP Wires ' police cars, and fire engines crept plows had battled to keep main ar­ level aa test of the paat fiscal rector, told a midnight news con­ posed 11-hour Countdown actually Dr. Dahiberg is a. leader in.the to and frbm the scene. Many of year. ’ _’ Israeli €onvoy ference at Patrick Air Force Base teries. open. Little Lady Manicure started at 5 a.‘m. Wednesday, with American Baptist’ (northern) Con the Injured staggered blindly 7.8 Inches te New York Officers ClubHhat there would be Teacher killed, eeven students away through the murk to find Set ...... $2.50 no renewal of the launching at­ The - city received 7.3 Inchee of MT. -SCOPUS PACT DVB With Gas Goes (OoMtinued on Page Thirteen) (Continued on Page Two) Injured as rocket made from piece help at nearby residences. snow during a continuoua 25-hour Unl.ted Natlans, N .Y ,, Dec 5 V P t tempt today. . of. pipe blows up at Floydada, Tex., Mr*. J. P. Priddis, who lives Walsh aaid the launching crew fall, topping tha 6.5 mark for the — The Ualtod Natloaa anaoniieed I Jergen's Lotion with school . , . Truck driver called in near the junction, said: "First date set in 1911. The storm ’elided today that Secretary Oeneral To Mt. Scopus could get the 72-foot rocket ready Xeamater probe after surviving there was a tremendous- crash. immediately If It had to, but it at 10:30 o’clock last night. Vejy Dag Hammarskjeld has derided Dispenser .... $1.00 Diplomatic Break Looms eanbush attempt. Then we saw p blinding flash from seldom Is such s storm recorded to aaelgn a pereoaal lepreaenta- would be up to the Defense De­ Eisenhower "feeling fine," plans the line. Then screaming began. Jerusalem, Dec. 5 —The first partment to act the date fOr a'vibw sb early in the season. tlve to help work at a perman­ braeli convoy to Mt. Scopus-in long weekend of rest at Oettya- "Everybody around here went to Winds ranged up to 45 milea' an ent arrangement between Israri Yafdley Soap .. .'$1.50 attempt. burg . . . Women employes of help. The tog ■ was so thick we two week* crossed Jordanian ter­ He added that auperviaori of the hour at the height uf the storm, and Jordan for the eontraver- ritory today carrying 14 barrels of, Indonesia Plaiis to Oust Teamster units in Detroit said they couldn’t, see anything." but had diminished considerably by slal Mt. SqOpiM area..- . missile teat range, 5,000 mitea into never gave anyone permission to Dr. Frank Ellis was one of the I Old Spice After gasoline and other supplies. the South' Atlantic from the teat today. Abandoned cars dotted tlM Jordan stopped convoys to thj tap phone conversations, -i. • SHIP SINKS, 88 Ra v e d center here, had been asked to Rear Adm. Rlckoysr inys nu- Shaving Lotion $1.00 demUitartzed Israeli enclave las' give the satellite project the best tConlteued on Page Eight) (Continued on Page Two) Trapani. SlcUy, Dee. t . t m — month with a claim that guoline 46,OO0 Dutch Citizens rlebr aubo can go from Atlantic to The * tempest-battered ItoUaii time available for another qffort. pacific under! polar, ioecaps . . JERRY GILDEN'S ♦ constituted mUltary cargo. The Is­ C. H. Schobley, Defense Depart­ veaeel CItta Di Trapani jbrnke In I Old Spice Men'j raelis’ said it was necessary fuel. artln Co., Vanguaril manufactur- two OB a reef ontaUe tela SicIL VSPECfAL EDITION" ment information chief, told the Jakarta, Indonesta, Dec. 5 (fl*) cles* It acts to turn ei/, engineers bredlet U.S, wtU out- . The supply ilm started again to- midnight conference th.ere would Justice Minister Gustaff Maneg- (an. port today. Forty-two pno- Sets .. $1.00 to $3.00 Dress of the Momlh Guinea ever to Indonesia. Ip Soviet inj rocket*. sengera and 46 crew membeia Advertised in November day under an agreement' worked be a quick decision, and a new eom aaid today the government Subandrio also implied tha't' out by U.N. Secretary-DagjHim- launching-schedple probably would New Orleans firefighters roatrol Death ? were saved, but the captaU and Harper's Batstar >■ la taking over all the, big Dutch 'Jtgkarta would nationalize the vast ‘E*»oUne Maze; one worker dead'... raarskjold. be announced today. bMsinesaea occupied by their em- Second officer were wnrimd o'ver- Revlon Lipsticks . $1.35 iDutCh holdings in Indonesia unless Duke of Windsor attends first eif- noard add drowsed. Fonr other U.Ni obsertrera .In the presence , Cape Canaveral is tim in g