SEPTEMBER1986 VOL.9NO.3 a quarLerlybulletin of the IEEEcomputersociety technicalcommittee Database Engineering CONTENTS Chairman’sMessage 1 S. Jajodia Changes to the EditorialStaff of DatabaseEngineering 2 W. Kim Letterfrom the Editor 3 H. Boral An OperatingSystem for a DatabaseMachine 5 C. Nyberg TheJASMINKernel as a DataManagerBase 9 W. K. Wlkinson, M-YLai Supporting a DatabaseSystem on Symbolics LispMachines 17 H-i Chou, J. Garza N. Ba/Iou The CamelotProject 23 A. Spector, J. Bloch, 0. Daniels, R. Draves, D. Duchamp, J. Eppinger, S. Menees, 0. Thompson Getting the OperatingSystem Out of the Way 35 J. Moss OperatingSystemSupport for DataManagement 43 M. Stonebraker, A. Kumar Calls for Papers 52 SPECIALISSUE ON OPERATINGSYSTEMSSUPPORTFOR DATAMANAGEMENT Editor-in-Chief,DatabaseEngineering Chairperson, IC Dr. Won Kim Dr. SushilJajodia MCC NavalResearch Lab. 3500WestBalconesCenterDrive Washington, D.C. 20375-5000 Austin, TX 78759 (202)767-3596 (512)338-3439 ViceChairperson, TC Associate Database Editors, Engineering Prof. ArthurKeller Dr. HaranBoral Dept. of ComputerSciences MCC University of Texas 3500WestBalconesCenterDrive Austin, TX 78712-1188 Austin, TX 78759 (512)471-7316 (512)338-3469 Prof. MichaelCarey Treasurer, TC ComputerSciencesDepartment Prof. LeszekLilien University of Wisconsin Dept. of ElectricalEngineering Madison, WI 53706 and ComputerScience (608)262-2252 University of Illinois Dr. C. Mohan Chicago, IL 60680 IBM AlmadenResearchCenter (312)996-0827 650 HarryRoad San Jose, CA 95 120-6099 Secretary, TC (408)927-1733 Dr. Richard L. Shuey Dr. SunilSarin 2338Rosendale Rd. ComputerCorporation of America Schenectady, NY 12309 4 CambridgeCenter (518)374-5684 Cambridge, MA 02142 (617)492-8860 Prof.YannisVassiliou GraduateSchool of BusinessAdministration NewYorkUniversity 90 TrinityPlace NewYork, NY (212)598-7536 DatabaseEngineeringBulletin is a quarterlypublication of Memoership in the DatabaseEngineeringTechnicalCom the IEEEComputerSocietyTechnicalCommittee on Database mittee is open to individualswhodemonstratewillingness to Engineering.
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