AUCTION SAT.H8 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. THE COURTS. SENATE REPUBLICANS This afternoon. TOMORROW, nrrcM days. FUTURE M>VI NOWELCOMEINENGLAND PERFECT ORGANIZATION THOS. J. OWEN Jc SOS, AUCTIONEERS. THOS. J. OWES & SON, AUCTIONEERS. © © Court of Appeals. op vaxil-able improved TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED Present The Chief Justice. Mr. Justice CH4!J.C.SBT.»5A!;5.REAL teSTATE IN PETWORTH. IMPROV REAL ESTATE, KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. C. G. SLOAN & CO., INC., AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G ST. Mr. BWCK DWELLING. S»25 N. H. 2017 Q STREET NORTHWEST. Robb and Mr. Justice Van OrsdeL Gallinger Is Elected Leader and w FOR Dudeclc. P. AVE N a re¬ FORD PEACE Joseph George McCeney. virtue of certain deed of trust PARIY By duly Mr. nJ%L TlCtD.1 <"cr** passed In the Supreme corded in Liber No. 3757, folio 76 et seq., of MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLE SALE OF John F. Porter. Claud De Baun and Wadsworth Secretary °,f '.'>V,D1»1trlct ?' Colombia Is the case the land records of the District of Columbia, and F. Gwynn Gardiner were admitted to "Ji ". Webster E. Becker- at the request of the party secured thereby, the and Whip. Alt* »t «1..^ equityri*LkNo. JJSM, we will »U mt pnb- undersigned trustee will sell at auction, Lord of Tuber- on public HIGH-GRADE Bobert Cecil Tells House of Balllnger West Association for Prevention aactlon. fn front of the premises. MON- in front of the premise*, on TUESDAY. THE FURNITURE PNo^2805. art. Publish¬ ?Ay- THE SIXTH DAT OF DECEMBER. 1915. SEVENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1915. AT ing Company; mandate ordered to issue of AT FOLRO CLOCK P.M.. the following de- FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following FOR ALL PARTS OF THE Commons Members "Are of No forthwith on motion of Mr. H. Wlnship culotis Begins Week republican members of the Sen¬ .«1bed Una and premise*, tltnate In the county described land and premises, situate in the city HOME, of Washington. Id aaid District, and known as of Washington, District of Columbia, and desig¬ ITh*ate assembled In conference today be- the Particular agt. on mo¬ Activities. and being lot eighteen, in Abner Greenleaf's nated as and being lot eighty-one (81). in Bu¬ Being Examples of Art of the Best Cabinet Makers Importance." Kinney McNabb; I fore the opening: of the session the trustees subdivision of lots in square thirty- and others* tion of Mr. Charles Poe time for ap¬ of chanan subdivision of part of square I Senate. Harmony was the J.T® (now 3132>, in Petworth Addition to tbe ninety-three (98>. as per plat recorded in Liber in the Country, pellee to file brief extended one week. keynote of 7 of W^bhinicton, as per plat in Book 43, No. 12. folio 11S, of the records of the office of No. 1007. Patent appeal. Rountree With the of "tuberculosis meeting, practically all of the repub¬ 110. in the surveyor's office of said Dis- the surveyor of the District of Columbia, to¬ LONDON, December 6, 3:20 p.m..A motion to beginning lican senators ct. with the thereon. the ant. Sloan; allow appellant week" many for copies being: present. Senator age Improvements gether with improvements, consisting of AT PUBLIC AUCTION request made in the house of commons until December 11 to file brief today, requests Polndexter of Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money three-story and basement brick dwelling, stucco this afternoon A. Corn¬ granted. of '"Washington Health Rules" are be- Washington, who stray¬ to he paid in cash and the balance in two equal front. by Sir Edwin No. 2892. Reid agt. Dodge; motion to ed from the party to the installments, payable in one and two year* from Terms of sale: One-third of the Within Our G wall, liberal member for the northeast affirm postponed until the on In* made of the Association for the Join bull the of and to be by the purchase money Rooms, 1407 St., hearing moose three years ago. was back in day sale, represented to be paid in cash, balance in two equal in¬ division of an inti¬ the merits. Prevention of Tuberculosis. It Is plan¬ promissory notes of the purchaser, bearing inter, stallments. in one and two with Bethnal Green, that the fold and attended the annum, parable years, No. 2876. Twyman agt. Carter: peti¬ ned that during the current week es¬ conference. est at the rate of six per centum per interest at 5^ per centum per annum, payable mation be sent to Henry Ford and Wil¬ tion for Senator of semi-annually, and secured t>v deed of semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed On Thursday, December 9, 1915, production of original papers pecial attention shall be paid In all Gallinger New Hampshire on cash. at the liam Jennings that their pro¬ until the on the was fayablerust the property sold. or all of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at Bryan postponed hearing lines of activities to the dangers o re-elected chairman, which car¬ option of the purchaser. $100 deposit required the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $250 at posed peace mission to this country merits. ries with it the title of republican upon acceptance of bid. All conveyancing, notary will be required at time of sale. All convey¬ Starting 10:30 A.M. would be at No. 2872. Randolph & Co. a*t. Co- the great white plague and the methods fees and recording at purchaser's cost. Terms ancing, recording, etc., at cost of "irritating and unwelcome" lumbia leader of the Senate. to be complied with within fifteen days cr purchaser. and the Graphophone Company; motion by which it may be prevented. tbe Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen On Public View Tuesday Wednesday, December 7 and 8. present time, drew the response to strike out of error, of Senator James W. Wadsworth, jr.. of trustees may advertise and sell at pur¬ days from day of sale, otherwise the trustee re¬ assignments The Association for the Prevention chaser's risk and cost after Ave davs* previous from Lord Robert Cecil, parliamentary designation of record and appellant s we New York, one of the three in serves the right to resell the property at the The collection embraces Handsome 9-plece Anne Bedroom Tuberculosis of the District, as newly advertisement of auch resale published some risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five Queen under secretary for affairs, that brief, and to dismiss or affirm post¬ elected republican