Selected Bibliography
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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY For the sake of alphabetical continuity, the titles listed here have not been divided into primary and secondary sources. Almansi G. and Henderson S. (1983). Harold Pinter. Methuen; London. Anderson Michael (1976). Anger and Detachment: A Study of Arden, Osborne and Pinter Pitman Publishing: London. Armstrong William A.(ed.) (1963). Experimental Drama. London: G. Bells and Sons. Aronson S.M.L. "Pinter's "Family" and Blood Knowledge" in John Lahr (ed.) (1971). A Casebook on Harold Pinter's The Homecoming, New York: Grove Press. Baker and Tabachnick Stephen E. (1973). Harold Pinter. Oliver & Boyd; Edinburgh Barker Granville H. (1964). On Dramatic Method. Hill and Wang: New York. Becker George J. (1963). Documents of Modem Literary Realism. N. J: Princenton Univ. Press. Bentley Eric (1955). The Playwright as Thinker. Meridian Books: New York. Berkowitz Gerald M. "The Destruction of Identity in Pinter's Early Plays" in Ariel, Vol. 9, No. 1 (January, 1978). Bernhard F. J. "Beyond Realism: The plays of Harold Pinter". In Modern Drama 196 Ill, 2 (September, 1965). Billington Michael (1996). The Life and Work of Harold Pinter Faber & Faber: London Bold Alan (1984). IHarold Pinter: You Never Heard Sucti Silence. Vision and Barnes & Noble: London. Bradby David. "Theories of Modern Drama" in Martin Coyle (ed.) (1991). Encyclopedia of Literature and Criticism. Gale Research: Detroit. Brown John Russell (1972). Tfteatre Language: A study of Arden, Osborne, Pinter and Wesker Allen Lane: The Penguin Press: London. Boulton James T. "Harold Pinter: The Caretaker and Other Plays" in Ganz Arthur (ed.) (1972). Harold Pinter: A collection of Critical Essays. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliff, N. J. Brustein Robert (1964). Ttie Theatre Revolt: An Approach to the Modem Drama. Boston: Atlantic/ Little Brown. Clifford^eech) "Two Romantics: Arnold Wesker and Harold Pinter" in Lewis Allan (ed.) (1971). The Contemporary Theatre. New York: Crown. Corrigan Robert. The Drama of Anton Chekhov' in Travis Bogard and William I Oliver (ed.) (1971). Modern Drama: Essays in Criticism. Oxford: O.U.P. Diamond Elin (1985). Pinter's Comic Play. Associated Univ. Press: U.S.A. Drabble Margaret (ed.) (1990). The Oxford Companion to English Literature. V edition, O.U.P.: New York. Dukore Bernard F. (1982). Harold Pinter The Macmillan Modern Dramatists: 197 Macmillan. Dutton Richard (1986). Modem Tragicomedy and the British Tradition: Beckett, Pinter, Stoppard, Albee and Storey. The Harvester Press. Esslin Martin. "Epic Theatre, the Absurd and the Future" in Tulane Drama Review. (Summer, 1964). Esslin Martin. "Godot And His Children: The Theatre of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter" in Armstrong William A. (ed.) (1963). Experimental Drama. G. Bell and Sons: London. Esslin Matin (1984). Pinter: The Playwright. Methuen Paperback. Methuen, IV Edition: London. Esslin Martin (1977). Pinter: A Study of His Plays. London: Methuen. Evans Gareth Lloyd (1977). The Language of Modem Drama. Rowman and Littlewood: Totowa, N. J. Gale Steven H. (1977). Butter's Going Up: A Critical Analysis of Harold Pinter's Wori<. Duke Univ. Press: Durham. Ganz Arthur (ed.) (1972). Pinter: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice Hall: N.J. Gaskell Ronald. (1972). Drama and Reality: The European Theatre Since Ibsen. Routledge and Kegan Paul: London. Gassner John (1964). Ideas in the Drama. Columbia Univ. Press: New York. Grant Damian (1970). Realism. The critical Idiom 9, Methuen: London. Hall Peter. "Directing the Plays of Harold Pinter" in Raby Peter (ed.) {200^).The Cambridge Companion to Harold Pinter Cambridge Univ. Press. 198 Hartnoll Phyllis (ed.) (1990). The Concise Oxford Companion to Theatre. Oxford: O.U.P. Hayman Ronald (1979). British Theatre Since 1955. A Reassessment. Oxford: O.U. P. Hayman Ronald (1980). Harold Pinter. Contemporary Playwright's Series. Heinemann: London. Hinchliffe Arnold P. (1967). Harold Pinter. Twayne Publishers: New York. Hirst David L. (1984). Tragicomedy. The Critical Idiom,, Methuen: London. Hollis James R. (1970). Harold Pinter: The Poetics of Silence. