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פרשת במדבר/Parashas Bamidbar

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Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 2 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר א / א־ב פרשת במדבר

[א] א ו ְיד ֵ֨בּר ֧יהוה ֶאל־מֹשׁה ְבּ ִמ ְדבּר ִסיני ְבּ ֣ ֹא ֶהל מוֹעד א א וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁ ְהבּמ ְד ְבּר ְ)אד ִסינ ְיבּמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמנ)א ְבּ ֶאח)ד֩ ל ֨ ֹח ֶדשׁ ה ֵשּׁ ִ֜ני בּשּׁ)נ'ה ה ֵשּׁ ִ֗נית ְל ֵצ # אתם ֵמאֶ"רץ ִמ ְצר ִים ְבּח ְדליְרח ִ)את ְני)נ ְ)אבּשׁתּ ִ)את ְנֵית ְ)אל ִמפּ ְקהוֹן ֵמאְרע ְ)אד ִמ ְצר ִ>ים

ֵל ֽאמֹר: ב ְשׂ ֗אוּ ֶאת־רֹאשׁ֙ ) כּ ֲל־עד1ת ְבּ0 נ ִי־י ְשׂר ֵ ֔)אל ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְל ֵמ ) ימר: ב ק בּילוּ י ֻ תח ְשׁבּן כּ ְ)לכּ ִנ ְשׁתּ ִ)אדּ ְב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְללזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן

רש"י (א) ו ְיד ֵבּר. ְבּ ִמ ְדבּר ִסיני ְבּ ֶא חד ל ֹח ֶדשׁ. ִמ ְתּוֹך ִח ָיבּ ָתן ְוּכ ֶשׁ ָבּא ְלה ְשׁרוֹת ְשׁ ִכ ָינתוֹ ֲע ֵל ֶיהם [נ“א: ְבּ ָתוֹכם] ְמָנ ָאם. ְבּ ֶא ָחד ְל ָפָניו ֶמוֹנה ָאוֹתם ָכּל ָשׁ ָעה. ְכּ ֶשָׁיְּצאוּ ִמ ִמְּצרִים ְמָנ ָאן (שמות יב, ְבִּנ ָיסן  הוּקם ה ִמּ ְשׁ ָכּן ְוּב ֶא ָחד ְבּ ִאָיּיר ְמָנ ָאם: (ב) ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח תם. לז), ְוּכ ֶשׁ ָנּ ְפלוּ ָבּ ֵעֶגל (שמות לב, לה) ְמָנ ָאן ֵל ידע ִ[מְנין]  ה ָנּוֹת ִרים,  דע ִמְנין ָכּל ֵשׁ ֶבט ָו ֵשׁ ֶבט:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED 1. 1. 1 ְבּ מ ְד ְבּ ָרא Hashem spoke WITH[1] Moshe — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה .Hashem spoke to Moshe in 1 in the — ְבּ מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא ,in the Wilderness of Sinai — ְד ִס יני the Wilderness of Sinai, in the on the — ְבּ חד ְל י ְר ָחא ִת ְנָי ָנא [ , on the first of the Ohel Moed (Tent of Meeting),[2 -in the sec — ְבּ שׁ ָתּא ִת ְנֵי ָתא ,(second month, in the second first of the second month (Iyar after their exodus from — ְל ִמ פּ ְקהוֹן ֵמ א ְר ָעא ְד ִמ ְצ ר ִים year after their exodus from the ond year :saying — ְל ֵמ ָימר ,land of Egypt, saying: the land of Egypt 2 Raise the heads of the entire OBTAIN THE COUNT[3] of — ק* בּילוּ ָית ֻח ְשׁ בּן ָכּל ְכּ ִנ ְשׁ ָתּא ִדּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל .assembly of the Children of Is- 2 ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ,rael according to their families the entire assembly of the Children of Israel

as , מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ נא ,as speak “with,” understanding of Onkelos’ translation דבּר ֶאל Onkelos generally translates .1 convening, not in the , ִזמּוּן in the sense of ִז ְמ נא ,.denotes a well (i.e דבּר rather than speak “to,” because the verb time), since Onkelos similarly translates , ְז מן direct and close communication. By contrast, he trans- sense of -I shall con , ִאוּ ֵעד ,for example — ֵמוֹעד as say “to,” (see, e.g., 3:40 be- the verb forms of אמר ֶאל lates the phrase ֲא ז ֵמּן ֵמ ְימִרי means simply to convey words vene [in the Ohel Moed] (17:19 below) — as אמר low), since the verb .(Pas’shegen HaDas, (Nefesh HaGer to Vayikra 1:1 ;שרש אמר ,to another (Redifi Maya 2:16). HaKesav VeHaKabbalah (to Shemos 27:21), howev- is in fact meant ִז ְמ נא For this very reason, when the context is Hashem er, maintains that Onkelos’ term as well as the , מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ נא speaking to man through prophecy, Onkelos gener- in the sense of “time,” so that means a tent “for a time.” The , ֹא ֶהל ֵמוֹעד ally modifies his translation to speak “to,” in order to Hebrew term minimize the connotation of Hashem directly com- Mishkan is called this way because it was dismantled municating with a person. However, with regard to and erected anew every time the camp relocated, as op- Moshe (as in this verse), whose level of prophecy was posed to the Beis HaMikdash, which was a permanent the Eternal , ֵבּית עוֹל ִמים of a uniquely personal nature (see below, 12:8 and structure and is thus called the Devarim 34:10), Onkelos retains the translation House. -in the sense of “tak ְשׂאוּ of speak with. See Vayikra 10:8 note 14 for further 3. Onkelos interprets the word discussion. ing up” or “receiving” (see, similarly, 5:31 below with as referring to the sum total of a רֹאשׁ The consistently uses the term Ohel Moed note 62), and .2 ex- count (see Rashi to Shemos 30:12 with Mizrachi and (ע‘ יעד to refer to the Mishkan. Radak (Shorashim ,רֹאשׁ means “a designation (of time Gur Aryeh). [The Torah refers to the sum total as ֵמוֹעד plains that the word or place) for meeting,” and refers to Hashem’s meetings literally, head, because census-takers would customar- with Moshe in the Mishkan to teach him Torah, and to ily write the total on the “top” of the tally page (Ibn means “obtain the total ְשׂאוּ ֶאת רֹאשׁ ,the gathering together of Jews there [for prayer and Ezra there).] Hence other occasions]; see also Shemos 29:42-43 with Rashi. count.” Accordingly, the accurate translation of Ohel Moed is The literal “Raise the heads” is expounded by the “the tent of designation for meeting.” This is the simple Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 1:9) as conveying that the

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 3 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 1 / 3-4

ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר ֵשׁ ֔מוֹת ) כּל־ז)כ,ר ְל ֻג ְל ְגּלAֹ תם: ג ִמ ֶ֨בּן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה)ןכּ ְ)לדּכוּר ְ)אל ֻג ְל ְגּל ְ)תהוֹן: ג ִמבּר ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ) כּל־יֹצIא צ)ב,א ְבּ ִי ְשׂר)אל ִתּ ְפ ְק ֥דוּ ֹאת#ם ֶע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ)אכּ)לנ ֵ)פ ֵקחיל ְ)אבּ ִי ְשׂר ֵ)א ִלתּ ְמנוֹן י ְ)תהוֹן

ְל ִצ ְב ֹאת,ם אRתּה ְוא ֲ>הֽ ֹרן: ד ְו ִא ְתּכQם י Pְה ֔יוּ O אישׁ N אישׁ למּטּKה ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן א ְתּ ְוא ֲהרֹן: ד ְו ִע ְמּכוֹן ְיהוֹן גּ ְבר)אג ְבר ְ)אל ִשׁ ְבט)א

רש"י ְל ֵבית ֲאבֹ תם. ִמי ֶשׁ ָא ִביו ִמ ֵשּׁ ֶבט ֶא ָחד ְו ִאמּוֹ ִמ ֵשּׁ ֶבט א ֵחר (ג) כּל יֹ ֵצא צ בא. מ ִגּיד ֶשׁ ֵאין ֵיוֹצא בָצּ ָבא ָפּחוֹת ִמ ֶבּן ֶע ְשׂ ִרים: ָיקוּם על ֵשׁ ֶבט ָא ִביו (במדבר רבה ו, ג; בבא בתרא קט:): (ד) ְו ִא ְתּ ֶכם ִי ְהיוּ. ְכּ ֶשׁ ִתּ ְפ ְקדוּ ָאוֹתם ִי ְהיוּ ִע ָמּ ֶכם ְנ ִשׂיא ָכּל ֵשׁ ֶבט ְל ֻג ְל ְגּלֹ תם. על ְי ֵדי ְשׁ ָק ִלים ֶ”בּקע ל ֻגְּל ֹגֶּלת“ (שמות לח, כו): ָו ֵשׁ ֶבט:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED according to their families and according — ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן -and] according to their fa] by number — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן [thers’ household, by number to their fathers’ household,[4 every male, head by — ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא ְל ֻג ְל ְגּ ָל ְתהוֹן [of names, every male, head by of names,[5 head. 3 From twenty years of head. From twenty years of age and up — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא .age and up — everyone who 3 whoever goes out to the legion — ָכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ְבּ ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל — goes out to the legion in Israel [you shall count them[7 — ִתּ ְמנוֹן ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן — [you shall count them accord- in Israel[6 — .you and Aharon — א ְתּ ְו א ֲהרֹן [ing to their legions, you and according to their legions, [8 And with you when you count them shall — ְו ִע ְמּכוֹן ְיהוֹן .Aharon. 4 And with you shall 4 ,one man from each tribe — גּ ְב ָרא ג ְב ָרא ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא be one man from each tribe, be census elevated and glorified the Jewish people, for it 6. According to Rashi, this refers specifically to ser- demonstrated their importance in Hashem’s eyes. See vice in the army, where the minimum age to serve and its) צ בא also Rashi to v. 1 and Ramban to v. 3. was twenty. In general, though, the term ֵח ילא 4. “Their families” refers to each person’s immediately Aramaic equivalent ) simply means a “legion” or a family. By counting the people according to their fami- gathering (a “host”) of people, typically for a purpose, lies, they would be able to determine each person’s tribe such as to serve in some capacity (e.g., 4:3 below) or for and thereby arrive at an accurate count of each tribe. encampment (as in v. 52 below). See also further in the The family and tribe is determined “according to their verse with note 9. צ בא fathers’ household,” meaning that if one’s father is from In fact, Ramban maintains that even here does one tribe and his mother is from a different tribe, he is not mean “army,” but simply a gathering of men, and counted as a member of his father’s tribe (Rashi with that the age of twenty simply reflects the social reality Mizrachi and Gur Aryeh). that teenagers do not congregate among the men. See further, HaKesav VeHaKabbalah to 2:4 below. in its typical sense ִמ ְס פּר Onkelos interprets the term .5 פקד — number. Accordingly, by number (or by count) of the 7. The Hebrew term is generally used in the sense names means that, rather than counting the people of remembering or turning one’s attention to something themselves (using a head count), each person would or someone (see, for example, Bereishis 21:1). Ramban state his name, and the names would be written down explains that, in using this term here, Hashem indi- in a ledger and then counted (see Ralbag, Malbim, and, cated to Moshe that he should not directly count them, similarly, Netziv). but rather they shall each give a half-shekel coin (see This is unlike Rashi further in the verse, who main- note 5) and through counting these coins Moshe will tains that each person gave a half-shekel coin and the become “aware” of their number. coins were counted. Rashi may understand the term 8. I.e., according to their tribes, each of which consists like Ramban (end of next verse), who in- of a “legion” of people [see note 7] (Ramban; see also ְבּ ִמ ְס פּר ֵשׁמוֹת -Rashi to Shemos 6:26). The verse is saying that in ad , ִס ֵפּר terprets it as “by telling of names” (from the verb tell). As each man would bring his half-shekel, he was dition to obtaining the count of the nation as a whole, to state his name and tribal affiliation before Moshe they shall also obtain the count of each tribe (Pnei and the tribal leaders (see v. 18 below). Yerushalayim to Ramban).

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 4 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר א / ה־טו

T אישׁ ֥רֹאשׁ ְל0 ב ֲית־אבֹ, תיו ֽהוּא: ♪ ה ְו ֵ ֨א ֶלּה֙ ְשׁ ֣מוֹת ה Aֲאנ ִ֔)שׁים ֲאשׁ"ר ְגּב ֵרריֹ ְשל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ֽ)ת ִוֹהי הוּא: ה ְו ִא ֵלּ ְיןשׁמ)ה ֻ)תגּ ְברי ִ)אדּי

י>ע ְמ ֖דוּ ִא ְתּK כם ִלְר ֵ ֕אוּבן ֱא ִל ֖יצוּר ֶבּ ְן־שׁ ֵד ֽיאוּר: ו ְל ִשׁ ְמ ֕עוֹן ְשׁל VִמיאUל ְיקוּמוּן ִע ְמּכוֹן ִלְר ֵאוּב ֱןא ִליצוּר בּ ְרשׁ ֵדיאוּר: ו ְל ִשׁ ְמעוֹן ְשׁ ֻל ִמ ֵיאל

ֶבּ P ן־צוּרישׁA דּי: ז P ל ) ֕יהוּדה נ ְח ֖שׁוֹן ֶבּן־עP מּינA )דב: ח ְל ִ֨י) שּׂ )֔שכר ְנת ְנאUל  בּר ִצוּרישׁ) דּי: ז ִליהוּד)הנ ְחשׁוֹן בּרע ִמּינ) )דב: ח ְל ִי) שּׂשכ ְ)רנת ְנ ֵאל

ֶבּ A ן־צוּער: ט ִל ְז ֻ֕בוּלן ֱא ִליא,ב ֶבּ ֵן־ח ֽלֹן: י ִל ְבF ני ֵ֔יוֹסף ְל ֶא ְפ ֕ר ִים  בּר ) צוּער: ט ִל ְז ֻבוּל ֱןא ִליא)בבּ ֵרחלֹן: י ִל ְב ֵני ֵיוֹס ְףל ֶא ְפר ִ>ים

ֱאP לישׁ, )מע ֶבּן־ע ִמּ ֑יהוּד ִל ְמנ ֶ֕שּׁה גּ ְמ ִל U יאל ֶבּ ְן־פּ) ד ֽהצוּר: יא ְל ִ ֨ב ְני ִ ֔)מן ֱא ִלישׁ)מ)עבּרע ִמּיהוּד ִל ְמנ ֶשּׁהגּ ְמ ִל ֵיאלבּ ְרפּ) דהצוּר: יא ְל ִב ְני ִ)מן

ֲא ִב, ידן ֶבּ ִן־גּ ְד ֹעP ני: יב ְל) ֕דן ֲא ִחיע ֶ^זר ֶבּן־עP מּישׁA דּי: יג ְלא ֵ֕)שׁר פּ ְג ִעיאUל ֲא ִביד)ןבּ ִרגּ ְד ֹע ִני: יב ְלד ֲ)ןא ִחיע ֶ_זרבּרע ִמּישׁ) דּי: יג ְלא ֵ)שׁרפּ ְג ִע ֵיאל

ֶבּן־ע ְ)כA רן: יד ְל) ֕גד ֶא ְלי,)סף ֶבּ ְן־דּ 0 עוּאל: טו ְל֨נ ְפתּ ִ֔)לי ֲא ִח ירע ֶבּ ֵן־עA ינן: בּרע ְ)כ) רן: יד ְלג ֶ)דא ְלי)ס)ףבּ ְרדּ ֵעוּאל: טו ְלנ ְפתּ ִ)ל ֲיא ִחירעבּ ֵרע) ינן:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ’a man who is a head of his fathers — ְגּ בר ֵרישׁ ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ִתוֹהי הוּא a man who is a head of his fathers’ household. household, i.e., the leader of his tribe. 5 ִדּי These are the names of the men — ְו ִא ֵלּין ְשׁ ָמ ָהת ֻגּ ְב ר ָיא .These are the names of 5 ִל ְר ֵאוּבן ֱא ִליצוּר בּר :who shall stand with you — ְיקוּמוּן ִע ְמּכוֹן the men who shall stand with .For Reuven, Elitzur son of Shedeur — ְשׁ ֵד יאוּר you: For Reuven, Elitzur son of Shedeur. 6 For Shimon, For Shimon, Shelumiel son of — ְל ִשׁ ְמעוֹן ְשׁ ֻל ִמ ֵיאל בּר ִצוּר ישׁ ָדּי .6 Shelumiel son of Tzurisha- Tzurishadai. dai. 7 For Yehudah, Nachshon ִל ָיהוּדה נ ְחשׁוֹן בּר ע ִמּ ָינ ָדב son of Aminadav. 8 For Yis- 7. — For Yehudah, Nachshon son of sachar, Nesanel son of Tzuar. Aminadav. .For Yissachar, Nesanel son of Tzuar — ְל ִי ָשּׂ ָשכר ְנ ת ְנ ֵאל בּר ָצוּער .For Zevulun, Eliav son of 8 9 10 .For Zevulun, Eliav son of Chelon — ִל ְז ֻבוּלן ֱא ִל ָיאב בּר ֵחלֹן .Chelon. For the children 9 of Yosef — for Ephraim, Eli- ְל ֶא ְפ ר ִים ֱא ִל ָישׁ ָמע בּר — For the children of Yosef — ִל ְב ֵני ֵיוֹסף .10 shama son of Amihud; for ִל ְמ נ ֶשּׁה ;for Ephraim, Elishama son of Amihud — ע ִמּיהוּד Menasheh, son of [for Menasheh, Gamliel son of Pedahtzur.[9 — גּ ְמ ִל ֵיאל בּר ְפּ ָדהצוּר Pedahtzur. 11 For Binyamin, .For Binyamin, Avidan son of Gideoni — ְל ִב ְנָי ִמן ֲא ִב ָידן בּר ִגּ ְד ֹע ִני .Avidan son of Gideoni. 12 For 11 .For Dan, Achiezer son of Amishadai — ְל ָדן ֲא ִח ֶיע ֶזר בּר ע ִמּ ישׁ ָדּי .Dan, Achiezer son of Amisha- 12 13 .For Asher, Pagiel son of Ochran — ְל ָא ֵשׁר פּ ְג ִע ֵיאל בּר ָע ְכ ָרן .dai. For Asher, Pagiel son of 13 Ochran. 14 For Gad, Eliasaf ְל ָגד ֶא ְל ָי ָסף בּר ְדּ ֵעוּאל son of Deuel. 15 For Naftali, 14. — For Gad, Eliasaf son of Deuel. .For Naftali, Achira son of Enan — ְל נ ְפ ָתּ ִלי ֲא ִח ירע בּר ֵע ָינן .Achira son of Enan. 15

9. Ephraim and Menasheh were considered two sepa- leaders), the census, etc. The tribe of , however, rate tribes in regard to all the matters discussed in was not part of the count of tribes in regard to these this and the following parashos — the Nesiim (tribal matters.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 5 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 1 / 16-19

טז ֚ ֵא ֶלּה ְקרוּאFי [קריאי כ'] ה Aֵע) ֔דה ְנ ִשׂU יאי מ ֣טּוֹת ֲא E בוֹתם ) ראשׁ`י טז ִא ֵלּין ְמע ְ ר ֵעי ְכ ִנ ְשׁתּ)אר ְבְר ֵב ִישׁ ְב ֵט ֲיאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ֵר ֵישׁי

א ְלI פי ִי ְשׂרU )אל 0 הם: ♪ יז וִיּf קּח מֹ^ שׁה ְוא ֲ>ה֑רֹן ֚ ֵאת ה Aֲאנe )שׁים ה ֵ ֔)א ֶלּה א ְלפיּ ְ)אד ִי ְשׂר ֵ)א ִלאנּוּן: יז ְוּדברמֹ ֶשׁ ְהוא ֲהרֹןי ֻ)תגּ ְבריּ)אה ִ)א ֵלּין

ֲא" שׁר ִנ ְקּ ֖בוּ ְבּ ֵשׁ ֽמוֹת: יח ְו ֵ ֨את ) כּל־ה Aֵע) ֜דה ִה ְק ִ֗הילוּ ְבּ ֶאח)ד֙ ל ֣ ֹח ֶדשׁ ִדּ ִיא ְתפּA )רשׁוּ ִבּ ְשׁמ ה ן: יח ְוי)תכּ ְ)לכּ ִנ ְשׁתּ ְ)אכּנ Aְשׁוּבּח ְדליְרח)א ה ֵשּׁ ִ֔ני וִיּ ְתי ְ>ל ֥דוּ  ע ִל־מ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח, תם ְלF בית ֲאבEֹ תם ְבּ ִמ ְס1 פּר ֵשׁ ֗מוֹת ִמ ֶ֨בּן ִת ְני)נ)א ְו ִא ְתי ֲחסוּ עלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּר

ֶע ְשׂO רים שׁ# )נה ו)מ ְע) לה ְל ֻג ְל ְגּלAֹ תם: יט כּ ֲ>א שׁר ִצR וּה ֖יהוה ֶאת־מֹשׁKה ֶע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ְ)אל ֻג ְל ְגּל ְ)תהוֹן: יט ְכּ) מא ִדיפ ִקּ ְידיי)י)תמֹ ֶשׁה רש"י (טז) ֵא ֶלּה ְק ֵרוּאי ה ֵ ע דה. ה ִנּ ְק ָר ִאים ְל ָכל ְדּ בר ֲח ִשׁיבוּת ֶשׁ ָבּ ֵע ָדה: (יז) ֵאת ה ֲ אנ ִ שׁים ה ֵ א ֶלּה. ֶאת ְשֵׁנים ָע ָשׂר ְנ ִשׂ ִיאים ה ָלּלוּ: ֲא ֶשׁר ִנ ְקּבוּ לוֹ ָכּאן ְבּ ֵשׁמוֹת: (יח) ו ִיּ ְתי ְלדוּ  על ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח תם. ֵה ִביאוּ ִס ְפ ֵרי ִי ֵחוּס ֶיהם ְו ֵע ֵידי ֶחְז קת ֵל ָיד ָתם ָכּל ֶא ָחד ְו ֶא ָחד ְל ִה ְתי ֵיחס  על ה ָשּׁ ֶבט:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED -These are the ONES WHO MEET on be — ִא ֵלּין ְמ ָע ְר ֵעי ְכ ִנ ְשׁ ָתּא .These are the summoned 16 16 -the lead — ר ְב ְר ֵבי ִשׁ ְב ֵטי ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן [ones of the assembly, the lead- half of the assembly,[10 they — ֵר ֵישׁי א ְל פ ָיּא ְד ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ִאנּוּן ,ers of their fathers’ tribes, they ers of their fathers’ tribes are the heads of the thousands are the heads of the thousands of Israel. Moshe and Aharon — ְוּד בר מֹ ֶשׁה ְו א ֲהרֹן ָית ֻגּ ְב ר ָיּא ָה ִא ֵלּין .of Israel. 17 Moshe and Aharon 17 who were — ִדּי ִא ְת ָפּ ָרשׁוּ ִבּ ְשׁ ָמ ָהן took these men who had been took[11] these twelve men specified by name. specified by Hashem by THEIR names, to join them in counting 18 They gathered the entire the people. -They gathered[12] the entire as — ְו ָית ָכּל ְכּ ִנ ְשׁ ָתּא א ְכ ָנשׁוּ .assembly on the first of the sec- 18 on the first of the second — ְבּ חד ְל י ְר ָחא ִת ְנָי ָנא ond month, and they registered sembly [and [the people — ְו ִא ְת י ֲחסוּ על ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן ,their lineage according to their month families [and] according to their registered their tribal lineage according to their families and ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן ִמ בּר [fathers’ household, by number according to their fathers’ household,[13 by number of names, from twenty years of — ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא of names, from twenty years of .head by head — ְל ֻג ְל ְגּ ָל ְתהוֹן ,age and up, head by head. 19 A s age and up ,As Hashem had commanded Moshe — ְכּ ָמא ִדי פ ִקּיד ְי ָי ָית מֹ ֶשׁה .Hashem had commanded Moshe, 19

10. They meet to discuss public affairs and seek coun- When the reference is to taking something in hand, take (see Rashi to Bereishis ,נסב sel with each other (see Or HaTargum to 16:2 and Onkelos uses the root .(ד“ה קח and Introduction to Nefesh HaGer 43:15 ְמ ערע note 4 there). This explanation assumes that -lit ( ִה ְק ִהילוּ like the Hebrew) א ְכ נשׁוּ means encounter or occasion (Pas’shegen; Ramban to 12. The Aramaic Vayikra 23:2; see note 2 in our edition there). Some erally means, they caused [the entire assembly] to can also mean calling gather. The verb is expressed this way because one ְמ ערע maintain, however that (see Pas’shegen and Lechem VeSimlah to Vayikra ibid.). does not actually gather people together by hand; he Accordingly, Onkelos is understood like Rashi, who causes them to gather by summoning them together. they , ְכּ נשׁוּ as: “those who are summoned [Some editions of Onkelos, however, do have ְק ֵרוּאי ה ֵע דה interprets (called) for [every matter of importance affecting] the gathered.] assembly.” See also Beurei Onkelos. 13. Since the count was to be done by tribe, the people ,literally, lead, had to establish the tribe to which they belonged ,דבר Onkelos generally uses the root .11 for the taking of people or animals, since they are led either by written documentation or valid witnesses by command or persuasion, rather than taken in hand. (Rashi), or by giving their word (Ramban).

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 6 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר א / כ־כג

וִיּ ְפ ְקדUם ְבּ ִמ ְדבּר ִסA יני: ♪ ס שני כ ויּ Pְה ֤יוּ ְב0 נ ְי־ר ֵאוּבן֙ ְבּ ֣ ֹכר ְוּמ) ננוּן ְבּמ ְד ְבּר ְ)אד ִס) יני: כ ו ֲה ְווֹב ֵנ ְיר ֵאוּבן ְבּוּכר)א ִי ְשׂר ֵ ֔)אל ֽתּ ְוֹלדRֹ תם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח, תם ְלF בית ֲאבEֹ תם ְבּ ִמ ְספּkר ֵשׁמוֹת֙ ְד ִי ְשׂר ֵ)אל ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה)ן ְל ֻג ְל ְגּלֹ) ֔תם ) כּל־ז)֗)כר ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: ְל ֻג ְל ְגּל ְ)תהוֹן כּ ְ)לדּכוּר ִ)אמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא:

כא ְפּק Vֵד ^ יהם ְלמF טּה ְר  אוּבן ִשׁl שּׁה ְואְרבּT )עים א ֶ^לף ו ֲ>חI משׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ כא ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְבט ִ)אדְר ֵאוּבןאְר ְבּ ִע ְיןו ִשׁתּ)אא ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמ) אה:

כב ִל ְבנFי ִשׁ ְמ ֔עוֹן ֽתּ ְוֹלדֹתRם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ְפּ ֻק) ֗דיו כב ִל ְב ֵנ ִישׁ ְמעוֹן ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ִמ ְני ֽ)נ ִוֹהי ְבּ ִמ ְסk פּר ֵשׁמוֹת֙ ְל ֻג ְל ְגּלֹ) ֔תם ) כּל־ז)֗)כר ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה ְ)ןל ֻג ְל ְגּל ְ)תהוֹן כּ ְ)לדּכוּר ִ)אמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ)א

֖ ֹכּל יIֹ צא צA )בא: כג ְפּק Vֵד ^ יהם ְלמF טּה ִשׁ ְמ ֑עוֹן ִתּ ְשׁl עה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ֹכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא: כג ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אד ִשׁ ְמעוֹן ח ְמ ִשׁין ְו ִת ְשׁע)הא ְל ִפין ְוּשׁ ֥לֹשׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ ְוּתל ְ)תמ) אה:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED he counted them in the Wilderness of — ְוּמ ָננוּן ְבּ מ ְד ְבָּרא ְד ִס ָיני he counted them in the Wilderness of Sinai. Sinai. 20 ,The children of Reuven — ו ֲהווֹ ְב ֵני ְר ֵאוּבן ְבּוּכ ָרא ְד ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל .The children of Reuven, first- 20 ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית — born of Yisrael, were — their off- firstborn of Yisrael, were -their offspring according to their families and ac — ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן spring according to their families ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן ְל ֻג ְל ְגּ ָל ְתהוֹן ,and] according to their fathers’ cording to their fathers’ household] every — ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא ,household, by number of names, — by number of names, head by head from twenty years of age and — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא head by head, every male from male — everyone who goes out to the legion — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,twenty years of age and up, ev- up eryone who goes out to the legion their numbers, for the tribe — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ִד ְר ֵאוּבן .21 — 21 their numbers, for the tribe forty-six — א ְר ְבּ ִעין ְו ִשׁ ָתּא א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה :of Reuven of Reuven: forty-six thousand, five thousand, five hundred. hundred. ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Shimon — ִל ְב ֵני ִשׁ ְמעוֹן .For the children of Shimon, 22 22 their offspring according to — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן their offspring according to their families [and] according to their their families and according to their fathers’ household, by — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן ְל ֻג ְל ְגּ ָל ְתהוֹן ,the tribe’s] numbers] — ִמ ְנָי ִנוֹהי fathers’ household, its numbers, by every male — ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא ,number of names, head by head, number of names, head by head ,from twenty years of age and up — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא every male from twenty years of ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא age and up, everyone who goes out — everyone who goes out to the legion — their numbers, for the tribe — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ִשׁ ְמעוֹן .to the legion — 23 their numbers, 23 fifty-nine — ח ְמ ִשׁין ְו ִת ְשׁ ָעה א ְל ִפין ְוּת ָלת ְמ ָאה :for the tribe of Shimon: fifty-nine of Shimon thousand, three hundred. thousand, three hundred.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 7 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 1 / 24-28

כד ִל ְבנFי ) ֔גד ֽתּ ְוֹלדRֹ תם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח, תם ְלF בית ֲאבEֹ תם ְבּ ִמ ְס1 פּר ֵשׁ ֗מוֹת כד ִל ְב ֵנ ) יגד ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה)ן

ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: כה ְפּק Vֵד^ יהם ְלמטּFה ִמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא: כה ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְבט)א גEד ֲח ִמm שּׁה ְואְרבּ ִ)עים֙ ֶ ֔א ֶלף ְוI שׁשׁ ֵמ ֖אוֹת ו ֲ>ח ִמP שּׁים: פ ְדג)דאְר ְבּ ִעין ְוח ְמשׁ)אא ְל ִפ ְיןו ִשׁ ְיתמא ְ)הוח ְמ ִשׁין:

כו ִל ְבנFי ְי ) ֔הוּדה ֽתּ ְוֹלדֹתRם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר כו ִל ְב ֵנ ְיי ) הוּדה ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְנין

ֵשׁ ֗מֹת ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: כז ְפּק Vֵדיה^ם ְשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא: כז ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְלמF טּה ְי E הוּדה אְרבּl )עה ְו ִשׁ ְבT עים א ֶ^לף ְוI שׁשׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ ְל ִשׁ ְבט ִ)אדיהוּד ִ)השׁ ְב ִע ְיןואְר ְבּע)אא ְל ִפ ְיןו ִשׁ ְיתמ) אה:

כח ִל ְבנFי ִי) שּׂ )֔שכר ֽתּ ְוֹלדֹתRם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם כח ִל ְב ֵנ ִיי) שּׂ ) שכר ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר ֵשׁ ֗מֹת ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Gad — ִל ְב ֵני ָגד .For the children of Gad, 24 24 their offspring according to their — ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן their offspring according to their ְבּ ִמ ְנין ,families [and] according to their families and according to their fathers’ household from — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,by number of names — ְשׁ ָמ ָהן fathers’ household, by number of everyone who — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,names, from twenty years of age twenty years of age and up and up, everyone who goes out to goes out to the legion — 25 their numbers, for the tribe of — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ָגד .the legion — their numbers, for 25 forty-five — א ְר ְבּ ִעין ְו ח ְמ ָשׁא א ְל ִפין ְו ִשׁית ְמ ָאה ְו ח ְמ ִשׁין :the tribe of Gad: forty-five thou- Gad sand, six hundred and fifty. thousand, six hundred and fifty. 26 For the children of Yehudah, ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Yehudah — ִל ְב ֵני ְי ָהוּדה .26 their offspring according to their their offspring according to — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן families [and] according to their their families and according to their fathers’ household, fathers’ household, by number of — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,by number of names — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן names, from twenty years of age everyone — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,from twenty years of age and up and up, everyone who goes out to who goes out to the legion — the legion — 27 their numbers, for ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ִד ָיהוּדה the tribe of Yehudah: seventy-four 27. — their numbers, for the tribe of -seventy — ִשׁ ְב ִעין ְו א ְר ְבּ ָעא א ְל ִפין ְו ִשׁית ְמ ָאה :thousand, six hundred. Yehudah 28 For the children of Yissa- four thousand, six hundred. ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Yissachar — ִל ְב ֵני ִי ָשּׂ ָשכר .char, their offspring according 28 their offspring according to — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן to their families [and] according to their fathers’ household, by their families and according to their fathers’ household, — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,by number of names — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן number of names, from twenty everyone — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,years of age and up, everyone from twenty years of age and up who goes out to the legion — who goes out to the legion —

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 8 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר א / כט־לג

כט ְפּק Vֵדיה^ם ְלמטּFה ִי) שּׂשכEר אְרבּ)עlה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְואְרבּע כט ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אד ִי) שּׂשכ)רח ְמ ִשׁ ְיןואְר ְבּע)הא ְל ִפ ְיןואְרבּע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ ְמ) אה:

ל ִל ְבF ני ְז ֻ֔בוּלן ֽתּ ְוֹלדRֹ תם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח, תם ְלF בית ֲאבEֹ תם ְבּ ִמ ְס1 פּר ֵשׁ ֗מֹת ל ִל ְב ֵנ ְיז ֻבוּלן ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה)ן

ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: לא ְפּק Vֵד^ יהם ְלמטּFה ִמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא: לא ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְבט)א ְז nבוּלן ִשׁ ְבl עה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְואְר בּע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ ִד ְז ֻבוּלןח ְמ ִשׁין ְו ִשׁ ְבע)אא ְל ִפ ְיןואְרבּ ְעמ) אה:

לב ִל ְבo ני ֵיוֹסף֙ ִל ְבנFי ֶא ְפ ֔ר ִים ֽתּ ְוֹלדRֹ תם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח, תם ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם לב ִל ְב ֵני ֵיוֹס ִףל ְב ֵנ ֶיא ְפר ִ>ים ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר ֵשׁ ֗מֹת ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא:

