Słupskie Prace Biologiczne 8 ••• 2011



Lidia Cymek 1 Jarosław Rożnowski 2 Franciszek Rożnowski 3

1 Akademia Pomorska Zakład Biologii Populacji i Dydaktyki Instytut Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska ul. Arciszewskiego 22b, 76200 Słupsk [email protected] 2 NZOZ „Twój Lekarz” ul. Łunawska 1 86200 Chełmno 3 ul. Drewniana 8/87, 76200 Słupsk


W czasie badań prowadzonych w latach 2001 i 2002 na wielokulturowym cmen tarzysku w Różynach, gm. Pszczółki w woj. pomorskim, datowanym na czasy od II okresu epoki brązu aż po wczesne średniowiecze, odkryto między innymi sześć unikalnych grobów ludności kultury oksywskiej. W grobach tych znajdowały się szkielety trzech mężczyzn (jednego w wieku 3040 lat i dwóch zmarłych w wieku powyżej 50 lat), dwóch kobiet (jednej w wieku powyżej 30 lat i drugiej mającej po wyżej 50 lat) oraz jednego dziecka (Infans II). Wysokość ciała zrekonstruowana na podstawie pomiarów kości długich wynosiłaby wg metody Pearsona: mężczyzn – 165,1 cm, 170,9 cm i 177,1 cm, natomiast kobiet 152,3 cm i 166,0 cm. Porównując dziesięć najczęściej analizowanych cech pomiarowych czaszek, stwierdzono, że czaszki trzech mężczyzn są niezwykle podobne pod względem dłu gości (gop), szerokości (eueu), szerokości czoła (ftft), wysokości (bab), wysoko ści twarzy górnej (npr) i wysokości oczodołów, natomiast różnią się przede wszyst kim szerokością twarzy (zyzy) i szerokością oczodołów (mfek). Pod względem

37 wskaźników ilorazowych nie zaobserwowano większych różnic we wskaźnikach: szerokościowodługościowym, twarzy górnej i wysokościowym średnim, z kolei w nosowym i oczodołowym różnice między mężczyznami są znaczne. Czaszka ko bieca jest bardziej krótkogłowa niż męskie, ma wyższy wskaźnik oczodołowy i niż szy wskaźnik wysokościowy średni. Czaszka dziecka pod względem trzech wskaź ników jest niezwykle podobna do kobiecej. Porównanie czaszek z Różyn z charakterystykami ludności kultury wielbarskiej (z okresu rzymskiego), pogrzebanej na pobliskim cmentarzysku w Pruszczu Gdań skim, pozwoliło stwierdzić, że męskie różnią się przede wszystkim długością (gop), szerokością twarzy (zyzy), wyższymi twarzami górnymi (npr), szerszymi oczodo łami (mfek) i węższymi nosami. Pomiary czaszki kobiecej są bardzo podobne do charakterystyk kobiet z Pruszcza Gdańskiego. W pracy opisano także występowanie cech niemetrycznych na czaszkach (według metody Czarnetzky’ego), zaobserwowane zmiany chorobowe na kościach (w tym trepanację czaszki z grobu nr 68) oraz osobliwości w budowie niektórych kości.

Słowa kluczowe: kultura oksywska, paleoantropologia, ludność okresu przedrzym skiego, cechy czaszkowe i pozaczaszkowe Key words: , paleoanthropology, preRoman populations, cranio logical and postcraniological traits


At the end of the III century or at the beginning of the II century before Christ was born, in the basin of the Odra and the , Przeworsk and Oksywie cultures came into existence on the foundation of culture. In the initial stage of its development Oksywie culture included only the area of the Vistula Pomerania. From there it expanded onto the area of Central Pomerania up to the Parsęta and the Drawa and later it reached further to the west. In the south its influence can be seen in Kujawy and Northern Mazowsze. At the same time , strongly connected to it, was created in the areas situated south of the region inhabited by the population of Oksywie culture. In the late preRoman period, in the area occupied by Przeworsk culture and Ok sywie culture the prevailing form of burial was a pit grave and urn grave with a pyre. Skeleton graves were very rare. There were more of them in the areas of Przeworsk culture where they were a continuation of old funeral rites. With time skeleton graves expanded to the north, thus their appearance in the Lower Powiśle and also in Różyny. Later, i.e. in the Roman period when the was formed, they were quite common therefore biritual funerals were observed.


