Horacio Quiroga in Dialogue with Japanese Horror Cinema
Haunted Screens: Horacio Quiroga in Dialogue with Japanese Horror Cinema ______________________________________________ GABRIEL ELJAIEK-RODRÍGUEZ THE NEW SCHOOL OF ATLANTA Abstract In this article, I will argue that ghosts are used, in two very different contexts and cases, as ways to represent and discuss anxieties about the advances of science and the uses of technology, at the same time that they express a cautious fascination with these unstoppable advances. This concern with the ability of ghosts to move and adapt to technological change is not only about what happens in the films but is also related to what happens outside the films, that is, the viral expansion of ghosts stories and filmic narratives as ways to talk about social and political issues. I will work primarily with two short stories by Uruguayan writer Horacio Quiroga, “The Specter” and “The Puritan”, that I will place in dialog with two Japanese movies, The Ring by Hideo Nakata and Pulse by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, tracing their possible connections and interpolations. Keywords: Horacio Quiroga, Japanese horror, Ghosts in cinema, Logic of sense Since the beginning of the twentieth century, writers and filmmakers of multiple nationalities have dramatized similarities between ghosts and cinema. Such comparisons are not difficult to imagine: both the ghostly and the cinematic appear and disappear, both are intangible projections, and both gesture towards immortality. Early twentieth-century Uruguayan writer Horacio Quiroga deals with the related idea of cinema as a haunted art in four short stories “Miss Dorothy Phillips, mi esposa” (“Miss Dorothy Phillips, my wife”, 1919), “El espectro” (“The Specter”, 1921), “El puritano” (“The Puritan”, 1926) and “El vampiro” (“The Vampire”, 1927).
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