W r ) ■? ■ h'j / -t. 1. ^ * % f-riLr I* ‘ % ' J • • ■ ■ ■ , -■?** f -- \ TUESDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1967 i PAGE TWENTT Average Dally Net Press Run fKattrltPBtrr lEuptting Heralli For the Week EodH The Weather November 80, 1957 roneost of m S. Wsotkar Baiaae ^ All Girt Scout leader* and in- BUecUon of officers will take tereated adult* In the Northeaat ?lace at the meeting tonight'at Savings Bank Director Trep Town Fair Engaged CAP Celebration Claoring, wludy, e*ld«r toaigM. About Town Neighborhood are Invited to a :SO of Mystic Review. No. 2. 12,682 ■ ■■ Special, Today Low 18-S4. Thuroday MobUy meeting at tha Manchdater Green WBA, in Odd Fellows Hail. A pot- At South Cliurcli Slated Wednesday Member ef the Audit fair, some cloadfuaaa, uot ao ebld. School Wedneaday e.vening at 8 luck at 6:30 will precede the busi­ Bureau el Circulattoa I, MIm B«rb«ra L. Hewitt, prea- High ia mid to upper SO*. Ident of Phi Mu Stpna »t Hillyer o'clock. A wide game will be ness aeasiop. Mr*. Pauline Berrett Only played. If a troop la working on an and her committee will be in j Tomorrow is the day of Chriat- Manchester Squadron will note Blmtchester— A City of Village Charm Collefc, will welcome perticipants the 16th Anniversary of the Civil In the medical aecretarial aoror- intereating craft or Chriatma* gift, charge. Articlea should also be, mas Tree Town at South Method­ the leader ia aaked to bring a aam- brought for the gift table. I ist Church. Air Pajrol (CAP) vilh open house Ity’a worJcahop tonight at the col­ Wednesday. VOL. LXXVII, NO. 55 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER A, 1957 lege. Among the hoateaaea will be ple along ao that troopa may ex­ The annual WSCS fair will be (Ctaaalfied AdverUOag m Piig* M l PRICE FIVE CENTR change ideas. Mayor Harold . Turkinglon and the following local glrla: Mlaa , St. Christopher's Mothers Circle open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. A ranking officers of CAP will be Cvnthia M. Dunlap. l.H S. Main will meet Friday at the home of cafeteria-style luncheon will be I Delta Chapter. No. 51. Royal Arch ; guests of honor at the Aiiieriran St, Mlaa Hewitt, 198 Cheatnuf Mrs. Eleanor Ptsch. 74 Helaine Rd. served by the members of the Legion Home. The- affair will be Ode to a Sputnik 8t„ Mlaa Conatance E. Lam- ! Masona. will confer the Moat Ex-; Co-hostcBses will be Mrs. Diane Story Circle in. Cooper hail from oureaux, 34 Victoria Rd.. and Miaa ; cellent Master degree at ita regular,' Bcrthlaume and Mra. Margaret 11:30 to .1:30: from 8 to 9:30 p.hi. Ike Plans to Avoid Sandra G. Stevenaon, 29 Oakwood 1 meeting, tomorrow evening at 7:30 | Falco. Christmas party plana will Tea will be aerved by the Will­ Friends and relatives are Inviled London. Dec. 4 (ff9—Moscow I in the Masonic Temple. Excellent ] by the squadron to attend. OLDS Radio waxed poetic today over Rd. be discussed at this meeting. Mem­ ing Workers Circle in the Ladiea' 1751 King Nils S. SHehnlng will preside' bers are asked to bring at least Parlor from 2 to 5. President Eisenhower today ex­ the Soviet Union’* two earth The Senior Citiiena Cl\ib will ! over the degree work. The usual ^ one item for the Chinese auction. Till* year's fair will have fi new tended hi* congratulations to the ■atellite*. hold Ita weekly meeting at 2 social hour and fcfres'hments will I more than 75,000 members of CAP HARDTOP HOLIDAY Over-All Increase The radio's North Ameri­ featured handwriting anal.vsis. o'clock tomt^Tow afternoon in the ! follow the meeting. | in Uy country. can Service broadcast an "Od# I ---------- I Zion Lutheran Ladiea Aid So­ Other booths will feature a wide dining room of the Community Y. ciety will meet tomorrow at 7:30 | selection of handcrafted merchan­ "The daily missions of the Civil to a Sputnik" it said was sent A light luncheon will be aened by I A meeting of the officers of the J p.m. In the church. On Friday, be- i dise to decorate the home, grace Air Patrbl add strength to the na­ In by a New Yorker. It did not the women of the North Methodiat Italian American Society will be ginning at 8 p.m.. they will hold j the holiday table, and to he UTa.p- tional community, and the Immedi­ In 1958 Spending give hia name. Church. jheld tomorrow night at 7:30 (ft the their annual Christmas sale. ped as gifts under the tree. ate availability of it* trained vol­ A Russian translation ap­ unteers provide* a vital soii9ce of peared in the government clubhouse. *' ” — - ' Tile committees which have been Member* of the Ladiea of the World War I Veterans Assn, will