senators. was newspaper of Waahinrton. D. C. such in Beautiful foreign .until on as every other similar association chosen and ROBERT H. McNEILL, days' advertisement of resale in some news¬ Suite, mahogany; Ivory-finish Bedroom Suite, Jacobean Oak as the passports of the members of the poned hearing merits; time for secretary republican "whip." Woodward paper published in Washington, D. C. Dining Room Suite, Complete Louis XV also appellees" to file brief extended twenty throughout the country. Is emphasiz¬ The conference, on motion of Sen- Building, NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, Mahogany Bedroom Suite; peace mission only had been issued for this week the value ator Lodge of JOHN RIDOUT, Trustee. By FRANK W. STONE, Second Very Fine Mahogany Dining Room Suite, High Post 999. ing particularly Massachusetts, provided Fendall Building, Vice President. Bedsteads, Bird's-eye neutral countries the contingency con¬ da^o8 Patent appeal. Griffin agt. of the body in tone as sn in¬ for the appointment of a committee Bo24-d*da. Trustees. and Circassian Walnut Bureaus and Young; motion to dismiss keeping on to Attest: (Seal.) CHAS. a LAMBORN. Maple Chiffoniers, Bedroom Chairs and templated by Sir Edwin did not arise. granted; surance against tuberculosis and other committees, mp.k* assignments no2b-d&ds.exSu Assistant Secretary. Rockers, Bar Harbor Chairs, Brass and Iron Beds, New A opinion by Chief Justice Shepard. of senators to the standing commit¬ THOS. J. OWEN * SON, AUCTIONEERS. Easy Chairs, rapid bombardment of questions No. 2850. Bank of Warren agt. Title ailments. Its book of Washington tees. This committee takes the Rugs, etc.. etc. came from different parts of the house and Health edited the lato Dr. of placs TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED the under Guaranty Surety Company; motion Rules, by the old so-called steering commit¬ BEING THE THREE SALE Special attention is called to the Very Fine Adam [inviting secretary, seeing to dismiss; appeal granted. M. former surgeon tee. and will be composed of nine sen¬ ESTATE. PUBLIC Mahogany Library "that these people left amid a storm of No. George Sternberg, STORY AND CELLAR BRICK APARTMENT Suite, in cut velour, which is one of the newest 2852. Royal Trust Comrany ag*. is on Hale at most ators, probably with Senator Lodge as AS NO. La. Ave. N.W., creations on the market. ridicule," that he convey to them, in Gardiner et general, being put HOUSE, KNOWN -THE OLIVER," 633 Terms: CASH. whatever And al., and No. 2879. Tiffany of the large book stores and the book. chairman. Senator Gallinger will nam* 2217 14th STREET NORTHWEST. neutral country they agt. same; submitted Mr. John Ridout stores the other members of re¬ December 7, 1915, C. G. by departments of department the committee By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly Tuesday, SLOAN & CO., INC., AUCTS. themselves, the intimation that they for appellant in No. com¬ wxt the next few No. 430 et of 11 are not 2879; argument This hook is being used as the during days. corded in LIher 305ft. folio seq., 10 A.M. dp«.7AS-St wanted here at any time. Lord menced by Mr. W. E. Richardson for ana the land records of the District of Columbia, and Robert Cecil parried the ap¬ book on hygiene for normal pupils .t the request of the party secured thereby, the Extra Assortment questions, pellant In No. 2852; continued by Mr. av for the teachers above the fifth gra lc. sell Large saying: E. I.ester for appellee the undersigned trustees will at public auction. "Speaking for myself, I think it would Pittsburgh Rules Famous In front of the premise*, on MONDAY. THE FURNITURE, ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. ADAM A. Life and Trust Company, and by Mr. W. Throughout Country. SIXTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1915. AT PIANOS AND KfRXm RB FOR ALL PARTS WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. be in the highest degree undignified G Gardiner for appellee, Gardiner, and O'CLOCK P.M.. the OF for the to The book was written by eminent FOUR-THIRTY following HOl'SE. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF EQUIPMENT OF COAI., TB HEAL government of this country concluded by Mr. W. E. Richardson .for POPEAGAINTODEPlORE described land and premises, situate in the Dis- WOOD AND FEED BUSINESS AT SOI'TH- send any intimation to a lot of ladies sanitarians as an of the as PAINTS. ESTATE S4lxflO °£iriXAUJABLr' appellant In No. 2S52. enlargement trict of Columbia and designated and being CLOTHING. " CORNER 7th AND MARYLAND and gentlemen- who, whatever their No. 2831. twelve rules lot 145, in H. M. Packard's subdivision of lots AV EN IE NORTHEAST. Fidelity Storage Company Washington health print¬ as in office To Bidder for Cash. merits may be, are of no particular with la square 234, per plat recorded the Highest R.v of a chattel deed of trust recorded in agt. Hopkins; judgment reversed, ed for a number of years by the asso¬ of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in , v'^tue importance." costs and cause remanded for further D. NOTES, Auctioneer. T.iber 3.S-, folio 338 et se* "1 Additional on the Frederick VIII. with directions to dism-ss the bill; health rules for wall cards. ap¬ , December fi. 6:45 LUTHER S. FRJSTOE. t.o ^Vr,Se«b,tan"P*1* cent Per ¦». opin¬ They p.m..At ths ADAM A. WBSCHLER, AUCTIONEER. num. payable 8eiui-«nn»iii b-T of NEW YORK, December 6..There are ion by Mr. Justice Robb. preciate the increase In efficiency and consistory which will be held tomor¬ »r>24-eod&d».exSu Trusteea. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. trust upon the 8ecur1?1 No. 2841. Lynham de¬ of work done em¬ OF pronertr^M tbe 179 members in the Ford peace agt. Hufty-. quality by healthy row the Pope will deliver an allocution ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER" TRUSTEES* SALE VALUABLE UNIM¬ option of the purchaser ?* i£r.JLi*c"rb.,5£ party, cree affirmed with costs: opinion by ployes, says the association. PROVED REAL ESTATE. 90x100 FT.. OF V ALUABLE IMPROVED quirod at tbe time of '*al£ Tf1 L0!.coo**y«nciag,ire" now en route to Norway on the steam¬ Chief again deploring the horrors of the war NORTHEAST CORNER 4th AND M STREETS TRtnc^EREAL SJSAt5 3«W*> .m i«* Justice Shepard. TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED ESTATE. LIVINGSTON HTRKET recording, notary fee* rerenue at ship Oscar II, according to announce¬ No. 2S37. Traction and the Armenians. HEAL ESTATE KNOWN AS lftS MORRIS NORTHEAST. NORTHWEST. CHEVY CHASE. D c. cost of pnrSSr Te£22 ,5tern»1 com* Capital Company commiserating Ths By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly re¬ of » certain deed of trust, re- with within e» J° ment made by. the line agt. Morgan; judgment affirmed with will the ROAD. ANACOSTTA. D. C.. IMPROVED BY 75 duly piled UfteeiTdir. <* *.