with l^oyes. Dutchmen own and oper­ the demand to;' New Guineia Is met. o f Jordanian officer* checked the flciat function sine* his abdication’ crew members .are misateg and test nilssiles — ■ Army JupIterS, ate tlM country's biggest and Justice Minister Gustaaf Adolf in 1936. - (Edltor’s Note-^or 11 eventfnllia an accepted teaching. For them . food, gasoline and other su'ppiles In Air-Force Thor* and Snarks, Ss- feared lost ^ . Chanel No. 5 Cologne most strategle business firms.' ’Manegkom said hia miniiitry's Im­ ■ Birmingtiam, Ala., court con years, Ralph E. Flanders of Ver- there is not on* Ilf* after one ’ tha trucks before they set oiit The sorted -Navy weapons — awaiting 'mont has serv ^ In the U.S. Sen­ death,, but succeasiv* returns .'to $3.00 and $5.00 A. fall laaftk migration Department had held a vlcta third Kta-Klux Ktansmen of REDS l a u n c h ' A-SHIP j convoy carried 45 policemen plus Jakarta, - Indonesia, Dec. 5 (J*)— meeting with the Dutch diplomatic ate. -Here, in the last- article of a earthly existence In forme which lOraaay Oawa. titat a-number of civiUan caretakers. : mayhem and give* him 20 year aeries, the '76-year-old lawmaker London,. Dec 5 (/to— Rnaeto 12 la a . Indonesia applied 'etrbng new mission here, on repatriation of sentence li) muUIatton of N egro... more or less dsflnitely perpetuate scored another first ‘ today, I Lanvin M y Sin M ' A t a Jordanian demand, p num­ Yule Trade Volume pressure today .against the Dutch Dutchmen, ’ , canilidly—and movingly—given Ids something of-th e individual and ber o f meat and biscuit tin* were Three Injured 'qs cigarette cause* own answer' to the qiiention, ' l i lanachlag the 'Drat atomlo-pow-i government and lU cittzeh* living Dutchmen whosi - services I arc gas main explosion in New York. provide for', him ' a rebirth on a ered surface ship. The 16,600- Cologne ...... opened for inspection purposes. in thq island republic in a continu- not heeded'by the government are There Life After Death ?) higher or lower level, depending Red roses rich!j| patterned on a black printed silk— Holies kitbags were also inspected. May Equal, Top ’56 Two. Southbury Training School ton Icebreaker Imtln tUd down 'by Stafford Printers. Also in tones of blue, green ,lng effort, to wrest West New being asked to leave soon, Maneg- employes fined $75 each for beat­ on the life that he ha* lived .,te the H-ay* in Leniagrad, Mositow youthfutty D eH pior : In the Usual pattern for convoy* Guinea from the Netherlands. , kom said.'He added that the gov­ By .SEN. RALPH E. FLANDERS hia previous incarnation. oVer th* last eight years, a tommy- Washington, Dec. 5 OP) — Com-) ing patienU at the echool.., Nq>al Was^)lngton, Dec. 5. (J*) -r The radio anaouaced. Shipyard roses. Sizes B to lg —$ n .$ 5 '" ’^ , The Justice Minister said the ernment wants Dutch skilled la­ government permits two American It is a little difficult for those of u'oricets had. origtnally hoped to ' gim-armed- Jorilanian ^de^ with merce Department field reptesen- ^question asked in the title of this us brought up in a ' western HALE'S FASHION DEPARTMENT " overnment intends to send home borers to remain but would hot expedltlona to seek Abotninable lauBch It at the time of ecle- ' each armored bus in ’ the proces­ Utives reported today that‘Christ­ f8,000 Dutch citizen* whose serv­ stand in their way if thty want to brief contribution—Is There Life civlllzatfon to understand the basi* Woodhue Cologne v p m o o o . . . Take cMvator to Hecoad flaory sion. One U.N; obsenwr sat next mas trade over much of the nation Snowman. / After Death?—la one which can hration* Nov. 7 of tee Bolshevik ices are not needed. leave kISo. Searchers find body of mnn, of the faith of millions Of our fel­ ihvoteKoq’s 40Ui annlversaty. ; to each Israeli fnickTlrlv’erj Lead­ will equal or surpass last 'year’s be approached In a number of lows on hia doctrine of reincarna­ $1.25 and $2.00 volume.' ' ; The Foreign Mlqistry asked the A request to close seven consular woman off Mullet Key, Fla., over­ ing the way were several UiN. office* was handed to Dutch ways. Let us look in turn at some tion. It is stated by those who. like However, at least one of the Netherlands to close ail -it# Con­ turned boat n earby... Dr. Bark- of these approaches. GAILLARD i n PERIV e. laky Dali wMi Kvfflad fantiai. Sawll, Madiyni, Aarp- TREE PARKING REAR. OF STORE jeeps and an Arab Legion jeep. sular offices in , Indonesia except Charge d'Affaires Hendrik Hassel- Buddha, are reported to have at­ Paris, Dec. 5 (to—Premier A Jordanian Ariny officer said 15 department’s field office man­ lay .