
67 – . Basilica di Santa Croce. ,

Filippo Brunelleschi (architect). C. 1429-1461 C.E., Masonry

(2 images)

 Video at Khan Academy  Masterpiece of the ()  Pazzi family – wealth second only to the Medici  Function: o The main purpose of the building was as the cathedral chapter house (meeting room for the governing chapter) and use as a classroom for the teaching of monks and other religious purposes o There was also a chapel behind the where the commissioning family had the right to bury its dead  Context: o The Pazzi's ulterior motive in building the chapel was probably to make their mark on the city of Florence and to emphasise their wealth and power o The fact that the city was at war with a neighboring city at the time and still acquired the funds to build this chapel showed the importance it had to the Pazzi family and the people of Florence  Formerly considered a work of , it is now thought that he was responsible for the plan, which is based on simple geometrical forms,[1] the square and the circle, but not for the building's execution and detailing o The main inspiration for this piece was the Dominican monastery of , also located in Florence.  The rondi of the seated Apostles are by , who also did the terracotta decorations in the cupola of the porch.[5] It has been suggested that the roundels of the Evangelists may have been the work of