8 . THE SDN, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1914. Mathewson Rejects Federal Offers for Giants Unsigned World Tourists Also Accept Terms

NATIONAL TITLE MEET T. FOSTER SAYS MATTY HONORS FOR YOUNG SPOTTS. TEST RUBBER CORE I. T. V. CANDIDATES CALLED. WANTS LICENSE FOR IRISH SETTER MEN All Thlrteen-Year-Ol- ( Lata il Shooter Herts Flra of Last Season's Ball Clfc Will Nearly Alt Member 0lraato FOR UNIFORM HAS COMB TO TERMS Itlflcult Condition. WITH "GUTTY" BALL lie Ont. ALL AUTO DRIVERS Teas Connote. JUDGING Larcii jiont, March I. Thlrteen-year-o- Tha first call for candidates for the Madison Square Garden will be the Ralph K. Hpotts was tho star per- - varsity baseball team of N. Y. U. has aceno of the national Indoor track and field championship. Almost every Ameri- former with the shotgun nt the Larch- - been Issued for Last year's coach, j Matthew McPhllllps, will be on hand and can athlete who took part In the Swedish Big Difference Between EnglUjj ' monl Yacht Club imps With prac- Olympic games In 1912 haa ent In hla GUnK' aepnuirj Akn l,niinm MlC0tl, Four Noted English Pro Golfers will start the men with light Indoor Bill in Assembly Calls for Reg- of Keet ,,rlven hy a northeast tice. entry. The only living membera of the and Americans Committee hi- - P.ilil.i 'I'liul Turn-tut- u ' bentlng Into his face the sturdy youth, Prospects appear year, victorious toam who will be missing are V) K,umo I Illll. by ',, 23 Agree to Help brighter than last aided a handicap of sninshed bluo Settlo an when all but one of the "paper" candi- istration of Owners those who reside on tho Pacific coast. to I rocks out SC. winning Settle Problem. rtiit nt Wot of the match for dates were Ineligible when tha season be- Following la a list of some of the' beat ix uilt ui U10 visitors cup against nine others after Old Controversy. gan. of Can. men who will compete In tha different jn eliootoff A. I.. Hums, Flvo regular are In line for their with who had old positions. To build up a strong bat- events : tied tho score. 7 Championship and mem I tery la the most difficult problem. Tard Paturson Irish setter are agitated In the shoot for the monthly cup young Ltpplncott. University of Pannaylvanla; between English Hpotta, with a score of 22, tied W. IS. The regular! who have announced their Meyer, Irlah American A. CS O'Mara. Masaa-ehuaat- and Amer'! FRANCE FALLS INTO LINE TWO MEASURES CONFLICT s Judging on points where ' Kcrgusuti, each winning a leg for Intention of trying out for the team are Teacher, Harvard University, the standard that Capt. Lynch, Wolff, 1'fau, Triplet and and llowa of jloiloti. practically Identical, a was on, j! .trophy. In tho 125 bird handicap match 100 ChamploMhlip Hum Boaton Tard questions of Importance discussed ( the lad ulso tied Hums with 115 blue I'axtlsch. The schedule: A. A.i lleltand Xavlar A. A. i Mayer. Irlah at Hnl-rall- y annual meeting UeiUlinrk'S hill! v OW lla rocks smashed by each. Tho take home April 1, C. C. N. Y. at Ohio Flald) I. American A. C: Upplncott and Kallr. of the club which rrovl-denc- ! Three American Handicap Lists at touth Field; I, mown at One Puts Chanffenr's Age at 18 of I'annaylrsntas Lennon, held during tho Westminster show tJ! trophy went to A. W. Church with a full ilart.li-to- n Amerl- - ' It. Fordham at Fordhajn; It, A. c.i titration and Honberfr, Irish members could not understand witJ IjlUlrll Coillill at hXpCtlhC score of 25, It I Hpolts being tho run-- , at Ohio Field; 13 tvant at Ohio 7114: why ' Awaited With Interest 15. It. I I. Lehigh Years Minimum; the C?0O Bhap-par- the standard the same tho rulings thT, ncrup with 24 breaks from scratch. at Ohio l'letdl II, at Yard Championship Klvlat and be 01 Our (tllllilMC l'COplC. O. J. Corbett proved the winner of the Boutlt Halhleham. Irlah Amarlcan A C.i Meredith, different under one Judge borni. by All Concerned. May , upan; , Cathtdrat College at Ohio Other at 21 Years. of ; Ilalpln, Hoston A. England and one who had receive If for the accumulation cup, for which . Itutgart York A. hi. " Fltld; at Nw Hrunawlck: II. A.j Maker and We Oruehr, New C dog education in this country. , 'ten competed. It was at 50 targets and V.'islaran at Mlddletonn; It, Ilutgtra at 1.000 Yard Champlonahlp Klvlat, Irleh Kren nlnu of them returned scores 40 or over. Ohio 20. Mount Bt. Jotepha at Ohio American A. C.i Dakar New York A. C. ; effort will be made to bring about um of nld; open; Onto Ander- formlty Hecretnry Jonn u. roster or me uiants i Corbett broke 49 with his handicap of 4, Flfld; II. ii Beton Hall at Materia, Unlveralty of I'enniylranla; of method ln Judging, and In an effort to settle the much discussed Field; 10, open. The present situation of the State Legis- son, New York A. C, and liurxe and matter was referred pil from two sources ye- - ; the runncrup being A. I,. Uurns with 47. I, for solution to hd wartime tiewn question of which ball Is the better, the Juns Trinity at Ohio Flald. lature Is no exception to the rule In that Mahoney, Tloaton A. A. following committee appointed terday Bcrved to brighten a dull A. U Hums was Mich run for the day. Two Mil Hun Champlonahlp Kramer, by Pres. that a large number of automobile bills have C , Irlah dent Dr. O. G. s. ti-- his wore was 1S1 out of the possible 160, modern rubber core or the solid "rutty" MORE A SEASON. L.onc laland A. Kolehmalnan, Davis: J. w.n ' day. Prom abroad came positive assur- TAKES THAN been Introduced by Assemblymen or Sena- American A. C: MrCufdy, t7nlver;1ty of Harte and It. W. Creuzber. ' beating D. V. McMahon Just one bird. of tho past, four noted Urltlsh profes- A. A.i ance that alt tho unsigned members of tors whose objects In proposing this legis- Pennsylvania: lledluml. Boaton Another matter left to the same Hums and McMahon tied for the ten bird sionals have agreed to take part In a nlways Among Hmlth. Umnx Church House and Davannay, tit Jlobe trotting Giants and Whlto Box scratch prize and L. tipotta won the ten Bat JtlcUalts Hopes to Teaeh Penn lation are not clear. the American A, C mlttee waa the project to hold field trtZ It test match. It