KAYE SCHOLERLLP The McPherson Building 901 Fifteenth Street, NW Washington. DC 20005 202682-3500 Fax 202 682-3580 Allan C. Moskowitz 202 682-3501 Fax 682-3580 [email protected]

January 20,2004

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 - 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554

Re: MB Docket No. 03-23 1 RM-10818

Dear Ms. Dortch,

On behalf of Megahertz Licenses, LLC, licensee of Radio Stations WWLY(FM), Huntingdon, and WXMJ(FM), Mt. Union, Pennsylvania and petitioner in the above-referenced rulemaking docket, we are herewith submitting an original and four copies of its “Supplement to Comments and Reply” in response to the Notice of Prooosed Rulemaking in the above-referenced docket.

Should any questions arise with respect to this matter, please contact the undersigned counsel.

Respectfully submitted,


Allan G. Moskowitz \

NO of Cnpiea rec’d Of+ List ABCDE

13060174 WPD


bcc LynnDeppen

13060174 WPD


In the Matter of

Amendment of Section 73.202(b), 1 MB Docket No. 03-231 Table of Allotments ) RM-I 081 8 FM Broadcast Stations. (Mt. Union, Huntingdon, Centre 1 Hall and South Williamsport, 1 Pennsylvania)

To: Assistant Chief Audio Division


Megahertz Licenses, LLC, (“Megahertz”), licensee of Radio Stations

WHUN(AM)/WWLY(FM), Huntington, Pennsylvania and WXMJ(FM), Mt. Union,

Pennsylvania, by its attorney, respectfully supplements its “Comments” which were filed in response to the Notice of Prouosed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) DA 03-3552, released November 14,

2003 in the above-referenced docket. Megahertz herein also replies to the “Comments” of Dame

Broadcasting, LLC (“Dame”) filed on January 5,2004. In support thereof, the following is respectfully shown:

SuDplement to Comments

1. The Commission’s NPRM agreed that the proposed reallotment of Channel

258B1 would provide Centre Hall with its first local aural broadcast service and that the reallotment of 292A to Mt. Union would prevent the removal of the sole local service at that community. However, the NPRM noted that while Mt. Union is not part of the State College urbanized area, nor does the existing 70 dBu signal of Radio Station WXMJ(FM) cover any portion of an urbanized area, Centre Hall is located within the State College, Pennsylvania

Doc Ill3060433 WPD Urbanized Area and the proposed allotment of Channel 258B1 at Centre Hall would allow the 70 dBu signal of WXMJ(FM) to cover 100% of that urbanized area. Consequently, the Commission requested and Petitioner submitted an analysis pursuant to the requirements of Fave and Richard

-Tuck, 3 FCC Rcd. 5374 (1988) (“Tuck”) in determining whether Centre Hall is entitled to preference as a first local service.’

2. Pursuant to Tuck, the Commission specified three (3) factors for evaluating a community’s independence in order to establish an allotment preference as a first local service:

(1) signal population coverage; (2) the size and proximity of the suburban community relative to the metropolis; and (3) the interdependence of the suburban community with the metropolis. Of these three (3) factors, the Commission has determined that the most significant is the third.

3. First, despite the fact that WXMJ(FM)’s 70 dBu signal will cover 100 percent of the State College Urbanized Area, this has not been considered an impediment in previous cases.

See biter and Hobe Sound. Florida, 12 FCC Rcd. 3570 (1997). With respect to size and proximity, State College has 71,301 persons while Centre Hall has 1,079. Again, however, such percentages have not precluded favorable consideration as a first local service. See, e.g., &

Newcastle and Watonea. Oklahoma, 11 FCC Rcd. 16896 (1996) (4,214 versus 444,719 persons in the Urbanized Area); Scotland Neck and Pinetous. North Carolina, 7 FCC Rcd. 5113 (1992),

Detroit Lakes and Bamesville, Minnesota, and Enderlin. North Dakota, 16 FCC Rcd. 22581


1 Petitioner’s “Comments” indicated that Centre Hall is not within the State College Urbanized Area. However, Petitioner erroneously argued that, as a result, a Tuck showing was unnecessary. In recognition of Headland, Alabama and Chattachochie, Florida, 10 FCC Rcd. 10352 (1995), Petitioner withdraws its objection.

