Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco
ALGERIA, TUNISIA AND MOROCCO ANDERSON, ROBERT B.: Papers, 1933-89 Box 116 Flues, A. Gilmore [Tunisia identity cards] Box 344 Reading File July – Dec. 1970 [Algeria; Saudi Arabia; Adnan Khashoggi] Box 367 Trip Feb. 1-13, 1973 Morocco; England AURAND, EVAN P.: Papers, 1934-72 Naval Aide to the President Series, 1957-61 Box 19 People-to-People Program, Morocco (1)(2) BEACH, EDWARD L. and EVAN P. AURAND: Records, 1953-61 Box 4 Nov.-Dec. 1059 [correspondence with President of Tunisia] Box 5 President Eisenhower’s Trip to South Asia–Tunisia, Dec. 17, 1959 BENSON, EZRA TAFT: 1936-1961, (A02-19, A03-10, A03-101) Box 21 Briefings notes – France [briefing papers regarding Algerian Conflict] BORTMAN, MARK: Papers, 1956-67 Box 39 Marakeesch [Marrakech] Morocco [Morocco] BRIGGS, RUTH M.: Papers, 1942-54 This collection covers Ms. Briggs’ military service in WWII while stationed in London, North Africa and Algiers. The bulk of this collection consists of 326 photographs reflecting this service. BUTCHER, HARRY C.: Papers, 1910-1959 Box 1-2 Correspondence for period 1942-1943 some of which reflects the functioning of General Eisenhower’s headquarters while in North Africa BUTTERFIELD, SAMUEL H.: Papers, 1948-2005 Box 1 AID Memoranda, n.d. [irrigation projects in Morocco] Box 30 A.I.D.'s Child Survival Program: A Synthesis of Findings from Six Country Cases [IMorocco] CHASE, MARGARET A.: Papers, 1942-1960 Box 1 Diaries, September 12 – December 23, 1942 Diaries, December 26, 1942 – January 1, 1943 Box 2 Correspondence, 1942-1943 CLARK, EDWIN N.: Papers,
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