-II L-·cal s • I · IS· ' . . . One of th13 ·best' Fall seasons in some: time is now being experienced thr~ughout Local 3's extensive jurisdiction, from tropicid Hoilolulu ,to• the warm days and nippy nights of Utah, with no lag now in sight, other than the usuaLwinter slowdown. ,. Though it is known that such ------_- .:---,-_, ...,..-,:;, .. -__ ~· ·.£; L"_ ------'------items as housing, new plant work, "' and other projects have been ·ma­ Air Members. Please Note terially slowed by uncertainty and · -:-~TIN D{JRKIN'S resignation a~d complete end:orsrunent of his new interest ·rates under the pres­ , In addressing any inquiries-to the Health and Wel­ stan,d,: despite a plea. froni Vice-Pi-esident Nixon in behalf of the ad" ent administration, the big Cali­ fare department of Loeal 3~ it will be necessary that you !lpiQ.istration's Taft-lfuxtley attitUde, featured the recent 72rtd, AFL fornia . backlog, plus excellent fall advise us who you are employed by. Since there are sev,. ·convention in St. Louis. Here Durkin addresseJ' the\ Building -Trades· weather, is keeping out-of-work . Dept. _Center is Dept. .Pres."'Richard Gray and at right is Lloyd l\'lash: e~l health plan set.;.upS; ·we must lmow who you worl>: / ~ - . - . lists down to a niinilnum in nearly burn, whe resigr;.ed. as Undersf)creta•ry .of Labor on October 8, same-day every branch office, according to for before we ean::- give you accurate information. that President Eisenhower mimeq James P. ·Mitchell, N. Y., business­ this month's business agent repoAs. ------~------~------~------· --- ma.n as Secy. of Labor. ,...___:_, - Beat the rains rui'd_beat the sn'ow -that's the cry . from Eureka to San Francisco Voters, Attention! Ogden and from Sim .Jose to Ceda·r Aft-er considering the recommendations of its Executive £oa;rd City, and in typical· Operating -En- a.nd -aft-er extensive iliscussion on the matt-er, the San Francis·co gineer teamwork -the -boys are do- Union_Labor _Party, meeting on September 30, 1953, voted, by secret ing a bit of- -rushing theie days in ballot, - ro give organized labor's endorsement to the follo>v ing that annual game of tiig with the candidates: · 1 weather, ·_ - . We'll start in the Far West; witii . ·For Supervisors: Francis McCarty, James Leo Halley, Honolufll.- for a look at'this,ffionth:s J. Eu~ene McAteer, Marvin E. Lewis, George· Chris- reports; there we find a sizable topher. :program of harbor ··work and ho,Us~ .- ing getting upder -way. Back_ to lfor City Attorney: Dion llolm. · th_e_· mainland, 'San Francisco is . 'J -- · pu-shing a variety -·o_t projects to Fm~ Cit,y: ~ Tre~sure,i: · J()~ ;J'· ~ Goodviiin. beat rainy · se§son:<:- '· · .. _F6.~· : BO~i~€1 qf.'· Ji~¢~ti0~; · :A.d&lph; de ·Url9§fu ... -tJl'e -&Y; _· me Oikland ·· dgi!l~ " ~rg; ·- t~ings ~6~ '-the - · , ~efU.UUt~r and: steel; .pliis brains and braw~that's the Bay. Down bl\:y; San Jose is . ·those ·eonce-rned and ·interested. tlie conibina,tion ' th~t : is -,mQving ~oontains , in CS:iifornia . the~e' ol'fays hustling with subdivisions, new .as the; sf;a.te-whip{put a h~gh\V'ay system that will ruin:dle -its mlOl'mOUS PllilltS, highway: jobs; anp.-a - @oct /'!-. .· ... ~ A rd population trrowtli; ' ~own Iiere is Opei"a,ti.ng Eilgineei.-' AI Grnildpre on start on the new $50 million Ford :wnStrm..uon . Wi S a :i>iVOox:ltinental : ·hitil."ti~pull, .Oile of the smallest of :this type of rig plarit at the tip of the bay. ' UH. . . ' . ' . . in~' existe~, :. pn a ·.JOl! in the southern •part of the state. Though' smali, Ove-r · the cOaSt;· Range and into JUI . $l.l BHUcn in Sept .. this tmby is a. ·,J;u·uis_er: - . valleys we find Fresno with hardly_ Heavy construction · contract a _man at leisure>'. everybody ~ but "awaros report'ect in September :._hit loading up . on sunshine, especially a new record of $1,100,000,000, . it ori the mountain _jobs. Up th~ val-. was reported bet. s_ This is a rec­ Iey,• Stockton and Sacramento are ord for the month and 17 per cent 1 MORTON A. PRATHER also busy; ·tho4gh they report some of Sept. last year, as well as higher I San Rafael, Cal., Aug. .6 present. than .August. Priv,.ate awards rose J.D. wYMAN Marysville i_s hard from $605 rnillion it1 .August to $620 · Coneo1·d, -'riti, ·Aug. 'zg caco?slatm" big proc million in Sept. Firsf -nine months : A. B .. COOK is showed $11.4, billion, down 7 per I cent fr.om last year's $12.3 billion. San -Leandro, Cal., Aug. 30 However, last year's total included OTTO ENGE red and yellow $2.3 billion in -Atomic•Errergy Com- San ' 'Pablo, Cal., Aug. 3G- mountains, we· drop into rip-roar- mission contracts. · 1 ing Reno and find the boys pushc * * * A. E. MURRAY ing street, highway, and mine work Denair, Cal., Sept. 1 at a_ fine p_ace all over that big s .t: t T !I, t l j JOHN H. MONROE ~ state of Nevada. On eastward into· af e. Y aII.'\ a. . 0( a. Redwood City, Cal.; Sept. 4 the sunrise we see a big cloud of -Regular Meefln.g CARL BACCUS dust up ahead and under it a gang 3 . Medford, Ore., Sept. 6 of Engineers -.knocking out fast Joe Roberts, labOr liaison man woi·k on highways, houS,ing, mines, with the State Division of Safety, JOHN OLIVERI " and military projects._ They have who has done much good on the Collinsviile, Cal., Sept. 8 EUG~NE S. PRATHER one of the best Indian Summers Ijob for thousands of Califo:rni? . ( ih many years and __everybody is workers, tall

R~port of Last Meeting \ Afl Backs The meeting was called to ortter at 8:00 p.n1., President Clancy pre­ Raiding, T-H siding. Vice-President Foss was excused. Brother H. T. Petersen wa.s appointed to act as ·:Vice-President. Roll call showed all other officers present. . . Hells Canyon A s~·nopsis of the Regular Meeting l\Iinutes of September 12 read The AFL went on record as and liy motion approved as read. ' A synoi)sis' of the supporting public construction of Executive Board Minutes of September 16 and of September 30, Are Top a multiple -purpose, full - utiliza­ read and the acts and recommendations of the Boa.rd AFL were .by motion approved tion dam at Hells Canyon on the as read. Joe Roberts of the Division Snake River, situated between of Industrial Safety spoke in. regard to Idaho -and Oregon. sa.fety in'•tlie-ope1'atioir 'of ·cranes · and shovel§ lnelt:I' live power lines: He pointed ·out tlui..t· the -State· La.w requires 'a · six "foot" clearance in · any ... It decla1·ed that Secretary of direction·r .from' any. ·power liiie: ·· H~l also ' pointetl: out: 'that the·re ··11a;<1 -- N Interior Douglas l\IcKay betra.y­ been several' de)lth:,- --renently \du'e' ·to·.·.disi·egard'··of, this· :safety. law. He ed the ·public interest and con­ '54 appealed., to the· tTiembership'' of'·itlit ·Local•, tUilihn- ~ to '' refuse· to .worl• Problems tradicted h;s campaig·n utterances where their ·. equipme·ntcmight:corile• in':conta.ct':with 'any. live .power line, when he withdrew support of ·St. Louis (LPA} -Tbe AFL concluded its 72nd convention a His remarks were· \\ • ~ll:' received " by ·tile ni:elilbers; .- multiple -purpose, government­ Sept. 25 by ratifying the -no:. raiding agreement with the CIO, · Cards of thanks- ,were" received·, fror11'•.M:Hdred·, ·La}~ontagne, ·' HalTY built dam at Hells Canyon. approving a move for settling jurisdictional disputes \.Yithili D: Reiliers·'fam.ily;·lvLrsrtJ. -D ~-'l\'foirrl5e; ·Mr ·, , !!.nd ':Nirs~ · J. ··E. ·Ha1l, .-1\'Ir. ·an.d the AFL and chartering a new dockworkers' tiilion to replace , The federation pointed out that Mrs. G; E.' Han, '.l\n' . ' and '' l\'Irs•·, n ~' L .' Filleh-Received: ·and.·filed:·, construction of the J ;·'Aiilar.ms·o;·c Dwain Idaho Power Co., a private util­ ·Bowman,· Cecif ~ B ! '· He'rman, r:.Warreir ' Daily, Y T!fo;ri1as' :Dr il;per; :· Alfred C. It 'adopted a Taft-Hartley pro­ ity, would' ''materia.Ily- retard the· Huber; Stanley w~ ) J'OhllSOll, '·>Louis ·l l\'IO])lnent of the' en­ Oliver- ·: Plemdnsi ·• Jos'epli' 1 >P ierce, '·,Clar-ertC"e ·-~-Peviei•a, "•. Jo'seph ··! Robfes; ~ Ati­ sions to which Martin P, Durkin and Chicago for the 1955 sessions. tire·1Pacific Northwest." tone -;Rapoza:,·. -Lo.uis" Rm>eberry, · J olnr: R(lg-ers, · Je:n:rlin'gs: :ROmine';'· Eihvin told the corlvention President ' Ei­ Not·a dissenting voice was heard R. Sbarp ;' . Joseph ''Sil~er.; · s:~M: The tlete·gates were other fh;ms to study deceased Brothers. . ., · agreement'; with · Uie forme1; Sec­ told· tha:t ·"fresh:; firm· and reward­ the application of atdmi"c em~rgy to electric power The Business Agents gave thei! reports which were ac~epted as retary of. . Labor, but said the' 19 ing,, steps"' have been taken with generation. First given. amendments "do not meet the ob­ the CIO toward .Jabor unity. goal is selection of a reactor deSign fo·r power Brother Otto Never, Presi that would lead to depression," Subscription Price: $ · '; Inickel? Don't you know a difue will' carry the United Crusade "torcli" to ~very one in the commm~i~y · Schoemann wrote. per year. i~ worth' twice as mueli as a are,· left.. to right,· Bill Keane; San ·Fra,n.msco Boys Club; PatriCia · He called on· all members of the Ma'iJi 'alr news ;'items ·in to ediior not· Inickel?" F. 6rslti_nd·, Vls_itation· Valley Community Center and ··Bob.· DiCkinson, Cull unionu later tlian tlie -5th' of ·aach·,month . to act through local unions,. ~ Entered·• as: Second Class , Matte!' : SeJ)'- . "Sure;. I know it," . wa's the an- SCout. This Youth Crusade for the United Crusade was• adopted by" the state'·'· associa.tions ~ arid building tember 9, 1943, .pt t~e Postoffice crt San; swer. "And I a.Iso know they, youngsters of the various Conunimity .(}enter agencie,s to help .e.ducate /trades. councils to '. demand . tliat' . .F-rancisco, Caliofinia, .under the~ A:ct of- 'I wouldn't try me on if· any more il ·the ifubJic... to· _th'e' se'rviees . of 'tlie" (:'ru·sade' whichc· inehide healthy·. re•'l the ,_ _,. ,1\.ugusJ 24; 1912: . . . . " . . ··' Davis•Baco~. _ Act· b~ ...not · .tam-- L.· I took the dime/' · '"ci•eation for .the yotillgit!lrs thimiselves au.d. assistanc~ to J>eop!.e iii need:pere~ . with.; .: .. ..· · '-- October 15, 1953 ENGINEERS' NEWS , Thre- e '· '- StocktOn ..Jolis Lev I Off REDWOOD !E PIRE IS·· IN HIGH ~ By ED. DORAN, W. M. TALBOT, M. W. GRIFFING and ' GEAR. TO BEAT :., THE RAIN C. I'" CASEBOLT (Modesto), Business _ Repres~ntative·s .BY A. R. McCAFFREY,.Business Representative The wotk in.Stockton and surrounding area has levelled Russian River ·· and At the present time ~€{ isn't an unemployed Engineer ·. off to a small out-of-work list at this office, but with a few thel in the·Redwood Empire to our knowledge. ·The work load is Clearances· being issued ea,ch day .. _We do not anticipate any Fort Bragg Jobs still holding up good but l don't kriow for how long. We hs:d large orders for men this fall as· several jobs· are: di.le to be our first rain of.the-season yester9ay which: amoul).ted to one·­ completed jn the next fevv weeks which will ·swell the out- Are Mo.ving Along half . It· also served as ,a warning as to what to expect of-work list. , . ad By GLENN L. OOBYNS; in tlie near future. We are hoping for a late fall like we h On tbe Cherry Valley Project, which will be the hot spot last year when we worked almost ------,----· ------­ Business Representative next spring, we find Guy F. Atkinson with five cats clear~ng up till Christ:inas time. We ·have Brown, -is still · r'olling. ·everything and with more due to. arrive soon .. The Atkinson Company Work to eliminate the sharp cor- reached .the peSJ.k of the year and .they have al\d what 'they can r'ent ner on Highway 12 in Monte Rio I we e'xpect it to start slacld!Jg of+ from sunup till dark. They finished . ·· . ·. gradually fi·om now on. their - highway job at Bridgeville . • ]~~~aIve .~m- ;~!)~~ol:t~h~f. wh1le the Job ~~~~t~::sus~~r-' 1s- gomg on. · . R· .·ED . .· D-IN. .G . . · ts·· . Is n e~r: ;ng completwn as the new J . Frederickson. Bros., who have a·nd have. moved that hot plant ovee A l ~o ·, the -rumor is that a .school ' ' j · 1 ' ; • ' \ · road 1s brought up to grade. \ been working up in this area for on the Mad River, east l of Esselc. Vyjll be erected for the children· of ' · Eaton and ~mith of Sari Fran- the last three years, are just finish-, At the ·p1:esent time .they. have their cisco, doing the work, will give no I ing up· with, their last project at ·activities confined to orie county, ·tne employed personnel. B·usv .CAU u. P. K. ·. finished the tm:mel for . . , • : . 11_ definite day when the. job w ill be I Pepperwood. At one time we had but all over it. Cherry Dam- and . Claude Wood u · . · . . · I approximately 75 Engineers, but Fred J. Maurer & Son are also• fimshe.d,_but JJm ~ewis, the super-. ne~ve r· less than 20 ·w hen the Co. are up ;:t going ~ f\lll blast; jobs scattered' s~tti ng rock ' c~usher ·E ed, working . for from Eureka to. Klamath; mostly us MEU permitt and batch plant to crush and mix . · '· _· : · 11 ·. int'endent,. says "it won't be _long weather aggregates to .line the ·tunnel. now." . this firm. During that time_we have highway work. The road is being rerouted ~rom never had a beef which amounted Claude Wood & Co. are ·progres­ By E. ·A. HESTER, ' the corner at Grandi's, one block . : . - . . Bro. J . L. Conner will have the .; sing nicely with. their r oa-d job at . .IIess Represe.IItati'v to . anythmg; never a questwn d' t d h ' h' ·h . b t ·Bllsl · · e t f th · t' · 'th th o · , b' t . .. I t ' ·. k . . . 1r · move on 1s 1g way JO a .. 