Woman in the Kingdom of God Lecture 1: Approaching the Biblical Text E4N School of Ministry Instructor: Kimberly Witkowski, MRE Spring 2020
[email protected] Why start with this subject when our course subject is women and the Kingdom? Because this is the map to a ______________ shift. Remember this: The key to growth is to adapt yourself to the text and not the text to yourself. The Basics of Study: 1. Start with the ________. Adapt study habits to personal needs and preferences for the most successful study time. 2. Know ___________! 3. Do I study _______ in the morning or in the evening? (Or perhaps at lunchtime?) 4. Do I gain more when I study for one ________ period of uninterrupted time or several shorter periods of time? 5. Do I ______________ more information visually or orally (books/ebooks vs. audio books and lectures.) 6. Studies show that “doodling” while taking notes helps one retain and recall information. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090226210039.htm https://www.kqed.org/mindshift/39941/making-learning-visible-doodling-helps-memories -stick 7. __________ _________ are important for the enjoyment of study. Be in a comfortable place; with snacks, drinks or music that you enjoy. 8. A useful way to aid in the internalization of concepts and information is to teach another what you’ve ___________. APPROACHING THE BIBLICAL TEXT 1 Approach the Text as an Act of Worship: 9. On a spiritual level, Study is an act of __________. In ancient times it was considered to be the highest form of worship.