לג ְפּק Vֵד^ יהם ְלמF טּה ֶא ְפר Eִים אְרבּO )עים א ֶ^לף ו ֲ>חI משׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ לג ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אד ֶא ְפר Aִיםאְר ְבּ ִעיןא ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמ) אה:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED their numbers, for the tribe of — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ִי ָשּׂ ָשכר .their numbers, for the tribe of 29 29 fifty-four — ח ְמ ִשׁין ְו א ְר ְבּ ָעה א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה :Yissachar: fifty-four thousand, Yissachar four hundred. thousand, four hundred. ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Zevulun — ִל ְב ֵני ְז ֻבוּלן .For the children of Zevulun, 30 30 their offspring according to — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן their offspring according to their families [and] according to their their families and according to their fathers’ household, — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,by number of names — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן fathers’ household, by number of everyone — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,names, from twenty years of age from twenty years of age and up and up, everyone who goes out to who goes out to the legion — their numbers, for the tribe of — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ִד ְז ֻבוּלן .the legion — 31 their numbers, for 31 fifty-seven — ח ְמ ִשׁין ְו ִשׁ ְב ָעא א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה :the tribe of Zevulun: fifty-seven Zevulun thousand, four hundred. thousand, four hundred. — ִל ְב ֵני ֶא ְפ ר ִים :For the children of Yosef — ִל ְב ֵני ֵיוֹסף .For the children of Yosef: 32 32 ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ,for the children of Ephraim, for the children of Ephraim -their offspring according to their families and ac — ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן their offspring according to their -by num — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן ,families [and] according to their cording to their fathers’ household from twenty years of — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,fathers’ household, by number of ber of names everyone who goes out to the — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,names, from twenty years of age age and up and up, everyone who goes out to legion — their numbers, for the tribe of — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ֶא ְפ ָר ִים .the legion — 33 their numbers, for 33 ,forty thousand — א ְר ְבּ ִעין א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה :the tribe of Ephraim: forty thou- Ephraim sand, five hundred. five hundred.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 9 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 1 / 34-38

לד ִל ְבנFי ְמנ ֶ֔שּׁה ֽתּ ְוֹלדֹתRם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר לד ִל ְב ֵנ ְימנ ֶשּׁה ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְנין

ֵשׁ ֗מוֹת ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: לה ְפּק Vֵדיה^ם ְשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא: לה ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְלמF טּה ְמנK שּׁה ְשׁנpִים ְוּשׁלTֹ שׁים א ֶ^לף ) וּמאת Aִים: פ ְל ִשׁ ְבט ִ)אד ְמנ ֶשּׁ ְהתּל ִ)תין ְוּתֵריןא ְל ִפין ) וּמ ) אתן:

לו ִל ְבנFי ִב ְני ִ ֔)מן ֽתּ ְוֹלדֹתRם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר לו ִל ְב ֵנ ִיב ְני ִ)מן ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְנין

ֵשׁ ֗מֹת ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: לז ְפּק Vֵדיה^ם ְשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא: לז ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְלמF טּה ִב ְניq )מן ֲח ִמl שּׁה ְוּשׁלTֹ שׁים א ֶ^לף ְואְר בּע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ ְל ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אד ִב ְני ִ)מ ְןתּל ִ)תין ְוח ְמשׁ)אא ְל ִפ ְיןואְרבּ ְעמ) אה:

לח ִל ְבנFי ) ֔דן ֽתּ ְוֹלדֹתRם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר לח ִל ְב ֵנ ) ידן ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְנין ֵשׁ ֗מֹת ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: ְשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Menasheh — ִל ְב ֵני ְמ נ ֶשּׁה .For the children of Menasheh, 34 34 their offspring according to — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן their offspring according to their families [and] according to their their families and according to their fathers’ household, ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,by number of names — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן fathers’ household, by number of -every — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,names, from twenty years of age — from twenty years of age and up and up, everyone who goes out to one who goes out to the legion — 35 their numbers, for the tribe — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ִד ְמ נ ֶשּׁה .the legion — their numbers, for 35 thirty-two — ְתּ ָל ִתין ְוּת ֵרין א ְל ִפין ָוּמ ָאתן :the tribe of Menasheh: thirty-two of Menasheh thousand, two hundred. thousand, two hundred. 36 For the children of Binyamin, ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Binyamin — ִל ְב ֵני ִב ְנָי ִמן .36 their offspring according to their their offspring according to — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן families [and] according to their their families and according to their fathers’ household, fathers’ household, by number of ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,by number of names — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן names, from twenty years of age -every — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,from twenty years of age and up — and up, everyone who goes out to one who goes out to the legion — the legion — 37 their numbers, for ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ִב ְנָי ִמן the tribe of Binyamin: thirty-five 37. — their numbers, for the tribe of -thirty — ְתּ ָל ִתין ְו ח ְמ ָשׁא א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה :thousand, four hundred. Binyamin 38 For the children of Dan, five thousand, four hundred. ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Dan — ִל ְב ֵני ָדן .their offspring according to 38 their offspring according to their — ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן their families [and] according ְבּ ִמ ְנין ,to their fathers’ household, by families and according to their fathers’ household — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,by number of names — ְשׁ ָמ ָהן number of names, from twenty everyone — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,years of age and up, everyone from twenty years of age and up who goes out to the legion — who goes out to the legion —

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 10 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר א / לט־מד

לט ְפּק Vֵד^ יהם ְלמF טּה E דן ְשׁנpִים ְו ִשׁT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְוּשׁ בע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ לט ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אדד ִ)ןשׁ ִתּין ְוּתֵריןא ְל ִפין ְוּשׁב ְעמ) אה:

מ ִל ְבF ני א ֵ֔)שׁר ֽתּ ְוֹלדRֹ תם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח, תם ְלF בית ֲאבEֹ תם ְבּ ִמ ְס1 פּר ֵשׁ ֗מֹת מ ִל ְב ֵניא ֵ)שׁר ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה)ן

ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: מא ְפּק Vֵד^ יהם ְלמטּFה ִמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא: מא ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְבט)א א )שׁר ֶאl חד ְואְרבּT )עים א ֶ^לף ו ֲ>חI משׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ ְדא ֵ)שׁראְר ְבּ ִעין ְוחדא ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמ) אה:

מב ְבּנFי נ ְפתּ ִ֔)לי ֽתּ ְוֹלדֹתRם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר מב ְבּ ֵנינ ְפתּ ִ)לי ְתּוֹלד ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְנין

ֵשׁ ֗מֹת ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ֖ ֹכּל יֹצIא צA )בא: מג ְפּק Vֵדיה^ם ְשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ֹ)אכּלנ ֵ)פ ֵקח ) ילא: מג ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְלמF טּה נ ְפתּq)לי ְשׁלlֹ שׁה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְואְר בּע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: פ ְל ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אדנ ְפתּ ִ)ליח ְמ ִשׁין ְוּתל)תא ְל ִפ ְיןואְרבּ ְעמ) אה:

מד א Fֶלּה ה ְפּ ֻק ִ ֡דים ֲא ֶשׁר֩ פּ ֨)קד מֹשׁrה ְוא ֲ>הרֹן֙ ְוּנ ִשׂיאFי ִי ְשׂר ֵ ֔)אל מד ִא ֵלּ ִיןמ ְני)ניּ ִ)אדּ ְימנ)אמֹ ֶשׁ ְהוא ֲהרֹ ְןור ְבְר ֵב ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)אל

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED :their numbers, for the tribe of Dan — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ָדן .their numbers, for the tribe of 39 39 sixty-two thousand, seven — ִשׁ ִתּין ְוּת ֵרין א ְל ִפין ְוּשׁ בע ְמ ָאה Dan: sixty-two thousand, seven hundred. hundred. ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ,For the children of Asher — ִל ְב ֵני ָא ֵשׁר .For the children of Asher, 40 40 their offspring according to — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן their offspring according to their families [and] according to their their families and according to their fathers’ household, — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,by number of names — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן fathers’ household, by numbers everyone — ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ,of the names, from twenty years from twenty years of age and up of age and up, everyone who goes who goes out to the legion — out to the legion — 41 their num- their numbers, for the tribe of — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ָא ֵשׁר .41 bers, for the tribe of Asher: forty- -forty-one thou — א ְר ְבּ ִעין ְו חד א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה :Asher one thousand, five hundred. sand, five hundred. 42 The children of Naftali, ְתּוֹל ָד ְתהוֹן ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְבּ ֵני נ ְפ ָתּ ִלי their offspring according to their 42. — The children of Naftali, ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן families [and] according to their — their offspring according to their ְבּ ִמ ְנין fathers’ household, by number of families and according to their fathers’ household, ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ְשׁ ָמ ָהן names, from twenty years of age — by number of names, — from ֹכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא and up, everyone who goes out twenty years of age and up, — everyone who to the legion — 43 their numbers, goes out to the legion — their numbers, for the tribe — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד נ ְפ ָתּ ִלי .for the tribe of Naftali: fifty-three 43 fifty-three — ח ְמ ִשׁין ְוּת ָלת א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה :thousand, four hundred. of Naftali 44 These are the numbers thousand, four hundred. ִדּי ְמ ָנא מֹ ֶשׁה ְו א ֲהרֹן These are the numbers — ִא ֵלּין ִמ ְנָי נָיּא .that Moshe, Aharon, and the 44 that Moshe, Aharon, and the leaders of — ְור ְב ְר ֵבי ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל — leaders of Israel counted

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 11 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 1 / 45-49

ְשׁI נים ע)שׂ,ר q אישׁ P א ֶישׁ־אחRד ְל0 ב ֲית־אבֹ, תיו ה ֽ)יוּ: מה ויּ Pְה ֛יוּ ְתֵּר ֲיעשׂ ֻרגּ ְבִריןגּ ְבר)אח ְדל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ֽ)ת ִוֹה ֲיהווֹ: מה ו ֲהווֹ ) כּ ְל־פּקוּדIי ְב0 נ ִי־י ְשׂר)אUל ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ִמ ֶ֨בּן ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ כּ ִ)למ ְני ֵ)נ ְיב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ִמבּ ֶרע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין

ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ) כּל־יֹצIא צ)ב,א ְבּ ִי ְשׂר0 )אל: מו ויּ Pְהיוּ֙ ) כּל־ה ְפּ ֻק ִ ֔דים ְוּלע0לּ)אכּ)לנ ֵ)פ ֵקחיל ְ)אבּ ִי ְשׂר ֵ)אל: מו ו ֲהווֹכּ ִ)למ ְני)ניּ)א 0 שׁ ֵשׁ־מ ֥אוֹת א ֶ^לף ְוּשׁ ֣לֹ ֶשׁת ֲאלq )פים ו ֲ>חמIשׁ ֵמ ֖אוֹת ו ֲ>ח ִמP שּׁים: ִשׁית ְמ) אה ְוּתל)ת)א א ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמא ְ)הוח ְמ ִשׁין:

מז ְוה ְלִויּNם ְלמטּFה ֲאבֹתEם ֥לֹא ה ְ)תפּ Aְק ֖דוּ ְבּ A תוֹכם: פ מז ְו ֵלו ֵ)א ְיל ִשׁ ְבט)אד ֲאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ל ִ)אא ְת ְמP ניאוּ ֵבּ ֵיניהוֹן: ְ מח ו ְידI בּר ֖יהוה ֶאל־מֹשׁ"ה ֵלּ ֽאמֹר: מט א1ך ֶאת־מטּoה ֵלִוי֙ מח וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁ ְהל ֵמ ) ימר: מט ְבּרםי ִ)תשׁ ְבט ְ)אד ֵלִוי ֣לֹא ִת ְפ ֔קֹד ְו ֶאת־רֹאשׁ,ם ֣לֹא ִתשּׂEא ְבּ ֖ת ְוֹך ְבּנIי ִי ְשׂר0 )אל: ל ִ)את ְמ ֵנ ְיוי)ת ֻח ְשׁבּ ְ נהוֹן ל)א ְתק ֵבּל ְבּ ְגוֹבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)אל:

רש"י (מט) א ְך ֶאת מ ֵטּה ֵלִוי לֹא ִת ְפקֹד. ְכּ דאי הוּא ִלְגיוֹן ֶשׁל ֶמ ֶל ְך ִל ְהיוֹת ִנ ְמֶנה ְל בדּוֹ (במדבר רבה א, יב). ָדּ ָבר א ֵחר, ָצ ָפה הקב‘‘ה ֶשׁ ֲע ִת ָידה ל ֲעמוֹד ְגּ ֵז ָירה  על ָכּל ה ִנּ ְמִנין ִמ ֶבּן ֶע ְשׂ ִרים ָשָׁנה ָומ ְע ָלה ֶשָׁיּמוּתוּ ב ִמּ ְד ָבּר, ָא מר: אל ִי ְהיוּ ֵאלּוּ ִבּ ְכ ָלל, ְל ִפי ֶשׁ ֵהם ֶשׁ ִלּי, ֶשׁלֹּא ָטעוּ ָבּ ֵעֶגל (שם):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED גּ ְב ָרא חד ,twelve men — ְתּ ֵרי ֲע שׂר ֻגּ ְב ִרין — twelve men, one man for his Israel counted one man for his fathers’ household, were — ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ִתוֹהי ֲהווֹ :fathers’ household, were they 45 All the numbers of the Chil- they: All the numbers of — ו ֲהווֹ ָכּל ִמ ְנָי ֵני ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן .dren of Israel, according to 45 their fathers’ household, were the Children of Israel, according to their fathers’ house- from twenty years of — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא — hold, were — from twenty years of age everyone who goes out to — ָכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ְבּ ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ,age and up and up, everyone who goes out the legion in Israel — to the legion in Israel — 46 all ִשׁית ְמ ָאה ְוּת ָל ָתא all the numbers were — ו ֲהווֹ ָכּל ִמ ְנָי נָיּא .46 the numbers were six hundred ,six hundred and three thousand — א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה ְו ח ְמ ִשׁין and three thousand, five hun- five hundred and fifty. dred and fifty. The Leviim, according to their — ְו ֵל ָו ֵאי ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא ד ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן .47 47 were not counted — ָלא ִא ְת ְמ* ניאוּ ֵבּ ֵיניהוֹן ,The Leviim, according to fathers’ tribe their fathers’ tribe, were not among the rest of [the people]. ,Hashem spoke WITH Moshe — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְל ֵמ ָימר .counted among them. 48 48 Hashem spoke to Moshe, saying: 49 the — ָית ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ֵל ִוי ָלא ִת ְמ ֵני But — ְבּ רם .saying: But the tribe of Levi 49 ְו ָית ֻח ְשׁ ָבּ ְנהוֹן ָלא ְת ק ֵבּל ְבּגוֹ ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ,you shall not count, and you you shall not count shall not raise their heads — and you shall not OBTAIN THEIR COUNT among the Children among the Children of Israel. of Israel; rather, they shall be counted separately.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 12 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר א / נ־נא

נ ְוא) ֡תּה ה ְפקxד ֶאת־ה ְלִוִיּם֩  ע ִל־מ ְשׁ֨כּן ה Aֵע ֻ ֜דת ְוע1ל ) כּ ֵל־כּ) ל ֘יו נ ְוא ְתּ מ ִנּיי ֵ)תלו ֵ)איעלמ ְשׁ ְכּנ ְ)אדס ֲ)הדוּת ְ)אועלכּ)למ ֽ)נ ִוֹהי ְוע1ל ) כּ ֲל־א ֶשׁר־לוֹ ֒ ֵ֜ה) מּה ִי ְשׂ ֤אוּ ֶאת־ה ִמּ ְשׁכּ)ן֙ ְו ֶא ) ת־כּ ֵל־כּ)֔ליו ְוהUם ְועלכּ ִ)לדּ ֵיל ִהּאנּוּן ִי ְטּלוּן י)תמ ְשׁ ְכּנ ְ)אוי)תכּ)למ ֽ)נ ִוֹה ְיו ִאנּוּן

ְישׁAְרn תהוּ ְוסO )ביב ל ִמּ ְשׁ, כּן י ֲ>ח ֽנוּ: נא ִוּב ְנ ֣סֹע ה ִמּ ְשׁ)֗כּן J יוֹרידוּ ֹאתוֹ֙ ְישׁ ְמּ ֻשׁ ֵנּהּ ְוּסחוֹר ְס ְחוֹרלמ ְשׁ ְכּנ ִ)אי ְשׁרוֹן: נא ְוּב ִמטּלמ ְשׁ ְכּנ)א ְיפ ְ רקוּן י ֵ)תהּ ה ְלִוִ֔יּם וּב ֲ>ח ֹנת֙ ה ִמּ ְשׁ)֔כּן יO )קימוּ ֹא ֖תוֹ ה ְלִויּqם ְוהזּRר הקּU )רב A יוּמת: ֵלו ֵ)אי ְוּב ִמ ְשֵׁרימ ְשׁ ְכּנ ְ)אי ִקימוּן י ֵ)ת ֵהּלו ֵ)אי ְו ִחלּוֹני ְד ִי ְקרב ִי ְת ְק ֵטל: רש"י (נ) ְוא תּה ה ְפ ֵקד ֶאת ה ְלִו ִיּם. ְכּת ְרגּוּמוֹ: מ ִנּי, ְלשׁוֹן ִמנּוּי ִל יסּע בּ ִמּ ְד ָבּר ִממּ ָסּע ְלמ ָסּע ָהיוּ ְמ ָפ ְר ִקין אוֹתוֹ ֵמ ֲה ָק ָמתוֹ, ְו ְנוֹשׂ ִאין ְשׂ ָר ָרה  על ָדּ ָבר ֶשׁהוּא ְמ ֶמוּנּה ָע ָליו, ְכּמוֹ ְ”וי ְפ ֵקד ה ֶמּ ֶל ְך ְפּ ִק ִידים“ אוֹתוֹ  עד ְמקוֹם ֲא ֶשׁר ִי ְשׁכּוֹן ָשׁם ֶה ָעָנן ְוי ֲחנוּ ָשׁם, ְוּמ ִק ִימין אוֹתוֹ: (אסתר ב, ג): (נא) ִיוֹרידוּ ֹאתוֹ. ְכּת ְרגּוּמוֹ: ְי ָפ ְרקוּן, ְכּ ֶשׁ ָבּ ִאין ְוהזּ ר הקּ ֵ רב. ל ֲע ָבוֹד ָתם זוֹ: יוּמת. ִבּ ֵידי ָשׁ ָמִים (סנהדרין פד.):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED על And you shall appoint[14] the Leviim — ְו א ְתּ מ ִנּי ָית ֵל ָו ֵאי .And you shall appoint the 50 50 [over the Mishkan of the Testimony,[15 — מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ְד ָס ֲה ָדוּתא Leviim over the Mishkan of the and — ְו על ָכּל ִדּי ֵלהּ over all its implements — ְו על ָכּל ָמ ִנוֹהי -Testimony, over all of its imple ִאנּוּן ִי ְטּלוּן ָית מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ְו ָית ָכּל ments and over everything that over everything that belongs to it. ָמ ִנוֹהי belongs to it. They shall carry — They shall carry the Mishkan and all its implements and — ְו ִאנּוּן ְי שׁ ְמּ ֻשׁ ֵנּהּ during the journeys in the Wilderness the Mishkan and all its imple- and — ְוּסחוֹר ְסחוֹר ְל מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ִי ְשׁרוֹן [they shall minister to it;[16 ments and they shall minister they shall encamp around the Mishkan.[17] to it; and they shall encamp When the Mishkan journeys with the — ְוּב ִמ טּל מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא .51 around the Mishkan. 51 When the — ְי ָפ ְרקוּן ָי ֵתהּ ֵל ָו ֵאי ,Jewish people in the Wilderness the Mishkan journeys, the Le- Leviim shall DISMANTLE[18] it in preparation for the journey, and when the Mishkan encamps when the — ְוּב ִמ ְשׁ ֵרי מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא viim shall take it down, and — ְי ִקימוּן ָי ֵתהּ ֵל ָו ֵאי ,when the Mishkan encamps, Jewish people arrive at their encampment and — ְו ִח לּוֹני ְד ִי ְק רב ִי ְת ְק ֵטל ,the Leviim shall erect it, and an the Leviim shall erect it once more outsider who approaches shall a COMMONER[19] who approaches to do the service assigned to die. the Leviim shall be PUT TO DEATH.[20]

was 17. The Leviim would encamp immediately around פקד In the preceding verses, the Hebrew root .14 used in the sense of “to count” (see note 8 above). But the Mishkan. The rest of the nation, however, would the Leviim over the encamp at a distance of 2,000 amos from the Mishkan ה ְפ ֵקד) the context of our verse Mishkan, etc.) indicates that it is not meant in that (see below, 2:2 note 4). does not mean that they ִיוֹרידוּ sense here; rather, it means “appoint,” as Onkelos ren- 18. Onkelos clarifies that ders it (Rashi with Gur Aryeh). [Although the Aramaic would lower it from a high place to a low place, but was also used throughout the chapter in the sense rather that they would “take it down.” This is done by מני .(as in our dismantling it (Rashi with Mizrachi; Beurei Onkelos ,נ of “count,” when there is a dagesh in the verse, it means “appoint” (see Minchas Yehudah and unconsecrated ,חוֹל I.e., a non-Levi; from the word .19 Sifsei Chachamim).] or mundane (relative to a Levi, who is sanctified for 15. The Mishkan is called the Mishkan of Testimony his service). When referring to an outsider or stranger זר because it housed the Tablets of Testimony [i.e., in the ordinary sense, however, Onkelos renders other” [see Devarim 25:5] (Pas’shegen and“ , ֳאוֹחרן Testimony referring to the Torah] (Ramban and Ibn as Ezra to Shemos 38:21; see also Rashi there). Beurei Onkelos to Devarim loc. cit.). 16. The Leviim were in charge of dismantling, trans- 20. According to Ramban (to Shemos 21:29), Onkelos’ typically used in the sense of) קטל porting, erecting, and maintaining the Mishkan and its usage of the term implements (see below, and see 3:8). “killed”) indicates that the non-Levi is liable to death by

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 13 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 1 / 52-54

נב ְוח ֖)נוּ ְבּF ני ִי ְשׂר )אל | אישׁ  על־מ ֲ>ח` נהוּ ְוO אישׁ  ע ִל־דּ ְג ֖לוֹ ְל ִצ ְב ֹאA תם: נב ְו ִי ְשׁרוֹן ְבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלגּברעל ִמ ְשׁ ֽר ִוֹהי ְוּגברעל ִט ְק ֵסהּ ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן:

נג ְוה ְלִוִ֞יּם י ֲ>ח ֤נוּ ס ִ)ביב֙ ְל ִמ ְשׁכּ1ן ה Aֵע ֻ ֔דת ְולֹא־י PְהיQה ֶ ֔ק ֶצף  על־ נג ְו ֵלו ֵ)א ִיי ְשׁרוֹן ְסחוֹר ְס ְחוֹרלמ ְשׁ ְכּנ ְ)אדס ֲ)הדוּת ְ)אול ְ)אי ֵהי ְרוּגז)אעל ֲע דת ְבּנFי ִי ְשׂר )אל ְושׁ Aְמרוּ֙ ה ְלִוִ֔יּם ֶא ִת־מ ְשׁמֶ^רת ִמ ְשׁ כּן ה Aֵע ֽדוּת: ְכּ ִנ ְשׁתּ ִ)אדּ ְב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלו ִי ְטּרוּן ֵלו ֵ)איי)תמ ְטּרתמ ְשׁ ְכּנ ְ)אדס ֲ)ה ) דוּתא:

נד ויּ ֲ>ע ֖שׂוּ ְבּF ני ִי ְשׂר )אל ְ֠כּ ֹ֠כל ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ִצl וּה ֛יהוה ֶאת־מֹ^ שׁה I כּן ע ֽ)שׂוּ: פ נד ו ֲעב Aְדוּבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלכּ ֹכ ִלדּיפ ִקּ ְידיי)י)תמֹ ֶשׁ ֵהכּ ֲןעA בדוּ: רש"י (נב) ְו ִאישׁ  על ִדּ ְגלוֹ. ְכּמוֹ ֶשׁה ְדָּגִלים ְס ִדוּרים ְבּ ֵס ֶדר [נ“א: ְבּ ֵס ֶפר] תּ ֲעשׂוּ ְכּ ִמְצָו ִתי לֹא ִי ְהֶיה ֶקֶצף, ְו ִאם ָלאו, ֶשִׁיּ ָכְּנסוּ ָז ִרים בּ ֲע ָבוֹד ָתם זוֹ, ֶזה (פרק ב), ְשׁלֹ ָשׁה ְשׁ ָב ִטים ְל ָכל ֶדֶּגל: (נג) ְולֹא ִי ְה ֶיה ֶק ֶצף. ִאם ִי ְהֶיה ֶקֶצף, ְכּמוֹ ֶשׁ ָמִּצינוּ ְבּמ ֲע ֵשׂה קֹ רח ִ”כּי ָ יָצא ה ֶקֶּצף וגו‘ ” (להלן יז, יא):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ,The Children of Israel shall encamp — ְו ִי ְשׁרוֹן ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל .The Children of Israel shall 52 52 ְוּג בר [every man at his CAMPING place[21 — ְגּ בר על ִמ ְשׁ ִרוֹהי encamp, every man at his camp -ac — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן [and every man at his DIVISION,[22 — על ִט ְק ֵסהּ ,and every man at his banner according to their legions. 53 The cording to their legions. ְסחוֹר ְסחוֹר The Leviim shall encamp — ְו ֵל ָו ֵאי ִי ְשׁרוֹן .Leviim shall encamp around 53 immediately around the Mishkan of — ְל מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ְד ָס ֲה ָדוּתא the Mishkan of the Testimony so that — ְו ָלא ְי ֵהי ְרוּג ָזא על ְכּ ִנ ְשׁ ָתּא ִדּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל so that there shall be no wrath the Testimony upon the assembly of the Chil- there shall be no wrath upon the assembly of the Children and the Leviim shall safeguard — ְו ִי ְטּרוּן ֵל ָו ֵאי [dren of Israel, and the Leviim of Israel;[23 the charge of the Mishkan of the — ָית מ ְטּ רת מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ְד ָס ֲה ָדוּתא shall safeguard the charge of the Mishkan of the Testimony.’’ Testimony. beis din, in line with R’ Akiva’s opinion in the , [place],” meaning: the camping place of his particular 81b (regarding a non-Kohen performing avo- tribe. Thus, the verse is saying that each person should dah, see 3:10 below). This is unlike Rashi, who explains camp with his own tribe and with his own division. -in our verse to mean that he will die at the hands of 22. That is, they shall encamp according to the arrange יוּמת Heaven, in accordance with the opinion of R’ Yishmael ment described in the next chapter, in four divisions there. [See further, Rashash to Sanhedrin 84a.] consisting of three tribes each (Rashi). (as banner (or flag ֶדּ ֶגל Mizrachi (to Shemos loc. cit.), however, maintains The Chumash translation of that Onkelos too may be referring to death at the follows the opinion of most commentators (Ibn Janach; ,also used in Radak, Sefer HaShorashim; Ibn Ezra to Tehillim 20:6 קטל hands of Heaven, as we find the term that sense; for example, in the Mishnah in Avos 1:13: and others). From Rashi (2:2 below), however, it ap- ְב ֹא ֹתת someone who does not study Torah pears that that is the connotation of the word , ְוּד לא י ִליף ְק ט לא חיּב rather, as indicated by ; ִדּ ְגלוֹ is deserving of death. See also Targum Yonasan, who there, but not of the word ,(he Rashi elsewhere (Tehillim 20:6, Shir HaShirim 2:4“ , ִי ְת ְק ֵטיל ְבּ ֵא ישׁא ְמ צ ְל ֲה בא ִמן ֳק דם ה‘ here as יוּמת renders ,means gathering (or arrangement). In this context ֶדּ ֶגל ”.will be killed with a blazing fire from before Hashem -camp”) it refers to a formation, or division, of three tribes en“) מ ֲח ֶנה Onkelos generally translates the noun .21 would camped on one side of the Mishkan. This seems to be מ ֲח ֵנהוּ The corresponding translation of . מ ְשִׁר יתא as -simi , ֵט קס as ֶדּ ֶגל his camp.” However, Onkelos translates the opinion of Onkelos, who translates“ , מ ְשִׁר ֵיתיהּ be :(Shemos 14:6) וֶיּ ְאסֹר ֶאת ִר ְכבּוֹ which literally means “his camp- larly to his translation of , ִמ ְשׁ ִרוֹהי here as מ ֲח ֵנהוּ he arranged his chariot (see Me’at Tzori ,ְו ט ִקּיס ית ְר ִת ִכּוֹהי ing.” Beurei Onkelos explains that in this context, the term “his camp” would imply “his division” [for the term here and Parshegen there). [The word is presumably “camp” is used in the next chapter to describe each divi- derived from the Greek term taxis, “arrangement.”] sion of three tribes]. However, that would be repetitious, 23. By encamping around the Mishkan, the Leviim as the next phrase explicitly mentions “his division.” would provide a barrier between the Mishkan and the as “his camping rest of the people, thereby ensuring that no non-Levi מ ֲח ֵנהוּ Onkelos therefore translates

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 14 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ב / א־ב

שלישי [ב] א ו ְידF בּר ֔יהוה ֶאל־מֹשׁ"ה ְו ֶאל־א ֲ>ה֖ ֹרן ֵל ֽאמֹר: ב e אישׁ ב א וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְוּלא ֲהרֹ ְןל ֵמ ) ימר: ב ְגּבר  ע ִל־דּ ְג ֤לוֹ ְב ֹא ֹתת֙ ְלF בית ֲאבֹ) ֔תם י ֲ>ח ֖נוּ ְבּנFי ִי ְשׂר)אל ִמ ֶ֕נּ ֶגד סO )ביב על ִט ְק ֵסהּ ְבּא ְ)תו ְ)ןל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ִי ְשׁרוֹן ְבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)אל ִמלּ ק ֵ בל ְסחוֹר > ְסחוֹר רש"י (ב) ְב ֹא ֹתת. ָכּל ֶדֶּגל ִי ְהֶיה לּוֹ אוֹת, מ ָפּה ְצ ָבוּעה ְתּ ָלוּיה בוֹ. ִצ ְבעוֹ יב), ְי ָהוּדה ְוִי ָשּׂ ָשכר ְוּזבוּלוּן ִי ָשּׂאוּהוּ ִמן ה ִמּ ְז ָרח, ְוּר ֵאוּבן ְו ִשׁ ְמעוֹן ֶשׁל ֶזה לֹא ְכִצ ְבעוֹ ֶשׁל ֶזה, ֶצבע ָכּל ֶא ָחד ְכּגָוּון א ְבנוֹ ה ְקּ ָבוּעה ְוָגד ִמן ה ָדּרוֹם וכו‘, ִכּ ְד ִא ָיתא ְבּתְנ ָחוּמא ְבּ ָפ ָר ָשׁה זוֹ (יב): ִמ ֶנּ ֶגד. בּ ֹח ֶשׁן, ִוּמ ְתּוֹך ָכּ ְך י ִכּיר ָכּל ֶא ָחד ֶאת ִדְּגלוֹ. ָדּ ָבר א ֵחר, ְב ֹא ֹתת ֵמ ָרחוֹק ִמיל, ְכּמוֹ ֶשׁ ֶנּ ֱאמר ִבּ ֻיהוֹשׁע (ג, ד) ”א ְך ָרחוֹק ִי ְהֶיה ְל ֵבית ֲאבֹ תם, ְבּאוֹת ֶשׁ ָמּסר ָל ֶהם י ֲעקֹב ֲא ִב ֶיהם ְכּ ֶשׁ ְנּ ָשׂאוּהוּ ֵבּ ֵינ ֶיכם ֵוּב ָיניו ְכּא ְלפִּים א ָמּה“, ֶשׁ ְיּוּכלוּ ָלבֹא ְבּשׁ ָבּת (תנחומא ט, ִמ ִמְּצרִים, ֶשׁ ֶנּ ֱא מר ”ויּ ֲעשׂוּ ָבָניו לוֹ ֵכּן כּ ֲא ֶשׁר ִצָוּם“ (בראשית נ, יד). מֹ ֶשׁה ְוא ֲהרֹן ָוּבָניו ְוה ְלִוִיּם ִחוֹנים ְבּ ָס ְמוּך לוֹ (תנחומא יד):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ְכּ ֹכל ִדּי The Children of Israel did — ו ֲע ָבדוּ ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל .The Children of Israel did 54 54 according to everything that Hashem — פ ִקּיד ְי ָי ָית מֹ ֶשׁה according to everything that .so did they do — ֵכּן ֲע ָבדוּ ,Hashem commanded Moshe, so commanded Moshe did they do. 2. 2. וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְוּל א ֲהרֹן 1 Hashem spoke to Moshe and 1. — Hashem spoke WITH Moshe and ְל ֵמ ָימר [1] to Aharon, saying: 2 [Each] man to Aharon, — saying: ְבּ ָא ְת ָון ְל ֵבית [Each man by his DIVISION[2 — ְגּ בר על ִט ְק ֵסהּ .by his banner according to the in- 2 ’according to the insignias of their fathers — ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן ,signias of their fathers’ household the Children of Israel shall — ִי ְשׁרוֹן ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל [the Children of Israel shall en- household,[3 ְסחוֹר ְסחוֹר [OPPOSITE the Mishkan,[4 — ִמ ָלּ ָק ֵבל ;camp; at a distance surrounding encamp would approach the Mishkan to perform the service of consisted also of the tribes of Shimon and Gad) was ruby. [This seems to be , ֹא ֶדם ,the Leviim and incur Hashem’s wrath (Be’er BaSadeh, the color of Reuven’s stone ”as “division ִדּ ְגלוֹ in explanation of Rashi). Rashi’s intention, since he interprets 1. As explained above in 1:1 note 1, Onkelos gener- (of three tribes) like Onkelos, as discussed in 1:52 note ,as “spoke with,” which connotes 22. Alternatively, each division’s flag was a tricolor דבר ֶאל ally translates a direct and personal communication; and he does composed of the three stone-colors of the division’s so in regard to Hashem speaking to Moshe as well, three tribes (see Targum Yonasan). Bamidbar Rabbah since Moshe’s level of prophecy was close and per- (2:7), however, indicates that there was a banner for sonal. However, when Hashem is speaking to Aharon, each of the tribes, in the color of its Choshen stone, and Onkelos translates it as, “spoke to” (as he does here, in some suggest that in addition there was a flag for the 18:8 below, and elsewhere), because Aharon’s prophecy division. See discussion in Abarbanel.] was of a lower, less personal, level (see R’ Avraham ben According to Ibn Ezra and others, the banners con- HaRambam to Shemos 6:13). Alternatively, Onkelos tained symbols: Reuven’s banner had an image of a concurs with Sifra (cited by Rashi to Vayikra 1:1), person, Yehudah’s had an image of a lion, Ephraim’s which says that wherever it says that Hashem spoke to had an image of an ox, and Dan’s had an image of an Aharon, it does not mean that He spoke to him directly, eagle. See further, Ramban and Chizkuni. opposite, is the typical meaning of , ֳק ֵבל ’but that He told Moshe to convey His words to Aharon 4. Onkelos Rashi, however, interprets the term . ֶנ ֶגד Me’at Tzori). See also Vayikra 10:8 note 14. the Hebrew) in our verse to mean, at a distance; that is, the ִמ ֶנּ ֶגד -See above, 1:52 note 22, regarding Onkelos’ render .2 as his division (rather than his banner, or tribes would encamp at a distance of 2,000 amah ִדּ ְגלוֹ ing of his flag). from the Mishkan, out of reverence for it (see Rashi 3. Each division had a cloth banner flying in its midst, to Yehoshua 3:4), but close enough so that the people whose color resembled that of the stone in the Choshen could walk there on Shabbos to pray (see ibid.). [Radak -gener ֶנ ֶגד explains that although (נגד that bore the name of the leading tribe of that division (Shorashim changes ( ִמ ֶנּ ֶגד) i.e., Yehudah, Reuven, Ephraim, and Dan, as described ally means “opposite,” the mem prefix] further in the passage] (Rashi, first approach). For ex- its meaning to “at a distance.”] See also Onkelos and ample, the banner for the Division of Reuven (which Rashi to Bereishis 21:16.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 15 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 2 / 3-7