will be played on April bills recently introduced Is one by Asuem-blytnn- n Irish Wandail, bad accepted terms with their respective bird scratch trophy. Now Stroke Partly This Year. 70 Yard Hurdle Championship for Irish setters during the coming seatoa 2 over the Handy Lodge course, The Hopkins on the favorite subject N. Y A. C! Klier, I A. A. C.i Brady, The disposition to hold these teams as offered by authorized agents es- Columbia: Ferguson. University of Pennsyl- trials h. participants will bn John II. Taylor, , March 1. With the of licensing nil operatqrs of automobiles. Increased since Paul D. Mills of party. tablishment of Vivian Nlckslls. the famous Ashemhlyman Hopkins employed In vania, and Meanla Hoston A. A. Bm with the Harry Vardon, James Tlrald and George has Two Mile Walk Championship Olfford. Mawr, Pa., Joined the club. He takes a Kngllsh oarsman, na coach of th Univer- measure language of tho law as It Lyceum, Hemar, American From President Harry Hempstead at UNFINISHED GAME HAY Duncan. his the McCaddln Irish, great Interest In the breed and has a Pennsylvania crews It Is expected meas- A C , N. Y. A. C.i Voellmacka. news to yet sity of apptft s right now to chaulTeurs, His Kaler. kennel on the other aide as well as In afarlln, Tex., came the welcome Details of the match have not been tho Quakers will become more of a every person driving an Paatlma A. C.i Itent, Mohawk A. C.i Plant, tt'a worked out, but present plan Is that ure provides thnt Long A. C. country. The new member haa corns for" New Yorkers that Christy Mathewson the to factor In this sport they have been pass an examination as Island Championship Mar. SPOIL JERSEY'S SCORE hnvo a best ball match In the morning, than automobile shall Ilunntng High Jump. ward with a generous offer to fumlat. not a holdout and would be under for the last few years. Although It wltt to his fitness nnd shall be registered by wise, lloeion A A I Krlrkson. Mott " III all four professionals playing with gutta V facilities for the running of the trials to pitch Giants, probably take probably moro than a ?ason to ef- photogrnph In case of tho profes- A. C.i Moffat! N, A. C i Davy. Princeton anl contract for the percha ballr , and a match In the after- as the University! Jennings. Jlrnnx Church House. to benr a largo part of tho expense of twenty-fou- fectively ohanga to a new stroke, different operator. Cham-plonshl- p' within r hours. noon. In which two of the experts wilt sional Hlanding High .md llruad Jump. running them. Mr. Mills owns good etiall In many ways, nevertheless It Is thought Furthermore, every man who drive an - Plan snd Hen Adams. N. . A. grounds "Not that I ever doubted Matty's use rubber cored balls, while the other A. and in the South, which are rjltsd Other Chess Lenders Maintain that NIckalls will develop a crew which automobile Is to wear a badge affixed to .; (loVhrlnr. Mohawk CI Itcynolaa admirably, for the purpose. leyalty or good sense for a moment" two will play with the old style spheres. will bo above the average thin year. Tho conspicuous place HuMer. Hronx Church Hcuie. and The eon. So great Is the Interest In tl match, on his clothing ln a at all of Hoston . mlttee wall Instructed to obtain the aent;. added Foster. "He Is as level headed new ooach a stroke whtch gives a C a u.'( times while he la operating or driving a Pound Mint and Pound Velrht for tn m- -j Unbroken Front Test to account of the prominence of the profes- rwlng :4 McDonald ment of the members regard to chap as any In baseball. Also he knows much greater to tho boat than the vehicle on the public highway. Just as is Height Championships Me'lrath. arrangements running ia sionals engaged, that It threatens to one used by Kills Wnrd, the former conrh. I. A. A. C.i Lawler. Mortons Koos for Irish setters Is Cambridge professional Whloh aide his bread buttered on. Still Come on Saturday. completely theOxford -- the case with the chauffeur Elliott, N. Y A. C, rpecial nnd general field trials during tht la satisfaction In the news NIckalls loaches tho oarsman to keep hla right r.ow. Assemblyman Hopkins appar- and coming there a certain team match which Is to be played back rigid throughout, reaching out as season. from Mr, Hempstead that I know nil our Hye on the same day. The partici- ently does not think nny man who drives Treasurer James B. Blossom presetrtsl at far as possible hnd finishing well up on enr can possibly object to this OLD TIMES DINE. wall wishers will share." pants In tho odd match are looking for-wat- d a motor HARRIERS OF a report which showed a substantial In- touring- - STANDING OT CI, OTIS. nil cheat. In the party now bound home TirP! to It engerly, and two of them can- liaji badge. The fee for the license to drive crease tn the funds of the club over a year England Cltlhu. W, Clubs. W. L. NIckalls a wfl.ilrh of material from Is be ID, so measure Is not (rem on the Lusltanln are five I celled matches for which they had en- to this like Hill an Pale ago. The meeting showed Its apprecia- the Federals have said they would Prooklyn I 0 Newark Mm.... Hi 2". which to pick his crews. Only three men some others of the sort which were de- Men Who Marled by that .,,., C 0 rnlumbla, ...... 1 3 gagements. will bo missing from last year'H varsity tion of hla work arranging to runeM Ilka to secure. These are suoh Rood men fav-orl- signed to cut down the foo for tho profes- Gli me Here Hold Heunlon. ceulj Progressive,... I 0 Eastern District 1 4 Harry Vardon probably will be the crews. Cupt. Alexander ivere the constitution so that his services flam Crawford of Detroit, Trls Hpeaker Staten 1H 1 4 and Madeira the same time ns pro- aa inland.. l Wah. Hf.ihU.. with tho "gutty" ball, as his greatest graduated In wps sional chauffeur at Memories of the earliest days of cross- bo rewarded properly by making him aa of fha Hod Box, Mike Doolan of the North Jereey.. 3 0 Queen's 'iambit 4 June. Crane, who vision was made for licensing the owner. honornry member, Lyceum S 3 Hill. ... 