Lecture Notes Microprocessors And
LECTURE NOTES ON MICROPROCESSORS AND INTERFACING DEVICES III B. Tech II semester (JNTUH-R15) Mr.R Mahendhar Reddy, Associate Professor, ECE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING (AUTONOMOUS) DUNDIGAL, HYDERABAD - 500 043 Syllabus: JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD L T/ /P/D C III Year B.Tech. ECE -II Sem 4 -/-/- 4 MICROPROCESSORS AND INTERRFACING DEVICES UNIT – I 8086 MICROPROCESSOR: 8086 architecture- Functional Diagram, Register Organization, Memory segmentation, Memory addresses, physical memory organization, Signal descriptions of 8086-common function signals, Minimum and Maximum mode signals, Read Write cycles, Timing diagrams, Interrupt structure of 8086. UNIT – II ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING OF 8086: Instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction set, assembler directives, macros, Simple programs involving logical, branch and call instructions, Sorting, evaluating arithmetic expressions, string manipulations. UNIT – III PERIPHERAL INTERFACING WITH 8086 MICROPROCESSOR: 8255 PPI, Keyboard, display controllers, Stepper motor, A/D & D/A Converter Interfacing with 8086 microprocessor. Static and Dynamic memories, Vector interrupt table, Interrupt service routine, Introduction to DOS & BIOS interrupts, Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259, DMA controller 8257 Interfacing with 8086 microprocessor. UNIT – IV COMMUNICATION INTERFACE: Serial communication standards, serial data transfer schemes, 8251 USART architecture and Interfacing, RS- 232, IEEE-488, prototyping and trouble shooting. UNIT – V INTRODUCTION TO MICROCONTROLLERS: Overview of 8051 microcontroller, Architecture, I/O ports and Memory organization, addressing modes and instruction set of 8051, Simple programs. UNIT-I 8086 ARCHITECTURE Introduction to processor: A processor is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drives a computer. The term processor has generally replaced the term central processing unit (CPU).
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