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Ifflanrbfhtrr 25 Cents BINGO CARDS EACH WEEK Both Sides THIRD WEEK's at THESE CARD IS LOCATIONS M U M a B O U T 3 GREEN ONLY Arm S Talks 24 - THE HERALD. Sat., Nov. 28, 1981 P LA Y F R E L How safe is your kitchen?... page 13 __Newspaper Cold tonight; cloudy Tuesday Manchester, Conn. — See page 2 Mon., Nov. 30, 1981 IfflanrbFHtrr 25 Cents BINGO CARDS EACH WEEK Both sides THIRD WEEK'S AT THESE CARD IS LOCATIONS m u m a b o u t 3 GREEN ONLY arm s talks Game 3 Starts, Wed., Dec.2 GENEVA, Switzerland (UPI) — to deliver a brief statement for PIC an' SAVE After an interruption of 2'M years, 765 East Middia Turnpika television cameras. 0 Manchastar, Cl. the United States and the Soviet U.S, spokesmen said it was not a Union began talks today on limiting full news conference and Nitze was Your WINNING CARD nuclear missiles and both sides unlikely to answer questions in sub­ DAVIS FAMILY RESTAURANT warned there will be no rapid agree­ stance. WILL LOOK LIKE THIS Caldor Shopping Plaza ment. Both sides at the arms control THIS IS HOW YOUR CARD WILL LOOK IF IT IS A Manchastar, Ct. talks in the past have agreed on WINNER. ALL 24 NUMBERS ON ANY CARD YOU PLAY Chief U.S. negotiator . Paul H. MUST BE MATCHED WITH THE NUMBERS WIN Nitze arrived at the Soviet maintaining strict silence with any FLOWER FASHION announcements being made by the PUBLISHED IN THIS NEWSPAPER EACH WEEK. YOU 85 E. Cantar St. diplomatic mission at U a.m. (5 a.m. ESt) for his first meeting with two capitals. MUST PLAY CARDS OF THE COLOR DESIGNATED Manchastar, C t FOR EACH WEEK TO BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN. JUST "X” Moscow’s chief delegate, Yuli A. The Geneva arms talks come after a month of the biggest pacifist MATCHING NUMBERS ON YOUR CARDS AS SHOWN HARVEST HILL PACKAGE STORE Kvitsinsky. BELOW. demonstration in Europe since Manchaatar Parkada The two men posed briefly for World War II against NATO plans to Manchastar, Ct. photographers and television install 572 U.S. Pershing-II and Herald photo by Pinto cameras, laughing together at Cruise missiles in Europe by 1983 to HIGHLAND PARK MARKET repeated demands to shake hands. counter 630 Soviet SS-4, SS 5s and Main Street at night Is a deserted display of lights, but by day many merchants report heavy traffic resulting in high sales totals. 317 Highland 8t. Nitze wearing a dark gray suit, SS-20s already in place and aimed at Manchastar, Ct. was then escorted to the Soviet Villa Europe. Rosa diplomatic residence by the 45- The negotiations to limit the in­ K.8. AUTOMOTIVE year-old Kvitsinsky, who wore a termediate range weapons also Manchester Christmas shopping 290 Broad St. (Bohind Nichols TIra) light gray suit and gold-rimmed follow a bitter 10-month war of Manchaaitar, C t spectacles. words between the Reagan ad­ The first meeting between Nitze ministration that accused the IN BINGO BUCKS, SPENDABLE AS CASH LYNCH MOTORS and.Kvitsinsky lasted an hour and 20 Soviets of lying, cheating and WITH PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS... 500 W. Cantar S t minutes. fostering international terrorism. Season off to strong start Manchastar, Ct. Moscow in turn said Reagan was Nitze scheduled a "meeting with N trying to revive the Cold War with the press” at 4 p.m. <10 a.m. EST) SALEM NASSIFF CAMERA SHOP an arms race. Nancy Thompson Today’s negotiations were the televisions and video recorders. He credited the ' We re doing very well,” she added. “We’ve 639 Main St. Herald Reporter success in part to an aggressive advertising Manchastar, Ct. first since June 18,1979, when Presi­ noticed a tremendous amount of traffic down­ dent Jimmy Carter and Soviet campaign designed to draw out the customers. town. We were hopping both Friday and Satur­ USE A DIFFERENT The Christmas shopping season is off to a The least enthusiastic assessment of the day.” OPTICAL STYLE RAR President Lranid Brezhnev signed strong start, with many merchants reporting the Strategic Arms Limitation trea­ weekend business came from Bernard Apter of Lester Miner, manager of Marlow's Deparl- CDLOR CARD EACH WEEKI 763 Main S t — 191 Main S t Economic weekend-sales thtais that surpassed-tHose of last Regal’S Men’s Wear, 903 Main St. Manchastar, Ct. ty, shelved by the Reagan ad­ year. • ment Store. 