012 570 H Metric America: a Decision Whose Time Has Come. National
D0CU1ENT RESUME ED 055 884 S 012 570 AUTHOR De Simone, Daniel V. TITLE h Metric America: A Decision whose Time Has Come. INSTITUTION National Bureau of Standards (DOC), Washington, D.C. REPORT NO NBS-SP-345 PUB DATE Jul 71 NOTE 192p. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U.S.Government Printing office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (CatalogNo C 13 10/345 $2.25) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6058 DESCRIPTORS Business; *Economics; Industry; *I ternationalTrade Vocabulary; Measurement; *MetricSystem; Standards; *Technology IDENTIPIE $ international System of Unit *United States Metric Study ABSTRACT This report- evaluates and diztilis the .findingsof the .United States Metric Study in which thouSandsof individuals, firms and organized groups, representativeof our society, participated. On the basis of all the evidencemarshalled in the Study, the report'concludes that the UnitedStates shouldchange to the-metric system througha coordinated national program. The chapter headings are: I. Perspective, II..Two Centuries of Debate, III. Measurement Systems, IV..Arguments That Have Been Made iforMetric and for,Customary, V. Going Metric: Whatiould It Reallylean?, VI. ilte Metric..Question. in the Context of.. .theFuturelorld,VII.Going -Metric: The BroadConsensus, VIII. lecomiendation and-Problems Needing Early Attentionl,IX._Benefitsand Costs, and. X. .TwO 'Pathsto MetriC: Britain and Japan. The reportincludes a .bibliography of 12 suOplemental reports authored by membersof the United States Metric Study Group, (Author/MM) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION A UNITED STATES THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM DEPARTMENT OF THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- COMMERCE INATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY PUBLICATION REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLIcy.
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