Bundeli Folk-Song Genre Classification with kNN and SVM Ayushi Pandey Indranil Dutta Dept. of Computational Linguistics Dept. of Computational Linguistics The EFL University The EFL University
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract hand, which encompasses several administrative While large data dependent techniques districts in India. While the 2001 census identi- fies 3,070,000 Bundeli speakers, Ethnologue esti- have made advances in between-genre 1 classification, the identification of sub- mates 20,000,000 speakers . Inspite of the large types within a genre has largely been over- population, Bundeli, often considered a dialect of looked. In this paper, we approach auto- Western Hindi, would be considered an under- matic classification of within-genre Bun- resourced language because of the lack of tex- deli folk music into its subgenres; Gaari, tual and literary resources that are available. Bun- Rai and Phag. Bundeli, which is a domi- delkhand, however, is home to a rich tradition of nant dialect spoken in a large belt of Ut- lyrical styles and genres that are both performa- tar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh has a tive and poetic. In addition to the major gen- rich resource of folk songs and an atten- res; Gaaris, Rais and Phags, several other gen- dant folk tradition. First, we success- res can be found in this region, including Sora, Hori, and Limtera. With the exception of sev- fully demonstrate that a set of common 2 stopwords in Bundeli can be used to per- eral Phags , Bundeli is a resource poor language, form broad genre classification between in that there are no available sources of textual standard Bundeli text (newspaper corpus) material.