During archeological works carried out in 2001 and 2002 in the areas where motorway A1 will be built in the future, in Różyny, Pomerania Province in Poland,

38 a part of a vast multicultural cemetery was discovered. It was used from the begin ning of the Bronze Age to the early Middle Ages (Rożnowski, GładykowskaRze czycka 1985). More than 400 graves were uncovered there including six unique skeleton graves from the preRoman period belonging to Oksywie culture (Tu szyńska, Stąporek 2005). The significance of this discovery consists in the fact that skeleton graves of the population of the above mentioned culture from Pomerania had not been known until this research. The bone material was described and measured with the use of commonly ap plied anthropological methods (Martin, Saller 1988, Piontek 1996, Malinowski, Bożiłow 1997). The paper also gives the appearance of nonmetrical features in the skulls (according to Czarnetzky’s method). Also pathological changes of the bones and peculiarities of their structure were observed (GładykowskaRzeczycka 1989, Piekarz, Piontek 1999). The body height of men and women living in Pomerania in the preRoman pe riod was reconstructed on the basis of measurements of long bones taken with the use of four different methods described in anthropological literature: Manouvrier’s table (Godycki 1956), Breitinger’s table (1937), Bach’s table (1965), Trotter and Gleser’s table – according to Olivier (Olivier 1960) and Pearson’s formula (Martin, Saller 1988).


Grave No. 7

The position of the skeleton in the grave hole proves that the dead was put on the back with the head towards the east and with the legs towards the west. The length of the skeleton “in situ” – 168 cm. The skull is lying on its right side. The maxilla teeth are clenched with the mandible teeth. The arm bones are placed parallelly to the torso while the bones of the left and right forearms, as they are bent in the elbow

Table 1 Measurements of the bones of the noncranial skeleton (according to Martin, in mm) of Oksywie culture population from Różyny (Pomerania, Poland) Tabela 1 Pomiary kości szkieletu pozaczaszkowego (według Martina, w mm) ludności kultury oksywskiej z Różyn (Pomorze, Polska)

Grave No. 7 35 55 68 69 Sex Male Male Female Male Female Bone Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Traits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Clavicula M1 127 127 162 151 157 167 M4 10 11 12 15 11 13 M5 13 13 14 15 12 15 M6 39 39 46 46 38 41

39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Humerus M1 307 315 337 344 361 372 f. 293 f. 193 M2 300 354 369 M3 48 48 54 54 47 M4 63 62 61 66 65 M5 22 22 23 24 22 25 21 21 M6 18 19 20 19 17 17 15 15 M7 67 71 68 74 66 69 M9 44 45 51 51 43 49 M10 41 43 46 M11 29 28 28 28 M14 26 26 27 26 23 24 Ulna M1 275 271 285 285 305 300 f. 208 M2 241 240 252 252 267 268 M3 35 34 42 42 37 38 M6 26 26 26 26 28 26 Radius M1 252 251 264 264 275 f. 190 f. 193 M2 238 236 248 247 265 M3 43 45 41 43 42 M4 18 17 17 17 M5 12 13 13 13 M4(1) 22 23 22 M5(1) 22 Femur M1 448 435 463 474 408 402 512 516 f. 395 M2 447 434 463 472 406 401 509 513 M3 426 426 391 386 M4 424 414 454 460 395 390 485 M6 27 29 33 31 24 22 28 30 26 M7 26 28 33 31 30 31 29 28 25 M8 85 87 84 85 82 79 90 90 M15 32 34 35 38 29 30 35 36 33 M16 29 28 32 33 23 25 31 32 27 M18 49 52 51 52 41 46 49 51 44 44 M19 46 48 50 50 40 45 51 44 44 M20 149 148 164 165 134 139 146 156 M21 79 78 82 81 69 69 Tibia M1 356 359 386 386 318 314 383 M1a 367 369 394 398 333 333 415 388 M2 338 342 370 372 394 394 369 366 M3 71 69 81 80 72 72 M6 52 51 51 51 47 51 M8 30 30 31 32 29 28 29 33 26 27 M9 25 24 23 25 21 20 20 19 18 M10 82 84 94 97 82 82 81 84

