Parashas Bamidbar/רבדמב תשרפ

Parashas Bamidbar/רבדמב תשרפ

zıchron meır edıtıon פרשת במדבר/Parashas Bamidbar ArtScroll® Series Rabbi Nosson Scherman / Rabbi Gedaliah Zlotowitz General Editors Founder ,ז״ל Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 2 / במדבר — פרשת במדבר א / א־ב פרשת במדבר [א] א ו ְיד ֵ֨בּר ֧יהוה ֶאל־מֹשׁה ְבּ ִמ ְדבּר ִסיני ְבּ ֣ ֹא ֶהל מוֹעד א א וּמ ִלּ ְילי)י ִעם מֹ ֶשׁ ְהבּמ ְד ְבּר ְ)אד ִסינ ְיבּמ ְשׁכּ ִןז ְמנ)א ְבּ ֶאח)ד֩ ל ֨ ֹח ֶדשׁ ה ֵשּׁ ִ֜ני בּשּׁ)נ'ה ה ֵשּׁ ִ֗נית ְל ֵצ # אתם ֵמאֶ"רץ ִמ ְצר ִים ְבּח ְדליְרח ִ)את ְני)נ ְ)אבּשׁתּ ִ)את ְנֵית ְ)אל ִמפּ ְקהוֹן ֵמאְרע ְ)אד ִמ ְצר ִ>ים ֵל ֽאמֹר: ב ְשׂ ֗אוּ ֶאת־רֹאשׁ֙ ) כּ ֲל־עד1ת ְבּ0 נ ִי־י ְשׂר ֵ ֔)אל ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹחת,ם ְל ֵמ ) ימר: ב ק בּילוּ י ֻ תח ְשׁבּן כּ ְ)לכּ ִנ ְשׁתּ ִ)אדּ ְב ֵנ ִיי ְשׂר ֵ)א ְללזְר ֲעי ְ)תהוֹן רש"י (א) ו ְיד ֵבּר. ְבּ ִמ ְדבּר ִסיני ְבּ ֶא חד ל ֹח ֶדשׁ. ִמ ְתּוֹך ִח ָיבּ ָתן ְוּכ ֶשׁ ָבּא ְלה ְשׁרוֹת ְשׁ ִכ ָינתוֹ ֲע ֵל ֶיהם [נ“א: ְבּ ָתוֹכם] ְמָנ ָאם. ְבּ ֶא ָחד ְל ָפָניו ֶמוֹנה ָאוֹתם ָכּל ָשׁ ָעה. ְכּ ֶשָׁיְּצאוּ ִמ ִמְּצרִים ְמָנ ָאן (שמות יב, ְבִּנ ָיסן הוּקם ה ִמּ ְשׁ ָכּן ְוּב ֶא ָחד ְבּ ִאָיּיר ְמָנ ָאם: (ב) ְל ִמ ְשׁ ְפּ ֹח תם. לז), ְוּכ ֶשׁ ָנּ ְפלוּ ָבּ ֵעֶגל (שמות לב, לה) ְמָנ ָאן ֵל ידע ִ[מְנין] ה ָנּוֹת ִרים, דע ִמְנין ָכּל ֵשׁ ֶבט ָו ֵשׁ ֶבט: CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED 1. 1. 1 ְבּ מ ְד ְבּ ָרא Hashem spoke WITH[1] Moshe — וּמ ִלּיל ְי ָי ִעם מֹ ֶשׁה .Hashem spoke to Moshe in 1 in the — ְבּ מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ ָנא ,in the Wilderness of Sinai — ְד ִס יני the Wilderness of Sinai, in the on the — ְבּ חד ְל י ְר ָחא ִת ְנָי ָנא [Ohel Moed, on the first of the Ohel Moed (Tent of Meeting),[2 -in the sec — ְבּ שׁ ָתּא ִת ְנֵי ָתא ,(second month, in the second first of the second month (Iyar after their exodus from — ְל ִמ פּ ְקהוֹן ֵמ א ְר ָעא ְד ִמ ְצ ר ִים year after their exodus from the ond year land of Egypt, saying: :saying — ְל ֵמ ָימר ,the land of Egypt 2 Raise the heads of the entire OBTAIN THE COUNT[3] of — ק* בּילוּ ָית ֻח ְשׁ בּן ָכּל ְכּ ִנ ְשׁ ָתּא ִדּ ְב ֵני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל .assembly of the Children of Is- 2 ְל ז ְר ֲע ָי ְתהוֹן rael according to their families the entire assembly of the Children of Israel, as , מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ נא ,as speak “with,” understanding of Onkelos’ translation דבּר ֶאל Onkelos generally translates .1 convening, not in the , ִזמּוּן in the sense of ִז ְמ נא ,.denotes a well (i.e דבּר rather than speak “to,” because the verb time), since Onkelos similarly translates , ְז מן direct and close communication. By contrast, he trans- sense of -I shall con , ִאוּ ֵעד ,for example — ֵמוֹעד as say “to,” (see, e.g., 3:40 be- the verb forms of אמר ֶאל lates the phrase ֲא ז ֵמּן ֵמ ְימִרי means simply to convey words vene [in the Ohel Moed] (17:19 below) — as אמר low), since the verb .