Teachers Monthly OVERVIEW s“xc Below please find this months program at a glance, followed by the resouces you will need. Monthly Tasks: Daily school Tasks Veholachto Bidrochov: Before Davening Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. Spend 10 minutes talking Rosh about the maasim tovim of Play the CD for 5 minutes Chodesh Kislev Avrohom. (Hachayol page 4-5) and say the Tanya with your 2. Spend 10 minutes reviewing students and have them folow the Shlichus evaluation sheets Time: along on their Tanya sheet 3. Spend 5 minutes discussing Davening their choice of hachlotos Say the ’s pessukim in WWTC: Shemona Esrei 1. Help the children choose Friday Say the Rebbe’s kapitel 24th the ladder thats best for them Benching Kislev 2. Remind the chidren to say Say horachmon when you bench Time: their Tehillim and time quota Yomei Depagra - Special Days: Weekly school Tasks: Turn your school lunch into a mini fabrengen. Tell what happened on that day, sing a Sicha: Teach your students a Dvar Day of Niggunim: Day of the week: niggun and say a Dvar Torah based on a Sicha of the Rebbe and send 1. Spend 5 minutes a week the week: and remind them to repeat home a paper for them to review by singing the Niggunim of the their shabbos table Time: week and talking about its Time: this at home! background (see Hachayol Preapre for these special days pages 6&7) using the hachyol magazine: Rebbe Video: Day of kislev (page 6) the week: 2. Spend 10 minutes a week Beis kislev (page 9) Play a video of the Rebbe (Living Torah) teaching your students the Tes kislev (page Time: Niggun of the month Yud kislev and Yud Tes Kislev (pages 12 & 13) Yud daled kislev (page 9) Rebbe Story: Day of Avos Ubonim: Day of Chof kislev (page 14 -15) Each week tell your students a story the week: the week: Encourage the children to Chanukah (page 17) about the Rebbe and send home a learn with their parents for paper for them to review by their Time: 25 minutes a week Time: Mivtzoim: Plan mivtzoim for shabbos table chanukah (Hachayol page 18) Avrohom asked him “What for you. Avrohom and Sorroh Introduction Zeide Avrohom Tzedoko was there to do in the however, planted the most Taivo, there weren’t any poor wonderful garden in their Our Great Grandparents Avro- When we speak of Avrohom and people there?” so he answered backyard, in which grew all kinds hom and Soroh embodied the Sorroh, our Great Grandparents, that the whole day and night of delicious and even rare fruits middoh of Chessed. They were the first thing that comes to they were busy feeding the and vegetables. They also had a living examples of what it means mind is that they were animals. And in that z’chus, stock room full of food, meat, to really care for and help an- tremendous Machnisei Orech. Hashem saved them because wine, eggs etc. Even though they other person. So complete was Hashem loves Tzedoko. did not charge for the food, they their commitment to doing loving Most people choose to live in a would ask their guests what they kindness, that the power in place where they won’t be So avrohom thought to himself, would like to eat, and then make charge of Chessed complained to bothered by people so often, “If Hashem loves Tzedoko so it for them! Hashem that since Avrohom was where the will have their peace much, that He even rewarded around, he was out of a job, be- and quiet, and can run their lives them for giving to animals, how He would always give the best cause Avrohom was doing all the undisturbed. much more he must love it when quality food for the guests. The Chessed! someone gives Tzedokko to tongue of a calf is a special Our grandparents lived not far people!” So he decided to make delicacy, and when the They looked out to help people in from Sedom, so that they would his home a free hotel to do lots Malochim came, he shechted the most honorable way, making be able to help all the people of chessed. three calves just to get a tongue them feel as comfortable as pos- that Sedom turned away. They for each person. He told Soro to sible. They really cared for other chose specifically to live in an The Torah describes their hotel use the finest quality flour. He people. Avrohom davened to area where there are a lot of as an “Aishel” which stands for wanted his luxury items to be save Sedom, even though he travelers that would need them Achilo – Eating, sh’siyo – Drinking used for a . knew that they were undeserv- often. and Leviyo – Escorting (Similar to ing, because he cared for people. the word Levayo where we Avrohom had a special tree This is why they liked to help The Midrash says that when accompany and escort a person which would spread it’s leaves people so much, and this is also Avrohom was running away from who passed away). over the guest to protect them if why they taught people about Nimrod, he ran to Noach and his they were good people, and Hashem, because they really son Shem who were Avrohom’s The word “Aishel” can be would pull back it’s branches cared for them and wanted them Great….. Grandparents. re-arranged to become the word from a person who was not good. to have a good and proper life. One time, while he was there, he “Sho’al” which means to ask. When Avrohom would see the asked Shem what he did to Usually when you’re a guest, you tree pulling back it’s branches The goal of this course is to relay deserve to be saved from the eat whatever the host has from someone, he would show to the Chayolim a feeling of the Mabul and come out of the prepared for you. Even in a them extra special kindness. importance of caring with loving Teivoh. Shem told him that it was restaurant, where you pay them Chessed, and a desire to con- because of his Tzedoko in the to provide you with food, you can After Avrohom’s Bris, Hashem tinue in our fathers’ ways. teivoh. only order what they offer you. made it very hot so that no You can’t tell them what to make visitors would come and bother 1 Avrohom. When he asked his Sedom, he davened to Hashem them to be saved. Avrohom servant Eliezer why there are no that He should save them. asked that the whole city be Chassidishe Vort In Pirkei Avos it says “Yihyu guests, Eliezer told him that saved because of only 5 good aniyim bnei beischo” which no-one had come. The Midrash says that he dav- people in it. He always looked at literally means “the poor should ened as if they were his own chil- the good side of everything, even be (comfortable and frequent in Avrohom replied “I don’t believe dren. Even though they were if 95% was bad. your home) like the children of you!” and went out himself to mean people, he cared for them. your house”. Chassidim would check. He was sitting at the door Our Zeide Avrohom had real explain the mishnah slightly to look for travelers, when This wasn’t the first time that Chessed. He really felt for an- differently. “The children of you Hashem appeared to him. He such a thing happened. Before other person, even if they were house should be poor” meaning didn’t wait for people to come the Mabul, Noach also built the not the way they should be, and that one should give up their and ask him, he went to look for Taivo especially slow so people when they had a problem, he comforts and luxuries for having people to help. would see him and ask him what davened as if it was his problem. guests. Even if fit means that you he’s doing so he can tell them won’t have everything that you In fact, Hashem knew that guests that they should do T’shuvo. The gemorroh says that one of would like, or your usual comfort were so precious to Avrohom, the characteristics of Avrohom’s and privacy. We should have that if any came while Hashem He wanted to try and help them, children is that they have guests even if it is not was talking to him, he would stop but Noach didn’t daven to save Rachmonus. convenient and comfortable for speaking to Hashem and go help them. It didn’t really bother him us. the guests. That’s why when if they wouldn’t be saved, he just If one is only concerned with Hashem wanted to speak to wanted to do his job of “trying” themselves, their personal level, Avrohom he had to make it really to help them. That’s why he and their obligations, then if they Story When R' Levi Yitzchok of hot so no guests would come and didn’t succeed. Not one person have done everything they can, Berditchev was a young man, interrupt. The Gemoroh learns did T’shuvo and came into the they will be happy. After all before he was appointed of from this, that “Hachnosas Taivo with him. He didn’t care for “Oines Rachmono Patrei” – if you the city, he lived with his wife in Orchim is greater than speaking them, he cared for himself, to do can’t do something, Hashem will the home of his father-in-law, in to Hashem”! his job. not punish you. However, if you accordance with the custom of really care for what you are the times. Avrohom did so much Chessed When a person is trying to save doing, then it doesn’t matter how His father-in-law was a wealthy that the Malach in charge of their life, they don’t say “well, I hard you tried, it matters if you and respectable citizen, and his Chesed came to Hashem tried as hard as I can, so that’s succeeded or not. house was always full of guests. complaining “Since Avrohom is enough” they will never stop R' Levi Yitzchok always made a around, I don’t have anything to until they are saved. Avrohom Chassidisher Vort point of personally waiting on do anymore” because Avrohom cared so much for the people of Chassidim would say: “The piece the many guests who stayed in was doing it all. sedom, he begged Hashem in of bread that I have, is yours as the house, bringing in bundles of every way to save them. He even much as it’s mine” - Chassidim straw for bedding and arranging When Avrohom heard that put himself at risk of Hashem must work on themselves to feel the bed linen. Seeing this, his Hashem decided to destroy being angry with him, to ask for for every fellow Yid as our self. 2 father-in-law once asked him: "Why do you have to go to all that trouble yourself? Couldn't you pay some gentile to drag about the How we can emulate him bundles of straw?" "Now tell me," replied R' Levi Yitzchok. "Is it What Avrohom Did… right to give a goy the privilege of doing the mitzvah, and on top of Hashem saved the people in the Chassidim would say: “The piece that to pay him for it?" Taivoh because they were kind to of bread that I have, is yours as animals. How much more much as it’s mine” “Der Shtikel precious it must be to Hashem if Broit Vos Ich Hobb Is Dayner Vi Story we’re kind to people Mayner”

