AUCTION SAT.H8 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. THE COURTS. SENATE REPUBLICANS This afternoon. TOMORROW, nrrcM days. FUTURE M>VI NOWELCOMEINENGLAND PERFECT ORGANIZATION THOS. J. OWEN Jc SOS, AUCTIONEERS. THOS. J. OWES & SON, AUCTIONEERS. © © Court of Appeals. op vaxil-able improved TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED Present The Chief Justice. Mr. Justice CH4!J.C.SBT.»5A!;5.REAL teSTATE IN PETWORTH. IMPROV REAL ESTATE, KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. C. G. SLOAN & CO., INC., AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G ST. Mr. BWCK DWELLING. S»25 N. H. 2017 Q STREET NORTHWEST. Robb and Mr. Justice Van OrsdeL Gallinger Is Elected Leader and w FOR Dudeclc. P. AVE N a re¬ FORD PEACE Joseph George McCeney. virtue of certain deed of trust PARIY By duly Mr. nJ%L TlCtD.1 <"cr** passed In the Supreme corded in Liber No. 3757, folio 76 et seq., of MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLE SALE OF John F. Porter. Claud De Baun and Wadsworth Secretary °,f '.'>V,D1»1trlct ?' Colombia Is the case the land records of the District of Columbia, and F. Gwynn Gardiner were admitted to "Ji ". Webster E. Becker- at the request of the party secured thereby, the and Whip. Alt* »t «1..^ equityri*LkNo. JJSM, we will »U mt pnb- undersigned trustee will sell at auction, Lord of Tuber- on public HIGH-GRADE Bobert Cecil Tells House of Balllnger West Association for Prevention aactlon. fn front of the premises. MON- in front of the premise*, on TUESDAY. THE FURNITURE PNo^2805. art. Publish¬ ?Ay- THE SIXTH DAT OF DECEMBER. 1915. SEVENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1915. AT ing Company; mandate ordered to issue of AT FOLRO CLOCK P.M.. the following de- FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following FOR ALL PARTS OF THE Commons Members "Are of No forthwith on motion of Mr. H. Wlnship culotis Begins Week republican members of the Sen¬ .«1bed Una and premise*, tltnate In the county described land and premises, situate in the city HOME, of Washington. Id aaid District, and known as of Washington, District of Columbia, and desig¬ ITh*ate assembled In conference today be- the Particular agt. on mo¬ Activities. and being lot eighteen, in Abner Greenleaf's nated as and being lot eighty-one (81). in Bu¬ Being Examples of Art of the Best Cabinet Makers Importance." Kinney McNabb; I fore the opening: of the session the trustees subdivision of lots in square thirty- and others* tion of Mr. Charles Poe time for ap¬ of chanan subdivision of part of square I Senate. Harmony was the J.T® (now 3132>, in Petworth Addition to tbe ninety-three (98>. as per plat recorded in Liber in the Country, pellee to file brief extended one week. keynote of 7 of W^bhinicton, as per plat in Book 43, No. 12. folio 11S, of the records of the office of No. 1007. Patent appeal. Rountree With the of "tuberculosis meeting, practically all of the repub¬ 110. in the surveyor's office of said Dis- the surveyor of the District of Columbia, to¬ LONDON, December 6, 3:20 p.m..A motion to beginning lican senators ct. with the thereon. the ant. Sloan; allow appellant week" many for copies being: present. Senator age Improvements gether with improvements, consisting of AT PUBLIC AUCTION request made in the house of commons until December 11 to file brief today, requests Polndexter of Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money three-story and basement brick dwelling, stucco this afternoon A. Corn¬ granted. of '"Washington Health Rules" are be- Washington, who stray¬ to he paid in cash and the balance in two equal front. by Sir Edwin No. 2892. Reid agt. Dodge; motion to ed from the party to the installments, payable in one and two year* from Terms of sale: One-third of the Within Our G wall, liberal member for the northeast affirm postponed until the on In* made of the Association for the Join bull the of and to be by the purchase money Rooms, 1407 St., hearing moose three years ago. was back in day sale, represented to be paid in cash, balance in two equal in¬ division of an inti¬ the merits. Prevention of Tuberculosis. It Is plan¬ promissory notes of the purchaser, bearing inter, stallments. in one and two with Bethnal Green, that the fold and attended the annum, parable years, No. 2876. Twyman agt. Carter: peti¬ ned that during the current week es¬ conference. est at the rate of six per centum per interest at 5^ per centum per annum, payable mation be sent to Henry Ford and Wil¬ tion for Senator of semi-annually, and secured t>v deed of semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed On Thursday, December 9, 1915, production of original papers pecial attention shall be paid In all Gallinger New Hampshire on cash. at the liam Jennings that their pro¬ until