0 golf was played In tha days before the the strongest In the 1oM Inst country running In America were revived life at the same tint PoBllr, and Lee Magre and Ivy VVIngo of t oar It Is provided that u chauffeur's license allowing him to continue as Two matches pendtnr between Columbia and modern bnll was Invented, and his period season, will not row this year owing to nt a reunion dinner of the New lork a member of (ha Cardinals. Efforts have been mado by Eastern Newark of Indifferent golf, which lasted fur nearly In force when this section takes effect Hounds held at Murray o on the executive committee by Increasing tin reaon wese jrwn oy came District and Hire and North the fact that his final examinations coma an operator's llcenne. Hare nnd - reds to and j,,T not ln(.lud, ln lhr ttb0T0 a decade, was generally attributed to his tho day before tho race at I'oughkeopsle. shall be deemed Saturday night. There were sixteen covers number of committee men from five to uumore siiia ween lie champion-woul- Assemblyman Hopkins apparently has prorrj-nen- President last tnat of ,ne leading teams In the d Inability to uccuttom himself to the ac- Garvin, who Wfji taken 111 two days before laid and It wns a tribute to the health of seven. Warren Delano, another t go as out to as organized I collengue, Assttn-blyma- n far sea Rnp ,.erM of tnP Metropolitan Chnu tions of the lively hall on the putting Intercollegiate re- not consulted with his fashioned paper chasers thnt no patron of the breed who recently has to them have a glsnco at his the race last June. ha Conklln, who recently Introduced thc old ball let only one. North Jersey, failed to greens. Tnylor and L'rnld alro were great fully probably .1 many of the small wiucn Joined the club, was elected treasurer to money. iacue. covered and will find a measure no person should be remained keep up Its winning streak lit the sixth golfers ln tho days of the "gutty," but place In this yoar's boat. Ho Is of the that , started the sport In this country as far succeed Mr. Blossom. A special meeting round, contested Saturday night at tho Duncan has won his famo with tho new tall, rangy which Is th kind of licensed ns a chnuffi.ur who Is less than back ns 1S7I. of the club will be called to ratify tut la a pretty well settled Taot..w.lthat t tr,e Manhattan, IJrooklyn, New- - 21 yearn of r.ge and that nobody should ' president of The following officers It rooms 0f resilient ball. I oarsman NIckallsti. prefers. The other De I,nncey Kane, the first action. van iortstop Oagnler of llrooklyn and drive a car If he Is not u. chauffeur and Is ; ,xrk Wcv ocean Hill and Lyceum chess Eniflnnd is not tho only country wheM J members of last yoar'n crew are alt ln the club, waB unable to be present, and elected "gutty" question In creating discus- Ies.4 than la years of age, unlejs he Is ac- from aa Pre4ldent, Dr. O. (1. Davis. PhltejJelphta; I the the Junior clais nnd will bo eligible to of regret were received League Is 1 years letters Harvey 8. Ladew, New "1 org: Will be found on tho Federal No'rth Rn(1 sion. A tournament haH been arranged companied by a chauffeur who : coast, where some j0fy th NcWark Itlce I row again this season. far away as the Paclflo secretary, H. W. Creuahaur, New Yorl, when much talked of but long Touijut-- t or older. The other measure permits nny I roster that hlu, tne hai.drst four, of the round, at Le ln rrnt.ee on July s In enpocts drifted. IM Molsom. trer-aure-r. , chlb The new coach to han of the members had Warren Delano, New Tsrz Is public. Why co years ago delayed list made all this eacl je cor1nB 314 p0nts, with one which all competitors will b required to trouble with hbi freshman crw han withli one upward of IS cf to drive who conceived the Idea of the paper chaa-- I executive committee, Jams H. Blossom. Ns part of the I eds to tell y, cur, - C. W Harts, on the untm9liel that was fairly iven. Htaten , play with gutta percha balls. It will the var-lt- for, as he says, "they have a Ing club 'receiving letters from rela- York; J. Banna. Montreal; il. pos- - I after 111. playing strength? Can It be , follow Kr-iic- open Asiieiuhlyman Conklln Is aim the author har-- New York: Walter Mcllofierts. Peoria. their Ielllna mttd, a clwlII Kn,.fp hn 0f th the championship, nothing to unlearn." The fre'hinan can tlvea In Kngland of the Institution of I Paut D. Mills. Philadelphia; Mrs H. X. they have not enough players t. would permit enacting lble that B,Kht lK)ards nt ,he xlK.nHe )f their ho.-- which Is to be played over the katne didates ure not nutte aa heavy a lot of of a bill wnlch the rlers' clubs, was present and he and the Tarbot, Atlantic, Mass , and J, H. Wall, Kee U malt elKht nlne7 ; ocean Hill Chess Club of Hrouklvn. I course on the two days Immediately pre- youngsters as ha would like to have, but of ordinances In cities of the first class other old timers told tales of the days York. ceding and will bo to players numl-e- r to regulate tho aim and weight of motor The next hlphest score waa made by the restrlettd thero are a of well built ladi when hill ntid dale work was Indulged In 9S,IOO Dogs. King of Denmark has a sense of ,ief.-:UP.- l championship. truckN and tho weight of loads to be wor- "ell Over Worth of If the ( nr(M)klyn Cn,.,K clubi .,C, ln the among the candidates. for fun and sport alone nnd without hope a good laugh duo when he , Ho ulso Introduced bill he has ,umblll university by H to 11, and ried thereon. a I or other prizes. The Blue Blood Kennel's manager fa. perpetrated (Jeorgo providing of mednU of th udvcrtlslnir hoax cld(.n,n1. ec01Hj lts slxtn successive vie-b- y Duncan was beaten by Alex that tho registration fee from Pioneers of the game In England had ported they had sold 12,100 worth of doss which, . HARVARD AND PENN IN LINE. fifty-fift- be- an allegtd New ork syndicate, , Herd In the rocent exhibition match automobltes should be spilt, been Invited and among these were J. J. nt tho show. They wero exhibitors of tnnounoed that It had purchased tho . .,., v, , v, i,..j played at Cannes and Nice, the two crln- - tween the State and the county, the money Archer, Spartan Harriers, London, who dachshunds, setters and German shephri Leagtie