ְל ֽ ֹא ֶהל־מוֹעUד י ֲ>ח ֽנוּ: ג ְוה ֹ>ח ִנים֙ ק xְדמ)ה ִמ ְז) ֔רח)ה דּ ֶגל מ ֲ>חנIה ְלמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמנ ִ)אי ְשׁרוֹן: ג ְו ִד ְשׁר ִןקדּוּמ)אמ ִדּ ְינח)א ֵטקס מ ְשִׁרית ְיהוּד,ה ְל ִצ ְב ֹאתEם ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי ְי ) ֔הוּדה נ ְח ֖שׁוֹן ֶבּן־עP מּינA )דב: ְיהוּד ְ)הל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ְורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנ ְייהוּד)הנ ְחשׁוֹן בּרע ִמּינ) )דב:

ד ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפק VֵדיהKם אְרבּ)עlה ְו ִשׁ ְבT עים א ֶ^לף ְושׁIשׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: ד ְו ֵח ֵיליהּ ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ִשׁ ְב ִעין ְואְר ְבּע)אא ְל ִפ ְיןו ִשׁ ְיתמ) אה:

ה ְוה ֹ>חO נים ע,)ליו מטּFה ִי) שּׂשכEר ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי ִי) שּׂ )֔שכר ה ְו ִד ְשׁרן ְס ִמ ִיכין ֲע ֽל ִוֹה ִישׁ ְבט ְ)אד ִי) שּׂשכ ְ)רורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנ ִיי) שּׂשכ)ר

ְנת ְנאUל ֶבּ A ן־צוּער: ו ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפ ֻקE דיו אְרבּ)עlה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְנת ְנ ֵא  לבּר ) צוּער: ו ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֽ)נ ִוֹהיח ְמ ִשׁין ְואְר ְבּע)אא ְל ִפין

ְואְר בּע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: ז מU טּה ְז nבוּלן ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבF ני ְז ֻ֔בוּלן ֱא ִל , יאב ֶבּ ֵן־ח ֽלֹן: ְואְרבּ ְעמ) אה: ז ִשׁ ְבט ִ)אדּ ְז ֻבוּל ְןורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנ ְיז ֻבוּל ֱןא ִליא)בבּ ֵרחלוֹן: רש"י (ג) ֵק ְד מה. ְל ָפִנים ה ְק ָרוּיה ֶק ֶדם, ְו ֵאיזוֹ, זוֹ רוּח ִמ ְז ָר ִחית, ְוהמּ ֲע ָרב ָקרוּי ָאחוֹר:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED -surrounding the Ohel Moed shall they en — ְל מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא ִי ְשׁרוֹן -the Ohel Moed shall they en camp. 3 Those camping at the camp, one division on each of the four sides of the Mishkan. ֵט קס [Those camping at the east[5 — ְו ִד ְשׁ רן ִק ָדּוּמא מ ִדּ ְינ ָחא .east [shall be] the banner of 3 were the DIVISION of the camp of Yehudah — מ ְשׁ ִרית ְי ָהוּדה -the camp of Yehudah accord and — ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ְי ָהוּדה — according to their legions — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ing to their legions — and was — נ ְחשׁוֹן בּר ע ִמּ ָינ ָדב the Nasi of the children of the Nasi of the children of Yehudah Yehudah [is] Nachshon son of Nachshon son of Aminadav — Aminadav — 4 his legion and ִשׁ ְב ִעין his legion and their numbers — ְו ֵח ֵיליהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן .4 their numbers [are] seventy- were seventy-four thousand, six — ְו א ְר ְבּ ָעא א ְל ִפין ְו ִשׁית ְמ ָאה four thousand, six hundred. hundred. 5 Those camping upon him ִשׁ ְב ָטא [6] ְו ִד ְשׁ רן ְס ִמ ִיכין ֲע ִלוֹהי [shall be] the tribe of Yissachar 5. — Those camping NEAR him were ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ִי ָשּׂ ָשכר ְד ִי ָשּׂ ָשכר — and the Nasi of the children — the tribe of Yissachar — — and ְנ ת ְנ ֵאל בּר ָצוּער of Yissachar [is] Nesanel son the Nasi of the children of Yissachar — was Nesanel son of Tzuar — of Tzuar — 6 his legion and ח ְמ ִשׁין ְו א ְר ְבּ ָעא his legion and its numbers — ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ִנוֹהי .its numbers [are] fifty-four 6 ;were fifty-four thousand, four hundred — א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה thousand, four hundred; 7 the and the tribe of Zevulun also encamped near — ִשׁ ְב ָטא ִדּ ְז ֻבוּלן .tribe of Zevulun — and the 7 and the Nasi of the — ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ְז ֻבוּלן — Nasi of the children of Zevu- the tribe of Yehudah — was Eliav son of Chelon — ֱא ִל ָיאב בּר ֵחלוֹן lun [is] Eliav son of Chelon — children of Zevulun

.(Marpei Lashon to Bereishis 25:6 ֵק ְד מה The literal meaning of both the Hebrew term .5 in order to clarify that ְס ִמ ִיכין is front, east. 6. Onkelos adds the word מ ִדּ ְינ חא ִק דּוּמא and the Aramaic term ִמ ְזר חה upon him) here means “near him,” and) ע ליו The Torah often calls the eastern direction “the front” the word because that is where the sun rises and the day begins; not “over him” or “in charge of him” (see Rashi to v. 20 ”to mean “with him ע ליו and the Torah, when speaking of the four directions and note 14). Others interpret of the world, uses the perspective of a person facing (Ibn Ezra; Ramban to Shemos 35:22). See discussion in the rising sun (see Rashi; Ramban to Shemos 26:18; Me’at Tzori.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 16 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ב / ח־יא

ח ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפ ֻקE דיו ִשׁ ְבעlה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְואְרבּע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: ט ) כּל־ ח ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֽ)נ ִוֹהיח ְמ ִשׁין ְו ִשׁ ְבע)אא ְל ִפ ְיןואְרבּ ְעמ) אה: ט כּ)ל ה ְפּ ֻק ִ ֞דים ְלמ ֲ>חF נה ְי ) ֗הוּדה ְמ ֨את ֶ ֜א ֶלף ְוּשׁמOֹ נים א ֶלף ְושׁ 0ֶשׁ ֲת־אלO )פים ִמ ְני)ניּ ְ)אלמ ְשִׁר ְיתיהוּד ְ)המ) אה ְוּתמ)נן ְו ִשׁתּ)א א ְל ִפין

ְואְר בּ ֵע־מ ֖אוֹת ְל ִצ ְב ֹאE תם P ראשֹׁנ,ה ִיA סּעוּ: ס י דּ Qֶגל מ ֲ>חנה ְואְרבּ ְעמא ְ)הל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ְבּק ְד ֵמית)א נ ְ ט ִלין: י ֵטקס מ ְשִׁרית ְראוּב`ן ֵתּימ,נ)ה ְל ִצ ְב ֹאתEם ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי ְר ֵ ֔אוּבן ֱא ִל ֖יצוּר ֶבּן־ ְר ֵאוּב ) ןדּרוֹמ ְ)אל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ְורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנ ְיר ֵאוּב ֱןא ִליצוּר בּר

ְשׁ ֵד ֽיאוּר: יא ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפ ֻקE דיו ִשׁl שּׁה ְואְרבּT )עים א ֶ^לף ו ֲ>חI משׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: ְשׁ ֵדיאוּר: יא ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֽ)נ ִוֹהיאְר ְבּ ִעין ְו ִשׁתּ)אא ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמ) אה: רש"י (ט) ִראשֹׁנ ה ִי סּעוּ. ְכּ ֶשׁ ִרוֹאין ֶה ָעָנן ִמ ְסתּ ֵלּק ְתּוֹק ִעין ה ֹכּ ֲהִנים ֲחִנָיּ ָיתן, ה ְלִוִיּם ְו ָה ֲעָגלוֹת ָבּ ֶא ְמצע, ֶדֶּגל ְי ָהוּדה בּ ִמּ ְז ָרח, ְו ֶשׁל בּ ֲח ְצוֹצרוֹת ְו ֵנוֹסע מ ֲחֵנה ְי ָהוּדה ְתּ ִח ָלּה, ְוּכ ֶשׁ ְהוֹל ִכין ְהוֹל ִכין ְכּ ֶד ֶר ְך ְר ֵאוּבן בּ ָדּרוֹם, ְו ֶשׁל ֶא ְפרִים בּמּ ֲע ָרב, ְו ֶשׁל ָדּן בָּצּפוֹן (תנחומא יב):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ח ְמ ִשׁין his legion and its numbers — ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ִנוֹהי .his legion and its numbers 8 8 were fifty-seven thousand, four — ְו ִשׁ ְב ָעא א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה are] fifty-seven thousand, four] hundred. 9 The total number for hundred. The total number for the three — ָכּל ִמ ְנָי נָיּא ְל מ ְשׁ ִרית ְי ָהוּדה .the camp of Yehudah [is] one 9 ְמ ָאה ְוּת ָמ נן hundred and eighty-six thou- tribes that comprised the camp of Yehudah -was one hundred and eighty-six thou — ְו ִשׁ ָתּא א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה sand, four hundred, according ;according to their legions — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ,to their legions; they shall jour- sand, four hundred during the journeys in the Wilderness, they — ְבּ ק ְד ֵמ ָיתא ָנ ְט ִלין .ney first 10 The banner of the camp WOULD journey first.[7] The DIVISION of the camp of Reuven — ֵט קס מ ְשׁ ִרית ְר ֵאוּבן .of Reuven [shall be] at the 10 according — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן [was at the south,[8 — ָדּ ָרוֹמא -south, according to their le and the Nasi of the — ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ְר ֵאוּבן — gions — and the Nasi of the to their legions was Elitzur son of — ֱא ִליצוּר בּר ְשׁ ֵדיאוּר children of Reuven [is] Elitzur children of Reuven son of Shedeur — 11 his legion Shedeur — א ְר ְבּ ִעין ְו ִשׁ ָתּא his legion and its numbers — ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ִנוֹהי .and its numbers [are] forty- 11 .were forty-six thousand, five hundred — א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה .six thousand, five hundred

[ נ ְט ִלין] The nation did not begin journeying all at once; past), Onkelos translates it in the present tense .7 see Lechem) [ ְנ טלוּ] rather, when the Kohanim would sound the trumpets, rather than the simple past tense signaling the beginning of a journey, the division of VeSimlah to v. 34; Beurei Onkelos). The simple read- Yehudah would begin journeying first, and the other ing of the verses, however, implies that the entire divisions would follow in succession (see Rashi and passage (until v. 32) is Hashem’s instruction to Moshe, below, 10:11-28). and this seems to be the understanding of some of the Onkelos switches the future to the present tense commentators (see Ramban to v. 4; Ibn Ezra to our means they shall travel, in the ִי סּעוּ ,verse). Accordingly , נ ְט ִלין as ִי ְסעוּ or ִי סּעוּ throughout the passage (rendering they encamp), sense of a command. [For this reason, we elucidated , שׁרן as י ֲחנוּ literally, they journey; and with the exception of v. 2, implying that Hashem’s Onkelos throughout as “Those camping … were,” but instruction to Moshe concludes at the end of v. 2, translated the Chumash as “Those camping … shall while the rest of the passage is the Torah’s descrip- be”] tion of the encampment and the journeys. Since the 8. From the perspective of a person facing east (see passage is describing an ongoing action (albeit in the note 5), “south” is to his right, which is why the Torah

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 17 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 2 / 12-17

יב ְו> החוֹנOם ע,)ליו מטּFה ִשׁ ְמ ֑עוֹן ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי ִשׁ ְמ ֔עוֹן ְשׁל VִמיאUל יב ְו ִד ְשׁרן ְס ִמ ִיכין > ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אד ִשׁ ְמעוֹן ְורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנ ִישׁ ְמעוֹן ְשׁ ֻל ִמ ֵיאל ֲע ֽל ִוֹהי

ֶבּ P ן־צוּרישׁA דּי: יג ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפק Vֵד K יהם ִתּ ְשׁl עה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְוּשׁ ֥לֹשׁ  בּר ִצוּרישׁ) דּי: יג ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ח ְמ ִשׁין ְוּתשׁעא ְל ִפין ְוּתל)ת

ֵמ ֽאוֹת: יד וּמU טּה E גּד ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבF ני ) ֔גד ֶא ְלי,)סף ֶבּ ְן־ר 0 עוּאל: טו ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְמ) אה: יד ְו ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אדּג ְ)דורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵניג ֶ)דא ְלי)ס)ףבּ ְרר ֵעוּאל: טו ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ְוּפק VֵדיהKם ֲח ִמשּׁmה ְואְרבּ ִ)עים֙ ֶ ֔א ֶלף ְושׁIשׁ ֵמ ֖אוֹת ו ֲ>ח ִמP שּׁים: ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן אְר ְבּ ִעין ְוח ְמשׁ)אא ְל ִפ ְיןו ִשׁ ְיתמא ְ)הוח ְמ ִשׁין:

טז ) כּל־ה ְפּ ֻק ִ ֞דים ְלמ ֲ>חF נה ְר ֵ ֗אוּבן ְמ ֨את ֶ ֜א ֶלף ְו ֶא)֨חד ו ֲ>ח ִמO שּׁים א ֶלף טז כּ ִ)למ ְני)ניּ ְ)אלמ ְשִׁר ְיתר ֵאוּב ְןמא)ה ְוח ְמ ִשׁין ְוחד א ְל ִפין

ְואְר בּ ֵע־מ ֥אוֹת ו ֲ>ח ִמN שּׁים ְל ִצ ְב ֹאE תם ְוּשׁ ִניּNם ִיA סּעוּ: ס יז ְונp)סע ְואְרבּ ְעמא ְ)הוח ְמ ִשׁ ְיןל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ְבּ ִת ְנֵית אנ ְ ט ִלין: יז ְונ ֵ טל

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED Those camping NEAR him were — ְו ִד ְשׁ רן ְס ִמ ִיכין ֲע ִלוֹהי .Those camping upon him 12 12 ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ִשׁ ְמעוֹן — the tribe of Shimon — ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ִשׁ ְמעוֹן shall be] the tribe of Shimon] ְשׁ ֻל ִמ ֵיאל בּר ִצוּר ישׁ ָדּי — and the Nasi of the children — and the Nasi of the children of Shimon — was Shelumiel son of Tzurishadai — of Shimon [is] Shelumiel son ח ְמ ִשׁין ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן of Tzurishadai — 13 his legion 13. — his legion and their numbers ְוּת שׁע א ְל ִפין ְוּת ָלת ְמ ָאה and their numbers [are] fifty- — were fifty-nine thousand, three hundred; nine thousand, three hundred; ְו ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְדּ ָגד 14 and the tribe of Gad — and 14. — and the tribe of Gad also encamped near and the Nasi of — ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ָגד — the Nasi of the children of Gad the tribe of Reuven was Eliasaf son of — ֶא ְל ָי ָסף בּר ְר ֵעוּאל the children of Gad [is] Eliasaf son of Reuel — Reuel — 15 his legion and their numbers א ְר ְבּ ִעין his legion and their numbers — ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן .15 [are] forty-five thousand, six ,were forty-five thousand — ְו ח ְמ ָשׁא א ְל ִפין ְו ִשׁית ְמ ָאה ְו ח ְמ ִשׁין hundred and fifty. 16 The total six hundred and fifty. number for the camp of Reuven The total number for the three — ָכּל ִמ ְנָי נָיּא ְל מ ְשׁ ִרית ְר ֵאוּבן .16 [is] one hundred and fifty-one ְמ ָאה ְו ח ְמ ִשׁין tribes that comprised the camp of Reuven -was one hundred and fifty — ְו חד א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה ְו ח ְמ ִשׁין thousand, four hundred and -accord — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ,fifty, according to their legions; one thousand, four hundred and fifty they WOULD journey — ְבּ ִת ְנֵי ָתא ָנ ְט ִלין ;they shall be the second to ing to their legions journey. SECOND.[9]

right (see, e.g., Ibn Ezra). Onkelos switches it to an adverb referring , י ִמין sometimes refers to south as in this to the act of journeying (they would journey second), in ֵתּ ימ נה Bereishis 13:9 with Onkelos). The word cf. order to conform to the wording in vv. 9 and 31, where ;ימן Radak, Shorashim) י ִמין verse is a variation of Gra to Yehoshua 15:1). the verse also uses an adverb (they would journey is an adjective describing the first and they would journey last). The same is true ְשׁ ִנִיּם The Hebrew word .9 in v. 24 (Lechem ְשׁ ִל ִשׁים members of the division, meaning: “the second ones [to regarding his translation of journey],” which is why it is written in the plural (see VeSimlah).

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 18 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ב / יח־כ ֽ ֹא ֶהל־מוֹע`ד מ ֲ>חנIה ה ְלִויּNם ְבּ ֣ת ְוֹך המּ ֲ>ח ֑ ֹנת כּ ֲ>אשׁrר י ֲ>חנוּ֙ כּFן מ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמנ)אמ ְשִׁר ֵיתלו ֵ)א ְיבּגוֹמ ִשְּׁרי)ת ְ)אכּמ)א ְדשׁ רן ֵכּן

ִי)֔סּעוּ O אישׁ  על־י ֖)דוֹ ְל ִד ְג ֵל _ יהם: ס יח דּ Qֶגל מ ֲ>חנIה ֶא ְפר ִים נ ְ ט ִלין ְגּברעל א ְת ֵר ְהּל ִט ְק ֵסיהוֹן: יח ֵטקס מ ְשִׁר ֶיתא ְפר ִ>ים ְל ִצ ְב ֹאת,ם יEמּ)ה ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי ֶא ְפ ֔ר ִים ֱאP לישׁ)מ,ע ֶבּן־ע ִמּ ֽיהוּד: ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן מעְרב ְ)אורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנ ֶיא ְפר ִ>י ֱםא ִלישׁ)מ)עבּרע ִמּיהוּד:

יט ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפק VֵדיהKם אְרבּO )עים א ֶ^לף ו ֲ>חמIשׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: כ ְוע,)ליו יט ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן אְר ְבּ ִעיןא ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמ) אה: כ ְו ִד ְס ִמ ִיכין > ֲע ֽל ִוֹהי מטּFה ְמנשּׁKה ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי ְמנ ֶ֔שּׁה גּ ְמ ִליאUל ֶבּ ְן־פּ) ד ֽהצוּר: ִשׁ ְבט ִ)אד ְמנ ֶשּׁ ְהורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנ ְימנ ֶשּׁהגּ ְמ ִל ֵיאלבּ ְרפּ) דהצוּר: רש"י (יז) ְונ סע ֹא ֶהל ֵמוֹעד. ְלאחר ְשֵׁני ְדָגִלים ה ָלּלוּ: כּ ֲא ֶשׁר ידוֹ.  על ְמקוֹמוֹ. ְו ֵאין ְלשׁוֹן ָ”יד” ָזז ִממּ ְשׁ ָמעוֹ, רוּח ֶשׁל ִצדּוֹ ָקרוּי י ֲחנוּ ֵכּן ִי סּעוּ. ְכּמוֹ ֶשׁ ֵפּיר ְשׁ ִתּי (לעיל פסוק ט), ֲה ִל ָיכ ָתן כּ ֲחִנָיּ ָיתן  ”על ָידוֹ”, ה ְס ָמוּכה לוֹ ְל ָכל ָהוֹשׁ טת ָידוֹ, אינשו‘‘ן איש‘‘א ְבּלעז: (ירושלמי עירובין ה, א), ָכּל ֶדֶּגל ְמה ֵלּ ְך ָל רוּח ה ָקּ  בוּע לוֹ: על (כ) ְוע ליו. ְכּת ְרגּוּמוֹ ְ”ו ִד ְס ִמ ִיכין ֲע ִלוֹהי“:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED The Ohel Moed, the camp — ְו ָנ ֵטל מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא מ ְשׁ ִרית ֵל ָו ֵאי .The Ohel Moed, the camp of 17 17 in the — ְבּגוֹ מ ִשּׁ ְר ָי ָתא the Leviim, shall journey in the of the Leviim, WOULD journey as they WOULD — ְכּ ָמא ְד ָשׁ רן ֵכּן ָנ ְט ִלין [middle of the camps; as they shall middle of the camps;[10 ְגּ בר על א ְת ֵרהּ ְל ִט ְק ֵסיהוֹן [encamp so shall they journey, ev- encamp so WOULD they journey,[11 ery man at his hand according to — every man at his PLACE[12] according to their DIVISIONS. their banners. The DIVISION of the camp of Ephraim — ֵט קס מ ְשׁ ִרית ֶא ְפ ר ִים .18 18 was — מ ע ְר ָבא according to their legions — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן The banner of the camp and the Nasi of the — ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ֶא ְפ ר ִים — [of Ephraim according to their at the west[13 was Elishama — ֱא ִל ָישׁ ָמע בּר ע ִמּיהוּד legions [shall be] at the west — children of Ephraim and the Nasi of the children of son of Amihud — Ephraim [is] Elishama son of א ְר ְבּ ִעין ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן Amihud — 19 his legion and their 19. — his legion and their numbers א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה numbers [are] forty thousand, five — were forty thousand, five hundred. THOSE camping NEAR him[14] were — ְו ִד ְס ִמ ִיכין ֲע ִלוֹהי .hundred. 20 Upon him [shall be] 20 ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני — the tribe of Menasheh — ִשׁ ְב ָטא ִד ְמ נ ֶשּׁה the tribe of Menasheh — and the גּ ְמ ִל ֵיאל and the Nasi of the children of Menasheh — ְמ נ ֶשּׁה Nasi of the children of Menasheh — was Gamliel son of Pedahtzur — בּר ְפּ ָדהצוּר — is] Gamliel son of Pedahtzur]

10. As was mentioned above (1:50-51), the Leviim see dispute cited by Rashi to 10:25 below). literally, his hand) is used to) ידוֹ would dismantle the Mishkan whenever the camp 12. The Hebrew word journeyed, and carry it during the actual journey. The mean “his place,” because one’s immediate surround- Leviim would begin journeying with the Ohel Moed af- ings are within the reach of his hand (Rashi). Onkelos his place,” in accordance“ , א ְתֵרהּ ter the first two divisions (Rashi; but see Rashi to 10:17 translates the word as below with Gur Aryeh; Levush HaOrah here). with its implied meaning. , י מּה The sequence described in our passage refers only 13. The Torah refers to the direction of “west” as .11 to the time of departure. During the actual journeys, literally, toward the sea, because the Mediterranean however, they would travel in the shape of a diamond, Sea lies west of Eretz Yisrael (see Ibn Ezra to Shemos . מ ֲערב with each division on the direction assigned to it and 10:19). Onkelos uses the more familiar term the Leviim with the Ohel Moed in the middle (Rashi; 14. See note 6. Interestingly, Rashi cites Onkelos’

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 19 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 2 / 21-26

כא ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפק VֵדיהKם ְשׁנpִים ְוּשׁלTֹ שׁים א ֶ^לף ) וּמאת Aִים: כב וּמטּUה כא ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְתּל ִ)תין ְוּתֵריןא ְל ִפין ) וּמ ) אתן: כב ְו ִשׁ ְבט)א

ִבּ ְניq )מן ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי ִב ְני ִ ֔)מן ֲא ִב, ידן ֶבּ ִן־גּ ְד ֹעP ני: כג ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפק VֵדיהKם ְדּ ִב ְני ִ)מ ְןורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנ ִיב ְני ִ)מ ֲןא ִביד)ןבּ ִרגּ ְד ִעוֹני: כג ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן

ֲח ִמl שּׁה ְוּשׁלTֹ שׁים א ֶ^לף ְואְרבּע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: כד ) כּל־ה ְפּ ֻק ִ ֞דים ְלמ ֲ>חנFה ְתּל ִ)תין ְוח ְמשׁ)אא ְל ִפ ְיןואְרבּ ְעמ) אה: כד כּ ִ)למ ְני)ניּ ְ)אלמ ְשִׁרית ֶא ְפ ֗ר ִים ְמ את א ֶלף ְוּשׁ ֽמֹ נ ֲת־אלO )פים ֵוּמ, אה ְל ִצ ְב ֹאE תם ְוּשׁ ִלN שׁים ֶא ְפר ִ>י ְםמ) אה ְוּתמ ְ)ני)א א ְל ִפין ְוּמא ְ)הל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ִבּ ְת ִל ֵיתת א

ִיA סּעוּ: ס כה דּ Qֶגל מ ֲ>חI נה # דן צ ֖ ֹ)פ) נה ְל ִצ ְב ֹאE תם ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבF ני ) ֔דן ֲא ִחיע ֶ^זר נ ְ ט ִלין: כה ֵטקס מ ְשִׁריתדּ ִ)ןצפּוּנ ְ)אל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ְורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵניד ֲ)ןא ִחיע ֶ_זר

ֶבּן־עP מּישׁA דּי: כו ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפק Vֵד K יהם ְשׁנpִים ְו ִשׁT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְוּשׁ בע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: בּרע ִמּישׁ) דּי: כו ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ִשׁ ִתּין ְוּתֵריןא ְל ִפין ְוּשׁב ְעמ) אה:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ְתּ ָל ִתין ְוּת ֵרין his legion and their numbers — ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן .his legion and their numbers 21 21 ;were thirty-two thousand, two hundred — א ְל ִפין ָוּמ ָאתן are] thirty-two thousand, two] 22 and the tribe of Binyamin also encamped — ְו ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְדּ ִב ְנָי ִמן .hundred; and the tribe of 22 and the — ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ִב ְנָי ִמן — Binyamin — and the Nasi of near the tribe of Ephraim was — ֲא ִב ָידן בּר ִגּ ְד ִעוֹני the children of Binyamin [is] Nasi of the children of Binyamin Avidan son of Gideoni — 23 his Avidan son of Gideoni — legion and their numbers [are] ְתּ ָל ִתין his legion and their numbers — ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן .23 thirty-five thousand, four hun- were thirty-five thousand, four — ְו ח ְמ ָשׁא א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה 24 dred. The total number for hundred. the camp of Ephraim [is] one ָכּל ִמ ְנָי נָיּא ְל מ ְשׁ ִרית ֶא ְפ ר ִים hundred and eight thousand, 24. — The total number for the three ְמ ָאה ְוּת ָמ ְנָיא one hundred, according to tribes that comprised the camp of Ephraim -was one hundred and eight thousand, one hun — א ְל ִפין ְוּמ ָאה their legions; they shall be the ִבּ ְת ִל ֵית ָתא ָנ ְט ִלין ;according to their legions — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ,dred third to journey. — they WOULD journey THIRD. 25 The banner of the camp ִצ ָפּוּנא The DIVISION of the camp of Dan — ֵט קס מ ְשׁ ִרית ָדּן .of Dan [shall be] at the north, 25 according to — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ,according to their legions — — was encamped at the north and the Nasi of the children — ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ָדן — and the Nasi of the children their legions — was Achiezer son of Amishadai — ֲא ִחיע ֶ;זר בּר ע ִמּ ישׁ ָדּי of Dan [is] Achiezer son of of Dan ִשׁ ִתּין his legion and their numbers — ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן .Amishadai — 26 his legion 26 were sixty-two thousand, seven — ְוּת ֵרין א ְל ִפין ְוּשׁ בע ְמ ָאה -and their numbers [are] sixty two thousand, seven hundred. hundred.

only here and not in the pre- land, which does not make sense. Here, however, where ְס ִמ ִיכין ֲע ִלוֹהי clarification of one might take it to mean that the ,ְו ע ליו Levush HaOrah suggests that it just says . ע ליו vious mentions of tribe of Menasheh was “superior” or “in charge of” the ה ֹח ִנים in all those previous instances the verse says so it is readily understood from the context that tribe of Ephraim. Rashi therefore sees a need here , ע ליו it means “camping near him” or “with him,” since “over to cite Onkelos, to demonstrate that that is not the him” would mean “camping on top of him” or on higher meaning.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 20 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ב / כז־לב

כז ְוה ֹ>חO נים ע,)ליו מטּFה א)שׁר ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי א ֵ֔)שׁר פּ ְג ִעיאUל ֶבּן־ כז ְו ִד ְשׁרן ְס ִמ ִיכין > ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אדא ֵ)שׁ ְרורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵניא ֵ)שׁרפּ ְג ִע ֵיאלבּר ֲע ֽל ִוֹהי

ע ְ)כA רן: כח ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ ְוּפק Vֵד K יהם ֶאl חד ְואְרבּT )עים א ֶ^לף ו ֲ>חI משׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: ע ְ)כ) רן: כח ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן אְר ְבּ ִעין ְוחדא ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמ) אה:

כט וּמU טּה נ ְפתּq)לי ְונ ִ)שׂיא֙ ִל ְבנFי נ ְפתּ ִ֔)לי ֲא ִח ירע ֶבּ ֵן־עA ינן: ל ְוּצב ֖)אוֹ כט ְו ִשׁ ְבט ְ)אדּנ ְפתּ ִ)ל ְיורבּ ִ)אל ְב ֵנינ ְפתּ ִ)ל ֲיא ִחירעבּ ֵרע) ינן: ל ְו ֵח ֵילהּ

ְוּפק Vֵד K יהם ְשׁלlֹ שׁה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְואְר בּע ֵמ ֽאוֹת: לא ) כּל־ה ְפּ ֻק ִדים֙ ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ח ְמ ִשׁין ְוּתל)ת)אא ְל ִפ ְיןואְרבּ ְעמ) אה: לא כּ ִ)למ ְני)ניּ)א ְלמ 1ֲח ֵנה ) ֔דן ְמא1ת ֶ ֗א ֶלף ְו ִשׁ ְבעlה ו ֲ>ח ִמT שּׁים א ֶ^לף ְושׁFשׁ ֵמ ֑אוֹת ְלמ ְשִׁריתדּ ְ)ןמא)ה ְוח ְמ ִשׁין ְו ִשׁ ְבע)א א ְל ִפ ְיןו ִשׁ ְיתמא)ה ל)א ֲ>חרֹנRה ִי ְס ֖עוּ ְל ִד ְג ֵל _ יהם: פ ְבּב ְתֵרת)א נ ְ ט ִל ְיןל ִט ְק ֵסיהוֹן:

לב א ֶ`לּה ְפּ I קוּדי ְב0 נ ִי־י ְשׂר)אUל ְלF בית ֲאבEֹ תם ) כּ ְל־פּ o קוּדי המּ ֲ>ח ֹנת֙ לב ִא ֵלּ ִיןמ ְני ֵ)נ ְיב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן כּ ִ)למ ְני ֵ)נימ ִשְּׁרי)ת)א

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED Those camping NEAR him were — ְו ִד ְשׁ רן ְס ִמ ִיכין ֲע ִלוֹהי .Those camping upon him [shall 27 27 ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני ָא ֵשׁר — the tribe of Asher — ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ָא ֵשׁר be] the tribe of Asher — and the פּ ְג ִע ֵיאל בּר ָע ְכ ָרן Nasi of the children of Asher [is] — and the Nasi of the children of Asher — was Pagiel son of Ochran — Pagiel son of Ochran — 28 his א ְר ְבּ ִעין ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן legion and their numbers [are] 28. — his legion and their numbers were forty-one thousand, five — ְו חד א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה forty-one thousand, five hundred; hundred; 29 and the tribe of Naftali — and ְו ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְדּ נ ְפ ָתּ ִלי the Nasi of the children of Naftali 29. — and the tribe of Naftali also encamped and the — ְור ָבּא ִל ְב ֵני נ ְפ ָתּ ִלי — near the tribe of Dan [is] Achira son of Enan — 30 his was Achira — ֲא ִח ירע בּר ֵע ָינן Nasi of the children of Naftali legion and their numbers [are] son of Enan — fifty-three thousand, four hun- ח ְמ ִשׁין his legion and their numbers — ְו ֵח ֵילהּ ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן .30 dred. ,were fifty-three thousand — ְוּת ָל ָתא א ְל ִפין ְו א ְר בּע ְמ ָאה 31 The total number for the four hundred. camp of Dan [is] one hundred and The total number for the three — ָכּל ִמ ְנָי נָיּא ְל מ ְשׁ ִרית ָדּן .31 fifty-seven thousand, six hundred; ְמ ָאה ְו ח ְמ ִשׁין tribes that comprised the camp of Dan was one hundred and fifty-seven — ְו ִשׁ ְב ָעא א ְל ִפין ְו ִשׁית ְמ ָאה they shall journey last according they — ְבּ ב ְת ֵר ָתא ָנ ְט ִלין ְל ִט ְק ֵסיהוֹן ;to their banners. thousand, six hundred 32 These are the numbers of WOULD journey last according to their DIVISIONS. These are the numbers of — ִא ֵלּין ִמ ְנָי ֵני ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל .the Children of Israel accord- 32 -accord — ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן ing to their fathers’ household: the Children of Israel ָכּל ִמ ְנָי ֵני מ ִשּׁ ְר ָי ָתא :the total number of of the camps ing to their fathers’ household