40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 M1 f. 326 346 374 370 326 f. 295 f. 380 f. 366 f. 277 f. 200 M2 15 17 18 16 17 15 14 M3 11 11 14 15 12 12 12 f. – fragment joints, are lying almost parallelly to the arm bones, on their inner side (the right ones almost on the arm bones, the left ones moved a bit to the centre). The hand bones are placed at the same level as the collarbones. The legs are straightened, the femurs al most touch the inner condyles, whereas the further ends of the right tibia bone and the right fibula cross the bones of the left shin. Also the bones of the right foot lie above the bones of the left foot (Table 1). On the basis of the descriptive traits of the skeleton and measurements of the bones they are claimed to belong to a male who died at the age of 3040 (Maturus I). The body height reconstructed on the basis of the measurements of the long bones could have been on average: from 165.1 cm (according to Pearson’s method) to 170.2 cm (according to TrotterGleser). On this basis it can be claimed that it was a man of average height (Table 2).

Table 2 Body height of the population of Oksywie culture from Różyny (Pomerania, Poland) calculated with the use of different methods Tabela 2 Wysokość ciała ludności kultury oksywskiej z Różyn (Pomorze, Polska) wyliczona według różnych metod

Grave No. 7 35 55 68 69 Sex Male Male Female Male Female Method Manouvrier 166.7 172.7 154.2 182.0 171.5

Pearson 165.1 170.9 152.3 177.1 166.0

Breitinger 168.2 173.6 179.4

Bach 160.0 163.5?

TrotterGleser 170.2 176.0 155.9 183.1 174.0

In the skull there were 11 asymmetrical traits – according to A. Czarnetzky’s list (Piontek 1996): sulcus supraorbitalis (on bothes sides), ossa intersuturarum suturae sagitalis, foramen emisarium parietale (on the right side), ossa intersaturarum sutu rae lambdoideae (three on the left side and two on the right side), tuberculum pha ryngeum, sutura frontotemporalis, torus accusticus (on the right side), foramen pala tinum maius, foramen zygomaticofaciale, M3 in the maxillae and M3 in the mandi ble. All teeth are preserved in the maxillae and mandible.

41 Grave No. 35

The skeleton lies in a grave hole placed with the skull pointing to the east and the feet to the west (Fig. 1). The length of the skeleton “in situ” is 184 cm. The scull is placed on its left side, its vertex is point ing to the southwest. The teeth of the maxillae and mandible are tight. The left and right upper limbs are lying straight down the torso while the further ends of the right forearm bones and some of the right hand bones are lying under the right ilium, and the bones of the left fo rearm and the left hand are moved a bit away from the torso. The left lower limbs are straight and the feet bones are drawn outwards. Near the left tibia on the inside, there was an iron tip of a spear. The condition of the bones is very good (Table 1). On the basis of the descriptive traits of the skeleton bones and their mea surements, it was stated that they belong to a male who died at the age of over 50 (Senilis). The body height of the examined man calculated on the basis of the mea surements of the long bones could have been on average: from 170.9 cm (ac cording to Pearson) to 173.6 cm (accord ing to Breitinger). The results achieved authorise us to put the male in the cate gory of tall men (Table 2). In the skull there were the following 10 asymmetrical traits according to Czarnetzky’s list (Piontek 1996): fora men supraorbitale (on the right side), sulcus supraorbitalis (on the left side), linea nuchae suprema (very poorly visi ble), canalis condylaris (on both sides), tuberculum pharyngeum, torus accusti cus (on both sides), foramen palatinum

maius (on both sides), foramen palati Fig. 1. Horizontal projection of skeletal num minus (lacking on both sides), pro grave No. 35 and No. 60 (Tuszyńska, Stą cessus marginalis (on both sides but porek 2005) poorly visible on the left side), M3 only Ryc. 1. Rzut poziomy grobu szkieletowego in the right maxilla. nr 35 i nr 60 (Tuszyńska, Stąporek 2005)

