Woods official seeks to honor Detroit mayor By Jim Sllckford Fahrner "All too ollen DetrOIt Archer rephedJokmgly that no ness clJmate wlthm the cIty Staff Writer and Its suburbs have been at lOti oductlOn was needed, and resultmg m the Increase E\ en bod) 1Jkes to be told odds. I thought It would be Fahrner was one of the few of property value" and the \\hen they are dOIng a good nIce to do somethIng to let Mr Democrats m Grosse Pomte locatIOn and relocatIOn of busI- I(.b ,l11dGrosse Pomte Woods Archer know that there IS sup- Whlle that might be an ness establIshments Within c'llll1l1lmember Thomas port for an Improved DetrOIt exaggeratIOn, Fahrner the cIty of DetrOIt" ~Jhll1er want" the Woods to out In the suburbs" thought It would be a good The Woods councd approved rllOh'1l11C the Job bemg done by Fahrner said he got the Idea Idea to let Archer know he has the proclamatIOn at Its Jan 15 Dt t IOil mayor Dennis Archer when he met Archer at the support 10 Grosse Pomte meelmg "Thl" I" Ju"t a good- I proposed presentmg a NatIOnal League of CitIeS con- Woods, at least WIll gesture meant to reflect prOL lamatlOn to mayor Archer vent IOn held m Phoenix last The proclamatIOn com- t hat the Woods IS behind Mr fOi the fine work he's done for month Someone was mtroduc- mends Archer for 'hi" efiol ts Archer and his efTorts," "ald till' lIty of Detroit," said mg Fahrner to Archer when that are Improvmg the bus). Fahrner Your Community Newspaper . -"'" ~ "'----. Grosse Po.D News Vol. 57, No.4 42 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 Home Delivery 56( • Newsstand 75( January 25, 1996 Pointe population Thursday, Jan. 25 The Milk River Intercounty Dram Board dips, but jobs may meets at 1 30 p m. m the Grosse Pointe Woods mumc- Ipal bUilding, 20025 Mack Plaza. The public is welcome bOOIn through 2020 to attend. A star is By Chip Chapman of their homes, manufacturer's Saturday, Jan. 27 StaffWnter representatIves, finanCial con- born! By 2020, there will be fewer sultants, etc " The Grosse Pomte North of us hving m Grosse POinte, Rogers said that some of the In and Grosse Pointe South fact. more than however, more people will be people counted in the report 200 babies varsIty hockey teams WIll are celebs in workmg here could also have offices ouunde week's special sec- face ofT at 7 30 p.m. in the this This IS accordmg to a study their homes. City Ice Arena in Detroit. tion, Babies or 1995. developed by SEMCOG (the The Shores, which ha" no Throughout the supple- Southeast MIchIgan CounCil of busmess dlstnct, IS expected to Sunday, Jan. 28 also ment and on pages Governments) The report, see a 34 percent mcrease m SAand IB in the regular St. Paul Catholic School, "2020 ReglOnal Development people workmg In the commu- 170 Grosse Pomte paper there are special Forecast," says that the seven- mty SEMCOG estimates that articles and advertise- Boulevard, Grosse Pomte county reglOn comprising 429 people now work m the Fanns, hosts an open house ments concerning southeastern MIchigan wIll Shores, WIth 147 more expect- from 11 a m to 1 p m to babies and parenting. gam 13 percent more people ed by 2020 kick off the week-long obser- This is one of our and 18 percent more jobs over SEMCOG used figures from vance of CatholIc Schools most popular promo- the next 25 years the 1990 census along With Week. tions. Check it outl The five Grosse Pomtes face numbers prOVided by MESC a collective 6 percent drop m (the MIchigan Employment Monday, Jan. 29 populatIOn between now and Security CommlsslOn) to med- The Grosse Pomte Public 2020, according to the report, sure changes since 1990 School System holds a blood Park OKs Beaconsfield parking but the percentage of people SEMCOG's forecast is pub- dnve 10 memory of Nancy workmg m Grosse POinte is hshed every five years, With a By Jim Stlckford request, but two weeks later the plan last year, and the Salam as, the late prmcipal projected to chmb almost 30 25-year planmng hOrIzon, to Staff Wnter voted to rescmd that approval counCil finally conSidered of Kerby Elementary School, percent durmg that penod use as the baSIS for SEMCOG's Thc Grosse POInte Park City in the face of neighborhood whether or not to approve It "The commUnIties (of Grosse regional plannmg work, partic- frDm 2 to 7.45 p.m. In Rooms Monday mght 1.02 and 103 or Barnc:, CounCIl deCided to settle the oppOSitIOn to the plan Pomte) are baSically fully- ularly ItS transportatIOn plan- matter on~e l\r.d for all When Beaconsfield resldent~ told The counCil also approved a school, 20090 Motnlhgtllde, bUIlt," sa1C~Jim Rogers, data nIng; for local commumtles In its members unanImously GroBse Pomte Woods. the counCil that outdoor service suggestion by the city planning center manager for SEMCOG their own long.range planmng approved buildmg a parking Donors can Sign up m was too big an mtruslOn of a commiSSIOn that Beaconsfield "The regIOn, overall, WIll see a actIVities, and by the private lot at the mouth of Mack and advance m any school hUlld- business into a reSidential rem am a two-way street Last 5 percent decrease m the num- sector m market analysis and Beaconsfield. ing, the community educa- neighborhood The council fall the city made the 1400 ber of households With chl!- plannmg The decision made Monday asked city officials to come up block of Beaconsfield one-way tIOn office at Barnes or at dren - there wIll be fewer peo- The first forecast was 10 the was the result of a request filed the superintendent's office Wlth some sort of plan that for a couple of weeks to mea- ple per household It's enough late 1960s, after SEMCOG was last June by local tavern owner at 389 St. ClaJr m the City of would satisfy both mterests sure traffic flows and get public to drop the populatIOn In InItially formed Marge DePuys She requested Grosse Pomte. CIty manager Dale KraJmak reactIOns Grosse Pomte We're seemg that councIl permit outdoor consulted with city engIneers The result was a large stablhty m the housing stock "The first forecast was over service outSide Marge's Bar for and came up WIth a plan that mcrease m traffic on the two With a shrinking of the popula- optimIstiC," Rogers said "The the duratIOn of the NHL would bul1d a parking lot at the adJacent streets, Nottmgham tlOn It's been happenmg for a regIOn changed from a growing Tuesday, Jan. 30 Stanley Cup series mouth of Mack and and Lakepomte, which dId not few decades" auto-based economy and began The counCil, recognlzmg Beaconsfield The city owns a please residents on those On the employment Side, to face global competitIOn No The Grosse Pomte Sunrise Marge's as one of DetroIt's best small empty lot next to the streets Beaconsfield residents Rotary IS holdmg a blood Jobs m the Pomtes are expect- one beheved how tough thmgs hockey bars, approved her Mack entrance to Beaconsfield also told the plannmg commis- ed to increase substantially, would be drIve from 1.30 to 730 pm request The plan calls for thiS lot to be sIOn that one-way traffic made from 11 7 percent In the Woods "It has taken two decades for m the City of Grosse Pomte Outdoor service proved so made mto the new street access to Mack InconvenIent to 64 percent 10 the Park the economy to be restructured successful that DePuys went Park muruclpal hUlldmg, entrance Pubhc support for the park. "Most of the Jobs are servIce and become strong agam Our back to the councll in July and 15115 E Jefferson Call Traffic entermg or eXitIng mg lot plan was strong oriented," Rogers saId. "There prevIOus forecasts have been asked for pennlSSlOn to make Penny Carettl at (313) 822- the street would then have to Beaconsfield reSident Ruth IS a broad defimtlOn of servIce close, espeCially at the regIOnal 3535 to make an appoint- outdoor service permanent go around the new parking lot Jobs, from people who work out and county levels" The council approved the Pubhc heanngs were held on ment See BEACONSFIELD, page 2A INSIDE 1990 2020 % Change Opmion 6A Schools 1OA City 5,862 7,768 +32.5 Senwrs 14A Farms 5,501 7,270 +32.2 Autos 15A Park 2,216 3,635 +64.0 Obttuanes 17A Busmess 18A Shores 429 576 +34.3 Entertamment 7B Woods 5,806 6,484 +11.7 Sports 1C Show House Source SEMCOG Classtfied ads. .5C This home at 340 Lake- land in tbe City of Grone Pointe bas been selected as the Junior League of Detroit 1996 Designers' POINTER OF INTEREST Show House. Tbe 9,400-square-foot bome was built in 1931. Fred Renaud Co-sponsored by tbe Home: Grosse Pomte Farms Ford Motor Co. and Nord- strom, the Show House Age: 86 will be open from May 4- 25. Sneak-A-Peek Week- News can appear one Family: Wife, Margaret, end, before the bome is one son. two daughters, day and be gone lhe decorated by more than next But the paper 25 of tbe metro areas top four grandchildren, and news IS pllnted on can two great.grandchl1dren design firms, is Feb. lO- and should live on ll. The home will be open lost year more than Claim to fame: Worked u<: from nOODto 4 p.m.
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