Doc 1113060433 WPD 2 4. Megahertz hereby submits additional information documenting the independence of Centre Hall as a community warranting an allotment preference as a first local service. Other than the general demographic information from the 2000 US.Census that approximately 65.7% of Centre Hall’s population is in the labor force and that their mean (average) travel time to work is approximately 25.9 minutes, Petitioner has been unable to find any hard data regarding where residents work. In lieu of any other information, Petitioner conducted an informal survey of area employers. The Borough of Centre Hall is located in Potter Township which is in turn is located in Centre County. State College is located in Centre County but is not located in Potter

Township. Attached as Exhibit 1 is the Declaration of Amber Daughtry. an Account Executive with commonly owned Radio Station WBHV(FM), State College, Pennsylvania, who conducted a survey of 35 businesses, all located in Potter Township and some of which are located in

Centre Hall. It is clear from the survey that, at least of the 35 businesses surveyed, none of which are in State College hut are in either the Borough of Centre Hall or close by in Potter Township,

36% of their employees are residents of the Borough of Centre Hall. Consequently, a sizeable percentage of Centre Hall’s residents do not rely on State College for employment. Megahertz submits that this evidence is sufficient to support a favorable finding on this factor. See,

Chillicothe and Ashville. Ohio, DA 03-3443, Released October 31,2003; and Anniston and

Ashland, Alabama and Colleee Park. Covington. Milledeeville and Social Circle. Georgia, 16

FCC Rcd. 341 1 (M.M. Bureau 2001). (16 percent ofworkforce employed in a community sufficient to support a favorable finding on this factor.)

5. While Centre Hall does not its own a newspaper, the community does have its own website, “www”, which advertises town information, attractions,

DOC #I3060433 WPD 3 organizations and businesses. See Exhibit 2. This fact is somewhat favorable with respect to factor 2.

6. With respect to the 3rd factor, perception of community leaders and residents, attached hereto as Exhibit 3 are letters from business leaders, clergymen and residents of Centre

Hall attesting to the fact that these individuals perceive Centre Hall as an independent community. Moreover, Megahertz has amply documented the fact that the Borough of Centre

Hall has an elected seven member council, an elected mayor, provides water to the community, has its own volunteer fire company, planning commission, elementary school, library and in conjunction with the township of Potter, provides sewage service to the community. Moreover, as previously documented, the Borough of Centre Hall was incorporated in 1885 but was established decades before that, thereby satisfying factor 4. Attached in Exhibit 3, as just one more example of the civic organizations in Centre Hall, are selected pages from The Centre Hall

Garden Club’s 2002-2003 Booklet. The Garden Club was organized in 1938 and is still going strong! These factors clearly support a determination that residents of Centre Hall perceive their community as independent. See, Chillicothe and Ashville, Ohio, m,see also Detroit Lakes et al., suma.

7. Similarly, factor 5 supports the determination that Centre Hall is independent of the State College Urbanized Area, in that it has its own zip code and local post office. See,

Detroit Lakes. et al.. m.

8. The availability of commercial establishments, health facilities and transportation systems also supports a finding of independence with respect to factor 6. Attached hereto as

Exhibit 4 are copies of pictures of numerous local commercial establishments. As previously documented, there are a variety of commercial establishments including restaurants, a pharmacy, hardware store, etc. and a number of churches. Moreover, the residents of Centre Hall do not rely on the transportation system of any municipality in that there is QQ transportation system in

Centre County and, in fact, there is no bus route between Centre Hall and State College. See,

Chillicothe and Ashville. Ohio, ma.