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Press. Hugh Nelson. "The Homecoming: Kith and Kin" in Brown John Russell (ed.) (1960). Modem British Dramatists: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice Hall of India: New Delhi- Kaufman M.W. "Actions that Man Might Play: Pinter's The Birthday Party" in Modern Drama. No. 16 (Sept 1973). King Noel. "Pinter's Progress" in Modern Drama. Vol. XXIII No. 3 (September, 1980). Knowles Ronald. "Names and Naming in the Plays of Harold Pinter" in Bold Alan (ed.) (1984). Harold Pinter: You Never Heard Such Silence. Vision and Barnes & Noble:London. Knowles Ronald. "The Point of Laughter" in Scott Michael (ed.) (1986). Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party, The Caretaker, The Homecoming. Macmillan. Lahr John. "Pinter and Chekhov: The Bond of Naturalism" in Ganz Arthur (ed.) 199 (1972). Pinter: A Collection Of Critical Essays. Prentice Hall, N. J. Levin Harry (1963). The Gates of Horn: A Study of Five French Realists. New York: Dryden Press. MCdowall Arthur (1918). Realism: A Study in Art and Thought. London: O.U.P. Morgan Ricki. "What Max and Teddy come Home to in The Homecoming" in Educational Theatre Journal. (March, 1973). Nicoll Allardyce (1962). British Drama. G.G. Harrap: London. Peacock D. Keith (1997). Harold Pinter and The New British Theatre. Green wood Press: London. Pinter Harold. "A Letter to Peter Wood" in Scott Michael (ed.) (1986). Harold Pinter: The Brithday Party, The Caretaker, The Homecoming. Macmillan. Pinter Harold. Plays: One (The Brithday Party, The Room, The Dumb Waiter, A Slight Ache, A Night Out), London: Methuen, 1976. Pinter Harold. Plays: Two (The Caretaker, The Lover, Night School, The Dwarfs), London: Methuen, 1977. Pinter Harold. Plays: Three (The Homecoming, Tea Party, The Basement, Landscape, Silence), London: Methuen, 1978. Pinter Harold Plays: Fowr (Old Times, No Man's Land, Betrayal, Monologue, Family Voice), London: Methuen, 1981. Quigley Austine E. (1975). The Pinter Problem. Princenton: N. J. Roy Emil (1972). Bn'tish Drama Since Shaw. Southern Illinois Univ. Press: Carbondale and Edwardville. Sakallaridou Elizabeth (1988). Pinter's Female Portraits: A Study of Female 200 Characters in the Plays of Harold Pinter Macmillan Press. Salmon Eric. "Harold Pinter's Ear" in Modern Drama, Vol. XVII, No. 4 (December, 1974): Harold Pinter Issue. Scott Michael (ed.) (1986). Harold Pinter: The Bhthday Party, The Caretaker, The Homecoming, Macmillan. Strindberg Austgust. "Author's preface to Miss Julie" in Five Plays. London: Methuen. (1986): trans. Harry G. Carlson. Strindberg Austgust. "Note to A Dream Play" in Five Plays. London: Methuen, (1986): trans. Harry G. Carlson. Styan J. L. (1981). Modern Drama in Theory and Practice: Realism and Naturalism. Vol. One. Cambridge Univ. Press. Sykes Arlene (1970). Harold Pinter St. Lucia: Univ. of Queensland Press. Taylor John R. (1969) Anger and After: A Guide to the New British Drama. London: Methuen. Taylor John R. (1967). The Rise and Fall of the Well-Made play. London: Methuen. Tenant P. F. D. (1948). Ibsen's Dramatic Technique. Bowes and Bowes, Cambridge. The New Encyclopedia Britannica (1987). Vol. V, The Univ. Of Chicago, U.S.A. The Oxford English Dictionary {1978). Vol. VIII, Oxford Clarendon Press. Thilly Frank (1993). A History of Philosophy. Central Publishing House: Allahabad. Thompson David (1985). Pinter: The Player's Playwright. Macmillan. 201 Trusseler Simon, (1974). The Plays of Harold Pinter: An Assessment. Victor Gollancz Ltd: London. Weliek Rene. "The Concept of Realism in Literary Scholarship" in (1963). Concepts of Criticism. New Haven: New York. Wellwarth George (1971). The Theatre of Protest and Paradox. New York Univ. Press: New York. Wickham Glynne (1962). Drama in a World of Science. Routledge and Kegan Paul: London. Worth Katherine. "Pinter and the Realist Tradition" in Scott Michael (ed.) (1986). Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party, The Caretaker, The Homecoming. Macmillan. Wray Phoebe. "Pinter's Dialogue: The Play on Words" in Modern Drama. Vol. XIII. No. 1 (May,1970). 202 .