power in emergencies. paper Izveatia, the broadcast tv’orking for several months on the “It ia good to learn of the con­ Washington, Dec. 4 (TP)—»aaiton*taii (R-m*»*.) *aid m *ep- added. Aasumptlon will meet tonight at The military whiat scheduled to meet In the American Legion fair are ■ headed by Mra. Louis arate interviews they Jielieve the Launching Hour in Florida 8:30 at the W. P. Quiah Funeral' be held last ‘night by the Ladles Home tomorrow at 8 p.m. for their tinuing progress of this splendid President Eisenhower report­ These were some of the Home to pay reapert* to Mra. CTiampeaii, general chairman, nie organization in promoting techni­ administration will be able to avoid verses: Auxiliary to Anderson-Shea Post, monthly b\isineaa session. Att.v, John 6. LaBelle decorationa in the chapel and the Janet E. Garrity FULL PRICE edly indicated to Republican deficit apending. Nor* Keeney, a member.,- No, 2046. VFW. was canceled due Ladies' Parlor are the work of cal and aclentlflc career* for cur congressional leaders today Little Sputnik, flying high young citizens," the presldcfit A reporter aaked Dlrksen ■ how in the. Earth's surrounding .vj..-‘T??TTSS ■ to a faulty heating syatem. It will The Keeney School PTA will AUy. John D. LaBelle has been Mrs. Charlotte Cloutier and Mrs. that the administration hopes much of a spending increase the be held at a later date. meet this evening at 8 o'clock at Mr, and Mrs. Raymond J. Gar- said. sky. can you tell me from up appointed a member of the board Christian Henriksen and their to avoid any over-all increase edministration will aeek. He re­ there If the Earth still look* the school. committee. Mrs Jc.s.se Dunstan is rit.v. West Hartford, announce the plied 'There wa.sn't any assirr- ! The December meeting of '^he of director* of the Savings Bank FITZGERALD in spending in the next fi.scal as fair? NEW/ general booth chairman, and the engagement of their daughter. anee" that any Increase will be promise me, my little sphere, Blastoff Now Slated I naat matron.s of Temple Chapter. j of Manchester. The annoiuncement The Brilleh-American Club will treasurer will he .Mrs. Tboma.s Janet E , to C. William Lee, 38 year despite plan.s for greater sought. never, never to interfere with No. .53, Order of tha Eastern Star. hold it* monthly husinee.. meeting wa* made today by the batik's di­ Cordner. defense outlay.s. May Offset Defeuse Boost ' has been postponed to Dec. 18. at Margaret Rd.. aon of Mrs. William ► STATIONERY \ EDSEL old Sant* slid his deer flying tonight at 8 o'clock at the club­ rectors, Mra. Herbert Robh planned the That word came out of a White Diiksen added the administra- through the atmosphere. j which time It will be held at the house. luncheon details, while Mrs. Carrie Lee and the late William Lee. ^ AIR5IAIL — NOTES \ Home conference at which the tlo)i intend* to.r«commend“ reduc,- home of Mrs. .k Henry Thornton. LaBelle, former Town Demo­ Say hello to Mother Witch For Around Sunset cratic Committee ehhirman, was Anderson is in charge of the tea Ml** Garrity is employed at ^ LEADING BR.A.NDS \ TALCOTTVIUE leaders were briefed on the domes-1 tions and eliminations of apecifle as she ride* by on her switch, ! 26 Wellington IM- Dr. Samuel E. Pond. }3 Alex­ born in West -Rutland. Vt. He room preparations. Mrs. William , Traveler* Insurance Co. and her tic legislative program which the | functions." apparently in the non- and to that proverbial cow Moore ia the men’handiae chair­ fiance la a student at Hill>"er Col- $ 6 5 - 0 0 ander St., rhsirmait. DiVisipn of graduated Colgate University, and 1 ^Arthur Drug Stores j Open Evenings Till 8 Preaident will submit to Congress, defense held, to offset greater de- jumping o'er the moon some­ Missile Test Center, Cape Canaveral, Fla^Dec. 4 (A*)— 1 Members of Mary Bushnell Che­ Natural Sciences and Mathematic* received his law degree from man. and Mrs Philip'Lees handled I loge. next month. j fense spending. j how. ney Auxiliary, UStW . will hold St Hillyer College, will be the the publicity for the fair. i A Rpring wedding is planned. There were eariy Afternoon indications today (he Navy’a Alllhcpoweraifd pcrlormancaol wrm George Washington University. iSlsenhqwer. still reported get-' I" hi* speech at Oklahoma City 1 test launching of a tiny satellite might come lafer than licartnf aidi rwtce itf site, of rriany sell their Christmas part.v* Monday at giieet speaker on Dec. 19 and 26 A former deputy Judge in Man- ting along fine in recuperation i N"''.
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