«'. today owning NOTHING TO INDICATE pontiff urge quick conclusion corded In Liber 8280. folio et seq., of the'land 3S0B. folio 266 et «eq . of otherwise the trusW. £0m,<*y to costs; opinion Mr. Justice Robb. TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING. .T . _Jn ,'ib;r «SJX? I*8e11 the vessel. The line also announced by of peace, which should be and a of records of the District of Columbia, and at the the land recorda of the District of Columbia and th« property, at the 2*1?* No. 976. just By virtue of decree th® Supreme Court of of the secured the of the ri*k^I£!7^J5e d^fault" that reservations have Patent appeal. Dalton agt. the District of Columbia, in cause No 31465 request party thereby, we, the at request party secured thereby we. Jng purchaser, after At* dZr^Li^LS*advertisement of been made on Wilson; decision of commissioner of ATTACK ON NAVAL VESSEL durable, favoring neither of the bel¬ C. is and Jona¬ undersigned trustees, will sell at public auction, Nie undersigned trustees, will sell at public sueh resale in some in the the Frederik therein Delancy Henry plaintiff front of the on THE Id of the on ******** published VIII, which sails late this patents affirmed; Mr. Justice ligerents. than A. Baxter and others are defendants the in premises, TUESDAY. auction. fr°nt premises, WEDN'ES- District of Ctalambla. for opinion by undersigned will offer for sale, at public auction SEVENTH DAY OF DECEMBER. A.D. 1915. AT HTH "AT OF DECEMBER, GUS A. SOHULDT week, twenty-five persons who in¬ Van Orsdel. Attention will be called to the fact on FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., tte following-described ?'nA ri >oTl ..J O'CLOCK P.M.. the follow- tend to the Ford 982. in front of the premises, MONDAY THV situate in the ,I;ilr;u AT, Rl'DOLpH B. SEHBEND. Join party in Nor¬ No. Patent appeal. Rohlflng agt. Which Encounter that, despite the good will of those in SIXTH DAY OF DECEMBER. A D. 1915 \T land and Premises, city of Wash¬ in,, described land and premises, situate In the ¦">2IM*. fourteen (14j and fif¬ Lot numbered three (3) in square numbered this city and Alop Bach, a native of (Chief Justice Shepard dis¬ No. 203. in H. A. Grlswold's subdivision of cer¬ teen (15> iu Cox. Winslow and Jay. trustees', eighteen hundred and fifty-nine (1859) in Pulton senting). Not Yet Identified. dent the abnormal conditions prevail¬ Finland.were found aboard the Ford _ tain lots in ..Chichester." known as Griswold's subdivision of squsre numbered eight hundred and s subdivision of part of a tract of No. 986. Patent as recorded in office of peace ship several ho"urs after she left appeal. Conrad agt. ing at the holy see. Addition to Anacoatia, according to tbe plat oif four (S04t. per plat the land <-»lled Chery Chase, now known as "Con- Kraus: decision of commissioner of as tbe same of record the surveyor of the District of Columbia in Book n*ct.rut Avenue Terrace." as per plat recorded port Saturday, according to wireless Six cardinals are to be created, and aaid subdivision appears 17. 153. with the Book af of patents affirmed; Mr. Justice In the office of tbe surveyor of the District of page together improvements. in County 21. page 33. tlie records of messages received here. Greenburg, opinion by The Navy Department has received a report was current in Vatican circles in Liber of Book Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in two the survivors office of the District of Columbia- ^ ^ who got aboard a Van Orsdel. Columbia, County Washington ^ by delivering fake _ installments, in one and two to covenants do to the American that the in No. 9. page 100. equal payable years, subject the that dwelling house telegram to one of the passengers, has No 992. Patent appeal. Deakin agt. nothing indicate that today Pope may, addition, One-third of the with interest at six per centum per annum," pay¬ '."all he built od any of said lots to .-ost less a Terms: purchase price to be able from of secured a»d at the re- been made ship's messenger, while Schwartz; decision of commissioner of vessel reported to have been attacked {appoint new cardinal, whose name paid in cash and the balance in two equal ln- semi-annually, diy sale, by than thirty-five hundred «$3 500> dollars, and sub- quest of the nart» ml Pm^la' patents in one and two deed of trust upon the property sold, or all ^ash, je< t to the building restrictions as shown on said Bach has been set to work peeling po¬ reversed; opinion by Mr. Jus¬ Saturday off the Island of Crete by a will be reserved "in petto".that Is, atallments. payable vears from of the A of tice Robb. the day of sale, with interest parable at tbe at the option purchaser. deposit $100 plat: together with the improvements, consisting tatoes. submarine was a navy vessel. whose name will be withheld until the rate of 6 ner cent per annum, payable aeml-an- required at the time of sale. All conveyancing, and ntti'' brk'k aud Kt°n' dwelling. No 996. Patent appeal. In re Samuel to recording, notarial fees and revenue stamps at of«.two'storyTerms of sale: One-third of the purchase money «". C Bond; decision of Minister Droppers at Athens reported Pope chooses to reveal it. Several aually. deferred paymenta be secured by first to tek.^;, commissioner of names deed of trust on the property so sold, or all cost of purchaser. Terms of sale be complied to be paid in cash, and the balance in two eaval t;v"oV- patents affirmed; opinion by Mr. Justice to the State Department that the Greek are mentioned in this connection, cash, at the option of tbe purchaser. A de¬ with within fifteen days from day of sale, other¬ installments, payable In one and two years, with RIDERS OF WASHINGTON Van Orsdel. including that of Archbishop John Ire¬ of win be of the wise the trustees reserve the right to resell the Interest at six per centum per annum, payable 'n f 11 ¦ county government had given to him a radio¬ posit $200 required purchaser cost of of Washington f. Jlat57- 'n ents, for appellant: continued by Mr. some American ship whose name was of D. C. will be of the at fine of the subdivision of ItlohilL,^?'r» *" of chaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with in Washington, required purchase- the the P*r P1" P C. West, for appellee, and concluded unintelligible, reporting the attack. The The six new cardinals ars: fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the un¬ JAMES A. CAHILL. sale. All conveyancing, recorPng an«J notarial rexuhftllvfulnu of S? numbered 1957. Mr. F. W. for reserve the right to resell such prop¬ ERNEST L. SCHMIDT. fees at the cost of the purTerms of «Jle 185S. 2083. 