'Wallace \'lith Brother -Dick Morris , wes 0 . e JUnC lOn /Wl e CCI-. a OU- time Or rates. , hm . this :s.. K;.eeland this meek SO it shouldn't pushing and they should finish 'the 'Everything is in 'high' gear in dental Road, to the east boundary more or less of a record. Credit . . . ' I ' • . . • Northern California. Work is hold- of the ·Burkett estate. · t s t ·B.ll R 11 d · G 1 take him long · to complete thls dam .at Murphys by the tim·e.1 this . . . _ goes o up. 1 . _o an , · enera p' roJ·ect . • is published. · i!fg up remarkfibly well. This means nearly one-third mile Fo.rerpan Bro. - Arch1~ $dmonds and · . " • 1 The out of. work 'sla:te · is clear- along the old River Road up tore- Office Manag·er Don Davis .. an'd a C. _v_ .. _Ken_worthy_ u_p_ . at B' erey·. ; Condick Co. of_ Berkeley · s t 11 11 10 The at· t.his tin1e and ·we are still in join Highway 12. . crew o{ the best .Engineers in the ~mmit Is s 1 ro m g SJX s per: · Ji · k 11 b ·1 · k Th started the box-pipe. storm: drain the need of a · few men. I b elieve 1' p atterson's'·. p omt· 1s· .being re- country. wee , r ea Y a1 mg muc . . ere ,. -Tob that runs through Mannon 1 · f I'd th. · · · b 1 · J ' though, . that this situation . will graded and cut back to-smooth out Mercer Fraser c;o., , aiias R'alph are a ot o . s 1 es on Is . JO.. ·. y he I' p th . Channel which will then be .. back- ch. a_nge in a short time as• some of th· e 1ong corner aroun d t· . h e . bl u ff- . Ye s te r .d a w n· was u ere, .to clean- up ·_- mosqu_ito · T · '· - th h d . d d · filled a .our highway pi'oJ'ect_-s are tapering he circle cut around the hill_ . . . ey a a an y come m-e. p- breeding s-wamp. Gordon· Capps of - . b - .d d th eompletwn ~f the school by -, Au- prox1·_mately 40,000 "a,..ds . . off. Ther e ·are two· or ·three -of Wl 11 e on a w1 er arc an e . . J • Stockton .is doing all the dirt work · · gust, 1954. · . . -· th_em that' will finish ih k couple road is w1der with shoulders built L. Nei'lso· n, ..ndo, has started Kenw,.Jrthy and Patterson a with a D-6 -'- D-7 and t wo· elec- 'th t · d 0 11 t ric pulls with more equipment to of. weeks. However, we . have · a up on ~ ou_er e ge. . work-on the bridge job they were Weitchpec are making good prog•- . couple of srnali road. J"obs coming People m -y1l_la · Grande, . direc_ tly · · re_ss. They shouid hav"e their' di.rt ,, · be used as tJie :job progresses. th f th t a,warded out of Ukiah: This bridge ;.;; oved 1.n about 30 days 1.f .the' t ~ll;.: · Teichert & so·n should h'l.ve up ,'which ·will take care of a few· across . . e nver rom e pom' is to cross the Russian Riv.er east ..... b k . J the P acific Ave. 'job completed by of those that ar~ apt tci be laid have had a fine show . and . speak of Ukiah. . g~t the rea s. . off. ·., with regret of .the job!s .completion. Thi's company rented t-- --"'o . of B__ rath er_ Tom _·tf_ul_l ·. has eve_ry.. t he· time this item ·is ·read. They Fl th · b · t fi w" I - a re busy putting · bia~k,top on now J . H. Clack of Red Bluff was .. agmen on : JO r epor a . ne Arthur. B. Siri's truck cranes. ~h :ng r ~l!J~ g. I:Ils' biggest P.fOJect . . the successful bidder on the Bu- spmt_o f cooperatiOn by those usm g Br·o· . Ray Duval dr·.I·v·I·ng - sheet Is the np-!aP JOb up a~ Sweaseyl_ w ith Brother . De.wey_ Carls.:m on· th h h - · · - t l1e· Bar·ber-Green·e spr· eader . - reau of Reclamation road J'ob, . e Jg way; . . piling with Bro. J ames Barriey, t he. I Da~ . Tom bought a Northwest~-- -~ There has been a minimum of th th d d t ld B a ~ George P;:ttterson finished.·a land leading into the diversion dam oiler. Bro. ' Harry Sonhikson oper- e ? er _ay an . o ro. -:-. levelling job on Highway . 4 near site three miles befow Red 'Bluff. gr u~bling at the delays. ·. ator on the other r ig with Bro. Castle the - ~I g was his (to operace, This is in ·preparedness to a large- Bl s ~op, _ · Youn~e r ~ Bradley Robert F. Rocca, his oiler, digging of course). Ed came back with the Holt with Brother Dale Clifford irrigation project. . 'Yorkmg at 10 Mile Bndge out of the footings. Bro. Robert Kearns remark "where the hell am I going in charge. The. Bureau is also setti~g up Fl orlt B~athgg thh~ve. hbad _wondetrhfl!_l has. been -doing the cleaJ;ing 'with to ·put, my n§J-m e on it _when . you P. G. .' Andrew Co. are l:iusy stir- ·t . ffi . Bl ff uc c w1 · · 1s JO smce ey the cat. have yours plastered all over .it?'" ring u,P the peat dust _on _Roberts ~empora~y .0 ces m_ Red_ u_ · started. ·· ·- · I h d d t f th t ll .· Bro. . -Bill Vickery .was I·nJ·u· r·'ed Bosch & Cummings are still up• Island with Brother Kenneth How- - e · e Ica !On ° IS proJec WJ The pile driving gang is far while working · for Ceci'l. M.· Moore .on Redwood Creek. They also ar e ard doing the shifting· and Brot'~- • be held in the park at Red.. Bluff .enough aheaa' to, keep out of· 't he ·tt' · · · · t ·1 ' t b t " 0 t 17 1953 at Covelo. ' He is confined to the pu mg m a Tal er cour P. DU ers Bob Quandt, Bill Chase and c · ' : · . way of. the carpenters and con- · t 'l t1i. f A t H ' · -l'ens on the L-aPlante- . Frednck & W atson have about . . Howard Memorial Hospital in Wil, •wo mi es nor . o . rca a on Ign-· ,. Frank Kel ' . crete crew for this Wl_.nter. .. .. ' ay 299 h1'ch 1'll be one 0 f ~ r1 ~· ll 0 f th k d tl f l,i_ts. Wishing y·ou a speedy recov- _w w w · · L " Choate pulls with Paul Bouillin on a - e muc move on le ree- This company has the overpass .er·y, BI'll. . 1 best in the country. Brother Bill North of Reddin_g_ · Bi.Jt th_ey - over: th'e Un1'on Lumber co· m·- - · · · · the push cat. wta· Y OR ll h 0 th t . Bro. Francis Millerick will be' in Cummings ' is the_ ram-l'Odqe·r . M. J . ·B. Const. Co. ori the Man- l! .. l ave er proJe~ s . go~ng pany's private logging road com-. thiS' project. · ~a-'Ripon Freeway are progress- ~ull speed ahe~. d Hi this distnct. pleted except for pouring concrete, the 'Sebastopol.. Hospital for some . A. C. Johnson has started on 'ni:!: accordi'ng to p~an even· WI.th l hey have the1r hot plant u .p at whi'ch -\vi'll start thi·s we· e·k. Bro. time due to a ' severe shoulder in- · J ~ - J·ury. A' sp' e~dy r~covery is w.'ished their school job at Hoopa. Broth r:: r the handicap of having to cross !~d a~~~: t ~ ·~~e. are about ready Charles Bittencurt is ,operating the for you· too, F rancis. Dave ___ T en11ey has his dragline t he 99-Highway traffic_ and the . . d truck crane with Bro.' Chester Dede The bundle from Heaven that wor)cing_ on ditches . while iv'Eel · ; Southern Pacific Railroad with .Serg. Wilham E. Philllps an his oiler. Bro. Merle Abbott is ,on-- ..... r . and Mrs·. ·H'owa·rd Seacord have ;Kadle ·.is handling the aggregc>,te. · Corp. Marvin Hall is-looking after m each yard of borrow. h k Bl . C .the ''A" frame most· of the time: ·been looki·n·g ·forwar·d to ·. ar·r'I·ved · ·Peletz ·'Bros. · have just about e Inc of Oakland " ho t e wor s .at Red ' · uff.-Lreut. · Bro. J. ack Smith, ca'> lo'ader· at the 1 t d th · t · · b · · Stolt ., . · ' "' C. Smalley takes care of the " September' 8th. The tag · read: comp e ·_e_ eir wa er mam JO m wer e the low bidders on the Bu- crusher and hot pli:mt. plant, with Bro. R()y Parker' ori' Nancy Lyrm, -weight 6 pounds, ,121h Eureka. Associated Engineers ar e r eau of Recla-mation· job near the mixer arid hoist': ounces. Congratulati.ons!. also winding up their pipe job ib! Tracy, . on· t he 11 miles· of 30-in,- - Out on the freeway we have Arthur B. Siri, Inc·., of Santa Eureka concrete h'ave not as ·yet started Regimental Sargent Pete Pace Rosa · have several small jobs· go- Belated: congratulations are in _Up a.t c i·escent City, M'iccG--M. nd Fr·ed Dohel General Kurt 1's order fo_r the Cecil' Brown family_. - the job, which will entail a lot of "'~ · z ing in and around Santa Rosa. K. has been m aking good pr:ogn :ss ' ,: trenching machine work.· pretty b·usy · no ~ days_looking aft- The widening of Fourth Street is They ordered another boy, so the on their jetty job. With a crew of·-' er hl·s s·taff · 0 f Eng1'neer·s· He 1·s Stork obliged by leaving Michael. Several land levelling contrac- • just about· completed. Next week ' * * * Engineers like they have, t hey t ors are busy levelling· on Union surely getting his share of the they Vlill start to·lay the plant mix. ·,..__ Couldn1t do otherwise. Up on t heir . · work in this part of the countr,_·•. Th ·w·l st t · b · · -· · '·. b t p t · k' · k t . I sal nd and ·are paying_ a little ,} . e 1 son ree JO IS pro- State's ·Waterfow'l Areas ' np-rap JO a a nc s cr:ee ney premium pay to get the boys to eat 'Harms Brothers. w.ill soon have gre_ssmg· according to schedule. ,also are coming right along. At · the peat dirt which is really bad one of the!r •pl ~nts up· and start B:;:tr()ld . Qy%m . in charge of the T T g; · o B d · the present ' time they have four u ntil we get a little rain. .The crushing :'tha:( :65Q,OqQ J()nS of . ,Ofav~riste in F.f:igliway project has 0 all\e ·m oar ers draglines a nd two, dozel'S y.rork Eng. ~~~;~~~r~ ~r0~1 I~~~n <'i~~~~~· ·a~d ;;b~tes foP th~ ~~g ~~Bd . typ~~Ji{~~~~~rc@J i~;~ .~~~~~ ~~e ~~r~~-d o~ fo!~c::~~~~ e~th~a~~t:;,e·~o~~at~:: - ~~~~jeg;toj~:r ~~5~~t d~et 0t obeh ;:;s; - Jb:iS{ Reeves. ' ' Erother • V!.. * 'ff.· ·.}f.tgliw<'iy i at:' 6u·alala has high voted exclusively to · ducks and seas. They "will resume operation:> Work at the Tracy AnneX· is "er~ou sly 'j~ ' "'-· ,, .. me time at,o:· hopes :o f finlshing ·in .two weeks.' geese, soon will have som e extra early next' spring. about finish ed. while wo:rkmg o\it at the Shasta However, the crusher' will be left boqrders, _un(ier mon I 0 'way 10~ close t o the Oregon bor- .... m g operatiOns for the concrete b tl ·. .... t who' used . - d 'f t ff th ff remem er 1e youngs er Bro. Vic Henry, th'e . master me- . Construction of a · $5,759,000 first der. 0 con UJ carry ~ e run-o_ un- to - tickle you under the' chin at chanic, ·is ably assisted by Bros. . unit in a $40 million expansion pro- James H. McFarland has start :;,.&. der the streets mstead of m an h' ?" ·' ·· · · · · · d't h .h. h · sc o.o 1 . Ben Arnett, Ben Reynolds, Geo. gr'a mby_ U)lion · Oil Company at .on his· bridges and approaches at o~en 1 c • w IC . has been an "Oh," she exclaimed · gushingly~ H anson. Rodeo; north >' of ·· Richmond, will. Wilson and Jordan . Creeks. eyesore ' and a traffic hazard for "so· that's who· you are_!" Their new. hot ,plant· at Calpella get under way early next year. Aho-Box Equipment Co. of CL'es.-: many years. "No,'' · said ·he; blai1dly. "That 1s also a very busy place.- Bro. First unit is.. a 14,500-barrel plat-. cent City haye all· their equipment Center Sfreet bridge will , . · · The w_as my father.' Charles McCord, pulling boxes with former,' plus n ew facilities . and rolling. What they haven't- got t o traffic in a few days_ · ·- · be opened· Bro. Errol Bradford,· the· oiler. tankage. Af.ter that comes a cata- rented out they are working them-·. *· '"· • · · ' w hich will relieve a traffic jam for Re11son · Contract for construction- of the lytic d_e-sulf _urization unit, a coker, selves. · iden-ts t o the north and west t he r es A young student signed his n_'ame Kawana · Elementary School has a sulphur removal unit and proc- If. we get a half-way decent section of the city. · . · · McDonald Engineering Co. have, to, a . copy of the _D,ec:aratwn of been awarded to' Bishop, Younger essing unit, and auxiliary ·facilities. break .in the weather: for the next - . h d th . t tl . · 't Independence hangmg m the hall & Bailey, San Francisco contrac- * * * two months, everybody wiJl be·. ~; 1;r:nch ~as:n,~s1 a Ie nee Pan1 of his Alma Mater: His paren ~ s, . tors. PASCO PIPELINE.-Coinpletion happy. The Engineers will get in. * * * who had to pay $5 for the deface- The San Francisco firm will be of a $4-million oil pipeline. from some good time and most ·o( the ment, were quite distressed until general· contractors. for· the job and Pasco to Spokane is announced by jobs 'will be comp1eted. Speaking of crops, the-new farm he e_xplained his reason, "I. read has several Santa Rosa firms to Standard Oil. It is· part of a $48/ A . word , to the wise. W-hile the it all through .(never saw another which sub"contracts . will · be let. million oiL supply system to ~erve brothers · are getti~g in all thi.>; eli"ee~ 'pears to1 be faith, hope, and pa.rity. · :•. person do it in . four years.) and I Allied PaVing will do· the grading. inland areas through the Rangely overtime, remember that rough agreed ·with all the points, so I Contract, which. includes site-de- field . in Colora(io and Utah refin· quarter is coming up again: ..Jan·• * * 1 _ ._,_Listen to *Frank Edwin'd&) ,; 1· • ;d~c:ide_d, to. &~n : i~.'t ~ ,. · . _ ~: .. ~ .'; , .. :: . :Y~ lOP I:\H~Qt i ~~t ?.~ .~,l~iP¥ 1 p¥1~,_: f,o,r:~-. J~ r~es. . .._ , ·:· ;\ ,,.·::; , ;;: ;' :;.., ~a1;~ · !:~~~~uary, ~ar«;:_~' :: ~ :~::-: . f J Four ENGINEERS' NE,iVS Octoberl5, 195~ 8 -·· ~.- r ~ .. · · .. ..-- · - · - . . · ·m .1~ ~m~ r · y '' R·· ' U . San Jose is Busy With Plants, TH· 1!i~e .NE • ·' • V; ADA · Ill OUND· l\i '~ P'. Housing, · Highways, Dig Jobs Highway Jobs Hold By H. L. "Curley" SPENCE and J. 'W. "Bill" BARR, By l\'I. G. "Mickey" MURPHY ancl A. J. "Buck" HOPE, Business Representatives Business Representatives you day a nd night. VIe believe you, Del Beebe has quite a job, town of, Hawthorne. The Drumm Well, Brothers; our Highways, Plants, and many new Un­ Dave. paving and beautifying the streets outfit Brothers can live at home in jobs have been responsible in maintaining a s hort Brother Leo Doheney, one or our in Hawthor ne, Nevada·. Beebe Fallon now and commute back and derground "old timers" is going to take a really i':as quite a crew of Engi- forth. However Drumm has bo ught unemployment list for the past few months; however, a couple leave· of absence after about 29 neers. Brother John Montgomery is most of the regu.Jar hands Trailer builders of large Subdivisions in the territory have suspended years with the Operating Engi- the Pusher. Brother T. V. "Sun- Houses to live in so they can move operations until spring, but that deCision apparently made no neers. Lots of luck in the future down Slim" Newell is on a Blade around. Of course there are the difference vvith us, as the men were readily absorbed by other to you, Leo. We will all miss you. and Brother Larry Hudson is on ''Play Boy" type that work for on the Ford plant. At present · Ag-ain, Brothers, plea,se l.et us the roller and flunking around. Drumm. · They will stay in Haw­ firms; many have been placed lmow if you: have procured work That Beebe is a real highball out- thorne. Lets see, there'll be Joe there are approximately 25 contractors working on this proj­ through another office. It saves the fit. Solaegui, Charles "Red" Melendy, ect and all of them are hiring from 2 to 10 Engineers. There cost of many ·long· distant calls and Silver State Construction Cpm- and a .few others that I won't are about 36 Technical Engineers doing the lay out work for helps the office· considerably. Don't pany, better known as Andy mention. __ -~;.. __ . the different firms. fail to get a worlr clearance be- Drumm, will get going on his Lagrange Construction Company-~ 13.176 miles of Hiway through the has quite a Jo t of work around Hester & McQuire, one of our Iwe ll, also of this area, was award­ fore you g-o , to work. , large underground construction ed a $16,000 contract for the city Reno. Brother Johnny DeLagrange firms, are coming to a close in a of Santa .Cruz. has a good outfit and some good couple of weeks on the job at Mil- Stolte, 'inc., were the low bidders operators working for · him. The1•e pitas. We understand that this on a ·.