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 21 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 2 / 33 — 3 / 1 ְל ִצ ְב ֹא) ֔תם 0 שׁ ֵשׁ־מ ֥אוֹת ֶ ֨א ֶלף֙ ְוּשׁ ֣לֹ ֶשׁת ֲאל ִ֔)פים ו ֲ>חמIשׁ ֵמ ֖אוֹת ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן ִשׁית ְמ) אה ְוּתל)ת)א א ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמא)ה ְ ו ֲ>ח ִמP שּׁים: לג ְו֨ה ְלִוִ֔יּם ֣לֹא ה ְ)תפּ Aְק ֔דוּ ְבּ ֖תוֹך ְבּנFי ִי ְשׂר)אל כּ ֲ>אשׁר ְוח ְמ ִשׁין: לג ְו ֵלו ֵ)איל ִ)אא ְת ְמP ניאוּ ְבּ ְגוֹבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלכּ) מא ִדי

ִצR וּה ֖יהוה ֶאת־מֹ_ שׁה: לד ויּ ֲ>ע ֖שׂוּ ְבּנFי ִי ְשׂר)אל ְ֠כּ ֹ֠כל ֲא ֶשׁ ִר־צ) ֨וּה פ ִקּ ְידיי)י)תמֹ ֶשׁה: לד ו ֲעב Aְדוּבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלכּ ֹכ ִלדּיפ ִקּיד ֜יהוה ֶאת־מֹ ֶ֗שׁה 0 כּן־ח ֤)נוּ ְל ִד ְג ֵל ֶיהם֙ ְוF כן נ)֔)סעוּ O אישׁ ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח, תיו ְיי)י)תמֹ ֶשׁ ֵהכּן שׁ ר ְןל ִט ְק ֵסיהוֹן ְו ֵכן נ ְ ט ִלין ְגּב ְרלזְר ֲעי ֵ)תיהּ  ע I ל־בּית ֲאבAֹ תיו: פ ע ֵלבּ ֲיתאב)ה ֽ)ת ִוֹהי:

רביעי [ג] א ְוא ֶ`לּה ֽתּ ְוֹל ֥דֹת א ֲ>ה֖ ֹרן וּמKֹ שׁה ְבּ ֗יוֹם ִדּ‚ בּר ֛יהוה ֶאת־מֹשׁ^ה ג א ְו ִא ֵלּין ְתּוֹלד)תא ֲהרֹן וּמֹ ֶשׁ ְהבּיוֹמ ְ)אדּמ ִלּ ְיליי ִ)עםמֹ ֶשׁה רש"י (א) ְו ֵא ֶלּה ְתּוֹלדֹת א ֲהרֹן וּמֹ ֶשׁה. ְו ֵאינוֹ מ ְז ִכּיר ֶא ָלּא ְבֵּני א ֲהרֹן, ְוִנ ְק ְראוּ ְתּוֹלדוֹת מֹ ֶשׁה ְל ִפי ֶשׁ ִלּ ְמּ ָדן ָתּוֹרה, ְמל ֵמּד ֶשׁ ָכּל ה ְמל ֵמּד ֶאת ֶבּן ֲח ֵבירוֹ ָתּוֹרה מ ֲע ֶלה ָע ָליו ה ָכּתוּב ְכּ ִאילּוּ ְי ָלדוֹ (סנהדרין יט:): ְבּיוֹם ִדּ ֶבּר ה‘ ֶאת מֹ ֶשׁה. נ ֲעשׂוּ ֵאלּוּ  ה ָתּוֹלדוֹת ֶשׁלּוֹ ֶשׁ ִלּ ְמּ ָדן  מה ֶשּׁ ָלּ מד ִמ ִפּי ה ְגּ ָבוּרה:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED the total number of the camps according to their — ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן according to their legions [is] six was six — ִשׁית ְמ ָאה ְוּת ָל ָתא א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה ְו ח ְמ ִשׁין hundred and three thousand, five legions hundred and fifty. hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty. were — ָלא ִא ְת ְמ ִניאוּ ְבּגוֹ ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל The Leviim — ְו ֵל ָו ֵאי .The Leviim were not counted 33 33 among the Children of Israel, not counted among the rest of the Children of Israel, as Hashem had commanded — ְכּ ָמא ִדי פ ִקּיד ְי ָי ָית מֹ ֶשׁה as Hashem had commanded Moshe. 34 The Children of Israel Moshe. ְכּ ֹכל ִדּי The Children of Israel did — ו ֲע ָבדוּ ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל .did according to everything that 34 according to everything that Hashem — פ ִקּיד ְי ָי ָית מֹ ֶשׁה Hashem commanded Moshe — so so they WOULD — ֵכּן ָשׁ רן ְל ִט ְק ֵסיהוֹן — they encamped according to their commanded Moshe and so — ְו ֵכן ָנ ְט ִלין banners and so they journeyed; ENCAMP according to their DIVISIONS -every man ac — ְגּ בר ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ֵתיהּ [every man according to his fami- they WOULD JOURNEY;[15 ’by his fathers — על ֵבּית ֲא ָב ָה ִתוֹהי ,lies, by his fathers’ household. cording to his families 3. household. 1 These are the offspring of 3. These are the offspring of — ְו ִא ֵלּין ְתּוֹל ָדת א ֲהרֹן וּמֹ ֶשׁה .Aharon and Moshe on the day 1 on the day — ְבּ ָיוֹמא ְדּ מ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה Hashem spoke with Moshe Aharon and Moshe

in ח נוּ/נ סעוּ As mentioned in note 7, according to the plain read- of a command), but switches to the past tense .15 ing of the verses, our entire passage (until v. 33) relates our verse. Onkelos, however, interprets the entire pas- Hashem’s instruction of how the divisions should en- sage, starting at v. 3, as a description of how the divi- camp, and in this last verse of the chapter, the Torah sions encamped. He therefore renders both forms not as tells us that the Jewish people obeyed the instruction. future and past tense (respectively), but as ongoing ac- It is thus readily understood why the Torah uses the fu- tion verbs — “would encamp,” “would journey” — which .throughout the passage (in the sense in Hebrew can be expressed in either of these ways י ֲח ִנוּ/י סּעוּ ture tense

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 22 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ג / ב־ד

ְבּהר ִסA יני: ב ְוא ֶ`לּה ְשׁ ֥מוֹת בּ ֵ„ני־א ֲ>ה֖רֹן ה ְבּ ֣ ֹכר | נ)דEב ו ֲ>א ִב ֕יהוּא ְבּטוּר ְ)אד ִס) יני: ב ְו ִא ֵלּ ְיןשׁמ)ה ְ)תבּ ֵניא ֲהרֹן ְבּוּכר)אנ)ד)בו ֲא ִביהוּא

ֶא ְלע)ז,ר ְוP איתA )מר: ג ֵ ֗א ֶלּה ְשׁמוֹת֙ ְבּנFי א ֲ>ה ֔רֹן ה ֽ ֹכּ ֲהN נים ה ְמּ ֻשׁq חים ֶא ְלע)ז ְ)רו ִאית) )מר: ג ִא ֵלּ ְיןשׁמ)ה ְ)תבּ ֵניא ֲהרֹןכּ ֲ)הניּ)א ְד ִא ְתר בּיאוּ

ֲא ֶשׁ ִר־מלּIא י)ד,ם ְלכ0 הן: ד ויּ'מ)ת נ)ד'ב ו ֲ>א ִב ֣יהוּא ִל ְפF ני ֡יהוה ִדּ ִיא ְתק ר ֻבק ְרבּ ְ נהוֹן ְלשׁמּ) )שׁא: ד ִוּמיתנ)ד)בו ֲא ִביהוּא ֳקד ְ)םי)י בּ„ה ְקִרב)ם֩ ֵ ֨אשׁ ז) ֜)רה ִל ְפo ני יהוה֙ ְבּ ִמ ְד1 בּר ִס֔יני וּבN )נים ֽלֹא־ה ֣)יוּ ל)הKם ְבּ) ק ֵרוֹביהוֹן ֶאשּׁ) )תא ְנוּכֵרית ֳ)אקד ְ)םיי ְ)בּמ ְד ְבּר ְ)אד ִס  יני ְוּב ִניןל ֲ)אה ְווֹלהוֹן

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED at Mount — ְבּ ָטוּרא ְד ִס ָיני at Mount Sinai: 2 These are that Hashem spoke with Moshe the names of the sons of Sinai.[1] These are the names of the sons of — ְו ִא ֵלּין ְשׁ ָמ ָהת ְבּ ֵני א ֲהרֹן .Aharon: the firstborn Nadav, 2 ו ֲא ִביהוּא ֶא ְל ָע ָזר ְבּוּכ ָרא ָנ ָדב Avihu, Elazar, and Issamar. Aharon: — the firstborn, Nadav, ְו ִא ָית ָמר 3 These were the names — and then Avihu, Elazar, and Issamar. ִא ֵלּין ְשׁ ָמ ָהת ְבּ ֵני א ֲהרֹן of the sons of Aharon, the 3. — These are the names of the sons of the Kohanim WHO WERE ELEVATED — ָכּ ֲה נָיּא ְד ִא ְת ר ִבּיאוּ ,Aharon anointed Kohanim, whom -WHOSE OF — ִדּי ִא ְת ָק רב ֻק ְר ָבּ ְנהוֹן ְל שׁ ָמּ ָשׁא [through anointing,[2 he inaugurated to minister. FERING WAS BROUGHT[3] to inaugurate them to minister[4] in the 4 Nadav and Avihu died Mishkan. before Hashem when they Nadav and Avihu died before — ִוּמית ָנ ָדב ו ֲא ִביהוּא ֳק ָדם ְי ָי .4 when they brought an — ְבּ ָק ֵרוֹביהוֹן ֶא ָשּׁ ָתא ְנוּכ ֵר ָיתא brought an alien fire before Hashem in the — ְבּ מ ְד ְבּ ָרא ְד ִס יני before Hashem — ֳק ָדם ְי ָי [Hashem in the Wilderness of alien fire[5 ;and they had no sons — ְוּב ִנין ָלא ֲהווֹ ְלהוֹן ,Sinai, and they had no sons; Wilderness of Sinai

1. The Torah begins its account of the families by statement — “whose offering he brought” (Me’at listing the offspring of the heads of the tribe (Ramban). Tzori). (literally, filling of [one’s] hands) ִמלּוּי י ד ִים Though mentioning Moshe and Aharon at first, the The term passage goes on to list the offspring of Aharon, but not is used frequently to refer to the appointment of the those of Moshe. Rashi explains (based on Sanhedrin Kohanim to their position. According to Rashi (Shemos 19b) that Aharon’s sons are called Moshe’s children 28:41, as explained by Mizrachi), it is a metaphor for because he taught them Torah. The verse concludes inauguration, since when a person enters a position he that they became Moshe’s offspring on the day that is said to be “taking possession” of it. However, Onkelos Hashem spoke with Moshe at Mount Sinai, for that is consistently translates this phrase as bringing [one’s] when Moshe began teaching them what he had learned offering. According to Ramban there, Onkelos does from Hashem. not mean to say that this is the literal meaning of the phrase; rather, he is translating in accordance with the משח 2. Wherever the Hebrew term is used to refer to implied meaning, conveying that the inauguration of anointing whose purpose is to elevate a person or ves- the Kohanim is achieved through bringing their offer- רבי sel to a sacred function, Onkelos translates it as , ings. However, Ramban then cites others who do inter- to mean the filling of one’s hands with an ִמלּוּי י ד ִים elevate.” [Where it refers to simple application of oil pret“ (such as those of minchah offerings), he translates it offering. According to Ibn Ezra (Shemos 29:9), this is using the same root as the Hebrew word, which means Onkelos’ intention as well. “smear” or “anoint” (Rashi to Shemos 30:25).] 4. Or to serve; i.e., to perform the Kohanic duties. [The Kohen, itself is an expression of service (see , ֹכּ ֵהן Since the verse does not specify who brought their term .3 offering (it was, in fact, Moshe; see Vayikra Ch. 8), Rashi, Shemos 28:3).] Onkelos translates this as a passive statement — 5. For discussion of Nadav and Avihu’s sin, see Rashi to “whose offering was brought,” rather than an active Vayikra 10:2 and our note 2 to v. 1 there.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 23 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 3 / 5-8 ו ְיכהoן ֶא ְלע)ז)ר֙ ְוe אית) ֔)מר  ע ְל־פּנUי א ֲ>ה֥רֹן ֲא ִב _ יהם: פ ְושׁ ֵמּ ֶשׁא ְלע)ז ְ)רו ִאית)מ)רעלא ֵפּיא ֲהרֹ ֲןאבוּהוֹן:

ה ו ְידI בּר ֖יהוה ֶאל־מֹשׁ"ה ֵלּ ֽאמֹר: ו ה ְקֵרב֙ ֶאת־מטּFה ֵלִ ֔וי ה וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁ ְהל ֵמ ) ימר: ו קֵ)רבי ִ)תשׁ ְבט ְ)אד ֵלִוי

ְוה ֲ>עמ ְד'תּ ֹא ֔תוֹ ִל ְפנUי א ֲ>ה֣ ֹרן ה ֹכּהן ְושׁ0ְר ֖תוּ ֹא ֽתוֹ: ז ְושׁ Aְמ֣רוּ ְוּת ִקיםי ֵ)ת ֳהּקד)םא ֲהרֹןכּ ֲ)הנ ִ)אוישׁ ְמּשׁוּן י ֵ)תהּ: ז ְו ִי ְטּרוּן ֶא ִת־מ ְשׁמְר ֗תּוֹ ְו ֶא ִת־מ ְשׁ ֶ ֨מֶרת֙ ) כּל־ה ֵ'ע) ֔דה ִל ְפנUי ֣ ֹא ֶהל מוֹעד י)תמטְּר ֵתּ ְהּוי)תמ ְטּרתכּ ְ)לכּ ִנ ְשׁתּ ֳ)אקד)םמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמנ)א

ל ֲ>ע ֖ ֹבד ֶא ֲת־עבֹדת ה ִמּ ְשׁA כּן: ח ְושׁ Aְמ ֗רוּ ֶא ) ת־כּ ְל־כּ ֵלי֙ ֣ ֹא ֶהל ְל ִמ ְפלחי)תפּ ְ)לחןמ ְשׁ ְכּ) נא: ח ְו ִי ְטּרוּן י)תכּ)למ ֵ)נימ ְשׁכּן ֵ֔מוֹעד ְו ֶא ִת־מ ְשׁמֶ^רת ְבּנFי ִי ְשׂר)אל ל ֲ>ע ֖בֹד ֶא ֲת־עבֹ דת ה ִמּ ְשׁA כּן: ִז ְמנ ְ)אוי)תמ ְטּר ְתבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלל ִמ ְפלחי)תפּ ְ)לחןמ ְשׁ ְכּ) נא: רש"י (ד) על ְפּ ֵני א ֲהרֹן ֲא ִב ֶיהם. ְבּחָיּיו (במדבר רבה ב, כו): ֶאת ִמ ְשׁמ ְרתּוֹ. ָכּל ִמנּוּי ֶשׁ ָה ָא ָדם ְמ ֶמוּנּה ָע ָליו ָוּמוּטּל ָע ָליו (ו) ְו ֵשׁ ְרתוּ ֹאתוֹ.  וּמהוּ ה ֵשּׁירוּת, ְ”ו ָשׁ ְמרוּ ֶאת ִמ ְשׁמ ְרתּוֹ“ (להלן ל ֲעשׂוֹתוֹ ָקרוּי ִ”מ ְשׁ ֶמ ֶרת“ ְבּ ָכל ה ִמּ ְק ָרא ִוּב ְלשׁוֹן ִמ ְשָׁנה, ְכּמוֹ ֶשׁ ָא ְמרוּ פסוק ז). ְל ִפי ֶשׁ ְשּׁ ִמ ירת ה ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ ָע ָליו ֶשׁלֹּא ִי ְק רב ָזר, ְכּמוֹ ֶשׁ ֶנּ ֱאמר ְבּ ִבְג ָתן ָו ֶת ֶרשׁ: ו ֲהלֹא ֵאין ִמ ְשׁמ ְר ִתּי ִוּמ ְשׁמ ְר ְתּ ָך ָשָׁוה, (מגילה יג:), ְו ֵכן ”א ָתּה ָוּבֶנ ָיך ֵוּבית ָא ִב ָיך ִא ָתּ ְך ִתּ ְשׂאוּ ֶאת ֲעוֹן ה ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ“ (להלן יח, ִמ ְשׁ ְמרוֹת ְכּ ָהוּנּה ְוּלִוָיּה: (ח) ְו ֶאת ִמ ְשׁ ֶמ ֶרת ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂר ֵ אל. א), ְוה ְלִוִיּם ה ָלּלוּ ְמסְיּ ִיעין ָאוֹתם, זוֹ ִהיא ה ֵשּׁירוּת: (ז) ְושׁ ְ מרוּ ֶשׁ ָכּוּלּן ָהיוּ ְז ִקוּקין ְלָצ ְר ֵכי ה ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ, ֶא ָלּא ֶשׁה ְלִוִיּם ָבּ ִאים תּ ְח ֵתּ ֶיהם

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED -and Elazar and Issamar, Aharon’s re — ְו שׁ ֵמּשׁ ֶא ְל ָע ָזר ְו ִא ָית ָמר -and Elazar and Issamar minis -in the pres — על א ֵפּי א ֲהרֹן ֲאבוּהוֹן tered in the presence of Aharon, maining sons, ministered their father. ence of Aharon, their father.[6] :Hashem spoke WITH Moshe, saying — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְל ֵמ ָימר .Hashem spoke to Moshe, say- 5 5 ְוּת ִקים Bring close the tribe of Levi — ָק ֵרב ָית ִשׁ ְב ָטא ְד ֵל ִוי .ing: 6 Bring close the tribe of Levi 6 and have it stand before Aharon the — ָי ֵתהּ ֳק ָדם א ֲהרֹן ָכּ ֲה ָנא and have it stand before Aharon -and they shall serve him in the fol — ִו ישׁ ְמּשׁוּן ָי ֵתהּ ,the Kohen, and they shall serve Kohen him. 7 They shall safeguard his lowing manner: ְו ָית [They shall safeguard his charge[7 — ְו ִי ְטּרוּן ָית מ טּ ְר ֵתּהּ .charge and the charge of the 7 [and the charge of the entire assembly[8 — מ ְטּ רת ָכּל ְכּ ִנ ְשׁ ָתּא entire assembly before the Ohel ְל ִמ ְפ לח ָית ָפּ ְל חן ,before the Ohel Moed — ֳק ָדם מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא Moed, to perform the service of .to perform the service of the Mishkan — מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא -the Mishkan. 8 They shall safe They shall safeguard all the — ְו ִי ְטּרוּן ָית ָכּל ָמ ֵני מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא .guard all the implements of the 8 — ְו ָית מ ְטּ רת ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל [Ohel Moed and the charge of implements of the Ohel Moed[9 ְל ִמ ְפ לח ָית ָפּ ְל חן ,the Children of Israel, to per- and the charge of the Children of Israel .to perform the service of the Mishkan — מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא .form the service of the Mishkan

6. I.e., in his lifetime (Rashi). If Aharon became tamei assignment, which is the guarding of the Sanctuary to and could not serve as Kohen Gadol, Elazar or Issamar ensure that no non-Kohen enters it, as stated below, would serve in his place until he became tahor again 18:1 (Rashi here and to the previous verse). (Nachlas Yaakov to Rashi; see Bamidbar Rabbah 2:26). 8. The administration of the Mishkan is the responsi- Cf. Ramban. bility of the entire assembly, but the Leviim perform it .(charge or watch, can refer to any on their behalf (see Rashi to the following verse , ִמ ְשׁ ֶמֶרת The term .7 obligation assigned to a person. The verse is saying 9. The task of the Leviim included maintaining the that the Leviim shall assist Aharon in carrying out his Mishkan and its parts and transporting them during

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 24 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ג / ט־יב

ט ְונAתתּ)ה֙ ֶאת־ה ְלִוִ֔יּם ְלא ֲ>ה֖רֹן ְוּלבE )ניו ְנ ִ֨תוּנם ְנ O תוּנם ֵ֨המּ)ה֙ ֔לוֹ ֵמאUת ט ְו ִת ֵתּןי ֵ)תלו ֵ)א ְילא ֲהרֹ ְןו ִל ְב ֽנ ִוֹהי ְמ ִס ִירין ְי ִה ִיב ִיןאנּוּן ֵל ִהּמן

ְבּנIי ִי ְשׂר0 )אל: י ְו ֶאת־א ֲ>ה֤רֹן ְו ֶאת־בּ) )ניו֙ ִתּ ְפ ֔קֹד ְושׁ Aְמ֖רוּ ֶא ְת־כּ ֻהנּ)תEם ְבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)אל: י ְוי)תא ֲהרֹ ְןוי ְ)תבּ ֽנ ִוֹה ְיתּמ ֵנּ ְיו ִי ְטּרוּן י ְ)תכּ ֻהנּ ְתהוֹן ְוהזּRר הקּU )רב A יוּמת: פ ְו ִחלּוֹני ְד ִי ְקרב ִי ְת ְק ֵטל:

יא ו ְידI בּר ֖יהוה ֶאל־מֹ" שׁה ֵלּ ֽ ֹאמר: יב ו ֲ>א ִ֞ני ִה נּה ל)ק ְ†ח ִתּי ֶאת־ה ְלִוִ֗יּם יא וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁ ְהל ֵמ ) ימר: יב ו ֲאנ)אה)א ק ֵ ר ִבית י ֵ)תלו ֵ)אי

רש"י ִבּ ְשׁ ִל ָיחוּתם, ְל ִפ ָיכ ְך ְלוֹק ִחים ֵמ ֶהם המּ ְע ְשׂרוֹת ִבּ ְשׂ ָכ ָרן, ֶשׁ ֶנּ ֱא מר ִ”כּי ְפּ ִקידוּת, ְו ֵאינוֹ ְלשׁוֹן ִמְנָין: ְושׁ ְ מרוּ ֶאת ְכּ ֻהנּ תם. ק ָבּלת ָדּ ִמים ָשׂ ָכר הוּא ָל ֶכם ֵח ֶלף ֲעבוֹד ְת ֶכם“ (להלן יח, לא): (ט) ְנ ִתוּנם ֵהמּ ה ְוּז ִר ָיקה ְוה ְק ָט ָרה ו ֲעבוֹדוֹת ה ְמּסוּרוֹת ל ֹכּ ֲהִנים: (יב) ו ֲא ִני ִה ֵנּה לוֹ. ְל ֶע ְז ָרה [יש מנקדים: ל ֲע ָז ָרה]: ֵמ ֵאת ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂר ֵ אל. ְכּמוֹ ִמ ְתּוֹך ל ק ְח ִתּי. ו ֲאִני ֵמ ֵה ָיכן ָז ִכ ִיתי ָב ֶהן, ִמ ְתּוֹך ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂר ֵ אל, ֶשִׁיּ ְהיוּ ְבֵּני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל (להלן פסוק יב), ְכּ  לוֹמר ִמ ְשּׁ ָאר ָכּל ָה ֵע ָדה ִנ ְב ְדּלוּ ְל ָכ ְך ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְשׂוֹכ ִרין ָאוֹתם ְל ֵשׁירוּת ֶשׁ ִלּי,  על ְי ֵדי ה ְבּכוֹרוֹת ָז ִכ ִיתי ָב ֶהם ִבְּג ֵז רת ה ָמּקוֹם, ְוהוּא ְנ ָתָנם לוֹ, ֶשׁ ֶנּ ֱא מר ָ”ו ֶא ְתָּנה ֶאת ה ְלִוִיּם ְנ ֻתִנים ְוּלק ְח ִתּים ְתּ ָמוּר ָתם. ְל ִפי ֶשׁ ָהְי ָתה ָה ֲע ָבוֹדה בּ ְבּכוֹרוֹת, ְוּכ ֶשׁ ָח ְטאוּ וגו‘ ” (להלן ח, יט): (י) ְו ֶאת א ֲהרֹן ְו ֶאת בּ ניו ִתּ ְפקֹד. ְלשׁוֹן ָב ֵעֶגל ִנ ְפ ְסלוּ, ְוה ְלִוִיּם ֶשׁלֹּא ָע ְבדוּ ֲע ָבוֹדה ָז ָרה ִנ ְב ֲחרוּ ת ְח ֵתּ ֶיהם:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ְל א ֲהרֹן ְו ִל ְב ִנוֹהי You shall give the Leviim — ְו ִת ֵתּן ָית ֵל ָו ֵאי .You shall give the Leviim to 9 9 -DELIV — ְמ ִס ִירין ְי ִה ִיבין ִאנּוּן ֵל הּ ;Aharon and his sons; given, — to Aharon and his sons from among the — ִמן ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל [given are they to him from ERED, given are they to him[10 the Children of Israel. 10 You Children of Israel. You shall appoint[11] Aharon and his — ְו ָית א ֲהרֹן ְו ָית ְבּ ִנוֹהי ְתּ מ ֵנּי .shall appoint Aharon and 10 and they shall safeguard their — ְו ִי ְטּרוּן ָית ְכּ ֻה נּ ְתהוֹן his sons and they shall safe- sons -a COMMONER[13] who ap — ְו ִח לּוֹני ְד ִי ְק רב ִי ְת ְק ֵטל [guard their priesthood; and priesthood;[12 an outsider who approaches proaches to perform the service assigned to them shall be PUT TO [14] shall die. DEATH. ,Hashem spoke WITH Moshe — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְל ֵמ ָימר .Hashem spoke to Moshe, 11 11 saying: 12 And I, behold! saying: behold! I have BROUGHT — ָהא ָק ֵר ִבית ָית ֵל ָו ֵאי ,And I — ו ֲא ָנא .I have taken the Leviim 12 the journeys (see above, 1:51, 2:17). Each of the three and Haamek Davar for additional explanations of main Levite families — , Kehas, and Merari Onkelos. as ִתּ ְפקֹד was entrusted with a different component of the 11. In 1:49 above, Onkelos renders the word — ,you shall count; see also below, verses 15-16. Here , ִת ְמ ֵני .(Mishkan, as will be specified below (v. 25 and on 10. The simple explanation for Onkelos’ transla- however, this cannot be the meaning, since Aharon and as “delivered” is his two sons did not need to be counted (Rashi with Gur ְנ ִתוּנם tion of the first occurrence of ְתּ מ ֵנּי that he does so in order to avoid repetition (Beurei Aryeh). He therefore renders it , you shall appoint (see Nefesh HaGer). [Note, however, that some editions Onkelos). Alternatively, Rabbeinu Bachya (below, of Onkelos, including the version cited by Pas’shegen, ְנ ִתוּנם ְנ ִתוּנם explains that the double language (8:11 here. Beurei Onkelos suggests that it means ִת ְמ ֵני has conveys that in reward for having been prepared that Aharon and his sons shall be counted with the to give up their lives to slay the worshipers of the Leviim.] Golden Calf (see Shemos 32:26-29), the Leviim were given for the service of Hashem. Onkelos therefore 12. That is, they shall observe the tasks assigned to .(al- them, such as the avodah of the offerings (Rashi , ְמ ִס ִירין as ְנ ִתוּנם translates the first occurrence of .I.e., a non-Kohen. See above, 1:51 note 19 .13 ( מ ְסרוּ) luding to that which the Leviim had sacrificed themselves for the honor of Hashem. See Panim Yafos 14. See above 1:51, note 20.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 25 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 3 / 13-14 ִמ ְתּוֹך֙ ְבּנFי ִי ְשׂר ֵ ֔)אל pתּ חת ) כּ ְל־בּ ֛כוֹר פּ ֶ"טר ר ֶ^חם ִמ ְבּנFי ִי ְשׂר)אל ִמ ְגּוֹבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ֲלחל ) ףכּל ְבּוּכר)אפּ)תחו ְלדּ ִ)אמ ְבּ ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)אל

ְוR היוּ Nלי ה ְלִוP יּם: יג כּeי ִל ֘י ) כּ ְל־בּ ֒כוֹר ְבּיוֹם֩ ה ֹכּ ִ ֨תי ) כ ְל־בּ ֜כוֹר ִויהוֹן ְמשׁ ְמּ ִשׁין > ֵלו ֵ)אי: יג ֲאֵר ִיד ִיל ) יכּל ְבּוּכר ְ)אבּיוֹמ)א ִד ְקט ִ לית ) כּל ְבּוּכר)א ֳקד מי ְבּאQֶרץ ִמ ְצ ֗ר ִים ִה ְק ֨דּ ְשׁ ִתּי Jלי ) כ ְל־בּכוֹר֙ ְבּ ִי ְשׂר ֵ ֔)אל מ0א)ד,ם ְבּאְרע ְ)אד ִמ ְצר ִ>יםא ְק ֵדּ ִשׁית ֳקד מי ) כּל ְבּוּכר ְ)אבּ ִי ְשׂר ֵ)א ֵלמ ֱאנ)שׁ)א  ע ְד־בּ ֵהE מה Oלי י Pְה ֖יוּ ֲאO ני ֽיהוה: פ ע ְדבּ ִעיר ִ)אדּ ִיל ְייהוֹן ֲאנ ְ)איי):

חמישי יד ו ְידo בּר יהוה֙ ֶאל־מֹ ֶ֔שׁה ְבּ ִמ ְדבּר ִסיני ֵל ֽאמֹר: יד וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁ ְהבּמ ְד ְבּר ְ)אד ִסינ ְיל ֵמ ) ימר:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED from among the Children — ִמגּוֹ ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשָׂר ֵאל from among the Children of Is- CLOSE[15] the Leviim ָפּ תח ,in place of every firstborn — ֲח לף ָכּל ְבּוּכָרא ,rael, in place of every firstborn, of Israel the first opener of the womb[16] among the — ו ְל ָדּא ִמ ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשָׂר ֵאל the first opener of the womb and the Leviim — ִויהוֹן ְמ שׁ ְמּ ִשׁין ֳק ָד מי ֵלָו ֵאי ,among the Children of Israel, Children of Israel and the Leviim shall be Mine. shall be MINISTERING BEFORE ME[17] instead of the firstborns.[18] ,For by right, every firstborn is Mine — ֲא ֵרי ִד ִילי ָכּל ְבּוּכ ָרא .For every firstborn is Mine: On 13 13 because on the — ְבּ ָיוֹמא ִד ְק ָט ִלית ָכּל ְבּוּכ ָרא ְבּ א ְר ָעא ְד ִמ ְצ ר ִים the day I struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt I sancti- day I KILLED every firstborn in the land of Egypt and pro- א ְק ֵדּ ִשׁית ֳק ָד מי ָכּל ְבּוּכ ָרא ְבּ ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ,fied every firstborn in Israel for tected the Jewish firstborns ֵמ ֱא ָנ ָשׁא ,Myself, from man to animal; — I sanctified every firstborn in Israel BEFORE ME they shall be — ִדּ ִילי ְיהוֹן ;from man to animal — עד ְבּ ִע ָירא they shall be Mine — I am .I am Hashem — ֲא ָנא ְי ָי — [Hashem Mine[19 ְבּ מ ְד ְבּ ָרא Hashem spoke WITH Moshe — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה .Hashem spoke to Moshe in 14 14 :saying — ְל ֵמ ָימר ,in the Wilderness of Sinai — ְד ִס יני :the Wilderness of Sinai, saying

as “before Me” rather than “to Me.” In ִלי take, refers to bringing a translates ,לקח When the word .15 person or thing to a higher level of holiness, Onkelos general, Onkelos refrains from translating the term translates it as bring close (Beurei Onkelos to Vayikra “to” (or “for”) literally in reference to Hashem, translat- 8:2; Me’at Tzori). See also below, 8:6 note 6. ing it instead as before, in order to avoid any indication 16. I.e., a bechor; see Rashi to Shemos 13:2; Rashash to of equality between Hashem and His creations. This is Horayos 9a. particularly so when this term appears in the context which of offering or sanctifying something or performing a ,ו ְל דּא as ֶר ֶחם Onkelos translates the Hebrew literally means fetus or child. Perhaps there is no spe- service for Hashem, where it might be misconstrued to mean that Hashem has a need for it, Heaven forbid. To ו ְל דּא cific term for “womb” in Aramaic, and it is called because it houses the fetus (see Me’at Tzori to Shemos avoid any such misconception, Onkelos clarifies that it 13:2; Kuntres L’Ukmei Girsa in Chumash Ish Matzliach is before Hashem, i.e., for our benefit, before Him. there). Alternatively, there is a specific Aramaic term 18. Initially, the avodah was performed by the bechorim but Onkelos prefers to render it as “the [hous- [firstborns] (see Shemos 24:5 with Onkelos). When the ,ֶר ֶחם for ing of the] fetus” for reasons of modesty (see Nefesh bechorim joined in the sin of the Golden Calf, they were HaGer, Mavo, fol. 12a §8). disqualified, and the sons of Levi, who did not participate 17. Onkelos translates the statement, and the Leviim in idol-worship, were chosen instead of them (Rashi). The shall be Mine, according to its implied meaning — that avodah was assigned to Aharon and his descendants, and they shall minister to Hashem — to avoid repetition, the service of managing the Mishkan and its implements for the verse already said that Hashem brought the was assigned to the Leviim (see Bamidbar Rabbah 6:2). Leviim close to Himself (Beurei Onkelos). He also 19. That is, they shall always remain Mine, and they

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 26 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ג / טו־יט

טו ְפּקֹד֙ ֶא ְת־בּנFי ֵלִ ֔וי ְלI בית ֲאבֹת,ם ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחתEם ) כּל־ז)כ#ר טו ְמ ִניי ְ)תבּ ֵנ ֵילִו ְיל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן כּ ְ)לדּכוּר)א

ִמ ֶבּ ֥ ֹן־ח ֶדשׁ ו)מ ְע) לה ִתּ ְפ ְק0 דם: טז וִיּ ְפ ֥קֹד ֹא# תם מֹ^ שׁה  על־פּeי ֑יהוה ִמבּריְר) חא ְוּלע0לּ ִ)אתּ ְמ ֵנינוּן: טז ְוּמנ)אי ְ)תהוֹן מֹ ֶשׁהע ֵלמ ְימר  )אד)יי