There was once a good man called R' Shmuel whose favorite Avrohom really cared about Really care for your friends mitzvah was showing hospitality to wayfarers. One bitter winter's people; he didn’t just try to help wellbeing night he looked out of his window and saw a group of merchants if it was easy or popular or to act Don’t do it as a “favor” passing by his house, their wagons loaded high with their precious like he was nice; he really cared. Care about your friend’s bundles. "Please come inside," he begged them. "There's a hot meal wellbeing and good as if it was waiting for you and beds for the night as well.' happening to you. Avrohom and Soroh chose to live Chase after opportunities for "That's very kind of you," they said, "but we won't be able to accept. where they would be needed. chessed and don’t try to avoid How can we leave all our merchandise unguarded?" "No worries!" They had many doors to their them. Look for ways to help he said assuringly. "There's a watchman here, and he'll take good house to “catch” as many guests people even before they have to care of your wagons." And with that he set the table, showed them as possible ask you. People would go to shul their beds - and slipped outside to begin a long wintry shift as night early to find people to invite. watchman. Avrohom tried to focus on the Search really hard to find the good Story positive side of people even if parts of a person. they did bad things. Always stress and exaggerate the Once, on Shabbos or (there are 2 versions of the story) good side of people and try to the Alter Rebbe took off his Talis in the middle of Davening and ignore or minimize the negative went to the edge of the city to help a woman who had just given side. birth and needed help, and everyone left her to go to shul.. He did Try and stick up for him, even if it might make you unpopular all the things that you are only allowed to do for Pikuach Nefesh, and he did it all himself! Avrohom would check by himself Don’t give away a mitzvah to The amazing part of the story is not so much that he did all the to see if guests came and not rely someone else work himself, even though there was a shul filled with people who on others R’ Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev would work himself to make the could have done it. The really amazing thing is that he did it in the beds for the Guests middle of Davening! The Alter Rebbe’s Davening, on Yom Kippur, in a shul, with a minyan, is something extremely holy and high. Nevertheless, in the middle of all that, he felt that there was a woman who needed help b’gashmiyus. 3 What Avrohom Did… How we can emulate him The word Aishel stands for Achilo (eating) Sh’siyo (drinking) and L’viyo Ask what they want, and if they are shy to ask, offer or make (escorting) suggestions, let them choose where to go, what to do

