8 . THE SDN, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1914. Mathewson Rejects Federal Offers for Giants Unsigned World Tourists Also Accept Terms NATIONAL TITLE MEET T. FOSTER SAYS MATTY HONORS FOR YOUNG SPOTTS. TEST RUBBER CORE I. T. V. CANDIDATES CALLED. WANTS LICENSE FOR IRISH SETTER MEN All Thlrteen-Year-Ol- ( Lata il Shooter Herts Flra of Last Season's Ball Clfc Will Nearly Alt Member 0lraato FOR UNIFORM HAS COMB TO TERMS Itlflcult Condition. WITH "GUTTY" BALL lie Ont. ALL AUTO DRIVERS Teas Connote. JUDGING Larcii jiont, March I. Thlrteen-year-o- Tha first call for candidates for the Madison Square Garden will be the Ralph K. Hpotts was tho star per- - varsity baseball team of N. Y. U. has aceno of the national Indoor track and field championship. Almost every Ameri- former with the shotgun nt the Larch- - been Issued for Last year's coach, j Matthew McPhllllps, will be on hand and can athlete who took part In the Swedish Big Difference Between EnglUjj ' monl Yacht Club imps With prac- Olympic games In 1912 haa ent In hla GUnK' aepnuirj Akn l,niinm MlC0tl, Four Noted English Pro Golfers will start the men with light Indoor Bill in Assembly Calls for Reg- of Keet ,,rlven hy a northeast tice. entry. The only living membera of the and Americans Committee hi- - P.ilil.i 'I'liul Turn-tut- u ' bentlng Into his face the sturdy youth, Prospects appear year, victorious toam who will be missing are V) K,umo I Illll. by ',, 23 Agree to Help brighter than last aided a handicap of sninshed bluo Settlo an when all but one of the "paper" candi- istration of Owners those who reside on tho Pacific coast. to I rocks out SC. winning Settle Problem. rtiit nt Wot of the match for dates were Ineligible when tha season be- Following la a list of some of the' beat ix uilt ui U10 visitors cup against nine others after Old Controversy. gan. of Can. men who will compete In tha different jn eliootoff A. I.. Hums, Flvo regular are In line for their with who had old positions. To build up a strong bat- events : tied tho score. 7 Championship and mem I tery la the most difficult problem. Tard Paturson Irish setter are agitated In the shoot for the monthly cup young Ltpplncott. University of Pannaylvanla; between English Hpotta, with a score of 22, tied W. IS. The regular! who have announced their Meyer, Irlah American A. CS O'Mara. Masaa-ehuaat- and Amer'! FRANCE FALLS INTO LINE TWO MEASURES CONFLICT s Judging on points where ' Kcrgusuti, each winning a leg for Intention of trying out for the team are Teacher, Harvard University, the standard that Capt. Lynch, Wolff, 1'fau, Triplet and and llowa of jloiloti. practically Identical, a was on, j! .trophy. In tho 125 bird handicap match 100 ChamploMhlip Hum Boaton Tard questions of Importance discussed ( the lad ulso tied Hums with 115 blue I'axtlsch. The schedule: A. A.i lleltand Xavlar A. A. i Mayer. Irlah at Hnl-rall- y annual meeting UeiUlinrk'S hill! v OW lla rocks smashed by each. Tho take home April 1, C. C. N. Y. at Ohio Flald) I. American A. C: Upplncott and Kallr. of the club which rrovl-denc- ! Three American Handicap Lists at touth Field; I, mown at One Puts Chanffenr's Age at 18 of I'annaylrsntas Lennon, New York held during tho Westminster show tJ! trophy went to A. W. Church with a full ilart.li-to- n Amerl- - ' It. Fordham at Fordhajn; It, A. c.i titration and Honberfr, Irish members could not understand witJ IjlUlrll Coillill at hXpCtlhC score of 25, It I Hpolts being tho run-- , at Ohio Field; 13 tvant at Ohio 7114: why ' Awaited With Interest 15. It. I I. Lehigh Years Minimum; the C?0O Bhap-par- the standard the same tho rulings thT, ncrup with 24 breaks from scratch. at Ohio l'letdl II, at Yard Championship Klvlat and be 01 Our (tllllilMC l'COplC. O. J. Corbett proved the winner of the Boutlt Halhleham. Irlah Amarlcan A C.i Meredith, different under one Judge borni. by All Concerned. May , upan; , Cathtdrat College at Ohio Other at 21 Years. of Pennsylvania; Ilalpln, Hoston A. England and one who had receive If for the accumulation cup, for which . Itutgart York A. hi. " Fltld; at Nw Hrunawlck: II. A.j Maker and We Oruehr, New C dog education in this country. , 'ten competed. It was at 50 targets and V.'islaran at Mlddletonn; It, Ilutgtra at 1.000 Yard Champlonahlp Klvlat, Irleh Kren nlnu of them returned scores 40 or over. Ohio 20. Mount Bt. Jotepha at Ohio American A. C.i Dakar New York A. C. ; effort will be made to bring about um of nld; open; Onto