Colonial Helpmeets, Carnival Queens and Beauty Contestants
New Zealand Journal of History, 51, 1 (2017) Colonial Helpmeets, Carnival Queens and Beauty Contestants MULTIPLE FEMININITIES IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY NEW ZEALAND IN LATE 1947, as Christian Dior’s ‘new look’ brought glamour and controversy to the catwalks of Paris, a writer for the Auckland Star suggested that what New Zealand needed was a little more homespun. ‘Cyrano’ thought it was time to hold a Mrs New Zealand contest, a quest that would allow the country to honour ‘a representative of the army of women who have been running a home and bringing up a family amid all the trials of the last few years — the personal anxieties of the war, the queues and shortages, the cuts and carryings, and the host of regulations framed and administered almost entirely by men’. The key quality such a woman required: ‘staying power’.1 The woman Cyrano wanted to celebrate was a direct descendant of the colonial helpmeet, that paragon of domesticity, virtue and stability brought to life by Raewyn Dalziel in her classic article of that name.2 In ‘Helpmeet’, Dalziel provided an explanation for why, having acquired the vote, New Zealand women did not go on to achieve other ‘feminist firsts’. Her central thesis was that New Zealand women did not campaign for suffrage so that they could go out and change the world, but rather so that they could preserve the home and their status within it. Nineteenth-century migrants, she argued, brought a Victorian conception of true womanhood with them to New Zealand, which, ‘combined with the special circumstances of colonial
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