The word Aishel can be Make guests feel very comfortable, giving them better than yourself. re-arranged to read “Sho’el” meaning ask, vrohom and Soro would ask the guests what they want and try to provide it. They had a storehouse where they kept all kinds of rare food incase someone requested it

Avrohom would give his guests the best quality food. He even shechted Give your guests your best and favorite (the best bed to sleep, couch three calves just to get the tongue which is a delicacy. to sit, pens, glove, ball, )

The tree in Avrohom’s yard would spread it’s branches over a person Don’t only invite people who you will enjoy having. who believed in Hashem, and retract it’s branches from a person who Invite people who no-one else wants to invite. did not Avrohom stopped speaking to Hashem in order to do Hachnosas If hachnosas orchim before speaking to Hashem, for sure it comes be- Orchim The Gemoroh says that Hachnosas Orchim is more important fore personal comfort or pleasure. than speaking to Hashem Have guests even when it means hard work for you Have friends over even when it’s not so convenient. Avrohom did not give up until the people were actually helped. Never be satisfied with “I tried” to help, keep trying until you’ve suc- ceeded in making someone else’s life better. The Rebbe Rashab cried when he didn’t succeed, even though he tried extremely hard Think: “What would I want if this was happening to me?” When you’re trying to save your own life, you don’t give up until you’ve succeeded! Act for others in the same way Continue until you succeed in helping Avrohom did so much Chessed that the Maloch in charge of Chessed complained to Hashem that he has nothing left to do Chazal say that the children of Avrohom care about others Because Avrohom really cared about people, they listened to what he said


Here are some scenes which you may recognize in your home. Read each one and decide: What would be the best way to respond? You Here are some scenes which you may recognize at school. Read each may choose more than one answer. one and decide: What would be the best way to respond? Please note: All of the following scenarios are NOT in an emergency situation. You may choose more than one answer. 1. You noticed a classmate walking 4. You notice a classmate sitting 1. Your family just got home from 4. A guest comes to your house: around by him/herself during alone on the school bus: shopping, there are lots of groceries a) You ask them if they brought a recess: a) You ignore him/her and leave the that need to be brought in and you present for you notice that everyone is exhausted: a) You ignore him/her and continue seat empty b) You sit on their lap and ask them to your game b) You change seats to sit next to a) You wait until you are asked to help read you a story or play with you & then kvetch while you do it b) You assume that he/she just him/her and keep him/her c) You make them feel welcome by doesn't want to play company b) You wait until you are asked to help offering a comfortable place to sit c) You wait until your game is over c) You ask your friend to go with you and then do it with a smile and ask them what they would like and then ask him/her if everything and sit next to him/her c) You wait and see if your parents to eat or drink is ok d) You listen to the bus monitor and really need your help, and then you d) You ask your parents if you can d) You go over to him/her and ask if move wherever you are told offer to help give up your bed for the guest he/she wants to play with you d) You realize the need and you ask e) You walk them to the door when your parents if you can have the 5. You notice a classmate was not they leave 2. Your notice your teacher needs zechus of helping in school today: 5. Your mother is preparing supper help, and by helping you will miss 2. You noticed that one of your a) When you get home from school and you notice that the baby needs your recess: you call to see how he/she is siblings has a lot of homework or is to be held, fed, or played with: extremely busy with a school a) You wait until your teacher asks feeling a) You put in ear plugs so you don’t you to help and you do it with a project: hear the baby scream b) You wait another day before you a) You surprise your sibling by asking smile. call to see if he/she is really sick what you can do to help b) You tell your mother that the baby b) Before you volunteer, you make is crying c) You find out during the day b) You wait until your sibling asks for sure your teacher will give you how he/she is feeling and if help, and you say "With pleasure!" c) You pick up the baby and bring enough time to eat your snack necessary make a class get well him/her to your mother c) You wait until your sibling asks and c) You do not offer, as you want your card and go visit him/her after then you do it with a kvetch d) You help make supper so your recess school mother can take care of the baby d) You want to help but you are busy d) You tell your teachers that when d) You wait until he/she comes back with your own things e) You do what you can to feed or play ever they need help they can rely to school and then you ask with the baby so that the baby on you how he/she is feeling 3. Shabbos is coming and you calms down 6. You are planning a birthday noticed that there are a lot of things 3. You notice a classmate has no left to be done: 6. You notice a sibling/classmate : needs a pen, scissors or markers snack: a) You continue playing until you are a) You invite the whole class so a) You tease him/her in front of the asked to help a) You tell him/her to find their own nobody will feel left out supplies whole class that he/she has no b) You invite just your closest friends b) You realize the need and ask your snack parents what you can do to help b) You share your supplies only with c) You invite the whole class except certain siblings/classmates b) You offer to share some of your for the boys/girls that you don’t like so c) You get all your brothers and snack without being asked sisters to help and together you get c) You share with the whole family and much c) You wait until you are asked and everything done all classmates and lend what ever is d) You invite the whole class even the needed when you are asked then you say "With pleasure!" d) You each take upon yourself boys/girls you don’t like but you tell d) You make a class snack Gemach something that you will do for d) You share with the whole family and them it was only because you were for kids who forget their snack Shabbos each week without all classmates and lend what ever is forced to invite them mommy having to ask needed before you are asked Note to Parents and Teachers: Veholachto Bidrochov evaluation Sheet Below are the general hachlotos. After choosing a hachloto please discuss it MISSION #2 — CHODESH KISLEV: with your child/student and set his/her guidelines. Ex “I will reach out to help a fellow yid with their Avodas Hashem”; AVROHOM - SHLICHUS will your child/student complete this by helping someone find the place in shul, by teaching someone how to make a bracha or helping a friend with Tanya Choose one of the following 10 Hachlotos and circle that number on your mission sheet Baal Peh.


