¤ s”xc ojvbn rsj CHEDER MENACHEM 1606 South La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 ,urb ,eksv web site: www.chedermenachem.com e-mail:
[email protected] ojbn rsj 5:48 ,ca htmun Tel: 310.623-1470 Fax: 310.623-1462 trhu ,arp 6:48 NEWSLETTER t’’ga, w iuaj u”y STUDENTS OF THE WEEK October 21, 2010 vjkmv ,ba CLASS NEWS gucav hshnk, Happy Birthday to Efraim Lerner, Mendel Munitz, Simcha .hbun crv - ’t v,f Fisch, Sholom D. Cohen, Yisroel Gurary & Gavriel Oginskis. In honor of Rebby’s son’s birthday - Menachem cuy kzn Mendel Munitz, the class enjoyed delicious mini Limud HaTorah / vru,v sunhk Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Pinson on the birth of doughnuts and learned the purpose of being born .hcrud ksbgn - ’t 1 hrp v,f their daughter. and the valuable lesson on Ahavas Yisroel -- a chkytd ;xuh - t-’t v,f Mazal Tov to Levi Yitzchok Cohen on the Jew is only complete when uniting with another occasion of his vumn rc/ Jew! Mazal Tov! hhtcruc ovrct - c-’t v,f ’v ,utcm hsurc crv - ’d v,f .hcrud inkz ruthba - t-’c v,f This week has seen activity at the Tzivos hashem kiosk Mazal Tov to Yisroel Gurary & Kasriel Lezak for ihbue ktuna - c-’c v,f with Talmidim in the older grades, choosing prizes for the earning to take home the velvet siddur for drcbgcgk ;xuh - t- ’d v,f upcoming Tzivos Hashem Global Chinese Auction. I”YH Shabbos. Mazal Tov to Dovi Naparstek for earning .hbun ksbgn - c- ’d v,f this coming Thursday, Chof Cheshvan, we will have the their piece of the Ahavas Yisroel Puzzle.