OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 3 STATIONARY. ENGINEERS. LOCAL -3·9 -II L-·cal s • I · IS· ' . One of th13 ·best' Fall seasons in some: time is now being experienced thr~ughout Local 3's extensive jurisdiction, from tropicid Hoilolulu ,to• the warm days and nippy nights of Utah, with no lag now in sight, other than the usuaLwinter slowdown. ,. Though it is known that such ----- --- _- .:---,-_, ...,..-,:;, .. -__ ~· ·.£; L"_ --------'--------- items as housing, new plant work, "' and other projects have been · ma­ Air Members. Please Note terially slowed by uncertainty and · -:-~TIN D{JRKIN'S resignation a~d complete end:orsrunent of his new interest ·rates under the pres­ , In addressing any inquiries-to the Health and Wel­ stan,d,: despite a plea. froni Vice-Pi-esident Nixon in behalf of the ad" ent administration, the big Cali­ fare department of Loeal 3~ it will be necessary that you !lpiQ.istration's Taft-lfuxtley attitUde, featured the recent 72rtd, AFL fornia . backlog, plus excellent fall advise us who you are employed by. Since there are sev,. ·convention in St. Louis. Here Durkin addresseJ' the\ Building -Trades· weather, is keeping out-of-work . Dept. _Center is Dept. .Pres."'Richard Gray and at right is Lloyd l\'lash: e~l health plan set.;.upS; ·we must lmow who you worl>: / ~ - . - . lists down to a niinilnum in nearly burn, whe resigr;.ed. as Undersf)creta•ry .of Labor on October 8, same-day every branch office, according to for before we ean::- give you accurate information. that President Eisenhower mimeq James P. ·Mitchell, N. Y., business­ this month's business agent repoAs. --------~------~-----------------~-------------------· --- ma.n as Secy. of Labor. ,...___:_, - Beat the rains rui'd_beat the sn'ow -that's the cry . from Eureka to San Francisco Voters, Attention! Ogden and from Sim .Jose to Ceda·r Aft-er considering the recommendations of its Executive £oa;rd City, and in typical· Operating -En- a.nd -aft-er extensive iliscussion on the matt-er, the San Francis·co gineer teamwork -the -boys are do- Union_Labor _Party, meeting on September 30, 1953, voted, by secret ing a bit of- -rushing theie days in ballot, - ro give organized labor's endorsement to the follo>v ing that annual game of tiig with the candidates: · 1 weather, ·_ - . We'll start in the Far West; witii . ·For Supervisors: Francis McCarty, James Leo Halley, Honolufll.- for a look at'this,ffionth:s J. Eu~ene McAteer, Marvin E. Lewis, George· Chris- reports; there we find a sizable topher. :program of harbor ··work and ho,Us~ .- ing getting upder -way. Back_ to lfor City Attorney: Dion llolm. · th_e_· mainland, 'San Francisco is . 'J -- · pu-shing a variety -·o_t projects to Fm~ Cit,y: ~ Tre~sure,i: · J()~ ;J'· ~ Goodviiin. beat rainy · se§son:<:- '· · .. _F6.~· : BO~i~€1 qf.'· Ji~¢~ti0~; · :A.d&lph; de ·Url9§fu ... -tJl'e -&Y; _· me Oikland ·· dgi!l~ " ~rg; ·- t~ings ~6~ '-the - · , ~e<ltjiP!lJ!a.t:e; ·No.y;. :3,1~&~.0~-t your.· ~notr uut:rccHu". with f1'eeway · improve~ ---'----"---,-'--~-:---:--c-'--:----__:_--,-_:___~ _ __:_ _____ ·ments - and : the . new Northbay ·· 'Eridg(!,- and. the ~ity of. Berkeley is -Nev~da Wage Scales :set- to go on building up 500 acres A full · liSt of the new pay tates under the Nevada AGC of ·submerged iand, a type of de- given '· m this- issu·e &f tlui News _on Page i, for the informatioi.'l of · , . velopinerit milch-needed a:u around q.an.J.·•. .ac·.,-•l>fU.UUt~r and: steel; .pliis brains and braw~that's the Bay. Down bl\:y; San Jose is . ·those ·eonce-rned and ·interested. tlie conibina,tion ' th~t : is -,mQving ~oontains , in CS:iifornia . the~e' ol'fays hustling with subdivisions, new .as the; sf;a.te-whip{put a h~gh\V'ay system that will ruin:dle -its mlOl'mOUS PllilltS, highway: jobs; anp.-a - @oct /'!-. .· ... ~ A rd population trrowtli; ' ~own Iiere is Opei"a,ti.ng Eilgineei.-' AI Grnildpre on start on the new $50 million Ford :wnStrm..uon . Wi S a :i>iVOox:ltinental : ·hitil."ti~pull, .Oile of the smallest of :this type of rig plarit at the tip of the bay. ' UH. ' . ' . in~' existe~, :. pn a ·.JOl! in the southern •part of the state. Though' smali, Ove-r · the cOaSt;· Range and into JUI . $l.l BHUcn in Sept .. this tmby is a. ·,J;u·uis_er: - . valleys we find Fresno with hardly_ Heavy construction · contract a _man at leisure>'. everybody ~ but "awaros report'ect in September :._hit loading up . on sunshine, especially a new record of $1,100,000,000, . it ori the mountain _jobs. Up th~ val-. was reported bet. s_ This is a rec­ Iey,• Stockton and Sacramento are ord for the month and 17 per cent 1 MORTON A. PRATHER also busy; ·tho4gh they report some of Sept. last year, as well as higher I San Rafael, Cal., Aug. .6 present. than .August. Priv,.ate awards rose J.D. wYMAN Marysville i_s hard from $605 rnillion it1 .August to $620 · Coneo1·d, -'riti, ·Aug. 