My Hachloto: Detalis: My Hachloto: Detalis:

q Once a week q I will call as soon as I come home from I will help my mother by looking after When ever a child is not in school I will q Twice a week school 1 one of my siblings 6 call to see how he/she is feeling q Three times a week q I will call before I go to sleep that night

If someone in my family cannot get out q I will bring negel vasser when I am q Once a month of bed (because they forgot to bring asked I will invite a friend to play at my house q Twice a month 2 Negel Vasser the night before) I will q I will look out to see if anyone needs 7 and share my toys with him/her bring them Negel Vasser and bring it even before I am asked q Three times a month q Once a week q Once a week I will share my toys and play a game with I will help my friends or siblings with q Twice a week q Twice a week 3 my siblings – with ahavas yisroel 8 their homework q Three times a week q Three times a week

q 15 minutes a week When participating in group activities q When planning a Birthday fabrengen On Erev Shabbos I will help my mother I will do my best to make sure that q 30 minutes a week q When playing games in school 4 prepare for Shabbos 9 everyone is included and no one is left q 1 hour a week out q When giving out Mishloach Monos q I will give them the most comfortable q Once a month I will take great care of my guests just place to sit and sleep I will reach out to help a fellow yid with q Twice a month 5 like Avrohom Avinu q I will serve them food/drink 10 their Avodas Hashem q I will walk them to the door q Three times a month

Your name: TEACHER:

Grade/Class: Parent’s signature: the Rebbetzin commented ,שמחה Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5738 (1977) Upon witnessing the that she had not seen such joy expressed by Chassidim the since the day that her father was liberated from exile on ,הקפות in the middle of ,(1977) 5738 שמיני עצרת almost fifty years earlier. Chassidim have ,י"ב תמוז .world of Lubavitch was thrown into complete turmoil The Rebbe had suffered a massive heart attack. During since consecrated this day as a day of joy and .for His everlasting kindness ה' the next few weeks the love between the Rebbe and his thanksgiving, thanking .סעודת הודעה we make a ר"ח כסלו Chassidim was revealed to its fullest. Chassidim On around the world turned over "Heavens and Earth" to (the 2nd of Kislev 5748 (1987 ראש חודש כסלו insure the Rebbe's full recovery. On

Rebbe left 770, returning to his home on President ,Library אגודת חסידי חב"ד In 5745 the librarian at the Until then he .שמיני עצרת Street for the first time since .were disappearing ספרים noticed that rare valuable was in his room, which became a mini-clinic. After installing a hidden surveillance camera, he was

shocked to see that a relative of the Rebbe was exiting the כהן גדול How awesome was the sight of the" Further investigation revealed that he .ספרים removing Watching the Rebbe walking in a healthy ".קודש קדשים was selling them to collectors from around the world stride, Chassidim burst into spontaneous singing and for exorbitant high prices. ה' dancing which lasted throughout the night, thanking for the wonders and miracles.

