LOMA THEATRE OFFERS Will Be Spent in Recreational Activi- Time During These Hours
Cnlottta Courier VOL. 43 COLOMA, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941. NO. 46 State C. E. Union to Camp Madron Will Auto Wreck Fatal to Berrien County Weddings Paul Hull Writes on Michigan's Largest Grows in Van Buren County Miss Victoria Hattie Skorupa, Meet in Benton Harbor Open Next Sunday Mrs. Geo. Sattler daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas America First Move Skorupa of Baroda, and Harry Vin- cent Hackel, Jr., son of Mrs. C. R. Fitzcharles of Benton Harbor, were 1,500 Delegates Expected to Attend Many Improvements Have Been Wife of Former Drain Commission- united in wedlock at St. Agnes' Editor, The Coloma Courier: m With reference to the Chapter of Annual Convention Next Week— Made at Grounds and Record Sea- er Killed in Wyoming—Husband church in Sawyer on June 14, 1941, A wedding dinner was served at the the America First Committee or- All Sessions to be Held at Peace son Is Anticipated. and Daughter Were Both Injured. home of the bride's parents, and a ganized In Coloma, I am for Amer- reception was held later at the ica first, too. Since discussions are Temple. Sunday afternoon, June 22, Camp Mrs. George Sattler, wife of a American Legion hall in Baroda. called for, I believe I can set forth Madron will open its sixteenth sea- former drain commissioner of Ber- my views more briefly and lucidly The 53rd annual convention of son. According to announc»,ffient rien county, was instantly killed in in writing and hope for the privi- the Michigan Christian Endeavor made by Scout Executive Oscar an automobile wreck near Buffaflo, Miss Theresa Menchinger, daugh- lege of having them published In Union will convene in Benton Har- Noll, the attendance records of prg- Wyoming, on Wednesday of last ter of Mr.
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