$60,000 contra,ct for a steel NEVADA WAGE SCALES/ is Brotll2r Frank Jakowatz and his :firm intends to move to Sunnyvale and concrete bridge across the 14, Oiler Dan_Milo vich, Brother To be The following wage scales are effective September Conners and his Oiler Johnny where they have another contract. San Lor.enzo river, near Boulder 1953, as agreed to between the Nevada Chapter, The Associ­ Manuel Smith, who has the un- Creek. One of our old time friends, Reeves, and the Shop is in good r,. derground job connecting with the Mr. Barton, of Barton Coilstruc­ ated General Contractors of America, Inc., and Operating ha.nds._ Brother J. W. "Walt" Har­ ·Fo.rd plant is still fully occupied tion, was awarded a $20,500 con­ Engineers, Local Union No. 3: court has everything under control w ith thaC unit, and is expected to tract for repair work in Sea Cliff PRESENT )l;FFECTIVE in that department. Then there is be there for some time. · B-each State Park. CLASSIFICATION RATE JAN. 1, 1954 Brother Hank Kiechler, the roust­ about man. He runs the Blade, the Gordon Ball has started pouring Archibald Const. Co. has started "A" Frame Boom Truck Operator ------­ $2.60 $2.65 Dozer, and the ·Skiploader. That concrete on the Granite Freeway work on their telephone job on Air Compressor Operator ------­ 2.33 2.35 Hank is quite a man and Jolmny - job and at this writing is making the Capitola Road. Apprentice Engineer- including Fireman, .... o 2.19 2.23 likes him. But Johnny likes every­ very good progress; they hope to WATSONVILLE Oiler, Equipment Watchman .... ------­ Asphalt or Crushing Plant Engineer ------­ . 2.58 2.65 ' one. He runs a good outfit and . complete this task about the first E. T. Haas were the lucky bid- Asphalt ·or Concrete Screed Operator .. ------+ 2.35 2.35 lots of luck to the Lagrange Con­ of December. ders on the water system for the struction Co. 1 Asphalt Plant Fireman ------,------· 2.47 2-.47 Moffet Field has come out with city Of Castroville. T-his job is Asphalt Road Mixing Machine or Clarence Dieterich Company has Raisch due to start in about three weeks a good paving job and A. J. Pug Mill Operator ------­ 2.63 2.70 started on the Idlewild Park 'job. was the low bidder twthe figure of at a cost of $150,000. The rest of Boring Machine Operator-excluding pneuma,tic He has· quite a crew of Engineers. $325,000; ·this firm 11as several jobs the jobs around here are progres- or equipment of similar capacity ------· 2.69 2.73 Brother AI Parlanti and his Oiler, . - of major importance and seem to sing nicely. Box Man or Mixer Box Operator, Concrete or Brother Eugene Hyatt on the k eep their two hot plants in opera- FORT ORD & MONTEREY Asphalt Plant ------­ 2.47 2.47 Backhoe. They are ' a good Back­ tion quite stea'ay. There have been no large jobs Concrete Mixer Operator- Skip Type ...... ,, .. .. 2.47 2.50 hoe crew. Brother Jay Baker is Piazza Paving are also main- ~ "let" in this area in the last month Concret,g Mixer Operator- Paving Type on the Skip Loader. Now that .Jay taining about 35 Engineers on ho we~ er, the men are still busy_on and Mobile Mixer ------­ 2.69 2.75 is a real Skippie man. Ed DeGarmo t heir payroll. They too, have .many the JObs that have been gomg Concrete Pump or Pumpcrete Gun Operator 2.47 2.50 is doing the welding and monkey jobs that they would like to com- sinc:e spring. Dinkey Operator ------·---·· 2.47 2.50 wrenching for Brother Clarence pletp before the rains set in. This SAUNAS & SOUTH Drilling Machinery Operator, including Dieterich's outfit. 2.74 2.79 ' :firrri has recently beeri awarded a Granite Construction has· been Water Wells ------, UP STREET' 2.74 2.79 TEAR couple of nice paving jobs for the -awarded 3.8 miles of road south Elevating Grader Operator ------­ E. Miller Company has 2.42 2.45 George city of San ~ose . . . of Chular, which will amo"nt to Generating Plant Engineer ------· of the streets torn up in the 2.60 2.65 some Coast gradmg a~d pavmg, an- $449,353. Brother Brown, Supt. Heavy Duty Repairman ------· Biggest Little City in the World, 2.19 2.23 -other of our local contractors, have fol' Fredrickson & watson has Heavy Duty Repairman, Helper ------· Reno, Nevada, and using his new 2.74 2.79 a nice back log of work and are ~tar t ed the concrete work 0~ the Highline Cableway Operator ------'------of takfi1g up the old black 2.74 2.79 process ::nxious for an earl_y completion Keeble job in Salinas. Seems as Highline Cableway Signalman ______: ______top and adding fresh oil to it and 2.74 2.79 «:t ate_ on many of their p:esei~t op- though when th-ey get too olrt to Locomotive Engineer ------·------, replacing it on the street. Riley, 2.55 2.57 _ erat:ons. They have five JO?s m· op- run .a blade they make superiqfen- Material Hoist Operator ...... ------·---· the super for Geo. E. Miller sava__ 2.67 2.72 eratwn at the present time and dents out of them. (Apologie.'> to Material Hoist- Double Drum ------· it is better than new plant 2.33 2.35 r~~1-ii6t a re employing about 14 of the Brother Brown.) Granite Canst., Material Loader or Conveyor Operator ·------stuff. I hope so for it means lots Brothers. in this vicinity are working six Mechanical Tamper & ·Finisher Operator, of work for the Dear- Brothers 2.60 2.65 Moffet Field is still keeping , in a race ·against the rilin. Con_crete or Asphalt ------·'------· around Rerro. Riley has _quite a 10 8 2.74 2.79 about five major steel companies This .firm in Greenfield h::we a.Jl Motor P ~ trol Operator ------· crew on this new deal. Brother 2.45 2.57 fully' occupied on the Wind Turi- their streets graded and. expegt to Motorman, Haulage Motor ------'------· Don Bruner is the boss man. Bro ~ 2.74 2.79 n els, namely, Chicago· Bridge & iay llcit stuff in a week. Oskosh or D ¥! 10 Operator ------·· ther Leonard Miller and Brother 2.57 ,. Iron, Pittsburgh - ·Des Moines, J?avement Breaker, Emsco Type ------· 7-57 Don Stacy are on the Biades. They 2.82 2.88 Wester n Copsolidated, E i c h 1 e'y GILROY & HOLLISTER Pile Driver Operator ------.------· are a couple of outstanding Blade Steel and San Jose SteeL M-K :;:..owrie. Paving was awarded 5 LeTourneau Pltlls, Terra Cobras, LaPlant miles for Pacific Telephone Co., Ch t d · ·1 men, but they have to be -to get ~, Corp01:ation have all but complet- oa ·e an sum ar types of Equipment ___ _ 2.74 2.79 along with Riley. Brother Roy 2.33 2.35 ed their contract and Carl Swen- :,vhich they will start upon the Pump Operators ------Nielson is on ·the new Skiploader cornpletion of their present job at Road o·1 M' · l\1[ 1 · o t 2.63 2.70 son is still toiling at his problem 1 Ixmg ac 1111 e pera or ------and believe me, that Roy is an Coyote. George Renz in Holi!ster Rolle 0 t 2.57 2.57 in construction of offices, ware- r pera or ------·------operator from the old school. He .------· 2.47 2.50 11ouses and administration build- has approximately another week Ross Carrier Driver ------really loads out the muck. Brother in.gs. There has been no word on ]Pft on his street work and will Skip Loader Operator- Wheel Type.... ______2.47 2.50 2 Olend Crabtree is back from Ely, the extension of runways over the then go to Gilroy, w here h- will Stationary Pipe Wrapping & Cl e~ning . Nevada, and with his new o-her, is . d begi n work on another street job. Machine Opera to.'£· ...... L .. :.. ..._ :.... _ ----·-·-··· 2.60''-.. _ 2_.65 Bayshore, which · we mentwne . really going good on the ditch work some time ago. . Radtke has five miles of work Surface Heater &· Platiet Oper ~ fq~ ~ ::...... "-.-- ,--r _ , 2.65' -~, '>·2_70 - left on .his telephone job vvhich is Tow Blade or Gradef' op· etatlci ~· '-',~. : . : ! .. <. ~::~ ... ?:: '" ' '2· ..4 ·7 -._._, ·o~· ·5..' 50 around town. Olend misses his oiler Palo Alto, Sunnyva-le, Mt. Vie,w, ·1 I - he had out at Ely, "Poor" Joe Saratoga, Los Altos· and Los Gatos going through Morgan Hill. E. T. 'I'ractor Hi-Lift Shtivel Gpe11atO'i·: ?.:•·f~_i_ "':',_'': · ' : ·:· · '. · ·,.-,,., Gonzales. Poor Joe has more 11/z yd. : ...... ____ :__ ... 2_65 all ha-ve many small projects iiJ. Haas Co. have completed their to cu. :.,:: . : . ~ - ~~ --- :,~ ~--- ~----, : ,:· \so·: men but section on this project in Coyote Tractor Hi-Lift Shovel Operator · · •·· trouble . than. three l~e'-4-3- a ~ d ·Oiler for Crabtree said so. operation, too numerous to men- on the Cross County. Canal job, but over 11/z cu. yd ...... ______:'______" 2•.8;2- 2.88 There js another oifer tll.at works tion; however the larger cOlftrac- Herringer & Richards still have Tractor Operator - Bulldozer T a mp~r- · ' ' for Miller that has his troubles, tors namely,- 0 . V. Freeman,, L. considerable . work to do. Scraper or Drag Type Shovel or and ·uiat is none other than Broi!l C. Smith, McCammon & Wunder- * * * B 2.60 2.65 lich, Bahr & Ledoyen, Pat Barclay, oom Attachments------·-·------.. ·· t h e r Vincent Pucci'nelli. Now PERSONALS Tractor Operator-Scraper or Drag Type "Pucci" really rattles off and Leo Piazza, A. J. Peters, J. C. Received a nice letter from Shovel Tandem ------'------· 3.02 3.06 gripes 'about everything bu.t he's Bateman, Sondgroth Bros., Me- Brother Thomas Hinds in Casa- Train Handlers-other than Engine Crew ------·- 2.19 2.23 Iiot such a bad fellow when you ·Quire -& Hester, .Alland & Co., blanca. Tom sends his best to all T raveling Pipe Wrapping & Cleaning· · know him, but the trouble is, yotl Stolte Inc.; Elmer Freethy and I M 1 · 0 ~.82 2.88 J'nany more will be found in these of Local 3. Brother Walter Jones · ac une perator· ------·---· never know "Pucci." But B.rother was in from Jamaica on. a 36-day T r~nc hing Ma_chine Operator-all sizes ------· 2.69 •. 2.73 little cities with perhaps one or leave;· where he is employed by Umversal EqUipment Operators'-Shovels, F r:ank Gerhard thinks Puccinelli is the best oiler in the business. two jobs ill operation, and some the Kaiser Bauxite Co. He · says Dragline, Derrick, Derrick .Barge, Ma~aL Improvement Company as many as four. Most ali of this that the fishing is excellent in Clamshell, Crane or Mucking Machine ---- 2.82 _?. •88 ·has the Rockiest job . in Alpine' w ork is in sub-divisions, on streets, J amaica. Brother David Ramos, F oremen shall be paid not less than $.121/z per hour more than the County, but· they have some real . underground work, highway re- who was recently released from hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. the job. Brother surfacing, schools and new pro- the Army .and Korean Prison January 1, 1954,- Fol·emen shall be paid not less than $.1711z per hour rock men on JohHny Arvin is the Shovel Fore­ .ouction pla·nts, so .brothers, this Camp was in to deposit ·his Ser- more than the houxly rate of the highest classification over which is about all we can say for San he has Sl1 p · · · _man; Brother Joe Miner is on-t G.Q_ vice Withdrawal· Card. Dave put in ervisiOn . Shovel. 'Brot-her Floyd .To ~ e, except most everybody is Northwest about 2¥.J ye(l.rs in the P. W. camp __ • "Slim" Ricketts is oiling for Joe, busy, so let's ~ea~ s~uth. and says tha-t it is .no fun with that SAFETY-BLIND DRIVERS · Automobiles are not · "seeing­ .Kennecott Pay Hike a~d Brother_ Menson Henry and l:lunch hoiding a machine gun on . . [ M1tchell Wl11te are on the Dozer~ .'SANTA CRUZ AND . VICThTJ:T:Y eye" vehicles, so driving blindly . AFL ~lectncal Workers, Operat- · pushing rock in place. The sand plants in the Fel-ton .with a fogged-up, clouded, discol­ mg E~gme ers, and Machinists, rep- The big construction job of build­ area are working at top speed- at CARE OF BRAKES ored, defective or dirty windshield autof'hobile's brake resentmg about 1000 employees of iHg the -Anaconda Copper Mining the preserit time, namely, Santa ·The life of an is dangerous and against the law. Copper Corp. in the Salt Company Plant at Yerington, Ne ~ Cruz Aggregate, Graham Bros., P. linings can be prolonged by having car to drive you Ke~necott You can't tPain . a Lake City region reached tentative vada, is just about completed. Then :C. A., Kaiser Sand and the Felton the wheels removed and the lin­ safely, but you- can train yourself agreement Monday on a new con- Anaconda will take over and start Quarry. They have staPted pouring ings and drums cleaned with a wire in a safe-driving to keep your car tract calling for general wage in- the mill in operation in the ver y· concrete on the Keeble-Caputo job brush and compressed air at i·egu­ condition. Develop a sharp "seeing-. creases ranging up to 13.7 cents near fu ture. It was a real good job lmt at the present time there are lar intervals. es to safety in eye" when it com per hour. for the Dear Brothers for they only two cats on this job, 3 D.W. * * * your automobile. * * * made good money all the time they 20's and two more cats will be WHEEL BALANCE were there. Now that Anaconda brought in soon, and will be in A s_lightly unbalanced wheel may Play it safe-follow* * * safety regu­ l\UNDANAO G.OLD QUITS - Copper Mining Company is taking use throughout the winter. cause your car to vibrate severely lations. Report all job injuries. Mindanao Mother Lode Mines is over tht operation of the MHJ and Coast Pipe Line Co. have just at high speed. New or re-place­ closing down its mines at Surigao, the open pits are rroing good there .s ta r~ ted their pipe job for the city ment tires should always be bal­ Uncle- Remus* *says * that a good Mmdanao, !'hilippine Islands, but will be a lot of ;ood jobs for the pot for' the roller. · "' ___ · . McClintock, Roy~Piombo, and Earl pier footings. They E\lso have the Iaccident which befell l.im on FTi- ~ ---· --- Work was beg.un September 21st B~rker on dozers; _Ted .Thurston Palmer (suc~ion dred~e) on 1ihe day, September 11th. Mel was driv- Healy-Tibbetts have moved in on by Prodanovich &' Krzich on their 1 domg the mechamc- work and Sacra~ento JOb, ?ut wrll pro~ably Iing Moore Drydock's truck crane · their job at the Standard Oil Long sto,rm sewerpipe job for Western Harry Burrow~ . on the gre~sz be fimshed pumpmg there by Oc- along San Pablo when the large. . Whar;f, where they ,)lave 92,000 cu-. Electric in San Leandro· 32 000 wagon. In addrtwn to the drrt- ~tober lOth or 15th. P.I.E. truck just ahead of him b~c yards of rriud to move. They, are feet of concrete pipe is t~ be' in- moving Piombo has ·approximately Associated Dredging Company stopped s,hort to avoid hitting a, digging to a depth of 18 to•38 .feet stalled along Williams .and Davis 3000 boulders to. place for pic- had a little trouble -recently with two-year-old child, aml Mel's tnd~ deep, and approximately' 300 feet Streets in San Leandro, tf!e pipe turesque landscapmg. their small clamshell, thf· Liberty. plowed into the P.I.E. vehicle.