mf3FILE COPY ORIGINAL KAYE SCHOLERLLP The McPherson Building 901 Fifteenth Street, NW Washington. DC 20005 202682-3500 Fax 202 682-3580 Allan C. Moskowitz 202 682-3501 Fax 682-3580
[email protected] January 20,2004 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 - 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: MB Docket No. 03-23 1 RM-10818 Dear Ms. Dortch, On behalf of Megahertz Licenses, LLC, licensee of Radio Stations WWLY(FM), Huntingdon, Pennsylvania and WXMJ(FM), Mt. Union, Pennsylvania and petitioner in the above-referenced rulemaking docket, we are herewith submitting an original and four copies of its “Supplement to Comments and Reply” in response to the Notice of Prooosed Rulemaking in the above-referenced docket. Should any questions arise with respect to this matter, please contact the undersigned counsel. Respectfully submitted, KAYE SCHOLER LLP n Allan G. Moskowitz \ NO of Cnpiea rec’d Of+ List ABCDE 13060174 WPD NEW YORK CHicb.00 Lo5 ANGELES WASHINGTON, D C WEST PALM 0-CH FRANKFURT HONG KONG LoNooN SHANOHAII KAYE SCHOLERLLP Ms Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary 2 January 20,2004 bcc LynnDeppen 13060174 WPD NEW YORK CHICAOO LO5 ANGELES WA3HlNGroN. D C WEST PALM BEACH FRANKFURTHOW KONO LONDON S~nwo~nl BEFORE THE NeaetP1 Mummuttitftfiutts Mommissiott WASHINGTON, D C 20554 In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), 1 MB Docket No. 03-231 Table of Allotments ) RM-I 081 8 FM Broadcast Stations. (Mt. Union, Huntingdon, Centre 1 Hall and South Williamsport, 1 Pennsylvania) To: Assistant Chief Audio Division SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS AND REPLY Megahertz Licenses, LLC, (“Megahertz”), licensee of Radio Stations WHUN(AM)/WWLY(FM), Huntington, Pennsylvania and WXMJ(FM), Mt.