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JUNE 19, 1955



A Continuation of the






JUL 8 1955



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JUNE 19, 1965


Contents PAGE

The Work of Karl Patterson Schmidt 1 By Stanley Field

An Appreciation of Karl Patterson Schmidt 5 By Clifford C. Gregg

A Note from the Contributors 7

1 A Collection of Colombian Game Birds 9 By Emmet R. Blake

2 Masticatory Apparatus in the Spectacled Bear Tremarctos ornatus 25 By D. DwiGHT Davis

3 Ecological Notes on the Fish Fauna of a Coastal Drainage of North Borneo 47 By Robert F. Inger

4 Western Atlantic Species of the Genus Holocentrus 91 By LoREN P. Woods

5 The Morphology of the Swim Bladder and Auditory Bulla in the Holocentridae 121 By Edward M. Nelson

6 The Origin of the Land Birds of Tristan da Cunha 139 By Austin L. Rand

7 Notes on Snakes of the Genus Calamaria 167 By Hymen Marx and Robert F. Inger

8 A Revision of the Tribe Amblyopinini: Staphylinid Beetles Parasitic on Mammals 211 By Charles H. Seevers

9 Notes on a Collection of Bermuda Deep-Sea Fishes 265 By Marion Grey

10 On Non-Marine Shells from Northeastern and Peru 303 By Fritz Haas

11 A New Subspecies of Caiman sclerops from Colombia 339 By Fred Medem

12 Procolpochelys grandaeva (Leidy), An Early Carettine Sea Turtle 345 By Rainer Zangerl and William D. Turnbull

vii NUMBEB PAGE 13 Parallelism in the Evolution of the Permian Reptilian Faunas of the Old and New Worlds 385 By Everett C. Olson 14 Remarks on the Bats of the Genus Vampyrops 403 By Colin Campbell Sanborn

15 Palestinian Species and Races of Jaminia Risso (Mollusca: Gastropoda) 415 By Georg Haas

16 A New Variety of Cretaceous Decapod from Texas 445 By Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. 17 Early Devonian Vertebrates from the Knoydart Formation of Nova Scotia 449 By Robert H. Denison

18 Geographical Origins and Dispersions of Termite Genera 465 By Alfred E. Emerson

19 A Recently Discovered Phlegethontia from Illinois 523 By William D. Turnbull and Priscilla F. Turnbull

20 Three New Fleas of the Genus Strepsylla Traub (Siphonaptera: Hystrichopsyllidae) 541 By Robert Traub and Alfredo Barrera 21 New Feather-Wing Beetles from Termite Nests in the American Tropics (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) 561 By Henry S. Dybas

22 Bat Ticks of the Genus Argas (Ixodoidea: Argasidae). 1. The Subgenus Chiropterargas 579 By

23 The Histerid Beetles of New Caledonia (Coleoptera: Histeridae) 601 By Rupert L. Wenzel

24 South American Marsh Rats, Genus Holochilus, With a Summar> of Sigmodont Rodents 639 By Philip Hershkovitz

25 A Symmetrodont from the Early Cretaceous of Northern Texas 689 By Bryan Patterson

26 Bats from Guerrero, Jalisco and Oaxaca, Mexico 695 By Luis de la Torre

Index 705 The Work of Karl Patterson Schmidt

The occasion of his retirement from active administrative duties seems to the Trustees and Scientific Staff of Chicago Natural History Museum an appropriate time to signahze their appreciation of Karl Patterson Schmidt's position in the Museum and in the scientific world. No token of esteem could be more appropriate than a special Festschrift in his honor, for his love for and intimate acquaintance with the technical literature of zoology has colored his whole career, and he has often expressed his affectionate regard and admiration for the practice, so common in German scientific circles, of honoring eminent men in this distinctive way. This testimonial volume carries on the tradition begun in 1941 with the publication of a similar volume honoring his predecessor,

^ Wilfred Hudson Osgood. The Osgood volume was, in fact, Dr. Schmidt's idea.

It was thought at first that contributions should be invited from Dr. Schmidt's extra-mural colleagues, as was done with the Osgood volume, thus limiting the scope to his field of special interest, herpetology. Dr. Schmidt has been so closely associated with so many members of the Scientific Staff of the Museum, as teacher, inspiration, and critic, that it seemed more fitting to recognize this relationship by limiting contributions to members of the Museum's own staff. It is significant that these contributions represent not only the various Divisions of the Department of Zoology but also the Division of Paleontology.

A museum zoologist is a naturalist, and the hallmark of a naturalist is breadth of background and interest. One of the un- fortunate results of increasing knowledge is increasing specialization, which often leads to stultifying narrowness of thinking and dangerous narrowness of interpretation, in science as in all other human activities. Certainly one of the primary responsibilities of a natural history museum, and of the men who staff it, is to maintain the broad perspective of nature as a whole that is now so often missing

* Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series, vol. 27.


from the science departments of our colleges and universities. Dr. Schmidt exemplifies to a high degree the breadth of interest and experience that characterizes the true naturalist. His early work, before coming to Chicago in 1922, dealt with the herpetology of the Belgian Congo, based on the great collection made by Herbert Lang; and with the West Indies, which he visited while still in college. At Chicago Natural History Museum he found the expedi- tion program oriented toward Latin America, and over the next several years he participated in several zoological expeditions to parts of Central and South America. As scientific leader of the Crane Pacific Expedition he visited most of the important islands of the South Pacific in 1928 and 1929. He went to New Zealand as recently as 1949, and to in 1953. Field trips to various parts of the United States, northern Mexico, and Central America provided him with an intimate first-hand knowledge of the geography and biota of our own continent.

A notable feature of all this field work is that Dr. Schmidt has not been merely a collector of amphibians and reptiles. All animal

life, invertebrate as well as vertebrate, is of absorbing interest to him, along with the physical geography and the peoples of the areas in which he travels. Thus, he has become an outstanding field ecologist, and the breadth of his ecological knowledge was put to good account in his contribution to the recent monumental Principles of Animal Ecology, by Allee, Emerson, Park, Park, and Schmidt. This first-hand knowledge of five continents was supplemented by his earlier work on the African fauna, and by his studies of the great herpetological collections made in China by the Asiatic expe- ditions of the American Museum of Natural History and the several Asiatic expeditions of Chicago Natural History Museum. All this is reflected in a consuming interest in zoogeography, a science that can be pursued only by museum methods and one to which Dr. Schmidt has made important contributions. The most notable of these is the translation and thorough revision, with W. C. Allee, of Hesse's Tiergeographie auf oekologischer Grundlage. The translation of Hesse was only the first of several translations of important German scientific works that stemmed from Dr. Schmidt's familiarity with the German language. Still in manuscript are translations of Max Weber's great work on mammals, Hans Boker's Einfiihrung in die vergleichende biologische Anatomic der Wirbeltiere, and Adolf Portmann's Einfiihrung in die vergleichende WORK OF KARL PATTERSON SCHMIDT 3

Morphologie der Wirbeltiere; still other works are presently being translated. The value of this unique contribution to the diffusion of scientific knowledge cannot be overestimated. Also contributing to the spread of scientific knowledge are the many articles on zoological subjects Dr. Schmidt has contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

As a scientist Dr. Schmidt is first and foremost a herpetologist. He has discovered and named twelve genera and more than two hundred species and subspecies of amphibians and reptiles, including several fossil crocodilians and turtles. Many notable herpetological collections have passed through his hands and have been reported on by him. The magnificent collection of amphibians and reptiles in Chicago Natural History Museum is due almost entirely to his efforts; when he arrived at the Museum the collection numbered only a few thousand specimens.

Dr. Schmidt's love for books led him to begin, at the outset of his career, the systematic accumulation of a library of the technical literature of herpetology. This interest has been pursued relentlessly over the years, and the Schmidt library now numbers some fifteen thousand titles. Most of these items are authors' reprints that cannot be bought but are obtained by exchange with colleagues. It is one of the largest single accumulations of this specialized literature in existence and represents an achievement of which he is justly proud. Since the technical literature is second only to the specimens them- selves in scientific research, the Schmidt library adds an important dimension to the Division of Reptiles of Chicago Natural History Museum.

Many editorial and committee duties, usually thankless and time-consuming, have fallen on Dr. Schmidt's shoulders. For many years he was herpetological editor of Copeia, the official organ of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. He has edited the reptile section of Biological Abstracts since it was founded in 1927, and the sections on both amphibians and reptiles since 1941. For many years he has been the herpetological editor of the American Midland Naturalist. He has been a delegate to many national and international boards and science congresses, and in 1952 acted as chairman of the sessions on zoological nomenclature at the International Science Congress at Copenhagen. He was appointed to prepare the Sixth Edition of the Check List of North American Amphibians and Reptiles, which appeared in 1953. 4 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37

At the outset of Dr. Schmidt's career the science of taxonomy, which is the most important research activity of natural history museums, was largely isolated from other areas of biological research. It was in bad repute, generally regarded as a game masquerading as science. Taxonomists, for their part, often looked with mistrust and contempt on other biologists. This unfortunate situation has now been largely clarified, and most of the credit goes to those few men on both sides whose understanding and interests were broad enough and flexible enough to bridge the gap. One of these men was Karl Patterson Schmidt, and his contributions in this direction may well turn out to be the most important of his career. Chicago Natural History Museum is proud of being in the forefront of this important rapprochement in the person of Karl P. Schmidt.