(Pas’shegen HaDas, (Nefesh HaGer to Vayikra 1:1 ;שרש אמר ,to another (Redifi Maya Devarim 2:16). HaKesav VeHaKabbalah (to Shemos 27:21), howev- is in fact meant ִז ְמ נא For this very reason, when the context is Hashem er, maintains that Onkelos’ term as well as the , מ ְשׁ כּן ִז ְמ נא speaking to man through prophecy, Onkelos gener- in the sense of “time,” so that means a tent “for a time.” The , ֹא ֶהל ֵמוֹעד ally modifies his translation to speak “to,” in order to Hebrew term minimize the connotation of Hashem directly com- Mishkan is called this way because it was dismantled municating with a person. However, with regard to and erected anew every time the camp relocated, as op- Moshe (as in this verse), whose level of prophecy was posed to the Beis HaMikdash, which was a permanent the Eternal , ֵבּית עוֹל ִמים of a uniquely personal nature (see below, 12:8 and structure and is thus called the Devarim 34:10), Onkelos retains the translation House. -in the sense of “tak ְשׂאוּ of speak with. See Vayikra 10:8 note 14 for further 3. Onkelos interprets the word discussion. ing up” or “receiving” (see, similarly, 5:31 below with as referring to the sum total of a רֹאשׁ The Torah consistently uses the term Ohel Moed note 62), and .2 ex- count (see Rashi to Shemos 30:12 with Mizrachi and (ע‘ יעד to refer to the Mishkan. Radak (Shorashim ,רֹאשׁ means “a designation (of time Gur Aryeh). [The Torah refers to the sum total as ֵמוֹעד plains that the word or place) for meeting,” and refers to Hashem’s meetings literally, head, because census-takers would customar- with Moshe in the Mishkan to teach him Torah, and to ily write the total on the “top” of the tally page (Ibn means “obtain the total ְשׂאוּ ֶאת רֹאשׁ ,the gathering together of Jews there [for prayer and Ezra there).] Hence other occasions]; see also Shemos 29:42-43 with Rashi. count.” Accordingly, the accurate translation of Ohel Moed is The literal “Raise the heads” is expounded by the “the tent of designation for meeting.” This is the simple Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 1:9) as conveying that the Reproduced from the Zichron Meir Edition Onkelos with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd 3 / BAMIDBAR/NUMBERS — PARASHAS BAMIDBAR 1 / 3-4 ְלF בית ֲאבֹתEם ְבּ ִמ ְספּ1ר ֵשׁ ֔מוֹת ) כּל־ז)כ,ר ְל ֻג ְל ְגּלAֹ תם: ג ִמ ֶ֨בּן ְל ֵב ֲיתאב)ה ְ)תהוֹן ְבּ ִמ ְני ְןשׁמ)ה)ןכּ ְ)לדּכוּר ְ)אל ֻג ְל ְגּל ְ)תהוֹן: ג ִמבּר ֶע ְשׂJ רים שׁ)נ)ה֙ ו ֔)מ ְעל)ה ) כּל־יֹצIא צ)ב,א ְבּ ִי ְשׂר)אל ִתּ ְפ ְק ֥דוּ ֹאת#ם ֶע ְשִׂר ְיןשׁ ִנין ְוּלע0לּ)אכּ)לנ ֵ)פ ֵקחיל ְ)אבּ ִי ְשׂר ֵ)א ִלתּ ְמנוֹן י ְ)תהוֹן ְל ִצ ְב ֹאת,ם אRתּה ְוא ֲ>הֽרֹן: ד ְו ִא ְתּכQם י Pְה ֔יוּ O