20«4 '5 of "R>--bn>ond by Clements, appellant. radio message was: "Being attacked Mgr. Giulio Tonti, who was at dersigned Trustees. P'rk" and' p.-. Back-to-the-Saddle Enthusiasts Are erty at the risk and cost of the defaulting pur- Bo24-d&ds,exSu&no25 to be implied with within fifteen days from ^le're .S I" tbe by submarine. Position, 33 N., 2 E.' Lisbon when the of that chaaer after at least five days' advertisement day of sale, otherwise the trustee reserve* the office of the suArTvJ? .r ,h 'ri, ' of Co|,|ni of monarchy .°®« newspaper published in FUTURE DAYS. right to resell the property at the risk and cost hl" In Liber Coiintr Vo «nd Guests Daniel E. District Supreme Court. The Greek government notified the country fell, and who had difficulty S5h _Iesal1 J" of the after five davs' ad- numbered .r In ££_16, the District of Columbia. defaulting purchaser, ..". 2W2' ,h" EQUITY DIVISION 1.Justice Ander¬ minister a destroyer had been sent to getting out of He has re¬ MASON N. RICHARDSON. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. vertisement of su.-h resale in some nowsjcoer "ubdivi.lon .f R|°h3Jd pl,t Kleps. . Feudal I Bide.. 4H and D >ts. n.w.. published in the city of Washington, DC. Mid subdivision re^td In th" ST of the son. investigate. tained the title and lives in Rome. Now IRVING WILLIAMSON. surveyor of th. Dlstrlo, JD-'feIumbla West agt. West; restraining order The American naval collier Caesar, , _ TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES¬ '» Llbcr he becomes a member of the curia. Columbian Law Bldg.. 5tb bet. D and E sta. PREMISES NO. 4110 NEW MICHAEL J. KEANE. MA^rriVlne'Truslee. COTnty No. 21, folio No. 4«f and for alimony; plaintiff's attorney, mentioned in press dispatches as hav¬ jo28-dAds.exSu&no25 Trusteea. TATE. BEING Attorney for Party Secured. The riders assembled at William H. De been ill the from Mgr. Alfonso Maria MiHtrangelo, HAMPSHIRE AVENUE N.W. no26-d&ds,exSu Prr''b»5" Washington Lacy. ing vicinity which By virtue of a deed of trust., recorded in Liber money to'be ;«M In 'cash^'/m1.°' V"ln Pierce mill, in Rock Creek Park, at 2 Mosher agt. Drurv; decree pro con- the call for help came, reported her Archbishop of Florence, who has wait¬ FUTURE DAYS. No. 3568, folio 227, land records of District of Installments. p«jtbV . "nd Tear., feeso; plaintiff's M. J. safe arrival at Alexandria to the ed eighteen years for the honor, al¬ secured THOS. J. OWEN & SON". AUCTIONEER^ tb Interest at « nir o'clock yesterday afternoon, for their attorney, Col¬ Navy ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Columbia, and at request of parly there¬ able semi-annual!*- J -p*r "nnum. pay. bert. Department last night. The cruiser though Florence is one of the greatest trustees will sell at auc¬ »' and for in . , by. undersigned public CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED d«*I of «»<.. weekly riding participation Perin agt. sale Des Moines, now on her way to Crete, of Italian sees. tion. in front of premises. DECEMBER FOUR¬ t"« or all a tournament and roast Perin; confirmed; CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED I TEENTH. 1915. AT HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK PROPERTY, NOS. 3330, 3332 AND -Jal caih, at the ontlon dtiL ^ * oyster pro¬ plaintiffs attorneys, R. Ross Perry & was near Cyprus, about 500 miles dis¬ Mgr. Giovanni Cagliero, who is both REAL ESTATE-FRAME DWELLING NO T'RfKSPETT AVENUE AND NO of *100 ., <>"*">< vided for their entertainment Dan¬ FRAME P.M., the following-described land and premises nV 122? 4 .; %tzcb":r; by Son; defendant's attorneys, H. tant from the scene, Saturday. apostolic delegate and political envoy 1112 21ST STREET NORTHWEST, District of Columbia: Lot No. 57 of D. D. BANK ST. N.W. (G&JRrjETOWN)"^1^ of ««le. All Po^erancTn, «t E. one of the Sohon and J. J. to Central DWELLING NO. 932 L STREET NORTH- in the R°%ED L°T °N 14th 'ST- EX" ««t of ?1"*- «'.. iel Kleps, leaders in the Darlington. America. FRAME DWELLING NO. 323 STH Thompson's subdivision in square No. 70, Pat- purchaser Trrnf'Jf to >" com- movement. Misbach agt. Mlsbach; order ap¬ Mgr. Andrea former head WEST. worth Addition to the city oT Washington, as re¬ TENDB^ Piled with within tlftiln ^ -Mle of sale. back-to-the-saddle Fruhwirth, STREET NORTHEAST. virtue of a decree passed in the otherwise f.Tm **7 pointing Spencer Gordon to defend, and of the Dominican order, nuncio in Ba¬ corded in County Book No. 45. page 110. of the . Supreme the trostei rl*"t to re. From the place of assembly Walter JUDGMENT FOR CLEANER By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of 'he District of Columbia in the case of sell the at th* ,^ proof ordered taken before varia, and Austrian and the records of th*4 surveyor of the District of Colum¬ « /?f property ot d"" Brown and Carl von Zielinski Margaret by birth, the Dlatrict of Columbia, paesed in Equity Cause known for assessment v"- Marv Cosgrove et a!.. Equity '."'tin* after (U "> led the M Murray, at¬ cardinal of the six who is not an No. we, the trustees, will sell bia. square otherwise pur¬ I will sell at purr-hair d,T» adrertlse- examiner; plaintiff's only 30764, undersigned as number 3229. No. 33.J37. public auction, in front ment of rwi,, ¦. J?IP groups of riders through fine saddle J. E. at¬ IS SET ASIDE BY COURT Italian. »t suction, in front of the respective poses °n TIES FOUR¬ n'"«P«pt.T pub- torney, Potbury; defendant's public Terms of sale: Sold subject to a prior deed of DAY. THE llKbed in Washington' D paths up the valley of Rock creek, and W. S. Raffaele nuncio at J remise*, on FRIDAY. DECEMBER TENTH over TEENTH DAY OF DBTEMBER, 1915. AT H*LF- torney, Zachary. Mgr. Scapinelli. AT HALF PAST THREE trust for $2,500. and the amount and altovfe *¦ R- MONROE. Trn.tee the arrived at the Vienna. I91T., BEGINNING said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $100 PASTTHREE O'CLOCK P.m'. the followh^e- party Kleps home P.M.. tbe following de«crit»d land* .nd T,rem¬ record¬ scribed land and premises, situate in the city of EQl'ITY DIVISION 2.Justice Mgr. Ciorgio Gusmini. Archbishop of ises. situste in the of District required at tim» of sale. Conveyancing, 71,08 J- owen at Takoma at about 3 o'clock. McCoy. Appellate Tribunal Holds Window city Washington. etc.. at co«t of purchaser. Terms of sale to Washington, in Kaid District, and known as and ALCTIONEBRS. Mitchell agt. Mitohell: rule as to Bologna, successor in that see of Pope of Columbia, being the south seventeen <17i feet ing. within fifteen from being lots 3ft. 40. 