Stanley Field

President, Chicago Natural History Museum An Appreciation of Karl Patterson Schmidt

After a friendship of more than twenty-nine years with Karl Schmidt, I consider it a real privilege to be one of those who have co-operated in honoring him through this publication. Thirty-three years have elapsed since Dr. Schmidt joined the staff of this Museum as Assistant Curator of Reptiles. During that time he has been continuously in the service of the institution, becoming Curator of Reptiles in 1937 and Chief Curator of the Department of Zoology in 1941. We hail as a great boon to science Karl Schmidt's early decision to leave the family farm in and join the ranks of research scientists, but we must not be misled into the thought that mere chance brought about the transition from farmer to scientist. He was reared in the atmosphere of scholarship by his father, who was a college professor, an insatiable reader, and an advocate of in- tellectual atmosphere in the home. Prior to his service at this Museum, Karl served as Research Assistant at the American Mu- seum of Natural History in New York, beginning his work there immediately after his graduation from . Karl had been at the Museum less than a year when he undertook his first expeditionary work under the auspices of this institution. Since then he has participated in many Museum expeditions that have taken him to the most remote corners of the world.

He is a prolific writer. His reports and other scientific writings make an imposing list, but he does not confine himself to scientific literature. He has written popular books, including Homes and Habits of Wild Animals, and Our Friendly Animals and Whence They Came, both published by M. A. Donohue and Company of Chicago. Among his close friends he is even known as a poet of no mean ability. At the Museum, Karl Schmidt, perhaps more than any other scientist on the staff, has interested himself in the training of young men and women for scientific careers. Quite a number of persons have become zoologists or specialists in fields related to zoology

5 6 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37 through his interest and advice. Many more, while pursuing careers in other lines, have maintained a deep interest in zoology as an avocation.

His influence, moreover, reaches far beyond the walls of the Museum, and we find him helping out officially or unofficially in scientific and technical societies and in colleges and universities throughout the country. At the University of Chicago, he is a member of the committee charged with determining the fitness of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in zoology. He has served for almost thirty years as editor of the Section on Am- phibia and Reptilia of Biological Abstracts and served for many years as herpetological editor of Copeia. He was a founder and first treasurer of the Society for the Study of Evolution and has been a very active member in other scientific societies of which he is a mem- ber. The Chicago Zoological Society elected him an Honorary Governing Member and also made him a member of its Scientific and Advisory Committee, where his background is a most valuable asset to Brookfield Zoo. He is also a member of the Pacific Science Board. It is only natural that wide recognition and many honors should come to a man of his attainments. More than twenty years ago, he became a fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. His name has been starred in American Men of Science and Earlham College awarded him the degree of Doctor of Science. My own personal appreciation of Dr. Schmidt is perhaps best evidenced by the many informal conferences I have held with him on matters in no way concerned with his official duties as Chief Curator of the Department of Zoology. His broad human understanding, his knowledge of the literature of his own and allied fields of study, his sincere interest and human sympathy, his genial optimism and his keen sense of humor have been of invaluable assistance in sweeping away many of the difficult and discouraging problems which find their way into the office of a museum director. I welcome the years ahead in which Karl Schmidt will still be present, not as a Chief Curator burdened with the administrative duties of a great department, but as an emeritus research scientist who is free to continue his contribution to science and to humanity, restricted only by the hours in the day and the limits of his own endurance. Clifford C. Gregg

Director, Chicago Natural History Museum A Note From the Contributors

Each of us owes a debt to Karl P. Schmidt. The nature and magnitude of these obHgations vary, and none of them can ever be fully repaid. This volume is at once a token payment on our col- lective debt and an expression of our esteem for an associate and a friend.

Emmet R. Blake Philip Hershkovitz Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. D. DwiGHT Davis Harry Hoogstraal Colin C. Sanborn Luis de la Torre Robert F. Inger Charles H. Seevers Robert H. Denison Hymen Marx Robert Traub Henry S. Dybas Fred Medem William D. Turnbull Alfred E. Emerson Edward M. Nelson Priscilla F. Turnbull Marion Grey Everett C. Olson Rupert L. Wenzel Fritz Haas Bryan Patterson LoREN P. Woods Georg Haas Austin L. Rand Rainer Zangerl


Principal discussion and all new names indicated by bold-faced type.

Abo Formation 389 Aistopoda 531 Abraeinae 605, 610 Afcodon aerosus 234 Abraeus 601 berlepschii 231 acicularis 620 jelskii 254 phyllobius 601 pulcherrimus 227 punctiger 624 pyrrhotis 228 vividulus 601 nigrita 237 abruptum, Platysoma 629 akodoni, Amblyopinu^ 228 aburri, Aburria 21 alatus, Lampanyctus 289 Aburria aburri 21 ai6a, Egretta 153 acanthognathus, Lophodolus 299 Monopterus 53, 59 Acanthotermes 468, 486, 512 Muraena 59 Achalinus spinalis 174 alberti, Crax 17 acicularis, Abraeus 620 albinism, in cracids 19 Bacanius 605, 606, 620 albiventer, Calamaria 199 Aciculitermes 515 albopunctata, Calamaria 199 acme, Bulimulus 325 alidae, Calamaria 200 Acorhinotermes 469, 493, 509 Allodontermes 473, 513 Acn


henseli 212, 247 angustus, Amblyopinus 247 hershkovitzi 238 anguya, Holochilus 647 huilae 242 Mus ( Holochilus) 648, 660, 666 jelskii 212, 224 AnodontosUmia chacunda 52, 53, 55 kalinowskii 243 Anomodontia 387, 398 kofordi 231 distribution, geographic 390 longus 234 geologic 390 marmosae 247 Anoplogaster comuta 292 monticolus 228 Anoplogastridae 292 montivagans 240 Anoplotermes 472, 484, 491, 493, 500, oryzomysi 240 510 pacae 244 Anthias maculatu^ 73 punae 227 apaporiensis, Caiman sclerops 340 sanbomi 238 Apicotermes 473, 485, 511 schmidti 231 Apilitermes 511 spinipennis 234 Apobletes 628 waterhousei 219, 243 appendiculata 627 amblyurus, Hemirhamphus 67 montrouzieri 605, 607, 627 Zenarchopterus 52flf, 67 Apocryptes brachypterus 78 food 67, 84 rictuosiis 80 americantis, Ursiis 25 Apoda 531 AmiUrmes 467, 469, 472, 473, 477, 480, Apodes, ecological distribution 83 483, 485, 488, 491, 493, 501, 503, Aporodion 644 510 appendiculata, Apobletes 627 Amitermitinae 493, 505, 506, 510, 516, apraeocularis, Calamaria 200 562 arborifera, Linophryne 300 amoenus, Neomyripristis 94 Archotermopsis 468, 470, 482, 507, 509 Amphibia, apsidospondylous 388 Arctibeus lineatus 409 lepospondylous 388 Arctotherium 25 Amphicynodontinae 44 arenarivs, Miniopterus natalensis 595 ampltis, Peromyscus difficilis 547 Argas 579ff AmpuUariidae 303 6oM

incarum, Holochilus 668 pyrgidium 321 leucogaster, Holochilus 648, 665 proteiformis 335 Mus 660, 662, 663, 667 proteus 335 nanus, Holochilus 666, 669 (Protoglyptus) rivasii 336 vulpinus, Holochilus 661 pupiformis 325 braueri, Cyclothone 272 pyrgidium 321 Brazil, shells from 303flf reconditus 320 brevibarbatus, Stomias 279 remnctus 316 brevidentatus, Serrivomer 291 rivasii 336 bridgesii, Ampullarius 304 rudistriatus 318 bridwelli, Spalacotheroides 690 (Scutalus) angrandi 315 brooki, Calamaria 179 culmineus 315 bruegeli, Calamaria 185, 187 longitudinalis 316 brunnescens, Penelope 17 mutabilis 334 Bubulcus ibis 153 nemorensis 316 buccinatus, Oryzomys 654, 660 phaeocheilus 334 Buchen, Walter 140 proteus 335 buchi, Calamaria 195, 200 remnctus 316 buckleyi, Odontophorus gujanensis 21 subjussieui 336 Bulbitermes 481, 514 tupacii 316 Buliminus aegyptiacus 429, 432 scutulatus 319 chondriformis 419 (Spirosulcatus) endospira 336 heptodon 429 subj^lssieui 336 septemdentatus 422 tupacii 316 sexdenlatus 436 turritus 336 Bulimulidae 309, 331 veruculum 320 Bulimulus acme 325 Bulimus lamelliferus 434 andoicus 324 ovularis 422, 438 416 angrandi 315 saulcyi 422 (AtaxMs) infundibulum 320 septemdentatus Holocentrus 113 infundibulum umbilicatellus 320 bullisi, 91, Calamaria 200 perforatus 320 bungaroides, cereicola 317 burtoni, Poliospiza 149 culmineus 315 horny palate 151 dentritis 319 BMrensis 316 benjaminsi 200 obeliscus 322 bicoZor 192, 200 {Peronaeus) acme 325 bitorques 200 andoiciis 324 borneensis 177flf, 194, 200 eJaftts 324 brachyura 192, 200 extensus 323 broofct 179 hamiltoni 325 bruegeli 185, 187 pupiformis 325 buchi 195, 200 INDEX 709