42 Grave No. 55 (partly damaged)

Only a part of the skeleton was preserved in the grave hole, mostly the bones of the lower limbs. The dead person was probably placed straight, on the back with the head towards SW and the feet towards NE. The femurs are lying almost parallelly to each other. The left tibia and fibula bones in the continuation of the axis of the fe mur. The right shin slightly bent at the knee joint, and the bones of the right foot are lying immediately near the bones of the left foot (Table 1). In the place of the chest there was a large stone in the grave hole. We cannot explain at present what happened with the skull, the torso bones and both upper limbs. These remains belong to an adult, maybe a female, who died at the age of over 30 (considerable changes of the structure of the bone tissue entitle us to determine this age). If we assume that the preserved re mains of the skeleton belong to a female, her lifetime body height calculated by dif ferent methods could have been on aver age: from 152.3 cm (according to Pear son) to 160 cm (according to Bach). Fe males of this height are included in the category of people of mediumheight (Ta ble 2).

Grave No. 60

The dead person was placed in the grave huddled on the left side with the head towards the north (Fig. 1). The skull lies on its left side with the teeth of the maxillae and mandible slightly agape. The upper limbs are bent at the elbow joints so that the bones of both hands are just be low the mandible. The lower limbs are bent both at the hip and the knee joints

(the knee joints were near the elbow Fig. 2. Horizontal projection of skeletal joints), and shin bones are parallel to the grave No. 68 (Tuszyńska, Stąporek 2005) femurs. All the bones of the skeleton are Ryc. 2. Rzut poziomy grobu szkieletowego badly damaged. nr 68 (Tuszyńska, Stąporek 2005)


Fig. 34. Trepanation hole (23 x 15 mm) in the scale of the frontal bone over the left eyebrow (grave No. 68) Ryc. 34. Otwór po trepanacji (23 x 15 mm) łuski kości czołowej, znajdujący się powyżej le wego łuku brwiowego (grób szkieletowy nr 68)

Fig. 5. The hyoideum is almost fully preserved and the thyroid cartilage ossified (grave No. 68) Ryc. 5. Kość gnykowa zachowana w całości i skostniała chrząstka tarczowata (grób szkie letowy nr 68)

44 The skeleton belongs to a child which died at the age of 812 (Infans II). On the basis of measurements of the body of femurs it can be assumed after Olivier (Olivier 1960) that the child was about 133 cm tall in its lifetime.

Grave No. 68

The dead person was placed in the grave hole straight, on the back with the head towards the east – a bit tilted to the north, with the legs towards the west (Fig. 2). The length of the skeleton “in situ” was 187 cm. The skull placed on the occipital bone, on the right temporal bone and right parietal bone. The mandible slightly fal len. The upper limbs placed parallelly to the torso, the bones of the left and right fo rearms placed in the reversed position (radial bones cross the bodies of the elbow bones at the top – in the middle of their length), and also laterally on the sides of each greater trochanter of the femur, while the bones of the left and right hand are at the height of the femur body and reach half of its length. The lower limbs are straight with the bones of the left shin in the continuation of the left femur and the knee and tibiatalus bones are placed close to each other. Both feet twisted to the right side (Table 1). The examined bone remains belong to a male who died at the age of over 50 (Se nilis). His lifetime body height recreated on the basis of measurements of the long bones could have been from 179.4 cm (according to Breitinger) to 183.1 cm (ac cording to TrotterGleser) so he belonged to the category of very tall men (Table 2). While examining the skull only 3 asymmetrical traits were found – according to Czarnetzky list (Piontek 1996): sutura supraorbitalis (only on the right side), sulcus supraorbitalis (only on the left side), tuberculum pharyngeum (poorly developed). A trepanation hole (23 x 15 mm) in the scale of the frontal bone over the left eye brow, the edge of the hole with clearly noticeable healing processes of the bone tis sue in the lifetime of the specimen (Fig. 35).

