Tansini.it – Historical research and divulgation CASTLE EFFECT TERRANOVA DEI PASSERINI AND MIDDLE AGES FORTIFICATIONS Terranova dei Passerini – October 22nd and November 5th, 2010 What: Middle Ages history. Where: Terranova dei Passerini (Lodi, Italy). How: conference. When: October 22nd and November 5th, 2010. Info: mobile (+39) 349 2203693, e-mail
[email protected], Web www.tansini.it. Castle will be the topic of the Castle effect. Terranova dei Passerini and Middle Ages fortifications [Effetto castello. Terranova dei Passerini e le fortificazioni medievali] undertaking, programmed in Terranova dei Passerini (Lodi) on the nights of October 22nd and November 5th, 2010, Friday: a public conference which will point out some fortalice structures of the lower Lodigiano and their relations with the territory of Terranova dei Passerini from X to XVI Century. Starting from what might seem almost a contradiction – in Terranova dei Passerini traces of castles don’t exist, at least at the appearance – Davide Tansini (historian and expert on fortified architecture, associated to the Istituto Italiano dei Castelli and of the Istituto per la Storia dell’Arte Lombarda) will demonstrate how ancient medieval castles can become a fundamental main line to understand the historical and social evolution of a territory. During the conference Tansini – supported by another historian, Enrico Ceruti – won’t illustrate great and sumptuous Renaissance manors, but Po Valley central Middle Ages fortifications, sometimes not very known and wide: castles now transformed (Castiglione d’Adda), replaced by other structure (Camairago, Cavacurta, Maleo), only in Davide Tansini’s property: all rights reserved. Non-periodical publication (47/1948 and 62/2001 Acts).