Club. Den-- 1 ,,,j clp&l to .Middle an tm Chicago Mvtlonnl MRrcl, 14 ,Jtu,kl,.n an, Manhattan will! itlvlera courses. The match was at Will Send Crews Row ln both cases to uaod for the mainte- Joined the Now York Hare and Hounds dogs. There was a great call for thf mark s sovereign was Imposed uiKin once, cUMy Rn(1 th(. Btr(.nftll ( 7L' holes and the brilliant Kngllsh profes- nance and repair of the Important roads A. Mllc Clifton Albion pollco dog puppies of tho German sheep- I fUn test of Severn This Year. In 18S2; Samuel It will be remembered, by a certain Dr. w,n w Been b,.twon th(S iejl,iP. ln the sional, who as here In 1911 and Is coming of the State. who ran with O. George, A. dog breed. flirting again year, Awmapolis, March 1. Harvnrd and the As- Harrters, Coolt. who said hn had been with othur tw mntche8 of thc xth rounJ thl. this was beaten by Herd, who Thero Is a measure Introduced by O. Whltelnw, Lea H.trr1tni, Iomlon. nnd won by 4 up 3 play. I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania are the big GUIett, the north pole. It Hnce has been !! MnnllattH Hnd twms both and to semblyman which provides for E. C. Carter, Moseley Harriers; W. R. lished to th satisfaction of all but a few ' At one point In the first round of the rowing colleges which will send crews to lights to be displayed on all .vehicles, a ()efl,.1,e(, thelr opponents. Kastern Dls- - row midshipmen on the Severn this Vosburg, handlcapper for the Jockey Club, that th oxplonr was not even In the match Duncan was f down, but mado a tho measure which has ben a long time pre- ,rlct unrt j,yonim, b. tn.aiM ot t0 great rally managed season and the Naval Academy also will who was ono of the early memlters, ixWIilK.rhood. Summary of the sixth round: and to reduce hla lacking from the State code. Oddly sided at the dinner with another well Chitrlt-- I Cincinnati, ,...... ,... - opponent's lead to a slt.gle hole. He could tend crews to tho American Henley at enough, provision as to lights Is Aa 1. aft of who n v...... r c Philadelphia. the not known raring man, W, L. Powers, on his AUTOMOBILE - ; keep up pace, is holt, owner 01 per ceni. 01 me m- .Htermvr? 1 J II. Tutt. Jr 0 not the however, and Hrd to be applied to nny vehicle when It Is present were: H. :' 1 A number of races for the minor crews left. The others It. caifo Club utiKik. can talk while tho north S 1, 11. Koehler . r. Kllmintid... 0 drew ahead once more, taking the match. upon any lighted street or hlghwr.y If the K. C. 1 Nnrthruu...! II. M. 0 have been arranged. Pennsylvania will Trcndwdl, S. A. French, F. HreltstIn, pola Is habltuiilly silent, thcro seemed Ive street lights are not more than 600 feet K.'.ly-nt- , -K V. rtiynnn i W. K. Rudolph Vt rend Its varsity and freshmen to An- C. Hostwick. Jnme K. W. Gavey. EXCHANGE to On leaa clmnci, of tM Arctic hoax being t-- 11 Koye The final touches are being put on the apart or "If the vehicle Is dealgned princi- A. Mr)r W A. S napolis on April 8 and will row F. H. NIcholls, T. Chambers King und Therefore Denmark's King u. 11. Jieyer 1 A. Hrteman. 0 three handicap lists that arc of Interest to Harvard pally for the transportation of hay or discovered. - An- H. M. White. OW.VEItS AMI SELI.SnS OF imiy well tmllo ut what the Americans O. Hoethln- 1 y, L. Gillette 0 metropolitan golfers, and all probably will Itk varsity and second crews against straw while loaded with such commodi- 0 K. 1 1 IG. was the first ttmo thc members TH1-CLP.- UK'allov.'ed. J. Ueblinr U. Kcwlnx published before the end of this month. napolis on April In Msy thero will be hay or This COUMEIIfUL a race for eights In which crews of the ties." The Idea about the straw hnd met for fifteen years, nnd It was de- Mr. he has not heard 6 It Is probable thut the metropolitan list Is probably It lie CAKACrS. TIIIRS. EQUIP. Tuft Insists that Total Total. Naval Academy fourth class, the Phila- not that would soft to cided to make tho reunion an annual fix- tlirvctly num-- will b out first, us James A. Tyng, chair- no lights or indltictly from tho New York Minhattun played white on the odd delphia Iiarge City run Into If were displayed, but afENTS. ALSO nr.PAirt COM. u inHivit. lit fiinrHi. It follnWH that he K.retl In, aril.. man of the handicap committee, has hla Club and Baltimore such a cargo Is too Inflammable to ture hereafter. c- Co'l trill conteat, nnd that PANIC WILL ALWAYS KIND an option t tho syndl- - - - ci Columbia UnlvtMltr. data all ready for tho printer and ex- fours of ths lighted has not offered JJ- ,lI,r,;"I.''." N, I.. Neinkrn (I Academy Philadelphia force the carrying of a lump or holdings. L'' pects to gut the list out a fortnight Naval and Harg SOMETHING O!" lNTERKSTT IN cato or ien bet a price for his iZi Jr.il 1). K Khrluh 0 earlier Club will meet. lamps underneath It, Itoeelea Saxatone I fxild. I'otsibly thu ofr.T will be mado D F. Adair... 1 J. M Itir.l o than it appeared u year ago. THIS COLU11N. r The bulldog puppy Roselea Saxstonn, A bit of stationery ami a two cent stamp 4 M. SchroeiI-- 1 N. W Kempt 0 Good piogrets Is being made on tht Official announcement cornea from , , ...... 1 r w. M. ile lnser...l second In tho puppy class und first In the AOUIU UIO .in.i national handicap list by John Held, Jr., NEW ROCHELLE DOGS STOLEN. Walter M. niellng, advertising manager l A par,fy H A j Mlln,W novice class nt Inst week's show, was pur- I secretary of the V. S. . A. Owing Ele-trl- c IU Uliu, i. ? t Hum ....1 J. J. llolitnirer 0 to the of the Premier Motor Manufacurlng Com- by of this city. r'uL it I'hssenger Chauffeur Driven MaM.i. 0 V. llo-rk-tr 1 fact thot no golfern with Jmhdlcai-- s greater A chased Thomas Grlsdale used HrourhAm, 1100. Paint. UpholsteW (), f Tklef Make Mprelalty of Airedale pany, that the firm of Partridge. Clark dog by M, 239-I4- The was exhibited J. WUtar and Pottery In ennd shape; demonstraiWjt; The great storm of yesterday paralysed than live strokei will lo rated this year Kerrigan, at 1 West Fifty-sixt- h Total. Total. 1'i anil IrUk of Philadelphia, who bred him. Saxstone IUKBK KLECTHICS. 