bungaroides 200 raveni 205 ceramensis 200 rebentischi 205 check list 199flf schlegeli 205 collaris 201 schmidti 174, 178, 197, 205 crassa 192, 201 semiannulata 205 curta 191, 201 septentrionalis 169, 178, 194, 206 dentition 173ff simalurensis 189, 190, 192, 206 doderleini 201 smithi 206 doerianense 199, 201 sondatca 206 egregia 201 sj)ecializations of 168ff electa 201 stahlknechti 192, 206 eJcffans 190, 192, 201 sttZuensts 178, 190, 192, 206 everetti 192, 201 sumxitrana 191, 192, 206 food 174 tropica 168, 192, 206 gervaisi 169, 176, 178, 180, 201 ulmeri 206 iridescens 182 uniformis 206 gimletti 196, 199, 201 ventralis 196, 206 goringi 202 vermiformis 176, 178, 183, 185, 207 grabowskyi 178, 189, 202 grat/t 188, 207 gracilis 202 vermiformis 187, 207 gracillima 196, 199, 202 virgulata 180, 207 grai/i 183, 185, 188 zamboangensis 207 griswoldi 178, 183, 202 calcarifer, Holocentrus 72 hollandi 202 La

Careinus pumilio 616 Cheloniidae, limbs 364, 378 Caretta 347, 365 phylogeny 363ff carapace 374ff scales, head 376 caretta 360 Cheloniinae, classification 365 plastron 357, 377 Chelonini 366 scales, head 376 plastron 377 vertebrae 360 Chiasmodon niger pluriradiatus 297 Carettini 345flf, 365 Chiasmodontidae 297 plastron 377 Chiasognathe 499 Carollia perspicillaia 238, 239 Chilomys sp. 240, 242 Casea 392 chilomysi, Ambi^opmiis 239 halselli 396 Chilonycteris davyi fuXvus 697 nicholsi 396 pamelli 696 Caseidae 387, 392, 399 personata 696 Caseoides 395, 398 psilotis 696 Catapleura arkansas 377 rubiginosa mexicana 696 eaucae, Crypturellus soui 15 torrei continentis 696 Ortalis 19 chionea, Helicina 305 Caulolepis longidens 292 Chiropterargas 579, 580 subididens 293 Chirostomias pliopterus 281 caurinus, Reithrodon 646 chocoensis, Ortalis 20 cavifrons, Constrictctermes 474 chondriformis, Buliminus 419 Cavitermes 469, 494, 512 Jaminia 419 CentrobranchiLS nigro-ocellatum 286 Pitpa 419 Cephalaspis 449 Chondrula broti 441 novaescotiae 454 ^orteni 432, 441 Cephalofarer 95 ghilanensis 441 Cephalotermes 469, 484, 493, 495, 510 ledereri 441 ceramensis, Calamaria 200 libanica 423 Ceratiidae 299 limbodentata 441 Ceratostethus bicomis 52, 54ff, 68 Zottm 441 Ceratotermes 511 Massei 419 cereicola, Bulimulics 317 michoni 432 Ceylonitermelltis 469, 515 septemdentata 422 Ceylonitermes 481, 497, 514 tricuspidata 441 chacarius, Holochilus 655, 656, 663, 665 triticea 441 chacunda, Anodontostoma 52, 53, 55 Chondrulns heptodon 429 Clupanodon 55 Chondrus Vhotellieri 440 Chaerephon major 595 ovularis 438 Chaetodon argus 75 septemdentatus 422, 440 Chamaepetes goudotii gotidotii 21 Chondrusa saulcyi impressa 441 Chanda nalua 72 septemdentatus 441 chapalmalense, Proreithrodon 646 Choza Formation 389 chatareus, Coius 75 fauna 390flf Toxo

Climatius 458, 459 Crithagroides 147, 148 clivosus brachygnathus, Rhinolophus 595 crossopterygians 388 Clupanodon chacunda 55 Cryptommatus jansoni 260 Clyde Formation 389 Cryptomorpha colombiae 572 Coardotermes 473, 481, 486, 487, 489, Cryptopsaras couesi 299 501, 514 Cryptotermes 472, 478, 487, 490, 492, 508 cocco, Gonichthys 286 dudleyi 492 Coilia coomansi 54, 57 havilandi 487 Coius chatareus 75 Crypturellus boucardi columbianus 16 collaris, Calamaria 201 cinereus berlepschi 15 colombiae, Amblyopinus 231 soui caucae 15 colombiae, Cryptomorpha 572 undulatu^ yapura 16 Colombian Zoological Expedition Ctenogobius sp. 55, 77 (1948-52) 214, 221 Ctenomys 215, 216, 220 map of collecting stations 11 fulvus 259 colonization of Tristan da Cunha 159 magellanicus dicki 237 Coluber 169 opimus nigriceps 228, 252, 258 Columbiana, Ortalis 19 peruanus 254, 259 columbianus, Crypturellus boucardi 16 Cubitermes 485, 511 comeri, Porphyriornis 142 culmineus, Bulimulus 315 commersoni, Stolephorus 52, 56 cttmanensis, Pipile 21 food 56, 84 cuniculoides, Reithrodon 646 competition, among termites 474 Cuniculus taczanowskii 215, 244 confusus, Argas 579, 586, 594 cuprarius, Lampanydus 288 connexum, Platysoma 605, 607, 628, 629 curia, Calamaria 191, 201 Conover, Boardman 9 Curvitermes 468, 495, 514 Constridotermes 469, 481, 496, 497, 514 cyaneocupreus, Saprinus 610 cavifrons 474 cyaneus, Hister 608 cyphergaster 474 Saprinus 605, 608 contiguum, Platysoma 629 Cyclothone braueri 272 Convexitermes 497, 515 microdon 272 coomansi, Coilia 54, 57 pallida 272 Coptotermes 468, 469, 472, 478, 483, 484, Cyema atrum 291 488, 493, 509 Cyemidae 291 Coptotermitinae 516 Cylindrotermes 469, 493, 510 cor, Megaderma 580, 595 cyphergaster, Constridermes 474 cora, Neopetraeus 335 Cyprinogobius chrysosoma 52, 77 unicolor, Neopetraeus 335 cystops, Rhinopoma hardwickei 595 Corica, predator of 80 soborna 52, 54, 57 daltnati, Strepsylla 541 Cornicapritermes 495, 512 danae, Chauliodus 277 Corniger 96, 122 Dangila, spilurus 63 Cornitermes 473, 495, 514 darwini, Holochilus 647, 661, 663, 664 cornuta, Anoplogaster 292 darwiniensis, Mastotermes 468 cornutus, Hoplostethus 292 daubani, Aeletes 610 coruscus, Holocentrus 92, 100, 112 davisae, Strepsylla 546 Cotylorhynchus 392, 397ff dapyi fulvus, Chilonyderis 697 hancocki 396 Pteronotus 697 romeri 396 Dendrophilinae 601, 605, 616 Cotylosauria 386 Dendrophilus minutus 618 couesi, Cryptopsaras 299 quattuordedmstriata 616 crassa, Calamaria 192, 201 Dentispicotermes 494, 512 crassus, Ampullarius 303 dentition, of Calamaria 173fif Crax alberti 17 of sigmodont rodents 644flF globulosa 16 of symmetrodont 690 rubra rutra 17 dentritis, Bulimulus 319 crenatus, Aeletes 605, 606, 610 derelidus ascendens, Bulimulus 317 Crenetermes 511 Derichthyidae 290 Crepititermes 494, 512 Derichthys serpentina 290 cretaceus, Neopetraeus 335 Dermochelyidae 365 Cricetidae 218 Dermogenys, ecological distribution 81, Crithagra 147 86 712 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37

pusillus 52, 54ff, 66 dudleyi, Cryptotermes 492 ecological distribution 82 Dunkard Formation 389 Desmatodon 391 dunnei, Nesospiza wilkinsi 152 Desmochelyidae 365 Duplidentitermes 511 Desmodus murinus 700 dussumieri, Mugil 53, 68 rotundus murinus 700 Diadecta 387 ebriosus, Neotomys 646 Diadedes 387, 391 tmi