כּ ֲ>אשׁ^ר ֻצA וּה: יז ויּ Pְהיוּ־א Iֶלּה ְב0 נ ֵי־לוNי ִבּ ְשׁמֹתEם גּ0ְר ֕שׁוֹן ְוּקה,ת ְכּ) מא ִד ִיא ְתפּ) קּד: יז ו ֲה ִווֹא ֵלּ ְיןבּ ֵנ ֵילִו ִיבּ ְשׁמ)ה ְ)תהוֹן ֵגְּרשׁוֹן ְוּקה)ת

ְוּמרP )רי: יח ְוא ֶ`לּה ְשׁ ֥מוֹת בּ ֵ„ני־ג0ְר ֖שׁוֹן ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחE תם ִל ְבנNי ְו ִשׁ ְמP עי: ְוּמרִ)רי: יח ְו ִא ֵלּ ְיןשׁמ)ה ְ)תבּ ֵנ ֵיגְרשׁוֹן ְלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ִל ְב ִנ ְיו ִשׁ ְמ ִעי:

יט ְוּבנIי ְקה,ת ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחתEם ע ְמר'ם ְו ִי ְצ)֔הר ֶח ְב֖רוֹן ְו ֻע ִזּ 0 יאל: יט ְוּב ֵנ ְיקה ְ)תלזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ע ְמר ְ)םו ִי ְצה ֶ)רח ְברוֹן ְו ֻע ִזּ ֵיאל:

רש"י (טו) ִמ ֶבּן ֹח ֶדשׁ ו מ ְע לה. ִמ ֶשָּׁיָּצא ִמ ְכּ ָלל ְנ ָפ ִלים (שבת קיט:) ְבּ ֶפ תח ִמְצרִים ָי ְל ָדה ָאוֹתהּ ְוִנ ְמֵנית ְבּ ִשׁ ְב ִעים ֶנ ֶפשׁ, ֶשׁ ְכּ ָשׁא ָתּה ֶמוֹנה הוּא ִנ ְמֶנה ִל ָיקּ ֵרא ֵשׁוֹמר ִמ ְשׁ ֶמ ֶרת הקֹּ ֶדשׁ. ָא מר ר ִבּי ְי ָהוּדה ְבּר ִבּי ֶח ְשׁ ָבּוֹנם לֹא ִת ְמָצ ֵאם ֶא ָלּא ִשׁ ְב ִעים ָח ֵסר א חת, ְו ִהיא ִה ְשׁ ִל ָימה  שׁלּוּם: ָלמוּד הוּא אוֹתוֹ ה ֵשּׁ ֶבט ִל ְהיוֹת ִנ ְמֶנה ִמן ה ֶבּ ֶטן, ֶשׁ ֶנּ ֱאמר ֶאת ה ִמְּנָיין (תנחומא טז): (טז) על ִפּי ה‘. ָאמר מֹ ֶשׁה ִל ְפֵני ֲ”א ֶשׁר ָי ְל ָדה ָאוֹתהּ ְל ֵלִוי ְבּ ִמְצ ָרִים“ (להלן כו, נט), ִעם ְכִּנ ָיס ָתהּ הקב‘‘ה: ֵה ְיאך ֲאִני ִנ ְכָנס ְל ְתוֹך ָא ֳה ֵל ֶיהם ָלדעת ִמְניין ְיוֹנ ֵק ֶיהם,

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ְל ֵבית Count the children of Levi — ְמ ִני ָית ְבּ ֵני ֵל ִוי .Count the children of Levi ac- 15 15 -according to their fathers’ house — ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן -cording to their fathers’ house ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא ִמ בּר [hold [and] according to their hold and according to their families,[20 [21] י ְר ָחא ְוּל ֵע ָלּא families, every male from one — every male from one month of age and up ִתּ ְמ ֵנינוּן month of age and up shall you — shall you count them. על ֵמ ְימ ָרא ד ָיי Moshe counted them — ְוּמ ָנא ָי ְתהוֹן מֹ ֶשׁה .count them. 16 Moshe counted 16 — ְכּ ָמא ִדי ִא ְת פּ ָקּד ,them according to the word — according to the Word of Hashem of Hashem, as he had been as he had been commanded. ,These were the sons of Levi — ו ֲהווֹ ִא ֵלּין ְבּ ֵני ֵל ִוי .commanded. 17 — ֵגּ ְרשׁוֹן ְוּק ָהת ְוּמ ָר ִרי :by th eir names — ִבּ ְשׁ ָמ ָה ְתהוֹן These were the sons of Levi, by 17 their names: Gershon, Kehas, and Gershon, Kehas, and Merari. These are the names of the sons — ְו ִא ֵלּין ְשׁ ָמ ָהת ְבּ ֵני ֵג ְרשׁוֹן .Merari. 18 These are the names 18 :according to their families — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן of the sons of Gershon accord- of Gershon [Livni and Shimi.[22 — ִל ְב ִני ְו ִשׁ ְמ ִעי ing to their families: Livni and The sons of Kehas according to — ְוּב ֵני ְק ָהת ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן .Shimi. 19 The sons of Kehas ac- 19 , — ע ְמ ָרם ְו ִי ְצ ָהר ֶח ְברוֹן ְו ֻע ִזּ ֵיאל :cording to their families: Amram, their families Yitzhar, Chevron, and Uzziel. Yitzhar, Chevron, and Uzziel. must therefore be redeemed (see Tosafos U’Miluim). Whereas the other tribes were counted only from the age of twenty (1:3 above), the Leviim were counted 20. By counting each Levi according to his immediate from the age of one month. There was no minimum age family, Moshe would be able to determine whether he — the one-month threshold was only to guarantee that was from Gershon, Kehas, or Merari (see Gur Aryeh to the newborn baby was viable (Rashi). v. 21; see 1:2 above, note 4). 22. The Torah accords the tribe of Levi special dis- -literally, moon. tinction by enumerating each individual family sepa , יְר חא The Aramaic term for month is .21 new, referring to the rately, something it does not do for the other tribes; see , ח דשׁ is related to ֹח ֶדשׁ The Hebrew renewal of the moon’s illumination each month. Bamidbar Rabbah 3:10.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 27 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 3 / 20-25

כ ְוּב ני ְמרT )רי ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח, תם מ ְחeלי q וּמוּשׁי א Iֶלּה ` הם ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֥ ֹחת ה ֵלּוNי כ ְוּב ֵנ ְימרִ)ר ְילזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן מ ְח ִלי ִוּמוּשׁ ִיא ֵלּ ִיןאנּוּן זְר ֲעי)ת ֵלו ֵ אי

ְלI בית ֲאבAֹ תם: כא ְלגxְר ֔שׁוֹן ִמ ְשׁ֨פּחת֙ ה ִלּ ְב ִ֔ני ִוּמ ְשׁפּ חת ה ִשּׁ ְמעqי ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן: כא ְל ֵגְרשׁוֹן זְר ִעית ִל ְב ִני ְוזְר ִעית ִשׁ ְמ ִעי

א Fֶלּה ֵ֔הם ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֖ ֹחת הגּ0ְר ֻשׁP נּי: כב ְפּק Vֵד ֶיהם֙ ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר ) כּל־ז)֔)כר ִא ֵלּ ִיןאנּוּן זְר ֲעי)ת ֵגּ ְרשׁוֹן: כב ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְניןכּ ְ)לדּכוּר)א ִמ ֶבּ ֖ ֹן־ח ֶדשׁ ו)מ Eְעל)ה ְפּק ֵ‡ד ֶ֔יהם ִשׁ ְבעת ֲאלN )פים ו ֲ>חמIשׁ ֵמ ֽאוֹת: ִמבּריְר) חא ְוּלע0לּ ִ)אמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ִשׁ ְבע)אא ְל ִפיןו ֲח ֵמ ְשׁמ) אה:

כג ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֖ ֹחת הגּ0ְר ֻשׁq נּי א ֲ>ח רי ה ִמּ ְשׁ# כּן י ֲ>ח ֖נוּ י) Aמּה: כד ְוּנO שׂיא 0 בית־א,ב כג זְר ֲעי)ת ֵגּ ְרשׁוֹן ֲא ֵחוֹרימ ְשׁ ְכּנ ִ)אי ְשׁרוֹן מעְר) בא: כד ְור ֵבבּיתאבּ)א

לגּ0ְר ֻשׁנּqי ֶא ְלי,)סף ֶבּן־ל0 )אל: כה ִוּמ ְשׁמrֶרת ְבּ ֵני־ג0ְרשׁוֹן֙ ְבּ ֣ ֹא ֶהל ֵ֔מוֹעד ְל ֵבית ֵגּ ְרשׁוֹן ֶא ְלי)ס)ףבּרל ֵ)אל: כה וּמ ְטּר ְתבּ ֵנ ֵיגְרשׁוֹן ְבּמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמנ)א רש"י ָא מר לוֹ הקב‘‘ה: ֲע ֵשׂה א ָתּה ֶשׁ ְלּ ָך ו ֲאִני ֶא ֱע ֶשׂה ֶשׁ ִלּי. ָהל ְך מֹ ֶשׁה  ”על ִפּי ה‘” (שם): (כא) ְל ֵג ְרשׁוֹן ִמ ְשׁפּ חת ה ִלּ ְב ִני. ְכּלוֹמר ְו ָע מד  על ֶפּ תח ָה ֹא ֶהל, ְוה ְשּׁ ִכ ָינה ְמק ֶדּ ֶמת ְל ָפָניו,  וּבת קוֹל ְיוֹצ ָאה ְלֵג ְרשׁוֹן ָהיוּ ה ְפּ ִקוּדים ִמ ְשׁפּ חת ה ִלּ ְבִני ִוּמ ְשׁפּ חת ה ִשּׁ ְמ ִעי. ְפּ ֵקוּד ֶיהם ִמן ָה ֹא ֶהל ְו ֶאוֹמ ֶרת: ָכּ ְך ְו ָכ ְך ִתּינוֹקוֹת ֵישׁ ְבּ ֹא ֶהל ֶזה, ְל ָכ ְך ֶנ ֱאמר ָכּ ְך ָו ָכ ְך:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED The sons of Merari according to — ְוּב ֵני ְמ ָר ִרי ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן .The sons of Merari according 20 20 ִא ֵלּין .Machli and Mushi— מ ְח ִלי ִוּמוּשׁי :to their families: Machli and their families ְל ֵבית These are the families OF THE LEVIIM — ִאנּוּן ז ְר ֲע ָית ֵל ָו ֵאי Mushi. These are the families .according to their fathers’ household — ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן of the Levi, according to their the — ז ְר ִעית ִל ְב ִני ְו ז ְר ִעית ִשׁ ְמ ִעי — For Gershon — ְל ֵג ְרשׁוֹן .fathers’ household. 21 21 ִא ֵלּין ִאנּוּן ז ְר ֲע ָית ;For Gershon — the Livnite family OF LIVNI and the family OF SHIMI — these are the families OF GERSHON — ֵגּ ְרשׁוֹן ;family and the Shimite family these are the Gershonite families according — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא their numbers — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן .22 22 from — ִמ בּר י ְר ָחא ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,their numbers according to to the number of every male — ִשׁ ְב ָעא their numbers — ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן :the number of every male, from one month of age and up .were seven thousand, five hundred — א ְל ִפין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ְמ ָאה one month of age and up: their numbers [are] seven thousand, ֲא ֵחוֹרי מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא The families OF GERSHON — ז ְר ֲע ָית ֵגּ ְרשׁוֹן .23 five hundred. 23 The Gershonite מ ע ְר ָבא ,shall encamp[23] behind the Mishkan — ִי ְשׁרוֹן families shall encamp behind — at the west. the Mishkan, at the west. 24 The -The leader of the father’s house — ְורב ֵבּית א ָבּא ְל ֵבית ֵגּ ְרשׁוֹן .leader of the father’s household 24 ֶא ְל ָי ָסף בּר ָל ֵאל of the Gershonite [is] Eliasaf son hold of THE HOUSEHOLD OF GERSHON — is of Lael. 25 The charge of the sons Eliasaf son of Lael. The charge of the sons of — וּמ ְטּ רת ְבּ ֵני ֵג ְרשׁוֹן ְבּ מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא .of Gershon in the Ohel Moed 25

-in the future tense, instruction to Moshe regarding the place of encamp , ִי ְשׁרוֹן as י ֲחנוּ By translating .23 would encamp”), as he does when ment, leader, and charge of the sons of Gershon. The“) שׁרן rather than describing an ongoing situation (such as in 2:34 above), same applies to the verses below regarding the sons of Onkelos indicates that this and the following verses Kehas and Merari. See Haamek Davar. are not a statement of fact, but contain Hashem’s

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 28 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ג / כו־כז ְ ה ִמּ ְשׁכּ,ן ְוה ֑ ֹ)א ֶהל ִמ ְכ ֵ֕סהוּ וּמ֕)סך פּ^תח ֥ ֹא ֶהל 0 מוֹעד: כו ְוק ְלעFי מ ְשׁ ְכּנ)א ְוּפר ס א חוֹפ ֵ)אהּ ְוּפר ס א ִדּ ְתרעמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמ) נא: כו ְוּסר ֵ)די ה_ח ֵ֗)צר ְו ֶאת־מ)ס ְך֙ פּ Qתח ה_ח ֵ֔)צר ֲא‚ שׁר  על־ה ִמּ ְשׁ# כּן ְו על־ה ִמּ ְזבּUח דְ)רת ְ)אוי)ת ְפּר ס א ִדּ ְתרעדְּ)רת ִ)אדּיעלמ ְשׁ ְכּנ ְ)אועלמ ְד ְבּח)א

סq )ביב ְו ֵאת֙ 0 מית) ֔)ריו ְל ֖ ֹכל ֲע ֽבֹד ֽ)תוֹ: ס כז ְו ִל ְק)֗הת ְסחוֹר ְס ְחוֹרוי  )תא ֽטּוּנ ִוֹה ְיל ֹכלפּ ְ)לח ֵ)נהּ: כז ְו ִל ְקה)ת

רש"י (כה) ה ִמּ ְשׁ כּן. ְי ִריעוֹת התּ ְחתּוֹנוֹת: ְוה ֹ א ֶהל. ְי ִריעוֹת ִע ִזּים הוּא הִוּילוֹן: (כו) ְו ֵאת ֵמית ריו. ֶשׁל ה ִמּ ְשׁ ָכּן ְו ָה ֶאוֹהל, ְולֹא ֶשׁל ָה ֲעשׂוּיוֹת ְלָגג: ִמ ְכ ֵסהוּ. עוֹרוֹת ֵא ִילים ְוה ְתּ ָח ִשׁים: וּמ ס ְך ֶפּ תח. ָחֵצר:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED that of the — מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ְוּפָר ָסא is the Mishkan, the Tent, its Gershon in the Ohel Moed[24] is [its Cover,[27 — ָחוֹפ ֵאהּ [Cover, the Screen of the en- Mishkan-spread,[25] the Tent-SPREAD,[26 [28] ְוּפָר ָסא ִדּ ְתרע מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא trance of the Ohel Moed; 26 the — the CURTAIN of the entrance of the Ohel Moed; lace-curtains of the Courtyard ְו ָית the lace-curtains[29] of the Courtyard — ְוּס ָר ֵדי ָד ְר ָתא .26 and the Screen of the entrance and the CURTAIN of the entrance of — ְפּ ָר ָסא ִדּ ְת רע ָדּ ְר ָתא that are — ִדּי על מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ְו על מ ְד ְבּ ָחא ְסחוֹר ְסחוֹר of the Courtyard that are upon the Courtyard the Mishkan and the Mizbe’ach, providing protection upon the Mishkan and the Mizbe’ach, all for — ְל ֹכל ָפּ ְל ָח ֵנהּ [and its ropes,[31 — ְו ָית א ִטּוּנוֹהי [all around, and its ropes — for around,[30 all its work. all that is needed for its work.[32]

not tight weaving, and thus full ,( ְק ִל יעה) That is to say, the part of the Ohel Moed entrusted loose braiding .24 likewise refers ְסר ִדין to them (see note 7). of perforations. The Aramaic word 25. [The various components and implements of the to anything perforated and mesh-like (Rashi to Shemos Mishkan are described in Parashiyos and 27:9). The curtains that surrounded the Courtyard of Tetzaveh.] Most often, the term “Mishkan” refers to the Mishkan were made in this fashion. the entire Ohel Moed (the structure that housed the 30. The lace-curtains, which comprised the enclosure Sanctuary), and in those cases we render the word both of the Courtyard of the Mishkan, and the Curtain, in the Chumash and Onkelos translation, “Mishkan.” which stood in front of the entrance of the Courtyard, At times, such as is in this verse, it refers specifically together surrounded and protected the Mishkan and to the ten curtains of wool and linen that formed the the Outer Mizbe’ach (Rashi to 4:26 below). lowest canopy of the Mishkan’s roof (Rashi). In those 31. The Mishkan-spread and the Tent-spread, which cases we refer to it as “the Mishkan-spread.” covered the top of the Ohel Moed and hung down 26. This refers to the curtains of goat hair that were on over its sides, were held down at their lower edges by top of the Mishkan-spread (Rashi). Generally, Onkelos ropes attached to copper pegs to prevent them from tent; this is also his translation being lifted by the wind. Although the verse uses the , מ ְשׁ ְכּ נא as ֹא ֶהל translates Therefore, when both words appear singular term, “its” ropes, it refers to each of these two . ִמ ְשׁ כּן of the word canopies (Rashi). [The lace-curtains of the Courtyard ֹא ֶהל in one clause — as in our verse — he translates spread, to differentiate between them (Beurei were likewise held down at their lower edges by ropes , ְפּּר סא as Onkelos to Shemos 26:7). attached to pegs, and they too were carried by the sons of Gershon (as indicated below, 4:26), but the verse 27. This refers to the upper covers of ram skins and here does not mean to include those; see Rashi here tachash skins (Rashi). and to 4:32 below, with Levush HaOrah to 2:17 above; 28. Literally, the spread (see note 26). This Aramaic cf. Ramban to 4:32.] term refers to a curtain that serves as a screen for an 32. This refers to other implements that were needed ד“ה חזו entrance (Rashi to Succah 20b ). Here it refers for the work of [the canopies of] the Mishkan, such as to the Curtain that hung on the east side of the Ohel hammers and the like (Shaarei Aharon, second ap- Moed, which was not enclosed by planks and which proach, based on Rashi to Shemos 27:19), as well as the served as the Mishkan’s entrance. pegs to which the above-mentioned ropes were tied (see .(connotes material made by Ramban to 4:32 ְק ל ִעים The Hebrew word .29

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 29 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 3 / 28-31 ִמ ְשׁפּkחת הAע ְמר ִ)מי֙ ִוּמ ְשׁפּ1חת הִיּ ְצהִ ֔)רי ִוּמ ְשׁ֨פּחת֙ ה ֶ>ח ְברֹ ִ֔ני זְר ִעית ע ְמר ם ְוזְר ִעית ִי ְצה ר ְוזְר ִעית ֶח ְברוֹן

ִוּמ ְשׁפּחת הAעP )זּ ֵיאqלי א Iֶלּה הUם ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֥ ֹחת ה ְקּהP )תי: כח ְבּ ִמ ְספּר֙ ְוזְר ִעית ֻע ִזּ ֵיאל ִא ֵלּ ִיןאנּוּן זְר ֲעי)ת ְק הת: כח ְבּ ִמ ְנין ) כּל־ז)֔)כר ִמ ֶבּ ֖ ֹן־ח ֶדשׁ ו)מ Eְע) לה ְשׁמֹנkת ֲאל ִ)פים֙ ְוF שׁשׁ ֵמ ֔אוֹת ֽשֹׁ ְמרUי כּ ְ)לדּכוּר ִ)אמבּריְר) חא ְוּלע0לּ ְ)אתּמ ְ)ני)אא ְל ִפ ְיןו ִשׁ ְיתמא)הנ ְ)טֵרי ְ ִמ ְשׁמֶ"רת ה ֽקֹּ ֶדשׁ: כט ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֥ ֹחת ְבּ0 נ ְי־ק, הת י ֲ>ח ֑נוּ על יֶˆרך ה ִמּ ְשׁכּ,ן מטְּרתּ ְ)אד ְקוּד) שׁא: כט זְר ֲעי ְ)תבּ ֵנ ְיקה ִ)תי ְשׁרוֹן ע ִלצדּ ְ)אדמ ְשׁ ְכּנ)א

ֵתּימ) Aנה: ל ְוּנO שׂיא 0 ב , ית־אב ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֣ ֹחת ה ְקּהq )תי ֱאP ליצ, )פן ֶבּ ֻן־ע ִזּ 0 יאל: דּרוֹמ א: ל ְור ֵבבּיתאבּ ְ)אלזְר ֲעי)ת ְקה ת ֱא ִליצ)פ)ןבּ ֻרע ִזּ ֵיאל:

לא ִוּמ ְשׁמְר) ֗תּם הAא֤)רֹן ְוה ֻשּׁ ְלח)ן֙ ְוה ְמּ ֹנ' רה ְוה ִמּ ְז ְבּ ֔ ֹחת ְוּכFלי ה ֔קֹּ ֶדשׁ לא וּמטְּר ְתּהוֹן ֲא ) רוֹנא ) וּפ ) תוֹרא ְוּמנְ)ר) תא וּמ ְד ְבּח) יּא וּמ ֵ)ני ְקוּדשׁ)א רש"י (כט) ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת ְבּ ֵני ְק הת י ֲחנוּ וגו‘ ֵתּימ נה. ְוּס ִמוּכין ָל ֶהם (נגעים יב, ו; סוכה נו:), ְל ָכ ְך ָלקוּ ֵמ ֶהם ָדּ ָתן ו ֲא ִב ָירם ָוּמאתִים ו ֲח ִמ ִשּׁים ֶדֶּגל ְר ֵאוּבן  ה ִחוֹנים ֵתּ ָימָנה (ע‘ לעיל ב, י), אוֹי ָל ָר ָשׁע ְואוֹי ִל ְשׁ ֵכנוֹ ִאישׁ ִעם קֹ רח ו ֲע ָדתוֹ, ֶשׁ ִנּ ְמ ְשׁכוּ ִע ָמּ ֶהם ְבּמ ְח ְלוּק ָתּם (תנחומא יב):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED the — ז ְר ִעית ע ְמ ָרם ְו ז ְר ִעית ִי ְצ ָהר — For Kehas — ְו ִל ְק ָהת .For Kehas — the Amramite 27 27 ְו ז ְר ִעית ֶח ְברוֹן ,family, the Yitzharite family, family OF AMRAM, the family OF YITZHAR the family OF CHEVRON, and the family OF — ְו ז ְר ִעית ֻע ִזּ ֵיאל the Chevronite family, and the these are the families OF — ִא ֵלּין ִאנּוּן ז ְר ֲע ָית ְק ָהת ;Uzzielite family; these are the UZZIEL Kehasite families — 28 accord- KEHAS — their numbers according to the number — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא .ing to the number of every male 28 from one month of — ִמ בּר י ְר ָחא ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,from one month of age and up: of every male are eight thousand, six — ְתּ ָמ ְנָיא א ְל ִפין ְו ִשׁית ְמ ָאה ,eight thousand, six hundred; age and up the guardians of the charge — ָנ ְט ֵרי מ טּ ְר ָתּא ְד ְקוּד ָשׁא ;the guardians of the charge of hundred [33] the sacred. 29 The families of the of the sacred items. The families of the children of — ז ְר ֲע ָית ְבּ ֵני ְק ָהת ִי ְשׁרוֹן .children of Kehas shall encamp 29 on the side[34] of — על ִצ ָדּא ְד מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא on the side of the Mishkan at Kehas shall encamp .at the south — ָדּ ָרוֹמא the south. 30 The leader of the the Mishkan The leader of the father’s — ְורב ֵבּית א ָבּא ְל ז ְר ֲע ָית ְק ָהת .father’s household of the Ke- 30 — ֱא ִל ָיצ ָפן בּר ֻע ִזּ ֵיאל hasite families [is] Elitzafan household of the families OF KEHAS son of Uzziel. 31 Their charge is Elitzafan son of Uzziel. ֲא ָרוֹנא ָוּפ ָתוֹרא ְוּמ ָנ ְר ָתא Their charge is that of — וּמ טּ ְר ְתּהוֹן .is the Aron, the Shulchan, 31 the Aron, the Shulchan, the Menorah, the — וּמ ְד ְבּ חָיּא ,the Menorah, the Mizbe’achs [the sacred implements[36 — ָוּמ ֵני ְקוּד ָשׁא [the sacred implements two Mizbe’achs,[35

33. The sons of Kehas were appointed over the holiest Mizbe’ach, which stood in the Courtyard, and the items of the Mishkan (Shaarei Aharon). Mizbe’ach for ketores, or Golden Mizbe’ach, which stood .(literally, thigh, is sometimes in the Outer Sanctuary (the Heichal , ֶיֶר ְך ,The Hebrew word .34 used to mean side, for a person’s thigh is at his side (see 36. These are the accessories of the Menorah, the Rashi, Shemos 40:22). Shulchan, and the Mizbe’achs (Ibn Ezra; see below, 35. I.e., the Olah-offering Mizbe’ach, or Copper 4:7-14).

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 30 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ג / לב־לג ְ ֲא" שׁר ְישׁAְר ֖תוּ בּK )הם ְו֨המּ)֔)סך ְו ֖ ֹכל ֲע ֽבֹד ֽ)תוֹ: לב ְוּנ ִשׂיא֙ ְנ ִשׂF יאי ה ֵלִּ ֔וי ִד ְיישׁ ְמּשׁוּן ְבּהוֹן ְוּפר ס א ְו ֹכלפּ ְ)לח ֵ)נהּ: לב ו ֲאמ ְר ְכּל א > ר ְבְר ֵבי ֵלו ֵ אי ִד ְממ נּא על

ֶא ְלע, )זר ֶבּן־א ֲ>ה֣רֹן ה ֹכּ הן ְפּ ֻק ֕דּת ֽשֹׁ ְמU רי ִמ ְשׁמֶ"רת ה ֽקֹּ ֶדשׁ: לג ִל ְמרִ ֕)רי ֶא ְלע)ז)רבּרא ֲהרֹןכּ ֲ)הנ)א ְדּ ִמ ְתּחוֹת >נ ְ)טֵרימ ְטּ רת ְקוּד) שׁא: לג ִל ְמרִ)רי ְי ֽד ִוֹהי ְממנּן ִמ ְשׁ֨פּחת֙ המּ ְח ִ֔לי ִוּמ ְשׁפּ חת  ה q מּוּשׁי א Iֶלּה הUם ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֥ ֹחת ְמרP )רי: זְר ִעית מ ְח ִלי ְוזְר ִעית ִמוּשׁי ִא ֵלּ ִיןאנּוּן זְר ֲעי ְ)תמרִ)רי: רש"י (לא) ְוהמּ ס ְ ך. ִהיא ה ָפּ ֶרוֹכת, ֶשׁ אף ִהיא ְק ָרוּיה ָ”פּרֹ ֶכת ה ָמּ ָס ְך“  על ָכּוּלּם. ְועל מה ִהיא ְנ ִשׂיאוּתוֹ, ְפּ ֻק דּת שֹׁ ְמ ֵרי ִמ ְשׁ ֶמ ֶרת (שמות לה, יב, ועוד): (לב) ְוּנ ִשׂיא ְנ ִשׂ ֵיאי ה ֵלִּוי. ְמ ֶמוּנּה הקֹּ ֶדשׁ,  על ָידוֹ ִהיא ְפּ  קוּדּת ָכּוּלּם:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED the — ְוּפ ָר ָסא ,with which they shall minister — ִדי ְי שׁ ְמּשׁוּן ְבּהוֹן ,with which they shall minister and all that is needed for — ְו ֹכל ָפּ ְל ָח ֵנהּ [the Paroches, and all its work. Paroches-CURTAIN,[37 32 The leader of the Lev- its work. WHO — ִד ְמ מ ָנּא על ר ְב ְר ֵבי ֵל ָו ֵאי [The OVERSEER[38 — ו ֲא מ ְר ְכּ ָלא .ite leaders [is] Elazar son of 32 ֶא ְל ָע ָזר Aharon the Kohen, the ap- IS APPOINTED OVER the three leaders OF THE LEVIIM ְדּ ִמ ְתּחוֹת ,is Elazar son of Aharon the Kohen — בּר א ֲהרֹן ָכּ ֲה ָנא pointment of the guardians of -UNDER WHOSE AUTHORITY ARE AP — ְי ִדוֹהי ְמ מ נּן ָנ ְט ֵרי מ ְטּ רת ְקוּד ָשׁא .the charge of the sacred 33 For Merari — the POINTED all the guardians of the charge of the sacred items.[39] -the fam — ז ְר ִעית מ ְח ִלי ְו ז ְר ִעית ִמוּשׁי — For Merari — ִל ְמ ָר ִרי .Machlite family and the 33 ִא ֵלּין ִאנּוּ ן ז ְר ֲע ָית ;Mushite family; these are ily OF MACHLI and the family OF MUSHI — these are the families of Merari — ְמ ָר ִרי — the families of Merari

37. This is the Partition that separated between the Ramban (to 4:16 below), however, understands our Heichal and the Kodesh HaKodashim. Although it is verse to be saying two separate things, with the word the leader of, referring to both: first, that Elazar , ְנ ִשׂיא usually called the Paroches, it is occasionally called the Screen (or “Curtain,” as Onkelos translates it), as it is the leader, i.e., the overseer, of the Levite leaders; and says (below, 4:5), the Paroches-screen (Rashi). second, that he is the leader, i.e., the direct manager, of -is a combination of two words: the assignment of the guardians of the charge of the sa ֲא מְר ְכּ לא The word .38 he says all things”; that is, one who was in cred. This means that he supervises the actual work of“ , א מר ֹכּ לּא charge of all the people carrying out functions and du- the sons of Kehas, who are the guardians of the holiest ties in the Beis HaMikdash, such as the treasurers of items (see v. 28), just as Issamar supervises the work hekdesh, and had the last word in all Beis HaMikdash of the sons of Gershon and Merari (see below, 4:28, affairs (Horayos 13a with Rashi; see also Yerushalmi 33). [Rashi agrees that Elazar supervised the actual Shabbos 10:3). Thus, ‘‘he said all things’’ — i.e., he work of the Kehasites, as he says clearly below (4:16). gave all the orders (Chok Nassan to Horayos loc. cit.). However, he holds that that is derived from there, not [.is an acronym for ‘‘mas- from our verse ֲא מְר ְכּ לא Alternatively, the word at the ִמ ְתּחוֹת Minchah Belulah By adding a dalet prefix to the word ;ע‘ אמרכל Aruch) ’’( ֹכּל) over all [ מר] ter here). Mishneh LaMelech (Hil. Maaseh HaKorbanos beginning of this clause, Onkelos seems to imply that it 1:18) explains that according to this interpretation the is a continuation of the previous statement, like Rashi, is extraneous. rather than a new statement, like Ramban (Shaarei א letter 39. This is meant as an explanation of the first part Aharon). This also accounts for Onkelos’ translation ”,as “under whose authority are appointed ְפּ ֻק דּת of the verse: Elazar’s leadership over the three lead- of ers of the Leviim is that the appointment of all guard- indicating that this clause is discussing the initial ap- ians of the Mishkan (i.e., the Leviim who are assigned pointment of the workers, which was done by the three work in the Mishkan, whether from Gershon, Kehas, leaders under the authority of Elazar, rather than the or Merari) is through him (Rashi). [That is, although supervision of the actual work of the Kehasites, which the three leaders were charged with appointing the was done directly by Elazar (see Lechem VeSimlah, workers, the appointments were overseen by Elazar.] Nefesh HaGer).