5 (6th of Kislev 5689 (1928 ה' The case was brought before the U.S Civil Court. On the - "דדן נצח – Victory was ours" ,-1987 טבת תשמ"ז ,of the Rebbe to Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka תנאים court decided that the The ,belong to the Chassidim. daughter of the Rebbe Rayatz, in the city of Riga ספרים

Latvia. marks the ,(1987) ב' כסלו תשמ"ח ,The following year victory with the דדן נצח crowning culmination of the actual return of the of the Rebbeim to their rightful place כתבים and ספרים .אגודת חסידי חב"ד in the library of

5th of Kislev 5563 (1803)

married Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, (his צמח צדק The first cousin; the oldest daughter of the Mitteler Rebbe) at the age of fourteen. Their grandfather, the Alter Rebbe, arranged the shidduch four - five years earlier

.מסדר קידושין and was

6 9th of Kislev 5534 (1773) bath. [Incidentally, the Alter Rebbe did the same for his grandson the Tzemach Tzedek.] the second Lubavitcher ,(1773) 5534 ,ט' כסלו תקל"ד On Rebbe, Reb Below are the front covers of the first editions of the printed Dov Ber (the Mitteler Rebbe) was born. The Alter works of the Mitteler Rebbe: Rebbe had been married for thirteen years and had only been blessed with daughters. Upon requesting a blessing for a son from his Rebbe, the Maggid of Mezritch, he was advised to be meticulous in the Mitzvah of

.הכנסת אורחים

Days before his passing in 5533-1772, the Maggid blessed the Alter Rebbe saying, "You will beget a son and you should name him after me." A year later the Mitteler Rebbe was born and the Alter

Rebbe named his son Dov Ber after the Maggid. The Alter Rebbe gave his wife a special piece of silk cloth, instructing her to wrap the infant with it after his first

7 9th of Kislev 5588 (1827) brought in to evaluate the Rebbe's state of health. Tragically they deemed his sickness hopeless beyond .of the Mitteler Rebbe. The Mitteler Rebbe cure הסתלקות The always said The situation worsened, reaching its peak the night of The Mitteler Rebbe fainted many times and .ט' כסלו because the ,תקפ"ח that he was frightened of the year and he was repeatedly awakened. Then he ,גזירות hinted that there would be תקפ"ח number began to hint to his Chassidim that he would pass fainted again and he did not stir. It appeared that he away. Once he said to his Chassidim: "My father was was no longer alive. 54 years old when he was arrested and taken to The Chassidim approached the Rebbe and cried out, Petersburg for the first time, and he was given a choice "Why is the Rebbe frightening us? Does he not hear our between suffering or passing away, and he cry?" The Rebbe opened his eyes, turned to them and שמים from chose suffering. It seems to me that the second choice replied, "I hear a voice calling out, ‘What need is has there for this soul on earth?’" He then told his remained…" Chassidim to dress him in his white garments of And so it was that the Mitteler Rebbe passed away in Shabbos. his face took on a ,ה' on his 54th birthday. While returning Appearing like an angel of ,תקפ"ח the year fiery complexion, as he began to speak words of praise ,(1827)תקפ"ח to Lubavitch after the High Holidays of the Mitteler Rebbe fell seriously ill. An emergency stop about was made in the city of Niezhin. The best doctors were

8 (He told the Chassidim they must be happy, 10th of Kislev 5586 (1825 .כלל ישראל for happiness sweetens harsh decrees. The Rebbe prepared himself to The Mitteler Rebbe (Reb Dov Ber) was released from Everyone's hearts filled with joy; it his house arrest .מאמר deliver a under false כ"ח תשרי seemed that at least for the time being the Rebbe had in Vitebsk. He was imprisoned on regained his full strength. Full of intense accusations, with forged documents as evidence against .stopping a number him ,מאמר emotion the Rebbe began the of times to question if the sun had risen. The Mitteler Rebbe had written a letter stating that With the first rays of sunrise, the Rebbe finished with thousands of rubles had been collected for the Alter the words, "For with You is the source of life, all life." Rebbe’s family after the Napoleonic War. Immediately his soul left his body connecting with the The forgers changed the sum to over 100,000 rubles Holy One Blessed Be He. His resting place is in the city and alleged among other things that it was directed to .ארץ ישראל of Niezhin. the Sultan of Turkey then in control of ,like this, to This was considered treason against the government הסתלקות later commented, "A צמח צדק The pass away in the middle of saying Torah, we don't find which was at war with Turkey at the time. of the The Mitteler Rebbe proved that the money sent was הסתלקות since the .Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai)." strictly to assist the poor and needy) רשב"י The court was still investigating the accusations, so there were no formal

9 celebrations that year. The investigation was finally concluded, the following year, a few days after his 13th of Kislev 5746 (1985)

.הסתלקות which ספרים During the court case about the precious the ,אגודת חסידי חב"ד were stolen from the library of : הנהגות חסידישער defendant's lawyers demanded that the .תחנון We do not say •

• It is a day of in which we are Rebbe come to court and testify in person. encouraged to learn more Chassidus and follow On the 13th of Kislev, 5746 (1985) the judge, recognizing in its path. the Rebbe's position, exempted him from having to testify . . . A king does not testify :הלכה in court. [Note the (Rambam)] 11th of Kislev 5689 (1928)