food 85 of sigmodont dentition 643 Epiphragmophora atahualpa 327 extensus, Bulimulus 323 claromphalos 327 clausomphalos 327 familiaris, Canis 42 diluta 327 Farancia 169 (Epiphragmophora) atahualpa 327 Faremusca 95 claromphalos 327 fasciola, Idiacanthus 283 diluta 327 Fastigitermes 512 olssoni 336 fautini, Strepsylla 546 patasensis 327 fauveli, Bacanius 605, 622, 624, 625 huanucensis 328 /erox, Stomias boa 278 olssoni 336 Firmitermes 511 patasensis 327 fishes, Bermuda deep sea 265fif (Pilsbryna) clausomphalos 327 complementary fresh-water 81 inferior 327 of North Borneo 47ff puntana 328 ecological distribution 81ff Eptesicus capensis 595 food of 84, 87ff pusillus 595 vertical distribution 269ff tenuipinnis 595 Flammeo, Holocentrus 92, 99 equula, Leiognathus 74 flavicans, Oryzomys 657 equulus, Leiognathus 52flf, 74 flaviventris, Serinus 139, 155 food 74, 85 Flower Pot Formation 386 Scomber 74 fauna of 393ff, 398 eremita, Nesocichla 145 fluviatilis, Tetraodon 54, 55, 80 Eremotermes 472, 480, 483, 510 Tetrodon 80 Eretmochelys 366 food, of Calamaria 174 imbricata 376 of fishes 87fif vertebrae 360 Foramitermes 506, 515, 516 Erolia acuminata 154 forestieri, Paromalus 619 erythrocephala, Ornithoctona 21 Platylomalus 605, 608, 619 erythrogaster, Hirundo rustica 155 Forficulitermes 511 Ethiopian region, termite fauna of 484, Formation, geologic, Abo 389 508ff Admiral 389 Euchilotermes 511 Arroyo 389flF Euclastes melii 363, 365, 377 Belle Plains 389 eucosmetus, Drymaeus 331 Choza 389ff Eucryptotermes 469, 492, 508 Clyde 389 Euhamitermes 495, 510 Dunkard 389 Eurylister 628 Flower Pot 389 Eurypharyngidae 289 Hennessey 392 Eurypharynx pelecanoides 289 Moran 389 Eurytermes 468, 493, 510 Putnam 389 Euscaiotermes 513 San Angelo 389 Eustomias bibulbosus 282 Vale 389flf bigelowi 282 formosana, Calamaria pavim^ntata 205 obscurus 282 frantzii, Ortalis 20 schmidti 282 Fringillaria tahapisi 150 Eutermellus 469, 487, 502, 515 Fringillinae 149 Euxina moesta 433 frontosum, Platysoma 631 Evenchelys macrurus 55, 58 Fruticicolidae 327, 336 food 85 fuegensis, Amblyopinus 216, 237 everetti, Calamaria 192, 201 fulgens, Diaphus 287 Nematabramis 53 ff, 60 fumosus, Vampyrops 405 ecological distribution 82 /Mr, Termes 474 food 60, 84, 88 Furculitermes 511 Evermannella atrata atlantica 284 fusca, Eleotris 52, 76 6aZ6o 284 predator of 78 indica melanoderma 285 Poecilia 76 Evermannellidae 284 fuscipennis, Nothocercus 13 evolution of cricetine dentition 643 of parasitic staphylinids 216 Gadidae 291 of rodents 217 gahani, Amblyopinodes 248 714 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37

Galea musteloides 254 grabowskyi, Calamaria 178, 189, 202 Galenomys garleppi 254 gracilis, Calamaria 202 Gallinula 143 gracillima, Calamaria 196, 199, 202 chloropus 143 Grallatotermes 477, 478, 481, 486, 487, garrula, Ortalis 20 501, 503, 514 Gastrocopta (Gastrocopta) wolfii 305 grandaeva, Chelone 345 Gastromyzon borneensis 64 Chelonia 345 gastropida, Calamaria margaritophora Procolpochelys 345ff 204 grandis robustior, Urotriainus 564 gemellari, Diaphus 287 Syntermes 564 Gempylidae 298 Urotriainus 564 Genuotermes 494, 512 Granopupa rhodia 429 Geoceras, Bulimulus 320 gratus, Peromyscus truei 548 Geocichla 144 j/rai/i, Calamaria 183, 185, 188, 207 Geomyidae 218 vermiformis 188, 207 Geopyrgus, Bulimulus 336 Green Sand 345 Geospiza 148 griswoldi, Calamaria 178, 183, 202 Genes poeti 53, 74 lumbricoidea 183, 202 food 74, 85 guatemalensis, Peromyscus 544, 548 gervaisi, Calamaria 169, 176, 178, 180, guernei, Photostomias 283 201 guianae, Holochilus 647, 659, 668 Gibbotermes 488 guttata, Ortalis 19 gigashomogenes, Dimetrodon 392, 397 guttatus, Tinamus 12 gimletti, Calamaria 196, 199, 201 gwinneri, Chelonia 364, 377 girundica, Chelonia 366, 378 gymnocephalus, Ambassis 52, 54, 71 giurus, Glossogobius 52, 55, 78 Lutjanus 71 food 78, 85 gymnopomus, Butis 52, 55, 76 Gobius 78 food 76, 85 glacialis, Bathylagus 284 Eleotris 76 Glarichelys knorri 364, 377 Globitermes 469, 510 Habrocerinae 211 globulosa, Crax 16 Habroconus (Pseudoguppya) semenlini Glossogobius giurus 52, 55, 78 308 food 78, 85 haedinus, Taphozous perforatus 580 predator of 68 Halacritus 611 Glossophaga soricina leachi 697 halselli, Casea 396 Glossotermes 479, 492, 509 hamatus, Bacanius 620 Glyptotermes 468, 469, 473, 476-478, hamiltoni, Bulimulus 325 484, 492, 498, 507, 508 Thrissa 56 Gnathamitermes 469, 472, 473, 491, 510 Thrissocles 53, 56, 58 Gobiidae, ecological distribution 81flF food 56, 84 Gobiopterus brachypterus 55, 78 Hampala macrolepidota 52, 53, 62 Gobius boddaerti 80 ecological distribution 82 doriae 77 food 62, 84 giurus 78 hancocki, Cotylorhynchus 396 schlosseri 79 Haptodus 392 tentacularis 78 hardwickei cystops, Rhinopoma 595 Gomphodus 459 Harpage 95 Gonichthys cocco 286 rosea 95 Gonionenia, Nenia 308 /iar

Hemicyon 44 brachypteru^ 109 hemigymnus, Argyropelecus 274 bullisi 91, 97, 113 Hemirhamphus amblyurus 67 calcarifer 72 hemprichi, Otonyderis 595 corMscMs 97, 100, 112 Hennessey Formation 392 (Flammeo) 92 henseli, Amhlyopinus 212, 247 Zaem 92, 100 Hershkovitz, Philip 9, 214 marianus 92 hershkovitzi, Amhlyopinus 238 opercularis 92, 100 hershkovitzi, Tinamus osgoodi 10 sammara 92, 100 Hesperomys 644 scythrops 92, 100 (Holochilus) brasiliensis 666 hastatus 111 physodes 666 Zeo92 vulpinus 663 marianus 92, 96, 99 physodes 666 maonlla 92 russatus 666 meefct 95, 104, 109 squamipes 666 osculus 91 vulpinus 657, 664 pundatissimus 95 Heteromys 218 pundiculatus 112 anomalus 238 rtt/tts 91, 97, 102, 104, 122 Heterotermes 468, 472, 473, 477-479, sammara 94 483, 484, 490, 493, 499, 509 sandipauli 91, 100 Heterotermitinae 516 (Sargocentron) 92 hirtipes, Petalasoma 626 ensifer 92 Hirtitermes 481, 514 Zeo92 Hirundo rustica erythrogaster 155 praslin 92 hispidus, Sigmodon 647 tieroides 92 Hister, cyaneus 608 spinosissimus 92 nanus 617 sicciferum 95, 109 troglodytes 618 Histeridae 601flf suborbitalis 92, 126, 132 Histerinae 605, 626 tahiticum 95 Hodotermes 473, 484, 502, 509 tortugae 112 Hodotermitidae 472, 479, 482, 484, 499, vexillarius 96, 97, 109 505-507, 509 Holocheilus 648 Hodotermitinae 516 Holochilomy brasiliensis 662 Hodotermopsis 470, 482, 509 Holochilus 639fif, 647, 648, 653 Calamaria 202 hollandi, amazonicus 659, 667 Holocentridae 121ff 91flF, anguya 647 bulla 123 auditory balnearum 656, 661, 665 125 opisthotic bone berbicensis 661 swim bladder 122 brasiliensis 645, 647, 648, 653, 654, 122 Holocentrinae 657, 658, 660, 661, 662, 666 Holocentrum longipinne 100 amazonicus 667, 669 perlatum 104, 107 balnearum 665 osculum 104 berbicensis 655, 669 productum 100 brasiliensis 662 riparum 109 guianae 668 rostratum 99 incarum 668 Holocentrus 91flF, 121, 122 leucogaster 648, 665 (Adiori/x) 92, 109 Kanws 666, 669 bullisi 92 venezuelae 670 coruscus 92, 100 vulpinus 661, 662 hastatus 92 canellinus 647, 661, 666 ladeoguttatus 92 chacarius 655, 656, 663, 664, 665 microstomus 92 chrysogaster 661, 662 punctatissimus 92 darwini 647, 661, 663, 664 suborbitalis 92, 100 guianae 647, 659, 668

