Aquatic Toxicology Isananalysiswhich Aquatic Toxicology Toxicity Issues

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Aquatic Toxicology Isananalysiswhich Aquatic Toxicology Toxicity Issues Aquatic Toxicology Aquatic Toxicology is an analysis which Why Choose Eurofins studies the adverse effects of chemicals Environment Testing US? on aquatic organisms. These organisms • Consulting: With more than 25 years are subjected to varying concentrations of experience, our knowledgeable and of an aqueous solution to determine if credible scientists can be called upon to lethal or sub-lethal effects are observed. help determine and solve toxicity issues. Bioassay tests can also be applied to soil • Credentials: As a NELAC-accredited and sediment materials with plant and laboratory, we have the ability to terrestrial invertebrate species. perform tests in any state participating in the NELAP program. In addition, During the 1970’s Whole Effluent Toxicity we maintain certifications or approvals (WET) tests were developed by the in states that do not participate in the United States Environmental Protection NELAP program. Agency (USEPA) as a means to enforce • Permit Review and Regulatory the Clean Water Act’s prohibition of the Compliance: We are able to provide discharge of toxic pollutants in toxic assistance in order to effectively amounts. Each EPA Region and the interpret state and federal waste states within those regions adapted the discharge compliance requirements. EPA protocols to meet those objectives. • In-house Cultures: The majority Today every state and territory of the US of the organisms we test with are cultured within our facility. This ensures is required to have a program of aquatic a continuous and reliable supply of toxicology testing in place. healthy organisms for testing. As one of the premier aquatic toxicology • Fast and Accurate Results: All of our laboratories in the Mid-Atlantic, our data goes through peer and internal QA/ 9555 0516 QC checks prior to being submitted to experts have been providing bioassay the client. Reports are custom designed services to wastewater clients in support to meet client’s requirements for internal of the Clean Water Act (CWA) since 1987. and regulatory reporting. We also We have a long history of helping clients employ the latest statistical software meet their compliance requirements and to calculate endpoints precisely. Even solving problems for those who have with these layers of review and custom toxicity issues. designed reports, our TAT is typically less than one week. Our Capabilities • Field sampling We offer a broad range of aquatic • Completely customized testing toxicology testing including the design of All testing is conducted in our state- client-specific test protocols required to of-the-art facility designed specifically satisfy CWA specifications and other non- for aquatic toxicology testing. All of our wastewater needs. aquatic toxicology tests are performed Our testing capabilities include: in accordance with USEPA methods. • Acute and Chronic Whole Effluent If required, customized protocols are Toxicity testing with freshwater and employed for non-wastewater sources marine species to comply with other regulatory agency requirements. • Sediment/Soil Assays • Toxicity Identification Evaluations Our culture laboratory consists of systems (TIEs) designed for the purpose of breeding healthy organisms with genetic traceability. • Chlorophyll a analysis Monthly Standard Reference Toxicant • Water Effect Ratios (WERs) (SRT) tests are performed on all organisms • Pure compound testing. cultured in house. Concurrent SRT tests are • Stream surveys (biological/chemical) performed on organisms brought in from for impact and eutrophication outside culture laboratories. All SRT data is studies graphed and evaluated for consistency. Methods for Routine Bioassay Testing Species Method Pimephales promelas (Fathead Minnow) EPA 1000.0; 2000.0 Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water Flea) EPA 1002.0; 2002.0 Selenastrum capricornutum (Microalga) EPA 1003 Cyprinodon variegatus (Sheepshead Minnow) EPA 1004; 2004.0 Menidia beryllina (Inland Silverside) EPA 1006; 2006.0 Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid Shrimp) EPA 1007; 2007.0 Cyprinella leedsi (Bannerfin Shiner) EPA 2000.0 Daphnia pulex (Water Flea) EPA 2021.0 Hyalella azteca EPA 100.1 / 100.4 Chironomus dilutus (formerly tentans) EPA 100.2 / 100.5 Lumbriculus variegatus EPA 100.3 Other specialized testing on demand Eurofins Environment Testing US - Centers of Excellence Eurofins Air Toxics Eurofins Calscience Eurofins Eaton Eurofins Frontier Eurofins Lancaster Eurofins QC Eurofins Spectrum Folsom, CA Garden Grove, CA Analytical Global Sciences Laboratories Southampton, PA Analytical 800-985-5955 714-895-5494 Monrovia, CA Bothell, WA Environmental 215-355-3900 Agawam, MA 626-386-1100 425-686-1996 Lancaster, PA Horsham, PA 413-789-9018 South Bend, IN 717-656-2300 215-355-3900 North Kingston, RI 574-233-4777 401-732-3400
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