'zg caco?slatm" big proc million in Sept. Firsf -nine months : A. B .. COOK is showed $11.4, billion, down 7 per I cent fr.om last year's $12.3 billion. San -Leandro, Cal., Aug. 30 However, last year's total included OTTO ENGE red and yellow $2.3 billion in -Atomic•Errergy Com- San ' 'Pablo, Cal., Aug. 3G- mountains, we· drop into rip-roar- mission contracts. · 1 ing Reno and find the boys pushc * * * A. E. MURRAY ing street, highway, and mine work Denair, Cal., Sept. 1 at a_ fine p_ace all over that big s .t: t T !I, t l j JOHN H. MONROE ~ state of Nevada. On eastward into· af e. Y aII.'\ a. 0( a. Redwood City, Cal.; Sept. 4 the sunrise we see a big cloud of -Regular Meefln.g CARL BACCUS dust up ahead and under it a gang 3 . Medford, Ore., Sept. 6 of Engineers -.knocking out fast Joe Roberts, labOr liaison man woi·k on highways, houS,ing, mines, with the State Division of Safety, JOHN OLIVERI " and military projects._ They have who has done much good on the Collinsviile, Cal., Sept. 8 EUG~NE S. PRATHER one of the best Indian Summers Ijob for thousands of Califo:rni? . ( ih many years and __everybody is workers, tall<ed to Local 3 mem­ Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 1{} plugging to beat the big white ~ - hers at the last regular meeting on A. D. NEVERS. blanket that wiif settle down there the present safety situation and Sacramento, Ca.i., Sept. 12 o~- e .of thes-e October or November I a-ppealed to, the members . t? ob" DELl'\IER L. WALL mghts. · serve the state law reqmrmg a . San Jose, Cal., Sept. 14 That's the picture this mid-. six-foot clearance on cranes near ()ember '53, a pi~ture of hearty, ·power lines. Failure to ,observe G. A. LAMONTAGNE Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 18 capable men at work, doing big \ this law has resulted in ·several . things for the growing West. , I deaths in · the state recently, he-1 ARCHIE E. NEWTON San Francisco, -Cal., Oct. 3 * * * said. -~ * * * * * * SERVICE WITHDRAWAlS ENGTh~ERING jOBS.-Sta t e l ~~ _ · •u ~ D ., .J . Pe~~bnnel Board aim ounces exam i mviafySVh~e !l§ tr ra ~se~ ·· L ~· GRAY, JR. to be held for Under Engineering i0 U ~ · li'Jl~ ~ ALFRED B. McKENZIE .Aid, jobs throughout state, chiefly '81 ~~eW s~e{:;f ii»Rtlg. FLOYD ROBERTS, JR. wi~h Division of Hig~ w ~y T . !i~~l, , ,,~.~~,B,:r~sville , ?ranch _offi.ce of L o­ HO.NEYCOl\ffi .ON TilE B01'<."Nm DICK ..L Very latest and inost dace to _file appl!catwn. Oc.t, _20.; -eal"-3. :reports It has received m ~ny ALBERT w. THOMAs c om p~et'-' s~t -u p for .safety is the . honeycomp of _rigging ~round _the big _ ChecJl: , - \l ~ ith any post office. sin-cere compliments on the new carrier Bon HQmme _Richard now in S. F. Naval Shipyard for a $S5- ' * * * · _:•: ·~ : .. *· * * building -recently opened there by _ n!Jiilliou; -heavyjet conversion: job. ·This, _and the five-Mariner class, BECHTEL AWARD.- The Bech- BRIDGE REPAIR JOB.- State the union to serve as headquarters $50-million contrict at · S. F. Bethlehem, are two major- ship jobs· tel Corp. has been awarded general Personnel Board announces · exam for the north valley region. Other li.warded'- tO west coast shipyards_ as the . dh·ect. ·result of persistent contract for construction··o_f a · _50,- to be held for. repairman ~ on San local unions ar.e sharing in use of protest by AFL metal trades uni-on,s'-aga.inst grabbing all ship work for ­ 000 barrel .-Shell' refi11ery :at .Anao Mateo-Hayward-bridge. Fiiuil -date the new building, which is proving fa.\'ored ellstern yards. cortes, Wash.; on a- 700-acre -plant for filing application is Oct. 27. a boon- to- both Local 3 and the - - P_ICTURE: , COURTESY "THE DRYDOCKE R" site, wor;k ~o start in mid-'54._ Check with any post -offic-e. _ comniu.nity in genera( . ~ - - lSD ITO RIALS COMMENT R~port of Last Meeting \ Afl Backs The meeting was called to ortter at 8:00 p.n1., President Clancy pre­ Raiding, T-H siding. Vice-President Foss was excused. Brother H. T. Petersen wa.s appointed to act as ·:Vice-President. Roll call showed all other officers present. Hells Canyon A s~·nopsis of the Regular Meeting l\Iinutes of September 12 read The AFL went on record as and liy motion approved as read.
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