Grave No. 69

The dead person was placed in the grave hole along the WE axis with the head towards W and the legs towards E, on the back in a straight position (Fig. 6). The length of the skeleton “in situ” 166 cm. The skull is lying on the bones of the skull base with its vertex pointing upwards. The spine is Slike – thoracic verte brae (lower) and lumbar vertebrae are laterally moved to the right. The bones of the upper limbs lie alongside the torso, the bones of the forearms are parallel to each other. On the side of the right forearm there was a large stone. The lower limbs slightly bent at the hip and knee joints, the bones of the left and right shin paral lel to each other while both feet are pointing to the left. The condition of the skele ton is poor – only some of the measurements of the noncranial skeleton could be taken. The skeleton belongs to a female who died at the age of over 55 (Senilis). Her lifetime body height was calculated on the basis of long bones measurements and

45 could have been from 163.5 cm (accord ing to Bach) to 174 cm (according to TrotterGleser), which means she was quite tall (Table 2).


Examination of pathological changes of the bones is an important element of anatomicalanthropological research. How ever, they are limited to the examination of only those pathological units which cause changes of the bone structure. Our observations refer only to five skeletons of adults and the detailed information is shown in table 3. In one case only Schmorl nodes were spotted on both sides of the eyesocket frontal bones (partes orbitales os fron tale) which is an indicator of physiologi cal stress. Also paradontosis was spotted Fig. 6. Horizontal projection of skeletal only once. In the scale of the frontal grave No. 69 (Tuszyńska, Stąporek 2005) bone (squama frontalis) in one of the ex Ryc. 6. Rzut poziomy grobu szkieletowego nr 69 (Tuszyńska, Stąporek 2005) amined skulls, there is a trepanation hole (size 23 x 15 mm) and the condition of its edge clearly proves healing processes of the bone tissue. Transformation of thyroid cartilage into bone was observed twice. Also torsio femoris was noted twice. The most numerous were degenerative changes of the spine, i.e. chondrosis, osteochondrosis and spondyloarthrosis apophysalis.

Table 3 Pathological changes in the skeleton bones of Oksywie culture population from Różyny (Pomerania, Poland) Tabela 3 Zmiany chorobowe na kościach szkieletów ludności kultury oksywskiej z Różyn (Pomorze, Polska)

Grave No. Sex Age Location and kind of injury

7 Male Maturus I Skull and mandible – tartar, squeezed incisors Vertebral column, pars lumbalis: 6 vertebrae – lumbalization SI; Schmorl nodes Femur – a massive trochanter minor and a thick and wide linea pectinea Calcaneus – facies articularis talaris anterior et media joined

46 35 Male Senilis Skull – diastema, tartar, paradontosis Mandible – tartar, lack of both teeth M3 Cartilago thyroidea – ossified Atlas – vast scale around fovea dentis Axis – lig. apicis dentis ossified Vertebrae cervicales (CIIICVII), thoracales (ThXIThXII) and lumbales (LIILIV) – osteochondrosis, osteophyte; Schmorl nodes Femur (right) – massive trochanter tertius, wide linea pecti nea, torsio femoris (3040°)

55 Female Maturus Flattenig of the vertebra body LIV and LV and degenerative changes in their processus articularis Os coxae – degenerative changes in facies auricularis and between fossa acetabuli and facies lunata (left and right)

68 Male Senilis Skull – trephining, cribra orbitalia (right), paradontosis (M1), tartar, no teeth: I1 (left), M3 (left and right) Mandible – squeezing of the incisors, tartar, lack of M3 (left) Cartilago thyroidea – ossified Vertebra: CIII, CIV and CVI – degenerative Vertebra: ThIII, ThIV, ThVI, ThVII, ThIXThXII – degenera tive; Schmorl nodes Os coxae – degenerative changes in facies auricularis and between fossa acetabuli and facies lunata (left and right) Femur (left) – torsio femoris (10°)

69 Female Senilis Skull – teeth crowns: I1, I2, C and Pm1 – worn away obliquely on the inside Axis – lig. apicis dentis ossified Vertebrae cervicales and thoracales – osteochondrosis, osteophyte Calcaneus – facies articularis talaris anterior et media joined