17J T. tho telegraph service from nil points tho national llht promises to be smaller Terrier. street, will handlo Premier cars In this 3830 Columbus. pl'"Tj on odl1 numbtr,J than In two years Is by Champion Hewlett's King Orry from wast and south. o the baseball enthusiast tho of Its exlstenco. Nsw llocHKlxr, March 1. Owners of district. catalogued must go without tho winter fan fodder J,""1n,.. North Newark Rice. The positions which Jerome Travers. Fran- Airedale and Irlah are not letting Itesclea Ilhoda. He was at AUTOMOBILE AND MOTOR TRCCK Jrry terriers ir.OD. I. from Fairing tnilnlng camps tlila morning, i -J. n. staprir J, Kucemii cis Oulmet and Chick Hvans will occupy their dogs run loose these days, for N"W That manufacturers of trucks and ac- KTKCCTION. J- .1 0 Is Impomlblrt to lell of the hopes , t"anipbell Hrhleckser on the 111 Is being Itochello It liny A. Mnnler 1 list awaited with snd Pelham Manor have been cessories ure uniting in their efforts to 8TF.WART Dooklet explains WHf and fcare of the Federals, for they wero ""white". "'."if fi flnttrned o keen Interest. visited by a dog thief who makes a , glvo truck buyers wanted facts about 8C.MMONHF.S. amo.mohili: Our course ta I1SST either In Chicago at a meeting of the Cot!i!!!!.',!'l M. Schor 0 Mrs. F. K. Donohue of who specialty of valuable dogs of those Is brought nut by Inspect our plar.t sK. Montciolr. breeds. motor transportation sAl'AUKMI leagua or on trains en routo lor home. . T. llittteld o )lorter 1 rxntly was reelected chairman of the At least twenty ilngs have disappeared In I the publication of Vol. II.. Motor Trucks H. 4lh St. ami be convince w -9-.- Dr. N. t). Price....! BCPItEMB COURT. COUNTY OP NEW However. know that most of the YrNte J. numrlmiui Women's Metropolitan Oolf Association tho last two weeks and neither the police of America, by the II. F. Goodrich Com- York WILbON M. POWKLL aa sole sur. I.h.. I.. Vn.lln tV.. ieDl handicap committee, has begun work on nor the New Itochello llumann Society I pany, Akron, Ohio. This iwok contains a vlvlng Trustee under the lust will and testa- AUTOMOBILES FOB HIKE. Lj I Hushmore, d, tourists and that the New York Americans j Total ."n Total thc new list, which probably will Include haa been ablo to get any trace of the thief. buying guide which slmpllllcs the task of ment of Kdinund ieceae-- Atrroa FOR RENT HOUR, DAY. I plsytd on num Among ' Plaintiff, against USTHKIt 1IONNKH, Alvlne are either arrived ln Houston or rapidly North Jrey white the odd more tinmes than appeared In lillJ. the best of the dogs mlrslng are purchasing und ought to be of value to Grose Individually and ns Kierutrlx or the MONTH, 111 AM8TKIH1AX nearlng city from several points of 'yren Doania. Though Metropolitan tnoso of o, C. Holllster and Flynn every de- AV. 'PHlWE 1S0S RIVKRKinB. that C. C. an C. C. both the and U. ltobert truck buyer. last will nnd testament of Paul llross, compass. . 1W. Slaten llsr.d Hill IS. Henry tua y K j, rkln t A. V. Taylor 0 S. G. A. handicap llata nrv based on the of New H:helln nnd C. King nnd The aim of the book Is to supply pros- cease! Coester. John Jlaccn, Delfo 1 0 Reginald M. Campbell I'erruccl. Philip Panola, lsa.tc P.osenswelg, j 2 J. Klliaopor.. J. MeNeaiiy. OulkliiH system, which seems to glvo al- of Pelham Manor. pective buyers with needed data, about Alborgo HelllnKer, a PUBLIC NOTICES. 3 w T. Hyan J. B, Slm 0 DeCvsare. William Krai. Tranaatlantto cables did not suffer from i l most universal satisfaction, the Massa- motor transportation will enable Hantn-Marl- 1 A. 11. Il.irkrr. that Alberlco Sessn, Defendants. A measago was by , YOU K ESTI- tha billiard. received Jimonaon.. J. C. Wtttr chusetts Golf A"ntfatIon aftor a trial of ROWING MEN GET TOGETHER. them to select exictly tho right truck for Summons. CITY OF NEW HOARD OF President Frank Farrell of the New '' W syHtem service. The book also To the nbova named Defendanta: MATE AND APPORTIONMENT Pub 14 Jlf.' s L. .trnnlnra,, the Calklnn has abandoned It. their particular hereby notice Is hereby given a meeting ol Yorks and otllce of 7 Hev.' II.t"'Maniei'.','.!l N. U. Allen specifications You are summoned to answer the that at at the President Arthur G. Iuckwnnd, thu linndlcapper of We contalni Illustration' nnd of In and to serve a copy the Hoard of and Apportlontnsr.1 accenting! 1--0. 1 J. J, Curtln Three fsonl Rodtra tn I Merged complaint this action, Estimate Harry Hemprteal of the Giants llrounhion the asjoclntlon, announced recently that truck manufacturers whoso combined out- of your answer on the iilalntlTe attorney held February C. Kit, the following an fhvltatlon to tho Palace Theatre next I 0 tho Calkins method had proved a dis- Into Happy Family. put rcpres-nt- is about JO per cent, of the within twerty day after the sirvlce of this wns received: Toial t Total summon-- , eaclusUe ot the day of TO THE IION'OnAHLE THE HOARD C7 rrWay night for tho returning White Sox j,tat,n,V;iand''pra';el white on'Vh'e 'odd'num. appointment ln tho Iloston district NVw ' truck made In this country. service: I At the York Athletic Club and In case of your failure to appear nr ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT and Giants. Tho Catholic Protectory km-h- iwania. publication of such a guide for rowing men of the city will complete a The answer, Jmlament will be taken SKi-ln- you OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK band, which often has entertained nnd imi. ProgieaalTa C. C. C. C, On Wednesday and Thursday of this I truck buyers li bound to be of much value by default, for the relief demanded In the The Third Avenue Hallway Company M . Ura reorganisation by which the three asso- Ha eliowj an4 been entertained at the Polo Orounds. - S11'''.! iiuitiinsiuiit.v week open styled Kast-r- n to the buyer und will react favorably for complaint. this. petition, respectfully r V im tournament, tho ciations that have controlled the sport In alleges: be to Or."nl op-- good Prospec- Dited New York. December Uih. 1(11, will there enliven the occnslon. jjg; m.;,ZV;.' U lndtor championship, will be this district will merge the of the truck Industry. WILTON M. K1H3T, That your petitioner Is a street :. I Into one big asso- POWRI.U JU., And the playera themselve-- s will occupy ( (l" Trm nwunel.... Schneider 4 played at Cooper's Indoor golf school on tive truck buyers may write to the B. F. Attorney. eurfs.ee railroad corporation duly Inceryi' 11. 