physodes 647, 666 inquilinus, Termes 474 russatus 647, 661 insularum, Ampullarius 304 sciureus 647, 659, 661, 662, 666, 667, interrupta, Ambassis 52ff, 71 669 food 71, 84 berhicensis 669 interruptus, Drymaeus 333 squamipes 647 iostoma, Porphyrobaphe 331 venezuelae 661, 669, 670 iridescens, Calamaria gervaisi 182 vulpinus 647, 657, 661, 663 Isospondyli, ecological distribution Slff Hololepta urvillei 630 Ixodoidea 579 Holotrachys 95, 122 lima 95 jacobus, Myripristis 93 Homallotermes 469, 512 jacquaqu, Penelope 18 Hoplognathotermes 468, 485, 511 jaculator, Toxotes 74 Hoplostethus cornutus 292 jaculatrix, Sciaena 74 Hoplotermes 469, 493, 510 Toxotes 54, 74 /tosei, Calamaria 202 food 74, 85 Hospitalitermes 477, 478, 481, 503, 514 jamaicensis, Artibeus 698 huanucensis, Epiphragmophora 328 Jaminia chondriformis 419 huilae, Amblyopinus 242 ghilanensis 436 Hyalorhynchus natalensis 284 heptodon 423, 429ff hygomi, Hygophum 286 lamellifera 434fif Hygophum benoiti 285 libanica 429, 432fif, 435 hygomi 286 ovularis 423, 438fl macrochir 286 saulcyi 416 reinhardti 285 septemdentata 421, 422flf, 433 hylocetes, Peromyscus 548 sexdentata 436ff hyperythrus, Odontophorus 22 sulcidens 438flf hypopius, Rhynchortyx cinctus 22 tridens 440 Hypotermes 513 jansoni, Myotyphlus 219, 259, 260 hypsodonty 644 javanica, Calamaria 202 Hypsolenus 626 lineata, Calamaria 196, 202 217 Hystricomorpha ieiio, Sphyraena 54, 68 541 Hystrichopsyllidae food 68, 84 jelskii, Amblyopinus 212, 224 itis, Bubulcus 153 Thaumastus 309 carce 67 Ichthyocampus 54, 55, jeudi, Calamaria 202 Ichthyococcus ovatus 273 Bulimulus 322 Idiacanthidae 283 jocosensis, Calamaria 203 Idiacanthus 283 joloensis, fasciola Kalotermes 576 /dister 626 jouteli, mendax 626 Jugositermes 511 morphon 626 Julius, Nothocercus 12 ignobilis, Caranx 53, 55, 72 food 73, 84 kalinowskii, Amblyopinus 243 Scomber 72 Nenia angrandi 306 Ilisha kampeni 52flf, 57 Kalotermes 467, 468, 472, 473, 478, 483, food 57, 84 488, 490, 491, 492, 502, 507, 508 imbricata, Eretmochelys 379 jouteli 576 Incania, Nenia 307 Kalotermitidae 476, 479, 484, 491, incarum, Holochilus 659, 668 505-508, 516 brasiliensis 668 introductions 474 Strophocheilus 331 termitophiles 563, 575 incipiens, Proreithrodon 646 Kalotermitinae 507 indica melanoderma, Evermannella 285 kampeni, Ilisha 52fif, 57 Indomalayan region, termite fauna of food 57, 84 479, 508ff Pellona 57 indragirica, Calamaria 202 Karlschmidtia 327 inferior, Epiphragmophora clausom- lentiformis 328 327 phalos klossi, Calamaria 203 infundibulum, Bulimulus 320 knorri, Glarichelys 364, 377 infuscus, Vampyrops 405 koefoedi, Searsia 269 ingolfianus, Nessorhamphus 291 kofordi, Amplyopinus 231 INDEX 717 kretamensis, Tetraodon 52, 55, 81 Leucopitermes 477, 478, 489, 502, 514 food 81 leucopogon, Astronesthes 278 krujanensis, Epierus 617 leucops, Subulitermes 502 kuhli, Pipistrellus 595 leucopus, Rhamphoberyx 94 Kutaflammeo 95 levipes, Peromyscus boylii 545 libanica, Jaminia 432ff labecula, Peromyscus maniculatus 548 lilium parvidens, Siurnira 700 Labidosaurikos 391 lilliputianus, Acritus 612 Labidosaurus 391 ima, Holotrachys 95 Labiotermes 495, 514 limbs, of Cheloniidae 364, 378 Labritermes 510 Limnopomus, Ampullarius 303 Lacessititermes 481, 514 linearis, Phlegethontia 531 lacteoguttatus, Holocentrus 92 lineata, Calamaria javanica 196, 202 laetiis, Saprinus 609 lineatus, Vampyrops 408, 409 iaee, Platysoma 628 linnaei, Calamaria 171, 195, 203 Jaevis, Aeie

maculatus, Anthias 73 Melanosuchus niger 339 Pomadasys 53, 73 mlanota, Calamaria 204 food 73, 85 m^lasoma, Ophicephalus 71 magnus, Holochilus 640, 644, 648, 653, Tweiw, Euclastes 363, 365, 377 654, 657 Melursus ursinus 25 major, Chaerephon 595 m?idax, Idister 626 Opheodrys 174 Metachirus opossum 247 Tinamus 9 metallicus, Bathophilus 281 Malacosteidae 283 Merostichis 656 Malagasitermes 469, 489, 501, 514 mtopoclampus, Diaphus 287 Malagasy region, termite fauna of mexicana, Chilonyderis rubiginosa 696 487flf, 502, 508ff Micronyderis megalotis 697 Manchurodon 692 Mexico, bats from 695fif maniculatus labecula, Peromyscus 548 Microborus, Strophocheilus 330 margaritophora, Calamaria 191, 192,203 microcephalus, Neonesthes 278 gastropida 204 Microcerotermes 467, 469, 472, 473, 478, marginalis, Rhinotermes 493 480, 483, 485, 488, 493, 507, 510 Margrethia disjunda 270 microdon, Cyclothone 272 obtusirostra 270 Microhodotermes 471, 473, 477, 482, 484, marianus, Holocentrus 92, 96 502, 509 marmoratus, Odontophorus gujanensis 21 Micronyderis megalotis mexicana 697 marmosae, Amblyopinus 247 microphthalma, Syntermorpha 572 martinica, Porphyrula 153 microphyllum, Rhinopoma 595 Mastotermes 476, 490, 498, 507, 508 microps, Melamphaes 296 darwiniensis 468 Microsauria 531 Mastotermitidae479, 490, 491, 505-508, microstomus, Holocentrus 92 516 Microtermes 473, 486, 489, 501, 513 maxilla, Holocentrus 92 Milleretidae 392 maximus vestitus, Strophocheilus 309 milloti, Eutermes 501 mazonensis, Phlegethontia 523 Mimutermes 487, 489, 502, 514 mearnsi, Calamaria 204 rwina, Strepsylla 546 mecheli, Calamaria 204 mindorensis, Calamaria 204 m^eki, Holocentrus 95, 104, 109 minima, Lampadena 288 Megaderma cor 580, 595 Miniopterus natalensis arenarius 595 Megagnathotermes 468, 485, 511 minuta, Carcinops 618 Megalobulimus, Strophocheilus 309 minutus, Dendrophilus 618 m^galophylla, Mormoops 697 Miocene Marl 345 m^galotis mxicana, Micronyderis 697 Mioterm^s 507 Megamblyopinus 212, 215, 216, 218, TOtra, Ortalis 20 222, 251 Mirocapritermes 512 germaini 254 mizolepis, Melamphaes 297 mniszechi 216, 219, 251 mjobergi, Calamaria 204 mehelyi, Rhinolophus 595 mniszechi, Megamblyopinus 216, 219, Melamphaes anthrax 297 251 microps 296 modestus, Bulimulus 318 mizolepis 297 Zonibyx 154 opisthopterus 296 molesti, Urotriainus 564 robustus 297 mx)lestus, Syntermes 562, 564, 571 Melamphaidae 296 Molgophidae 531 Melanocetidae 299 MoiossMs rw/its nigricans 701 Melanocetus murrayi 299 rtt/tts rw/tts 701 Melanodera 144, 147-149 sinaloae 701 mlanodera 149 Monopterus alba 53, 59 horny palate 151 m^ntagnii, Penelope 18 mlanoderma, Evermannella indica 285 monticolus, Amblyopinus 228 Meianontis unipennis 291 montivagans, Amblyopinus 240 627 Tncianosoma, Eleotris 52, 54, 76 montrouzieri, Apobletes 605, 607, food 76, 85 Macrosiernus 627 Ophicephalus 54, 71 Platysoma 605, 607, 629 ecological distribution 82 Moran Formation 389 food 71, 84 Mormoops m^galophylla megalophylla Melanostomiatidae 281 697 INDEX 719 morphon, Idister 626 Serranus 72 Mucrotermes 511 Nectomys 654, 670 muelleri, Calamaria 192, 204 squamipes 249, 653 Mugil caeruleomaculatus 68 Nectridia 531 dussumieri 53, 68 Nematabramis everetti 53fiF, 60 Mullerister 620 ecological distribution 82 multannus, Holochilus 647, 661, 663 food 60, 84, 88 664 predator of 62 Muraena alba 59 Nemichthyidae 291 macrurus 58 Nemichthys scolopaceus 291 murinus, Desmodus 700 nemorensis, Bulimulus 316 Desmodus rotundus 700 nemurus, Bagrus 65 Muroidea 218 Mystus 53ff, 65 murrayi, Melanocetus 299 ecological distribution 82, 86 Mtts aj/iZis 648 food 66, 84 angouya 660, 662 Nenia angrandi kalinowskii 306 brasiliensis 660, 662-664 urubambensis 306 ( Holochilus) anguya 648, 660, 666 {Gonionenia) weyrauchi 308 {Holochilus) leucogaster 648, 660 (Incania) warszewiczi 307 lutescens 648 (Neniatracta) adusta 305 physodes 660, 665 tumens 305 simpsoni 648 Neniatracta, Nenia 305 vulpinus 660, 662 Neobacanius 620 mutabilis, Bulimulus 334 Neocapritermes 469, 495, 512 Myctophidae 285 Neomyripristis 94 amaeriMs 94 mydas, Chelonia 360 217 Neonesthes macrolychnus 278 Myomorpha 278 259 microcephalus Myotyphlus 211, 215, 217, 218, 94 260 Neoniphon jansoni 219, 259, armatus 94 122 Myripristinae /ias

