Leigh Academies Trust Supplementary Form Please read the Admission Arrangements 2021/22 for your chosen school/s before completing this form. These can be found on each school’s website. The Fair Banding Test will be held at a Leigh Academies Trust School. A high volume of applicants are anticipated and the first opportunity to sit the test will be on Saturday 3rd October 2020. You will be informed of the venue and time your child has been allocated to sit the test via email or telephone prior to the test date. We regret we will not be able to change the time once allocated. Please ensure that you have completed and returned your Secondary Common Application form (SCAF) to your local authority by 31st October 2020. Please tick the boxes below for each academy you wish to apply for: Stationers’ Crown Woods The Halley Academy Leigh Academy Blackheath ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ Part 1: Child’s Details Child’s Name: Date of Birth: Male ⬜ Female ⬜ Part 2: Parent/Carer Details Parent’s Name: Telephone Number: Email Address: Part 3: Medical/Social Needs The test is a paper-based non verbal reasoning. Please inform us of any medical/health conditions, social or special access arrangements your child may require in order to sit the test. We will require supporting written evidence from a suitable qualified medical or other practitioner at a later date. Leigh Academies Trust Supplementary Form Part 4: Declaration Signature of Parent/Carer: Date: Please return this supplementary form to:
[email protected] or to School Admissions at your preferred school reception: Leigh Academy Blackheath - Old Dover Road, Blackheath, London, SE3 8SY The Halley Academy - Corelli Road, London, SE3 8EP Stationers’ Crown Woods - 145 Bexley Road, London, SE9 2PT - We strongly recommend that you obtain a certificate of posting if you have send your form by post - In view of the large volume of applications, we cannot accommodate additional supporting evidence, other than medical, health or special access reasons that may affect your child’s ability to sit the test.