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 31 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 3 / 34-37

לד ְוּפק Vֵד ֶיהם֙ ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר ) כּל־ז)֔)כר ִמ ֶבּ ֖ ֹן־ח ֶדשׁ ו)מ Eְעל)ה שׁ Iֶשׁת לד ִוּמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְניןכּ ְ)לדּכוּר ִ)אמבּריְר) חא ְוּלע0לּ ִ)אשׁתּ)א

ֲאלN )פים ) וּמאת Aִים: לה ְוּנJ שׂיא 0 בית־א)ב֙ ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֣ ֹחת ְמרִ ֔)רי ֽצ ִוּריאUל א ְל ִפין ) וּמ ) אתן: לה ְור ֵבבּיתאבּ ְ)אלזְר ֲעי ְ)תמרִ)רי ִצוּר ֵיאל ְ ֶבּ ֲן־א ִביחEִיל 1 על יֶ‚רך ה ִמּ ְשׁ# כּן י ֲ>ח ֖נוּ צ ֽ)פֹ) נה: לו ְוּפ ֻק1 דּת ִמ ְשׁ ֶ ֘מֶר ֘ת ְבּנFי בּ ֲרא ִביחAִילע ִלצדּ ְ)אדמ ְשׁ ְכּנ ִ)אי ְשׁרוֹן ִצ ) פּוּנא: לו ְו ִד ְמ ִסיר * ְלמ ְטּרת ְבּ ֵני ְמרִ)ר ֒י קְר ֵשׁי֙ ה ִמּ ְשׁ)֔כּן ְוּבִר , יחיו ְוע ֻמּ' דיו ו ֲ>אדE )ניו ְו)֨כ ֵל־כּ)֔ליו ְו ֖ ֹכל ְמרִ)ר ידּ ֵפּימ ְשׁ ְכּנ ְ)אוע ְבּֽר ִוֹה ְיו ע ֽמּוּד ִוֹה ְיוס ְמ ֽכ ִוֹה ְיוכ)למ ֽ)נ ִוֹה ְיו ֹכל

ֲע ֽבֹד ֽ)תוֹ: לז ְוע ֻמּ די ה_ח` )צר סN )ביב ְוא ְד ֵנK יהם ִוית0דֹ, תם 0 וּמ ְיתֵר _ יהם: פּ ְ)לח ֵ)נהּ: לז ְו ע ֵמּוּדידְ)רת)א ְסחוֹר > ְוס ְמ ֵכיהוֹן ְו ִס ֵכּיהוֹן ְו א ֵטּוּניהוֹן: ְסחוֹר

*נ"א: ְל ִמ טּר ִל ְב ֵני

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED according to — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא their numbers — ִוּמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן .their numbers according 34 34 from one — ִמ בּר י ְר ָחא ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,to the number of every male, the number of every male ,are six thousand — ִשׁ ָתּא א ְל ִפין ָוּמ ָאתן ,from one month of age and month of age and up up, [are] six thousand, two two hundred. The leader of the father’s household — ְורב ֵבּית א ָבּא .hundred. 35 The leader of the 35 ִצוּר ֵיאל בּר ֲא ִב ָיחִיל of the families of Merari — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָית ְמ ָר ִרי -father’s household of the fami they — על ִצ ָדּא ְד מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ִי ְשׁרוֹן ;lies of Merari is Tzuriel son of — is Tzuriel son of Avichayil at the — ִצ ָפּוּנא Avichayil; they shall encamp shall encamp on the side of the Mishkan on the side of the Mishkan at north. 36 THAT WHICH IS ASSIGNED TO[40] the — ְו ִד ְמ ִסיר ְל מ ְטּ רת ְב ֵני ְמ ָר ִרי .the north. The assignment 36 the planks — ַדּ ֵפּי מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא of the charge of the sons of charge of the sons of Merari is ְו ע ְבּ ִרוֹהי ְו ע ִמּוּדוֹהי ,Merari [is] the planks of the that comprise the walls of the Mishkan all — ְו ָכל ָמ ִנוֹהי [its bars,[41] its pillars, its sockets,[42 — ְו ס ְמ ִכוֹהי ,Mishkan, its bars, its pillars and all that is needed for its — ְו ֹכל ָפּ ְל ָח ֵנהּ ,its sockets, all its implements, its implements and all its work; 37 the pillars work; the pillars of the Courtyard all — ְו ע ֵמּוּדי ָד ְר ָתא ְסחוֹר ְסחוֹר .of the Courtyard all around 37 ְו ִס ֵכּיהוֹן ְו א ֵטּוּניהוֹן ,and their sockets — ְו ס ְמ ֵכיהוֹן and their sockets, their pegs, around and their ropes. — their pegs, and their ropes.[43]

like its English counterpart, entrance-curtain, and the hollow sockets supported the) פקד The Hebrew term .40 assign) is used both in reference to the person being planks and pillars, which were inserted into them. The ,support (Radak ,סמך is related to the verb ס ְמ ֵכיהוֹן assigned (appointed) and the task assigned to him. word .(אדן Onkelos, however, uses different terms for the two Shorashim appoint,” as he does“ ,מני uses, translating the former as 43. The pillars held up the lace-curtains and the assign to,” as he“ מסר in v. 10 above, and the latter as entrance-curtain of the Courtyard, and the sockets does here and in 4:16 below (see Beurei Onkelos). supported the pillars. The ropes were used to tie the -meaning, to pass curtains to poles, which were placed on hooks that pro ,עבר is ע ְבּ ִרוֹהי The root of the word .41 through (Me’at Tzori). The bar here is a horizontal truded from the pillars. The “pegs” mentioned here re- crossbar, which goes through the planks to hold them fer either to the poles or to the hooks (see Rashi to 4:32 together. below with Mizrachi and Gur Aryeh; but see Ramban 42. The pillars held up the Paroches and the there).

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 32 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ג / לח־מ

לח ְוה ֹ>חe נים ִל ְפנFי ה ִמּ ְשׁ)֡כּן ק xְדמ)ה ִל ְפ ֵני֩ ֽ ֹא ֶה ֵ֨ל־מוֹעד | ִמ ְז) ֜רח)ה לח ְו ִד ְשׁר ֳןקד)םמ ְשׁ ְכּנ ִ)אקדּוּמ ֳ)אקד)םמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמנ)אמ ִדּ ְינח)א מQֹ שׁה | ְוא ֲ>ה֣רֹן וּב)֗)ניו ֽשֹׁ ְמִרים֙ ִמ ְשׁמQֶרת ה ִמּ ְק) ֔דּשׁ ְל ִמ ְשׁמֶ^רת ְבּנFי מֹ ֶשׁ ְהוא ֲהרֹן ְוּב ֽנ ִוֹהינ ְ)טִריןמ ְטּרתמ ְק ְדּשׁ ְ)אלמ ְטּר ְתבּ ֵני

ִי ְשׂר )אל ְוהR זּר הקּU )רב A יוּמת: לט ) כּ ְל־פּ ֵ ֨קוּדי ה ְלִוִ֜יּם ֲא ֶשׁר֩ פּ ֨)קד מֹשׁ‚ה ִי ְשׂר ֵ)אל ְו ִחלּוֹני ְדּ ִי ְקרב ִי ְת ְק ֵטל: לט כּ ִ)למ ְני ֵ)נ ֵילו ֵ)א ִיד ְימנ)אמֹ ֶשׁה ° ְ ׄו> ׄא ֲׄה֛ ׄרֹ ׄן  על־פּOי ֖יהוה ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחE תם ) כּל־ז)כ)ר֙ ִמ ֶבּ ֣ ֹן־ח ֶדשׁ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ְוא ֲהרֹן ע ֵלמ ְימר  )אדיי ְ)לזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן כּ ְ)לדּכוּר ִ)אמבּריְר) חא ְוּלע0לּ)א

ְשׁנfִים ְו ֶע ְשׂN רים א Aֶלף: ס ששי מ ו ֨יֹּ ֶאמר ֜יהוה ֶאל־מֹ ֶ֗שׁה ְפּ ֨קֹד ֶע ְשִׂרין ְוּתֵריןא ְל ִפין: מ ו ֲאמ ְריי ְ)למֹ ֶשׁ ְהמ ִני °נקוד על ואהרן רש"י (לח) מֹ ֶשׁה ְוא ֲהרֹן וּב ניו. ְוּס ִמוּכין ָל ֶהם ֶדֶּגל מ ֲחֵנה ְי ָהוּדה, ה ְלִוִיּם (במדבר רבה ג, יג; בכורות ד.): ְשׁנִים ְו ֶע ְשׂ ִרים א ֶ לף. ְו ה ִחוֹנים ָע ָליו ִי ָשּׂ ָשכר ְוּז ֻבוּלן (לעיל ב, ג-ז), טוֹב לצּ ִדּיק טוֹב ִל ְשׁ ֵכנוֹ ִוּב ְפ ָר ָטן א ָתּה ֵמוֹצא ְשׁלֹשׁ ֵמאוֹת ְי ֵת ִרים: ְבֵּני ֵגּ ְרשׁוֹן ִשׁ ְב עת ֲא ָל ִפים (סוכה שם), ְל ִפי ֶשׁ ָהיוּ ְשׁ ֵכָניו ֶשׁל מֹ ֶשׁה ֶשׁ ָהָיה ֵעוֹסק  בּ ָתּוֹרה נ ֲעשׂוּ ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ֵמאוֹת (לעיל פסוק כב), ְבֵּני ְק ָהת ְשׁמוֹנת ֲא ָל ִפים ְו ֵשׁשׁ ֵמאוֹת ְגּ ִדוֹלים  בּ ָתּוֹרה, ֶשׁ ֶנּ ֱא מר ְ”י ָהוּדה ְמ ְחוֹק ִקי“ (תהלים ס, ט; יומא כו.) (לעיל פסוק כח), ְבֵּני ְמ ָר ִרי ֵשׁ ֶשׁת ֲא ָל ִפים ָוּמ ָאתִים (לעיל פסוק לד). ִ”וּמ ְבֵּני ִי ָשּׂ ָשכר ְיוֹד ֵעי ִב ָינה וגו‘ ָ[ר ֵאשׁ ֶיהם] ָמאתִים“ (דברי הימים-א ְו ָל ָמּה לֹא ְכ ָל ָלן ִעם ה ְשּׁ ָאר ְוִי ְפדּוּ ֶאת ה ְבּכוֹרוֹת, ְולֹא ִי ְהיוּ ְז ִקוּקים יב, לג) ָמאתִים ָר ֵאשׁי סְנ ֶה ְד ָראוֹת (בראשית רבה עב, ה) ִ”וּמ ְזּ ֻבוּלן ה ְשּׁלֹ ָשׁה ְו ִשׁ ְב ִעים ָוּמאתִים ְבּכוֹרוֹת ָה ְעוֹד ִפים על ה ִמְּנָין ְל ִפ ְדיוֹן, מֹ ְשׁ ִכים ְבּ ֵשׁ ֶבט סֹ ֵפר” (שופטים ה, יד; תנחומא שם): (לט) ֲא ֶשׁר ָא ְמרוּ  ר ֵבּוֹתינוּ ְבּמ ֶסּ ֶכת ְבּכוֹרוֹת (ה.): ָאוֹתן ְשׁלֹשׁ ֵמאוֹת ְלִוִיּים פּ קד מֹ ֶשׁה ְוא ֲהרֹן. ָנקוּד  על ְ”וא ֲהרֹן”  לוֹמר ֶשׁלֹּא ָהָיה ְבּ ִמְנין ְבּכוֹרוֹת ָהיוּ, ְודָיּים ֶשׁיּ ְפ ִקיעוּ עְצ ָמם ִמן ה ִפּ ְדיוֹן (במדבר רבה שם):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED Those camping before the — ְו ִד ְשׁ רן ֳק ָדם מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא .Those camping before the 38 38 — ֳק ָדם מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא ,at the east — ִק ָדּוּמא Mishkan at the east, before the Ohel Mishkan מֹ ֶשׁה [at the east,[44 — מ ִדּ ְינ ָחא ,Moed at the east, [are] Moshe and before the Ohel Moed ָנ ְט ִרין ְו א ֲהרֹן ְוּב ִנוֹהי Aharon and his sons, guardians — are Moshe and Aharon and his sons, ,guardians of the charge of the Sanctuary — מ ְטּ רת מ ְק ְדּ ָשׁא of the charge of the Sanctuary, for ;for the charge of the Children of Israel — ְל מ ְטּ רת ְבּ ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל the charge of the Children of Israel; -a COMMONER who approaches to per — ְו ִח לּוֹני ְדּ ִי ְק רב ִי ְת ְק ֵטל and an outsider who approaches form the service assigned to the Leviim shall BE PUT TO shall die. DEATH.[45] 39 ִדי The total number of the Leviim — ָכּל ִמ ְנָי ֵני ֵל ָו ֵאי .The total number of the Leviim 39 that Moshe and Aharon counted — ְמ ָנא מֹ ֶשׁה ְו א ֲהרֹן that Moshe and Aharon counted by -ac — ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן by the word of Hashem — על ֵמ ְימ ָרא ד ָיי the word of Hashem according to — ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא ִמ בּר י ְר ָחא ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,their families, every male from one cording to their families ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְוּת ֵרין ,month of age and up, [is] twenty- every male from one month of age and up [is twenty-two thousand.[46 — א ְל ִפין .two thousand ְמ ִני :Hashem said to Moshe — ו ֲא מר ְי ָי ְלמֹ ֶשׁה .Hashem said to Moshe: Count 40 40

44. As was mentioned above (2:3, note 5), both Hebrew Kehas, and Merari actually amounts to twenty-two lit- thousand and three hundred, our verse is enumerating — ֵק ְד מ ִה/ק דּוּמא :and Aramaic have two terms for east -The literal meaning the Leviim that were available to serve as redemp . ִמ ְזר ח ה/מ ִדּ ְינ חא erally, front — and of this clause is: “those camping before the Mishkan in tion for the Yisrael firstborns (see note 49). The three front, before the Ohel Moed, east.” hundred remaining Leviim, however, were themselves 45. See above, 1:51 note 19. firstborns, and their Levite status was therefore need- 46. Although the total count of the sons of Gershon, ed to serve as redemption for their own consecration as

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 33 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 3 / 41-43 ) כּ ְל־בּ ֤ ֹכר ז)כ)ר֙ ִל ְבנFי ִי ְשׂר ֵ ֔)אל ִמ ֶבּ ֖ ֹן־ח ֶדשׁ ו)מ Eְע) לה ְו)֕שׂא U את ִמ ְספּר כל ְבּוּכריּ ִ אד ְכריּ א ִל ְב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ִלמבּריְר) חא ְוּל ֵעלּ ְ)אוק ֵבּלי ִ)תמ ְנין

ְשׁמAֹ תם: מא ְולAק ְח) ֨תּ ֶאת־ה ְלִויּOם ִלי֙ ֲאe ני ֔יהוה תּ חת ) כּ ְל־בּ ֖ ֹכר ִבּ ְבנFי ְשׁמ)ה ְ)תהוֹן: מא ְוּתק ֵ רב י ֵ)תלו ֵ)אי ֳקד מי ֲאנ ְ)איי ֲ)חל ) ףכּל ְבּוּכר ִ)אבּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂר )אל ְו ֵאת֙ בּ ֱ_ה1 מת ה ְלִוִ֔יּם 1תּ חת ) כּ ְל־בּ ֔כוֹר ְבּב ֱ_ה מת ְבּI ני ִי ְשׂר0 )אל: ִי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלוי ְ)תבּ ִעיר ְ)אד ֵלו ֵ)א ֲיחל ) ףכּל ְבּוּכר ִ)אבּ ְב ִעיר ִ)אדּ ְב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)אל:

מב וִיּ ְפ ֣קֹד מֹ ֶ֔שׁה כּ ֲ>אשׁר ִצR וּה ֖יהוה ֹא ֑תוֹ ֶא ) ת־כּ ְל־בּ ֖כוֹר ִבּ ְבנIי מב ְוּמנ)אמֹ ֶשׁ ְהכּ) מא ִדיפ ִקּ ְידיי)י ֵ)תהּי ) )תכּל ְבּוּכר ִ)אבּ ְב ֵני

ִי ְשׂר0 )אל: מג ו ְי ִהי֩ ) כ ְל־בּ ֨כוֹר ז)֜)כר ְבּ ִמ ְס פּר ֵשׁ ֛ ֹמת ִמ ֶבּ ֥ ֹן־ח ֶדשׁ ו)מ ְעל)ה ִי ְשׂר ֵ)אל: מג ו ֲה ווֹכל ְבּוּכריּ ִ אד ְכריּ א ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה ִ)ןמבּריְר) חא ְוּלע0לּ)א ִל ְפק VֵדK יהם ְשׁנִŒים ְו ֶע ְשִׂרים֙ ֶ ֔א ֶלף ְשׁלRֹ שׁה ְו ִשׁ ְבN עים ) וּמאת Aִים: פ ְל ִמ ְני ֵ)ניהוֹן ֶע ְשִׂרין ְוּתֵריןא ְל ִפ ) יןמאת ְןו ִשׁ ְב ִעין ְוּתל) )תא: רש"י (מ) ְפּקֹד כּל ְבּ ֹכר ז כר וגו‘ ִמ ֶבּן ֹח ֶדשׁ ו מ ְ ע לה. ִמ ֶשָּׁיָּצא ִמ ְכּ ָלל ְס ֵפק ְנ ָפ ִלים (שבת קלה:; תנחומא יח):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ִל ְב ֵני [Count ALL THE firstborn MALES[47 — ָכל ְבּוּכר ָיּא ִד ְכר ָיּא -every firstborn male of the Chil from — ִמ בּר יְר ָחא ְוּל ֵע ָלּא of the Children of Israel — ִי ְשָׂר ֵאל dren of Israel from one month of -and ob — ְו ק ֵבּל ָית ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָה ְתהוֹן ,age and up, and obtain the num- one month of age and up ber of their names. 41 You shall tain the number of their names.[48] You shall BRING the Leviim CLOSE — ְוּת ָק ֵרב ָית ֵל ָו ֵאי ֳק ָד מי .take the Leviim for Me — I am 41 ֲח לף ָכּל — I am Hashem — ֲא ָנא ְי ָי — Hashem — in place of every first- BEFORE ME in place of every firstborn among the — ְבּוּכ ָרא ִבּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ,born among the Children of Israel and the animals of — ְו ָית ְבּ ִע ָירא ְד ֵל ָו ֵאי [and the animals of the Leviim in Children of Israel,[49 -in place of ev — ֲח לף ָכּל ְבּוּכ ָרא ִבּ ְב ִע ָירא ִדּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל place of every firstborn among the the Leviim animals of the Children of Israel. ery firstborn among the animals of the Children of Israel.[50] — ְכּ ָמא ִדי פ ִקּיד ְי ָי ָי ֵתהּ — Moshe counted — ְוּמ ָנא מֹ ֶשׁה .Moshe counted — as Hashem 42 42 ָית ָכּל ְבּוּכ ָרא ִבּ ְב ֵני — had commanded him — every as Hashem had commanded him .every firstborn among the Children of Israel — ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל firstborn among the Children of 43 ALL THE firstborn MALES WERE — ו ֲהווֹ ָכל ְבּוּכ ר ָיּא ִד ְכ ר ָיּא .Israel. Every firstborn male 43 according to the number of their — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן — was — according to the number from one month of age and — ִמ בּר י ְר ָחא ְוּל ֵע ָלּא ,of their names, from one month names ֶע ְשׂ ִרין — according to their numbers — ְל ִמ ְנָי ֵניהוֹן ,of age and up, according to their up twenty-two thousand, two — ְוּת ֵרין א ְל ִפין ָמ אתן ְו ִשׁ ְב ִעין ְוּת ָל ָתא ,numbers — twenty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-three. hundred and seventy-three.

firstborns, and could not serve as redemption for others 48. See above, 1:2 note 5. (Rashi). 49. Unlike subsequent generations, where every is every firstborn Yisrael firstborn must be redeemed with money, in that כּל ְבּכוֹר ז כר The literal meaning of .47 male, in singular form. Onkelos translates it as all the generation each firstborn was redeemed by a Levi, who firstborn males, in plural form (here and in vv. 43, 46, was consecrated in his place. and 50), since it refers to the Jewish firstborn males as 50. This refers specifically to the firstborn donkeys. a group rather than each individual firstborn (Chalifos In subsequent generations, one who owns a firstborn Semalos). donkey must either redeem it by giving a lamb or kid

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 34 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ג / מד־מז

מד ו ְידI בּר ֖יהוה ֶאל־מֹ" שׁה ֵלּ ֽאמֹר: מה † קח ֶאת־ה ְלִוִ֗יּם kתּ חת ) כּ ְל־בּכוֹר֙ מד וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁ ְהל ֵמ ) ימר: מה ק ֵ רב י ֵ)תלו ֵ)א ֲיחל ) ףכּל ְבּוּכר)א ִבּ ְבנFי ִי ְשׂר ֵ ֔)אל ְו ֶאת־בּ ֱ_המת ה ְלִויּNם 1תּחת ְבּ ֶה ְמEתּם ְוA ה Oיוּ־לי ִבּ ְב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלוי ְ)תבּ ִעיר ְ)אד ֵלו ֵ)א ֲיחל ְףבּ ִע ְירהוֹן ִויהוֹן ְמשׁ ְמּ ִשׁין > ֳקד מי

ה ְלִויּNם ֲאO ני ֽיהוה: מו ְו ֵאת֙ ְפּדוּיFי ה ְשּׁלֹ)֔שׁה ְוה ִשּׁ ְבN עים ְוה) מּאת Eִים ֵלו ֵ)א ֲיאנ ְ)איי): מו ְוי)ת ְפּוּרקן ) מאתן ְו ִשׁ ְב ִעין ְוּתל)ת)א

ה ֽ ֹ)ע ְד ִפים֙  על־ה ְלִוִ֔יּם ִמ ְבּ ֖כוֹר ְבּנIי ִי ְשׂר0 )אל: מז ְולAק ְח) ֗תּ ְדּי ִתּ ִיריןע ֵללו ֵ)א ִימ ְבּוּכריּ ִ)אדּ ְב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)אל: מז ְו ִת סּב ֲחמ ֶשׁת ֲחמ ֶ`שׁת ְשׁקN)לים ל ֻגּ ְל ֑ ֹגּ ֶלת ְבּשׁ rֶקל ה ֨קֹּ ֶדשׁ֙ ִתּ) ֔קּח ֲח ֵמ ֲשׁח ֵמשׁ ִס ְל ִעין ְל ֻג ְלגּ ְ)לתּ)א ְבּ ִס ְל ֵעי ְקוּדשׁ ִ)אתּסּב רש"י (מה) ְו ֶאת ֶבּ ֱה מת ה ְלִו ִיּם וגו‘. לֹא ָפדוּ ֶבּ ֱהמת ה ְלִוִיּם ֶאת ד:): (מו) ְו ֵאת ְפּ ֵדוּיי ה ְשּׁלֹ שׁה וגו‘. ְו ֶאת ה ְבּכוֹרוֹת הְצּ ִר ִיכין ְבּ ֵכוֹרי ְבּ ֵה ָמה ְט ָהוֹרה ֶשׁל ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, ֶא ָלּא ֶאת ִפּ ְט ֵרי ֲח ֵמוֹר ֶיהם, ְו ֶשׂה ְל ִה ָפּדוֹת ָבּ ֶהם, ֵאלּוּ ה ְשּׁלֹ ָשׁה ְו ִשׁ ְב ִעים ָוּמאתִים ָה ְעוֹד ִפים ָבּ ֶהם ֶא ָחד ֶשׁל ֶבּן ֵלִוי ָפּטר כּ ָמּה ִפּ ְט ֵרי ֲח ִמוֹרים ֶשׁל ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל. ֵתּ דע, ְי ֵת ִרים על ה ְלִוִיּם, ֵמ ֶהם ִתּ קּח ֲ”ח ֵמ ֶשׁת ְשׁ ָק ִלים ל ֻגְּל ֹגֶּלת“ (פסוק ֶשׁ ֲה ֵרי ָמָנה ָה ְעוֹד ִפים ָבּ ָא ָדם ְולֹא ָמָנה ָה ְעוֹד ִפים בּ ְבּ ֵה ָמה (בכורות מז). ָכּ ְך ָהְי ָתה ְמ ִכ ָירתוֹ ֶשׁל ֵיוֹסף ֶע ְשׂ ִרים ֶכּ ֶסף ֶשׁ ָהָיה ְבּ ָכוֹרהּ ֶשׁל

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED ,Hashem spoke WITH Moshe — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְל ֵמ ָימר .Hashem spoke to Moshe, say- 44 44 ing: 45 Take the Leviim in place of saying: ֲח לף BRING the Leviim CLOSE before Me — ָק ֵרב ָית ֵל ָו ֵאי .every firstborn among the Chil- 45 in place of every firstborn among — ָכּל ְבּוּכ ָרא ִבּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל dren of Israel, and the animals and the animals — ְו ָית ְבּ ִע ָירא ְד ֵל ָו ֵאי ,of the Leviim in place of their the Children of Israel ,in place of their animals — ֲח לף ְבּ ִע ְירהוֹן animals, and the Leviim shall of the Leviim and the Leviim shall be MINISTERING — ִויהוֹן ְמ שׁ ְמּ ִשׁין ֳק ָד מי ֵל ָו ֵאי be Mine — I am Hashem. 46 And .I am Hashem — ֲא ָנא ְי ָי — [as for those redeemed of the two BEFORE ME[51 ָמ אתן And as for the REDEMPTION[52] of — ְו ָית ְפּוּר קן .hundred and seventy-three who 46 the two hundred and seventy-three — ְו ִשׁ ְב ִעין ְוּת ָל ָתא are in excess of the Leviim from ִמ ְבּוּכ ר ָיּא who are in excess of the Leviim — ְדּ י ִתּ ִירין על ֵל ָו ֵאי the firstborns of the Children [from the firstborns of the Children of Israel;[53 — ִדּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל of Israel; 47 you shall take five you shall take five — ְו ִת סּב ֲח ֵמשׁ ֲח ֵמשׁ ִס ְל ִעין ְל ֻג ְל ָגּ ְל ָתּא .shekalim each for a head, in the 47 ְבּ ִס ְל ֵעי ְקוּד ָשׁא ִתּ סּב [54] sacred shekel shall you take; SELA’IM each for a head, — in the to the Kohen, or sever the neck of the donkey. In that with money. Onkelos, however, interprets it (here and ,redemption” (see Radak“ , ְפּדוּי generation, the lambs or kids of the Leviim automati- in v. 48) as the plural of Although in v. 49 he does interpret it .(פדה cally redeemed the firstborn donkeys of the Yisraelim. Shorashim However, unlike the Leviim themselves, who were as “redeemed ones,” here he maintains that that cannot each able to redeem only one Yisrael firstborn, while be its meaning, since at this point they had not yet been the remaining firstborns had to be redeemed with five redeemed (Lechem VeSimlah, Beurei Onkelos). [Rashi shekalim, the lambs or kids of the Leviim were each would explain that here it means “those who would be able to redeem many firstborn donkeys (Rashi to v. 45). redeemed” (Me’at Tzori, citing Sefer Zikaron).] here ְפּ ֵדוּיי Onkelos translates the statement, and the Leviim It is unclear, though, why Onkelos renders .51 . ְפּוּר ק ֵני in the singular and not ְפּוּר קן shall be Mine, according to its implied meaning in or- as der to avoid repetition, for it already said that Moshe 53. As stated above, there were 22,273 Yisrael first- shall bring the Leviim close to Hashem (see note 17). borns and only 22,000 Leviim who were not firstborns here as the plural of (see note 46). This left 273 firstborns without a Levi to ְפּ ֵדוּיי Rashi interprets the word .52 .redeemed one,” meaning, those who are redeemed redeem them“ , פּדוּי

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 35 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 3 / 48-50

ֶע ְשׂO רים ֵגּ, רה השּׁ Aֶקל: מח ְונAת'תּה ה ֶ֔כּ ֶסף ְלא ֲ>ה֖רֹן ְוּלבE )ניו ְפּ ֵ֕דוּיי ֶע ְשִׂרין מ ִ ע ִיןס ְלע א: מח ְו ִת ֵתּןכּ ְספּ ְ)אלא ֲהרֹ ְןו ִל ְב ֽנ ִוֹהי ֻפּ ְרקן

ה ֽ ֹ)ע ְדN פים בּ_ )הם: מט וִיּ† קּח מֹ ֶ֔שׁה U את כּ Qֶסף ה ִפּ ְד ֑יוֹם ֵמ ֵאת֙ ה ֣ ֹ)ע ְד ִ֔פים ְדּי ִתּ ִיר ְיןבּהוֹן: מט ְוּנ ֵסיבמֹ ֶשׁהי ְ)תכּסף ְפּוּרק ְ נהוֹן ִמ ְןדּי ִתּ ִירין

על ְפּדוּיIי ה ְלִוP יּם: נ ֵמ ֵ ֗את ְבּ ֛כוֹר ְבּנIי ִי ְשׂר)אUל ל† )קח ֶאת־הכּ Eֶסף ע ְלפִּר ֵיק ֵילו ֵ)אי: נ ִמן ְבּוּכריּ ִ)אדּ ְב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְלנ ִסיבי)תכּ ְספּ)א ֲח ִמ)֨שּׁה ְו ִשׁ ִ֜שּׁים ְוּשׁ ֥לֹשׁ ֵמ ֛אוֹת ו)א ֶ^לף ְבּשׁ ֶ"קל ה ֽקֹּ ֶדשׁ: ֲא לף ְוּתל)ת ְמא)ה ְו ִשׁ ִתּין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ִס ְל ִעין ְבּ ִס ְל ֵעי ְקוּד) שׁא: רש"י ָר ֵחל (בראשית רבה פד, יח; במדבר רבה ד, י): (מט) ה ֹ ע ְד ִפים ְשׁ ָק ִלים ל ֻגְּל ֹגֶּלת, ְל ָמאתִים ְבּכוֹרוֹת ֶא ֶלף ֶשׁ ֶקל, ְל ִשׁ ְב ִעים ְבּכוֹרוֹת  על ְפּ ֵדוּיי ה ְלִו ִיּם.  על ָאוֹתן ֶשׁ ָפּדוּ ה ְלִוִיּם ְבּ ָגוּפן: (נ) ֲח ִמשּׁ ה ְשׁלֹשׁ ֵמאוֹת ו ֲח ִמ ִשּׁים ֶשׁ ֶקל, ִל ְשׁלֹ ָשׁה ְבּכוֹרוֹת ֲח ִמ ָשּׁה ָע ָשׂר ָשׁ ֶקל. ְו ִשׁ ִשּׁים ְוּשׁלֹשׁ ֵמאוֹת ו ֶ א ֶלף. ָכּ ְך ְסכוּם ה ֶח ְשׁבּוֹן: ֲח ִמ ָשּׁה ָא מר: ֵכּיצד ֶא ֱע ֶשׂה? ְבּכוֹר ֶשׁ  אוֹמר לוֹ: ֵתּן ֲח ֵמ ֶשׁת ְשׁ ָק ִלים, יֹאמר

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED — ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ָמ ִעין ִס ְל ָעא [the shekel is twenty geiras. sacred SELA’IM shall you take them;[55 48 You shall give the money to the SELA is twenty MA’AHS.[56] — ְל א ֲהרֹן ְו ִל ְב ִנוֹהי You shall give the money — ְו ִת ֵתּן כּ ְס ָפּא .Aharon and his sons, of those 48 -as REDEMP — ֻפּ ְר קן ְדּ י ִתּ ִירין ְבּהוֹן ,redeemed who are in excess to Aharon and his sons among them.’’ TION[57] of those among them who are in excess of the Leviim. the money — ָית ְכּ סף ְפּוּר ָק ְנהוֹן Moshe took — ְוּנ ֵסיב מֹ ֶשׁה .Moshe took the money of 49 49 -from those first — ִמן ְדּ י ִתּ ִירין [the redemption from those of THEIR redemption[58 of those who were — על ְפּ ִר ֵיקי ֵל ָו ֵאי who were in excess of those re- borns who were in excess deemed by the Leviim; 50 from redeemed[59] by the Leviim; from the firstborns of the Children — ִמן ְבּוּכ ר ָיּא ִדּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל .the firstborns of the Children 50 ֲא לף ְוּת ָלת :he took the money — ְנ ִסיב ָית כּ ְס ָפּא of Israel he took the money: one of Israel one thousand, three hundred and — ְמ ָאה ְו ִשׁ ִתּין ו ֲח ֵמשׁ ִס ְל ִעין thousand, three hundred and [in the sacred SELA’IM.[60 — ְבּ ִס ְל ֵעי ְקוּד ָשׁא sixty-five in the sacred shekalim. sixty-five SELA’IM

54. Sela (pl. sela’im) is the Aramaic equivalent of the 56. Ma’ah is the Aramaic name for the coin that the Torah coin that the Torah calls a shekel. [The literal mean- calls a geirah (Rashi and Ramban loc. cit.; Rambam is “weight,” on account of the specific ibid. 1:3; see Bechoros 50a). Alternatively, the geirah was ( ֶשׁ ֶקל) ing of shekel not a coin, but a certain weight, and the shekel contained , ֶס לע weight of silver it contained. The Aramaic term literally, stone, has a similar connotation, since in ear- twenty geirah-weights of silver. Onkelos describes the lier times people would use stones to weigh objects (Or geirah as a “ma’ah” because in his times there was a coin HaTargum to Bereishis 23:16; see Ramban to Shemos by that name which contained exactly a geirah-weight The familiar] .(ד“ה כל כסף Devarim 25:13 with Rashi).] of silver (Tosafos, Bechoros 50b ;30:13 [.(Me’at Tzori) מ עה is a derivative of , מעוֹת ,Five sela’im / shekalim is the amount that one is term for money to mean “[the ְפּ ֵדוּיי required to give to the Kohen for the redemption of a 57. Here too, Rashi will interpret firstborn (see below, 18:15-16). Since these firstborns money of] those [being] redeemed” (Shaarei Aharon). did not have a Levi to redeem them personally, they Onkelos, however, translates it “redemption,” as he did were required to pay that amount to Aharon and his in v. 46 (see note 52). .is “the” redemption ה ִפּ ְדיוֹם sons, as stated in the following verse. 58. The literal meaning of 55. The sela/shekel of the Torah is called the “sacred Onkelos translates it as “their” redemption for the sake sela” (or “sacred shekel”) because it is the denomination of clarity (Lechem VeSimlah, Beurei Onkelos). used for all mitzvah obligations that involve payment 59. Here (and in v. 51), Onkelos agrees with Rashi’s in- can mean “those who were ְפּ ֵדוּי י/ה ְפּ ֻד ִים of a fixed amount, such as redemption of a bechor. This terpretation that coin weighed more than certain other sela coins (see redeemed,” since they were already redeemed (see note Rashi and Ramban to Shemos 30:13; Bechoros 50a; 52). Rambam, Hil. Shekalim 1:2). 60. This is the total of five sela’im each for 273 people.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 36 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ג / נא — ד / ג

נא וִיּ ֵ ֨תּן מֹ ֶ֜שׁה ֶאת־כּ ֶ‚סף ה ְפּ ֻדיTם ְלא ֲ>ה֥רֹן ְוּלב, )ניו  על־פּeי ֑יהוה נא ִויהבמֹ ֶשׁהי ְ)תכּס ְףפִּריקיּ ְ)אלא ֲהרֹ ְןו ִל ְב ֽנ ִוֹהיע ֵלמ ְימר  )אד)יי כּ ֲ>א שׁר ִצR וּה ֖יהוה ֶאת־מֹ_ שׁה: פ ְכּ) מא ִדיפ ִקּ ְידיי)י)תמֹ ֶשׁה:

שביעי [ד] א ו ְידF בּר ֔יהוה ֶאל־מֹשׁ"ה ְו ֶאל־א ֲ>ה ֖רֹן ֵל ֽאמֹר: ב נ ֗)שֹׂא ד א וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְוּלא ֲהרֹ ְןל ֵמ ) ימר: ב ק בּילוּ ֶאת־רֹאשׁ֙ ְבּנFי ְק)֔הת ִמ ֖תּ ְוֹך ְבּנFי ֵלוqי ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְלI בית י ֻ תח ְשׁבּן ְבּ ֵנ ְיקה ִ)תמ ְגּוֹבּ ֵנ ֵילִו ְילזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן ְל ֵבית

