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-" I-I I-i I-] -~. c.,,,,,+s+ w,+,<+',' oF ~s ~,++,,+,m_~ VOL 34, NO. 6 February 11-17, 1991 ~.~.+~iJ~T~. ~~'P"~'~;' "~~ Jr .,*, ~ "m.- ,. -~ " "~"J'~ ~'-'zliml~lC~J~l/~+~ " " ~" ~"" " ~ " " • ~,',, ,: - , ~.~>-.., ., ; _ , .. • <:. • l " " ++'~'" ' "- ( ""': -' -~ ' '" -" -"" ~ +.'' '- .+: , ,,Jr: + - _ + .-, +'~.,• ~:-. +- -+_,. , ....,, ,+ -,- +, , . +.~+-# :~._.++. : -+'.-~II.i.~ ++ , ~+ ~r-ll~'+:~-,"~,,++.~,~:,+-,,,-;,+; ,.', .,. -._.._ .:. ,.+ .... .+ .+~+;;~I~II~ 'E .p .,-~ ..... ,.~.#, ,.,,,J.~J ,. _+.+~,+ ..':+,, , ~ +. .... ~ ~ ' ,.~B "+_.'-~ + .'wli.m~. • .m . '-_ -+"~' . ~- '.,+'d"~l'"';" ~,.+- "~'",~+,+ +'' " .... '+ +_ - : ' " +:+• - +" " + " " + +.-: " ......++, ,++++- :- ++~ ...... " -+~_+ +'+."- ...... •,,": " ' + ~,~'''- ~+ ' _ -'+ " "+ ,r~ ,++,++ rf ?¢,! imamma.~ ~I .+~++++,:+ ~.:+ . +~++-*-++,, .+ ......~~~+' +_ ..... .:.+.+ .~, +++, +.+ |~|,~ ,, + I .+ .+- " "+.,'~ " " + + .... ~+' " +'!+'+P!'..t t~'"++'+++-+H~_.~.~+'~',+t Jail +'++*~r.~.,~+.T+ pi + ~, .... A simple village bridge. Photo by Wang Guangxiang HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK VOL. 34, NO. 6 FEB. 11-17,1991 Human Rights and Social Development Rights CONTENTS [] The opinion that human rights are the precondition and the crux of a society is not a comprehensive summary of the notion of human rights, nor does it correctly expound upon the EVENTS/TRENDS 4-6 relationship between human rights and man's economic and CPC Guarantees Freedom of social development. This article discusses the evolution of the Religion concept of human rights as well as its role in a country's
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