41 and 42 In the nubdivishm *_S0N. After the oyster roast a tournament returnable December front on 21st street the full thereof of be complied with days *>ale, contempt 10; Washer Assumed Risk in Benedict XV by depth tnistees reserve the right to resell the in square 120G. improved as above stated. Etch '-.MMFROV- was held in Mr. Kleps' grounds. Wal¬ plaintiff's attorney. W. Using also in original lot eighteen (18>. square seventy-two otherwise lot will be <»ffered separately. Also an unim¬ Tl£W.TE||ALA«iAfTFAII,^.RVK OX THK George Offutt; The Pope will announce the at risk and c-jst of defaulting purchaser, ' defendant's (73h being premises No. 1112 21st street north- property lot. about 6.000 feet a XORTH shop of Lead, P.M. SAME DAY. the east published "A road. and which will be bounded by east virtue of 1 cerla^n d^HNVKT,nVBKT-er .NV, ->ii> folio 420 ft seq.. of depth of ninety-two (92> feet ou the eaat line Trustees. 87-75. Sale commencing at the Georgetown prop¬ the land records of district of Columbia, and ond honor went to P. J. Nee, third re lunacy of William The Court of of the District and elahty-five (S5» feet aix (6> Inches on the de3-eod&ds,exSu at the reoupot a# *k ^Vn5" Joyce; Appeals First Under New Pope. erty: the unimproved lot at FOUR-FIFTElCf honor to Mr. Keller and fourth honor order to Invest funds; attorney, F. A. of Columbia in an weat line of original lot five (5square threJ O'CLOCK P.M. under.I^ederru;USew'>1mur,Lir,,,red ^*reb^0 ¦uction, today opinion by Is because ADAM A. WESCHLEB, AUCTIONEER. In front of the « »rlKfln Fenning. The consistory important hundred and seventy (370). being premises No Terms of sale: One-third of the money nrprnfsia .E to Master Palmer. The coronation ad¬ . m . Chief Justice Shepard set aside a ver¬ 932 L street northwest. purchase SIXTEENTH I>AY Gibbs agt. Anderson: order or pub¬ it is the first since the election of the ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF HALF ACRE OF to be paid in cash and the balance In two equal AT OF^T>VT>U1.53DAY.D 19,s- dress was delivered by L. C. M. Siebel. dict for $1,500 damages awarded in the AND AT HALF-PAST FOUR P.M. SAME I RAME installments, payable In one and two years from HALF.PAST FOUR o®rS'^-ES-..AO CLOCK P.M.. the fol- lication; plaintiff's attorney, M. J. Col- present Pope and also because it af¬ DAY. the north fourteen (14) fee* five and one- GROUND. IMPROVED BY DWELL lowinsr «Jfsorihe inches of lot 1 of W. U Fendall ISG. ON SHERIDAN promissory notes of the purchaser, bearing inter¬ the city of WaablretoJ11 nPr.'Jllws- ^"mbia. the tournament, and then the riders, b\vashington Loan and Trust Com¬ age for the death of Frank pontiff opportunity again DALE. D. C. i Company trustee's. subdivision of originsl lots three «3» est at the rnte of tt centum per annum, pay¬ and deMgnatfd as ami^ »»°f led by C. X. Brands, came back to the pany agt. Randle; time to to raise his voice on the question of to ten I10». in square nine hundred and sixteen By virtue of an order of the Supreme Court per submit Hopkins. Hopkins was in of District of Columbia holding a Probate able semi-annually, ami secured by deed of trust city and dispersed, the ride home being, statement of evidence extended to De¬ employed the war, doing so in the most solemn !9i6>. as per plat recorded in the office of he the on or all cash, at the ontion.of windows in a ? estate of John Stevenson, deceased, the property sold, made after dark. cember 13 and to file ex¬ cleaning building owned surveyor of ssid District in Liber W. F at lo Court, in re the $100 ac¬ transcript manner possible for the head of the also known as lot administration No. 13650, the undersigned ad¬ purchaser. deposit required upon « In the riding party were Misses Ida tended to December 23; plaintiff's at¬ by the company, and a small 122. being twenty-seven front ceptance of Did on each parcel. All conveyancing, it of "1" placed , namely, in a consis- to of subdivision recorded ministrator will sell by public -auction, in wa&»8M Bowes, Carter, M. Nellie torney. John B. according plat in Liber notary fees and recording revenue stamp-- at pur¬ »eyor .f the District of Agnes Myers, learner; defendants stepladder on top of a platform which torial allocution. The importance of 12. 31 folio 94. being premises No. 323 StLi street of the premises, on THURSDAY, THE SIX Margaret Wilson, Louis attorney, J. S. TEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1915. AT chaser's cost. Terms to he complied with within Sherwood, Easby-Smith. had been erected by the company. The the ceremony is emphasized by the northeast. fifteen or trustee may advertise and s^ll Worster, Martha V. Worcester, Vera °®*-thlrd of money THREE THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. lot 27. section days f.rr;'p.M "c;shntilirnce°'n,b,VPUrrh'f ladder and was presence of cardinals who purposely purchaae of the trustees of Barry at the |»ur<-haHer'K risk and cost, after five days' O'Mara, Margaret Perkins, Mrs. M. Hop¬ CIRCUIT DIVISION 1.Justice Gould. slipped Hopkins thrown have come from the coun¬ to be paid In ca*b, balance In two equal install- 4, of the subdivision advertisement of such resale "um' Suter to the belligerent In one and two Farm, now kuown as Hillsdale, according to the previous published P«Jable semf- kins Worrell, L. M. Du Laney, Marian agt. Ixukwood Dental Company: concrete floor of the building the of the situa¬ ments. 1-iyiMe Jf'.rm wltb In In aome of Washington. D. C. annuaJIj, from dav of^T«iJ^ bf de°d of W. tries, feeling gravity tereat at « per .