vnlkinsi 150 Ophiderpetonidae 531 Nessorhamphidae 291 Ophiocara porocephala 52, 76 Nessorhamphtis ingolfianus 291 Ophiocephalu^ melanosoma 71 New Caledonia, Histeridae of 601flf Ophiotermes 494, 511 nicholsi, Casea 396 Ophthalmopeltmi macropus 284 niger, Melanosuchus 339 opisthopterus, Melamphaes 296 pluriradiatus, Chiasmodon 297 Oriensubulitermes 515 nigricans, Molossus rufus 701 ornata, Calamaria 204 nigro-ocellatum, Centrobranchus 286 omatus, Tremarctos 25ff nimbraria, Vinciguerria 273 jaw mechanics 40 Nitiditermes 511 mandibular articulation 38 nitiduloides, Saprinus 610 muscles 32 nivalis, Ischnoglossa 698 salivary glands 31 Lepionycteris 698 skull 26 Noditermes 511 tongue and oral vestibule 29 norvegicus, RattiLS 648 vessels and nerves 31 Nothocercus bonapartei bonapartei 12 Ornithoctona erythrocephala 21 fuscipennis 13 Ortalis garrula chocoensis 20 Julius 12 garrula 20 venezuelensis 14 mira 20 Notolychnus valdiviae 288 gvitata caucae 19 novaescotiae, Cephalaspis 454 Columbiana 19 nopae-scoiiae, Pteraspis 452 guttata 19 nttbiZtts, Ampullariu^ 303 Orthognathotermes 469, 494, 512 nuchalis, Calamaria 204 Orthotermes 485, 512 Matrix 174 Oryzomys 644 nudiventris, Taphozous 595 albigularis 214, 242 Nycteris thebaica 595 angouya 654 bu4xinatus 654, 660 obeliscus, Bulimulus 322 flavicans 657 obseura, Penelope 18 keaysi 239 obscurus, Euslomias 282 longicaudatus 654 obtusirostra, Margrethia 270 sp. 251 Obtusitermes 497, 514 oryzomysi, Amblyopinus 240 Occasitermes 503, 514 oscwitis, Holocentrus 91, 104 occidentalis, Myripristis 93 osgoodi, Tinamus 10 occipitalis, Calamaria 204 Ostariophysi 127 Occulitermes 503, 515 ecological distribution 82fif Odontophorus erythrops parambae 21 Osteochilus spilurus 53, 63 gujanensis buckleyi 21 ecological distribution 82 marmoratus 21 Ostichthyes 96 hyperythrus 22 Ostichthys 122 Odontotermes 469, 472, 473, 513 trachypoma 123 olivacea, Lepidochelys 376 Otonycteris hemprichi hemprichi 595 olivascens, Sicalis 149 opaftts, Ichthyococais 273 homy palate 151 ovularis, Jaminia 438ff olivensis, Reithrodon 646 Oxyeleotris urophthalmus 52, 77 olssoni, Epiphragmophora 336 food 77, 85 onca, Panthera 42 Oxymycteris judex 249 Onchus 458, 459 rtt/tts 249 murchisoni 449 Oxyurichthys tentacularis 55, 78 Oneirodidae 299 opercularis, Holocentrus 92, 100 pacae, Am&Jt/opinus 244 Opheodrys mojar 174 Pachyotus 595 Ophiacodonta 387 pacificum, Platysoma 605, 607, 629 distribution, geographic 390 pacificus, Platylister 629 geologic 390 Palaearctic region, termite fauna of 481, Ophicephalus melanosoma 54, 71 508ff ecological distribution 82 Palaeastacus walkeri 445 food 71, 84 palans, Carcinops 618 m^iasoTna 71 pallida, Cyclothone 272 Ophiderpeton 531, 532 pamplonensis, Drymaeus 314 INDEX 721

Panthera onca, weights of jaw muscles 42 variabilis 55, 79 Pantotheria 689 perlatum, Holocentrum 104, 107 Papio maimon 44 Permian fauna 385flf Papuan region, termite fauna of 477fif, Peromyscus 644 503, 508ff 6oyiu levipes 545 papyraceus, Ampullarius 303 difficilis amplus 547 Paracapritermes 469, 477, 503, 512 guatemalensis 231, 544, 548 Paracornitermes 468, 473, 487, 495, 502, hylocetes 548 514 maniculatus labecula 548 parallelism 385fl

saucius 619 Porphyriornis nesiotis comeri 142, 143 umbilicatus 619 nesiotis 143 victoriae 619 Porphyrobaphe iostoma 331 Platypsyllus castoris 248 Porphyrula 143 Platysoma 627 mxirtinica 153 abruptum 629 Postsubulitermes 515 connexMTO 605, 607, 628, 629 Potamx)pyrgus subgradatus 304 contiguum 629 poweriae, Vinciguerria 273 enode 629 prakkei, Calamaria 190, 192, 205 frontosum 631 praslin, Holocentrus 92 iaepe 628 ProbosciterTnes 512 montrouzieri 605, 607, 629 Procapritermes 511 pacificum 605, 607, 629 procax, Nesocichla 146 perroudi 629 Procolophonidae 387, 392, 400 (Platylister) montrouzieri 629 Procolpochelys grandaeva 345fif urvillei 630 carapace 349 (Platysoma) connexum 628 phylogeny 363fiF montrouzieri 629 plastron 357 pacificum 629 vertebrae 360 urvillei 630 Procornitermes 472, 473, 495, 514 querulum 628 Procryptotermes 472, 473, 478, 490, 492, soronense 631 498, 508 ttm7iei 605, 608, 630 Procubitermes 511 pan7n 631 productum, Holocentrum 100 plebius, Polydactylus 55, 70 productus, Terniitopteryx 572, 575 food 85 Proelectrotennes 507 Plecotus auritus christiei 595 Profastigitermes 511 Plectognathi, ecological distribution 83 Prohamitermes 493, 510 Plectrypops 96, 122 Prokalotermes 507 Plesiochelyidae 369 Promiroterms 469, 485, 486, 494, 512 plicata, Balantiopteryx 695 Proreithrodon 646 pliopterus, Chirostomias 281 chapalmalense 646 Plioterms 507 incipiens 646 pluriradiatus, Chiasmodon niger 297 Prorhinotermes All, 477, 478, 479, 488, Poecilia fusca 76 489, 493, 500, 509 poecilopus, Rhamphoberyx 93 canalifrons 488 poecilus, Drymaeus 332 proteiformis, Bulimulus 335 poe