Comparing ten most frequently analysed measurement traits of skulls (Table 4) it is claimed that the skulls of the three males are unusually similar in regard to their maximum cranial length (gop), maximum cranial breadth (eueu), least frontal breadth (ftft), basionbregma height (bab), the height of the upper face (npr) and the height of orbit, but differ in the bizygomatic breadth (zyzy) and orbital breadth (mfek). As for the quotient indices, there are not any major differences in the fol lowing indices: widthlength, upper face and average height, however, there are con siderable differences in males in regard to the nose and eyesocket indices (Table 5). The female’s skull is shorterheaded than the male’s and has a higher eyesocket in dex and lower average height index. The child’s skull is very similar to the female’s skull in regard to the three indices. The comparison of skulls from Różyny to the characteristics of the population of Wielbark culture (from Roman period) buried in the nearby cemetery in Pruszcz


Table 4 Individual measurements of skulls characteristic for the population of Oksywie culture from the graveyard in Różyny (Pomerania, Poland) Tabela 4 Indywidualne pomiary czaszek oraz wskaźniki ilorazowe charakteryzujące ludność kultury oksywskiej z cmentarzyska w Różynach (Pomorze, Polska)

Grave No. 7 35 55 68 69 Sex Male Male Female Male Female Age 3040 > 50 > 50 812 > 55 Trait Maturus I Senilis Senilis Infans II Senilis (according by Martin) M1 gop 184 185 188 173 M7 bao 40 39 46 40 32 M8 eueu 135 137 138? 134 M9 ftft 95 97 94 92 91 M10 coco 112 116 118 102 112 M11 auau 111 119 115 113 M12 astast 102 109 116 113 M13 msms 95 101 108 102 M16 for.magn. breath 32 31 31 27 M17 bab 134 135 135 143? 124? M44 ekek 92 96 93 83 24 M45 zyzy 126 138 131 97? 123? M46 zmzm 84 102? 95 77 M47 ngn 114 117 115 90 M48 npr 68 70 67 53 66 M50 mfmf 22 25 21 22 22? M51 mfek 45 38 44 37 34 M52 sbkspa 34 33 32 34 31 M54 aptapt 27 25 23 22 24 M55 nns 52 56 52 43 47 M61 ekmekm 58 68 60 51 M62 olsta 40 40 36? M63 enmenm 40 41 35 M66 gogo 89 102 105 86??

48 Table 5 Indices of the skulls from the period of the Oksywie culture from Różyny (Pomerania, Poland) Tabela 5 Wskaźniki czaszek ludności kultury oksywskiej z Różyn (Pomorze, Polska)

Grave No. 7 35 55 68 69 Sex Male Male Female Male Female Age 3040 > 50 > 50 812 > 55 Index Maturus I Senilis Senilis Infans II Senilis (according by Martin) Index 73.4 74.05 73.40 77.46 (according by Martin) M8:M1 x 100 53.97 50.72 51.15 54.64 53.66? Index M48:M45 x 100 51.92 44.64 44.23 51.16 51.06 Index M54:M55 x 100 75.56 86.86 72.72 91.89 91.18 Index M52:M51 x 100 84.01 83.85 82.82 80.78 Index M17:[(M1+M8):2]x100 72.83 72.97 71.81 71.68 Index M17:M1 x 100 99.26 98.54 97.83 92.54 Index M17:M8 x 100 70.37 70.80 68.12 67.91 Index M9:M8 x 100 84.82 83.62 79.66 90.20 81.25 Index

Gdański – site 10 (Rożnowski, Cymek 2005) made it possible to state that the male ones differ mainly in the length of the head (gop), the width of the face (zyzy), higher upper faces (npr), wider eyesockets (mfek) and narrower noses. The mea surements of the female skull are very similar to the characteristics of women from Pruszcz Gdański.


The authors of the study hereby thank the workers of the Archeological Museum in Gdańsk for allowing access to the study of these extremely valuable and unique bone materials from Pomerania.


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