¦"Otum per annum, payable semi¬ plat thereof now on file in the office of the newspaper trust saM Ur,e, Ellis, May Thyson, Miss Murray and Dudley Burgess and Maurice Splain and sustained injuries which resulted tion. while no cardinal has come from of District of JNO. RIDOUT. Trustee. upon the prooertv c"8h- receivers; in his deatn. annually. from day of »alc. secured bv deed ..f surveyor Washington county. de2-dfrls.exSu Fendall Building. option of the JIr3£2Z °f ,2S" wl" Messrs. L. L. Bradford, George F. appointed bond, $35,000; plain¬ the neutral countries. trust upon property sold, or all rash, 'at onion Columbia, as follows: The southeastern half of b. required st tH?e^f' ,A Tn Brown, jr.; P. A. Drury, Elmer H. tiff's attorney, L H. David; defendant's At the conclusion of the evidence At¬ Germany is represented by Cardinal of A of will be r. said lot beinsr full half acre and beginning for con^y«ncing. Finch, purchaser de,^lt »**> recording, etc . at coat .f !" Herman S. Edward L. attorneys. Brandenburg & torneys Daniel Thew Wright and T. von of of at sale. All the same at the southeastern corner of said lot ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. "f L. Green, Keller, Brandenburg. Felix Hartman, Archbishop Co¬ quired purchaser conreyauclna »ale to be c^m" ,leT .?,hV.7,bb',"r.r,T'.«fifteen H. G. B. Galliher agt. Booth et al.; Morris Wainpler for the defendant a whose and notarial fees and .tarn. and running thence easterly along Sheridan arc- *u days Jones, J. B. Kessler, Ley, Mul- Judgment logne, very influential cardinal, resent*" from day of sale oth»>rwi«Q i*"J»'"'" under rule for asked the trial court to a ver¬ atr^ordln*.-oat of purchaser. Terms of sale to he ,oc uue the full width of said lot; thence northerly TRUSTEE'S SALE OF~TWO VALUABLE IM¬ rfserT<- lin, J. B. Mullin, P. J. Nee, H. T. Wa¬ seventy-third plaintiff return relations with the German emperor are the the right to resell the prupertr dict for the defendant on wl,h,n "teen day. from dav of sale along the east line of said lot to half PROVED PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE, « ^ S. D. Frazier, C. C. Fawsett, against defendants. Maude E. and Roland the theory such that he is to be the T at cost of defaulting .«..- ' d«y»' ters, supposed oUierwlaer.L trusteea reserse ri»lit to resell propl length thereof: thence westerly right angles KNOWN. RESPECTIVELY. AS NOS. 711 ] advertisement of suchparch^rresale in ZS, Charles Webster, Paul Eschner, B. F. c Booth, for $92.36. and Judgment of that the platform was not unsafe, and bearer of a special message from the «rty at risk and .-oat of defaultlnt rurrhiuir to said last line to the ve*tern line of said AND 715 TAYLOR STREET NORTHWEST. In D c n'-wspaper Fred A. E. M. condemnation; plaintiff's attorney, A. L that if it was the workman had as¬ emperor to the and to have also after live days advertisement of such resale In lot. and thence southerly along said last line EACH CONTAINING TWO STORIES AND I published Washington Capito, Sullivan, Palmer, Pope, AND ALL 'OT-HOPN, C. N. Hanie, W. H. McCoy, C. L. Black¬ Newmyer. sumed the risk. The lower court re¬ a special mission. Mine In Washington It r to the of beginning, together with the SIX ROOMS BATH, . uewsps[ier published place CELLAR, 1 i . Ti?? J J. W. S. Olympic Theater fused the instruction and the Jury re¬ r.EO. K. LINKINS, improvements thereon. MODKRN IMPROVEMENTS. de4-d*ds.exSn ?MtS LAMPTON. burn, S. Peach, Caw, Atwill, Holding Company agt. T. F. MONAIIAN. Terms: One-half cash and one-half payable By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly re¬ Trustees. J. F. Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. M. Hable- cause dismissed for failure to pay turned a verdict for the administratrix a jr.; for the of SPENCER GORDON. in one year, secured by deed of trust on the corded in Liber No. .3339, folio 251 et wen . of Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Ballard. marshal for service of summons; plain¬ death the workman. or THOS. J. OWEN A SOX. AUCTIONEERS. Siebel, WANDERLUSTERS TRAIL 1,11 property sold at 6 per cent, all cash »t the the land records of the District of Columbia and ' and a number of others. tiff's attorney. P. H. Veltch; defendant's In reversing this finding the appel¬ ¦o30 dAds.exPa option of the purchaser. A deposit of $100 re¬ at the request of the party secured thereby, I, Mrs. Claybaugh attorney, Malcolm late court says: "It from *TTrua^« at time of sale. Terms to be will Hufty. appears the] quired complied the undersigned surviving trustee, sell at Pecker agt. Terminal non-contradicted evidence in this case VIRGINIA with in fifteen days. All conveyancing, record¬ public aucfiou. in front of the premises on Taxlcab Com- THRgUGH WOODS TI1HS. J. OWEN * on trial; that the scaffold was not of itself un¬ SOS, AUCTIONEERS. ing, revenue stamps and notarial fees at pur¬ THURSDAY. THE NINTH (9th, DAY OF DE TO}:S,.^#vSN3-n5^,I; Iiany plaintiff's attorney. C. F. chaser's cost. DEMBER. A.D. 1915, AT FOUR-THIRTY STATE-WIDE PROHIBITION Iiiggs; defendant's attorneys. D. W. safe or insecure. It was open to the '"PROVED RICHARD R. HORNER. the described F. J. and view of the intestate and he *?[fr"*'' ATK. wKNOWNvr!iiIU-EAS no l'Ull O'CLOCK P.M.. following land Baker, Hogan O. H. Osterman. engaged Two hundred and ten TK'nVxlK"k- wanderlusters ... de4-d&dbs.exSu Administrator^ c.t.«. and premises, situate In the county of Wash¬ UPHELD IN COLORADO to labor upon it. It may have been a 31*t STREET NORTHWEST. in the District of and IS By virtue of a certain deed r,f trust re ington. Columbia, des'g- CIRCUIT DIVISION 2.Justice'Stafford risk for him to mount on the short assembled yesterday afternoon at chain dulv THOS. J. OWEN 4c SON, AUCTIONEERS. nated as and Jots numbered «r.learTy secured tljereby the REAL ESTATE. KNOWN AS NO. 272 J th* Authority gence defendant was shown by crossing bridge BER' a £ VoF,TK^J» HALF,/'AY PAST FOUR By virtue of the power conferred by a certain taxed as square numbered thirty-one hun¬ following deecrlhed lawl and Smithson agt. Norrls: on trial; plain¬ the evidence and that the workman as¬ led to the old hotel site 0 ( p\f »k' # AJ « deed of truiit duly recorded In Liber No. 3585. dred and thirty-five <3135). In the "Petworth premSe^ After January 1. tiff's attorney, commanding LOClf described land an-J as Irving Williamson; de¬ sumed whatever risk there was and the nrlmuir ln; f^'k,wjQfDistrict of Columbia folio 275 et seq., of the land records of the Dis addition to the city of Washington," p*r plat I fendant's attorney, J. 8. Easby-Smlth. that the trial Virginia entrance to the bridge," . * i" . ? trict of Columbia, and at the request of the of said Swartseil's subdivision, recorded in Book judge should have given " and b*ln* lot numbered on.