Woods official seeks to honor Detroit mayor By Jim Sllckford Fahrner "All too ollen DetrOIt Archer rephedJokmgly that no ness clJmate wlthm the cIty Staff Writer and Its suburbs have been at lOti oductlOn was needed, and resultmg m the Increase E\ en bod) 1Jkes to be told odds. I thought It would be Fahrner was one of the few of property value" and the \\hen they are dOIng a good nIce to do somethIng to let Mr Democrats m Grosse Pomte locatIOn and relocatIOn of busI- I(.b ,l11dGrosse Pomte Woods Archer know that there IS sup- Whlle that might be an ness establIshments Within c'llll1l1lmember Thomas port for an Improved DetrOIt exaggeratIOn, Fahrner the cIty of DetrOIt" ~Jhll1er want" the Woods to out In the suburbs" thought It would be a good The Woods councd approved rllOh'1l11C the Job bemg done by Fahrner said he got the Idea Idea to let Archer know he has the proclamatIOn at Its Jan 15 Dt t IOil mayor Dennis Archer when he met Archer at the support 10 Grosse Pomte meelmg "Thl" I" Ju"t a good- I proposed presentmg a NatIOnal League of CitIeS con- Woods, at least WIll gesture meant to reflect prOL lamatlOn to mayor Archer vent IOn held m Phoenix last The proclamatIOn com- t hat the Woods IS behind Mr fOi the fine work he's done for month Someone was mtroduc- mends Archer for 'hi" efiol ts Archer and his efTorts," "ald till' lIty of Detroit," said mg Fahrner to Archer when that are Improvmg the bus). Fahrner

Your Community Newspaper . -"'" ~ "'----. Grosse Po.D News Vol. 57, No.4 42 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 Home Delivery 56( • Newsstand 75( January 25, 1996 Pointe population Thursday, Jan. 25 The Milk River Intercounty Dram Board dips, but jobs may meets at 1 30 p m. m the Grosse Pointe Woods mumc- Ipal bUilding, 20025 Mack Plaza. The public is welcome bOOIn through 2020 to attend. A star is By Chip Chapman of their homes, manufacturer's Saturday, Jan. 27 StaffWnter representatIves, finanCial con- born! By 2020, there will be fewer sultants, etc " The Grosse Pomte North of us hving m Grosse POinte, Rogers said that some of the In and Grosse Pointe South fact. more than however, more people will be people counted in the report 200 babies varsIty hockey teams WIll are celebs in workmg here could also have offices ouunde week's special sec- face ofT at 7 30 p.m. in the this This IS accordmg to a study their homes. City Ice Arena in Detroit. tion, Babies or 1995. developed by SEMCOG (the The Shores, which ha" no Throughout the supple- Southeast MIchIgan CounCil of busmess dlstnct, IS expected to Sunday, Jan. 28 also ment and on pages Governments) The report, see a 34 percent mcrease m SAand IB in the regular St. Paul Catholic School, "2020 ReglOnal Development people workmg In the commu- 170 Grosse Pomte paper there are special Forecast," says that the seven- mty SEMCOG estimates that articles and advertise- Boulevard, Grosse Pomte county reglOn comprising 429 people now work m the Fanns, hosts an open house ments concerning southeastern MIchigan wIll Shores, WIth 147 more expect- from 11 a m to 1 p m to babies and parenting. gam 13 percent more people ed by 2020 kick off the week-long obser- This is one of our and 18 percent more jobs over SEMCOG used figures from vance of CatholIc Schools most popular promo- the next 25 years the 1990 census along With Week. tions. Check it outl The five Grosse Pomtes face numbers prOVided by MESC a collective 6 percent drop m (the MIchigan Employment Monday, Jan. 29 populatIOn between now and Security CommlsslOn) to med- The Grosse Pomte Public 2020, according to the report, sure changes since 1990 School System holds a blood Park OKs Beaconsfield parking but the percentage of people SEMCOG's forecast is pub- dnve 10 memory of Nancy workmg m Grosse POinte is hshed every five years, With a By Jim Stlckford request, but two weeks later the plan last year, and the Salam as, the late prmcipal projected to chmb almost 30 25-year planmng hOrIzon, to Staff Wnter voted to rescmd that approval counCil finally conSidered of Kerby Elementary School, percent durmg that penod use as the baSIS for SEMCOG's Thc Grosse POInte Park City in the face of neighborhood whether or not to approve It "The commUnIties (of Grosse regional plannmg work, partic- frDm 2 to 7.45 p.m. In Rooms Monday mght 1.02 and 103 or Barnc:, CounCIl deCided to settle the oppOSitIOn to the plan Pomte) are baSically fully- ularly ItS transportatIOn plan- matter on~e l\r.d for all When Beaconsfield resldent~ told The counCil also approved a school, 20090 Motnlhgtllde, bUIlt," sa1C~Jim Rogers, data nIng; for local commumtles In its members unanImously GroBse Pomte Woods. the counCil that outdoor service suggestion by the city planning center manager for SEMCOG their own long.range planmng approved buildmg a parking Donors can Sign up m was too big an mtruslOn of a commiSSIOn that Beaconsfield "The regIOn, overall, WIll see a actIVities, and by the private lot at the mouth of Mack and advance m any school hUlld- business into a reSidential rem am a two-way street Last 5 percent decrease m the num- sector m market analysis and Beaconsfield. ing, the community educa- neighborhood The council fall the city made the 1400 ber of households With chl!- plannmg The decision made Monday asked city officials to come up block of Beaconsfield one-way tIOn office at Barnes or at dren - there wIll be fewer peo- The first forecast was 10 the was the result of a request filed the superintendent's office Wlth some sort of plan that for a couple of weeks to mea- ple per household It's enough late 1960s, after SEMCOG was last June by local tavern owner at 389 St. ClaJr m the City of would satisfy both mterests sure traffic flows and get public to drop the populatIOn In InItially formed Marge DePuys She requested Grosse Pomte. CIty manager Dale KraJmak reactIOns Grosse Pomte We're seemg that councIl permit outdoor consulted with city engIneers The result was a large stablhty m the housing stock "The first forecast was over service outSide Marge's Bar for and came up WIth a plan that mcrease m traffic on the two With a shrinking of the popula- optimIstiC," Rogers said "The the duratIOn of the NHL would bul1d a parking lot at the adJacent streets, Nottmgham tlOn It's been happenmg for a regIOn changed from a growing Tuesday, Jan. 30 Stanley Cup series mouth of Mack and and Lakepomte, which dId not few decades" auto-based economy and began The counCil, recognlzmg Beaconsfield The city owns a please residents on those On the employment Side, to face global competitIOn No The Grosse Pomte Sunrise Marge's as one of DetroIt's best small empty lot next to the streets Beaconsfield residents Rotary IS holdmg a blood Jobs m the Pomtes are expect- one beheved how tough thmgs hockey bars, approved her Mack entrance to Beaconsfield also told the plannmg commis- ed to increase substantially, would be drIve from 1.30 to 730 pm request The plan calls for thiS lot to be sIOn that one-way traffic made from 11 7 percent In the Woods "It has taken two decades for m the City of Grosse Pomte Outdoor service proved so made mto the new street access to Mack InconvenIent to 64 percent 10 the Park the economy to be restructured successful that DePuys went Park muruclpal hUlldmg, entrance Pubhc support for the park. "Most of the Jobs are servIce and become strong agam Our back to the councll in July and 15115 E Jefferson Call Traffic entermg or eXitIng mg lot plan was strong oriented," Rogers saId. "There prevIOus forecasts have been asked for pennlSSlOn to make Penny Carettl at (313) 822- the street would then have to Beaconsfield reSident Ruth IS a broad defimtlOn of servIce close, espeCially at the regIOnal 3535 to make an appoint- outdoor service permanent go around the new parking lot Jobs, from people who work out and county levels" The council approved the Pubhc heanngs were held on ment See BEACONSFIELD, page 2A INSIDE 1990 2020 % Change Opmion 6A Schools 1OA City 5,862 7,768 +32.5 Senwrs 14A Farms 5,501 7,270 +32.2 Autos 15A Park 2,216 3,635 +64.0 Obttuanes 17A Busmess 18A Shores 429 576 +34.3 Entertamment 7B Woods 5,806 6,484 +11.7 Sports 1C Show House Source SEMCOG Classtfied ads. . .5C This home at 340 Lake- land in tbe City of Grone Pointe bas been selected as the Junior League of Detroit 1996 Designers' POINTER OF INTEREST Show House. Tbe 9,400-square-foot bome was built in 1931. Fred Renaud Co-sponsored by tbe Home: Grosse Pomte Farms Ford Motor Co. and Nord- strom, the Show House Age: 86 will be open from May 4- 25. Sneak-A-Peek Week- News can appear one Family: Wife, Margaret, end, before the bome is one son. two daughters, day and be gone lhe decorated by more than next But the paper 25 of tbe metro areas top four grandchildren, and news IS pllnted on can two great.grandchl1dren design firms, is Feb. lO- and should live on ll. The home will be open lost year more than Claim to fame: Worked u<: from nOODto 4 p.m. each one third of all U S day. Tickets are 99 cents an engineer for Gro<:se newsprint was recycled POInte pubhc schools for at tbe door. Advanced And thaI number IS 40 years May growlnq every day tickets for tbe sbow- ing are $12 in advance Quote: "My ancestors took Recycling A and $15 at the door. can IS the one .. ~ tbe Junior League at (313) squatters rIghts on land way we can ,.., In Grosse Pomte In 1796.' 881-0040. all give some hod Photo by Thea L Walk... tiling bock ThenReevcle See story, page 4A

I nil OlHAI : SH2-0294 • I1ISI'I AY AI>VERflSIN(;; l'{H2<~SnO • CI.ASSIHII>' Kl'{!-hl/OO • (m( III A lION: .14:V:;';77 • PROlllJ("I ION: HH2-h0911

I , • L ;5QjtUZi~---::~ • ~- ....'!"'''''';:-~..:a:...c.....:-''-o:t'''''''' F •• ;"" __"J1td'~-r~=l"".i7"tJ'!( .... ,.. }1t "'to. ",.t$'-.~~.5utd t) • (""-~ r ~ ~_.- ...... ",,~- lI'''' ....-..lIo".,. I ---.!:..:t.. __ ~ January 25, 1996 2A News Grosse Pointe News ~esterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week Comml<;<;lOn Bus servJ('e IS tlOn of the polIce and fire • A gang of unruly "half- threatened unle"", expense" are departments collect half the h'lown" boys m the Park cause cut and revenue mcreased number of Slb'TIatUles required the removal ofa bu::, sheltel on • 8t John Hospital for a ballot petItIOn the ::,outh Side of Jefferson after announces the con;,tructlOn of they repeatedly steal light a new $350,000 IntenSive Care UnIt, whIch IS part of St John's 5 years ago this week bulbs, tra"h the place and • Gro,,:,e Pomte Cable bills wnte obscenities on the walls $2 million 1971 expansIOn and development program Macomb County $18,493 45 for • The school board 'otes expenses mcuned when a .,alt unammously to seek a 5-mlll • The school board sets Mdrch 15 ab the day voters Will truck knocked down a Comcast mcrease March 1 for erectmg optIC trunk hne Dec 30 new school buddmgb and hir- deCide whether to renew 224 mIll", which If approved may • A 33-year-old Allen Park Ing more teachers The board's man IS found guilty m the ,-ulldll I.-VIl"LILutlUllai lIlIIJL I::, "tll] "1"''''1 c',t" ''1 the' ~ch['(\l'" progl ams and staff because of shootmg death at a 42-year-old 15 mills Park woman, who was said to • After debatmg long and cost ImutatJOns of Public Act 100 passed by the LegJslature be hiS gJrlfnend earnestly, the Grosse POinte • Grosse POinte Cable moves City council renews FrancIs mto ItS new headquarters In Lemmer's permit to operate a 10 years ago this week the old Hood Sail bUlldmg at restaurant on Fisher RlIad .. • In less than a week, Park CharleVOIX and Wayburn In the Lemmer closed his restaurant firefighters ;,eekmg a referen- Park for three years whIle he served dum opposing the consohda- -John Mznms 10 the Coast Guard In renewing Lemmer's per- mit for the popular teenager hangout, the council stipulated Not a bombing - just plain nostalgia no Jukebox musIc after mld- elly of ~ctrfl.er ~.o.o.hs Michigan mght and that the place be Perusing an old album, this picture, from a series of those taken during the con. closed by 1 a m and cleared WAYNE COUNTY. MICHIGAN SYNOPSIS: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING struction of the Grosse Pointe News office, brought back memories of the old days. out by 130 am JANUARY 15,1996 No crowding here. The background - now jammed with a municipal parking lot and • Farms polIce chief Joseph residences - in those days rather resembled a portion of a golf course. The year Trombley announces hiS retire- Th.= n=~ul:Jr CLl) Coune I mC'eling 1/W::l.5 , .. lied to onkrb) M.ayor Pro lem Cbcr)1 COOJiI;1Jllmo:lJ 7 1(1 PM was 1944. The Old Elm still stands sentinel. (Grosse Pointe News photo Jan. 28. ment, effectIve March 1, after ItOLL lALL ....11CQulX'"Llpersorn. \loen' prest"nl e.lOccpl \-favor Pala,l1olo 1971) 26 years of servIce MOTtO"l PASSED ~:~~~:~~eM~;~~~~ fj~l~~o:~1 ~~~ 1~:~'~;~;u~tl~~ ~~:~~t~~;~~rh:tdlbn U3t'j \ 1996 :uld lhe SPCClal C I)' Counul 101«1 n.g bc:W J.3nl,W)' g 19% 1) To ctwlgc-lhc: FtbnJary 21 [996 el[) loom.1I metllng I'v:fCby ad)OO1TX'd aI 25 years ago this week 811pm

• Lake Shore Coach Lines RESOLUTIONS PASSFD Inc., which serves the POinte I) To .3ppro\'C 1!Ie foll0\l0108 Items. 00 the- Consent Agend3 State Sen. Joe Young Jr. joins I) Appro~e the Accounts P:lyabh: hSllng f(lr CDed: 4109'\ throua:h 41240 In the ilmounl Numbe:n or and St Clair Shores, again S"iS'; '\6'; 07:1S submlllcd by the elly M~ ntld ell)' Conlroller and rurther authonlr the Mayor l\I'Id C 1)' Ckrt.. 10 sign LDe r SllnB 2) R«eIVC and file ror .Il~dll t"'c Cash :llld Tre2SUret s. Rcpons fM the monlh of faces finanCIal woes, despIte IJrecenW.,- 1991 soomlltt'd by the Treasurt1 1) AN'!rovt ltlt P'lyme.nt to the M:.comb COUI1l)'L~br.w) 1ft the ..moom ofsr 98417 rOrlDe pun..has.c or books for lhe H~r Woods. Library 4) ApproH: payment In.the fare Increases granted by the ilmourll of H 181 8' 10 Lhe' L'br3lY NC1work (or lhe monthly book ilUldse""I~C sub~cnp[lOtl :and the- appropriations COlllDlittee MichIgan Pubhc Service fhbl ogrnphK. Aulomat:lon <:hargcs 5) Appro\~ pAyment n lhe ;unoum of S6 'iO" 00 10 Vcnyss InL rOf" lhe annual rorrwilt'l: i1l1dh.ardw.a.re In;llnteniU\l,.c ,agreement n:oc"''j)j 6} Appro~t p;lymclLlln the ounounl o( I :no "1S 10 M L~llg.. n Ml.InlcJpar Ll ..b I Iy & Propcrt}/ Pool ror the tkdocllble on OUf Ilabllll) por 9 roo 1nSUr.ltlCC State Spn Joe Young Jr, assIgnment because that com- dcduc1 Nt c1,1i In tti7497 whose 1st DistrICt covers the mittee holds the purse strIngs Grosse Pomtes, Harper Woods of state government," Young and part of northeast DetrOit, Beaconsfield l bft') I <.onstarlttno. M3) or Pro lem saId "State servICes to the pub- G PN.!fheCOOllttt10n JI2SI96 has been aSSIgned a seat on the hc can either flOUrIsh or Wither state Senate Committee on done and die accordIng to what kInd From page 1A ll-'lJl /11/11/1lb. ".1 ApproprIations. 1m 'tzt time of appropnatlOn they are II! 11111/ b"lIl1! 4",1)11/ I:, It Jlltb Ilh I~{1II1/!111 d.r,ll11/l1l11J1i{ He pomted out that recent 1'011 loped 1'(}1Jr Young, a DetrOit Democrat, gIven I Will fight hard to see Gibson echoed the sentiments o Il/N/IllJIJJI/' II! lilt //I/{'.'I/I l~u!J ( /1/1" 1/1111 i~I~rldll 1/1 was also gJven aSSIgnments on that the servIces Michigan CItI- of many of her neighbors when traffic studies by the cIty bathrtj(}1n ? Iii. /,011

& tlllIl Your BABY! And Not One Cent More Equipment iI \ WII/ flll/d '1/111 11111111'"1/11 If ,I'S lime for your "baby" 10 leave home. donale lhat precIOUS old eat. truck WE DELIVER or boat to Volunteers of Amenca. HERALD WHOLESAlE Donating IS sImple. fa.'I and easy GIfts 884..0520 qualIfy as w-dedUCllble contnoot,OIIS for lbose who Item,ze Rece,pts Issued Volunteers of Amenca has been 16734 E. Warren serving SOIltheasl Mlchlgan's needy SInce Detroit, MI 48224 1897 Fund denved fron, your vehICle can house a homeless moIher and her chIldren ,n our !ranslIIOIIal hou'lng program for al least a mOllIh or mon: For more Information, call (810) 373-9000

Gr~ Point~ N~ws elf's (USPS 230-400) SINCE 1900 Published every Thursday By Anteebo Publishers 17140 KERCHEVAL 96 Kercheval Avenue GROSSE POINTE, MI Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 PHONE: 882-6900 S«ond Cia .. Paslage paid a' £H1rOlt Michigan a"ld .addllronal mOlding STOCK REDUCTION SALE oHkes Sull'cnpllon Ral'" 529 pt'r y"ar via ma,1 SJ5001-o1"a'" POST,v.A5T£R ~ addr",. chango. FINAL DAYS 10 Gro"" POln,o Now. 96 ",0 other Closing Costs. Points, Appraisal, kf'f'CMval Gr01o~ POinte- Farm~ MI 48236 Appliration. Pri"ate Mortgage Insurance nO' deadl,,,,, for news copy " Monday noon to ItlSU re-Insef1lon (PMI) F('el;or other hidden costs-period! Adwrt",ng cOj>y /a< S«lIon "Il" mu" SAVE be ,n ,he advertiSIng Ihrllll~hnlli mrtrnlw,hlan r"'trOll.l.an,m~. !l.alamazoo ami T1le Gtooe Poo"", News ~ the nghl AND ACCESSORIES r.or 10 Keep( an advt'rtlse'r S ordtot Cortrac1 Ralfl' and Ann Jal Percentag:? Rate (APR) based on a $50 OCIOloan lor 120 months Gros", Poo"", News adve1l ""8 ~ WIth Interest and pnnClpal paymer;5 of $580 28 per month Property Insurance required L08ns • Navy blazers not oncluded subJoct 10 e'ed f approval O!!er ava,labie onty on owner occupied slflQle lam,1y 'esldences S

I January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Park gets SEV estimate for 1996 from Wayne County assessor

By Jim Stlckford that hIgher property values (SEV) aSSigned to these prop- Staff may mean higher property valued, KraJmak said As. the city Will be higher or low- Writer ertIes," said Park cIty man- to a particular piece of proper- There's good news and bad taxes But even that news IS sessors get an Idea of what er than others It's the city as- ager Dale KraJnlak "ThiS ty wlll be below the worth of news for Grosse POinte Park mitIgated by the fact that property IS worth In a particu- sessor's Job to determme how IS done because the state re- that property, KraJniak said lar neIghborhood and how thiS Increase IS spread out residents concerning theIr thanks to Proposal A, taxable qUITes county equahzatlOn That changes when the prop- property values are among neIghborhoods" property values. assessments can't rise faster departments to make Sure erty IS sold Once that hap. changing ThiS year the But because of Proposal A, The good news IS that, ac- than the cost.of.livlng _ un- mumClpahtles keep SEVs ac. pens, the tax rate IS allowed cordmg to the latest estimate less the property changes curate" county office's preliminary which was approved by voters to catch up to the SEV. by the Wayne County Assess- hands. figures show reSIdential prop- a couple of years ago, proper- Th e SEV IS used to deter- "These Increases are less ment and Equahzatlon Dl\ i "Ll1..h Ytlur the countY'!l as- ~,.t) up 3 67 percent Commcr ty t!lx(>q ("1'1 or.]y bO up 83 IIlllle how much property tax thufl Jon 'pr~\-!ou::,. 'y~ars," salU Slon, property values in the sessment office compares the clal property IS up 3.06 per- much as the rate of mflatlon, IS owed by property owners KraJmak "But we view this cent whIch is expected to be below city should rise over 3 per- sale price of commercial and ThiS is done by companng as a posItive reflection that "Of course this is an aver- 3 percent cent for 1996. reslden tial property to the the sale pnce of a piece of property values In the Park age," said Krajmak "Some As long as inflation IS The bad news, of course, IS state equalized valuation property against Its stated continue to rise and continue values In different areas of low, property taxes aSSIgned to hold their value" G.P. Woods officials decry tax figures used in a recent Detroit News article By Jim StiCk ford News reporters got their fig- Staff Writer ures," said Woods comptrol- News people compared school cluded the MIlk River mill- some questions about how of a $33 million retentIOn ba- ler Cliff Maison. "But when I and city property taxes for age in theIr calculations, so The News came up With the sm In 8t. Clan Shores. Grosse Pointe Woods may- saw those figures, I knew three years, 1993, 1994 and It appeared that the city figures they did," said Nov- or Robert Novltke has one there was some sort of mis- 1995. They did this for a raised the millage rate from itke."1 had those same ques. thing to say about some tax take. I know for a fact that large number of communl- 1292 mills to 16.30 mills, tions. 1 understand that mis- The prOject IS operated by millage figures that recently the millage rate charged by ties in and around Detroit. said Maison. takes are made, but I would the Milk River Intercounty appeared in The Detroit to the city went down between But they miscalculated when "The city's millage in 1995 like to let Woods reSIdents ~raJn Board, and Woods om- News - they aren't true. 1994 and 1995." they got to the Woods" was 12.89 mills," said Mai- know that we have worked clals had no say in how the According to a chart that After calling The News, Maison said that the figure son. "That's a slight de- very hard to keep millage problem was addressed or appeared in section C of the Maison learned that when for 1993, 15.58 mIlls, lnclud- crease from 1994. It's not un- rates down. The Woods only how much money was spent Wednesday, Jan. 17, edition newspaper staffers put togeth. ed the special Milk RIVer til you add In the 1995 Milk collects the Milk River mill- on the retention basin, said of the newspaper, Grosse er their chart, they failed to millage, which in 1993 was River millage of 3.46 mills age on behalf of Wayne Novltke. Pointe Woods residents saw do so in a consistent 3.08 mills. that the figure of 1630 mills County" their property taxes go from manner. But for 1994, said Malson, IS reached." Novltke said that the Milk "We act just as a collection 12.92 mills in 1994 to 16.30 "The story was about how The News did not include the (Actually 3.46 added to River project was mandated agency for the intercounty mills in 1995 - a considera- Proposal A changed the prop- Milk River millage, so the 12.89 equals 16.35, not 16.30, by the state to end combined drain board," said Maison. ble increase. erty tax rates across the figure they cited, 1292 mills said Maison The figure in sewage overflows into Lake "The Woods had nothing to "I don't know where The state," Maison said. "So The was much lower. The News is off by .05.) . St. Clair. The solution chos- do with levying that But in 1995, The News in. "I knew Mr. Maison had en required the constructIOn millage." G.P. Shores crime statistics Few crime incidents in Grosse Pointe Shores for 1995 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 By Shirley A. McShane hood watch." o o The majoTlty of part.two systems appear to be deter- o o o Staff Writer Part one crimes are classi. o o 1 crimes reported in the Shores ring burglars and motorists o o Same story, different year. fied as the most violent of. o o o o were domestic situations and are using their cellular o The annual crime statis. fenses; part-two crimes are o o o o 1 DUlL arrests. In fact, OUIL phones to report incidents as tics for 1995 were as predicta- the less violent offenses 3 2 4 4 7 arrests are on the rise, Healy they see them, enabling po- ble as in previous years for Each year law enforcement said. 7 11 7 20 12 lice to respond Immediately Grosse Pointe Shores, and agencies compile their crime o 2 1 o o "When the state rust o o that's the way village offi- statistics and submit them to passed the new drunk driv- o o o cials hke it the FBI to be included in its totals 10 15 1 3 24 20 ing laws, people took it sen- ar- Ibinu NtWi The village had 10 part.one annual Uniform CTlme Re- ously and now it would ap- CREATIVE SERVICES Part 2 crimes last year, three inci- port pear that people have a lax at- & PRODUCTION dents or attempts of burglary All part-one crimes report. ravated assault 3 2 3 5 1 titude about it," Healy said COMPUTE COMPOSITION and seven reports or attempts ed last year were down from "They have forgotten how se- S!lWICES 0 0 0 1 0 of larceny. And that's the low- the prevIOUS year. Of the FR.OM CONCEPT 0 0 0 vere the penalties are and we 0 0 est number of part-one inci- three burglaries reported in To CAMERA-R.EADY 0 0 0 are here to remind them" 7 10 dents in the last five years. 1995, Healy said two of them NEED AIl.TWOIUt 5 13 8 14 Technology also can be at- FORYOUR pll.INno flEtn 21 The Shores also reported were committed by a roving 1 5 1 5 1 tributed to the lower CALLUS fewer part-two crimes in 1995 group of burglars who were (313) 882-6090 0 0 0 0 numbers, Healy said. High- 0 than in 1994 and had the sec- caught by police. 0 0 0 2 ly sophisticated home alarm 1 ond lowest number of part- 2 4 1 0 4 0 0 two offenses in the last five 0 0 0 years. 28 22 6 10 19 "We are very fortunate to 48 42 30 37 60 have such low numbers. It's 4 4 4 2 5 almost too good to be true," 3 3 4 Shores Home 5 3 said Shores public safety di. 0 0 0 0 0 rector Daniel Healy. "I think 92 103 113 147 103 everyone looks out for each 186 Design Center 198 168 237 228 other like one big neighbor. Visit our newly designed showroom Woods to test drivers for drugs with the latest in new model kitchens By Jim Stlckford said. Those tested will be said. Because each case is Staff Writer chosen at random before the different, the city has several at 22621 Harper In responDe to recently im- Young representatives make options ranging from out. Just South of Nme MIle Rd posed federal rei'llations, the their visit. right dismissal to counsel. Graue Pointe Woods City "If the tasts come up nega. ing. Council recently approved tive, then nothing happens, of "I can't say that the drivers spending $1,087 to hire a course," said Whitcher. "But are happy about having yet firm to test city drivers for if there are tests that come another federal regulation drugs and alcohol. out positive, then the city thrust on them," said Whitch. "The Omnibus Transporta. must take action." er. "But they want to keep tion Employee Testing Act What are actions taken by their hcenses, and to do that, (OTETA) went into effect at the city will depend on the in- they have to accept testing as the beginning of the year," dividual case, Whitcher part of the Job." said Woods city attorney George Catlin. "The man- date applies only to city em- ployees with commercial After Inventory driving licenses. These are the men and women who drive the big rigs, like the MOTOR CITY city's dump trucks or snow WINTER CLEARAWA plows." MODERNIZATION Catlin said that he was un- % 777.4160 aware of any legal challeng. 50 OFF es to the act. • AdditIons .Wmdows "If employees want to drive ORIGINAL PRICES* • Garages • All Types Of trucks, they must have a com- • Rec Rooms Exterior Sldmg mercial license," said on winter merchandise • Dormer~ • References A\ ail able Catlin. "In order to get the h. • Bathroom~ cense, they must submit to "DESIG:"ffiRS ORIGINAL SWEATERS 1/3 OFF random testing That's Just a • MIsses Sportswear fact of lIfe they have to live With." • Skirts • Blazers • Blouses Department of Public • Pants • Sweaters • Coats Works duector Thomas Whitcher said that the Woods employs 23 commer- claJly hcensed drivers Regu- lations wl11 requIre that 12 I fl>ennisonal drIVers be tested for l11ega I drugs In the next year, and SIX drIVers tested for alcohol 17037 Kercheval Joseph A Young and Asso- 881-5060 Ciates, the firm hlTed to do the testmg, WIJl make two surpTlse VISItS to the Woods YOU CAN ADVER'TISE TOOl garage, and test SIX employ- TO RESERVE DISPLAY ADVERTISING SPACE ees for drugs and three for al. cohol at each viSit, WhItcher CALL 882-3500 ~:i~Ji~

------....----- .. --1l!4~1!IJI.-.1'J--...... -... ,",,'...... -.. ,--...,------...... _ ..... _ ...... ,...... ~" ...... ,r ~ 1 ~ _ ---..a: 4A January 25, 1996 News Grosse Pointe News Pointer remembers Milk River, plank roads, Vernier School Fred Renaud remembers ribbon farm, about 150 feet evening It \\dS pdrt-tlme of the 1920s, 30s and 40s m Grosse Pomte In the 1920., wide at the ~hore It stretched work, ' he ~ald Grosse Pomte He recalls the and 1930;" I\hl'n LJl-e St from Ldke 5t Clall near "I u,ed to help him tile the Village when there were no Cldlr Wd., a !ro/l'n pld\gJound todJ\'" Hdmpton 'llld Ro.,lvn bollel::- We hand-»hoveled coal ;,tore» He remembers VernIer for the entlrl' \\ mtel 10<.ld., all the lId) to M<.lltel' the .,chool ::-\::-lem'" admml". and cateh the do"'-..... I had d mto the furnace" School vIvidly ("It wa", square, The l, " , tern He wOlked dt old Kerby To\',nshlp at the time''), an ld d blJdt "mLe 1 Wd., m my teens mayor's dog We caught It All d Pomt It 1\ .1::- ~()jld The lLe II a., "0 ""ml t It" e\.tl a pro uce 1\ l kid motol bOdb and Ice d I h d U/ Elementary School, and he agrees It was sa to see It torn bULLlllg \\ nh automobllc'" --{()Ill \1 r \ nlll' potdtoes and ay ong we caug togs ne wa" nIght foreman first at down had blX or eIght dogs by the Pierce JunIOr HIgh School, 'My children went to school ....,". end of the day then at Parcells JunIOr High there," he said But manv of "Wp hl11lt '1 f('nu,,, m C::l;;C :::>choolwhen It opened 111 the the old mansIOns and historIC near the cIty office and put all earl) 1950s bulldll1gs have to be demol- the dog;, m It It was a cold Along the way, he completed Ished, Simply because they day The mght was even cold. cour;,es at the PractICal School cost too much to malntam er I felt sorry fOl the dogs, out- of Engmeermg In DetrOit Rendud saId he often sees ~~ G "I couldn't sleep that nIg~t,. When Poupard Elementary old documents about rosae School opened, he worked as POll1te With varIOus spellmgs thmkmg about those poor dogs an engll1eer m the new build. of the Renaud name The out m the cold So, In the mId- ll1g InCIdentally, Poupard was street Il1 GrGsse Pomte Woods die of the nIght I got up, went named after Renaud's uncle IS not named after hIS famIly, to the office and opened the and godfather, Charles he saId, but hIS family has gate I let all the dogs go home Poupard spelled ItS name Reno, Renau, "That was the end of dog- 'When I started at Poupard, Renauld and Renaud catchIng,"smIle he saId, WIth a the bUIldIng wasn't finIshed," "When my dad went to Renaud saId "They had fallen school for the first tIme," Renaud started workmg for behmd m constructIOn, but Renaud said, "he told me that the Grosse Pomte schools by were determmed to open m hiS teacher asked him what helpmg hIS father September anyway We opened hIS name was She wrote It "My dad had a garden near h VernIer School The man who With no lockers, no electnclty, down 'Reno' and It stayed t at \ r took care of Vermer School no cellmgs, no floor tiles, only way all through his school Margaret and Fred Renaud were both bom in Grosse Pointe and have lived here all one bathroom and planks for years their lives. was gomg to retIre, so my dad sIdewalks" asked If he could take over the Job It was easy He opened the He worked seven years at "My mother said when they motorcycles, Ice boats and garden vegetables boats .. school m the mornmg; took Poupard, then went to were about to get married, she skaters .. DetrOit Margaret Renaud was born care of hIS own garden durmg Brownell JUnIor HIgh School made him correct the records, Renaud has traveled to "My dad remembers a plank m a house that was on the the day; then cleaned up the tlOnwhen It was under construc. because she wanted to know nearly every one of the 50 property where they live how to spell what was about to road to DetrOIt The market school and locked It up In the Renaud has fond memories states and several foreIgn was where CadIllac Square IS today, III Grosse POll1te Farms be her name" countnes He always returns now The toll gate for the The Renauds met when they to hIS roots - Grosse Pomte plank road charged 5 cents," were both grade-school stu- He knows all five Pointes and he saId dent;, at St Paul School and Lake St Clair hke the back of Renaud and hIS Wife, marned m 1935 They have a hiS hand because he's hved Margaret, lIved In an apart- son and a ddughter who !Ive here for 86 years ment In the Shores mUnIcIpal nearby, four grandchIldren, He retIred m 1975, after 40 buIldmg when they were new- and two great-grdndchlldren years With the Grosse Pomte Renaud worked for Grosse lyweds He has WOl ked for the Looking for ~chools He ended hiS career as Shores, the Woods (when It Pomte Shores as a hfeguard head engineer at Parcells, was called the Vl!lage of when he was a teenager Later, Poupard and Brownell schools Lochmoor) and the Grosse he worked for the Shores' Renaud was born and raIsed Pomte school system se\', age department and for a higher rate chec~ on one of Grosse POInte's ongl- Renaud remembers the Milk stove company m DetrOIt nalnbbon farms The Renaud RIver when It meandered 'When we got married, I (pronounced Ruh-NO) famIly above ground through the worked part-tIme for the IS descended from King Pomtes and the only way to VIllage of Lochmoor," he said and~? Navarre of France, he said cross It was to travel down "I did everythIng, mcluding "My ancestors took squat. Vermer, Morass, Kerby or bemg In charge of the water ter's nghts on land m Grosse Moran department and water meters You've turned to Pomte In 1796 Five years HIS falmly donated land for "One day we got the word later, lhey got a deed to the St Paul Catholic Church's that the council had decided property" first bUlldmg He attended old there were too many stray The land was a long, narrow dogs III the cIty The mayor right ~---_.- CadIeux School (now part of the wanted us to go out WIth a net

you and T H £ lHral does De/roJ! If on/hi) Ifaga~rn. ffJr \[eal Ealers. 110" 10 SOl about Champs rOSI/Hene BBQ RIbs' ROl".JIJd Many of Ihe goms real.zed In making the Cash~ement Cn'pl Drum'lll~' &. Hot SJuce air safe' to brealhe In many localilies are Checkiiig. reduced emiSSIons resultlf'lg from the ~fl1W6 for FISh FanallC'>. Clean A," Act Amendments passed '" Higher interest on higher balances LJ~e '>upenor V. hllet"h 1990 Those car owners who believe that PJ.utl~ Coho ~aJmon they are contributing 10 cleaner olr % Unlimited check-writing. Simply by virtue of driVing newer can 't.\1,. 7.A.JlandOrJng~ Rough\ APY based on $25,000 balance. CJnJdlJn PIL~,r,1 may get an argument from those who drIve aide' well malnlalned automab.!e, • APY icelandIC Cod Ac,ordlng to a road test 01 nearly h,h &. Chip' 60000 cars In a busy area near Los 00 for ~afood I 0\ e....: Angele' new cars can pollute as bodly as old cars When -grass polluters" Steamed Jumbo Gult Shnmp Be your own restaurant critic. dentll,ed by an road ,emote sensan South"e"err Shnmp SalJd ...... ere pulled over for on eml:llSIOm control Come taste for yourself. Fned Jumbo Gulf Shnmp sys.tem nspectlon d was fcund that Lmguml &. Clam SJuce mamtenance was more mportonl thor Champs rotl<;<,ene 6BQ nbs <;tart age when determln ng tne pol utlng effect ~ mAmeric.o • Chilled Peel '\ FJI '>hnmp \\ uh ,>eJec[lean cu[<; Then cooked of the car The me,noge n thiS IS to ~.,e:.tiolls for DIehard Olele ..... change the ad on sc~edJ e check and FU'St of America the healthle<;l \\ a) Con<;tantl) [urn- HomemJde Soup Du Jour replace the vanous tdters InAofe the tires Sev!aIIt AnllpJ"" '>alad properly and do not drIve With wo,n Connections Savings. mg m our rotl<;<;enemen -- <;0the~ (Jr,e~ '>JI,d spark plvgs If yav want clean air regardle!.s of your rar sage Get high rate savings when you have at ha<,tem [heir 0\\ n na[ural JUlce<,and C Je'd' <; c1JJ Momtenance s cnllcol when It comes to h Homcm lJ~ Drl "'In.!.., controlj ng e-nlS'SIOns and we olfer the least one other F'trst of Ameri~ account hro\\ n C\ enI} 1\10\\ the} re rCdd for y emlss OM checks you need takll'lg core f r~"h \~ll.t Ihk Du Jour .50~ $1,000 mirumum opening deposit of whol you neeo prar-Jplly and Chdmp\ \ecret BBQ \dUCC. mddc \11 foil'('('<; Include eff c erllly IS who. keeps our cu~tomers TO'\o(,(J ~ 11 d \If ( )k ~I m Ire\h c,llh dJ) lrom \lrdlch EnJo) I coming bock ago nard 00010 RINKE ( olt Il!t F r1t .... H l~l d PO!ltll pr TOYOTA has '~p notch tech"olcon, who R,<.t:' PII.J1 can'tontly upgrade the' sk lis Call u, at 758 2000 or VISit us at 25.420 Van I O.lt (If HOI (J lrlll Art ld Chdmp\ rotl\\ene BBQ nb\ No Dyke Hours Man & Thurs 7 00 a m 10 9 GO "'" T,Je, & Wed 7 7 Fr 7 6 J In -0\\ other f II~ ncJ re\lauran tin Homemade [)e.,,,,rt, clospc ;0' ol1d Sun We 'ake yo~ r Gro\\C POlllte h,,\ thcm Ch~1 I d , Thr'L '\ IJl P"

HJ\ anJn "" ..k~( net 'l ..l\t Fully liquid Risk-free. ( IITOl C J" f,nlrw<; '\lart at $4 95 Beer' \\me • (ocl..l~lIl~ Visit any FU"St of America office or call 1-SOO-222-4FOA to open your account by mail. Tt')ThT\Q~AT7 THI.RS Rofmene Pnme Rlh r- :tr-i $/0.95 , Oil, Filter & : Dine In or Carry Out 51. \ Rol,so;ene Turk.- \\ Ilh .\11The Trimminlt' r Lube I (313) 886-7755 1-)n(')wl, ...llpto6quftrtli;.of(r(nw:oe • $7.9~ I Tmota 011 20515 Mack A\e. I~ tllk' '\ ofV~mlcrJ o FIRSfof AMRICA Bank " '.1() \ & ull ....lab (nnlune TO\olA IYtI~I~l patlnt£d Tl ,. ~ ~ . I flit", km,nl "itJ1 • 0",," 7 [)AH I ( ""'tal r."., Rotl~o;ene RRQ RIM anIJaJo"ns blioK $}O(){)()uikt,rm'N,d try tIll ~d Qlfd lJ (",.,.nltly &tllti stf fqll'J/ In 1 'i/\ 'TJI, ''''''lSt ratt jo, t/u f>O'/w" of tilt CIU~M01lag"",1t' CJ'frlt'1&g bala"r, alMvt $.'5 ()()() I",d. f J5 h,d /I) 'h, 1t."III) Ol'frtJ[{tF,d Fftrfds Rott InJ 'lot mOTr tho",,":, PffU'" Kluck as of 1115/96 IS 4 6J' 7lr, POrtlO1l o/tltt bDla"lI $5 ()()() TWO BBQ CHICKEN DINNERS. only $12.95 ~rUI Hib ••• "" •• t.ltmr rar. dn""flo,t! by I., I>a,,). wlolc hrlCc •• (11)19~ 'llo~e------u hat )0U do f0r me, To\Ota" l January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News 5A


HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSl 18328 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 - Fax 884-8392 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect January 25, 26/ 27/ 29, 30 & 31

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Live • ~ SEALTESTHOMOGENIZED BORDEN'S Flown in Daily Lobster ••••••••••••••••• $9.99 LB. ro,.,rr" MILK - - __CanAGE CHEESE • 5/111., 1r1l. Ute, 99et I ~; Redcap $199 ':1. ~':mc:at~z. 24 Pack Cans 09 ~ Gallon - YOUR CHOICE DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY Regular or Light n....-.ml.,.~ PISTACHIO'S Albies pasties .••••.••••••.••••.•.•••••.•••••••• 2 for $3.00 YOUR CHOICE + dep. 1JI.~.,Y0 PRIDE OF GERMACK Beef. vegi, Chicken NATURAL WHEAT BREAD Natural california $899 Blazin Buffalo Shr'mp .••••••.•••••••••••.• $7.99 pkg. DOMAINE STE. CEORCE 99~11/2Ib.loaf 3 lb. bag BUY 1GET 1FREE Chardonnay" Cabernet $799 ASHBY STERLING III EAGLE BRAND THIN Ji S JO~:11~~~::J~:::::n~e:- ::'~:;nfandel $699 ICE CREAM til~ POB"'UltyT109CetHI1PS 0.'_ ..¥ oPO,IiShItpalttia!,•...•••••.••...••• $~.:eachh 1.5 Liter $299. nner a I eac 112 gal. pkg. FREE • • COOK'S CHAMPAONE NANCY'S I EAGLE BRAND I Hoffmans • Salami & Extra Dry, Brut, $3 APPETIZERS BAKED PREnELS Cheese. Onion. Hot pepper •••••••••• i2.99 LB. Spumante, Blush, 49 Mushroom or SeafOod $299 s.;,: MiniBite.stfck. Bav, Buy 1 bag Kowalski. Garlic Bologna...... 2.99 LB. Wh. Zln, Grand, Frozen Section - :::o:,pkll. get 1FREE Hoffmans Hard Salami...... 4.29 LB. V";;;~ANCE OREO I!B'(IIIJI :r~s polishHam Order.yiiu~.99LB. Chardonnay.cabemet, $ 79' .. ~~'blestuff $229 SNACKS .~~ ~ rty ~ Plnot Nolr,White Zin., 2001. pkg , Honey Mustard $139 ~ ~ super Bowl Pa Trays Sauvlgnon Blane, 5 I,. -· YOURCHOICE Pretzel Dip jar GamavBeaujOlais,Red II or White SAVE$3.20 MORTIMER.S MEAT PIES TINA'S Chicken, Beef or Sheperds FROZEN BURRITO'S STERLINO VINEYARDS Frozen sectton Sauvlgnon Blanc $599 00 SAVE$4.00 750 mi. $199 ::~vpok~. 3 FOR $1 DIamond Mountain $1....99 SNAPPLE Chardonnay SAVE$8.00 I ~ BEVERACES VLASIC DILLS • KOSher, Polish 46 $199 Aslago Cheese $4.59 LB. 00 01 YOURCHOICE MANACER'S SPECIAL 16 oz. Bottles 2 FOR$1 Black Diamond Yellow or Whlte ..•••..$4.89 LB. RODNEY STRONO ... NESTLE SEMI.SWEET Village'S own Crab Dip ...... •.....••...•••...$3.59 LB. MORSELS Village'S own Bacon Onion Dip $3.29 LB. SOnoma, Chardonnay, $799 IiiiiiiiI Creat Tall "$299 C8bernet sauvlgnon .. ~ Housecookies ~ YOGURT CARR'STABLEWATER -- Lowfat Nonfat CRACKERS 1.5 LITER ANTOLINA CALIFORNIA - Lite 100 '(OUIl 59~ DrIg, sesamePepper, 89 CRUSHED TOMATO - CHOICEBoz CUIJ CI'OISSalIt, l5es box SUTTER HOME seasoned,caesar,zesty s 9 In Tomato 7 9 ft italian,OnionGarlic, 99 "MARIO~ SPANI H DILALLOIMPORTED 99< White Zinfandel, Sauvlgnon $72 Puree 28 oz. Cheese GarlicYOURCHOICE MAN ZANILLA OLIVES OUARTERED& MARINAnD Blanc,RedZInfandel $199 -10 oz ARTICHOKEHEARTS $ 99 v I I L A NEWATVILLAGEFOODMARKET . 6 oz. ~:~:::~y, cabemet 7 ~~~~ CRE-MEL BEAN CUISINE COURMET LUZIANNECAJUN ST. JJlLlAN CALIFORNIA VARIETALWINES Non.Dalry 79..M PApk~TA.. BEAN $'" a9 CREO~ ....DJfjJVR MIX AllTYPes 100% Juice :2 FOR $500 Chardonnay 750 ml. $649 COFFEECREAMER qt. _~ PILLSBURYALLREADY BALL PARK HOT DOGS 15 pk. cases MUELLER ~ a\ PIECRUST Meatonly $ 99 CLOS DUBOIS BARn cabernetzlnfandel, $749 LASAGNA NOODLES .' ~ ::~~ $169pk9. "o~~~~lon 1 Chardonnay $779 FERMI~D PInot Nolr 75Oml. 16 OZ.pkg. gg~ __' HILLSBROS.FAC WEICHTWATCHERS CARLO ROSSI SUPER BOWL SPECIAL LACHOY E COFFEE COURMET MUFFINS HOLLAND HOUSE MIXES FROZEN ECG RgLLS Redean $439 ~~~c~~_ $159 4 Liter Shrimp ChickenPork ... 09 2601 CII1I tamlt 14 •• 4 Pact ClIalIIls 8uI'lIIIIIlIy Wlllte $729 Margarita, Plna $3 99 COHEN'S EAGLEBRAND GftlllClle RlItne 8lusIl ~, Colada, straw. DAIRYFRESHREGULAR HORS D'OEUV~ CONDENSED MILK Vln Rose; 5a1l9ri- s~VE$2 00 Daqulrl BUY 11"ET 1 FREE ~CO~HEESE Pot Spin PuffS crtl Franks, 29 Of1g, LowFat,Fat $11 ae AlIlerlCas 11 Ju9W1nel " .... 5~ 15 oz. pkg. Asst var Frz See App Size Free 1401 , •••••• ."._ "1._.._._ .,..11 +,y PI". UFlLFlER;;eI""!l""':l1"" Ha>. $''''' • t:Jt ~ •..-_ . . \ But the mcome tax had a long and con- Can flat tax troverSial history in both England and the Umted States before that tIme It replace U.S. apparently dates back to 1799 when the BritIsh Imposed a tax on Incomes to sup- port their wars agamst Napoleon income tax? Opinion In the Umted States, the first federal Income tax was recommended by the sec- he new Issue In the field of natIon- retary of the treasury m 1815 to help pay al taxatlOn IS the flat tax, whlCh, aVOided dlscussmg such problems as the the heavy costs of the War of 1812, but It T however, come" In a number of effect of the adoptIOn of the flat tax on the was rejected when word came that varieties budget defiCit and what to do about cur- England and the Umted States already A comml~"lOn sponsored by Republican rent deductions permitted for payments What GOP had SIgned a peace treaty leaders hds Just Issued a report whIch of mortgage mterest and chantable con- However, SIXstates between 1840 and calls for abohtlOn of the graduated tnbutlOns 1850 adopted the Income tax whIle the Income tax and ItS replacement with a It 1Sworth notmg the pOSSIble effects of giveth, it can first federal Income tax was Just one pro- "v~tem USIng one rate for all taxpayers adoptIOn of a flat tax on the natIOn's econ- VISIOnIn the overall revenue act of 1861 The ploposal would In effect stIli be an omy, as CIted by three respected natIonal It apparently was sneaked mto that Income tax, except that It apparently taketh away organIZatIOns 1861 act to reolaee monev loc;t 1'1 the \, uulJ lluL Id.l\ I ~cIjJlent;, Interest, dl VI- For example, a study done for the f the RepublIcans succeed in pamc of 1857 When the CI~'IIWar broke dends, capItal gaInS or estates, whiCh now NatIOnal AssociatIon of Realtors by an replaCIng the Income tax with a are regarded as a part of Income out, Congress realIzed how Important it economIC forecastIng firm predIcted that flat tax, It wIll mean that they In had become In finanCIng the war and That factor, In Itself, has tended to Iden- I home values would drop 15 percent and effect wIll be kIllmg the tax that kept It on the books until 1872 tify the flat tax as more beneficIal for the the after-tax cost of ownmg a home would they were responSible for enacting as a nch than the mIddle class or the poor In 1894, Congress again turned to the nse substantIally constItutional amendment In 1913 Under the current federal Income tax sys- mcome tax to meet revenue needs But a The American Institute of Certified Times are dIfferent, of course. Back tem, there are five tax rates ranging from deCIdedly conservatIve supreme court Public Accountants smd an abrupt shIft to then, some Repubhcans, espeCIally In the 15 percent to 39 6 percent, dependIng on ruled It was a direct tax and thus uncon- a new tax system could devastate the net South and West, were concerned that stitutIOnal the taxpayer's Income A flat rate tax worth of many corporations And the income and power had become concen- In the early 1900s, WIth support both would abolish all of them and Simply set AmerlCan Academy of Actuaries said It trated In the hands of a few one rate from Roosevelt and Taft, It was finally could JeopardIze the nation's pension sys- Barbara Sapinsley, In her book, Apparently because of the plethora of ratified as a constitutional amendment _ tem ''Taxes,'' reported that "there were stud- flat-tax plans already offered by - and It has been In effect ever since WhIle we share many of the reserva- Ies available which showed that In 1890 Republicans, the commISSIOn dId not rec- tIOns expressed about the flat tax, we the richest 1 6 percent of the people had MIchIgan and many other states also ommend a speCIfic rate Instead, It Simply agree that the current complex mcome earned 10.8 percent of the national have Income taxes for the same reason proposed a SIngle-rate tax and personal tax code ought to be simplified at least so mcome and that by 1910 they were earn- the federal government adopted It: It exemptIOns to benefit the poor. that ordinary CItIzens can understand it mg 19 percent" taxes the indiVIdual's abIlity to pay to a CommISSIOn chaIrman Jack Kemp, the greater degree than do sales taxes which The enormIty of the task of findIng Theodore Roosevelt, a reform-minded former U.S hOUSIng secretary and ex-con- tend to tax the ability to consume replacement revenue for the $590 billion president, In 1906 had recommended an gressman, said hiS own personal prefer- a year now raIsed from indIvidual Income In MichIgan, however, the state consti- ence was a 19 percent rate, which he felt mcome tax as well as inheritance taxes taxes and $150 billion from corporate tutIOnal conventIOn In 1963 approved a could do the financing Job but dId not push for them. HIS GOP suc- mcome taxes will slow consideration of cessor, William Howard Taft, was not a flat rate mcome tax, which now IS 4 4 But Critics contend the rate would have any flat tax by both parties. reformer, but he favored an income tax percent with prospects that It mIght be to be at least 21 percent, a figure Cited by In fact nobody is even talking about and proposed a constitutional amend- reduced to 4.2 or less In the commg leg- the Treasury Department as apparently conSIdering the flat tax proposal seriously ment. islative session needed to finance current government spending until 1997, at the earlIest But it stIll is Congress passed It in 1909 , it was rat- Whatever Michigan's tax rate is, the lIkely to become a 1996 presidentIal cam- state flat-rate Income tax could become However, the commisslOn carefully Ified on Feb. 3, 1913, and became the paIgn Issue 16th Amendment to the ConstitutIOn. an IllustratIOn of how the national flat rate tax would work.