Ander- formlty Hecretnry Jonn u. roster or me uiants i Corbett broke 49 with his handicap of 4, Flfld; II. ii Beton Hall at Materia, Unlveralty of I'enniylranla; of method ln Judging, and In an effort to settle the much discussed Field; 10, open. The present situation of the State Legis- son, New York A. C, and liurxe and matter was referred pil from two sources ye- - ; the runncrup being A. I,. Uurns with 47. I, for solution to hd wartime tiewn question of which ball Is the better, the Juns Trinity at Ohio Flald. lature Is no exception to the rule In that Mahoney, Tloaton A. A. following committee appointed terday Bcrved to brighten a dull A. U Hums was Mich run for the day. Two Mil Hun Champlonahlp Kramer, by Pres. that a large number of automobile bills have C , Irlah dent Dr. O. G. s. ti-- his wore was 1S1 out of the possible 160, modern rubber core or the solid "rutty" MORE A SEASON. L.onc laland A. Kolehmalnan, Davis: J. w.n ' day. Prom abroad came positive assur- TAKES THAN been Introduced by Assemblymen or Sena- American A. C: MrCufdy, t7nlver;1ty of Harte and It. W. Creuzber. ' beating D. V. McMahon Just one bird. of tho past, four noted Urltlsh profes- A. A.i ance that alt tho unsigned members of tors whose objects In proposing this legis- Pennsylvania: lledluml. Boaton Another matter left to the same Hums and McMahon tied for the ten bird sionals have agreed to take part In a nlways Among Hmlth. Umnx Church House and Davannay, tit Jlobe trotting Giants and Whlto Box scratch prize and L. tipotta won the ten Bat JtlcUalts Hopes to Teaeh Penn lation are not clear. the American A, C mlttee waa the project to hold field trtZ It test match. It will be played on April bills recently introduced Is one by Asuem-blytnn- n Irish Wandail, bad accepted terms with their respective bird scratch trophy. Now Stroke Partly This Year. 70 Yard Hurdle Championship for Irish setters during the coming seatoa 2 over the Handy Lodge course, The Hopkins on the favorite subject N. Y A. C! Klier, I A. A. C.i Brady, The disposition to hold these teams as offered by authorized agents es- Columbia: Ferguson. University of Pennsyl- trials h. participants will bn John II. Taylor, Philadelphia, March 1. With the of licensing nil operatqrs of automobiles. Increased since Paul D. Mills of party. tablishment of Vivian Nlckslls. the famous Ashemhlyman Hopkins employed In vania, and Meanla Hoston A. A. Bm with the Harry Vardon, James Tlrald and George has Two Mile Walk Championship Olfford. Mawr, Pa., Joined the club. He takes a Kngllsh oarsman, na coach of th Univer- measure language of tho law as It Lyceum, Hemar, American From President Harry Hempstead at UNFINISHED GAME HAY Duncan. his the McCaddln Irish, great Interest In the breed and has a Pennsylvania crews It Is expected meas- A C , N. Y. A. C.i Voellmacka. news to yet sity of apptft s right now to chaulTeurs, His Kaler. kennel on the other aide as well as In afarlln, Tex., came the welcome Details of the match have not been tho Quakers will become more of a every person driving an Paatlma A. C.i Itent, Mohawk A. C.i Plant, tt'a worked out, but present plan Is that ure provides thnt Long A. C. country. The new member haa corns for" New Yorkers that Christy Mathewson the to factor In this sport they have been pass an examination as Island Championship Mar. SPOIL JERSEY'S SCORE hnvo a best ball match In the morning, than automobile shall Ilunntng High Jump. ward with a generous offer to fumlat. not a holdout and would be under for the last few years. Although It wltt to his fitness nnd shall be registered by wise, lloeion A A I Krlrkson. Mott " III all four professionals playing with gutta V facilities for the running of the trials to pitch Giants, probably take probably moro than a ?ason to ef- photogrnph In case of tho profes- A. C.i Moffat! N, A. C i Davy. Princeton anl contract for the percha ballr , and a match In the after- as the University! Jennings. Jlrnnx Church House. to benr a largo part of tho expense of twenty-fou- fectively ohanga to a new stroke, different operator. Cham-plonshl- p' within r hours. noon. In which two of the experts wilt sional Hlanding High .md llruad Jump. running them. Mr. Mills owns good etiall In many ways, nevertheless It Is thought Furthermore, every man who drive an - Plan snd Hen Adams. N. A. grounds "Not that I ever doubted Matty's use rubber cored balls, while the other A.
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