- of of the the instruction asked says the official report, "and from m d. joh° ^^h s party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee 40, at page 189, the re»*ords surveyor's by counsel for will sell at auction, in front of the office of the District of Columbia, each lot to be CRIMINAL, DIVISION 1.Chief Justice the defendant. which a wonderful view of the river isssffiiiS? «?sj*two' Iots numberedii*n-,none (1 > and two public ^l.8n.UnS»rS^^;£4ff3^ DENVER, Col., December 6..The Covington. .f nnabered one hundred and twelve on WEDNESDAY. THE FIFTEENTH sold separately, together with the Improve¬ and Georgetown rewards the climber. .AY OF DECEMBER. A.D. 1815. AT FOUR ments, consisting In each case of a two-story and authority of Colorado to enact and en¬ United States agt. Thomas D. C- recorded In the Bremise*. six with Varney; A few hundred yards from this . m /^r9"tOWD' to0 ^^ct of coiuui- O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land cellar brick dwelling, containing rooms and .¦asya force state-wide prohibition was up¬ assault dangerous weapon; ver¬ ALONG THE point wlbla i?tIn LiberJLM7v5rA. R. Sf8 folio 253 (tbe abor- and premise*, being all that certain piece or bath, known, respectively, as Nos. 711 and 71fl dict, not guilty; defendant discharged; RIVEB FRONT. the crowd divided, about half of land and situated In the of street northwest. held by the state supreme court today J. E. Collins. going de»cr,bed property !¦ now known as lot 192 in parcel lying city Taylor attorney, Arrivals. with Mr. Gambs over the lower the ImproVements Washington, District of (X>luinbia, and known Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase In a unanimous opinion written by United States agt. Fred Barbagrallo: trail, """¦ "rtck and and distinguished as lot numbered thirty-eight money to be paid In cash and the balance in W. H. assault to kill; order to Schooner Kent along by the river, and the others fol¬ (38) in William H. Msnogues subdivision of two equal installments, payable In one and Justice Gabbert. restore cash; Island, lumber from a .Zl "l\nLm interest at 6 cities ball of $1,000; attorney, H. A. Grant. Mr. Wood and over a One third of the money [.art of square numbered twelve hundred and two years, with per centum per in- The court held that governed lower Potomac landing for Johnson & lowing 'Johnny' . purchase from United States agt. .J."11" '.i fifteen <1215». as j»er plat of said subdivision. num. payable semi-annually day of sale l^#SC5lSsale under special charter were without Percy Johnson; Wimsatt; barge Albemarle, at Alexan¬ more modern trail through the woods re«?orded in Book A. R. of secured by deed of trust upon the property sold' J.W,h;..n?nr41,5?J!0^ fornication; motion for new trial over the crest of the n?ec7sP*!ayable*ln' o«"?S Shepherd, page 237, of to traffic In in¬ filed: ridge. the record* of the office of "he surveyor of the or all cash, at the option the purchaser A authority continue attorneys, M. E. O'Brien and J. Dana der from Baltimore with fertilizer ma¬ As to lower was on each lot will be ^ the trail there no District of Columbia, together with the Im¬ deposit of $2«*) required of r* after Faber. terial for the Alexandria at the time of sale. p:,ro7;,^T)<1^"e'-rPY,e5,days from day of salo, otlierwlse tho trunteoM toxicating liquors January 1, 1916, Fertilizer ami question as to its being rough, it was th.- purchaser AH con¬ to provements. and notarial fees at serre the right resell the proper at thZ rflC when state-wide prohibition becomes Chemical Compan\ steamer Newport iibout the worst the hikers encountered Terms of sale- One-third of the purchase veyancing. recording the and cost of afterr "Vr? ^ cost of Terms of sale to be com. defaulting purchaser CRIMINAL DIVISION 2.Justice Sid- News, from Norfolk and Old so lar. it" of *"¦ required st tluie of aale ...... M>" money to b«* paid in cash, balance in two e«jnal the purchaser. advertis#»iiieiit of RI,rI, , ^.vl T» """* effective In Colorado, under constitu¬ Point; Few, any these, however, one with within fifteen days from of Kale dons. steamer Three from ihis veyaactag. recording, revenue *r,"p* in»tailnients, payable in and two years, with plied day publlsbad In Washington. D. c. tional and statutory enactments. States Rivers, Baltimore appeared to regret part of the purchaser. Terms of nale interest at 5 per ceutumn per annum, payable otherwise the surviving trustee reserve the J. United agt. George T. Hilton, and Potomac landings; steamer Wake¬ walk- bit of to resell the at the risk and K. BDMir.NDS. to the Den¬ and they realiy enjoyed every plle.1 With within flffcru darn from day of *Tle' semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by right property R * The action sought enjoin housebreaking larceny: empanel¬ field, from Nomini creek and Potomac it, for there were willing hands to as¬ o»berwi«e the surviving trustee reaerv^a th~ deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' from a ing of jury panel exhausted and .T. and VV. of such resale in Home newsnaner de4-dts.e»Su M0^., ver city commissioners issuing fifty wharves: lighter No. 1. lum¬ sist over the roughest places, and en¬ ^ property at the risk and c!!it*r at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of advertisement names ordered drawn; attorney, ber from Occoquan at 9th street of JLr°defaultingiTr"" purchaser, after will be at time of sale. All con¬ published in the city of Washington. D. C saloon license extending beyond Janu¬ George wharf; chanting scenes by the riverside gave riay^. $200 required W. F. P. Hoover. power boat Neddie, at to veyancing, recording, etc.. at cost of purchaser. GEO. SWARTZELL ary 1, 1916. The commissioners, in is¬ Alexandria an added charm. SSS'X Terms of sale to b.