
Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare

Funaional Integration for Solving the Schroedinger Equation


RT/FIMÀ(7$ Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare

Funaional Integration for Solving the Schroedinger Equation


1. INTRODUCTION Vesto pervenuto il 2 agosto 197) It ia well-known (aee e.g. tei. [lj - |3| ) that the infinite-diaeneional r«nctional integration ia a powerful tool in all the evolution processes toth of the type of the heat -tanefer or Scbroediager equation. Since the 'ieid of applications of integration ia rapidly increasing, it *«*ae dcairahle to study the «stood from the nuaerical point of view, at leaat in siaple caaea. Such a orograa baa been already carried out by Cria* and Scorer (ace ref. |«| - |7| ), via Monte-Carlo techniques. We use extensively an iteration aethod which coneiecs in successively squa£ ing < denaicy matrix (aee Eq.(9)), since in principle ic allows a great accuracy. This aetbod was used only tarely before (aee ref. |4| ). Fur- chersjore we give an catiaate of che error (e«e Eqs. (U),(26)) boch in Che caaa of Wiener and unleabeck-Ometein . Contrary to the cur­ rent opinion (aae ref. |13| ), we find that the last integral ia too sen­ sitive to the choice of the parameter appearing in the haraonic oscilla­ tor can, in order to be useful except in particular caaea. In this paper we study the one-particle spherically sysssetric case; an application to the three nucleon probUa is in progress (sea ref. |U| ).

St»wp«wirìf^m<'oUN)p^woMG>miutoN«i»OMtop«fl'Ht>p>i«Wi*faif»,Piijl(Mi^fcri \ptt,mt>


I*t «.(tXq^O^U) ,«.,((> <*) denote a vector-valued continuous func- tioo on the interval [Otfl|. He iapose tLs condition q(0)->x , q(B)-y. This is called a path connecting x and y. Suppose F(.) is a functional of the path q; e.g. ve vili consid­ er the particular functional 0 (1) F(q) - exp (-- I| V(q(t» dt) , 0 where V(q) is a function bounded frost belov and sufficiently regular so that the integral exists. Wiener's original idea was to sua a functional F over all paths connect­ ing x and y, weighting each path q by the differential that • particle undergoing brovnian notion will follow thr path itself.

Indeed he was able to give a rigorous sxtaning to this idea, defining:

(2) f F(Ì) dP m - f F(i) dPw (q) -

- li- (vf ^ * J ... J r^.,^^1 -£ CVt*y Idq-^.dq,,

* ' q denotes a point of Che physical space Jr. Sonatinas ve shall writ* •iayly q in place of q. * 7

where q -x , ^."y and F(q.,...,« ) is the functional F computed on a Trotter's theorsnt. Let T,» and T • V be linear operators defined on a broken curve q(t) which coincides with q(t) on the points t-j— , j>l,..,s. f*C lilbert space * ' H, all self-adjoint anJ bounded froa below. Then for all * c H and for any positive nuaber 0: Let T - - •=• A b* the quantua-nechanical kinetic energy operator, V(q) he the potential operator and H-T*V the haailtoaian of a particle of aass M. -t\ -sj - -B(T*¥) (6) lin (e * e " )" * - e * . Let now * be the g:ound-state and •. be the first excited state of the n • • particle and let E denote the energy difference between the two states. t In oar case T • - js & and V is the potential. Hence, putting Obviously we have -•I -£ a - e " e B the corresponding kernel is (3) lin e ~fiH|*> - lie •"«• P |* >, f*> c L2(tf> a - - a -• - 2 , ki - i - UHl * - £ V(i, 2e b B where E denotes the ground state energy and P is the projection oaerat- a) < ;u, > - iSiiV) • « or on the ground-state. Our nuaerical nethod consists in ccaputing e for 0 sufficiently large 'e.g. such that 0AE*1O), and then using the ap­ Froa (6), (7), the Feynaaa-Kac f omul J (5) follows easily; indeed: proximation suggested by the L.H.S. of (3)

(8) < x, •"*" J > - lin < i,a0y > - n •*• ~ (*) E„--TU» - * m * m +~ -• >2 - lin J ...J .-< ^ >d^1...dqn

4 >oC the where < •» *>2 " '* "">** product in the Hilbert space iV). Fuaccioiul integration enable* us to compute the kernel < x,e y > , aad asking use of (7) one has unly to notice that I e J ~ • 3 'SB j-l *,ye /? corresponding, to the operator e by nwans of the Tiji—n Kac formula: COM verges alaost everywhere to F(q) because of Leaesgue's bounded con- vergeace tbeorea. la order to canjiiira a "*B for large 0 we are faced with - W = (5) < x, e y>- J F(q) «P„fT<«) Che aaaarical pro*lea of coapatiag large powers of the operator A. where F is the functional considered in (1). An alternative way of computing the kernel (5) is offered by Trotter's f omnia; ** Tmttr't forswla noMfoader aer* general condition* (see ref. [3] , [•) 9. my. • •

Choosing for instance outers a of the type i, -earn caa iterate the cedute of squaring the operator A: "~ a """2a 3 (ID ^ "" a " e [-J(T*^ (lr[v.[T.vll.yTp[T,v]iK..]

2 2 2 2 (9) A* "* - (... (A ) ) the L.I.S. ia a eelf-adjoint operator which differs from A only by • times higher order tema. Let na coaaider the "error1* For instance with • • 8, tbe equivalent faactioaal iategratioa ia faraala (2) is over a space with 256 dimensions, which has beea scovasi to ha vary accurate in anst cases. U2) --Jr[MM.]» n[*-r».»l] We have considered only the case of a spherically symmetric potential: v(q) - V<|qf ). Let P be tb* projection operator oa the ayaaatric e-eta T r r—UI te. We can replace the original Hilbert space L (JO by the svbepece * *l • »r " r 7 h " *** ««•««•»••• 2 3 P L (R ), and the operator A by P AP . Of coarse the gravai state of o 2 o o the system belongs to f L (/?"). Therefore it is safficiest to know the Straightforward coapntations show that kernel corresponding to the operator

(11 (*)2 P e " P - e " P «£>'»-4 r dr* dr* dr o o o

One can obtain such a kernel integrating the expression «ap I - **~3r This "error" aaat he with T • V (saa Ea.(U)). Since we are in­ 1 Peff 24 a2 terescad ia the state a of the systaa, wa take the expectation (where 6 " „ ~g> °**T cn* angles between the vectors a and y. Mara g{{ value of hath a precisely, one can average over the Bear of the rotatioa grana. ia the atate a ; aa obtain the condition The result is: o cu) (J )2 < *_.!• (i-t r - r<*>- ( 1 )2 | * > « i2E < *,* >

2 (10) K(x,y) - < x.PAPv >- \- Crjrff) -L " - • la ardar ta abtain a estiaate of the L.I.S. of I*.(14) it is pos­ -ar where, of course, x • |xj and y • I yi , sible to aamrnai—ra a aith a faactiaa of the farà r e with a* ^. Oar calculation is parforaai according to the facaala (f) where ids» her» nel ia given by (10). Siacc • ia finita the rasale cannot ha exact. Ha lb atfaciala, aaa caa alaaya a • 2* aafficiaatly large ia each a disci'ss now briefly the Magnitude of tat error. way «let (1*) ia netieffed. , aa aa anali aaa, • ia ••••ill' by fallowing ref. [5] a* have, osiag the iahsr aaeaserif fonala:

/*&tjH.i>,:- rJ«»i. '•r.r'M'0~',Ì^.Ì'é*Ì r. ?,,**• W'i"f .%*.'• «-» I- 11


The first problem faced is the choice of the integration interval [o,LJ. which must contain the region where the radial wave-function is appre­ ciably different from zero. We solve the radial Schroedinger equation for a zero energy virtual state:

(15) (xy(x))" • \

The integration interval [O,L] has been chosen as being twice the pre- ceeding estimate. A guess for the number of bound states is given by (see e.g. [io] p.89)

(16) ^ f /- MM dx

•m CD rounded to the nearest integer. The upper bound M for the integration of equation (15) and for the eva­ luation of the integral (16) must be chosen in such • way that for x > M, V (x) » 0. r 1.0 It«lt ZIA— — m torn si iu

11.25 H 14 116 12 13

The number N of base points which decompose the integration interval a way that both inequalities (19 and (15) are roughly satisfied. Hence, must be gre/.t enough so that the halt-width /B .. of gaussian (10) con in the case m • 8, we have

tains about six points, making the numerical integration sufficiently accurate; therefore (20) - —*£!

(17) '6ef f > 6 L/N where » • — . Experience has already been made so that N is the maximum N „m-2 storage dimension. To determine 0 "6 2™"* we proceed as follows. -BH ff The calculation of < x, e y > is carried out, according to (9), by from che it follows that the kinetic energy (and performing m successive integrations, practically reduced to matrix tnulcj_ hence the total energy in normal bound state situations) is of the order plications (see (9)). The base points are chosed using the Causs techni­ que with 4 points,translated a sufficient number of times. —T , where R is the length of the subinterval of [O,L] where the wave- It is eisily seen, from formula (2), that the matrix representing the rune ci on is appreciably non-vanishing. kernel (10) is very small outside a band of width e along the main dia­ Therefore E * —a- . Taking into account the condition tot p gonal, where 0 initially depends on B ff and enlarges at the rate /l at each successive step. In order to take advantage of this fact, the

(18) BE Ì 5 <£, ground-state energy), matrix elements outside the band are automatically zeroed. Ve can also note that, due to the gaussian form of the kernel (2), ini­ — 6H which assures that the operator e "projects" onto the ground-state, tially -he band is narrow and sharp becoming more and more smooth during one has the repeated integrations. Therefore we must perform the first integrat­ 8 E • i ì 5 ions with a rather large amount of bas« points, which become unnecessary ° R* in the last calculations. To save computer time we halve the number of points at a suitably chosen so that step; so the old gaussian coefficients for the integration become obso­ lete. We are facing the problem of integrating a function known at cer­ (19) 'eff tain points different from the usual Gauss base-points. The following well known formula for finding the new weights has been used: which is approximately equal to 1/4 for • • 8. The inequalities (1 3 and (15) give lower bound* for 0 . Since Che rtU- (21) H. *— If "2zis1L dx j-1 n. tioh e 'n e " e M « « is precise only lot small 0 y'Cxj) J x-y3 (see Eq. (14)), it is reasonable to take B as small as possible» in such 14 15


(22) y(x) - n (x-x.) meters a new estimate of the length of che interval in which the wave- j-o J function differs appreciably from zero is given: then the entire process is repeated. With 2 or 3 iterations we obtain satisfactory resu1ts for and where the x.'s are affine images of n consecutive base points on the all tested potentials, using about 3D sec. of coopuCer cime for Che IM interval [~l,l] (see e.g. [ll] ) 360/75 of Cenerò di Calcolo dei CKEN di Bologna.

integration range

fig. 1 old band width (A) 2 new band width (A )

rror affected zone

matrix A

Due to the fact we have approximated an integration of an infinite inter- vai by a finite matrix multiplication the kernel K 2 , obtained after the first integration, is affected by an error in the low-diagonal elements as shown in fig.l. Hence we are forced to chore the integration range as large as possible, to avoid chat the error affects all aacrix elements after a few iterations of the "matrix squaring". This effect is obviously reduced by the presence of « strongly bounding potential: for this reason the free-particle case leads to less accurate results than the bound case.

At the end of this process, once Che "matrix" < x,e y > is obtained, by means of formula (4) wc calculate the ground-stace energy E and Ch< wave function if/ . from * we compute < x > , < x 2 > ; using Chase para' 17


A possible way of avoiding the difficulties due to the spreading of the error (see fig.l) is described in ref. [13 ]. This method consists in adding and subtracting to the Hamiltonian H • - A • V an harmonic osci 2 2 lator term u r , considering the new Green-function

2 2 e( A+L1 r V2 (23) < x, e " " > y > - (w/2ir sinh(2«B))

*) 9 — — exp { - j coth(2w6) (x +y ) +u cosech (2u6) x • y }

2 ano the new potential V* - • V- w r 2 ; Trotter's formula holds with this different splitting of the Hamiltor.ian. Kirthermore one makes a si milarity transformation on the op.rator (2 3) by means of the formula

w 2 0/ . 2 2. w 2 - "rr -e(-At-) r ) 7 r (24) Sp-e"8 e * e e * which gives

- f (*2-y2> . - e<-A'«2r2) w6 (25) < J.K^y > - e e < 18 19

The kernel (25) is well-known in statistical as the "Uhle£ beck-Ornstein Cteen function". It gives rise to a randoa process, but with smaller mean and variance (see ref. [l3],fig.2). Therefore it seems suitable to solve our problem. As in section 2, we consider only spherically symmetric potentials; in K > order to obtain the kernel corresponding to the operator P FP' ** integrate over the angles between x and y. The result is 5. NL*ERICAL RESULTS

1) Wiener integral. ,-3,2 e„B K'x- VFPV> The subsequent results are obtained by squaring 8 times the original -4«fl 4xv 1- matrix, which corresponds to taking the 256 power in Trotter's fojr mula (6), and are compared with analogue results obtained by diffe­ rent methods available in the literature. - ,,*.-„ -_2wS\2 / ^ -2u8^2 u(x e W(X e (, p) 1 gXp y >_ - exp " V L (a) Saxon-Wood's potential V(x)—V (l+exp(~ " >" -4wfi 1 1 - e -A«e o a where V « 350 MeV , p « 1.25 • (ll)l/3 f , a - 0.53 f o However, the advantages of the Uhlenbeck-Ornstein over the Wiener inte­ (~) fi E our result E Lovitch result gral are bounded by the fact that the "error tens" (see Eq. (12)) is o o rapidly increasing with u> . Substituting V -• V and T •+ T' - -L*u 2r 2 9.164 MeV -273.309 MeV -273.302 MeV in Eq. (12) the error becomes:

(b) sq are well potential , „ ,d2V 2, d4V (26) 12 D' ,dV.2 .42 E (—) - 4H r V e o dr r dr dr o -6.25 2.46 -1.7 Of course this term vanishes when V(r) • w2 r 2 . -11.10 2.41 -5.6 -W6.00 1.28 -977.3 Suitable values of u (i.e. values making < 4> ,D'+ > small) can improve o o the accuracy of the method. However in practice it is not easy to find such values, since * is not known a priori and D' is strongly dependent 0 Private communication on w due to the term 4w2 r 2 . 2i 20

-c x ve) Exponential potentialI V(xV(x) - - V e where t-l o

E our result E o o f")

6 24.35 -0.2035 -0.2024 8 12.70 -0.5270 -0.5265 10 8.64 -0.9528 -0.9526 12 6.55 -1.458 -1.458 REFERENCES 14 5.30 -2.027 -2.027 [ 1 ] R.P. Feynman and A.R. Hibbs, Quantua Mechanics and Path , 16 3.87 -3.318 -3.318 1965. 20 3.41 -4.026 -4.026 2 ] I.M. Cel'fand and A.M. Yagloa. J. Math. Phys. l_, 48 (1960) .4 2.84 -5.5*4 -5.543 3 ] E. Nelson, J. Math. Phys. 5,, 332 (1964) 4 ] R.C. Storer, Phys. Rev. 176, 326 (1968) 5 ] fi.C. Criaa and R.C. Storer, J. Coap. Phys. 4_, 230 (1969) 2) Uhlenbeck-Ornstein integral 6 ] R.C. Cria» and R.C. Storer, J. Coap. Phys. 5, 350 (1970) We report here the results for potential as in I), (c) 7 ] R.C. Cria» and R.G. Storer, J. Coup. Phys. _7, 134 (1971) 8 ] M. Reed and B. Siaon, Methods of Modern Matheaatical I: V 8 « E Functional Analysis, 1972 6 40.0 0.4 -0.201 9 ] P.M. Morse and Ferhbach, Methods of Theoretical Phuiics, 1953 8 7.2 1.7 -0.529 10| A. Messiah, Mechanique quantique, 1969 ir 15.0 1.7 -0.949 11] M. Mineur, Techniques de Calcul Nuaf.rique, 1966 12 3.7 3.12 -1.46 12] L. Lovitch and S. Rosati, Nuovo Ciaento 63 b, 355 (1969) 24 1.5 7.248 -5.56 13] A. Siegel and T. Burke, J. Math. Phys. l±, 1691 (1972) 14] G. Fano, Coaaunication presented at the International Syaposiua in Nuclear Physics, Roat, September 1972