ֲאבAֹ תם: ג ִמ ֶ֨בּן ְשׁלֹשׁJים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ְועד ֶבּ ֲן־ח ִמe שּׁים ֲאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן: ג ִמבּ ְרתּל ִ)ת ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ ְ)אועדבּרח ְמ ִשׁין שׁ)נEה ) כּל־בּ)א֙ לצּ) ֔)בא ל ֲ>ע ֥שׂוֹת ְמ) לאכ,ה ְבּ ֥ ֹא ֶהל 0 מוֹעד: ְשׁ ִניןכּ ְ)לדא ֵ)ת ְיל ֵחיל ְ)אל ֶמ ְעבּ ִדע ִב ְדתּ ְ)אבּמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמ) נא: רש"י ִלי: ֲאִני ִמ ְפּ ֵדוּיי ה ְלִוִיּם. ֶמה ָע ָשׂה? ֵה ִביא ְשׁנִים ְו ֶע ְשׂ ִרים ֶא ֶלף ֶאת רֹאשׁ וגו‘. ְמֵנה ֵמ ֶהם ֶאת ָה ְר ִאוּיין ל ֲעבוֹדת מ ָשּׂא, ְו ֵהם ְפּ ָת ִקין ְו ָכתב ֲע ֵל ֶיהם: ֶבּן ֵלִוי, ָוּמאתִים ְו ִשׁ ְב ִעים ְוּשׁלֹ ָשׁה ְפּ ָת ִקין ִמ ֶבּן ְשׁלֹ ִשׁים ְו עד ֶבּן ֲח ִמ ִשּׁים ָשָׁנה, ְוה ָפּחוֹת ִמ ְשּׁלֹ ִשׁים לֹא ִנ ְתמ ֵלּא ָכּ תב ֲע ֵל ֶיהן: ֲח ִמ ָשּׁה ְשׁ ָק ִלים, ְבּ ָל ָלן ְוּנ ָתָנן ְבּק ְל ִפּי, ָא מר ָל ֶהם: בּוֹאוּ ֹכּחוֹ. ִמ ָכּאן ָא ְמרוּ: ֶבּן ְשׁלֹ ִשׁים ְל ֹכח (אבות ה, כא; במדבר רבה ו, ז) ְוּטלוּ ִפ ְת ֵק ֶיכם ְל ִפי  ה ָגּוֹרל (תנחומא כא; סנהדרין יז.): (ב) נ שֹׂא ְו ה ֵיּוֹתר  על ֶבּן ֲח ִמ ִשּׁים ֹכּחוֹ מ ְכ ִחישׁ ֵמ ָע ָתּה:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED Moshe gave the money of those — ִו יהב מֹ ֶשׁה ָית ְכּ סף ְפּ ִר יק ָיּא .Moshe gave the money of those 51 51 to Aharon and — ְל א ֲהרֹן ְו ִל ְב ִנוֹהי redeemed to Aharon and his who were redeemed ,according to the Word of Hashem — על ֵמ ְימ ָרא ד ָיי sons according to the Word of his sons .as Hashem had commanded Moshe — ְכּ ָמא ִדי פ ִקּיד ְי ָי ָית מֹ ֶשׁה -Hashem, as Hashem had com manded Moshe. 4. 4. Hashem spoke WITH Moshe and — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְוּל א ֲהרֹן .1 1 :saying — ְל ֵמ ָימר ,Hashem spoke to Moshe and to Aharon to Aharon, saying: 2 Raise the [1] ק ִבּילוּ ָית ֻח ְשׁ בּן ְבּ ֵני ְק ָהת head of the sons of Kehas from 2. — OBTAIN THE COUNT of the sons ִמגּוֹ ְבּ ֵני ֵל ִוי among the sons of Levi, accord- of Kehas — from among the sons of Levi, ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן ing to their families, according — according to their families, accord- to their fathers’ household; ing to their fathers’ household; ,from thirty years of age and up — ִמ בּר ְתּ ָל ִתין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא .from thirty years of age and 3 3 ָכּל ְד ָא ֵתי ְל ֵח ָילא ,until fifty years of age — ְו עד בּר ח ְמ ִשׁין ְשׁ ִנין -up, until fifty years of age, every ְל ֶמ ְע בּד one who comes to the legion to — everyone who comes to join the legion of Leviim [to perform work in the Ohel Moed.[2 — ִע ִב ְד ָתּא ְבּ מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא .perform work in the Ohel Moed

Rashi explains that Moshe used lots to determine would carry the holier components of the Mishkan which of the firstborns would be redeemed by Leviim structure (the coverings, etc.). Regarding the sons of and which would need to pay five sela’im; see there. Merari, however, who would carry the relatively less 1. See above, 1:2 note 3. The literal “Raise the head” important sockets and planks, the Torah (below v. 29) in this context conveys that the counting of the sons simply says that they should be counted and assigned of Kehas would be an “elevation” for them, because to their task (Or HaChaim here and in v. 22 below; see they would then be charged with transporting the holy also Bamidbar Rabbah 4:12 and 6:2-3). Mishkan vessels. The same is true in the beginning of 2. The purpose of this additional census of the Parashas Nasso regarding the sons of Gershon, who Leviim (which continues into Parashas Nasso) was

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 37 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 4 / 4-6

ד ֛זֹאת ֲעבֹ דת ְבּ0 נ ְי־קה,ת ְבּ ֣ ֹא ֶהל מוֹעד ֖קֹ ֶדשׁ ה ֳקּדP )שׁים: ה ) ֨וּבא ד ֵדּיןפּ ְ)לח ְןבּ ֵנ ְיקה ְ)תבּמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמנ ֽ)אקֹ ֶדשׁ ְקוּדשׁ) יּא: ה ְו ֵיעוֹל א ֲ>ה֤ ֹרן וּב) )ניו֙ ִבּ ְנ ֣סֹע המּ ֲ>ח ֶ֔נה ְו ִ ֕הוֹרדוּ U את פּ֣)רֹ ֶכת המּE)ס ְך ְו ִ֨כ ) ֔סּוּ־בהּ א ֲהרֹן ְוּב ֽנ ִוֹה ְיבּ ִמטּלמ ְשִׁרית)א ִויפ ְ רקוּן י)תפֻּ)ר ְכתּ)א ִד ְפר ס א ִו  יכסּוֹן בּהּ

אUת ֲא֥רֹן ה AֵעV דת: ו ְונ Aְת ֣נוּ ע)֗)ליו ְכּסוּי֙ ֣עוֹר  ֔תּ חשׁ וּפAְר ֧שׂוּ י ֲ)תארוֹנ ְ)אדס ֲ)ה ) דוּתא: ו ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ֲע ֽל ִוֹהי חוֹפ)א ִ)הדּ ְמשׁ ְך ס ְסגּוֹנ א ְו ִי ְפְרסוּן

רש"י (ד) קֹ ֶדשׁ ה ֳקּד ִ שׁים. ה ְמ ָקוּדּשׁ ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכוּלּן: ָה ָארוֹן ְוה ֻשּׁ ְל ָחן ְוה ְמּ ָנוֹרה ְוה ִמּ ְז ְבּחוֹת ְוה ָפּ ֶרוֹכת ְוּכ ֵלי ָשׁ ֵרת: (ה) וּבא א ֲהרֹן וּב ניו וגו‘. י ְכִניסוּ ָכּל ְכּ ִלי ְוּכ ִלי ְלנ ְר ִתּ ָיקן ה ְמ ָפוֹרשׁ לוֹ ְבּ ָפ ָר ָשׁה זוֹ, ְולֹא ִיְצ ָט ְרכוּ ה ְלִוִיּם ְבֵּני ְק ָהת ֶא ָלּא ָל ֵשׂאת: ִבּ ְנסֹע המּ ֲח ֶנה. ְכּ ֶשׁ ָה ָעָנן ִמ ְסתּ ֵלּק ֵהם ְיוֹד ִעין ֶשִׁיּ ָסּעוּ:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED This is the service of the sons of Kehas — ֵדּין ָפּ ְל חן ְבּ ֵני ְק ָהת .This is the service of the 4 4 קֹ ֶדשׁ ְקוּד שׁ ָיּא ְבּ מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא sons of Kehas in the Ohel Moed: — in the Ohel Moed: — the trans- porting of the items that are holy of holies.[3] This shall be done the holy of holies. 5 as follows: Aharon and his sons shall Aharon and his sons shall enter the — ְו ֵיעוֹל א ֲהרֹן ְוּב ִנוֹהי .5 enter when the camp journeys -whenever the camp jour — ְבּ ִמ טּל מ ְשׁ ִר ָיתא Mishkan and take down the Paroches- and they shall DISMANTLE — ִו ָיפ ְרקוּן ָית ָפּ ֻר ְכ ָתּא ִד ְפ ָר ָסא [neys[4 and — ִו יכסּוֹן בּהּ ָית ֲא ָרוֹנא ְד ָס ֲה ָדוּתא [screen and cover the Aron of the Paroches-CURTAIN[5 the Testimony with it. 6 They they shall cover the Aron of the Testimony with it. ָחוֹפ ָאה [They shall place upon [the Aron — ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ֲע ִלוֹהי .shall place upon it a covering 6 ְ ְו ִי ְפ ְרסוּן [a covering of SASGONA skin,[6 — ִדּ ְמ שׁך ס ְס ָגּוֹנא of tachash skin, and spread to determine the number of Leviim that were fit for enter the Mishkan and prepare the holiest items for carrying the Mishkan and its utensils. Only those transit. between the ages of thirty and fifty were qualified for 5. See above, 3:31 note 34. this task, since that is the age when a person’s strength In 1:51 above, regarding the dismantling of the is at its peak (Rashi to the previous verse; see Avos ,lower , ִיוֹרידוּ Mishkan, Onkelos similarly renders 5:21). dismantle. However, as explained in note , ְי פְרקוּן as The Torah generally refers to the work of the Leviim 19 there, Onkelos modifies the translation because translated by Onkelos as) ֲעבֹ דה in the Mishkan as “lowering the Mishkan” sounds like it was moved ,which denotes physical exertion; for example ,( פּ ְל ח נא from a high place to a lower place. This would not see below, v. 23. This is the only place where the Torah explain his change here, because “lowering a curtain” which denotes work that , ְמ ל אכ ִה/ע ִב ְד תּא refers to it as clearly means to take it down! [Indeed, Rashi in does not necessarily entail physical exertion. Or 1:51 refers there to Onkelos in explaining the term HaChaim (first approach) explains that this is because in that context, but does not find it necessary ִיוֹרידוּ the items carried by the sons of Kehas included the here ִיוֹרידוּ to do the same here, because the use of Aron, which was not physically carried, but to the con- is self-explanatory.] Beurei Onkelos suggests that trary, it “carried those who carried it” (see 35a; Onkelos modified the translation here to avoid us- Bamidbar Rabbah 4:20). Our verse therefore refers to ing an expression of “lowering” regarding the holy to indicate that , ְמ ל אכה the work of the Kehasites as Paroches. those who carried the Aron did not have to exert them- -is an abbre ( ס ְס גּוֹנא) selves in doing so. See there for another approach, and 6. The Aramaic term sasgona which means “that ,( שׂשׂ ִבּ ְגו ִונין) see Meshech Chochmah. viation of sas b’gevanin rejoices in [the beauty of] its colors,” referring to the 3. I.e., the holiest items in the Mishkan (Rashi). multicolored hide of the tachash (Shabbos 28a, cited 4. When the cloud that covered the Mishkan began to by Rashi to Shemos 25:5). For further discussion, and see Shemos , ס ְס גּוֹנא move, the people knew that they were about to jour- for other interpretations of the term ney (Rashi). At that point, Aharon and his sons would 25:5 note 7.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 38 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ד / ז

ב ֶ_ג ְד־כּTליל ְתּכ Uֶלת ִמ ְלמ Eְע) לה ְושׂ ֖)מוּ בּA דּיו: ז ְו1 על | ֻשׁ ְל1 חן הפּ ִ֗)נים ְלבוּשׁ ְגּ ִמ ִירתּ ְכל ִ)אמ ְלע0לּ ִ)או  ישׁוּוֹן ֲאִר ֽיח ִוֹהי: ז ְוע ) לפּתוֹר)א ִד ְל ֵחם > אפּיּ)א ִי ְפְר ֘שׂוּ בּ Qֶגד ְתּ ֵ֒כ ֶל ֒ת ְונ Aְת ֣נוּ ֠ע)֠)ליו ֶאת־ה ְקּע֤)רֹת ְו ֶאת־הכּ ֹפּת֙ ִי ְפְרסוּן ְלבוּשׁ ִתּ ְכל ְ)או ִי ְתּנוּן ֲע ֽל ִוֹהיי ְ)תמ ִגיסיּ ְ)אוי)תבּ ִ)זיכיּ)א ְו ֶאת־ה ְמּנ ִקּ ֔יֹּת ְואUת ְק ֣שׂוֹת הנּ Eֶס ְך ְו"ל ֶחם התּN )מיד עR)ליו י Pְהי_ה: ְוי ְ)תמ ִכיל)ת ְ)אוי)תק ְ)סו ִ)תנ ) סּוּכא ְוּל ֵח ְםתּ ִדיר ֲ)אע ֽלוֹ ִה ְיי ֵהי: רש"י (ז) ְק ערוֹת ְו כפּוֹת וּ ְקשׂוֹת ְוּמנ ִקּיֹּת. ְכּ ָבר ֵפּיר ְשׁ ִתּי ִבּ ְמ ֶל ֶאכת ה ִמּ ְשׁ ָכּן (שמות כה, כט): הנּ ֶ ס ְך. ה ִכּסּוּי, ְלשׁוֹן ָ”מ ָס ְך” (שמות כו, לו), ֲ”א ֶשׁר ֻיסּ ְך ָבּ ֵהן” (שמות כה, כט):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED and they shall spread a cloth made entirely of — ְלבוּשׁ ְגּ ִמיר ִתּ ְכ ָלא a cloth entirely of turquoise ,above the covering of sasgona skin — ִמ ְלּ ֵע ָלּא [over it, and emplace its turquoise wool[7 [and they shall emplace its poles.[8 — ִו ישׁוּוֹן ֲא ִר ִיחוֹהי poles. 7 Upon the Shulchan Upon the Shulchan OF THE LECHEM — ְו על ָפּ ָתוֹרא ִד ְל ֵחם א פּ ָיּא .HaPanim they shall spread 7 they shall spread a cloth — ִי ְפ ְרסוּן ְלבוּשׁ ִתּ ְכ ָלא [a cloth of turquoise and HaPanim[9 and they shall place upon — ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ֲע ִלוֹהי place upon it the dishes, the of turquoise wool [the dishes,[10] the spoons,[11 — ָית ְמ ִג יס ָיּא ְו ָית ָבּ ִז יכָיּא ְו ָית ְמ ִכ ָיל ָתא spoons, the supports, and it [and the shelving tubes;[13 — ְו ָית ָק ְס ָות ִנ ָסּוּכא [the shelving tubes; and the the supports,[12 and the constant bread shall be upon — ְוּל ֵחם ְתּ ִד ָירא ֲע ִלוֹהי ְי ֵהי .constant bread shall be on it

7. Specifically, wool dyed with the turquoise dye pro- the loaves from the time they were baked on Friday duced from the blood of the chilazon (Rashi to Shemos until they were placed on the Shulchan on Shabbos, in 25:4). order to preserve their form (Rashi to Shemos 25:29). 8. The Aron, Shulchan, and Mizbe’achs were carried 11. The spoons held the levonah (frankincense) that with poles that were inserted into rings attached was placed on the Shulchan together with the Lechem to these vessels (see Shemos, Chs. 25-30). Now, the HaPanim, as stated in Vayikra 24:5-7 (Rashi to Shemos verse cannot mean that they shall emplace the poles there). follows Rashi ְמ ִכ יל תא ’by inserting them into the rings of the Aron, since it 12. Translation of Onkelos was forbidden to remove the poles of the Aron at any (Shemos 25:29), who interprets it as being related to to bear. These supports were notched ,הכיל time (ibid. 25:15). Rather, it means that they shall the Hebrew place the poles on the shoulders of the Aron’s bearers. pillars that stood on either side of the Shulchan; the Alternatively, it means that they shall adjust the poles shelving tubes (mentioned below) were inserted into so that they are protruding sufficiently from both ends the notches and supported by the pillars, thus ensur- of the Aron in order to carry it (Ramban; see Tosafos to ing that the upper loaves would not weigh heavily for further discussion). [However, the on the lower ones and cause them to break. Ramban ד“ה כתיב Yoma 72a verses below regarding the Shulchan and Mizbe’achs, there, however, disagrees with Rashi’s understand- as its measures ְמ ִכ יל תא which say that they shall emplace their poles, may be ing of Onkelos, and interprets understood literally, as there is no prohibition against (see Vayikra 19:35 with note 67), which he explains removing their poles.] as referring to molds used to shape the dough into its 9. The bread placed on the Shulchan is called Lechem proper form before baking. They are called “measures” HaPanim, literally, bread of faces, because it had sur- because they had to be made to the exact dimensions of faces “facing” two sides of the Mishkan. It was shaped the Lechem HaPanim. like a box with walls on two opposite sides, and the oth- 13. Rashi (ibid.) explains that these were hollow er two sides open (Rashi to Shemos 25:30). The verse rods that were placed between the loaves of Lechem the Shulchan HaPanim that were stacked one on top of the other in , ֻשׁ ְל חן ה פּ ִנים here refers to the Shulchan as of Panim, which Onkelos clarifies as meaning, the two stacks of six. The purpose of the rods was to al- Shulchan that contained the Lechem HaPanim. low air to flow between the loaves so that they would 10. These are special golden plates, molded in the not become moldy. Mizrachi writes that Rashi bases shape of the Lechem HaPanim. They were used to hold this explanation upon Onkelos’ translation, which

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 39 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 4 / 8-9

ח וּפAְר ֣שׂוּ ֲע ֵל ֶ֗יהם ֚ ֶבּ ֶגד 1תּוֹל עת שׁ ִ֔)ני ְו ִכ ֣סּוּ ֹא ֔תוֹ ְבּ ִמ ְכUסה ֣עוֹר Eתּחשׁ ח ְו ִי ְפְרסוּן ֲע ֵליהוֹן ְלבוּשׁ ְצבע ְז ִהוֹר ִיו  יכסּוֹן י ֵ)ת ְהּבּחוֹפ)א ִ)הד ְמשׁ ְך ס ְסגּוֹנ א

ְושׂ ֖)מוּ ֶאת־בּA דּיו: ט ְול Aְק ֣חוּ | בּ Qֶגד ְתּ ֵ֗כ ֶלת ְו ִכ ֞סּוּ ֶא ְת־מ ֹנk רת ה) מּאוֹר֙ ִו  ישׁוּוֹן י ֲ)תאִר ִיחוֹהי: ט ְו ִי ְסּבוּן ְלבוּשׁ ִתּ ְכל ִ)או  יכסּוֹן י ְ)תמנְ)רת)א ְדא ְנ ֵהוֹרי ְו ֶאת־נFרֹ ֶ ֔ת )יה ְו ֶאת־מ ְלק^ )ח )יה ְו ֶאת־מ ְח ֹתּK ת )יה ְו ֵאת֙ ) כּ ְל־כּFלי שׁ ְמ)֔נהּ ְו) ית ִבּוֹצינAה ְ)אוי ִ)תצ ְבתAה ְ)אוי)תמ ְח ְתּי)תAה ְ)אוי)תכּ)למ ֵ)ני * ִמ ְשׁח א

*נ"א: ִשׁמּוּשׁהּ רש"י (ט) מ ְלק ֶ ח ָיה. ְכּ ִמין ְצ ָבת ֶשׁ ֵמּוֹשׁ ְך ָבּהּ ֶאת ה ְפּ ִת ָילה ְל ָכל צד ְו ֵאין ָלהּ ְמ ִח ָיצה ְל ָפֶנ ָיה ֶא ָלּא ִמִצּ ֶדּ ָיה, ְו ֶחוֹתה ָבהּ ֶאת ֶדּ ֶשׁן ה ֵנּרוֹת ֶשִׁיּ ְרֶצה: מ ְח ֹתּ ֶת ָיה. ְכּ ִמין  כּף ְקט ָנּה ְו ֶשׁוּל ָיה ְפ ִשׁוּטין ְולֹא ְסגְלגִּלּים, ְכּ ֶשׁ ֵמּ ִט ָיבן: ֵנרֹ ֶת ָיה. לוצי‘‘ש ְבּלע”ז ֶשׁ ְנּוֹתִנים ָבּ ֶהן ה ֶשּׁ ֶמן ְוה ְפּ ִתילוֹת:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED 8 They shall spread upon them [the Shulchan] when it is transported.[14] ְלבוּשׁ ְצ בע [They shall spread upon them[15 — ְו ִי ְפ ְרסוּן ֲע ֵליהוֹן .a cloth of crimson [wool] and 8 and — ִו יכסּוֹן ָי ֵתהּ [a cloth of crimson-DYED wool,[16 — ְז ִהוֹרי cover it with a covering of ְבּ ָחוֹפ ָאה ִד ְמ שׁ ְך ס ְס ָגּוֹנא tachash skin, and emplace they shall cover [the Shulchan] — with and they shall — ִו ישׁוּוֹן ָית ֲא ִר ִיחוֹהי ,a covering of SASGONA skin its poles. 9 They shall take emplace its poles. a cloth of turquoise [wool] They shall take a cloth of turquoise — ְו ִי ְסּבוּן ְלבוּשׁ ִתּ ְכ ָלא .9 and cover the Menorah of il- and they shall cover — ִו יכסּוֹן ָית ְמ ָנ ְר ָתא ְד א ְנ ֵהוֹרי wool and its — ְו ָית ִבּוֹצ ָינ ָהא [lumination, and its lamps, the Menorah of ILLUMINATING,[17 and its tongs, and its — ְו ָית ִצ ְב ָת ָהא ְו ָית מ ְח ְתּ ָי ָת ָהא [and its tongs, and its scoops, lamps,[18 [and all THE oil utensils,[20 — ְו ָית ָכּל ָמ ֵני ִמ ְשׁ ָחא [and all its oil utensils, scoops,[19

Gur Rashi, Yeshayah 1:18; Rambam, Hil. Parah Adumah .(קסו”ה) is similar to the Arabic for hollow items ,For further discussion .(תלע ,actu- 3:2; Radak, Shorashim , ק ְסות ,Aryeh, however, writes that Onkelos’ word .see our note 4 to Vayikra 14:4 ְקשׂוֹת ,ally means vessel, and that according to Onkelos refers to the vessels used for producing the breads; see 17. See note 34. there for further discussion. 18. The lamps were bowl-shaped vessels atop each ְקשׂוֹת ה נּ ֶס ְך According to Rashi, the literal meaning of branch, which held the oil and wicks of the Menorah (and, according to Mizrachi, of Onkelos’ translation, (Rashi here and to Shemos 25:37). since the ,( ְס כ ְך is tubes of covering (as in ( ק ְסות ִנ סּוּכא tubes “covered” the loaves that were beneath them; 19. The tongs were used to maneuver the wicks; the cf. Pas’shegen here. According to Gur Aryeh, who holds scoops were used to clean the lamps of the ashes ev- as referring to vessels, ery morning (Rashi). Rashi to Shemos 25:38 explains ְקשׂוֹת that Onkelos interprets , ְצ בת is from the word , ִצ ְב ת הא ,is vessels of pour- that Onkelos’ translation ְקשׂוֹת ה נּ ֶס ְך /ק ְסות ִנ סּוּכא the meaning of ing, referring to the placing of the breads in the vessels, which is Aramaic for tongs, and that the tongs are re- in Hebrew because they are used to מ ְל ק ֶח יה for pouring can describe any containing of an object in ferred to as to take, the wicks out of the oil. Marpei Lashon , ֵלוֹק ח .another vessel parallels this ִצ ְב ת הא there explains that Onkelos’ word ְמ נ ִקּיֹּת For another approach to Onkelos’ definitions of -means to take, and the let נסב For usage in Aramaic, for .ד“ה לא see Tosafos, Menachos 96b , ְקשׂוֹת ה נּ ֶס ְך and are interchangeable in (צ‘) and tzadi (ס‘) further discussion, see notes 36-38 to Shemos 25:29. ters samach means tongs, something with צבת/סבת ,Aramaic. Thus 14. The utensils of the Shulchan, however, were not which one “takes.” placed directly on the Shulchan, but on the cloth of turquoise wool that covered it (Ramban). 20. Regarding Onkelos’ rendering of “its oil utensils” as “the oil utensils,” see Nesinah LaGer. -its serv“ , מ ֵני ִשׁ מּוּשׁהּ I.e., over the Shulchan and its utensils (ibid.). Many versions of Onkelos have .15 refers to the color crimson, and ing utensils,” i.e., the utensils used to pour the oil שׁ ִני The Hebrew .16 -literally worm or insect, refers to the into the lamps of the Menorah. According to this ver , תּוֹל עת the word dye, which is extracted from an insect, or, according sion, Onkelos deviated from the plain meaning of the to others, from a berry in which an insect resides (see verse, its oil utensils, since that can be understood as

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 40 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ד / י־יב

ֲא" שׁר ְישׁAְר ,תוּ־להּ בּ_ )הם: י ְונ Aְת ֤נוּ ֹאת)הּ֙ ְו ֶא ) ת־כּ ֵל־כּ ֶ֔ל )יה ֶא ִל־מ ְכUסה ִדּ ְיישׁ ְמּשׁוּן ל ְהּבּהוֹן: י ְו ִי ְתּנוּן י)ת ְהּוי)תכּ)למ)נAה ְ)אלחוֹפ)א)ה

֣עוֹר Eתּ חשׁ ְונ Aְת ֖נוּ  על־ה ֽמּוֹט: יא ְו1 על | ִמ ְז1 בּח הזּ)֗)הב ִי ְפְרשׂוּ֙ בּ Qֶגד ִד ְמשׁ ְך ס ְסגּוֹנ א ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ע ֲלאִר ) יחא: יא ְועלמ ְד ְבּח ְ)אדד ֲהב ִ)אי ְפְרסוּן ְלבוּשׁ

ְתּ ֵ֔כ ֶלת ְו ִכ ֣סּוּ ֹא ֔תוֹ ְבּ ִמ ְכUסה ֣עוֹר Eתּ חשׁ ְושׂ ֖)מוּ ֶאת־בּA דּיו: יב ְול Aְקחוּ֩ ִתּ ְכל ִ)או  יכסּוֹן י ֵ)ת ְהּבּחוֹפ)א ִ)הד ְמשׁ ְך ס ְסגּוֹנ א ִו  ישׁוּוֹן י ֲ)תאִר ֽיח ִוֹהי: יב ְו ִי ְסּבוּן ֶא ) ת־כּ ְל־כּ ֵ֨לי השֵּׁ ֜)רת ֲאשׁ‚ר ְישׁAְרתוּ־ב'ם בּ ֗קֹּ ֶדשׁ ְונ Aְתנוּ֙ ֶאל־בּ Qֶגד י)תכּ)למ ֵ)נ ִישׁמּוּשׁ ִ)אדּ ְיישׁ ְמּשׁוּן ְבּהוֹן ְבּ ְקוּדשׁ ְ)או ִי ְתּנוּן ִל ְלבוּשׁ ְתּ ֵ֔כ ֶלת ְו ִכ ֣סּוּ ) ֔אוֹתם ְבּ ִמ ְכUסה ֣עוֹר Eתּחשׁ ְונ Aְת ֖נוּ  על־ה ֽמּוֹט: ִתּ ְכל ִ)או  יכסּוֹן י ְ)תהוֹן ְבּחוֹפ)א ִ)הדּ ְמשׁ ְך ס ְסגּוֹנ א ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ע ֲלאִר ) יחא: רש"י (י) ֶאל ִמ ְכ ֵסה עוֹר תּ חשׁ. ְכּ ִמין מ ְרצוּף: (יב) ֶאת כּל ְכּ ֵלי קֹ ֶדשׁ, ְו ֵהן ְכּ ֵלי ה ְקּטֹ ֶרת ֶשׁ ְמּ ָשׁ ְר ִתין ָבּ ֶהם בּ ִמּ ְז ֵבּח ה ְפִּנ ִימי (במדבר השּׁ ֵ רת ֲא ֶשׁר ְישׁ ְ רתוּ ב ם בּקֹּ ֶדשׁ. ְבּ ְתוֹך ה ִמּ ְשׁ ָכּן ֶשׁהוּא רבה ד, טז):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED .with which they minister to it — ִדּי ְי שׁ ְמּשׁוּן להּ ְבּהוֹן .with which they minister to it -They shall place it and all its uten — ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ָי תהּ ְו ָית ָכּל ָמ ָנ ָהא .They shall place it and all 10 10 ְ into a covering of SASGONA — ְל ָחוֹפ ָאה ִד ְמ שׁך ס ְס ָגּוֹנא its utensils into a covering of sils and they shall place them on the — ְו ִי ְתּנוּן על ֲא ִר ָיחא [tachash skin, and place them skin,[21 on the pole. 11 Upon the Gold pole[22] with which they will be carried. Upon the Gold Mizbe’ach for ketores — ְו על מ ְד ְבּ ָחא ְד ד ֲה ָבא .Mizbe’ach they shall spread 11 they shall spread a cloth of turquoise — ִי ְפ ְרסוּן ְלבוּשׁ ִתּ ְכ ָלא ,[a cloth of turquoise [wool ְ and they shall cover it — ִו יכסּוֹן ָי ֵתהּ ְבּ ָחוֹפ ָאה ִד ְמ שׁך ס ְס ָגּוֹנא ,and cover it with a covering wool and they — ִו ישׁוּוֹן ָית ֲא ִר ִיחוֹהי ,of tachash skin, and emplace with a covering of SASGONA skin its poles. 12 They shall take shall emplace its poles. They shall take all the utensils of — ְו ִי ְסּבוּן ָית ָכּל ָמ ֵני ִשׁ ָמּוּשׁא .all the utensils of service 12 -with which they min — ִדּי ְי שׁ ְמּשׁוּן ְבּהוֹן ְבּ ְקוּד ָשׁא with which they minister service and they shall — ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ִל ְלבוּשׁ ִתּ ְכ ָלא [in the Sanctuary and place ister in the Sanctuary[23 and — ִו יכסּוֹן ָי ְתהוֹן ,them on a cloth of turquoise place them into a cloth of turquoise wool ְ with a covering — ְבּ ָחוֹפ ָאה ִדּ ְמ שׁך ס ְס ָגּוֹנא wool], and cover them with they shall cover them] and they shall place them — ְו ִי ְתּנוּן על ֲא ִר ָיחא ,a covering of tachash skin, of SASGONA skin and place them on the pole. on the pole with which they will be carried. referring to the jugs where the oil is stored. This can- the Menorah and the utensils of service, which did not be the case, because the actual “oil of illumination” not have any surface upon which to place the various was carried separately (by Elazar himself), as stated in vessels. are synonymous מוֹט and בּד v. 16. Rather, it is referring to “the serving utensils,” i.e., 22. The Hebrew words small pitchers which would be used to scoop the oil out (Rashi to Shemos 25:13); both mean pole. Onkelos like- of the larger jug and pour it into the individual lamps wise does not differentiate between them, translating . ֲאִר יחא Beurei Onkelos; see also Marpei Lashon). both as) they shall place . . . into, used 23. I.e., in the Ohel Moed. This refers to the utensils ,ְו נ ְתנוּ . . . ֶאל The phrase .21 here (and in v. 12 with regard to the utensils of ser- of the Gold Mizbe’ach, which stood inside the Ohel vice), implies that this was not merely a covering like Moed itself (Rashi). Unlike the Shulchan, Menorah, the others, but was made like a bag with an interior and Copper Mizbe’ach, which were carried together into which these items were placed (Rashi with Gur with their utensils, the Gold Mizbe’ach was too small to Aryeh and Levush HaOrah). This was a necessity for hold all of its utensils, as it measured only an amah by

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 41 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 4 / 13-15

יג ְו ִד ְשּׁ ֖נוּ ֶאת־ה ִמּ ְזבּח וּפAְר ֣שׂוּ ע)֔)ליו בּ ֶ^גד אְרגּA )מן: יד ְונ Aְת ֣נוּ יג ְו ִי ְספּוֹן ) ית ִק ְט) מא ְדמ ְד ְבּח ְ)או ִי ְפְרסוּן ֲע ֽל ִוֹה ְילבוּשׁ אְר ְגּ) ון: יד ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ֠ע)֠)ליו ֶא ) ת־כּ ֵל־כּ)֞ליו ֲאשׁQר י„שׁAְר ֧תוּ ע')ליו בּ ֶ֗)הם ֶאת־המּ ְח ֤ ֹתּת ֲע ֽל ִוֹהיי)תכּ)למ ֽ)נ ִוֹה ִידּ ְיישׁ ְמּשׁוּן ֲע ֽל ִוֹה ְיבהוֹן י)תמ ְח ְתּי)ת)א ֶאת־ה ִמּ ְזל ֹ)גת֙ ְו ֶאת־היּe )עים ְו ֶאת־ה ִמּ ְזר ֔)קֹת ֖ ֹכּל ְכּFלי ה ִמּ ְזבּח ְוי ִ)תצ ְנּוֹרי)ת ְ)אוי)תמ ְג ְרוֹפי)ת ְ)אוי ִ)תמ ְזְרקיּ ֹ)אכּלמ ֵ)נימ ְד ְבּח)א