The Rebbe's "ufruf” in Riga, Latvia. The Rebbe was called up to the .in the Rebbe Rayatz's minyan שבת פרשת ויצא Torah on After davening, the Rebbe Rayatz held a joyous וכל בניך לימודי ה' " מאמר farbrengen, in which he said the "ורב שלום בניך

10 There were thousands of guests at the wedding. Amongst them were great Rabbeim, Rabbonim and community leaders from throughout Poland. The singing and dancing continued until seven o'clock in the morning! All of Poland had never seen such a joyous wedding. The Rebbe's parents (living behind the Iron Curtain) were unable to attend. However they made a big celebration in their home, in Yeketrineslav. 14th of Kislev 5689 (1928) the Rebbe farbrenged in honor (1953) י"ד כסלו תשי"ד On .the Rebbe married the of his 25th wedding anniversary (1928) י"ד כסלו תרפ"ט On the Frierdiker Rebbe's (Reb Yosef Yitzchok) second During that farbrengen the Rebbe said the famous :took words חופה daughter, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. The "דאָס איז דער טאָג וואָס מ'האָט מיר פאַרבונדן מיט אַייך און - ישיבת תומכי תמימים place in the courtyard of אַייך מיט מיר, און צוזאַמען וועלן מיר אויסמאַטערן די גאולה Lubavitch in Warsaw, Poland and the wedding meal האמיתית והשלימה. און דער אויבערשטער זאל העלפן מען זאל was in a large hall. זען פרי טוב בעמלינו" and מסדר קידושין the Frierdiker Rebbe was חופה At the "This is the day which bound me to you and you to me, .שבע ברכות said all of the and together, we will realize the true and complete

11 redemption. May Hashem help us that we see the fruits immersed his head three times! His resting place is in of our labor." the city of Annipoli, Ukraine.

19th of Kislev 5559 (1798)

Reb Schneur (1798) י"ט כסלו תקנ"ט On Tuesday was released from חסידות חב"ד Zalman, founder of prison.

Years earlier the Alter Rebbe had established an

which is still in effect) "כולל חב"ד" organization called 19th of Kislev 5533 (1772) to this day) collecting money to alleviate the financial

.ארץ ישראל burden of those families who moved to the Mezritcher Maggid (Reb (1772) י"ט כסלו תקל"ג On Some of the opponents of Chassidus alleged that he Shortly before his passing he .נסתלק Dov Ber) was was sending money to the Sultan of Turkey, then in יום is our י"ט כסלו" ,commented to the Alter Rebbe Being that Russia and Turkey .ארץ ישראל control of ".טוב were at war, this was considered treason in the highest for מקווה was to be immersed in the מגיד When the degree. purification, the Alter Rebbe said, "Our sages teach are greater in their death then when they are צדיקים then מגיד immerse himself." The מגיד alive.' Let the

12 the Alter Rebbe was arrested and On the 53rd day of his arrest the Alter Rebbe was in סוכות A day after פדה בשלום “ ;taken to prison in a specially guarded wagon reserved middle of reciting the Posuk of Tehillim He redeemed my soul in peace," when he was" ,”נפשי for "highly dangerous criminals." After lengthy interrogations the Alter Rebbe's innocence and informed of his release. This day was celebrated by Years later the Rebbe .יום טוב as a joyous חסידים .piety was proven beyond doubt .ראש השנה לחסידות Rashab consecrated this day as While the Alter Rebbe was in prison the Baal Shem greeting, we ראש השנה Tov and the Maggid came to visit him. Upon seeing In paraphrase of the traditional גוט יום טובץ לשנה טובה " them, the Alter Rebbe asked them why he was put in wish each other on this day

".בלימוד החסידות ובדרכי החסידות תכתב ותחתם prison. They told him that it was because he had taken and given (תורת החסידות) Hashem's most precious jewel הנהגות it over freely to everyone. The Alter Rebbe then asked חסידישער .תחנון them if he should stop • We do not say spreading Chassidus when he is freed to which they • It is a day of farbrengens at which Chassidim replied NO! Now that you have started you should dedicate themselves to continue as your freedom shows that the complaint spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus outward. against you is not valid. • The day is also commemorated by the conclusion of the study of the

13 which the Alter כולל חב"ד particularly ,ארץ ישראל and the division חסידים Shas by every community of of its study for the following year. The intent is that Rebbe founded. within every community - or within several communities combined, if one community is not 20th of Kislev 5533 (1772) large enough - every person resolves to study a

י"ט with the intent of finishing it by גמרא of מסכתא he requested י"ט כסלו After the Alter Rebbe's release on .the following year כסלו to be brought to the home of Reb Mordechai Leipler, • At the Yud-Tes Kislev farbrengen, a siyum is (one of his closest Chassidim). made.