9. Since Centre Hall has no separate newspapers and is part of the State College

Abritron Metro Market, it would appear that Centre Hall and State College are part of the same advertising market. However, the facts certainly support a favorable finding regarding the 8th factor, the extent to which Centre Hall relies on the State College for municipal services. It does not. As previously noted, Centre Hall does not rely on State College for any municipal service, in that Centre Hall has its own municipal services, is. water, fire and rescue, library, etc., and for those which it lacks, it relies on Centre County

10. The submitted evidence requires that the Commission make a favorable disposition on the most important of the && issues, i.e., the independence of Centre Hall. Of the eight factors which the Commission considers with respect to the independence of a

“suburban community”, Centre Hall has satisfied at least six, which solidly supports a finding that Centre Hall is wholly independent of the State College Urbanized Area and entitled to consideration as a first local service.

Realv to Dame

11. Dame is the parent company of the licensees of Radio Stations WBUS(FM),

Boalsburg, Pennsylvania: Radio Station WRSC(AM), State College, Pennsylvania;

WQWK(FM), University Park, Pennsylvania; WJHT(FM), Port Matilda, Pennsylvania; and

WBLF(AM), Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. Dame opposes Megahertz’s proposal to upgrade Radio

Station WXMJ(FM) to Class B1 status and change its community of license to Centre Hall,

Doc U13060433 WPD 5 Pennsylvania because (1) Centre Hall, population 1079, is only 10 miles from State College and is not sufficiently independent of State College to justify a first local service preference in that it is merely a “bedroom community” and (2) because grant of the proposal would result in a loss area of 1300 people who would thereafter only receive four services.

12. First, Centre Hall may only have 1100 residents but it is absolutely not a

“bedroom community” dependent on State College. As Megahertz has amply indicated in its

Comments and the instant supplement, Centre Hall is a community worthy of its own first local service by any measure , including that of Tuck and its progeny. Centre Hall has existed as a independent community for nearly 160 years. It has its own government, post office, zip code, businesses, religious institutions and social institutions to the extent that it is sufficiently independent of State College. The fact that it is small and close to State College does not in and of itself warrant depriving Centre Hall of a first local radio service.

13 For example, WBUS(FM) is licensed to Boalsburg, population 3578, which is only four (4) miles from State College; WQWK(FM) is licensed to University Park, which is only one (1) mile from State College and is too small to appear in the 2000 Census; WJHTVM) is licensed to Port Matilda, has only a population of 635 and is ten (10) miles from State College; and WBLF(AM), is licensed to Bellefonte, a comparative metropolis at 6,305 persons, which is also ten (10) miles from State College.’ In comparison, Centre Hall, population 1079 and ten

(10) miles from State College; is certainly further than either Boalsburg or University Park and nearly twice as large as Port Matilda yet each of these communities have been allocated on local service.

2 All distances derived form

Doc +I13060433 WPD 6 14. Further, Dame notes that the instant proposal would result in approximately 1300 people only receiving four local transmission services which Megahertz has never hidden.

Despite the clanty of Meganhertz’s engineering statement, Dame alleges that “In an unorthodox fashion unsupported by precedent, Petitioner attempts to ‘massage the numbers’ to divert the

Commission’s attention from the new underserved areas”.

15 Attached hereto is the Engineenng Statement of William J. Getz of Carl T. Jones

Corporation. As indicated therein, Dame apparently ignores the fact that Megahertz’s proposal would provide service to a prev area, Le., an area with presently only one aural service containing a population of 1.844 uersons. Additionally, a presently underserved population of 16.292 persons would gain a second. third, fourth or fifth aural service. Pursuant to the Revisions of FM

Assignments and Procedures, 90 FCC 2d. 88, 92 (1982), the Commission’s FM allotment priorities are (1) first full-time service; (2) second full-time service; (3) first local service; (4)

other public interest matters, wherein co-equal weight is given to priorities (2) and (3). Here, the

instant proposal provides 1.844 persons with a second full-time service, thereby qualifying under

priority 2, provides a first local service for Centre Hall, Pennsylvania, prionty 3, while the proposed new underserved area would be addressed under priority (4) “other public interest matters”. Consequently, the public interest benefits of Megahertz’s proposal greatly outweigh the fact that it will result in a loss area of approximately 1300 people who would be left with only

four services. In light of the foregoing, if anyone is “diverting the Commission’s attention”, it

would appear to be Dame.