-Mel · .· wide. At present ' there are ten ranging from 24-in. to 42-in. in di- HENRY J.'s CAT -...... As. the Liberty was _going through was jam1~ed into the cab of his.\ 1 members of Local 3 on this job, ameter, with each section. ranging Fredrickson & Watson a.re land"' Belmont Slough on ;ts way to the ,·trucl{, winch had caught on fire,. which is ·working two shifts. from 8 to 12 feet long. Bro. Ted scaping the ?a.cliyard of Henry J. San Mateo job, for some reason it but fortunately the San Pa.b.lo fire- --- Halbeck is laying pipe with his own Kaiser's home in I.Iappy Valley, took a notion to have a complete men rushed t.o the scene and pulled. Work has been started by Ben P. & H. Crane,. with Henry Halbeck Lafayette. Henry J. is still doing bath, so it sank! However, they him. to sa.fety-. By this time Mel is. C. Gerwick on the new fireproof _going the oiling. Bro. Freeman things in a big way for the ca.t. soon got it righ~d and work"-way, none the ·worse · for . the accident, cement dock for Union . Oil at Haas is on a .backhoe imd has AI Fredrickson & Watsoii is using the and it is now cutting its way .but is quite. thankful that it took Oleum. The new dock will be T- Ebillips as his oiler. • "Doc" Noble most powerful of its type to be thrqugh the levee and_ towing the place. right in front of the Sam shaped, and will be.. 1250 f~et long . is foreman on . this job, and Earl used on the West Coast. The new Sucker into the pond: Plans call Pablo fire departin ent. . , and · 136 feet wide: Four · members Embree is the mechanic. Prod ana- cat, which has a 175 horsepower for pumping to get started around A sideline of one of the mem• of Local 3 are on this job at vich & Krzich have three additional eng·ine wa~ just delivere·cl by ·Peter- the 12th of this month. The Delta bers, Bro. Walt Medinas, in his present. waterline jobs to 'do for the East son Tractor. It has ~ high speed No. 1 is :y.rorking at Strawberry restaurant and bar, called t he ' ""' Bay· Municipai Utility District, with reverse equa.i to 5th forward speed. Point, in Marin County. "Chili-Bowl," and ·located· at · 336> Only one piece of equipment is only one of the three having gotten 'B:ro. I_'liul Fields is ·the operator on Ed Lippstreu and Sons h:tve their J'Pacheco Blvd., on Highway 21, as -yet working on Fregrickson &· under way at present. Work has the big cat. There are also two dredge. the Pacific, world .1g in the Pacheco. · Watson's Highway job at Orinda, already been started on the waj!er- jeeps in use on the Ka~5er job. ~ici_nity of Suisun, and tile Sol~no ·we would _like to t,hank .Bro. with Bro. Lyle Engle clearing foe line job along Davis Street and the Several engmeers wrll be em ~ Irs m d~·ydock at Hunters Pomt, 1/Sneed and hrs farl'l)ly for takmg the ~ right-of- way with ·a bulldozer. freeway in San Leandro, where ployed for the 11ext three months un.dergomg some badly needed re- I time to get such an interesting' they have 6000 feet of 12-.inch cast by o. c. Jones on excavation for a I parrs. )letter off tp the Oakland office, Bro. Mel Lutz, foi·eman for Me- iron pipe to install. mile~long storm drainag~ canal for Simpson Brothers have their from South America. Bro. Sneed. Guire & Hester, tells us· that for the City of Hayward; 5000 yards of dredge, the California, on a job on is employed by Winston Company· . t he.:first time in the history of this East Bay Excavators have a excavating is involved in the proj- the G;rant. Line Canal near Banta. in Colombia on a highway 'con-· company, they have contracted to $200,000 contract to do the. exca- ect, with. the· job starting at Al- struction project. Mrs. S!leed is' . build streets and . roads. Bro. Lutz vating for the new part~, repair, quiere ' Road and continuing to with her husband, and they wer e· ,js referri'hg to the_ Mt. Blvd. re-· and dispatch building to be erected Tennyson Road. Bro. George, Na- N Ab f able to find a very lux·urious home alignment road and street job, be- ·for Western Electric, a subsidiary bars is the foreman on this job,' ' ew5 . _Q ..u fii. Cartagena, which, they tell us,... .hveen Redwood Road and . 38th ·of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph with Bro. R. B. Granlund operat- is a ·very old city, is. complete1~f' ,Avenue, running. west to Mt. Blvd. Company, on Williams and Doo- ing a .dragline, Earl- Saverly a cat T'he. Bro'th.erS walled, and surrotmded by the: .On<,McGuire & Hester's payroll on little Streets in San Leandro. vVork and carryall, and Paul Perkins do- ___ . . ruins of old forts: this _project are Bros. John Haner, wa§_begun on. September 14th, witff ing the oil(ng. o. ' c .' Jon~s has a Also remembering his friends in· Scotty Douglas, Houston Chq.ndler plan~ callin&' )br the excavatih~ : conside~~q.pJe amount of work lined A Jet ()omet, traveling 1600 this' area, -Bro. Cliff Dilley wi·ite~; 0 ~~fl~tE~~;~i~ :ri~i~~h~l; ~h~~t::~~ · ~~a~o~~~~~ tr~;~h ~o· ~a~.~~~-~~-~~- ~ t ·,~.j~~. t.·... ~~h .\t~~~~~:,~. ~~ee;~~t~:;e~~~ :~~ :n:rsa.!:~Pt~~:~i:~~~:~;:; ~;:~~::; ~h~~lip;i~:~~ !~oe% ~=g~i\~~d ~~~: ,b ·', a d es; P ercy H auc k on a 1oa d er, o f fill are t·o b e Pace 1 d -' Th· IS ·fill _IS '-35' v · members of Local 3 busy "Hap" Hazzard on .his re·cen_t ·. re- pervisor over the H.D. mechanies -~ hnd Charlie Clark on .the roller. bein~ · broug~t fr;om the· Soi.ith Res- throl,lghout th.e wint-er rn.onths. turn to the Bay•- Area frorri French on the Ambuklbu project. Bro . .Di i-- J' Henry Harris of Berkeley B d A H d Morocco. "Hap"• was 'employed for · .. · • ervorr_on n ge_. venu:, aywar ' A gene.ral look. at the Construe- , .., . . ~ _ ley appears-to be quite happy with.. :Wa~gren and Peterson of San Fr:an- a . proJe~t · on whrch thrs cqmp~ny tion Industry throughout Alameda t~e past yel;tl . by . At;l~s C~nsLruc the camp, the weather his co­ cisco, and Gallagher and Bl:lrke and has been working since April. All and Contra . Costa countie-s reveals tio~ Con~pa.ny on t!Ieu Air ~ase , workers ' the redeatiOnal opportu-· 1 St.o•te ' Inc ·, were a·ll awarded -s·'ep - the eqtll'pment. ber·ng· , -used on the that most phases of work rs· at least· proJect' . and. ·had. .. no · complantts . .. ir mt1es,. . and ' condrtwns-- . . m . general .a.r~ ate contr~cts -for the. installation San Leandro jpb is Allis Chalmers as good as last year, and in some' abou~ ' either _I~vmg ·. condi~IOns or, in the Phi:li-ppines. · ,of · .drain.age structures .. along this equipment, purchased from Buran instances .better, with orie or two workmg . ~o~dihO~!\ m -A_fmca. Bro. Bro ~ - Gordon ·Hamblin was in the­ extension of the Mt. Blvd. freeway. Equip~ent. of San Leandro.. In exceptions. Several million dollars Jacl• .Abei'?a.th~ Is _a.n[!tJier J,ocal :3 office awhile ·back passing out the Pne ,shovel erew and several cats operatwn rs a 70-ton rubber-.tlred are 'involved in the many schools · J:H!ll~ who IS S;tlll e!fiP,loyed Qn th1s cigats. An S-pou-nci, 9-ounce bab-y working for J . Henry Harris have Southwest ~amper, several H.D. being erected in tl:)is area. Excava:- proJect. . : ·boy· was born to the Hamblins on started excayating. 15 loaders wrth 37 yard buckets, an tion and paving create many jobs Also back ri\. the _Bay Area,_ afte.r August llth. The· baby, who is- H.D. 9 loader, an~ an H.D. 5 loade~·· for o1.1r members. State and courity an abse.(1ce of sev.eral years, - ~s Bro. ..named Gordon Jr., is their .first The . Frank Beach Company is ~r. Jack Hamby IS fol:eman on thrs roads, and city street projects ar~ ~harles !?ppon, "wh?. s_p~nt hrs l:s.t •child, ·and· Gordon is Feally burst- · well under way on the main sewer­ J_()b; Bro. Joseph Cox rs on a blade, keeping a large· number of Locai 3 srx . ~onths of fol'ergn · emplqym,_nt ing his buttons. · line .job running thmugh Clayton Bro. Frank Collum and Fred Haack members busy. Commercial build- workmg a_s a cran~e . opeptGl~' ~or j B1:c, Bill Gaunt wl1o was welder Valley, Concord, which. is a $100,­ are on dozers; Art Adams is on a ing · m1d l'efi-nery wor'k are quite Bech_tel-Wrmpy, who - qre. bm.ldmg foreman for . W~stern Pipe arid -ppo c.9ntract. :aro; Ed Ca~;'ter is H.b. 20, ·and Pete Silva is . the good. at ...this time. The Rock, Sand an °11 1' e~nel7y f9r the .Entsh gov- 1Steel for many years, - and also , y pperating a . B u c k ·e y e, Howard oo·r·easer· · Thr· company t'c'1 tes G . M · ernment m Aden located on r .the i · . . ·· 1 s an rpa and . rave1 p 1ants, - atena1 ards, , ·. - ' , - . formerly master repmrman fore- -~~~SJUith and Chu,c)<: Day are on load­ f keeping approximately 14 engi- and Quarries. are rocking along· in souther.n trp of Arabra. ·, On~e mt~r- :. tl1 • 1 , t· • , t'10 , . . • c · · • • estino- bit of inforomation about this Iman °-. e arges consLruc .n: ers; and Ed Garcia is on a blade, neers on their payroll throughout farr shape. The home-bmldmg m - o . · · · compames_ throl1ghout the west, rs- With F. Byr.d doing the oiling. t·he winter mOf!ths. dustry is below normal f0r this part of the ':or.Jd, rEelat?d to us b_Y the owner of the Super Blacksmith. time o:li .year and qoes not look too Bro. Spoon, \s t~at wh!l~ there IS 1 iVVelding and Machine Shop on Fr;mk Malfitano has three jeeps, The Marvin E . Collins Comp:;tny good for the future. Shipbuilding never any . ram m Aden rtself, ~et Broadway and Harrison in Con­ three .cats, and two blades on their of Richmond were awarded a $113,- and repaii· work are slow, and be- the ~·oads mto the to":n are ber_ng cord. Bro. Gaunts: shop is equipped street improvement and channel 800 contract for the grading of the· low normal. However, a real de- ~ontmuousl~ washed O~lt by rams to handle repairs for inside and ~ h_ang e project on Cowell Road, site, and the installation of the gree of optimism about the indus-. m the. nearoy cou~trysrde , . field work. Coventry Road, Grove Way, and storm drainage system for ~he De try .as a whole does not seem to Bro. Darrell Frsh~r,· who has })avis·· Avenue in Concord, with Anza High School at Valley View b unwarranted at this time. spent the summer J:l!Onths work- Bro .. Young as foreman on this and May Roads in El Sobrante. e ing in the Reno area, has riow Qu{)te and Unquote! spread. · Approximately 125,000 cubic yards , . returned to Oakland, and has gone ''I didn't," he said firmly. of dirt are to be moved, and ap- · f\ d · N out on a blade for McGuire and "You· did, too," she replie~ EASTSHORE FREEWAY proximately 600 linear . feet of 90-. {fjJ re g e r eW $ Hester. -scorchingly. , Considerable progress has been in . .concrete culvert and 3000 linear By 8:30 a.m. on openir\g day of _ "VVhat are we arguing aoou~ made on the Eastshore Freeway feet of drain-tile _pipe are to be Dredge work has continued to deer season in Siskiyou Courity, anyway?" he inquired gently. project at_. Emeryville, under con- •placed. The dirt ,moving equipment be good during the 30 days just Bro. Neil Taylor had l:Ja,gged a 160- * * * struction· by Peter Kiewit & Sons. beil1g used ·on this job has beE"ll. past. There is quite a bit of Clam- pound buc)<:, , a .portion of which j .. Since our last report piles have rented from L. H. McLaury. Bro. shell and Derric)i: Barge work un- has ' found its way into his deep The .office vamp . !'ay~ just be- been · driven, and concrete piers Donald C. Shields is the field su- der way at the present time, but freeze. Neil also wishes to recom- cause a girl doses her eYes wheg;. p,oi.1red for the west half ..of the perintendent on this job, C. o: Den- ,not . very much Suc1!ion Dredging mend the Marble ·. Mountains ·as a she is ' 'being · kiss~d is no sign she: -1'owell Street structure, base rna- nis is equipment superint~ndent, now. fisherman's paradis·e; .having found is nQt wide awake!. 'October 15 ~ l9 53 ; ENGINEERS' NEWS Seven

~- >£ac~amento . Jias~ ShirJ;llus ~ of AU .. Are.Working :in fresno; ·. •, ,) Me~r :as W0rk .Ta~ers ;Off · :Mountain Jobs Are Pushed ·: By-W. V; l\'llNAHAN, H. ~. CLARK and E., M. NELSON, By H. T. PETERSEN and· LYNN MOORE,·Business Repr~sentatives Business Representatives Our· rep'ort for this month is very similar to that of last. The two dams located at Folsom-are working at capacity in that ·practieally everyone is employed and we assume that :since our la~t report because of the jobs that have be~n com- job opportunities ·will remain goo~d until late in the Fall . . Thi.s iP li:~ted. We uow have a surplus of engineers in this: area. prediction of course being subject to.howsooil. the snow flies · ·Tbe :two.dams locate dat FolsonLare :working at c~pacity . ih the Sie~ras ~ A ,rpugh·cou:ht $hows that we hav e. ·al?proxi- : ~d ~xi)ect to beginthe coricrete·pour sometime in December. mately325 m~n employed on Mountain jobs that are· seasonal. Fredrickson: & ·Watson, on the · . . · ·· · However, none of the projects will be cdmpleted this winter · :Sly. -Park ..Da:m pi:oject, are pr~c. 1 be a four lane strip. Brothers on and Will continue ·early in the Spring. tically. ·shut ·down now. This job the job are Stan Billfgmeier, Art You're the one wno totd me to We have had ·some ~ew . wor~ . . . . will .be d0wn until the middle 0f 'Warnke, Louie · Thrasher, Ray vote for that ------company, started ,dm:mg ·th_e nH~_ nt~l in Kings parry have moved in __ their.· g~a_ (J 0 11 ..

