Increasing Agricultural Food Production Through Selected Tree Planting Techniques
INCREASING AGRICULTURAL FOOD PRODUCTION THROUGH SELECTED TREE PLANTING TECHNIQUES A Summary Memorandum with Selected References By Frances A. Gulick, Consultant Office of Technical Resources Bureau for Africa U.S. Agency for International Development Washington, D. C. March 10, 1984 This memorandum and collation of selected references has been pre pared for use by US and other tech nicians interested in quantifying the contribution which selected tree pianting practices can make to the problem of increasing agricul tural food crop production in sub- Saharan Africa. Table of Contents Page Background The Link Between Tree Planting and Food Crop Production 2. Actions Proposed 3 Annex I: List of Studies Reporting Quant-itative Crop Yields Related to Intercropping with Selected Tree Species 5 Annex II: Preliminary List of Possible Sites for Testing Comparative Crop Yields with and Without Selective Tree Planting and Contact References 7 Annex III: Selected References 1. Els Bognetteau-Verlinden, Study on Impact of Windbreaks in Majjia Valley, Niger, February 1980, 77 pp plus annexes. (Excerpts) 13 2. Peter Felker, State of the Art: Acacia Albida as a Complementary Permanent Intercrop with Annual. Crops, April 1978 (Grant No. AID/afr-C-1361) University of California, Riverside, California, 133 pp. (Excerpts) 43 3. Direction des Eaux et Forets, Republ'c of Upper Volta. Secteur de Restauation de Sols de Ouahigouya, 1965, 25 pp. 71 4. Peter Wright, Projet Agro For estier (OXFAM): Rapport de Fin de Campagne 1982 at Yatenga, Haute Volta, March 1983, 24 pp. with tables. 107 5. J. B. Raintree, Bioeconornic Considerations in the Design of Aroforestry Intecropping Systems, International Council for Research in Agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya, 18 pp.
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