16. Finally, petitioner does not know how to respond to Dame’s request at Footnote

13 of its “Comments” that should the Commission determine that Centre Hall as a community

warrants a first local service, Dame is “willing to agree” to a dual city allotment for its station

Doc Ill3060433 WPD 7 WBUS(FM) that would include both Centre Hall and Boalsburg. First, there is absolutely no precedent in “modern times” for the establishment of dual licensing of two communities with one radio station in an allocation proceeding and, in fact, Dame submits no precedent for this option.

17. Second, not only is Dame’s suggestion less than charitable to Centre Hall, it is also outside the Commission’s Rules. Dual city licensing as a rule was eliminated in

Amendment of the Main Studio and Proaam Ongination Rules for Radio and Television

Broadcast Station, 2 FCC Rcd. 3215,3219 (1987). As explained therein:

“The dual city licensing provision for radio stations was adopted

to alleviate a potential burden of the program origination rule.

Under the provision, now found in Section 73.1 120, a station

would be licensed to serve two or more communities if it

could demonstrate that the support from one community,

whether in the form of economic support or program assistance,

would be insufficient to enable the station to comply with the

rule. With dual city licensing, the station would include the programming

originating from both or all of its communities in its computation to

meet the requirements of the program origination rule . . .”

Once the program ongination rule was eliminated (along with Arizona waivers) the rationale for dual city licensing was also eliminated. Not only is the entire basis of dual city licensing irrelevant to this allocation proceeding, any possibility of dual city licensing was eliminated by the Commission approximately 17 years ago.

18. In sum, Dame has submitted no viable grounds which would support denial of

Megahertz’s proposal. As amply illustrated, Centre Hall is sufficiently independent from State

DOC U13060433 WPD 8 College to warrant its own first local service. The instant proposal would result in the elimination of a grey area encompassing 1,844 people which, pursuant to EM allocation priorities greatly outweighs the creation of a small area which would only receive four services.

19. Megahertz hereby reiterates that should the Commission grant the instant proposal to substitute Channel 258B1 for Channel 258A and reallot the channel from Mt. Union.

Pennsylvania to Centre Hall, Pennsylvania and modify the license of WXMJ(FM) accordingly and to reallot Channel 292A from Huntingdon, Pennsylvania to Mt. Union, Pennsylvania and modify the license of WWLY(FM)accordingly, Megahertz will file applications for the new facilities and will implement those applications expeditiously.

WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, Megahertz Licenses, LLC respectfully requests that the Commission amend its Table of Allotments to upgrade Channel 258A to Channel 258B1 and reallot the channel to Centre Hall, Pennsylvania and modify the license of WXMJ(FM) accordingly and reallot Channel 292A from Huntingdon, Pennsylvania to Mt. Union,

Pennsylvania and modify the license of WWLY(FM) accordingly.

Respectfully submitted,


\ By: mvm Allan G. Moskowitz Its Attorney

KAYE SCHOLER LLP 901 15th Street, N.W. Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 682-3500

January 20,2004

Doc #I3060433 WPD 9 EXHIBIT 1 Fact Sheet - American FactFinder http.//factfinder census gov/servler/SAFFFact?-event=Search&geo- ...


Centre Hall borough, Pennsylvania

Highlignts from the Census 2000 Demographic Profiles: General Characteristics -show more >> Number Percent us. Total population 100% map brief Male 49 1% map brief Female 50.9% map brief Median Age (years) 35.3 map brief Under 5 years 6.8% ma0 18 years and over 895 82.9 74.3% 65 years and over 203 18.8 12.4% map brief

One race -Total 97.6% White 75.1% mao brief Black or African American 12.3% map brief American Indian and Alaska Native 0.9% map brief Asian 3 6% map brief Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.1% map brief Some other race 5.5% map Two or more races 1 01 24% map brief

Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 0 0.0 12 5% map brief

Average household size 2.20 (X) 2 59 map brief Average family size 2 69 (X) 3.14 map