Robert G Edgar EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADVERTISING 88z..om 882~900 882-3500 CREATIVE SERVICES Publisher John Mlnms AND PRODUCTION EdItor and General Margl,. Reins Swth, Anne Mulhenn S.lv.il1 Manager Roger B Hages, Ad\ertlsmg: Manager Feature Editor, 34,3...5594 Frl1n Velardo, ASSistant Clrculahon KJm M Kozlow.skl, ASSIStant to the B8U09O Manager Cbuck Klonke, Sports EJltor 343-5591 It;1&aB~f::r AdvertISing Manager M L Valenlle. Manager Robert B Edgar V&lene Encheff, ASSOCIateManag .. Founder and Pubh'her (313) 343-5590 Wilbur EInPres. Mary Ann Staudt .eAudd ASSOCIation aM Na.bonal Bureau t-.. ewsp.aprr Assocl.bon Engler's 'State of Uni'on' talk ov John Engler m hIS SIXth State taxes and the improvements m the wel- of the State speech Wednesday fare program made SInce he took office. Gmght seemed at tImes to think he He attacked ClInton's veto of the con- was giVIng the State of the Union greSSIOnal welfare reform measure, with- address traditionally delivered by the out explaining that the preSIdent had his presidpnt of the United States. own welfare reform legislatIOn but was Perhaps that came naturally to the gov- not in favor of the GOP brand. ernor, for last year he spent 63 days In Rep Pat GagliardI, one of four WashIngton - the Democrats say _ Democrats who sought to answer the gov- where he was often at the rIght hand of ernor Wednesday night, contended that Speaker Newt GingrIch and Senate Engler cannot escape some of the CrIti- MajOrity Leader Robert Dole. cism for the WashIngton gridlock when he In hIS speech, Engler's frequent refer- has been advising GIngrich and Dole. ences to Washmgton, plus his attack on Basically, of course, it was a night for PreSIdent Chnton, tended to support the GOP to have its say, with the result Democratic critics who saw him as mak- that the governor even ignored bipartisan ing a further bId for the GOP vice-presi- legislative defeats such as the limit~tions dential nominatIon J recently imposed on the expansion in the True, the governor was no shrinking number of charter schools VIolet when It came to pralsmg his own That limitatIOn became law through the admimstratlOn He even went so far as to efforts of Rep WIlham R Bryant of contend agaIn that "MIchigan IS drIVIng Grosse POInte, chairman of the House America's renaissance" Education Committee, who called atten- In what the DetrOIt Free Press saw as tion to the need for better momtormg and "a hIghly partisan speech," Engler praised review of present schools before creatmg the state's economIC health, ItS lower any more. Hope seen for arts project Letters tIS encouraging that prIvate groups expansIOn of Orchestra Hall. Cat lovers tam attItude of the council, mayor appear to have a good chance of suc- In short, what IS beIng proposed IS an 1b the Editor: M. Joyce and city admmistrator I Iceedmg In theIr endeavors to raIse educatIOnal, cultural and busmess mvest- My husband and I are Blumenstock thought they were here per- $52 mIllIon for an $80 mIllIon-per- ment, all In the name of a performmg arts sorry that Chip Chapman Grosse Pointe Shores formmg a functIOn that we forming arts complex in DetrOit complex. doesn't hke cats wanted them to do Ralsmg True, many even more grandIOse plans We, lovers of all types of Critical of fines Just because our neIgh- have gone down the dram m the metro WIth both the state of MIchIgan and the ammals, don't feel that the bor city has tells me a great Woods council deal about who we have run- area In recent years, but the appeal for federal government bowmg out of or Grosse POinte News IS the To the editor: funds obVIously WIll be extremely broad- place for a Journahst to be An article tItled "Woods nIng the city What an sharply hmitIng their grants of cultural embarrassment based thIS tIme because of the Wide range amng hIS prejudIce agamst raISes fines for vlOlatmg city aid, the prospects are that commumtIes cats In my opmlOn, maybe we of serVIces to be prOVIded which treasure these skIlls, these pro- ordInances In 1996" m the The Letters to the Editor January 18 editIOn of the should not raIse fees or spend grams and the performmg arts are gomg sectIOn IS bad enough at money Just because our The project calls for a $28-mllhon, Grosse Pomte News leaves a to have to do more themselves to keep tImes but, perhaps. a more very bItter taste and sounds nelghbormg CIties do (and 156,000-squa ..e-foot performmg arts high them ahve appropriate place for people Just maybe, some reSIdents school, a $32-mlllIon, SiX-StOry office an'i1 very much like our coun- ThIS appears to be a good move m that to express their feelIngs cJlmembers cannot make any mIght be able to retire m retaIl complex. and a 50,OOO-square-foot Grosse POinte - not') I dIrectIOn Mr Chapman states that deCISions on their own cats smell and knock thIngs Accordmg to the article, the over We have had many cats only way to run a cIty ISby fol- Chuck Knost Winter peril fells walkers over the years and none has lOWIngthe lead set by nelgh- Grosse Pointe Woods had an odor Cats don't smell bormg CItIes or older people, and espeCIally ed In one dIrectIOn and hIS wmter cap 10 (except WIth theIr noses) Just for the record, why IS semor CItIzens, fallmg on the SIde- another Fortunately, two ladles who were Also, a cat picks ItS way thIS a good Idea? I don t "ee walk, street or frozen ground In passmg helped hIm to hIS feet and guided very carefully around objects anythmg good about the fact Letters welcome F unless It ISfrightened The Grosse Pomte News the wmter tIme IS an ever-present hIm to hIS car that our counCIl has to raIse Was the cat for which Mr welcomes your Letters to penl From frIends and aquamtaInces, how- the cost of motor vehICleVIOla- Enroute home after walkmg act oss Chapman was responSIble tIOns Just becauc:;eour neIgh- the EdItor All letters ever, we learned that many other people afraId of him? should be typed, double- Kercheval Avenue one mId-afternoon last bors do If thIS type of actIvity fell that same afternoon, and several With Mr Chapman, you state spaced, SIgned and limIted week, the wnter hit a spot of Ice on the more serIOus consequences by our council contmues. that you Wish no harm to maybe If" tIme to do away to 250 words Send letters new brIck" that prOVide a walkway mto We expresc:; our sympathy to all- and a cats Rut the article that you UI EdItor, Grosse Pomt the mumclpal parkmg lot WIth our counCIl(save the time heartfelt thank you to the UnidentIfied wrote does harm them by and cost) and Just mstltute News, 96 Kercheval, The next thlOg he knew he was flat on ladles who volunteered theIr help addmg to the unfounded everything that all of our Grosse Pomt Farms, Mlch hiS back, WIth hIS glasses havmg depart- - WIlbur Elston fears and prejudices agamst nelghbormg CltlCSdo 48236, or fax them to (313) cats whIch c:;omepeople con- Frankly, I am tired of the 882-1585 - mgs Warp speed every Trekkle knows, when everyone else aboard the 'Beam Worf fires the "hlp';, phasers, Enterprise They can walk In order to make Star Trek we see them "hootmg through through wdlls but for some work, we have to be able to space untIl they !:>tnke the mexphcdble rea;,on, they don't me up, Jump from star to star In the Romuldn Wdrblrd time It takes, say, to dClve to "Imply "mk through the hull of But If phd;,er" dre pure the <;hlp and out mto "pdce Flonda Since traveling at the energy, then unle"" they're speed of light IS Impo!:>hlble - traveling 10 a <;moke filled Scotty' the power requirements reach ISay If they are tran;,parent to room In"tees As I understand It, warp they ;,tnke their tdCget speed IS not ,,0 much a rate of without reservatIOn, then stop other "normal" mdtter to eXI"t You Cdn try thh Shme It at the wdll You travel along the outSide But If \ hJ.'- to do With Enghsh "To read on pattern 10 the Enterpnse's f0r- only bee the red dot on the we can somehow puncture the Therefore, we havl' to make boldly go" h probably the most I conhlder myself a mJld Star mldable computers wall, but you don't see d red ball - warp space - we can our own antI-matter for fuel, fdmou" "pht mfimtlve In the Trek fan I watch It whpn T whICh take'- more power to To put It another WdY, If we lme runnmg acros" the room hl'-torv of th .. l"lDg'I'"g.. ~ru'",l t}uuugh Lht' t'llliny VOId can, but I don't plan my day stored It on lO-glgabyte hard to Its target Now fill the room mSlde and surface elsewhere, Cleate than you get out of It around It Stili, I like reading disks stacked atop one anoth- WIth smoke - be JUdICIOU"10 vastly reducmg the distance So how can a !:>tarshlp manu- While KJau<.,s' book pamts a and watchmg anything that facture Its own, and what gov- er, they would redcr ~ third of how you do It - dnd now you rdther pe";,lml"tlc VICWof the and, therefore, the time to get the way to the center "f the can see d ;,treak of led d..,ltcol has to do with the popular SCI- there ernment or enterpnse would "clCnt1flc redhtw;, of Star Trek, fi program be able to afford such a money galaxy - about 10,000 hght hdes WIth the particulate" In It seems space may be able meamng thdt we will most For Chnstmas, I received an loser? years or about five years' trav- the air, whICh are ab;,ent m likely never voyage to the to be warped, but the power el m the Enterpnse at warp 9 space, of course mterestmg book, "The PhysIcs requIrements would be astro Transporters ;,tdrs, It I;' upbeat In another Just to retneve the last one. Gaffes way of Star Trek," by Lawrence M nomlcal Also, where IS the Krauss believes the trans- Another mterestmg phllo- Probably the most recurnng Krauss, a professor of physIcs power to come from? porter, while a key fixture m and astronomy at Case sophlCal aspect oftransportmg faux pas m Star Trek are the Agam, Star Trek writers Star Trek, IS perhaps the least SClCnce fictIOn as culture Western Reserve UniversIty IS the questIOn Are we merely explOSIOns we hear 10 space If came up With usmg antI-mat- pOSSible help,> us to Imaglne the future, the sum of all our atoms or do a tree falls In the forest In A Trekker hImself, Krauss First, and agam, the power to hope for d better tomorrow, ter, whIch probably would pro- we contam a sou!? And If we space, we don't hear, we can't looks at the varIOus aspects of requirements dematenalize a and ;,ometlme;, along the way, VIde the most energy, but do, what happens to It when hear It Sound waves need a the TV serIes, such as warp home body mto ItS molecules SCI-fi wrltel s may stumble where do you find It? At the we're broken mto Incorporeal medIUm to carry them, whIch speed, the transporter, or atomic bits would be astro- onto somethmg that becomes a beglnning of the umverse. the bits? space, unlike our unseen for- phasers and memorable gaffes marglnally outnumbered ~ntl- nomical reality for the betterment of Phasers est, lacks humankmd - physIcs-wIse matter was anOlhllated when But more mterestmg, how The Star Trek manual says Another interesting lapse IS WIth my admIttedly feeble It came mto contact WIth mat- would even our most powerful phasers are pure-energy when, say Geordl and EnSIgn physics knowledge, I'll try to ter, which IS good for us computers store the tremen- People we can change weapons, not partICle beams Ro become somehow out of PhYSICS, paraphrase some of hiS find- because It allows us and all dous amount of data to put us unfortunately, we ThiS IS Important, because as phase and are inVISIble to can't

Grosse Pointe News January 25, 1996, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page !:£:_i _

Newt Pointe Village you can find your way wheat, raiSin cmnamon, onion ''Every chIld, from the poor- to the new Wheatland Bread rye dill, caraway rye, cheddar est part of DetrOIt to the Company WIth your eyes white, Traverse cherry and a wealthIest sectIOn of Grosse closed, but I've got mme open three-seed bread made from POinte, when baker Shirley Preletz sesame, poppy and sunflower, should have a waves me in and there';, butter and honey' better "Try a sample, you'll like It," butter to spread on them future," she says Sure enough, the let- DeCISIOns, deCISIOns (the New t tenng on the wmdow reads honey wheat and cheddar Gingrich FREE SAMPLES I'm whIte were yummy) told a crowd mtrlgued Why a bread store, and why of 2,500 plu~ InSide on the sample bread In Grosse POInte? I ask I at Llvoma's board SIt rtash loaves of honey See FYI. page 8A Burton 'Manor last Tuesday Among them were dozens of Pomters who had come all the way from the other Side of town to chew chicken and hear kah-CHING! the dynamIC speaker of the house at January's DetrOit Economic Club luncheon They mcluded Dwight E.M. Angell. Jim Sanford, David and Elaine Yates, and my WIfe, Doc, who was there shepherdmg a contmgent of 28 students from South High Thmk your schools are School thanks to the sponsor- centnsm, lack of pohtlcal shIp of DEC members John doing a good Job Just the way affiliatIOn, and provldmg they are? Jom the club Lewis and Rosalie Wattrick, mformatlOn who both have kids at South In Grosse Pomte, there "But If somebody else forms "I'm strong for GOP poh- really IS a club - or rather an a group to endorse a candi- cies," said the Park's Hugh awareness group - that I1kes date we like, we'll all Jom," Munce, who carrIes a card in the schools Just the way they says member Roger Wolcott hIs wallet that reads "Your are and wants to keep them Some people thmk that kIds or mme If you glve a hoot that way But m Grosse can't come a moment too soon you'll vote for Newt" Pointe, that has come to mean has qUlckly tned to broaden "ThiS IS all very fine, but It OutSide, the pickets waved somethmg a lot different from Its focus It had to - some won't do any good If the other SignS that saId thmgs hke ''No cheerleadmg That's because folks In the north end of the group gets board members Newt IS good Newt" there IS a movement afoot to Pomtes have been dlsmlssmg elected," objected an audIence "Somehow a SIgn I saw Iymg change thmgs Issues as "a south-end prob. member at the January meet- m a pIle found Its way mto my With the electlOn of three lem" mg car," said the Park's Palmer avowedly more conservatIve Monthly meetmgs and the Pomt taken Heenan ''That's one less for members, the school board's newsletter look at board the protesters" decISIons are often split 4-3, Rumor has It that some actIOns, try to keep up WIth thmgs are happemng regard- Park power was well-repre- WIth the conservatIves form- the conservative state Board sented, WIth cIty manager mg the solld mmonty ing recrultmg and endorsmg of EducatIOn, and conduct Dale Krajniak and counCIl- SAVE! Whichever Side you favor, It's candidates for the June elec- detailed brIefings on curricu- men Vern Ausherman and clear that m the next electlOn, tIOn So far, those efforts are lum They don't mean to be Dan Clark also there Other Open a home equity the balance could change aVOIdmg the limelight caught unawares agam Awareness counCIl members Pomte dlgnltanes mcluded The Grosse Pomte "ThiS IS real Important for stress that they're Immensely Andrew Richner, Mark line of credit now and your EducatIOn Awareness CounCil anyone concerned about the mterested m the outcome, but Weber and CIty counCIlman Isn't waltmg for the board to conservative dIrectIOn certam aren't partIclpatmg In It Joe Jennings . first month's payment is on us. change RIght now, members board members want to take," Their activIty centers on Some of the students were attend board meetmgs to says Weiner board meetings agog at the highly-charged bnng what one member calls TheIr first politICal act was scene, With TV cameras and EnJo, a lU~al ral~ \Ih~n IOU u,~ Ih~ ~qlllh m ,our hom~ for Ih~ "a vOIce of reason" to the pro- to brmg to the board a peti- 'We want to be qUiet and hghts, dozens of secunty IhJnr' \ ou \lanl PIU'!!~1ra~h .a\ln~, ~qllallo ,our fir.l month', ceedmgs tIon supporting the dlstnct's thoughtful about our reac- guards, and Ajax, the bomb- ml~rp.1 and lh~ fiN ,~ar" annual m~mfwr'hlp fl'~ IIf~50 The awareness counCIl was whole language currIculum tIOn," says Wemer "One of the Sniffing dog, checkmg to make ThaI \lal IOU ran afford to DUI a \lhol~ 101mor~ born in the desperate days of Circulated hastlly m the reasons thmgs have settled sure everythmg was OK under the Maire school emotIOnal .\nd r~m"mlw-r.homp Pqllltl horro\lln~ I' onp of lh~ mIdst of the Maire upheaval, down IS that we go to the hundreds of tablecloths cauldron last sprmg Caught la.1 (u dpdurlron, alallahlp - ron'ull 'our lax ad\1.or the petition had more t1lan board meetmgs We hold peo- "How can the enVlronmen- unawares by the group that 300 sIgners Hard to say ple accountable for what they tallsts ~ay there's global Chi'<'kout our 10\1.10\1ralp, and th,. dpallhat nn/!' up hI/!'aIm!!, espoused back-to-baslc" C\lr. whether It did any good The say and make the board real- warmmg when they're havmg rlculum changes and the fir- board would say that It has Ize that the malcontents don't record snowstorms on the East mg of the school's pri,lclpal, retamed whole language WIth reflect the community" Coast," Newt asked at one t they listened m amazement Trlrphonr Loan ( l'nlrr ItSOO ll1.\1 t FF'tIl1tllOOt142t5336) some modIficatIOns, the If you're mterested m pomt as the board went along WIth awareness group feels the attendmg awarene<;" council Two days later, on Jan 18, It most of It board retreated by addmg meetmgs (the first Sunday was so hot here that people 'We couldn't believe that drills and spellmg lists to were walkmg along Kercheval evenmg of every month) or In FDIC those people claImed to speak molhfy the back-to-baslcs WIthout coats recelvmg the group'" new<;let- Insured [i!J for all MaIre parents," mem- crowd ter. call pre~ldent Linda Maybe even Newt can be FI...t Frrlrral of \t1rhll!an ber DaVId Wemer says "It As for the pohtlcal step of Galantf' at 882-9688 They'll wrong sometImes? Just wasn't true" endorsmg school board candi- a"k you for a donatIOn to RUllfh offir ... IhNlllClOlIt ""'lropobtan fll1r"'l LatNIl,I: "'alamalOO and Ow",,,, But Maire'" problems, dates, most members say they Come on in ------defray mailmg co"ts Ca<;.,",saYlllQS IllJs.raMn b(lsed or. one year ~ annual mem~fsh p fee pillS (lne month s mterest on a $50 000 solved or not, aren't the focus \\ on't do It It's Important to Or you can Just nook lip home eQHty lmt ot creel' al 9 OO~~Annual Per~n!aQ! Ra,e IAPRI Slml ar SdVlnOs on other hne of credit any longer The awareness their credibility m the com- WIth a member at any bchool and loaf around amounts In!ereSI

,- • _ ••••• • ••••••••• ~ .... :2 111""'2'"~ ~2.-2".~ _ ¥ ~1 • • 8A o InIon January 25, 1996 Grosse POinte. News The importance of parenting - start 'preventive maintenance' at infancy ThiS IS the firM of a serle" of and adoratIOn, appreCIatIOn articles on parentmg and vulnel able dnd entirely begInnmg of mterpersonal and hIgh hope" The Infant baby ha!> ItS own rhythms and whICh IS the basIs of depres- By Victor Bloom, MD dependent on others for It!> relatIOnships The smIlmg of doe;, not need to be worshIped, care and maintenance partlculm need" The parents SIOn, and even paranOIa, Psych latnsVPsychoanalyst mother and Infant reverber- but he or she IS the hope of The Infant needs nOUrish- need to be fleXible to accom- whIch IS a SUSPIcIousness of Grosse POinte Park ates and resonates In ''nllrror- the future modate the needs of the all other people, a nusanthrop- For those of u!>who .lre par- ment, whIch Cdn be ~upphed Ing " Back and forth WIth In order to fully realize that mfant, Instead of the other ICxenophobia ents, the mo~t Important lunc- by breast or bottle, by ItS nat- smIles, go sounds, the begIn- hope, the Infant needs all the way dround ThiS means the So by all means, learn about tlOn we have IS p.lrentlng It I!> ural parents or a good parent- nings of language and speech, love It can get, whIch amounts los!>of some sleep for the par. parentIng, especIally the par- often S.lld that we do thiS surrogate Bondmg With two the Infant coos and gurgles, to recogIllzlng Its needs and ents, but thIS perIod of vIgIl IS entlllg of an mfant, so that WIthout les'oons or a hcen~e, natural parents IS best, and and we coo and gurgle bdck gratifYing them only temporary you can gIve hIm or her the .lnd Yf't we requIre a license to then WIth others m the house- SingIng and dancing are also It IS no longer true that cry- As the baby Internahzes all very best, whIch IS the best dnve, to get marned hold, whICh Includes other good, as well as background Ing IS good for the lungs, or family and frIends, and might thIS goodness, It mternalIzes investment In the world, as It I~ the most complex .lnd that the chIld should learn mUSIC,claSSical and popular "the good mother," whIch t Include a lOVing nanl'V the love given now Will come (hffiCl.d t:-.r:o- "r. t~c \\vr1d tv Keep fnbbtt..n!n~ ihH~t;'b tv d. "<.IIiy Ull Uldl Ihe world IS A multIplICIty of un~armg mcludes the good motherIng back to you the rest of your be a p.lrent, and yet "'e are harsh and cruel minimum father ThiS mternahzed good forced to wing It, to do what babY-SItters IS not good The lIfe The Infant does not have It IS good for the baby to be mother be<.'Omesthe source of we can and hope for the best Infant needs warmth and com- made comfortable by many If the love and attentIOn are words, but it has bUIlt-in ges- security and love for the rest compromised by frantIC actIVI- No parent intentIOnally wants forting, which comes from ten- people, and so It learns that tures whIch indICate ItS state of Its lIfe, which is also the tIes of the parents, the father to harm hI!>or her chIld, and der holding, which Includes the world outSide the family I" of mmd, whIch IS largely root of self-esteem and self- a workaholIc and the mother vet we read about It all the hugs and squeezes, pats and also good and safe and com- either comfortable or uncom- confidence, the baSIS of being over-Invested In "other tIme Often It IS done unwIt- caresses The Immature and fortmg It needs a feeling of fortable If the mfant is outgomg and a people-person. thmgs," problems wIll accrue, tingly and nobody wants to undeveloped nervous system power to overcome that awful allowed to be uncomfortable Those who do not mternal- and It WIll be forgotten how bldme or be blamed requIres handhng and touch. feelmg of powerlessness, help- for very long, It wIll let you mg, Just hke a young puppy or Ize thIS love forever feel out of they started and how they P~ychlatnsts have often know, because ItS helplessness lessness touch, an observer of lIfe and been gUIlty of blamIng the kitten multIply causes pamc, and If It IS not It IS very vulnerable. It IS the world Lackmg love in parents for the problems of Ultimately, ItS comfort will not a httle adult It is too The best idea IS "preventive attended to, it fears for Its mfancy IS the baSIS for a lack mamtenance"; It IS good for the chIld, and as a result, psy- be regIstered by smiles, whIch early to tram the infant to the very lIfe The mfant is helpless WIll be returned, whIch IS the of fulfillment later m hfe, and your car, your house, your chiatry has lost a lot of credi- clock and the calendar, each even a negative world View, bIlity marrIage and your Iuds. Presently, the state-of-the- art knowledge IS not to blame parents or parenting, but to non-Judgmentally attrIbute one or another developmental problem to madvertent neglect AVAILABLE ONLY AT or abuse Th attrIbute IS not to YOUR AM£IUTECH DEALlRS

blame or to Judge, but to mere- _lKAII ly focus our attention on a CIII&AM CINIIRS CIlWlAlI & ILlCI1IOMCS 3OI...:atlorUitoSenoeYWI- ...... 'I>u,o ML CloD-. ...- GilnlWN--Slct.u-_ Thcker. "One of our partners, ~E.JeIJenooAve. 1-8OQ..YOUR-GALL (31Jl259-S00'7 -- Kevin Hayes, has bakmg ....- _saa.m expenence and has been able I36MHallRd. (BIOf 5&6-8960 to teach the staff" The other 1313i388-elK)O"""""'"lid-- ~ ..-..- partners are brothers Todd (8101557-8856 _N..."..,1lcL and Mark Prey freephone ...... C8H:lj3'77..:J3.!! 620WIumJ\rtlorPA 1313)451.fYl2O -..- 'We chose to put the store 280W_ (810)433-0375 1>l-_1WI here because the POlntes are 1313 S Woodward (110) M4-8&13 lIke a small town and we'd and !510F~MJ»JId..- have lots of walk-m traffic," 18101 S88-618O -... e..utl.-Hlol _CllWUlt_/l,]( 1¥oI\.'l4!..", COM MUNICATIONt' --.rr1MC.-- c1o'>e " 't1Q.4Rtw-~1W :l'12."lr~W._ Ye". things are Just a little /lln ~'l4 """ 1ZJ'l /110 n~"'900 bIt Ulcer here In the POintes -Clll&AMa_ AM: , c:o.w ...... 1'l."A1(1"I"101'l~FW \"tll Wrntw.rd r""l"Illl Enough of these and you 112'"'2120:1 RIO '-4l If('(! could have a Taste of the -..r UlI<>'! CIIWUIt -"" 1~'A12\(I"'Rd Pomte" all year 'round ~1~"'1d 4fllll 1111/\0ytI. .'110 "'18901 ..... --...-/110 ~1'00 If you have an FYI tip or uc.- Auburn Ifn. free ~Iom~ know about more sam- Y"IOur~ Ilnd~fl~-- u._1MC.-- pks, call Ken Eallu!rly at l""",t.artlhf. ("hntnn 1'wp 'Tn (..-.r..t, AtN l...-l --Hltwt~ h- nwu, .. , 822-4091. Rm .""'~?OO January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News 9A

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,. F • ~ __~f ~_~~~~ __ ~_~ _ -~'--"l.-';:..-w _ !IIlII' 7 4'!.... --- .. ~ _~-~ z~!J --.-- _, 10A January 25, 1996 Schools Grosse Pointe- News Popular psychologist to visit Pointes, promote positive parenting

By Shirley A. McShane <;ponsonng the Thursday, sultmg service Healthy AchieVing The cornucopJa IS the myth- HIS suggestIOns on how to Staff Wnter Feb 1, IE-cture at 7 30 p m III HIS books, "Beyond the Cor Children," and "It's All In Ical horn of plenty that IS al- aVOid raising "cornucopia The firl:' marshal ma) not the Grosse POlllte Center for nucop18 Kids How to R81<;f>Your Head LIfestyle Man- ways full to overflOWing It kids" center on a two-way re- be thnlled, but educators and the Performlllg Arts at North agement Strategles for Busy lationship between the parents agdIn \\ III have a high school IS the traditional symbol of a People," are wntten In a self good harvest and a sign of schools and the home so that chance to hear the motivatIOn The e\ ent IS free and open help format They offer exam- the good life children receive not only a al \lords of psycho!oglst and to mem bers of the Grosse ples of common problems fac Parents Inadvertently formal educatlOn but also are lecturer Bruce BaldWin POinte Pubhc School System mg busy families of the '90s, "create" cornucopia kids by taught baSIC hfe skIlls The last tune Bald\\lIl VIS community what happens when those glv10g them too much III the Baldw10 also tackles "a- Ited the POlntes, more than The tOPiC for thiS year's lec- problems go unchecked and form of material goods and dult" problems 10 "It's All In 800 people Jammed the then ture IS "The Challenge of ler where he spoke In fact, so suggestIOns on how to over- too httle in the way of time Your Head" He says that Ralslllg Healthy, Achlevln!!' 1 m,lIly peuple Lurned out, tile) COTr'C t~C!""1 ~'" d attention, BaJd\\ ,n ,;;l,.og there 1S :l .\ a) to b:l :JTJc(> 01 Chlidren III the Nineties" In hiS book, "Cornucopia gests 10 hIS book reer and "bfe after work" stood In the aisles and crowd- BaldwlIl IS a practlclllg ed th e lobby, said Lmda Kids," Baldwlll descTlbes the Chddren today seem to de- He offers suggestIOns on psychologist who !lves In cornucopia kId as "a child mand all the "right things" how to strike a creative bal- SchneIder, vIce president of Wilmlllgton, N C He has the Grosse Pomte FoundatIOn WIth the expectation, based on to keep up with their friend,;;, ance between work and suc- written two books, numerous for Academic Ennchment years of experience in the they want what's "m" at the cess on the one hand and sat- magazllle articles, IS often and hUlson between the foun- home, that the good hfe will time, but they are not wllhng Isfy10g 1Ovolvements In lei. called upon by the pnnt and dation and the Grosse Pomte always be avaIlable for the to put forth much personal ef- sure activity, famIly hfe and electromc media to dISCUSS schools' PTO CounCil askmg without the need to de- fort to earn it, he says, fTJendship on the other hand. Issues of lifestyle manage- velop personal accountablhty Both orgalllzatlOns are ment, and has his own con- Bruce Baldwin or achIevement motIVation" r;;•• :iI •~======::..• Guest speaker relates 1W6ert C. (jorsf(j. 'D.'DS- is preased to announce fiis association witfi

to teens' frustrastions Susan 'I. (jriffin'D,VS- NatIOnally known author 109 them realize that," and and humOTlst Pat Hurley Hurley knows of what he wdl speak to students at speaks He has written six Lynnette Wifson'R,.;'D.!Jl. Grosse POInte North High hooks for young adults, pro- School on Friday, Feb 2, duced 40 educational videos from 12.26 to 2 12 p.m, The and earned two Emmy in tlie prlUtUe of :ramily anti COS1tretU'Dentistry school-wide assembly IS co- awards for hosting talk sponsored by the schools' col- shows geared toward teen- 20700 Vernier Road at 1~94 Harper Woods,MI 48225 laborative school improve- agers in Los Angeles and (313) 886.7890 ment commIttee Parents are Chicago. mvited to attend Hurley encourages stu- Hurley has addressed dents to stand up for them. more than 6 million students selves and reahze that the and parents in more than choices they make now have ~t_ J~t£r W~~l\PllSt1~ 6,000 schools an Impact on their future He "My approach to students is stresses that deCisions should Catholic Accredited Elementary School to make them laugh and chal- be made using personal char- MONTESSORI (PRE-SCHOOL), KINDERGARTEN lenge them as young adults acter and courage, otherWise Among the finest GRADES 1-8 at the same time," Hurley young people forfeIt their po- saId "They need to respect tentIal Grosse Pointe South High School students and choIr St Peter the Apostle CatholiC Accredited Elementary th emselves, respect others Hurley recognizes that ev- School mVltes you to our open house any day dunng the and respect the hfe they have members. front, from left, Lindsay Pettitt, Marcy RI~ eryone IS discouraged from chardson, Clair Molloy; middle, from left. Bryce Car. week of January 29 - February 2, 1996 We prOVide a been given, Not only does time to tIme He makes the roll-Coe. Nick Edwin, Annie Peoples, Brendan Walsh; strong academiC program which mcludes currtculum their future depend on It, but pomt that success IS never ennchment such as the future of this world de- perfect and that faIlure IS top. from left, Hayley Schollenberger and Jack Tocco pends on It, too I want to use never permanent all have won places on the Mlclligan School Vocal Mu- Art Computer Program K-B my talent, common sense Call Grosse Pomte North's sic Associations' State Honors Choir. They will per- MUSIC 2 Computer Labs and humor to be part of help- mam office at (313) 343-2187 form on June 20 In Hili Auditorium on the U-Mcam- All School Masses Outdoor Educabon, PhySical Ed pus, along with 2150other students who auditioned for Flute Class Athlebcs-Soccer, Track, T-Ball Band Jazz, etc Volleyball, Softball, Basketball the prestigious singing ensemble. Their performance Fewgifts actually improve with age. Speech Cheerleadmg will culminate the mld-westem 1l\~lc confer~nce. and French .. Girl Saolf,ts/Browmes more than 2,000 music teachusJ:EORlraI'8undtthe state . Small ~r.oup.4turS'es, ~J of ... I' ,,;,' ~~n~ <;J.ibScouts .YoUtbank sells one of them. are expected to'lrttend. - - All subjects presented by certified dedlcated'lea'chers who • ". care about children and therr development CALL; Sister Kathleen DeSmedt, IHM, PrinCipal HOMEOWNERS! •. (313) 885-8062 IMng from paych«lc to paycl1edl! 19800 Amta, Harper Woods . ~ . . (Across from Eastland Mall) ." !IaIMdr IIrYtce r,uo,,,..uzl Rev. Robert keller, paslor AAA MORTCAC£ & FINANCIAL CoRI', SAVINGS~ •.SBONDS ~ '.'~1\15tMAR/(fiT L' 4, ON THE CAMPUS Fax 882.0220 355 FISHER RD. WE DELIVER 882.5100 • OPEN 8 to 5 30 P m DAILY, Wed tll Noon - Closed Sunday UPS PICK-UPDAILY SALE PRICES GOOD JAN. 25th-Jan. 31st --UP TO25% Off-- STUFFED Oil and Water color Painlinss --- PORK CHOPS ~ ~~~C~rN~ue LEAN wiMichigan Dried PORK --- Litho8raphs, &ri8raphs, Etchin8s Cherry & Apple Stuffing CORNED BEEF Roasters & Fryers TENDERLOINS 99 79 Art Glass, &ulpture, Icons, Dolls 1b ~n~r:"1eof every $2 Ib¥~-~~ 99~ 79 $2 purcllase LB. $4 1b HUQQY - LA6T WEEK! FRESH FROZEN FARMS'EXCLUS1VE FRESH FROZEN LEANGROUND JANUAQY HOUQ6 SWORDFISH PORk & VEAL AMISH VALLEY SIRLOIN & Tuc.-IJday &llurday 1000 a m - 600 pill .--" STE kS TURKEYS BEEFSTEW or . • A CITY CHICkENS 99~ J7 -, SIRLOIN TIP ROAST 49 Grosse Pointe 19869 Mack Avenue 884-0100 -~$7 $299 lB. ~J .~,A, $299 ------_ (NexIIO The Cheesecake Shoppe) -"'::. Ib Ib varoous sizes r,~ Ib G . A 'l' L . E . R. Y Grosse Pointe Woods ~ w~i1e su III'S last __ - OUR FAMOUS D SALAD .99 16:- • Wm Schuler's Bumble Bee FARMS' AU Whoit Bean BAR CHEESE Christ Centered, .. Committed to Excellence Onglnal Light SOLID WHITE TUNA L~~!~~~t!.~~GOURMET COfFEE ~ Waler or 0,1 ~a~~~ NUl RalSHl Bran etc , 20% OFF OUf Lady $1~? $5~~ARIETIES (-~~"- 20VARIETIES ~...- ,,".~$1~o?can~ TOMBSTONE OTIS SPUNKMEYER Star of the Sea PIZZA Kc1lfJgg's 9 LIVES FARMS'MKT. DOZEN ~ CORN CAT OPEN HOU'SE 71600 BUY A DOZEN I'-;IJ FLAkES FOOD Pcppcrom & ~upreme GET 6 FREE Wednesday, January 31 GREAT FOR SUPER BOWll 8 VarIeties I~ $2~& Preschool & Elementary. 7:()(}7:45 p,m. t~,e Mltidle School • 7:45-830 p m. Bud Bowl Special D'ANJOU SNO- WHITE ALL 12 PAC 467 Fairford • Grosse Pointe Woods :~g~;GHT _ _ ~ARS CAULIFLOWER PR~g~~TS • I >rc.'->( hool - 3',..., 4'.'->. KJrHicrgclrten ~."~~99' • I :.Icrncntilry - grcHics 1 - oS $1 ~~cJ ~~ ,,~~ 69~B.~ .. ~~' HEAD $2~~ • Middle SellO()1 - grades G, 7, c:u1d 8 Crisp Romaine Baby Red ~ .. Juky Peeled & Cleaned • Extended [)dY Scrvl{ CS LETTUCE PO~ATOES Honeybell M IN I

(313) 884-1070 Accredited by the ORANGES CARROTS State 01 Michigon 59~ Li)i 99~ if~r." LB. <' .::..... 3* BAG Y99~ 99~BAG

-_-- e .- ...... ~------.------.-""':"------~----lIIIIl!sJ21r ~ ,l , - January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News News 11A School events ~1. ten essay of 250 to 500 words St. Paul Catholic explammg "Why he or she School hosts an open house should receIVe an AmeTlcan on Sunday, Jan. 28, from 11 " SCHOOL NEWS College Fund ScholarshIp am. untIl 1 pm, to klCk off a Award," and "What new op- week.long observance of swer oral questIOns on geog- Reunions portunities will become avall- Catholic Schools Week. Inter- raphy and was the first able as a result of recPlvlng ested partIes are invited to round In the natIOnal compe- The Hamtramck High a scholarshIp" For applicatIOns, send a talk wIth teachers and pa- titIOn sponsored by NatIOnal School class of 1946 IS hav- rents and tour the school, lo- GeographIc World and the mg a 50th reunIOn on Sun- sE:lf-addressed stamped en ve cated at 170 Grosse POinte Chrysler Corp Bonme recent- day, Apnl 28, at Club Vene- lope With two stamps to Blvd. in Grosse POinte ly completed the wntten geog- tIan, 29310 John R m Madi- AmeTlcan College Fund, Of- Farms Call (313) 885-3430 raphy test to qualify for the son HeIghts January alum- fice of ApplicatIOns RegIstra- for more information state competItIOn. nI can contact Hank Golota tIOn, 9357 S. BurnSIde Ave, • at (313) 278-3711, June alum- SUlk 101, CJll<.UgU, III 6vol~ They're Eagles now The Grosse Pointe Acade. The photography of four I'll can call Lila Mathamel at Most parents and students my hosts an open house on Grosse Pomte South HIgh (313)565.0192. Jonathan Opdyke. center, and Nathan Pierantoni, thmk scholarshIps are only Sunday, Feb. 4, from 2 to 4 School students WIllbe on diS- right, earned the Eagle Scout Award recently and were for students WIth good p.m Teachers and admmlS- play through Feb 29 at the honored at a Dec. 19 banquet at the Crescent Sail Yacht grades, or low-mcome famI- trators will be on hand to an. Center for Advanced Tech- Scholarships Club. Scoutmaster Joe Melnlg. left, presented the presti- nologies, 1400 Oakman lIes or athletes A small ex- gious award to Opdyke and Plerantonl. They are both swer questIons and conduct The American College Blvd., between Linwood and ample of the many scholar- graduates of Grosse Pointe North High School and are tours. Fund ScholarshIp Program LaSalle in Detroit. ExhibIt shIps avaIlable Include schol- attending the University of Michigan. • plans to award more than arshIps for handicapped stu- .The department chairper- hours are 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., 9,000 scholarships thiS year, Monday through Friday Ad. dents, members of a particu- sons, the counselors and ad- ranging from $250 to $15,000 mIssIon IS free. The exhibIt lar church, "COOstudents, ministrators at Grosse To be conSIdered, apphcants We Carry Frank's Jefferson NOll/IntrodUCIng IS sponsored by Focus: HOPE children of veterans and mj- Pointe North High must have a grade pomt aver. Amish Prime Meats and Deli '.New" Home and is a multi-cultural dIS- noritles School present elghth.grade Products 25300 St, r I 775.1991 Dehwl)I age of 2 0 or hIgher, must The U S CommIssion for r. • parent/student OrIentatIon on play of metro-Detroit area SeMce demonstrate finanCIal need Scholastic Assistance-Col- Pnces Subject 10 Change Due to Supply ell Demand Monday, Feb. 5, at 7 p.m., in teenagers' photographIC work and must submIt a typewrit. the Grosse Pointe Center for lege Bound supplies more LOBSTER I~EW'YO-;K I LooKING...- IbyoarfUaloasS'or the Performmg Arts Any stu- than 600 scholarship sources TAILS [S$T2R~:tgSI ~~~~~~I~bou~rheaJlhyl6' SllBS i and the lists include names, lb. Homtmlde Bet! &lor ftllWi_ P'I~ dent planmng to attend 1TENDERLOINS 1 Vegg.tPubu I MlIIW" North is invited, along with addresses, apphcatlOn dead- 99 9 lines, sum manes about the $4 , $61t $269 lor101Il his or her parents, to attend EA. 1 CUT& \I'RAPPFli FRtE I EA. I Sn.., Bowl Do""" \\/C~n ~.2II"!L .:MWIl2!!..~IIlIi_\lC~, l!r21~ ..:!- _ .~. the orientation. After a for- awards and amounts that mal presentation, parents will be paid. Some scholar- ~ED~1Gjjf 1 SUPER 1TOO: ISRlINNING 0I1I'!1 G.udlno •• ltaU.... and students WIllhave the op- ships pay the entIre tUItIon ~699 BUY! AlASKANKING .....SAUSAG~. while other students combine lb. I FRESH 1 I $1~~9 portUnIty to tour the school WHOLE' La BAC LAKE PERCH CRAB LEGS lb. applicable scholarships to- and VIsit classrooms, where P&DSIUIDIP I $799 $799.' UrWlalt department chairpersons, gether to form one large tUI- 3 3 o~ s~,\ LB. 1 ~t~ LB.I $2!.9 teachers and students WIllbe tion payment IIIC n .2I11l1i IIICOIJpoll i:lj>.2I11l1i IIlCoupoo i:lj>.2I11l6 II (,"pori Elp.211l6 avaIlable to answer ques- For mformatIon on obtain- tions Copies of the 1996-97 ing these scholarship hsts, program of stu(lies will be de- send a self-addressed stamp- livered to the prIVate and pa- ed standard busmess-slze en. rochial schools m Grosse velope to: The U.S. Commis- Pointe, as well as to the in- sion for Scholastic ASSIS- coming eighth-graders at tance, P.O. Box 668, Brownell and Parcells mid- O'Fallon, Ill. 62269 dle schools • Macomb Community College is offering a "Col- The Notre Dame Drama Club is preparing for Its first mu- ~l\:Mnte ~ lege for Kids" program begin- sical of the year. "The Fantastlcks," which will be per- CREATIVE SERVICES & PRODUCTION ning in February. Sponsored formed on Friday, Feb. 2. and Saturday, Feb. 3, at 7:30 COMPUTE COMPOSITION by the Center for Continuing p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 4. at 2 p.m. at Notre Dame mgh SERVICES Education, the program of- School, 20254 Kelly, one block south of Eight Mile. Cast FROM CONCEPT fers 16 different classes members include, from left, Adam Wieczorek, Brenna To CAMERA-RfADY geared toward kindergarten Kuhn (Regina High student), Sarah Fujita (Regina) and La- NEED AKlWORX tht~ugh 10th gr'aders. All chlan (j't.tary; Tickets wJ.U be sold at'fhe door; $6 for fOil. YOUR PIUNTED PIKE' courses meet on Saturdays, adults and $5 for students and seniors. at the Fraser Campus, 32101 Caroline, off Masonic be- tween Hayes and Utica roads, m Fraser. Class fees ~INC'SP~ range from $29 to $55. ~<' Courses offerings include ~ ,,~,- _. ..q. classes on learning magic tricks, how to solve a crime ff~~" ifr. ~~ THE using evidence collectIon, 85KetchevalAve 97KerchevalAve fun with science and art and (1 Block south ot Cottage HosprtaO (Up the street trom our grtf stefe) many more. Contact the MCC Grosse POinte Farms Grosse POinte Farms ~~~~ GROSSE PoINTE Center for Continuing Educa- 884-4422 886-4341 tion at (810)296-3516. ~~y ACADEMY • EVERYTHING IN STORES* The Memorial Nursery, 16 Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe Farms, will host an open OPEN HOUSE house on Thursday, Feb. 8, 20% OFF from 9 to 11'30 a.m. Memori- SELECTED CHRISTMAS ALL February 4, 1996 alls a co-operative pre-school ITEMS DREAMSICLES for 3- and 4-year-olds. Call Maurya Kay at (313) 881-5885 2:00 ..4:00 p.m. for more information. ¥6 75% OFF Busy students 50% OFF • UZZlE HIGH DOLLS 25% OFF • THROWS 50% OfF The following Pointe. area Catholic school stu- • MICHAELS 30% OFF dents were finalists in the • RAINBOW PADS BY STAMP FRANCISCO 30Ck OFF 18th annual Scholastic Olym- • Exdud"'g Dept 56, specIal order., monogrammrng, pics sponsored by Regma UPS ShIppIng, prevlOUS purchases High School on Jan 11: HOURS Mon Sot 10 am -530 pm, Thurs TO-7 p m Jennifer Ballew, of Grosse Pointe Woods, placed first m the art competitIon She attends Our Lady Star of Students of the Sea. Margaret Hayes of Grosse Pointe Farms placed St. Paul Catholic School second In math; she attends Get More than St Paul school Meaghan Reardon of Grosse Pointe a Good Education. Woods placed second In mu- sic; she goes to Star of the Sea. Ellen Shaheenof Come to our Open House Grosse POInte Woods placed to find out why Montessori Early School (ages 2 1/2 - 5 Years) second m readmg compre- parents can say this hension, sh e a Iso goes to Lower and Middl~ SChfol (Grades 1 - 8) Star. with confidence. • The chIldren at Memori- al Nursery In Grosse POInte Academic Excellence and Strong Values Within Farms had a chance on Jan. 12 to meet Elaine Jordan, Af- a Nurturing Community rican storyteller She shared with the 3- and 4-year-olds her stones and songs For Infonnation • Call Molly McDermott, Bonnie Aumann of St ClaIr Shores, an elghth.grad. AdmiSSIons Director er at St Clare of Montefalco (313) 886-1221 School in Grosse Pomte Park, won the school-level competItIon of the NatIOnal A Grosse Pomte tradition since 1927 171 Lake Shore Road • Grosse Pointe Farms Geography Bee The competI- 885-3430 'The Grosse P0I11IeAcodemy doeJ I\lJt dlscnmm.le on lhe b.Lm of race. sex, rehglon. color or ethn,c ongon tion requires students to an-

,.. -- _.111,.-.. - - - - - III .0. .... __ •••n.."'_ ..m-.-.----~.__...... ,,_("...... --...... :t' 12A January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe' News

Sale Starts Thursday January 25th at 9:10 A.M.



/' I


HOURS: Mon-Sat 10-5:30 Thurs 10-9 Sun 12-5 17112 KERCHEVAL IN-THE-VILLAGE • GROSSE POINTE 881-1191


-----.------:-214 News 13A

Avoiding those pesky jams

Have you ever shot a roll of film, begun to rewind It mto the cassette and then - you guessed it - found the film had never advanced through the camera? Fresh Genuine Don't feel like the Lone Ranger; it's happened at some time in almost every photog- GROUND BEEF CHUCK Bur ONE, en 011' OP !OUJO. OR USSM "AWE rapher's career. But did you Photogr...Bp..b~ know there's a way to assure that your film always advances through the cam- By Monte Nagler era? In fact, there are a num- ber of helpful hmts to keep electronic cameras, change closest to the focal length of you out of a Jam and, also, battenes m your camera once your lens - not slower. For improve your photographs a year, even though It still example, With your normal Here are some appears to be functlOmng 50mm lens, shoot at 1/60 sec- properly Pick a day you'll • 'Ib resolve the film- ond or faster With a 135mm 112.GalCtn, Assorted Flavors, Kroger Lowfat Ice Cream advance problem, simply remember, such as Jan lor lens, use 1/125 second or watch the film reWind crank your birthday faster When lImited hght as you advance the film. If the • Tape the label from your demands a slower speed, use film box on the back of your HEALTHY INDULGENCE crank turns, everythmg is a tnpod BUY ONE, Gin' ONII okay. If not, the film Isn't camera (some cameras have • If your meter should faIl, going through the camera It's slots for thIS purpose) as a allIS not lost Simply set the that simple . remmder of wl,J.atkmd of film shutter speed to the number • Use a skylight or haze fil- you are shooting If you don't closest to the ASA of the fIlm ter on all your lenses. They take many pictures, It's easy you are usmg. Example with WIllnot only warm up colors to forget what's m your cam- Kodacolor 100, the shutter and cut through haze, but era speed should be 1/125 second they will protect your valu- • Don't always use fast film Then set the aperture at f/16 able lenses (high ASA ratmgs) I recom- on a sunny day, f/11 on a • Thoroughly read your mend usmg the slowest speed bnght overcast day, f/8 when camera owner's manual. film that conditlOns and hght- It'S overcast, and so on 24-0z Ctn Regular Or Fat Free Carry It in your camera bag ing will permit You'll get • As always, try to add for qUIck reference It con- finer gram, more VIVIdcolors, Impact to your photographs and save money on film, too Move 10 close, compose care- KROGER SOUR CREAM tains valuable information on BUV ONE, GET ONE your camera and useful infor- • When IS It safe to hand- fully, watch your back- mation on photography hold your camera? Shoot at grounds, and learn how to use the shutter speed that comes • 'Ib be safe, especIally with depth-of-field creatIVely Fartns boaters \Vant answers By Chip Chapman bor" and the costs And we're much Staff Writer The recommendatIOns also closer to the costs" For the second time In three asked the councIl to roll back Harle's wife Marlene said months, Grosse Pointe Farms fees to 1993 levels, pnor to a that ''boat owners are subsi- 14.()z Bag Assorted boat well holders addressed 20 percent rate Increase after dlzmg taxpayers" because har- the city council mquiring why that year bor rates have outweIghed annual rate increases have "We are not a marina," saId harbor costs, but Nash saId he FRITO LAYIS POTATO CHIPS been eXceedmg costs. James Allor, who has kept a doesn't see It that way BUV ONE, GEl' ONE "ThIS is in reactIOn to vari- boat at the Pier Park smce ous Increases m boat harbor 1951 "The Pier was deSIgned "If there IS a large expendl- fees," said Charles Harle, who for people who could not afford ture, hke sea wall work, ongo- addressed the council 10 clubs." mg lumber replacement or October and again last "The expenditure IS not attorney's fees, as was the case Monday mght there to Justify the (fee) With some DNR work In the A hst of recommendatIOns, increases," said boat well hold- early '90s, CIty forces are utI- which had been discussed er Paul D'Angelo hzed," Nash saId ''If costs are smce many of the boat well Farms controller James above rates It comes out of the holders approached the coun- Nash saId that boat well hold- general fund" Seedless Com, Peas, Cut cil in October, were presented ers seem to be fOCUSingonly on Mayor John Danaher said Green Beans Or M,xed at Monday mght's council costs that commIttees have yet to be NAVEL meeting "The rates have never been formed for the commg year, KROGER Harle, who helped prepare tied to the underlymg costs," but that the cIty would make ORANGES VEGETABLES the recommendatIOns, sug- he said "There IS no prOVISIOn sure boat well holder<;, and 14 TO IS 3-oZ CAN gested that the council "pre- that rates must equal costs non-boat owners as well, are sent to the public a clear and We do not charge what one able to prOVIde mput to the unbIased account of specific would for a commercial man- park and harbor wmmlttee , expenditures and appropria- na We try to strike a balance and Its polICIes, once the com- , tlOns relating to the boat har- of what the market will bear mlttee IS formed Salt - the silent killer of cars By Jim Stickford CIty streets, Whitcher saId RegUlar. l,te French Roast "Salt keeps the roads clear, Or "ahan Expresso Staff Writer Brett Smith, of the Grosse but It can be very corrosive to While metro DetrOIt has Pointe Shores department of the metal of your car," managed to aVOId the wmter public works, said that 150 Beaupre said "So It'S 'mpor- MAXWELL HOUSE weather that has cnppled tons of salt have been spread tant to wash your car regular- COFFEE other parts of the country, on Shores road dunng elght ly durmg the wmter A mIld 36 TO 39-0Z CAN Motor City reSidents still have dIfferent storms since last wmter ISJust as hard on a car to watch out for the effects of Nov 12 as a harsh wmter" road salt "It's not really the amount of 'We haven't had the heavy snow that affect" how we "alt, SmIth saId that therc' no snows that other parts of the but rather the duratIOn of the "uch thing a" an average Win- country have had," sald Woods snow," saId Farm" DPW ter The weather dnvcrs director of public safety employee Ken Beaupre "If we "hould be more concerned Thomas WhItcher "But we have a ~eak storm that lasts about IS ICyram, he said The have had a few lIght storms salt melt" the Ice, but the several hour", we might have AOVER1ISEO rTEM POLICV WE RESERVE THE: R~KT TO l~T OUANnTl!"S Eact olltl(!se &'1Vet1lse-.1 rrl"ms $ teq ••lIr('u you' cholc~ "I ~ C~r.lbl(' f1crn wNon ~....~ refterchng rh(' s"r'nt'! c; lVW'l<;lS Of ~ fillOC~k wP'Jeh W'lI Mtrt'f> vou 10 purcha~l'! IN> to salt two or three time" But ~~ rUom i'll f'Ie Advf'f'T~ PflC~ WIfhln 90 d

- ..... 1II.... _ •• _ •••• _ ...... -.-- ... 1I1J1..... 11JI... 1lIl'l1lllf"'.. ~ ....-..-...... '" ~ ... ------t'~_ --_.•-_.----...------'----....."...... --,. I II 14A Seniors January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News Psychotherapy and the cancer patient 'it can't hurt' "ll cdn't hurt .. II1t('ndeu to e~amllle the 0\ er IIIness The patIents were would affect survlv that thiS sort of promise LClpated III a SIXweek group should not be made ~oup therdpI 1\111 help conquer the therapy program He mIght hal(' gl\('n ,I dl','a<;e .. It IS Important, too, that pa- After SIX week" the group tients steer clear of groups more POSltll e an 'ill er e"c('pt 10 his surpnse and that of recelvlllg support was more that ph\~I(lan" hale resrTla cancer researchers dround thods of trc.ltment, such therapy dId hve longer than By Marian Trainor Llldt the group leader IS expe- py group had contlllued to 1m nenced m workmg WIth can- a" chemotherapy, m fmor of those not III such therapy P"\ chologlcal lI1terventlOn prove slgmficantly Mem- cer patients and famlh

Few indIVIduals have the AmeTlcans to Washingtop, ICy experts In addItion, 1l1- Vicki Helm: Kennedy II of Massachusetts. opportul1lty to dISCUSS issues DC, to learn abo It the terns WIll spend time 111 the "The CongreSSIOnal SenIOr (313) 343-0000 WIth theIr member of Con- people, processes, and Issues actiVIties of the CapItol Hlil Clbzen Intern Program has gress Even fewer have the op- Il1volved III the making of office of their representatIVe 18118 Mack Avenue been very successful m pro- V~k.PiiMt portumty to work slde-by-slde pubhc pohcy The week-long or senator to see firsthand WIth those who develop na- program prOVIdes them WIth how a congreSSIOnal staff Vldll1g semor cItizens With Grosse Pointe honnl pohcy the opportumty to ga1l1 a prac- works mSlght on how the Congress &~~" However, older Amencans tIcal understandll1g of how and government work ThIS With an mterest m the polib- public policy affects then The program w1l1 be held program benefits the Con- gress tremendously by giV- cal process have an opportum- hves and how the efforts of May 18-25 In Washmgton, SUMMARY OF THE MINUTES 111- ty to do just that as partlCI- mdlVlduals can affect pubhc D C Included 111 the $958 tUI- ing offices that host semor pants in the Congressional pohcy tlon price are seven mghts terns the benefit of their ex- cIlYOf~rnSS.eJlointe JIf arms Michigan perbse, mterest and enthusi- Semor CItizen Intern Pro- The program offers an in- lodgmg III a major metropolJ- asm," saId Cohen JANUARY 22, 1996 gram m the natIOn's capItal depth look at key public poli- tan hotel, m-town transporta- The Meetll1gwas called to order at 7 30 P m The CongreSSIOnal Semor cy Issues through dISCUS- tion, all meals (except one In additIOn, Close Up also conducts a series of govern. CItizen Intern Program, 111 slOns WIth members of Con- lunch), all seminars and oth- Present on Roll Call Mayor John E Danaher, Counclimembers conjunctIOn WIth the Close gress, adminIstratIOn offi- er program activities, an eve- ment studIes programs for Waldmelr WJlberdll1g.Gandelot and older Americans, which also Knelser .r Up FoundatIOn, brmgs older clals, reporters, and other pol- ning at the theater and more takes them behmd the scenes ",J The program cost does not m- III Washlllgton to help them Those Ab~ent Were CouncIl members Kaess and Gaffney ~~:'Fast Facts' about 55 clude transportatIOn to and gain an understanding of •.' from Washmgton, D.C. AI~oPre~ent Mes\r~ Burge.....City Attorney, Solak. City pohcy development These " A pubhcatlon from the So- Documents, U S Govern- Deadline for apphcatlons Manager, Reeslde, City Clerk, Ferber, week-long sessIOns WIll be . cial Security Admlmstra- ment Pnntlllg Office, Wash- IS Apnl 5 Director of Public Safety. DeFoe Director .' bon prOVIdes current stahsb- conducted between Apnl and of Public Service mgton, DC, 20402-9325 The The honorary chaIrpersons June cal mformatlon about the So- booklet is avaIlable III Eng- of the program are Sen WII- For more informatIOn on Mayor Danaher pre~lded at the Meetll1g Jcial Secunty and Supplemen- hsh and Spanish on the In- Ham Cohen of Maine, who IS the CongreSSIOnal Semor In- T tal Income Secunty Pro- ternet You can access It at also the chaIrman of the Sen- Councllwoman Kae~sWd~excu~ed from attendmg the meetmg tern Program or other Close grams. http //www ssa gov under the ate SpeCIal CommIttee on Ag- Up programs for older Amen- CounCilman Gaffney was excused from attendll1gthe meeung Y. The booklet, "Fast Facts "Research and StatIstIcal mg, and Rep Ralph Regula cans, call toll free at (800) :and FIgure, about SOCial Se- Data" sectIOn of OhIO and Rep Joseph P 363-4762 The Mll1ute~of the Regular M~tll1g held on January 8. 1996.were ~cUTlty," IS produced yearly approved a~ ~ubmIlted by the SOCIal SecuTlty Ad- mll1lstratlOn III response to The Mmutes of the Clo~ed Se~~lonheld on January 8, 1996 were - numerous inqUlnes for data approved as ~ubmllled , on ItS programs Printed in The Council, actmg a~ a Zomng Board of Appeal~, approved the ; easy-to-read format WIth Mmute~ of the PublIc Heanng held December II 1995, and fur- charts and graphs, the book- Iher granted Ihe appeal of Mr & Mr~ William Jack~on of 77 let con tam s genera I mfor- wkevle ...., 10 con~truct a famIly room add II IOn to Ihell pre~ent matlOn through 1995 and ,tat- dowelling lstlcal data through 1994 Thc Council approved the reque~1to hold the r 81h Annual G P You can obtam a copy of 69 'iKiIOK Family Fun Run. September 28 1996 ~ubJect to ~peclfic :: 'Fast Facts and FIgures" SIRLOIN TIP ROAST $2 LB ~ondlllo", :from the Supermtendent of MlI([';YI ~"f~ ) Course 99 The CounCil adjourned Ihe PublIc Heaflng for Code No 1 01 CHILI IytEAT $1 lB Election PreLinct Ordinance Ordinance No 138 to Thur~da)' "Homicide chief ~ January 2) 1996 at 5 00 p m or MEmOAF MIXTURE ~-t_~ The CouncIl approved the Calendar of Evcnt~ for 1996. a~ 1 ;to speak Feb. 7 69 BEfF FOR STEW $2 LB ~ubmilted by the Gro~~ePomte Farm~Boat Club • Joan Ghougolan, com- Ht'ad~ ~~ , lHTUCE 69"Head The Coun,,1 reccl\ed the PublIc Safely Depanment Repolt for the manding officer of the homi- DELI SPECIALS monlh of De~cmbcr 1995 and ordered 11 placed on file Honey Bt'1J 4 for 99" ~ Cide secbon of the DetrOIt Po ORANGES " . , Lean BACON 99 The Countll adopled a re~olullon that Im,nedlately f(ll' 'lng hce Department, will be the $1 LB CUCUMBH'S ••. 3 for 99" temporal) adjournment of thc Regular Mcetlng a CI Ion est speaker at the bl-month TURKEY BREAST 69 STRAWBERRIES 99 qt ~hall be held for the purpme of dl~cu~~mgreal e~tale m y general meetmg of the VII- Plain, Smoked, $3 $1 Honey Roasted lB Inge Club (senIOr member, CABBAGE 19"lB Upon proper motron made ~upported and carried th, ,g f the NeIghborhood Club) on SWISS 69 adjourned al 9 10 P m $2 LB FRESH SEAFOOD Vednesday, Feb 7, at I 30 CHEESE 49 THF \lEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL pm the Neighborhood Peeled and Deviened $14 JJt American WI! I BF-HF-.LDO~ MONDAY FFBRUARY 12 1996 AT 7 10 Club!~7150 Waterloo In Yellow or White $19\B SHRIMP 36.40 CT 1I121b BAG PM IN THF-CITY COUNCIL CHAMBF-.Rli90 KI-RBY ROAD ros~Jnte CHEESE 19 An entrance fee of $1 WIll .Shell.On $949 1 ~ 01 '2 1h R 01 S,1 lioCJ John E. Danaher SHRIMP 16-20CT LR rh c charged to cover refresh POTATO SALAD or 1 $129 1 ~ 01 'lJ Mayor TABBOULEH ":2 1b I enh For more Informa COLE SLAW LB 'kIUe Supfdtu .4441 H nl '1'-9 I rh Shane L. Reeside '-.t IOn, ca II (313) 885.4600 (J Pi\! OI/2'i/96 ('lIy Clerk

, 2 January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 15A What can we 'take away' and still have a Mustan Finally, a Mu.,tang convert- (but nothIng much more ments III warmer month., Ible A beautlfullummous Immediately followmg While ddvanced) So I Immedlately Can we tnm enough fat to green one wIth d "parklmg tho"e lighb can be annoYing, thmk about "ubtrdctlOn What begm clearIng a .,pace In the whIte top and leather- It'b good to know when some- optIOns can we "take away" garage for the ragtop? trImmed seats dnd aggressive one IS there and "till have a pi etty green Now for the subtral-tlOn 4 6-hter V-8 engIne And, yes, Thl» wa" a gOlgeous vehlde Mu"tang to drIve BIg engIne? Accordmg to our sticker WIth we were deep IOta the wmter With wmmendable features Leather-tnmmed seat,,? the MSRP figures, the 'ltan- season and, yes, It was alter- like good handling, very com- Fancy sound »ystem? dard price on the 1996 nately cold or ramlng each fortable bucket "eats and a Expensive wheel" and tm's? Mustang GT convertIble With low-revvmg, qUIet engme Try day And, no, we never had Floor mats? Are a,htray" 4 6-hter V-8 (as of thl'l model as I mIght, I can't Justify the top down extra-cost? Now we're scrdp- Autos year, no more 5 O-hter Investmg that kind of money Problem 1'1 thIs little Jewel 109, but thIs IS Important Mustane- fan, - ,orrvi I" rull~ $2'1,000 !vly 3l-0LLI"h In ,vl):3.t ::J.r::OL.n.t~ tv,J. t.IIV Here IS a great-lookmg sports $23,495 Add to that $2,100 By Jenny King herItage demand" that I thmk a seater - the back "eating coupe WIth a power-operated preferred equIpment package area doe,n't work for adults m the most par"lmonlOUS top that expedites your meet- Viper famIly to Include a new With aIr condltlOnmg, speed - that prefer'l a warmer ch- fashIOn And I wa" alway., Ing (and exceed 109) your Chrysler shows Viper GTS Coupe The two- control, special radIO, power- mate It's like bUYing a beau- rather adept at arithmetIc ImpOI tant \ It 110m D lequire adjustable dnver's seat and tIful gown or SUIt that IS won- off 'new' plant "eater "hall''' the 8 0-lIter V- antI-lock brakes On top of derful to look at and perhaps 10 engIne made famous by Its that there are optIOns like Chrysler hab moved It5 older brother, VIper RTIlO pleasurable to own, but IS Viper productIOn from the remote keylesshllummated short on practICality There al"o will be a VIper new Mdck facility to d rtcent- GTS R limited edltlOn road entry ($270), an antI-theft It'" not only the price, It'S Iy reful blbhed 345,000- Iace Cdr thl" year Chrysler system ($145), rear Window the pdl-kagmg that 1" pUZ- square-foot building near Van .,a)" It captures the essence of defroster ($170), 17-lOch alu- zlmg I'm surpn"ed that antl- Dyke and East Eight Mile the Shelby Daytona Cobra minum wheels ($380) and lock brakes and air condItIOn- Across from Holy Cro", Coupe., and Heml-powered leather seat 109 "surfaces" Ing would be an extra-cost Ho"pltal, the Conner Avenue Cunningham roadsters of ear- ($500) optIOn They are "tandard Assembly Plant IS the remcaJ- her eras Should you wonder, front eqUIpment on the $27,580 natIOn of a former ChampIOn The GTS-R IS available floor mats run an additIOnal Mustang Cobra convertible. Spark Plug facdlty dating With three horsepower $30 Maybe we can make up from 1966 Chrysler bought It optlOns 525, 650+ or 700+ A Mustang convertIble With some of the difference In fuel 10 1995 ThiS 27-acre site will Fast enough for you? The the smaller 150-hp 3 B-hter V- economy The Mustang GT be the base of all Viper other models are tamer 415 6 stili specs out at $21,060, convertIble IS rated by the assembly It also has a Ime hp for the Viper RT/IO and accordmg to Jack Teahen's EPA at IB mpg city and 27 gOing In for the retro-hot rod about 450 hp for the GTS world-class price list In a mpg highway So, skip the Plymouth Prowler Coupe The tran<;mlSSlOn for Journalists from around the world got to see the new recent editIOn of Automotive leather seatIng surfaces, anti- Chry'ller "aId workers from all Vipers IS a 6-speed manu- Chrysler Conner Plant during auto show press preview News Hmmm One benefit theft system and 17-Inch alu- UAW Local 212 wdl form a al Pnces run from a mere days. All three Dodge Viper models plus the upcoming would be no rear spoIler on minum wheels - but hang SIngle Shift, eventually bUIld- $58,600 for the RTIlO to an Plymouth Prowler will be built here. Pictured is the new the V-6 model The spoiler has onto those $30 floor mats Are 109 3,600 Vipers and 4,800 estimated $200,000 for the Viper GTS Coupe, which is also the Pace Car for the the abIlity to completely oblIt- they avadable 10 a Scottlbh Prowlers annudlly GTS-R With the base engme 1996 Indianapolis 500. erate the headlIghts of a car Kennedy clan tartan? Chrysler IS expanding the The 1997 Plymouth Prowler, once rumored to debut sometime m 1996, IS supposed to be aval1able by next year to a hmlted number of enthUSiasts With at least $35,000 each m their check- Ing accounts BUIlt at the new DetrOIt plant, thiS two-seater Will have a 3 5-lIter 24-valve SIXunder Its leaded-look, shark-nose hood Never did know or can't remember how to work a manual transmis- sIOn? No embarrassment on thiS one It Will only come With a 4-speed automatic ."'J/Ib'. ' * r ",- ,~ ~ ",.,b ••.o<\' ;,,...ft~, ..,... . And It only comes 10 purple j~~~""'''.. ~. \ ",. That's purple-colored alu- The new Viper GTS-R is a street-legal racing machine, mInum and synthetIC compos- The 1996 Ford Mustang GT has exchanged its brawny S.O-Iiter v-a for a new 215- with engines developing up to 700 hp and a base price of $200,000. Ite body panels on an extrud- hp 4.6-liter.Siht. ~, , ~ _ _ _ ,~\., ed alummum frame. \ ~•• " "" r ... ,.J- ...... A _ ...... J< , 8 ~o~ %or$ APR Financing/ , 48 mos,. B~or Lease CASH BACK!. On Most 196 Ford Vehicles

FIN ',1onth .. Pa\mcn' .... Rctund.lhlc <;('l,.lIrlt\ f>t.p-.l'll 11f'o.l \1mlh ...Pl\nllnl .... Dm,l,nPa,mlnl ,1110S~t~~)() RU Lease ll Sill'! :0 Rei ra,h $263 90Mo/24Mos. R, 11ndlhh. \u.( nl\ Dq"'l.l\lt ,moo Cu,,"'omcrCa"h Oue al ';'''i!nm~ ~Low Mileage Lease Plan [)o\\rl F\nmlnl 1 ~r;,O00 ~1 24,000 Miles m~ • r~ ()()') mlre~ pcncar Of It\, $169~~Mos R< I ( l'~ !lQl!.OO 24,000 Miles ( l ,{ n1lr (..I,M D h. I ;"H...nm!- S~ 119 20

'4 ,'t Fordr",dll >\PR hn.ncmg l;r 4~ n on1n" <.NI', "n h Il. on pur n", "Red ( "1"'\ I <;" "I N~ T,u"" r"",,,U' V ".I"., I 'n Pr I>.c R .o,er \l\RP, I, n I' qq< I \f\RP n r ,n (,I 0' I I \j,RP 1>-~\,"d,' ,(,I "" Ill. , I \l~RP >nR '"" '11 I" '.10 n1n, 10«.1 cnd Ford rmlll Thundcrlmd Acm'''' honol.o, and rJuh" "'Il ~'IX~I, "n hll. on I >% fl" n, 4 ~ I,",",,", I "., 10 m,n, ,'S" 'l4 p" m .o,h PC' I I H'I n n,,-I '''h R,d, ''P< ,1, "p r, h",d .0 the I)..fr, 1r, u, 0 In """ I q '" S",ne \'1\ me u, h ,h, ,no. I "'" '" I, ,I I" I ,.,m" " ", I ,"" OM' h"«)pc,on Ifl';fdov.n 0<.lcrp.,'1<1p.1uonmJ<1ffcd\,lLlng, \' Mu'" •• en""""lld'mlnmde.I"",\h,4 'J~ "%F",nl',,,"hrll' "1\1 Tm'" (,I ,.",,, ,h" "nLl I 'f "'0", n," I , I~"h I I" """"'1' 1..,....,.cro'l"n hl,\ "',, """ I,,, .. I" I I" ,,,I'IWp"""JlS 1~lmll. ",,,hPl-P?O<>\ \\lnd''',(1 \",hP~P. ,>\ ,nIR,n",'\IT",,,,PJ P~M\ '''n"t,,,,,,,, ""IR",drn""I, nl\<; <'0 1,uru,C,1 ,red" PI'''''' n "h, ',d('''rmm,dh'~TI(,d 11 mnun,,,rm,-'hhp,,m,,, lorl"onl\<;" ,.1", "I '" "'O\\'",""'C,l S

1II••••• __ !111!!~ --- P_._ _--_.~ .._T__ . __ ""_._ ~. &:::::z;;::: ::~.=t~~J- _~_~-L ~ 16A January 25, .1996 Automotive Grosse Pointe News Drunk drivers face increased insurance costs Com Icted dr unk dll\ l'l ~ P..l\ duto m~UIJ[Ke fJom lel,'Uldl In'lIl..lnle PI..Icl'ment FaCIJ.I~ of up to 8JOO, lOUIt w"h, d J..III

~?~~L~k~~o~\t~~el~~B~L~\~\f~lmedn ..Ill d\l:'ldge Iate Increase of 66 pel cent - Ie"uJt mg In an The Mercur,/ ~ Jnnual pi emlum of about 82 828 1Il GI and RapIds, for eXampler\ccldent~ which re,ult from S t M S I co,tl),drInkmg "aldand drl\mgTerry Buckle;"are very pre'ldent of MAIC "ThIS Ii> mar oney a e

~:t~:::~I~}o:~~£J~~~~~:~~ drl\ mg " A drl\er With a blood alcohol concentratIOn (BAC) of 10 per- cent I" SIX tImes more likely than a sober drIver to cause an dccldent, the Insurance indus- try spokesman added In MIchIgan, It IS IllegaJ to oper- ate a motor vehicle With a BAC of 10 percent Also, a new law OR here makes It Illegal for mlllors to drive "'Ith a BAC of 02 per- cent or greater 1 Stricter laws and mcreased publiCIty about the dangers 0 Cash drlnkmg and drlvlIlg have con- tributed to a declme m MIchigan s number of fatal Back accident;, lIlvolvmg aJcohol Stili hundreds of people are killed and thousands are mJured m the state's alcohol- Purchase OR Lease related crashes each )'ear Up To48 Month Financing In MIchIgan, state law requires msurance compames to estabhsh a plan for chargm higher rates to motorists who On furx 1996 Mercury Product. have substantIally at-fault accidents and/or convictIOns for drlvmg VIOlatIOn;, These extra ~har.ges \lary by compan) However. mdlvlduals con- VIcted of drunk dnvmg normal- ly Will not be able to purchase Dream Cruise participants, volunteers sought Orgamzers of thl" year's Woodwdrd Dream Cruise lager L * ercury Mysi1que S event m Blrmmgham are FI\~\CE 5\\I'\GS $2,850 seekmg car club" to pdrtlcl- FI"'A\Ct SA\l\GS $1.,833 pate 111 the Aug 17th affair PEP 696-\. 5\\I\GS $1,615 Clubs who center around PEP 372A 5~\ I\GS $700 the late '40s, 50s and '60s are TOTAL 't.A A~L:::: 1 urged to come to Blrmmgham SAVINGS~.,-ruJ TOTAL $25Y-Y-l to dIsplay theIr vehIcles dur- SAVINGS ., '.JJ mg the daylong event Tentative plans call for car clubs to be given deSIgnated space where they Cdn show off theIr cars, have SignS IdentIfy- mg their club, selk new mem- bers and hold people's chOIce awards, If they so deSIre Cars on dhplay III these des-I Ignated areas a" well dS around Sham Park would be charged a nommal fee owner" would receIve a dash plaque, and the committee IS lookmg Mercury Tracer mto other lI1Centlves for car Mercury Cougar ~ arquis. S" clubs and mdlvldual owners FI\\\(I )\\I"\(,', 'lil,408 The planmng committee IS Ft"\\(1 S~IIV' $2,041 FI\~\([ 5\\l\GS $2,723 also lookmg for a person or PEP 5-f1-\ 5\1 IV" $1,085 PEP2liH<;\\I\(,\ group to coord 111ate the car $1,130 PEP 173A S\\l\GS $2,100 • club dIsplay portIOn of the TOTAl ~-") -/j9"2 Woodward Dream Cruise SAVINC.";""'-'0 J TOTAl S3 171 TOTAL SAVINGS' ~ $48,Y-2 event Orgal1l/ers are abo SAVINGS , ~ lookmg for volunteers to work,

the event and, more specJfical ,-I ------Iy no"" to chair plannmg com- Hurry and Save On Finance Charges and Option Package Savings! mlttee« "I"'e are «eekmg a volunteer coordlllator commUllIcatlOns \"J'\ \RBOR I)f I ROil dlrector, a car club coordlnd- '\0\ I \ I" " I l 11 r !. \ RO,>I \ 11 I I '>01 111(, \ II \\ATI RI ORD tor dnd «omeone to be m ,\rnold "--It. I \ 'II', 1100\\ ~"d"'r1\ llhd 1~"ltl\I,")(h"rd l\l 4G."!») (,r.mll R1\(T '\hl!.111 charge of all ~Ignage,' ,ald I KI ...~.. f \\ \l m r \11 II>I'h1(1 fOri ~trrrf 4 17!! f1',;hl."d Rd (\I ,;q) 11111 ON! 010<1 Gall Gotthelf, director of the lill ~~,,- J LII"" 1'.11 k SlERII'-C, III IGHTS YPSII ANTI are IIlterested In servmg on [)lamond ( f( .. 1 11';11\hchl);." \'0 l](2) ('.lnd Rllo 1'0 40{>(11 Inn \,1>", Rd 'x'..1 Ek'1"r('n " ....nhfidd N kl(,~:f,lrhl ~I ",k \\1". lft"dwrll~l... R(l 111 ... \I.m 51 the plannmg committee, the .llil l '010<1 \a" l>\ kr °50 r a.. \IlChlKan O1l11N-&l00 1~111 4/41170 'Ill \Iltr Ri~ next meetll1g Ib The~da); Feb 1-R'1\1 ) ';0 \1I R( .' I) 112 \111c R01d l) \ttl~ \\.("O;.t of I 27-> I!!IO) 141-&110 6, at 4 p m at the PSD office \!!)(l) Qj11 R 11111" located at 798 N Woodward Huh 1\1.."-,,, ...... ~ I i \ I l <-. ( 1 ...... 1l1 In '>0I1111111D lROY '->t.tr B< ,I> BOI..,' For more lI1formatlOn about IIl'l\11 \f.

---....-. -_..._-~------,---"'----...-..- - -'- January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News Obitl18ries 17A Alice Packard-Nix St Ambrose Cathohc Churcn Longtime Grosse POinte m Grosse Pomte Park for for- McElreath and Dolores Ann busmesswoman Alice Pack- mer Grosse POinte Park resI- Meha She was predeceased ard-Nix dIed on Sunday, dent Ellen Mane Clancy by her Sister, Gwendolyn C Burt Nov 19, 1995 Mrs Clancy, 93, died on Interment IS at Woodlawn Mrs Packard-NIx, a reglS- Thursday, Jan 18, 1996, In Cemeterj In DetrOit Funeral tered nurse, started her own Bon Secours Nursmg Care arrangemtnts were handled electrolysIs practice In Center 1/1 St elm r Sh ores by the Cha" Velhejden Fu Grosse Pomte 10 1970 She Born In North Brunch Mrs Cluncy worked for the ncral Home of Grosse POinte ran her business until Ill- Park ness forced her to retire 10 federal government us u post early 1995 al clerk and also worked for l\!emoTl<11 donatIOns may be made to the Grosse POll1t~ Mrs Packard-NIx IS Sur- the IRS She sold real estate after retirement I\lemoTla! Church musIc VIVed by her husband, War- fund rell, three step-sons, Gary, ill. ~ Clullcy was a past Steve and RIchard, a SIster member of the VFW Wom- Charles W. Bolton and two brothers en's AUXIliary, and was in- A funeral ;'o.1ass was cele- Mrs Packard-NIx was 111- volved WIth Meals on brated for Grosse Pomte terred at the Pme Grove Cem- Wheels from 1965 to 1975 Woods reSldent Chatles W Dr. John R. Pear Mrs Clancy IS survIved by etery 10 Chatham Memonal Thomas Eugene Harris Sr. Bolton on Wednesday, Jan Charles W. Bolton donations may be made to the GeorgIan East Nurslllg SIX daughters, Mary Petit, 17, III Our Lady Star of the the Cottage HospItal HospIce Home In St ClaIr Shores Betty Pellerito, Frances hIS Wife of 56 years, Ehnor, Sea Cathohc Church 1/1 his Wife, Ehzabeth, a daugh- Dr Pear was born III ChI- McGinniS, Patricia Holt- fIVe daughters, Mary Grosse Pomte Woods ter Theresa, three sons, MI- Alberta E. Burns cago, but grew up III Sauga- grIeve, Sally Wagner and Martm, Jane Furtaw, Sally Mr Bolton, 74, died on chael, TImothy, and Wil- tuck where he was a multl- LOUIse Ward, a son, MIchael SmIth, Elizabeth LaBay, and Monday, Jan 15, 1996, due to liam, a Sister, Vlrgmia VEs- A funeral Mass was cele- pIe :vent track star He often Clancy, two sisters, Luella Helen Bulger, two sons, Tom comphcatlOns from cancer perance, a brother, WIlliam, brated on Saturday, Jan 20, entered and won events hke Schuck and E1Jzabeth Koyle, Harns and Fntz HarrIS; 19 Born III DetrOit, Mr Bolton and SIX grandchildren for Grosse Pointe Farms resI- the 100-yard dash broad 39 grandchJldren, 53 great- grandchildren and one great- served m the U S Army and Interment IS at Mt. Olivet dent Alberta E Burns, who Jump, hIgh Jump and ~hot put grandchildren and five grandchild worked for over 35 years at Cemetery in Detroit Memori- dIed on Wednesday, Jan. 17, all in the same day. He great-great-grandchldlren Funeral arrangements LaSalle Electnc electncaJ 1996 al donations may be made to made his own skis as a boy Interment is at Mt Ohvet were handled by the Chas supply as a salesman He en- Capuchin Ministries, 1740 Mrs Burns, 94, was born Dr Pear graduated from Cemetery in Detroit Verheyden Funeral Home of Joyed golf, but the real love of Mt Elliott, Detroit, MICh., 111 Dayton, OhIO. She was a the Umversity of Ivhchlgan's Annino R. Papa Grosse Pomte Park Memorl- hIS hfe was hiS family 48207, or the Bon Secours homemaker. al donations may be made to school of dentlstry III 1917, FoundatIOn, 468 Cadieux, Mrs Burns IS survIved by St John Episcopal Church, 50 Mr. Bolton IS surVIved by Just m tlme to serve m the A funeral Mass was cele- Grosse Pointe, MICh , 48230. her son Donald, four grand- U S. Army's Dental Corps brated at St Clare of Monte. East Fisher Freeway, DetrOIt, children, and three great- Mlch , or the Capuchlll Mon- dunng WWI. falco Church III Grosse grandchildren She was pre- In private practlce, Dr. Pointe Park on Wednesday, astery, 1740 Mt Elhott, De- deceased by her husband, troit, Mlch Pear speclahzed 111 root ca- Jan. 24, for Grosse POlllte Robert. nals, and published many ar- Woods resident Annlno R Interment IS at Resurrec- tlcles on the subject He was (Rudy) Papa tion Cemetery m Clinton a co-founder of the Amencan Mr Papa, 72, died 10 St Township Memonal dona- ASSOCIation of EndodontIcs John Hospital III Detroit on tions may be made to Cottage and was a past president or Saturday, Jan. 20, 1996 Speclahzmg III Fme Wood Cabmetry, HospIce, 23000 Greater Mack, the orgamzatlOn, as well as Born III Islm, Pa ,Mr Pa- Kitchens, L1branes and Furmture St. Clair Shores, Mlch 48080 the DetrOIt Dental ChnlC pa graduated from Eastern (313) 521-8540 Club. HIgh School 111 1942. He Dr. Pear was an aVId gar- served III the U S Army dur- William J. McEntee dener, and was an actIve mg WWII, seelllg actIOn III member of the Men's Garden northern France and Central A funeral Mass was cele. City Of~rOSSeJointe ~oobs MIchIgan Club at the War Memonal Europe. brated for CIty of Grosse He was honored many times Mr. Papa was a .salesman Pointe resident WIlham J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannlllg CommISSIOnwill for hIS gardens He also en- for Metropohtan Llfe Insur- hold a Public Hearlllg to con~lder the followlllg proposed ordlllance McEntee at St Paul Cathohc Joyed bowling and Jewelry ance and a drIver for C.B C at a speCial meetlllg ~cheduled for Fnday. February 9, 1996, at 6 30 Church 111 Grosse Pomte making. Laboratones He belonged to pm. III the Council Room of the MUniCIpal BUilding The Farms on Saturday, Jan. 20 propo~ed ordmance IS avaIlable for publIC IIIspeclJon at the Dr. Pear IS survIved by hIS the Bruce Post of the -yFW. Mr McEntee, 94, dIed on MUniCIpal Bulldlllg, 20025 Mad.. Plaza between 8 30 a m and sons, Robert J. Pear and RI' Mr .. Papa IS Survived by 5 00 pm, Monday through Fnday Monday, Jan 15, 1996, in the chard E. Pear, DDS, two hIS WIfe, Barbara, hIS daugh- Olive S. Niemeyer Bon Secours Nursing Care grandsons and four great ter, AnnMarle Papa, a son, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE V, CHAPTER 14, Center III St ClaIr Shores grandchIldren Patr~ck Papa, a SIster, Mary Olive S. Niemeyer SECTION 5-14~8 (M) OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF " Mr McEntee was born In Interment IS at Whlte Chap- Wilhams. a brother, Anth.o- GROSSE POINTE WOODS OF 1975 (THE ZONING Clllcmnatl, and graduated A funeral service was held ORDINANCE) TO INCLUDE THE TERM "PRACTICAL el Cemetery in Troy. ny Papa, and two grandchJ1- III Grosse Pointe Memonal DIFFICULTY" IN THE AUTHORITY TO GRANT VARIANCES from the Umversity of De- dren troit in 1925 WIth a degree III Church in Grosse Pointe Herbert R. Bumpus Interment is at ReSurrec- electrical engineering. He Farms on Wednesday, Jan. tion Cemetery in Clinton G PN 01125196 Peter A. Thomas worked for Michigan Bell Former City of Grosse 24, for Grosse Pointe Woods City AdminIStrator Township. Funeral arrange- for 42 years as a traffic man- Pointe resident Herbert R reSIdent Olive S Niemeyer. ments were handled by the ager. Bumpus, 90, died on Thurs- Ms. NIemeyer, 85, died on A.H. Peters Funeral Home Mr. McEntee was a mem- day, Jan. 18, 1996, at the Saturday, Jan. 20, 1996, in 111 Grosse POlllte Woods. ber of the Semor Men's Club MIchIgan CapItal MedIcal Cottage HospItal. Center in Lansmg of Grosse Pointe and enjoyed Thomas Eugene Born In Brooklyn, N.Y, playing golf and bridge. Mr Bumpus was born III Harris Sr. Ms NIemeyer graduated ~ In,1I"1!~osoR ElmJra, NY. He married Mr. McEntee IS surVived from Southeastern HIgh hIS Wife Gladys V. Lehman CELEBRA TlNG by hIS wife, Phylhs, four A memorial service was School in Detroit. For many 11ft. in Detroit in 1927. He worked daughters, Mary Alice Kel- held on Wednesday, Jan 24, years she worked as a super- 70 YEARS OF ler, Julianne O'Gara, Phyl- for MichIgan Bell Telephone for former Grosse POInte visor in the Chevrolet Cen- in several managerial ca- lis Pease and Carol Mot- Park reSIdent Thomas Eu- tral Office ServIce Depart- • Glamour & Elegance schall, 22 grandchildren, paCItIes for 42 years, before gene Harns Sr, III St John ment in the GM BUlldmg III retIrIng in 1970. • Quality Craftsmanship and 19 great-grandchildren Episcopal Church III DetrOit DetrOIt Mr Bumpus was a mem- • Exceptional Service Funeral arrangements Mr Harns, 86, dIed in Ms. NIemeyer was a life ber of Chnst Church, Grosse were handled by the Chas Harbor Sprmgs on FrIday, member of Soroptlmlst Inter. Pointe, the Detroit Boat Club, ENTIRE Verheyden Funeral Home III Jan. 19, 1996, due to heart faIl- national of Grosse Pomte Grosse POlllte Park. and was a member and past ure She also had a great apprecia- 1995-96 preslden t of the Grosse Interment is at the St. Paul Born in Detroit, Mr. Har- tion of mUSIC COLLECTION Columbanum. Memonal Pomte Semor Men's Club rIS receIved hIS bachelor's de- Ms NIemeyer IS surVIved donations may be made to St Mr Bumpus IS surVived by gree III 1932 from U-M and by her Sister Maxllle NIemey- ON SALE hIS son, Peter, and two grand- hIS master of sCIence degree \ Paul Catholic Church or the er, and two meces, G DIane \ chanty of the donor's choice chIldren. He was prede- from the same school in 1933, No Duty, No Sales Tax ceased by hIS WIfe, Gladys and was a member of the Del- Advert sement Full Premiums on U.S. Funds John R. Pear, DDS Cremation has taken ta Tau Delta fraternIty dur- A pTlvate funeral servIce place A memorial servIce IIIg his student years. He Pain may be was held Saturday, Jan. 20, will be held at a later date. worked for Park DaVIS as su- at the A H. Peters Funeral Memorial donations may be perintendent of mallltenance eliminated ~ /,y lJ'Cpin Home In Grosse Pointe made to the American Heart and construction OF WINDSOR Woods far former Grosse ASSOCIatIon. Mr. HarrlS was a regis- for millions -Of Course- Pomte Park reSIdent John R Alterations - AppraIsals Downtown tered profeSSIonal engin eer (SPECIAL) -- Anew drug has been 484 Pelllsier Windsor 1-519-253.5612 Pear, DDS FREE' Ellen Marie Clancy WIth the state of MIchIgan approved that ISexClbng research- OPEN MON THRU SAT 9-5 30 Dr Pear, 100, dIed on He enjoyed huntlllg, golfing ers 111 the treatment of pam TIus A funeral Mass was cele- Thursday, Jan 18, 1995, in and bridge. matenaJ has been fonnulated 1IItoa brated on Monday, Jan 22, at Mr Harns is survIVed b) new product known as "Artbur Itis ...n and ISbelllg called a ''Medl. cal MIracle" by some, III the treat- ment ofdebJlltabng condJbonssuch as arthnbs, burSlbs, rheumabsm, ~aJnful m. <.-II' arhes JOint aches, ~cfaW simplebackache, bn 'lseS,andmore ENTIRE STOCK Although the mecharusm of aCbon Isunclear, expenments 1ndJcatethat Order Your Super Bowl ~ ~: P! ~ SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 3rd Artbur his ... relieves pa1llby first Party Trays and lo.::~~~~~f selecbvely attractlTlg,and then de- 3 Foot Subs Today f'. ! ,_\,\<~_ strOYIngthe messenger chemical 10-85% 01=1= wtuch carnes palll sensabons to the Whole Pork Grobbel<; Gounner bram, thus ehmmabng pam 111 the Beef Center Cut ADULTS AND CHILDREN affected area Artbur ltis ... Is an Tenderloin Flat Corned odorless, greaseless, non-stlurung Tenderloin Rockport • Selby • Drew • Stacy Adams • RedWing (elll & Trllnml'd FrE'E') Beef Brjsket cream and ISavaJlable 1IIunedJately Sas • Sebago • WIllits • Strlde.Rlte \\o1thouta prescnplJon and IS guar- 49 49 99 anteed to work UN .... "_ $4 1b $4 1b $1 1b VERPAILLIES • COSSETTES SHOES • .... if ••...... Ot~ .... 'Wrere Fit IsOur Concern' AVAILABLE AT: Beacon Pointe Pharmacy Labatt's 235"15 NINE MACK DR.• s.e.s. 15222 E. Jefferson Ave. Delmonico Grosse Pointe Park Blue Polish ,'S-SS:s, 822.5474 Steak Regular or Light 24 Pack Cans Ham Merit- Wood'l Pharmacy 19325 Mack Ave. 99 99 Gros'le Pointe Woods $4 1b $3 1b 882-0922

-'\I .. ~ --.:--,.J.~"-----"P"'''' -__ _.. . t ~w. III ~ ~.,." 18A January 25, 1996 Business Grosse Pointe News How to use a budget to manage your business By Bryan Becker IOto the future, and encom- cate resources get. review process allows Director of Entrepreneurial pabse" the company'. strdteglc Communications: The management to IdentIfy why Some of the advantages of a actIOn, and Implement change, Services plan In prepdlmg the "tl ate- budget communlcdtes mdn- goals and objectives are not budget Include the fact that a m order tu achieve the COl'PO- A budget IS an Int~gral palt gJC plan, management defines agement s goals and objec- being met, to contemplate the budget compels plannmg, pro- rate dIrectives and strategic of management s S\ ~tem of the primary mISSIOn of the tlves It ensures that all dl\l- Impact on future operatIOns, motes communicatIOn, pro- plan planning Implementlllg actIOn bu'mesb, sets ke:> bu,mess swnb department::. are operat- and to evaluate performance Vides performance bench- plan, lommumldtmg e\ dIu- objectl\ es and develops overdll 109 toward the goals and objec- of department. and or mdlvld- marks, prOVides assistance In allocatmg resources, and con- RatIOS, financIal analYSIS, .ltmg pel fm mance, and 'll .lIe bu,me" ~tl ategle' tlve", bet forth 10 the compa- uals ca,h Oow, and other manage- hTJLlngA budget "ho\\, .lntlcl- The "tr.ltegK plan become" ny'b "trateglc plan Openly Promoting Change: Once firms the directIOn of a compa- ny ment andlyse, (qudntltatlve pdted I l,ult- of .l pldn 01 the fl dmewOl k fOl the operat- communlcatmg management s management undel btands and quahtdtlvel aI e all part of Budgetmg also helps man- -lI.lleg:- Illdn be con'ldered a 109 pldn and the budget The goals and objectIves through- actual results dnd the Ieasons the budget-evdluatlOn process PICtUIcot management, plan" operatmg plan launches man- out the orgamzatlOn will motl- for the vanances from the bud- agement by answermg the fol- lOWing types of questIOns tor the futul e agement s ;,trateglc plan mto vate personnel to meet the get manager" ('1" "'::lice If <4 buJgd I" cu 1,,,,,, un,)' TLc fUJlc",u"" VI u LuJgd "dwu I111U lb UbUdll\ bel tor challenge 01 achieVing these mformed deCISIOns • Bu,\ .h.:: Jo "" "xp",-, co mclude fdclhtaling strategic three to five yearb The budget goals and objectives Usmg Management then can Imple- do m the future? meanmgful purpose and use 10 mdnagement 10 pldnnmg, sets management's strategies personnel from variOUS ment change that puts the • How good was our plan- a company, It cannot just be nmg? undel,tandmg, and managmg for one year 10 quantIfiable departments to help develop company back on COUIse With prepared at the beginnIng of the o\erall bu,me,s, enhanc- terms The budget flows Into the budget Will help get a "buy Its strategic plan or can • Which alternative should the year and put on a shelf It 109 commumcatlOn b) commu- the operating plan m" to the budget from these reevaluate the strategic plan we choose? must be a workmg document nlcatmg goab and objectIves, Understanding the departments ThiS buy m" Authorizing Actions: The • What went right and why? throughout the year motl \ atmg pel bonnel, and pro- Business: The budgeting wIll help motIVate personnel to budget serves as a tool to • What went wrong and why? vldmg a mea"urement for process helps management achle, e the company s goals authOrize actIOn, as long as Ernst & Young evaluatmg performance better under,tand and man- and objectives the actIOn IS wlthm hmlts set The Process: The budget Entrepreneu rial Sermces tS A budget also acts to steer a age the busmess by prOViding Measurement: By com par- out In the budget proces& can be very detailed or dedIcated solely to meetmg the company's course by provldmg the opportUnIty to get a hands- mg actual results to the bUd- ThiS allows personnel to It can be general m nature, busmess needs of owner-man- feedback that promotes need- on analYSIS of Its operatIOn It get, management can evaluate make Informed deCISIOns m dependmg on the size of the aged buslllesses worldwtde company ed change and by authonzmg helps management Identify the busmess and determIne the day-to-day operatIOns and Ernst & Young LLP IS the lead. defined actIOns busmess opportunIties and whether mdlvldual depart. gives personnel the authority It IS Important to analyze !IIgmtegrated professwnal ser- PlannIng begins With a problems It forces manage- ments are achieVIng their to make deCISIOns variances from the budget, vices firm 1II the Umted States broad perspective extending ment to Identify how to allo. goals and objectIVes ThiS bud- Advantages of a Budget: Identify causes for the van- With more than 21,000 people ances, determme needed 1II 95 office locatwns Put your money where your mouth is: Resolutions you can stick to With another new year upon CertIfied Public Accountants, us. It s tIme for another round Cut the cost of check many people forget IS that you the easiest finanCIal resolu- bouncing that date stop paymg mterest of new:> ear's promises And If don't have to contmue paymg fied renovatIOns you made to tIons to stick to are small, Even the most responSible after 30 years Bonds that are your home's cost basis Domg you're lIke most people, your manageable ones that tackle thiS premIUm mdefimtely no longer earnmg interest finanllal resolutIOns won't money manager occaSIOnally Once your mortgage balance so reduces your potential tax- some baSIC finanCial tasks bounces a check, resultmg m should either be cashed m or able profit upon a sale Keep m make It through March equals 80 percent or less of the converted to Series HH Bonds, Here are some suggestIOns for an overdraft fee of $15 to $25 mmd that the costs for repairs But, accordmg to the value of your home, you usual. which pay interest every SIX your 1996 new year's resolu- or more You can ehmmate and mamtenance, hke stop- Michigan ASSOCiatIOn of tIOn lIst Iy can drop the msurance months If you convert your thiS cost by obtammg over- Review your asset alloca- pmg leaks and pamtmg the draft protectIOn When you Series EE Bonds to Series HH house, are not conSidered tion Bonds, you also can defer pay- need money to cover a check "Improvements" by the Business Peo~_l_e_ Changes In finanCial mar- mg taxes on the accrued mter- you've written, the bank auto- kets can Impact your portfoho Internal Revenue Service est of the EE Bonds (IRS) matically transfers funds (up and leave you With the wrong to your credit hmlt) to your Drop old credit card Drop collision on older Grosse Pomte Farms reSident Tim Flanagan was recently mix of Investments For exam. accounts named second vice preSident of the Michigan chapter of the checkmg account and debits autos pIe, whJle your Original mtent Credit reports hst all the American Pubhc Works AsSOCiatIOn The Michigan chapter has your overdraft lme of credit ConSider dropping colhslOn may have been to have 30 per- credit cards you own along more than 800 members m five branches Overdraft protectIOn IS free cent of your assets mvested in coverage on your car if It's until you use It, and If you pay With their maximum credit more than 5 years old and has stocks, last year's upsurge in lines - even if you haven't Former Grosse POinte Farms reSident back the money qUIckly, your the stock market may have lost most of ItS value In many Interest charge IS hkely to be used some of tho"e cards for cases, the premIUm you pay Jacqueline A. Kotz Will be one of the hosts of brought your total stock hold. years ThiS could result in a "Cltyscapes," a new teleVISion program on less than the overdraft fee mgs up much higher If your can be a lot more than what It Cancel unnecessary potential lender rejectmg your would cost to repair the car. cable statIOn HGTV fOCUSingon urban reSI- Original asset allocation still mortgage or credIt applicatIOn dential garden deSign She IS a partner at the mortgage insurance makes sense, or a new mix Prepare for April 15 If you made a down pay- because you appear to have too Another resolution CPAs landscape architecture firm of JacobslRyan would be more advantageous, much available credit AssoclatesIn Chicago ment of less than 20 percent of suggest you make for 1996 IS take steps to get your portfoho Set up a file for home Kotz graduated from Michigan State the purchase price of your back In balance. to begin preparing your tax house, you were probably improvement receipts return as soon as possible Umverslty with a bachelor of landscape arch I- Check your savings Every time you make an ecture degree. reqUired to pay for p.lvate bonds Takmg the time now to locate l Improyement ~ your home, mortgage msurance (PM!) recelpta. and documents can Serres EE US Savmgs put the receipt m a folder or Grosse POinte Farms reSident Robert A. The monthly premium you pay help you claim valuable tax Bonds issued before December box marked "home improve- Hudson has been elected to the board of direc- protects the lender In case you 1965 stop paYIng Interest after deductIOns and mak«: the Job of ments U When you sell, you tors of the Michigan chapter of the French- default on the loan What preparmg your 1995 return a 40 years Those Issued after can add the cost of any qua Ii- American Chamber of Commerce He IS an little easier attorney WIth the law firm of Berry, Moorman, Kmg & Hudson, PC, where he practices In the area of busmess, corporate, securities and ~ HE~ internatIOnal law _ :.ESIAIE SALE SE.BllJCE.: Hudson Grosse Pomte Woods reSident Thomas H. Beard was recent- ~~If ~~ ~ ly elected partner m the certified pubhc accountmg firm of ~ ~ Godfrey Hamel, Danneels & Co HIS area of emphaSIS Will can- .a. ~ ~u4tAp~()uJe AntipuM tmue to be accountmg and audltmg services and management en Ce/ebratmg 77 years CI) consulting servIces 1979-7996 20788 Mack • 882-1652 Beard JOIned the firm 10 1985 He holds a master's degree m A Grosse Pomte tradition We will do your sale If you have any of the follOWing finance and taxes from Walsh College. 15117 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Pork • MUSIC Boxes • Sterling Sliver • Fine lamps Grosse POinte Park reSident Jennifer Moore has formed a 822-0266 • Persian Rugs • Bronze & Marble Statuary • Pottery new commUnicatIOns consulting and trammg firm, Konrad and • Paintings • Jewelry • Weaponi • Cut Glass • Clocks • Automobiles Moore Inc, WIth former NBD Bancorp Jlemor vice preSIdent • AntiquE's • Toys • Vanous CollectJOns Beth Konrad, also of Grosse Pomte Park. It's Back! CommiSSion Open They WIll prOVide commUnications consultmg and strategiC We will also buy OUtfight any expensive Item(s) listed above plllnnmg as well as medIa presentatIOn trammg to corporations, TOUR DE FRANCE nonprofit" and trade aSSOCiatIOns Moore spent 17 years as a reporter and anchor for WDIV tele- February 4th V1810n Before that, she was a reporter and news anchor at WJR 6:30 p.m. radiO She earned a bachelor's degree In Journahsm from Pennsylvama State Umverslty 5 COURSE FRENCH BISTRO DINNER Among the mne new trustees on the St John Hospital and Featunng wmes by LoUISladot, MedICal Center/St John Health System board are Grosse Pomte tenderlom of pork, Rem}' Martm Cognac. Shores reSidents George Bashara Jr., Tymon Totte. D.D.S., Hurry' reservations are a must and Ardis Gardella Grosse Pomte Farms reSidents Douglas Blatt and David Stephens, City of Grosse POinte reSident $50~e~person all inclusIve William Carion, M.D., and Grosse Pomte WOOds reSident Robert Zink, M.D. Bashara IS a partner 10 the law firm of Clark, Klem aTJd 822-0266 Beaumont Smce 1985, he has served as an actmg judge m the Michigan Court of Appeals and an actmg CIrCUItcourt judge m Oakland County Blatt IS preSIdent and chaIrman of the board of ISI RobotiC'; In Fraser OPEN MON & THURS TUES & WED & FRI CarlOn JScurrently on the executive board ofSt John :\1edlcal 830 9 00 830-600 Group, PC, and I" the medical dIrector of Ea"tslde Adult NO MONEY DOWN NO ACQUISITION FEE Medlcme Urgent Care Center at St John HospItal and Medical NO 1ST PAYMENT NO PLATES Great rate Center NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 36 MONTHS Gardella IS currently the preSIdent of the FontbonneAuxlhary at St John HospItal and MedIcal Center and prebldent of the and total liquidity! Holley Ear InstItute, a nonprofit orgamzatlOn sharing a clObe I SIGN-N-GOI relatIOnshIp With St John Ho<;pltal and MedIcal Center provld • High rate mg a""I"tance for the deaf and hearing ImpaIred • Totally liquid Stephen<; IS executive vIce preSident of Comerlca Bank He ~ Ne:oll:~~~:I~ZAm ha- preVIOusly served as a tru<;tee of the Medical Center of wheel dnve 01c • $10,000 minimum to open Central M"as..,achu"ett, ond more ••• Tctte IS a 'tafT member at 8t John Ho_pltal and :\1edlcal • Optional interest-bearing Center a- well a<;pre'"dent of the 8t ,John HO'Pltdl and MedIcal - NEW 1996 LEGACY 4 DR. checking account** All wheel drive ABS Pwr iW• • Center's guild He I- al,o clmlcal and laboratory In-tructor lec turer and chaIrman of vlsllmg facultv for the LD Pankey Window; locks & mirrors AIC In-wute for Advanced Dental EducatIOn .. ANl/fM Cass and more •• • lmk a stafT lT'ember of St John HospItal and ;vredlcal I" NEW 1996lfGACY OUTBACK Bloomfitld HII" IP , 1~8" R£IJAPlfk'C Center and Lake"lew PediatriCS. PC, In St Clair Shore<; He I" All wheel drive ABS mJ• also a board member of Select Care Pwr Windows locks & F-1IIflva HilII ISIO 737[1.:" 3...----- G_ Poillle ,313 esl6400 mirrors AIC ANl/FM coss heated seats and •• • ~,.•..•...... •. The Gro!>se Pomte Hunt Club recenth named Stephen J. .. more - Hanson as executive chef He ha_ al<;o worked at the Gro<;se VPJEH:Q r D r Pomte Yacht Club the Country Club of DetrOit and the JOE RICCI SUBARU 1-800- 758-0753 Blrmmgham AthletiC Club .. 1" ~ il"i~ ",.11" r' ~~, 1',"",'" l."'N ....,. ~~ ,. US Mack AveRH, D..... lt ~ l''' "..,.~ '''''~''1 <'J .. , ...... s S J ~ ,,., ~'" .. ,,'J t ...gm,.il ~L2 ,.. Md~ +- +- INetl Door 10 Joe RICe JeepJEagle) +- + S :x;. u 'i" ,.f'~ . "'I!'~ r~" 'I re ~ ~~ -, ~ {'~""3<;eCl ()(' "J6 ()QO r'nles ove tem';of1e.!l~ w 1~ e&C-h mJle ove, To Qel k>la payr""'ler"11!>""u ttp 'I by 36 PayrNJr'll pl,J"i la) l"!l$1!l respon51tlle 10 e)(cessve wNr & leer

------~------_.-- EU. , -- January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News '. News 19A Disposal authority future uncertain following Court's decision By David Howard take note of the developments Staff Writer tratt WIth the authonty could surroundmg the authOrIty be be extended to the year 201J A V S Supreme Court rul- cause refuse dIsposal IS a mg barrmg local ordmances - a practical Imposslbliltj, leading cost to munlclpall he smd, because the authon that restnct trash dIsposal hes - second only to pohc( may spell the beglnnmg of ty's wntratt run!> onl} until and fire servIces - and com- 2003 the end for the Grosse pnses a !>Igmficant portIOn "We're not wlllmg to POlntes.Chnton Refuse DIS of theIr tax bJlls make too many posal Authority, saId Law- The Supreme Court case, rence D'Alessandro, a Harp- concessions," D'Alessandro called the Carbone deci Slon, SaId "We've taken a h'lrd er Woods representative on stems from a New York tom the authonty. nose posItion" mumty's ordmance which re He said anothf~r p",nt- C' The authunt)' 0iJ~lllLC" an qUIred a particular hauler to incinerator that burns refuse contentIOn IS that City DISPO~ bnng refuse to a deSIgnated al IS chargmg' other Sources from the member commum- sIte The court ruled, D'Ales- ties of Harper Woods, the of refuse less than It'S charg sandro saId, that the ordl mg the authOrIty - that free five Pomtes, Mount Clemens nance was unconstItutIOnal and Chnton TownshIp trade agreements between the He s81d he was uncertain, United States and Canada, Apartment owners in Clin- however, as to whether the for example, mean that waste ton Township have taken ad. rulIng opens a back door IS commg In from as far vantage of the decIsIon to file through whIch unsatIsfied SUit against the City, claIm- away as Toronto because offi- member citIes may walk If Cials there are unwllllng to Ing that mandatory dIsposal they choose to bow out of par- of refuse at the authority's in- bUIld waste dIsposal faclll- tiCipatIOn In the authOrity _ ties cinerator is costing more a door through whIch Chnton than the owners would pay If "We're hopmg that maybe Township may be the first to Congress wIll pass legisla- they contracted with an mde- walk as a step toward resolv- The Grosse Pointes-Clinton Refuse Disposal Authority's Incinerator serves eight pendent hauler. tion that \\Illl gIVe us some area cities. Ing the laWSUIt pendmg hght on the subject and tell The authority, which meets against it us what we can and can't do wa;+ d contract extensions monthly, IS currently In ne. The Grosse Pointes-Chn- only untIl 2003 for ash trans. gotlatlons with CIty Disposal, - how much control each ton Refusal Disposal Authori- state can have WIth regard to port and untIl 2005 for trans- the firm that hauls the InCin- ty has been made a "nomi- port of all other refuse ~.,~~~~~~~~~~~ erator ash to a monofill m disposal of refuse," D'Ales- nal party" to the Chnton sandro s81d George Bashara, a former Sumpter TownshIp, trying to Judge, IS faclhtatmg negotia- Cookies by Desi9n TownshIp laWSUIt, D'Ales. But whIle some members reach agreement on lower sandro saId. tIOns between the two SIdes, For Any OccasIon of the Harper Woods City fees for transportmg the ma- With a final deCIsion expect- "I don't know If they can CounCIl agreed that they terials ed by next month • Holidays • Anniversary Just breach the contract," he should pass a resolutIOn call- D'Alessandro said the con. saId But even if rates are low- • Birthdays • Get Well. etc mg City Disposal's pTlces tract the authonty entered in- ered, it might be a hollow VIC- The membershIp collectIve. "burdensome," Tom Falluc- to wIth CIty DIsposal In 1962, tory if the legal fabric hold- Delivery Available ly sends 120,000 tons of waste ca, chIef litigator for CIty when the authority was creat- Ing the authorIty together be- to the incmerator per year Disposal, said the DetrOlt- ORDER EARLY! ed, should be renegotIated be- gins to unravel. WhIle mem- Harper Woods' portion of based company IS more than cause increased competitIon that IS 7,242 tons ber CIties may continue to willing to cooperate, and that (810) 286-7462 In the industry means the partiCIpate, they no longer Harper Woods pays CltV CIty DIsposal was the first company should feel pres- have to - an advantage If 40688 Hayes Disposal $70 per ton for ash party to suggest lower prices Hayes Plaza South of 18Mile sure to reduce its prices they can make better deals Sweetlieart! dIsposal and $54 for the dis- "Two years ago, before the When the contract was posal of other refuse that on their own reached, and no other optIOns authority had really request- "An estabhshment can go .,~~.,~~~~.,~~~., can't be Incinerated, D'Ales- were available, the authority ed any reductIon, City DISpos- sandro s8ld - rates which out and engage any hauler had little choice but to pay al approached the authonty "BARGAIN PRICES ON YOUR WINTER could be as low as $50 for ash they choose," D'Alessandro what CIty Disposal was ask- and said the market had and $35 for other refuse If saId, adding that the Su- ing, he said. changed, and that we were new prices are negotiated, he preme Court deciSIOn could CIty Disposal bUIlt the WIlling to renegotIate the pn- precipItate the authority's de- RUG CLEANING." said In response to a ques- monofill - a large hole m ces," Fallucca saId, confirm- mIse at any time. tion from counCIlman RI- ing that City DIsposal dId the ground WIth a plastIc Im- chard Elsengruber. "We don't know what WIll ing to prevent contammant ask for a contract extension Ash IS transported to the happen to the authonty It's FREE* leakage - at its own expense "We have offered to renego- monofill and all other refuse hard to plan," he saId and specifically for ~the au- tIate the rates in the contract "The whole state of waste Oriental & Area IS disposed of In a landfill We are hopmg we can contm- thonty, D'Alessandro said D'Alessandro said CIty dIsposal has changed dramat- Rug Cleaning He saId reSIdents of the ue to mamtam relatIOns WIth Ically," saId Harper Woods Disposal was WIlling to low- the authonty," Fallucca saId. on cash & carry orders. member commumties should er its prIces only if its can. cIty manager James Let- He also s81d CIty DIsposal dIem. Pay for the largest rug and we Will clean your second rug FREEl Pair questioned When the officer approach- Save 25% on smgle PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS ed the driver, he smelled an rug cleamng in robbery odor of alcohol coming from the truck m terior an d or- located In Bridge Industrial Park Grosse Pointe Park poItce sor from BerkshIre. dered the driver out. After Telegraph & Eight Mile Roads have two suspects in the Sat- reactmg too slowly to hIS Offer exprres 2/24/96 The dnver fled the accI- conductmg fIeld sobnety urday, Jan 20, armed rob- commands *RestrlctlOns apply Present ad With rugs dent scene on foot, but police tests, the officer arrested the bery of a parkmg lot attend- The VIctims gave the rob- were able to apprehend a sus- driver for OUIL It was not ant who reported being held ber theIr wallets, nngs, keys pect found in the passenger until the officer conducted an up at gunpoint at about 10 40 and $70 10 cash The suspect seat Park police learned that Inventory of the truck, as is P m. The inCIdent took place was observed croSSing Mack the car was reported stolen to standard procedure, that he at a restaurant in the 15400 toward a vehIcle descnbed as Detroit police the previous found the nfle, WIth one block of Mack The victIm re- a late '80s black, two-door morning. Park officials re- round m the chamber, be- ported that two men, one car- car, possibly a Grand Am leased the captured suspect hmd the seat and the box of rying a gun, demanded that Police are continUIng to tn- pendIng further investiga- vestigate 22-cahber rounds on the pas- he give them all his money. tIon senger seat After takmg about $100 In -By Jtm Stlckford small bIlls, the two men fled Have gun, The driver \\Ias held over- the scene, travehng west Couple robbed mght, Issued CItatIOns for along the south side of Mack OVlL and dnving \\11th a sus- The crime was immedIate- at gunpoint will travel pended license and then reo ly called in to the Park pub- leased He IS due back In Two Grosse POInte Park A Grosse Pointe Woods po- lic safety department and Ilce officer found a loaded n- Grosse Pomte Woods MumcI- broadcast over the police ra- reSIdents were robbed at gun- pOInt at about 3 p m fle and a box of ammunitIOn pal Court on Wednesday, dIO Officers responded to the In the pIckup truck of a De- Jan 24 The InCIdent WIll be Saturday, Jan 20 They had call, and a search of the area troIt man he stopped on Jan further InvestIgated by parked theIr car In the alley turned up a wItness who re- 21 for suspected drunken pohce behmd the 1400 block of Way- ported seeing two men match- driving - Shirley A McShane burn, and were Just gettmg 109 the descnptIon of the sus- The officer pulled over the pects enter a home on Bea- out of the car when they were approached by a man who 22-year-old drIVer on south- Cnme Stoppers Inc offers consfield. bound Mack at Kenmore for rewards of up to $1,000 for In engaged them In small talk Pollce observed the home speeding, weaving and stnk- formatIOn leadmg to an arre~t before pulllng out a gun and and later saw two men mg a curb. It also appeared of per.~ons responSible for demanding their money matching the descnptlOn of that the truck dnver was pur- ('nme~ Callers remain anon) the robbers leave the home The robber clubbed one of sUIng another vehicle on mOIi~ and WIll be a~slgned a the VIctIms With hIS gun for The two men were then Mack code number pIcked up for questIOn mg m connection WIth the robbery, but were released pendmg further InvestIgatIOn -- BUSINESS & - ~Iorrda s FinN PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Mini Crash course in Honey Bell Cucumbers Vine Ripe Orang5 Carrots Tomatoes driving a car FINANCIAL PLANNING 1Z INSURANCE 4 for 99( 3 for 99' 99~pkg 79 1b. Park pohce arrested a sus FRANCES TWIDDY, CFP & ASSOCIATES Honf'y/}ee ~JlI rd I ~III , rl pect found m a car that crash 19 R('A"IPr"d Inv"'lm"nl Ad\ "or John ( Rr()()~,. I ( Rro()~, AApnt, HONEY GLAZED HAMS $4 LB ed Into a tree in the area of F('(. R,,,,,rl Ad",ory "PrvlCe, M 1r~ ( Br()()~,. ""II, y Rr~{1y A, ct [Xl'<, (.'.uro \\ ,rh pllrt honl \ lh( old 1l'.•h1 m( rl "-(rumplltry BEER \~I) POP ~, ~ fleemg vehIcle crashed mto Call Sherri Rivard at L~tdtt's SALE Coke.PeP - - p a tree after the drIver lost (313) 882-6900, ext. 563 si 7 u 49 control of the car while at- Fa'\((313) 343-5569 or Moisons $1 3 $699 and all other Brands tempting to turn onto Wmd- 24 Can, + Dep + Dep 24 Cans

-. .. January 25, 1996 20A Grosse Pointe- News


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• Page 2 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. Great Escape -Spring & Summer '96 45th parallel crosses Michigan's mitten It's there, but you can't see, Lighthouse marks the spot. A Almost 90 percent of the Soviet the latitude marking, pinpointing hear or smell it. Northern visitor heading west across the Union is north of the invisible any spot on earth. Michigan residents and tourists west arm of Grand Traverse Bay 45th parallel, while all but the The only thing people living walk o~ and ~cross it all the time, wouldfind a similar marker a~the northern ti~ ofChina lies ~outh. along the 45th parallel have in but dont feel It. Pes haw b est 0 wn In d Ia n Parallel lInes are nothmg new, common notes the Traverse City At first, some people couldn't reservation in the Leelanau the experts say noting they have Record-Eagle is the length of the care less, but then they hear Peninsula. guided navigators, mapmakers d d th .' te .t ofthe sun about it, think about it talk about A trip across the east arm of and aviators for years, and have ih ~ e In nSl Y d. t th it, talk about it--and ask what it Grand Traverse Bay and the been used to determine the a means, a~cor mg 0 e means. imaginary line is noted north of boundaries of states and nations. experts, that !Ou d get about the "It" is the 45th parallel, an Alden on Torch Lake in Antrim Remember the popular saying, same tan WIth the same sun invisibleline that circles the earth County. Farther east, it passes "54:40or fight?"That was by U. S. exposure anyplace on the parallel halfway between the equator and through or near, Gaylord,Atlantic expansionists in the 1800s who line. the North Pole. and Alpena on the shores of Lake wanted the northern boundary of But the similarity ends there. The 45th parallel passes through Huron. the country to be established at 40 Temperatures are not the same 12 states and 11 countries--and For the world traveler, similar degrees north ofthe 54th parallel. because of the physical through the tip of Old Mission markers might be found in The lines mark latitude, circling characteristics ofland. Peninsul~ north of Tr:a~erseCity. Bordeaux, France; Venice, ~taly; the earth by degree~ form the Now, if Michigan's not your An engaging spot to VISIt,suggest north of Belgrade, YugoslaVla;at equator to the poles In both the bag there's always Kzyl Orda in AAAMichigan, and some 1,000 the north end of the Caspian Sea; northern and southern h 's . U. Yi' . I I peopledo each summer. Minneapolis and Yellowstone hemispheres. Longitudinal lines t e oVlet mono au ve got It. t,

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Revel In the year.round beauty of Northern MlCl1tgans leelanau County, deaIy srtuated n the heart of GIe!1 Artxlr we offer a vane!)' of accommodabons to CASINO PACKAGE sUI! your fNery need a charmmg 115 year-

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Great Escape - Spring & Summer '96 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection • Thursday, January 25, 1996 Page 3 Why wait? Book your vacation - > LA L~ Get-A-Way ~ EXPERIENCE THE ~

Large LENA WEE GETAWAY! Victonan Bed & Breakfast Southern Michigan style. home and two 4 l FEATURING SEVEN UNIQUE INNS 'l bedroom villas. In Briaroaks Inn - Fireplaces, JacuUls (800) 308.7279 TODAYl town View the bay Chicago Street Inn - Queen Anne. JacuUls . (517) 592.3888 while lounging In a Dewey Lake Manor - Country Retreat/fireplaces (800) 81S.5253 large outdoor hot tub. Mmutes to Dundee Guest House. Victonan Flteplaces (800) 501-4455 beaches, shoppi ng Hiram D. Ellis Inn - Histone Site, Victonan . (517) 486-3155 and ski lifts. Rent day Stacy Mansion - Pampered elegance (800) 891-8782 or week. Sutton's Weed Farm. Victonan Farm (800) 826-FARM Free brochure. (313) 426.2507'

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us .-. !_------_ ..... _- ..-.._------~~~~~ ..._'::..:._------.. -- .... Page 4 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. Great Escape - Spring & Summer '96 Michigan's shoreline: a 3,200-mile odyssey From the lonely isolation of and Harbor Springs. tors can tour the last original restored 19th-century iron- the rugged Keweenaw Muskegon could be next , a wooden smelting community includes Peninsula to the industrial popular resort community and fort east of the Mississippi an opera house, hotel, kilns, might of Detroit, AAA site of many museums and River. It was built in 1844 to furnaces and other historic Michigan suggests a tour of beautifully restored Victorian protect copper miners from buildings. the Michigan shoreline is a homes. It also is the home Indian attack. On the banks of the Detroit 3,200-mile odyssey to be berth of the USS Silversides, Another glimpse into River is Detroit, Michigan's savored by residents and visi- the famed World War II sub- Michigan's past is provided at largest city, graced by the arts, tors alike. marine immortalized in the Fayette, in the middle of the live theater, professional Nestled between the waters movie"Destination Tokyo." Garden Peninsula, bounded by sports teams and the Motown of four of the five Great Lakes Known as the "Cheese the waters of northern Lake sound, a dynamic city known are quaint towns, bucolicfarm- Capital of Michigan," Michigan and Green Bay. as the "Motor Capital of the lands, soaring sand dunes, acr- Pinconning, on the Lake Once a ghost town, this World." es of orchards, miles of sugar- Huron shore, boasts many sand beaches, lighthouses, shops offering samples to visi- museums--and memories. tors, with its Pinconning brand Memories of a bygone time a favorite. Grindstone City in when lumber, fur trading and the Michigan Thumb is anoth- mining were king. er favorite spot where relics of Not far from the waters' the giant wheel can be found edge, add gourmet restaurants, on the Lake Huron shore. championship golf courses, A landmark of Cheboygan, trendy shops, unparalleled where Lake Huron flows into scenery,artist colonies, breath- the Straits of Mackinac, is the taking sunrises and sunsets-- restored Victorian Opera all part of the Michigan House, built in 1877, and a coastline. year-round playbill. Straightened out, Michigan's On the shore of Lake shoreline,"the longest freshwa- Huron's Thunder Bay, Alpena ter coastline in the country, is the focal point of Sunrise would stretch along the Side Golf with 12 courses. Atlantic seaboard from Maine Offshore, the Thunder Bay to Florida. Underwater Preserve includes Hopscotch the shoreline to some 80 shipwrecks within the touch on just a few of the 288-square-mile area. state's treasures, remembering For those with an engineer- there are scores more. ing bent, the Soo ~ock at Sault The sand dunes along much Ste. Marie in the Upper of lake Michigan provide Peninsula are a "must." breathtaking vistas most eve- Visitors can watch 1,000-foot rywhere, but nowhere, are freighters raised and lowered they more spectacular than at 21 feet between the levels of PUMP OR STOMP? the Sleeping Bear Dunes Lake Superior and Lake Huron HALF OF ALL DRIVERS DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE ANTI-LOCK BRAKES National Lakeshore in north- via the St. Mary River. west Lower Michigan at Munising, on the shores of P:t In an emergency brakmg situation, whICh of the following is the Empire. Lake Superior, is the home of .... correct way to stop a car equipped WIth anti-lock brakes? From the dunes visitors can the Pictured Rocks National see Glen Lake and the waters Lakeshore. The multicolored 39% of the Manitou Passage, a sandstone formations, which 51% Pump the brake pedal to graveyard of ships from yester- stretch some 25 mile, were Step on the brake pedal prevent wheel lockup year, which wash the shores of immortalized in Longfellow's and don't let up the Manitou islands. epic "Songof Hiawatha. " 10% Then, there's Traverse City, And then on to the Don't know swimmer's paradise, with sum- Keweenaw Peninsula, which mer theater, and adjoining Old juts 80 miles out into Lake A The correct response: Mission Peninsula, with its Superior. Perched at its tip is ~_ Step down hard on the brake pedal and don't let up blanket ofcherry orchards and Copper Harbor, the states's .....Wlt' \A \ hlllnd~tl0n lor Tr'lfhc '>ilf('tv n~tlonwld(' 'un. ('v of 1\71dnv('r~ grape vines. Farther north northernmost community, umduc!"d m [)('Cl mbcr 1'!94 b\ Rrll,km (,oldnng R"'earch MAMlchlgan along Little Traverse Bay are named for its once abundant the Trendy shops and gourmet resource. Nearby, is Fort dining of Charlevoix, Petoskey Wilkins State Park where visi- Section B January 25, 1996 Churches 4B Grosse Pointe News Features Entertainment 6B Psychiatrist to discuss how to be a ~etter parent