1 ciation. Two meetings have been held at Plaintiff's II the tage boxes In the evening clothes r W, O. Morrla 0 Start.. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio, who will Office and Tost. Office Address. No, 7 Wall rated under the lawa of the Htate of N the corner of Fulton Htrvet nnd Bedford plan was e V," which the threshed out, nnd on Street, of York, and owna and operatea a street they have made famous In many climes. o avenue, llrooklyn. fact nets i be glad to send a copy upon receipt of a norouth Manhattan, Niw atZ?T 'v, Tho that six January 26 the Idea received the indorse- Yorlc City. railroad upon and along certuli tret I II. Liubeiutelu 1 M. llwker ...0 are available will mak It possible to run request on business letterhead. IHJKENDANT, P.STII13R and avenues In the City of New York. ment of twenty of thc most prominent TO TUB BONNER: SECOND, GERMAN DOG JUDGE DINED. off the tourney In two days. clubs. A committee was appointed The foregoing summons is served upon you, Upon Information and brii.f the! Trdala i Total I then "Kast Is East." Ac., Isn't borne out by by publication, pursuant to an order of the the city of New York by mntrai t .Ik. si of which Herman HJertberg. president Jus-tlce- March 4th, Lyceum played white on the odd numbered of the etfnmple of Pullen. Here's a Califor- Hon. Leonard A. (llererleh. one of the a 1(09, granted tu Tne Thi'l En- boards. CHICAGO SENDS DISTANCE MEN. the Harlem Iteg.itta Association, was In of the Supreme Court of Avenue Ullroad Company a frsn hl't ts keakerd Doif Clnb of America on March nia lad drives a New Jersey car to the the State nf construct, and operate JouSt The pairing for the seventh round the chair, and the report of com-- 1 New York, dated February 11, 1914, and filed maintain tm this fur- track eitenslon tn Its street surface rai tertain VUllor. II will aa follows; mlttee will be presented to front In the Orand Prize race. And with tha complaint In this action, ln tha upon n) Brooklyn va Manhattan. Prorreaalve Ti. Slasraj' Conalanment to .Penn Re- the meeting ther by way of contrast here's a Brooklyn office of the Clerk of the County of New the following route: Baron Von and nnroness North Jeraey va. Ocean 1(111. Platen as the bnsls for the new body. County In Heglnnlng and connecting with the rill! Forstner the Cnlumbta. ot parentage, Ralph De Palma, York at the Court House tha Bor- ing en of Stuttgart, Germany, were guests of Ialaikl v Lyceum and (Jneen'a rtamblt va. lay Include Fair Mile Tenen. Tho names of New York Bowing Associa- lad Italian ough of Manhattan, City of New York. double track street surface rallwar Waahlnct'in Ileirhta. The iniitchea are played tion, Intercity and Metropolitan Rowing1 drives a German Mercede car Into first Dated Nerr York. February 11. H14. Amsterdam Avenue at or near the Interis:-Ho- honor at a banquet under the auspices at the rooms ol club firm named. Piui.ADEi.rntA, March 1. Chicago Uni- Cup WTI.QtlV i TT, of said avenue with Fort Oeorge the place ln the Vanderbllt race which niiwrr.T nue, scuih-erl- of the Germun Shepherd Dog Club of versity will be represented at the Penn Association are suggested. originated on Long Island and has since Attorney for Plaintiff. thence northerly, weaterly ani night Albemarle-Hoffma- n Is proposed to T tn and upon and along said Port America Friday at the relays thla year not only by a one mile It have a board of Ne. Wall street, Horouih of Manhattan. laterin-Ho-!inin NOTES OF THE SWIMMERS. stewards of nine members, to been run ln Georgia, Wisconsin and Cal- . Avenue as It winds and turns to Its House. The Huron came here team, but also by n four mile team. consist of ifornia. with Audubon Avenue, with a oop ts at the Invitation of the Shepherd Dog I'nsch A. A. Stagg haa sent word to this three from each rowing section, Hurlem, mlnnl at said intersection to be col siructst Club and tho Westminster Kennel Club Two- will attempt summer merely an Indica- Long Island and Hudson River, to govern within the present roadnay of salt F;t Americana nait effect. This Is "Now York motorlarts will find SURROGATES' NOTICES. Georire Avenue. to Judge ut tho Palace show las, week, to swim the Kngllsh Chcnnel, the coveted tion of tho growing Interest and develop, the sport here and conduct regattas. State THIRD, duly su- aoal of the wurld'a greatest eiponents of A Massachusetts much more hospitable dur- That the petitioner lias In H speech tho dlstingulnhed Judge ment of distance running In this country, request will be, made to the three OODINK, ADA JAN KM. pursuance cceeded to the rights of the salJ The Ttilrt l ing coming If legislative In of .aid he hoped hi awards were satis- - J,' th;0mpro"f'e'.".i"oni''.org Chicago brought on very good one local associations to turn over to the tiui summer the an ordsr of Hon. Hubert Ludlow Avenue Railroad Company um!r et offi'J'Yi.. has a report fnvorlng unlimited reciprocal tour- Fowler, tract, and ot said factory. Vhero ho saw lark of typo instance champion of America, and Hamuel mile relay team for years. In fact larger organisation any trophys, cups and a Surrogate of tha County of New York, that the term tontrt: Hoston, present holder of the prizes by ing privileges Is In cororated into the dated November 17, 1(11, notice ts hereby will eiplre on or about March 1th, r3 he was disinclined to be liberal with the Illchsrda of no other college has ben more prominent held them for competition so given to all persons having that the petitioner desires to contlnusli. : ribbons or prizes. was tho time amnteur title, have completed arrangomenta that these may be competed for In law," says Secretary ot State Mitchell claims analnst use of the upon ruuls It first to go In July great In the one mile relay race than Chl. the Ada Janea Ciodlne, late of tha County of tracks