Total housing units 514 100.0~~ ~ 100.0% map Occupied housing units 491 95.5 91.0% brief Owner-occupied housing units 361 73.5 662% maD Renter-occupied housing units 130 26.5 33 8% map brief Vacant housing units 23 4.5 9.0% map Social Characteristics -show more >> Number Percent us. Population 25 years and over 816 100.0 High school graduate or higher 373 88.1 80.4% map brief Bachelor's degree or higher 143 22.9 24.4% map Civilian veterans (civilian population 25 years and 140 15.7 older) 12.7% map brief Disability Status (population 21 to 64 years) 72 10.9 192% map brief Foreign Born 2 0.2 11.1% map brief Now Married (population 15 years and over) 587 82 8 54 4% Speak a language other than English at home (5 years and older) 18 18 17.9% map brief

Economic Characteristics -show more >> Number Percent us. In Labor Force (16 years and older) 606 65 7 83 9% brief Mean travel time to work in minutes (16 years and 25.5 map older) 25 9 (X) Median household income (dollars) 42,143 (X) 41,994 map Median family income (dollars) 49,333 (X) 50,046 map Per capita income (dollars) 23,195 (X) 21,857 map Families below poverty level 5 1.6 92% map brief Individuals below poverty level 22 20 12.4% map Housing Characteristlcs -show more >> us. Single-family owner-occupied homes Median value (dollars) 119,800 map brief Median of selected monthly owner costs

1 of2 1/12/2004 2:14 PM Fact Sheet - Amencan FactFinder http Nfactfinder

With a mortgage 918 (X) 1,088 map Not mortgaged 326 (X) 295 (X) Not applicable. Source U S.Census Bureau, Summary File 1 (SF 1) and Summary File 3 (SF 3)

2of2 1/12/2004 2.14 PM JAN-18-2004 FRI 08:OB PM FOREVER BROADCASTTNG SC FAX NO. 8142372477 -",-- -


Rncslvnd Jan-16-04 06:Olpm From-alAZ372477 To-KAYE SCHOLER LLP Pam 02 Business Name Number of Employees % of Employees that are Centre Hall Residents

36% EXHIBIT 2 Centre Malt, Pa - Cornrnmky Site http://www .centrehall.cod

Come to Centre Hall... ln the Centre of it all!

Special Feature Visit Centre Hall Soon! Town Information Attractions HotelslB&B's Centre Hall Fire Co. Shrimp Feed is coming up Jan. Churches 16th! Organizations Local Links Centre Hall Area Woman's Club Monthly Meeting Map will be held Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at the Centre CentreHalLComSlide Shows Hall Fire Hall at 7:30 P. M. All ladies from the Centre Hall-Potter Township are invited to attend the meeting and join our organization. For more information, contact Ruth Rishel.

Annual Events in Centre Hall -Click here. to submit your events.

Other Events:

Centre Hall Fire Company Shrimp Feeds Held on the third Friday of the month! Stop by for a fast, delicious dinner you didn't have to cook! Benefits the Fire Company.

Centre Hall Area Woman's Club Monthly Meeting will be held Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at the Centre Hall Fire Hall at 7:30 P. M. All ladies from the Centre Hall-Potter Township are invited to attend the meeting and join our organization. For more information, contact Ruth Rishel.

Progress Grange Meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month - LeDon Young, Master 364-1495

Submit your information NOW! Centre Hall Business and Service Directory and the Clubs and Organizations Directories are coming soon. To submit your business, click here . To submit your club or organization, click here . Please remember that these directories are limited to the Centre Hall area. Thank you.