the on the was fayablerust the property sold. or all of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at Bryan postponed hearing lines of activities to the dangers o re-elected chairman, which car¬ option of the purchaser. $100 deposit required the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $250 at posed peace mission to this country merits. ries with it the title of republican upon acceptance of bid. All conveyancing, notary will be required at time of sale. All convey¬ Starting 10:30 A.M. would be at No. 2872. Randolph & Co. a*t. Co- the great white plague and the methods fees and recording at purchaser's cost. Terms ancing, recording, etc., at cost of "irritating and unwelcome" lumbia leader of the Senate. to be complied with within fifteen days cr purchaser. and the Graphophone Company; motion by which it may be prevented. tbe Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen On Public View Tuesday Wednesday, December 7 and 8. present time, drew the response to strike out of error, of Senator James W. Wadsworth, jr.. of trustees may advertise and sell at pur¬ days from day of sale, otherwise the trustee re¬ assignments The Association for the Prevention chaser's risk and cost after Ave davs* previous from Lord Robert Cecil, parliamentary designation of record and appellant s we New York, one of the three in serves the right to resell the property at the The collection embraces Handsome 9-plece Anne Bedroom Tuberculosis of the District, as newly advertisement of auch resale published some risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five Queen under secretary for affairs, that brief, and to dismiss or affirm post¬ elected republican senators. was newspaper of Waahinrton. D. C. such in Beautiful foreign .until on as every other similar association chosen and ROBERT H. McNEILL, days' advertisement of resale in some news¬ Suite, mahogany; Ivory-finish Bedroom Suite, Jacobean Oak as the passports of the members of the poned hearing merits; time for secretary republican "whip." Woodward paper published in Washington, D. C. Dining Room Suite, Complete Louis XV also appellees" to file brief extended twenty throughout the country. Is emphasiz¬ The conference, on motion of Sen- Building, NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, Mahogany Bedroom Suite; peace mission only had been issued for this week the value ator Lodge of JOHN RIDOUT, Trustee. By FRANK W. STONE, Second Very Fine Mahogany Dining Room Suite, High Post 999. ing particularly Massachusetts, provided Fendall Building, Vice President. Bedsteads, Bird's-eye neutral countries the contingency con¬ da^o8 Patent appeal. Griffin agt. of the body in tone as sn in¬ for the appointment of a committee Bo24-d*da. Trustees. and Circassian Walnut Bureaus and Young; motion to dismiss keeping on to Attest: (Seal.) CHAS. a LAMBORN. Maple Chiffoniers, Bedroom Chairs and templated by Sir Edwin did not arise. granted; surance against tuberculosis and other committees, mp.k* assignments no2b-d&ds.exSu Assistant Secretary. Rockers, Bar Harbor Chairs, Brass and Iron Beds, New A opinion by Chief Justice Shepard. of senators to the standing commit¬ THOS. J. OWEN * SON, AUCTIONEERS. Easy Chairs, rapid bombardment of questions No. 2850. Bank of Warren agt. Title ailments. Its book of Washington tees. This committee takes the Rugs, etc.. etc. came from different parts of the house and Health edited the lato Dr. of placs TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED the under Guaranty Surety Company; motion Rules, by the old so-called steering commit¬ BEING THE THREE SALE Special attention is called to the Very Fine Adam [inviting secretary, seeing to dismiss; appeal granted. M. former surgeon tee. and will be composed of nine sen¬ ESTATE. PUBLIC Mahogany Library "that these people left amid a storm of No. George Sternberg, STORY AND CELLAR BRICK APARTMENT Suite, in cut velour, which is one of the newest 2852. Royal Trust Comrany ag*. is on Hale at most ators, probably with Senator Lodge as AS NO. La. Ave. N.W., creations on the market. ridicule," that he convey to them, in Gardiner et general, being put HOUSE, KNOWN -THE OLIVER," 633 Terms: CASH. whatever And al., and No. 2879. Tiffany of the large book stores and the book. chairman. Senator Gallinger will nam* 2217 14th STREET NORTHWEST. neutral country they agt. same; submitted Mr. John Ridout stores the other members of re¬ December 7, 1915, C. G. by departments of department the committee By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly Tuesday, SLOAN & CO., INC., AUCTS. themselves, the intimation that they for appellant in No. com¬ wxt the next few No. 430 et of 11 are not 2879; argument This hook is being used as the during days.
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