the s.M !" he had been In tho country. abroad lor ine irsi. cago. regatta of the association. Is planned May. New York, deceaaed, to present period or not less than ten (10) years are of the opinion that both the It Is the first time, however, that It pro- the same, WHEREFORE, petitioner In connection with the other German the necessary qualin-cntlon- s to take over the Decoration Day regatta May explained that the with vouchers thereof, to tha subscriber, the re:u't hardy swimmers have they have been represented In a dlstanoe nt place of transacting business, that It be granted, pursuant to the prerli'.'ri breeds Baron Von Forstner said thnt tho to succeed. Ilrown was tha frst relay, and their coming will be watched of the Harlem association and to hold a posed amendment will bring about com- his at the of law, the right to use the tracks Ul ure: cover the course between tha Mattery In non- office of Dsnnta ft lluhler. No, 140 Nassau p' a Boxers were not quite right, according man to with the greatest fall regatta open only to members of the plete reciprocity the matter of Rtreet. Horough of Manhattan, in said route under and pursuant to est! and Handy Hook and also nrst to swim tha Interest resident touring privileges, although tha City tract, nnd to maintain and operatn a to hla opinion. He further remarked that Canal. Hlchards accomplished the Oxford University haa been heard from association and such other regattas as at of New York, on or before tha nth day of way Shepherd Dog Panama may be deemed present only ten days are granted to non- June neat. Paled, New York, the eth day thereon for a term of not less thsn even the Herman Club of former feat ln record time shortly after the recently, and they are still undecided advisable. of Pecember, 1(11. (101 yeara New Yorker and. haa placed to hla credit resident motorists In Massachusetts. EDwARP MINO Naw Feb-ua- :. Oermnny has met an excellent but friendly whether to send a two or four mile team. TiniTTON, Jr.. Administrator. DF.NNIB A Dated. York, IMI rlvnl In the German Shepherd Dog Club many endurance records. "Under this bill," continued Mr. May, Attorneys for THIRD AVENUB RAILWAY COMI'VNT championships of This Is probably due to the fact that HOCKEY CLUB FORLORN lltJlil.Elt. Administrator. 149 P. W. WHITRlDiiK. of America. The Individual tha men, may HOPE. "a la claseltled ns u person Nassau Ptreet, New York City, N. Y Hwlmmlns Aasoclatton will be one ot their best Rudd, not having no regular (Corporate Real) I'reihtsnt Among those present wero the elub's derided neat Friday In tha pool of the City be able to get up to the mite distance. residence in tho State Attest: president, Mr. C. Halstcd Yutes; Will- Collese. More and better candldatee than He la a remarkable runner up to the Vlotory In Remaining Game Mean for more than thirty days tn any one VT.P., Fnr.rir.rtlCK ll.-- In pursuance ef an P. J KU! t.EH. Pecretary. ' Mr. Mrs,. ever before have entered the various events calendar year, nevertheless if the visi- order of Hon. ltobert Ludlow Fowler, a Surrorate State of New ork. Oounty of New Vera iam Neuhoff, and Benjamin half mile, but that la about the Tie Bt. County ot New York, Is hereby W, onua Tluoop, MIhs and the meet promises to be the most brill- Wltk Nick. tor comes from a State that glvea unre- ef the notice slven Frederick Whltrldfs. If. Anne Tracy, Hlchunl In history of varsity sports. limit for him. At that dlatance ho can ta all persons having claims against Frederick sworn, deposes and snye tnat he " "' 1. iant the water Three games to be privileges to resi- Stewart, J. T Volckman, H. de Winter, 600 swimming do than 1 minute 65 seconds. The remain played In stricted Massachusetts It. Lee, lata of the County of New York, deceased, President of the Third Avenue IU l On Thursday next the yard better tournament aa le present the aame with vouchers Company, petitioner named the Mr. and Mrs. Freeman I.loyd, Ver- title of the Central A. A. U. dlstrlot will be other three candidates for team can the of the Amateur Hockey dents, such New York and a few other thereof to the the in ". Chicago the League. This ends the local season, States, he can tour there aa long aa subacrlbera at their place of transecting business going petition, that he haa read rl.l j"H non Castle, Miss Marlon Denlson, Otto competed for In under the auspices all do a very fast half mile, while two with he at the office of Harry M. Zuckert, No. 27 Cedar and knowa the contents thereof, ir..i ni. Gross, Henri I. Hner, W, Alirens, H. of the Illinois A. C. Tha race will at pitted the exception of a few exhibition games wishes without taking out a registration Suret, In lbs City ol New York, on or th aame I tru to his own knowl.' against one another the season's two great- of them, Taber and Jackaon, are counted before to Fleber, Mrs. A. Hungcrford, MIhs Lillian the two best mllera running between Canadian professional teams. certificate, although he will be subject to the nth day ef March neit. cept aa to th matters therein listed ij est Iconoclasts Harry Hebner and Perry Tha flt. Nicholas team leads for the sams regulations govern Dated, New sptsmbsr, ttlL alleged upon Information and belief anJ Council, Mrs. Charbw Hnrdy, Charles McClllllvray and a apVctacular fight for the that resident to those mattars h bellevea It to be true g championship. Hopton, Dr. Hehrendsou und C. Halsted honors Is anticipated. It would be aurprla-In- Olymplo Rrluaja Many Doas, This dub has been beaten motorists." MAITIANDjL"!'F. dlltOCW. F. W. WIIITRIPilk- Yutes. If the obtaining standard did not go by once by the Crescent Athletic dub. Tha Sworn to before in this Ind day of V' the board. The Olympic, which arrived on Thurs- Bt. Nicks hars two games to play to- HARRT M. inCKTiRT, Attorney tor Kisro'ter. ruary, 1114. ten awlmmera of the Naw York A. C, BOWLZRfl RALLY TO rr nadar Street, Beronrh of Manhattan, JA3. H. WILLIAMS, Try o Match Lurlcb and Kbyaalco, The day, hnd on board a lot of dogs. Capt morrow night with the Wanderers, tho TOURNEY. ft. New Notary recently auspendrd for meeting the unrcgls Meyer ot San