Town Information

1 Of4 1/19/2004 10:44 Ah4 centre Kaii,Ba- Commun;tySite

Centre Hall Borough Phone : (814)364-1772 Fax Number: (814)364-2821

Centre Hall Borough Council Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:OO p.m. at the Borough Office

The Planning Commission Meetings are held on the 1st Monday at 7:OO p.m. at the Borough Office

District Justice : Justice Tom Jordon serves the Boroughs of Centre Hall and Millheim; Townships of Gregg, Haines, Harris, Penn, Potter, and Miles. Address is RD #2, Box 61, Centre Hall, PA 16828 Phone: (814)364-1492

Centre Hall Potter Sewer Authority Phone : (814)364-2710 Fax Number: (814)364-2712

Hotels/Bed & Breakfast

Earlystown Manor Bed and Breakfast, 2024 Earlystown Road, Centre Hall, PA 16828, 877-466-6481 or 814-466-6481 Specialty: Bed and Breakfast accommodations, wedding receptions and meeting facilities

The Keller House, 109 W. Church Street, PO Box 461, Centre Hall, PA 16828 814-364-2225 Hours: Year round/24-7 Website: Email: [email protected] Centre Hall's newest bed & breakfast. Centrally located 1 block from Rt. 144. Newly renovated 1880's house features 2 rooms with private baths and 2 suites with gas fireplaces, 1 suite offers a jacuzzi tub for two. Both suites have private baths. Decorated with antiques and simple country pleasures.


Calvary Bible Church - Centre Hall Mountain 814-364-9231 Emrnanuel Union Church - 120 Tusseyville Road 814-364-2541 Grace United Methodist Church - 127 South Pennsylvania Avenue 814-364-1701

St. Luke's Lutheran Church - North Pennsylvania Avenue 814-364-9154 Trinity United Church of Christ - Pennsylvania Avenue and Ridge Street 814-364-2120


1/19/2004 10:44 AM Centre Hall, Pa - Community Site http://www

Penn's Cave - guided tours to the water cavern by boat and a 90-minute tour of the wildlife preserve.

Grange Fairgrounds - RV camping and events, Home of the Centre County Grange Encampment and Fair

National, State, and Local News Headlines via 3WZ News Channel

News around town

Pennsylvania Academy of the Arts A Dance & Music Academy 214 N. Pennsylvania Avenue Mailing address: PO Box 438 (814) 364-2424 Mon - SaVDaytime & Evening Classes [email protected] Specialty: Classes for ages 3 and up in all forms of dance (tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical and more!). Private music instruction in electric & acoustic guitar.

Local sports clubs are invited to share their schedules on Email your sports information to [email protected] and we will post your club's information.

Local Organizatian Information

Penns Valley Visions Contact Mary Kay Williams for additional information by calling (814)422-8745

Progress Grange Meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month - LeDon Young, Master 364-1495

SPCA in Centre Hall (814)364-1725

Local Links

0 Centre Hall Branch of the Centre County Library Mt. Nittany Winery 0 Boy Scout Troop 20 of Centre Hall Penn'sCave 0 Penn's Manor is the area's newest ownership option to retirement living. For more information contact the Penns Manor Sales Centre at 814-364-1020 or Centre Uall, Pa - Commun;ty Site http://www .centrehall.coml

[email protected]. Pennsylvania Academy of the Arts Steiger's at Home

Map to Centre Hall, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Back to the top Other links of interest...

Web Hosting I Web Design1 Suggest A Local Link I Opinions

ContentlDesign 02003 Homestead Graphics & Design This website IS a public service of Homestead Graphics and Design.


Rev. Ruseell L Seuwweln, Pastor P.O. Box 331, Centre MII, PA 1-26 Telephone: (614) 384-9154

January 16,2004

To Whom It May Concern:

Don Bedell, of Forever Broadcasting, called me this week and asked my opinion of a radio station coming into Centre Hall, Pennsylvania. His main concern was showing the FCC that Centre Hall should be considered separate from State College, PA when it comes to radio broadcasting. Inmy experience, the reception of the State College stations, by radios in the homes, is effected negatively by our close proximity to Nittany Mountain. This makes their reception dependant on both the weather conditions and the strength of signal. When some State College stations drop their signal strength in the evening, they are not able to be received in Centre Hall. A good example of this is that I have difficulty finding a radio station that is always well received by my clock radio. Inthe mornings, it is not unusual for us to wake up to static on our radio. After talking to my clergy-colleagues from the United Church of Christ and Methodist churches of Centre Hall, it was determined that we would welcome a radio station that would offer dependable reception, good quality programing, and cover the local businesses and interests.