time left to 'get a good chip job ­ before bad weather sets in. The rock point on the Hot Spring~ to Five Points road has really been rough on men and n u equipment and has caused some . , . delay in the completion of this By MERLIN BOWIIUN, CHARLES COCKAYNE, GEORGE FARRELL, GLE_N -FULLl\'IER and JAY.NEELEY, Business Representatives jo]f. The pulls have been trans- £erred from this . project to the It is always good to write about the work in Utah at this ...,,,=====""":'======- · ' Beck's Hot Springs overpass job time of year. Plenty of jobs going full speed' and working FOR CONSTRUCTION. i and should keep the pun operators SCHEDULE Of MEETINGS • busy. until bad weather. o-vertime to beat the winter slow-down that is coming. We Lr T. ,Johnson Co. is lceeping a are having a perfect Indian Summer. The hunting season is ·LANG CO., SAND &GRAVEl, IRON ORE MINES.• few . men ousy on the Plain City just beginning, and everyone, including the contractors, is in road ' and biidge job and clean}ng VIT_RO CHEMICAL CO., AND KENNECOTT COPPER oiling around the yard and a ~ ood frame of mind. up and office .in Ogden. Most of the eql\iP­ Work around ~alt Lake City is cleaning up in geod shape~ Cedar -City Iron l\Iines: Frid.ay, October 30, 8:00 p.m., El Escalante :Hotel, ment is back in Ogden off the Enoch Smith has completed the State Street job and Gibbons · )3landing road. Rinmecott Copper Corp.: Tuesday, October 27, 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 Co. has a cll!d Reed have about finished the black topping on it,·-and p.m., (]vic Center, Bingham, Utah. The Ace -Raymond excavation and ex ~J ect to get started blacktqpplng the Airport immediately. Vitro ·_Chemical Company: Tuesday, November 10, 8:00 p.m., good start on the footings for the Science Building These two projects have kept a 'lot of our meni.bers·working · Engineers ·Hall, 1969 South iUain St., Sa!t•• Lake City, Utah. at Utah State·- Agricultural Col- , ·an season. W. W. Clyde is still . going strong on the ·Beck Lang Company: All call-ed meetings. Sand', Gra.vel & Construc-tion members, Tli-ursday, November 12, lege. ~ ·· - Spdngs overpass and should finish. in about six weeks. · · ~wi l kinson Bros. Co. is still m1;1k-· Engfneers Hall, 1969 South l\Iain St., Salt Lake City, Utah. ~< rong Company at Park City is ing good progress on the Laketown Sand, Gravel & Construction members, Friday, Noyember 13, still puttering along, waiting for job and has started on the the date of his _death until s~ch l Labor Temple, 165 West 1st North, Provo Utah. Canyon t he machines to come back from road and bridge job at Croyden. · time as the third oldest child Sand, Gravel & C-onstruction members, Fridl\y, November 20, Wyoming. They s t a r t e d their reaches age 18, at ·which time the Labor Temple,,Ogden, Utah. J. B.- Parsons Co. has nearly fin­ c rlJ.~ hing last week. benefits will be reduced by about ished the oi-ling througq Smithfield t· t ah Construction' Co. at Bing­ one-third. The whole amount of City and has a few small oiling .han is about finished on the 5960 benefits adds up to the fact that SCHEDULE Of STATE ROAD MEETINGS jobs to complete locally. Some of -dur:-. p line and we are all looking his family may receive in excess Provo Labor Temple, ·wednesday, October 21, 7:30 p.m. the equipment has been moved f or-..,- a;d to the big ,holing-through of $30,000 by the time his 10- CacJ1e County . C!Jurt House, Logan, Utah, Frid.ay October 23, !'rom the Malad road project t o new ps.!"~ Y that is coming between now month-old baby reaches age 18. We 7:30 p.m. Plymouth tt"r the six miles-,of and the first of the year on the rightfully claim a great deal of 'E! Escalante Hotel, Ce5Iar City, Utah, Thursday, October 29, road there. This job should keep E -Li ne Tunnel. Utah Construction credit for our efforts in getting 7:30 p.m. most of the crew busy until snow Co. has had a very slow season in that bili passed by the Legisla­ comes. Germer Abbott. and Waldron this area, but has promises of a ture. Under the old state retire­ hands o£ our members within the do all we can to help you solve have several · machines busy ... on ·lot of Keimecott work to start ment act his family would have next few weeks. We feel that our them. As a result of our negoti1;1- · land leveling work and have tra;.ns­ p re::~lmably in early 1954, and we received a little more money back shop members have been v~ry pa­ tions we are assured of better . ferred the crusher tQ Hansel Val­ a re all hoping jt _will be real early. than he already received along tient and that they should have cooperation in resolving all @f our ley to crush some material -for 'I .1 e Dugway work is still drag­ with the rest of you fellows and a copy of this af'reernent in thP;r problems in the future. g L1 g along at a snail's pace. Mc­ over 2,000 other State employees, possession in order to quell any the county. This amount of work still. left K'Sc- Company has -about four or a year ago, and then would' have grievances that may arise because fh· o :r ~ ali winter, weather permit­ shop . buildings and the crusher period tl -at is spe.cified in our that many of our members are start to lay th'e hot stuff today . . In ting. have been slowed do wn somewhat agreement. Also, if we follow working alongside non-union em- spite of.., the pleasant jall, there will be some work to do here next \i\-ork should be good for some for one reason or another but this procedm~e, our grievances are ployees. .rnucl1 eas)·er I1 a dl'"'d d It has taken us very nearly all spr1·11g-. t ir.J .-, yet, but promises for the seem to have resumed a normal n " an more pace, and from last reports should facts are brought above b.oard. In summer to get · the signatures of Thorn Construction Co. at Sol- wil:·~ er and new work look dismal our last members111·p m t' th t the sand and Brave] ·companies on d' s · · h ' fi · h a t tiJ is time. · So stay with your be ready for the entire property ee mg a ~ 1er umm1t 1s scratc1 mg to ms attendance was not our new agreement without a the job this fall. Just when it .guns, we have a long winter com­ to be placed on a production basis we held our c · I k l'k h 1 by early December. to-o good · I "'ou" ld l'k1 e ot specay· strike and we are prooo-ressing very b egan t o oo 1 e t ey wou d iip g'. . · - rapidly in getting the rest ._of the ·t th f h Some problems concerning the that Ollr Schedllled m ee tmgs WI 11 wrap 1 up, ey ran out o crus - pay due for holiday work per- be held on the second Tuesday of companies in Salt Lake City and ing material and had to move their formed on Decoration Day and each month for ail crafts employed the State of Utah to sign up. With plant. Having two units to the STATE .ROAD .- NEWS " tl1e v·t Ch · 1 c Th · the help of all the bl·others work- 1 · July 4 by some were taken up bJ 1 ro em1ca O. • ese pant, 1t requires some time to 'I he upheaval which was ere­ meeti'lgs ·11 b h ld · tl E · ing in the .sand and s:ravel indus- d · .. e.te-:: as a result of the recent lay­ with Ollie Hoe at a recent date, ' W I e e m 1e ng1- ~ move an set up again . . Gravel and it was our information that neers' Hall . and we woqld like to . try, we are sure that rv e can come material i£ at a premium in the Qfi has pretty well settled and we . cent. canyon, having almost exhaust:ed ho r.:c: ndw that the matter of wage all had been paid, but it was found _have everyone who can attend. :!{Ut 100 per .... increase-=i:o those who were held there was some misunderstanding -, ;1, 01 the material available. With some on t he payroll-will be taken care on the part of Ollie regarding ~: Kflnnore\'·~ Co l' .,:,,. - _, ,. ·''•Jo· RJUI:ft"MA -R· ·E, 'A:._: ·go_od luck they should finish here ... of i:1 the immediate future. Some. Decoration Day, but he agreed to ·· . ~ ~\.U~ r pper 'o ·' ' ('i . · .fll; n · I\ th1s fall.

of the boys who were discjl.arged go ~ll through the r~cords and, f: n ....,;;;BlnnL~m •p l"f A number ·0£ the joos' --.in this " _cons?lidate? _western Steel ~o-.. '""J we have assisted to get reinstated get the amounts due pa1d off. ~u. a!i~lau _a,rea have started to cut down on I w1ll fimsl: ·hOJstmg and connectmg foa c l ~ _on the job, and we are dis­ We are coming right into the At lo-ng last, n,_egotiations for the . their crews the past few pays, the re? 1ron- on Bechtel's ?ower turbed that we couldn't get all middle of deer season, so natur- new agreement · effective Sept. 1, Several contractors have trans- house JOb at Castlegate w1thm ·the lD.Ur boys bjick to work. However, ally many will be out after the 1953 have been completed and at ferred some m,en and equipment week. Our members on this. job, we have been able to place several wily buck. All of you fellows are meetings held vVednesday, Sept. 30, to other jobs in the state and a who are ent;J;tled to the spec1alty ·out on construction jobs. needed at the mines for future for the purpose of submitting for few new projects !;ave · started. At -craft pay; have not rece-ived it due v;· e sometimes are disturbed by operations, so our advice is to zig the consideration of the member- this time there is · still enough to a dispute ·over th~ wording ·of ahe fact that some few members at the right time as we want to ship the rriatters which had been work going to keep most of the t11~ contract. We tlnnk we have a pparently are unable to take dis­ see you all . back around \vhen the negotiated, the offers made by the fellows busy. th1s corrected and the boys should a ppointment and figure they'll season ends. Guess most- of you company, were accepted by secret Morrison & Knudsen Co. ha~ get their money this week. gi ve themsE!lves a raise of $3 a have a deer tied up in the brush ballot of, those present. laid ~- ff apout half of their crew Whiting and Haymond have be- month. Several did ,. tl;at in the around the mines. I tried to catch Some things pertaining to local on the railroad job in Qo-den- and gun ·moving equipment from their :E?alt Lake shops when they heard one at Comstock the other day, issues and proper interpretation of expect to maintain a s;all c~ew " job in Salina Canyon. The graae ther e was going to ·be a lay-off, b-ut he got away. • _ the agreement were agreed upon _until they get the word on the is finished on the Salina Canyon and it didn't help them at all, in Accon1ing to a tally of baliots and. will be in writing for the fu- additional work at the stockyards. JOb · ~n_d t~e - cru s~e r is working fact most of that group were laid cast by the Desert Mound Oper- tut·e in language that 1Vill be un- s_ome other work is planned for ~ wo smfts 111 an effort to beat t~e ·' 0ff. I'm going to tell you here and ating Engineers, Don Lynch was derstandable and not left subject the railroad yards but no definite .Lrost. · They have t wo good men .,. novJ to check the record, since the selected to represent you as stew- to the interpretation of certain 'NOrd has come throuo-h as vet. I on the blades and the laydown is Ope:-ating Engineers took over the ard for that mine and the company individuals who in the past have vVheelwright Const1~uction- Co. is moving swiftly. - -- -- job· of r epresenting you. I'll ven­ will be ·so notified. wanted to make their ovvn opinion running two shifts on the crusher It is my understanding that the , ture you were all glad to stay The last meeting was hamstrung the last opinion. vVe have certain making ballast for the Union Fa~ I s;ate awarded the widening of the nome on Columbus Day, and all because of the football game; at matters which were brotight to our cific switchyard and also has start- highway tunnel to Whiting and . - the other holidays we negotiated least we're willing to place the attention at the meetings and are ed to move some equipment to Haym~nd._ They were awarded : a for you, and receive your pay for blame that way. As a result, we calling .for grievance meetings on other work in Jackson Hole ·wyo- stockpile JOb at Moab also. These thoc;e days. The extra pay on your were ·unable to take care of the them. vre expect to have answers ming, and a bridge job t he~ have small jobs har ~Hy seem • adequate I~o urly rate will add up to quite a matter of electing a steward for for you at the next meeting. The in the southern part of the state. to handle the men who are avail­ few bucks each month, and I'd the Burke job. We would like to company has agreed to hurry the The two road jobs of vV. w. able, but at this time of year we l ike- to gi ve you a little information get this taken care of at the next printin~ of th ~ n ew agreement and Clyde Co. in W11s area should finish I are mighty grateful for ~hem. . · 0n ti1e value of the Social Security meeting. Will enqugh of you at- we expect to . have them oc:t on w1t hin the next six weeks. Traffic , L. A. Young Cons tr~lCtlO n Co. IS b enefits available to y our and your tend to do the job? the hill~ in short order. _ I has been routed over one side of I doing very 'Nell on its Vermillion- survivors should any of you have We are interested in get ting a ,. the new section from Farmington Salina road job. It's almost ready 1he misfortune to pass ayvay and t!IQ·ps meeting o£ all employees in the through Lpyton and the pili_ng ·is ' for the gravel, which will ?o\m l eave a young family, as was the Sa·i Angledozer Department and vvill nearly completed on the' other I be coming as the cru.sher is all b q,t .rravis from Aden, Arabia; second jolt for c·ompany /also is furnishing the at Beale Air Force Base. StoHe­ ble to error, ana when his error I Air Base. Their con' . act calls for Bechtel. General foreman on the concrete for . the Hendricks tunnel M&K Co., Inc. are rapidly moving is called to· his attention, appre- all the paving to be :ompleted be- project. job at Stirling City for M&K Co., out of Beale after doing several Family going over Dec. 1 dates being able to correct it fore the rains set ·m. At present to Asmai Inc. M&K has about six weeks to million dollars worth of work ·a, . Africa, on Red Sea-:­ ·without the matter being known the job is about go on 'the lining of . their tunnel there. 