וּפAְר ֣שׂוּ ע)֗)ליו ְכּ ֛סוּי ֥עוֹר תּ חשׁ ְושׂ ֥)מוּ בA דּיו: טו ְו ִכ' לּה א ֲ>הֽרֹ ֠ן־וּב)֠)ניו ְו ִי ְפְרסוּן ֲע ֽל ִוֹהי חוֹפ)א ִ)הדּ ְמשׁ ְך ס ְסגּוֹנ א ִו  ישׁוּוֹן ֲאִר ֽיח ִוֹהי: טו ִו ֵישׁ ֵיציא ֲהרֹן ְוּב ֽנ ִוֹהי רש"י (יג) ְו ִד ְשּׁנוּ ֶאת ה ִמּ ְז ֵבּ ַח. ִמ ְזבּח ה ְנּ ֹח ֶשׁת: ְו ִד ְשּׁנוּ. ִי ְטּלוּ ֶאת ֶשׁ ָבּ ֶהן ִחוֹתים ֶגּ ָח ִלים ִל ְתרוּמת ה ֶדּ ֶשׁן, ֲע ָשׂוּיה ְכּ ִמין מ ֲחבת ֶשׁ ֵאין ה ֶדּ ֶשׁן ֵמ ָע ָליו: וּפ ְ רשׂוּ ע ליו ֶבּ ֶגד א ְרגּ מן. ְו ֵאשׁ ֶשָׁיּ ְר ָדה ִמן ָלהּ ֶא ָלּא ָשׁלֹשׁ ְמ ִחיצוֹת, ִוּמ ְל ָפֶנ ָיה ֶשׁוֹא ֶבת ֶאת ה ֶגּ ָח ִלים: ִמ ְז לגוֹת. ה ָשּׁמִים ְר ָבוּצה תּחת ה ֶבֶּגד כּ ֲא ִרי (יומא כא:) ִבּ ְשׁעת המּ ָסּעוֹת, ִצנּוֹרוֹת ֶשׁל ְנ ֹח ֶשׁת ֶשׁ ָבּ ֶהן מ ִכּין ָבּ ֵא ָב ִרים ֶשׁ על ה ִמּ ְז ֵבּח ְל ָה ְפ ָכן ְכּ ֵדי ְו ֵא ָינהּ שׂוֹר ְפתּוֹ, ֶשׁ ָהיוּ ִכּוֹפין ָע ֶל ָיה ְפּס ְכ ֵתּר ֶשׁל ְנ ֹח ֶשׁת (תורת כהנים ֶשִׁיּ ְתע ְכּלוּ ָי ֶפה וּמ ֵהר: י ִ עים. ֵהם מְג ֵרפוֹת, ְוּבלע‘‘ז וודי‘‘ל, ְו ֵהן צו פרק ב, י; במדבר רבה ד, יז; ירושלמי יומא ד, ו): (יד) מ ְח ֹתּת. ֶשׁל ְנ ֹח ֶשׁת, ָוּב ֶהן ְמכ ְבּ ִדין ֶאת ה ֶדּ ֶשׁן ֵמ על ה ִמּ ְז ֵבּ ַח:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED They shall clear the ashes of the — ְו ִי ְספּוֹן ָית ִק ְט ָמא ְד מ ְד ְבּ ָחא .They shall clear the ashes of the 13 13 ְו ִי ְפ ְרסוּן ֲע ִלוֹהי ְלבוּשׁ [Mizbe’ach and spread a cloth of Copper Olah-offering Mizbe’ach[24 א ְר ְגָּון purple [wool] upon it; 14 they shall — and they shall spread a cloth of purple wool upon it; ָית ָכּל ָמ ִנוֹהי ְו ִי ְתּנוּן ֲע ִלוֹהי place upon it all its utensils with 14. — they shall place upon it with which — ִדּי ְי שׁ ְמּשׁוּן ֲע ִלוֹהי ְבהוֹן all its utensils — which they minister upon it: the -the fire — ָית מ ְח ְתּ ָי ָתא ְו ָית ִצ ְנּוֹר ָי ָתא :they minister upon it fire-pans, the prongs, the shovels, the — ְו ָית מ ְג ְרוֹפ ָי ָתא ְו ָית ִמ ְז ְר ק ָיּא [pans,[25] the prongs,[26 all the — ֹכּל ָמ ֵני מ ְד ְבּ ָחא — [and the basins — all the utensils shovels,[27] and the basins[28 ְ ְו ִי ְפ ְרסוּן ֲע ִלוֹהי ָחוֹפ ָאה ִדּ ְמ שׁך — [of the Mizbe’ach — and spread utensils of the Mizbe’ach[29 -and they shall spread upon it a covering of SASGO — ס ְס ָגּוֹנא ,upon it a covering of tachash skin .and they shall emplace its poles — ִו ישׁוּוֹן ֲא ִר ִיחוֹהי ,and emplace its poles. NA skin Aharon and his sons shall finish — ִו ֵישׁ ֵיצי א ֲהרֹן ְוּב ִנוֹהי .Aharon and his sons shall finish 15 15 an amah [see Shemos 30:2] (Sifsei Kohen); and, unlike 26. The prongs were in the shape of bent hooks; they the Menorah, it was not placed into a cover that had were used to turn over the meat on the pyre so that it an interior (for then its poles would have protruded). would burn more quickly (Rashi here and to Shemos Therefore, its utensils had to be carried separately. ibid.). דשן ְו ִד ְשּׁנוּ 24. The Hebrew word is from the root , ash. 27. For scooping the ashes whenever the mound of Its literal implication would seem to be to place ashes ashes in the middle of the Mizbe’ach became too large on it; however, this is one of the words in Hebrew that (see Rashi). bears two opposite meanings. In this context the word therefore means to remove ashes (Rashi here and to 28. These basins were used to receive the blood of offer- Shemos 27:3). The commentators differ regarding the ings and sprinkle it on the Mizbe’ach. -According to Tirgem 29. In Shemos 27:3, another type of vessel is men :ְו ִי ְספּוֹן literal meaning of the word its pots. The ashes that were removed , ִסירֹ תיו :Avraham and Lechem VeSimlah, it is related to the tioned which means eliminate (hence our from the Mizbe’ach with the shovels (see note 27) were ,ספה Hebrew verb rendering, clear the ashes). Nesinah LaGer and Nefesh scooped into these pots (see Rashi there). There is a HaGer (to Shemos ibid.), however, connect this word to dispute in the Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 4:17) as to collect. why the pots are not mentioned here: According to one ,ספי the Aramaic verb 25. The fire-pans were used to shovel coals from the opinion, the pot was (not placed on top of the cloth of Mizbe’ach in the daily procedure known as terumas ha- purple wool, but was placed under it and) turned over deshen, “the raising of the ashes” (Rashi; see Vayikra the fire that remained on the Mizbe’ach to prevent it 6:3; see also Rashi to Shemos 27:3). from burning the cloth. [This opinion is followed by

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 42 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ד / טז ְלכ ֨סֹּת ֶאת־ה ֜קֹּ ֶדשׁ ְו ֶא ) ת־כּ ְל־כּFלי ה ֘קֹּ ֶד ֘שׁ ִבּ ְנ ֣סֹע המּ ֲ>ח ֶנ ֒ה ְוא ֲ>חֵר ֵ֗י־כן ְלכסּ)א ) )הית ְקוּדשׁ ְ)אוי)תכּ)למ ֵ)ני ְקוּדשׁ ְ)אבּ ִמטּלמ ְשִׁר ) יתא וּב)ת ֵרכּן י ֤)בֹאוּ ְב0 נ ְי־קה)ת֙ ל ֵ֔)שׂאת ְו ֽלֹ ִא־י ְגּ ֥עוּ ֶאל־ה ֖קֹּ ֶדשׁ ו )מתוּ א ֶ`לּה מR שּׂא ְב0 ני־ ֵי ֲעלוּן ְבּ ֵנ ְיקה ְ)תל ִמטּ ְלול ִ)אי ְקְרבוּן ְל ְקוּדשׁ)א ְול א > ִא ֵלּ  יןמטּוּל ְבּ ֵני ְימוּתוּן

ְק, הת ְבּ ֥ ֹא ֶהל 0 מוֹעד: טז ְוּפ ֻק ֞דּת ֶא ְלע' )זר | ֶבּן־א ֲ>ה֣רֹן ה ֹכּ ֵ֗הן שׁ rֶמן ה) מּ ֙אוֹר ְקה ְ)תבּמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמ) נא: טז ְו ִד ְמ ִס ְירל ֶא ְלע ז ר בּרא ֲהרֹןכּ ֲ)הנ ִ)אמ ְשׁח ְ)אדא ְנ) הרוּת)א רש"י (טו) ְלכסֹּת ֶאת הקֹּ ֶדשׁ. ָה ָארוֹן ְוה ִמּ ְז ְבּח[וֹת]: ְו ֶאת כּל ְכּ ֵלי הקֹּ ֶדשׁ. ה ְמּ ָנוֹרה ְוּכ ֵלי ָשׁ ֵרת: ו ֵ מתוּ. ֶשׁ ִאם ִי ְגּעוּ חָיּ ִיבין ִמ ָיתה ִבּ ֵידי ָשׁ ָמִים: (טז) ְוּפ ֻק דּת ֶא ְלע זר. ֶשׁהוּא ְמ ֶמוּנּה ֲע ֵל ֶיהם ָל ֵשׂאת ָאוֹתם, ֶשׁ ֶמן ְוּקטֹ ֶרת ְו ֶשׁ ֶמן ה ִמּ ְשׁ ָחה ִוּמְנחת ה ָתּ ִמיד, ָע ָליו ָמוּטּל

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED covering the holy and all — ְל כ ָסּ ָאה ָית ְקוּד ָשׁא ְו ָית ָכּל ָמ ֵני ְקוּד ָשׁא -covering the holy and all the ar when the camp — ְבּ ִמ טּל מ ְשִׁר ָיתא [ticles of holiness when the camp the articles of the holy[30 ,and only after that — ָוּב תר ֵכּן ֵי ֲעלוּן ְבּ ֵני ְק ָהת ְל ִמ טּל ,journeys, and after that the sons journeys ְו ָלא ִי ְקְרבוּן ,of Kehas shall come to carry, the sons of Kehas shall enter to carry these items ְו ָלא ,so that they shall not touch[31] the holy items — ְל ְקוּד ָשׁא so that they shall not touch the These — ִא ֵלּין מטּוּל ְבּ ֵני ְק ָהת [SO THEY SHALL NOT die.[32 — ְימוּתוּן -holy and die. These are the bur den of the sons of Kehas in the are the items that comprise the burden of the sons of Kehas .in the Ohel Moed — ְבּ מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא .Ohel Moed 16 THAT WHICH IS ENTRUSTED — ְו ִד ְמ ִסיר ְל ֶא ְל ָע ָזר בּר א ֲהרֹן ָכּ ֲה ָנא .The assignment of Ela- 16 ִמ ְשׁ ָחא ְד א ְנ ָה ָרוּתא [zar son of Aharon the Kohen TO Elazar son of Aharon the Kohen[33 is the oil of illumination, — is the oil of illumination[34] for kindling the Menorah,

which is 33. [See 3:36 above, note 40.] Elazar was entrusted , ְפּ ס ְכ ֵתּר Rashi here. Rashi refers to the pot as with carrying these items during the travels, as well as [.( ְפּ ס ְכ ֵתְּרו ֵתהּ) ִסירֹ תיו the same as Onkelos’ translation of The other opinion maintains that the pots are included overseeing the handling and offering of these item at in the phrase, all the utensils of the Mizbe’ach. the time of encampment (Rashi; see Rashi commentar- 30. The holy refers to the Aron — because of its extreme ies for extensive discussion). quotes Rav Hai (ד“ה שכן holiness, and because it contained the Torah, which is Rashi (to Shabbos 92a the source of holiness — and the Copper Mizbe’ach, Gaon’s version of Yerushalmi Shabbos (10:3), which which is not included in the articles of the holy because relates that Elazar would carry the four items on his it is not a vessel, as it is attached to the ground. The person: the two types of oil in his two hands, the ketores articles of the holy refers to the rest of the items men- in his bosom and the minchah on his shoulder. See fur- tioned in the passage (Rashi, as explained by Maskil ther, Ramban. ,above) ְמ ֹנרת ה מּאוֹר LeDavid; however, according to some versions of Rashi, 34. Onkelos differentiates between both Mizb’eachs are included in the holy). v. 9), which he translates, the Menorah of “illuminat- -which he translates the oil of “il , ֶשׁ ֶמן ה מּאוֹר typically, come close, is used in ing,” and ,קרב The root .31 Aramaic also to denote touching (see Rashi, Me’ilah lumination.” [See also Shemos 35:14.] It seems that where the verse is describing the kind or quality of .(ד”ה אשר יקרב 10b as a noun. Where מאוֹר If the sons of Kehas were to touch the holy items oil needed, Onkelos translates .32 before they are covered, they would be liable to death it is discussing only the function of illuminating, as a verb (see Chalifos Semalos מאוֹר by the hands of Heaven (Rashi). Here, unlike in the he translates earlier verses (1:51, 3:10, 3:38), the verse does not to Shemos 25:6). Accordingly, we may explain that literally, shall be put to death, and therefore regarding the Menorah itself, Onkelos understands , יוּמתוּ say they shall be put the verse to be describing its function, and therefore , ִי ְת ק ְטלוּן Onkelos does not translate it to death, as he does there. Apparently, Onkelos would uses the verb, illuminating. When speaking of the agree that the penalty for touching the holy items is oil, however, the verse focuses on the special quality death by the hands of Heaven and not execution by the of the oil, and Onkelos therefore uses the noun, [of] court (see above, 1:51 note 21). illumination.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 43 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 4 / 17-19 ְוּק ֣טֶֹרת הסּ ִ֔מּים ִוּמ ְנחת התּN )מיד ְושׁ Qֶמן ה ִמּ ְשׁחEה ְפּ ֻק ֗דּת ְוּק ֽט ֶוֹרת ְבּוּסמ) יּא ִוּמ ְנח)ת ְ)את ִד) ירא ִוּמ ְשׁח)א ִד ְרבוּת אמ ְ סרת ) כּל־ה ִמּ ְשׁכּ)ן֙ ְו) כ ֲל־א ֶשׁ ֔ר־בּוֹ ְבּ ֖קֹ ֶדשׁ ְוּב ֵכA ליו: פ כּ)למ ְשׁ ְכּנ ְ)אוכ ִ)לדּ ֵיב ְהּבּ ְקוּד) שׁא ְוּבמ ֽ)נ ִוֹהי:

מפטיר יז ו ְידF בּר ֔יהוה ֶאל־מֹשׁ"ה ְו ֶאל־א ֲ>ה֖רֹן ֵל ֽאמֹר: יח  אל־ יז וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְוּלא ֲהרֹ ְןל ֵמ ) ימר: יח ל)א ְ תּ ְכִ ֕ריתוּ ֶאת־שׁ Uֶבט ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֣ ֹחת ה ְקּהq )תי ִמ ֖תּוֹך ה ְלִוP יּם: יט ְו ֣זֹאת | ְת ֵשׁיצוֹן י)תשׁ 0ֶבטזְר ֲעי)ת ְקה ת ִמ ֵגּוֹלו ֵ)אי: יט ְוד)א ֲע ֣שׂוּ ל ֶ֗)הם ְו) חיוּ֙ ְו ֣לֹא י ֻ ֔)מתוּ ְבּ ִג ְשׁ,תּם ֶא ֣ת־קֹ ֶדשׁ ה ֳקּדq )שׁים ִעP בידוּ ְלהוֹן ְו ֵיחוֹן ְול ְ)אימוּתוּן ְבּ ִמ ְקר ְבהוֹן ְל ֽקֹ ֶדשׁ ְקוּדשׁיּ)א א ֲ>ה֤רֹן וּב) )ניו֙ י ֹ֔)באוּ ְושׂ ֣)מוּ ) ֗אוֹתם O אישׁ T אישׁ  ע ֲל־ע ֽבֹד ֖)תוֹ א ֲהרֹן ְוּב ֽנ ִוֹה ֵיי ֲעלוּן ִו  ימנּוֹן י ְ)תהוֹן ְגּב ְרגּברעלפּ ְ)לח ֵ)נהּ רש"י ְלצוּוֹת ְוּל ָז ֵרז ְוּלה ְק ִריב ְבּ ֵעת ֲחִנָיּ ָיתן: ְפּ ֻק דּת כּל ה ִמּ ְשׁ כּן. ְועוֹד ָה ֲא ִמוּרים ְלמ ְע ָלה ְבּ ָפ ָר ָשׁה זוֹ. ֲא ָבל מ ָשּׂא ְבֵּני ֵג ְרשׁוֹן ְוּמ ָר ִרי ֶשׁ ֵא ָינן ָהָיה ְמ ֶמוּנּה על מ ָשּׂא ְבֵני ְק ָהת ְלצוּוֹת ִ”אישׁ ִאישׁ על ֲע ָבוֹדתוֹ ִמקֹּ ֶדשׁ ה ֳקּ ָד ִשׁים  על ִפּי ִא ָית ָמר ָהָיה, ְכּמוֹ ֶשׁ ָכּתוּב ְבּ ָפ ָרשׁת ָנשֹׂא ְו על מ ָשּׂאוֹ“ (להלן פסוק יט), ְוהוּא ה ִמּ ְשׁ כּן ְו כל ֲא ֶשׁר בּוֹ ָכּל (להלן ד, כח, לג): (יח)  אל תּ ְכ ִריתוּ.  אל ִתְּג ְרמוּ ָל ֶהם ֶשָׁיּמוּתוּ:

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED — ִוּמ ְנ ָח ָתא ְת ִד ָירא ,(the spice ketores (incense — ְוּק ֶטוֹרת ְבּוּס מ ָיּא -the spice ketores, the continu and the — ִוּמ ְשׁ ָחא ִד ְר ָבוּתא [al minchah offering, and the the continual minchah offering,[35 the ENTRUSTMENT — ָמ ְס רת ָכּל מ ְשׁ ְכּ ָנא ְו ָכל ִדּי ֵבהּ [anointment oil — the assign- ELEVATION oil;[36 ְבּ ְקוּד ָשׁא ְוּב ָמ ִנוֹהי — ment of the entire Mishkan of the entire Mishkan and everything in it and everything in it — of the — of the Sanctuary and its vessels.[37] Sanctuary and its vessels. Hashem spoke WITH Moshe and to — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה ְוּל א ֲהרֹן .17 17 :saying — ְל ֵמ ָימר ,Hashem spoke to Moshe Aharon and to Aharon, saying: 18 Do ָית ֵשׁ ֶבט ז ְר ֲע ָית ְק ָהת ָלא ְת ֵשׁיצוֹן not cut off the tribe of the Ke- 18. — Do not ELIMINATE — the tribe of [38] ִמגּוֹ ֵלָו ֵאי hasite families from among the families OF KEHAS — from among the Leviim. ְו ֵיחוֹן ְו ָלא Thus shall you do for them — ְו ָדא ִע ִבידוּ ְלהוֹן .the Leviim. 19 Thus shall 19 ְבּ ִמ ְק ר ְבהוֹן so that they shall live and not die — ְימוּתוּן you do for them so that they when they approach the items that are holy — ְלקֹ ֶדשׁ ְקוּד שׁ ָיּא shall live and not die when Aharon and his — א ֲהרֹן ְוּב ִנוֹהי ֵי ֲעלוּן :they approach the holy of of holies to carry them holies: Aharon and his sons sons shall enter in advance of the sons of Kehas and cover those and then they shall APPOINT [the sons — ִו ימנּוֹן ָי ְתהוֹן ,shall enter and assign them, items every man over his work — ְגּ בר ְגּ בר על ָפּ ְל ָח ֵנהּ ,[every man over his work of Kehas

35. Gur Aryeh and others (commenting on Rashi) as- to Bamidbar Rabbah 4:20 (end) for further discussion. sume that this refers to the minchah of nesachim 36. See above, 3:3 note 2. that accompanied the daily tamid offering (see below, 37. That is, Elazar was also entrusted with the task of 28:5). However, according to the version of Yerushalmi supervising the work of the Kehasites, whose charge cited by Rashi to Shabbos 92a (see note 33) and Yalkut consisted of the holy vessels. The supervision of the Shimoni (§694), it is clear that this refers to the chavi- sons of Gershon and Merari, however, was Issamar’s tin, the minchah offering brought twice daily by the responsibility, as stated below, vv. 28, 32 (Rashi). Kohen Gadol, which is called a “continual minchah of- 38. This means: Do not cause them to die (Rashi). That fering” in Vayikra 6:13 (Shaarei Aharon). See Rashash is, institute measures for them so that they will not

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 44 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר ד / כ

ְו ֶאל־משּׂ ֽ)אוֹ: כ ְו ֽלֹא־י ֧)בֹאוּ ִלְר ֛אוֹת ְכּב לּע ֶאת־ה ֖קֹּ ֶדשׁ ו0 )מתוּ: פ פ פ ְוּל מ ֵטּוּלהּ: כ ְול ֵ)אי ֲעלוּן ְל ֶמ ֱח ֵזיכּד ְמכסּןי ת מ ֵ ני > ְול א > ְקוּדשׁ א ְימוּתוּן: קנ''ט פסוקים. חלקיה''ו סימן. רש"י (כ) ְולֹא י בֹאוּ ִל ְראוֹת ְכּבלּע ֶאת הקֹּ ֶדשׁ. ְל ְתוֹך נ ְר ִתּיק ָע ָליו ֶבֶּגד ְפּ ִלוֹני ִוּכסּוּ אוֹתוֹ ְבּ ִמ ְכ ֵסה ְפּ ִלוֹני, ִוּב לּוּע ֶשׁלּוֹ הוּא ִכסּוּיוֹ ֶשׁלּוֹ, ְכּמוֹ ֶשׁ ֵפּיר ְשׁ ִתּי ְלמ ְע ָלה ְבּ ָפ ָר ָשׁה (לעיל פסוק ה) זוֹ ָוּפ ְרשׂוּ (יומא נד.):

CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED [and to his burden.[39 — ְוּל מ ֵטּוּלהּ and to his burden. 20 But But [the sons of Kehas] shall not enter to look — ְו ָלא ֵי ֲעלוּן ְל ֶמ ֱח ֵזי .they shall not enter to look 20 as [AHARON AND HIS SONS] COVER THE — כּד ְמ כ סּן ָית ָמ ֵני ְקוּד ָשׁא ,as the holy is swallowed .SO TH AT THEY SHALL NOT die — ְו ָלא ְימוּתוּן [lest they die. ARTICLES OF THE HOLY[40

die (Bamidbar Rabbah 5:1). The following verses will the Kehasites (as these articles are indeed referred to explain the nature of these measures and why they are above v. 15; see note 30). This interpretation is adopted needed. by Rashi; see also Yoma 54a. to ְכּ ב לּע As we will see in the following verse, the sons of Ibn Ezra, however, understands the word .39 Kehas are forbidden, under penalty of death, from mean as it is removed, so that the verse means: as [the entering the Mishkan and looking on as the holy Paroches] is removed from before the holy, i.e., the Aron items are being covered. Hashem therefore instructed (see note 30), thus revealing the Aron. Accordingly, the Aharon and his sons to make sure to enter the Ohel prohibition for the Kehasites “to enter to look” is only Moed first and cover all of the holy vessels. Only from when the Paroches is removed until the Aron is then shall Aharon and his sons — specifically, Elazar, covered; see also Sifrei to 18:3 and 31:6 below (Me’at who was charged with supervising the work of the Tzori, Miluim; see Chiddushei R’ Y.F. Perlow on Sefer Kehasites, as stated above (see, similarly, Rashi to v. 27 HaMitzvos by R’ Saadiah Gaon, Vol. II, p. 469 for fur- below) — assign individual tasks to the sons of Kehas. ther discussion). This will ensure that the sons of Kehas do not enter The (Sanhedrin 81b, as cited by Ramban) the Mishkan while the holy items are in the middle of derives from this verse that one who steals one of the being covered (see Yerushalmi Bikkurim 2:1 with Rash vessels of the Beis HaMikdash is liable to death and Sirilio; cf. Bamidbar Rabbah 5:1, and see Sforno and zealots may kill him. Ramban explains that the word is understood in its literal sense of swallowing, for ְכּ ב לּע .(Or HaChaim literally, as it is theft and robbery are called “swallowing”; see Iyov 20:1) ְכּ ב לּע Onkelos interprets the word .40 swallowed) to mean as it is inserted [into its covering]; and Yirmiyah 51:44. See Lechem VeSimlah and Minei the holy) as refer- Targuma, who discuss whether this interpretation fits) הקֹּ ֶדשׁ and he interprets the word ring to all the holy articles that were transported by with the plain meaning of the verse.

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 45 / HAFTARAS BAMIDBAR

הפטרת במדבר / HAFTARAS BAMIDBAR הושע ב:א־כב / Hoshea 2:1-22 ב א ְֽ ֠וה֠יה ִמ ְספּר ְבּ נ ִי־י ְשׂר ֵאל ֙ ְכּ ֣חוֹל ה֔יּם he number of the Children of Yisrael shall be like 1 2 ֲא- שׁר ֽלֹ ִא־י+ מּד ְו ֣לֹא ִיסּפ&ר ֽ ְ ֠וה֠יה ִבּ ְמ ֞קוֹם ֲא ֶשׁר־ -Tthe sand of the sea, which can neither be mea sured nor counted; and it shall be that instead of it יאמ3ר ל ֶהם֙ ֽלֹא־עמּ1י א ֶ ֔תּם יאמ.ר לה/ם ְבּנ.י being said about them ‘‘You are not My people,’’ it  א 8 ל־חי: ב ְ֠ו ִנ ְק ְבּ ֠צוּ ְבּ נ ְי־י 6 הוּדה ְוּב נ ִי־י ְשׂר ֵאל ֙ ’’.shall be said of them, ‘‘the children of the living God 2 The Children of Yehudah and the Children of Yisrael י ְח ֔דּו ְושׂ ֥מוּ ל? הם ֥רֹאשׁ ֶא= חד ְוע ֣לוּ ִמן־האֶ;רץ shall be assembled together, and they shall appoint כּHי ג ֖דוֹל ֥יוֹם ִי ְזְרE עאל: ג ִא ְמ֥רוּ ל Cֲא ֵח/ יכם עמּAי for themselves a single leader and ascend from the land — great is the day of Yizre’el. 3 Say to your ְול Cֲא ֽח ֵוֹתיכ/ם ֻרח 8מה: ד רIיבוּ ְב ִא ְמּ ֶכם֙ ִ ֔ריבוּ brothers, ‘‘My People!’’ and to your sisters, ‘‘Object ִכּ ִי־היא֙ ֣לֹא ִא ְשׁ ִ ֔תּי ְוא 8ֹנכMי ֣לֹא ִא ; ישׁהּ ְות3סר ’’!of Mercy 4 Bear a grievance against your mother, bear a griev- ְז ֶ֨נוּנ יה֙ ִמפּ ֶ֔ניה ְונ Cֲא / פוּפיה ִמ. בּין שׁE דיה: ה ֶפּן־ -ance, for she is not my wife and I am not her hus א ְפ ִשׁיטQנּה ֲעֻר֔מּה ְו ִ֨הצּ ְג ִ ֔תּיה ְכּ֖יוֹם ִהוּ 8ְלד;הּ band; let her remove her harlotry from before her face ְושׂ ְמ1תּ יה כ ִמּ ְד֗בּר ְושׁ ִ ֨תּה֙ ְכּאQֶרץ ִצ֔יּה ו Cֲה ִמMתּיה and her adulteries from between her breasts. 5 Lest I strip her bare and stand her up as on the day she בּצּ8 מא: ו ְו ֶאת־בּ/ ניה ֣לֹא ֲאר& חם T כּ ְי־בנ.י ְז M נוּנים was born; and I shall set her like a wilderness and ה מּה: ז כּIי ז 8ְנתה֙ ִא֔מּם הMֹ בישׁה ֽהוֹרת;ם כּ1י place her like a parched land, and I will kill her with thirst. 6 I shall not have mercy on her children, for they א 8ְמ ֗רה א ְל֞כה א Cֲחר3י ְמא Cֲהבי֙ ֽ ֹנ ְתנ3י ל ְח ִמי֙ are children of harlotry. 7 For their mother has been ֵוּמ  ֔ימי צ ְמ1 רי ִוּפ ְשׁ ִ ֔תּי שׁ ְמנMי ְו ִשׁקּוּי8י: ח לכUן promiscuous; she who conceived them has shamed ְ ְ herself, for she said, ‘‘I shall go after my lovers, those ִה ְנ ִני־שׂYך ֶאת־דְּרכּXך בּ ִסּA ירים ְוג8דְר ִתּי֙ ֶאת־ who provide my bread and my water, my wool and ְגּ ֵד ֔רהּ ְוּנT ת / יבוֹת יה ֥לֹא ִת ְמ8 צא: ט ְוִר ְדּ6 פה ֶאת־ ’’.my flax, my oil and my drink 8 Therefore, behold! — I shall hedge your way with ְמא Cֲה ֶ ֨ב יה֙ ְו ֽלֹא־תשּׂ1יג ֹא ֔תם ִוּב ְקשׁ=תם ְו ֣לֹא thorns and build up its fence, so that she will not find ִת ְמצ;א ְוא 8ְמ ֗רה א ְלכ6ה ְוא ֨שׁוּבה֙ ֶא ִל־אישׁ1י her paths. 9 She will pursue her lovers, but she shall not reach them; she will seek them, but she shall not ה8ִר ֔אשׁוֹן כּ1י ֥טוֹב \לי א=ז ֵמע 8תּה: י ְו ִהיא֙ ֣לֹא find them; then she will say, ‘‘I shall go and return to י 8ְד֔עה כּIי א 8ֹנ ִכי֙ נת ִ[תּי ֔להּ הדּג=ן ְוה ִתּ ֣ירוֹשׁ my first Husband, for it was better for me then than ְוהִיּ ְצ; הר ְו ֶ֨כ ֶסף ִהְר. בּ ִיתי ^להּ ְוז= הב ע ֥שׂוּ לבּ 8על: now.’’ 10 She did not realize that it was I Who gave her the grain, and the wine, and the oil, and that I יא לכ`ן א ֔שׁוּב ְול8ק ְחIתּי ְדג ִני֙ ְבּ ִע ֔תּוֹ ְוT תירוֹשׁMי lavished silver upon her, and gold; but they used it ְבּ ֽמ ֲוֹע ֑דוֹ ְו ִהצּ ְל ִתּי֙ צ ְמ1 רי ִוּפ ְשׁ ִ ֔תּי ְלכ ֖סּוֹת ֶאת־ for the Baal. 11 Therefore I shall return and take My grain in its time and My wine in its season, and I shall ֶעְרו8 תהּ: יב ְוע^תּה ֲאגלּ-ה ֶאת־נ ְב ֻלת=הּ ְל ֵעינ`י .remove My wool and flax for covering her nakedness 12 ְמא Cֲהc ב יה ְוH אישׁ ֽלֹא־י ִצּ /יל נּה ִמיּT די: יג ְו ִה ְשׁבּ ִתּי֙ Now I shall reveal her degradation before the eyes of her lovers, and no man shall save her from My hand.  כּ ְל־מ ֔שׂוֹשׂהּ חגּ=הּ ח ְדשׁdהּ ְושׁבּ;תּהּ ְו ֖ ֹכל -I shall make an end of her rejoicing, her celebra 13 ֽמ ֲוֹע8 דהּ: יד ו Cֲה ִשׁמֹּתIי ג ְפנהּ֙ ְוּתא`נ ֔תהּ ֲאשׁQר tion, her New Moon, and her Shabbos, and her every Festival. 14 I shall lay waste her vine and her fig tree, א 8ְמ ֗רה ֶא ְתY נה ֵ֨המּה֙ ִ֔לי ֲא- שׁר נ 8ְת Mנוּ־לי ְמא Cֲהב;י of which she said, ‘‘They are my fee that my lovers ְושׂ ְמ1תּים ְל֔יער ו Cֲאכ=לתם חיּeת השּׂE דה: gave me’’; I shall make them a forest, and the beast of the field shall devour them. 15 I shall visit upon her טו וּפ8ק ְד1תּי ע ֶ֗ליה ֶא ְת־ימ3י ה ְבּע ִלים֙ ֲאשׁQר the day of the Baal-idols when she burned incense תּ ְק1 טיר ל ֶ֔הם ותּעד ִנ ְזמהּ֙ ְו ֶח ְלי ֔תהּ וXתּ ֶל ְך -to them, and when she adorned herself with her ear א Cֲחר`י ְמא Cֲהc ביה ְו ֹאתHי שׁ 8ְכח=ה ְנ ֻא ֽם־יהוה: rings and her jewelry and went after her lovers; and she forgot Me — the words of HASHEM. טז ל ֵ֗כן ִהנּ3ה א 8ֹנ ִכי֙ ְמפ ֶ ֔תּ יה ְו ֽהֹל ְכMתּ יה ה ִמּ ְדבּ;ר Therefore, behold! — I shall seduce her and lead 16 17 ְו ִדבְּרMתּי  ע ִל־ל8 בּהּ: יז ְונ ֨ת ִתּי 6להּ ֶא ְת־כּר ֶ ֨מ יה֙ her to the wilderness, and speak to her heart. I shall give her vineyards from there and the desolate valley ִמ֔שּׁם ְו ֶאת־ע ֶ.מק ע ֖כוֹר ְלפ Qתח ִתּ ְקו;ה ְוע 6ְנתה will be a portal of hope; and she will call out there ֨שּׁמּה֙ ִכּימ`י ְנ ֶ ֔עוּר יה ְוּכ֖יוֹם ֲעלוֹתYהּ ֵמאEֶרץ־ as in the days of her youth and as on the day of her ascent from the land of Egypt. ִמ ְצר 8ִים: יח ְוהי6ה בֽיּ  וֹם־ההוּא֙ ְנ ֻא ֔ם־יהוה — It shall be on that day — the words of HASHEM 18

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 46 / הפטרת במדבר

ִתּ ְקְראMי ִאישׁAי ְו ֽלֹ ִא־ת ְקְר ִא Hי־לי ֖עוֹד בּ ְעT לי: you will call [Me] ‘‘my Husband,’’ and you will no longer call Me ‘‘my Master.’’ 19 I shall remove the יט ו CֲהסTרֹ\ תי ֶא ְת־שׁ ֥מוֹת ה ְבּעMלים ִמA פּיה ְו ֽלֹא־ names of the Baal-idols from her mouth, and they ִיזּ 8ְכ֥רוּ ֖עוֹד ִבּ ְשׁ8 מם: כ ְוכ8ר ִ ֨תּי לg הם ְבִּרית֙ בּ֣יּוֹם shall no longer be mentioned by their name. 20 I shall ה ֔הוּא ִעם־חיּת השּׂ ֶדה֙ ְו ִע ֣ם־עוֹף השּׁ ֔מ ִים seal for them a covenant on that day with the beast of the field, and with the bird of the sky and the creep- ְור ֶ/משׂ ה 8ֲאד; מה ְו ֶ ֨ק ֶשׁת ְוחgֶרב ִוּמ ְלחמה֙ ֶא ְשׁ ֣בּוֹר ing creature of the earth; bow, and sword, and war ִמן־ה ֔אֶרץ ְו ִה ְשׁכּ ְבMתּים לב Eטח: כא ְואר ְשׂHתּ ְיך shall I destroy from the land, and I shall let them lie ְ .securely Mלי ְל ;עוֹלם ְואר ְשׂHתּיך ִלי֙ ְבּצ Qֶדק ְוּב ִמ ְשׁ֔פּט I shall marry you to Me forever; I shall marry you 21 ְוּבח ֶ/סד ְוּבר CֲחT מים: כב ְואר ְשׂHתּ ְיך Mלי בּEֱאמוּנ;ה to Me with righteousness, and with justice, and with kindness, and with mercy. 22 I shall marry you to Me ְויד+ע ְתּ ֶא ֽת־יהוה: .with fidelity; and you shall know HASHEM

Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd