Gauge Symmetry Breaking in Gauge Theories—In Search of Clarification Simon Friederich
[email protected] Universit¨at Wuppertal, Fachbereich C – Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Gaußstr. 20, D-42119 Wuppertal, Germany Abstract: The paper investigates the spontaneous breaking of gauge sym- metries in gauge theories from a philosophical angle, taking into account the fact that the notion of a spontaneously broken local gauge symmetry, though widely employed in textbook expositions of the Higgs mechanism, is not supported by our leading theoretical frameworks of gauge quantum the- ories. In the context of lattice gauge theory, the statement that local gauge symmetry cannot be spontaneously broken can even be made rigorous in the form of Elitzur’s theorem. Nevertheless, gauge symmetry breaking does occur in gauge quantum field theories in the form of the breaking of remnant subgroups of the original local gauge group under which the theories typi- cally remain invariant after gauge fixing. The paper discusses the relation between these instances of symmetry breaking and phase transitions and draws some more general conclusions for the philosophical interpretation of gauge symmetries and their breaking. 1 Introduction The interpretation of symmetries and symmetry breaking has been recog- nized as a central topic in the philosophy of science in recent years. Gauge symmetries, in particular, have attracted a considerable amount of inter- arXiv:1107.4664v2 [physics.hist-ph] 5 Aug 2012 est due to the central role they play in our most successful theories of the fundamental constituents of nature. The standard model of elementary par- ticle physics, for instance, is formulated in terms of gauge symmetry, and so are its most discussed extensions.