Francisco brought a tall enders, and a week from Wednesday Ymk c'" Public, An effort Is being made by promoters tered water men of Annapolis will take part Naw York County No. 4(11. In the club championships to be held on dachshund. Mr. Ileyman of New York with the Hockey Club. Cfcaaantoaslstp at Allanlto City Werrt OAHH, CHARLKS !!. In pursuance ef an Naw York Register No. (070. of tho wrestling tournament to be held ln 11. bulldog Mr. game of Hon. ltobert Ludlow 'Notarial Heal) March hnd a French and Teens a The second this week will be order Fowler, a wars t!er Madison Square Garden Mtireh 10 to The plunging record of 11 aecomla for nice toy on Thursday, whsn the Moatta Attract Local Teams. Surrogate ef the County ef New Tork, nettic and tha following resolutions 3t chocolate colored Pomeranian Crescent Athletlo la hereby given to all persona having up'in adopted! match Stanislaus 7byzko nnd George slaty (eet. Just claimed for J. I'. Llrhter of N. n. Mrs. (Hub team will play against Forty-fiv- e claims Chicago. ( not likely to be considered by bitch. and Hartman had the Irish teams from New York bowl- gainst Charles II. Carr. 1st of the County W11EREAH, th foregoing petition frj I.iirlch for a special event. I.urlch, It may the a pair of Pekingese-an- E. W, Clucaa an Amarlcan Athletlo Club. A victory for ing clubs already have entered for of Naw York, deceased, to present the same tha Third Avenue Ttallway Company, be remembered, forced tha big Pole off authorities. The rules distinctly call for a the vouchers to February 2. 1(14, waa pressnted to ths nosr lume for dlatance and not for time. IloM-n- g excellent couple of beagles. The bitch tha Irish will make a tts for third place. national bowling championship, which with thereof the aubacrlbar, at a mut In the Garden a year ugo f is her place of transacting hustnsss at office of Estimate and Apportionment nt me" the und the event In a short pool and deciding waa heavy ln whelp. T. W, Waterman ot The standing of the teams to date fol to bs held at Atlantic City April to of the Ing held February f, 1(14. tJhe fell and Injured his head, It by clocking the contestants Is I II. Alchaal J. Horan. No. llfiidwiy, this latter It therefora Loa Angeles had with him the Boaton ter- lows: The Metropolitan, Park Row and Algon- Manhattan. In tha City of Naw York, on or ItEUOLVED. that In pursuance of Is proposed to bring them together In not according to regulations. Tha point w. TNT ClUb. before day sets Friday, day of Marcnj Is. a up recently when Chicago A. A, rier Champion Brandy, the property of rink It W. U PC. quin clubs have entered three five men the llth of Board th slith aiu two In three match, with a time cams the Nicholas...! 1 .Ml Irish Amer I 4 Hated. New Tertc. tha 1Mb. day St 1(14. at 10110 o'clock In th forenoon best limit stage Mrs. Vlce-Cons- ul ft. .its apiece. Jtn""r. applied for sanction tu tha national Palmer, wife of the American Hookey .114 0 7 ,000 teams 1(14. LUCY F. i Room In th City HaTl, Horough of on eacn. championship In Its twenty yard.natatorlum. Club.. I t Wanderer MrOUini-- EieVutrlg II when ?a In Paris. James F, and lira. Crescent 4 I .tn A number of the New Jersey towns will MICHAEL J. HORAN, Attorney for Ei ecu hattan, aa th time and place and the governing body eipreaed the opinion Barnett Itaplds, Mich., be represented, leading trls. Ill Tlroadwav. New York City. where auoh petition shall be nrst considers Orer Pike. that tha title could not be awarded except of Grand brought Nswark the way and a publlo bearing ba had thsrecn. Entknar In a contest for distance, an excellent Russian wolfhound and mlloek Wins Three BTcnts. with eighteen entries In the hands of which cttlsana shall be entitled to s;p' T. Charles J, Sawyer had M. W. Oags, the secretary of and be heard; and ba It further William Drew of the Drewstone Ken a the National 4 rsctss ntle. Mount Vernon, was very proud of C. H, Gonial at, Double Winner. bulldog puppy ot Uie Clone retrain. IfTtw Booksi.ijs, March 1, Four tmp-shoott- ra Bowling Asoclatlon. Flvo teams hfrv RESOLVED, that tha Secretary la of the New Rochslle Tacht Club o eause aueh petition and these reselutljri the -- entered from Hoboken and Jersey City. II" his win at Westminster show with Port Washinuton, March 1. One neeAAA In MmnUHne Aw ,,). n to be published for at leaat fourtesn Ms bulldog Drewstone Pike. Thl doa; Fire Damages Newark A new district association has been FOR SALE. daya In two dally newspapers In the CTiy squad of five men faced the traps at tho teatta. day and It. M. Bullock won EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for Naw York, to ba designated by the M,'0'' one beat, probably three ot thm. . formed at Nowburgh, N. Y a live It of the the beat Manhaatet Bay Yacht Club C. M. Newark, N. March 1. A . at .... and that map or a party with monay. A light manu. and for at leaat ten days In th; ". J crossed nsaaur, in uie uiaiance nanaicap matcn Hudson River town (1) I'-V,- American bred dog ever observed. Pike Gould was the winner ot both matches light will be represented In lecturing buslnsss wall establish, plenty TUcord" Immediately prior to au-- h tlcctrlo wire let lira to tho J. P, Donovan and O. P. Orsnbery each the championship. Tonkara, Nsw ot room light, equipped, publlo hearing. such py"!' ts the dog which accomplished to muck decided. They were the legs on the grand stand on the Nswark won log; shooting Roclulle and wall low rent, The eipense of winning ueorge Danbiwjr. baatball a from twenty yards and Poughkeepel In Nt York bualneee unlimited. Present owners engaged cation to be born by the petitioner. Jj." under lupsr at monthly and tha yearly oupa. He acor-- grounds.' Before it was ssltgdniaihsl snfl tsatumlaup Toraa at 1S and In other line and cannot give Sun and th New York Tribune desUosts1-JOSEP- jOoaiL, Bridgeport and Now Haven ln Cooasctl-o- at this the laat It on thi flnt II on tha aaoa&A, 11,000 dajuaco had Ik taw. Mr Kmteh wit needed. If Interested, writ a, . 1IAAO, Sertasr. ul tseyotss. also havo seat la an tries. a tsea Ul New Tork gun ernes. fsw Tork, rbrwrr I, 1114.