1 A Special Supplement to The Wall Street Journal by Direct Selling News THE ULTIMATE SOCIAL BUSINESS MODEL !"#!"#$! $%&%&'()! *'()&'()& +'&),-! *)(+&,-)."&/001& .)//'01 2(&,-#&/0334&2"5& 2(6&7&689:;.:#& In 2010, direct selling 2)-<5<&<;)5.2& companies generated over %5::;=>&.(+6-=;5%& $125 billion in revenue in -?5)->5<&-&/@A& 150 countries through more 65).5=2&;=.)5-%5&;=& %2(.B&6);.5C than 75 million men and women who are changing lives serving others. This is the story of direct selling. $DE$FGH&!"#!2/#34/!566!7'8-'01!#9!-:)!*#;!+'&),-!.)//'01!<#(;40')8!'0!-:)!=#&/> 2 Inspiration. Leadership. Motivation. Everything the Entrepreneur Needs to Succeed THE TRUSTED MAGAZINE FOR SUCCESS ENTREPRENEURS & INTRAPRENEURS INTERVIEWS success.com/dsn Audio MP3 or CD ONLY with every issue $19.99 LIMITED-TIME OFFER SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR SPECIAL PRICING: 3 Serving the Direct Selling and Network Marketing Executive Since 2004 Contents A SUCCESS Partner Company COVER STORY Top Publicly Held Direct TECHNOLOGY The Heart of Direct Founder & CEO Stuart P. Johnson The Ultimate Social 11 Sellers Achieve Record Speed, Power, Reach 27 Selling: The Home 4 Business Model Sales and Profitability 18 by Teresa Day by Barbara Seale & John Fleming Publisher and Editor in Chief John Fleming by Katherine Ponder by Tim Blackwell Technological advances in mobile What’s the ideal home-based jfl
[email protected] Direct selling is the original social More than half of the top 12 public devices and apps, as well as business? More than 15 million Managing Editor networking business … and now companies that sell direct have in social media tools, serve to Americans think it’s direct selling.