Children don't come with much? Should you ans\\er Bloom WIllalso give adVice m-tructlOn manuals and par- your mfant's gurghnl{ sounds on copmg With the complexl- enb don't auditIOn or pass a With adult talk or vour own Le,," IVI lh"H U1dJVl I Vie III t'C'- of tOIlet tr:llnmg and ".b. DI Vidul Blwm hal; been verSlOn of baby talk? Is It Q&A with Dr. Bloom hng rIvalry their offsprings' upbringing good to put your child on a prcu:tlcmg outpatient psy- Do the following situatIOns rIgid schedule? Cdn teleVISIOn chotherapy and psychoanaly- 'iound famlhar? Your child harm your mfant? Q: Are infants affected by television? SIS In Indwlduals and groups won't stop Jumping on the Bloom said that babies who A: AddictIOnto teleVISIOn"tdrt" early Infants are Imprmt- Parenting preschoolers In Grosse Poznte since 1973 SOfd,your daughter won't Sit are neglected or abused Will ed You do not want your baby to be Imprmted With mere ~tlll for her vaccinatIOn at the not thrIve and Willdevelop He Jws contnbuted to pro- color and sound, which become'i amoral sex and VIOlence The toddler ISwalkmg and doctor's offiCe,your baby has emotIOnal problems for the fessional and lay ltterature The baby needs to be Impnnted WIth CIVIlized,gentle, talking and begmnmg to play been crymg for hours and rest of their hves He WIlldiS- empathiC human bemgs They need to be Imprmted WIth and made presentatIOns local- your arms ache from holding cuss all the varIOus ways to love With other children He or she ly, natIOnally and internatIOn- hIm determine and gratify a ISalso learmng a lot, day by ally day, which mcludes mforma- Dr Victor Bloom, a veteran baby's needs Q: What are the qualities of a good baby-sitter? tIon and how to relate to oth- IS of more than 30 years of pri- A: A good babY-SItter IS one who WIll mteract With the He a Life Fellow of the vate practice In psychiatry m ers The parents are the Amencan Psychlatne baby and proVide most of the thmgs a good mother would child's role models Grosse Pomte Park, will give prOVide,Includmg a relatlOnshlp AsSOCiatIOn,a member of the adViceon navlgatmg the com- Parenting a toddler "In a good relatIOnshIp, the Amencan Academy of plex problems of carmg for Q: What is colic? parents commUnicate well PsychoanalYSIS and cllmcal mfants, toddlers, and With each other and WIth the associate professor In the Bloom suggested that we A: SometImes an mfant's central nervous system is not preschoolers at a serIes of child ThIS mcludes not department of psychiatry at should stop uSing the prhase, fully mtegrated, and he or she Will be fussy and the parent workshops on parentmg to be yelling or shoutmg, not mak- the Wayne State Umverslty ''the terrible twos" must compensate for what IS lacking m the baby ThiS IS held at 7 p m on three mg threats and certamly not School of MediCine "It is not teITIble that the colic It usually resolves Itself by 3 months of age. These phYSicalabuse," Bloom said. Thursdays at the Grosse babies need to be held a lot and helped to burp and pass gas Pomte War Memorial child asserts Its umqueness, But does thIS mean a par- separateness and autonomy On Feb 1, 8 and 15, Bloom ent never lays a hand on the It requires some creativity to Q: Can a baby be held too much? child? Willconduct hour-long work- balance the parents' needs A: BabIes thrive on stlmulatlOn, which includes bounCing shops at the War MemOrIal, "If you gently take the child and feehngs With those of the and rockmg ThiS encourages development of their neuro- located at 32 Lakeshore m firmly by the hand, after a chIld," he explamed "'Ibddlers muscular systems, their tactile and kmesthetlc (body)sense Grosse Pomte Farms. The while a child learns that a don't yet have language or That ISwhy babies love to be thrown In the aIr (not too high) cost of the workshops IS $25 with sounds of wheeee' person means what she or he reasonmg power so they wlll says, and that Wlllbe Impor- for the senes of three, or $10 yell, cry, luck and scream each Reservations are tant WIth babysitters, school- when they are thwarted or Q: Should one use baby-talk with a child? teachers, and visits to the required by callmg (313) 881- frustrated It's essential that A: Language development ISextremely Important and is 7511 doctor's office,"Bloom the parent distract the child contmuous from mfancy Language development ISencour- explained. by givmg him somethmg else aged by talkIng to the child and readmg stones and nammg He will give parents tlps on that will be satlsfymg," Bloom thmgs It is not necessary to use baby-talk, as children how to help children SOCialize, Parenting an infant adVised understand adult talk Just as well Without baby-talk, there channel their considerable However, toddlers do need ISless posslblhty the chlld Will later need speech correctIOn classes. phYSicalenergy, develop lis- some disclplme tenmg habits, follow Instruc- Helpless and utterly depen- Can you overuse the word tions and become good stu- dent, the newborn mfant IS "No?" What are approprIate Q: What are good physical activities for rambunc- tious children? dents He also will explam thrust mto a wondrous, chal- ways to set limits for a child's how a stormy relatIOnshIp lenging world Bloom Willtalk behaVIOr?What are approprI- A: Good preschool trammg mvolves sWlmmmg and gym_ between parents ISreflected about an infant's need for ate hmlts today? How can a nastIcs classes The emphaSIS m these sports ISnot on mdI- m the chIld's behaVIOr warmth, love, tenderness and parent avoid helping develop Vidual performance, but group activity, and it ISvery SOCial- ''Parents need to be made empathy feelmgs of madequacy and IZIngto have a child conform to the teacher's expectatlOns aware of what is healthy and Dr. Victor Bloom Jr. Can you spall your baby by low self-esteem m theIr chIl- and to mteract With a group what ISunhealthy parentmg cuddling him or her too dren? behaVIOr,"he stresses

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,....-~ - - l_---..-r--- --.. I T L . J , .. ... r ..... sm ...... January 25, 1996 28 Weddin s Grosse Pointe News

both of Penn"ylvdllld bndesmald was Lannay Gloer Roche;,ter Hills Rogers- The mother of the bnde wore of'Ibledo Bndesmald" wore navy blue a beIge dl e" and a gal dellla Attendants wore Itght pmk crepe sheaths WIth whIte off- Powell corsage tea-length dre"ses WIth ecru the.shoulder portraIt collars The f,'1oom', mother ....ore d collal sand stl aw hats With WIth cameo broaches They Klfnbelle\ '\1lI1l' I{ogt'I , full lenf.,rth beige dl eq" matchmg trim carned free-form bouquets of daughter of Wli'OJl .1ud MU"lc Included a brasb qum- • The best man was Patrick LeReve !lites and white roses M.1rg.1ret Rogn, of GIO", tet and a SOIOI"tflom MIchigan BI Igg;, of FI emont The groom'" brother, Mark Pomte Wood" m.1ll led Hobel I Opela Thealle, duected b) U"hers were the bride's Brooks of St ClaIr Shores, was Porter Po\\ell JI "on of J<1nl DaVId Wagnel brothers, JIm Rauh of Grosse the be"t man Po\\cll of Ml'trlU !,Iand, FI<1 The bride earned a bachelol Pomte Farms, Bob Rauh of Groomsmen were the on Sept 9. 1995 .1t the St of drt, degJ ee from the ChIcago, and Wilham Hensley groom's brother, Brtan Brooks Clair Inn Ulllver"lty of Mlthlgdn She I" of Flemont of Ferndale, Karl Tewes of Thl' Re\ Dougla' Evett offi an account manager for an The mother of the bnde wore Harper Woods, Mark clated at the 6 p m cel cmo'1) mternatlOnal automotive con- a rosebud SIlk charmeuse SchneIder of Grosse Pomte which W.1"follo\\ ed by a rewp sultmg firm She I" d !Jcen,ed dress Woods, and 'Ibm Maddalena of tlOn hel!cooter oIlot The mothpr of the grl'(\m F,,"t I IH'<:''1<' The gl'Oom eal ned a bache. wore a hme green SIlk two. The mothI.''';.of the bride wore lor of al t" degJ ee flom the Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. pIece dress a fuchSIa crepe dress WIth Mr. and Mrs. Christopher UllIverslt) of Mllhlgan He I" Wujek The bnde graduated from matchmg beadmg and a cor. Warren Nichols an account mun<1gel fOI an fo,haml Ulllversity WIth a sage of three pmk sweetheart cros"ed straps m the back mternatlOnal automotIve con- degree m busmess admllllstra. roses and purple African VIO- They each carried three whIte sultmg fil m He 1<' <1!Jccn"ed tlOn lets long-stemmed roses tIed WIth Brzucholvski aIrplane pllot The groom's mother wore a white organza nbbons The couple traveled to bl'lge dress and a corsage of The best man was the bride's Hu\\ all They hve 111 Rochester ptnk sweetheart roses and brother, Robert WUJek of -Nichols HlIls whIte stephanotIS Grosse Pomte Woods JO\ L\ nne BI zuchowbkl, Readers were ChriS Stark, Groomsmen were the d<1ughtt'1 of Robel t E and Shelley Berezowskl and Molly groom's brothers, Ed WUJek of C .11ohn J Br7Uchow"kl of the Snow-Wujek Brooks Grosse Pomte Woods and John Clt) of Gl o",e Pomte, married Chn"t1ne Ann Snow, daugh- The brIde IS a student at WUJek of St ClaIr Shores, the Chn,tophel Warren NIchols, ter of Gordon and ShIrley Wayne State Umverslty brIde's brothers, Gordon Snow son of Dannv A and Judith N Snow of Grosse Pomte Woods, The groom earned a bache- of Alabama and Paul Snow of NIchol" of Bloomfield HIlls, on man-led Michael F WUJek, son lor of sCIence degree from Grosse Pomte Woods; Robert Oct 28 1995. at St Paul of Edward and Carolyn WUJek MIChIgan State University. He Remhart of Grosse Pomte CatholIc ChU! eh of Grosse Pomte Woods, on is an Allstate insurance agent. Woods. MIchael Calcaterra of MOI1°lgnOl F Gerald Martm Nov 11, 1995, at Our Lady The couple traveled to Lake Grosse Pomte Woods, and offiCiated at the 1 p m ceremo. Star of the Sea CatholIc Tahoe, northern Cahforma Matthew Calcaterra of The matron of honor was the ny. \\hlch was followed by a Church and San FranCISco They lIve Harrison Thwnshlp sIster of the bnde, HIlary M R 1 eceptlOn at the Grosse Pomte The Rev Steve Koehler offi- 10 Harper Woods The bnde's mother wore a Atabak of Independence Yacht Club CIated at the ceremony, whIch black skIrt and Jacket with Thwnshlp The bride wore a whIte SIlk was followed by a receptIOn at whIte trim and carried a whIte The best man wab John gown decorated With lace and Mac & Ray's Stangel of Plano, Texas featurmg a chapel-length long.stemmed rose and baby's The brIde wore a whIte SIlk breath tram Her headpIece was deco. gown WIth a halter.style bead. The groom's mother wore a Groomsmen were the rated WIth matchmg lace and ed boehce, a square.cut back, a black two-pIece SUIt WIth a groom's brothers, Jay Powell of she carned an ail-whIte bou. long skIrt WIth a scalloped hem Jewel necklme and carrIed a Japan and Dan Powell of quet of roses and gardenias and a tram She carned a ChICago, and Jack Atabak of and Ivy white long.stemmed rose and The groom IS involved 111 dozen whIte long.stemmed baby's breath Independence'Ibwnshlp. Ann Edwards of BaltImore roses tIed WIth a whIte organ. computer graphiCS Readers were the brIde's SiS- The nngbearers were DaVid was the maId of honor za ribbon The newlyweds live III and Brian Atabak of BrIdesmaIds were ter, Jenmfer Snow, and DaVId Fremont They plan a wedding The matron of honor was the Babcock Independence Thwnshlp Alexandra Sehm of Grosse brIde's SIster, Susanne triP next year The couple honeymooned m Pomte Woods, Elizabeth Babcock of Grosse Pomte KauaI, HawaII, and San Scnpture reader was Henry Mannmo of Grosse Pomte Woods Burt of Richmond, Va Farms. JennIfer PreIs man of FranCISCO They hve m Chnton Vieceli- BrIdesmaids were the 'IbwnShIp Seattle and DebbIe Burson of bnde's SIsters, Laura Snow The bnde earned a bachelor Blrmmgham and Ehzabeth Stavale, both of Brooks of arts degree from MichIgan Attendants wore forest Grosse Pomte Woods, and Rauh-Gloer State Umverslty and a mas- green velvet dresses WIth full. Juha Snow of ChICago, LydIa Carolyn Sandra Vieceh, ter's degree 111 busmess admm- length skIrts Lmebaugh, Mehssa Waldeck Sherry MarIe Rauh, daugh- daughter of Shirley Vieceh of IstratlOn from Wayne State The best man was Ivan and Stacy Calcaterra, all of ter of JIm and Mary Rauh of ClInton Township and UmverSlty She 1£ a human Glusac of Ann Arbor, the Grosse Pomte Woods and Grosse Pomte Farms, married Domemc VlecelI of Warren, resources reprebentatlve WIth groom's godfather CarrIe Calcaterra of HarrIson Ronald Lee Gloor, son of Mr marrIed John Charles Brooks the St John Health System Groomsmen were the 'Ibwnshlp and Mrs Eldon Gloer of Jr, son of John and GeorgJa The couple traveled to groom's brother, Matthew Attendants wore long black Fremont, OhIO, on Sept 23, Brooks of Grosse Pointe Alaska They live m the CIty of Nichol;, of Roche"ter HIlls, and halter.style dresses WIth 1995, at Grosse Pomte Farms, on Sept 16, 1995, at Grosse Pomte. MIchael and John Wuchemch, MemOrial Church. the Grosse Pomte Academy The Rev MIchael Foley offi- Chapel CIated at the 5 p.m ceremony, The Rev JIm Leary offiCIat- which was followed by a recep- ed at the 5 30 p m ceremony, tIOn at the Grosse Pointe Hunt which was followed by a recep. Club tlOn at the DetrOit AthletIC The bride wore her mother's Club. gown of peau de SOIl', whIch The bride wore a whIte satin featured a bodIce accented gown With a fitted bodice deco- With crystal beads and seed rated with pearls and beads, a pearls, three-quarter length sweetheart neckline and a sleeves, a controlled bell- cathedral-length tram She shaped skIrt and a court tram. carrIed a cascade of A cluster of roses and tmy blos- Casablanca hhes and pale soms held her bouffant veil of p10k roses Imported SIlk illusion The maId of honor was The matron of honor was Shelley Berezowski of Chnton Mrs Lmda Bnggs of Fremont 'Ibwnshlp BridesmaIds were Tracy BrIdesmaids were KIm Mau Atkmson of Sprmgboro, OhIO, of RoseVIlle, Stephame Martha Jend of Grosse Pointe Crawford of DetrOIt, Renee Farms and Carolyn Zimbo of Dalecki of Fraser, and the Rochester HIlls The JUnior brIde's SIster, N 1I1etta Vieceh of

ea4etf:t ~UU PATRICIA A. HEFTLER, A C S W. IS OPENING Morning Music Club IS Pleased to Announce the Opening of the New Offices FEBRUARY 1sT The Morning Music Club met recently at the home of chairman Lynn Miller of ELDER CARE OPTIONS 810-776-8826 Grosse Pointe Park. PrOVidinggenatnc care management for seniors, ttlelr families and 10medical and legal profeSSionals Founded in 1910, the event marked the end of the group's 85th year. The group Assessment & planning for home care or placement In a facility consists of women who are musicians and they meet regularly to perform and fur. SupportIVe counseling for seniors & families In home or office ther their enjoyment of music. 16610 Mack Avenue, Grosse POinte Park, MI 48224 In the front, from left, are Ann Warren, Sue Brown, Doreen Taylor, Martha For- don and Arlene Hendrie. 313 881.3001

In the back, from left, are Jan Wright, Harriet Hull, Margaret Heftier, Lynn Miller, Dee Oetting, Johanna Gilbert, Ann Gordon, Mary Earle and Ann Roberts. NURSING HOME Not shown are Sarah Cinelli, Mimi VanderMale and Mary Ann Zinno ~5EASTJEFFERSON Beechwood Manor DETROIT, MICH. 821-3525 Assisted Senior Living UALITY NURSING CARE ... when a nursing home L I G.P. Calnera is not what you need '~ You've heard all about it - • 24 Hour SUperviSion / .....-- Club will meet • A~~l~lance With MedicatIOn /' The Gro""e POIntl' Camer<1 • Pnvate Balh Faclhlle~ : (i=l Club WIll meet .It 7 pm Now's your chance to experience it. • f-mergency Call BUllon~ :. •• : I: I The<:day Jan '30 at Bro ....nl'11 (]oldcn SpIce of LIfe Catenng Company of Gros<;c POInte Woods & The Blanche House • Separate Heat/Air Condltlonmg ... MIddle School 260 Chalfont(' Controls ;~.. ;;;:JL m Grosse Pomte Farm" for Inll & Ca'\tIe would lIke to mVlte you to an "Open House Bndal Show" - but don't let • Meals, Housekeepmg & the Greater Dctr01t CmlLrd Laundry Servlce~ Included BtteHwOOD tilL hndal part lICMe.you away. We also feature Murder Mystery and MedIeval Dmners. MA'\I()R Club Council pictOrial "hde • Beauty And Barber Shop _....:-. competitIOn 1he Ca'\tle is an 1898 Victorian mansion with too many features to list in thiS ad! ';ervlceS AVailable VI"ltor'- are wel(omc • Pnvate and Semi Pnvale Room~ Rcfrc"hment" will b{' "lr\ld Date: SundalJ} FebruarlJ4th} 1996 For mOrl mformatlOn (,Ill (3131 R249064 or 131'31 RRI VOll ;\r~r Time: Noon. 4 p.m. 7011 .,ite". Cost: FREE QllU 1 blk. from Lake St. Clair , Call For More Details r1 Location: 530 & 506 Par/Cflie~ Detroit RESlUE\ll.\\. Twa (313) 640.0360", TireBlanche H()useInn & C4stle (313) 822.7090 Deadline for 773.5950 "mll/lt <: TO I 75 JEFFERSON AVE \l\GHRORHOOU 24'00 Greater Mack Features s~ction Ui/~r- r- m r- is 3p.m. Friday ~Yt m (8etween 9 & 10) \1\ rt;'... ST. CLAIR SHORES

J January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News Faces & places 38 Wm. C. Fords are Rotar auction honorar co-chairs Mr. and Mrs. William Clay Ford Jr. of Grosse POlOte Farms will be hon- oral v co-chaIrmen of thIs yeal '" gala fundralser hosted by the Rotaly Club of Grosse Pomte Donated auctIOn Items and financIal "ponsors are needed ab Rotary gear" up for Its bi- annual black-tie AuctIOn Palty on Saturday, March 2 at the Gros"e PolOte War Memonal run'.lI1 dlll.i "CIvice OUl>lOeh" ownel s can help support their community by donating Items to be auctIOned Gifts of mer- chandlhe or services can be large 01 "mall Proceeds go to SUppOlt the servIce projects of GlOs"e Pomte Rotary, mclud- 109 ServIces for Senior CItizens (SOC), the Children's Home of DetrOIt, YMCA, Lawyers' Auxiliary gift Grosse POinte public safety, Mrs. Paul C. Gracey, at the left, president of the Meals on Wheels, Boy Scouts Grosse Pointe Lawyers Auxiliary. donated a check and Girl Scouts, scholarships for $1.000 to Michael R. Horwitz, executive director The Rev. Jim Leary, director of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. center front, accepted for local high school gradu- of the Children's Home of Detroit. The gift was pre. a check for $2,500 from Jim Tellier, left, and Ray Tessmer, right. co. owners of Jeffer- ates, student foreign sented at the group's annual Christmas Tea at the son Chevrolet Co. The money was donated during the holidays by employees and exchange and wlplOg out polio home of Grosse Pointe Park resident Mrs. Dane Lupo. matched by the dealership. worldWide The funds will be used for computer supplies and tlOn, referrals and baSIC The club also needs finan- team-building non-competitive games for the chil- necessities - all In response cial contnbutlOns $200 for dren in residence. major sponsors, $100 for to the increasing number of patrons, $50 for sponsors and homeless people $25 for contributors Hall, was Rico Allie of off-Site pediatrIC rehabilita- The funds were raised TIckets for the auctlOn are Warren. Allie won the 1996 tIOn treatment faCIlity for through the VNA's "Laughter $125 a couple Checks can be Taurus LX and the rame children and adolescents With Is the Best Medlcme" benefit made out to the Rotary Club money will benefit the DetrOIt head mJuries dmner, an auction of celebnty of Grosse POinte and mailed Institute for Chlldl en keepsakes and a comedy show to POBox 36366, Grosse The mstitute was one of 10 "Shear Madness" at The Second CIty in DetrOit Pomte, 48236 children's charities to partIcI- fundraiser: Renaissance The VNA, which was found- For more lOformation about pate m the chanty prevIew Home Health Care Will hold ed In 1898, IS a non-profit auctlOn Items or other Rotary Overall, the combined chan- ItS fourth annual theater ben- organIzatIOn that offers nurs- actIVIties, call Mark Basile ties raIsed more than $2 2 efit on Wednesday, Feb 14, at 109, therapeutIc and personal at (810) 774-7600 mllhon, all to benefit DetrOit's the Gem Theatre m DetrOIt care services In the home children Proceeds Will benefit the orga- Matching funds: nizatIOn's Children s Billionaires' Bash: Jefferson Chevrolet Co., 2130 Theater party: The Development Fund, which The Barbara Ann Karmanos E. Jefferson, and ItS employ- MichIgan affihate of The prOVides care to hlgh-nsk Cancer Institute has mtro- ees recently donated $2,500 FoundatIOn Fighting uninsured mothers and babIes duced a new tWist to ItS annu- to the Capuchin Soup Blindness wIll hold Its fourth In the metro DetrOIt area al east regIOn dlOner dance, Art Auction Kitchen, a DetrOIt chanty annual theater party, Featured will be the cur- "Try Your Luck for the Cure - that prOVides emergency food, "Corpse," at 2 p m Sunday, rent-runnlOg whodUnit come- A Bilhonalres' Bash," spon- Marjorie Paone of Grosse Pointe Park, co-chairman clothmg and household items Jan 28, at the VIllage Players dy "Shear Madness" TIckets sored by Blnson's Home of "Art from the Heart," a fundraiser to support car- for needy people In Birmingham are $35 for cabaret seats, $30 Health Care diac research programs of the Henry Ford Heart and Half the money was donat- Proceeds from the benefit for balcony seats Hors d'oeu- The event wl1l be held on Vascular Institute. displays one of the items to be ed by the dealership's 109 Will go toward research Into '\Ires are included For tickets, FrIday, Feb 2, at the MIrage auctioned at the City Grille on Sunday. Feb. 4. For employees, according to cures for degenerative eye dIS- call Melissa Baich-Osborn Banquet FaCIlity in Clinton more information about the benefit, call (313) 876- James Tellier, co-owner, and eases such as retImtus plg- at (810) 968-5300 1bwnshlp and Will Include 1031. the other half was matched by mentosa, macular degenera- dmmg, danCing and games of tIOn and Usher's syndrome the company Project: Laughter: chance TIckets are $75 a per- nam~d for Barbara Ann TIckets are $15 Call Joan The Vlsltmg Nurse son and proceeds Will help Tickets are $25 a person and The Rev. Jim Leary, dIrec- Karmanos, a local woman Will Include beer, setups and tor of the Capuchm Soup Wright at (313) 882 1687 AsSOCiatIOn Inc has raised more than 4,000 cancer who fought breast cancer fo~ 'r pizza Also mcluded door Kitchen, accepted the gift and $20,000 to support "Project patients 10 the metro DetrOIt eight years before ;,he died m Grant: Children's SPONSOR" (ServIce area pnzes, rame pnzes, a sIlent noted that the amount would 1989 auctIOn and dancmg to the Hospital of MIchigan recently PrOVIders ON SpeCIal The Karmanos Cancer prOVide 2,000 meals to needy For more mformatlOn about musIc of Steve King and the receIved a grant of nearly OutReach), a program to pro- InstItute IS an mtegrated can- people the bash or to purchase a Dltthes $5,000 from Ronald McDonald Vide baSIC health care servICes cer system formed recently by ticket, call (810) 294-4430 Proceeds w111support the Children s ChantieS of to homeless shelters and combmmg the MIChIgan And the winner is: foundatIOn's program for chil- Southeastern MichIgan drop-m centers In southeast Cancer FoundatIOn, operatmg The wlnnmg ticket drawn In Local benefit: The dren With speCial needs, locat- The funds Will be used to Michigan the Meyer L Prentls the Ford exhibit dunng the FoundatIOn for ExceptIOnal ed at 16 Lakeshore In Grosse purchase a state-of-the-art ComprehenSIve Cancer annual black-tie chanty pre- Chl1dren Will hold ItS 19th POinte Farms 1b make a computer and heveral soft- Nurses travel each week to Center of Metropohtan VieW of the North Amencan annual benefit party on reservatIOn, call (313) 885- InternatIOnal Auto Show ware programs to help chIl- four mobJle chnICs to prOVIde DetrOit, the DetrOIt MedIcal dren at Stepping-stone, an Fnday, Feb 23, at BarrIster 8660 recently held m DetrOit's Cobo health screening and educa- Center and Wayne State Gardens, 24225 Harper Umverslty The lOstItute was - MarlJle Rezns Smtth Local News and Views- that's the Grosse Pointe News

"You Want The Best Care For The One Youwve" If you are trymBto ~ the demaDds of wort aDd family while canng for your parent

Call us today for fu// detaJls.. or drop In and VISit. CALVARY DAY CARE FOR ADULTS A Center of luthenln Social Servlcn of Michigan Q50 Gate.h .. d n.. r Meek and Moro.. . II 881.3374i Partially funded by the United Way and the Detroit Area Agency on Agln Computer Generated Digital Restorations!

• Add Family Members

• Remove Family Member<, • • Change Background~ There s no beller time to VISitus nght now our selectIOn IS absolutely • Add Color magnificent For unparalleled quality and unequaled value there s only Daddy-Daughter Dance one place to go After • Servlce~ m The Neighborhood Club wUl hold its annual Black and Daddy-Daughter Dance from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fri- \Vhlte or day, Feb. 9. at the club. 17150 Waterloo in the City Color of Grosse Pointe. The event is for girls from 2 to 13 and their fathers, but substitute fathers (brothers, Keep your family together forever 19261 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods grandfathers or uncles. for instance) are welcome. The cost per couple is $23. A fee of $5 will cover Copies ..tarring at $39.95 (313) 886-7715 each additional child. Register in person or by mail (Mack near Morass. Nexl !o Woods Theatre) before Friday. Feb. 2, by calling [313) 885-4600. Terrence K. Cannichael Photography Inc. WE ARE A FULL SERVICE FURRIER APPRAISALS. Courtney and John Miller are shown enjoying last (313) 884-4280 REPAIRS. RESTYLING. RELINING. MONOGRAMMING. year's dance. 20725 Mack at Vernier Grosse Pointe FUR CARE • CLEANING • COLD STORAGE

------...... - ~---..---- - c~-,,_ --...... ~ •._--- .....:-10-....'--- ..__....__ ••-. ----....- -.. .. 3 r e January 25,1996 .4..B~ COmm.. UDl tv.l G.ro.s.se.p.O.in.te.N.e.W.S r------...,.~. The Pastor's Corner , ,.,- S1.Paul Evangelical Lutheran . - Resolutions? ( celebrates 125th anniversary St Paul Evangelical DetrOIt Lutheran Church will cell" On May 22, 1949, ground- By the Rev Gordon S Mlkoski brate It" 125th annIversary breaking for the new church Grosse POinte Memorial Church thiS yeal, and to mark the hls- took pldce at the corner of tOIlC e\ent, pastor" who have Lothrup and Chalfonte, Its [ don l go 111 tur \l II YL..1I'" 11'"oIUllOn" "elved St Paul will VI'>lt present locatIOn On July 2, 111"t 01 .i11 m"~ll1g them "eh vou up 101 l..1ilule throughout the year 1950, the new church was ded- ( 11IIl"IIH.; diltllllit bdldl101 pdtll'In" t..1"e" ..l lot more Former pastor Charles Icated "!ldll:..,', dellllnl1l.1tlOll .md elImt th..ln '>Impl) ll1..1klllga Sandrock WIll be the tin,t On July 17, 1960, ground pi OIl II ,e tll Olll 'llf th..lt lhlll!,...., a" of a cert..llll dd', al e gOIng gIlest mmlster at the 9 and wa" broken for the buddmg of 1(1 bl ddlL'IUlt Mo"t peopll my,e1f mcluded, Ju"t don't 11 15 a m servICes Sunday, the pansh hall, also durmg fUllltlOn th.lt II'" Feb 4 Sandrock's years as pastor <- h,lI1gl1lgh Iblh t hdl drl' ,1I1no,mg to '>elfor other" usu- Sandrock came to St Paul The new parish hall was dedl- .. " I l""l""~ I c I ,H .Illllllpl" - >-Vil Il'llllJlg ,!lung lilt.' 11Ile~at Il1 October 1948, three years cdted on July 17, 1961 t II (l "Il p" f01\1 dl d olle "tep back So I d...k 1l1) "elf, ..lnd you after the pansh sold Its church Sandrock and hiS Wife, II Illdklllg I' ,,"lu' lOll" b dlmlht certam to end Il1 dl<;ap- Merrill-Palmer at Jos Campau and Jay Street Marguente, raised a son and jJllllllrnent,llI1\ "tollt the ,eal on d bad foot?" Alice McCarthy. chairman of the Merrill-Palmer ll1 DetrOit Durmg thdt time, daughter, John and Susan He Tlw "econd problem I hd\ e With mdkmg New Year's res- Institute. Wayne State University. seated at the the congregatIOn WdScelebrat- retired Sept 12, 1976 He and , lutlon" b th.:!t the, dre u~uallv a chedp form of repen- right. recently hosted a meeting of the institute's ll1g service m the Jackson hiS Wife hve m Columbus, t..ll1ll' Rl',olutlOn" dH a ,\ ay to ~alve our con~clences by event committee. IntermedIate School at OhIO They have two grand- ,hlm Ing thdt IIl' lea \Iv have trIed to do somethmg about Committee chairmen Ann Garberding, at the left. Marlborough and Waveney In children Ih Jt Cl'1tam unpll',bant pi oblem Never mmd that a few and Maria Lucarelli. center, are shown planning the III e"- mto J,mUaI) 1110...t everyone shrug" and gIggles year's upcoming events with Elaine Sturman. devel- ,lbout not belllg able to "tick With those well-ll1tentlOned opment coordinator, standing in the back. New Arrivals le,o[utlOl1'> Merrill.Palmer, WSU.is one of several organizations fhe l'XLU"eScome ,,0 readily And then we can even say, which has been awarded a Van Dusen Challenge grant ISJoyce Olkowski of Dearborn Well I made d New Year's IesolutlOn about that and I Just from the Community Foundation of Southeast em Sarah Jane Hutchison Paternal grandparents are louldn't do It Oh \\ ell I gIll'S" I'm Just too weak" Michigan and the Kresge Foundation. Peter and Ann Hutchison of Dorothea and Mac McDougal In'tead of Ie..1llvpI 0' Idmg a useful opportumty for con- SeqUim, Wash, formerly of of Harbor Sprmgs and Robert "tluctl,e change, New Year'" resolutIOns end up remforc- Grosse Pornte Park, are the GIllooly of St Petersburg Ing the problematic behaVIOr that we need to deal With m parents of a daughter, Sarah Beach, Fla Great-grandmoth- lhe fir"t place Women's Republican Club Jane Hutchison, born Sept 15, er ISMrs Josepha Landman of If )OU dre senous about wantIng to make changes m 1995 Maternal grandparents The Hague, Netherlands ,our hfe, It I~ould be better to take a different approach, to present Lt. Gov. Binsfeld are John and Mary Chihan of "omethll1g other than makIng smcere promlseb m the New Boston Paternal grand- Elizabeth Grace The Women's Republican Grosse Pointe Hunt Club The moment ...between the old year and the new parents are Lmda Hart of Club of Grosse Pomte Will fea- cash bar will open at 6 30 pm, McKenna Genume and Idstll1g change for the better (a k a repen- Grosse Pomte Farms and ture Lt Gov Conme Bll1sfeld dmner Will be at 7 p m The James and Suzanne t.mce) 1m 0" e" fearless self Il1ventory, prayer, rehance Robert C Hutchison of at ItS next meetmg, today, program Will begIn after dll1- McKenna of St ClaIr Shores upon God s dall) help and permiSSIOn to start agam when DetrOIt 'ou blo'" It Thursday, Jan 25, at the ner are the parents of a daughter. Makmg any change mvolves lettIng go of the famlhar The cost IS$27 for members, John William Elizabeth Grace McKenna, dnd "ecure day- Thon Shop 10 30 - 3 30 Chnstlan Education for all Ages 900 am Jacobs. Ann Marie Elizabeth Rondini, John 1030 a m Service & Church School 10 10 a m Worship Wednesday ~ 9 15 Sunday Bible School Amaz.mgg~~e SenIOrsII .300 Worslup & Holy Euehanst 10 15 am Llewellyn. Timothy Meek, Smallwood, Madeleine 17150 MAUMEE LuMEJOIN US Pr Troy G WaIte Timothy Meinig, Kiran Temrowski, Jeffrey 881-0420 Rev John Corrado Minister Mishra. Marc Tirikian, Washington, Jill Schmidt, THE SUBJECT FOR THIS GROSSE.' Christ the King Colton Weatherston, Glen Marc Adams, Sara Black, SI. Paul Ev.Lutheran Church SUNDAY IS' POINTE Wiczorek, Eric F. Medalle David Bonten, Holly Boyer, Lutheran Church and Elise S. Shink. Anne Bruch, Kira Jl 881.6670 "Truth" UNITED Mack at Lochmoor Christian. Heather Dalby, c::::::::;:~ 375 Lothrop at Chalfonte C H U RC H 884-5090 9 Robert Niederoest of Jessica Fortier, Jill Garvey, ir 1 0 01°0~ ~ ~d~~tl:of~rhX;1 First Church of Christ, Grosse Pomte Farm" was Christopher Geer, Sonil AFFILIATED WITH THE UCC AND ABC 8 15 & 1045 am WOrshIp ServiceS mvolved ll1 Central Michigan Gehani, Angela Grassi. tl Nursery Availat>le Scientist 240 CHALFONTE AT LOTHROP 930 am Sunday School & BIbleClasses Ulllversity s Orche~ls Dance Joanne Heinrichs, Stacey Rev Freel Harms' Rev Colleen Kamke Grosse Pointe Farms, 884-3075 RandyS, Boelter. Pastor performance" Dee 1 and 2 Kent, Karen Kerber, Lydia .:-:: S1 MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL 282 Chalfonte Ave. Timothy A. Holzerland, Asst. Pastor I ~lederoe"t I" a fre"hman at Kossak. Philip Kotsis. CHURCH "GodAsked for It" CMU Joseph P, Fabry, Pastor emeritus Elizabeth Leleszi, Moniqlle ~ 20475 SunnlOgdale Park 4 block\ We~t of Moros~ Linthorst, Robert Listman. GrossePomteWoods, 884-4820 Sunday 10 30 a m 1000 A M FAMILY WORSHIP (CRlS ROOM AVAILABLE) f Shanna Marta McNamee Laura McCartney, Jessica 'uilda\ Sunday lichool 10 30 d m I 1000 A M CHURCH SCMooL 1 Raynal, daUi:;hter of .Jame" McLalin, Joshua Nesi. bOO am Holl Eu,ha"<1 Wedne~day 7 ,0 P m Rev E A Bray Pasror ~istnric \VlIham \lc'dmee of Gro"se Elizabeth Norris, Brian 10I' a m Chuah~,hool Pomtt:. Shore" and Rebecca Parthum, Micbael 10 '0 J m Choral Fu,hJ"'1 ALL ARE WELCOME Grosse Pomte ~a:rhurs' Shortu of the Cllv of Gro""e Popovich. Kevin Rusch, ("ur"t.r~ -\\.t1IJhk r WOODS POlntL gradudted from Kelly Sanders, Bethany I CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN QI~urc~ :vl:lchlgdn Slate llniverc;lty. Strunk, Therese Strunk, Grosse Pointe EPISCOPAL Church Smce 1842 WIth honor" Jl1 ~1av She Suzanne illicny, Christian UNITED lndefMndenl AnglIcan \j! CHURCH 19950 Mack (be1ween Moross & VernIer) l'drned d bdchelor of art" Vanfarowe, Daniel ALL FAITHS WELCOME dl f.,'l ee \\ Ith a major In home Wimsatt, Gordon METHODIST Saturda), January 27 The 1928 Book of Common Prayer ,'conom"" life "kill ....manage Ziegenhagen. Sean CHURCH 900am Contemporary ml nt ,md ,1 mmor In theater Ziegenhagen and Suzanne SUNDAY <\ f ncndh (hllrch tor All Age\ 5JOpm Hol} Euchanst ,Irt" Mondalek. WorshIp 8 10 a m Holy Communion 211 Moros' Rd, - Sunday, January 28 \0 1~ Aduli BIble S,udy Gro'"e Pointe Farm~ lOOOa m Educabon 11 00 Holy CommunIon Gad Perry-Mason of the Among those named to the ~OOam Hol) Euchanl! Church 'iunday School and Nursery elt, of Gro,,,e POlnle and dean's lI"t for the fall "eme"ter 886-2363 for all ages THURSDAY SlI',an Wa...hington of (,I o,,"e at Hope College wue Gro,"e 10 15 am Allnu~~[e€tlJlg& 9 00 J m & II I') rI m \\tor,hlp 12 10 pm Holv Commumon Pr 111(( P..lrk IH'rt ndmed to Pomter" Robin Ebright. 10 I') am lIunday S, hool Holj Euchanst llOOam WOrshIp thl' til,In' I "t for trl' 1,111 pdrt Heather Brown dnd John ',fannr,..' on Hart PlaUt at the Tunnrt I \1m. qll,lIlU ,Il thl DetrOIt Trout, 10 15 am EdulA1!101lfor All " Fru Parking. Ford Garagr , ("Iiegl of BU'lI1l" .I+--THE UNITED .' 1115 a m HOI)Euchans! Nursery Services Available Fnttr at Woodward & Jefferson j METHODIST CHURCH from 9 00 a m to Noon The Rev Rkhard W. Ingalls, \1,,1 In, PfL .)amc<; L. ~I 1000 a m Koon Supemsed Nurse!) Rector Kennelh J Sweelman, Hard\\ick, ,on "f LUl and A STFPHEN MINISTR\ IJI 61 Grosse Pointe Blvd. Orpmsl and ChOIrmaster EIII lh. th JL'rd\llck of the Gro- 1btnI~ NeW!i and LOGOS Con~regation ~ (313)885-4841 886-4301 313-259-2206 ('III 01 (dO,,"(' POlnlt:. nc('ntlv conlpl,«d tht:. M.mne Corp ... CREATIVE SERVICES & PROOUCTION b"'I< ,nll-ted "upp]v cour"e The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church CO~H\ FTF ( ()MrO~ITr() ... ll"'h 11~fl<; GT'oS'S'e Pointe BaptiS't ChuT'ch f ht The PrIl. ...h ...lC"nan ("11ur ...h II \" 'il RVI( I' \rn 11' Iho,' Tl"nHrl to the fRO~(ON(FrT V, RRUCE RIGDON preaching A C/zrij/ Centered, Carin'! C/zurc/z 1,)11 "11'''[(1 dlan" at Ii"t To (A~FRA RIAr")' \(1)1 HI (lll,,!, \llf' Nicole Nff r1 A.RTWORK CommiUed to Yout/z and Communil'J l) 00 \\-"r,hlp 10 (Xl f du,,,tlon for All R. To\\ Jp, d lll~ht( f of .John fOR YOUR rrUNHD rIH.f' II 00 \\-or,hlp R 4~ )2 I ~ Cnhrroddler Care AM ,lnO J) 1I1f'Tle To\\.ll of Grn""e Sunday School 945 POll1( "hl 1(, ,If,j .Jpnnifer 7 ,0 n m humenlLal Men, !-nda} Brcakfa't Sunday WOT'S'hlp - 1100 AM L. Rppvp". d.llight (f of 882-5330 11330 Avenue GT'OS's-ePOinte JJu n, II ,1I1d Kllnll l Tl Rel've" Mock Woodr of (,1"--' l' lilitl \\{lod- \ ...r~,PH." MIM\TRY and LO(;OS Conlt~ltation Phone em) 881-3343

.. - __ J..,.,...... 04 ....c""'~ .... .,. ? t __ .... ~ - --,--~t ,I dII!:.;:: 2 d21o' January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News Health 58 I Couch potato kids TOPS offers 'triple play' plan for losing weight Visiting Nurse By Henry DeVries Jr. It's the claSSIC New Year's vent stiffness that comes WIth weight, encourdgement I, as Association Special Wnter resolutIOn start exerclsmg to age and Increases your resIs- close as the nedre"t TOPS The week of Feb 4 - 9 I~ designated as Heart Awareness get mto shape and maybe lose tance to mJury, espeCially dur- chapter TOPS mlmber-. u<;e a few pounds, too Week by the American Heart AsSociatIOn It lS designed to Ing exercise," she added mutual ~upport to ..dhere to seeks volunteers If you're determmed to exer. Experts recommend slow, draw attentIOn to the problem of children and cardIOvascu- theIr exerCI~e regimen" <.Ind VI~ltIng Nurse AsSOCiatIOn clse for health, the "trIple gradual stretchmg after a good lar dlsea~e Numerou~ media and educatlOnal events Will diets to reach their weight (VNA) Support Services IS take place In our community and other communities play" approach offers the best warm-up and at the end of an goals To find out more about chance for success, accordmg "eeklng volunteers to aS~lst throughout the state aerobiC exercise ses~lOn chapter~ In your dred, cdll With several office functIOns, to Dianne Lucas, a representa- A" president of the AmerICan Heart AsSOCiatIOn Grosse If you're exerclsmg to lose Lucas at (313) 584-1408 including dnswermg the tele. tive of TOPS (Take OtTPounds POinte DIvIsion, I want to encourage you and your families phone and filing SenSibly) to attend the Heart Month lecture serIes at the Grosse National Cancer Institute halts "The three elements of the The VNA of Southeast POinte War MemOrial starting Tuesday, Feb 6 This free lec- 'triple play' are aerobICS, MI<-hlg<.lnaffiliate, located In ture series IS co-sponsored with the American Heart study involving beta carotene Southfield, recommends thiS AsSOCiatIOn Grosse Pomte DIvIsion and Bon Secour<; strength trammg, and stretch- Hm,pltdl. ,ng," Luca~ l::l,uJ O[f;" ...b "t thl. ;:';"'lUll"l Ul Itallll [I UIIl Ul:La <-aIUWIll: un ('~lill n,; ng but L.4H'I1Ln& \oul- AerobICS are the base for Cancer In~tltute announced cancer or cardlOvdscular dls- unteer opportulllty to anyone These programs Will focus overall fitness, she said last week that they are haltmg ease among 22,000 male who enJoy~ workmg WIth peo- on the lack of exercise and the "AerobiC exerCIses mclude the study exammmg the phY~lcians Improper diet across genera- ple VNA offers a nexlble work brIsk walkmg, Joggmg, sWim- efTects of beta carotene and The ImplicatIOns for smok- tIOns With children today, the schedule to meet the needs of mmg, cycling and other actIVI- vltamm A a~ preventive agents ers are ObVIOUS,according to popularity of computers, VIdeo the volunteer tIes that use large muscle for lung cancer In high risk Dr Gregory Kalemkerlan, a games and teleVISIOn pro- groups at a regular pace, rals- men and women lung cancer speclahst at the Candidates should have grams are keeping them from mg the heart rate For best Interim study results have Barbara Ann Karmanos gettmg enough phYSical actIVI- good commulllcatlOn, hstenlllg results, aerobICS should be mdlCated the vItamlll ~upple- Cancer In~tltute m DetrOIt ty BegIn exerclsmg as a famI- and orgamzdtlOn skills as well done three or more times a ments prOVide no benefit, and "There IS no magIc pili," he ly The habits chIldren form as their own transportatIOn week for at least 20 minutes may be causmg harm said "If you want to reduce As MIChigan's largest Inde- today Will remain With them each seSSIon" The trial's 18,000 partlcI- your rIsk of lung cancer, stop pendent horne health care the rest of their lives Strength trammg exerCises, pants were told to stop taking smokmg" prOVider, VNA otTers a Wide For example, by choosmg like lifting weights, she said, their vltamms last week, but To reduce lung cancer risk, range of nursmg and personal healthier foods for your famI- "fortIfy you for daJly actlVltles Will continue to be followed for the NCI recommends that care services In the home The ly, you lower the rIsk of coro- and prepare you for your aero- at least five years The study AmerIcans qUit smokmg, orgamzatlOn IS accredited with nary heart disease later In bIC exercise They strengthen was Interrupted 21 months aVOId beta carotene ~upple- commendatIOn by the JOInt H life A person's cholesterol bones, lessen arthrItis pam eory DeVries Jr. level IS determined partly by hIs early ments and eat a low-fat diet CommlsslOn on AccredItatlOn and stIffness and ultimately or her genetic makeup and partly by the saturated fat and A second trIal, whICh ended WIth plenty of frUlts, vegeta- of Healthcare OrgamzatlOns help you lose weight as you cholesterol m the foods he or she chooses to eat in December 1995, found no bles and grams For more InformatIOn and a reduce fat and Increase muscle SIgnIficant eVIdence of benefit Dietitians suggest that a proper diet IS among the factors volunteer application, call mass" that an mdivldual can change to Improve hIS or her blood Colleen Parrish at (810) 354- Stretchmg IS an often-over- cholesterol level When planning meals for yourself and your 0501. family, follow these gUldelInes looked portIOn of the fitness elF plans Annual Valentine equation "Regular stretching • Choose poultry, fish and lean cuts of meat more often. keeps you limber, helps to pre- Remove the skIn from chicken and tnm the fat from meat. party for leukemia patients Class offered on Eat fewer organ meats such as hver, brain, and ludney. Diabetes classes The ChIldren's Leukemia PatIents and theIr famIlies can • Drink skim or 1 percent mIlk FoundatlOn of Michigan (CLF) enJoy live entertamment, vegetarian diets • Eat cheeses with no more than two to SIXgrams of fat Will host ItS annual southeast actiVIty tables, food, door per ounce offered Tuesdays MIchigan Valentllle party from prIzes and the chance to meet The Grosse Pointe War • Use tub margarme or hquld vegetable OIls that are hIgh A six-week series of dIabetes 2 to 5 p.m Sunday, Feb 11, at local celebrIties The party Memonal will hold a four- In unsaturated fat (saffiower, corn or ohve OIl) mstead of educatIOn classes Wlll be held Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle also presents an Important week course, "If I Only Knew butter, lard and hydrogenated vegetable shortemng on Tuesdays, from Jan 30 in Royal Oak opportumty for patients and What to Eat, I Could Become a • Eat fewer egg yolks, try substitutIng two egg whites for through March 5, at Wayne The party WIll brmg togeth- families to meet others facmg Vegetarian," from 6 30 to 8 30 each whole egg in recIpes County's South Health Center, er patients and families copmg SImIlar challenges and share pm Thursdays, Feb 1-22, at • Eat more whole grain breads and cereals, pasta, rice 21201 Eureka m Taylor with leukemIa, lymphoma and related experiences the War Memonal, 32 and drIed peas and beans Classes wJll be taught by a other related Illnesses, for an The party IS free and open to Lakeshore • Eat more vegetables and fruIts registered nurse and a regIs- afternoon of lIghthearted fun all patients regIstered With AdoptIng a vegetarIan The reason I and many other dedIcated volunteers who tered dietItIan Classes are ThIs IS the fourth year for CLF Call (800) 825-2536, by hfestyle can be easy and satis- serve on the board of the AmerICan Heart AsSOCIatIOnare free, but preregIstratIOn IS CLF's Valentme party Wednesday, Feb. 7 fYing, accordmg to the course worlung so dIligently is that the rIsk for heart disease IS required Call (313) 467-3355. facihtator, 'Ibm Mllano worse In MichIgan than In most other states PartiCipants wJll have an MIchIgan has the most overweIght chIldren and adults Hospice seeks opportunity to sample vegetar- More than one In five have cardIOvascular disease Since National Kidney Foundation volunteers Ian dishes Handouts and coronary heart dIsease IS one of the most prevalent and pre- recipes Will be provided and ventable forms of heart dIsease, I strongly encourage you, of Michigan helps educate Cranbrook Hospice Care IS the course fee IS $50 for four your family and frIends to take advantage of our "Listen 'Ib seekmg canng volunteers to weeks. Your Heilrt" senes prOVide In-home support to For additlOnal mforrnatlOn, ! The lecture on Feb 6, featurIng Dr Donald Black, director public about kidney disease termmaily III patIents '}Ed call the (313) 881-7511 any of preventIve cardiology, assIstant professor of pedIatrICS at their families Winter't'l"l1i~ Kidney dIsease can stnke FoundatIOn of MichIgan at day except Sunday the UmversIty of MIchigan Mott ChIldren's Hospital, IS sessIOns begIn In March Call anyone at any age. Most at (800) 482-1455 for mformatlOn designed for parents and chIldren (810) 334-6700 risk are people who have dIa- on the early warning SignS of WhIle Black talks with parents about Ideas for keepIng betes and hIgh blood pressure. chlidren fit, Bon Secours dietitian Jenmfer Gottesman and kidney diseases, diabetes and Of the 20 million AmerIcans hIgh blood pressure, or mfor- health promotlOns speCIalist Dawn BambrIck Will prOVIde a who sutTer from kidney and matlOn about organ donatIOns fun fitness and nutrItlOUs program for chlidren 6-12 years urolOgIC disease, more than old Heart healthy snacks wIll complete the program 80,000 WIll dIe thIS year On Tuesday, Feb 13, Jane Norstrom, a SHAPE magazme In MichIgan, more than Ronald J. Conklin, D.P M., P.C. Durmg the month of March, 6,500 residents are on dialYSIS consultant, Will mtroduce the new exercise pyramId for the NatIOnal KIdney weIght management and 1,300 patients are waltmg Foot Specialist &: Foot Surgeon FoundatIOn of Michigan IS for lIfe-saVIng kIdney trans- And on Tuesday, Feb 27, Dr. DIlek Sowers, and Joann working to make everyone plants The foundation brIngs Board Certtfied Surgeon Vitale, a nurse m our emergency department, WIll dISCUSS aware of ways to keep theIr help and hope to these indiVid- Practicing for over 20 years early warnmg signals of heart attack and how seekmg help ludneys healthy You may be early can save lives uals through programs In able to prevent ludney prob- research, patIent servIces, The American Heart Association WIll proVlde a dIsplay of Medicare & Blue Cross Participating Physician lems by leading a healthy organ donatIOn, profeSSIOnal materials and mformatlOn that may make a dIfference in lifestyle-eatmg rIght, exer- educatIOn and public mforma- the steps you take toward a heart healthy hfestyle A conservative approach to foot care cismg and avoidmg smoking bon Jom us m helping support our efforts to fight heart diS- If you develop hIgh blood The NatIOnal KIdney ease For more informatIOn on the "LIsten to Your Heart" pressure or dIabetes, gettmg series, call (810) 779-7900 FoundatlOn of Michigan IS (313) 884.7566 your diseases under control committed to the preventlOn, Henry Devnes Jr IS presLdent of the Amencan Heart wIll reduce the chance of kid- detectIOn, treatment and even- 20835 Mack Ave. Grosse POinte Woods Assoczatzon Grosse Pomte DIVISIon and chIef executwe officer ney damage of Bon Secours of MIchIgan Healtlware System Inc tual cure of all kidney diS- Call the NatIOnal KIdney eases /Fr;;;:======::::;;rn...... Performance Anxiety? Trouble performing, speaking Keep them young at heart. or writing in public? You love your children. You provide them wilfl 0 good home, send them 10 quoIity schools, give litem the best of everytbing But do you know Ibat 30-35% of 011children ore ore risk for heart or circulatory disease? More rhon 40" of dlildren ages 5-8 have at least one We are lookmg for research subjects who heart disease risk factor: inocIivrty, obesity, hig/l dlolesterol, hypertension. MiltIOllS fcKe shortened lives be

~_------..... ------.------.....- ..r-..~ ..... _ _...t.~'U..~ ...... AT •.... ~~Q-_>#' ... ~__ - ~ ?..l a January 25, 1996 68 Grosse Pointe News

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- I -I January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 7B

tlSt who speclahzes 10 10sects Once, explormg the uplands IN aturalist' To put the matter as Simply as of New Caledoma, an I;,land off poSSible Most children have a the coast of Au;,tralIa, Wil;,on BIBLIO- FILE Attic Theatre returns bug perIOd, and I never grew marvels that "some of the bugs you- out of mme " species of plants and anImals Wilson praIses hIS first col- dated back to the Me;,oLOla to its original home Rleasantly lege alma mater "The Era, when they were ;,urely Naturalist Umverslty of Alabama IS an brow;,ed by dmo;,aur;" and Thanks to the genero"lty of By Edward 0 Wilson excellent publIc unIversity It when part;, of the Antal CtlC Greektown developer Jimmy Papas of Gros;,e POinte, the Island Press 380 pagel, was and IS the home of first- continent Itself were ;,tlll hab $2495 rate scholars and teachers, and Itable by all A;, I began hunt- AttiC Theatre Will be rebullt of abound1Og opportunIty for Ing ants, a little green pdrrot and reborn In time for a Feb 2 Thanks to the gen- If you wIsh to find a good By Elizabeth P. Walker students who come there, as I WIth a red cap landed on a openIng of Shakespeare';, example of clear, expository did In 1946, to learn about the branch clo;,e by and stayed ''Twelfth NIght" erosity of Jimmy wrmng,ju;,t turn to Edward 0 world, to enter a profeSSIOn, there At Interval;, he The 220-seat theater wlll be WIlson's dehghtful and 1Ofor. and If you Will permit an old- squawked at me m ;,ome my;, the field, to enJoy once agaIn on the third floor of Trapper';, Papas of Grosse matlve memOIr of his hfe m fashIOned expreSSIOn, to make terlOus p;,lttacme lan~uage the hands-on kmesthetIC plea- Alley 10 Greektown, close to ''1\T1.ttlr~llc;;t " Pointe, the Attic ;,omethmg 01 themselves 1 We were perfect compdnJon;, m ,",ure., 01 my yuuth 1 wanted to the OrIginal lolt space that the The simple tItle of his book found It as good a place for the mossy fore;,t, native and remain an opportunIst, movlOg AttiC first occupIed In 1976 indicates exactly what he has Theatre will be undergraduate trammg m my exotic jomed In momentary among, ,>eelng and touchmg a The new AttiC will feature a always been, from curious field of sCience as I would later harmony I would do no harm, I myrIad of plant,; and anImals I layout that allows audiences to youngster to dlst10gUished SCI- judge Harvard, PrlOceton, and told the parrot, and leave soon, needed a place to which I could VIew performances from three rebuilt and reborn entist Despite ItS subject mat- Cambridge to be among other but thIS place would lIve forev return for the rest of my hfe Sides, creating true theatncal ter, readers will joyfully diSCOV- in time for the Feb. UniVerSities I have come to er In my memory" and pos;,ess a" a naturalIst and lOtlmacy and remIndlOg origi- er a genume readmg treat, know reasonably well The per- Later, In AustralIa With an SClCntlst " nal patrons of the AttiC's 2 opening. whether It be an average per- sonal attentIOn and encourage- aSSistant, WIlson tells of a Throughout thl<" absorblOg Lafayette Stree.t 19CatlOn that son or someone conversant ment I received could not have weird encounter "Caryl set out book, WIlson contInues to tragically burned down In with natural sCience been surpassed" to collect colOnIes of bulldog amaze hIS I eader" Simply 1984 Just as the AttIc's cur- Wilson's lIfe-long pursuit of For both hiS undergraduate ants, hIS favorIte msects ThIS because he refuses to rest on rent New Center location was ''Twelfth Night" full Circle from bugs 10 general, but ants 10 and graduate studies, WIlson was no casual undertakmg hiS well-earned laurel" for hiS to be slated for the wreckIng partIcular, IS a story told with Stratford's "Festival" Influence traveled to areas around the The workers, measunng up to pIOneering work He IS continu- ball thIS sprIng, space was pro- to Greektown's speCial humor and compaSSIOn - a country and abroad, 10 con- 3 centimeters 10 length, pos- ally inspired and chdlJenged by VIded In Trapper's Alley "It's great readmg experience February celebratIOn stant search of hiS specialIty - sess large bulglOg eyes With new theOries and Ideas, of the klOd of thmg we want to ''Twelfth Night" begins the Born 10 Alabama 10 1929, ants As he was belOg drawn excellent VISIOn, long saw- which there seems to be no have here," Papas said "The second half of the Attic's 1995- Wilson was very early attract- toward evolu- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too the d shortage In that field He Greektown merchants are 96 season and Will be followed ed to nature when he came tlOnary theo- mandibles, and observes that "blbphlha IS the lookIng forward to the frIends in successIOn by performances across a huge jellyfish 10 rles, he POints paInful stIngs most recent of my syntheses, of the AttiC Theatre VISItIng of "Good Friday" (March 22- Paradise Beach, not far from out that He is an enlight- They are JOIning the Ideas that have their establIshments" AprIl 20), "RifTs" (May 3.June hiS home Fascmated, he says, "unlIke expen- among the been most consIstently attrac- Yet another blessmg for the I), "Song of SIngapore" (June "the creature hung there mental biolo- ened teacher who most beiliger- tIve to me for most of my hfe Attic wIll come from the 14-July 3) and "Sweeney Thdd" motIOnless for hours As gIsts, evolu- ent Insects 10 My truths, three m number, Stratford Shakespeare (Aug 9-Sept 7) Show dates evening approached and the tlOnary bIOlo. delights in guiding the world are the followlOg First, Festival, whose own associate for "Once on this Island" and tIme came for me to leave, ItS gists well Imagme a humanIty IS ultimately the artistIC director, AntOnI "Three Tall Women" are yet to tangled undermass appeared versed In nat- people through his crater nest one product of bIOlOgIcal evolutIOn, Clmohno, Will direct ''Twelfth be deCided to stretch deeper Into the dark- Night," which Will run Feb 2 ural hIStory to two meters second, the diverSity of lIfe is The AttiC'S return to Its orig- enIng water Was thiS, I won- already have adventures and across, With an the cradle and greatest natural to March 3 In addition, cos- mal Greektown roots, puts the dered, an anImal or a collectIOn an abundance opening 10 the heritage of the human speCies, tume maker Francesca Callow theater back 10 an area con- of anImals? Thday I can say and thIrd, phJlosophy and reh- wIll brmg pieces from dUCive to a thriving entertain- that It was a smgle anIma!." ~om :~I~~e~~ eXpertences. ~~~~:;:~:rra~ glOn make httle sense Without Stratford's authentiC costume ment industry. In fact, the only When Wilson was 7 years pick and Wide, from takmg Into account these first Inventory, prOVidIng a real dIfference from the "old" days old, hiS parents were divorced treat to both Shakespearean choose What ======which come two conceptIOns" will be that theater patrons He was then sent, an only they most need are the rIght and go dozens of surly red-and- and lIve theater junkies ahke who used to climb the hIgh child, to the Gulf Coast questIOns The most important black ants the size of hornets Without question, Edward 0 The AttiC also IS plannmg its steps, for which the Attic first Mlhtary Academy, a private evolutIOnary blOloglsts are Disturb them In the slightest WIlson belongs In that exclu- own creative "alteratIOns," and got ItS name, WIll now get an school, where he remaIned for those who Invent the most and they charge you fearlessly sive pantheon of noted sCien- Will set the play 10 the late elevator ride not qUite a year Wilson, there- Important questIOns They look A few Will follow your retreat tiStS such as Charles Darw1O, 1920sjazz age of New Orleans, Tickets for 'Twelfth Night" fore, polOts out that the three for the best stOries nature has for as much as 10 meters from UlUIS Pasteur, and scores of complete WIth a metro DetrOIt start at $11 and WIll be avail- most Important formatIve to tell us, because they are the nest These ants, In short, others who have devoted their cast and an origInal blueS/Jazz able at the AttiC Theatre box mfluences of hiS !lfe that above all storytellers If they are not the furtive piCnIC and lIves to science Despite hiS musical score The final scenes office or any TIcketmaster out- shaped hiS character: nature, are also naturalIsts - and a kItchen raIders of AmerIca .. deserved emInence, Wilson's of the productIOn lead to a let For more information, call the mIhtary and relIgIOn great majority of the best evo- ReturnIng to one of hiS book reflects hiS down-to.earth Mardi Gras festival, takmg (313) 875-8284 One of Wilson's eyes was lutlOnary bIOlOgists are natu- faVOrite huntlOg grounds, the humanIty and profound Injured 10 a chIldhood aCCident rahsts - they go mto the field FLOrida Keys, the author respect for all hVlng creatures Thus, as he expla1Os, "So with open eyes and mInds, reveals what dnves him "My He IS also an enlIghtened Inevitably, and given that I was complete opportunists lookIng dream embraced more than the teacher who delIghts 10 gUld- . -..- ""." 100klOg at the world WIth only 10 all dIrectIOns for the big search for new experiments In 109 people through hiS adven- ...... -_...... one VIsually acute eye, I-came questIOns, for the mam biogeography 1 was driven by a tures and expenences MONASTic OdySSEy MAI~dl1996 to be an e~omologIst, a sclen- chance" more general need to return to "N aturalIst" IS a true claSSIC In quest of the early MonaSlic penod In Ireland, 600-9OQA D A two- week course compnsIng one week m DublIn surveymg the Immense wealth of the manuscnpts and artifacts agaInst theIr hlstonc back- ground and give days explonng a vallety of sHes from Downpatnck '\BIT 1M -1IIPl!I" m Ulster to ClonmacnOIseon the Shannon IV Marv Lois MlIIIItJ' The Inslltute of Insh Studies ~ T\>/'nty-two tnps on Frl'lghtl'rs 6 Holyrood Park. Sandymount. DublIn 4 S12 po~t Ilaid PObox 1994. Tel 353 I 269 2491 Fax 353 I 2695459 APRIL 23 TO APRIL 30, 1996 Tllhd( . .\nzond 85646 USA Freefone 1-800-340-8005. Emall lIs@lOlle NON STOP FLIGHT FROM DETROIT TO EUROPE No PACKING AND UNPACKING 6 nights In a dehghtful cozy hotelm St Paul wllh COnlmenlal breakfasl DaIly excursIOns WIthstops m unusual VIllages and Sight seemg areas $1199.00 taxes (double occupancy) ,.., A unique personalized unforgenable expenence WithMirellle and local fnends Very limited space Songle accommodallOn on request Immediate deposit of $800.00 ~.~t.". Price Only Guaranteed Until January 31, 1996 -. For details call de BARY TRAVEL, INC. 319 Fisher Road • Grosse Pomte, Michigan 48230 (313) 881-3747 FAX(3131881-5826

GnJI'Pointe Memorial Church Presents ,usic at Memorial •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Saturday February 10 - 6:30 pm

The Grosse Pointe War Memorial Ballroom provides the dinner location for a memorable evening of cabaret songs, Broadway melodies and light opera delightfully performed by Memorial Church soloists, Marie Brmm, Mike Otis and Stina Hokemon, and Director of Music Robert Moncrief.

TICkets are $25, awiIabIe at the dnm:h office or War MemonaI lIIItiI FebruaIy 4, [996. CaD fOr infunnation (313) 882-B30 Enhance your musical listening experience by joining our pre-concert speaker, Dr. Jack DuBoi~, In discussing the pieces to be performed. The lecture begins at 2 pm.

'- x~-...l...~ ...... £ ...... --"""""_,..,. January 25, 1996 8B Entertainment Grosse Pointe News

ty With JarvI and the orchestra DSO opens as they made a ~eemmgly con- DSO REPORT servative work SlOg out WIth with repeats gl ace and VitalIty Most notably! the Ohl..,son IS d consummate al tl"t who findb the Intrm"IC performance pro- from Carnegie glory of every phra;,e and Returmng 10 the u"ual fine bnngs the plano part to ItS vided an exception- fettle from their annual fulle::.t expreSblOn The second appearance at Carnegie Hall, movement gave him full OppOl- al illustration of Neeme JarvI and the DSO, tumty then to lead With the WIth plaTIlst Garnck Ohlsson, theme and set the feel 109 for Jarvi's unerring treated the home audience to the orchestral development repeats of their New York offer. There was clearly shared feel- sense of pace. Ings With Vibrant and richly 109 between them as the meso textured performances . menzmg, lYrIcal movement ThIS week's concerts begin Every pause is per- Moreover, there was an lOdl- proceeded Thursday evemng WIth anoth- • \'id..luht) und depth tv th", The lomt effort blo'l['lom€'n ;n er showOlece the vn,('!' nf fectly held and '] Take This Man' lOterpretatlOns that comes the last movement, perhaps Kathleen Battle 10 some of her only from profound famllianty because at that pomt the com- best repertOIre, Mozart The when the pulse Grosse Pointe Woods resident Charlie poser seems to have come to orchestra will offer two Rinderknecht. left. gets into a confrontation with Opemng With an overture by hiS compatrIOt, Estoman Veljo terms WIth wntIng for plano RUSSian symphomes and the actor Randy Magner in "I Take This Man" now show- quickens ... Tormls, JarvI once agam and orchestra In any case, program repeats Fnda) and ing at the Heidelberg Restaurant, 43785 Gratiot in Widened hIS listeners' honzons JarvI, Ohlsson and the orches- Saturday evenmgs For tIckets Mount Clemens. every Friday and Saturday evening WhIle Thrmls IS unknown to tra seemed to resurrect the call (313) 833-3700 through Feb, 17. For reservations, call (810) 296- composer's musical psyche 8688. us, hIS musIc reaches out to engage audIence ImaginatIOn The closlOg work, and sympathy Schumann's "Spnng Makmg the unavoidable con- Symphony," had not been DSO's 'Tiny Tots' series nectIOn With the composer's lIfe offered In New York, but expenence, It IS easy to feel the enjoyed the same elan as the CIJurch Of lOda)! ThiS February. the DetrOIt Thbby the Tuba and his pal overpowermg sense of oppres- rest of the concert Few works Symphony Orchestra WIll Peepo the PIccolo shepherd SIOn, tensIOn and hope that are more graphiC 10 creating presents ... launch a new concert senes for kid;, on a fun run through the must have been felt by ImpreSSIOns of the bright ener- MIchIgan's youngest audIence, members of the 10strument Estomans under SovIet domi- gy of the season of new growth chIldren ages 3 to 6, de:-Igned familles nation More than In the case and the reveries of love that It Dr. Sonya Friedman to 1Otroduce a whole new gen- Concludmg the senes, two of Shostakovlch, however, inspires And thiS one shines concerts tItled "The Busy B's," With antlclpatlOns of orchestral &.. Rev. Guy Lynch eratIOn to the world of claSSIcal there are 10 thiS piece, and musIc wlil be held Saturday, June 15, assumably In Tormls' other styles and effects that were The DSO's new "TIOY Tots" at 11 30 a m and 1 30 P m works, more expressIOns of the explOited later by Brahms and series, to take place at the Batons, ballet, Beethoven and composer's Inner feelIngs and Wagner Merc) HIgh School Audltonum bumblebees, all have a place 10 Irrepressible urges for free, JOY- Most notably, the perfor- 10 Farm1Ogton HIlls (11 MIle the mUSICal world of thiS pro- ous expressIOn mance prOVided an exceptlOnal and MlddlebeltJ, vnll feature gram While the Overture No 2 IllustratIOn of Jarvi's unerrmg programmmg for the most fid- was given no context or content sense of pace Every pause IS gety fans Rheda Becker, the TIckets for the three-concert by the composer, Jarvi showed perfectly held and when the "FIrst Lady of Fun," Will host subscnptlOn series are $24, or no lack of appreciatIOn of Its pulse qUickens, the umty of the partIcIpatory, educatlOnal, mdlvldual tickets can be pur- drama and moments of tender- expressIOn among those 100- musIcal events chased for $9 Tickets are ness The musIc was lIke a plus mUSICians makes pOSSible The first presentatlOn 10 the available at the Orchestra Hall Window on the composer's soul a subtlety and verve that IS senes, tItled "The DSO Goes to box office or by callIng the DSO and flowed With seamless both rare and preclOUS 10 per- the Zoo," IS scheduled for at (313) 833-3700 TIckets are expresslOn formance Saturday, Feb 3, at 11 30 am also available at all Hear10g Dvorak's sole and It was most eVident m the "Skills for Healthy family Living" and 1 30 pm In thiS creatIve final movement of the Tlcketmaster ticket centers, rarely performed plano concer- Saturday, February 3, 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p,m, program, children Will take a mcludmg Hudson's, Harmony to was another happy venture "Schumann Symphony" The mUSICal safan mto the Wild House and Blockbuster MUSIC, mto new territory pickups were exqUiSitely timed Family hfe can be difficult Skills for healthy family hVlng can kmgdom where they will or by callmg Tlcketmaster at CautIOusly, Dvorak did not and even With the liberties he help break through the chaos and confUSion In thiS encounter old and new friends, (810) 645-6666 Discounts are open the work With showy takes 10 phraslOg, the execu- Interactive seminar, noted psychologist Dr Sonya Fnedman such as Babar, Old MacDonald available for groups of 10 or plano Instead, Ohlsson got to tIOn was near perfectIOn and Senior Minister Guy Lynch present effective ways of and the Waltz10g Cat more by phon1Og (313) 962- play lots of embelhshment and The expected encore (With dealing With common family Issues The second set of concerts 10 3610 only mlOutes to spare before paraphrases of the orchestra Tickets are $20 (non-refundable) For more Informahon the series, "Tubby the Thba Th be added to the DSO's gomg 1Oto overtime) was a through the first movement call the Church of Today at (810) 7583050 and HIS Instrument Fnends," maIlmg lIst, call DetrOit But he made superb use of the charmlOg showpiece march for WIll take place Saturday, Apnl Symphony Orchestra Hall at opportUnity to demonstrate a flutes and piZZIcato strlOgs by Church of Today 13, at 11 30 a m. and 1 30 p m (313) 962.1000. remarkable artistiC congemah- 'l'chalkovsky. 1120011 Mile Road East Warren, MI 48089 (810) 758-3050

TO PlACE YOUR FREE AD, CAll TO RESPOND TO ADS, CAll. 1-S00-la1-1SBl 2<1 hours 0 dO)! FOf a''',lance lram an Inrroduchan. rep<8lenlah"", cell Monday Friday 80m llpm We II help)'O

TOU CH YOU R HEA RT ONE-WOMAN MAN WAKl'ED WO~lE~ COMEDIC TIS THE SEASON SECURE AND STABLE Carefree, allradlve cLltured aro AclrIe attractive DWF, 40 55" Never mamed SWPM 2B 63- DWPM 39 frt allraelJve han- SEEKI:'\G ~lE~ IaVlng SWF WIth a sensmvrty 10 and fluffy long bIondeIgreen, 1901bs no chtldren WS brown! est romantIC seeks the same In loucI1 yo .. heart .eeks tall gen- enJOYS skallng aeroboes travel hazel eflJOYS movies muSIC 3().39 =~0~;U'~:= an allracbve frt SWPF lOOKING FOR LOVE tJonate wile also has socunty lleman 49-&l 'lt1495(exp2l1) nature shanng bme wrth my concerts hockey malls S- who enlOYSthe autclcors skIIng and s1abIlrty In llJe and I*es mu- Very kMng canng redhead 52 three leenag ...1fnends Seelang Ing petrte tady NJS W1lh g,eal boab ng football and wee!al1lonship poSSible tasting 47 moVIe b4Jtr tennis nut. me- SWF yeung 50 dart< _ tall Ia.d-bac:l< gen1li!man 45-65 S6P tady 401sh open-mnded relalJonslllp WIth SlDWF 35-55 relatoons"'p tl' 1 583(exp218) cia cntlC seeks fun frt affee blue oolg- 1733jexp2J29) DWM 50s "na""",lly secure ~~n:~sas:ens noes travelmg caJ!'l'Ing moIor mance and other fun _ (e.p218) SPlRllED AND ATTRACTIVE seeks warm $I ncere woman cycles Bnd doves In !he COOOlry GIVE ME A CALL sHTlllar means. for love travel DWPF 4S NIS NiD wrth dJV race open. Lei's tall<. 'ltlO55(eocp ~goodman 'lt1739(e,p 211) SWM 37 64- 2051bs self-em- and lasting reJah<:lnshrp Size ROMANTIC erse Interest$ such as travel played vaned m1erests See!< ul1lmportant tl'1582(e0cp2l8) BUSINESS OWNER naMe aro holong seeks well- "'9 SWF I", Iners SWPf 20 _greer\, seeks NI1t1 same qual,.,es f", fneoo- 2115) Well-€ducated travefed gentle- Jina nclall 'j secure bUSiness acblle mom hones!. modest, SWPM 20-25 who warn 10 $hlp and poss5 lln>- OWF 42 blonde.t>lue 5 6- WS W1lh mo- cesshA. allraetve 8M and'or same ov... 5 6'" HM proporbon- SEEKING KING ARTHUR With our all-new features So place a free ad the personals "'9 SF wllh .. molar qualrt.,. tl' ge rltleman enfO~ d Olng dare ay around the house Seeking good f_ 4()-5O lor eveq)2l29) classy seeks wMe sopI'osllcat SWM 39 511- 1S51bs b0 _ li

t -, January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 98

Now happening Pomte, exhIbIts "The Fox oflice at (313) 577 2960 u;,ed to match your home with G.P. Gallery Hunt," a collectIOn of horses, (!'\ote Thl'> show contams your per;,onal Feng ShUl ham- rIders and foxes m bronze by presents "trong language and IS for ~cope, how to determine if a New York Sculptor Mardyn matUl e audience, only) home, apartment or condo- Grosse Pomte Gallery, Newmark Also, new watercol- minIUm 1<;;,Ultable to you, and ors by PhIl Hobbs and NIgel runs In rotating repertory announce It" productIOn of 2 Las Vegas 19869 Mack m Grosse POinte how to con ect bad Feng Shui Woods, IS presentIng the PrIce, pastels by MIchIgan through Feb 24 TIcket prICe<; "Corpse" b) Gerald Moon nights planned and show tImes vdry Call to enhance your health, works of Enghsh artIst artIsts BIll Hosner and Mary Performance-, are Jdn 26, 27 The ILdllan Amu !Can (313) 577-2972 dnd Feb 2, .3,9 dnd 10 at 8 we,dth, luck dnd happmess FaIrchIld-Woodard The influ- Beth Koeze, new work;, by Cultural Souety will ,pon'>or dud that of your famIly ence of the RenaIssance IS wlldhfe artists RIchard Sloan Webber's'Dreamcoat' pm, With a matmee perfor- two La'> Vega" nlghh ..It th(' mdnce on Feb 4 at 2 p m Regl"tratlOn fee IS $7 for shown In hIs sengraphs and and Matthew HJ1her Call at the Masonic center on Fndd), Jan 26, dnd each cla<;;, Call the War aqua-tint etchings The (313) 885.8999 TICket pnce~ are $10 for Saturday, .Jan 27 Door" open Andrew Lloyd Webber';, MemOrIdl ..It (313) 881-7511. gallery I;' closed Mondays dur- adults and $8 for "tudents For at 7 p m both night, Michigan artists "Joseph and the AmaZing Ing January mformdtlOn, call (810) 644- A $3 donatIOn IS a;,ked for Brothers Grimm tale celebrate lakes Technlcolor Dreamcoat' Will 2075 VllJdge Players I;' locat- G.P. Chorus VI<;ltors to partICipate In the at Wayne State play at the Masomc Temple I'd at 752 Chestnut In Postenty A Gallery m the Vegas games, whIch Include A tlmele% Brothers GrImm seeks singers C,ty of Grosse Po.nte, presents Theatre through Jan 28 Call R1rrnln gh '.pn (810) 645-6666 OI..tL'" JdLk, I UUI",Ut: dllU Ull t: Idlly Lale, -1he Hremen.'Ibwn The Grosse POInte "MIchIgan ArtIstS Celebratmg J.P. McCarthy tables Refreshments wIll be 'Computer Chips MU'>lu«ns," adapted by Chris Community Chorus under the the Great Lakes" Included are tribute scheduled avaIlable, along With ItalIan Guyotte, wIll run for two per- dIrectIOn of Anna Speck IS works by JIm Clary, Wilham sausage sandwiches, plua, and Salsa' Smger/'>ongwnter and teller formance" dally (l and 3 p.m.) accepting new sIngers as It Moss, Janet Anderson, Greg cannoh and beverages The "Computer Chips and of tall tdles Pat Dalley will pay at Wayne State UnIversity's begIns rehearsals for ItS annu- Tisdale and Paul Es;,maker Italian American Cultural Salsa," Second City's Sixth tnbute to J P McCarthy dnd StUdlO Theatre on Jan 27 and al sprIng concert In May at the Call (313) 884-8105 Center IS located at 28111 28 revue, IS now runnmg hIS frIend;, WIth the DetrOIt Grosse Pomte War MemOrIal Russian icons Impenal Drive In Warren Call Performances of "Computer Pohce AthletIC League on TIcket., are $3, WIth addi- The concert theme IS "MUSIC (810) 751-2855 for more mfor- at G.P. Gallery ChIps and Salsa" run Fnday, Jan 26, at the tIOnal group discounts avail- from Around the World," fea- matlOn able All proceeds WIll benefit Grosse POInte Gallery, Wednesdays through Sundays Roostertall turIng both claSSIcal and popu- the Gladys Pelham Roscoe 19869 Mack in Grosse Pomte at 8 pm, WIth addItIOnal Gourmet buffet tickets, lar tunes Theatre Award Fund for the- Woods, features a collectIOn of shows on Fndays and avaIlable m advance for $60, New sIngers have untIl Feb Saturday, Jan. 27 ater for chIldren 18th and 19th century Saturdays at 10 30 p m TIcket and general admISSIOn tICk- 26 to JOIn The fee IS $20, and Explore Feng Shui Call the StudIO Theatre box RUSSian Icons during the hoh- pnces range from $12 to $19 ets, $25 In advance and $30 at the group IS open to anyone, no office at (313) 577-2972 for days Also featured hand- The cast performs ImprOVI- the door, are avaIlable dt the in the home formal mUSIcal tramlng IS satIOnal seSSIOns, free of tIckets blown colored glass perfume Roostertall at (313) 822 1234 An introductIOn to Feng required, and there are no charge, after each perfor- audItIons. bottles and vases by WIlham and at Tlcketmaster, (810) ShUl, the ancient Chmese art mance Glasner Call (313) 884-0100 645-6666 The show starts at 9 of placement as It mfluences The chorus rehearses every TIcket reservatIOns can be Sunday, Jan. 28 pm, doors open at 7 p m the relatIOnshIp between an 'fuesday at 7'30 pm In the 'Passed Over' made by calhng (313) 965- 'Colored Museum' IndIVIdual and hIS home envI- 'Bauhaus in America' chOIr room at Grosse POInte The Year of the Woman con- 2222 North HIgh School For fUF- tinues at the Detroit at the Bonstelle ronment, WIll be offered at the at the DIA ther informatIOn, call Donna 'In the Spirit' War Memonal on Saturday, Repertory Theatre WIth BegIn Black HI;,tory Month "Bauhaus In America," an at (313) 521-4488 or VirgInia Jan 27, from 7 to 9 pm and, "Passed Over," a startlIng and through March 10 With '~he Colored Mu;,eum" 86-mmute film analyzing the at (313) 881-0909 Feb 10, from 930 to 11 30 haunting drama about two DetrOIt Gallery of Impact of Walter Gropius' on Jan 26 and 27 and Feb 2 a m It IS tdught by Stuart Young Collectors aged women, one black and Contemporary Crafts presents Bauhaus school of deSIgn on and 3 at 8 p m and Jan 28 HopkInS, who has studIed one whIte, In an abandoned "In the Splnt," an exhIbItIOn American architecture and exhibition starts and Feb 4 at 2 p m eastern phIlosophIes and mar- retirement home In Alabama and sale of masks, figures, ves- deSIgn when Its faculty emi- Lemberg Gallery presents "The Colored Museum" IS tial arts forms for more thdn ''Passed Over" WIll run every sels and baskets m metal, clay, grated from Nazi Germany to its thIrd annual Works for not a typIcal play A satIre, the 20 years Thursday through Sunday fiber and wood, through show takes the audIence on a American umvers,ties, will be Young Collectors exhibItIOn HopkIns explainS that Feng through March 17 Curtain March 10 held on Sunday, Jan 28, at 2 through Jan 27 tour through the museum's 11 ShUl IS based on the Chmese times are 8 30 p m weekdays, Hours are 10 a m to 6 pm. exhIbits It IS through the anI- p m m the Lecture Hall of the Featured in the exhibitlOn bebef In the theory that fi"e 3 and 830 pm on Saturdays Monday through Fnday, 11 DetrOit InstItute of Arts in are works in all medIa by both mation of these exhIbits that elements, or energIes (ChI), and 2 and 7 30 p m. on a m to 5 p m on Saturdays DetrOIt's Cultural Center at regionally and internatIOnally we relIve SIgnIficant events, were present at the creatIOn of Sundays General admiSSIOn IS and untIl 8 p m. on Fisher 4200 Woodward, across from such as slavery, freedom, the UnIverse. These five ener- recognIZed artIsts All works $14 For InformatIOn, call Theatre nIghts The DetrOlt the DetrOIt PublIc LIbrary and world wars, black pnde, the gIes - earth, metal, water, are $3,000 or less, creatmg an (313) 868-1347 Gallery of Contemporary the Wayne State University '60s and the mventlon of curl wood and fire - contmue to be opportunity for the young and Crafts IS located at 104 FIsher campus young-at-heart to begIn to add 'Double Infidelity' relaxer Each exhIbIt contaInS present at varIOus times BuIldmg (main floor near the The producer and dIrector of to theIr art collections outrageous characters who are throughout the human body through April 4 Lothrop entrance) For more the film IS Judith Pearlman, both hIlanously funny and creating thIS profound link Lemberg Gallery exhIbIts The Hllberry Theatre's lat- information, call Pamela who WIll Include comments by contemporary paIntmgs, devastatIngly bitter between bUIldings and theIr est productIOn, '~he Double PrJlIlak at (313) 873-7888 TIcket prIces range from contemporary architeeta sculpture and works on paper. InfidelIty," IS a recently rediS- occupants. ThIS relatIOnship $7 50 to $9 50 and group rates PhIlip Johnson, I.M. Pei. Gallery hours are 'fuesdays covered play that tells the may be pOSitIve or negatIve Thursday, Jan. 25 are avaIlable For more Infor- MIchael Graves, Mles van der through Fridays, 11 a m to comediC story of a love lost but Among concepts covered matIOn and reservatIOns, call Rohe, Helmut Jahn and oth- 5'30 pm; Saturdays, 11 am then found again by French Grosse Pointe during thiS introductIOn to the Bonstelle Theatre box ers The film IS part of the to 5 pm; and by appomtment master PIerre MarIVaux The Theatre buffets Feng Shul are the methods DlA's Weekends at Two series. Make your evemng at the Call (810) 642-6623 for more tale IS about dIscoverIng love The museum's recommend- mformatlOn. Grosse Pomte Theatre a spe- in all the wrong places ed admISSIon IS $4 for adults CIal mght out The War Woods artist at Manvaux weaves humor, .------, and $1 for children Members Memonal offers Its tradItIonal romance and suspense mto a are admItted free For more Start Gallery candlehg,!t buffet dmners charmIng tale about princes, I DO YOU •.•. I InformatIOn, call (313) 833- A receptIOn for fine artIst prIor to most performances of lovers, zany servants and 7900 " MOnIca TlPltto of Grosse "r Hate Hamlet," Grosse I want to be in the metro calendar? I everyone's search for theIr Then out thiS form send It to 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte Pomte Woods marked the true love Pomte Theatre's f'" I I Farms, 48236, or fax to (313) 882-1585, by 3 pm Frrday openIng of her show at the 'The Double InfidelIty" runs JanuaryIFebruary productIOn Start Gallery, 211 N Jan 26 through Apnl 4 on DInners are held at 6 30 I Event 1 Woodward in BIrmingham. Thursdays, FrIdays and P m In the War MemOrial's ~~ I National Award Also featured through Jan. 30 Saturdays at 8 pm and Crystal Ballroom. The dates I Time _ is the work of photographer Wednesdays and Saturdays at are Thursdays, Jan 25 and Winning Play James Wrona and sculpture by 2 p m TIckets can be ordered Feb 1, FrIdays, Jan 26 and I Place ------I JIm Storm Gallery hours are by calling the box office at Feb 2, Saturday, Jan 27, and I Cost I 11 a m to 6 p m 'fuesday (313) 577- 2972. TIckets range Tuesday, Jan 30 Now to through Fnday, 11 a m to 8 from $9 50 to $16 50, With Buffet dmners are $13 and Reservations & Questions? Call I I p.m Thursdays and from 10 group discounts avaIlable must be reserved two days I March 17,. a m to 5 p m Saturdays Call Contact Person ------.J I 'Horizon,' 'Pericles' prIOr to the performance you L _ (810) 644-2991 for more mfor- are attendmg Theater tickets matlon at the Hilberry must be confirmed before 'The Fox Hunt' The Hilberry Theatre at ordermg dmner Call Grosse Wayne State UnIversIty pre- Pomte Theatre at (313) 881- at Ambleside sents Eugene O'NeIll's 4004 for performance tIckets. Ambleslde Gallery, 375 "Beyond the Honzon" runs Dmner tIckets may be pur- ~~ HE./i~ PASSED Fisher m the CIty of Grosse through Feb 8 "Pencles" chased by phone, by maIl or at the War Memonal front desk ~ ~ ~~ SA L M 500 J 0 G 5 daIly except Sunday from 9 OL EO T A I OP I E 5 L • M ME R 5 SA L E a m. to 9 p m If ordenng by ~~ 'r' ~ MUM 0 E L l 5 mall, mdlcate performance CJ) Celebrating 17 years CJ) OVER Last week's H UMID GA I T date and WIth whom you WIsh 7979.1996 E R I E 5 L I HE R 5 By Alexandria M AD 5W AN 5 RUE to be seated Checks, payable A Grosse POinte tradrtlon puzzle solved 5 Lie K E RS ZO L A to the Grosse POinte War Branyon HU E V MI 5ER MemorIal, cash, Visa and 1511 7 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Park R E P E AT B OP A La E 5 L I P P E R •5 Mastercard are accepted A 822-0266 M IS5 OAK E R I K $ 50 processmg fee IS added for P ATE POE RA C V phone orders ACROSS t 1(1 " Call (313) 881-7511 for more 1 Ice cream informatIOn quanbly 12 ;1:1 14 5 Tucker's 115 IT poutnet '8 Free vocal lessons 8 "Wheel of ~'--=-- 1'8 , The East POlnte Chorus of Fonune" Sweet AdelInes InternatIOnal Sparky Herberts resumes the serresof gourmet opItOll 1 4 12 Inlet- InVIteS local women 18 and dinners ThiSculinary tour of the entire 13 MIned find 1 older to enjoy four free vocal Mediterranean begins Sunday, February 4th With 14 Beach resort lessons at 730 pm on 15 Moontameers' 51' 5 a Tour de France" call 822-0266 for details loo1s Thursdays, begInning Jan 25, 17Compu1er ~ at RosevIlle JUnIor High symbol School, 16250 Martm Road 4' -" VALENTINE'S DAY 18Lapdop. Call (810) 293-4362 or (313) bnef1y ') SpeCial dinner for two featuring an ce 7 II 19Eqwpmenl 884-7116 for more informa- "appetizer and salad selection along 21 "- she bIowsr~ so- , tIOn. • With your chOice of five entrees and a Two aged women, 24 Moon vehicle selection of desserts featuring klrsch 2S injection, 54 marinated bernes With vanilla cream one black. and one mf<>nnally Friday, Jan. 26 serveJ In a chocolate lattice heart We white do battle 28 ProJeCbon-room sr 11em I 'I Take This Man' Will surprise and delight your Valentine against a murderous '-' W th 0 campi mentary g ft Also enjoy 30 Com servin& S6Meulhc 6 Dander by at Heidelberg owner and uncover 33"- Blue"" fabnc 7No I 31 ParrOl 1.-' Kat Bun'1an and f-larvey Reed at the 34Fusslng 32 Unrefined The Heidelberg and Rodger forbidden secret. 57 Puts two 8 PIzza plano bar over mflell and two 34 Ballet bend McElveen Productions present ;$ 00 about themselves 35 "- Lazy River~ serving togdM 38 Sullen looks the comedy, "I Take ThiS 36 Singer DaVIS 58 Calcher's 9 RestOl'ltl ve 40 West -, WIs rer""'r(( General Adm. 37S'-n, pl_? 10 Billy of rock 42 SqUid sqUIM Man," on Fndays and Va(e ~"ur r,'m'alum tarf~ 38 Gush forth II ChrIstie 1I1le 5 59 -Clbzen Kane" 43 McEnb!e Saturdays, Jan 26-Feb 17 O 39 C1uang--shek md $14.00 .1I11S1011 ofC&'W Dinner 1<; at 6 30 pm, pre- 41 Newsl1Uln 16 Bat wood DOWN 44 On lhe roc ks cedmg the <;how at 8 p m The •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Any Size Group Sevareld l1bealer 20 Panner In 45 I'ra<:llce J"Yew Sunday' 'Bru1lch -11 AM to 3 PM 43 Posse's guns producer c:nme pugIlism co"t IS $2250 f('lr the dmner Ask about 22 Banle C1)'? 46 Vanable 47 Cenlnfuge and show Show only I" $10 Wide array of breakfast and lunch entrees featuring Party Packs SOEPA conc:ern 2~~ 23 Genenllsnd lI\!1en For reservatIOns, call (8101 51 Sam Weller's survey, for 48 PllIJlI<:le German apple pancakes omelet1es cooked to order Featuring BJO"l shon 469-0440 or (810) 296-8688 employer 3 Nolch 49 TImetable. Original salmon ~ash IUCIOUSdesserts and more UNLIMITED CHAMPAGNE 54 Half. 25 Scenery chewer See 'Corpse' .. SWth1ang 26 Singer StunK bnefly V1lllTlJn 52 Trellis 5 "lei's Make 27 "Amenca's in Birmingham Rep Box Office deficiency? lWlner • Deal" Sweerhe.ln" 55 RCMldmap S3 Avenge grade The VIllage Player" 313-868-1347 or abbr option 29 He JUSlgets $ 13 ?a~ts $6~~ren ~1nder12 Ticket Master Outlet s

... 108 January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News

Bkathleen stevenson

Sports On The Hili fra~ LOOKING FOR A _salon-- NEW LOOK FOR '96 VIta Bath Gelee SPECIAL ...Treat It's pamper tIme Have a faczal, yourself to a httle luxury - you Plannmg a spnng vacation or I' cruise? Well-you must check out our manuure, pedIcure or a "Day at Don't miss seeing our exclusive line 0 deserve It. Hurry to Notre Dame Francesco's" - g~ft cert~f~cates interchangeable accessories. Rcgaha, PHARMACY and receIve 21 oz. VIta new largf' "plf'('hon (If 1996 men and I women's bathing suits... at 92 avallable at 11UU7 Kercheval m-the- brings you classic, Bath Gel for only $24.00 (reg. VIllage. (313) 882.2550 updated shirts and $30.00). Great way to start out your Kercheval on-the-Hlll, (313) 343- I accessories that allow new year ... at 16929 Kercheval in- 9064. you to dress with ease the-Village, (313) 885-2154. . and style for any occasion. Learn how to design your own shIrt by adding collar/cuff sets and button covers. Ed Maliszewski We'll show you how to • THE FRUIT TREE Carpeting take your wardrobe from ordinary to "extraordinary". If you would be There are so many reasons to send Changeover SALE - 50% OFF I interested in a private showing OR in a gift basket ... birthdays, get wells, and more. at 23022 Mack Avenue Our 83rd annual February SALE ... hostessing a home or office show, thank yous, or simply to say hello. (across from S.C.S. Post Office ALL ORIENTAL RUGS 25%-50% please calL.Janet Carson at (313) The next time you need to send parkmg m back). 810-774-1850 OFF ..at 21435 Mack Avenue, (810) 884-2259. something, remember The Fruit Tree. 776-5510. We have wonderful gourmet foods, wines, fruit, bagels, Ot~s Spunkmeyer cook~es, and chocolates. We're also carrying a new bath & body collection, just in time for Valentme's THE GYM WITH A CLUB ATrITVDE day! The FrULt Tree LSopen at 7:30 a. m. during the week and 8 a.m. on Sat. for bagels & coffee. Stop by today! at ... 20129 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods, (313) 886-2352.

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In addition to faCIals we 15229 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe offer full waxing serVIce and Alpha- Park, (313) 822-8080. hydroxy treatments. Call for your con- sultation and appointment ... P.S. It's not too soon to start thinking about your special Valentine with a gift cer- Australia - New Zealand and Fiji... tificate for any of our services ... at shake the winter blahs and think 16914 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse spring. How about a trip down under Pomte, (313) 881-4500. in May! Leigh Willmore Travel is edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. sponsoring a May 7-29 trip - Join us Ja(~obsons February 7 for an informal "Aussie Amethyst is the birthstone for "There's always somethm' night" to showcase our product. If February. edmund t. AHEE jewelers happenin' at Jacobson's" interested, call (313) 886-8805 by has a terrific collection of Amethyst February 1st ... at 377 Fisher, Grosse jewelry Lncluding rings, earrings and Pointe. pendants. See their collectLon at ... Storewide 20139 Mack Avenue at Oxford (bet- ween 7 & 8 Mile Roads) Grosse Pointe Clearance Now Woods. Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., except In Progress Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., (313) 886-4600. Bridal Trunk Show by Lila Broude" Meet designer LIla Broude' in person, Bridal Salon, STOREWIDE SALE ... 20% - 50% OFF knittmg and needlepoint supplres Thke the chill out of wtnter with Thursday, January 25, 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. through February 3rd ... SALE of select one of our hot new designs. Tons of sample garments.. at 397 Fisher cruise, travel & casual separates in Road, Grosse Pomte, (313) 882-9110. fun, bright (YES!) colors are arrwing Special Value Purchase "One daily wLth jewelry and accessones to Stop Skin Care Kit" $17.50 (an go. Plus our Winter Sale continues $86 value). WIth any purchase of I Estee Lauder, while supplIes last. with further reductions... at 17114 I Kercheval in-the- Village, Grosse children's Pointe, (313) 886-8386. SALON MAKEOVER $40. I Beginmng Thursday, February 1st. A I FANTASTIC SAVINGS are going 30 minute facial-A makeup applIca- on NOW!! Our winter SALE is hap- tion and a preCIsion haIrcut and pening ... SAVE-SAVE-SAVE- Hurry style. Call (313) 882-2160 for your to Connie's and receive 50% OFF on appointment. Speclal offer avaIlable select winter merchandise ... We are through March 30, 1996. Styhng I\..c"-llt._:..._ Unlimited. .1 the largest independent children's Salon "aJilU~ I clothing store in Michigan - P.S. Commumon dresses and SUIts are Christian Dior gift with @JESSIO~ No one around to help you or your arriving daily ... Come visit us at... purchase. February 8th through the loved one get ready for moving day? 23200 Greater Mack Avenue, one 17th, Cosmetic Department. '-CARPENTRY~ Call Orgamze Unlimited to get the I block south of9 Mile Road, (810) 777- I burden off of your shoulders ... 313-, 8020. A Bridal Day Special Event I 331-4800, Ann Mullen, Joan Bndal Salon 11:00 a.m., Formal Get ready for Spnng now...TIme to Vismara, Insured, bonded and FashlOn Show. Alfred Angelo' start thmkmg about putting m a new confidential. mantel, staIr raIl, crown moldmg, Collection Show, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 I p.m. Petals, Porcelams, and Pastnes, French doors, bookcases, a recreatlOn Store for the Home, 11:30 a.m to 200 room, paneled lIbrary, new kItchen or p.m. Saturday, February 17 wmdows .. Fimsh carpentry specialist KISKA JEWELERS - (313) 881-4663 Crowning Touch Bridal Head I Time to start thinking about your Piece Trunk Show. Bndal Salon, Wednesday, February 28, noon to 6.00 I favorite Valentine ... choose from a p.m. variety of fashion Jewelry-beautLful heart pendants and earrings--or Are you stressed? Are your muscles Buffet Dinner Every Thursday, choose from our large selection of i tLght? Imagme feellng better .. Call All You Can Eat!, Adults • $9.95, To advertise In thiS column dLamond heart jewelry w~th a prlce for a therapeut~c massage TODAY' Children (under 10) $4.95. St ClaIr call kathleen stevenson range to suit everyones budget ... at 63 I ExperLenced and professlonal. House Room Restaurant, 4:30 p m. to 7:30 I at (313) 343-5582 Kercheval on-the-Hill, 313.885-5755 calls and office VlSltS. (519) 945-8272 p.m . by 2 00 p m Fridays

'6'77 •• 1. _ ea.' • .J , ..1III.lrIIi ~4:1kU-+ ~_ •\ •••. ------.:...a-&... , "'.------Section C 'Il<.lvelhockey ~c 25, 1996 January I Plep b<.l"ketbdll 3C GrossePoint~ News Sports I Cld""'lfied 5C d.."4~ ._ •••• • _ Record effort helps North swimmers top South By Chuck Klonke Other individual winners freestyle, Vollmer and Rory "Rice IS rdnked No 1 m the "eeond be"t In the "t<.lte rank- 321 79 Sports Editor for the Norsemen were David Cleary, 500 freestyle, and state," cOdch O'Connol ",aid mg" to an edrlIer 4 39 2 IegIs- Other top performances by SWimmIng against Nlelubowlcz, 50 freestyle. Knost and Brent NielubowlC7 "'l'hpy r"olly he"" ') pn'''C'f tefcd b\ O'Cu .... "r cJle '" ul "CUlcn 11\ tIle Rll,C meet ",u"".u ••J, ••• ,,; GIO""t' POinte :.!J tl, John F'mkelmann, 100 100 breaststroke house thl">yea!" NOIth had two of It" relay South always seems to bring freestyle, 52 5, Adam Ziegler, South's Scott Vande Vusse Mike O'Connol and Shelden team,,> qualify fOI the state were turned In by RICk Helm and Rlbema, 200 freestyle; out the best In Grosse POinte 500 freestyle, 5 03 95, and and Cory Wininger had a each posted state-qualIfying dunng the tn.meet Leehr dnd Ddmman, 200 mdi- North Thny Atrasz, 100 breaststroke, strong 2-3 finIsh In the 100 times In the 500 freestyle, O'Connor, Knost, Shelden VIdual medley, Knost, 50 "The kids always enJoy 10445 backstroke and Spurr was placmg first and second, and David Nwlubowlcz hdd a freestyle, Vollmer and sWimming against each other," North took the first three runner-up In the 500 freestyle respectl"ely tIme of 1 42 96 In the 200 med. Rlt"emd, 100 freestyle, said Norseman coach Mike places In the breaststroke North also competed In an O'Connor's time of 44123 ley relay, while the 400 O'Connor after hiS team beat behInd Atrasz, Jason Knost unscored trl-meet With broke North's ll-year-old pool freestyle reldY team of Zwgler, 500 freestyle, Joe Ob'llvy and DeWItt, 100 back- the Blue Devils 109-77 In a and Brent Nlelubowlcz Brother Rice and South and record set by Ann Arbor FInkelmann, Shelden, David stroke, and Leehr, 100 breast- Macomb Area Conference Red That offset South's sweep In had some ImpreSSive perf or- PIOneer's John Teppo Nlelubowlcz and O'Connor !otroke DIVISIOnmeet the diving Charles Hurd was mances. Shelden's time of 4 48 58 IS the had a quah(ymg time of "Fred (South coach Fred first With 251 25 points, fol- MichalIk) IS down this year, lowed by teammates Robert but our meet against them Leto and Joe Gehrke. • next year should be a tossup North's team of Paul Simon, agam He's got some good Shelden, Knost and David freshmen commg In and we're Nlelubowicz won the 200 med- lOSing some good senIors" ley relay in 1:4668 and the North was led by captain Norsemen's 400 freestyle relay Jeff Shelden, who won the team of Fmkelmann, David 200-yard mdlvldual medley Nlelubowlcz, Shelden and and the 100 butterfly m state O'Connor was first m 3 23 45 qualIfymg times South won the 200 freestyle HIS butterfly time of 53 86 relay as Paul Dykstra, John set a North team record, Mclellan, Tim Kimmel and breaking the old mark of54.06 Nat Spurr posted a time of set by Charlie Roddls. 1 39 14. "RIght now, that's the third- Best performances for North best time In the state for the were also turned in by fly," O'Connor said FInkelmann, Nick Ritsema Jumor Mike O'Connor was and Ben DeWitt, 200 freestyle; also a double winner for Jeff Vollmer and Dan Leehr, North, achieVing a state quah- 200 ind1Vlduai medley; Knost fymg tIme of 147.05 In the 200 and Brent Nlelubowicz, 50 freestyle He also won the 100 freestyle; Chris Damman, 100 backstroke in 59 96 butterfly, Andy Blazaltls, 100 Freshman leads ULS Freshman Andy Shelden 100 breaststroke won two events last week to ULS also won all three lead UnIversity Liggett relays. The team of Clark, School's swimming team to a Brammer, Shelden and Betsy 104-63 victory over Ann Arbor Greene was first in the 200 Greenhills medley relay Prachal Tiwari, Shelden took first m the Tidwell, Kara Feemster and 100-yard butterfly in 1 00.49 Naeha DIXit won the 200 and had a WinnIng time of freestyle relay and Clark, 1 -54 "11 in th"..,. .900 frr-C"QtvJ,.. J o","an Oney, Greene and Other indIVidual Winners Shelden took first In the 400 for the Knights were Ann freestyle relay. Clark, 200 indiVidual medley, In a dual meet against DaVid Tidwell, 100 freestyle; Sahne, Shelden qualIfied for Photo by K.P Salay. Melame BuhalIs, 500 the state meet In the 200 and It's a happy group ot Grosse Pointe North SW1mmers atter one ot the Norsemen's vlctor1es In theJr dual meet w1n over freestyle, and ErICa Brammer, 500 freestyle events aosstown rival Grosse Pomte SOuth during last week s Macomb Area Conference Red D1V1s1onmeet Norsemen also win on the mat

Grosse POInte North's Mevers at 189 North, 18-6 wrestling team chalked up a Another Important VictOry 112, RICh Pesta, North, dec key Macomb Area Conference for North was at 119 where Jeremy Linne, South, 17-0 Blue DIVISion VictOry last Derek PhillIps scored a 6-0 126, Kevin Brandon, North, week With a 47-22 win over deCISion over South's Joe dec Chas Carrier, South, 16-0 crosstown rival Grosse POinte Dwalhy 132, Jeff Kalkhoff, North, South The match wasn't Without pinned Jonathan Danko, "We won the key matches _. an ImpreSSive Win for the Blue' South, 1'17. the close ones," said North DeVils. 140, James Hill, South won coach Art Roberts It came at 135, where Matt on VOId. "That's the key to bemg suc- Dlponio pinned Ed Wright at 145, Matt OstrowskI, South, cessful m dual meets -- Win- 519 won on VOId ning the bouts you have to win "When Matt's on he's a good 152, Gary Bordato, North, and aVOId getting pinned" wrestler," said South coach dec Kris Cernok, South, 16-7. Two of the key matches Larry Carr 160, Joe Brennan, North, Roberts was referring to came "We'd Just like to see him pinned Domimc O'Grady, at 171 and 189 pounds. develop more consistency South, 144. North's Ed Ball beat Rob Wright is a good kid, but so IS 215, Ryan Ruttan, North, Riethmiller 3.1 on a takedown Matt When he's on, he's phys- pmned Dan Roth, South, 1 01 With about 10 seconds remam- Ical and aggressive." Heavyweight, Mike Ing In the 171-pound bout and FollOWing are the results of Benedettint, North, won on the Norsemen's Dan Shefferly the rest of the bouts VOId carne back from a 4-0 defiCit to 103 pounds, RIch Gehlert, post a 7-5 declslOn over Zach South, dec Dann DobbinS,

Photo hv K P a.lay. Grosse Pointe North's Ryan Ruttan and Grosse Pointe South's Dan Roth battle dW1ng their 215-pound bout at last week's dUal wrestlJng meet between the Norsemen and Blue Dev1ls Ruttan, a seruor, ptnned the SOUthfreshman Read more about North and South wrestling on page4C

-----,.-IllIT •• P.C !llJ!il!lf-....- _.. - II ,I , __ -..~ .t.. • ••• .. .r January 25, 1996 2C s orts Grosse Pointe News

Highlights Local travel hockey teams do well The Gro<;se POinte Bulldogs l\Llltland Gotfl ed<.,on, whIle Chad McWillIam<;, John QUigley capped the scoring Bantilm A travel hockey teilm Vallee, Dill1 Stahl and Sdlafel QUIgley, Todd Lorenger, With an as;,lst from Hackett erupted for 35 gOills III four abo tallied 1m lJLS Malllad Tn Drummy Ol

By Chuck Klonke anc,wel ed With a three-pOInter seven three pomt ba"kc(-, In Sports Editor aftel a "te,d bv KeVIn E"py to each game What a difference a win put the Knight-, bdck up by "He's become a Ieul makes lour With d lIttle ovel two mm- weapon," Wrtght "ald That could be the saymg of utes to go As&lstant coach Brute Pelto the week for Umverslty ULS tht.n went to ItS delay was Impressed With the Liggett School's basketball ga.me and after a putback bas- KnIghts' unselfish play In the team ket by Roeper's Robert Jones, two VictorIes The Knights picked up their Espy sank two free throws "Our team showed a lot of first two victories of the season WIth 18 7 seconds remammg unselfishness," he said. "They last week, holding off a late to give the Knights a 67-63 kept getting the ball to the hot Roeper rall,; to beat the adHl,h"15'" hlllld," RoughrJders 69-65 in a non. Righetti went the length of Moultry finished with 16 league game ULS then the court for a layup, but points and seven rebounds returned to Metro Conference Parrott was fouled on the In. against Harper Woods, while play with a 71-55 VictOry over bounds play and he also hit Martm had eight points, four Harper Woods both free throws to seal the steals and a season. hIgh 13 "Gettmg this first one is Knlghts'vlCtOry rebounds Bruenton had eIght great for our young kids," ''We hung tough," Wnght pOInts, three steals and four coach Chuck Wright said after said "Those free throws, espe- assists the Roeper VictOry "And the Cially KeVin'S, were really big" "BrIan has been playmg way we won It was Important, CalVIn MartIn played a well," WrIght SaId "In every too We did everythmg nght strong defenSIve game and game he's been one or two In durmg the last two minutes also had 16 POInts and seven most of our pOSitIve stats He We hIt our foul shots, we rebounds Freshman C R doesn't have to worry about stalled and we didn't send Moultry collected 10 rebounds, scoring POInts because you them to the free throw Ime " eight POInts and five aSSIsts, can't measure his value to the It looked hke ULS, which whIle Espy had a season-high team on the amount of pomts was led by freshman Joel SIXassIsts and Bnan Bruenton he scores" Parrott's 29 pomts, was gomg added 10 pomts Wnght was also pleased to have an easy time with ULS pressured Harper With the performance off the Roeper The Kmghts bUilt a Woods throughout the game bench of several Kmghts 54-37 lead late In the third and the KnIghts led by 19 ''We got great productIOn quarter after holdmg a 37-24 pomts mIdway through the from the bench," the coach half'tlme advantage thIrd quarter The PIOneers saId But Roeper wasn't gomg got WithIn eight pOInts 10 the "Bryan Wlsk, Justm Young, down wIthout a fight, thanks final penod, but key baskets Charlte Strong and WIlham to AlI.State po lOt guard EriC by Moultry and Parrott helped Watson gave us some excellent RIghettI, who scored 16 of hIS ULS put the game away defense, they hustled for loose 31 pomts 10 the fourth quar- Once agaIn Parrott held the balls and rebounded and han- ter The Roughnders closed hot hand for ULS as he regis- dled the ball better and bet. the gap to 62-61 on a tnple by tered hiS second "tralght 29- ter" RIghetti wIth 3 07 left Parrott POInt performance Parrott hIt South posts overtitne victory By Chuck Klonke we felt we had to control their can't afford to have him on the Sports Editor two bIg kIds inside," bench." George Petrouleas had only Petrouleas saId ''We did a Sophomore Chad Defever one mmor complamt with hiS good Job of domg that. On had another strong game, col- Grosse Pomte South basket- offense, we felt we could score lectmg 12 pomts and mne ball team's performance last mSlde TheIr two bIg guys each rebounds MIke Gotfredson week had four fouls and they st1l1 added 12 pomts "You have to be able to put a couldn't stop Charhe" Pomt guard Pat Worrell con- team away when you have the One of the keys to South's tmued hiS fine play for the opportumty," the Blue Devl1s' success was keepmg Wascher Blue DeVIls and MIke Hamers Photo by Bob Bruce coach saId after hiS team out of foul trouble and Matt Agnone also con- A Lake Shore player attempts to block a shot by Grosse Pointe North's Leonard Harrls dur- remamed unbeaten in the ''We've been workmg With tnbuted some strong mmutes lng last week's Macomb Area conference Blue D1v1sIongame won by the Norsemen. Macomh Area Conference Charlie on that," Petrouleas Agnone was questionable White DIV1slon WIth a 58-55 saId. "We've told him that before the game because he overtime VictOry over L'Anse sometimes he might have to suffered a 14-etltch cut In hlB Creuse North. gIve up a rebound or let a guy IIp during practice_ ,,,tw North disrupts another foe ''Except for that, we played a score a basket If there's a tIlt's a quality win," pretty good game. We're get- chance he'll draw a foul on the Petrouleas said. ''We were ting better and that's what you play We don't want to take both undefeated in the league By Chuck Klonke North went Into the fourth have to contmue to get better," strive for every tIme out. We're away hiS mtenslty, but we coming into the game." Sports Editor quarter WIth a 37.32 lead and Stavale saId. ''We expect to taking the TIght step WIth It's no fun to play agamst some sohd work at the free WIn every game, but we can't every game" Grosse Pointe North's basket. throw line and the Norsemen's let ourselves get complacent South held a four-pomt lead Foe's depth beats ULS ball team patented defensive effort And to aVOId that, we have to and had the basketball WIth ''We try to put pressure on a helped them preserve the lead keep workmg hard in practIce 58 seconds remaining m regu- DetrOIt Country Day's depth pool play, earnmg ItS trIp to team In all phases of the game, North connected on 17 of its every day We don't have the latIOn, but the Crusaders came was a key factor In the the title match kmd of team that can afford to not just on defense We're diS- 21 free-throw attempts from behind to tie the contest YeUowJackets vIctory over Among the standouts for the ruptive," Norseman coach "Free throws can be a coast" "We made a couple of mIs- Umverslty LIggett School in Kmghts were outSIde hItter Dave Stavale said after hIS weapon," Stavale saId ''You MeUos fimshed with 10 takes and took an ill-adVIsed last week's Bethesda Emily Crenshaw, setter team beat Lake Shore 53-44 m have to make your free throws, pomts and had five aSSists, shot," Petrouleas said InVitatIOnal volleyball tourna- Brooke Wright and team cap- a Macomb Area Conference espeCIally 10 a close game" while Aubrey collected four It looked like deja vu m the ment tam R1ddle Blue DIVISion contest The Norsemen led 47-39 overtIme when South again steals ''We Just ran out of steam "Brooke really holds our "The ktds have caught on to WIth Just under three minutes led by four pomts WIth less agamst them," KnIghts coach team together," Klenk saId. that It's frustratmg for a team remammg when they stopped "Pete IS becommg more con- than a minute remaining But Ken Klenk saId after hIS ''She's a leader on the floor and to play agamst all those httle Lake Shore on three straight fident With every game," this tIme the Blue Devils dId- team's 15-3, 15-6 loss to she's our leader m servIce buzzsaw guys I really apprecI- possessIOns ChampIne made Stavale saId "And Mike stIll n't let the lead shp away Country Day m the champI- points" ate the effort these kIds put a steal that set up a free throw worries about hiS offense, but ''We called a timeout and onship match ULS got a rematch WIth forth. But we also have to real- by Aubrey Then HarrIS hiS defense IS so valuable he Charhe (Wascher) came mto "They had a lot more players Country Day less than a week Ize we can never let up ThIS stTlpped the ball from a doesn't have to score POInts the huddle and said 'Let's put than we do, so they were able later and thiS tIme the has to be a trait of our team Shonans' player Aubrey made We have other people who can thIS one away' We played bet- to rest a lot oftheir people dur- YelloWJackets won 15-8, 15-4 that never changes" the thIrd steal and, whIle lyIng do that" ter 10 the last minute of the Ing the pool play But I'm real- The first game was tIed 8-8 North's constant pressure face down on the court, shov- CalVIn Thone led Lake Shore overtime, but (LeN) still got a ly happy WIth the way our when a Country Day player enabled the Norsemen to beat eled a pass to Champme who With 12 pomts shot off that would have sent It young kids are playmg We're served seven straight points the much taller Shonans, who went In for a layup that gave North concludes a tough mto another overtIme," usually start 109 two freshmen ''We had them on the ropes feature 6-foot-l0 Ken MIller North Its bIggest lead of the week In the MAC Blue FrIday Petrouleas saId and three sophomores We In that first game," Klenk said MIller will attend MIchIgan game, 50-39, WIth 1 13 left when the Norsemen host Wascher had an excellent have only one semor "In the second game our poor State on a basketball scholar- "We're gettmg better and we L'Anse Creuse game, leadmg the way WIth 24 (KatherIne RIddle) who plays servIng hurt us We only ship next year, but North's pomts and grabbmg eIght a lot We've come together served 30 percent 10 that scrappy DaVId Hermann and rebounds mcely as a group" game" Leonard HarrIS kept Miller "North IS a good team and ULS posted a 4-2 record In from bemg a maJor factor for NO MONEY DOWN SAT. 10-1 Lake Shore, although each of NO 1ST PAYMENT NO ACQUISmON FEE them gave away several Inches NO SECURITY DEPOSIT NO PLATES In heIght Hermann scored mne pomts and pulled down seven Play Ball! rebounds, while HarrIS also SIGN-N-GO! I collected seven boards Miller The Grosse Pomte Fanns-Clty LIttle League finIshed With 11 pomts and 12 NEW 1996 GOLF 1$ 1 Dual air bags power locks, 229 is havmg an open regIstratIon for new players aged 7-12. rebounds 5e<:unty s~~ m~~eCOndrtP()r>lng PER MO •• North led from Wire-to-wire When: Tuesday Jan 30 and Wednesday Jan 31 The Leeguel: Class C an Instrucllooalleague for 7- • from 7-8 30 P m at the Neighborhood Club 17150 and 8-year-olds AA for 9- and 1D-yearaids AM and as the Norsemen Improved NEW 1996 JETTA 4 DR ~ Waterloo Grosse POinteCity Majors. are made up and 10- 11-and 12-year-olds their MAC Blue record to 2-0. OUJ.I Ilr big •• POWlr lOCka, -249 Who'. eligible: Boys and girls ages 7-12 years old A The ... lOn: Practice starts In Aonl Withgamss North built a 17.7 lead late _ .teumy lyllll'l1 .Ir condrtlOnng Irld mora .. MO.' player'll age II hll or her age on July 31 1996 Par. beginning around May 1 in the first quarter, but the entl sho'.ld bring. proof of age Players must be resl. For Intormttlon: Call TomAndrew 313-882.4179, Shorians then ran off nine dents 01either Groue POinteCity or Grosse POinte Phil Laclura 313-223-4643or Bob Schmitt straight points to close the gap Farml 313.884-4697 ~•• --- NEWDUf!lllr bl~1998~WI~'IPASSAT ' COlt: $70 for the first child $35 lor each eddltlonal to 17-16 with 4 1/2 minutes -, '-2..9,'1 --...... , tteumy 'Y~I~ md~.co n ng ..... ~ family member le~ in the first half l_i _ North's Pete Mellos ended • 10 y.. r, 100,000 mile power trlln wlrrlnty. 2 Y.lr free the run with a three.pomt bas- .cheduled maintenance" ket, Mike Aubrey scored on a I nil RUllI .1 ••• NOOHIIILLI fOR LIUI"] layup off a steal and Steve Champine went from end-to. end for a basket after he blocked one of the Shorlans' shots That nurry of pomts tp~~~!~~tp gave the Norsemen a 24.16 313-343-8430 halftime advantage llModonllllll"'

- ...... -_. ___ F 1 I ...... ,~ ." - 4C January 25, 1996 s orts Grosse Pointe News Blue Devils have a new hero every night By Chuck Klonke '" hde R J \\'olnt \ dnd Ben lied 13 "econd<; mto the second player:, m the league," Bopp first hIgh school goal Sports Editor Deb»h.1 l'dch collected a goal vIctory perIOd, but Damm notched the Said Faber put the Blue Devlls There's no telling who's and dn d,,-I..,t In the Blue Prue" had two aSSIsts, while fir»t of hi" two goal" at the 52- Semor goalie Thdd Dunlap ahead to stay at 1 02 of the going to "tep up on a glVen Devil" 4-2 Win OVC!Ande! "on ..,econd mdrk Wolney, Damm, Debskl and was outstandmg In South's second penod and Debskl gave Faber each picked up one mght for Gro»se POinte ThObe '" ere both guod After another goal by the Win over Anderson South a 3-1 advantage on a Sophomore Andy Klem did- South's hockey team gdme» fa! u< Bopp "'dld RIver Rat" at 444 of the sec- "Dunlap and Prues are play- power-play goal 24 "econds n't figure m the scormg, but he "Every game It seems like 'And It'..,good thJt \\ e don't ond penod, Damm and Chns mg like All-Staters," Bopp mto the third penod has been playmg well for the we have dIfferent people dOing ha\ e to 1elv all OIlC01 two peo- Smith completed the sconng said "Dunlap had a great the scoring," Sdld coach Bob 'We started the third perIOd Blue DeVils ple to do all of au r "'COllllg " for South Smlth's goal wa" the gdme against Trenton, but he Bopp after the Blue Devl/;, wlth a 4-on-3 advantage and "The la"t four games he's Fedlrko Ileal!) "'CO! cd a hat fir"t of the season for the was Just as good -- maybe even moved Into a fir»t place tIe we felt we could score durmg really been commg mto hiS tnck dfter l,'1\ mg South a 2-0 "ophomore forwm d better -- agamst Southgate He v.lth _\l!cn ParI. Cabr,n, ,n th .. the power plav" Bopp "ala nwn "R"pp "',11<1 "H,,, OPVPl"p- k .....J \\..tL .....l-",...u! u: hV""'~'" JU til .... DeobKI CUIILllluca nl" lme really saved us He had 22 'We spend a lot of practICe ment ha" been ahead of sched- East DIVISIOnof the Michigan first 625 of the Huron gdme pIa) for South With three saves and a lot of them were time on the power play I don't ule" Metro Hockey League after "He had some good chances, aSSI'i!!>, whlle Ryan Robson tough ones know If anybody work" on It South's next game IS postmg Victories over Ann but Just couldn't get that third had two assists and Prues, Pat ''Prues has been real steady more than we do " Saturday at 730 pm at Clty Arbor Huron and Southgate goal," Bopp said Mamon, Matt Moran, Bill game-in and game-out" The Titans cut the lead to 3- Arena agamst Grosse Pomte Anderson last week Defen"eman Josh Prues Faber and Adam Whltehead Alex Fedlrko and Jordan Anderson opened the scor- 2 at 453 of the thll d penod North stretched the Blue Devils' lead e<1chcollected one mg at 2 03 of the first perlod Damm scored two goals apiece but Wolney's unasslsted short- to 3-0 With a goal at 13 28 of ',Vhen Damm uses hlS but sophomore Dave Bilbrey m South's 6-2 wm over Huron, the opemng penod Huron tal- handed goal at 7'53 prOVided speed, he's one of the fastest tied the game at 7 56 with his South Wlth lts final margin of Weekend tournaments give North tough tests

By Chuck Klonke how different referees call the Romulus meet WIth five pounds thmg we can fix m the (prac- to Plymouth Salem's Enc Sports Editor matches," Roberts Said "That medalists, mcludmg a gold "Sheff and Arnold both tice) room. He's been second III Coburn m the consolatIOn Grosse Pomte North's way we don't have as many from Dan Shefferly at 189 breezed through to the finals," three blg tournaments thiS final wrestlmg team should have surpnses dt the state meet pounds It was the second Roberts sald "Durmg the year" North got an outstandmg stock m a bus company And we can see If we belong straight week Shefferly has match I heard one of the offi- Bordato reached the cham- That's because coach Art With the better teams and won hlS weight class clals say, 'Who's beatmg that tournament from sophomore pionshIp bout by beatIng Roberts IS a firm believer in wrestlers" "He wrestled the bout of hlS Arnold kid?'" Eddie Wrlght at 130 pounds . wrestlers from Farmmgton, Wrlght fimshed fifth, but hiS . getting to see as many teams Roberts liked what he saw hfe In the finals," Roberts sald ShetTerly lS 18-4 and he Portage Northern and Lansmg effort earned VVrestler of the . and wrestlers as pOSSible. Th last week at Romulus of Shefferly's 15-10 vlctory avenged one of those defeats Sexton Week honors for the squad achieve that result, he gets the "That's always a tough tour- over Howell's Ryan Arnold by Lake Shore's Jason Van Thl Derek Phlllips (112 pounds) Norsemen mto weekend tour- nament, but we fimshed m the "He moved better m that Sophomore Gary Bordato VVnght pinned Pontiac and Kevin Brandon (119) each Northern's Jason Lopez m naments all around the state mlddle of the pack and scored match than I've ever seen was second at 152 pomts, los- won fourth-place medals Last week North was at the 25 more pomts than we dld hIm" ing on a fall to Jason DaVls of 1 34 111 the opening round, but : Philhps opened With a 17-0 then lost to second-seeded Joe . Romulus InvltatlOnal Thls last year," he sald "Holt IS Arnold came mto the tour- Romulus Bordato was leading victory, then beat Howell's week lt's the Holt InvltatlOnal going to be tough thiS week, nament WIth a 27-2 record 5-2 m the match Cot ant of Brother Rice. Chns Trlerweller, who was 'We like to see the dIfferent too They're ranked No 1 m Both of hIS losses were to ''Davis moved so fast that ''Because he lost In the sec- fourth in the state meet last styles of wrestling from the the state m Class A" Clarkston's Joe DeGain, who's Gary couldn't react to it," ond round, he couldn't place year, by a 7-5 decision any higher than fifth, but dlfferent areas of the state and North came home from the ranked first In the state at 189 Roberts saId, "but that's some- PhIlhps then dropped a 12-4 Eddie pinned the next three declslOn to Fhnt Northern's guys," Roberts said. Darnell Ruffin, a third-place VVrlght completed hiS chmb South freshman learns under fire fimsher in last year's state to fifth place wlth a pm of meet, and bowed 7-4 to Jaban fourth-seeded Ene Chard of By Chuck Klonke Rochester, dropped a 56-23 Joe Dwmhy split his four Cam of Sexton in the consola- Portage Central in 1 34 Sports Editor because It gives each of the declslOn to Blrmmgham bouts at 119 pounds One of kids three to five matches It's tion final "All Eddie needs is confi- ThlS hasn't been an easy Seaholm and bowed 51.30 to the defeats was a 1-0 loss to ''Derek was really geared up dence," Roberts sald "And he first season of wrestlmg for the second year we've been VVaterford ~ott one of Rochester's best runmng the meet" for Trlerweller, who beat hlm should have more of that after Grosse POinte South freshman James HIli won all three of wrestlers in last year's state meet, and last weekend" Dan Roth ThlS weekend the Blue his matches at 140 pounds, "Joe wasn't qUlte as aggres- then It was Just too much to Although they dldn't medal, But coach Larry Carr is Devlls take a week offfrom the gettmg pms agamst Rochester sive as he usually lS," Carr come back and beat Ruffin, Ed Ball (171), Ryan Ruttan pleased as can be WIth the gruehng tournament schedule and VVaterford Mott and wm- sald ''Maybe he wasn't feelmg 'We're giving them three who's an awesome wrestler," (215) and JetT Kalkhoff (125) efforts of the Blue Devils' 215- nlng on a techmcal fall agamst well " Roberts said pounder. days otT," Carr s31d "At this turned m fine performances at Blnumgham Seaholm Rob Riethmlller won two Brandon won hIS first two Romulus, wlth each sphttmg "He's r~a]s m the School IS lookmg for a ba<;eball m'i coach for the upcommg IIW". thIrd penod, mcludmg three coach season, which begms March 1 lT JuST FEELS RIGHT' ARNOLD 1696 dunng the fint three mmutes Anyone mtere<;ted <;hould and contmue<; through May r Earlier, ULS dropped a 3-2 call athletiC dIrector Bruce For more Information con. •• ArlO.,., 2." ..... O".cIty acro", "'.'''H' lI"omAtrlO/(J lrncoln'-'curr deciSIOn to Notre Dame when Pelto at (313) 417-8007 durmg tact North ath letlc dIrector SHOWROOM HOURS. the Irish's Matt Knowles busme<;<;hour<; Tom Gauerke durmg bUSIness 9 am. 9 00 pm Mon. & Thurs. hours at (313) 343-2214 9 am . 6 pm Tues ,Wed & Fn I I I Grosse Pointe News January 25, 1996 Classified Advertisin The Connection 96 Kercheval, (313) 882.6900 VISA Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 - Fax# 343-5569 : Easy To Use Classified Order Form.- Clip and Mail INDEX • HELP WANrED DEADUNES M J€iop's.4iNt'a 20 tle\1 Want'" 8ar/lCe ADDRESS CITY ZiP _ MEASURED I~..al ~I?i! bokl caps t T ...... ~" c,.. .. ~'>- A~Rd Esa d B ~) }4 y I"'~O:: ag.:o 2;)4 ~~Wanlt<} DoIrte5ll: {? ,,~s etc rlu Sot be l'1 VIJ ctt...: t'rt 'kt'da~ 6 f'!M".J dci ....~l, .... "'€/L(S 105 ....,_., :h v rs u.~... R<'I'4J ''9' r J Wa ""~ T B J ~ ~ Po. ... ":I'Deel,) d ')~ 100 Ho~ _" P., T"" 'J ~ A. r"$.(J ~ .. PHONE _ .~.)'3J~4p'"l ALLC..v-ecElSor LOIDE TO SERVll"S '1"...4 Pd....e- Ha'S1'I'J 207 ~Wa"rll Saes #WORDS TOTAL COST PER WEEK CHA\GeS-" ,.,6 tttlOl. oIf1cEo., ;II)) Arr " ,( ~ rr P A>e\.~s M:tlday41Jr1 2:rv eo qJS A ':)1 IJC~ Repa 9'...8 P.fJ5e"/O" AMOUNT ENCLOSED -I ~....d&:5e $1 OO\~kwt*lgldt1 1IJ2 C'JI~'DoJO.aQ€' 9VJ A...... '-r'I\(<, ~]. ~j'9€'al:JtS€«r«, E ))3 OayCa. .aw 1"€1 CI~ "~~'(n E j Ca r,K" OO~ Ba"",..., Ij'a -: .'!la~B Raoo ~s""'Y"'_lahj"''''''' 402 Atts&Ctalls a ~"'SJ".as"D\r~~ 9 g Cf:mt:ntW~ 971 TE'Iephor'lelnslaJlatJ:t) aC'1't'ftsr'9efrOl'15Irn.eato~ICIfI- l1Tle'noespoos.bltyb"tle~ C/jrstll-Sefto" 4Ce FUMflJt~ 7C3 AV5<'fod"5.'Ou~~- 92~ A"G<'a"'9~e 976 Ven El::t1SenoICt!' 400 Ga >geI\'&'1Wa_ sa", wa i'dDRe!" 925 Jec~s.'Pa iOS 9S4 ""I;laPOO"'l 882-6900 • Fax (313) 343-5569 7Col Hak For ReN ~2'j. Door~ 977 ... ' ANNOUNCEMENTS 411~"0"""""""_ WasIw>J 105 I-Iouse<;- 9'27 Ordpen?S 00 PerSCtlaIs !yeo m llocMdos G OS-SEPon e.'Ha-per W!Xxis 928 OressrT1a1u~Alr:t!'fa~Y1S 9:7 Wa1e,oprwng 10t Pra)'l!i'S 41) Wt.ISlCI IilstnJ'n,e(rts 102 ~0S1 an;lFW1d 7('.6 Detrolt/B3l¥'lCeW3l'flE'~f1Y 92'9 DryKa~ 9!10 w"",,", '140ll~E~! 707 ~S«s-- 9:):) t.-'t{'"ca s.:./~s 98' WnOOwW.Shng '0) AAeU9aJs 415 WinedlOeuy $9.08 for 12 words. Additional words~ 65e each. 104 Irl5~ClliCE' 5 C.atShor~ 93 ErI8'!1, Sa:'r'f'C.lS8vr-2' 9B2 W'Xd>l.Jrne.~ 'JJcOO'bColr')' 932 Er'l-1'aiY1g.'Pr""1~ ANlMA1.S 7a:l Houses WanIre fa fla'1 933 E~ca...a ~ "'Please one word per space. SPECIAL SERVICES :>oo~,P1"","'l s.-.ces 709 T"""",,...conoo. ForRoot 930 F""", S01 BwdFOf Sa.Ie 710 TOW!\.,".Ajses.~ Wal'lled Ftep!are, 106 Camos g", 50<50:1 __",,"'f<>Sile 711 Ga'it9i!:~""SlOl'IIQI\!ForReN 930 Fw"a~:f'RE-~"'shil9 107 C.lem; 503 IiousEtlok:IP&ForSaJe ICE! Computer Servce 112 ~1MIiSlorageWarl'ed 937 Fu'na ..." Re?br Irlsta.l.aloo 100 Er€r'am.eci 731"'ldl.rslnaltWaretlOuSe~1 933 ~ur'"tl' J eo ~ l"'1rs,rt9' lJp'loIsIe-ng 505 ,"""",Ford 7 4 lIvrig OuattE'rS to Slwe 110 E!~ Servce m Glass AJ..:mo:'V'" S06 P.B~ 71:l~HorrtE'5For~1 ~O Glass RIl5~~r 111 IiaWY A05 1,. .... o....-a tar~ 14 Mus«::El1.cator 71~ I'l""", """'I""""I $908 AUTOMOTIVE 719 RentIlld1 Op'1Qr1 c.eJY 1I5P!ltj~, g....c Gutters 600 >NC 720 Roornsiat Pe11 9045 "tar4y'T1ar 165c!'

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!'lI_~ •• •• Grosse Pointe News The Connection January 25, 1996 '---- E_m_p 1oy...:.;:;:..::..m--=---=en.:...-.==...... t~ _


ENERGETIC Leader wllh track DRIVERS NICE INCOME NANNIES NEEDeD HAIR styllsl to JOin Lucido's MEA Financial Sarvlces needs record 10 build DynamIC ENERGETIC, se~ motIVated SECRETARY I Housekeeper If you've ever considered a Expenenced In chlldcare H8Ir care staH Ask for Joe an Individual In thiS area as Indlv,dual to work In a busy PART TIME Markel Development team Part time or full tlme live- In career as a Top salary! benefits or Sheha 81Q..n3-8044 a rePlesenlatlve for Invest Our Harper Woods BUSI- for Inlernabonal Heahh Co doctors office Duhes In- or out Call 81Q..293-7171 CALL NOWI menls & Insurance Whell1er clude ability 10 communicate PROFESSIONAL ness 0H,ce (Est 1968) 6 figure polentlal n1COme BARTENDER, waJlress Apply ClERICAL secretary, lull llme, THE NANNY NETWORK you are looking for add~ effectively wllh pallents, Seekmg personable sin. Sand resume 10 Maralhon al Telly s Place 20791 Grosse POInte office Word TRUCK DRIVER Grosse POinte 885-7200 Mack G~ Po,"'" WlX'(1< lonal Income or a career computer Irterale P R Tues- ;;ara & dSp.3t1Jablo u1d1 G"~....p t'l C Sox cr~c: ~ Pr~r.g..k.~ 82.2-0012 don t miss this special Utica 81Q.739-2100 cnange InIS may De J USI day Thursday Fnday and vlduals who possess ton Twp MI 48046 opportunity what you are Iooklng for or Salurday 88176n PART tllne secretaryl reoep. good telephone skills to FRAMER, mat cultel possible FLORAL DeSIgner full lime For more details call Ga- bomsl wanted for Grosse expenenee prefened VIVI- oversee our sales! order sales Expenence preferred bnella Wills at 1-8OQ..292 201 HH~ WANTED POInte law office Call Mr FREE JOB FAIR ano Flower Shop 32050 desk dept Customer! Hours tteXl~e Customers DISHWASHER- FulV part lime 1950 MEA F,nal1C1alSar IAIYSIHER Schu~es 313-882-8390 Saturday say our staH makes us a fun Harper 51 Clair Shores 31 3-884-C253 vices IS an Equal Rep contacl enhanced TEMPORARY lull lime posr\JOn February 3, 1996 shop Call Therese Dr Tom OpportuOI1y AffirmatIVe Ac- TEMPORARY part lime Tues- wrth some sales back- NEEDeD full lime preschool SNOW REMOVERS (could work Into permanent) 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. (313)884-{l140 Ion Employer day Thursday through Apnl ground, however, Will teacher 8- 4 Monday Fn- Immediate openings Other AV8l1ab1e lor quaJrtied IndI- Taylor Inn day Preler ZA endorse- In my home for 4 month 4 tram Management op- PART bme parking po5IlJOn labor work available QUALITY house has an open- & 6 year children Non- vidual proficlenl In Word & 207n Eureka Rd. ment but negollable East old portUnity aVailable Mini- available Must be able to 810-n6-4055, tng for ex penenced gallery Excel Preferable thIS per. 1-75 Exit 36 side DetrOlt Please call 881. smoker Rel'abIe 313-a84- mum hours are 5- 9 30 WOlle; erther 3 10 t 1 pm on 810-n3-4684. sales and custom lrarrung 4803 Kathy son tlas some brokerage Taylor, MI Saturday or Sunday $6 9t79 730-330 P m dally 9- 3 P m sat. deSigner With technical and! or bank expenence hour to start Wlth some tiPS POSITION Avatlable for part hands on expenence In cut. NEED In home chJId care grver Good commun!CallOn skills urday Safe, pleasant, These fine companies Involved Candidates must bme dnve< Musl have good tlng JOining filling glazing for 16 month old boy fleXI- reqUired SaIaJy commen- profrtable With base sal. will be hiring be courteous fnendly and dnvlng record No age re- and assembly Long term ble part ~me hours aVllJI- surate WIIh expenence L0- ary, commiSSion and experienced drivers and WIlling 10 provide qual rty ser HAIR styllsl experienced s1ncton Apply In person employment opportuMy able Call 81Q..n3-4293 cated ,n Grosse PCMnteares generous bonus incen- 16901 Harper near Cad- pre- hiring Eaton V1Cll 10 our clientele Please Looking for a change? We Benefits Include heahh In- lOVING caregIVer needed In Sand resume to Box $-50, tive plan Leave mes- call Adam at B86-84OO 'f In- IllUX surance, vacation bonus Roadranger Training may be the opportUnity our home lor newbom Part Grosse POinte News, 96 sage for Mr Bryant terested you've been warling for Only the best need apply Kercheval, Grosse POinte, Institute Studenls: lime, own transportatIOn, (313~1763 Busy salon located on Call 3t 3-885-4929 between nonsmoker refe S 10 25 to ter7pm and 21 months References ence preferred 81o-nl. SIde DettoI\ bar Apply In requlred Call Maggle, 313- start [)a, & e'enmgs HAIR StylISt wanted for busy ReAl. Estate Agent that would 0124 person Saturday only be- 881.7064 tween 9 am & 5 pm \l,eel..ends a,aliable :\"0 Mack Ave salon Commrs- do part bme secretanaJ work PART lime medical lISSIStanI SIOIl or boOI!1 remal aVllJI- 10 a m and sell ,n afternoon 14200 Grabot near 7 Mile upenence needed lor busy Harper Woods able 810-779-1798 after 5 Ask for Joyce, 88l>-8710 prllC1Jce DeSIre a haId LP.N. or MedICa! Assistant Call now 792-2400 WOI1ang, responsible I~ Part lime, Monday 12- 8 SEEJ(ING Caregverl Nanny uaJ Certrficallon preferred Fnday 8 30- 5 Fill- In vaca- for one chtId my horne, lull Contact manager, V Hen- I10nS 313-882-6780 Of part time*810-312-9222, docks at 313-884-5522 leave message FULL ttme BOOhday care pr0- EXPERIENCED, College- edu- gram IlJde Call lor 8ppoInl- SUPPORT STAFF cated babysltter age 22 to ment, 9- 4, Monday- Fnday EDITOR 50 needed for ,nfant 9'rt In EMPLOYMENT TRAINING 881-9556 We are accepting sought for eastside suburban weekly SPEClAUSTS my home 9- 1 Tuesday 9- applications for a newsroom Must have a mmlIDum of fIve 5 30 Fnday, Non-smoker MEDICAL Office Manager tor FleXible & Motivated People busy surg,cal practice full-time reception- years experience, mcludmg edltmg and 313-884-2744 needed to assist people WIth Grosse POInte location Ex. Ist In our Styling managmg Resumes may be faxed to disabliltles prepare for RESPONSIBlE woman part. cellent benefits Expenenoe communrty employment and Salon Expenence John Mmms, Anteebo Pubhshers, "me 2. 1130 pm, 2 mid- reqUIred Send resume to lIVing Tralnln9 expertence a preferred ~ One where at (313) 882 1585 ren ReIerences. own trartS- Grosse POInte News, Box por\at1On 884-120 1 plus Must have posrtJve you can C-100, 96 Kercheval, Grosse POInte Farms, ".., altitude and abliity to relate Employee benefits achieve well to othefs. Include merch,m - 48236 Fu II-tllnt I excellent benefrts d'se discount p

--~-...- , J ' ...... ~ January 25, 1996 Grosse Pointe News The Connection


New shipment of qUality GREEN eiectnc stove, relnger- Stump the Stumper MAHOGANY ator and condI- European antIQue furn~ hood Good Stumps & Bush Removal tIOn $375 884-4537 INTERIORS lure ArmOires, dining 810-296-7609 (Fine Furnllure Chairs, sidebQards, half 810-756-3250 tester bed, much morel & Anlique Shop) Fllewood. 3 face cord's Employment 506 S, Washington We also feature quality ~ mixed woods $100 Also tradrtlOnai Amencan tur- GE, 2 refngeralors With freez Royal oak, MI 203 KEl~ WANT!D we will spilt your wood 1 302 SITUATION WANTfD 303 SITUATION WANT!D mshlngs Dining room, ers stove With mICrowave (5 Blocks North of 696 DINTAl! MEDICAL 207 HEl~ WANTID SAm man With spllner $t8 per CONVAllSCEHT CAlli DAY CARE washer gas dJYer 313-884- Freeway at 10 Mile bedroom, mirrors, paint- hour IngS, elc Shop where 8708 leave message Take Woodward! Main CHAIR side OI1hodonlJc assIS- ADULT fosler ca,,, home has uceNSED Home Cay Care Street eXit) lant needed Full & part What if? openlngs for ekIetIy ladIeS & FllltI part ~me AVlIllable SI the designers buyl SEASONED mIXed hardwood ~me posrtlOllS aVlIllable Ex- You got Involved With NJke men Beautiful f3CI11fy Good John HosprtaJ area 313- Steven's Antiques 40S COM~UTl~S $65 cord DelIVery $15 Monday through saturday penance preferred but not care Gall 810-954-2964 l1t053O In Its first year" Where 884-1339 33401 Grand River Soulliere Garden Genler 19q1llred 313-885-8500 BUY & sell used computers & 810-n6-2811 Guaranteed Closed Wednesday would you be loday? The NURSeS AIde, Grosse POInte uceNSED daycare mom has at Farmington Road pnnters GalI313-881.2667 qualify and Sunday FUW part bme data entry same opportunity eXists exceUent references, 7 days fuN lime! part ~me ooenlng5 810-471-4619 CltltK lor rTllKIocaJ OII"ng 01- Banquet and IraOlhonal today In the enVIronmental a week, 12 hours a day in her St ClaIr Shores PENTIUM 133 Newl 16 MEGS lice Send resume to Manchester Antique Mall stze mahogany dining field POSitiOns available GaroI 810-n4-1125 home Meals, snaclIs, actM- RAM 1 08 Gig hard dnve 401 rU~Nlru~E Grosse POinle News Box S- Antiques & Collectibles Potential 3-5K a month UVE tn care for ekIetIy Excel- ~ provided CPR certJfied Call Doug lor details 810- room tables, king, queen, 20, 96 Kercheval Grosse 116 E Main, Manchester Call (810)779-3890 lent Grosse POinte refer. 810-779-5577 598-8137 LLOYD DAVID full & twin sIZe mahog- Poonte Farms MI 48236 Open 7 Days, 10 10 5 ences SI ClaIr Shores resi- CERTIFIED taactler prOV1dtng ANTIQUES any beds (some four DENTAl HYQlenist needed 313-428-9357 CALL (313) 88206900 dent 81ll-445-1691 ctuld care In licensed SI 406 ESTATE SALES 15302 KERCHEVAL posters) French ar. part lime tl1 Grosse POlnle rTIOIres, Frencl1 bedroom SPEClAUZED HOME ClaIr SI'ores home ToddIerl FURNITURE rellnrshed re- G.P. Park Dental Practice Please call pre.schoolers 810.779- paired, stnpped any type ot ESTATE Regency style mahogany sets (many Pieces per 313-884-0680 VISA & MASTERCARD CARE SERVICES 4459 carling Free estimates, 345- set), mahogany dining ACCEPTED Home Health AIdes, H0me- FURNITURE bowfront Sideboard, wa1- DENTAl Assaslanl needed 10( 6258, 661-5520 room chairs (up to 12 per makers, Companions, 304 SITUATION WANTED AT nut Inlaid bedside table, progress.ve Dental office In DISCOVERY TOYS has-ex. Personal Care, House- GENI~AL MARINE CITY RELICS In Hamtramck walnut plecrust table, set), Art Nouveau bed- Grosse Panle WiUlng to panded to Include computer ANTIQUE WAREHOUSE 10027 Joseph campau cherry armOire, 1915 room set (7 Pieces), ma. lraln 881-2480 keeping, Meal Prepara- EXCELLENT laundress- Pol- software Reps needed 313- hogany china cabinets too Lrve-lns, lJve.Outs, Ish, responSible, expell- 105 N Fairbanks (M-29) (313)874-0500 Slag glass table lamp DENTAl Assaslant needed 10( 3430090 and large breakfronts, 7 Days Per Week 24 anced, very good refer- In Belle River Plaza Open 11- 6, Tues thru large veneban mirror, pleasant Dental office In Are You Serious About A cuna and comer china Hour SeIVlCe ences caJ Zyta, 313-892- Open 7 days, 10-5 Sat mahogany buffets, large Harper Woods, expenenced In Real Estate? cabinets Sideboards, career (313)884-0721. 2724 (810)765-1119. Traditional furnl1ure, aecas- & small china cabinets, 313-884-1BOO We are senous about your buffets, servers, can. PAMPER yourself With a sones, antIQues & coIlec. oak chest of drawers, successl COMPETENT soles, demHunes, WIng 204 HHP WANTED prof8SSlOnal mamcure or 40 1 A~~lIANCIS tlbles Good qualrty at af- walnut demHune chest • Free Pre-llcenslng IN-HOME CARE SERVICE back Chlllrs, DOMESTIC pedICUre In your home 0( fordable pnces InlaJd wrth classical urn camel Cl'1IP- classes TLC elderly, children mine Grve a grft 10 fnends WESTINGHOUSE 17 cu It re- on front and floral stde pendale sofas and other HOUSEKEEPERI Cook, 4 • ExclUSIVe Success Hourly, overmght rates 0( inVIte them to a pamper. tngerator, almond good panels by Wlddlcomb, styles, mahogany ChiP- days a week, 9 to 5 Star. Systems Program ExperJenced In the Ing party 313-882-6717 cond~lon $85 313-343- chandeliers, mirrors, pot. pendale bedroom set ~ng Hgfs area Excellent sal- • Vanety Of CommiSSIOn Grosse POinte area lJ.. 0472 SEASONED firewood Free tery, large selectIOn of wrth ball and claw feet (5 ary send resume & refer. 30S SITUATION WANTED Plans censed and bonded Pieces), pall of Hepple- ences to Box M-725, HOUSE ClEANING ElECTRIC stove $50 Gas delrvery free stackJrlg free costume Jewelry and JOin the No 1 Sally, (810)772.0035 slove $85 Relngeralor starter WOOd $601 cord 7 much more! whrte fove seats, secre- Grosse PoInte News 96 CLEANJNG laundry, II000ng Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Coldwell Banker affiliate 24924 Lambrecht, East. $120 Washer $110 Dryer days week 313-882-1069 Monday, Wed- Sat, 11-6 tary desks and other and more Please call 810- ll 48236 In the Midwest' POInte 783-9921 $95 Ntce Delrvery Gall r=3=1=3-82=4-8044:::::=====. Tuesday. Sunday, closed desks, antIQue Grand- call George Smale at father clocks, oil paint- WILL care for the SICkor eld- 293-2749 ~EASOI\}'D 822.3452 GROSSE POINTE lI86-42OO TIME TO COME Ings, mirrors (Venetian, erly In their home, 30 years CLEAN WITH A ElECTRIC stove whrte by We also have everything In EMPLOYMENT Coldwell Banker G E WllIks greatltl $75 'IUMJ) fft our basement 50% Offl Grh, mahogany framed) expenence 31~7040 SChweHzer Real Eshrte PERSONAL TOUCH 313-881-5374 Hand made Onental rug AGENCY NEED UVE-IN No over p8ld m8ld parade' KITCHEN Aid dishwasher, RATTAN Mchan set 4 chalrs (10xI4), Chippendale 885-4576 LADY FOR Great references HARn"OOn b(J1tt~n$95 Florescent hgl1t FREE DELIVER" glass top fable Good cond~ bkx:kfront chest, bache- 60 years reliable servIce ELDER WOMAN and availability fixtures, door & storm doors 228-5809 tlOn, $125 313-88HI322 lor chest, mUCh, much Needs expenenced Cooks, EXCEllENT PAY 'WOOLS. Susan 810-566-7649 Cheapl 313-640-1954, 313- morel NannIeS, Matds, House- ST, CLAIR SHORES .. HOUSEKEEPER seeking more 820-1954 SECTIONAl fumJIure 4 alTrl- FiBrestNorthern HardW~ood Sales Representatives REFEReNCES keepers, Gardeners, But. work, Grosse Potnte area less chlilrs, 2 comers,' 2 ot. 810-545-4110 lers, Couples, Nurse's Wanted 810-777-6765. Already establIShed Refer. ~ EXC£I'T1ONALI.':~ tomans, OOge random pal. Mes, Companions and "'" Oak. Ash • Hrckory tem Pieces are 33"X33" WORKBENCH Rectangular This tS a route sales bu smess ences Sheryl, 810-75&-2073 Day Workers for pnvate • Maple. Wild Cherry Ongl08 cost $6,000 asking DanISh Contemporary Teak from a mobIle tool truek ENGUSH lady after 7 years DRYER, stove dishwasher, I 23YM'NJtdIiGunmd $1200 881~ Dmlng Table wrth bU1h~nex. homes A+ Live-ins, Ltd. cleaning 00mes In Grosse GE & Kenmore, great condl- serviCing aUlo, truek traelor, terlSlOl1 Four leak Windsor 18514 Mack Avenue 24-hour Llve-m PoInte IS expanding her !Jon, $300 313-881-8958 aViation, etc repair shops - DeIMry 1'lcUle( O'l'lIl.q Safes St. Joh•• Boll Seeoun lor CoM.-.lllly - _':lppral:Jafs 771.1170 18300 I. Wa A••• - '1(sferen as Detroit, MI 48224 PATRIC II KOLOJE~KI (313) 343.8000 • EXPERIENCED. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE HOUStHOLD •• ••• 313 885 6604 E<;TATf • Movl~(,

.. ------_.- _._~ --...... _ -_ •• ....". "4-"" .. Grosse Pointe News The Connection January 25,1996

41 7 MISCELlANEOUS 413 MUSICAL 500 ANIMAlS b03 AUTOMOTIVE bOb AUTOMOTIVE 40& FURNITURE 401 FURNITURE 50S LOST AND fOUND uncus INSTRUMENTS ADO~T A PET GENUAI MOTORS m~S14 WIlEEL OFFICE adJustable sWivel BABY Grand ptano Starck 5' ALL Breed Rescue- Wanl a 198t Cadillac Fleetwood 1992 Cherokee Sport 2 wheel, CRIB, dresser changlng table JAMES A MONNIG THE G,ossa POInte Animal chairs, 6, hlQh quality, like very mce detailing $2,200 pu rebred? Call 313-278- Brougham 2 door 0lISSIC auto lIAr fires! sport wheels excellent conddlOn Miscelia BOOKSELLER OIrIIC has a Boxer mIX male new $200 each Two uphol- Must ~II 81().n6-8658 4317 G real condrtlOn $1,600 C811 hke new excellenl conddlOn baby lterns 885- thai IS black, a black Shep- stered barrell chairs, $100 neous Selected books bought $7 700 Central LeaSing 8863 USED Sl9H1way Baby Grand he'd rntX male about 5 885-3488 each Framed art posters and sold NORTHERN Suburbs Animal 313.885.4840 839 4462 and Console pianos I,ke monlhs old, a yellow male 1994 cavalter RS- 4 door, $50 & up M!soeHaneous MAPLE hutch PllIr 1 table l100am -6oopm Welfare League- 754<1741 new conditIOn Phone Gnn- I,.ab a l.atlJ Torner 5 month aulo, 81r power Windows! eves small buffel dresser olc oak cabu19l, walnut dresser Tuesday through Saturday Krttensonly~ noli Brothers 81~ pup and a smaI Golden Ro- Iocils, more loadedl NIC9' 1993 FORD Explorer 4 door 313-331 7404 & 6 chrome chaJrs 884- 4928 Cadieux Rd tnever male Call 313-822. Warrantyl $7 800 Central 4 x 4 Eddie Bauer 7641 GUITARS, banjOS and mandoI- PLEASE Near E Warren 5707 $15,700 886-4232 882. InS ukes wanled Collector DON'T DELA VI LlllISlng 313-885-4840, 839- BABY Fumllure cradle enb 884.7323 4462 lIVes 3909 B86-4522 SPAY or NEUTER LOST cat, Himalayan! Seal changing table d rosser '" PRECIOUS Moments FlQu, POint female wMe spots SPORTY wh«e 1988 Borella, t 994 Grand Cherokee, V-8, TWO Henredon loveseats good conddlOn 823-4798 YOUR PET TODAYI USED PIANOS Answers to "SlJnger " VICIn- Irlllier package laoded CO Henredon couch 2 Shemll nnes mlSC p+eC9S Retired An altered pet IS a healthier automatIC, air AMlFM cas- CAMEL back sofa In blue & Used Splnets.Consoles Ity of Al lard between Harper sette very clean low miles 38K excellent $21 000 chairs All In excellent condl- Suspended & Members only and happier companion Uprights Grands & Mack 313-884-0095 !JOn 886-8790 betge check, hke new $200 from 1990 & earlier Green & $33OOf best 81().n1.5310 885-t937 810463-3361 ABBEY PIANO CO Also, rt spares you the book pnce only 810-776- 1985 BUICk Pari<. Ave, fuII NEW leallea1her couch, $500 7483 afte, 5 p m gnaf and pam of haV1ng VOLUNTEERS For AntmaJs .01 AUTOMOTIVE ROSE \~ctona" xuc" $300 ROYAL OAK 810-541-6116 ;:x:~e' 82000 "'1'es Ore 880-:>~ pUpples ana Kiltens de- nave oug:. 6. PUppIeS 8VlIl~ 'Alm fTtflfS 1AlARMS Vlctonan dreSSing table PIANOS WANTED able 810468-8927 owner $2,995 313-881 SUMPTER bedroom set, Wolff Tanning Beds stroyed when no homes C811 $50 Call after 6 313-882 TOP CASH PAID 9120 cheny double dresser WIth TAN AT HOME can be found Countless 2755 bO I AUTOMOTIV E mirror 5 chest, nlQhlSland, Buy DIRECT and SAVEl OBOE, Loree great for stu- numbers of sweet, mno- 1991 CAOILIJl,C Tounng se- BACK.UP $9995 CHRYSLER dan dark blue, excellent $2,000 Amencan 0'- En- 409 GAUGEIYUD/ CommerclaJI home unrts dent tncludes muSIC, reed cent Il1Ile ones are eu. SENDNAL condIlJon, one owner, sun- gI ISh Tudor dlnllg room set, IASEMENT SALES from $19900 makong kd Negotiable 881 thanlZEld every day In 1995 Neon, strawberry, 32,000 • hlgMoell.1d "" .. bIcking, dark oak china cabinet, 6 5982 roof 75,000 miles $12,500 tc_llowclole,.., .... IO.nobjocl. Low monthly payments shelters across the coun- mdes air aulo, power Iocksf GrNt lor IrueU buies,. 01' RY's , tt1ulef's chairs, 48 oval table Daytime 810.644-2300, OV&- FREE Color catalog call TWO SllI/nwey Grand P,anos- try because a pet wasn't mirrors, AMlFM stereo Ac. ElIMINATES $1 200 Loveseat & couch mngs & weekends 313-884- today (1) 510 , $22,000 (2) 6'2' spayed or neutered If ceplJng olfllfS until January • GutSSIHQ In Tight Spot_ or Illlhe ChIrk $17581~ 6475 .AcCtOEN1'9 .. GI\I£S PEACE Of' .. NO MOVING Sale, everything $18,000 Both In excellent we cui down on the 20th (810)412-7021, call 1.800.842.1305 1982 CELEBRITY, famlly ALSO LARGE metal desk best offer must gol Appliances, condrtlon Will negollate numbers of unwanted lit. anytlrr19 • Auto Alarm Systems owned, 65,000 miles Needs C811 Saturday, 821-<1722 couches, chairs, q~ bed- FIREPLACE screen 51111In box 810-355-1112 ters being born, we wlll 1992 LEBARON Landeau, • Remote Storts SOrr19fronl work Dnveable, REMODELING sale, liVing room set, offioe desk WIth black & glass $50 810-nl also cut down on the loaded, vllfy clean, 34,000 414 OFFICE/IUSINESS $850 Sleve 313-882-4200 chair Lazy Boy recliner and 5345 number of abandoned, miles warranty available Advanced room set, compIeta, good EQUI~MENT Radar Technologies cond!bon $6501 best Plush other household artICles TWIN Size daybec, new never lost and unwanted anI- $6900 or best offer 313- 1983 0kIs Delta B8- Full carpabng, 14'x16' 81()'739- 313-884-8708, leave mes- KOHLER Command- 125 En- 881.7539 pcMer, good conddiOn, runs used Waterford cf)'Slal and mals to destroy (810) 415.8780 sage gine, 21 ,"ch propane excellent $1,200 810-n5- 0350 mlSC glassware Duncan WE WILL BE HAPPY TO 1987 LeBaron, nice car Good buffer LJ ke new AskIng 7653 BEDROOM set, dlntng room & Phyle JuntO( hutch & table, PROVIDE ADVICE running conddiOn, loaded bll AUTOMOTIVI crystal chandlter cuno cabt- $1 500 Gal 882.0594 mlscellanaous lIJltIquesi fur- 410 HOUSEHOlD SAm as well 88 8 $3,550 810-949-7866 1988 0Ids Cutlass C81l1JS Sl TRUCKS mture, figunnes, mlClOWlMl net WIth double doors, (ma 2 door, alr, power seat, UST OF ECONOMICAL 1989 P1ymouttl Rell8Ilt, 2 door, 1995 GMC Sonoma SLE. ex- 810-247-5004, 810.772 SAMPt.E 5al&- Home accesso- hogany) also coffee, end 41 S WANTED TO BUY 51,000 miles, very clean, SERVICE SOURCES air, auto, no rust $1,975 tended cab. V9IY low ml- 2754 nes, X-mas tnm, gdts, 9- 12, and sola tables (mah0g- runs & looks excellent 313-822-9650, 81Cl-954-9884 leage Loaded wrth opfJOns Fndlly 131 Kercheval any) 881-5254 call us tit: $4,900 313-884-0866 An 011Sale! TOP DOLlAR $13,900 Call Mae at 81~ DRAKE ESR2400 Integrated For Gold, Diamonds, cars, 891-7188 1990 Ptymoulh Laser RS, au- ~ 411 JEWELRY stallOn re<:elVer, vldeoc1p1ler Tools, Electron'cs, Antl-Cruelty AssocIatIon tomatIC, AIC, power excel- New amvals of European lent condillon. 70,000 miles descramblef eqUipped Roof anything of value ~ 1989 GMC SI9rra SLE full and American art Oils by LADY'S diamond nng, 1 5 car. dISh 885-6406, 822-38n ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY $5 3001 negotiable 881. power, 83,000 miles, mini CASH EXCHANGE 548-1150 Monday. Fnday 9- 1955 1978 Malibu- V-6 AutomallC, V A RIChardson, Hal ats AppraIsed $4,750 sac- condrbon $7500 881.7104 Loan' Buy' 5,754<1741 weekenda ------53.000 miles, excellent oon- Robinson more nfice $3,500 81~n5-0002 sen and 60, AUTOMOTIVE ddiOn $2.200 Call after 4 1984 FOA 0 Ranger PICkup- 5 36487 GRATIOT AVE POODLE Rescue has Toys, English rosewood and I BUY old costUrr19 & estate ARCADE Pin balls Video (114 mile south FORD pm 884-5222 speec, V6, ulJllty cab, excel- MIrY and Standard Poodles mahogany, Circa 1926, )EIW8l1Y and other old mlSC6l- games, darts, Jukeboxes, of Metro Pkwy) 1985 OLDS Cutlass Clera, lent work truck $1,500 1920's rosewood 7 piece Ianeous Be!h, 886-1476 Coca Cola, neon, coIleclJ- reedy for adoption 255- 1989 Tempo GL. Auto, lIAr Central Leasing 313-885- * 6334 Ioclal, mirrors, bit. storee, hlQh mileage Runs great bIes and more Huge Inven- Clinton Twp, MI bedroom sutte, 4 $1,2001 Best 372-0128 4840 839-4462 eves WATCH 18K SOlid Yellow breakfronts, French pie tory Big Toys, 33133 WANTED okIer oak & pnmrtrve BOUVIER. /l1w8IfS faithful & new bres & more One of a Gokl Mens "PIlIge! Polo' 1994 BuICk Regal GS. 3800 b 17 AUTOMOTIVE crust table, 6 mahogany Mound Gust north of 14 fumrture Call 313-823-3199 gentle Now old & trashed ko nd- needs nothing Excel- Gold band WIth date, model Mile} 81().9n 7990 V6, fully llCluipped, 25,000 VANS dining room tables, from by her owner Healtily, Ientl $3,650 313-839-4462 No 458307 Beautiful, BUYING china (complete or miles Excellent conlfillon spayed & Immunl%ed MISty 1989 MARK VII LSC, loaded, 1!l86 Dodge Caravan, good $450 French Bombe heavy dress piece retaJls BAHAMA CruISll- 5 daysl4 partial sets) C811 Jan, 81()' $14,500 313-343-0936 longs for her last years to leather, moon- roof R0- condilJon new fires! parta chest, tiger oak hall tree, for $23,000 More presti- IlIQhts Underbookedl Must 731-8139 after 6 p m l be '" a warm & loving colds, 113000, $6000 313- 1994 BUICK Roadmaster $28001 best Frank, 885- with beveled mirror. 3 sets QIOUS than RoIex Seldom sell $2791 couple L,mded es- tJckets Call, 1-80().935-99!l9 GUll ARS, banJOS and IT\8Ild(j. home 313886-8387 or 313- 881-6474 tate Wagon, ChamP81gn 6997 of mahogany twrn beds worn like new, pnce nego- ext 4711 Monday thru sat. Ins, ukes wanted Collector with tnm! tan llable at tremendous sav 881-D200 1989 Escort Wagon $3,000 or wood leather 1992 Caravan- 7 passenger, 6 urday 8 a m to 9 p m 886-4522 Ings, leave message, Mr THE Grosse Palnte Ammal basi offer 881.1839 Intoner loaded like new, cyhnder automatiC, 55K Timeless Antiques 9,500 rTllles Full factory Coyle 313-886-1763 flUNG catlWh~~~~ I~~~ -1985--Ho-nda-Acooo:l---LX-.-e-xce-1- 1320, after 5 00 pm oons,S350 All excellend biles For ~lIOn, C811 Al LOUIS Vurllon tote bag, shoul- con- morablllll 81().773-8076 or DETROIT 48212 313-885-4840, 839-4462 lent running can dillon 1994 Chrysler Town & Coun- der strap, RelaJls $495, best ddiOn 81()'779-3151, 313- Thoms Agency 81()'790- page 800-45&3182 try quad seat, CD, leather, 885-1220. leave message _6600__ (da_ys_J _ oller 313-521-3066 891.7188. eves $2,400 881-6096 SHOTGUNS, nftes and hand- 1990 Volvo 240 wagon excel- loaded $18,500 must sell BEDROOM set, Art Deco STEEL Buildings- 2% over lac- HEXCE1. 185 skIS, S555 bll1d. guns, Parker, BrOWning 1992 Mercury 5able LS All lent condrbon, low 1T1l1eage, 884-1285 ex 810-293-0600 50 I BIROS FOR SALE factory optIonS, extended SIyIe $375/ best. RICk. 885- tory cost All remaining In- Ings NonflC8 11 boOtS, Winchester, Colt, Luger dark gray $11,500 313- 1994 Dodge Sport Caravan poles $225 Apple II Plus warranty, excellend concfltlon 7688, 840-7334 ventory 1-800-973-3366 olhers Collector 47&03437 881-4127 LE. Excellent condition computer, drrves pnnter, HAND led CockatIels, all types In & out, 67,000 miles Musl sell, muSI seel miscellaneous $350 N,n- BUYING, old fumrture, glass- Indudlng Whrtetaoe, Silver & $7,950 or best 313-a86- 1984 Honda Aocord LX. 5 40b ESTATE SAlES 40b ESTATE SALES $13,995 81~n6-6304 tendo & 20 games $150 ware, china and other Irner- Fallow. spillS lIVlIllable 81()' 0184,313«15-1809 speed, hatchback very esIIng rtems John 882-5642 776-7483 after 5 P m good cond!lJon, clean Ongl- Tandy lap lop computer, 1993 Plymouth Voyager, V-6, after 6 pm 1994 Thundefbrd LX Loaded, naI owner 331-5755 pnnter $550 YOIX stereo 503 HOUSEHOlD PHS low miles 15,000 miles powe r 100 ks sunsc ree n cassette system $150 313- SOO ANIMAlS FOR SALE Hunter green Must sell I glass, 46,000 miles $8900 884-5442 ADOPT A PET $12,600 521-0706 881.15n lIVenings MENS Rolex watches, late POMERANIAN pups, AKC FREE dog obedIenCe class! To 1991 Grand MarquIS L.S, ma- 1987 GMC satan, runs 'Nell, • C5la1eoole IJq Q}idotio • 70's, goklI SlaJ~less, date My, females, orange, 3 1989 Volvo 740 GLE sedan roon, excellent condrtIon no rust New fires, ne-r l'9Q1sler to Win, call The months all shots 313-864- Grayl red leather, 90,000 JUst, $1600 1990 all stain- lInglll9 $3,1lOO 313-881. Harper/Cadieux Area Canine Communrty Center 7874 lOaded, lIJr bag, one owner miles, $7,900 Mebculous less dale Just (new) $1700 1184 1 Block East of Harper Adopled dogs recetVll 10% $6,650 882.2417 maintenance Very nice 884-4036 ONE large male Iguana WIth North on Linville to off fee 810-758{)44() 884-5395, Saturdayl Sun- 1992 Ford Hlghtop Conllllr. own hademade wooden 1985 Ford LTO runs great, NORDIC Track Pro $475, ~ke an, new tires! brakes day SIOn- V8, duaJ lIIr, TVI VCR 5958 OLDTOWN cage & llQlJpment 313-881. (One Way) new 882-9424 PUPPY OBEDIENCE best loadedl Excellent conddiOn 8812 $14001 81~n6-1872. 1988 HONDA CMc LX, 5 10 wee~ 1/2 months Highway miles $9,500 Whole House: SO's living room, sora & chairs, dming Classified Advertislng 1994 Taurus Gl, Hunter speed, air, AMfFM cassette, ALSO,ADULT ENGUSH setter pups, ~ Centra! LeaSlng 313-885- table & chairs, corner cabinet, J piece bedroom set. green, ml nt, power, AMI power Windows! dooIS, new 882.6900 Regtstered bkxxI1lna direct an 4840, 8394462 eves DOG OBEDIENCE FM cassette $9,7001 brakes and trans $4,850 White dresserlmirror & cbest. Lamps! Lamps! Floor !rom England Excelleln gun Best 413 MUSICAL - For mformallon 313&11-3505 1993 GRAND VOYAGER LE- & table, lots or occasional tables, oak kItchen set, dogs & pels C811 days 81(). 882-2417 INSTRUMENTS Carolyn House V6 7 passenger lOaded, T.V.'s, older walnut china cabinet, two SO's kitchen 779-4300 Eves 313-331. 1987 Ford T-Blrd Turbo excellent condllKln $11.500 tables, stove, rerrigeralor, washer/d'1er, Limoge PlANO- OH Baklw," 4'7" 884-6855 3258 Coupe, lOaded, excellent Central LeaSlng 313-885- Collector plates, odd oak skle chairs, kitchen goodIeS, black ebony, Baby Grand, 3 TRI County Colhe Rescue conddiOn $4,5001 best offer LAB pups- AKC, top bIcxx} ~ 4840, 8394462 eves years old Excellent condl- ColII9S for adopbon Fence 881-6182 records galore • JJ & 75's, stereos. lines, prtMlll In Show & 1991 Honda Acooo:l EX, 2 lion must see to appretlllte req uored Call for Informa- 1992 Dodge Ram 350 Van- 15 field, mild temperament 1989 UNCOLN Contmerel, door Coupe, 5 speed, $5 200 Call 331 2609 day lion (313)326.2806, passenger fully loaded, cus- Fri., Jan. 26th 81()'294-2577 exce4lent concfrllon, 1oadlId, moonroof, lOaded, wr, V9IY or nlQht (810~2442 tom seating Must seel SaL, Jan. 27th moonroof, low miles. clean, 64K $9,200 81D-689- CHOW puppes Adorable, pa- $10900 81()'294-7504 $6,800 881.2036 6482 10-4 417 MISCELLANEOUS 417 MISCEllANEOUS per trained Black & ~ MAZDA 323 1991, siM/(, 5 Nos. 9:30 a.m. Friday ARTICLES ARTlClE5 late colors No peper.l M0n- 1985 Mercury Malqucs, 4 door, 613 AUTOMOTIVE speed, 72,000 miles, day thru Fnday after 5 AD V8, needs new trans & 1 AMI WANTED TO BUY day Saturday & Sunday tire OthelWlse In good FM cassette $2,500 81(). ALL wantedl The good I • • 81~m.2232 l.eaYe mes- shape Best offer 81()'773- 773-0886 cars TWO DESKS, l ugly! Top sage 1869 1992 CONVERTIBLE VW The bad The d0l- lar paldl $50. $5,000 GROSSE POINTE HOUSEHOLD SALES, INe. 60" EACH. RabbI! 42,000 miles Seven days 81()'293-1062 JANUARY 26-27 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. 1994 Foro Asplr&- like new, Loaded Whde on wtwte BLACK STEEL, FORMICA TOPS 50S lOST AND fOUND 16,000 miles, dual au bags, 214 Lothrop - Grosse POinte Farms Never seen Winter $11 0001 42 MPG $7,000 886-1424 best 81 D-415-8780 off Ridge Rd. between Kerby & Fisher 614 AUTO INSURANCE FORMICA TOP GAEA T Dane Rescue always 1994 Taurus GL mml, IoadlId has Danes available for 1983 HONDA ACCORD SE, 4 MOVing Sale-Vintage clothes and accessones $9 8001 best 885-7855 or AUTO Insurance- Low cbwn adopllOll Donal1On reQUIred door. 17,000 miles Green! Three generations of sterling and sllverplate CONFERENCE TABLE 371-0296 payment $125 Doesn't 313-372-4255 Gamel leather Sun- roof prtchers, vases, bowls, powder box "LOUIS XV" WITH FOUR ARM CHAIRS matter whaI your drMng re- luncheon set, trays, coffee set and much more 603 AUTOMOTIVE Spoiler mrnt condlflOn IF you've lost an animal any- $14,000 822-3692 cord's hke Partners Insur. Lots of great costume and fashion jewelry.Jamaz - GOOD CONDIT/ON - GENUAl MOTORS ance 795-3222 C,ner Weiss Kramer, Vendome, CavlnE>SS Tnfaln where ,n lhe Grosse POlntes 1994 BUICk GS- and more Gold nmmed glassware candlesticks caN the Grosse Pomte Anl- FlegaJ Loeded, Call 810/445-9500 leather, power roof, 24.000 Ja.,fteds compotes bowls Limoges china cups Hlesey mal Omit aI 313-822-5707 CW0[;J[;I O@G.! ':7000 bS I BOATS AND MOTORS I1lIIes PerIecII $14.250 884- Bohemian glass, decoratIVe pieces Onglnal oils pnnts Black Baker coffee table oak breakfast 4260 606 AUTOMOTIVE 1994 21' CUSTOM JEEPS 4 WIlHL table Storey & Clar!< spinet plano Ice cream 1988 Pontlac Sunblrd, luItxJ BOSTON WHALER chairs, mahogany desk. chest marble top chest OUR 99 000 miles runs good 1990 Toyola Forerunner SR5, Frurtwood and glass sofa table and chairs red $1 600 779-4459 V-6, 4WD, 4 door, all power, Outrage & Trailer 22S H P Jacobean upholstered annchalrs English tea EVJnI1Jde Oceanpro, Hy. t988 Pont1lIC6000 l£ 97,000 new fires, excellent 00!1di- table, Windsor style bench, antique <;eale Maple FRIENDLY draullc steering LIVe miles one owner, lOaded. lIOn 125 000 hlghway mdes twrn beds, chest pine changing table, high chair very good oondlbon $2,850 $12,5001 best 810-445- wells Modified seating play pen Bikes games books, luggage HELPFUL 81().n4-8113 2900 ask for Cathy for 10 Loran! GPS, Cy- Chnstmas computers, desks, hnen, lad,es and bemet Stereo, ApeIco men s clothes Kitchen miscellaneous basement, PONTIAC Bonn9V1l1e SSE 1992 GMC Jimmy SLT 4 FlShfinder Only one of garage tools Good par!

--.-,. ~.,-;..... _ ..... , I..fa"{"':: '4 Grosse Pointe News January 25, 1996 The Connection 700 UTS'FlATSjDUPLEX b51 BOATS AND MOTD~5 701 un flATS/DUPLEX 70S HOUSES fO~ IIINT 716 OfFICIS/'OMME~CIAL 721 VACATION ~lHTAL Pomtesl H.rper Woods 723 VACATION ~ENTAL 723 VACA liON ~INTAl Detrolt I Wayne County '.inlts / H.rper W•• ds fOllllENT FlO~IDA NORTHE~N MICHIGAN NORTHI~N MICHIGAN 1031 Wayburn- Upper 3 bed- EAST Enghsh Village, 2 GET "GEAR 'ed UP al MICh~ bed- THE SHORES. Vermerl Morrl- DISNEY lII'lI& 3 bedroom 2 HARBOR Spnngs Three bed- room. new krtchen Wlth dish- room upper flat WIth base- MARK I BUILDING SHANTY Creek Chalet 18th gan Manne Gear UN-BE- Lngslde Elegant 4 bedroom bath VIlla pnvate pro $600 room Condo fir~ace MIn- washer & appliances Very clean $4501 23230 MACK AVE Fairway. ski Shanty- UEVABLE SALE- ClOSE ment custom Colonial I,brary week, $1600 month 1-800- utes from sJolng shopptng Washer. dryer. central au & monlh 886-7499 ST CLAIR SHORES SChuss 313-8854217 OUT PRICESI Inflatable famdy room 4 baths en- 944-7008 Days, 313-886-1000, Tom lawn S8IVICEl $650 Pro~ boats! Mercury outboards closed porch alarm lacuzz, Office SUites Available BOYNE- Walloon Chalet 3 payment $625 No pelsi 5519 GUILFORD, Chandler LUXURY condo Southwest Evenings 313-8854142 "THE GEAR' SaIesi Ser complete nanny qua rters Upper Level bedroom 2 balh fireplace 882-3611 Park! Gadleux area 1 bed- Naples Fionda 3 bedroom. SPRINGS Luxury vteel Storage Slnce 1958 4 400 sq ft No pets! smok- Vanous SIZes HARBOR snowmobtle, dl reel T V 810- room upper $3251 heat, sa- 2 baths, fully eqUipped townhouse Near skung 20610 Stephens 810-m- GROSSE POInte Park 1069 cunty After 7 p m 810-296- ers $3 5001 monlh D & H Modern- Affordable 851-7620 Near golf beaches aJnd Sleeps 8. 2 5 balhs Fir~ 5556 Waybum. upper 3 bed- 0924 Properties 810-737-4002 81o-n1-6650 Marco Island Hohday spe- place, cable, T V VCR & UPPER Peninsular AuTram room Neat scOOoIs trans- SPACIOUS two bedroom PRIME area of Grosse POinte ST Clair Shores- office bUild CialS' CaJ1 112 securdy 886-1924 810-771-3374 pnced Indudes heat. pIIances, hardwood floors, _ 711 GAUGES/STDUGE wufe, U1.tere.sted audrenu fur rmf:y $9.08 • M~mtcnance Free LI\ an.': fO~ UNT lights & air condlt1Onlng HARBOR Springs 3 bedroom clean $475 810-229-0079 CAOlEUXI Harper Large 1 • Tr~m'iop.....rtatlon Call 810- n6-5440 Condo near Boyne and {65t adtf,tumaf worrfs} 1800 Hampton Grosse PoInte bedroom apartment. SlO\Ie, • o\.Ctl\ me.; ST, OaIr Snores- good Slor Nubs Nab Fully eqUIpped Woods- upper 1 bedroom re1ngerator, Ileal, water age 2 1/2 easy access and furnished Linens DATE _ Wlth Slove $6001 month, $3851 month 81~72&0004 70S HOUSES FOil ~ENT $1401 month 810-773-2992 720 ROOMS fO~ ~ENT proIIIded Great VlfNI 810- POln'e~ Harpe,. Woods 681-2799 $6001 secunty 810-779- NAME' _ GROSSE POInte area- Bed- 714 LIVING QUUTUS SEVEN MIle! Harper room tor 0400 Ask lor Don FARMS 2 bedroom ranch WIth AT Mullett Lakefront oottagllS ford NICe 5 room upper TO SHAIlE renl $2801 Wlth pmnleges foonaI dining & IMng room motel. cable mlC!'OWlMl ADDRESS _ 1244 MARYlAND- 3 bedroom $400 P'Js LAlIlbes 313-343- 881-3863 upper, hardwood floors 1 5 car garage AII8.lIab1e FEMALE housemates warded beach, fireplace Welcome 0255 CITY/STATE _ leaded glass newly deco- Marcil 1SI (pertIaps ~ to share beautrful 4 bed- 721 VACATION IlI~UL snowmobilers 616-627- raled. updated Iotchen wrth DEVONSHIflE. MaclI Large February) $7501 month room colonial located In FlOIIIOA 7328 stolle, refngerator. washer, Grosse POinte Farms dishwasher No pets or one bedroom upper new DELUXE 2 bedroom beach ZIP dryer 'ncluded 313-884- Profess,onal non smoker Classified smoklng 1 112 month d&- appllllOC8S $375 plus heat front Co"do Month of ------6582 no pets preferred $550 per TELEPHONE posd YIW lease $675 31~ March $3 800 Marro Is- 313-331-3665 month Available February ------GROSSE POInte Woods 4 land 313-881-6402 Advertising Ther •• ,. peg .. Including thIs one, COZY 1 bedroom 16131 313-640-9981 GROSSE POInte Woods- 2 bedroom C04oo4aI, 2,700 sq Mack a1 Bedford Includes MARCO Island- 2 bedroom bedroom Townhouse apart- II central air, 88&<)478 PRJV ATE nome must be AD COPY heat ParlJally furnished condo on beach from $1100 saturday Hours ments $750 Comp/eIeIy workl'19 references IIOfl- Great area Free flowers 10 HARPER Woods- 4 bedroom per week 3 bedroom water- remode4ed wrth Slove refngo smoker 884-6950 our new tenant $3501 house WIth den on WOOd- way home WIth pool from 10a.m. to 1p.m. erator. centrll atr cable TT1OI1t$850 ~1, 839- $1300 per week Jlml TT1OI1th3130824-6717 or pe- 71 6 OfFICES/ COMMEWAL Closed Holiday weekends reedy Full ~ wttII 0961 ger 31~257-1191 FO~ ~INT Karen HlWboMew ReeIty. washer aJnd dryef oonnec> 1~ Call (313) 882-6900 bOns No pel policy Must AL TtAI ChlnYoOc- (Grosse 20727 Malter Ad Immacolllte RET AlL space avatlable- 4 000 _II 31~222-5779 Pointe SIde) One bedroom, 3 bedroom honne New square feet Grosse P0tt119 ]]] VACATION ltfNUI 77] VA(~nON RFNTJ\L $275 StudIo. $280 Includes Iotchen, rww app«a noes SPACIOUS 2nd floor, 2 ~ ,n the Village Contact OUT Of SlATE OUI Of IIMI heat 88&0031 IIfepIace Imrneciate occu- room apartment pI9flly of pency No pets $1,000 per Roger Hamllon The HarT\I~ storage $595 Includes wa- ONE bedroom upper ftet Me>- month plus secunty deposrt ton Group. 81Q-412-D888 ter AVaIlable 211 No pels lOSS neer BeaoonsfieId Ap- CIlldII check 313-994-5914, 20733 MACK Wl'ldow front The Blake Co 881-6100 pliances ,ncIuded garage 810-~ 1 370 sq fI Ideal for \Ill nous basement utilities addl- Hilton Head Island bedroom apartment busmesses $1 275 month two tlOllal $375 month first last GROSSE POInte Woods 2 South carolin. ne¥t1y remode4ed washerl Carpet K!llm Shore- & seeMly 81Q-488.{)924 bedroom Ranch W1lh den 1 Red dryer oenlraI 8Ir No pelS 1/2 car anached garage wood 886-8710 Ocean Front Condo, 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Golf Available February 1st AI. TERI Jefferson- POlnta WIth OOP 30 seoonds from 1213 sq ft office bUlldtng Packages Available $950 A Week The Grosse Pointe News $46(AI month 810-949-1281 Manor Apt NICS one bed- 194 3 ITllnlAes to 696 Harper Woods (on Harper Spectacular View! LOWER flat. 3 bedrooms, IJy. room $290 Studios, $260 Newly pa,nted new carpel servICe Dr) $1200 per 1119room dining room NoI Stove retngerator, Cable mg central air Large month Excellent parking Call Susan At !Ingham south at JefIer90n TV ullfitJes 'ncluded 33 f fenr.ed 101 Immediate 0ccu- Call 313-882.7600 days 313.854.1611 The Connection $660 822-8970 8971 pancy 313-884-5336 313-a8&- nn mghts

.. Grosse Pointe News The Connection January 25, 1996 Directory of Services


FURNITURE refinished, f& EAST POINTE BARKER SEAVER'S Home MalOte. -~I:-"'m--ID-E-R-- YOU'VE HAD THE REST, nance Plaster drywall, lex. lIOn paired, stnpped any type of MOVING.HAULING CUSTOM Inleflorl exterior APBJIlANCE REPAIR CONTRACTORS NOW HIRE THE BEST I N.rvlce Chllrge Modernization 'Alteratlons caning Free IItlmalee 346- DEPENDABLE palOtlng Plasler repair In CO"STRaCTIO" 825B,ee1~ EXPERIENCED Painting, papering wet Guarante. FREE Eltl. with Alpalrl .Addltlons.Famlly Roome ~:er~":~= All Phlses or LOW FlATES plastering Thorough, matH LIc:en1l8d & Ineured Courteous Prolesalonal • Kltchens.Recreatlon IXPMT _Ir anddryweJl Home Improvement '11 { I JlNU\( AI'I R\ dependable 20 years NorthHel.m Impr'ClWmentl, repejrl, woodwork and tMm, (,JlRIIINIR\ INSURED StrviOl on all Areu experience Inc 372.24t4 Mijyl iPP"anCii JAMES BARKER 000rict e82. • Vinyl .'dlng & custc'" ~':' NEW-.S39.2222 BRENTWOOD Palntl~ OU.lrICt withOwner 88W044 0748 ' ~oo~ng MAC'S TREE AND 313.886-9411 WII~ 526-7284 paperl ng Z7 YtIJ'I 01 qUllIty PLAlTIA replJre, painting, ' KItchen & Bath ~trnodiling J.L, PAINTING 776.1750 RENOVAnON & Remodeling- ...... ftl No job too small! • Basement Rafinllhlng SHRUB TRIMMING RTM MOVING, & 8ervlce to Polntes, COMPLETE WORK INTERIOR! EXTERIOR 90/ HASfMINT hlgllett CluaJlty worl< by II. •,...... • Intenor Pelntlng INC • Shores, Harper Woode WA T1RPROOlING censed bIIlldsl Allister Con- C8J1 anyllme Insured 774- • Vinyl & Gless Block Reasonable rates, q uaJlty Power Washing & Free m,mat.. Bill, 810: struction Inc 313-965-5900, 2827 Windows & Doors service Call Tom 776- REMOVAL OF ALL Repalnling n6-6321 or 81().n1-8014, CHAS, F. JEFFREV 81().$3.5149 Aluminum Siding 4429 Appliances 10% off wrth this ad Basement Waterproofing ALL types of home Impr09&- 313/839-0231 Variety 01 colors erences &=~=rre~~"CHIP" Gibson LJcensed& In8ured FIVE SEASONS Concretel Dirt PROFESSIONAL Pamllng, '40 Yrs Expenence P~= ment KJ1chens baSements, Window puttyl caulking 884-5764 TREE SERVICE Construction Debris paperhanging, wood flnJsh. 'Outslde Method or balhs etc Free esttmates Grosse POinte References In9 Low estimates 81ll-445- 924 OICOIATlNG SlRVIC£ Garage Demolition .Inslde Method LJcensed Courteous, profes- ANDY Squires Plastenng & SNOW PLOWING Free Estimates 8554 'Walls Straightened Sional service 81()'725- DrywaH Stucco repair Basement Cleanout FIREWOOD Can Movel Remove 885-0146 QUALITY Workmanship .& Braced 8094 Spray textured Ceilings $82/ Face Cord- 755-2054 Anything PROFESSIONAL Wallpaper Palnllng plaslel carpentry, .FoundatlOns Underpinned RESIDENTIAL remodeling, Delivered. PHILIP WASSENAAR hanging By DenI8l1e 15 all home repalrs 15 yeatS 'licensed & Insured basements, rec rooms, PLASTERING. Free Esti- George Sperry years expenence Frea esl, expenence Insured Refer. 'Quallty Workmanship doonl hung and tnmmed mates All types wet plaster DECORATING SeIV1C8 Cus- 17th year 823.1207 mates references available ences Seavers Home M8Irl- 882.1800 carpenlry John Pnce, 882- and drywall Grosse POInte 10m S8WJ1'lg-*drapenes val- S1().778-4331 313-a82.7816 lenance 882-0000 0746 references All work guaran- ances, comforters, head- THOMAS KLEINER teed 25 years exp8n8nce boards, cornice boards, GROSSE INTERIORS JOHN'S PAINTING EQI remodeling kJlcheni bath, BY DON & LYNN BASEMENT palnllng, door replacements Lou Blackwell 81()'77~7 decoratIVe accessones- Ujr POINTE Intenor-Exterlor SpeclallZ. WATERPROOFING Drywall, plaster repalr ll- or 81().381~70 hoIstery, slipcovers Fabncs • Husband-Wile Team ing In repalnng damaged ACTIVE Tree Exper1s Inc • O1gglng Mettlod censed, Insured 810469- DROP CeIlings- ResldenbaJI available 885-1829 _ MOVING & • Wallpapenng plasler, drywall and Complete 1ree care 1-800- • All New Dram TIle 8592 oommerctaJ Basements, of• STOAGE • Palnhng cracks, peeling paint, • Peastone Backfill 544-9383 AOOITIONS, Kitcl1ens Remod- flees, factones MelaJIC sua- 921 DItAPEllllS 885-2633 Window puttying an~ • Spotless aeanup & P9OSIOO system $2 00 sq local & caulking, wallpapenng eling All Repair WoO< 944 GUTHRS • Walls StralQhtened & Free estimates Sleven S~ It plus carpentry 313-372- CUSTOM DRAPERIES Also, pamt old aluminum. 1290 Long Distance Braced or Replaced mon Builders licensed & Siding All work and ma- Blinds, carpet, Wallpaper, SEAVER'S Home Mamte- • Foundations Underpmned Insured 313-343-0321 PLASTERING and drywall f& Agent for Bedspreads, & decoratIVe nance Gutters replaced, ra- Quality Painting terial guaranteed • Bnck & Concrete Wor!< paJrs Textunng and stucco Aceessones paJred,cleaned, rocf repaJ rs Globeil Van lines Interior speCialists Reasonable Grosse Insured Pete TaromlOa * • 18 Years Expenence NEW DESIGNS, INC. ViSit our Showroom at 882-0000 In prep work Pomte references Free • 10 Year Guarantee ea., ..... ~ISfmaN 469-2967 estimates 22224 Gratiot FAMOUS Maintenance Win- Drywali/plastel Licensed & Insured Custom KItchens '" Baths lIcensM &: Insured SMALL Plaster repe.fr and cel~ DRAPERIES BY PAT dow & gutter cleaning ll- repair 882.5038 References Ing texture Mr Duffy, 313- 778-2584 ~ A-1 Quality 19755 Eastwood Onve censed bonded, InsUred Wallpaper removal BRIAN'S PAINTING 885-2107 between 6 & 8 Since 1943 884-4300 Workmanship Harper Woods, Ml CUSTOM made drapenes, slip Insured Professional painting, Inte- 3) 884-9 CElUNG repairs, water dam- 822-4400 covers comICS boaIds and GUTTERS Installed, repaired, Dependable, excellent nor and extenor Special- 810-296-3882 age, CIlICks, painting, wal~ • large and Small Jobs light upholstery for less Ref. cleaned SCreen InstaIlatlOl1 references Work IZing In all types of paint- St. Clair Shores, paper removal, pIasIer, lex- erences Sabsfac\Jon guar- • Pianos (our specialty) FREE roof IOspecllon, guaranteed Ing Caulklng, WIndow ture or smooth l.Jcensed anteed Call Gayle 313-884- Power Washing FREE esb- • Appliances Mi. Jim ...886-7057 9lazing and plaster re- contractor Joe, 881.1085 9492 mates Reasonable rates • SallJrday, Sunday pair All work guaran- JEFFREY Adams Plas1er and 928 ORESSMAKING, LJcensad & Insured North- ServIce PAINTING, wailpapenng wall teed For Free Estimates ~~1'1~ Drywall Rep8Jr, Inc SpecIal- AlTERATIONS eas1em I~ments, Inc • Senior Discounts washIng Jan 884-8757 IZIng In Plaster Reconstruc- 372-2414 JUdy,81()'294-4420 and reasonable rates,. ~ bOn 81().790-9117 CUSTOM dressmaking and al- Owned & Operated call terallons Quality work, 945 HANDYMAN 872.2046, PLASTERING, Drywall, Tapng By John Steininger reasonable pnces Many po- PRO & Spray Textunng Specla~ 11850 E. JeH.rson PAINTING dlywall, plaster f& ~~ vale and commercial refer- HANDYMAN for Ga~ge PAINTING IZIng In repairs No jOb 100 ences Some house calls MPSC.L 19675 pair DIVersified In all home' YORKSHIRE basement, attic clean- outs INC. repairs Dependable refer. '1fI~ small Free EslJ mates In- Kalona, 3314745 licensed. Insured BUILDING & sured 30 years expenence Appliances removal Small Resrdentlsl CommerCial ences Free estimates 313- 'kIatt Jim Upton, 773-4316 TME SewIng Basket- custom rncMng jobs Bill 313-527- Free Estlmafes 882~5 RENOVATION INC. Pi"OWS, valances & clothing 8845 8100415.7.164 ~4~ SUPERIOR PLASTERING INTERIOR paJntlng and wal~ alterations Reasonable RENT A HIII1dyman- PainIng, ..&-ut 1-.! • Additions Wet plaster & drywall re- rates 81()'773-7231 917 HEATING AND COOLING papenng, 16 years experl- • Kitchen & Bathroom ApplI8llC8l ElectncaJ repaJrs pair, taping & finIShing, ence Pro~, on-llme qual- " "'- t- ?w.t Remod.llng ALL AJtarabons Best pnoes Plumbing, carpentry 25 [KARM1S PAINTING] rty work Affordable rates, • e- popcorn spray, custom ALL WEATHER 14t~~ • Archllllcturol SermeJ Best work. Fast 88fVic:e C8J1 yeara expetl8nc:e Bill 81(). Hntlng & Cooling. Llcen.ed/lnsured free est mates C8J1 Ray AYQlktble painting Guaranteed Us. 81()'294-2601 774-3913 Interlor/Extenor Fraley, HI1().749-9685 WOI1 R.. ldenllllJ Commercial, PLASTER REPAIRS experience, plaster replJra ucenMd & InlUred Insured, caJl Tom Me * G P R~rer-nc:e5 * lion, drywal repair Fireman, QfOUI Pointe. drywall taping Free eetl- C8be, 313-886-899t. Groeee PoInte reIerencea 1 9 882.8212 TOMA 882.0747. mates 81()'785-6033 ELECTRIC 313-884-1978 R.R. CODDENS ? 18 CIMlNT WORK NORTHEASTERN Improva M & K PAINTING BOBTOMALlcenltd HI INSULATION Excellence In menta Inc Oller&- Intertofl 91-1 CARPENTRY Mater Electrical Intenor/ extenor POWER Waterproofing ALL CONCRETF NEEDS exterior pal ntlng Tuckpolnt. FamlJy Business Waterproofing and Contractor. lng, Power washing, carpen- WASHING Wallpaper. Since 1924 GARAGE tuckpomtlng All work 885-8030, try, el9C1l1cal, piumblng (u,tom '1'mnflll9 ,-' Ing caulking GlllZlng • TakeINSULATEJAm anlage 01l'linter Con,'ruetlon A1um'num siding Plaster. • Digging Method Kitchen & bath remodeling, STRAIGHTENING guaranteed Quality work, 011 SI.lSO.'i SAI1'-C! • Peastone Backfill AND REBUILDING reliable 1-810-772.9228 Reasonable Ratea VInyl, ceramIC lie Installa- , Roof Wnts Insl,lled QUALITY \\Iork lng, drywall repairs ResI- • Walls Straightened Replace Rotten Wood Free Esttmates. tIOn Code VIOlation repairs , FulIy Insure4tlCensed Prolel\lOl\.lls at a good PRICE. dential/ commerCial • Under Pinning TUCKPOlNTI'IG: Expert f& Excellent reterences FREE Crack & cement Repair Commercial Resldentlal CafJ the CompLlrtlon First Grosse POinte refer- • 25 Yr Guarantee paJr, por-J1es, chimneys ESllmates lKlansed & In- • 5,I,er Sal'lnl D,sc Code War. To Pass CIty Code HAPPY HOUDAYSI The New, Repairs, 881.4003 rnen (alJ Us' ences Free estimate lJ.. LKen.s.ed & lnsured sured 372.2414 censed FUlly Insured Guaranteed Bock Doclor- RlCf'lanl Pnce Renovations, Code L NSURA\L[ \\OR~ Call For Free Estimate licensed 882-3804 Violations, Service SCHNEIDER'S Home FlepaJrs 953 MUSI( IN511UMENT Mllsn B1().759-5099 Plumbing, eIec:lncal,carpen- 810.771.8040 Ucensed Insured Upgrade REPAIR GHI Palnung, Intenorl extenor, try, paJntJng,code VIOIabOns UCE~SE:D I'-SUhE.O always a prolesslonal jOb Yi"C=A=P=I=ZZ=O=C=O=N=S=t'=;!.John Price 882.0746 919 CHIMNH CLEANING 886-4121, pager 81().9!l3- PIANO Tumng by Al McCloud Expe',enCed references, S & J ELECTRIC 6351 For appointment call 81(>. • BASEMENT CARPENTRy. Porches Doors, free estimates Greg, 313- ResidentiaJ.Commerclal MIKE The Handyman No jOb _ l!I ~l!I WATERPROOFING Decks FinISh& Rough Car- 731-4596 527.1853 pentry Repalrs & Small No Job Too Small ~ MIKE'S PROFESSIONAL ~ WALLS STRAIGHTENED Jobs Free estimales 20 SAFE FLUE 885-2930 ~=,e:Uycer:~ tA-rA-H-l'-r--•.:---;-,,~ EXPERIENCeD paJnter for In- I ~ AND REPLACED years expenence 885-4609 CHIMNEY SERVICE ~ PAINTING ~ tenor palObng Quarrty work SERVING THE thing else 313-886-5678 at reasonable rates KelllO, (~\:((~ • 10 YEAR 1 • Chimney Cleanxng JII"/lIJ~ 911> CUP£1INS1AllATION • Capsand FRANK'S Handyman SeIV1C8- _,"'''''', __ 81().n8-8774 GUA:~~TEE: GROSSE POINTES ~ & WALLPAPERING ~ ~\» SCreens SpeCIalIZIngIn small repalrs ::=~1'.#V1611' SINCE 1965 ~ IntenorlExtenorIncludes ~ GAAY S Carpet SeMce In- Inslalled Elaclncal, P1umblng, Car- J & M Painting Co Family Business: • Mortar and pentry atc 81 ()'791-6684 repamng~amagedplaster ~ stallabOn restretchtng Re- 954 PAINTlNG/DECORATlNG ~ cracks peelingpaint Specializing In: LICENSED I palrs Carpet & pad aVlll~ Damper CUSWORTH Repair ~ WindOW glazing caulking ~ , Extenor/' Intenor, INSURED I able n4-7828 ELECTRIC INC • Animal Remo~al PAT THE GOPHER ~ palnbngaluminumSiding ~ reSidential & commercial TONY 885-0612 JERRY'S Carpet 5eMce In- CMltled Master Sweep Master LIcensed & WALLPAPER TopQualitymalenal painting i\ HOME W.I~ENANCE SERVICE stallatlOll restretch,ng & re- Insured REMOVAL ~ Reasonablepnces ~ • Plastering & drywall : pairs SenoordISCOUntCar- TOM TREFZER • RllSldentlal - Commercial • SmanHome Repairs ~ All wo"' Guaranteed ~ 911 IRICK/llOCK walK • GuRerCleaning& Repairs BY TIM repairs and cracks, peeling: pet & pad avallable n6- • Small RoofRepairs 882-5169 • Fast Emergency ServIce F.xpem~rlccrl q~J,"lhty ~ Call Mike anytime ~ paint Window glllZlng, •• 3604 SENIOR CITIZENS' \'Jork dependable :~~;~n~~~aJ low(>S1 PfiCC caulking :. CHAS. F. DISCOUNT • Siding & Installation ~777.8081 Declc • Washing & palnllng old ': JEFFREY for mom 771-4007 t!l~l!l COACHLIGHT mformahon aluminum Siding :: Bnck, Flagstone Walks 886-4448 • Wood staining, 15215 MACK & PatIOS CHIMNEY SWEEP CO, 774.0781 vamlShing • Porches RebUilt S & K CARPET Stare /.JcenstIO * 5154 COLVILLE Grosse POinte References:' Prs-Cast Steps A Full SeMce ~ 9f/4(N1 946 HAUUlIG CUSTOM PAINTING All work & matenal Tuck.Polntlng Carpet Company ELECTRIC CO. StresslrIQ Quality Ranges, Dryers, SeMCeS, s.r.m, GrIma hhlu, s.c.s. IIIUI H W 1M OW, 15"... guaranteed Cement Work Fully licensed & Insured Basement Waterproofing Shop at Home Doolbells • IntellOl'lExtenor • PIMI/!f Recall's • RaAA.ng VIOLATIONS MOVING-HAULING • Spongmg. Wallpaper Removal & Hanging Free estimates- '. Licensed Insured CALL GENE, 885-5730 , FAST EMERGENCY AppII8IlC8 removal to whole ., 882-1800 Mid. lk. 1076752 • Fully Insured SERVICE house moves Garage, Mike 810-268-0727::: EXPERT Bnck Repafr Tuck- yard, basement, clean- C.\RPET 884-5764 NICK Karoutsos Painter- 35::' pOUlllngchmneys porches n4-9110 outs Free estimates eca"',.a.e steps HAPPY HOLIDAYSI nST.ULATIO~ FIRST REASONABLE years expenence InterIor/:- The Bnci( Doctor. RIChIrd REPAIR SERVICE Extenor Grosse POlnle': to,... ELECTRICAL CO. REUABLE area 885-3594 • .. lice LJcereed 882-3804 Call fOr a free 910 CHIMNIY l!IPAlll~ JOHN, LIC*lMd REFERENCES Mater EIectrlc8I Mr, B'. 882.30i8 D. BROWN PAlNTINQ. Extenorl Interior:. estImate 10 yea rs experience In • Contl'llCtor PAINTING & REMODELING J&J Grosse POinte John KItoul. CHIMNEY 810-778-1007 INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPES _ 886-27llO SYSTEMS, INC, AeIIdentlII CommtnNl SponSlns, RaSlllns, Spackle, DraSlllOg, Carpenlry, service ClI.. Drywall, Plaster ktopalr, Kitchens, Baths, Ba~ment MICH, uc. - 71-oa1U DoorbeII8, Rangee, Dryill ?\/. PIIIMUINf, HIJllIN .. Chlm~ rspalrld, Remadelln!, New WindowtlDoors, Decks, Fences, senior CltInn DItoount Porches, Destsn (313) 527.9084 rebuilt, r.llnld ------. - DAN ROEMER Ask fOr Denn au flu. r.llned q 11 II NfF\ 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Cleaning GI... Block FREE ESnMATE • FULLY INSURED PLUMBING cert!fted, InSUred q I) RUlWIN(, RI MOOIlIN(, MODERN FENCE 885-4867 Repairs, remodeling, 795-1711 White Cedar Specllliatl ,. COde WOfk, Ibeturee, 810.n6-S456 water heatElfl Inat8IIed, WHEN YOU SEE TIllS SIGN AT Try an 91~ 1l001l ,AN01N(, ucensed and Insured YOUR NEIGHBORS ATTENTION lllflNISHING n2.2614 _I!!!!Iliiiim .... GETTER PAOFESSIONAL ftoOf .. ndlng for Just an and flnlShlng Free eIlt- males W Abraham, 754- additional 14 001 8999 Terry Yerke (810)772. $ DISCOUNT $ 3118 PLUMBING SpeclallzIOg In Inlenor/Eldenor Palnling We offer the besl • For all Your i""'~:~9>~~~ KELM- Floor sanding, re1InfM. I ~gpr .1'1'1" In preparation before painting and use only the finest Plumbing I I Needs ng old & new Also bani&- ~ToRl.' ~~ ~*~~Hol.do ....A,r1 11 aIM (J\,m!abl, matenals 'or Ihe lorqest lasting resu~s Great Western l ters Insured Experianced $ewW'60 CIuIIIIecI AdYerUdnc 313-535-7256 people ale quality minded and couneous Drains '40 882-0628 REASONABLE RATES WHY PAY MORE22 ()I) ...... Don'1 Forget. FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY INSURED YOU KNOW 7 DAYS :14 HOURS SOMETHING NICE IS BEING DONE Fa ()I) J4HS69 CIauIfIed Advertising 886.7602 882-6900 881-2224

- Grosse Pointe News January 25, 1996 The Connection

.I I Directory of Services 1HEII'S J J


COMPLETE DAVE'S Sewer Cleaning, ROOFING Repairs reshm. ARMSTRONG Sewer Clean- CERAMIC, Vinyl tile Installa- PLUMBING ?Iumblng Repair If It's gllng chimney screens Ing Sewers repaired lion Regroutlng FREE EsI~ Broke, We'll FIX ~ lJcensed basement leaks plaster r&- Grosse POInte area Free males LICensed & Insured SERVICE & Insured Free estlrrlalas pairs Handyman wor\( In- estunates Call John 313- Northeastem Improvements MARTIN VERTREGT S6;wr DOSCOl.onl 31 J.S26.. .>Uletd Soa~er ~ S82-OCOO 6404533 loe J722414 7100 0 0 Ltcensed Master Plumber ROOF1NG Repair Speclalost NEED sewers cleaned? E T TI LE rteWl repairs! r&- 0 0 Grosse Pomte Woods Gutters & SIding repair 313- Grosse POInle area Call modell ng baths kitchens, 0 0 372.1290 0 0 886-2521 EMIL THE PLUMBER John anytime 313640 foyers and counters Em IdlO 0 0 New work, repairs, renova- FLAT roof spooallSl, repairs- 4633 810-293-5689 0 0 FATHER & SONS 0 all types oyer 20 years ex. 0 tions, water heaters, 9b5 SEWING MACHINE 0 0 sewer cleaning, code V1O- SInce 1949 penance 81o-n4-7794 pa- SERVICE '7. VCIl REPAIR 0 0 ger Blll-466-0285 0 0 Iabons All work guaran- BIUMASTER TONY 0 PLUMBERS TUNE-UP special m your 0 teed SlATE rool repairs restora- AA 1 CO VCR TV mICro- 0 0 home $9 95 All makes, all 0 882.0029 lion B1o-296-2274 wave Home calls $9 95 0 ages, all parts stocked 38 0 0 DIRECT Nobody beals our pnces 0 0 years expenence 313-a85- 0 CLASS'flEOS SanlOt' dlscounls LJcensed 0 PLUMBING 7437 0 8 t 0-754-3600 0 & 960 ROOFING SERVICE 9bO IOOFING SERVICE IN home tune ups Clean, Oll, f1 DRAIN adjust tellSlOl'lS $4 95 All 911 WALL WASHING makes and models repaired R&J Call Joe Kaufman at home INSlOE c1eaOl"!t Walls C91~ 521-0726 R.R. CODDENS anytime 81o-n~ or • Free estimates Farruly Busmess smce 1924 lOgs, Windows All hand Increase your r.p,m, ROOFING B84-8293 washed Basements & ga- • Full Product Warranty • Snow removar from pitched & flal roofs rages cleaned 81o-n6- (responses per message) • 8enlOl' DISCOUnt 4055, 810-773-4884 • Ice bUild up Shmgle Roofs 96b SliPCOVERS • References emergency removal with a well-placed ad today! • All Work Guaranteed • Shingle Roofs Flat Roofs • Tear-Offs Rubber roofs new ClOTH and plastoc shpcovers 980 WINDOWS • flat Deds and repaIr 10 year warranty B1Q.264- MICHAEL HAGGERlY • Cedar Shakes 9220 Uc. MlI8ter Plumber • CopperlSheel Melal Tear offs • lIcensed Insured 971 TElEPHONE L.S. WALKER CO. Plumbing Chimney repairs TAKf A lOOK AT OUR Our classified representatives DraIn cleanng All replUrs 881-4003 INSTAllATION GLASS BLOCK Free EstJlnatesl Reason- 886-5585 COMMERCIAU ReSidential, WINDOWS can show you how. ablel IrI5Y,sd 811>-778-82t 2, InstaIla\IOn, IT1aJmenance & FREE ESTlMATES 313-705-7568 pager repBlrs Winng reIocabon, •• 1-2123 SInce t 936 SInce 1936 JOHNJ GELlE 0 CALL extensions Telephone !110~ 38 ~ £.0: rence FRANK R. g.It:S'7 313.& eqUipment 882 2079 8\O.~'7t\O"t.~ fot;;,20'7S For speedy service call WEIR \toQ~ 1'.:. D. Poley -/ 973 TILE WORK 981 WINDOW WASHING nome Improvement Co. FAMOUS Malnte~ servo PLUMBING, HEATING Serving 'the Polntes' for over ~ years CERAMIC kitchen coumers bal!lrooms, walls, floors Ing Grosse POinte Since TIW\ OI'J'S • MCOVUS. t1MVYWeIOHT StllNOLES Water damage, regroutlng 1943 lIcerosed bonded, m- SEWER AND DRAINS SINOIL PLY ROO"NO • ~RT WORKMANSHIP su red Wal washing! carpet We Do Our Own WOI1I Any type lJcensed contrac I BOILER SPECIALISTS Ucensed llc Insured tor, 881-1085 c1ealllng B84-43OO TILE & rnarbIe InstaJjabonS MADAR Mamtenance formerly 882.6900 SPRINKLERS REPAIRS rr::::;~==-~==-;::~=~==-!l=;;~;::;:::;:;=i1 Reliable S9MCe Reason- P & M Window & Wall t aealllng Excellent care for J & J ROOFING :,~t~om Y.OO< you r home Free EslJmales- References 821-2984 885.7711 (810) 445.6455 OR 1800-459-6455 CERAMIC TILE. qualr\y Y.OO<, GROSSE POINTE NEWS SEE HOW AFFORDABLE QUALITY CAN BE! ::~ ~~gU~= GEORGE OLMIN 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS WINDOW CLEANING 10 ylIlIJ' workmanship warranty 81o-m.7196 25 yeSlf or longer maIenal wananty SERVICE Sine. 1925 40 YEARS IN THE SpeaalIZ~ TEAR-OFFS CERAMIC tile- resKfen1Jal JObs K.1tIl DMIelIOft POINTES and repBlrs. 15 years expen- Lic:enN4I Mader Pfurnller CAlL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATEI ence (810)nS4097, Andy (810)791-0070

l1uzn The Grosse Pointe News and The Connection may be purchased from the following locations: Grosse Pointe News

DOWNTOWN DETROIT: Devonshire Drug, at Devonshire WHITTIER CUNTON TOWNSHIP Yorkshire Food Market, at Yorks/lire L & T Food Center at Somerset Damman Hardware Store, (In the Ren Ceo) S & S Party Store, Garfteld at16 Mile Rd Cllurnet Tobacco and Gift Shop, between Aller Rd and Cadieux MORANG. Man Level near 100 Tower Grosse Pomte City Mr S's, between Kelly and 1.94 MOUNT CLEMENS SIlayI Tobacco, Ran Cen 500 Tower Parkle's Party Store, at GUIWOrd Media Play, GraMt North of 15 (In Millender Center) Alger Party 51ore, EASTLAND AREA Mile Road Millender tenler Pharmecy, between Notre Dame and St Clair Eastpomte Party Store, next to Ornnl Hotel Amoco at RIVard beh Ind PIer 1 Imports off old 8 mile Rd STERUNG HEIGIfTS Grosse POinte Fanns PiCcadilly Party Store, Damman Hardware Store, JEFFERSON AVE: Vililge food Market, E 8 Mile Rd near Schoenherr Sterling ShoPPing Genter on Van Grosse Pointe Pm between Moran and Mckinley EASTPOINTE Dyke North ot 17 Mile Rd Villa~ WIne Shop, at Beaconsfield Mr C's, al Kerby Rd Bon Secours HospltaJ GIft Shop, on Cadteux 7 MIle Rd (Moroas) Book Center 01 Eastpointe, between 9 Mde and Toepfer TROV: Kelly's Beverage & Dell al9 Mile Road Groaee PoInte Party Shop St Joh n Hospital Gift S hop on Moross Damma n Hardware Store, between Waybum and Alter Amoco, Nor1lleast comer Meadowbrook ShoPPing Center HARPER WOODS Mr. A's Party Shoppe, nor1ll of Moross on Rochester Rd at Long Lake FISHER ROAD: Perry Drug Store, Poote Plaza QUick Save Drugstore Kelly at Roscommon Rd Farms Mar1let, aaoss from Grosse Poonte South Pa rkcrest Party Store, on Harper al Parkcrest Barnes & Noble Bookatore, POInte Plaza BIRMINGHAM High Schoo! Grosse Pomte Woods Hunter Pharmacy, on Harper at Coumry Club Glenn's Perty Store, on Harper Damman Hardware Store, Merit Woods Phannacy, at Boumemoo1h Bloomfield Shopping Plaza on KERCHEVAL AVE. 3 blocks north of Vemler Oxford Beverage, at Oxford Telegraph at Maple Rd GrOllll8 Pointe Park Mr C's Dell, at Ridgemont ST CLAIR SHORES Art'l Party Store, at Waybum Bob's Drug Store, at Roslyn Collie Drugs, ROCHESTER Mulle~ Market, at Lal


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...... "----~-~---~ , Page 2 YourHome Thursday, January 25, 1996 Much of our gardening knowledge comes from Indians Gardening is a national interest ,,,' that at that time one of the trees Choctaws distributed as far north in the United States with garden -@ " nearby was cut down and had 335 as Rhode Island. . clubs in every state and land- cortex layers, or rings, dating it Squaws and chIldren weeded scape architecture degrees avail- Garden from 1492.The garden was much, and tended gardens and were able from many universities. much older. given the job of scaring off crows. Horticulture shows, flower Unfortunately, the march of The Iroquois in New York s~ate shows, public gardens and many Shed progress and the growth of cities held an annual corn f:stlval other aspects of landscape and in Michigan have obliterated which lasted for days. Their spe- garden art provide a common many of these prehistoric gar- cial dish, succotash, is still popu- interest for people from coast to dens, but now archeologists are lar today. coast. working to save the remaining Indian methods of agriculture Much of the background for the ones as part of our state heritage. were adopted by the first settlers thousands of American gardens patches of ground separated by Although unknown to the rest and in many cases assisted the lies in the gardens of England, sunken paths and are generally in of the world before Columbus, settlers in their efforts. No doubt France and Italy, as well as the the shape of a wheel with spokes maize, or corn, was the staple the first "hired man" on a farm countries of the Far East. But running out to a circular ridge grain and most important single was an Indian. whether we realize it or not, the from a circle within." (The Trial foodin North America. 'Ibday it is The first nurseryman was Gov. genealogy of our gardens also Gardens at the Grosse Pointe War the staple food of more than 200 Endicott of Salem. In 1641, he includes much lore and knowledge Memorial are in this pattern.) million people around the world. traded 500 apple tree seedlings inherited from American Indians. "Sometimes the ancient gar- Richard Ford, noted anthropolo- for 250 acres of land. Did you know that Michigan, dens were rectangles arranged in gist and ethnobotanist, discovered Researching plants that had long known as a state replete with blocks. The gardens resemble the some of the earliest archeological their origin among the Indians of gardens, is especially rich in this work of the ancient mound corn in the United States and this continent can be a fascinating heritage? In ages past, a prehis- builders who .have left their cre- located the wild ancestor corn in pursuit. Every area has its own toric race inhabited this region ations scattered throughout the the Southwest and in Mexico. specifllty.Many plants are edible long before the Indians arrived. Midwest, but are quite definitely Dry rock areas in New Mexico and also have medicinal proper- The only record we have of them, for agricultural purposes," containing corncobs more than ties. In an age when a large part their unusual ability and great Schoolcraft wrote in 1827. "The 5000years old have been found by of the art of the pharmacist was intelligence, is their so-called garden beds and not the Indian the ancestors of the Zuni, Hopi also the art of the herbalist, . "garden beds." mounds are the antiquarian mon- and San Juan indians, Indian plant lore had a prominent . ~ When the first settlers arrived uments of this state." In the forested regions ofNorth place. Indians were prominently Sf. in the late 18th and early 19th Some of the ancient garden America the Indians planted corn, featured in so-called"apothecary's i centuries, they were astonished to beds are in the valley of the Grand beans, squash and pumpkins and gardens" in the 17th and 18th ~ find these symmetrical plots in and St. Joseph rivers and sunflowers for oil and seeds. They century. ~ southeastern and western throughout the counties of also harvested many wild plants, The most widely used and '} Michigan. Henry Schoolcraft, an Kalamazoo, Cass, St. Joseph and such as wild onions, wild carrots important foods known today are early historian, has left us some a few in Macomband Wayne coun- (Queen Anne's Lace), nuts and of Indian origin. We have much information about these mysteri- ties, berries. In the southern areas for which to thank the prehistoric ous gardens. Schoolcraft related seeing the they grew tobacco and peaches, people for their legacy of horticul- "The garden beds are raised gardens as early as 1827. He said which the Creeks, Cherokees and ture. See the forest through the trees at Macomb Community College One of the few forests remain- The center was a pit stop last which begins at 1 p.m. In this public, the center may be reserved ing in the Detroit metropolitan spring for at least 72 confirmed guided tour, participants learn area is on Macomb Community for special group events, such as species of birds and is suspected of how to read tracks in the snow classes. _~'1 College'ssouth campus in Warren, being on the migratory route of and other signs to identify ani- .~ and winter is a wonderful time to some 30 or so more. It is also South campus is located at mals and birds that have recently 14500 12 Mile in Warren. ~~ explore it. home to 82 (identified) species of traveled through the center The Environmental Education Once a farmer's wood lot, wildflowers, a variety of birds and/or call it home. ~- Macomb's Environmental including the red-tailed hawk and Center is protected by a locked The tour is offered free and will fence and located at the far back !Educational Center is in the final the great blue heron, squirrel, be conducted by Dale Smart, the . stage of six stages of forest clevel- opossum, raccoon and several tall corner of the campus, bordered by college'senvironmental education Bunert and Martin roads. -.f( opment. Th reach this level a field trees. center technician. For more information or to ;.....~ is plowed and then ignored for 600 On Sunday, Feb. 11, gazes will In addition to regularly sched- ~ I years. arrange a tour, call Smart at (810) ~. lower for "Who Walked Here?" uled tours that are open to the 445-7603.

------. - - RARE AS A JEWEL Hard to find In the pnce range. three ON THE COVER bedroom, two full bath Colomal With a pretty updated powder room and a 1..1 A PRIVATE WORLD NEAR gourmet kJlchen Thl" home 1" where THE LAKE "lyle. funcllon and comfort meet ThISImpeccable country French style home is in a class of It's own. A In the Farm" and now for the few steps from the lake in the City, the elegant garden settIng was BIG SURPRISE ONLY $146,900 designed by an archItect and Includes a gazebo, slate patio and brick walk, and an automatically controlled greenhouse. Large entrance For all your Real Estate Needs Call hall, Mutschler kitchen, beautiful family room with tall tray ceilIng, June C. Kinney CRS, GRI fireplace and wet bar. The garage is heated and no expense was spared in the constructIon of the superior home. Nowpriced. $550,000 Thursday, January 25, 1996 VourHome Page 3 Humidity can make winter more comfortable This is the furnace doctor again, degrees and 90 percent humidity fiers that are typically installed. here to talk to you about home is stifling and uncomfortable. So Ask the One is a drum type, in which a humidification. by keeping humidity levels up in Furnace Doctor drum turns through a pan of As a furnace generates heat in your home you can feel better, water. 0# the winter, it dries out the already heat for less and prevent potential The other is a "flowthrough" in dry winter air. This gives us a damage. which the water flows as the feeling of being uncomfortable. Now that we know we need to humidifier is operating instead of You will wake up with a dry humidify, let's discuss how to do using a sitting pan of water. scratchy throat, dry nose and this. If you have steam or hot The recommended unit is the eyes. water heat there are two remedies flowthrough. There are excellent available. The first is to purchase The dry air also causes other units made by General and April problems, such as 1) static elec- individual room power humidi- Aire. tricity giving you a shock every fiers. Sears and Kmart are a good run from $400 on up to severa 1 time you touch an object, 2) wood source for these. The cost is any. thousand dollars, depending upon However, there must be some molding and floors dry out, caus- where from $35 to $350. your requirements and installa- type of drainage available near ing paint to crack and split. This The second option is to install a tion. the furnace for these units. also applies to pieces of wood fur- small duct system in the rooms Most homes have forced air Both the drum and flow niture, such as pianos and that require humidity. In this duct heating systems. With this type of through types run in the range of antiques, and 3) having you keep system you can install a Skuttle system humidification is very $300 to $450 installed. your heat higher (costing you or Auto Flo special design ambi- easy and painless, too. A unit can Should you have any questions more) than if you had higher rela- ent temperature humidifier. be mounted on your existing duct- on humidifiers and humidification tive humidity in your home. This is not the most economical work in the basement. With a or any other heating or air condi- An example: In the summer, 80 option, but it is the best method to humidistat, you can set the tioning items, contact me at degrees and 50 percent humidity accomplish your goal. The cost humidity levels to your liking. Flame Furnace Co., (313) 527- feel very comfortable while 80 varies with installation, but it can There are two types of humidi- 1700. G. P. Cotntnunity Education offers hotne buildirig seminar A 24-hour seminar on the basics 13 through March 7, from 7 - 10 site planning, zoning questions, tion, dealing with subcontractors of building your own home will be p.m. at Barnes school, 20090 financing, building codes and per- and more. offered by Grosse Pointe Morningside, in Grosse Pointe mits. The course costs $180 with a Community Education, in cooper- Woods. People will also learn basics of $20 textbook fee. ation with Oakland Builders Classes cover the home building concrete, masonry, wood frame Pre-registration is required by Institute. The course will be held process from start to finish. construction, roofing, plumbing, Feb. 9. Please call (810) 343-2178 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. Subjects include buying property, electrical, insulation and ventila- to register during office hours.

Grosse Pointe News & :b:>~cnoN et us assist you with your Real Estate listings i--

by advertising in the "Your Home" magazine I -.. .----- section of The Grosse Pointe News & The ~ L Connection newspapers. Refinance VACATION PROPERTY BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES LOTS Your RESORTS CONDOS INVESTMENTS ETC. Mortgage COMMERCIAL HOUSES Now ... DEADUNE:NOON,MONDAYS Before Please use thLShandy form to fax us YOur Real Estate ClaSSified Ads' FAX (313) 343-5569 ..J Please Bin Me I have an account Time ~mJ Runs Stgnature u. . Exp Dote _. _ o ClaSSified Ad 0 ClassIfied Display ..l Resource Out. Bin to { ---- Resource ads are only $3 50 a line Address, - 'f the same property IS advertISed Save money and ... Cltv State __ lip .__ as a closslfied or clasSIfied dt:>ploy • Refinance your fixed or adjustable rate mortgage AD COPY ,______• Choose between many low and no cost options Don't wait...Take advantage of Republic's low rates today. ------REPUBLIC Bloomfield Hills 810-646.7050 ~ BANK Plymouth 313459-7800 Farml'1Qlor. H~8,0-932-6500 .... '_____ Rochester 810-656-4200 i Grosse Poole 313-882-6400 ..,"" •••••••••• ._._ __ Southgate 313-287-

I V,SIt any branch or call our Information Center today' ~,. I 1-800- 758-0753 :'!it Page 4 YourHome Thursday, January 25, 1996 Thursday, January 25, 1996 YourHome Page 5

. . . ~

° ° +0 + + 0 + .0 00 + .0 +.: . +0 +. +::';0 o +0. 0 0, 0 0 ° 0 + + +

III. GROSSE POINTE FARMS VIII. ST. CLAIR SHORES Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price. Phone 116 Hall Place 3/1 5 61 Regal Place 4/2+25 Mutschler country kit Outstanding' $595,000 881-2520 Completely redecorated Prime location $263,500 886-5978 N LISTINGS 19753 Martin Rd. 2/1 First floor condo, carport $42,000 810-296.0833 321 Ridgemont 2/1 Open Sun. 2.4. Charming Ranchl 1248 Woodbridge 2/2 Open Sun. 1-4. Sharp brick townhouse Updated kitchen' Home warranty I Stieber Realty $79,900 810-775-4900 Higbie Mjlxon, Inc. $149,900 886.3400 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 234 Williams 4/25 Charming Cape Cod Call 882.0511 NORTHERN \IICHIGAN PROPERTY 1644 Severn 3/1 Immediate Occupancy (See Class 800) $154,900 882-3710 Address dress Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 676 Peach Tree Lane 4/3 5 Beautiful area near Hunt Club' Call 313.886.0674 Lake Charlevoix 3+/35 North Shore Restored log home, IV. GROSSE POINTE CITY ° 2 228 Sloan Sharp ranch Fin. bsmt 3/1.5 884-0600 250' frontage Call Pat O'Brien, 1250 N. Oxford 3/2 5 Charming Ranch Many updates Kathy Lenz, Johnstone & Johnstone $99,500 886.3995 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Remax of Boyne Call 1-800-968-5092 Excellent condition $227,500 886-0724 Price Phone 2 469 Willamsburg Ct. 3/2 5 Fabulous condo new kit 884-0600 843 Grosse Pte. Ct. 3/1 Open Sun. 1-4. By owner Reduce to 1130 N. Oxford 4/2 1 Open Sun. 2-4. SpacIOus C E Kathy Lenz, Johnstone & Johnstone $98,900 886-3995 ALL OTHER AREAS Immaculate, newer kit $124,000 881-6322 Colonial w/fam rm, Fla rm & den 2 308 Lancaster 4/1 Delightful living, fam room Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Tappan Associates $350,000 884-6200 490 lincoln Rd. 5/5 Move m cond By owner Stieber Realty $88,900 810-775-4900 No Brokers. $382,000 884.9794 NO LISTINGS 19758 W. Ida lane 3/1 Open Sun. 2-4. Priced to sell' Charming ranch w/many new & updated features Tappan & Associates $144,900 884-6200

1633 Brys Drive 3/1 Open Sun. 2-4. Sophisticated Bungalow 884.0600 Kathy lenz-Johnstone & Johnstone $110,000 886-3995 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 974 N. Renaud 3/1 5 SpaCIous semi-ranch Fam rm & unf 524 Barrington 4/1 5 Wlndmlfle Pomte Center Entrance second story Kathy Lenz-Johnstone 884-0600 Col w/family room Kathy lenz, 884-0600 & Johnstone $228,900 886-3995 Don't Ie Left Out In The Cold~ Johnstone & Johnstone $186,900 886.3995

~"...!. ~~ ]~.;.s..r;i;

mag a z i n e


• Page 6 YourHome Thursday, January 25, 1996

800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SAd ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ROO HOUSES FOR SALE 803 CONDOS/APTS/FLATS CALL (313) 882-6900 NEW construction- St Oair DETROIT eastside- 3 bedroom WOODBRIDGE EAST Shores. 3 bedroom. 1 112 800 Houses for Sale 815 Out of State Property bungalow, partially finished Rare single floor with 2 To Charge bath, basement, cathedral 801 Ccmmerclal BUildings 816 Rea! Estate Exchange basement, new kitchen, new Your ceilings m kitchen & living bedrooms 2 full baths & furnace Only $41,900. Call 802 Commercial Property 817 Real Estate Wanted Real Esate Ad!!! room, vmyl siding & win- laUndry. Security & club- John Kurczak 81o-nl-1211 818 Sale or lease doY't'Z. Great tor first time house with pool. 803 CondoslAptsIFlals century 21 AM. Spensered bUyers or rental income. $79,900. 804 Country Homes 819 Cemetery lots VISA & MASTERCARD by Waterfield Financial. 820 BUSiness Opportunrtles ACCEPTED $89,900. 81o-m-osaa. 805 Farms GROSSE Pointe Woods area- Stieber Realty Or fax your ad copy to Classified Advertising 806 Flonda Property 4 bedroom bnck bungalow, 810- n5-4900 Monday Noon deadline (313) 343-5569. Include 807 Investment Property new kitchen, 2 baths, cen- (sub/ect to change dunng holidays) Visa or Mastercard 313 882-6900 808 Lake/River Homes tral air, walking distance to number, expiration date, schools, centrally located to 809 lake/River Lots CASH RATE 12 words $9 08 name, address, phone 1-94 Good condition Inquire 810 lake/River Resorts Each additional word 65e number & signature. WIthin tor immediate occu- pancy By owner, 882-5420 TWO bedroom, first floor, car- 811 Lots For Sale ST. Clair Shores- 2 bedroom port. 19753 Martin Rd, St. 812 MortgagesJ1..and ranch, attached garage HARPER WOODS ClaJr Shores $42,000 810. Contracts New inleriorl siding! roof LC Spacious 4 bedroom brick 296-0833. terms. $15,000 down in move-in condition. 813 Northern Michigan Real Estate Resource ads, $86,500. Masonic and Har. TWO condomnrums, Sunset Homes $925 per line CHECK Updated kitchen, new Plaza East Jefferson, St. per 22937 Detour Owner fumace with central alT. 814 Northern MIchigan Lots Call (313) 882.6900 aI8100754-4322 THE aalr Shores. 1 bedroom Fax (31~)343.5569 Asking $88,900. Must shown by appomtment only. ST. Clair Shores- 13/ Harper, Resource Pages sell. $44,900. Call after 6 p.m. 21506 Parkway. 3 bedroom ForA 884-2371, 886-9065 after 6 bnck ranch, new Mutchler Stieber Realty p.m. kitchen, finished basement QUICK 810-n5-49OO 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE NEW LUXURY 2 family, 846 WIth wet bar, new WIndows Reference Guide in 1995, new furnace and Beaconsfield Fireplaces. at- tached garages Lower, CANAL HOME hot water heater, office or To 1100 square feet. 2 bed- Reduced for Quick Sale pos5lble 4th bedroom, pool, BY OWNER room, 2 bath Upper, 2400 2 car unattached garage square feet, 4 bedroom, 3 CHARMING 2/3 bedroom 1650 sq It 2 story with $104,500 8100294-n46 & REALTOR Ranch, family room North basement. Two boatwells, LISTINGS OF bath. $249,000 Pointes Oxford. Gall for details 313- 2.5, 3-4 bedrooms, den. East, Inc. Brokerl owner 886-{)724 HOUSES 881-7353 Must see InSide to & GROSSE POinte Woods- 676 appreciate the space. CONDOS CALL (313) 882-6900 Peach Tree Lane Near Immediate occupancy for That are currently on the CALL (313) 882-6900 Hunt Clubl pnvate & publiC To Charge $179,900. 810-777-3831 market!! !!! To Charge schools, on cukje-sac Four Your bedrooms, 3 112 baths, (u- FARMS- 3 bedroom bnck call 882-6900 for more In. Your Real Esate AdJII mque 1st floor bedroom With Ranch Sun porch, fireplace, formation. Real Esate Adl!! bath), large kitchen, very 2 car garage, central air FAX VISA & MASTERCARD farge backyard, approx $117,000 886-4729 o 343-5569 ACCEPTED 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 2 700 sq ft, 2 car garage CHARMING Cape Cod 4 bed- Must see to appreciate Call Grosse Pointe room, 25 bath 234 Wil- 313-886-0674 Schools JUST USTEO liams (Farms) 313-882~511 HARPER WOODS ST. Clair Shores- Marter Ad Sharp 4 bedroom brick GROSSE POINTE FARMS area. 1 block to AssumptIon Bungalow. FeatUring: Open concept three bedroom 3 bedroom bnck Colomal, 1 Cultural Genter Custom 3 partially finished f??ace a realestate ranch With liVIng room 1/2 baths, completely re- bedroom bnck Ranch, for- basement, 2 full baths, kitchen and family room decorated Pnme loca- advertisement in the mal dining room, 2 1/2 family room, garage BUlft-ins In kitchen finished baths, finished basement, 2 tion. 116 Hall Place $96,000 Priced for basement and attached car attached garage, large $263,500 Call 886-5978 "YourHome" section of the garage Newer fumace & lot Vacant and pnced to sell Immediate sale Grosse Pointe News and central air On qUiet dead-end at $179,500 (Al-13) Realty street ASKING $85,900 Executives East, 81O-na- Harper Woods 1 The Connection 8200 First Offering Newspapers and reach over EAST ENGUSH THREE bedroom Grosse Absolutely gorgeous 3 HOMESPEC1~ VilLAGE Pomte Woods Colomal New bedroom Colonial 150,000 potential buyers! Three bedroom bnck roof, freshly pamted, formal The most cost -effectIVe profesSIOnal FeatUring 27' hVlng room dmmg room, natural fire- marketing system that you as a Monday, Noon deadline bungalow WIth formal dining place, all appliances Imme- WIth formal dining area, 2 home seGer can use to room natural fireplace big diate occupancy $154,900 full baths, natural fireplace SELL YOUR OWN HOME! kitchen basement and and garage $82,500 garage 1 year AHS 810-445-0390 882-3710 Call TRIAD Ma rtcetlllg at (313) 882-6900 Please leave message 810 979-1887 lor more Information FAX (313) 343-5569 warranty ASKING $55.500 MUST SELL St. Clair Shores First Offering HARPER WOODS HONEY 3 BEDROOM SR. Sharp 3 bedroom brick Contemporary three RANCH. Ranch FeatUring finished Thc Jim S.lrm Agency, Inc , Real Estate Brokers arc pleased to ,mnounce that bedroom blrck bungalow WIth BY OWNER basement With knotty pine Charles (Chuck) Coyne queen size kItChen huge 843 GROSSE POINTE and 2 car garage $89,900 master bedroom, lots of CT. ha~ Joincd thclr ~taff a~ theIr newest home ~elling profeSSIonal. storage, parr-ally finished GROSSE POIN IE CITY. Lee Real Estate All referral to hIm would hc genuinely, dIscretely and respectfully apprecIated basement with half bath Open Sunday, 1- 4 Ask for Harvey Huge garage West of Mack • 81o-nl-3954 17108 Mack Avenue at Cadieux ASKING $98,000. Immaculate, newer 1308 HAMPTQN. 3 bedroom, Grosse POinte • (313) 886 ..9030 kitchen, furnace and air, 1 Carol Koepplin 1 bath, fireplace, freshly 'z' bath plus lav, finished .9l Professiona{ .9lPP.Toacli'To !R.f,a{tEstate palnted & carpeted Dil1lng Bon Realtors, Inc. basement Reduced to room, large back yard, up- 81Q.774-8300 $124,000. dated landscaping IBI1EALTOll. or Direct Une 881-6322 $123,900. 313-885-1034. 313-640-4514 Thursday, January 25, 1996 YourHome Page 7 •sm•