867 Main St., said the store is run­ ministration after Carter’s "We had a good weekend, maybe a little less' ning ahead of last year and expects a "very “It’s the very best season since we’ve been at than we expected, but it was a good weekend,” 0 — — Congress failed tb act on it: good" season. Game 3 Green REGALS MEN’S SHOP the Parkade — and that’s 25 years," said he said. 903-905 Main S t problems Chief U.S. negotiator Paul H. Michael Dworkin, a pharmacist at Liggett Creigton Shoor of Shoor's Jewelers, 917 Main Nitze, 74, a veteran hard-line arms Apter said business was "about the same ” as Manchastar, Ct. Rexall Parkade Pharmacy and member of the last year. St., said, "It looks like a good year. ” Business is Don’t Miss A negotiator, cautioned Sunday Parkade Merchants’ Association, up over last year, with watches and diamond against "unrealistic expectations’’ "We weren’t overcrowded, but the sales we SIEFFERT’S APPLIANCES not over Dworkin said sales totals for the weekend, the made were big sales,” he said. “The shoppers earrings among the best sellers, he said, Single Issue and said many preliminary issues traditional start of the Christmas shopping 445 Hartford Rd. must be resolved before real that were in were in a shopping mood.” Dworkin said the Parkade is experiencing Manchastar, C t season, "far surpassed what we did last year.” Apter predicted "a fairly good ” season. WASHINGTON (UPI) — Leading negotiations can begin. heavy traffic, with most.people buying rather BINGO NUMBERS APPEAR IN EACH ISSUE| A1 Sieffert Jr., of AI Sieffert’s Appliances, 445 than just looking. economic indicators, dropping for Soviet negotiator Yuli A, Kvit­ Hartford Road, summed up the merchants’ WESTOWN PHARMACY Other Main Street merchants reported good They realize there’s going to be a shortage of V NO PURCHASE or OBLIGATION the third consecutive month, sinsky, 45, an expert on European mood. "In general, people are spending their 455 Hartford Rd. affairs, said in his arrival statement business and heavy traffic, leading to high sales. merchandise,”. Dworkin said, noting that many PLAY AS MANY CARDS AS YOU WISH Manchastar, Ct. declined 1.8 percent in October, the money and having a good time about it, " he said. "I would have been happy if we did as well as Commerce Department reported that the opening of talks does not Sieffert said bu“^iness has been “excellent," merchants did not stock up because of-the uncer­ today. mean automatic agreement. last year, but we did better,” .said Helene tain economic climate: "Once they sell what's DIET CENTER especially in “big-ticket” items like color Hebert, owner of Lift the Latch at 977 Main St on the shelves, that's it. " he added. 527 Burnsida Ava. The three-month string of declines 'fe. Hartford, C t — the first since a March-May series last year set the stage for recession and — showed that an end to the nation's 113 Main St ' economic problems is not yet in Manchastar, C t sight. l-park work could begin by spring Imlh HI FI STEREO HOUSE The drop for October was slightly Varnon CIrcIa less than the 2.2 percent decline in Varnon, Ct. September and more than the 0.6 If the Board of Directors gives its percent drop in August, after revi- for consideration at its Dec. 8 net the town a profit of $225,000 after OK, work could begin on a 27-acre meeting. He added that if in the future Economy has an option from Bar­ • Sion. industrial park to the south side of improvements to the acreage Economy makes use of those If approved the rerntrifiing 17 totaling $350,000, according to Town nini to buy the land. THIS IS HOW IT WORKS Six of the 10 available indicators Tolland Turnpike by next spring. acres will be improvedlin two facilities it will be assessed for . The company plans to build a 90,- were down, with the layoff rate, new The Economic Development Com­ Planner Alan Lamson. them. phases, beginning in the sp k ^ , the Those improvettients include a, OOO .square fool office-warehouse- PICK UP FREE IIN60 CAROS: Each week (adults only. ALL 24 NUMBERS ON ONE Of YOUR BINGO CAROS WITH HURRY orders and building permits leading mission this morning approved a The $15,000 cost is higher, though, HERALD because some of the numbers may appear In first involving five acres 'lo^'tfi&' water connector system, sanitary showroom on the privately-owned please), pick up your Free Bingo Cards from the spon­ THE TOTAL Of THE NUMBERS PUBLISHED IN A U THE each day's issue. All numbers needed to complete each the decline. site plan for, development of in­ than an appraiser’s figure of $12,000 land and later expand it to 225,000 soring merchants listed, Rules of the game allow the northeast of Economy’s 10 acres. \sewers and the construction of two IS S U U Of THE HERALD EACH WEEK • YOU NAVE A week's game will have appeared by each Tuesday's Also down were the pace of dustrially zoned land between Proceeds from the sale of the land presented a week ago to the town. square feet on the 10 acres.
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