Sincerely, i Yours in Christ,

p88tor’s Residence: RD 2, Box 47

Centre Hall, PA 16628 WNUUCONMECAIION Telephone: (814) 364-9124 IUSSWIW. PENU Gent By; LUGE INC; 364 2007; Jan-1 5-04 2: 02PM; Page 112 JAN-15-2004 "HU 01:25 PH FGREVER BROADCASTING SC FAX No. 8142372417 P. 02/02

Lw. Dkmutl'ng 161 Granavlm Road Csntrs Hall, Pmnaylvrnk

January 16,2004 To Whom It May Concern: centre W, Pennsylvania 1s an independent aammunlty, which may rely on the townchip and county tbr some servlccw. but does not rely on ths community of State College, Pennsylvania. We condder wrodver te be an lndepwmt community from State conego. Reeldenb of Centm MIhave all the basic am&UUea needed to mlntain Wr lifestyks on a daily bad$.

Keith LUW * ,I,' bII

To Whom ii may Concorn I F

It was a plwure viuili e ,topped into our business, Clearwater Pool Company. to

As I explained to setvicc: the residents ot'the community and beyond. larger surmunding markets Centre Hall is a town that offe

ETWak SWEITZER’S HARDWARE 4% GIFTS, INC. P.O. Box 455, 2821 Earlystown Road Centre Hall, PA 16828 Ph 814-364-2717 Fa814-364-2448

January 14,2004


RE Location of a Radio Station in Centre Hall, PA

Centre Hall, Pennsylvania would be an excellent location to establish a new radio stahon.

Situatedjust under 20 miles from State College, Centre Hall is totally independent community with its own post office, water system, sewer system, school system, small aiqmt, medical faciliaes, fire and ambulance services, churches, assisted care facility, rehab hospital, etc. Also included are a variety of businesses including banks, restaurants, grocery stores, hardware, grft and craft stores, bed & breakfast accommodations, farm supply and equipment sales, and many more.

It is the business hub for the entire Penns Valley Area serving and extending towards eastern PA to numerous towns

Among the unique events of this community is Grangers Fair and Tent Encampment held for two weeks every August, this year being the 130” year, bringing people from all over the USA.

It is also the home of the famous Penns Cave, a unique water cavern, recreational and well-attended antque and flea markets.

In my opinion, Centre Hall is undoubtedly the most “up and coming” business area for Central Pennsylvania in the future. Just minutes from Route 1-80 and now the proposed new highway coming from southern PA, Lewistown, Hamsburg, and connecting to 1-80 East and West w11 only continue to promote future growth.

Building a radio station in Centre Hall would be taking advantage of the right place at the nght time’

President W'SKITCHENS Fax :814-364-2021 Jan 15 '04 12:16 P.02/02

Skunk's KittLonr

RD #2 Bax 78 Centre MU,R4 16828

PhOm (814) M4-#520 Fhx (814) 984-2021

To Whom It May Concern: Centre Hail, Pennsylvania is an indepeadent Communay, which myrely on the township and county for some services, but does not m4on the mammunity of State College, pennaylvania

We arc an indcpondcnt 00- ftom State collepe. Residents of Centre Hall haw all the amdtics nccded to mintah theii lifrsstyks on a daily basis. SinCenlY. Page 1 of 1

Don Bedell

From: To: Sent: Wednesday, January 14,2004 5:26 PM Attach: Forever doc Subject: Letter Don, Hope this helps. Wes(See attached file: Forever.doc) Miller Agency Wesley A Miller 102 Oakwood Lane, Suite 100 Centre Hall, PA 16828 Tele. 814-364-1965

January 14,2003

RE: Forever Broadcasting

To Whom it May Concern:

Centre Hall is a viable community. Those of us that live or work here do not consider ourselves to be part of the State College community. It is possible to live here without traveling to State College for services with a few major exceptions. We would need to use Mount Nittany Medical Center for acute medical treatment.

We have our own school system and can receive basic medical care in the area. We are blessed with several eating establishments, grocery stores, banks and other professional services.

A radio station would be a fine addition to our community.