« compiled with within fifteen no27-d&ds.exSu Surviving Trustee. load merchandise for Karmington, Md.; "The two divisions met in an open w:.M'nf^*"r,lDC^', BAN MAT BE LIFTED. suing the license, based their action on tjroratE DIVISION.Justice schooners ARr6'- Tnistee. days from day of wale, otherwise the trustees re¬ of McCoy. Avalon, Lafayette and Golden plot by J. H. Solomon's place. serve the right to resell the property at the THOS. J. OWEN * SON, AUCTIONEERS the fact that Denver is governed under Fstate Stanhope Prevost; petition Light, oysters, at the wharf market. "Leaving Mr. Solomon's the co*t of set aside decree and for a place, risk and defaulting purchaser, after five a charter granted by legisla- to rehear- trail followed almost in a circle, cross¬ THOS. J. OWEN A days' advertisement of such resale In some news¬ ASSIGNEES SALE OF TWO-STORY PEBRT v special inir* attorney, D- W. Baker, SON, AU<7TIONEERS AT Reinstatement of Five election last Departures. ing Pimmit run at a hastily impro¬ paper published in Washington, I). C. DASH DWELLING 2400 NICHOLS AV*" Ineligible ture, and at the municipal Estate of Elizabeth BarneB; will dated vised into TRI STT^ES* SALE OF RALPH L. ANACOSTLA, D. C. j the electors adopted a charter T.ina ii crossing and coming ths VALUABLE IMPROVP"n HALL, Yale Athletes Discussed May 1915, filed. Schooner Laticlott. light, for a Poto¬ road a 'N,Mt'lWra) REAL ESTATE CHAS. P. STONE, By virtue of an order of the Supreme Court nf amendment which sought to give the of B. Cherrydale stone's throw from .JXX\ANT> 9f)\ ROAD j5? de3-d&ds.exSu Trustees. the District of Columbia, holding an Eoultv to Estate i3eorRe Alstead; petition mac point after wood or lumber for the t*ie run." SPRING NORTHWFNT of NEW HAVEN, Conn.. December 6- municipal officials authority continue for letters of administration at- ANT) VACANT FRONTING TK\*ruTENTH r"ourt. in re assignment Benjamin Blethvn ' The ouestlon of the sale of intoxicants. & filed; dealers here; flattie, no name, from STREET NORTHWEST. ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. No. 32923, I will sell at public auction, in front possible reinstatement torneys, Sheehy bheehy. for the lower ?Irtue of a certain deed <.f the on SATURDAY, DECEMBFIi of five Yale athletes who were recentlv Estate of Augusta A Alexandria river after of trust dulr premises, at Font Ketcham; ex¬ the s° 'x/i- **'t Vs TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED klkvenTH, lows, o-ci/^k}.m declared ineligible for summer emplified copy of will filed. ovsters for market; barges Roanoke thez:,landJn recordsL!x of the r°"° < THREE STORY lot 21 in block 1 of Katherine A. Talburtt anii playing GREAT BRITAIN. from District of v,!,,i,*»«? REAL ESTATE. BAY of GLOOM IN and Severn, light, Georgetown, in and at the request of tb" parry »e«-ijre, By duly ou or before from, atTf Princeton and Yale In Criticism for Attempting Bagdad WILLIAM MOWBRAY DEES. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat tf-vth DAT <;F iitoBm Id f,VsTli corded in I.lber No. 26.T9. folio 318 «-t se«j., «,f of $2,000. payable August 10 lftia Harvard, O'CL'K'K P.51.. the desc-itied the land records of the District of Columbia, and interest of 6% paid to August 10, 1915. and sec' New York last week. This was stated Company; schooner S. T. White, light, following of now due. Interest of With Inadequate Forces. a shore after wood r', "Striate In tbe at the request r.f the party *ecured thereby, w.-. ond trust $500 D(1»/j here featurday night by Prof. R. n Cor Campaign to Be Held for Maryland for te hi*"? LM.trlrt of deslrtated the undersigned trustees, will sell at public to November 21, 1915: and upon condition thit LONDON, December 6..In their edi¬ Funeral Services Wednes¬ the market here; power boat Daisy, ^aihlnaton.aa aod Iota numbered the on at time of paying price navs chairman of the>-"ieucYale athletic beln« slxty-one ««], auction. in front of premise*. MONDAY, purchaser said secondpurchase 'win, the London morning papers ex¬ at from Alexandria for Piscataway creek, '«*' ,wl "Ixty four THE THIRTEENTH DAY OK DECEMBER, A.I>. off and discharges trust. Convevanc committee. torials day Preston, Md. Md schooner Quicktime and power in Richard ,'ltttlbrrR. a lot AT lng. recording and revenue stamjjs at coat ui dup- disappointment over the se¬ l«J l'r,WRlcS^ Trapler subdivision of 1915, HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., \*t all said: "This press great William H. Mowbray, eighty-one boat light, for the Potomac oys¬ StoS »U»be^3 the following described land and premises, sir- chaser. Assignee adjust taxes and asiwea- Prof. Corwln subject fell of the Mesopotamia cam¬ Jewell, ( vere check toety-aii (4*1 In Lljaocoh'h- ar>] others trustee.' uate in the city of Washington, in the District ment* to date of 6ale. outside the purpose of the meeting and years old, father of Rev. Dr. A. s. ter beds. *£5-^larantwi reouired they admit precludes .oMlrlalon of part of PleM.nt Pulns^-TL: of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 4', $100 deposit upon acceptance of bid does of paign, which any Mowbray, dean of the Lucy Webb "1 -Wpperr Hill.- »oi "IW in Barr and Sanner's subdivision of lotn in block Terms to oe complied with within thirty davs of the committee not, course' feel of an early renewal of the ad¬ Tugs and Tows. 3"."*1:. Droit as ratification of sale by the court; otherwise th« to on the case prospect National Training School, died "£,. 13, "Le Park," per plat recorded In the to rewli competent pass There on The Times says: Hayes Tnr 11"*% the surveyor's office of said District in B<>ok assignee rraerwa right the pr..pertj a vary full vance Bagdad. at his son's residence, 208a Mor¬ Tub Capt. Toby arrived with lighter "f in Liber at with . t the risk and <-o«t <.r the defaulting nurehaaer was, however, discussion of British reinforcements are today CW««bla, C*>unty 17 County 8. page 73. together the Im¬ advertlaemeut of auch "Although northwest. The laden with lumber from Occoquan; tug 17 DKflct Wlth the '"Provemental provements. consisting of premises 323 T street after five dayiT rVale in a the matter In all Its bearings" believed to be s.t hand, we think the gan street body will "4 e*"*r ,u »»¦». northwest. oew.p.per Provisional rules for governing ath be taken to Preston, Md., where funeral John Miller left with lighters for Swan ztv.s ;iib.r«w(¦«¦> lit IliiMt mi mi load DortbwMt. i depoalt of will be re. uum. payable semi annually, from day of sale, AUCTION SALE OF British troops," and proceeds to criti- Mr. Mowbray bay points; District tug Louise arrived *t All MOVING them for ratlfloatlon. Prof. Corwln In Md. A great part of his life he "le^ .Wnrey.Dclng' S secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, else the conduct of the campaign, ask¬ line. where with brick-laden lighters from Occo¬ CDOGNS, EIUS, CHIP, cording,ror^Tne etc.,,t at coat of purrhaaer. Ttom of or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A PICTURE THEATER. dicated that the Joint meeting of the lived at Denton, Md., he was a the tug Meade left MIAMI, within tea days from of will be of the will sell at 4ftdfxxS(| A WKSCHiEa, AucUoaeet. jwUwmeat. ly thronged with, Turkish troop* iDKltlSi more, * N 4 4