80 per cent com- nearest family settlement. to his superiors. plete. Marin Equipment (GL 3-5872), at Stirling City. We have been in NEW WORn: 1 During the past month a dis- Robert McKee of Los Angeles Greenbrae, a: dispute ·with this company over Contract awarded to Kirkpatrick will repair yonr rig on ' charge ·occurred which brings to was awarded the new extension at the project compressor time but the matter is & Lane for $10:840 for box culvert or in shop-or maybe light a very · impor t.ant matter. Vacaville State Hospital and has trade 'em. now .being adjusted. We lui.ve at Gold Lake;'-Sierra County, by Three top-hand mechs This employee had an accident, started to move in equipment as at your ctbo:ut 10 members left on this job . . Bureau of Publ1c Roads. · service. caused at least in part by his faiJ- this goes to press. ·. Brother Frank ZacharyjiP.d 'his - On the tunnel dayligp.ting jobs · ~ids due ori water system at ure to obey the. company's safety Ball & Simpson's job -at Peta- oiler, .Jim McNickle, on Midwest at Greenville, M&K Co. is going Chico State College, Octobe1; 6, by . rules. Unde.r the circumstances, Iuma is still double shifted-going Pipeline job at Brockway, north · fine, with 18 members' on the job. State Division of Architecture. ' · - the!)e was nothing your union to beat hell. Brother C. L. Yoder end of Lake Tahoe. --...... Bro . .Bob Overman is in charge of Division of Water · · Resources, could do for this brother. These added to spread on 80. Very co- Sorry to hear of Brother Delbert grading and Bro. Russell Ba ~ l is Dept. of Pl,lblic Works,' taking bids 1 rules are made not mainly for operative outfit. That gal Thelma Slaybaugh's recent illness. Cortes­ master mechanic. Mr. I. D. Rob- Sept. 29 for 'test hole drilling at the protection of the company's is tops fo_r this office. Brother pondence ·will reach him at Wei­ bfns is project manager and I aip Oroville dam site. '1 property; · bt~t for your protection Sta!::ley, foreman on the spread, mar Sanitarium, Weimar, Calif, happy to report that there has · · Oil Terminal Co. awarded con­ and the prote·ctlon of your· fellow nearly not with us-got run off McCammon & Wunderlick fin~ · never-yet been a dispute on thi·s job, tract for 17 tanks and . piping to employees. So obey the' safety the road: Jeep in hell but he is ished a nice paving job at the which proves conclusively that la- Baldwin Contracting Co. of San ri!les . . If •you are not sure, ask stil~ with us. Blackfield subdivision. 'Foreman bor and management CAN work Rafael; contract price withheld. ' your foreman, and if your fo·Fe - Brother LoweU Nelson·, negoti- Joe Henderson says headed Grass·· together to the best advantage of Chicago Bridge & Iron erecting mar! asks ·or ·insists· -that you · vio- a ted our agreemef:!t for the mem- Valley way. all concerned. ·Bro. Les Shellen- a five-ring tank for ·Shell Oil at late· the safety. rules, refu'se, and. bers working for the Housing ,Au- As- this edition goes to press the tiar.ger is on the job a~d the lucky Colusa with -Bro. Carl Anderson as report this to your union ;- we will'. thority in VaLlejo-retroactive pay long awaited Waldo approach job ra.scal ki.Jled a large buck while operator on the job. be glad to ·hear about it. and welfare plan. Brother Nelson is getting· under. way-by Guy F eatirig lunch one day and is the Sherrol Bowman of · Oakland .. is secretary of Solano ETC and Atkinson. At present there are 011ly member . Local 3 "'110 has awarded a $39,000 job for storm T Of " The 'Natomas ..- c· omp<'ny: M ee't - also vice-president of the State four cats, one blade and a shovel got l·n thi's. d!'str·ct· . that I've sewers on High Street in Oroville One 1 ing information: T-he .next mee t'mg Fed. We w·ere sorry to note his on the project. Some new equip­ l:i.eard abo.ut.' ,Eyery. year so far, ~y City of qrovillt;. of your unit will. be held Tuesday, name was omitted at the dedica- ment on job and more coming_ tlTey have b~en in here meast7r.ing NEWS ·OF THE BROTHERS Nov. 2; in: the-·Meeting· Hall, .Na-• tion of our .new building in Marys- in from other projects. George the spread of h~rns but the deer Bro. Fred . Hoffman, oiler. on toma .(unless -changed by action of ville as he was PRESENT. McCoy is project manager; Br o t h~ s_eem . to be gettmg smarter ~1ow. dragline for Rice Bros., was in- the -october meeting; watch the ' Brother Aaron Smith added to er Jim. Daile y~ ·grade super; G. · -~-~~ The Utah . Construction Co. fin- I jured on the Chico job ::;ept. 29 ·by posted ·meeting notices) as follows: t'he list of foremen for Syar & Chaussee, assistant super. Should ished its· tunnel linjng job at Ked- the :dg swinging and ·counterc At-10' a.m., which ·wHows ·an· oppor­ Harms job . at the Vacaville. hos- be in high gear . witl'\in 30 dB;ys. die, Calif" and put a gciod crew weight. pinning him against bunk- tunity. for . the . night : workers to pita!. Contemplate using 20 cats, six of 13 operators on 'the bench Sept. er. We have had several cases attend, and· at 7 p.rn., Brother Harry. Cahill, who lost DW-20s and one shovel. for the da.y 0 22. However, they are all s~anding of this type thrgughout our juris-· men. his leg, is ·having difficulty with Congratulations to Brother Gus by in hopes the company will get diction, arid cannot . urge ·too Last month occurred the first of fitting; it will be some time before Cooper, recently working at C~.r~ t-he . job at · Chilcoot Pass, east of strongly ·.that oilers .stay ·away the safety inspections under .the he returns to. work. son Dam for John Delphia. Or­ Portola. They will know October 'from moving rigs. It is reported terms of the new agreement, and Brother Otto B01·tfeld still re- dered a cat skinner but this >vt'i t ~ 3-before -this gets in print. We that Bro. Hoffman was not too we are happy to· report· that our cuperating. Reports will be some er's opiryion got the littlest gal ln had several arguments with this seriously hurt and will no doubt inspection brought to light ·very time before he will be able to town. aompany, until Mr. George Foster be back on the· job in a week o.r · few unsafe ·p1'actices or matters of climb up on a shovel. and Bro. Bob Harles took ovel': so. · 'importance· that requir•ed. correc- Loe Gatos Canst. Co., with * * * Since then i't' has been a SWell job SOME FIRSTS FOR. tion . . We inspected Dredge· No. 10, Brother Miller in charge, should f•!i\. s·h;li'ilg TH!rMI for our members. · THE NEW OFFICE and we wish -to commend the crew be gone from the J. R. Armstrong ~~ ;n ;.., U Brown & Hertel have moved in .Bro. Francis 'Hammond of Oro- for ·.th·eir ·houseli:eeping, it was very sub at Valley Ford as this goes ('Ill : g · § a rig on thei,r job at Indian Creek, .ville was the first member to call ·good. l to press. I . . .Jinna~s enaa !lear Quincy,' but won't get· to do in the new location to tell us he · Again ·:we want to emp ha s iz ~ _Armstrong job, Brother Ralph ~ ~ much this year. Sari Joaquin Con- was going to Can'ada on a mucf,er that ·h'oci:seJ.;:eeping is ,important- lffl ~rrail'll~. .. li~~'S .. struction Co has had a small job for M&K Co. and is something that can be ac- ·ing will be called to onler at 7:30 ft til ~MU~~ ~~1JU _ grading the school yard at Ch:al- , B}; &~ (Jff; GiJ+:Ji~~lJf~ ~~~~de ope ~·- complisJ:;, ~~. ,,)Yith very little ad.ded p.1i1. Approved-type flashing turning, lenge, with Bro. Rip Edwards · in atoiJ. :f6~J<. t:B.i cei ;f[El ~-\)l- H"~Vi- the first eff.ort. n :::n.i;i'Feally, more ·than ·.any- This month we would like to pay signals on both private and com- _.. cn1arge. He. cleared all men through member~ .. to .,PaY ·- gu\;!i:i " ~H t l'l~he· new thing el:;;,e t d'ust .a matter of getting tribute ,to the boys of our baseball mercia! - vehicles can be used ·as _r · this office. . _ . office. ,, < • into a g6od habit. Good· hoUsekeep- team in the Peach Bowl Junior- caution lig:1ts to warn appro ach~ New York Machine Shop at Oro- Simmons Trenchiri~ .Co. was th~ ing not ·only prevents· accidents by League. They came through with ing traffic when a vehicle is dis· ville hired another man, Bro. Bill first· contractoi· · to call for art elirnina:ting debris on de·cks that :flying colors, and again emerged abled and standing on or neae a ~ sloan, as welder. K;aiser Sand & operatOl'. can be slipped on, etc., but briiJgS as the undisputed champions. we. highway. I Oravel keeps plugging along at a The new building is a credit to to ljght any unsafe conditions that are sorry -that we are not ·able A new law which became effec·· ; · steady :gait .as. per usual this :time our union and .to our Twin ,Cities may exist. to -give. you-their names (an over- tive Sept. 9 makes it legal to use · of .year: Moore & ·Moore had a community. There ·have been many If 'you know of any_unsafe prac- sight that we will correct next flashing turn signals as a warn!ng small clearing and grading job for compliments paid to the Lo.:ar 3 tice$ or conditions be sure to re- month) but the press of other device .when an automobile or ne1 . houses in Canyon -:Highlands ·buildil(g ' committee. port them to your representative business, and a week's vacation to truck -is stalled or stopped in 01" a-t OroviJ.le. · so that · a)1 inves.tigation can· · be take care of private business, took near the path of. traffic movement. All the .rigs on the State jol;> INDUSTJUAL REPORT made, and t~e.. conditions elimi- ·up too much time and we didn't In the case of commercial ve- 1~-ea-r · Glen are through now: Rice Gladding, McBean Cp.: Notices nated. By domg so you will not have time to secure them. · hicles, jl.oweve1~ the blinking tur m Er .os., Parker Co.,. O'Hair Co .. AI regarding the next meetings: Joint· only be protectin-g yourself, but This team displayed an ability · signals~at least two in· front a.nrll Ednwnston, and Wright Bros.' all Boanl: Tue.sday,. · Novn 2, at 4:-l!J· ti'(e .company as wel1, as the com- :to work and practice hard, some"- two in the rear-are to· be ljsed had equipment :on. this ~vork. p.m. in the Linc'oln Indust11ial pany ~s as interested in eliminating thing the other teams- could well_ between the time · of the bre a:.k ~·· ·. Archie Till~ of .Marysville ·has CounciL office, . LincNn. -This 'fs .: a unsafe conditions· as· we are-it -imitate, and under the able man- down· and the time it takes the three cats and a pull on a land- very impqv.tant meeting .and a fuJ.l saves them money! agement ·of Bro. Lewis ·Austin of driver to set up flares, lanterns, Leveling job at Stonyford in Colusa ,atten<;lance wiil- b_e appreciated. We are .happy,to report, tha:t we the· Yuba Consolidated and· his co- reflectors or warning lights at a ~~ --Qounty, . with Bro. Dana ,Gallen- 'General membership. m ., ge e : t i .n . hav·e · fi .~ally , co~pleted ..t_!:le ' . new i manager, showed -. real baseball ·distance of approximately 100 fC:et bush in ~harge. R. G. -Andrews . of ·Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 4:15 .. p.m., City agreements,. and by .the time ,this. ability. The· sponsoring of this in advanc~ of and to the rear of· Stockton has ' five· rigs on the Han, ·in .Lincoln .. ,... reaches _you, your· copy. should be I team· oy your local union is .just the truck.· . ' . Wil~life ,-Refuge at Willows, , with A word regardi-ng the raising ,of i·n . your hands.' .If _you do ~ ot re." : omi of the''· many worthy public The -tr:uck's turn sign-als may be :Br(). I "Shorty" L.:larrow in charge grievances: . lf .. :you feel ·that you ceive 'a . c\)py, be sure. to' let us ~, services · being• performed by your· kept on,- but they cannot be used· and about . six weeks to go ··on 82 :have. a grievance, as soon as pos- know so that w-e · can corre.ct this .union and the labor movement -as in place of the warning devices more .. acres. Rice Bros. . of. Marys- sible, or as somi as it comes . to ov.ersight. Again, . we .\IVish to .a whole, that receives very little after a sufficient interval has yille have small pa'vii1g jobs in the ,your attention, it is . S!.Igg~ted · that ~pologize ·. for the delay, but it was attention or credit by the general elapsed for the driver to set them area .. Sand and gravel plants are you t-ake- it up immediately with caused by the press.. of · oth'er· busi- , public. up in the required places. Priyate going a,nd the hot plant and ohop· your _committeeman in your cie - ·ness, ·a matter ·"that was· beyond j. The new agreements have finally passenger vehicles, however, · may are working steadily. partmen1:. Their names are posted. our control. ·been mimeographed and as soon u:;e turn signals without employ~ D. Zelinsky & Sons, a painting on the bulletin-boards. In this way as they are ready will be sent to ing other warning devices. firm +rom San Francisco, has jobs the .. matter can be settled on a Yuba Consolidated .Gold Fields: you together 'with information re- * * * jp the Feather River Canyon, sand local lev.eJ , a-nd in . many cases· Inform:ition regarding the next gartling the checking-off of dues .. BATTERY OVERCHARGING ·blasting. We had a little dis]Jute quicker. If you fail to get satis- meetings: , Your next unit meetings If you haven't received your copy Excessive consumption of water with this company over payment faction i'n this manner: report this· will be held Wednesda-y, . Nov. 10,- . by the . \jime you receive this paper, by the automobile battery indi"' Qf overtime but got ·it all settled. to the steward or to one of the in the Engineers Building, 1010 , be. sure to let us know so that we cates that the generator charging ·_ H. 'E!j.rl Parker Co. has e2ght business representatives, so that EyE) St., Marysville. As usual, the can get ' YOUr copy to . you. Again .rate may be too high. If this c on~ . Figs ~n land leveling around the the . matter can be carried to a . morning , meeting will · convene at' we offer the sarne apology and dition is not corrected, serious district. The shop .is on steady conclusion in accordance with the· io a.m. for the benefit of the j. reasons as we did in the Natomas generator or batt ~ry trouble· may -~r tim:~~and _ tv:'

