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[email protected] bS) ISO Brisbane ABN 90 131 245 684 1011 9001 project no 170307 Quabty checked AH Nominated Architect Management Ray Brown, NSWARB 6359 drawn LL issue Do not scale drawings. Verify all dimensions on site scale 1 : 200@A3 drawing no. (TP)A1004 5 218-228 Noddle Street I Town Planning Report i Architec 63 6/13/2018 12:39:54 PM 05 z 1w EET C?) COMMERCIAL STR OFFICE E 634m2 RL 43.94 ODDL N 08 REPLACEABLE SOFT7\----\ PLANTING TO EDGE OF TERRACE ilk■• ■41 09 o) S A FORD STREET 3000 ' 6000 6000 jt, 6000 6000 6000 4011 project issue amendment date 218-228 Noddle St, Abbotsford earchitectus" 1 PRE-APP MEETING 15/12/17 Architectus Group Pty Ltd is the owner of the copyright architectusm 2 ISSUED FOR INFORMATION 23/02/18 drawing subsisting in these drawings, plans, designs and Architectus Melbourne specifications.