(icheaon, founder of Reader's We ms.v think of life after death tained to divine wisdom. It is Military Brush end the One In Jakarta. man. 1116 seven are at Bandung, Digest dies at ilriarcitff Manor, fell* Galllard today won a-fifth , "THE.!. TRAVELLER," a< basket weave jacket 'sweater - persons, -Including four women, agers, David Jamieson, of Phila­ Semarang on j Qurabaya, all on as being the object of a wish. For stated and accepted. The strength Com b Set .... $2.25 |f| delphia, said price inereasee ac­ The cabinet decreed that Dutch N- V„ at 70. millions it exists as a wish that 1* coafideare vote from ParUa- Oamuraly collorad citid Iraatad to-ndflai, ribbons and loco... with crest trim on top patch pocket. Washable and wear- w ere tnalde an.'^uanored car. The.y enterprises taken over by Indone­ Java; Medan and Palembang, Su­ of-the beH*.f probably Uea In part mrnt on hia demand for a spe­ were going os “ visitora for the count for most of the 3 to A per Cuban army IdlU one rebel, deep-seated. -There is a feeling in the revered authority of the nothing could bt swtalar or inuggtr tor worm wintor dotping able orldh in white, red, navy and graV; Designed exclu­ sian workers in the past few day* matra; Bandjermasln, Borneo, and wouadq. eeveiwl others of Castro's cial ecbnomlR powers bUI but day.'* uba officer *aid. cent dollar bopat fofepost in m Makassar, in the Otebes. that ah unjust universe is too ter­ saints snd sages but perhaps like­ there was danger hia Sorialist ^area. will now be eupervised by a gov- band trying to fire cane field. . . . rible to contemplate and that jus­ ihon ihtto dreamy booutioi "Toilorod by K afi" in baby soft flon- sively in sizes 38 to 46.— $8.98 . . Hammatskjold flew on to.Dav .Munent "council of management." There was no .immediate reac­ wise in the fact that for those who mlaieters might bring down tha '' Work on Deanuirk'e atomic reac­ tice obviously 'if hot. .attained for 1 . - O. ' I -I ■ ‘ maiecus for a 24-hour visit. He The field managers gav* their tion from the Dutch diplomatic hold it the whole body of doctrine Chbteet by raalnlBg later la the nfloif*. Tbo onchenting ingrning glory print comas in o choico et -Til* government announcement did tor delayed by leaks In appaCstus, most people in the life we now w ill talk with SjMen official* sasq$siB*nU of Chriatmas buying not specify whether government miaaion to th* order. answers *0 many of the questions day.' First naotfirial figures gav* J.W.HALE CORK about ByHan-IsraeU■ - ill border ten- a* Dwy met her* for their annual Danith ABC lays. ^ live. The intensity of the wish, the pink or Wuo blossems on whilo. $2.98*$3.98^ ' te*i»eli'42 *****^^***” ” * ''**"'*" * **'’®*’ c^V^'B**** eupervision would-also apply to as Symbol of Nattenal Potency which burn in the mind of every the oonat as 888-186 oa the *eo- OOBPbRATION slen before passing thrqugh Beirut brisfliiE on-department operations. U .a gtvea India $$ ndUlon in clinging to faith in a just creation living, experiencing and thinking M a n c h b stsr y*t'UBsei$ed Dutch businesses. Th* cabinet decree came after aid to fight jiDalarta which kiUsd ead readlBg af teb eooaeiato .UNOEBIE DEPARTMENT—MAIN FLOOR SPORTSWEAR—SECOND FLOOR Friday pn hi# way beck to UJJ. Ibclr appraisals eoversd M statW and, hopefully, in a just creator, man. ■ '* power* bill ftret approved by k a n c h e s t e r . c o n n . In Paris, Indonsslsn Foreign Min­ th* government bedered unions 200,000 Indiana last year. . . . So-^ translate* the*wish into a faith. CORNER MAIN and OAK STREET$ j kwdquartsra In Naw T«rk. - i.TJl* Conunsres Depsrtmsni^^ ^ ister Subandrio aaid hie govern­ that took over z.vemi big Dutch More spe^oally, the neauHMica A sasasbly Nov. 18,. th a r Mute uite Oali St*. Viet publication irniMga VJL AeeepCed Tenckteg of life after death may ba a nttt ment would break diplomatic re- iseMnaieMyaea pteMs af vietetteg, JOrnsm sM -m M se te a s): (OasOuNd *■ fb fs. For million* who profebs Hindu PonladtotB teUons wlttl Uw Netberiaads un­ •*•«* tg Coriununist eountrlea. and BuddUt beliefs life aJter.death i V I- f r . •1 ,(•■->