OAKLAND, contraCt awarded to r einf. cone. pipe storm drain along SACRAMENT( . contract award- J surf. on portion of May Road (Co. Lew Jones Canst. Co., 1535 S. lOth·_ Dan Prodanovich, 750 81st Ave., San Jose-Stevens Creek . Rd.' from e4 tq Donald F . }raves, 185 Cun-;[road No. 1373), 1 mi. east o( El St., Sa~ Jose, $25,2:7 for clear~ng : Oakland, $71,458. for canst. sanit: &. Ca1aoazas Creek to Cupertino. ningham Ave., Sa 1 Jose, $19, for Sobr:ante. . .. gradmg former High School s1te,. ' sewers in -por. of Park Blvd., She!-__ 256 SEPT. 10, 1953 0.3 mi. surf. wjpl mix surf. on cem. SEPT. 16, 1953 San Jose State Colleg~. t erwood Dr., Stockbridge Dr., Car­ FAIRFIELD contract awarded -tr. base in city_of Alviso betw. S. CASTRO VALLEY, contract SEPT• . 21, 19o3 . isbrook Dr., Chelton Dr., et al, to Heringer &' Co., P. Box 606, ci_ty limits <\':: •. 0.3 mi. ,SANTA awarded to L. Jensen, 20330 For- T' EURHEKllA9, 3c0onctract . aswt kto· in City of Oakland. 0. N. c. arEde~ . v·· t $10. 088 f · t. 1 t CLARA COUNTY est Ave Castro Valley $26 202 for om u , arson ., ure a. · OAKLAND, contract awarded to R10 IS a, , or Ins . cu ver s -· . · · · . ., . _ ' ' · - d $24 · d s E f D' SO SACRAMENTO, _co· ntract ·aw-ar·.d- reconst. samtary sewers on Mabel (costcplus -bas1s not to excee ,~- Independent Canst. Co., 741 50th on var. roa s .. o 1xon, - . . . ) f t' t , tl\" . LANO COUNTY. ed to Morrison Canst. Co. ·and Ted Ave., Redwood Rd., Santa Mana 800 or cons · s arm sewer a -,ur~~- Ave., Oakland, $23,637 for resurf. FAIRFIELD, contract awarded Schwartz, . Gle-nbrook Park,. Gr:·ass Ave., Castro Valley Blvd.; Forest ray & "A'" Sts. ~ Park Blvd. Place and por. of in­ to Syar & Harms, Box 1431, Val- Valley, $48,849 for canst. 2 reinf. Ave., Marsh.all St. & easement ap-. SEPT. , tersec. streets betw. E. 18th St. and 22 1953 Park Blvd., Oakland. lejo, $14,362 for shoulder improv. cone'. box str. i~ cities of Albany & purts. thereto. . SACRAMENTO, contract award·.· BERKELEY, contract awarded on por. of County Rds. Nos. 214 Richmond at·1Cerrito Cre·ek, ALA-. SAN RAFAEL, contract aw!ird- -ed to A. Tfichert & Son,·Inc., 193L t o McGuire &. Hester, 796 66th and 427, near Vacaville, SOLANO MEDA & CONTRA COSTA COS. ed to John Carcano, San Raj'ael, St - kt Blvd Sacramento $136 .: COUNTY. · SEPT. 11, 1953 $16,198 for canst. (A) Reinf. cone. °cf ongraa'e .,pave drain ~t~eet~ . · Ave., Oakland, $66,359 ·for con'sL l , t d c:: · F, . 953 or ' , - , - ' Grant St. storm sewer .from Ore- MT. VIEW, contract· awarded to BERKELEY, contract awarded cu v. ex en. un er ~~.r rancis avenues, drives, roads, etc. in-Fair· gon St. to Dwight Way. · Coast Pipeline Canst., ' 580 Bragato ·'to yvatkins & Sibbald, 6 Bri'dge St., Drake _Blvd. at .McAl!Ister Ave., Way Estates & Broadrrioore' Es-- l;l.d., Belmo t, $18,888 for canst. San· $42,396 for-'- grounds (B) Remf. cone. culv. exten. and tates No. . · . SACRAMENTO, contract award­ 11 An~elrho, 2 ed to Clements Canst. Co., P. 0. sewer and water _facils. in Eldora development at California School headwall at Sta. 627 under Sir SAN FRANCIScO, c 0 11 t r a. c t : Box 328, Hayward, $30,475 for -traf­ ~ark. · for the DE?af. Francis Drake Blvd. near Tocalo~- aw~rded _to Monson Bros., 475 -6th. . fie signal systems and channeliza~ FAIRFIELD, . contract awarded ;FRESNO, contract awarded to rna; and (C) Reirif. cone. culv. ex-. St., s.F.; :$576,697 for const. Sum·· t ion on E. 14th St. betw. 173rd to Asta Canst. Co., 33 N. Front Thomas Cbnst. Co., Box 683, Ftes- ten. and headwall a:t Sta. 512/50 ·mit Reservoir tin Twin Peaks. Ave. and Medford Ave., ALAMEDA S.t., Rio Vista, $14,357 for canst. no, $12,538 for 1\econstruction of undei· Sir Francis Drake Blvd.' near SAN LEANDRO, c 0 n tract: COUNTY. surf. Co. Rd. No. 114, 1 mi. south concrete roof of digester tank· at Tocaloma. · . ,_ awarded to Rose & Matoza .Rock: I to 0.9 mi. north of Ryde Ferry, the sewage disposal plant. OAKLAND, contract awarded to Co., 4820 Castro Valley Blvd., ~as- SEPT: 3, . 1953. Ryer Island, SOLANO COUNTY. SACRAMENTO, contract award- McGuire & Hester, 796- 6Gth AVe. ; tro Valley, $6,707 for surf. Leonar·d'. - SACR-AMENTO, contract award~ FAI)'l,FIELD, contract awarded ed to McGillivray Canst. Co., P.O. Oakland, $i2,812 for canst. a drain Drive in -City of. San Le-andro. · ed to Guy F; Atkinson Co., 10 \V. to W. J. Kuban, 39-A Mary St., Box 873, Sacramento, $109,427 for in Mountain Blvd. 11t Leimert l3lvd;, SAN :rosE, contract awarded to· · Orange A''e., South San Francisco, San Rafael, $15,935 for canst. tr. pave, curbs; gutters, etc., on Weber OAKLAND, · contract awarded to H. H. -Anderson, 15049 E. 14th St.,. $4,122,332 for 4.5 mi. grade and timber bridges on Co. Rd. 122 .at Way, et al South Land Park Ter- Stolte, .Inc., 8451 San Leandro St., -Sim · Leandro, ~9,269 . for canst. eonst. cone. lined vehicular tunnel Gibson Creek, Rd; 88· at Haas race No. 10. Oal}-land, $372,232 for const. pipe cone. sack i·evetment wall on Los: and ·misc. reinf. cone. strucs. betw. Slough, Rd. 129 at Barker Slough, ·sACRAMENTO, contract_ award- conduit . & pipe sewers from State- Robles Creek, . SANTA CLARA. Marizanita and Golden Ga.te Bridge an in SOLAT\IO COUNTY. ed to Brighton· Sand & Gravel, P.O·. Hwy. Rt. 5 to Cypress St. in por .. ·coUNTY. -----w·- in MARIN COUNTY. ' FAIRFIELD, contract awarded Box 2604, Sacramento, $137,624 for of Ettie St.,&-campbell St. & RjW. ~: SAN JOSE contract awarded to• REDDING, contract awarded to to C. M. Syar & Harms .Bros., Box resurf. 8 major city streets. . HANJt)ORD, contract awarded to A J. Peters' & Son 534 Stockton. Morgan Canst. Co., P . 0 . Box 904, 1431, Vallejo, $29,320' for const._rip- SAN FRANCISCO, .coni r act/ W. M. Lyles Co., p_o. Box 495, A~e., s'an Jose, $195,614 for canst. . Redding, ·$14,967 for drainage and rap slope south bank of Putah awarded ·to Eaton & Smith, 1215 Avenal, $15,493 for · canst. sewer por. storm swr. sys., Rt. 5 & vic .. · paving at Shasta College. Creek at · Winters Dam, SOLANO Michigan- St., San Francisco, $603,- lines & pumping . station in KeJ?--- in City :of- San Jose. RICHMOND, __ .contract awarded COUNTY. 306 for grade & const. brid'ges on sington Acres. · · VISALIA contract awarded to· to Healy-Tibbitts Canst. Co., 411 EL CERRITO, contra.ct awarded Forest Hwy. rt. begin.· approx. 1S MARTINEZ, contract awarded Wm. S. & 'Bruce F. Rogers Co.,. Brannan ·.st., San Francisco, for to Lee J ; Immel, 3030 San Pablo mi. N.E. of Shaver Lak~ & exten. to McGuire & Hester, 796- 66th P.O. Box 509,' Mader~ ; $15,071 for· 95,000 cu. yd. dredging and fill at · .Ave., San Pablo, $325,825 foi; surf. N.E.'ly 3.6 mi. to E. end of. Hunt- }!;.ve., Oakland, $42,412 for reconst. 0.21 mi. grade · and pave Church. Standard Oil Co. Long Wharf, c'ity streets in Third Street. ington Lake near outlet of Ward par. Co. Rd. No. 0461 (2d St., Ches-· St. (Willow-Mineral King), West Richmond. ' SACRAMENTO, contract award- Tunnel, Proj. FH. 48E; FRESND ley-Verde Aves.) in No. Richmond. St. (Cimter~Aceq\_\ia) and Enr::ina. · EL CERRITO, contract a\¥arded ed to Huntington Bros., 2186 Mon- COUNTY. MARTINEZ, contract awarded St. (Center-Oak), Prj. 38. to Elmer J. Freethy, 1432 Kearney ticello Rd., Napa, $99,-999 for 5.5 SAN FRANCISCO, con-tr-act to 0 . C Jones & Sons, 1520-.4th. STOCKTON, contract awarded' St., El Cerrito,· .$104,830 for canst. mi. grade & inst. drainage facils. awarded to L . .c. Smith, P;O.' Box St., Berkeley, $12,884 'for base and to R. Goold & Son, P. Q. Box 190,. 1st .stage of primary sewage plant. betw. Weber Creek Bridge & \]'.S. 610, San Mateo, $58,790 for aspri: surf. par. May Road (Co. Rd. No. Stockton; $54,600 :£or canst. 8"in, SEPT 8, 1953 Hwy. 50 in Shingle Springs, EL cone. sur:£. on Jun,ipero Serra Blvd. 1373), 1 mi. E. of El Sobrante. press. pipeline. in' Flora, W. Oak: SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, con- DORADO COUNTY. betw. Hickey Blvd. & Sneath Road, and Fremont Sts., to Harrison St.,. · SEPT. 17, 1953 - tract awarded to Gibbons & Reed SAN BRUNO, -contract awarded SAN MATEO COUNTY. --... and Harrison St. across Stocktont Co., P. 0. Box 1113, Salt Lake City, .to L. C. Smith Co., 225 -19th Ave., SAN FRANCISCO, contract edS!C:.A:e~~~~· ~o;~~~~~:.~~~~i Chan~el to Market St. __ _,.,.-- $67,035 for .0.347 mi. canst. 3-in. Sah Mateo, $69,964 for extending awarde-d to. Kirkpatrick & Lane, Stockton' .Blvd., S_acramento, $72,- J,.AKEPORT, ,contract awarded! bit. cone. road on U.S. 40 (21st San B. nino Ave. west from Acacia 125 E. Empire St., Grass Valley, to Stolte Inc., 8451 San Leandro• . 1 . 612 for canst. sewag~ force main_ South St.) betw. 11th East and to Junipei·o Serr a Blvd. $10,840 for canst. reinf. conc ..,. box St., - ·oakland; and Ray McGee,. - extension for Arden-Watt Maint. culvert on Forest · Hwy. Rte. Iir. Dist. - Lakeport, for canst: 2,350 lft. 8-in,. ---.--,.....,...... ,...,....., ...... ,...... ,...... ,.....vv · · Bassetts,' approx. 4.5 riiL N.E. of . -- gravity- pipeline and 2,100 !ft. 6-in•. ~..,...~••••••..,.••••'!"•••v•••••••••••••••••••••v. •••v• SACRAMENTO, contract award- · ~ , Sierra G_ity, SIERRA COUNTY. ed to Gerie Richards, Inc., P:o. Box force main and small pq_mping sta~- SACRAMENTO, contract award- tion, at north end of City of Lake~- - . 1349, Fresno, $138,179 for 5.0 mi. ed to S. A. E. Cqmpany, 929 Shasta port Oump sum job): VCP $38, ~ - St., Redwood City, $20,325 for 1.3 imp. base matl. placed. & pltmix. 683, CAP _$39,361. CONVEYORS- - D!TCHERS - LOADERS surf. on Alta betw. SAS Rt. 1141 m~. surf. S.P. R.R. crossing & Bay- - VISALIA, contract awarded to" & Tulare-Fresno Co. line near City Asphalt Mixers- and Finishers - Portable Conveyors shore H -<,y y., SANT ACLARA CO. f D' b TULARE Wm. S. & Bruce F. Rogers Co.,. 0 318 So. B Street San Mateo· Diamond 3-5828 SACRAMENTO, contract award- mu a, COUNTY. P. 0. :):lox 509, Madera,· $10,309 for· ed to James H. McFarland, 101 SEPT: 18• 1953 6.13 mi. grade and pave Burke St,_. ~~ ...... A ...... ""' ...... ~ ...... ""'-A · SAN FRANCISCO, contrac-t · Tara St., San Francisco, $21,940 (Acequia St.-Mineral Kln"'a Ave.L_. -~vv...... -vTTVv-.-v....-v....-....-...... -...... ,...... --...... ~ ...... , ... ..,.., ...... , ... ..,.,.., f t . ' f t b awarded to Chas. L. Harney, Inc., ' ·or cons . a rem . concre e . ox 575 Berry St., San Franqtsco, $l2,- Proj. 39. ~tructure, at Stockoff Creek 4.5 mi. SALINAS, contract · awarded to• G'MP · ~t08 .for reconst. Busf! .,-$t. betw. noSrAthNofFFRoArNt CRioSscs'o~ONOMtA COt. Stock~on St. ,.-& . Gxa,nt:Aye, . o:'! Granite Const. ·co., P. 0. Box 900, .. '. ·c 0 n ~a c_.~ , SALT -LAKE r:'ITY Utah , con- Watsonville ~ · ~34,935 for canst. gut~ 0 GEORGE M• .PHILPOTT CO'a awarded to L. C. Smith, ' P.O. Box , ' - ~ · · " · - ' ·' Jt' · " ' " · '· ~ • ters :- curbs · sidewalks and street: 610, ·San Mateo, $58,790 for asph:: ,tr.act_.S: q>)V a~4~d~ ?,S :f' 9 F9~.-vs · (or: r·i•.· • pavfno- · Ser~a Park·St. Imp. Dist; SAN FR.ANCISCO - OAKLAND ·f ·J · :s · - Bl -d· .. . · (1) -- Washu~ gton · co unty~ .Wh1t- - '" · . cone. su~ . on umllero · erra . v . . · & .. · ..c . ._, · , - •· · • · -- .. _, ..,,_ ·sAN MATEO, contract awardedl •,...._ C ompressors- Pum ps- Ba!l,and Roller Bearings betw Hickey Blvd & Sneath Road m_g Haymond, Sprmgville, $336, t B t p - . C' 1650 Old' appr~~- . 2.7 miles·, SAN , 1\I[ATEO 32? for ~, 226 mi. canst. :2¥2-in. road- (; rag~~ ;v;ng o.$24 280 f . - ~ .Rock Drills~ Steel"and Bits- W{re Rop€.' · COUNTY mixed brtum. surf. road· on U.S. 91 ounty ., _ e mo_nt,. • _ or · ' betw. st. George &,-Washington.< 1953-54 street resurfacmg. , SALES :RENTALS DIX<:;>N, contract awarde-d tow. (2) W(lber County-L. _T; JohhC . NORTH SASRAMENTO, cone- .­ IA44AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~A££A44••••· c. "Railing, P.O. Box 651, Wood- · tract awarded -to Kevry Canst Co land, $14,586: for resurfacing "A". son Canst., Ogden, Utah, $150,598 . . :• ~ · ., . . ... ••• • • • •• • •••••eem•••• • . - •··~~-·m••••=•••~=•••••• for 1.210 mi. canst. 2-in. roadmixed 6~5 - P~ralta Ave., _Sa-n L~andro,. LIEARN St; betw. east city limits & west bitum. surf. & one cone_. br(dge,· on $v2,220 Item 1 and $2,300 r_tem 5,. , Help Your Employer Make city limits. s R 40 from Pladn City South f or cons t . sewage f·orce mam anu"", I ABOUT- 12 Profits, so You Will · OA-KLAND, contract awarded to ~il~s . · \ · ' revise existing pumping plant. , Underground Canst. Cq ~, 807- 75th (3) Morgan County _ Wilkinson SAN. JOSE· . , contract a war d e d to.- Make Money Ave., Oakland, $26,639 for install. P&E c t c 1620 s 7th St 6-in. and 8-in. ciist iron &. asbestos- ~onst. Co., Morgan, -Utah, $77,616 · · ons · o., -. . · · .,. · · · · for 0.767 mi. canst. -2-in. roadmi~ed San Jose, $8,949 for canst. Tully· EASY TO OPERATE c_ement water mains in He_. rcules & F · biturri. surf. road and one cone. 'Rd. storm sewer nr. Gounty air-- Pinole, CONTRA COSTA C.O. bridge on S.R. 158 betw. Devil's grounds, 'SANTA CLARA COUNTY•. ARCATA:, contract awarded to 28 1953 Harold Fisher Plbg. & ,.Sheeting slide. SEPT. > · · - ·· · · ' · · BELMONT, contract awarded to HAYWARD, contract awarded-to• Power- Performance .- Profits Co., 600 - 2nd St., Eureka, $14•821 · · · 0 C J & S 1520 4th St for minor canst., -etc., at training Bragato Paving Co., 1650 Old' Coun- . . ones ~ns, . .,. school, :Humboldt State College. · ty Road, Belmont, $10,998 for canst. Berke~ey, $12,~19 for canst. drain:-: ·-""-::.--­ SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, con~ six tennis- cour'ts on Carlmont High age ditch along WP RR between: tract 'award~'d to Reed ·& Jenson, School Campus. _ Tennyson and Valle Vista. THE .ME LL •BROSE .CO. 1057 s ... · 4th W., Salt Lake City; ANTIOCH contract awarded· to - SAN PABLO, contract awarded' 279-2 Cypress _St., 'Oakl_and Phone TEmplebar 2-4873 $131,318 for 1.799 mi. c_onst. 3-in.- Nomellini c~nst. co., Stockton, ('P. to Prodanovfch &. Rodrigues;. 750• •····•····"'·····•····· · , · ··················••··;.;...... · · . ' · roadmixed•- .. bitum. surf. road on u.· o. Box 11_77), $25,716 for-· const. 8ls~ Ave., _Oakland, $334,660 for o-cl-0-4Illll!llt-O- cl _O_o_o._.~o-o-...o-ct S 91 f ·D· s· d w -h 14 · storm drainage for Antioch Senior const. ·interceptor ·sewers. "" - . , · •.• · ' - ·· rom ·ry .. an· Y- -· as • · · · m1. High School,· - 18th & L Sts. SACRAMENTO- , con. t raet · awaru-"' N. of jet. . of U.S. 916 & S.R. 15 d t F d · k & w t d: (Anderson's Ranch Juncti_on), S.'ly DIXO~ contract awarded to C. e o re nc !!On a son an · c . ~- 1.8 m!les, -WASHINGTON co. W. Macaloney, P.O. Box '1127, Lo_s M&K Corp., 873 81st Ave., Oa_k'~ i . sT 'O. .LT . E' I·n · ·c ·I .. Banos, $10,443 for canst. 