אישׁ N אישׁ למּטּKה ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן א ְתּ ְוא ֲהרֹן: ד ְו ִע ְמּכוֹן ְיהוֹן גּ ְבר)אג ְבר ְ)אל ִשׁ ְבט)א רש"י ְל ֵבית ֲאבֹ תם. ִמי ֶשׁ ָא ִביו ִמ ֵשּׁ ֶבט ֶא ָחד ְו ִאמּוֹ ִמ ֵשּׁ ֶבט א ֵחר (ג) כּל יֹ ֵצא צ בא. מ ִגּיד ֶשׁ ֵאין ֵיוֹצא בָצּ ָבא ָפּחוֹת ִמ ֶבּן ֶע ְשׂ ִרים: ָיקוּם על ֵשׁ ֶבט ָא ִביו (במדבר רבה ו, ג; בבא בתרא קט:): (ד) ְו ִא ְתּ ֶכם ִי ְהיוּ. ְכּ ֶשׁ ִתּ ְפ ְקדוּ ָאוֹתם ִי ְהיוּ ִע ָמּ ֶכם ְנ ִשׂיא ָכּל ֵשׁ ֶבט ְל ֻג ְל ְגּלֹ תם. על ְי ֵדי ְשׁ ָק ִלים ֶ”בּקע ל ֻגְּל ֹגֶּלת“ (שמות לח, כו): ָו ֵשׁ ֶבט: CHUMASH TRANSLATION ONKELOS ELUCIDATED according to their families and according — ְל ֵבית ֲא ָב ָה ְתהוֹן -and] according to their fa] by number — ְבּ ִמ ְנין ְשׁ ָמ ָהן [thers’ household, by number to their fathers’ household,[4 every male, head by — ָכּל ְדּ ָכוּרא ְל ֻג ְל ְגּ ָל ְתהוֹן [of names, every male, head by of names,[5 head. 3 From twenty years of head. From twenty years of age and up — ִמ בּר ֶע ְשׂ ִרין ְשׁ ִנין ְוּל ֵע ָלּא .age and up — everyone who 3 whoever goes out to the legion — ָכּל ָנ ֵפק ֵח ָילא ְבּ ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל — goes out to the legion in Israel [you shall count them[7 — ִתּ ְמנוֹן ָי ְתהוֹן ְל ֵח ֵיליהוֹן — [you shall count them accord- in Israel[6 — .you and Aharon — א ְתּ ְו א ֲהרֹן [ing to their legions, you and according to their leg ions,[8 And with you when you count them shall — ְו ִע ְמּכוֹן ְיהוֹן .Aharon. 4 And with you shall 4 גּ ְב ָרא ג ְב ָרא ְל ִשׁ ְב ָטא be one man from each tribe, be — one man from each tribe, census elevated and glorified the Jewish people, for it 6. According to Rashi, this refers specifically to ser- demonstrated their importance in Hashem’s eyes. See vice in the army, where the minimum age to serve and its) צ בא also Rashi to v. 1 and Ramban to v. 3. was twenty. In general, though, the term ֵח ילא 4. “Their families” refers to each person’s immediately Aramaic equivalent ) simply means a “legion” or a family. By counting the people according to their fami- gathering (a “host”) of people, typically for a purpose, lies, they would be able to determine each person’s tribe such as to serve in some capacity (e.g., 4:3 below) or for and thereby arrive at an accurate count of each tribe. encampment (as in v. 52 below). See also further in the The family and tribe is determined “according to their verse with note 9. צ בא fathers’ household,” meaning that if one’s father is from In fact, Ramban maintains that even here does one tribe and his mother is from a different tribe, he is not mean “army,” but simply a gathering of men, and counted as a member of his father’s tribe (Rashi with that the age of twenty simply reflects the social reality Mizrachi and Gur Aryeh).

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