See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Biodiversity Values, Threats and Conservation Strategies of the Selous - Niassa Wildlife Corridor, Tanzania Article · January 2007 CITATIONS READS 0 516 1 author: Urs Bloesch Adansonia-Consulting 26 PUBLICATIONS 181 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Forest mapping and pre-inventory of the Sudanese refugee hosting areas in Maban and Pariang counties, South Sudan View project All content following this page was uploaded by Urs Bloesch on 08 March 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. BIODIVERSITY VALUES, THREATS AND CONSERVATION STRATEGIES OF THE SELOUS – NIASSA WILDLIFE CORRIDOR, PRESENTED AT THE 6th TAWIRI SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, 3–6 DECEMBER 2007, AICC, ARUSHA, TANZANIA Biodiversity Values, Threats and Conservation Strategies of the Selous – Niassa Wildlife Corridor, Tanzania Urs Bloesch, Mittelstr. 26, 2502 Biel, Switzerland;
[email protected]; Rudolf Hahn, P.O. Box 24, Namtumbo, Tanzania;
[email protected]; ABSTRACT The Selous-Niassa miombo woodlands of southern Tanzania and northern Mozambique are one of the largest and for the global biodiversity most significant, trans-boundary natural ecosystem in Africa, covering over 154,000 km2. The Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor serves as migratory route between the Selous and the Niassa Game Reserves hosting the world’s largest elephant, buffalo and sable populations. The Corridor will be protected with a network of WMAs (Wildlife Management Area) under the management of Authorised Associations excluding any agricultural activity. This aims to empower local communities in the natural resource management in view of improving their livelihoods and maintaining the integrity of the wildlife corridor and its biodiversity.