5 mi. land, $1,451,980 for 1.2 nli. grade ,'_ , / -__ · . _._ ·' -· _ "' . .-·_.• ~ - SEPT. 15, 1953 drainage channel. · a:nd pa-ve with Port. ·cem. cone. ' • BERKELEY, contract awarded · SAN 'FRANCISCO c on t r ·a c t and const.. reinf. cone. box girder I c to Lee J. Immel, 3030 San Pablo awarded to Eaton & Smith, ·1215 bridge, betw.. 5 mi. west and _.7 ' .Ger1eral Contractors .·. a Ave., San Pablo, $20,305 for change Mic~igan St., San . Francisco, $67,-. mi. east of Orinda Jet., CONTRA cl· ' grade of 7th St. & Anthony -St. 783 for reconst. cable car tracks ori · COSTA COUNTY. EL :SOBRANTE, contract award- - Powell, Washington & Jackson St. SANTA CRUZ, contract awarded - .. S I ed 'to M E Collins 5635 San Diego Loop, No. 411. to Coast Pipeline Constrs., 580 i TRinidad ·2-1Oa64kla -nd _l ·•. C8a4la"Sf1orSn~lan Leandro +. ·• st., Ri~h~~nd, $i13,-800 for site SAN JOSE contract awarded to Bragato Rd., Belmont, $82,046 for V 0 I grading· & storm drainage for the A . . J. :Raisch' Pavjng Co., 900 W . lay 16-in. 'and 22-in. welded ·· steer I .· . De Anza. 'High School at Valley San Carlos St., San . Jose, $17,328 pipe for extend -water· sys, from .. Gl~~o--o~C!11111!'0~ Vie;y Rd. -and-May Roa_d. fo~ grade 8t ;pave San· Jose Junior (Continued on Next Page) !.~. · ~--4 October 15, 1953 E~GINEERS' · NE~ S Eleven.· · , ' . •, . .··>;···. ..· .. ~ . ;· ' 1 LLPE, Labor League fo.r Polit-~ 4 Construction Awards 1nlured ciln File:": .• ~nifnists Set cal En · Fran· Part 2, Madera Distribtition Systen1 Question.:, After a writ has b.een 4030 Hollis Street " OL:Ympic 2-3600 Emeryville 8, Callf. cisco, $18,400' (.Items 1, 2 and 3) located N.W. oH\ilidera, 1\fADERA- granted, what happens? I. , and Ben ..C. Gerwick, Inc-., '112 Mar· COUNTY Answer: If a ._writ is. granted, the ket st:, S. F :,'.$39,266 (nat the P?:tr.ty d.issatisfied with the PJ:'l'BllSON ~ \varded to Chas: L. Harney, In ~ ~ IY / SR No. l.±".fri ~~to,il i ,;S:lJr 3_.4; pi: · ·:~qowP:Ji_s.s!q:n:.S o c1ecisio!{ ha~ won. T R A . C T 0 R & E Q U I P M E N T C 0 . ;:,75 Berry Sf, S. F., $27,559 for & sec0FA:S sAN LEANDRO BRENTWOOD ·6IK 2-80 1 jh ~W/SR Nb(\ ~ 4 1 );.S)>:1e r { ,. ~q.dn grantmg the · J~:· ' SAN FRANCISCO HALF MOON BAY I improve sts. . in Golden- Gate Hgts.,. ll :2 mi. · SE'y11fi'\:llli Mcfro?i'l ,~"W' l V ' ·':\Mrt tri · pt. ,B.ev,!ew the Appellate SWeelwood 8-5600 MElrose 4-3546 YUkon 6-6300 Holf Moon 8.oy' A4.4 3 I s ,·F. · . . .· ' i.S mi:'tfo - jcW•' \V-/ R · . :i·~zs4:;· s l\N{ i \Coun_t .:i:;; ~:re q.qired , to review the ·' ~ - SACRAMEN TO, contt;a.cts award- · PETE·C6 .:'· !'7 ,-?;!:• ·,:·' '•":;:~.··.~, ~ .' Gommjssion's record and detei:mine ed as follows: binie to -- GET 'IT- F.ROM·;,, FRESNO, contr-act award'ed (Gen- thority this week,- including • re"' divert water to· ·· the·cplant: Ot'ieR-· er:U) to Harris Con,st. Co: Inc;, building__ approaches froh1 Yerba a tiii n of tne plant is· plai1nea :-in EDWARD 'R~' BABON-., €OM•PAN'Y'r P.O~ · BO'x ·109, Fresno, $664.,21l8 for Buena. iSl~nd ; traffic conb'oi lightc' '1955 !._ ·. . In· addition.to .this P jt4' p:roj­ C 0 N·S T RUCTION ~· EQUIP M'E·N·T .. co'tist, · sdenc~·~bldg. at·•F resno.· State fng '· system. on'· the ·lower: deck, 'ebt, PG&E . has :asked to' build . t ylid Folsom at 17th Street, San .Francisca· l 0, Caiif. C~lliege, , .~ , . $:700;000;. expand toll . plaza-' fac·iJi'- more· Pit River plants; Nb.: :6 lo:. . " HEmloc.k 1·3700 :. . . RIO VISTA, contract,awat,dedcas: ties and reb.uil¢)?-,ort •..Of ·<. O'il.ki:and.: ·.cost $19'-h ' million ·tOt. • ,:. Fresni:i ~ 1;1lld ·. No. .7 So~ro'!'~"t~ ... • ' .9~Ji q~nd ~ -· .. ~....._. · - . for .canst. storm ~lows drainage 'overhead, '$2lh million .• ' . '::, :. .:., , :':; ,;:ost .$16 l11i1Jign'• ..> ); ., . ;: '. ' .·:J ..•·· ····...:.·._ ·:.:..·....;, ; :;'-~;... ; z; +.;.,.... , =<. .;,. ;.. ~"'"~..= ,,, ,,.,.,,._,_,,.,.,.. -= .. .--. : .,.,,,,.,,;;,.,,,:.--c,.. ._ ....; ...... ,_, ~. ,...-"';:-.;,..,...=...,..,•. ,..,. .,..., ,,.,.,..,...... ,0,,...... ;...... ,....,...•. - 4· ,,.,,.~. ·-~· '---:-"' ..____ ·.-.:.·; Twelve E~.GIN:EERS' NEWS October IS, 1953 T Proje,ds . .( ..;;~· Housing _USHE. .. Harbor and ·.·:,

·· :·::·1·.· ·' " j · ain Items in ~ Hono·lulu : -.), By J . K. W AIWAlOLE, Busin ess Representative By PAT CLANCY ami PAuL EDGECOMBE, A $1,121,600 project for additiona1improvements to Na­ Business Represent~J , t iv es Survey N~tes wiliwili harbor on Kauai has been recommended to the Chief With the fine fall weather, the mcmth of September has of Engineers in Washington, D.C., by division and district been our top month of tne year. Mostjobs ar1= running at full officers of the Corps of Engineers, USA, it was announced capacity with the contractors' antiCipation of the rainy sea- BUR~ - · "~ REC. · · this week from San Francisco .. · son. With this full speed opei·ation \Ve would like to emphasize ' · · !!{ s · ·· · Construction is expected · to begin immedi~tely on a the importance of safety, especially to the members operat- l Av~ Ofi: $2,244,195 housing project at Barber's Pt. naval air station. ing material hoists on building construction. . A · ~ r It will be the sixth Title 8 navy housing project in the islands and !everman on the Dredge "Ray­ In respect to your years of ef- the last one planned at this time. mond," dropped in the- office the ficient operating experience am:! -1.1:_1·1· .. ~ ~-~ The 260~unit project will be other day ful! of smiles because do not forget to § ;J :fine judgment Lm'1 operated by the Coral Rose Gar- they received two weeks vacation a-bide .by the State of California dens Co., of which the principals with pay while waiting for trans- s.:tfety Jaws. Do not forget the By AL BOARDMAN & are Richard S. Diller and Sam portatiori home from Okinawa amt-·~- ­ r egulation that prohibHs employees DICK DINNING Len. They are the owners of Pa- J apan. They both reported meet- . from ,r iding on hoisting fad!itles Business Representatives cific Coast Building Co., contrac- ing Brother Ben Wun, dredge en- without permission. This column is proud to add a tors for the project. gineer in Japan, and that the Track ·removal, street repairs new name to it's by-line. Dick Mr. Marlin Shiek, a general con- dredge "W. F. Dillingham" has no are large opera­ and resurfacing Dinning has· been added to the tractor in town and formerly proj- work scheduled for her in Japan tion for many of our members. Technical Engineers Department ect manager of Morrison-Knudsen as yet. · · Lowrie Paving Co. has started as an assistant business representa- and Peter Kiewitt & Sons, will Many equipment runners of the removing the tracks and ripping tive. We welcome him as an ex- I handle the construction for Pa- Hawaiian Branch are still with out the old cable car slots on Ellis perienced engineer with a wide cific Coast Building Co., the gen- Mid-Pac on their Kaneohe proj- Street. Their resurfacing crews are background of field and office eral contractors on the n-ew Bar- ect. busy throughout various sections engineering. His engineering educa- bers Point housing project. A few broth-ers are now being of the city. tion has been in Civil & Hydraulic The Navy said today it will re- employed by the John Nicols Con- Reconstruction of the tra.cks on · I at the University of Califqrnia. We dUCI;! its civilian work force at tracting Co., Ltd. Mr. John Niqols Market Street by Eaton & Smith ror look for much progress and hope Pearl Harbor by another 242 carries a withdrawal card from ·.has begun. Progress is harnpered IE I that the membership will give him workers on October 14. the Operating ·Engineers Unio-n ~y the traffic situation. U~Jai!D CRUSAD all the help possible in his new This the third reduction in and ~ first received his' membel'· Grading for the baseball dia- October IJ 14:30 to 6pm. I undertaking. · _ -force ~nnouncement sine~ Jun·e, ship card back in th~ days \vhen morid, I ennis courts, and parking . . Those of you who have been Ibrings ·the total cutback to 835. he had to stand up and operate facilities on the new Campus of I cludi~g Charlie Dees, Bill ~are hoping !Jlat the Tr~-Dam P~oject The shipyard employs 6,500 civilian a steam rig to put in a better day's State College is being done by (pullmg levers·on a new Loramne would g;.'t started this year will be workers. . I work. ~- · · · Chas. L. Harney Co. Crane). and Ed :t:rans~n of _Prov?, interested to know that the di- · Okinawa returnees - Brother The boys at :Kwaja]ein are pret- Coast Pipe Line has started lay- Utah; w~o he claims IS gettmg hiS rectors of the O~kd~le and _so';lth Joe Cathcart, yard superintendent ! ty well contented to date' as ? ~ . ______ing pipe from Lake Merced Station school grrl figure back m the hot San Joaqum Irngatwn D1stncts for Pacific Dreding Co., Ltd., and one has been sent home .yet. ·Mid- t o. Sloat Blvd. The initial stages of climate. Best of luck to all . the were forced to reject bids on the the District Engineers on · dredge Pac reports that they contemplate t)1 is job excavation is being with a brothers; and thanks for· dropping above mentioned project. Con- work, and Brother Tom Wills, to finish the j.ob early· next yetn ct has mcreased this · · • IF YOUR _BLOOD IS G06 D in the sprmg of next year. . · , . . , · . . · · · . · .·· · . . . J11Qnth, giving a few more of our I (and I know It must be) HOW Employment ·coriditions ar-e hold~ nut f?r ereetwn of .:·near. Jhe "Siiv~r Saddle';. So t~er A. .. E. _Singleton m .. far off / ·· 8m .·: 0 . jobs . have been · ·completed . and a along on_ the Bayshore Freewa__y I' far· th_e_.i·e j _sil_._'_t_ :.t_o_... o _·. in __u_ ';c__ h_.< ac.._. t£_V1.'t,Y. _.· ADEN thankmg us for sendmg· the ., ast)laore . surplus . of men . are re.·-p.orted in - .. · . · · · · ' · · · · ' · The State this week authorized ·Alaska. Cutbacks .n defense· sp.. end- near Third Avenue in San Mateo 011 thiS roap Job; . bu( -It ._ shot.l_ldn t . ca-ll fo"' ·b... J.ds . o. n ~ebui'ldi' ng .t]).r·ee · 1 - · ' be· lo· 11g ·befo'r··e' t.. h~ ---· · a...n 11.1 :fu.· 11 · En_gme _ers News· t_o__ th_ a_t corner of I .. . ·. · L L ·ng point to a· surpius o.. f 'eng· ineers and it shouldn't be long befqre ~. _Y _: ':" t he Globe . . Brother · Smgleto~ -- says I miles of Eastshore· freeway . be- 1 Is mg. . · · . ·.. there are about a d~zen Engmeers tw-een Ashby Ave. and the Alb8.ny- both now and in the future. This they can sell that job. · wDo~lger, as usual· · i :~ k,eepiHi{ :~ · from Local 3 workmcr there· in- · should be a warning· to all union . • ·. . · ' · , ·: · "' · · ' El Cerrito overhead, to be one of Pete Sorenson is moving right nuniber of -Engineers btuiy, ;·:l:iut. --~------__:__ the largest '·single contracts evet· members to guard against wage afong with their pipeline job · in there is an inct'ication of' a little . . ' I · f J cutting 'and private details with . . . has slow up on thiS prOJeCt. ( - ~,·t .actory bs let by the state; involving replac- I R . t d ' ll I Millbrae. So far the diggmg · U• • · 0 ing '740,000 cu. yds. of Bay mud demployers. teptor any an_ a SUCl been very good and they are pro- · Webber & McCann.. _have had a . h p • d f fill eve opmen s o your umon-:· . . . . , h . '.' . euf l'IQI . Oint with 2 million y s. 0 . The sec- . : : . . ;:g~essmg a lot better t~an _ was ex-, number of ngs workmg . on t . e At ~~ Yl H tion will be enlarged from six to Fnends of Arc~Je Newt_on Will be pected. . . High School job in San Mateo, but emplo,;ed eight lanes, div'idect. · shocked to lear·n of his sudden u & K c . . d A · •·· · t d by the time this is printed they F. -actories in California " . S t d t b -· m . · 01 p. a_n . ssocJa e . . . more workers in August 1953 than * * * passmg on, a ur ay, 0 c 0 er 3· ' p· 1' · · 'i k' ' should be finished . 944 P. 1953. He had )ong been a me!llbe{ ._:_1p·el_me . . arMe•·:lal..b' SO-·· wSor fm~ on a Most of the bi·g· J'obs ha·ve bee·!~ at any time since September L ' RM~\t' 1.-R.-.e · J~41t I th' u . . ' d h d th . 't' pipe me m I rae; 0 ar as .can · ~ ant:l.r b · · b~ · . · · reported on in· the last- few issues ,___ the S ta ~e announces. These jobs !i\11';;~ U5 \> 8 lb.ni!~ of IS man an a e repu a- 1 increased 41,100 from July to a Oakland Local 3 . member Bray tion of a fine ·'and dependable t~a~e;~b ne~t:;:,~~-ey Is ei~g ost on of the Engineers News and as a)- new high of 1,092,000, most of the "Hap'' Hazzard returned from engineer. . . '. E. T. Haas .Co. is working on I ways there are rigs and contrac- gain being seasonal fruit and vege- Fr ench Morocco recently where he -A recent VISit to Brother Howard the sewa e umping plant and : tors spread all over the Peninsula ... table work. Aircraft jobs rose to wo1~ked for Atlas on the air ba~e Adams, finds him in good spirits 1 i eline for ~he cit of Burlin- ·* .tr: * a new high of 208,400. Largest proJect, and on a portiOn of Ius and on the mend. ' p p Y · game. s~ gains over the year have been in journey he rode the famed British Next P1eeting will be on October Skyline Quarry is in full swing Free -Wo-\yl- ~ow .·w ay automobile·, electrical equipment, Jet Comet, traveling 1600 miles in 23, 1953, at 8:00 p.m., at 474 but this year is not even close to and aircraft industries. three hours. I Valencia St., San Francisco, <;alif. A giant jam of smoking; fuming the output of last year. What's cars piled up on Frisco's new the reason? Could it be the pres- $9,312,000 super-duper free'r"'ay in ent administration? the first few days of its operation Parkside Development Co. is in early this month, ·bringing hasty the process of building some 3000 · conferences, red faces, and steps homes and L. G. Smith is doing for more and better approaches the dirt work, als A GIANT RIG even today would be this big Marion shovel,' pbotQgraphed with its crew at the Utah with deliveries to start next month head power line, and. th.e conductor Copper Co. strip mine, Bingham Canyon, Utah, in 1911. Some of the Operating Engin.eers who '':'or]{ed in and erection in December. Fill at had to be. replaced There ~ was f()r­ .-the mines· here and at Ruth, Nevada, ar~und about .th,is tinle included' these nam~s: "Soupbone" Kent; "Hap" the Richmond end is now 45 per tunately no i_njury or. loss qf life -~.;()rQmWell~ Frank }.'oung~ LeRoy ;Francis, "Red" Murray, a~d 1\'Iartin Tessick, . · · c.ent complete. from the -violation . ... _-:.,._ -:- .