H O T H O U S E S P R I N G 2 0 2 0 Copyright © 2020 by the English Department at Te University of Texas at Austin. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For more information about Hothouse, visit hothouselitjournal.com, or email us at
[email protected]. Hothouse was printed by OneTouchPoint-Southwest in Austin, Texas. Dedicated to the writers who make their home in Parlin Hall STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Julia Schoos MANAGING EDITOR Kylie Warkentin NONFICTION POETRY FICTION EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR Josephine Yi Sara Cline Jefery Rose NONFICTION POETRY FICTION BOARD BOARD BOARD Amanda Hart Andilynn Feddeler Adeline Gordon Chloe Manchester Fareena Arefeen Christie Basson Ingrid Alberding Lucia Delgado DeShawn McKeel John Finley Luisana Cortez Haylee Reed Savannah Mahan Natalie Nobile Monica Salazar Will DeBerry Sara Fetahagic Regina Mondragon Victoria Canales Sloane Smith WEBSITE Vanessa Simersky TEAM DESIGN Christie Basson (Editor) EDITOR MARKETING Kylie Warkentin (Editor) Andilynn Feddeler TEAM Abbey Bartz Alyssa Jingling (Director) Chloe Manchester COVER DESIGN Ashley Grey Kayla Bollers Jack Rouse Carol Pettijohn Leah Park Kennedy Lilly Lindsey Ferris Kayla Bollers Natalie Nobile Sloane Smith Stephanie Pickrell Vanessa Simersky 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor’s Note 11 FICTION American 13 Megan Leal Encounters 22 DeShawn McKeel A Spider Killed My Mother, and Other New Poems 27 Zackary Davis 124 At Night 35 Christie Basson Leaving Kudzu 39 Livian Green The Neighbors Across the Street 48 Sara Cline Sleep 52 Sara Cline 7 POETRY Boogie Boogie Birth 63 Chloe Nguyen Elegy in Dirt 65 Matthew Leger Mesquite King 68 Kerri Kilmer Volume 69 Matthew Leger Fine Art.