-3 (SI), 2010 European Journal of Economic and Political Studies ‘Purification of self’: Ijtema as a New Islamic Pilgrimage Bulbul Siddiqi1 Abstract: Tablighi Jamaat is one of the influential and widespread Islamic movements among the Muslims around the world, which is originated in northern part of India in 1920s by Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalawi (1885–1944). It has spread to some 165 countries, including Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, its annual three-day mass congregation, commonly known as ijtema near Dhaka attracts more than five million people. Ijtema is an essential part of the Tablighi Jamaat around the world. Ijtema plays a significant role on the lives of many Muslims in Bangladesh. The huge number of engaging people in ijtema shows its popularity. Many countries also celebrate this event in a similar way. The current paper argues that ijtema provides a new idea of pilgrimage among the Muslims in Bangladesh. This paper also shows that participation in ijtema increases religious authority, status and empowerment. Finally, it examines how does ijtema contributes on the Muslim identity through the idea of brotherhood and ummah. Keywords: Tablighi Jamaat, Ijtema, Bangladesh, Ummah, Dawah, Chilla, Empowerment, Authority, Pilgrimage. 1 Cardiff University, Great Britain.
[email protected] 133 Bulbul Siddiqi Introduction ijtema2 is the annual three days congregation of Tablighi Jamaat3. TJ is an Islamic reform movement that is influential and widespread among the Muslims around the world. It has a strong appeal to the South Asian Muslims and its diaspora. The immediate concern of Tablighi Jamaat is the moral reform of individuals and purification of the self, often described, as ‘making Muslims true Muslims’ and Muslims should go back to the basic principles of their faith to follow strictly the commandments of Islam in their personal lives and in their dealings with others (Sikand, 2002 and 2006).