leathensis 452 rarent, Calamaria 205 novae-scotiae 452 rebentischi, Calamaria 205 vogti 452 recifinus, Vampyrops 413 whitei 450 reconditus, Bulimulus 320 Pteronotus davyi fulvus 697 reinhardti, Hygophum 285 Pteryx 562 Reithrodon 639, 640, 644, 646 Ptiliidae 561ff aurttus 646 habitat 561 caurintts 646 termitophilous adaptations 563 cuniculoides 646 Ptinella 562 oitpensts 646 Ptyssophorus 646 physodes 646 elegans 646 typicus 646 rotundatus 646 remington!, Bacanius 605, 606, 622, Pugnititermes 511 624 pumilio, Carcinops 605, 608, 616, 619 reptiles of Permian 385flf Carcinus 616 geographic distribution 389 Paromalus 616 Reticulitermes 470, 471, 483, 489, 490, punae, Amblyopinus 227 507, 509 pundatissimus, Holocentrus 92, 95 reptndiis, Bulimulus 316 puncticulatus, Holocentrus 112 Rhamphoberyx 93 pundiger, Abraeus 624 leucopus 94 Bacanius 605, 606, 622, 624, 625 poecilopus 93 puntana, Epiphragmophora 328 Rhinoberyx 93 Puntius sealei 52ff, 62 chryseus 93 ecological distribution 82 Rhinolophus clivosus brachygnathus 595 food 62, 84 lobatus 595 predator of 62 mehelyi 595 Pupa chondriformis 419 Rhinopoma hardwickei cystops 595 michoni 432 microphyllum 595 septemdentata 422 Rhinotermes 469, 493, 509 pupiformis, Bulimulus 325 marginalis 493 Puppigerus 345 Rhinotermitidae 476, 479, 505-507, 509 purpurascens, Penelope 17 introductions 474 pusillus, Dermogenys 52, 54ff, 66 Rhinotermitinae 516 Eptesicus 595 rhodolarynx, Neopetraeus 311 Lampanydus 289 Rhynchichthys 93 Putnam Formation 389 brachyrhynchus 93 Pycnopteryx 562, 563, 567 pelamidis 93 schtnidti 562, 567, 570 Rhynchohyalus natalensis 284 sp., 572 Rhynchortyx cinctus hypopius 22 pyrgidiutn, Bulimulus 321 Rhynchotermes 468, 495, 514 riduosus, Apocryptes 80 Quasiiermes 469, 488, 512 Parapocrypies 55, 80 quattuordecimstriata, Carcinops 616 food 80, 85 Dendrophilus 616 ridley turtles 345 Paromalus 617 riparum, Holocentrum 109 Quechua, Thaumastus 331 rivasii, Bulimulus 336 Quediini 211 robustior, Urotriainus grandis 564 querulum, Platysoma 628 robustu^, Melamphaes 297 questi, Nesospiza acunhae 152 rodents, cricetine 639 quinquelaeniata, Calamaria 205 dentition 643ff 639ff, 646 sigmodont ^ radiation, adaptive 388, 399 dentition 643 Radiconus, Radiodiscus 308 skull 640 Radiodiscus (Radioconus) andium 308 rogersi, Atlantisia 142 (Radiodiscus) peruvianus 308 romeri, Cotylorhynchus 396 Rasbora sumatrana 52ff, 60 Rom^ria 391 ecological distribution 82 Romrolagus diazi 548 food 60, 84, 88 rosea, Harpage 95 ratada 655fr rostratum, Holocentrum 99 rats, marsh 639flF Rostrotermes 511 Rattus norvegicus 648 iJofWa 393, 398 724 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37

Rotunditermes 496, 514 Thaumastus 309 rotundus murinus, Desmodus 700 schmidti, Edriolychnus 299 roulei, Leptocephalus 290 Eustomias 282 Rousettiis aegyptiacus aegyptiacus 595 scholvienia, Thaumastus 309 Rowettia 144, 147-150, 158 Sciaena argentimxiculata 73 goughensis 142 jaculatrix 74 horny palate 151 rubra 104 rubiginosa, Chilonycteris 696 sciureus berbicensis, Holochilus 669 mexicana, Chilonycteris 696 Holochilus 647, 659, 661, 666, 667, 669 rubra, Crax 17 Sciuromorpha 217 Sdaena 104 sclerops apaporiensis, Caiman 340 rubripes, Carcinops 618, 619 Caiman 339 Epierus 618 scolodonta, Streptaxis 329 rudistriatus, Bulimulus 318 scolopaceus, Nemichthys 291 ru/a, Perca 104, 107 Scomber equulus 74 ruficeps, Tinamus major 10 ignobilis 72 rufus, Holocentrus 91, 102, 104, 122ff Scopelarchidae 284 Molossus 701 Scopelarchus anale 284 Rugitermes 477, 478, 491, 492, 498, 508 Scutalus, Bulimulus 315flf, 334 arthuri-muelleri 576 scutulatus, Bulimulus 319 ruppelli, Tadarida teniotis 595 scythrops, Holocentrus 92, 100 russatus, Hesperomys 666 sealei, Barbodes 62 Holochilus 647, 661 Puntius 52S, 62 ecological distribution 82 sagor, Pimelodus 64 food 62, 84 Tachysurus 55, 64 Searsia koefoedi 269 food 85 Searsidae 269 sammara, Holocentrus 92, 94, 100 semenlini, Habroconus 308 San Angelo Formation 385 semiannulata, Calamaria 205 fauna of 393ff, 398 septemdentata, Jaminia 421, 422flf sanborni, Amblyopinus 238 septentrionalis, Calamxiria 169, 178, sanctipauli, Holocentrus 91, 100 194, 206 Saprininae 605, 608 Serinus 147 Saprinus artensis 605, 608, 609 flaviventris 139, 155 australasiae 609 sulphuratus 149 cyaneocupreus 610 horny palate 151 cyaneus 605, 608 serotinus, Drymaeus 313, 332 iae

Siphonaptera 541 Stolotermitinae 516 sismondai, Chelonia 366, 378 Stomias boa ferox 278 sloanei, Chauliodus 277 brevibarbatus 279 smithi, Calamaria 206 Stomiatidae 278 54 Iff snyderi, Syntermes 562, 570, 572 Strepsylla dalmati 541 soborna, Corica 52, 54, 57 davisae 546 Solenichthyes, ecological distribution 83 546 sondaica, Calamaria 206 fautini mtna 541 soricina 697 leachi, Glossophaga schmidti 544 631 soronense, Platysoma taluna 546 15 soui, Crypturellus villai 546 689 Spalacotheriidae Streptaxidae 329 692 Spalacotherium 690, Streptaxis (Scolodonta) andivaga 329 Spalacotheroides 690, 692 strongylura, Belone 66 bridwelli 690 strongylurus, Tylosurus 53, 66 dentition 690ff food 84 specialization, in Calamaria 168 Strophocheilidae 309, 330 speciosus, Saprinus 609 Strophocheilus incarum 331 Speculiterms 480, 493, 500, 510, 567 maximus vestitus 309 termitophiles of 562 (Microborus) tenuis 330 Sphaerotermes 513 popelairianus 309 Sphenacodon 392 tenuis 330 Sphenacodontia 387 Sturnira lilium parvidens 700 distribution, geographic 390 styani, Trirhinopholis 174 geologic 390 Stylotermes 509 Sphyraena jello 54, 68 Stylotermitinae 516 food 68, 84 subgradatus, Potamopyrgus 304 Spicotermes 494, 511 subhybridus, Goniostomus 314 spilurus, Dangila 63 subjussieui, Bulimulus 336 Osteochilus 53, 63 subnitidus, Saprinus 605, 608, 610 ecological distribution 82 suborbitalis, Holocentrus 92, 100, 126, spinalis, Achalinus 174 132 spinifer, Holocentrus 92 subulidens, Caulolepis 293 spinipennis, Amblyopinus 234 Subulitermes 469, 481, 487, 489, 496, Spinitermes 485, 494, 511 497, 502, 515 spinosissimus, Holocentrus 92 leucops 502 Spinus 147 undecimus 502 spinus 149 Succinea aequinoctialis 305 homy palate 151 peruviana 305 Spirosulcatus, Bulimulus 336 Succineidae 305 splendens, Leptocephalus 290 sulcidens, Jaminia 438ff squamipes, Hesperomys 666 sulcisternus, Bacanius 620 Holochilus 647 sulphuratus, Serinus 149 Nedomys 653 horny palate 151 stahlknechti, Calamaria 192, 206 swittensis, Calamaria 178, 190, 192, 206 Staphylininae 211, 221 sumatrana, Calamaria 191, 192, 206 Stegocephali 531 Rasbora 52ff, 60 Stephanian fauna 389fif ecological distribution 82 Steppesaurus 393, 397ff food 60, 84, 88 Sternaulax 605, 626 sumatranus, Leuciscus 60 caledoniae 605, 607, 626 supralateralis, Lampanyctus 289 zealandica 626 Symmetrodonta 689 Stemoptychidae 274 Sympholis 168 vertical distribution 275 Synacanthoterm8 468, 473, 513 Sternoptyx diaphana 277 Synapsida 387 Stolephorus commersoni 52, 56 Synbranchoidea, ecological distribution food 56, 84 83