Wesley A. Miller e ce


2002-20 03 Father, we thank Thee for the beauty of the world in which Thou hast placed us. Help us know that if we have an understanding heart and an inquisitive mind towards the things in nature, it is a short step to the same attitude towards people. Therefoxe, may we earnestly seek to understand all living things better and be drawn towards a deeper understanding and auureciation of God, The Creator of All. Amen.

Our Bird Bluebird Our Flower: Rose Our Tree: Dogwood CCUG Meeting GUia26ineS Tfie centre HaiXGardkn cGu6 meets regulirly at 7:3opmon tfie thirdfiursahy of each month -January amfAupst. Meetings are fielitat the bme of theiefirst hostess Citedfw tfiat ahte. CCu6 mem6ers are notifidafew ahys in advance of meetings adsyeciaCeyents heielitwitliin a given month. gymare dlkto attdameeting, 2C#3S€ notifi the hostess fm tfiat month. octo66

16-20-UearM?mhers Gettiqj 21 + vear Mem6ers Hostess f iz Reeser Joanne Song Co-Hm Loois corc Loois Woo& Judy Spas -Ha Sl

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.. . ., .. . OQ3 The Centre Hall Garden Club ' By-Laws 1. Club aanbarslu'p shall be limited to twenty-five (25). 222 Membemhip is open to anyone interested in home gardening. Tar Membemhip procedure: The prospedive memb will be voted on at a regular monthly meeting. At the next regular monthly meeting the new member will receive a written sbiwmnt &club purpose and activity. If in agreement with club purpose and activitks, shall indicate by verbal agreementtopurposestatement Amaprityshallelect

the Tour up to the fiis wiCC6e our 2. Annual dws shall be Five Dollars ($5..00) payable at the September meeting, Members in arrears for one year shall be dropped from the club draiser. afterhavingbeennotified inwritingbythe!3ecretaly. 3. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the third Thursday of in- a Teafm a6 each month, with the exception of August and January, Any changes in wing the tour. regular meeting schedule are subject to action of the Executive committee. tess: 4. One fourth (1/4) of the members of the club shall be considered a JSteSs: quorum A majority of the Executive Committee shall be a qunum of that body. I)oume X. Lle&,v J&?ei 5. All formal meetings of the club and the Executive Committee shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 6. The Constitution and/or By-Laws may be amended at my re@ t ZOO.? meeting by a majority vote of those present, prwided the proposed amendment has been presented to the members af the last regular ?ting!! meeting. :eptem6er! 7. This Constitution and By-Laws shall go into effect in September 1958.

8) Lauren Iease 1976, ." Ib". ii 8. Any mm% xho @.m slc c-We,contacted by the Secretary/Tri~i~re~to yheifter'dd member ddsto continue her membership. If po&bl$said aember should contact the Secretary/Treapuw b&re next meeting ofher decision. This wig be recorded in minutes of meeting as to decisiun of memk. By-Law @)voted on and approved Marth 1981. The Centre HdkGardm Club Canstitutim .. r Article I - Name - The &ofthis organization shan be llhe I%&Hall 1 Gmden Club. I Article Il -.purpoSe - The purposeof theclub shallbe #' 1. To discuss and share the experiaws ofhome gard-s. * 2. To develop an interest m conservation measurers as may be I practicable for club's rmowes. # 3. To further civilproiectP related to gardenink agaih in sofar as practicable. i i Article ID - officers - theofficers of thisclub shall be A President and a seCretary/Treasurer. 1. The Resident shall appoint a program chairman and co- ChairllWL 2. Elections of officers shall be carried out as &lows: The president shall appoint a -g cummiltee at the April ~~thiscommitteeshallpresentaslaieofo~ercandidetes to the club at the May m&ting. F&m this slate the &ers shall be elected by ballot at the hymeeting. 3. Officers' term of senrice shall beginin September ~~owh~the May election. They shall serve two years. 4. The officers oftheclub and the progrm committee shall serve as the Executive Committee. 5. When a vacancy occurs manelective office the unexpired term shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee.

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