• It is also the day when the annual cycle of the Reb Mordechai lived on the second floor of a complex. .is begun anew תניא study of the חת"ת The Alter Rebbe was mistakenly brought to the first • One of the charges against the Alter Rebbe was floor, the home of one of the foremost ארץ ישראל funds which he sent to צדקה that the .מתנגדים were being used to support the Turks in As the hours passed the Chassidim became nervous. their struggle against the Russians. Afterwards, on the Czar changed his ”חס ושלום“ Thinking that perhaps several occasions, the Alter Rebbe explained that it neighbor might be aware מתנגד mind. Thinking that the that enabled him to צדקה was the merit of this of any change, they went downstairs to speak to him. prevail. Accordingly, it is appropriate to use the day

institutions in חב"ד to raise funds for the support of

14 screaming at מתנגד Coming to the door they heard this the Alter Rebbe. Hearing the intense knocking the After twenty years of strenuous work, perfecting every opened the door and said "take your Rebbe". word and מתנגד However the Alter Rebbe did not leave immediately letter of the manuscript, the Alter Rebbe finally saying "one must give honor to his hosts." After completed After receiving .(ליקוטי אמרים) תניא drinking a cup of tea, he went to Reb Mordechai's the writing of the house. approbations from two great Tzadikim, Reb Yehuda Leib HaCohen and Reb Zushe of .תניא The Alter Rebbe told the Chassidim "You literally Annipoli, he gave permission to print the book of the first copies of the printing was כ' כסלו תקנ"ז revived me. Believe me, the entire time I sat in prison On the

was not as difficult as those three hours I spent in the completed. hearing him disparage and ,מתנגד house of that הנהגות mock my holy Rebbeim (the Baal Shem Tov and the חסידישער .today תחנון Mezritcher Maggid)." • We do not say

י"ט of שמחה Being that he was only reunited with the Chassidim the • On this day we continue with the

.כסלו celebrations are י"ט כסלו the ,כ' כסלו evening of the continued on this day.

20th of Kislev 5557 (1796)


16 26th of Kislev 5557 (1796) The next morning the candles in Shul were lit, the meal When it was time .תחנון did not say מנין was set and the ,(1796) תקנ"ז ,the 2nd day of Chanukah ,כ"ו כסלו On the they realized that the baby wasn't healthy ברית the Alter Rebbe (Reb Schneur Zalman) received the for the a month) כ"ו כסלו from the printing press enough. On the תניא first two hundred copies of told his son to צמח צדק the ,חנוכה in Slavita, Ukraine. later!), 2nd day of privately in his own room, inviting only ברית have the 26th of Kislev 5621 (1860) the closest relatives. ,s father’צמח צדק after the "שלום" The baby was named after the Mitteler "דוב בער" Reb Sholom Shachna, and ר' שלום דוב ) the Rebbe Rashab (1860)כ' חשון כתר"א On a festive meal was ברית was born. In honor of the (בער Rebbe. prepared and many guests arrived.

Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka ,ברית The night before the ,telling their son ,צמח צדק overheard her husband, the Not .ברית the Rebbe Maharash, to postpone the wanting to disappoint the guests, the Rebbetzin begged as scheduled. After much ברית to keep the צמח צדק the persistence, he finally agreed not to postpone it.

17 During the two months that he was held in the "Taini Soviet" prison, he was frequently interrogated on .חסידות matters of All were overwhelmed by the Alter Rebbe's brilliance and on the advice of his highest officers, the Czar Paul granted the Alter Rebbe total freedom. in a greater way חסידות He was now able to spread than before his arrest. The Frierdiker Rebbe writes in one of his letters: "Although the Alter Rebbe's first 27th of Kislev 5561 (1800) imprisonment was harsher, yet the second liberation

was a greater victory for Chassidic life and lore than the the (1800) תקס"א ,חנוכה the 3rd day of ,כ"ז כסלו On the first imprisonment) the charges (of) תקנ"ט first. In Alter Rebbe (Reb Schneur Zalman) was released from treason) were directed primarily against the Alter his second imprisonment. (According to another (the second imprisonment) תקס"א Rebbe himself. In the 5th day of ,כ"ט כסלו tradition, he was freed on the .(חנוכה slander was primarily against the movement and its

philosophy." With regard to the abovementioned conflicting traditions about the correct

18 ה' שפתי " but you don't say ,שמונה עשרי date of the Alter Rebbe's release, the Rebbe writes; beginning of ".תפתח These dates most likely mark two different aspects of" you don't have to daven ,מוסף liberation in the Alter Rebbe's release from prison." e) If you remember after .again שמונה עשרי you don’t ,מעריב during יעלה ויבא If you forgot to say יעלה ויבא of דינים .שמונה עשרה or repeat ,יעלה ויבא you forgot to say ,מנחה or שחרית If, during of מעריב and by ,ראש חודש if you're not sure if you said it or not… When there are two days of by יעלה ויבא the 2nd day you remember that you forgot "…ברוך אתה ה'" a) If you remember after you've said מעריב you daven ,מנחה ",למדינו חוקיך" :you say ",המחזיר שחינתו לציון" but before .twice שמונה עשרה .again "ותחזנה" and then start from ",יעלה ויבא" of ברכה b) If you remember after you finished the ראש חודש of שחרית יעלה you say ",מודים" but you didn't yet start ,"המחזיר" .right there ויבא .הלל-we say half ,חזרת הש"ץ you don't say • After ,יעלה ויבא When you finish saying

even when ,הלל before and after ברכה again. • We say a "ותחזנה"