Synhamitermes 510 Tetraodon, ecological distribution 81, 86 Syntermes 468, 473, 495, 514 fluviatilis 54, 55, 80 grandis 564 ecoldgical distribution 82 molestus 562, 564, 571 food 80, 85 snyderi 562, 570 kretamensis 52, 55, 81 termitophiles of 561 ecological distribution 82 Syntermorpha microphthalma 572 food 81, 85 Systrophia (Systrophiella) andivaga 308 Tetrodon fluviatilis 80 Systrophiella, Systrophia 308 teysmanni, Clarias 52, 54, 65 Systrophiidae 308 ecological distribution 82 food 65, 84 taaningi, Lampanydus 289 Thaptomys nigrita 249 Tachysurus caelatus 55, 64 Thaumastus bitaeniatus 309 food 85 conspicuus 331 sagor 55, 64 jelskii 309 food 85 porphyreus 309 venosus 55, 65 (Quechua) conspicuus 331 food 84 schmidti 309 Tadarida aegyptiaca aegyptiaca 595 thebaica, Nycteris 595 teniotis ruppelli 595 Thecophora 368 tahapisi, Emberiza, horny palate 151 Therapsida 387, 392, 400 tahiticum, Holocentrus 95 distribution, geographic 390 taluna, Strepsylla 546, 547 geologic 390 tanneri, Echiostoma 281 origin 388 Taphozous nudiventris 595 Theria 689 perforatus 580 Theriodonta 387, 397 haedinus 580, 595 distribution, geographic 390 perforatus 595 geologic 390 Tapinocephalia 387, 393, 397 origin 388 Tappenosaurus 395, 397 Therocephalia 387, 397 Tarditermes 515 Thomasomys 232, 644 tasmantcus, Saprinus 609 aureus nicefori 232 teniotis ruppelli, Tadarida 595 laniger 239 tentacularis, Gobius 78 Thoracotermes 511 Oxyurichthys 55, 78 Thrissa hamiltoni 56 tenuipinnis, Eptesicus 595 Thrissocles hamiltoni 53, 56, 58 Tenuirostritermes 472, 481, 491, 496, food 56, 84 497, 514 Thrysidium 532 tenuis, Strophocheilus 330 thula, Egretta 152 Termes 468, 469, 473, 477, 478, 480, Thyreoxenus 478 485, 488, 494, 507, 512 tibetanus, Ursus 26fif /ttr 474 tibialis, Carcinops 617 inquilinus 474 ticks 579flF termites, zoogeography 465flF tiere, Holocentrus 92 Termitidae 479, 505-507, 510-512 Tinamus guttatus 12 Termitinae 485, 487, 494, 505, 506, 511, major saturatus 9 512, 516 osgoodi hershkovitzi 10 Termitogeton 509 Tinodon 692 Termitogetoninae 516 Titanosuchia 387, 393, 397 termitophiles, of Kalotermitidae 563 origin 388 of Speculitermes 562 tolteca, Stenoderma 698 of Syntermes 561, 562 toltecus, Artibeus cinereus 698 Termitopteryx 563, 572 torrei continentis, Chilonycteris 696 productus 572, 575 tortugae, Holocentrus 112 576 sp. Toxochelyidae 365 516 Termopsinae 482, plastron 377 Termopsis 482, 507 Toxotes Eleutheronema 69 tetradadylum, 55, chatareus 52, 54, 55, 75 food 85 food 75, 85 69 Polynemus jaculator 74 Tetragonuridae 298 jaculatrix 54, 74 Tetragonurus atlanticus 298 food 74, 85 INDEX 727

Traquairaspis 449 unipennis, Melanonu^ 291 travassosi, Amblyopinodes 249 Uralotermes 507 Tremardos ornatus 25S Uralotermitidae 506, 507 jaw mechanics 40 Urodela 531 mandibular articulation 38 urophthalmus, Eleotris 77 muscles 32 Oxyeleotris 52, 77 salivary glands 31 food 77, 85 skull 26 Urotriainus 561-563, 564, 567 tongue and oral vestibule 29 bidentatus 563, 564 vessels and nerves 31 grandis 564 Tremarctotherium 25 robustior 564 Tretomys atavus 646 molesti 564 tri, Engraulis 56 ursinus, Melursus 25 Stolephorus 54, 56 Ursu^ americanus 25 food 57 tibetanus 26ff Tribalinae 601 urubambensis, Nenia angrandi 306 Tribalus 601 urvillei, Hololepta 630 Trichiuridae 298 Platylister 630 Trichopterygidae 561 Platysoma 605, 608, 630 Trichotermes 511 tridens, Asellia 595 VaiTwosa bikolana 79 Trinervitermes 473, 481, 486, 501, 514 valdiviae, Notolychnus 288 Trinity Sand Formation 689 Vale Formation 389 tripunctulatus, Valenciennellus 274 fauna 390ff Trirhinopholis styani 17A FaienciennciiMs tripundulatus 274 Tristan da Cunha, land birds of 139flf Vampyrops 403 trivittata, Beanea 95 dorsalis 407 troglodytes, Carcinops 605, 608, 618 fumosus 405 Hister 618 helleri 411 Paromalus 618 infuscus 405 tropica, Calamaria 168, 192, 206 lineatus 408, 409, 411 truei gratus, Peromyscus 548 recifinus 413 Tuberculitermes 494, 511 umbratus 408 tumens, Nenia (Neniatrada) adusta vittatus 405 305 zarhinus 411 Tumulitermes 469, 477, 503, 514 vanum, Platysoma 631 tupacii, Bulimulus 316 variabilis, Periophthalmus 55, 79 TUrdus 144 Velociterms 469, 496, 514 turritus, Bulimulus 336 venezuelae, Holochilus 661, 669, 670 turtles, carettine 345ff brasiliensis 670 loggerhead 345 venezuelensis, Nothocercus 14 ridley 345 penosMS, Arms 65 Tylosurus strongylurus 53, 66 Tachysurus 55, 65 food 84 food 84 Typhlogeophis 168 ventralis, Calamaria 196, 206 typicus, Reithrodon 646 vermiformis, Calamaria 176, 178, 183, 185, 207 ulmeri, Calamaria 206 vermiformis 187, 207 Ulmriella 482, 490, 499, 507 ffraj/i, Calamaria 207 umbilicatellus, Bulimulus infundibulum Verrucositermes 515 320 vertebrae, of Caretta caretta 360 umbilicatus, Platylomalus 619 of Chelonia mydas 360 umbratus, Vampyrops 408 of Eretmochelys 360 undecimus, Subulitermes 502 of Lepidochelys 360 undulatus, Crypturellus 16 of Procolpochelys 360 Unguitermes 511 Vertiginidae 305 unicolor, Neopetraeus cora 335 veruculum, Bulimulus 320 598 uniformis, Calamaria 206 vespertilionis, Argas 586, 596, pcsktits, Strophocheilus maximus 309 unimaculata, Betta 53, 54, 70 Holocentrus 109 ecological distribution 82, 86 vexillarius, 92, 96, 100, food 70, 84 vidoriae, Platylomalus 619 Parophiocephalus 70 villai, Strepsylla 546 728 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37

Vinciguerria attenuata 273 wilkinsi, Nesospiza 147, 150 nimbraria 273 Winteriidae 284 poweriae 273 virgulala, Calamaria 180, 207 xantherythrus, Holocentrus 92 vittatus, Vampyrops 405 voeltzkotvi, Psammotermes 488 yapura, Crypturellus undulatus 16 452 vogti, Pteraspis Yarella blakfordi 272 vulpinus, Hesperomys 657, 664 Holochilus 663 647, 657, 661, zamboangensis, Calamaria 207 Holochilus brasiliensis 661, 662 zealandica, Sternaulax 626 Mus 660 Zenarchopterus 52flf, 67 668 amblyurus Sigmodon 657, food 67, 84 zilchi, Drymaeus 333 warszewiczi, Nenia 307 modestus 154 waterhousei, Amblyopinus 219, 243 Zonibyx weiseri, Edrabius 255 zoogeography, of New Caledonia His- weyrauchi, Nenia 308 teridae 605flF of termites 465flf whitei, Pteraspis 450 Wichita Group 389 Zootermopsis 489, 490, 507, 509 fauna 390 Zoothera 144

Publication 747