813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN 806 FLORIDA PROpeRTY 820 BUSINeSS 809 LAKE / RIVER LOTS HOMES 815 OUT OF STAn PROPERTY 819 CEMETERY LOTS OPPORTUNITIES KEY West, Fionda- Newer REMODELED 2 bedroom PALM Dessert, CA. Lovely sm- St. John Cemetery ATTENTION Investors, bank- townhouse, 2 bed/'l)()m, 1.5 LEXINGTON, MI home, 2 car garage, located gIe family home, fully fur- Fraser- property for 2 ers, contractor & bUilding bath, fenced yard, troPIcal In the subdIVision in the nished. Gated community suppliers The Beta Com- garden, Citrus, banana, Lakefront building lot. Four heart of Black Mountain plus stone. Three bedroom, 2 bath munity Center Inc , a beauti- palm trees, olymPiC size miles north of Lexington. RecreatIOn Area, minutes $850. or otter. Pool, tennis, clubhouse, ful home & school bUilding SWImming pool. $139,900. Low bank, beautiful from Black Lake, 20 min- 939-9473 Low association fee Other In Hamtramck, 32,000 sq ft 313-343-0255. utes from Cheboygan Ask- sandy beach. $100,000. amenities. Great location I donated 70 years ago by ing $45,000. By owner 517- 810-359-5415 Asking $119,900 310-865- CALL (313) 882-6900 reSidents of the 5 Grosse 7~2358, evenings 2347 POinte CIties needs restora- CHECK To Charge tion to open a child & adult THE 817 REAL ESTATE WANTeD Your care center & school We Resource Pages Real Esate Ad!!! d9Slre a guarantor for bUild- RANCH, In Grosse POinte Ing supplies & Will back It up For A Shores area No brokers. VISA & MASTERCARD with assets of $200 for QUICK Sam,810-755-5434. ACCEPTED every $1.00 guaranteed plus BOAl per annum Bonus to Reference Guide CASH Or fax your ad copy to guarantor. cash or guaran- To FOR HOMES (313) 343-5569. Include tee needed. $50,000 mini, mum, call 1-313-365-6333 BEAUTIFUL condo, Old Port Serving Area Since 1938 Visa or Mastercard BY OWNER or wnte to. A. J, Oble, 3060 Cove, North Palm Beach. number, expiration date, Stieber Realty Hanley, Hamtramck MI 4,000 sq. ft., 5 bedrooms, 2 & REALTOR name, address, phone 81o-n5-4900 48212. boat slips. John Raif, 810- LISTINGS OF number & signature. 754-1890. HOUSES LANDSCAPE Co for sale All & Classified Advertising equipment Included 808 LAKE/RiVeR HOMes CONDOS $18,0001 best offer 313-881- That are currently on the L!ilf!JJJIM!' 313882-6900 4684 Beautiful country market!!!!! home call 882-6900 for more in- formation. ntlques One mile north of Lexing- FAX ton, Mi. 12 acres, 90 ft. 343-5569 Q. I recently inherited a milk 1874. It made cabinets, desks an barn, six fenced pas- lass vase with a raised peacock bookcases. In the 1920s, peopl tures, plus boarding ken- ead on the bottom. removed the works from out-of nel and Uarna farm. see A. The peacock-head trade- style pianl)s and used the shell a Lake Huron from front ark was used by Sowerby & Co., a desk. yard, and watch the deer llison Glass Works, Ltd., of Eventually, furniture compa in your back yard. ngland beginning in 1763. About $300,000. Gall 810-359- nies made desks that looked like 1870, the company started mak- 5415 but never were, pianos. ,In 1927, .ng an opaque glass that coliec- the Udell Dependable Furnitur 803 CONDOS/ APTS/FlATS 803 CONDOS/ APTS/FLA 15 803 CONDOS, APTS, FLATS ors often called "milk glass." The Co. advertised a spinet desk as mpany called it ''Patent Queen's "fast-selling number of pleasin vory Ware." design." It also has made opaque glass * * • 'n turquoise, gold, white, olive, Q. My light beige plate was sol lack and marbled colors. The to me as Queen's Ware. It look ompany is still in business. like the pieces I always calle ••• "creamware." Q. Should I save my Charlie A. "Queen's Ware" was th eaver bartender toy? name given to creamware afte A. Nomura 1bys of 1bkyo made Queen Charlotte, wife of Kin harlie Weaver bartender toys in George II of England, admire he 1950s. Weaver was a charac- some dishes. er created by actor ClifTArquette The nearly white earthenwar 'n the 19405. was popular throughout Europ The battery-operated tin figure from 1760 to 1790. The queen ••• hakes a cocktail mixer, pours ordered her first creamware te DUPLEX 'tself a drink and downs it. Then and coffee service from th 'ts nose turns red and smoke Wedgwood pottery in 1765. CONDO:M:INIUl.\tfS omes out of its ears. Creamware is usually found The toy is one of the best- unmarked. torge Beautiful Wooded tots, • 1600 Square Feet Private & Secure • 2 Bedrooms nown Japanese-made battery- Thick pieces, and those with We inVite you to compare the • 2 FullBathrooms perated toys. Early models have crazmg, were probably made in quality & value of these luxury homes • Central Air etal heads; later, plastic was the late 1800s. • Spacious 1st FloorLaundry sed. Working Charlies sell for ••• • 2 Car Attached 85 or more . Garage •• • "Kovels American Art Pottery, 1"7 1-:: .f-~ • Cathedral CeIlings The Collector's GUlde to Makprs, • FullBasement Q. I just bought a desk that Marks and Factory Histories" is • FullyLandscaped pens and closes like a piano. w/Spnnlder System coffee-table book that belongs l Autumn Woods nside the drawer is a pull-out every collector's research library. Construction By MON" WED 12.5 riting surface. An emblem For a copy, send $60 plus $ Scott Homes SAT. & SUN. 'nside says ''The Udell Works." postage to Kovels' American A (810) 598- 1900 Also shown byappotnfment A. The Udell Works of Pottery, Box 22900, Beachwood, ndiana olis was founded in Ohio 44122. - Page 8 YourHome Thursday, January 25, 1996 NEW OFFERING

ThIS metIculously mamtamed two bedroom Located on a qUIet cul-de-sac m pnme Grosse In the Park, thIS archItecturally stunning four ranch m Grosse Pomle Woods ISsurrounded by a POInte Woods locahon, this three bedroom, two bedroom Colomal IS just a few steps from the gardener's paradIse' With one of the most and one half bath story and one half will not be water Never has It been possible to live so close to charmmg gardens we've seen, this home IS on a avaIlable for long The condihon IS supenor and our greatest natural asset for so lIttle and to be cul-de-sac, further addmg to the country like there IS a lovely famIly room With doorwall to able to do so In such a stylIsh home ISunheard of' feeling $180,000 paho $192,900 BUSY LIFE? $186,500 WATERVIEW PARK LIKE GARDEN

ThiS three bedroom, two and one half bath Deceptively large garden' ThIS wonderful hIlltop The ulttmate step-up' BUllt by James Mast for the townhouse condominIUm m Grosse Pomte Woods SIte In the Farms has nearly one acre of wonder- current owner, thIS five bedroom, four bath and offers the answer Someone else takes care of the fully landscaped grounds The house has four two half bath Georgtan Colomal In the Farms has mamtenance so that when you are at home you bedrooms, four and one half baths, hbrary and a everythmg you could want In a home All the can relax and enJoy your' free tIme Attached stunmng new famIly room WIth fIreplace and amenittes you would expect and wonderfully garage, den, sWlmmmg pool $149500 huge new kitchen $695,000 easy to mamtam too $795,000 NEAR ST. TOHN'S If you are thmkmg of makmg a move m 1996 NOW IS the ttme for you to Investigate Johnstone & Johnstone's EXCLUSIVE

Large, spaoous rooms throughout thIS three bed- room, one and one half bath Harper Woods And, a most charmmg and welcommg place to ranch There IS also a fInIshed basement recrea- come home to ThiS lovely Mount Vernon style hon room WIth bar, a two and one half car garage Coloma I has four large family bedrooms, three and all the wmdows are new ThIS wonderful and one half baths, a cozy library and the hvmg buy ISpriced at S99,SOO room IS fIlled With hght-even In the Winter In the Now more attractIve than ever, call us today Farms $329,900 GOIVG-GOING and one of our assoCiates Will tell you all the good news! LUXU!~V ,~() \DCl \ IT\ TU \1 OPEN SUNDAY

I 2 -4 I , 244 Dean Lane, Grosse Pointe Fanns • ...,...... 21761 Chalon, St ClaIr Shores f "~ --~ 1975 Stanhope, Grosse Pomte Woods And will probably be gone very soon Don't mIss 435 Madison, Grosse Pomte Farms thIS great opportumtv to own a handsome bnck 1633 Brys. Grosse Pomte Woods You can be the first owner of thiS newly con- story and one half m Grosse Pomte Woods structed, tree standmg luxury condomm{um m 'vlode<,tlv pnced at $110 000 there IS so milch to 524 Barnngton, Gro::.se Pomte Park Grosse Pnmte Woods FlTstfloor master bedroom make thl" a \()]uc packcd home, mcludmg a 10\c- 925 Lochmoor Place, Gro""C' Pomte Wood" SUite, frrst floor laundry, stunnmg hvmg room Iy lem pr It,\ e! rccrt.'atlOnroom With \ aulted leIimg Two addItional bedrooms 930 Lochrnoor Place, Gro<;<,ePomte Wood<, and tull bath on the <'t'cond tloor $')22.500

"0n-the-Hill" Grosse Pointe Farms 884-0600 'l " . 'RRIVALS JANUARY 25, 1996


~• Page 2 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995


Aubry Alyson Patrosso Brittany Ellen Patrosso Nicholas Valice November 22, 1995 November 22, 1995 July 29, 1995 St. John HospItal St. John Hospital St. John HospItal Gary & Jeanne Patrosso Gary & Jeanne Patrosso Dr. & Mrs. James Valice

Ryan Matthew Uher Allison Wise Kaitlynn E. Ellis Abigail Osgood January 5, 1995 February 23, 1995 February 14, 1995 June 11, 1995 Bon Secours Hospital Providence Hospital St. John Hospital Cleveland Hospital Frank & Chnstme Uher JIll & Kelvin Wise Brad & Jill Ellis Dennis & Nancy Osgood

l Jt ~ Jacob Patrick Grzebinski Rachel Anne Kubinec Hannah Jane Steketee Darian B. Dempsey October II, 1995 February 8, 1995 June 29, 1995 May 18,1995 Cottage Hospital St. John Hospital West Vtrglma Umv. Ho~pltal Cottage Hospital Patnck & Rosanna Grzebmskt Leanne & Charles Kubmec Jerry & Ann Steketee Douglas & Rhona Dempsey

" Lauren Preston Natalie Skorupski Alexandra Etsios Emily Grace Armbruster May 7. 1995 February 9, 1995 November 20, 1995 January 28, 1995 South Macomb Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital St. John HospItal John & Sharon Preston Stevan & Beth Skorupski Dean & Judy EtsloS Brad & Paula Armbruster New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection • Thursday, January 25, 1996


Kelly Marie Ronquist Joseph Reece Colina April 7, 1995 March 6, 1995 AND U.S. Navel Hospital Cebu Doctors Hospital Ronald & Maureen Ronquist - Jose & Lourdes Colina



Jacob Paul Barry Stephanie Ann-Rose LePoudre THERE ARE August 24,1995 March 14, 1995 Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital BABE SHOTS LI.sa& Paul Barry Daniel & Kimberly LePoudre

AND WE FRAME THEM ALL! (And just about everything else, for that matter.) * * * * * . * NOW, DURING OUR ANNUAL

Ian Fenner .charlotte Shreve April 19, 1995 November 20,1995 Cottage Hospital St. John Hospital Liz & Steve Fenner Charles & Karen Shreve 4TH SIDE FREE SALE, cor:ne frame anything you want and get the fourth side absolutely fre~ Assemble the work yourself - we do all the cutting - and save on the labor charge, or let us custom build it for you. Either way we always give you the longer side free. Just another side benefit to framing at the The Great Frame Up.

Offer exp,re~ 3/2/96 New order~ only Nol va d wilh a ny other promotlOn

• ~@GfiGOO:iiB~ Raechel Leone Courtney Elizabeth Bourgoin May 24,1995 February 5, 1995 Your Partner in Framing'" Bon Secours Hospital St. John Hospital 20655 Mack Avenue • Grosse POinte 'M>ods, MI 48236 • (313) 884-0140 Jim & Anne Marie Leone Jeff & Donna Bourgoin Page 4 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995 Make it a special ~elivery at Cottage Hospital Henry Ford Cottage HOspItal your door if you need them. ' brings choices to childbirth with Its More options in care Family ChLIdbirth Center As a new Women who plan to deliver at the mother, your needs, W1shes and pref- Family Childbirth Center have the erences are as unique and personal as unique ability to choose between sev- the infant you \1<.,11 hold in your arms. eral types of practitioners, either in That IS why the Family Childbirth private practIce or. from the Henry Center gives you so many choices. Ford Medical Group practice. Thev want all mothers to have a won- These include physicians in Family derful expenence, but each in theIr Practice and Obstetrics and Gynecol- own individual way ogy as well as certified nurse mid- All the comforts of home wives. All of these professionals are The attractIve LDRP (LaborlDeliv- able to handle ongoing care during a eI')'/Recover!Postpartum) SUItes offer woman's pregnancy, from prenatal a comfortable alternative to the tradi- exams and education to the delivery tional birthing experience. The LDRP itself and follow-up care. is specially designed to provide a home - like atmosphere for mother, Learning the ABCs of parenting baby and dad or others. It has an SometImes the most comforting adjustable bed so mothers can find part of childbirth IS simply knowing the best delivery posItion for them. what is happening and why. Nearly Coaches, friends and family will enjoy all practitioners will suggest taking a the easy chair and TVNCR childbirth preparatIon class. This Of course, new fa.nub.es get to cre- course IS very popular, so "expectant ate theIr own VIsitor schedule so they mothers and their coaches should sign can share some special moments with up in the fourth month of pregnancy, others and have qUIet and privacy even though they won't begin attend- when they need It ing the class until they're 28 to 32 The luxunes extend beyond the weeks along. Other classes include room as well A personal motherlbaby infant care, breast feeding, sibling nurse cares for mother and newborn relationships and a refresher course together in their LDRP suite during for experienced parents. their hOSpItal stay And even though For more information about the the room feels like home, the compre- Family Childbirth Center at Henry hensIve medical resources and spe- Ford Cottage Hospital, call (313) 640- CIalty physiCIans of Henry Ford BABY For a referral to a physician or Henry Ford Cottage Hospital brings choices to childbirth with its Cottage HospItal, including a pedia- certified nurse midwife, call 1 -800- Family Childbirth Center. As a new mother. your needs. wishes and pref. trician on site 24-hours a day, are at erences are as unique and personal as the infant you will hold in your 746-WISE. arms •

• Jacob Rowland Charles Gough Noah Balamucki March 31, 1993 Joseph Gallagher Apn118, ]995 October 10, 1995 Cottage Hospital Bon Secours HospItal March 25, 1995 St. John Ho"pltal Denm~ & Claudl


~;'-~~ '-L Nicholas Leto Brice Pardo Joseph Fiordilino II .. Apn124, 1995 Grant Mayfield January 26, 1995 November 14, 1995 St. John HospItal July 5,1995 Cottage HOSpItal St. Joseph HospItal Paula & Joseph Leto & Baptlst HospItal Bnan ElIzabeth Pardo Joseph & Donna Fiordilino Chuck & Janet Mayfield ,

New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. Thursday, January 25, 1996 Page 5

• re C~

ace you/ve welcomed your new arrival, our Rest & Reassurance program gives you time to better prepare for your new life together Periodically throughout your extended stay, our BirthCare nurses ch~ck in on you to monitor baby and to teach proper breastfeeding and other pare~ ~kills before you are discharged following yoursecond da~. ,-~t, if you prefer to return to your home and family as soon as ~q legislative debate rages and insurance you can, our Ho~e Advantage program could be just what you/re look- companies try to cut costs by limiting how long new mothers remain ing for. After you/ve been discharged and have settled ill, our Home hospitalized, one Michigan hospital is putting mom and baby first. Advantage nurses will pay a visit to you in the familiar surroundings of home, evaluating your needs and helping you adjust to your new ~on Secours Hospital, the Detroit areas leader in . responsibilities They'll return again a few days later family-centered maternity care, we welcome each special delivery by inviting new mothers to spend an extra night with us as a part of t:r Rest & Reassurance and Home Advantage programs offer a our Rest & Reassurance Program. Or we will send our continuum of care that extends far beyond insurance limits and carries expert nurses to check on you at home with the BirthCare on our tradition of progressive medicine with the human touch. Home Advantage Program •.Best of all, your additional night ~:I:t you choose whats best for you And baby , - or Home Advantage care - is on the house All part of your CT J 0 learn more about BirthCare, ask your physician or call for more five-star BirthCare experience. information and a primary care physician ~cause at Bon Secours, you/ve got choices referral. 1-800-303-7314

BON SECOURS OF MICHIGAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM ., Progressive medicine with the human touch

468 Cadieux Road, Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230

,, Page 6 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995 I ARTS IN AMERICA Creative Drama: It's Pint-Sized Silver Treasures More Than Child's Play Make Affordable Baby Gifts By J~e Alexander - Chairman, National Endowment for the Arts - Your chIld may nQt have (NU) - Children love to pretend: cues as to your role from your child, been born with a to enter the world of make-believe depending on what role the child SIlver ~poan In It~ by putting them~elves in the place wants to play. mouth, but now, of others arid enactmg fami liar sce- 3. Read aloud and tell stories. who's ta know? nanos Creative play i'i essential to Good lIterature suggests many pos- The Idea angl- a chIld's full development. It In- slbilities and discourages imItatIOn nated WIth Cer- volves the mind, body and Imagl- of situations seen on teleViSIon. vantes, but II wa~the natIon. It is a rehearsal for lIfe 4. Provide a place for creative Victonans who dl~- Ifchildren are encouraged in thIS drama _ a corner of the child's played a pa~slOnfor kind of play at home, they become room, a play area. SIlver "small fry" ready for creatIve drama - impro- S. ProVIde "props" from the sim- trinket~. vised adaptatIOns of stones or ong- pie and commonplace. Hats can de- Today, tradition- inal plots wIthout scnpts - by the . note different characters. A scarf can al baby silver items time they enter school. CreatIve dra- become a shawl or sash. Baskets and as well as noveltIes ma helps children learn to express plastIC dIshes are useful props. ~ for style-mmded themselves more effectIvely .an~ to 6. Enjoy these spontaneous mo- parents, are tOPpIng understand the world by ImItatIng ments for their pure fun. gift reglstnes, ac- and reenacting it. 7. If creative drama isn't offered cording to the SIlver Parents and chIldren alike bene- in your child's elementary school, InfonnatI(m Center. fit from creatIve play. It offers par- check into possibIlities at commu- And there IS ents quality tIme and Insights into nity theaters or religIOUS organiza- the child's obserYations, impres- tions. enough vanety and pnces to please any sions, Interests, fears and humor. At 8. Take your child to chIldren's grandparent, god- the same tI':le, it deve.lops com!TIu- theaters or puppet shows. Good parent or great -aunt mcatlOn skIlls, creatIve thInkIng, sources of infonnation are local or ImagmatIon. awareness, self-knowl- state arts councils, regional arts agen- (those most often Clockwise from top: cup by Elena Kubler, spoon edge and abilIty to work WIth ot.h- Cles that may support touring theaters relie'd on to buy the by Los Castillo, bracelet by Baci, first tooth box ers. CreatIve play also offers .chll- for young audiences, universIty the- helrloom-ta-be). by Elizabeth Leigh, tree ornament by Cazenovia, dren a healthy release of emotIOn. ater departments, newspaper reviews diaper pin by Susan Cummings, and picture Parents don't need theater expe- or articles. Start with "Baby's Fmt Chnst- frame by Erica Courtney. nence to help a child enJoy dr3J!1at- 9. Critique a play with your child mas" and add to the collection over the years. Playful rattles and teething holds special sentimental value, even ICplay. The NEA and the Amencan to encourage critical thinkmg. creating heirlooms for future loved Alliance for the Theatre and Educa- . rings, a diaper pin, brush and comb ones. From sweet and youthful de- tion suggest these ten tips for par- 10. Ask open-e~ded questIOns to set, an engraved dnnking cup or por- signs espeCially sized for a young ents: encou,rage dISCUSSIon- .What wa~ ringer, toothbrush, and keepsake box child to stylishly hip for the sweet 16, 1 Encourage your child to play. a partlc.ular character tryIn?g to do. to hold that first tooth or hair locks sterling SIlvernecklaces, earnngs and 2. Enter mto the game and take What dId you see on 'itage are longtime favorites. bracelets are popular and affordable For children. precious Jewelry gifts for any occasIOn.

Kristina Kamm Zachary Bruce July 18, 1995 Kirsten Nicole Schoensee May 25,1995 Trevor Russo Hutzel HospItal July 8.1995 Mt. Clemens General Hasp. August 11, 1995 John & Lone Kamm Hoffman Estates Med. Ctr. Jody & Darrin Bruce Blodgett Hospital Paul & Sue Schoensee Dr. & Mrs. Scott Russo

Connor Allan Pray Christine Elizabeth Pray \ May 16, 1995 James Edward Chouinard May 16,1995 Alexia Russo ProVIdence HospItal February 16, 1995 ProVidence Hospital June 28, 1995 Leslie & Barry Pray Sarasota MemOrial Hospital LeslIe & Barry Pray Butterwonh HospItal Don & DenIse Choumard Dr. & Mrs. Randy Russo New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection • Thursday, January 25, 1996 Page 7 Bon Secours offers new moms second day free ~ heated battl~ is being waged BirthCare nurses to a patient's home ~atlOnally regardmg th~ length of 1-2days after discharge and 2-3days time new moms can stay 10 the hospi- after the fIrst visit. . tal foHowingthe delivery oftheir new- "Bon Secours Hospital promotes borns. Many health insurance compa- appropriate choices for individual ~ies have changed their policieslimit- moms," Kovtun added. "Our philoso- 109 the length of postpartum hospital phy is to make every new mom's stay stays to 24 hours for a vaginal deliv- a fIve-star experience. Wewant every ery or 48 hours Jor a C-section. patient to feel as comfortableand con- Proposed federal legislation oppos- fIdent as possible in her role as a new es such mandates by these health mom." insurance companies. In support of Details of Bon SecOUTSBirthCare. this legislation, Bon Secours Hospital, options are as follows: . a Detroit-area leader in family-een- • BirthCare Home Advantage _ tered maternity care, is introducing a These visits are performed in the free second-day Rest & Reassurance patient's home by an experienced policywhich enhances its alrMdy pro- BirthCare nurse who evaluates the Bon Secours Hospital. a Detroit-area leader in family-centered materni- gressive BirthCare initiative. health care needs of both the mother ty care. is introducing a free second-day Rest 8( Reassurance policy which "If a baby is in need of special med- and baby while helping to facilitate enhances its already progressive BirthCare initiative. ical care, Bon Secours traditionally the transition from hospital to home. has allowedmothers to stay an extra • Rest and Reassurance - Mom Secours Chief Executive Officer debate of economics versus medical day,"said Linda Kovtun, nurse man- - chooses to stay an extra day in the Henry DeVriesJr. quality continues between state and ager of Women's/Children's Services hospital, with Bon Secours Hospital "The Bed, Breakfast & Baby, Rest congressional leaders and insurance at Bon Secours. ''We believe it is cru- coveringthe cost ofthe extra day if it's & Reassurance, and HomeAdvantage lobbies, Bon Secours, always a pio- cial to extend that choice to all new not covered by the patient's insur- programs continue a path that Bon neer in women's healthcare services, moms with our 'Rest & Reassurance' ance. HomeAdvantage education and Secours paved several years ago as is making its own views known, issu- second-day-freeprogram as well," evaluation takes place on site. the fIrst licensed Detroit-area hospi- ing its own policies based on patient With its ongoing commitment to • Bed, Breakfast & Baby - Bed & tal to feature full-serv~e, single-room needs rather than insurance company BirthCare education, Bon Secours' Breakfast accommodationsare avail- maternity care," DeVnes said, "which payments." Rest & Reassurance program is able on the BirthCare unit for moth- allows the entire birthing experience Bon Secours Hospital is committed enhanced by visits on the second day ers who are discharged, but whose - labor, delivery, recovery and post- to women at every stage of life, offer- from a team of BirthCare nurses who babies require a continued hospital partum (LDRP)- to take place in the ing "progressive medicine with the monitor baby, teach proper breast- stay. same pleasant environment. human touch." For more information feedingtechniques, and provide train- As a leading provider of women's ''With obstetrical delivery being the on the Bon Secours BirthCare Home ing in parenting skills. health care programs in Michigan, most frequent cause ofhospitalization Advantage, Rest & Reassurance, Bed, An additional choicefor new moms Bon Secoursbelievedit needed to sup- in the U.S., it's easy to understand Breakfast & Baby or other women's is the BirthCare Home Advantage port this national issue in favor ofthe why shorter hospital stays appeal to health programs, contact Linda program, where visits are made by patient's well-being,according to Bon insurers," he added. ''But while the Kovtun at (313) 343-1763.



WINTER GOT You DOWN? Brighten up the New Year with a gorgeous and affordable oil painting from

C.CHAUNDY International Fine Art from our collection of baby jewelry. 121 Kercheval 19839Mack Grosse Pointe Farms - Grosse Pointe Woods edmund t. AH EE jewelers (313)640-1850 (313)884-7857 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods Tues.-Sat. llam-8pm - Sun. Noon-S pm Tues,-Sat. lOam-6pm (313) 886-4600 Page 8 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995

Shawn David Smith Andrew Robert Amine Rachel Cubba Sasha Jesse Gnyp May 29,1995 January 26, 1995 March 16,1995 July 17, 1995 St. John HospItal St. John HospItal St. John Hospital St. John Hospital DavId & Kathy SmIth Anthony & Susan Amme Bob & Rita Cubba Steven & Heather Gnyp

'i:$or ' '11'0 Vi ~ ... Jac1yn Rastelli Amanda Nicole Doetsch Joshua Miller Thomas, Stevenson February 19, 1995 January IS, 1995 Apnl 28, 1995 January 16, 1995 Cottage HospItal Bon Secours Hospital Troy Beaumont HospItal St. John Hospital JIll & George RastellI JamIe & Debbie Doetsch Jeanette MIller Evonne & Jeff Stevenson

'" .. •• .", ~ Joshua Kanakry Bryan Cloud Rebecca Jeanne Weiland January 10, 1995 Liam Miziolek ..McIlroy May 18, 1995 February 10, 1995 St. Joseph HospItal West March 6,1995 St. John HospItal Cottage Hospital MIChael & Manna Kanakry Sharon & DaVId Cloud St. John HospItal Bob & Mary Wetland Mtke Mcilroy & Aleks MlZlolek

Jessica Bedenko Riana Scotella Olivia Coury March 27, 1995 Jared Yinger October 5. 1995 March S, 1995 Ron Secour,', HO'ipltell Novem ber 17, 1994 Bon Secour" HospItal Cott

Mothers' first clay. "M, sister Kate and I have always done everything together. But di{ftrently. " "We both sang in the school choir. " "I was a soprano." "[was an alto," "We both went to the same college." "[joined a Jaw firm " .. "I joined the Peace Corps." "And we both went to the Fam,ly Childbirth Center at Cottage Hospital to have our babies " "I wanted a midwife." "[wanted an obstetrician."

Everyone IS different At Henry Ford Cottage Hospital, we want your first days as a new mother to be as special as they will be memorable That IS why we offer expectant moms so many options through our WomanWase health services network At our Family Cluldblrth Center, you design a personahzed birth plan, so you can deode the best dehvery style for you You can choose from Family Praettce or Ob/Gyn physicians, or the East Side's largest team of Certtfied Nurse MIdWIVes "We both wanted to .stay in priwte LaborlDelWerylR~lPo.stpamma rooms .sowe could be in one comfortable .suite for the mUTe experience." "And we both wanted to take classes on childbirth preparation, mfant care and breastfeeding." "We probably s.hould Iuwe taken the one on .sibling Telationship.s."

Henry Ford Cottage HospItal offers all the things you want, such as VISitor schedules that you create and IDRPs where your baby stays With you for the length of your VISit Plus all the thmgs you need, like ultrasound testing, prenatal exams and educatlonat' classes And a full staff of pedlatnelans IS avaLiable for your child's ongoing care In addition, you have access to over 2,000 physloans In the Henry Ford Health System _ a complete health network With a national reputallon for medical excellence Whde no lWO people can agree on everything, every expectant mom wants her delivery to be a great expenence lhe Family Chddblnh Center gives you all the Opl!OflS you need to make that possible ~ ewn delWeTe4 two weeks apart .so we weTe able to .shaTe each other'.s big moment." "It was a great experience for both of us " "I had a boy." '1 had a g,rl Of course "

When you call [he WomanWlse mformatlon and referral number or send for our packet of healthful mformatl0n, you Will also receive our newsletter. special invitations to Woman Wise health semmars, and ~~w; mformatlon abou[ all other upcommg events. ~ Wxnen's Services Network

7A6 WISE Coli thIS runberforphyslCIOI'l referral 1- 800 - / ~ - , or more ,"formation on select services ,.------I -, Hmry Ford (.(l(IJ~ Ho'pl1JI (,n"...: l'Olnlt' ....rlll' I : If you d like more Inforouuon on Ihl' follOWing servICes plea<;echl'Ck the appropnale boxes I Henry Ford FJmll'l' PrJ~11U"(t'nt~1 'I (1.111,1tor~, I : .md send In Ihl~ coupon or call 1-800-746-W1SE Please allow 2-4 wt'eks for delivery I Henry ford FJmlly PrJ~1kt' ('t'nI~ N~ n.llllln(lr~' I I Henry Ford MedkJI (mt~.,. - 1' 'r"l11 (hnl< ('ro' .....I'oln'~' t.lfln, : Pnm.tl\ em' ~"ICt'~ Women ~ DiagnostIC .'>ervICt'~ foJmlly Chlldblnh Center I Henry Ford MedkJI (t"fll~'r - M " ,lie.' I: Nt""e ------______Woman Wise I A .\en'lce of HeI"" Ford Health SVS/em 0" thl! "Po" .'uh' : Addre ...\ ,I : ClIl' ------State Z,p code _

L 'en<.llh" wUplll1 10 WonlJnW,'lC' IW I\ndk'\JI A\t"flUt' Grosse POinte Farms, MI 482~3692 ~ Page 10 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Gross~ Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995

Kathleen Joanne Chamberlin Ashley Zwiesele Alexandra Morgan Yenchick Jesse Miller Apnl 28, 1995 July 18, 1995 June 30, 1995 August 16, 1995 Bon Secours HospItal Bon Secours Hospital St. John HospItal Crittenton Hospital Sarah & DavId Chamberlm RIck & Kelly Zwiesele Mr. & Mrs. Frank Yenchick James & Margaret Miller

John Laughlin Carter Jr. Cosette Esprit Daniel A. Maximilian Mager Alexa Nicole Yates May 26,1995 November 29, 1995 Apnl 19, 1995 February 4, 1995 Bon Secours HospItal Bon Secours HospItal Bon Secours HospItal Bon Secours Hospital John & Kelly Carter NadIa & Theron Daniel Jeff & Lisa Mager Bill & Pam Yates

Max Warren Anthony Allen Hewins Benjamin Palms Boettcher June 21, 1995 January 7, 1995 August 12, 1995 Bon Secours HospItal Troy Beaumont Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Chnsty & Dave Warren Scott & Dana Hewms Chns & Jenny Boettcher


John William George IV •• Ashley Morgan Tengler Charles MacTavish Ross December 16,1995 David Kinsch February 5, 1995 November 12, 1995 Bon Secours Hospital September 5, 1995 Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital John & HeIdi George III Cottage Hospital Robert & Laura Tengler Bob & Sharon Ross Terry & Stephanie Kmsch New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection • Thursday, January 25, 1996 Page 11

Benjamin Dawson Connolly Brett Robert Kotas Nicholas Allen Eckman Elizabeth Anne Clevenger August 13, 1995 October 14, 1995 May 9,1995 November 19, 1995 Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Cottage Hospital Michael & Susan Connolly Judson & Kristen Kotas Allen & Sandie Eckman James & Vicki Clevenger

Krystal Moroney Michael C. Archutowski Olivia Michelle Bryant Nicole Katherine Lubienski August 3,1995 March 7,1995 September 7, 1995 August 9,1995 51.John Hospital Cottage Hospital Beaumontliospital 51.Joseph-vyest Hospital Kathy & Mike Moroney Cherie & Chris Archutowski Michele & Ward Bryant Mark & Dawn Lubienski SI!eetCi Photo Frame, Portrait & Gift Center Let Speedi Photo Creative Portrait Studio photograph your baby. "THROUGH THE YEARS"

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Aaron Catanese Natalie Rose Spatafora Alexander Duda Alexis Novak August 30, 1995 January 10, 1995 January 12, 1995 March 12,1995 St. John Hospital Bon Secours Hospital St. John Hospital St. John Hospital Michelle & Mark Catanese Nancy & Sam Spatafora John & Linda Duda Ron & Traci Novak

Gennetta Palazzola Paige Pringle Patrick Michael TomHon Brittany Ann DeCoster July 1, 1995 April 30, 1995 November 14, 1995 19, 1995 St. John HospItal Bon Secours Hospital June Providence HospItal Cottage Hospital Roy & Rhonda Palazzola Bill & Lisa Pringle Peter & Kelly TomHon Michelle & Larry DeCoster PRINT• MATTERS

atti Bowt>rand Carolyn Hanlt>y('an help you with your selection of birth announ('t>ment(o,.With a beautiful assortment of designs, stylish typestyles and gorgeous paper stocks, making a dc('ision can be overwhelming. Relax ... we'Il walk you through all the stt>psand ease your confusion. Wt>carry a terrifi(' line of special occasion books and are ht>re to help you. Call and set up an appointment. Our service ;s free.

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20725 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods (313) 884-4280 New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News The Connection. Thursday, January 25,1996 & Page 13 IT

(I a

TQhelp you with caring for your new.babies and future arrivals.

• Prenatal listening kit, FS001,listen to the wonderful sounds of your next unborn baby $59.95eoch • Evenflo breast pump kit , ,., $4.95 each • Keneson Breast Pump and Infant Nurser,900CP $21.95each • MagMag Deluxe Breast Pump, AC/Battery operated $49.95each • Bidette brand feminine cloth towelette, fresh scent ,$1.99 box • Baby Anbesol, oral anethetic for teething pain $5.39tube • Feverall brand suppositories, fever reducer/pain reliever, Infants, children's or junior strength $4.99 box • Johnson's nursing pads, 36 per box $2.75 box • Baby's FirstYear Calender, designed to guide you through the first year of baby's life $6.95 each I

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Margaret Rose Bickerstaff Aaron Peter Khoury Michael Francis Murray Nicholas Jerome Murray August 4, 1995 July 30, 1995 September 17, 1995 September 18,1995 Troy Beaumont Hospital Bon Secours Hospital St. John Hospital St. John HospItal Jeff & Patti Bickerstaff Peter & Diane Khoury Karen & Mark Murray Karen & Mark Murray

J Luke Lentini Jennifer Marie Czamowczan Salvador G. Zuniga Kimberly Baetz October 5, 1995 May 23,1995 August 4, 1995 January 7, 1995 Cottage Hospital Mt. Clemens General Hospital St. John Hospital Bon SecoiJrs Hospital James & Dana Lentml Paul & Darlene Czamowczan - Godofredo & JanICe ZUniga Katherine & Craig Baetz

Maximilian Goolsby Jamie Marie Baranek Ashley Marie Balek Taylor Herbst March 31,1995 August 4, 1995 August 17, 1995 January 2, 1995 St. John HospItal Bon Secours Hospital St. John Hospital Bon Secours Hospital M tlena & Ted Goolsby Marsha & Gary Baranek Jerry & Beth Balek (Bnnker) DennIs & Nicole Herbst

Stephanie Smith Joseph Wright Michael Sabatani Zachary Hasenbusch August 3, 1995 May 12, 1995 January 8, 1995 October 14, 1995 St. John Hospital Cnttenton Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Scott & Elizabeth Smith DaVid & Becky Wnght Anthony & Jennifer Sabatam Ron & Anne Hasenbusch New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection • Thursday, January 25, 1996 Page 15 25,000 children injured annually in baby walkers Many parents ofyoung children use Berkelhamer, M.D., chairman ofpedi- baby walkers to pacify their children injuries are severe, resulting pTlmari- Because of the considerable risk of atrics at Henry Ford Hospital. 'ly in closed head injuries and frac- and keep them occupied. What they "Unfortunately, because walkers InJury and even death from the use of don't realize is they are placing the tures. A small number of pinched fin- walkers and because there is no clear seem to pacify infants, their use as a gers and toes also are reported as well children in peril every time they put babysitting tool is all too common." benefit from their use, the American them in a walker. as burns and poisonings. Academy of Pediatrics recommends a The overwhelming majority of Despite the hazards, studies have More than 25,000 children, most walker injuries are caused by falls, ban on the manufacture and sale of between the ages of five and 15 shown that even after a walker-relat- mobile mfant walkers. They also rec- with 80 percent of the falls occurring ed injury, many parents continue to months, were treated in hospital down stairways. ommend that agencies responsible for emergency departments for injuries use walkers for the injured child or licensing child care facilities should "Despite warnings to supervise other siblings. In fact, walker use has from walkers in 1993. From 1989- children in walkers, some falls occur not permit the use of walkers in 1993, eleven babies died from walker ,steadily increased since 1984. approved centers. when the child has been left unat- ''Many parents think baby walkers use. It is estimated that as many as tended, as do more than half the 10 times more injuries occur that are will help their child develop better scalds and burns," said Berkelhamer. motor skills and learn to walk faster," treated in physician offICeS. _ ''Because children can move quickly "Parents and caregIvers need to be "There are no data showing any said Dr. Berkelhamer. "In reality, aware of the tremendous potential for in walkers, many accidents occur walker use does not speed up walking benefit of infant walker use, but there even when one or both parents are in injury from infant walkers," are many hazards, especially in time, and may actually impede crawl- Berkelhamer said. "It is up to them to the room." ing and delay walking by a few homes with stairs," said Jay E. About one-fourth of all walker protect our children from needless weeks." harm." 51. John Hospital has new special care nursery If a baby needs a little extra care, MotherlBaby Unit where care is NICU," says Chrystine Wiseman, RN, but doesn't really require the geared toward newborn infants with mom's room, so if the baby is stable advanced care of a Neonatal Intensive assistant clinical manager, SCN. "It but, say, has an IV, he or she can still identifiable problems that reqUIre can lead to unnecessary panic." Care Unit (NICU), where could he or intermediate level care and close be with mom," she says. "This unit she be cared for and feel most com- St. John Hospital's new Special also provides a way for dad, siblings observation, as well as for premature Care Nursery offers alternative for fortable? The Medicine and Nursing babies who no longer require and other family members to have an departments of St. John Hospital and newborns with special needs, page interactive part in the baby's care and advanced care in the NICU. two Medical Center have come up with spend time with the baby, as long as the answer to this question, with the the baby is stable." Prior to the SCN, the only place The new unit was also designed to new Special Care Nursery (SCN). these babies could get this additional The new unit is managed by Gayle Recently opened on the fifth floor of support the philosophy of family-een- Novak, RN, clinical nurse manager, monitoring was the NICU. tered care. According to Christine, St. John Hospital and Medical Center, "It can be very overwhelming for a NICu/SCN and Christine Wiseman. the SCN is an intermediate step that means keeping the moms and For more information, on the Special parent to see their intermediate level babies together as much as possible. between the NICU and the baby next to a critical baby in the Care Nursery please call (313) 343. "This new unit is located closer to 3447.

Isabelle Montagne Shannon Aileen Morris Connor Gillooly Shannon Novak January 14, 1995 December 29, 1995 December 20, 1995 December 5,1995 Houston General Cottage Hospital Bon Secours I-fospltal John HospItal Marty & Annie Montagne Wilham & Stepharue Morris St. John & Su'>an GIllooly KIm & Mike Novak

Hunter Ryan Willette Sarah Ann Schedlbauer A.]. Nocifora Christina Tech November 15, 1995 January 28, 1995 December 1, 1995 September 16, 1995 Cottage Hospital William Beaumont Hospital St. John HospItal Ryan & Kirstin Willette St. John Hospital Kim & Steve Schedlbauer Joe Julie Nocifora & Karl & Cmdy Tech Page 16 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995

Hannah Frances Ayrault Chelsea Prechel Michael Daniel Barrett Mark Evan Auk October 24, 1995 August 16, 1995 M-ay22. 1995 February 18, 1995 St. John Hospital St. John Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Terry & Lisa Ayrault William & Justine Prechel Dan Barrett & Janet Dettloff Mark & Cheryl Auk

~~/ Katherine Vallejo Cameron Michael Yates Makenzie Mitchell Anne Caroline Livingston November 16, 1995 October 24, 1995 July 9. 1995 July 11, 1995 St. Joseph Hospital Macomb Hospital Cottage Hospital St. John Hospital Cheryl & Michael Vallt:Jo Tyson & Paula Yates Dawn & Bobby Mitchell Jr. Andrew & Marianne Livingston

,~-~t Taylor Nicole Featherstone Michael Donald Sullivan Tristan Peyton Manning Cody Cooper July 12, 1995 August 27,1995 November 7, 1995 March 11, 1995 St. John Hospital Cottage Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Henry Ford Hospital Roche Leslie Featherstone & Anne & Mike Sulhvan Jodie & CraIg Mannmg Lisa & Larry Cooper

William Anthony McCrackin Francesca Ciaramitaro Jay Tanner Warren Stuart Charles Wakely October 22, 1995 August 12, 1995 May 4.1995 July 5, 1995 St. John Hospital Bon Secours Hospital St. John Hospital St. John Hospital Kevin & Claudia McCrackm Luke & Rene Ciaramitaro Amy & Jim Warren Robert & Claudia Wakely

..... New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection • Thursday, January 25, 1996 Page 17 Prevent children's burns To a small curious child, there's range. But unsupervised children perhaps nothing .more tempting are at greatest risk. than an object just out of reach. "Studies have shown that these But that curiosity can lead to dis- children tend to be in bum-related aster when toddlers grasp for hot injurie.s much more often. liquids or want to see what's in Certainly tbe supervised child can that hot pan on the stove. be involved but we see this much "Scalding injuries tend to be the less often," says Dr. Fox. ''Boys - most common that we see in the also tend to be a little more ram- Emergency Room among chil- bunctious than girls and tend to dren," says James Fox, MD, vice be involved in these types of , chief of Emergency Medicine at injuries because of their inquisi- Price Broderick Zimmer St. John Hospital and Medical Jennifer Rose Richardson tiveness and their aggressive- August 18, 1995 Center. "These types of injuries ness." September 30, 1995 are also very preventable. Hutzel Hospital St. Joseph Hospital West Keeping hot liquids away from the Bums from bathtubs are also Dr. & Mrs. Chnstopher Zimmer Rachel & DenniS Richardson edges of table tops ..wher~ young quite common among toddlers. hands reach, and using the back "Children like to explore. They - burners on the stove as opposed to may reach to turn on the water the front burners is a very easy while you leave the room for a solution to preventing scalding moment and the hot water bums type injuries in children." that can result from the child A recent study in the Journal of turning on the spigot unsuper- the American Medical Association vised can be quite tragic and quite says that children from 6 months extensive," adds Dr. Fox. to two years are seven times more For further information on pre- likely to be hospitalized for a bum venting children's accidents injury than kids outside that age please call 1-800-237-5646.

Scalding most common J. T. Mestdagh Allyse Fuchs Th a small curious child, there's be hospitalized for a burn injury than September 13, 1995 September 19, 1995 perhaps not~#lOre tempting than kids outside that age rang,e. But St. John Hospital Bon Secours Hospital an object just opt-of.reach. But that unsupervised children are at greatest curiosity can lead to disaster when risk. Jim & Knstlne Mestdagh Debby & Doug Fuchs toddlers grasp for hot liquids or want "Studies have shown that these to see what's in that hot pan on the children tend to be in burn-related stove. . injuries much more often. Certainly "Scalding injuries tend to be the the supervised child can be involved WHERE CREATIVE" YEARS most common that we see in the but we see this much less often," says Emergency Room among children," Dr Fox. ''Boys also tend to be a little ANn says James Fox, MD, vice chief of more rambunctious than girls and Emergency Medicine at St. John tend to be involvod in these types of CREATIVE DESIGN Go Hospital and Medical Center ''These injuries because of their inquisitive- types of injuries are also very pre- ness and their aggressiveness" HAND IN HAND ventable Keeping hot liquids away Burns from bathtubs are also quite from the edges of table tops where common among toddlers young hands reach, and using the "Children like to explore. They may back burners on the stove as opposed reach to turn on the water while you to the front burners is a very easy leave the room for a moment and the solution to preventmg scalding type hot water burns that can result from injuries in children." the child turning on the spigot unsu. A recent study in the Journal of the pervlsed can be quite tragic and quite AmerIcan Medical Association says extensive," adds Dr. Fox. that children from 6 months to two For information on preventing chilo years are seven times more lIkely to dren's aCCidentscall 1.800.237.5646

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Ij , .

< • Abigail Grobbel Jacob Mitchell Kara Ann Fadanelli Henry John Muller Apnl18,1995 Apnl f2, 1995 June 13, 1995 April 28, 1995 St. John Hospital St. John Hospital Cottage Hospital St. John Hospital & Jason Renee Grabbel Mike & Shelly Mitchell Christine & Daniel Fadanelli Gregory & ]acquelynn Muller

~~» Samantha Ann Van Vyve Michael Wilson Ashley Marie Noble • Ryan Sauers January 3, 1995 July 24, 1995 Apnl5,1995 Apnl14, 1995 Bon Secours Hospital St. Joseph Hospital Royal Oak Beaumont Bon Sec~J{s Hospital Walter & Sandra Vein Vyve Jane & Bnan Wilson Robert & Carla Noble Rob & Janet Sau'ers

Kathryn Rose Choike Emma Homfisher Evan Cotton Andrew Juergens June 8,1995 July 22,1995 February 22, 1995 .. March 21,1995 St. John Hmpltal Beaumont Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Hutzel Hospital John & Dawn ChOike Gary & Kim Homflsher Jackie & Kelly Cotton Bnan & Kirst! Juergens

irj! • John Henry Scherschligt Sara Elizabeth Scherschligt Yvonna Couvreur Cody Parafin January 5, 1995 January 5, 1995 August 25, 1995 March 24,1995 St. Vmcent Hosplta I St. Vmcent Hospital Mt. Clemens General Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Sandra & Michael Scherschltgt Sandra & Michael Scherschhgt Enc & Charlene Couvreur Glenn & Deb Parafm New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection • Thursday, January 25, 1996 Page 19 Parents get answers to 'sick baby' questions Nothing concerns a parent more vated, give him acetaminophen or than a sick baby. And unfortunately, ibuprofen and make him more com- tion just by looking at an ear. Here little one's don't always become ill fortable. Pay close attention to the are some symptoms your baby may during normal doctor's hO\lrs. dosage based on body weight, child's experience: ane of the fIrst steps a parent can age or formulation of medication on • Pulling, rubbing or holding the take in comforting their infant is to the package. ear. pick up the phone and call your pedi- • Many children receive better • Crying when nursing or drinking . atrician's office or the pediatric unit of fever and pain relief from ibuprofen from a bottle . Bon Secours Hospital. There, a nurse than acetaminophen. • Increased discomfort when lying may be able to answer your questions down. • Call your physician if the fever with a quick and easy method for lasts more than 72 hours if the child is • Fever, fatigue and irritability. responding to your baby's health care less than 3 months of age, if the Ear infectIOns usually require med- needs. behavior doesn't normalize when the ical treatment. Your doctor may rec- Listed below are answers to com- fever is down, or if any other symp- ommend: mon problems that parents will toms bother you. This is an important • Antibiotics to treat infections undoubtedly face during the early time to use your "parent's intuition" if • Ear drops to lessen pain years of their children's lives. something is not right about your • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen to What should I do if my child has treat pain and inflammation a fever? child, and trust your judgment. • A fever infrequently causes a con- If conservative treatments are not The body's average oral tempera- vulsion, or seizure. Although very successful for repeated ear infections, ture is 98.6. A fever is the body's scary to watch, they are usually very your pediatrician may suggest con- response to many things. At higher short (less than a few minutes) and sulting with an ear:nose-and-throat body temperatures, the immune sys- are not dangerous. Keep your baby surgeon for the possibility of inserting tubes. tem may be better able to fIght off the safe from injtlry while the seizure invaders that are causing the infec- lasts, be observant, keep substances What is croup? tion. The best thing to do is develop Jeanne Lewandowski, MD • Croup is a viral infection of the out of his mouth, and call your doc- trapped fluid of the middle ear. an advance plan with your doctor. If tor's office when it is over for further vocal cords and airway nearby. It you' are unable to reach your doctor, Babies' heads are anatomically differ- often is associated with cold symp- instructions. ent from adults, predisposing them to follow these steps: How do I know if my baby has toms and lasts five or more days. It is • Keep child cool by dressing him more of these infections. Hearing is characterized by hoarseness; sharp, an ear infection, and what should impaired while the fluid is present lightly. KeepiJ;lg him warm with blan- I do? barking coughing; crowing; or a raspy kets or heavy clothing may cause the and if persistent and untreated, can or vibrating sound when breathing in. • Ear infections usually occur fol- lead to language development delays. temperature to rise. lowing upper respiratory tract infec- It's often worse at night. • Increase fluid intake. Fever Follow these tips to help reduce a • Croup can be treated with tions or colds. The cold blocks off the baby's risk for an ear infection: increases water loss through the skin, Eustachian tubes, which drain fluids changes in temperature or humidity. so be sure the child is well hydrated • Live in a smoke-free environ- Thm the hot water on in the shower and ventilates the ears. Bacteria, ment. (keep track of wet diapers). and keep baby in the bathroom for 10 viruses or allergies can easily tra- • Feed baby in an upright position. • If your chil~ltemperature is ele- verse these tubes and grow in the • You can't tell if there is an infec- See Q&A, page 21

) ..~ Emma NockeIs - Olivia Marie Brown Frank A. Cusumano II January 28, 1995 March 4,1995 Vaughan Smith Grundy IV January 26, 1995 California PaCific Med. Ctr. Bon Secours Hospital April 3, 1995 Bon Secours Hospital Russ & Mary Ellen Nockels . Robm & Roben Brown Princeton MedICal Dommic & LillIan Cusumano Vaughan & Elizabeth Grundy

Joshua Carolan Daniel Veryser Aaron Anthony Wright March 28, 1995 May 15, 1995 Jack Thomas Stander September 9, 1995 St. John Hospttal February 3, 1995 St. John HospItal Hutzel Hospital RIchard & Penny Carolan Bon Secours Hospital Don & Deb Veryser Anthony & Rebecca Wnght Jeff & Tnsha Stander i J

Page 20 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995 I,.: I \ . \ I. t \

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I \ '\ .\.

I • \ '" I ~\ Emily Paige Carskadden Kevin James Sisco Robin Collins Ashley Gwiazdon August 1, 1995 September 17, 1995 March 29, 1995 September 12, 1995 Oakwood Hospital St. John Hospital Providence Hospital Bowling Green Medical Ctr. Rob & Lisa Carskadden Damel & Sherry Sisco Louise & David Collins Doug & Shern GWlazdon

\ ",

.. Julianne Claire Williams Caitlyn Mrsan Erik Hoggard Rita Marie Hodges Apn112, 1995 June 17, 1995 October 23, 1995 July 21,1995 Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital St. John Hospital St. JohnrHospltal Susan & Jim Wilhams John & ChnstInP Mrsan Jult Ann & Alan Hoggard KevIn & Kathleen Hodges

\ \ f:.-. • .:--~ ~,fI Zachary Allen Montgomery Meghan Polack Nicholas Flowers Ashley Toma Janudrv 22, 1995 February 7, 1995 May 19, 1995 Octoher 5, 1995 Sr. John HOSpltcll Bon Secour~ Hospital Hutzel HospItal Bon Secours Hospital Michael & Wendy Montgomery Jan & John Polack Heather & Joel Flowers PatrIcia & Scott Toma

------,,' Alexa Leana Bryan Kelly Grace Bertolini Peter McMahon Lauren Alexandra Gron Apnl9, 1995 MelY12, 1995 February 14, 1995 JelnuclTY4, 1995 H..:nf'y hml Ho,,>pltell Sr. John Hmplt ell Bon Secours Hospltell S1. ]o<;eph }iospltal Dr. & Mr<;.Henry Bryeln Peter & Brooke Bertolmt Jennifer & Kevin McMahon Mana & Edw

,New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. Thursday, January 25,1996 Page 21 Q&A

From page 19 minutes or bundle the child up and take him outside into the cool night air for a few minutes. Be sure to encourage plenty of fluids. If your baby breathes comfortably despite all the noise, you will be OK at home. If there are signs of struggle or distress, a trip to the emergency department is needed. What's the difference between a diaper rash and a yeast infection? • A diaper rash is caused from pro- longed contact with moisture, bacte- ria and ammonia. The skin becomes red and irritated because it is exposed to chemicals and bacteria through urine and feces. Youcan help prevent diaper rash by changing diapers often and applying a water barrier such as A&Dointment, Desitin or zinc oxide. Never use talc, or powder; your baby can inhale them. Don't try corn starch because it can actually make the ra~h worse by feeding the yeast or bacteria present. • If the rash doesn't get better in three days, it might be a yeast infec- tion. Beware if the rash has become bright red and raw, covers a large area and is surrounded by red dots. Jeanne Lewandowski, MD, presents a new baby to family members. To reach Lewandowski. director of Youwill need to apply an anti-fungal Pediatrics at Bon Secours Hospital, or the Pediatric Unit, please call (313) 343-1694. To determine if your pedi- medication, so see your doctor. atrician has admitting privileges at Bon Secours Hospital. please call Physician Referral at (800) 303-7315. It looks and sounds like my for sure? flushed during a bowel movement. when passing the stool baby is constipated when he has a • It may look like your baby is con- That's because he doesn't have strong • A common myth is that everyone bowel movement. How can I tell stip~ted because he will grunt, push, abdomen muscles yet and usually is strain, draw his legs up or become lying down, not sitting like adults, See Q&A, page 23 ..


Courtney MeLocklin Adam Mlynarek Laura Caroline Gellert Kyle Grant Matheson December 7, 1995 July 4, 1995 November 4, 1995 June 30, 1995 Providence Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Cottage Hospital Hutzel Hmpltal Mark & Jill MeLocklin Russell & LInda Mlvnarek Grant & Ann Gellert ~lcn" & P

Claire Elyse Pewitt Alexandria Edgar Patrick Dresser James Vincent Bonventure III November 24, 1995 September 28, 1995 May 17, 1995 October 28, 1995 Cottage Hospital River District Hospital St. John Hospital Cottage HospItal Tom & Jill Pewitt & Daniel Lisa Edgar Patrick & Michelle Bresser Grace & James V. Bonventure, Jr Page 22 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995 I:, l' t : I

Stephen Freitas Jr. Samantha Bagnasco Victoria Margaret Mebus Annie Katherine Gallagher May 19, 1995 February 21. 1995 September 22, 1995 January 20, 1995 Paraguay Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital St. John Hospital Stephen & Sharon Freitas Jenni & BiU Bagnasco Melanie & Philip K. Mebus III Dan & Mary Kay Gallagher

, '- ,) Robert McCrackin David Wittwer Jr. Joseph Lint Annie Marie Varga Apnl6,1995 April 22, 1995 Apnl 29, 1995 February 14, 1995 Bon Secours HospItal Bon Secours Hospital Cottage Hospital Cottage Hospital Bnan & Pam McCrackIn DaVId & Sally Wittwer Raben & Mary Lint Ron & Judy Varga •

" - Richie Kish Kerry Frances Leannais Maria Vivian Vasquez Anne Catherine Sandifer October 10, 1995 January 13, 1995 June 24, 1995 . May 13,1995 Bon Secours HospItal St. John Hospital Women's & Children's Hospital Winter Park HospItal Ken & Amy Klsh Connie & DaVId Leannals MOfilque & DaVId Vasquez RIchard & Jenlyn Sandifer .~ I


Nicholas Adam Viazanko Ryan McKee Bradley Sanford Tyler Capp Apnl 29, 1995 February 13, 1995 March 24, 1995 January 18, 1995 St. John HospItal Scnpps HospItal Bon Secours HospItal Bon Secours HospItal MIchael & Tina Vlazanko Drs. Mark & Sandra McKee Amy & Mark Sanford Ron & Debbie Capp New Arrivals of 1995 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection • Thursday, January 25, 1996 Page 23 Q&A

From page 21 New vaccine may mean no chicken pox Can you imagine a childhood 1-800-237-5646 during business should have a bowel movement every without chicken pox? Kids in 17; March 16; Apr. 27. hours for referral to a physician For parents: day or else they are constipated. That Japan have been free of the dis- on staff at St. John is not necessarily true. Constipation ease for 10 years. After extensive Baby's home ... now what? Two- is determined by the consistency, not Infant & child CPR: hour discussion for new parents evaluation by the U.S. Food and Partridge Woods: Thesday, Jan. ft:equency, of bowel movements. If Drug Administration, the same now that they knows what to ask; you are using formula, do not switch 16; Feb. 20; March 26; April 16; 6 vaccine used to prevent used to care of baby, safety, signs of ill. brands. Instead, try increasing water p.m. ness, how do we adjust our rela- intake. If that doesn't work, have prevent chicken pox in Japan is SJH&MC: Wednesday, March available in the United States. tionship and more. RN will your physician check your baby's 20; 6 p.m. answer YOllr questions and pro- anatomy. If your child is at least 1 year Oakland General: Wednesday, old and has not had chicken pox, vide information on parenting; • If your child is more than 1 year Jan 24; Feb. 28; .. free, call for dates. old, make sure he eats fruits or veg- he or she may benefit from the March 27; April 24; 6 p.m. etables at least three times each day. vaccine, known as Varivax. It pre- Partridge Woods: 7 p.m.; River District: last Wednesday, Tuesday, Feb. 27; $10. Increase fiber content (bran cereal, vents chicken pox in most people month; 9 A.M.: 1 p.m.; 4 p.m ..; 7 oatmeal, or brown rice). and makes the illness milder in p.m.; call (810) 329-5325 to regis- • Do not use suppositories or ene- other. Children ages 1 to 12 ter. mas without your physician's advice. require one dose. Those 13 years Bumps, cuts and bruises: They can cause irritation or tearing and older, including adults, of the anus. Teaches parent and those deal. require two doses given four to ing with children tips on basic After feeding my infant, it eight weeks apart. first aid and safety for children. seems he spits up most of what he "On the basis of what we know ate. Why? Partridge Woods: 7 p.m.; Tuesday, now, no subsequent vaccination Feb. 27; $10. • More than half of all infants spit for chicken pox is necessary," says up. It's caused by a lack of complete Basic f"lrSt aid: M.C. Thirumoorthi, MD, director Learn general first aid and closure of the valve at the upper end of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at of the stomach. It will lessen as baby emergency responses. SJH&MC: gets older. In the meantime, make St. John Hospital and Medical p.m.; Wednesday, April 17; $10. sure you are not overfeeding your Center. More than 3 million kids For kids: infant by discussing optimal intake get chicken pox each year in the Preparing to baby-sit: One sem- with your physician. Try burping U.S. ''It is spread through, sneez- inar for 10 to 13-years-olds teach- baby several times during each feed- ing or contact with fluid from bro- es safety, choking, emergency pre- ing. After his feeding, hold baby in an ken blisters," says Dr. paredness, age-appropriate activi- upright position. If spitting up or Thirumoorthi. Alison Kathleen Milazzo vomiting in infants isn't associated ties and basic infant care. 8:30 For more information, or to get a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday $20. December 22, 1995 with weight loss or behavioral the vaccine, see your doctor or call changes, it rarely is a sign of illness . Partridge Woods: Jan. 20; Feb. Burlmgton. Vermont Jon & Jill (Chapman) Milazzo

Jacqueline Kay Francis Courtney Carroll Mamie Mae Reynolds Margaret Kelly July 3, 1995 June 11, 1995 March 15, 1995 March 15, 1995 Cottage Hospital St. John Hospital Bon Secours Hospital St. John HospItal John & Kimberly Francis Matthew & Jenna Carroll Pamela & Steven Reynolds Brtan & Sheilah Kelly

• Corey Thelen Andrew Zierk Charles Mair Miranda Genevieve Caruso February 22, 1995 October 30, 1995 March 24, 1995 February 27. 1995 St. John Hospital Encmo- Tarzana Medical Center Bon Secours Hospital Bon Secours Hospital Amy & Ken Thelen Robert & Carey Zierk John & Carolyn Malr Martm & Genevieve Caruso -.

Page 24 Thursday, January 25, 1996 • Grosse Pointe News & The Connection. New Arrivals of 1995 ..

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