.מנין you davening without a ",מודים" c) If you remember once you've started after each of the three פסוק הודו לה' We repeat the • ".רצה" stop wherever you're up to and go back to etc. even when davening without a יאמר נא -פסוקים the) "י'היו לרצון" d) If you remember after the second .מנין you must go back to the ,("אלוקי נצור" one after

19 We are not precise in seeing that it be at least seven • שיר של ,קדיש תתקבל ,ואברהם זקן :we say הלל After • high, nor that it be only slightly higher than three טפחים .קדיש יתום and ,ברכי נפשי , הושיענו,יום .from the ground טפחים פרשת פנחס and read from עליות We then call up four • (Bamidbar 28:1-16). Do we were Shabbos clothing? • We do not put on our Shabbos clothing for the lighting and ,ובא לציון ,אשרי ,חצי קדיש we say קריאה After • of the menorah. .יהללו ?מנורה What do we use to light the

• It is a Lubavitch custom to use oil lamps with cotton .we use a beeswax candle ,שמש wicks and for the הלכות חנוכה Are women allowed to work ?

• It is customary for women not to perform work while Where do we put the menorah? the Chanukah lights are burning. is placed at the left side of a doorway, inside מנורה The • ?מנורה Do boys light their own the actual doorframe. from the time they מנורה Boys should light their own • ?on a chair. Which way does it face מנורה We place the • .חינוך reached the age of faces; the מנורה We are not careful which way the • ?מנורה Do girls light their own menorah may be positioned from north to south or from • Girls living together with a family, (their own family or east to west. .מנורה another family) do not light their own How high and how low can it be? through their יוצא Similarly, married women are • husband's lighting.

20 • A single woman living alone, however, must light • If they are not awake, he should light the menorah It is, however, proper for him) .ברכה Chanukah candles. without reciting a (.ברכה What happens if a candle extiguishes? to wake them so that he can make a ?do we say ברכות If one of the lights becomes extinguished within half an How many • "שעשה ניסים" and "להדליק נר חנוכה" ,ברכות hour (fifty minutes on nights other than Friday and • We say two Shabbos when the candles are lit at sunset) after its being every night. .שהחיינו ,ברכה lit, we relight it. On Friday one may not relight it after • On the first night we say a third sunset. Which candle do we light first? and each חנוכה One light is kindled on the first night of • ?מנורה When do we light the • During Chanukah, it is a Lubavitch custom to light the night a new light is added to the left (i.e., when standing If that is opposite the candles) of the light kindled on the previous .צאת הכוכבים menorah after sunset, but before not possible, the menorah night. should be lit as soon as possible. The new light is kindled first. This pattern is followed ...Then we Sing .חנוכה for approximately half an hour throughout the nights of מנורה We stay near the • .הנירות הללו after kindling them, except for Friday. • After kindling the lights, we sing ?חנוכה Are we allowed to fast on ?מנורה Till when can we light the we do not fast. The only exception is a person ,חנוכה directly after sunset, he • On מנורה If a person did not light • may light who had a disturbing dream. ?ערב שבת throughout the night, provided the members of his When do we light on household are awake.

21 .חנוכה apply throughout הלכות and then These) מנורה early. We then light the מנחה We daven • is placed on the southern wall and the מנורה the Shabbos candles). • In Shul, the How much oil must be used? candles are arranged from east to west. and lights the candles. It is ברכות recites the חזן Enough oil must be used - or a large-enough candle - so • The • is מנורה in the shul while the מנין that desirable that there is .lights will continue burning at least fifty minutes lit חנוכה the .at home מנורה must also light his own חזן after sunset. The ברכה Nevertheless, if he lives alone, he does not recite the .on the first night שהחיינו ועל הניסים שחרית we include ,חנוכה the first night of מעריב Starting from • slowly should not שמונה עשרה and in bentching. • A person who recites תפילות in all ועל הניסים so that he will be able to ועל הניסים should be made before intentionally skip ועל הניסים The announcement for • .מנין with the מודים or קדושה respond to .שמונה עשרה begins and not before the מעריב .is recited חצי קדיש ,הלל but remembered • After reciting the complete ,ועל הניסים A person who forgot to say • .חנוכה are not recited throughout א - ל ערך אפיים and תחנון • הטוב before he recited Hashem's name in the Brocha For .עליות should recite • The Torah is taken out. Three men are given …שמך we ,לוי to 20). For the 7:18) במדבר we read from ,כהן again. the ברכה and finish the ועל הניסים • If he already mentioned Hashem's name, he should read from posuk 21 to 23. And for the person given the .ועל הניסים without adding שמונה עשרה finish the

22 we read from posuk 24 to 29. A similar ,עלי'ה third pattern is followed on the following days of Chanukah. ובא ,אשרי is recited, followed by חצי קדיש ,קריאה After • is returned ספר תורה After the .יהללו and קדיש שלם ,לציון .שיר של יום and then בית יעקב we recite ,ארון קודש to the in Shul מנורה it is customary to light a ,שחרית During • .ברכה without reciting a