© Entomologica Fennica. 10 September 2019 Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) in burrows of rabbit and fox in central Bohemia (Czech Republic), with description of a new species of Minilimosina Roháèek Jindøich Roháèek Roháèek, J. 2019: Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) in burrows ofrabbit and foxin cen - tral Bohemia (Czech Republic), with description ofa new species of Minilimo- sina Roháèek. Entomol. Fennica 30: 97113. https://doi.org/10.33338/ ef.84085 The communities ofSphaeroceridae in burrows ofEuropean Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and Red Fox Vulpes vulpes in central Bohemia (the Czech Republic) are described including number, dominance and constancy ofspecies and com - pared by means ofa similarity index. A total of17 species were recorded from burrows ofrabbit and 9 fromthose offox. Spelobia talparum (Richards, 1927) and S. pseudonivalis (Dahl, 1909) are considered pholeobiont (= eucoenic) and Spelobia czizeki (Duda, 1918) pholeophilous to pholeobiont species in this habi- tat. Comparison ofthese two communities with those recorded fromother mam- mal subterraneous habitats in Europe revealed that most similar are those from the same locality irrespective ofthe host mammal species or the size ofthe bur- row. The species spectrum ofEuropean Sphaeroceridae recorded from mammal burrows is reviewed and discussed. Minilimosina (Minilimosina) speluncana sp. n. is described on males found in rabbit burrow and its relationship and habitat as- sociation are discussed. J. Roháèek, Silesian Museum, Nádraní okruh 31, CZ-746 01 Opava, Czech Re- public. E-mail:
[email protected] Received 3 April 2018, accepted 28 June 2018 1. Introduction undoubtedly inhabited by a rich dipterous com- munity, there are very few reliable data because While the communities offlies(Diptera), includ - most, particularly older, studies were mainly de- ing regularly representatives ofthe family voted to beetles (Coleoptera) and the dipterous Sphaeroceridae, have previously been rather of- component was partly or wholly neglected.